The Oglethorpe echo. (Crawford, Ga.) 1874-current, June 21, 1878, Image 2

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’ THE as ss» Etna r- - •• •*** . fr*W li3TJ tt~W f f A? tCg fH f»!P are recot gt itv -3 d the -how that icrncy graan. .minted made w • ‘_ : ~ r * ‘ OffgMi r r ', anre Mr. u they can ; rover to _ which sailed i : time since , lth f.iberia, ha* .. her m yiitu'^ sail, .offering oil . board, and There wav and twenty-three P out. ; — 'lied' - —■ 1(iS »•"“ ;:-y y , ,-:h a rep. of the . act tetThumUy 10 the senate. body, after compromising greenbacks “I>on _»n amendment making all a.-, for four per cent bonds, ga»e up attempts at repeal. The »*«** “*. therefore, he looke d npon a. eo aeWe*. ? r F N a ... V.-.s L r,*« says: “ Alex | * n ' ler h w ha. got bis anger up, ’ snd write-'- . . g ., v to the Eighth (ieor gia CongressifHia 1 ■ pa-triet Committee. Most people will agree with -nr. nte Phens that irresponsible fact.oni ^; a tricksters narc no right to run co r iSl" ventionin ? . l * tbeM „'ie ea - • — - U ■ It u v is to have whealyiM a jubilee of destruc years w-s’s-—; j, w„ <; since th 6 two ci0e« of by earthquakes and eruptions from Mount Vesuvitw. It is now iui^nded celebrate the day. and dt. scene o the cer. monies is to be at l’ompeii a .s being the better known of the.two buried elite*. - wrote eolt The long-threatened . . «g“ the Ilia/. Government in Mexico ?“ a^rerottionar/force to have been fairly started. A is onthe lower Kio nothing of unpor ■ _5 . . com pushed, the tendency 0 ! tnepipn «r long. probable that . It is now most peace fissured between Kogland and The peace convention met in Berlin week and* the feeling generally^ Europe is more bouyant on account thc near approach of a settlement of diSiralty.-—Ttsrkcy has sent a l! ' n as one of her representatives. from the general horrors which attend war and the social and evils which follow after, there are and nobler reasons why our of the European disagreements, and hope that the period is not far when not only disagreements use of the sword. “ Then ahall the dwell wit h the l»mb,”etc. “ATkSbxblk stofyebinea Tf our Mo ’ Mr Moench ° who lives oh farm , near P«eo r -o nreturn i . n g a drive to town. n iared his two little 1 ........ old searching for «-* his attention was reeled to a large trunk, by the fact the tray was on the floor. He of the little girls still warm and lfe tried in vara to resuscitate them, then telegraphed his wife, a teacher one of tbe St. Louis schools. It is posed that the little girls when they their father coming had jumped into trunk toW u«4 wore-overcome heat. The faces bore no evidence pain or suffering, but were so bright smiling tha t the father could believe they were dead. Poor little Charley Ross did not fer in vain, after all, for his has been the means of bringing luck to very many little boys who erwise, in all probability, would led lives of misery. In the course his investigations Mr. Christian K. has examined 467 boys,all of whom supposed to be the missing Charley. of these save three, who had been were friendless scraps of humanity, ing homelessly over the face of the und through (.h<> pubRe-Rw gained them by bei ng mistaken for the son of Mr. Ross the great majority tiiem were provided by charitable with comt'ortahle homes. It sliould some consolation to Mr. Ross that quest, while useless to himself, has been so fraught with good to others. —__—- The terrible sufferings of a tenth airy company on the Staked Plain Texas, through thirst, are described Surgeon King., lliey were four without water and the weather was tensely hot. Their prediciment was ed by the death of their guide, them to wander by themselves until apring was finally found. Their became so dry that brown sugar not melt in them. Their voices weak aud strange, and their sighs dim l win';? ri- jo.- tj fl.i-y drPHmpfl of queting. A sense of suffocation extremely painful. They drank greedily, but it did not quench thirst—which shows, the thinks, that the sense of thirst not in the stomach, but in the system, and in this ease could not be lieved until the remote tissues were sup¬ plied. _ Not Jong ago was burned to ground, in Abbeville, S. C., the hand¬ some mansion of the late Thomas C. Per¬ rin, w hose signature led all the rest on the Ordinance of secession passed by tbe South Carolina Convention. It is said that in a parlor of this mansion oecur rod the very Ek official action of tbe UuttMerate < Government. Mr. Davis ■ and , i his , Cabinet _ spent the night at Mr. .. . Perrin’s house as they passed through Abbeville-, on their retrriit westward from Richmond. Then and there it was mally resolved to disband. Mr. niin, the Seeretnry of .State, consulted with the host as to the destruction ol the great seal by fire and desired his aid in effecting that end. Mr. Perrin suggest <d as a better way of disposing of it to commit it to tbe keeping of the Savan nah river, which the Secretary was ex pecting to cross on the inorFow. It is be ieiedthat this was done. LETTER FRO* ACGITSTA, ruYrtB Awn# t*r on tu«4>*». |Mr SuM, to So™ «** »«' ruoar as iw«fcr.n«i«f.. ssr* I/i«I «r* JhrS «t TrUk. M «re tWo jfeMftae *r*rtr—TK. iwaidou hiiiilil tfir - 1 -ynirm fit € — ...--- (As C m m m i r* AcGCsrtA, June 11th, 1873. Ogkthvrj* Erko .- 1 he ureal bienni^ flu^r hM Mm among the stnaH-bee poat t> this corner of tbe political vineyard flatter which always wire? them time draws nigh for Congressional nomUiatioBsand elections. The sober, au-m lv-^.-lag . a: n i ght-fg of the rural dlatricta-the men work baad^rf day* and sleep wel. night*, with no aHunog nor torment mg dreams of pobtira s thexr ; wel,-earned, pearefni slam kcow eery littu 1 of t .e 1’ and conater-pToBitig that rt Bontmnaily among the wire-work,ng poll* ticans of the towns and cities who are so anxious to serve the “ dear people” 10 While the honest, industri farmer and mechan.c , 8 »t work ,0 h,s field or his shop, ”" i *^. hia b the sweat of his brew and ., blessing ! __ the earth by his manly toil, the able bodied,oily politician ofthetewn or mty, in his big cushioned arm-chair, i„ his comfortable office, or standing '“.deof an awning on the street corner^er s.ppmg a or mint-inlep rrf abarirOom, is iharply pu - Hug the wiata for a *eat m Cougreaa While the honest countryman, m the of family, is sleeeping the weet snd untroubled deep which comee 0 f daily labor, the town politician is at a smalt and select champagne party in the b concocting “ k T m ^mre“SThe schemes for obtaining tne rote of the honest countryman at the next Congrcssionu. election Theconu tryman sleeps on m ais quiet Some, Ufl laid --r-sssitsV" in the city bar room, ana me pu ticiango^ home and M to sleep,. - P indeed, dreams that come are resy-hued and would be altogether tore y but for the ripectre that haunts them all. This perturbing Spirit haunts alike ■ the walking and the.sleeping of hours the old the would-be Congressmen ^“re U-* It is ever before them, j . ,iul, k uu« on the ..reC-cornere. together or are in j holding secret conclave in some ac rodm or are d j D ,„g and wining and fill ; ^ ^ the ^ Rpon before themaeWw them, with instead.^ptul pallia face and it g o ing eyes, chilling and killing their dear j est hopes. Between the sherry and ! champaign it comes to them, and j their wine to bitterness and makes j revelry seem a hollow^mockery. | a.n-d'tjft irTTue stilly uight it before them and causes bright and , tifu! dreams of budding honors to vanish into air. Truely, it the politician'* Evil Genius, for. it between them and the People as KepresenUtive o f Ih e^bple-amT tried and faithful guardian of their terests-and will not down at the ding of the noisy and selfish disturbs .«wt mst&szKra&j&i three scheming politicians their longings and crooked plotting hardfortbtoi, ^.n^he while he Hvm hvcHto lam in the confidence and affections ... 80 wel1 ’ »° fe thfally and so unselfis “ .tbfanner longer I rathe that wnv w.y, ^th hey Cn when He who gave Alexander H. ph( , u9 to the wor!d slla!1 Mc fit t0 him away. If they hear that he is they impatiently watch the wires for i announcement of his death. If COIliea a report lhat he isdea d the y Seuoe 8 e ' n dI ng ofrietter* by the outward bound mai , ^ { for the ; and influenc9 of thia or that m a„ in n( . lt Thi< actually winter , before last when news of j Stephens death was received. when the report proves to have untrue, aud the old hero rallies gets up again, actually better stronger than he had been for years, ravenous beasts, ttiey grind their in a very frenzy of disappointment despair, and hope-deferred ness, and .swear they’ll be d—mn’d j they and believe to plotting he is ever and going to go again in the privat e offices, and rooms,.and on the street corners, and ’he liquor saloons,aud iu the J ury and on the Judge’s bench, and in the sanctum. — ” If he won’t die and get out of way,” they say, “ we must even see if cau’t get him out anyhow. But how wo to do it?” Ay, there’* the rub; the respect that puzzles the will doth perplex the politician, and |j| s misery of ?o long life. HesaitU j,i roa ,.jf _ “ I cannot tell the people u not j, one9t . if j told them that would klJOW me for a liar at and would sit square down on j cannot say that hc is , K)t statesman, for thou they think ejther that x wa3 a fool or that took them to be a set of unlettered No> wherever tho history 0 f ttf* memory of men, it wil! not do to that Alexander H. Stephen, i, not was not a statesman. I cannot tell them that he is not one of them—that he is not 4 a people’s man/ that he is proud, aud 4 stuck up/ and a snobbish crat and all that and that a common man can’t approach him; for he sprang from the people, was reared among, has al ways lived among them and has been so emphatically one of them as to cause the title of 4 the great commoner’to be be stowed upon him, and it ,is too well known that the poorest and humblest citizen can approach him as readily and easily, and be sure of receiving from him as much attention as the richest. I can not charge him with greed of filthy - lucre, ■ for all the world knows that . he has a open as day for melting charity, and his daily life proves that he feels it is more.bless»*d to give than to receive, and if he were avaricious he would be a wealthy man. I cannot charge him with ever having misled the people, for f cannot point to a single instance in he has done so, aud they remem too well the harvest of misery the has reaped in times past hy not bis counsels. I cannot accuse of lack of courage, or of neglect of or of laziness, or intemperance. I cannot tel! the people that he has do! influence far they might uk me to name the mao «ho had more, or whose word* bad a* much weight with the hoots; men and patriots of ail sections. What then, shall 1 do or say to get him oat of Congress and get mjself iaf " flla> i be a dmi tte d that tfeisi* a per plexing question for the politician, and his survey of the situation, as above set forth, makes hU immediate prospact. seem rather bad. Bat the average poll ticiil bummtr()f ^ ci!y> !ike old Joe f Bagstock, is tough and deriiUh sly, and ieta nothing short of death or the cramp cholic stop him in his wild hurt for office, ^ ' st ing i aU> ,h e nearest liquor-shop, he 8tj!reBS his ^luUoa with a real j ^ ’ fgmri --*• fi- ■ „ d | ajing and pulling.of wires • t fc e carpeted affleea, in the dark back , ^ (afte , (he M Know Xothin , faah . , ion >, in the^ilded liquor-saloons, on the . »tieet-cbn>er», on the Judge’s bench fthe“ sacred ermine” notwithstanding), | j a the jury-box, audio the editor’s sane tum _f orone of the first moves your ■ iluntcr mai(s ia to t hi> fof i „„ -jit,,. vou «, b^ta^ 5UOC osed to hare a ^ or ^ ilitie , fo ’ r io g a. j prod* country baabopallng folka „„ the eTerylhiDg country IMfco. d „ i on Unle *8 t ),ey can be honey fugled and cir cnniTentr d the politician may a* well ^ ^5. hii h on th , wiUowt . H . It, and would, if geToSoe. pomibla,tdfeum „ol Ood Almighty to ail thi , time th# p^p,., the hon ^^-working farmer, and mechanics, „,d the quiet, industrious merchant, are e^jng keeping the noiseless tenor of their way. their dally bread, unconscious of n f the wire, worker Can he ia0Terlhf0wing the gray-baired ^teen-n who hi, devoted a life-time ^ thc faithful scrrice of the people? Ke will resort to many ways V, doit; (,e will write letters hither and yon, he wiil have articles printed in o ^ iwspapers hT*. ] tj ,g t „ e leagued with him, b. certain co-wire-workers, tools and con> *• rura l regions are not entirely free from men of that sort-through whom he will seek to ruu county meetings and pack CbnTcntion9 and delegations. Oau he guccee d » I bclicre not. What say the people P of old Oglethorpe, ^ and Wilkes , and F;lberti and 0rcea f n due time th ^ he ffiade fuIly and sp 6 ci fi ca l. . ^-u-j-j-d * with the true inwardness - ,, , . .. , . . „ lbe low machinalionJ , for gain ao j ely| or to gratify personal venom, aga i n9 t Mr. Stephens by envious, unman cases of thaf kind I am aJway# One of the People. -- 1 “• • Elevated Railways. The elevated railroad in New York, although a “ fixed fact,” is a subject of eo H fa B tw»- between property o w ner s on line of the streets it obstructs. Some 0 f these think the road will make their fortunes, others are satisfied thatbusi* on the thoroughfares through which it passes Wl [\ be ru j ne ,i. The railroad does not obstruct the roadw ay beneath, and it iH certainly a greit" to tke traveling public?, the trains mov ing raf>ld | y a nd gmotbly.and the cars j Q _ «. p a i ace *» cara w hen compared n r n <« f»it and thc pnfsengera loot in upon manu lIr - ^ ^ - m e r chan t s at work, amt Soto bedrooms of the rich, orkitchena, rooms r ™n« and amJ sittinv sitting roonisot mnm» the the mnr poor tbe rout ®- Theromlisso useful that It ^ n0 dou b t, be retain ed in thc streets * nd '“>« >■»“»<* wkieh it opens Up 10 pUl?1!o r ' 11 ^^ devoted-topar s conipatable with the bringing " tor v ,vln ' lo ' V3 ' - Horrible „....... Night. A miner in the Blgck Hills, writing a friend, tells of a horrible reminder «d of thi M,s of tuo 3 ; w® caught out and lost their way on plains. He says that recently, crossing the country, they came the skeleton of a horse, within was the skeleton of a man, with grinning skull looking out at them from between the ribs of the animal, a prisoner peering through the bars his cell. Two skeletons told the whole story. The man had killed Hia cut him open and crawled inside of him, thinking to thus escape but the flesh of the animal froze and the man was as much a prisoner as if he had been shut iu by walls of The wolves and carrion birds bad ped the greater part of lira flesh both ki-utniuna The ■ miner his description by saying: “It was a sight I shall never forget. I car, sec it now whenever I close my eyes.” From Riches to Poverty. The New York World states that a banker of that city who went out of busi¬ ness in 1872 with $200,000 as his share of the firm’s assets, is now living in a garret in a half starving condition. Some time after retiring from business he was advised by Hugh McCulloch and Jay Gould to put his capital, which was invested in United States securities, into Chesapeake and Ohio and Northern Pacific Railroad stocks. This he did, and lost almost everything. The Sothern Family. The Macon Telegraph says; Mrs. -Sou thern w ill jo in h er you ng- B tf tcr, AmarilEa, at Col. Smith’s, and be proba. bly assigned1 to the same employment in I cutting cloth aud sewing tor the other j convicts. This is the work which had j been assigned to Miss AmariUa, and not i that of governess in the family, as vre were informed. The girl has been | taught to read and write, attends to her duties, and is doubtless better oft than * h e ever wa s in Pic k ens coun ty. m m Another Pompeii. j The ancient town of Sipontum, at the ! fwt ofAIount Gargano, near Naples, ! buried years ago by an earthquake,"has been unexpectedly brought to light. A . temple ol Diana, 7i uecr -pulis euVcfitig nearly four acres, a monument in of ... Pompey, and v, large of . gold , , I quantity I and copper coins have been discovered, j the houses being twenty feet below the ! surface of the soil. -* * T “• ! Stanley MaIhews also did a little j i bribing. The Presidential brother-In law oftered Anderson the position of Na va l Officer at New Orleans if he would ' uia ke the necessary 44 protests ’ about tbe clcetion in East Eeiiciana. ' ! [ | AH kinds and.sices-of Coffins and Burial J Cases, at the Athens No. Furniture Broad Mauufactur- | S Company, 12 street, NOTICE TO Conraciors&Bite. SEAUH> PROP08AUI will be reecivei hr the Wrrelfnii*. «aU riw fttaf iLES-j , D.VV, the second M) Jsj of Jaly, t«S> fcr i the folk-wing work, to-wit: ‘q . f ' /r rW-Aare drew. m w dtte ... O^ rI * -JL’ “V jJocK , <xii WAUL #■ «taMrtfc'or si Jo vf the Coart Hoare, the wallfo be fn* Jong, 5 feet high and 2 fret thick,« men ted with lime mortar. The reck to be and .,f uniform thiekurts A lice of PICKET FEKCE o> «chtl» a r t r-otL aa d '.^,> i i le j j ! ~~f " f Likin* J hue. of"pfokefo Kdiu and are',., es.h ha* fo,,*. Tfo be of hean 3 fort Ion; and H inches -*««* »ft« being dressed. There are to ^t »* neb Plan ks at the bottom ”1 Pickets. 'The POSTTS are to he posas-k, S toetiat by < J?eh<a at the l»M«mL»d*i®19n* «.«l-’hVr The ends ot the p,wts gum? mto the - round "eh' beeharfed and satarewdwilh end.tar. ** 'T." ft ** =h ^ u ^“ E R for erery purpo. mhe hrert iumber. The Picket h’enee to 1*> ted. and the Bock Wall, whereror the reek are joined hy cement, to be striped**! pain ^ -°« ., , 4 . GATE.m be jfftTt swung to • “ aide of the Court On the bwca *ad mu* House there 1 * twtaan J»Mf GATE, S* feet wide and swung to granite poste-tbe Picket* to be nailed to the main*. &»*dr-The BLI-SDS and 8 A»H of of the the Jhini—Two WATER CbOBETS—the one runniug ^ from the Jury Koom on the .Kcond «he be made Court oafside l^e of m^CourOloase. ‘ a wnon room 12 or n feet hig made of bri ck->the room to he made by on brick to the brick «mII of the Court HouWou the southwestern earner (outride) uf ihe Court House, and the sail room to 1 ered. I j A¥<A--Thrre Hnc, of HOBSERACga, to gtt entirely mound the tour. Houre '"'“pt 0 " ‘ he Ireut-side of the Court House. The Kock work and the Wood work may ; ( ^ r3 .„.. r , , lf me ........ .lithe : material necessary to complete thc work; : We invite Contractors to call ami examine ...acom, ......-««. - When tlu'■ u,.rk>completed, Committee, and toR-p^etod and received by the the MONEY BE PAID at said reception of wark. p be rommUtec reserves the right to reject any or all bi i -. Lexington, (in'.. May 22d, 1878. __WHITSON G. JOHNSON, ROBERT Ci LATIMER, JOSEPH S. BVCUHN, GEORGE IV. SMITH, LEANDER M. .1DHNSON, i Committee Ekchaum and litfmrt of Court j House and Public Square. | " WUMm^SwSg&OS ^jp jj|S'^"^a« 4 iorp>liii»»hai'itcNrsa. ! III lllifl j 1 wHlflvCL ClMHCl jLUllirilllv, I llMDIfiM 1 c ^ n ^. u <,i :... at . . 1 1 ’recrfbre reipitarl v in th«.»«ni»»s of j u*eh-__ / J . . Dull ■ H ■ WWWlV.p OnAK ID ) ATTORNEY AT LAW. 7 T T.bxinotox,..., ..TTGEoltuTA. i jw* AUiuain-t -f j |%Q» f 3 i|^i*SL_Ll myli-tf - i IwIw#B||. » ssss >rrtiTiii -r-f Pp Mr t ^J^SS^SaSaSSSKST m ii n f ■ ; ffJtSSMh^BSSiiKfSffiVS ] rSUSi Bil*** '* 1 * j 0fwJpsw A ^ 5 u««»s.H..orr.ii. Should L« read bf all- Add ww u aborw »w,«ir.» - LARGE SALE —OF IN ONE WEEK! j ^ Pair yl-AKTEHHSHOKaS; GENTS’ HAND-SEWED LOW j j „ ^ LA!)fEiS , hAND-MADE PUMP vtw •O Pair LADIES’ HAND-TURN TUMP NEWPORT TIES; 120 Pair LADIES’ FINE KID HOUSE SLIPPERS, at $1 per pair. On Monday Morning Will open about 900 P»li*s Jfen’a Fin« SUMMER SHOES, f houses rom the best in Philadelphia, Newark, Baltimore k N, Y. Enough 4b supply the great demand for about ten''days. and BARGAINS. If convenient, Wing the CASH get PETER KEENM J Near Central Hotel, Augusta, (ia. GENERALTICKET AGENCY : y __________________ j J RAILROAD TICKETS I IN THE UNITED STATES. Buy your TickeU* iu Athens and get all informatioi from capt. \vm. williams. Agent Southern Express Co., Athens, Ga MARRIED DR. BUTTS |_| LIFE No. I2^N JElghthSt. Who h»» h«d |p-g«tfr expertenea >p the tFta taw Bt of th« gg The PHYSIOLOGY OF MAfllVIAQS The PRIVATE MEDICAL ADVISER un«i^ STbSSJ «««« in t*. wor^Tu^^o w./or ehAr fifiifif, DkLi ii »om«hma i»a* i*tif m rtnire inin. * mb n J&m withwn. re th«*maBr itu*her 'SINGLE ^ro ^LA^eKinM^ao i» cn. mch got,» cffwtefo cJ5 min LIFE |* — =! ; Assignee's Notio^r i | Northern Distrkt of Georgia —W. ) At LkxiSuTon, Ga., V r FHE un<ier»igned 6 th hereby day ofjnne, gives T*78. j noti ec, once ! X a week for three weeks, of bis appoint- j myt,i as Awdgnee of LI KE G. JOHNSON, of; State Wiutcrviife, of m Smooiiiity vjthla sthUdwtriotr-Xho of < h;K<b^rptr. and ] been adjudged Georaih, Bankrupt his peti- ] tion by the Ifistriet a Court of upon said district, own i $3 . JOEL T. OLIVE, Assignee. R. T. BRUMBY & CO. DRlKsOISf^ and PHAKMACISlg, —SEUUM J Drags, tartPaffi Medicines, Paiats, Oils ATHENS, GA. -o SPECIAL ATTENTION TO TBI imwn mn-limns Tb«y p iu^ n an »rtie,<* ihat is ENTIRELY READY FOR USE. whieh » not wideir£,.a »a einerioMfi. butferthe pa**!.,year*, and thoroagb tried m*»*b. It was awarded the first Priareirf a» Aaaifeu fcrfmteof SewTo*. andlSTS, »mpe«ton,aad ilM tak.^, MagT p RL ulLM wherewr Mhibftr^lbr agood and p «re Patot. wSISy Z ^" ^ good article presemt ^property 0 ftwn * de ^ „ d ia^a a naaoaabte Ume, white the ^ o,e OBrtMttroa * fe , 0 d UNPRECEDENTED BARGAINS Arc JS ‘.fclff Off*** 1 * at the Mammoth Dry Good* [Emporium of II MOSES MYERS ii • • r-r- I£_ QM nu pni rQIICQC irrr flyFNUE, ilICNIIC ATHtNo. ATUtMC PA ufl. With the^rent ofSPRtso l«78,1 sm again before the citirens of Northewt GmrgU,aud stock eompnses EVERYTHING in my line, from a paper k.w>» of pins to the finest article the of dress reods-aoy or all of »h u h can k* h*d at prUw as any retablishmeiit in Stow , ovpr f t wonid r^uifr t«,i much time ami space to enumerate every article fit winch I can ™—. a have also a mi mm* 0heap * GoodfiBoUght ® at Assignee and Auction Sales, . , . srtii«tt , my rertomer. rt but u fruetiou f .. .mUwfaemt. , . -A. . - 1* - all Stick *»t Dry CwOOClsk i t ^____ y . A Is,wer ihan erw fop*, kaowm BeautKU ami Stylish Ladic’ Hats froaloflewfil. ; SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS IS SHOES OF ALL KIN US nerides, as,.perh 8 ««k„(It«aay-Miade Clothing, Piece Goods of all kinds, Not....... fringM aod „ t i ier rrimmiigs, Embroideries, White Trimmings and Frilliumi, Scarfs, Ties, SkSsh^BSSl^^^ Hosiery, Beadv-Mmle Shin* at aboutiwt or material, Cuaaimeres and Jeans,(ients and La TO MY Lnties MANY CUSTOMERS In Oglethorpe and other respreiillv allow me to return my warmest thanks for their past that gener- I i ous patronage, and ask sooutinuance ofthe same. When J announce can « T reduction —IX THE— SINGER SEWING IACIINES! After this, the Fairly Sewing Machines will be sold for CASH ns follows: Plain Machine, $35; lowered Machine, $40; Drop-Leaf Table Machine, $45, All Miushiuea full guaraseed and delivered-FREE OF EXPENSE. Machine* sold on HALPHAS 11 PLAN if dewred, with advancement of |5 on above price. Needles, Takers, (’orders and Other Attachments, AT ClilCAGO PRICES, FOR ALL MACHINES. PtJBH ^ ^ n WBHM 0 n r n mr OIL A SPECIALTY N. B.-Particiwcgaty mgaSnt^inyvnch Machine OUm fa by droggUtj, AGENT FOR BAZAR PATTERNS. aw* Send M HliVstrated t'atatoguo and Price Ltstk-fta^ ATHENS, GFOlUaV. J. H. UL5TEH. TO« 1 Agpw t. Antioch. Mu. SIFDRIlSrGr GOODS SHY GOODS* IWREBS GOODS, T B IS TO, > NOTIONS— EMBROIDERIES, RIBBONS, SCARPS, TIES, LACES, “ ABTIC, M ' *«• LENTI-KSf EYN HE AH READY-MADE CLOTHING, paper collars, shirts, Which we will sell for the CASH as low as the same class of Goods can be bought in the countv. A call resuectfullv solicited. ECAIRE &d LATIMER f MAMMOTH STORE, LEXmOTON, GA. ORDER YOITt CANE MILLS. Syrup Kettles, Shafting anil Pulleys, Qtin Gearing and Bolts, £ 1111 EKI 1 ES, am SCREWS 110 SELII 1 G, FROM OEO. K. LOMUABD JSb CO., tosmt city foundry and machine works, 170 FENWICK ST. (»rer (he Water Tower) A VOVSTA, GEORGIA. MANTJFACmtERS ASI) DEALERS IS Portable and Stationary Steam Enginea and Water Wheela, Saw, Oriat and Flow Mill*, Furniahinga and Machinery. CaaUnga in Iron and Brat* of all kinds. Mill Bearing eto. Special attention given to REPAIRING- Machinery. We Send for wrought-iron^ouruola Catalogue of Mill Gearing. in C;ine Second-hand Mills. Machinery Bought and Sold. use our BUY THE BEST O CM) ■rgu. ■ : JWW ¥ pw 30 '4 o J) H None Genu¬ Trade Mark ine without this i PEARL | Patented. Trade Mark. Tils- 1 ii t,yi ANI'.FiE CONV1NCLD ^r*For sale only by WITCHER d JABRELL, Le gal B l anks at Low Price s _ J* W. BURKE A CO’S, A full supply of LEGAL BEiXkS—the best fartied-alwiij* 0Kh “ 4 ' Colleg e Are., g ewfoh Hrtree Bfoek, Athemi. fW U*m*4j tf At I** Ctsimy. T*A 0 t Barhmm'm Infallible PILE CURE ., . -x egres .> AND PAINT CHEAP! ___ Florida Water vx Elegant Perfume, i 5u ceiite obottk k . taip Seei : Winter Cabbage Seed ! Pure M Paints, Ealirely Beady for Half-pu fijc; pis 45c Insect Powder*, JOc ot. "HITSYADI JASCS WATF.B," 50e bottle, Thc fort Natural Aperient. ; TOILET SOAP, from *5c to 75e dosen. ANILINE DYES, all colorc-any one can use them—25c bo*. One box makes a quart good ink ; any ooior desired. HOYTS COLOGNE. COD LIVEB OIL by the gallon or pint. 8UB0ICAL INSTRUMENTS at N. Y. prices I'AKHEKN’ SUPPIalKN BAGON T t^>RN, FLOL-ii, ...... ..... MEAL, SUGAR, COFFEE, PLANTATION TOOL 8 , Ac. MMtELLiKEOIN PATENT MEDICINES, DRUGS, C ROCK ERY, GLASSW A RE. TOBACCO, CIGARS, SADDLES, BRIDLES, BEST GARDEN SEED, CANDY, NUTS, CRACKERS, ‘ AND TTtTNDREI^ of Other .Articl w; $2,500 Agents AfTIVEf f«n>i T n S2.500 aa A '■ Year. 7-1 A Year. W Tf a*Xv \ T« ^ r A Pl?T>® A-dh-J . -. canvas ewry our < line r ottntv of fine >, to ENGLISH, msp™ GERMAN, PROTECT AN I : and , ColuprisiDirnearly _ .. ■-*V JxA'j-.rt 100dilTfrent styles, . with ., numerous Feature*. elegantly The Illustrated Complete, Explanatory Perfect most aud si k l,ljiLas tver ta — A1.MI OS Otic— GRAND COMBINATION PROSPECTUS, Of 160 Distinct PnMiogtioM. and Family, Palret and i'«-'ket Libits and in every family. feA^fe£223- from tlifa.l’roapeetus, SST^i when singlebuukafeiL W?U?*r Also, GENERAL and LOCAL AGENTS WANTED on our GREA T W AR BOO S . Ti- Boost Comprehensive, Reliable and Ac¬ curate RUSSIAN History and of the the Jate TURK, conflict between the with its 300ele¬ showy, gant Engravings, desirable Maps and Plans, the most and useful book now pub tfodta -d . — -Fo r Cw ‘ olar » aad li be r al " dress, j JUHXE. POTTER A CO., Puklithen, i -322L I’lU TOLELlG nA. i -------- WHITSON G. JOHNSON ! fttiorney ■ ii and j Counsellor n ii at I | Law, COOK STOVES CO o n a Al K. CHILDS & CO.. Athens^ Ga. DR. DURHAM'S Yegetabie Liver Pills! rnHE BEST PILL ever olferedto the pub- 1 fi md that super leding other demand m-s i Liver Pill*, a* the increasing for themprere*. Pills will Cure BUUousnesa. : Hurham’s i j d“J&» pills will ’'cur^HSk?! ; ;S£ffi 5 &KSi | :Durham’sPillswmCureBaek»che.: Durham’s Pills will Cure Dyspepsia. ■ : <i Stomach. ! e : jtttttxw! HAM'S PILLS, and lie convinced of thtir "TA^oniy Maxey's, Ga. \ ^ sale by O. W, Smith, Lex* or lugton; h Th Pr <; .ttou^ ^ SJUrf^wn; Cniwferd^^ Dr. p»ren • W. P. Me '^hSrteJ, <M WindrUU. d n,ggi,U Price, * ,,,,Wb asi.ltix. Lib- 1 4 n tta “ e /2 PA apr!26'3m 02 hs - • oo llld TS HIES, .g GA. j oo COE AUGUSTA, -•»* C /2 dd °° HUM, iii I OO <73 ai IN- jB—I o« ST., (0 ft JACKSON | i—i—i DEALERS ,; C ca /2 PUTTY, U o cc ! pq Flit US 43 - WAREROOMS, CD P ^ Pr> — -3 Film Prices. uj c=; CO c for CD a Write M 2 ” Writ -WHERE TO GET-— W VV T E have on hand a which Large Stock offer of Fresh th and' iiood Seeds, we tO reader- of thc’hH Hit at the fo l lo wi ng rates: AH Harden Seeds at 50«. per doz. We pay postage on all Seed except Peas, Beaus and Coro, for which we add 2 c each paper. - ■ —~——-------—-- reas and Beans—25c pt.; postage 13c. Onion Setts—-25c per quart; 'postage 15e. I . Ik Seetls can In- went cheaper by express. TO MERCHANTS We can offer LOW FIGURES. Send list of SEED wanted, and be sure to send M oney for .Seed and Postage, — We keep everything in the PALM AND DRUG LINE which we SELL VERY LOW for Cash. G. W. LONG & GO., ATHE N S , -GA. 1 , fi. HILL & C 0 „ Manufacturers and Dealers in DOORS, SASHES, Blinds, Scroll Sawing, ! —AND — WOOD TURNING. i facta Building red Material prices of low every fleseriptioa man* than u at as if not lower, auy o ther market. We make a specialty of . PAINTS, OILS, j Builctera? Ilanhvare GLASS, COLOBS, ETC.' j Before you buv send for ottr j PRICE LIST/ or which estimate will for any Material yon may need, certainly please you. I. H. HALL & CO., febl-ly Charlesiton, S. C. Buggy and Wagon MANUFACTORY. WOULD respectfully in¬ thorpertuiDurrountiingcouiirs^Bn form the citizens of .Ogle _ OT«rbyi.»e«?*«•»«. »«*««. mtieoreia. I have also secured the services of a first-class jthe Trimmer and Finisher. Mr. Janies T. Lloyd, best painter south of Baltimore, is also in Blacksmith and Repair work a specialty. Be sure and give me a trial. All work war n, at e.t. W. O. TI CKER, frawtorU. —------— DENTAL I T lTAlVfT/IYI NOTICE. ■ T 1 Tf:\ VK associated with me in the practice of f>enti'*trv at Crawford Bp. VI. G. "$£&„ Will remain at tke ofide all the jrBi ^ to work for iiini, i,I c-.mmuni.W Ogleflioiq* or iii ooumies, a.,.1 »ill with n h S rttriiVfor,t, We ;, we will vish ^ them rk at their „„,„ p IHWe to „.„ M rea _ sonable prices. I am thank Ail for past jmtronage, and trust that the new (inn vvi I i t r- by ali who < 1 *■—ire faithful and -kilful wor 'k. Teeth extracted with<»ut pain if desired. ». H. THOH.4N* Crawford, March 12th, 187.8. . marl5-ti NOTICE. X notwithstitnding he is eneugetl HiePJUCTJrE GE l»MJSTBY, in which ef wnrii, Uenhje ME&'tS heretofore, m.J «' llffo III Z of work iii both profe*«ion*, at most rcasmia- ! Sjstissj'sti™’”” 1 j S " B. CHEDEL. Sgp£= - *: 3 5 A. K. CHILDS. R. NICKERSON. Y H. WYNN childs,nickerson&Co No. tfi F ran kill, House Building, ATHENS, GA., Wholesale and ItctAil Dealers in Hardware, Iron, Steel, Nails, Horse-sloe Nails, HORNE AND MULE SHOES, Agricultural Inplements, Leads, MILBl?RN Oils, Glass, Varnish HARNESS LEATHER, WAHttNS, Cotton, Manilla and Jute Rope, Carnage and Saildlery Hardware, Fellows. Hubs, Spokes Buggy Wheels, Axles, Springs, etc. Rubber and Leather Belting, Mill Saws, Mill Findings, Anvil*, Bellows, Vises. Hollow Ware, etc*. Man ufac t u r era 1 ^^agvnts for the sale of FAIRBANKS’ STANDARD SCALES, CIDER MILLS* SYRUF MILLS And Evaporators, Watt Plows. Farmers Friend Plow, Circular Saw*. Pumpa, W I N 8 HIP AND 8 A DYER’S CELEBRATED COTTON GINS Any article in our line not in stock, will be ordered when desired, with the least possible delay. Cal! and examine our stock and prices. SAMPL ES SEN T FREE The Fredericksburg Dry Goods Store, -CORNER BY TUB PLANTERS. —^ AUGUSTA, - - - GEORGIA. The Largest Stock! The Lowest Prices! ° —WE ARE NOW RECEIMSPRING HOODS OF ALL THE NEW AND CHOICE FABRICS OF THE SEASON. We send SAMPLES and PRICES when requested, and on Orders of TEN DOLLARS# or over for Go<xls fronlour Retail Department, we PAY THE FREIGHT to the customer'* nearest Express Office.. <•'! ' ' V. RICHARDS Sc BRO. aprl9-4m A UGUS TA. GA. JAS. A. GRAY & CO ■» AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. OUR STOCK OF SPRING SUMMER DRY GOODS I* noir complete, And is the lasgest ami best assorted in tbe-South. Our Mourning department coutaiuaeverything from the lowest price to the finest goods imported. Black, Colored an^TattCy 8 ilk Stock is aniveTBally acknowledged .... to be the Oar skeptical. finest in the market. A glance at it* contents will convince them&ot All th« latent Noveltios in CJolorfid Drew Goods—- Chenille Jardiniere, IJevilJe Cypres, fects in Neckware Be f gb,»ylphlde, be found HOraby, nowhere Victoria else. t^uiUngs, lionneta, etc. Deaig«a and ef¬ to The handsomest Scarf Laces and Embroideries ever offered to the people of Georgia Everything or Carolina. and desirable In Parasols, afid ttl Fancy tioorls gcnrcrally. Aapleudid stock pretty of Linens of description, Towels, Napkins* Dor lies, ' etc./ Embroidered Piano Covers. every etc . ■*» Country The only Stores complete and Planters. Stock of Ladies’ Underwear South of Mason and Dixon'* line. Ladies’ aud Misses’ Suits in great variety—Boys’ Suita (from 3 to 8 years.) H 1 in* of Infante* Wear, Cloak*, Dresses etc. Everything will be abldatTEe Toweel price—^iDTftct'TOdiJwarh ra v to nkhovoa-buy ers themselves. Orders filled promptly and carefully. apr5-3m JAMES A. GRAY & CO. Augusta Book and Stationery Jobbing House -OF— . D. QUINN. KEEPS ON HAND A FULL LINE OF SCHOOL & COLLEGE TEXT BOOKS. OFFICE & KAXC-V STATIOXERV BLANK BOOKS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. !J3PU All the princiiwl PAPERS amt MAGAZ1 SES, as pubiishtU. mu -xrijitimis taken, for same-ut publishers’ prices. ap2*»-3n> 1>. €|l'IIYN, 1' 4 8 Broad >t-, A.I 01 M A, GA, 3VE_ E. YOUN-Q (EOR.MERLY WITH LUCAS* WARE,! Merchant Tailor, ——Has Just Opened a Lar$»e Stoek of—— IMPORTED CASSIMERES. CLOTHS AND DOESKINS, AT Flt« E* TO SUIT THE THIKS! Pt**** Special attention paid to Cutting in Latest Style. ap&-tf Ha jC Oric ^toorbe lo wr l*ong ’ gdJHIg Store, ATH KNS, GA. •••■ ' t MARBLE I GHEAT REDUCTION IN PRICED ---op- TOMBSTONES MONUMENTS AND And the work still maintained to the highest state of perfection. CaD and get my prices and 1 h> convinced that yon are dealing witli a fair aud square man. Designs and prices a* u ,y Yard. Sperimra. of work <*, lurad for salt-. ROBERTSON, ^ Sculptor and Monumental Builder, iLitbh- Yard on the comer of ThotMUi and Market Streets, ATHENS, «A. T E AMERICAN . ”V” ‘ . ‘ . . ._;; SifM/IIVG Machine. 6,: . (L; ' 2: t: 11»th ' [t fi. 5 ‘ j- Iflflfln, ” , v' ~ i‘ K «mm 532:“.Jté‘ ‘Y‘ ; 1 ; Needle: strum- r ‘ I “xx, ‘ N0 ._ NEEDLE _. , I' TO SET . ' . 7 It s the Easiest and always Satisfies. “ -AU|CN'II.'S l: dnoenmnts. “'0 nsk ydu Smul 10 try x'anirc-I'Ilar it. cinménnufl, mu} nfii'vr “ l’rin'stu )‘I;l1_§])('('ii|} 7 ’ ‘ ‘ 3W ’ V'o Fuurth fit.» 0 ; . C: n'b‘BIJVGER,JI imager- ; ‘ ('I'.’01!li§’l‘. ’exinglol’, GI. ' lA’lfil‘lElLAgeul, READ THIS! .4NO HUMBUG! OATES BROS., 211 Broad Mrcrl. Augutalu, WILL SELL FI5WT-CLAS8 PIANOS AND ORGANS in good order. :Ko FICTITIOUS > .IT HaBSSSftiSfiMs Uj take -jff that which i* PVfU’ObKJ. Y gg-teg- s.- ~l. s^SSjstsg&sS nnsz CO oo CO l CO z> a Z> < Ul o z CO