The Oglethorpe echo. (Crawford, Ga.) 1874-current, June 28, 1878, Image 2

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THE ’A * ^J2szSrti3s^Si run On. OaMfcrJW*"** 18*0. «OJ Hsrtraatt h« sweated Chri* !»ilK Row, father of 5f k » ! Ck " 1 ** Km M ester Warden of Philadelphia, •; place of Jutae** 6 MeQuude The Mlarriafim .-SeSJS&Ss - theaeUiiog o tae gron IHe movctocwt ^ » TT^. — vntmmm. Iv .low, and alarm «=ente to he felt hy the mUb tuntto; The famine ^io the north of China ra geswilb intreaajwg *«rity, and the -nost dread (hi report, come from theaf ! Sided regions. In one Sown a man open ed a shop agL forthe Mile of human 8e»h, sod - did tnuicea., until the local mandarin interfered by catmingthe .hop keeper to be b eheaded. Barnam iarn saya f that Tom Thumb ia "* great ,, b, f fellow now „ we^mg wiwhtw eighty •tJXfcS'Klfatoi- poun ,ta^ . j iu. ^ -■»^ytTv IS arren, and Barnum »e autnoruy =i ffs: tor toe itatemeut that ahe wiil eooo ba a mother, Msw York is rigiuring fee qaeatfou whether the big bridge isn’t going to be * rnitoto l»b-.wto—4r— lion dollars, twice fee oflginn! estimate mod it will take five miltoee complete it. And more pvoaainent engi users are found who *»y it will not be safe, while ilia admitted to be an obato cle to nav igation. Chicken-thieve# have become aoch a nuisance in Houston, Tex., that a me rhanical genius has invented a sort of • dummy chicken, beariug a close resem¬ blance to fee genuine article, and loaded wife buckebotaud, powder, and caps, Upon being taken from the roost fee in¬ nocent looking fowl goes off and wife it the thief. A dispatch from Ann Arbor, Michigan, to the Cineinati Enquirer, states that de tectires bave discovered forty-nine coopses in vats in a cellar of the Medical College at Ann Arbor. Many of these bodies were stolon from the cemeteries around Cincinnati in the last few months, and included these of men, women and children. The dispatch Rives a most re¬ volting and we suspect sensational ac: count of the -discovery of the human he¬ catomb in the cellsref the college. The following significient manifesto has been issued by J. IS. Bryant, Chair¬ man of the State Executive Committee the_EeiaiMton jmrtjcJnjGeorgia fully : •" We believe the party should be organised throughout thWState, and that a thorough canvass of eaoh Congression¬ al district should bemade by Kepnblican speakers. It may be best in some dis¬ tricts to support independent candidates: hut if this policy is decided upon it should be by a Republican conveation properly called an d by delegates fairly eb ssdu.” ■The fien'dishnireof theliaiian padrooes who conduct au infamous trade i« the »la •very of children does net seem to have heeu hitherto realised to it* which full eatent, if we may believe a story cornea from New York, A GfiF chllT iu the streets in the enstoday of an Ital¬ ian beggar had, it is said, been purpose¬ ly blinded to fit her to excite the smypa thy of paasers-by, tbat -her Aeepet may nrofiil thereby, ______ ............... -■■ ■ — — Okabo, the favorite Minlater of Rmperorof Japan, was lately ted by six armed men in broad at the palace gate. The murderers colly washed the blood from their hands and marched up to tile officer on duty delivered themselves up. They ed to the old Samurai or claes, and wereoppoeed to the inaugurated by Okubo. Okubo was one cf the commissioners to America iu hud was a man Of great intelligence enterprise. Mr.s Fry, of Oswego, N. Y’.,wiil, if lives till fee 10 th of September bu one hundred and eight years old. a foil, she recently broke one hip, and i* doubtfnl if she will ever be able walk’again; but her mind ia still ” Mrs. Fry has used tobacco aver . she was a young woman. Lately physician would not allow her to as often as she desires. Her appetite is voracious, and it is necessary to her iu the amount of food she con A Long box was shipped on theTrac kee Railroad in Nevada, and at the Vir¬ ginia City station it was rudely thrown about while u change of cars was made. A moan inside fee hex led fee baggage¬ men to open it. They found a youngChi aeee woman insensible through standing on her bead. She had been brought to fee Halted States by one of the Chinese com¬ panies, whose price for her was three hundred, dollars. Ah King and she fell iu lore, and as he could uot buy her, he boxed her in order to get her way from her captor*. An intelligent farmer living in Iowa has invented a henophone, model -on the principal of the telephone, by which one old reliable hen occ up ying a central office ia the henry, Me on all fee nest# about the establishment, leaving the other fowls free to lay ggs, scratch and cackle. As fast as a new neat con¬ tains the fall complement of eggs, it con¬ nected wife the central office by a cop¬ per wire and the business is settled. The only trouble with the machine is feat it sits so hard it hatches out feupro elean nest eggs along wife fee others, so that one chick in every nestis born with glass eyes and fee farmer has to buy and train a dog to lead tt around. This makes it expensive. The Body of young Devin, found in a pickling vat at Ana Arbor, Mich., ha* been reinterred at North Bend. lad., with imprcasivff ceremonies. In thn meantime the rebery of graves at Jforth Bond was brought to the notice of the graud jury, and after a carefal in vest i gstioK, they returned iac iements against Dr. Morton, the re^surrectiooist, and J. «1 ttiir-bcll j-nttAr the Qbio medical (folleg-v General Harrison and Joseph Ihjviti have decided to inatitute civl i<ujta against the colleges for tea tkousaad dol lare in each case. A similar suit wiU be Tirdag St eigAinil tlH ^Aft^-Jubor College. Eminaut counsel has beenre taiaed, and the suits will fee pressed^ ‘ abich we think will pro re beoeAeial to or fay timpl* method lh« iW ““*1 d»rid«! upon. oat of their wo kilt Mm sad cot him op, The two-told i^fi,, of thin plan are at oece to the duilret comprehension. It far at , , the adject protection from the 1 of the medical student U baa trer enjoy ; l ^ ^ m , y ^ , little severe if ^ in . fcled ^* 0 ^ but then, a young mao hto not the martvr .pint with which to trad him to thoroughly devote himself to the profemrtou. he is unworthy to eater upon a proleesionai career.-i'arA'vyhm Max-lrsr. ----—--- ; The Marriage of a to a Woman. Maraney Hnehea was married in Sep ‘amber Wtto a peraon who wm know «Samuel M. Peliard. Her relative. sp(K-ed match and , he eloped end wab married without their knowledge, and«iw mm 3S2-52r*~ = “ m ..Kj.wuk.iwiw* the Ea»t; had loet her ^operty, and had amumed the duguue of a than for ■the reason that avenue* for making moo oy would be open to bar lath wdrich woald be cloved to her ttswoffian Pollard ha* never given any particular reason for doing her this great wrong, bttt.n believed te have been actuated by a fooliah pride in appearing in the char¬ acter of a married man. The victim was ashamed to aokowledge that she had bren a^mposeti -pon, and shrank from admitting the truth. Pollard, without actually threatening her life repeadedly intimated that it would be bad for her if alie exposed her, and so ahe kept si ieace until a fortnight ago when her aunt got an intimation of the fact, and questioned her closely and she related to her the whole etory. The victim says that die woman’s real name is Sarah M, Pollard, and that her trunk is filled with feminine apparel. A complaint was filled yesterday by J, 0. Howerton, ac¬ cusing Pollard ol perjury in swearing, when she took out the marriage license, j that she was a male,— Tuteart/ra {A’ttada Tirntt-Jlaicio. What an minoia Boy Caught ia Hi* Trap. The New York Time* has an editorial on the wonderful resources of an Illinois boy. Master Sloaoe, of Clinton, Ill., in¬ vented a trap on the principal of those ■tied in Africa for trapping game—that is to say, he constructed a sitp-nooae * . stout sapling, which he bent down by the aid of a hoisting-tackle, and fastened it to the ground. And this was the result: Master riloane had a aister, a young lady of great worth and of very decided character. Other girls, who were envious of her beaaty, said ahe was an ill-temper¬ ed, red-haired thing, but this was prob¬ ably mere calumny. At all events, so though the young minister who was set¬ tled over the Seventeenth Congregational Church, and whs was generaly believed 19 hf M(« SWn's. aneeptod lov er. That he went to see Kiss Sloane on <he very eYCfilng when tinr 'Tecklem boy set his Central African trap was not strange, for he usually spent two or three evenings in every week at the Sloane | manafon, that precise hut it evening was a e aincid he proposed e na e a «* walk, and led Hist Sloane toward the idontical lane where the trap was waiting for victims. Mow it happeneu that neither the yonng minister nor Miss Sloane noticed the bent ssppling or the rope, no one can understand, auless they were so deeply engaged in the discussion of the ologfca!questions thatfesywsfe bblivl out to all earthly things. Still more difficult is it to comprehend how they could both have stepped within noose which .« spread out iu the form •of a circle not more than a foot in diam eter. It Is plain however, that the lady was reading a h-ymnbook and that companion had approached close to her in order to see if the was correctly printed. However may be, the fact remains that Sloane’ left foot and the minister’s ? e foot . were just . within .... lL the nooso the trap sprung, and the elastic suddenly lifted them twenty feet in air, where they remained hanging two cherries on one stem, and in lively tones their suspicion that thing unusual had happened. Half an hour later the Clinton HolmosvUle stage passed that way, the driver and his passenger were as tomshed , ... . beyond * measure. w, lor _ time, it was supposed that some add curiously camp!icated animal, sisting cheifiy of xebra and black ther, was swinging from the top Of sapling; but just as oue the was about to fire at it, the driver recog able to recognize hid fellow-pisoner The latter’s voice was somewhat, muffled but she was distinctly heard to retnie the minister, and to anert feat she never would forgive him, no matter how he might try to excuse himself strong men finally bent down the sapling released fee victims, and wi* rare del *e.ey ...igned the duty of recognizing ... in tbs stage. Fortunately, neither Master 81oaue’» victims were seriously injured, and were both able to walk home oa opposite sides of-fee street. The results of this affair were numer¬ ous. Miss Sloane left town fee next day on a visit to the East, and bs»not since returned. The minister was tried for indiscreetly hanging from tops trees with young ladies, and thereby bringing reproach upon his profession, but was acquitted by a close vote. As for Master Sloauc, it is believed and hoped that his lather has killed him. At any rate he has . not been seen, and the rumor that he has been sent to the House of Refuge in Chicago is not gen¬ era!!? believed. Coogretwi has agreed to fix the sixe of the army at 55,000, the House inserting a clause prohibiting it from being for civil purposes. y(nam:EE oxTot n.-x«(™**«cr. ma W eit reeoraaHmded ean buj alt the Furniture ***«T want from the Athena Furniture Mann ma tCor^eggs aud ehickrauku house. Try it. gW^ gfthTtg* SM WXLLMKUK * FAUST, f j” » «5 irili bi toSTu oife-iS wand & Wii W-haa * Aderfaeld. Dr Ptm caa : . . BE “* *“£“ Y ‘ I rice. the ct.He.tton da?*A ms of the tee date-I wU! tei. he "' o r «m< or TaCTrrt*. Uxtaktou, GaJ ^ Urn * *Wh ™gV f .18?t. » T , " _ SerupBookWcturets tnxive&iLad ftw J2hv£U?£e££il »ale at . ’ BURKES BOOK OTOKE, **^iV* U Promts CW>n**r iBnwer* fc^hTfoltoMn/^dS^ fc. ITr Byrtun. 1 can tmtkfhlly ‘l“ »y hh eiediaU J JTonr ram'a handbill., te that time iv« given up beneit. When i went to Urnoo Point to , ^ {(r I could not walk froo. Mr d-.'F. nwr.atoeeto from ESSSirasS'Mp: I>*. By rum, vbida I know h*» mv*d ntr life; 1 wo*ki B 0 t to-day taking be in the condition Both Dr. 1 was wbca I i>e«a« u>*dm at all Brnn for «ke tfuto with rf Georgia, lung dmase and 1 adriae to go to Dr. P/rara at ooce and be cerctl. Some may tail yon that Dr. Bywsi cannot eo*; yw»; but 1 two be who iraa about to die and rpcak fnnexHriaw). Some say, '* He mayftatolt you up •»* but if he jpatobee you up a* He did «e , yo u wiB tha e k G od tha t y o u c rcr sg w Dr. I Byrura. well, The f M could potehiug^ is permaoent, night and am not reet at until I had taken two or three do«* of morphine. I asked the doctor when he gave me my medi¬ cine. replied what 1 should do about morphine: he I might now bid morphine farewell, and 1 found it true; I have never taken a grain niuce. I have not wanted it. If you are a morphine or opium eater, I know Dr. Byrum can soon cure you of the habit. I write the above for the benefit of thoee afflicted with eoiwumption or l**g disease, and the high regard I have for l)r. J . T. Byrum. 8. D. Jokdajc. Crawfordville, Ga., April 30.1978. je7-4 THE SUCCESSFUL CANCER DOCTOR J.T. BYRUM HE#'lNOTON*COl?RT HOUSE, GA. and wishes to Jet it be known to those afflicted with CsnrrrN, Tumors, liters, Hemorrhoid*. Ciravrl, Dropsy, nil Kenralgitt, Hkin OisFBsri, Hhetimatisit), Vit*. Horn, Liver «on«|»lt»inl*. Throat and lung IMsrasvM, Female IH*ea*e* in their various forma. AH wishing to consult me wiil call on the SIXTH, SEVENTH and EIGHTH days of each and overy month. , Yob will never fail to find me at home o n the above treated days. several Many gkllfui of my patienta physicians have been putting by themselves under my care. If before this is your condition, and you have foiled to be cured, “Ah! I invito v<m to NO eonnult CURE me before I've you say, there is forme! tried so many Doctors, and they have do ns me no good.'* if this is your ease, remember you *n ful -inkingiiaily, will aim sink aftor to he mjipT heard groans you Many seea nor no more. and many ft man has ueen buried Healing within properties a yard had of plant*, been known, that if would their have lived.his life. With many years expe¬ rience with BOOTS and PLANTS, I have cured many Chronic Diseases that had been pronounced hopeless instructions, ease*. and Come with and God's see me, follow my aid 1 WILL CURE YOU l J.T, BYRUM,: TO THE AFFLICTED. apr26-5m* To the — LADIES of Georgia. fit*. Foam tnofos fee fox cowtey. Its strength is doable feat of any other baking powder.____—— ' ft is on that account fee cheapest, Oae eon qf fix* Foam is tcirfe ferae c/aity other bahnf pourlrr • Bf *a meof it,yonr bread vrfU be YoTfood "u ba STE* Your hetUh wiI1 male u Your-daily work rasfer. Bread will be whiter and richer, You will save a great deal of money, By fee tuc af Sea Foam, a barrel oj ^sur maket forty jxmneh more bread. Tnr bread, bircuit, end ca*e* wilt be _ It M ft new comfort !f f*t for FoAM home, « need. „ ^ ___ Ith ‘ Mlt ^ r for TO „ InI , the chiMren j, u tbe ^ of science in cookery, Your cookery will be always good, You will always hove a good cook, I* makes every cook a good ont. Your bread will never be sour. ■ mwfcw!Sea FRam /* w ? , !* w tf \ p Physicians who , have expenencea , or w!(nwwd u , hadfe promonog properties, commend it. Wholesalegrocerealwayscommendif. Ilctnil maehant* uhu bare introduced tt among iheir enebmert md noted its evmlrrfully rapid tale, nreer fail to commend it. £r«d and JLnly ^ ,nitre goid ot tlo led then, to inquire fee cause, arc loud in their commendation of jt. Hormheopere ubo luxe once need it will bare no other, and feu* mart ttnuqlp commend it. <***» wI *«« *"« e® 5 * 8 *>‘ h “her - powdre* h >- fftUed. are.jubilant JZrtui^uf ' UNIVERSALLY COMMENDED Actually the ladiee of Georgia, when Sea FoAX beta been intrceluced, are mm as noted for their excellent bread bieemte, cmre/ikte, and other moiety as they bare always been for their remarkable beauty. Nowhere in the world ran be found better bread, biscuit, and cakes than is produced, by'these noble ladies. There is a constant rivalry among them to see who shall make the best. And not only,is tbig the. erne, bat Sea Foam adds to their bEacIv,/ or health briny* beauty, and nothing ii> more conducive to good health than light, nutritious bread, coles, and pastry, which Sea Foah never foils to make. Sxa Foam is for sale by ali Stwt-ckss retail grocers in nearly every city. If your grocer hasn’t it ,» Mock, find is an obliging man, he will get it for yon. If, however, you arc nn able to obtain it readily at home, send for circular and pricelist to Gants, Jones & Co. M^hOtow»j»| 176 Boaie SL, New PropririUas, Yurt i t ’ JlbT '<% w *■■ ■■ mrarafctefwlkra* £ JwSffTrf Mte% tewR* A RACK W AM. <m the wtb to Mt of the Court Hmi fee wait to tore towg,n*Mteghaudl lime The It'S tt^Mwmea- be ; t«l with motto. reck to -girt i py mahii* e In* «f Kekwa, aw* each j ! K ,,, ? 1SS { „, iomg to-tW The Picket, an to be heart pier, S fc« U mete. «pt«» after Wit* dnawd. There are«ebej*ra ** rat^^Ttachre hv The rod. of the prats goto* torn the ground aret» he charred and aaturated with a«i tar. The RAIUKQS *f the Hefceta to ha % i» -»mhe LUUBER »w«toT »«P<« to he heart lumhar. The H«*et Fence to be pata tod, wife Seek WaU, wbetwew- the roek are joined by eement, to be rtrfped and paia u >1 (to the north and ftwat ride of fee Coart there ta to be a DOUBLE ISOS ftAT«, f feet wide, eaeh «ie ui hr H feet wide, and thin Doable Bate to he swung to On the bank and south ride of fee Court House there ie tube aa IBflff RATE, g|' H ‘ ^&«OTtSfiU wlde ind xweng to gtaait* pori»-d Srffl»*f-Th» BtlKlWi and SASH of fee Court Hesse are to be repaired, sad whatever other incidental repairs needed about fee inert Same to baa**. Third Two watE ii cu»£TS--fe e on. nmmag from the Jury Room on fee second Her of fee Court Hoa* to fee *«..d; fe, Other Jo be made outside of the. Coart Haw. Tie aw -iuit'of Tttbiag nere*«iy will hake to ascertained when fee work k-doae. ifottrfe—A WOOD ROOM, U « 15 feet high, made of briek—fee room to be made hjr : adding on brick to fee brick wall of fee Court Home on fee south western aoraar (outside) of fee Court House, a»d fee sail room to be cot ertri. gVfe-Three tines of H0R«E RACKS, to go entirely around fee Court Home Square, except on fee front side of fee Court House. The Rook work and fee Wood work may be bid for separately, or fee work may all be bid for in the same bid. Contractor*, of course, are to furnish all fee material necessary to complete the work. We invite Contractors to onli and examine the ground and Court House, and some of the Committee will meet them bn the ground on the first TUESDAY in .lone, if any Contrac¬ tor desires to inspect fee ground and Court House on that day, or on any other day. When fee work is complete), and inspected and received by fee Committee, fee MONEY WILL BE PAID at said reception wf work. The Committee reserves the right to reject any or all bids. LcxingUi*, <i-x , jtfop 22(1,187b. WHITSON G. JOHNSON, ' -ROUEET C LATIMER,__ _i_ JOSEPH 8. B miHN, . GEORGE W. SMITH, LEAN BE R M. JOHNSON, Cbmssxttes o» fntltMareandfftputri o/ Court Hmur end Public Squam. |M|B man «a Ift*li M»a< WwtkiM !iat>ftc«ntf. MH : :'ii IcdIwm - 2r , !u«i»*, *^2 , r^t2~ i. W s 8q«irW L - JwgIW»w, Qrfi.»MC^i»a. SAMUEL LUMPKIN. Connuellor at Law, LEXINGTON, GA. Practice* remlftrly in feeeountle* of Malison, oud Elbert. Choke; Hurt, sari Taliaferro, alaewfeere Wilke*, by rpauftt Oglethorpe tenet. • jsnt-ly PHIL ATTORNEY COOK, AT LAW. JR., LKXJwroy,.................GaonotA, . All burinees eiitnirted to my care will be promptly ntlsmtel te. - — ntra-tf DR. RICE, 37 Court Race, LOUISVILLE, KY, mac&an lasraasgflKrMgs.ffaKTOys mm A PRIVATE COUNSELOR LARGE SALE -OF EES HOE S= IN ONE WEEK! $4 Pair GENTS’ HAND-SEWED LOW QUARTER SHOES; T» Pair LADIES’ HAND MADE PUMP SPANISH TIES; »«» Pale LADIES’ HAND-TURN PUMP NEWPORT TIES; ISO Pair LADIES’ FINE KID HOUSE SLIPPERS, at fil per pair. On Monday Morning Will open about 5400 Pftir# Men’* Fine SUMMER SHOES, from the best houses ia Philadelphia, Newark, Baltimore A N. Y. Ei o ugh to supply tbegreat demand for about ton and ufty». BARGAINS. If convenient, bring fee CASH got '> ■ Near Central Hotel, Auguste, Ha. GENERAL TICKET AGENCY x RAJXROAB TXOJCJB - for rale by All Routes to all Principal Point* IN THE UNITED fiTATCS. JSfi* Buy your Tickets iu Athens and get alf-infor ma ti ux from CAFF. WM. WILLIAM3. Agent Southern Express Co., Athens, Gn MARRIEDli R. BUTTS LIFE site,| ^ViSSMt wrara. The'PHYSIOLOGY I Off MARRIAOE The PRIVATE MEDICAL ADVISER ____________ WMRMrwtMRta sB «*t hfRltfay TlSS^M^ytoftfieretwD; Wiiit ttw »»*cUwrwWR of !ife. wad like ncrbi.m w«ma la WR Gem thr mu, Hl» hef m * -* "SINGLE iAMuerkSta^i RRMiVt ffiTytiai te awntar« LIFE AgBignee'a Notice. Southern IfiNtrirt of Georgia -W. I At LKXfNQfOK, Joae, Ga., SS7S* j > fith'dar rafev of rpHE underaiem d he gives notice. Once X a week for three weeke, of. his apjwiut^ state »f Geurats, within raid district, wi» tins . adjiuieetl s Bankrupt upun hi*awn peti th.-a by the District Court of *aU district ** JOEL T. OLIVE, Assignee. 1 Pica : UHfc $ Rea They j. F«K IN>. ' And whirl, it a* -v«. f* and Wwroaglt* ly tried Meets awarded the tr» PriMoftheAa as* of Sew Y»rtt. 1« and IsCi, t bee taken die i !, t exhibited, tar t UlMaoM Paint to ekeapas the poor paint good article pea otiBter Hft mmm w rn r nmwr mt m k m ‘ - k irf. THUS WORLD RENOWNS0 ““f fitft M ftyj wmsmm Bad: ...... *•» MM 39 a fiaHni* Pland. It recahrecs the HighestMtwartfs _ the Vienna and a* Centennial CkpD* eitlon*. ., IT *>ZW& ONE-FOURTH FASTER than Other machines. Tts capacity is unlimited. There ere more WILSON MACHINES sold in the United States than th « eomblfiM *s‘cs of all the other*. The WILSON MENDING ATTAC 1MENT fOt doing Stl kinds Of repairing, WITHOUT PATCHING, given FREE with eaoh machine. m\ WILSON SEWIN6 MACHINE CO. Cor. 627 State * t Ma 829 dMrtSto^CI Broadway, UceRo, New York; New OrleAno, Lfot IUa.^and8anjFmn e | eoo t Cat GREAT REDUCTION SINGER SEWING MACHINES! After this, the Family Sewing Machines will be sold for CASH ft* follows : Plain Machine MttWtt, illi Bnp-Laf libit Miriiltt, W, All Machhir-i .-.w| and d^Uvrwd FREE OF EXPENSE. Machine* auld PL.LN if derired, with advanoeuieat of $5 oa ftTjove price. Smiles, TuckOTg, Coolers and Other Attachments, AT CHIT AGO PRICES, FOR ALL MACHINES. PURE SPERM OIL A SPECIALTY N. B.—Parties sreoeatioued against using such Machine Oii as is put up and sold by druggists AGENT FOR Send BAZAR and PATTERNS. MB' for lllurtrared Catalogue price Llst-fi®,® J. B. TOOMER, AGENT, 7 Offlc* below Singer old SUtid, beknr Tafm*«Ige, Hodg«on ic Co'i store, :--=--- r- _..... ATHF.NU, GEORGIA. t. H. HI.NT EM, Local *a«l, AwlIooM.fihs. ~ SIPIFlIlSrGr GOODS ' WE KECEIVE BY NEAELY EVERY TRAIN PgY;t )O OIW —:—— DRESS GOODS, PRINTS, FACTORY GOODS, YARNS, WHITE COOl*. JEANS, Ac., As. NOTIONN EMBB0JJ9EMP, RIBBONS, ••tori TOILET ARTICLES, Ac, Ac. IIKNTI.KMENN' WEAK READY-MADE CLOTHING, PAPER COLLARS, SHIRTS, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, As, Wh ic h tire will sell for fee CAHU as law as Hie same clara of Coeds eau be bought in the county. A call respeetfully •olidted. HAIRE &> LATIMER, MAMMOTH STORK, LEXINGTON, GA. ORDER VOIR CANE MILLS, Syrup Kettles, Shafting and Pulleys, ciiiie mt’S wm mi me, FROM GEO. R. LOAIBARD & CO., FOREST CITY FOUNDRY AND MACHINE WORKS, 170 FENWICK ST. (Mar the Water Tatter) AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN PuruUs and Stationary Steam Engines and Water Wheel*. Saw, Orilt and Floar MiUe, Fnrniihlng* and Machinery. Curing* to Iron and 1 mu« ef all kind*. Mill Otaring *t». Special attention givento REPAIRING Machinery. S<>nd for CataloEftlTof Mill Gearing. Second-hand Machinery Bought and Sold. We use wrought-iron journok ia our Cane Mills* ^ BUY THE BEST O GO o W HH > . Y XJ © H M*. None Genu- ( Trad* Mark io 't'tt attt PEARL I Papinted. Trt'tt Hark. try Them and be convinced .y8rt For sale only by WITCHER A JARRELL. Legal Blanks at Low a* (0 " ,lh “ d - Vt - ’ - v c*ten Block, Afeeta. tlM IriMf «r tk» 1M tMrt mt% Barham's Infallibly PILE GURE. Mjtssssis&.T.s. ttfimriMfaififitn W.ntw, frimUUwm* * nr nr, WNiMMI i* mmUIr. SAWORD'S as > ...... M :s fe'-’V •'feV' ft ir.SSR*? i .Itwr . rtb. - ' * cm fv. I AMD PAINT JPlWMfif'" ffiuij ” si F IT "' Hull ra f^w . Fresh Seed ffmrCalaie Seed, Pure liiefi Paiats, SfehotUe. TOILET BOAP, fioa. fee to 7ge dosen. ANILIKE liYEft. aU bov. eokee-aay One box ft i * mnt mmvusmim BACON, CORN, FUlV COFFE^ MEAL, SUGAR, PLANTATION TOOLS, fro. ttlMCELLAVEOVIl PAiEXT HEMCIN1W, KRUGS. tobacco, cigars, SADDLES, BRIDLES, BEST GARDES SEED, - CANDY, NUTS, CRACKERS, AND HUNDREDS sf Other Articlss, $2,500 Year. ji | XlgeBts nut 1A I $2,500 A Year. WANTED IraltuTK Pin FAMILY mm: ENGLISH, GERMAN, CATHOLIC, PROTESTANT «nd Comprising elegantly nearly 100 Illustrated different Explanatory styles, wife numerous Features. The ra«M Complete, Perfect and Beautiful line of BIBLES ever offered to the American public. -ALSO ON OUB CRANO COMBINATION PROSPECTUS, Of 150 Distmct Pabiioauons. Historical. . resenting Religions Agricultural, and Miscetiaiu Bfographfoal, works nus and Family, Pulpit and . Pocket Bibles and Testaments, wanted in every family. - nL JS'ouelFcditire in Caiivming. Sales made Also, GESERALauil LOCAL AGENTS WASTED on our QREAT WAR BOOK. ■Tite most Comprehensive, Reliable and Ac¬ curate RUSSIAN .History and of fee the late TURK, conflict wife between de- fee it* .100 gant showy,, Euxniring*, deatrabie Maps useful and Flans, book the nroat pub¬ and now lished. For Circulars and liberal terms, ad¬ JOHN dress, E. POTTER CO., Publuken, rf aep7-ly PHILADELPHIA. WHITSON G. JOHNSON Attorney and Counsellor at Lav, LEXINGTON, GA., Clarke, Will prat Madison, ire in the Elbert, eountiea Wilkes of Oglethorpe and Talji forro; and in the Supreme Court of Georgia ' i^REMEDY. I D URAHC ■mm ILpHENSTIME "wlaiTA 4t WAMMKTfia.6. lENTLEYi A ’ : Fob Window Cornice, call So the Atheu* Furniture ManufaetWagtOompeny. coon ‘smves sow A» *: Kr. CHILDS & CO., " * Athens, 6e DR. DURHAM'S ■|l» r= ®bs Bill Cure ileafetohe. tipatioe. < ! m lam Vertigo! j . ’ ________________Dysptqwia! ! a ok ash • S trSwS ; Dsrttam’e PUL wtl! Onto all » £°M the great __ W.SniUh Le» iagtoit rd; Dr. Bnven ms erchaats. 'jalt-6 cm fig [j ImMraMmtlies, news mm 1 Sash, nears, ‘Locxalmlglné. M I ' 8*}? 1% 5‘80 M , S. , 5;?- I WindogW-and men lecture Glasnpfipeg , Q .;_ . j uomx n, Auaumym. - "f j -WHERE TO GET readers aTfe<ECHO to fee foUawto* rate.: All Gardea Seeds at 50 *. perdoa. We pay poatsge o» all Seed except }c Peas, Beans and Cur*, for wkioh we add each ^^Ksifd ^ mns meia. y- p es tsge Her Onian Sett*—25c per quart ; postage fee. Balk Seeds can be seat cheaper by express, TO MERCHANTS We can offer LOW FIGURES. tend Send Mouey list of for SEED Seed nd wanted, and be sore to a Pottage .____________ Wo~Xeep everything in the PAINT AND DRUG LLNE which we SELL VERY LOW for Cafe. c. v. tone & co„ ATHENS, OA*. I. K. HALL & Manufacturer* and Dealer* in DOORS, SASHES, Bliuda, Scroll Sawing;, —AlfD — WOOD TURNING. afactared Building Material prices of low every If description at w not tower, any other market W’e make a specialty of PAINTS, OILS. liuilders’ GLASS, OOLOBS, ETC. Before you buy send for our estimate for PRICE Material LIST, need, or any you may which will certainly pietose you. I. H. HALL & CO., febl-ly (harlFllen, S. C. Luge and Wagon MANUFACTORY, T WOULD respectfully in t form the ritfseus of Ogle th«n>e and I have surrounding added try that receatiy to my smith by shop a of fiort-claan the best Wood Shop, presided over one workmen in Georgia. I have also secured the serv ices of a first-class Trimmer and Finisher. Mr. dames T. Lloyd, Hie best painter south of Baltimore, it also in y e m ploy . 1 w i ll make to o rder wy kind Hass of work can fee had any wkcwvta fl m C» 8. Blacksmith and Repair work a specialty, Be rars »ud give me a trial. All work war¬ ranted. W. O. TUCKER, Crawford. ii ■ -*.« ' » . ...... .............. . - ■ -----a*!- - ■■■— ..... —■— DENTAL NOTICE. T HA.VE associated with rue in the practice A of Itentistiy at Crawford Dr. W» f*. Dental LITTLE, College, a graduate a young man of the of rare Philadelphia mechan¬ ical talent. One of as will remain At the office all the tins* We. will, keep a good team, and any one wno is unable for. to visit «r*r Oglethorpe office, and de¬ sires us eour-ties, to work him, in communicate or ad and will with us at Craw far*!, we will, visit ftiero at their hr .me g We nroptride to do ffotyl work at rea sonable prices. I am Mxankftil for past patronage, and trust that the new firm will be regarded with favor by all who desrire faithful and skilful work. . Teeth extracted without pain if decired. M. IL THOMAS, Crawford; March 12th; i-S78. iuar!5-ti NOTICE. rnHE X notwithstanding undergigneil he gives U engaged notice that iu Jggf|§§: the PRACTICE OF I>EKTI»TRY f In which he is prvp-. A to doallkind* of SS&S work, also ^I u a? bctbiS^R Dn^ttritra WurehlS.! Ny wffilrcMfatofibdattlMir ori»rwisei*xiT«i me. B. CBEDSL • r. , mmm •*W’ 1 jjp < Jp "t.-r-" ■> ' | * a ■«>"* • i ____ NKil —■—■■i 1 * ami Haililiirsesta llaiis. Agricultural Iapta&ents, Leads. Oils, ©!«•», Varmsi ~ HA&SES 8 LEATHER, MILBliRS WAGSNS, Cotton Manilla Wheel*. imd Jato Rope, CMriaqe *M Bobber «sddh*T HaMtoara. Leofewleltio*, tbOsws. Hslsr, Bptfeaa Buggy A*lw, Spring. «to. and Mill Saw*, Auy ortkir i» our line not in rtnek, will be ordered when drrired. wife fee hast ptouM* delay. , CaUaad examtoe oar stock and prisw*. SAMPL ES SEN T FREE Fredericksburg Dry Goods Store* AUCU8TA. - - - The Largest Stock! The Lowest Prices! IdM SPRING GOODS 0F ALL TEE IEW ABB CHOICE FABRICS OF THE SEAfiOB. JW* We send SAMFtES and PRICES when requested, *n.l oa Order, of TEN DOtAASt ur over for (teri* frouwttr RstaU DepartimnU, we PAY THE FREIGHT to fee cnatoaurM nearest Exprem Ofliss. V. RICHARDS A BRO. «prl»-tm AUGUSTA, GA. Mi JAS. A. CRAY AGO ■» AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. OCR STOCK OF.SPiUSG « SCMMR DSY CriDS hhi Is now complete, and is the lasgeat and beat assorted in the South.' Our Mourning department contains everything from the lowest price to the finedt goods Our imported. Black, Colored and Fancy Silk Stock is unirenwtty , acknowledged t» life to ^ mefe in the market. A glance at its contents wiil convince the most skeptical. Cypres, AH fee Beige, latest. Hylphide, Noreities in Colored Dress Goods— Chenille Jardiniere, designs and Kevillt freia in Nectware be found Horaby, nowhere Victoria Suitings, Bonnets, etc. efi to else. off handsomest Searf Lama *nd Embroideries ever offered to the people nr 1 pretty «^T3«sir*ble ____ .......... ift ^arisoU, description, .. ia&TnYttui.'* 'CtM><U~gv«<jri3Ty. sndia stock of Eiaews ef every Towels, IS apklmt, Dorliss, ete broidered Piano Covers. Slor ud ViMte nwtfrtmy „ cu. The only complete Stock of Ladies’ ITwderwear South of Mason and Dixon’* line. A Ladles’ foil line and of Misses’ Infant*’ Soits Wear, in great Cloaks, variety—Soys’ Presses Suit* (from 8 to * yean.) etc. ere tbemselvcs. Orders filled promptly and carefully. aprS-Sm JAMES A. GRAY & CO. A^gnsta Book and -Stationery Jobbing — O V - i ':4\ ■■ ■ W' ’■ D. QUINN. KEEPS ON HAND A FULL LINE OP SCHOOL & COLLEGE TEXT BOOKS, OFFICE & FANCY STATIONEBf BLANK BOOKS & Jfe 5 X Haftr All the principal PAPERS and MAGAZlNl^y asuablisUeii Broad SfthaiiMofti AtTU’STA, Uhfa GA. fi>* same at publpriewv 108 »t., TVE. DEC. 1TOTJ3STC3* (FORMERLY WITH LUCAS * WARE,) Merchant Large Tailor, Stock of—— —Has Just Opened a IMPORTED CASSiMERES, CLOTHS AND DOESKINS. AT PRIC E* TO SPIT THE TIRES! MSP* Special attention paid to Catting in Latest Style afip* One door beiow Long's Drug Store, ATHENS, GA. sp; MARBLE I GltEAT . HEI >17 CTTON IN I'RICUg -—OF-— TOMBSTONES^ MONUMENTS AND And the work still maintained to the highest state of perfection. Cail ami get my prices and be convinced that you ure dealing with a fair and square man. Design* and prices at ■'"* W ROBERTSON, Sculptor and MunnmentuI Ktiilrter, Mar&ie Yard OB the corner of TLbmas stiff Market fitted*, ATHENS, GA . T ' E AMERICAN; - - ' ' ' SEWINC” .' II “£‘;‘ ,n-m mu ~ ~ , - >~ -. i Needle. {film -, -, NO ¥ NEEDLEgTO . w ' / SET It. A the Easiest and aims Satisfies. . AGE; I Swank you to try it, anfi om? ypn special L Indcements. Send for(‘girchrfl. Pneeuo , t IVY, .30“ awnnmm, Sf” W90: 3mm; T.‘I.A'I“l!.ll.f«3.,Anl‘viif‘himsfim . ‘ 6 am: BEAD THIS ! NO HUMBUG! OAT l BROS •r _ JftEST*CWife^ 841 Broad street, Augosta, WILL ncr.AM^ 8KLE DIAIVlf^lC A Kin PUT ON. which only dusrtvra poro!-w..r-* fo Ail ta.truiae.ta Wareautsd fur Bee y-«- I” O^TES, wbo-Hre^muff briay”p«*ct ^ 'f, m T*ro mH “ ii in the art by fe* irrt pro&wwrt *” ST ordee^m mt, sad cranOy SWCE; August istw r916: