The Oglethorpe echo. (Crawford, Ga.) 1874-current, May 31, 1878, Image 2

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--- «■* , •* * The* xre n««i»M The Radiral --,wp„, were sreitting t 1 1 • ter rr*oS»ti‘t» to fire the Northern heart, « w-tation’' ^ is tobetbecry, and tbe bloody '. shirt; ., the , hsnner banner OB under which : the ball the P-atiirak art to rally tu lions.____ the . notorious . Mrs, Lydiafruertaan, Connecticut state priXatWethertneMIast pmwmer died ie the week where ahe war airvinpnot * life sentencefer the wawa awma Mae [£ era at HawtwviHe, A tee, co^.7^w—— far tbe anrouut r Hue taville i» located U,ep ‘ , '' c7 - ——. _ The Cbnnklo and Seating pnto it time: B V if- ntM im *o in a o—j-trtwd a cate,' What does hemeattf Man The .i, re been abasing the woman as well r-Beecher? = 5 S££ ----— —’-———— The $6,000 left by Renj. Frankliw to roe City of Boston in 1792. to beWseed to young married mechanics, increased at a rate that promises t» make the priu* eipal fSSS.OCIOin 189*. This is only *56,998 less than Dr. Franklin calcula¬ ted upon . The General Conference of the South¬ ern Methodist Episcopal Church which has been holding its km to Atlanta, reports for the year 1877 : Ministers and members 774,742. Sunday school schol¬ ars 353,163. Traveling preachers 8,480. Local 5.684. John Morriescy died a poor man, leav¬ ing less behind him than he bad frequent¬ ly won iu a sjsgle day. Like nearly all gamblers, rich oae day and poor the nett. Yet there are some among them, as in all other callings, who make money and lay it nplike misers. The Nashville America* says Mr. Hale’s statement that the Democracy are engaged in an effort to inaugurate an¬ archy and Xexicanite the United States is very aptly met by the fact that Mr. Hale and his party friends have issued the first pronhnhiamento. A young hidy in Texas, who reoently moved from Alabama.' Writs* back that every backet of water used for drinking and washing purposes costs u nickle at iLe house where she boards. And still there are some people who are not happy because t hey can’t gtt tn Texas . The Spanish papers of August, 1873, published a singular string of prophecies »tteged to have been made by an English monk then just dead at the monace. Here are the probabilities for 1878; “NewEuropean Congress at Berlin— Death orthe Qneen of England-New sharing of territory by Austria and Rus¬ sia—Disorders in Portugal, Poland and Russia—Cholera in France." Th* clouds of the potiticai sky of Eu¬ rope seem to roll away. It is apparently a fact that Russia has at last purchased peac* by a full surrender to the demauds of England that the whole treaty of San Stefaao shall be submitted to a Congress ofthe great powers—and that invitations to this Congress were Issued on Saturday last, to assemble in Berlin on Tuesday, the tlth day of June next. Lord & Taylor, the wealthy dr, good, merchant of New York believe in advere tising. Hear them; Of all the nsetli* odu open to the merchant for advertising his buainnt, an experience of nearly half a century enables ns to unhesitatingly declare iu favor of the newspaper. It is, without exception, the most econom¬ ical, persistent, painstaking and success¬ ful canvasser any business firm can se¬ cure for tbe attention of the consumer. According to a statement submitted at a recent conference of the Mormon O fanrc ii .it a ppe a rs that tli c tittintg re cetved in the past four months amount* t«$533,853.' The tjuez!!cn bow eri-re among the people, what did Brigham Young do with the large amount thus derived in thirty years at tbe rate of a million and a half a year? Brigham’s household expenses must have been very laig*. Polygamy is undoubtedly costly. The city of TexAtksoa Is built at the iuuctlon of Texas, Arksnres.-susd Louis¬ ian*. It received it* namein 1819. wheit an enthusiastic sarveyor, while running the lines, biased the three fragments of the names of the new States on a tree, and predicted that a great city would be built there. Three years 8 go, when the town was founded, the name still to be seen on the old tree, was adopted, and tho prediction seems in a fair way to be verified, as the town now has 3,090 in habitans, and is an important railroad croaalng. itevmg Mphi.findyjive^nn, that an era of real business for pros perity has commenced rttt The revival of foreign immigration. 2 d. The ancyofthe Stock Exchange, and the defeat of every depressive movement, •3d. The resumption of the railroad ing, especially in the West, which has ’ re-awakened Pennsylvania iron interests and the New England mills. 4th. The prospects of , superabundant harvests, and tbe extraordinary influx of settlers to oc copy and cultivate, the new lands of the West nest which wnica will wm helo help the the inannfWav mannfaetur ere. 5th. The staady increase of our for ^igti comrumerce. . ... * °8 of relief will - come overonr readers and over tbe people of Georgia in learning that Governor Colquitt has -F to^lMa dtbe- a a Blw . WUfMn.awH h e ro ten vears in tbe ie penitentiary. i*rom the evidence u«ed before the Governor, and not before made pubiic. it would &d l>ear that Miss Flower had been anno “haste woman, and that her intercourse Lal^vening 1 , ^AthMTew^/the ease, public The opinion wHi justify the woman. only step that now re L no llaer longer d^lav delay ro^ine* in doing. Qo ' <mor ; twomore. —The OH fkniW tlao aays threeie to be a r ios ** * ie Xt,laa O'"* 4 -** - ..... . e w the atinw eager. fry item it Mg a quart ^ m ; m«*» wbiske, —Wilkes county is easy financial?, It i* said U> hare about forty-five baa dK(J jyaaraiK the treasury ; —TheJeasmp.Swbaef teUaofabwree : cent!? hOted aear Blacksbear, weighing i ow thveebuadred pounds. . I _y r j 0 h D Smith ofHenry a.d conntv, i.,b* year 1796, I can plow all day now, in new ground, j^~y 1 ^h^rhlUM^*** t0 U ^ J * ’ *“ i "Uarmon Lovi.gucd, a. M ctiaen ced aguof 107 yewra. i~*»“* —Mrs. Folds and im9 two children e> _ ^ r were w r * Saturday banted «a death . i iu Memweth- -- -e er couyi of y, hy a fire ^*»P- earned by the explo « on a kero^ne .sib.'cridSTritSfs; fimthem <31 ri*Ui* Advcote , wHkfe4M» be*» piloted is Macon now for a nomher of year*, will hereatter published in Columbia, S. C. -The eighth General Conference of |gssg 5 E S —There in Cuthbert a farmer in Randolph plows couo ] reve. ty says n^.^He^roey^re^eaper the Apprul who _ He feeds them but little, and turns them to at —Mrs. A. M. Speer died in Griffin laat Friday after a long illness. Shewaalhe of Mr. Eugene Speer, our esteem- j “XSS&ZrSZ.M** “it of the Sunny ML hw instittUed a Railroad, for damages the against II. 8 Clrcoit the Port Court, Royai m . at Charleston, S. C.y for the killing ofhia •go-,. /ore** IV Our ,, esteemed , ’ J. i towmmiin, A. h Urooka, baa invented a ; 3K out at the same tune, with great regular ity and rapidity. It is now m working order and i» giving satisfitctiou. The invention willoe patented, and is des tined to accomplish much tn its line, as j a labor-saving machine. j . —Mr. Player, once a resident of Hous-; too county, but ten or more years has lived in Wilcox, died while he was thure and was laid out in the usual manner. After being dead aik or more hours— his family being in tbe room greatly dis tressed, siicntly weeping and watching —he rose up in his grave clothes ana con versed several minutes, then fell back dead. — -------• ' —Harris of the Atlanta Independent raakrs this thrust at the etergywMo. uew attending the Convention in that city, Modern Christians. divines In looking be at daily the procession of to seen upon our streets, we could not help but imagine Christ with a full suit of black broad-cloth, aping hat, kid gloves, high, ly blacked boohs, and gald-headeffcaoo. how would With this kind of toggery near he have come to persuading Agrippa? —TheNewnan Heroic?» Cedar Creek reporter states that a few days ago Col. William Jackson, of Palmetto, lined a valuable horse to had a neighbor settled the to of A swarm of bees iu top a smsii apple tree, and while passing under it roe singletree of the plow struck. the apple tree, which caused the whole swarm to fall, covering the man and borne. The horse was stung to death, and the man also came very noar enraged losing his life from the stings of the bees. Current Topics. —Venexoela evidently rest* on a thin crust of ground over internal fire. —D. W. Thomson wishes to marry his mother-in-law, but they live In Green¬ wood, Miss., and the law of that State forbids such a anion. —The woman who indirectly caused the death of the Duke de Reichstandt, Napolean’e son, is still alive. She is Faon * _o 0 April 23 Vegovi „ g „, , igoa of M eruption. At brief intervale a flame darted from tbe crater. The flames are atwrnarety luriffan* of black pale. smoke, The crater emiu a volume Hanging Women In . Georgia, „ , From the Monroe Adveriieer. It has been said rime and again that Miss Eberhftrt was the first white women ever bung in Georgia and that if Mrs. Kate Southern is hung she will be the second. This is * mistake. Early in the present century, about the year 1808, or 9, in Washington, Wilkes county, Ga., Bollr murder Bartlett oHier was husband, hung for which procuring happened the this way: Buck Nolan and bis confeder at-:: re"! « oegvn to Bartlett** house to teii him that there were men at his gin bouse who wished to see him immediate ly. He went. Very soon the report of a gun was heard, and his wife exclaimed, “ There, now, the, have killed my hus band." The parties that did the killing stood their trial and Were acquitted. The connected, two principalones,.and left W ilkesand other* came remotely- to Jack »o county aliorUv after the killing: Nolan, while the prtneips! father’s one. kitchen, live* though toe wshorr m my we time. knew The nothingofbu of the character ether at parties that names are witbeid for prudeutial reasons. The people the hanging. came from Among far and that near number to Witness was whom m, ftther-iB-laW, Wm. Ogletree, from I obtained these , facts. Indeed, it was as notorious as the banging of Josinh Hudgins, hart. The Gus foregoing Johnson is or Susan Eber a true statement of the facts. Respectfully, U. rn HINAkFE hisaxee. Bald Mountain Split in Twain. tern portion of North Carolina, panic olarly along the ridge of Bald monntain. S^Sl |^‘£« ?«*» W.'» »"il Tnd be SS^ remem hie noises in the bowels of Bald moan tain ^iemistsfrom *11 sections of toe <*«»»'? »«'««> »>•« .neighborhood where these strange soundsi were heard, but the never gave any phenomenon. mteliigihie reason for strange On Saturday these rumbling sounds in the bowels of tlie mountains li were again beard, and the ving 1 kUeys along the mountain sides V *® v were thrown into a s tat* 0 f g reat excitment, hundreds of tj>* rheae m fleeing sound*, to like the oiuwertfd low lands thunder, for safety, par«itly ^proceeded from tlie innermost ap ^.in^^SaTm jK^ra^Ln^ hoid "If*®'-"’ ^ otoh^ of winch "1 , n seem* a y n oortomless 1 '» *»««.,the abyss. depth iNo , SfMoke or Java ha® yet been thrown from t ie crater * ! -W hen Mr B^o hinSom. ra y went Lure res terdav and saw n bo^nmre Jroem^a 1 ro«Sfn-Md^Ihe brain'of’wJtor and^la^fht Urat inst.Tt carefuH, iLrire.blS his wifi-cave utterly ruined. Mew spring flower-bonnet was The saw ternijnt the three non* ft etore is «ame as our 10 mom lafsf “tertsg than ..any nine previousday, eighteen miles for there along were the Ure»ty 10 fowl (fle circumstances were more frightful. In one valley the road breach edhaui-two, and my servant took hoe »bile I took tbe other—one each side the stream. On this road, tbe servant mw cobbed a wo»an she lyingio had, a and ditchafterbeing eUli of all moving, though by. Further unconscious of any one man’s passing bead on we sawa y""”- SSggggS we , “, w also amoty cne ^r^ea^Vhen^we ^rp^b^be^* werl 06 * gidng had SZ heard. Some men coming fa-» reborn, 2.^arvj"jya& tiall that reigrou west of this thccoldfiai been unusual. The soft M<w*Uijold at fromi2to* mills apouad Stftf* old three and fdays'joaraey. die their WMe houses families, and lie young, utiburied. in In district there oae a third of the population are dead, and the s;S'ic.'SiS,*Eefaft; people maintain that in many towns tully SL’XSUSSt STARVATIOS IN LABRADOR. - T ** *?£** 1 TyS« Sy *L.^ * md m *** ,ht n 4Ill count ofthe condition of the people a j onjf the Labrador coast. The fisheries fS&T&ZLX g„ h and J abxadr , ned the territory, not <:arillfr ^hTon ,,, !t . t the wretched people have credit. Thus before winter set j H ^, c w i, 0 | c population ivas left tuatarv w gu |, s j st unl ji summer on fish oral, for crops arc impossible on that sterile shore. | Whole families have lived through the i winter on rotten, half froten carcasses off seals driven ashore by the ice floes. Others have kept body and soul flesh together of tbe black by devouring loup-marin, the nauseous of which in times a species would be seal, shunned prosperous by the dogs. Many deaths have even occured from sneer starvation. Of five familieweootwioing Uement, only forty survive. aoubt, Scurvy in one set. five is like picking haunt the dead the. shore WaW, while spectres, the and boys up gather men sea moss or shell fish. The correspondent, “I a French missionary, says: know see eral families who have eaten not for only the the salted seal tiesh put away the winter dogs provender themselves. oi their Those dogs, who but even bap- j pened to have a stock of provisions have been snd share compelled with their to go on short neighbors. rations gaunt off from the The people have been cut "Je found world death smee September. \V hen tlie they ! starting^ tuem ^S5, in | known, ace '* for to navigation ° . ate ,*° m: had . t dosed J J v ^'l5 and ‘Iny were two hundred leagues distant from Quebec without any means of over¬ and: communication ui winter Ihe Lieuteuant Governor of Quebec, in and clothing, medicine, etc., will follow immediately. Circnnwtantlal Evidence. The uncertain character of circumstan¬ tial evidence receives forcible illustra¬ tion in a recent case in three Georgia. named About a year ago men, Griggs, Swett, and Barnes of Sparta, Ga., were arrested for the murder of Mr. Ro sier. They were tried, evidence and were worked convict¬ ed on circumstantial up by si detective. The case was carried to the Supreme Court, and the judgment of the lower court affirmed. The wife of Griggs employed ft detective to look up some peculiar features of the Ctf”*— and, murder working committed 00 the hypothesis by that roughs the was some connected with Howe’s circus, he made * strong case in favor of the condemned men, and secured arrested a Enright, stay in the tent-pitch- proceed j,™ He * er with Howe’s circus, who said that on the night of the murder two of his pals ii at l made a raid, and returned with muc h property, anwnig which was a watch and pistol. His description of. these articles tallied with the •*!•< taken from Roriert body. made puplic When En.- the right’s statement disappeared. was A few days circus men ago itosier’s watch was Found iu possession 0 f a negro, who bought it of some tramps, His description of these men tallies with Enright’s description of the men who committed the murder. He identifies the watch as the one he had seen in their pomnweion, and it is demonstrated that they passed the point where the negro, „ f el * d*y a after Oircuowutntiai the murder, made the purchase. i the conviction or the evtdcce men. er- It curw remains to be seen bow much influence circumstantial evidence will have in es tablishing their innocence, Glorious Spring, AR Halil .The warm season comes on apace and the lightniug-rod man invents a bagful of new lies and departs for tbe rural dis shout sssisr,*rixsrsis with fiendish desire n to persecute mankind ; the poet swoops down on the j honest hard-working newspaper, man I'bie-Ulied^gath°ero^tTe ii, e Lure neoVler sex ^nPtv anLfallC croonet nine teen per day Lots scandal at the rate of fifteen an honr; Bern ewtLiesLl*^t„ fXe ^"tllikhU ^SftalfU." ShleyoLgX^ cleanin’ h,mk-lfuororoe •’’the fash hire barber and crimes away with his head ! resembling a beautiful billiard ball; the I man who maketb a garden erieth “Shoo!” to his nehrfabrtr's lountain hen-■ firee'ls the at amagonrelum soda in tbe drag store and the iee-cream swainesses; man impo- { ses on the swain and the turkey gobbler swells with importance, i and around! innamenblpemallbovscareermadly dT"sedin11 i straw hat and holy pantaloons; the mixer of ungodly before bever- door; i ages setteth a green blind his ' binge,-and the old man’s daughter keep-'! Mh h er ®*' n cou, .’“ 1; ,he ynUn e boa man - is often seen in a , brown dollar study atrto nuit , ? he is to get a forty spring on a three dollars per week salary Thom- ; the bull-frog croakn dhmally renew^ and the energy; toe se a-*1 stauds ' ,n one (?<* “ d ^ r,ghl .f^s groud,, % these of continuing signs does the romi the ">»e - man know that sprtng has arrived. W.000 Fast *» Inch film* for ml. low ■■ by Wlfrher A Jarrell, Cravrfonl,Ga Jswaaraaie wf-tfrr ftcrrt, « *, of mi-t retrnre, in hm wf* P£ T 2 |Sta? 2 c 2 t | , between llt ^ the l^rin^.n, Iqni hoars of OgMhoepe mfc, the coentv. irst <m TUESDAY inJai- ixil. the following *mra ertv. io-w;t A tract nf Land ojnaisiag cign ty seven V£S£H3 acre*, more or teas, initfeirtfewpe tfiu 'pertyofc. 4. tweed from p. Kiaaebrea, the Sprier by virtaeof * Cow* of Wilkes comity, is fitter of Joe McWhorter, ^igaee of F. Phinky Ada, va C. B. Kiane ,, ^ j^j the same eontaiain* .. U |,«, tfWea U aerw. ’ S^liVtv ^t<j I ^.'L°2rSg t 5 ^Vd^elMreS fro* the tra*t rernwed is them, thefirst aad Me^via receive Jaj^WS. letters ..f IriaKmsion Tbb'Feb.*#, o« : j IttOfllfJ wd CflHBt^Sf it tlV| LEXINGTON, GA_ Will pratice in the Elbert, eountie v?^h.t of Oglethorne «n<t Tallb ferre; Clarke, and Madison, the Supreme Court of Ge in orga phil cook, oSBgS.igL bepremptlyatmwdrft....... f* AH bnsine* «n.nirt«l to my rare will l"%ES l#fC« til Wa Q rowwKISi li g*\ n C «• tension, part experience' merit and share close of attention to hti mart pro to a patronage, GENERAL u b- ,, b - 1 TICKET AGENCY HUh.Ii w 1 RAILROAD TICKETS ! for sale by All Routes to all Principal Poim. IH THE UNITED STATES. sbd* Buy voor Tickets in Athens and all informatioi from . CAP h WM. WILLIAMS^ , • .. Agent , , Souther _ n Express f o„ Athens, Y I, >1 in/IR li ft A 1 T Ilia P auaisuat IT la n ustalw -OP— SHOES IN ONE WEEK ! <tt Pair CENTS’ HAN1LSEWEP L OW Cjt' ARTEE SHOES ; „ P.I. Spanish ties; 90 Pair LADIES’ HAND-TURN NEW PORT TIES ; 1M Pair LADIES’ FINE KID HOUSE 8 U PEEKS, at *1 per pair. On Monday Morning wiii open about SOO Pair* Men’* Fine SUMMER SHOES, PhiUdelpbia, New»rk, Baltimore & N. Enough, to supply the great demand for ten days. Jf convenient, brmg tht* GASii aud BARGAINS. Near Central Hotel. Aopsta, Ga. FAMILY BIBLES. A good line of Family Bible*, at low prices, always on hand and for sale at College BURKE'S BOOK House STORE, Block. Avenue, Newton Barham’s InfalliMw PILE CURE THE SUCCESSFUL CMCEE DOCTOR A T. BYRUM H w'llNOTON^EOURT beknown HOUSE, GA. unit wishes to let it to those.afflictea with c.sttrees'*, sir.... Hrmerrhoids, Utkeunalism, Orate), Nesnlxla. sill Sktvi IMseasea, Fit*. 5.leer ( .implBliits. Threat sin* their Dl asa ae s . Female Iklwenaea in vwnotts call hm the ID SIXTH, wishing SEVENTH to consult and me will «* cssh EieHTH days filHb of snd every ntime month. Yo# will never Snd me at on the 'il Wi l i WYn i fltoii ^ physicians before treated hr *«ver*d potting wrtMelve* under my care. If this is your eared, condition, I invite and you nave foiled before to be you to consult me you «av, “Ah f there{* NO CURE forme? I've are fni sinking daily, will and rink after be many unsuccess* beard groans von <o seen im* no more. Many and many a man has iieen SSSS'wSSSS MJK cured pronounced many Chroaie hopeless Msessss that WaAbeen and cases. Cume see _ J, T-BYIUJM t TO THE _____ AFFLICTED. . __ ______ ______,_ $2500 U &*** A (TUT 52500 -^ UU A a xr A » Year. UT »»• Aifl A \[Tl?n A AjU “ eaitvasmirUaenlAae mr ? HDniU’li till III fllllLl UUUV nllfLiift PIBIH!i ENdU.-m' IH CFIRMAx!PliOTBTANT . ! and Compriririg nearly CATHOUK', 100diffesenfos^rles, * with ! ” , ''“' !r ‘‘ us elegantly II mtrated F-xpIanatore -svrirered^m the , 1- —ALSO OX OCR— . GBARQ COMBINATION PROSPECTUS, Of 150 Distinct Publication*. , fjisuwteaf, Representing Refigimrewnd .Agricultural, m H BingraphSsri, /we ri I ase a a raa a Testament*, aud Family,. wanted Falprt in and Pocket family. Bible* and SordFeuturt in Otnetuiop. every ^ Sales made , from this Prewpeett^whcnsmgle IswM «. Also, GENERAL and LOCAL AGENTS avrs at'wab'booe SP-Sl^SS anl et 1 ^ shnwvTlreifahle Eo»«a and Map* usefol Pfaes, Wk the mess p»b-' now JOHN sep7-ly E. POTTER A PHILADKLEHIA. CO., PuWeher*, 4 NSUisii « * -i r DENTED BiRGilNS i Are Mm SM Qgered 4 He ikmati Orf G'm* Empeemm of *- to VIYERS, i: ON CttlEGE WENUE. ATHENS. G». 1ST*, 1 Agais be*w tfc*? tH ifc« o i Nw iEmA Gatauix* And <***! ___se to them that I now k»Te m ttore one of U»e tar fi-M-* fiT rT TtoT. nn r--..Pf JL2. L t bad at price. ntSom a suv dirort KUablahmeBt ^nAe, in the Stale. when E CASH, by myself iu penon, fro. tim a.. t— ebb, and rerfy in *e hefcrertro g»ds bai Wsu which proked I OVCT It would rejoin wo mark time s»J spare tt fuaenk avwy sittcle in cae them I wig tai tioo 100 Bw, ; 9l«a‘« Felt Ms, at One Hullar nek. A have aUo a peat mat,* wMlp Aeueriw QOvuh t*—— »OU£Ot ttAOlgnM __A UIO AOCtlOn amotion Halau &dItS. Whidr! will atU aty eawomeraai batafraetiM on their ensa A. Stoefe ofDry Goods and MUUnery Lower dum rtarhefiwe kaowa. BmuM and tUyluh Ladiof Haw from the M«l. gHMBjjC qBjEnS IN SHOP ?t'Abb KINDS TOidY MANY CUSTOMERS f * »»ul>th^pe M-j^ rter y ntow Mow me to nw.., S^TS:-ff^.Cl3 Xu\■—* t’£:vr w -’ .w4SY„ twtereo p ■T*A r T- » t -trr;tryvarr:- m--. —sn—e —*— ^— _ . v •: „ J. A n r . j _ , , 3 BUIST’S Warranted Garden Seeds, ; C *"'’ “ b<1,k,i * ,t “ #e,wi ’ fi r. T T r.nutliii 8BliMSY(C0 Irmn S PR nnrninlTIfvHP E PARATIQSSt Flower Need. ; 1 u Jiwrtl. * n, ruoliaa Csrollso I t ahhaae oboage Seed, Meed -—M SALE BY—_____ Beat Tobacco Seer!, * wm. gottheimer, | KWaTe^Pgfc-. «•■». 1* boa..............-«c ColBb(5 —■«« t L’S S ,„ IB ra.he,, Hor^e and Clttl* l ^i rdw» ............*..........2<k ' ByniiStillisgia*.......... ......50t I*IIU. etr., eti*. Pompoumi Tnli*» au^of iitkt v>d *on ,.tV...25( ilUI|llIlilSI»lvlIS sHTHFRISf lilFKVHUI llllllll HAD LLilll ............................ v Cologne................................... .....2s r *e Strictly Pure—t’hrep as the Cheapest I j R. T. BRUMBY 4 CO., j ATHENS, GA. ORDER YOl'R ! j CANE MILLS, I Syrup Kettles, Shafting and Pulleys, Gin Gearing and Bolts, Wifi HGIKSrC™ SCREWS RBEtTHfir from 179 FKfWICK tSF. (near the Witter Tower) AVOl'STA, GEORGIA. MASUPACTCJtEltS ASO IWALBES IN K;S:^SS2„“:iS£“ Sp^jial *teatioii givettto REPAIRING Machinery. Send for Orttingnirmf Mitt Gearing. Bo t owd ^ i 'ild Mucitlnery Bought and Sold. We n se wytWjSjt-irowjoornpls in oar Cane Mills. — ’ —. TU fl BEST --- IN IHE WORLD! NEARLY ill BAKING POWDERS the wily ARttflLTERATEI). BsaWtunrs of there spurioas eotapccsit hiw tree that (duftsratian is ry prewrvetisn «f th* project. yen believe * wvrd of this. 0 is seatrary, th* «vcj — taalitlii !*■<• any Bilking PovrJsr are aafi the isjartse* led last ia ere yorttotf th* sduiurctioa. •S mndreatatmi txei^rwlMii*.:- (redieiit an eatlrely element new inventkal. which ur ran in——, -e—-. on the eon* trary, it haaii df a ten-lrnry «o euasnla ■are east lie ten the StroeutB system. • *f the nod Import ■at fiurtlc*«» dfijr«isuinptt*m Ilbo4, and of ooe Uiat enter* Into the all clone* of thtnff people—Uf|Mf la $>•#• oo potent well a# caum tbe rich. of Indl- 5o » >*»#««* rtifyopepml* prottiiient than dealer hi heavy, A intent § sm U8 1 I 1 M ttk* wo*- of R oinsie mfgSRmm --TTT'rr^ slf tr. Jfelit. ’WTat’pT.Trttrrrr; wHl rnM ,~rTT bread, 7 ^ biscuit, ' |!&'S heel to. aftfipn £7>. #€k hralftlc readily, Htmkr* ami conduce imbor to of mil anti PHOhOJieS LIFE. •gy| ,, ■ sifM^ rt'^THMiHhler, 6 *ws: ranted to iithUr, re readily «H » and more CAS MHilt, «d« cakes, puddlugs. other etc., la »nj- way. ** ts» qiHftky. a fact which fl. pertfe* tax nfaculties with eper has to contend in the »g««.d bread by the use of **, or the fiotmnon 1 taste, or is h«?a and indterist'bie. Wiih tb® u atm faRcuUkl tirt W«« obriOOd, CMk* for eveufi s&n le quality than the l>e*t of Hoar will Hi ef the other fitvA. anrtiterpoiut Iwitii times worthy when of almort cone i« ____ ' ^ moke both end* rf*ti «X„i #mFof .’om wortls^ri^ft r or it b te any other b&kiiig com pound. tSSBSkZSZiXS hgvreeh. 2SJ8 * ^W T, ttg. ■ Ore re-rtwBjS IsmJei!?,?!!!?—Pi!,itSroiiowma ^glS - A'feKSTST^SSfSSSSi . rAreW’AVa cow. _■ ^MsSSSSOSSSl^ N»i» *dire8«r 0 re.ia TO r« 1 * , * K ’ fdiim*M,a.e^tommmMMaf.Mndno. wAshm jJ-^SLSiU sail sasaa • ' frSfcjS^^tffifiSSkSS - I' M DU NO OWMiB. . >»>«•« Basra, w™ori«>"i Aai&a-tllatwre. it mWnnm*. *#«:kLBENTKAT.«FA wreure «~.» g **»&«[«* VTias.* e*r«Keut *rtiti»cOaQ. - DAsuoar in*nA«n>fiPu . k**t-*,fc«i* BECWBS. | 9 0AM COOWNS ■ -.£ 1 U HMtTsffSSsS value good good i 1 of great to every bou Jer.^etviro much fdh trustful trustful inf-rmati&m. in A k we *«tk lf»r for Fern Fes Foam is that you g 1™ *nwe«i %ir king trial. pwsrdm. ny No other i. one r Ask preparation prop*** having year once grocer in used the for ror irvju OfesiMlelfii aow upply it send for circular ft ' St., New York. IWtamjwMwAW WW1 5*^«*ro»SfflSS5: * *.»«*’«** V° • - BUY THE BEST DOLLAR gg- 0 TT None <etau- Tpearl } — 4 Trade Mark iu 'ftto out I Patented. Trade Mark. 7 TRy them and be convinced #:4F For *ale only by WITCHER A JARRELL. MARRIED DR. BUTTS 1___I LIFE Ho. 12 n. Eighth at St. Louis, Mo* Who ha* had gnatar wperlw** to Bie treatment of to* MXiml trouble* of both wale *a4 frnwk than any phyttkian :—to In the Wot, hU pm I.HM the uoks rrrolta Jttai of pubiifihed. hi* too* and •ueowcM Tho PHYSIOLOGY OF MARHIAOK orirr, tort It tmeQUag y wisirtoTno«4^$wi*toSd Ito* trttf om “ " SSsEHS^t Legal Blanks Atl-OW Prlctis A fall supply of 1. W. BURKE A CO’S LEGAL m.ANK8~:h.- bret issurif—always on hand. Price reduced to 75c. per onii-e, at BURKE’S HOOK STORE, College Ave., New ton House Block, Athens. mnffi l#K. Klbb, | 3 ~ 1 CODtP12C8, .TfL. LOUISVILLE, KY,, I jSSSSrSKreaErUr^nBSrjSreS. . 1 SMSS^ fes ’ ' I BW lgi W | ‘ ’ ““SferT A PRIVATE COUWSIXOB. | SS£aY£ 55 a 3 Sw 3 ft Sewing , Machines : REPAIRED! ; W M s r^i who.has yeat experience | At ^ eni5 * ^ a "' ^ or t ^ K Improvediheeler Vi orid Ecnr wnod 4 Wilson tie, Unlent respectfuilv from Oglethorpe SulioiteS, and and adjoining entire sUiefac- cue »sr±L ure ana examine t 'aiyswtc&, me improve! I !k Wilwn before before btijrinv buy in v *tRachine. * machine. mrl6-3n» Having ras-*le arrangements totmreha*e the LAKESIDE and jrKASlI»E LI HftARIKS at • « reduced Brim, until farther notice mv price •SSL.—................ra ' For three 20 mat eopw*.................^oc. Borers will do sreii before purchasing any - UaatocaBat : uoneg, ; coox' STOVES ' asoLDi • k. cezlds II & CO., I e- Athens, Ga. , MQ UR. miiml UUKtlMM -. autft 9 UfW MU! E P»SB : Pn^hS'I lJorhsu,'. RIU Pill. wm' wUI C t'ure Cure B all ‘l>y»p^iia! trouble* ; • ; Turpid Liver : winug front a or Derang- ; . edstomach. j „?% saai.'ajfiAsss!!.''-'" N^rthSt. Ciubuga, and)UlL S’Vhe^illkT^g ■fflCS rWffiW^ Bag: S ‘T!cJjWi^ aRd^n; I ! 'Z WI . Me Whorter, Woodviile. Price, SSe. box. Lib cral dkcountto dniggiftsd rnercbiwte. jall *6 yam Sash, G 36$;ka Doors; »Blmdsx,lwflmtes, ‘EéxLNEQkQS gausafifmows Man‘tles, “g?n'sfiag ’ ‘ T‘mwxgfifu‘géls, ~Pmm§¢mmmmm gifgéfiifififififiiff- mum ‘ '9. >miucxsox 5'12, AUGUSTA, VGA. umam -WHERE TO GET \"1TK and have Good on Soeda, hand a which Large Stock offer of Fresh to th v v we readers of tbe.lJCHO at^e following rates; All Gardea Seeds at 50e. per dor. We pay portage on all Heed except Peas, ??**«# aad (vona. fbr which w« add 2c each paper. Peas and Beans—25c 13c. Onion Sett*—25c pt.; postage 15c. Bulk Seeds be per quart; cheaper postage can sent by express. TO MERCHANTS We can offer LOW FIGURES. Send list of SEED wanted, ami be sore to •end We Money keep everyth!Bjg for Seed aad Poetqge. the __________ 18 PAINT AND DRUG LINE whuih V. SELL VERY 1A)W for Cssh. G. V. LONG & CO., A THENS . GA. I. H. HILL & CO., Manufacturers and Dealers in DOORS, SASHES, Blinds, Scroll Sawing, —ASD — WOOD TURNING. nfoetuml Building Material price* of low every description lower, man* at as if not than any other market. We make a specialty of T* 1 * tvmn nn n • 2X1 XN A C* V/AJU>3, Builders 9 Hardware GLASS, COLORS, ETC. Before yom hay mad for onr PRICE UST, or estimate far any Material you may need, which will certainly please you. I. H. HALL & CO., febl*Jy C harlmton, H. C. Buggy and Wagon i, M A 1 Mm UF ? AUTO */YrA 0 RY. v r«3=sw. a fimt-ela*. best Wood workim-fl hl,r. wGridsia “prewded r,T v>h--le-w—L - l'r—wUs-towa, li.m BiSrithlid Retwfr Vork^.^irire' 1\T11TIVI DENTAL 1 T YTAIUTIITI NOTICE. ttoO.MM.AMM AIVAAVUa H A’YE associated with me irv the practice mmSt?. mRtSL ma:U * y " lmg man ” f 1 "" One of u* will remain at the office all the time w> Wp „ ^ and any Ue propose to do gttod work at rea all who d«ire fmtbfnl and .kilfu! work. T '” !h *mnaed Wltootttpaln ,1 d»,r«l. «**■&. 1*178. • TIIOJI marlo-tf AN. NOTICE. work in both nrofesi*ion*,. at nr««t reanona rates, and guarantees iK-rlrct «atiFta,’iion money rtfawlei Will aim furnish anv tjS 7 EK.i'Ei —1 Mr Dental will be attended at their j when deair&t, when notification br mail | f uihenirebgifea are. i b. chedel : y - i Wk ~r / // XJE* ■ A. K. CHILDS. R. 5ICKBS8DK. Y. H. WYNN _ _ CHIl-DS, NICKERSONAC. aKgaih Cotton, buggy Ifanilla Whwls and Jute Aslm, Rope, Mpring. Carriage turf Rubber Saddlery aiid Hankie, Lmther Hanowa’ Hoia, Spoke* 1 *«. beltm f , MlUgiwv Mill " p «<«• , . . Manaracturera agents for «w sale of FAIRBANKS’ STANDARD SCALES, CIDER MILLS, SYffUF MILLS And Evaporators, Watt Plows. Farmers Friend Plow CirrolarSsws Pum™. WINS HI I* AND SAWYER’S CELEBRATED COTTON GINS Any article iu our line not in stock, will be ordered waea dchirefl. with the least pQMibfo delay. Cal* and examine dur stock and prices. SAMPL ES SEN T FREE The Fredericksburg Dry Goods Store, - CORNER BY THE PLANTERS__ AUGUST A, - - - GEORGIA. The Largest Stock I The Lowest Prices! -W F, ARE NOW— RECEIVING SPRING GOODS OF ALL THE HEW AND OHOIOE FABEICS OF THE SEASON AT We send SAMPLES and PRICES when requested. »nd on Orders of TEN DOLLARS or over for Goods fromoar Retail I>epsrtmeQt, we PAT THE FREIGHT to the caatGoer# nearest Express Office. V. RICHARDS & BRO. aprlMH— -----------AUGUSTA, QA. JAS. A. CRAY &CO., W AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. OUR STOCK OF SPRING AND SUMMER DRY GOOD* Is now complete, and is the lasgest and best assorted in the South. goods Our imported. Mourning department coutaina every thing from the lowest * prim totbefis Onr Black, Colored and Fitngy Silt Stock» iniversally acknowledged to be ” finest in tbe market, A glance at itscoutenta will convince the m<wt skeptical. All the latest Novelties in Colored Dress Goofis—Chenille Jardiniere, Reiffl. Cypres, fects in Neckware Beige, Sylpliide, be found Hornby, nowhere Victoria Suitings, Bonnets, etc. Designs and el to else. . The handsomest Scarf Laces and Embroideries ever offered to the peopl* l Georgia Everything or Carolina. and pretty desirable in Pintvorv, sod to Fancy Goods generally. etc. A Embroidered splendid stock Piano of Linens Covers. of every description, Towels, Napkins, Doriies, «L . A full line of Caasiuieres, Cottonades, Homespuns, and everything needed i. Country Stores and Planters. The only complete Stock of Ladies' Underwear South of Mason and Dixon t line. , Ladies’and Misses’Suits ingreat variety—Boys’ Saits (from 3 to 8 years.) A fuirtlne o f Inf a nts’ Wear, doaks. Dre sxe s e lc.----------e — Everything is astouisb . buy will be sold at the lowest price—in fact so low to even ere themselves. Orders filled promptly and carefully. apr5-3m JAMES A. GRAY ft CO. Angnata go ok and Stationery Jobbing H 0Qsr —OF D. QUINN. KEEPS ON HAND A FULL LINE OF SCHOOL A I^H T FtiF! TKXT ROOKS. OFFK’E * FANCV STATIONERY BLANK BOOKS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. ■to*. All the principal PAPERS^ MACUZINEfJ wj»»bU*ged^’ 3 VE. E. 'STOTTITCx (FORMERLY WITH LUCAS A WARE,) <_ Merchant Tailor, —-Has Just Open'd » Laree Stork of IMPORTED CiSSMES, CLOTHS JUjOMESKIB. *s&r Special attention paid to Cutting in Latest Style. «p5-M One door below I Xing’s Drug Store, ATHENS, G A. _ ttW MAKBLEI GHEAT REDUCTION CT PRICES MONUMENTS AND TOMBSTONES ajy Yard. Speeiraeaa of work on hand for sale. ROBERTSON, A. R fl#*«irt»lil Boll«r, Scalpfor and GA. Marble Yard on the corner of Thom®* and Market StreeU, ATHENS, THE AMERIICAN . > . SEWING’ wigjfisgafigfl *il‘sfi?¢“tn ;(~ (Ii '~ ‘ Machine“, ‘ ,, . 3 ‘3' fl“ Imus t ,f . mm. 3.1:; 2:]. _. '1 ,‘~_f“;“fl‘f _ g Needle. .’ u r; . < ‘ ___ It Sells .3 the N0 Easiest NEEIHJJETO SET. and always Satisfies.’ AGENTS we ask you in 11'}: mam! Ufl\‘r ynn spooiai ‘V‘ - lmlncomouts.~Sg‘udt‘urCircuL-xrXal'ricus(u ‘V. Fcurfln Bib, ' . ’ L. (2‘; Nfifllwflflflg..flajuugcr. cihflmufi; o. -> ’ GEORGE 'l‘. I.._i‘l'lfll‘.|h .‘IPII. lloxlngton. 1;... READ THIS! NO HUMBUG! bi waI~ #*% S wft #*ft I ,J 1 M “Kira Si *» 8 a * W ,SE c ® y or * I %. _# jfjjtlijVS * At K ; j, • , r *h*« before the war. and delirer them put ^-;^ «p ;« £ 3 ^ S «hi< k •- * $**7 ^iS? recommend. If persona wa«( Pianos for 7 they *a*n r w iSoaired S ; t; by ., r Mr T. IIAKK) IS *^«*mracnd them, even to an enemy. Fiaaos Taax>i et^on in ri«y* AH Q4TF -S who> resanW »s heiag '-*%srziis&iss£2 perfect in the are -> - ... gaar- SWCE; AUGUST fist 137s.