The Oglethorpe echo. (Crawford, Ga.) 1874-current, May 24, 1878, Image 2

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THE OGLETHORPE ECHO 'f* . ! T. jto CAMTT, . P' B l..s«*« J ,P KMTnK «v 24, I 1 **** . , ,,„ fr*U continue to fall in Penn rT and W» other The wife ot the Justice £. orta, of <***' □a, died in 4 r on l§eftd*J la*L and M yts Hlierw*** * < rt Don Cameron Ker‘ (t ne larried in grand aty Ae. 11 ie Buekeye rtou** (iliikii. iud Qcod FWd»y, in the Hay of I to drowned Ji20 fishermen rt<orm ^iking 4U widows and over 200. hr phaiii id one town ________ folly aroused _ The Rejmbiican party is and active mea^ares are being adopt fora full and cmplete tc-orgamzation of the pa rty all over the countr y. ------ The news comes from < Aregon to toe effect ! that the people there expect a triple I wheat crop this year, - andtVi and Caa £S2£t‘~ a that oftetL white her body akpt, spirit wandered to various distant pUeea, = maoicement" ’ smcid.1 piece* „j„„ of of nartT party management that has e*er come under ha notice. . } of the three me* who assassinated the "bad Earrol l^fcrim have nsKhed iheE^rl'TlMb l^^wom^ X relTtiv^ young woman, whom whom he he had had compelled rarapelied to yield to his lust. The bill repealing the bankrupt law . , . . , this year. The House of course will concurin the Senate amendment and thus will be an end of the pnaent^^bank rr It generally believod that a Fenian is raid in Canada is certain. Intense Unfit prevails across the border. It is thought thnmrht that that tli6 the dans plans ©f of the the »«»*»« are to make their way into the ion and then prepare to move on some of . the principal potSt* ofihe provinces. The United States ^Jtrenie Court woman to live together as man and and, upon their mutual declaration and living together, Abe marriage is ted, and it is not necessary to have ctmtte, to pubtbh bans, g toto a mag IstlaUi or witoessesi; dr any other form of •olemnixation whatever. ■ The Qainsville Eo," tell, of a genfe man who recently, while returning from Atlanta, traveled with Gen. Jos. E. J oh nso n , a nd mistook the ‘Co il (offer ate for a lightning rod agent. ^H’bcn he found out his mistake, however, he f elt lightning struck, tend propound to get down on his knees and beg pardon, a proposal the General positively refused to accept. We have received from Mr. D. It. Richardson, tJte secretary, the premium list ofthc Oconee County Fair Associa tion. The Fair will be opened at Wat kinavillc, October Gtb. and continue four days. The premium list is a liber* al one and shows abundant signs of care^ ful preparation. We trust that our Oconee .. fttends will have a pleasant, * , C1 . profitable.and successful exhibition. Ben Butler loves the dramatic. When Potter Wafted his bombshell into the , House, _ T the ... Widow out. I be was clerk dwelt on the name and then slowly proeeede d vtih th e call. As the last -name w«» about'being reached Butler advanced from one of the rooms and held up his hand, signifying his desire to vote. The situation was highly inter¬ esting. Every eye was on the Massachu¬ setts stateman, and, as if to cap the eiU in ax, he 4 ^aycwit h th e J>cin - ocrats. ..... . The question of England's. Indian troops doing service in Europe has sud¬ denly become an important ohe; —With India as recruiting ground her supply of good material for soldiers is inexs h&ustable. The spectacle of the Sepoys lighting Eugiauu'a uattlv» iu Europe not a pleasant one for England’s ene¬ mies. The venture is an experiment, of course, but there is little doubt that English shrewdiiess would make it a success. The scenes ahift rapidly in Europe. A short time ago Turkey end hereon queror seemed about to fail into each other’s arms and war between England and Russia seemed immiaent. Now there seems to he a prospect of an at rangement between the Cabinets of Lon don and 3t. Fetereburg and it is stated that Russia and Turkey are almost in collision. The Turks are greatly strengthening their lines around Con siantinopte and the Sheriff of Mebca has issued an appeal to the faithful to fly to ♦wo the .asmto rescue of of kha the Caiirti Cahjpb. 'Tkrv The &uuAsi faithful will doubtless fly. ''..... I— * m ■ General Todleben has demanded o q - . R , o uraa, arna an aoum,secon , the removal of the iurkiah camp a ■ M oriA n W l cupy Bujukdere. It is considered almost certain that the Turks will fight rather i t.- vie iA a.. 1'rcafoinym xit- .*!«»- in n pnn --wunreple of the ; account report th, l - fl t ^ and becanse the ul diplomatic 3 rm.u a ^ 3id °ere7groundii ! Russia and the- Porte .f^jons have between j f u jj v j established. | A house in San Francisco was partly i •burned, anfi after the fire had been ex ttnguuhed a woman and her t woehiIJ ren ’ were fpund dead iit their room. There i »as sad evidence of her .hard, struggle to sate herself and her little ones. Their room was in the center „f: ihe-house, and lighted from the roof, so { fnav no windows gave a chance of egress, The only door opened iuto a hall in ivhich the fire burned fierce* 1 fhe children u.,.nr.a were. were i*!.,. lying t« in . a corner -■ covered > ". blankets. The mother had tried to protect them in that wav while *ae sought trf dig through the wall Castor- <hc had WeffsMaree ratantityuf - ^ lU, ‘ >utlia<i fajieu fro ® s «hV t cation UJTTER rW* “HARDSHELL.* yrrWy. fc^ Oglethokpk 'o., Ga., May 3, l*7s Edit-'* fJjlsikorps A A© : With nothin, t»do it with, I concluded to drop » note, more to fill up space and J _nH>« pgcts than t he ho pe of wri* lag you filling interesting ; and vou it or throw it into the waste -k re to rtroi ®1H» 1 T Will ... assure » ■ h« perfectly satisfied that it ^ received it’s proper destiny. 1 am farming,or trying to farm a lit* t . I am about out of supplies* a*id can¬ I 's. run much Longer. I have as yet got no credit, or asked for any. I ela U> be* an honest man, and though I hart nothiflg to go on, I am easy about it—I « n i satisfied I can get some on io run me. I le tter to a.few weeks I ’ n my you ago, , tiUeri some things 1 believed caused my troubles, and I will to some extent reiter- \ at * thtuu, hoping thereby to, at least, , being the subject before those who have C om^rhin g to d»i" mrr»n~inr . . °.« Aai i,V. Umn»\%+ M « H fSSIuSSlw W« ahAiir' ** Ia« ! as we can get--botb individually ant * few good »dex to • fin*°c* a l ® ana g eracst an< ^ ct>n< 5 |t, i* n : imnecc-sary j expenses should be d* s ;1 ^ wit j ner , r did spprore of experiments whether bf HUte or Indi-i that the Ux levied and raised by tbf. ‘ the g^fe.^^r Stetchas too many ! Ao’^nAfit ' *£ ‘aid’'JotvebeTn made mad. to brneht the the tarmor and * ® i no douht the tnlentton ywg»^.fc“ t ^ • i how great the failure. 1 speak from mv : own own observation. I wilt stake *»? reputation for an honest man that not ! to the Agricultural ^r Bureau . I am sati^i d f,ed 1118 an 0 an ’ ye8,a n ? ,54a nce f?. | hTtbe binefitTI , , have a few political or influential farmers iu every county who act a tew seed *“'* ! receive a few «*rcBlara, just before e j n J eet,n ;S ?E every Legislature, value of lerti Commissioner, as to the i lter s,.essay^on the bog,etc. I never re cetvc any ttf them, and do not want them. » take the KTio, and I prefer and wouj j m^iouer,and1 [ think much ;tho w»er | ^^a^dfl^wil^gnarantoe^s^^l^^^^'ac- k,,,pledge its benefits. Our Ootnmis *i„iiers says be has kept up the. standard of fertilixefs, and that he forces the man IKfi^reM^kt^he.i j ing analyst, the-manufacturer he into 50 cts! the', pertort'for 1 his pav« treasury : his salary, etc. that is “too thin." , lylmtaS Eve"? 1 tofi the farmer huyshe pays 00 eta., because fif th n t t ru ii H i ir pr • n t id af»k the man uf ac turer why he makes u good article, he will tell you because he wanta to sell it 1 and after anld he want* to -olleet “hat nndm" other is the reason that prompts the manufacturer to make, good 1 connected with that bureau that was any j j . benefit to should me that advise I could members see, and I think we our to ! «‘ e L^islature to abolish the concern, to^r lta?e“go'v4rnment S i | think are no benefit to the people, but a heavy expense, which l will notice again, j 1/notice Washington, occamnnaUy l). our C. Commirtion* I could not er is in aee in what way the duties of his office required him to be there. There is only one fact about it that I realize fully, ana that is, that we raise thousand by taxes (that dollars I pay some of), about fifty per year to run the Commissioner or his I do not .know which, the former l guess. Unless the State will econo niise i as in times past*, they will not have to adopt Moflit’s Uegister,juid tax every drink of wine we take, blit they will soon have to tax the water we drink. I am satisfied that if our State will SteShmY^fffirtwiT'witb . ...... r °r* can buy my supplies cheaper on time, and I can borrow money at a great deal leas rate of interest, imd an area of pros penty will dawn m Georgia that has not since the war, \V eutlier beautiful; farmers - their ^ over corn, erally and and beginning to of chop cotton and gen ; the crop corn cotton promise weU. HardsHEJ T FROM CRAWFORD TO CHARLESTON. Btamtifui Jmfunia-~t uriuHUtt to am ip tountryman--The aty t*y the St a and Ntr Firaturt Hr*or«o~+\\itr» by the M \*y ■ U ‘ HC - mUorO^EM: We left Lexington on the Tuesday morning's down train, of lostweek, which waa well filled with stockholders and their fiuniliea, from Athens, Winterville, Lexington, Crawford and surrounding country, for the “City hy the Baa.” Nothing happened to mar ■ our very pleasant ride until we reached Union point, where we were forced to wait four hours for the the next train. This, we think, hy the way, a most incon venient connection. Why not ' arrange '■.? .. the . , schctlule . * • . in such , a way as to , let the train on the Athens branch reach the [ Point ^ just in time to make connection th Tt tb e dowtl tfaill ^ ti, 0 ma ii, Z In this • . will ... four . hours. . I , way we save | eaye this subject' for the study of rail* roa( ] mcn- 1 l tow tt trflno*i„e, it cro wded to such an extent that ma manv ^ j who . intended . . . . gouigdown , , . to Augusta , ; returned to wait till night. Many of onr ftjMd< frolu Covington. Oxford nod j i v m i ou. othe r town- between AtUmu B,,d ** PviM belag the * min n,Bde “ ' ’ ° tt - pleasant to who didn’t ’ very a man care for standing. We had a very pleasant time with the young ladies of the Lucy I Cobb Institute, who were going down to 1 Direst, the home »P*f of Mrs. Wright, their d ' f *" „r ,r with te^reJiOTdOns* r, •'""*! i Augusto the sun,bade h’uman i ! andtlfeu as n « fte heard the “ ,k of tonpies. StlSl at re ' we sp*Mit the night. lhl Wednesday we spent in looking over '" ,1 "‘ tlle prettiest cities Knuth !r eene street, with its huge perfectly water-oaks deJ ' spoutina fountains, i, iehije The Bell Tower the ..f I!l g >teve,” is a wonderful structure " 'thstaiid 'violent w inds and be seem t™* 1 -, r ! le r >: « iiicest order all the time and closely so that none of ite rare and beautiful flowers rosy be plucked bi ruthless hands. Protected by power so deetn it a pnvilig* *:jd almost a pleasure to oe buried b we. This Beau tiful city *nd ba» many it* other msuo/actoring object... •( at- fe traction, rare drs l iny Our Visit -lay ait tlie bung point* W-«?, Of interest, »* ?«”* SO not on no.r-.lay we toot « was in the chartered <»t Mr . J J.Q. Mf Mahan . who , having an eve to Hi© cucifbfl of his passfiigc’is, b»J'secured the sole oceopaoey of one the best coaches on the (youth Caro i;_ |, I i We must say that South Caroiin.i stiil to some extent, the sad effects of steal misrule and carpet bag t-s i.hut are arc ‘happy to state that bu *s* seem* to b« king up, and the many little towns between Augusta and Charleston seem to be io very "nice Or- Near Aiken wc saw die great kaolin mines, from which great quantities of this ciay are shipped annually. It is so white and so very line that it is a very difficult m atter t o detect it when n-td ' makius «T “ptigaT"a nrTca tidies. •s.^VykndrMTll^Mitl” v - 6 KYrtSS* on**wc thousands the beautiful luazy' cyprwa and of pines tapped for the ter P^ jnfiaJgJilYviiicEtim^piffts Vflffwpeff tine is extracted ^>r by 4t»e distiiterie* erect ©d there that purpose. To many of °° r |* f”*X - ’fWi wwi ***** * sight, D , , waving from ch2l«foh , aaiaasa h — Imw hmartrt 'ihit cannot be suroa««ed in the^kMith a^ and har<» fi,p eathcr Uie refttse, lie ret! and ,ersti then Hr oscr to l“ e h bat u trh.m. e, T * .'j U P nd' theafter- An j j i. e<J a m f»d era eam,r to kick or molest in 4 *«»•r"n-p5irir« “Tt”*Batte n^ith^r^titTaeau and and cool park, is deli * htful - Iort Standing on Mount the Rettery IMeaa you can see humter, >n t and Sullivans Island, alt O f wovig ; beamed led on Friday around during our stay. ^ we Sumter we , . jth k fcrmidahla aonearance inu « t haveoeen in 18-3’ to the of this beautiful city. Fort Moultrie, on to wh^ «m e Sth of thc 2 Jane, I77W, and replacing gave utterance to this immortal « Let us not fight without a flag!” is now inscribed on the monument ed on , he BlUery braVe*. in hooor of lhis battle aI ,d R, fal lcn Weahould have visited other points but weariness of flesh being aW ea of that market. Having ended "- B paasonger s80n « Bf Ira train^rom Irom 11 a ™ nsla t At i, ISelair we were met "nvitelf bv tos^mlthe some kdv frien umJ .cordially : tn th tlien, an^i^y i^r pi^ ,'d inti s .ent j. a rao ” dS&ut “ZinenU,f.heso 0 f t k i> <4* M },, -i Mtee" i..: if : were the ^ EV .^, * V Ku , d bp ^“"^0^cfat t if uSi" < i ehl l t y ff^ meoBon! l roS Tw ou i ,,______ - - r—ft. wSw^l- trr —» ' Hartem X whom wi 'think were” much to th«ei, no “y",' Hom^ sXbnth aweet^lKtma!” ^^morn* te took fh“ thtTweary rain for t™ where ^ let wnrid wag on --------t wn—i Mrs. Sothern’8 Case. Mr. Mortimer Pitta, in a letter ed in the Constitution, says of tins tunate woman: Her story is that she was a much afraid of Miss Fowler-afraid of her in¬ fluence over her Husband,~»ml of person al violence to herself—that she persuaded Bob Sothern to move out of the neigh* borhood. While living at their new anced the kming, her. which rv*;M«'d unnerved the anj u.ilul to that she was about to become a mother, so prostrated her that her busband car ned her to her mothers, where U) j was the first night after her arrival the “ party came off at which the killing h Mrs. Sothern She was said not she participating tii*l, in ‘ ® P^y. was sick | he danced h ” M fe and , peTCT f She .was B o»er at a dance except this one, is . member the of the of Baptist the kUling Church, good and was at time in #tan<ling f in the girl-being ciittrch. She only is nothing morc th in a B nineteen ye , lre o{ ghe wS „ tW(<nty in July. A horrible complications of her case 1 ,s L’fvnmf' presented mother by the fact 'October that sh i e Will ui'-niti n to f ! is not hung next month. } The THE motion COURSE for OF IIHR COUNSEL trial ! a new was not heard on last Monday, and we understand j that her counsel have almost abandoned j the policy of further Appeals to the COUTtS. They will carry the case directly to the been through made Pickens out and petitions The circulated laid county. matter will be formally before the Governor <® dw, a«d wdl probably exhaust a week j i earB t j, at nearly every th*r brotfiers citfrcn of Uickens county, and that ; ol the dead woman have agreed to sign the ^ and'imvealsoiertificdTthat'lf'“they B vj°”od > ytrs :, SotheTO >l have* , s/ , iieiMc had known a recommendation tamercy would have aefil her to-the penitentiary instead oGIto-gallews A\ that 'Judge they would toter have, has. said made that it: eTiear the sentence should be commuted, and will so advise the Governor. We have no positive information ^jgnod;by about this. The ar f nearly £. very one in the county iu which the killing place. ; The matter has excited a national in teyest. It is discussed by the whole press which, nlm ust wjth on t ex ?? Governor pEon ’ c ‘l Us received ^ a .'f®® packagespf 0 **™- letters iht has asking .that them the sentence from be commuted; Northern many of coming the -------- The tieueral Conference in. Atlanta refused to divide the North Carolina Conference. 1 ...New lot styles «>f Hamburg cheap Edgin for g cash and In* | -•it i on, latest ITCHLii verv c at \\ Ji J ARR ELL'S. ; : -.....A nice areorttoret ofGdik.' Tie* and ItowanaSOk Utx krelreudi It.i.s,. m at- ..... ’ WITCBKR fi-iARRELL* :0f-k.-rv, Thi ,u,,l m«*r.., Poekrt . *' U I Tt JIE E & J A R EEI. 1 ,‘S ------spy'll t .litoii, warranted iw . huiMlreil, hi foriv rt-nG per d-iZ.-i at .wprcnEit a Jarrells. .....: Exam inis W 1 Tf HER & JAllUE LT/S before buying elsewhere. «#• to WITCHKI! fi MAHREi.L’# be eruivinced ‘that v.»trc«h bu-v a w;v_r .u f " r «•*'»'•«}'■ .i.N*?w style firain Cradles at * VV IT< U ER & JARRELL’S. XJJ1JJU ilJJJJll nil J 1 Near Central Hotel. Augusta, mJr mWrn ky’ . | SaglMi LOUISVILLE, ggS Sig 1 i ■ | ""“p USS y‘BT* . a I A^PRIVATt'conffltlOl i j Of^.nr 8UKs.iSS.aA.5rW.* 11 W.1..1 r*r urtr ' ! p &MILY BIBLES ! always on Irami ami for rale at ‘ ■’ ' j Bi’RKirs HOQK STORE •• Coltege Avenue, Newton I foum*'Block, PIANOS, ORGANS • New. / Oct. 5135 New, 9 Stops, Sa7 Ntw, 7* Oct., $145 New, 12 Stops. $74 ; “ Magnificent ,** “hran n<-w,” “lowestprices ' uruul « ur ^ .b-u-Tvu.....the'public'.wit h Humbug Grand offer^m Shoddy InstrnmenK for. Xpecint. - Offer*, and... circular* - ,,//W,, .m.i onmn I.iiddcu ' ^ M 'LHT U '' ' ! ' 1 ' Sewing Machines REPAIRED! \%T M. SWANN, wh«k has great exjM*ricnee Machines, if . as a having Repairer been and Adjuster <*I that Sewing by raber of first-class employed in ca paeitv permaueiitly a uur located th» office com panics, of Mr. is now at .j’tiHX \V1N N, .Vtlteas, On-., Agent-fbr-the VV orld- Renowned Improved Wheeler &' Wilson SEWING MACHINE, Orders from < >glethorpc and adjoiningcouti ties respectfully solicited, aud entire.satisfuc tion guaranteed. < har rges very moderate. Be t!r ' ;u '■$ • xamiiie dhe Improved Wheeler A VV ils« n .!•»• 1 < > re 'buy i r»« « -machine. nivle-3rii " • ~~ ■ Grreat Reduction m Prices for three ten cent copied.................2 -mJ. ' .lor thre-0d rent, ....{SOu, Buyers \» ,11 do w. il te;tnre thmg iu my Ijne io eaH at cu^e f lOLETJi"B:PKS!IKRl'rr s HwkW SAik-wm ” wMbefore the (gd is JS lid mng*- ‘ ;e irrfSi » la f Mrs. C. Man a&d other* Levied ertv S>i. aliu - W. Me , hr viitas of gpy t.f tho ■ ^ “ fa «t "f Ti) .^ „ r J^Tm W Mefi— Cx*'- *-v i J J »*» iwrr, um«! to me hr Jnbtt t. y..» c , m , uU LWib .. M penUi out by s-y - - s *- * r,~ s v ,-4 M.ii. VOl NG. SI IJ.HTI-OSL0 sHlKlhEr UK—Will I l*« **I4ba&>rt theCvurt 11 OB ^P town nf I.*v:Ti_*r Ogbnhori** the first ^ t. of sale, K&I>A Y ii* June lit. st, the loll ng i ri>p - r.f Land risb . t -jp-t: A trsict e >nt^ni»g i of Win. Wrn 5 A. M others. LevHfl i w»r{r -oft . IK Ki bv vir »f a AVj filfjr MrW U. ^ ° f E Phia»y & Co. vs. t i>. K tut jar<-.*!of A!sn, at Land the same taming time and URef* pUo •, a . in „ ton said.eouiitv, s»ljmn : .nc lands of. ieseph Ara V . str-yn^ an-l ^ k <Ibv UYWm-jt bkangajjrt^ar 2:^. fr,vm Kinn.^brew, t ^»V v 2 rt .le^tiii’ef *? C< ! rA H U4 virtue f\Jr V'uYiintbr'c.. f oouuty, ==1 J deceased. ______PACK LexiBgtrn, fi. April YfH 30fH, XtLShen 1^79. g: _ - VJ / V .LK riloKl'KsnKIll!^T*s*ALE~-Will be sold oa the first Tl'KSDAV in /*** next, next, before nef/ire tE Ifie (j,«rt imm House rimiv door. «ww, »,r m the me town town of of Lexington, Lexfngt. n, wilhn* within * - the th* legal loyal hours hours °f of sale, a tract of and t«a acres, more .or less I Wra. Bradshaw 5 for * ^Hector, vb. ? estate, State and wmntv tax. Levy made and re : llSMI 1 Th *»c are tlicivfitn:- to cite anil admoalsh »U th.4 i»t*-re-.ed ... «ho» ,-auso, shnnld if aer can. whs the sr.^ admini-trator. WW. *■ , THfe.D,<ilf,BAM, Ordinary. ATIlMIDI, traill fpalll TRUUTSK* llllUwLIW. c «„ dellvw on boardeamln Augusta, ,f| 1 »yr»e J n«tr Urhrnl.ltIGbl.on . <rL\E, mounted o/t(t4Horn A-l TO/.’, on 4«A«7v For t»«IO .tsw {, ’ , r ( \ r> *■ ’ For ftfiio ^^rie Bower Horizontal »•« »»'»• Every part warranted ltK-S'l LASS. Gullett Gins, Horse Powers and FOR.SALK ji«y- Send for'!-iroularn. |1 _ „ M vTllNF r?» n rfl Ui IVI a O I Ul i L (^ I _ ’l ni_„|._ Blanks ill LIJIAL*l^LA^iktC-the „ a hand: Price reduced tofSe. per miire, at BI'RKtW BOOK STOKE, , „ , Md e MARRIED |]|^ a §{j^ LIFE °* J Uu m. >.a wruor J wum. ^SHSF 8 ^ SZfiHiXTWCXrt SS2kT««»M?C/MLADVtMR wafioa* wt. They »m - fc wfiw u ft i HyiH a ttf mud ,End inpi«iR BeMRJWT'“ ^ SINGLE LIFE - LARGE SALE ---OF— =S HOE See IN ONE WEEK ! '* AR,Ml S '» " 01 ' ' SEU gD , -" w - 7‘J Pair LADIES’ ILLND-MADii I’UMl' SPANISH TIES; 9# Pair ,. U1IKS . jianB-TIirN NEW PORT TIES; 120 Pair LADITS* FIXE KID HOUSE SLIPPLUS, at $1 jn*r pair. ^Xl BToild-cty Morning Wi n <)pen aBoot a00 l-atru Men''. F„.P SFMMEli SHOES, Philadelphia, Newark,. Baltimore & N. Y. inTys Eneuch to *um>!y il , reVv«,i«. the crcat dvmanil for bring the (USH and get B.VK GA I NS UNPRECEDENTED BARGAINS ilf? Bet!*f ftjf* reJ at Mammoth Jh (rtmi* Emporium of • ; MOSES M YERS. ON COLLEGE AVENUE, ATHENS. GA Willi thi? advent oFSspRjSti. l*'''. 1 a X. .a without fear of «i adteto MM dun J merit -tvlfcsb »mi rs-37 1 S OdAtfs Ath i » otuvri** KVti, mixci ^ W—;o.r or ail at v cfa eoa i L M M» H 7 *1 1 >r i * >h, an t early iwi4 in ue- net-*re < , rrr. It V"«W rwj.nire uh time *|K«er to cnutntrral- ev ffi-r special hargalfic*, hu; a I 1O0 Doze* Urn', frit II.Cm, ■( One Dollar each. A h*Tt alst. a gnfeftt many Cheap Groods Bought at Assignee and Auction Sales, I Whirl* F «;n rf-11 mv eu-tmiM-rsat but a fraction ou th«*ir ■ A Full Stock of J>ry Goods jnnl >Iillin«-r.A I-jiwcr than Uf»rr kn»»wn. Bosutifnl arul Sivlish fj'tlip*' fiats tpui Ate to $1. SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS IN SHOES OP ALL KINDS rftcady^4fwttt* 4 ftrthfwjfw f'iccei.i:?wds of all .^iTi-^ai EmtiOMderie#. While Triramio^s auJ Fritlings. S-arfs, Tits, Uo*ikry, Ready-M*k ** it cost of maicrial, CmitiereD uu*i »Lans, («eul*’ and I^i jgg °3SySg§ f ** t « every r. and a thoua 1 otbcr thitbcs LOWER than ever before f TO MY MANY CUSTOMERS | n Oglethorpe and other emiutks allhw me to return ray wsnucst thffikx for their part ou» ffcia'snringof&r |mtroa#«e, and resw-ctfuliv a?k aoutinuance of the same. When I announce thai I can ifii^ ^ Stmn them" L'NPKKCEOENTKD Athens, don’t HAIKiAINS” in every line, Mammoth I u»eau exactly <srhnt w al \ I advertise. a ,i S> vhen w« visit neglect to call a; my More on : 10 THE PUBLIC* I - "V- • ~f' - • —-AHt>— ^ —t~ j ; - « r , A A r- • i . w DRUGS. plismt. SeDICINES, PAINTS bunngof OILS, Speeml ETC. indoMsoestts to l-hysieians «.».•»«> and y««.28 C.o.ntrJ Morehante. ru your fr.ving pnrrhasw bv harnl us. large -reck of I red. Drugs, b«uiAtJow^rab!eiji«jy£!t. i on a very fy. )tr. "Is. b .)tt m i pri rei M a gu a rantee to ten s BUIST’S DT^DnunTrTivtnSirniniTinMf cX Warranted ' Garden received. Seeds, . Potatoes Sots Boaos and iota in bulk, just R, T, BRUMBY & CO PREPARATIONS, FleweS «CMl, i Xorlh « Seed, i • -FOR PAI.B nY Beat _ ... Tobacco M^ert, „ , 14/M QQTTH W* lr«KillllX«n, EI M E R See See ■» *“• <>«« Draws . LEXIKETOk. SIWBUIk. fsaah u * Mixtures, iSt=r£f anj I Horse i utile P««<len* ................_v Comoomul SyrapStillingia ................ ...5(h Taitt*s Pills, elf., etc. IWr A LA fifiE STOCK OF \ IpJugmw^g,...... S£fe===twinnxiwumt " * lead ' lv Strictly Pure—Cheap the t iitcp,.t! its R. T. BRUMBY ATIIKSH, GA. & CO., JAS. A. GRAY & CO., AI Gl HTA, GEORGIA. OUR STOCK OF SPRING *«> SUMMER DRY GOODS • j. . and best assorted Souths Is now complete,, and is . the lasgeut in the finest • Onr Mourning dept.imciit coutams everything from the lowest price to the O a Vl l ' lSek, f ii ll f md am i . ft war B i lk Stock is skeptical. ' ■*" > ae I «fi«t ifi'thb rnarkit. A .glance, awts contents will convince the most AH the latt *t Novhu'.m ■ iu t <>l«*red .Drc.-s _(.f>ods—■ Clu-m.h* . Jart.inierc, KoviUe * • Uealghs fiprea,'dleige.Syiphidu.IIoreU, VictormSuitings^Bonhets, etc. and ever oifered to the people of ° EveryflilgHctty splen.lid sl.t|k of a nd L.nens d e sira ot ble in Paraaall^ajid description, Towels, in fancy, Oondugenerally., etc., ' A every ©tc. Ltnhroidt'fCfl 14>veri*. and everything needed by A full lineof Caa*jmerrt,Ci>ttoo^«, Homwipunfi, Country Stores and Planters of M«o„ and , Dixon. . , completco^k of’ Underwear bomb Ladies' and in great variety-Roys' «uiw (from 3 to 8 year..) 1 A fi.ll line of Infants' IVcay, Cloaks, Drefena etc. faetsolow astomsh buy. Kyerything will be mild at. the lowest pr.ce-,n as to even m w **™**- - .......- -—- • •* npr54m JAMES A. GRAY & CO. OR»Elt YOt’R "CANE MILLS. Syrup Kettles, Shafting and Pulleys, Gin Gearing and Bolts, GiNKIiG IKbiNtS, COTTON SUHtWS m BLLliNG, i no n ..•..........-- —— GEO. It. IiOMlIAMD Ar CO., FOBESI CITY FOVNDBY AND MACHINE WOBKS, 7 170 /7;,V It7< 'A' vy. [near the Hfttirt*:YVicer). At.‘(>CSTA, GKOJl 07.1. MANUr.U TrilEK8 AND riKU.ERH IN Portable and Stationary Steam Engine, and Water Wheel,. Saw, Grirt and Flonr Mill#, Farnultiags.and Kachiiicry. Castings in Iron and Brats of all kinds, Mill Gearing etc. Send for Catalogue <.f Mill (Fearing. Second-hand Machinery Bought and Sold, Wo use wrought-irbn jourficils in our Uaae Mills, C^ eHiyo imrm. P 1 MXO 1 W 78 . ' OX ANI> AFTER APRIL , OUR SPRING OPENING M,:NS '- YOUTHK’, ArlHLUREXS’ C LOTH IN G F.verbefore exhibited in this city. Our stock bus boon purehasetl nndor tha present decline bf goods, and the b*Miefit thereof is tendered to 'dir uTew li/ies'uf ; $IU WK’ras $12-50.ILL£15. sf’IT Dfil’ARTSlF.ST ' In our wv priipiMi French Mxgoiia! r;in“,ng Kneliih fr‘m#rSw Sum, CHARLES STERN, THE CLOTHIER. N B.—lu-Hflditbut r o our legular nothing Department, we have made nrrangementfi. with OUR NEW Yu UKtl SToM TAILORS t.» make sait-vto order, upon xnort ttfrthV. : gnaruuteemg by Tailors. h navii . «>f TWENTY FIVE Broad PER CENT, from the regular rilPNWiSS^ 1 1 4 ||STKKX. st., opposite College Campus, A ilir.. v,xtA j ....... " BUY T oA l I” W ^ J. 0 7} None C«;nu Trade Mark ine -Without PEARL r Patented. this .i'flv Mark TRy THEM AND BE CONVINCED ' ■ , " ' or >n e only i.y" W,T,HER A J ' w z!Zl BOOT AND SHOE SH 0 P. Shop «»p«*»ied in Lex.iitgh^ a «trieUy . ti r ,X»|. 4H , Boi.t and Sh*‘*e I and.-aulivite their patron* shotbly age. sing nothing wilik.:. but the te^st maonal. no ” f work Tf , fai« —.tablisbinwit. I WORSTED SUITS in endless, variety, It. above we have a first? lilreM.S U^I.MIIIMJ UVUDlS, „„„„„ i l Which for prices and quality cannot he ex¬ celled in the State. AVe continue to offer ()«»• Speeially: UNLAUNDUIED SHIRTS At 5(k-.; next grade . 75c,: Extra Fine, $1.00 o^b ^ q g Iu all the Latest Styles. th eif.g enerous patronage in the past, and w» ««!«»«■ a '«.ntiiiu*n.v of lb. when *v simir «id«iy,,r. to .offer them intwement. w ," 1 1 Mr *“ l **’"* Ufflrn 11 IU9DI/lftl ff, i OUH.HC51IOI ‘t' -.4. m.~a*A * W . v_ 9 LEXINGTON, GA. Practices regularly in the. ounties of Madison, Elbert, Hart, Taliaferro, Wilkes, Oglitthorjte : * tew "“’' by WHITSON G. JOHNSON Ittomey and Counsellor at Law, LEXINGTON, OA., of. Ogte thpi Clarke, Madison. Elbert, \V ilkea >>f and lain ferro ; anil in the Supremo Co urt G eorgia ■" PH S ^ F% wKa Ef JKi, I B V w " ATTOHNti ATTAourv Al AT I umw. AW Lkx?v;tov, ....IjtcOK'it A Jr-#~ All business entrusted to my care will be”pro'nipt-iy attend*”! h>, v>} tf DR. W.S. MOORE stb H WING ioua ted pern* iknemly in the town of CrawTort ti, tenth*. rs his P.P'fi-isi'in.i! services in all its branehe*. to its citizens and the surroiniding(•'•rmnunity lie hopes,- from |. past eXfa- riem e liijil - his i** t» < merit ;> share of p:virbri:iir* mar c GENERflLTICKETAGENCY ; r AII iR o A d tjcketoI , < >r 1,11 “- v A, ‘ **• •«*••»* *" *dl Pnm.lial Foto« IN THE UNITED STATES. I’.uv y-.r»r Ticket-- iu Athena and get all' iuformatiW frem j ■ COOK STOVES SOLD K. CHILDS Sc CO., / At hens. Ga _____— f|B UK« fltlOIIAM’^ UwtwfiAlfwl O Littr W proves. Pills wdl Cure BUliousnew. . , j |>„rhsiu liurham's a ■ Fills »ill cure Constipation. ■ I I • Dw^'HhuI Kurbtim's Pills willCure .Backache. : I I ! toU \ 1 * *-»“ U«r«lh««*- { 1 Stop using Northern the worthless humbugs, compounds and I)llt- sent : oat HAM by f PI LI.S and be convinced use of them j s great merit, an.l aid home enterprise. Pn-pnrtd onlyby Dr,,*,. M. Dnrhani, ! iiaxey-s, Ga. F or sale by (i. W. Smith, Lev VVhoricr, Woodville. Price, 25e. box. Lib* : oral discount to druggists 4 merchants. jalt*6 GEu-G. RP)1§'NDLDS. 1' > f GEO.W.1Rl~1YNOLI)S1 ago. .6; R IYNOLDS & SON. Sashg 11' 1 ? Blmds, ?EALHRS XN——u Grates, _ 1121111193,: 1 . 1 I I ours, ,1 Lde ms, 0111 m, ‘mlsuns, BRUSHES, |-:'rc.1 . 5 mm Es,‘~ scaaws,’ . “7",” {$53313 .' ‘ fISEsif’q'Taiiafifi'Efw‘" ‘ l 1’ i v” "’- , 1 le-xvrize or 1vrices.. apr2fi~3m --WHERE TO GET— \\f L have on hand a Large Stock of Fresh vv auil Good-Seeds, which we offer to th readers of the^ECHO at the following rate*: All Harden Seeds at 50«. per doz. We pay postage on all Seed e xcept P ^ a s , Beans and Corn, fi»r_ which we add ft . each pai»cr,. and Beans—25c 1.3c Peas pt.; postage Onion u Setts—-25c Setts—r 25c per per quart; quart; postage postage ! I'm Bulk Seeds can be sent oheajierby e 'pi OS' TO MERCHANTS VI 9 ran offer T OW FIGURES. ■Send- list ""ofSEEXJ w«n toit; ami be sure to scml Money for 8ec«i and Postage- - We keep' everything in the PAINT AND DRUG LINE hich we SELL VERY LUW for Cash. C. W. LONG & CO., ATHENS, GA t J tt Uirr rr . r w ^ & /v nn tw } Manufacturers and Dealers In DOORS, SASHES, Blinds, Scroll Sawing. —AND - WOOD TURNING. fact Building Material prices of every de»cription.Aian* than u tired at as low if not lower, any .other .market. Vv c wake a speuiuiiy oi PAINTS, OILS, I Hardw are GLASS, COLOBS, ETC. Before vou Uuv send for our : I’kH'K LIST, or estimate for any. Material you way which will certaiuly plense you. I. H. HALL & CO., febl-Jy C barlealou, 8. €. Buggy and Wagon MANUFAGTOKY. T WOULD form .the'citisenA resj»ectfully of Ogle- in* tewff WT 1 f l KIi I TTI th<>rrK‘and <urrou ndiny coun-«rtS3HMMBteiia try t y u , t j have rurentlv added to mv Black* >ni crby n;i shop a firs? Vtass .Worwl Sfurp, prefiiid*Hl ° y one of the best workmen inOoorgia. | Imve also seeurefi the Berviees of a farst-ciwn .w Trimmer and Finiaher. Mr. JameaT. Lloyd, J * lu l -* Vsl Pinter south of Baltimore, ix &feo in ■ I frill 'm a Kre to nnl . .r .. . y Ir l m f of \ ehud.e desired, . Prices as low as.the same class of work, can be had any. where in the V. S. Blacksmith and Itepair work a spec iai! V B* f »***”* *'"* Tl < HER, < wwford j jjEJTjU, HOTICE I H AVE a>a*>i*iuu-d.with me in the praettee 1 of Dentistry at Crawlnnl bnl Ikr. M. <U. I.lTTIeK, a gradnate »»t the Philadeinhia Dental College, a young man of rare uecnan* ical talent. , _______ _ _ remain at th e office a ll th » , jime. We will keep a good'team, and any ene who is unable to visit <>nr office, and de *' r *> '« t‘> wtirk i'.'.r him', in t Vb tle.rpf r ad- . jaeent counties, and will cpmumnieate. with ■ us at'Crawford: wo will visit .them at their 1 homes. , .......... Wo prup«^o U. do good w»rk atrea- ; soinabh tliankfui I a HI -for past patnmagt . and tm<t that th* »I *■’ hew firm v. if I be rcufiTiletJ with favor bv ll who tb fa i thfu l nd lful ork. ( a xi n*- a ski w } | re , hvx,,^,to|r,.^ j 1 Crawtoni, March IJih, !«>.. liwrt.'-tf NOTICE. rivIIE under-ignte,! .gives J»otice that (ESSBl J re-tw iifistafidini h»- is engaged hi • 1 S.v! ZAAr:~, *jr •> eUwb-r-. tmtr* i-will te- ,ri*t,rM al their • honte« when desired when notification by njaii or Othcriri«*»given hwl *ae,s "> K. CHILDS, R. Y. IT. WYNN c hilds, nickerso nio illLL .___!_HORRP U. It U1 U< Juj IlUJl. JjjgjJ UlUUli MS llUiiOi .Lw liUlwU UllllU lTullu : UOlfetE AJ»D AVfi W MLLlj. T I E tf HOK .,__ ,L,7 andESSSk^TSai ' . ^ ,, „ , "fe^gy Wh^l*., Aatos, Jty ^ mL em. Rok bw llmn^** FAIRBANKS' STANDARD SCALES, CIDER Plewifircular MILLS, 8TRUP WILLS And Evunnio re. Watt Plows. Fartoem Friend Ss.s, WITTOsT l-na.., WISSH1P AND SAWYElt’S CELEBRATED OiK* j„i Aay '.- article Cal! and in onr examine line not stuck in stick, and will prices. be ordered when desred. with the list mmb't aY our ----- SAMPLES k_7-ZTA-J-TA JL XJaJM SENT k/Ail 1 JL FREE 1 BmElHijj^D -*---^ TllO m tfPDf! fleuenckSDiirg 01^1 oVc fill PfP J\VV uiy moos (xflflflc 1 QfnPO More, - CORNER BY THE PLANTERS. - AUGUSTA,_■ L _-GEORGIA. The Largest Stock ! The Lowest Prices! U —WE ABE NOW—• RECEIVING SPRING GOODS OF ALL THE NEW AND CHOICE FABRICS OF THE SEASON. Wo send SAMPLES and PRICES when requested, and oii Orders of TEX DOLLARS or over for Goods fromour Retail Departaunt, we PAY TllE FREIGHT to the uastimer’s neareat Express'Office. V. RICHARDS Sc BRO. ai»rll>-4m AUGUSTA* GA. GOOD GOODS AT LOW PRICES! ROBERT H. MAY & CO., MAN UFACTURERS OF AND D£AUgteuj& Carriages anti Rages . PLANTATION & LUMBER WAGONS, vAlises, HARNEH8, SADULBS, TRUNKS, TIAGS, shoe nxmisos, LEATHER f AIL INK, BEtTEM, ETf. Carriage Materials, Saddlery Hardware, V\bi|»s, Inbrellas, Etc. REPOSITORIES AND SALES ROOMS: 208 Broad Street, Augusta, Ga, 98 Cherry Street, Macon, Ga, KGB’T IL MAY, .T; T. MAY, A. B, GOODYEAR. S. $, HARM KLEE Augusta Book and Stationery JoBbing House ' -OF—r* , D. QUINN. ---KfrKFrt f«- )fT(-^Tr 'A TTXT, LIME OF SCHOOL & COLLEGE TEXT BOOKS, OFFICE & FANCY STATIONERY BLANK BOOKS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Ail the principal PAPERS stud MAG A/.IX i^S, as pubHahed. Snliycr ipth HtiM a b fer same^.at publishers* prices. ap20-3m. Ik. LH8 Br*>«d «t . Ai iil'STA, UA. ]VE_ ZED. YOTTHSTGr (FORMERLY WITH LUCAS A WARE,) Merchant Tailor, —Has Just Opened a Large .stock «>f IMPORTED CASSIMERES. CLOTHS AND DOESKINS. AT TRIC ES TO Nl IT THE T1HEH J fi*a!r fifj£T*-.One Special door attention helpw Long’s paid to Drug Cutting Store, in ATHENS, Latent Style. GA. ap5-tf 1 .IARBLE I GUEAT REDUCTION IX PRICES MONUMENTS AND TOMBSTONES awl And the. work still maintained to the highest state ofpurfw on. Call gi and t my nri- v and be convinced that you are dealing with a lair and *q«ar** man Deeigna prices at . Yard. Specimens of work on harm f or aa l ROBERTSON, - A. R. Builder, Seulidor and Monu««ci»taI Marble-Yoni on the corner of Thomas and Market Street*, ATHENS, GA. SI=»I^IITC 3 - GOODS WK BY NEARLY EVERY TRAIN KBKffl STid'KS OF DB\ ttOOOS 1>REH6 GOODB, PRINTS. FACTORY (iOODS, YARNS, WHITE GOODS, JEANS, &c., &e. AOTIOK8 SCARFS, TIES. LACKS, TOILET ARTICLES, &c., Ac <jiEXTLEWEX8’ WEAR READY-MADE CLOTHING, PA PE R COLL VRS, SfniiTS, BtlOTS, SHOES, HATS, &c> Which we will sell for the CASH as low as the -ame cla- offloodss can be bought in the county. A call respectfully soli cited- *. HAIRE &c LATIMER MAMMOTH STORE, IKXIXC-T'JX; OA 3VTI L3L.11ST Nf>W Itelftg Daljg telld 0( h ■ nech—PrfCeS I>"*wvr 11 md-ever mte IrllTJ. mdc T 1 A Hi HUfU'W) ADAMS, Athens, n> __.L- Ga. - ... READ THIS! ^NO HUMBUG ! OATES BROS. F1UKT LA'S ‘rEre *"J<nrs ' PIANOS AND ORGANb A MC we that reeanttnand. a h'icb fiiTy ' dre^lvea purchaser- ^130 All .they wniror.:-- V ’7J . tr I-f {«rson« want I^ant* f/-r can 1 I« .A-KRY even to ah «*M«<y. Fi*Bos i i'l fEr*, wh*» U mounted a* being perfect m.tbo art by ife^nrv !■<-,„ ?J ,>j : gtAt- SINCE? AUGUST lst. 1876. FAKWERS’ gl'PI'UES BACON, CORN, Ff-OFB, ME.AL, fil'UAR, WFFEE, WlA STATION Tlk)LS, fie. MlfHELLA NEOI'N PATENT llLMa-V E. I'iU <i S, CHOCK ERA’, GLASSWARE, TOBACCO, (TOAIK*,, BEST GARDEN. SEED, CANttY, Nf"f“. t B.ACE Ei-8, asp irrspREPs -ff tther Artirb-*,