The Oglethorpe echo. (Crawford, Ga.) 1874-current, May 10, 1878, Image 2

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THE OGLETHORPE ECHO T. t. ®*W*T< Ufa _ ~ - *•> IB l! * v * rrt***y Worn In* - - : Th* Wnt*? i War™ parties ;ren n-'rr \ %rf\ Of®}* - . scri|# he and aatr ■f her •iii riJ dish the MViL, .. igga. s- *r\- hi their flour -the «I! ig fr»m trh to*fi». n to , . : . ’ -. ’, x ' Mi*« |V ■ r , v v a r *‘ < r i king br ' u* woman hut would ?r tbe wick rid kid hatching people- f«wih> UTI k i* i?,juilui -inmarmdftwncliw*. vnan? 1 ... in might credit her if one gender in lrni '* Vwn masculine her; b 1 ..rairfemarriej dr >02 for """T r T l' before y 1,1 ntr!^ B «Sicii Showed that itit-v wetf »i'i about fifty, and - Hi ■ Br -• ri was n^w flvp. 8 he waaeirlhlh trued »P to thirtv 'TeeTr* • ■ - 3 eotirae ■j iWtukX! “a irrue otlierinsu's. Tarr ^.,«ja . temper tin Ohrlsh wm. a Tart. ^nTartary. enoiig i ..jj , j Jr husband Temaikahiv 1 " h... w b^p „ I, bushatS * nridrf herself who T „ few touk elderly ( who now and theii tea ;.; v \j , u j irrtsh the When .til. were first - marrinl, tsqulredid sometimes v -, ,.f^h speak about the wvatUer to the fen; ladns ne met -but Mrs. Corfish enlarged so much »Tit* 1 rfo“ hf a i;Lt f and Mi- Bny-ga hated each wciw' J prime managers, though they and !'f>k great ' Hu*r u« HiUfll a- imv-ible. ; rarfwh had ihlimaled lhar Mis« Bngg)4 ; put herself in the quire’s way ever f Sunday when meeting. was out. Aod Mi'S liriggsiwid Mr*. I yfiah was a scold; arid Mrs. <'arfish said tlmt Mias Bngga | ■ used lily-white. So it i, go wonder that the ladles hated each other. The TiTTwaH a «uece?w, and it closed ...... at | rfn early hour; for the people of Glenville AIh -h B riggs bro ther had h r^»i'glit T77TtTrf.ii r; illTd, ^uTTo Be was saving • fe^rtir.«., gorfbrttvtHe a the horse, and jumping up beside her, setoff. MJm Brigg* B drew her none a tie out offTer boh ••Jake,"she said , u T do wiah y.m d evident '’Mpm'wlideaurted disma back in y • “ wbatdooaitBaeau? Tain'tjakel «*r waggih! nor—gracioaa “KSfarL- -.1.^ • ^aw.sw-s t.he'B believe thatW «.«.« never ^ ^Wr-pT^C a\iall 1 .^? XX bat I do? what ahull “ Stop!” cried MissBrigga in a f fr ™^.Cd ’,TiwoTt l' l . t I should \ W live F to be k\An*tiM\ kidiiaipe l , and aud run run away with by a jurat cbeiftam, aud ban- read danner, a highway robbcfT I've of such things ; but :1 never . thought I ahotlid be called upon I to «« through such an etperrence. wou qui»Xmfi»b; t go a step . V ou »C got one Wife, 8 won't have notbiugtodo aud with you. lou may put me in irons, starve me on bread and water; but end youshalljieyer little tveh so much as the ot my tin geW;'*: “ I don’t to,” said the squire want ner¬ vously. “ The saints knows I wouldn’t - r . .... , touch you ior a iarm. I anottld w in good business, a running away with a woman old enough to be my grand srdf^ ufliituut b ..... kv t" ", your tune ot Ufe land your poor w.ite f a being left to go home afoot and alone I Stop the horse ! let Die git out f i that »f I uni as pure as an onborn lamb. j 5 top that huss or 111 break somebody bones I” and Miss Briggs seized-the whip, and flounihed it arround tbe rZ£ZSS?2Li SIS .tasaS.JfS.'SK “forVrid^ ifor bill thT ‘grab that him A e I He's eloping U> with mao brazen stops huaay of that a other Briggs. 1 seed the 'em ice-cream. a winking .Stop at. ’em! each over stop 'em, and J’H pay the damage T* The streets were alive with people re bin was not accustomed to being brought hfst\b “ at he^off d .t aTMo e p Wt in " M-. ^lo»Vieti,Slp < y !OS “" !r ' 8 “^ r _-“ Miss Briggs. Ob,Someone its’Jsaaw.'S-ate roe! somebody; do!; save ' ahfoT'Si ^Tredl b Jit* »■ tre« *parted* and UiKTremonumsiy Bngp and the mud were puddle, tmp tied into a .Mrs, tarhah camelru-hing to the (spot •armed With her old blue .cotton, umbrella and With the spite of H demon, flew at Sf^tlcStratftSf a dne at Mm. L.arn>ti a latot front. If , CMimt .-ff Then the two women pitched ■ in. like xHd hHnds nt the busmen. -Some j «/! the bv'tahdera attempted begged to seperate them ; but the wjulfe 1 Utem to . .,,' Ret ■ cm a fight i • it out , „ said ... he, sleep- : , • iy, " If tin y don't leave nobudy behind ' !<j tell the tak Mion’t * 4 .it’ll be the hiiypit-st day » f n, y spile a good fight, gen ravlxzrv* him, tbe SSwwri. I.K-H is ...lit.- titvded' libels before his ephitaph would had have u,.w, if it not. been for .he deformiired efforts of the Uy.viaiidx i.'im r<.- whiv succeeded in re*cuimj for bis two furious assailants. rtt..erteeWeall'umuier »«'i- 1 ,? tr ami Miss l-.nggs •* 4 ’ ; un*t Mrs. « ivrnsh do.not apeak together, ail on 'account of getting into iht* wrong WilguR. , sSsSsSSSS seotiemaa thereto importuned a that peewit a leg to be amputated. so advcrtM saidsaifi* cal ia.truine.iu n>i|rbt** b* that pda The manufacturer re. ph-oik! rwuU from would the eot.ftlif opreatioo, the looc vm of - 1 it,*; h* fiinivelt •... a.t,.H.z axttrbtr »;.!.* r , rk i* J nij i» «Bwie»lT and emeri ti?* combin' (^i i'll l „ by .i-.u lthe manufacttirer |>t.~ , M 0 f bi* «tr 0 fo|» w be «»t o if he wintm to »huw perlee*. forth in » vtrament*? T l' r 'T - »m i« have bieiiuial #t-* msjillosffr * nvetp with a good deal t favor. Biennial .sessions are the rule t no less than tW( , ntV'*>ii «utof the thirty-eight of the t nioft. The New York A't 'ubly, by a vrtte of r 5 to has voted in luv<»r of biennial Thirteen nurvr-i* graduated Tue-ena-y.- from the \* .»• York- training i VV. H. Draper, who, addrt^aed the class*, said :• “ We -fterd n«rst# outH-h tro*e than we need doctor*-. *ndT‘^ wish wegradua ted fvory y, n $r three or four hottdred of you aud only tbifteeti doctors.’■ The doctor ought to know. A little occurence tM)k place day be f ire vprffrday af#n aristor ratje a.->en> bhr near t tiamdte, >. I.,- woicb -i.l«i» tlie p.-Rtiliar practices that btitam in tbe polite ...M.-ty of tliat*igion. Ou the evening of that day hnqse there was a Fir. f« tire Heitfer. gathering a t the of a and the *'t>«tch savat H Ail the young couoL Woods or Lincoln AmnnAthere and adjoining i Mr. A.B. were Slack, J>-en. *>f tilt’ firm of was ; Brothers, Chtrryvilte. Ab ut 12 o clock I wEiSrartf ‘‘ ne .1 .used, Jink P b I endleton. iC'knivrs Uguroi conspicuously. drawn, and ?*“ the firing »". d b ?T be' , were gan. tbc .Svs-vraishots .whit h did were further exchanged danmge in room no “^n7inf^‘r,r ’fijnl. ofS young ladies to -The'fight , theu taken up in tne veranda, and one . of the young men, namud James thony, was Tnstaptly killed. smarted Black and • r«ii<llft«i were both on , , cnarge c ho r e e of or the tn< sliootinc .snooting, atid any confined connnea jaii at Linnolnton. _ , smith lis, _L Mjjfthiiaon ki'irlKrrr^s^jfAV TV T Boucbejle, Jii n t W <vle»B} rv \ oa.nK, J»«: .Armstrong, * ICO Tiller. H f . J Harm C Jaekaon, John T Arnold Jr-, Kdga, Maxwell, \V in. JFltmman, W P .(■ Amcrson, ,1 It Sttcven*, bell^illOf*. n Suikely, liLumpliny A T Urialitwell, W IJCwi Johu T Hat* grove, Marshall EppR, R A Mi'Muhan, C 5 ||argrove,C(i Goolsby, WniJ Crow Bobe_rt. <. Jojitivon, .fesse M Armi-).> •< ■ I Jr. t JacoL T 1 Utton, R E Rubm.waiutr. Moss, Jacob a. ........ rai»7 w uii iUl R«dden change* of*r«t«re, jnnriui.wltsl x\ ui,l and Huimhine wnmh ••»« n rllwi idmilren, in a , siugleilay. it w «io «»ur !* ‘ •• 1 v'J . - -Iwtih, -S;~5 'g» aTtfis crmtinent, : Sample biittl,. fur trial, ite.; regular size, 7.jc. eo “" ,Y “"'sT, VaSnr. ............. PlUMlTlVi: BAPTIST. - - «»*> P. X V . i m n ^ h. . - : Urthlehrm-Ut Sunday and Saturday before* ■ ^ sandny and Saturday lx>fbnv ... ; -a vt-l ??■ turday'before. j : // ( « crctit - 4 th Suuday nnd Saturday I BAPTIST. : Kev. J.O. tiinsoh, Pastor. stlUdtine-^\t'\r»t Sunday Sunday amt and Saturday Saturday before. belnre. Second Saturday ./.,. r i u? toi ThinlI Sunday A be »n [Pra„-i„ri Rev -fourtli^i It. mdny A -Saturday Paster. XI: ( AT. 1 . 0 W-AV, j /^f« f '»S«l-M«nA^y treth ~ d 8t »uHdaj A^twfcy'Wtwai if a} • i Bey. p. It. Mki.l, 1 1 t astor. i ' . , j,,// tf r-//_.Fir»t Suudav and Satanlav before BairiMm-Uk Suml^y A Saturday befere Kev. M*. Caktek, Pastor. ! Moorr’i Grove —4th Sabbath and Sui v twforv, - -- METHODIST. tt ... r t ' URIffT , AS .p^tot assas jiv«/m>l//c™ d Sunday sawsass and Saturday before, 2 6 Va?/r—Third Sunday th Sunday and .Saturday sat before. Mount Hmaaot— 4 «s y : IIkv. H. J. Elus, Pastor. Bex-. t. A; Hakr.h. Oorafar Ooroer -3d Suwday morning. ■ Rev. .1.11. Ecitoui. « Ft »«w a au tot Mamloy mornbig. Bav, t>. MoCUbskky. tVinir* SuniUy vtom'mg. Itev F.. G.Mcabau. iroj./^lfofofobmh. ____ ' •• . , and* {SkhSTlK ^*!"S^ SEfUdJ’STS 1 y , lS c thcsaMK souditv andstkesotu prwdueed ^ !;|;^ r afooniu-ttouxolderedoiicoiiyadi side. tw „p|at« The three ore'then pamed ishi"<l steel rollers, andIthe resultI 8 . a strip 111 h^ayjly jilMtcd comp«*s;ti«xn, fn-m which .the sp,“ , ameilu.};; 4nd .t-iisrriived cases have ln*en car ried u*e with-*ut until w-rn p«-rf<Ti!y the <«,,jxth luese bytime.and eaj^s. j renmx ing uri-1 -y„- bv all jewders art* 1 *wghy apECtAl « *-»tTn K A rt»_. • IOR .Vi X KAI-w. If ;." ,rl '" tU ; :!.- ‘‘"t aeep l.nfc. r them, building, «•!» Philadelphia, rt H , f-VlEy* rt for illustrated -it''ll?-* *'1 i catafogae, < a » • ' — _ ] Wiu . her k arrell wilt hire in. store. i„ a ev ^h. M «fomsMeweirv. and a great mat*other fhmas b rZ‘.'?T;!U-„ re ""' i *«■ foryonrrelf lafore buying elsewhere. Witcher ft Jarrell h»v m sb»- am) loot ? 1 Toh>w » and Coat.: General in tact, .Merchandise Vveryihing ' a Jh kept in a stor-, uh’ich ibcy<irc bound to &‘*U vxry cheap for the cash. A;sS*3pi35* tuM 1 A\ In May, 187 *. wiOn« the the 1 * ^ hour* <#•»!»*, hbHT '«AKFS .rftb* CAPITA I. STOCK ,.t IHK O.W.KC.IA RAILBoAD awl h*i>k a$‘ 'ompany. S<.l.t a* the prepern M s -• *? rerei- of Jnmt* T. imniiu, p lh< ■. v • - •'■ : V*«<* *™ ni b j“- •■ - ' ; \SM1 *C t I.ANSn> *.!arini?tratrii April I*t« v" , .t.IKTHORPF. CM NTY SHEBlFrS ' U.E —u ii benoid before t!« ft ft I ton-* d«>r. -t; the t**»n of-L?xifi«p' firstoU fc>I»AY in Mav, 1 *;r« . •tract of Ik “ - »*" i.r of \N M. Tiller tireen Hell, to ■‘alidv a fi. fa. fr**ni 1 * •■ri- t. ouuty Court, in favor of Z II. Clark t ‘*irvi tor, eif.. f„r ■the iijt of G. VT. t~*dllti 93 y, s*f miulMTHior f«f Joha M.. • ai *r- e« •Bell, and other fi. t; Property . A minted < Ml .-JOrtJfsiN: bv Grecti !>* U. I Aprils 1 J. T. n ;*:vsh S\ TATE-OF NTYAtt^icatinn GEORGIA, (>« of f>*r Letters ©1 i-sk >ik Gets. |f» Lftstcr and iehn A. H»» ru- WT, ft« !rnif»i«trau>rs on tite estate •»! lk" i • . 1 : !»•*« ipredk, dei-eascd, ajiplies t*'me for. W-t' t«S t4 - l »i»oai«tfc*n Jrtnn the e->tati'«»f *ai»i dc wand. Tb«-*cnrr t tkerefui rv. to cii* 4 »ri air all persons iakr?*i to *u< >w infHc '•*'*»> U»c_ -aid I.ester and Kunni- un rSwoh ..Tuk'imJJwErJ» j« 8v , , w „. f.h, 4 , wr?. THOS. O. OU.HAM , Cirtliu&ry. .... - .. . --- qTATE OF OEOEOIA, OOJ.ETHOKPF, ; o COUSTF V App ii c a ti. i n f u r to t rm «f i IliH»S«i 9 oi—Whereas, William H and the*.. rf J. Ed»ur* a on the--date ** J{j^ ar ,, tiwrefi#* to eito and ahn«»aiah a |{ intorest«d u> «how rattse, if anv :Kvfea»“ Look JJUVa Here C 1 • j rpHK *nn of IIPBRK *FI,KMJKtihaeinc j nndersisned X this day dnssilved by mutual eonsent, the Jte j im.*- hesr? rHK w inform I) «>K the Jradness.iit.the puhti« that will ^“"J.rwutel2«fi dSl oi'ph V ! Ct , rm .^ of ^ b«win<Mj» pubik hop,‘? to nu-rit AH orders a. iilwyal iu «diare the patronage. j trusted t«» him will be prorubtly Price* atkuded w.llh. t*. If Goad Artich a and Low ■" : 'indufenirnt; call A|>rt before | .purrhaaiiigelscrbcrr. i AlW >(U ’ at , rl2 . :i m W. FLEHINe. (Pn-Tnilinn iO^uOIBStliBIlllOQ Tnvimrtnn —and— OllJilj isrpnatoiTIV i liOlil h i ml'VT'V 01 N 1 1 . ' - 2 j||/fl|/T If a isi a III IT I B| ,| fA 'A f#f I. |> Ti 11H AIT V 'j~ JlwLHi JlbLlUlUv J ^ ■ - ...______ » , . V,U ... 1:1 ' WUJ >«' p„_ * rflSuSpnngflllwSlUIllllfll o f. Cinritifyanrl QnmniPt minmjY''ijji'~ ItIA I iIII l i-ll l 1 cr=a 1111 C=3 i _ ^ -----------—------ ......... ............ .....• fPAW,, ^ A,M - K Hats and Bunnat Fl 0 WPI>, T limin,n ? s * T 11 ^ • ATO WHES NOVELTIES. When y,.„ vi.i, ATHKMs.a. bar STORE ON’ C'flM.Wil’ 4 % F.%« F ■»■ ss^ ...... Tlip SITiTSSFl'ti LAW p a Vlpnl t bl i 1><; 0^01*. | — BYRUM, D v7q. lK m LEXpfGTOV®W)VBT‘TioUrtF^X with C'anffM. Tumors. I lec-r*. ||emorrhol<l«e fiftliel., s Scurittigiu. UlieimuiUKm, Jvtvcir all Skin IHwhspr. F'it*. 4 oni|>luiulN. Tlaronl aud I.i»n« "^f , “L S t '*‘*Twi,h!^“« 5 w" ami i will eaii on tile SI XTH SKVKNf H p;i jtHTH ,lavs »f each and en-rv month. y, )(i „ill never fait tu iind me ai Ilium.....the almve dav B . Many of my j.»ti.-aus have ban treaMby several skilful phynieiaiw l-etore • p n ll mg l l i em oe ln ■ «im . w wy saw. MMl.w w 1 aav Ajl . tb< ; r ,. is xo f - ir m ,.. j v0 tnVi m> niainy Doctors, and the?have dont* me no good.” ■ ff this is yoorcase, remember you nr., .inkingdaily, atni after many unsaecess ful groans vmi wiilsmk- b. be wen nor heard nave rieiice saved his ROiXTS lift-, w itit PRAKts, many vears I ei'pe- have with and cured mimy Chronic Dieses that had been pronounced hopeless cases. Come and free* » u I f|l A DlTlLltl, I) V r l> | JVf . . r X p ttta t i p A.t a ppy t iilO Tf’TTSTY IXjU. fflillft £—=?- Crain •»*= >»“ "weron board ear? in AaguxUi, Ha... AYW.nt rower Vert, ml BIO BLOW £.\OfA/t, mounted,, tint! i-Horse &L1 A RA TOR, on 4 wheel’, »«ar ktiio. 6 »J?or#<? Power noiwiei, Vertical HI GEL B&PA- O W KXfilNE, afidlS-Horir «-*™, rw$Hlw> • G'/fow l^mir Horizontal lililELO W r ™.V*. mmotW, aMar,,. SERA . i ’*. • filillett Gins, Horse Powers and TJireshers; ^R ^.^^«ora«u.a^ M. STONE & CO., rt - *,.« . .i Iq&*\ p--'" R flllkS / " f V- O**’ UU M 1 * 1 lce * ; Atui | supply ,„f -.1.. 4V. KTUK.E A C«VS - FK(; A J, lil, yXivS.—the best. issued-always; 1 l»au<tT. Price rtrihif d to p«r otiire, at ^ „„ A ,..?s k tt ^ ^^ 1 \ M FS ^ If‘\N l»Of Cii ■ Lii^-<\>r I»i%.-r--. in |^ 0 Superior Courtto tlu- A,.rih by the term. r. 7f < p rtJ ,jn-uring to l'/.ur.t n tunifc ( ,f ltu . n; >h. 1 iff tim? tin-«b-fViiflau; .in Un-afotye stated raw- i« not tu fo- f.und -in reU .•••au.iv ; audit farther appearing that he - .1 non-resideiit of the State of ti«.rgla, and thal'i jhe iin,Biiiti..n plaintiff reside, rtAM'L in figlethiwp.: Lrxu’kix .-"tirxt exxiiipi:un- V It is ; j.f N. arst’s counsel, Ordered arid ndfuti'jcd; that *frndanf jipprar^nd dWwreia retd > « <eirt. <>li the re ifrXrr'! {..mi epd ’.further, -is pro ” ti re(X, ’ LKTHOKO ito Clip, a i by iMib ijt ubJiea- lie .M *fre of the 'Stale, onuea for four m „„ ihs ,„ f „ n . , h „ „ ext term of.rhis faurt. E. IL P(.)TT.LE, -ludgeSup r ( aurt, . Orort(ia. 0-:lnhnr f <r Omtntff.- I eertin that - tbe"«bov« is u true exfmet from .the minutes of lit?* Superior Court. Mav II.‘Luster, 1st, IvS rovtolamAm Gto. -Clerk. ' * - ---------: — - - —• — . Legal Blanks, 7to:, per quire, at \V. Klein ing's, A then*. SAMUEL LUMPKIN. Counsellor at Law, LEXfKGlW ’ GA W *r -4 . j” **' Tut*" ; ’' **' 1 *, “^,’.J* AuitolT 3 f ?:^.---———-———- >*ai tr ' — WHITSON G. JOHNSON nuOfflt!| , u 3C3 • LOUOScilOf P - '1 3l 1 1 LiiWj LEUVuTOV , (11 u.r, Will <’ n afi'*v hi the counties Wilkej r»t fwfmup# Talii e hwke, >n, Elbert,. ami f err „- ant]la t he^nt-reme CrSff of Georgia, DR. W.S. MOORE I I AYINti hMMte.] |« rBif 4 i.'n ht ITL of ( rawfu'd, uaders his l*i pervkvs. In all its branch ice, to it- fit uir* and tarn ion«mnc eomiimr litv. He h- »w, frt*m i»i>t * i 1 :: ;rA tV'-sioi - GENERALTICKETAGENCY J kailroap tickets! f '* ; »" THE UKITeJ STATE., t* > Buy y»ur Tfck'-t* in Athens a ml get alfinlbrmatJoti fb'ift CUFF. W.M. WILLIAMS. H'fBl^iitlkdv £ipre» t•)., Athens ti* SPRING, SPRING Is here—and so is.the beautiful stock of AT TIIF- CHEAP CASH STOKE OF : WILLIAM GOTTHEIMER, ; IL\l\GTOK. G.l, S-HirrS VOTfONJ* ami l'.i«. v ii. ods; Trimming' Ho„dy made I f >TII 1 N(V. l.u*; style?; an . immense smelt of IniOTS anJ t manner of WhiteGtssJa, WsiutSntwi, Cheek*, ; strip.?, etc. An assortment rfehoie* rnmiK ; Cv^* £ thi* qimUiy'id I ; gs>.i«ls keep ran <diud(}y p<>.'oih stocky^ , .y »h- : sf»ld ai«l sell in the rd>uuty. best. m> visit 1 r.->j.ertmily ask a call tnu; all wlu> Lexington, mid r,-aannabte pia ; », the Ixsit of and die same tr.atiiwul that has me in the f past. [ml.2i!.ini] WM. OOTTJI HIMEK. ' ~...... DR. DURHAM’S vunotaiiio V dgeiaDie ii™ L1V81 piifei Fills. rpHK B 1 .S 1 VHA , ev e r ..g. rod n> lte.K.i! * Hills. and fast iNiiiwrwilinsi otlkf d-M.-.-i-i so-eulled l.n-r i.ufiv:--.'; r •••.»• ....... .......< : iHirham’f* Bills will Cure >i»?k..‘Stomach fhirlmiuV Pills wrfH nre Ba.-k Ach.t*. • inirUvvms ViiU wdl.Owe Gys^ \ SSLTT n ' l' ' ' i ii,* nartblnw JH’K - ••ul by .Northern hurnku^R, and use HAM'S aotl Ih? einvincvd of treatment, SSIlSlIHH and aid h-mu*. enterprise. 4 a .m •»»,-• 1 i - » m ««-t • W - r*r M VV.MHjviHe. l’» •<•, S63f*. los:. lib ......n.Oidnu^s.sAuenbunts. , , fi rdan .....« s a -l _ 1 « Hlb.V lJd# DrinnriRt anU Svvd-mian, AUG US' TA, JPyou »•«!*«» ' ^ g^glV ^ ^dTml ,-x.. , r ..i iirit . r ...» ... ••• '»J W , • S*!'\ l P ' - ffig? ‘ ■ S > 11-11 have,,, hand a .«« SnwVrd All (!ar<Il*n SfPlIs il< j<k. (K*r S wliW. we'mld"'!;e . 25c Of-ibtRe J-V. pt. ' :• \ . ; "m j jK-r <fuai t ; postage I oc. Bu,k hu<,,ls K , C;ttl be sent rie-aper by TO MERCHANTS i.‘ui'litof'si^in Seed ; semi We Money for and Pnstage. llte «jtn keep everything In 1 B AIM l AiM» 4 V IX WVLU 1 11) I'H 1 I V If ; WhWfwiSrSUs'VBRY UiW for Cash. r _ am W IiIINIT wwwm —gt & (10 m || Va if a JJVJilU Iw ' j ATHENS,-DA. ; ~~ Tl ..... 1 III • I Kl|fJ*|J*V M Si I VV M s (i IIM i .uA..c> • •*• - • WOVRD f ttii rirlrm respectfully rf ' > in- l iflWftT'WPn m SKoaq ; inn i " “ ' t)iorpeands»rroondinffco»i»-^ ag i iSfi7 iffi i lf ii i havc’ securetl thoserviecs of a UrsCefass Trimmer aud Finisher. Mr. James T, EWyd, the best painter south i»f Baltimore,'is also in mv j ^*11■’mak.o to order any kin.i ira^rgiSSS «p«j, jjLJjIAL . | MARifilp llUllvLi t 1 HAVE associated with the in.the prneiice of IVntbtry a*graduate at Crawford ofthe Ur. Philadelphia IN. lalTTIjK. of c«H«ge; a young than rare mocnan will remain a i (he office all ibe ? ,r!!S ;•* towork for him, in Oglethorpe, Z**t' ^ ™ k rraBf „ rf( Marell “ ......~ notice. riMIE oodeWgned gives iiotiee, that S P,^‘!V T ! ^ /„ x -• n y' hi' ML.NT as heretofore, ibid will dj. all iaamier of work- in forth at moM We rates; .»llil rcfundH. gllirantres Will jierlwV .ah*n-furnish satisfiu-rion <»r monev • 1 & re :s!r -».a *'r otherwise i« jd-vt-n me. B. CKEDEL. . LIME! I n A Vi: iu -t'Led at « nt wf.,rd, <ei., a j Jdrge 'stipply.of superior LIME, whieh I ■ se)i flu Atip-UH price?*. You at \ situ' , can -save freight by biiving of■•nitL ' 3?H.,SORTON. mbj ■<(■ YfS, He^-ai) cbiUige -u lift want a tofftle of the Globe J op: the greatest' Omgh and Lung- Remedy in | tile world ; or if vi»u- warn to try it first uml , if what the lL»n. Alex. If. Stephen*,'Exf Robert Smith, Ex-liov. Brawn ami Han. of Georgto. s*»y about it to true..van get a - G uuip t e bu ttle for ten ex-uts at Haire Latiimr’- .«torv,' tf«u relieves an ordinary Tlu- Globe F tower Cough Syrup never an equal for coughs, colds and lung ftflee tt j*>*itively care# emisumption when other tonsted remedies fail Sample loot¬ 10c. Regular size, fifty doses, $1. UNPRECEDENTED BARGAINS pin .Vnr B<‘i*S Qferod at IV Mammoth 4 *-y (J-yt&t A'iaparftrai of ON COLLEGE AVENUE, ATHENS. GA. With »»f I’Hl'rfi, 1 ?Ct, I am again hf-tre if erhit n< .f N van. without fear oft: !ra<iicti»»n, aunoaue** w* them that i nv« gt'wt. mmt «triish a*s» •h*e{ «Kekt> i»! Sj»rui< nutl Siifiirm-r Gocvh ever til My stork MtiiaMi fV i nnisiii i pa wjr of f goods -—wtf or all of »•* •ti can be baa' at pf** gr*>4s scat nar> -< ] f.T f A>H. bv mv (he market ***•»•> ; ■kf*l over. It «ouj tw>r» time *fto *p I cun M-ttt I willm 109 Doi.'U Wen's Felt UaiK. a! One Dollar t ilt h, A Iiave also a fc'n Cheap Gcods Bought at Assignee and Auction Sales, a o„a mii,«„o,..v f SPECIAL IS DEC EH ENTS IN SHOES OF ALL KINDS Fc-'-mJ X r t' XfnZ7St££!£ alxs«t of material, Ht-sicrv. ftoitxlv-Mu !• > .:rt> at c>st < u-MtiUeres and f.mi*-, ihntst' ami f-n J;Vv l ndwvppjir, fyint-every color, (Uttil • thousand other things LOWKBllfctn evvv befenne i^ardof in N< rthiaix! «r Middle iR-orgsi. TO MY MANY CUSTOMERS In rigi«tkurpe »od oilier counties, ’allow me to return my warmest thattka for their pa«t geimr wn itatronagr. anti re |*rtfullv a«k a contiuuiuce »*f the same. Wheu I announce that I van thin Soring U r flwm l r XrRE< F.PKN’TED KAfitiAlN 8 ” iu every line l mean exactly wlut tsdrerrisf. S» when you vi-it Alliens, don’t neglect to call at mv Mammoth Store on FOLLEGF KVKKtl- So troohte to aliow goods'. VfOSK S N 1 KKN. TO THE PUBLIC! Most Especially p j to Our Country j Friends! —- PLv'iruiiM „J!wSL„...... sad Cmiairv MerohaaU EDICINES. Havina rchaaef PAINTS, hr hand Jmyiug or OILS, us. large Spetaal stock ETC. of indueemems Fresh Drugs, to on a very ii,,a.|, t |„», .nsMn n.woffer at botum pmes. We gawanlee loJ«tbiy. ' Qi «^.w I . IV ■ a«b, | "v , if/dPMnTQn . . , f.n . , « AAfic > iQUlJ g ^ Vvdl lulltCU Udl rrt UCli n n \ OtJOUO, Poiatu'., i)nom Set-. Pea'. Pean? and Com, in bnlh. jus, reread. n T WlilllBY l f:K PBf P1RIT|(1IS r, * w * r ' III Ir oHUiiluI vl uj u rnirnlinnUnOf \orlti Carolina ( uliba^e Seed. FOP h i f bv Best Tobarea Seed, UIH fATTHFIMFR , ^ ____ 1 ^ ' WlTI. wwi 1 ii L>1 Ifl Cs It, ’ a- feran* .fKee. m , ; J,EXt»(.TOR..C,BOKblA. ......... f’ongh . c »l«l«rM, . ; • . . ! Si v»mb». 1 I&feiW^':::;:::::::.:::::::^ SS5—=3 ^.. ltubm. ......................... ~ f WIWIllH.loli wohfrv st Ionsw IVlW II HITE lllIL IL.Ul ie ill - , <.t»lr»i?ne .^................. ...................25c «ir r ic*lv Pufii—Cheap as the Cheai*est! , IwwMMMawMW—aWMapwwnfcdiW'-.fg ymagyanhw n im—i • r t rriimby & co ~ JVT |Tl y . f ■■ - _|„ ri>L | ■ , ■ ■_ --»— ■— j _ | f JA/JL JnLl— wJLm Vrun^ Vw/ aJL^I IXI ■* , pop. V Kill Y WITH lT,i UTAH ' A _f & WAKK ) /% l WiYl!’| g% 4* 1 StLjL Q l JLx^JL* I ATI Stock’of—-r- ^ '—^ITis Ju-*i < »p-msl u Large IW PORTED CflSSjjaERES, CLOTHS .AH D D OESKINS. . —.....|iU it!l iil‘hu pani io Gutting m Ent. st >tvle. ^ . ,,- 11 U,<1 „, donr * U-low ■E..'i«-'s .V I 1 )ni.r ^ ATHENS GA aufi-tf i ■■ - - - - ANdW ; PBiPIffllj ! RIOT I j-- ; tlmmjif f^n. ? u^ciifaity bTcafeTuT amijiTKcmuH mefcft utlle tfaoRadfiph^ : —:— IfM Dl! H fla AKilWLI/ O ftt vC ^ dUllj ^ IM . * ^ lilfuJi.ijK' msiy (rbnds for .heir very, liberal patron,*. In th. past, and we hop.. hr hai md ftrict ulivirtum to busiue»». to merit n confunimicc of *r-- - - -e -ftt yy.»g 1 1VLJ1A.XA/-P -iv/r a •r-rt I ■ I .TT*. ,17 I T 1 01 , KA ,. monuments and tombstones }%&*■■ I .W^woHt»h«a ivrl'STr'a, fo,«Na A. R ROBERTSON, S< ttl|j(«ir Ittifl Monumental IBnil«l< k r. Marble Yard a‘l>>iiiiug Ilcuves N'ichoUon'HCotton Warehouse, AT 11 K.N»S,-GA | JAS wrfiwl *r* A GRAY B mmr & CO., *** *1 ffi-V-eV VI C *1 Lf» U N r«i I V, 4. UIaUIUiIA. kill 'I \ ! OUR STOCK OF SPRING AND SUMMER DRY GOODS . f. Il0 « enniplete, and is the l 4 v»cst and brat a«»nrt«l in (he South. ! ' ' (V,, r X|intrnmi{(le|iartr»jntc(utt!iins everything from the lowest priee to the finest ^ m uuii Si'r'llUclt, l ..iu .rL il '' ■■■ __-- 1 ----. ami Fancy PilkStock is will universally convince acknowledged the skeptical. to be^^tbe ‘i .finest in. t he market .A glance Golofed at ito contents Y>ress Goods—Chenille most Jardiniere, Reville j ! Ail Un* latent Novelties iii Designs aud ef Cvnrtis feels '.Vceitw.ire Ikitre.^vlphide, f«umi Hu ruby. Victoria Huitiiig^ Bo'nncts, etc. ‘ in be nowhere else. to I The Imndsmmrt Scarf Races and Km broideries e»er offered to the people of A spietldid stock of Linear ^■*** oi »ptioi«, «.*, .f. Aupkinh>, li.mlea, ..... ..... eto., A 1 • - eveiy etc. Kmbroidwvl Piano Covers. needed by A full Tine of Gassimere- 4 , Cottonades, Homespuns, and everything ■ Stores ami - r - " ,, “ 1 Ladies’ and Misses’Suits In-great variety—Boys’ Suits (from 3 to 8 years.) j Kvervtiiioif A full line of Infants’ Wear, Cloaks, Dresses etc. | tEfemSl will be sold at the lowest price—in 1 fact so low as to astonish even buy ; ' v ~ »•» w-4- JAMES A. GRAY & CO. j SPRIN C3- GOODS e> WE MfRlVE BY NEARLY EVERY TRAIN FRESH STOCKS OF „ »BX ; ‘wi*m ' l*B.>S.,^ rin S Ts-. > j PACTORV tiOOBS, YARSi?, | WHJTK GOOPS, TK.4XH. Ac, Ac, NOT.ONN ------ Tori-liT AHWCblS, Ac., Ac. ' .REA1 »X-M>XPk ’ urrUVSb, F 4 P. b-U.X«S, M«R.w -„ol.s, llvrs, Ac i \Vhi,.W bKh .... wilt acU for tlieCX^H as low a* the same class of Goods can be bought ' in the county A call respectfully solicited. ’ : I'f# ET^ SP ——r, a I rk CT * ^aikc « ■"■ ■■■ A os J—|M | Ph f i iMtn, #| LJ 8 ^fepsaSSOTCBSWMg^ GREAT REDUCTION I N PRICES! f ■ iS^gpS3{ a: FIRST-CLASS We prices are.the within tint VERY the to SEWING rxaeh offer BEST - ot ail. Family MACHINES WE Bearing W IEL • ^ SELL THE . Machine l '.-5^ ...... .. ; For' Twenty-Five _ Dollars \ V i N t'ASH. t r an <.r<i:uiierst<-d froiv Suhd and ; •... .-y: A TreadietowiLli AV'altmt Tup »nd Drawer, and » - a m* nn rhnarT kttor hwi g o ta^aiwi tioltVW t •»' any m UatIrt»«J ftopbt in the-1 nit <1 Spites. FREE < >U » JJ AiSyK. n»arhne-« dt> xvarraut • ' to d-> the whute line of' Fauiiiy Sewing ^*. ? xvitJi more rapidftv, more estse of i/nmaiierm iit . 4 • aSS*SS^£w.'7c<rt7LAre,rJ! >r' ................ a. ......... tjz r KvS’vwi.^u r ' ; '" A " h - is u ^ Tt " (eamilal *othl»» C'o., I. inifo-l, Tift Filbert >t., FhilartelFbia, Pa. MBEfilW M'miBI «mi>X;,okx, nnua, XlEAb, SCa.Ut, COFFfct, PLANTATION T0« M . Ac. - patl .nt M F i Hc is m ! .merv, «l.x*wake, j TOBACCO, CIOAfiS, 1 \Klir.N ar.t.l , 4M>V, Xl’Tet, cltACKKRR, . AND lU'MM’.LHs of Other Art,.;..'-. COOK sToves‘ soLD A. K. CHILDS & co.. - - TJ’ NR,VALED Mm ,0 iSTiy i I Pianos awl Organs special Tied u ct i on For Janaary, 1S78. _ 40 to 60 per cent, discount FnanCauUmrue Prhuw. ' - AtaiPflV “T nniAFfli 1PRlCES ___ , f I’lirchaners can kh «■ from *«<> (oiooo. mleetiug from tvd .^follow,"rtrebbra CHIOKEEING, MATH0SHEK, KNABB HALLET&DAVIS, STEISWAY ir'nn McPHAIL * 00 ., bllfPSON x 2 TTirDC*r\W & CO., HAINEb TIA TWr^I T?PO BROS., «3 BILLINGS & CO. IMIHIIH ,|'|[ I III 111 II IIBId'S: Pr^«prr PreECCtt 1 ^ Organ o-anWarren Co l/I(Mlgn & arren ‘ . , . .. ' "7- . f • ’ ^ | Sr^" \ [ J -- - ---. a, o. ROllfXSOS. | LVVUES A ,v n t. Robinson & Co Augusta music house . In connection with Lmlden A Bites’ SAVANR AHMUSICH 0 USE ^jessst................ Point of Piaruxs, for the Or i “•"«““* STATES! . --— (inods^ sent by Exprc ^iywhore in the i 1 charges tloii one wav, with privilege 1 of cxaimna giveii trNo rcqucNtcM . tuni-md**repairing ■ l*lAN»»i, (MlirHlH, PIPE ami OIIGAN 8 ami all kinds of Musical Instrii. incuts Tuned and Repaired by Mr.C II. Tay !»truraent«in .iM*tne of the b**st ftn'torie* hi thisd country, uml is the only authorized Tuner, at* "" AUCil 8 TA MIS l« HOI'S Ex | IjoW r I |> BILES a V^l'ICK . pALES* Q ! ; I. H. HALL & CO., \ Maiiufayturcrf slid IV. 'cr 1 /( )( / 1 \S, SA.ST 1 E&, Blinds, Scroll Sawing, —AND - wood turning. Building Material of every *le.soripti«n man i ufiu turefl at prices as low if not lower, ..than any other market. We make iy sptsfiahy » PAINTS, OILS, I JuilUei re- Hardware GLASS, COLORS, ETC. Before you buy send for oar PRICE LIST, ' estimate fur any Material you may or which will certainly please you. i. H hall & co, v fcbl-ljr Charfemen, H. <’. 100,000 READERS ARE CALLING FOB OF THE RUSSIAN TORE a,-, £%£XSuSr$5 ibrek ,, „ ?i, «the „ n it. and Comiireliensivt ,L k „ kf , ACTIVE. ACENTS _ WANTEO. Time drewrw l.rro.ry on tht* «..rk 'hoald avail til. o:v • ■ • ' ' • ■ " ■ ‘"y “PI •' 4 dun. Ai-<* \ „• • g?.' xv r-r *>u , grub ommm prospictus, BeprffM'nting ba* lyhtiiK-t B'.Kvkr*, . Of universal iiiu re>t. Agrieulrimtl,!, llis'tofieat, mad-.-this ItoJ»gi,,iiH, and Mi-. eeUaheoit* \Y'>rk*>. S:tb-» pr«e ifipeetu* when-ail •' i iugh-'db*«:k« ia;L Also <n our 1 >«' Sty to* <*f I’n-mium FAMILY BIBLES. English and ftoniian; PrnteMru t ar.<! * atb Award-i --*.*,**-ru-r 0 y --.. r »u Mtin-r-. f»*r *he»T IfiValliabie Aids and Ehg. • i-ng«. at the. Grand Ontetmiai Exhibition-, t * 70 . Particulars free. Addr.^ JftllX E. V'El iJ.E X * 'K , / V-V.-vUr s.-pT-iy PHILADELPIfl A. BOOT AND SHOE SHOP. -\V A-SMl.r'l w^Hire-reCfoliy nre.fy ,”,.v':; ■ -i Work when promised w^hj* schedule. j&n. r >2 4 S flij f?; a mm W GREAT REDUCTION IN THE S)E W SINGER 1 N G M A CHIN AFli:n this, the FAMJLY SSW tie MilTi 'tMiffiHfctni Plain Machine, $35 \ Covered Machine, $43 1 Omp-Leaf Table Machine, $45. All Machines fully gnaranteeil and delivered free of expense^ Manhrnes sold on II A LF-T.tSffJdaii tfiflesfred, with an advancement of on above price* for SEED!ES, TUt'KEMS, ('ORDERS AXD 0 THEE A TTA ( ITHEXTS at« hicatc.. pro ec alt Machine.'*. Pure Npcrm Oil a *p icaity N. Ii.-- Parties are cauiioiu-i using suck Jfaehine Oil aai» j*tit up aud sold bv Itruggists. AGENT FOR BAZAR PATTERNS. ^Sr- Sow! for i 1 lustrated < Catalogue a»«I Price Idst.-t^N J. B. TOOMER, Agent, i (Office at old Singer stand, below TaluUdge, Ilbdgmn & Co?* ••tore,) ATHENS, «,4 .1. H. 11 I NTER, foieal Ageol, Antioch, Ga. A. K. CHII.DS. R. NICKERSON. V. H. XX’VNN CHILDS, ' NICKERSON&Co ,WV No, 13 Ffanklin Tlouse Buihlihg, ATHENS, G A'., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in • TT Wme J T Iron fix See 1 1 IT Nails *1 IT Horse-sBoeNails 1 IT *1 HORSE AN1> MERE SHOES, Agricultural Inplements,Leads, Oils, Glass, Varnish HARNESS LEATHER. MILKERS WAGONS, Cotibn, Manilla Wheel*. and Jute Axl» Itopo. Springth Carriage ami Buhta-r Saddlery and. Hordwdr.-. Luther belting, Fellows, Mill Huh«; Saws, Fpt.k« Buggy MiB Findirp, Aii^ivllow, etc: Vires .follow War-, iHmif-wiurtrs tht sale ef etc, . s or FAIRBANKS.' u . STANDARD _ SCALES, CIDER MILLS, SYRUP MILLS And Evaporators,Watt Plows, Farmers Friend Hoi*. Circuhir Sow*. Pii».i|:n, — mgm I Bill III ITIAtV I fflU • I TRIIt ^ K 1C — THE BEST ..... r.xi'i .#12 ^ ' * r> THE tl CATE CITY .. ; '* Pnnp ^ v rtl tOOK 5ll)\es \ I nVOO • Have....... , .J f p r? U/|f fffMCI Hi ."™ DDtlflfllfH TIUU/IDf Z~*~ - -:.mJs L ' ^ J } ' ,i . SB?B!SS •BERV" . GOOD GOODS AT LOW PRICES! ROBERT H. MAY & CO., MANUFA(MURF/RIS OF AND DEALERS IN EVERY DKSCRIPtll N "I Carriages ai Barnes > , PLANTATION & LUMBER WAGONX i Harness, Saddles, Trunks, Xf^VC»r ^ 9 \ ^ VI-a I l”-* rS 9 SHOE FIMU.XXS. ___..... LEATHER Ilf Ul KIMIS, BELTIMi, El I Carriage Materials, Saddlery Hardware, Whips, i nbrellas. K(,. i KEFOSITORIES AND SALES ROOMS: j 208 Broad Street, Augusta, Ga,. S3 Cherry Street, Macun, Ga, KOH’T H. MAY, J T. MAY. A IU (itM»IlYEAR. xS. 8 . P.VHMKLEK GEO. G. REYNOLDS. GEO. XV. REYNOLDS HU), (j. KtYNOLUS & SON, — DKAl.Kl’.s IN— Stisli, Doois, Blinds, Grates, Mantles, Lt [ T p it T LOCKS, HINGES, SCREWS, ETC. Wimlow afidPIcture Olsires s* ialtj . WAREROOXIS, 43 JACKSON ST., ACGCiXTA, GA. Write for Prices. apr 26 <>flm Bfiitiful Siring Miaery of All Kinds > ' Now Hein* Daily n<wv«t anil opo.iwd. Wi»» fanrer'ttaa v Ta r :xm > na> a w i n ^^_ MRS. T. A. ADAMS, Athens, Ga Augusta Book and -"fE7|F=^ Stationery Jo bbin g H 0 **se 1 ' - — y —7 : "" r ^~ : -y- T - D. QUINN. “KEEPS _ .ON HAND A FFI.L LINK OF SCHOOL & COLLEGE TEXT HOOKS, OFFICE & FANCY STATION ERY BLANK BOOKS OF KYE R Y . I>ES<KIPT10N. . !;^i- All the prinei|*al PAPERS »nd MAGA/fNKS, l.\.Xa aN puhUxhed. Br..Hd riubroriptiuh* AUGUST token A G f Mulie af ptibli^heff’ price*. i<rie« ap2ti-'bu I). 4|l Vjh Si., . A SAM , I > LES SENT FREE The Frederieksbupg Dry Goods Store. _ COBNKK BY Till: PLANTER*. -— 54 AUGUSTA, - GEORUIA. - . The Largest < - J Stock! 5 VK ARK ,VOW- •—4- in - bee™ SPRING GOODS OF ALL THE NEW AND CHOICE FABRICS OF THE SEASON - co,.., rTEN^Afo. „ rot ,. r (..( I, f„a„.,«H£, *»*»-, or.FAVTHi; FREhiHT f. »«'* - ...... \r ^ utPITAPTIQ KltnAKUD Ar ct UPO • aprltolm AVGUSTA, GA. SINCE, AUGUST lst. l876.