The Oglethorpe echo. (Crawford, Ga.) 1874-current, November 15, 1878, Image 1

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ns OGLETWI MO. bEC ____of bn. - Any Will MS* C« *• of In with fie cMh, win b« to tr* M , . So pefirted rouble ree» it* ataiety haad, And ehrio an f«agrei,t * >»■ '• above unfold To waken pity tor the quiet dead. Tho* are tte gravea fUroavitfain our iNtarU Ik the Lopes aa4 dreuau of eoriy * , &L.I tf. g.'otiM. ft* .ihort, twwt Some Cherished promi*. robbed of .tnogth and troth— Cra-hed ia the moiam* of tts *ewd»oni power B<M _ t»U. . , h ryot«»... _ , menjory hMeogjarad __ . The form sad face of one we called * Mend, Ooe for Wh«s wclttee wo world ran have braved Oroaora ami heartache to tbe hitter end. But 'tea- not wirriy«ud ah we draw Before tho tte-vcWn *** the iooBii-a vyt* A heavy veil Tv. -■ > .( e,; ,1, if It «aw. Would profftr pit; in a thoutand Hee. So life goes on. W„ !>v t he fore* away Oi ;M!«t as icisan'.-t wisely Hal n«, wfiv And in the lap« of years we team to stay Dm fretful chanting ’of tlietr fansrml kneH. K. I o mp to emil e . hetofe the smategthraog. Atthoogh the adder's fangs he deeply set; And Jota, »0thetbe\,uu prehap o,„ „*« b. the mug,' . To 1 .« never esn forert. ^ And ttms we le^o.en.vtue^m rest Of those who sleep beneath the sod. B<ri;4 with life's 3 »iiing chain, wo know ’ti. t* -- Ft To bond oar howl, sod psM tsmesthths rod. And when v.„ re **, ro«. hrare clsd •o»re.....-........ 2 - BETH'S TRIBULATIONS. Miss Betti Hurst listened to the soft 2SK .... ........ siS^aAwraSJre liabtd - of uiilished table talk * ra She had been iu the bouse only a nighr, iiu ting which time she 1ml been as recluse os she could be’ without sram ing odd or rude, until to-mgbt she had blissfully believed hereell to hen per sonofno sort of interest at all score or more "ning“sitting of fellow-boarders. But thise among the voluble land diners, she felt seffooiieions, queerly «msi tive unpleasantly the oMplatb and vaguely 1.0L1 imagined SrLa that nTr.nla surpSg to vS SSi vriteanchnew * CTrreSmflt rad hA'Te'SSa itm atg T ole nubiki wav m’v'er ’■ would be s.-s u daliacd U he Aid no wrong.” assarted on*; -there hid-1 are more faults rad toll.« and sms den than will ever lie revealed* Bnt, unfortiuiatciy, grateiul the those tran..gre»sora that love them are never to if they wold from furt&r offense. against n?.t wx;ial requirement*. I)o you tbiuk tho same, MisaHuratf”' Bomehow the young lady felt that the appeal was made her,and ungenerously lieeks J* flushed t* 8 * or to confuse here up painfully, although alio answered ocmpoBedly enough wise enough •: to decide “I am not so dreadtuUy weighty^ a question. leisnrcly She smiled, at the same time will nmng from her chair ; -you excuse me, pl S^’i She left *U her place 1 gracefnlly. dam With an d£niMroom°tomM dining room toward STdmir^of^the tbejour of ttu ! the W —---------• Bhe ------ Y leaving —■ -----n would company tfie ehoto was rabject.of coraip ake her after her. withdrawal. At the door the inBinaative voioe of the mistress of tbe house stopped her. - Yon will not stop iu the parlor with us tor awhile? No? You will card there for you. The gentleman called while you were ont. The young lady entered the parlor with a nervous step. Bhe quickly gnessed whose name aiie would read npou tho card that had been left for her. •‘Mine enemy ha* ionod me onH” she mnTmnted, with blanching lips, Wvon “ Biram Weil* has been misohievous here, rad only knows wliat story he ha* told to my landlady, nor how she has exaggerated it to toe board era. I can nuilaratand now toa-iunaeu doe* that disturbed ma so dittressfiUly while 1 wa* >tini»g.” She went up to her room and looked herseli iu with the movement of one who was ton* shutting out the world rad its torments forever. It was a pretty rooms »nd from one lofty to roof*, window she oouldsee a wilderness gleam of the a tangle to streets, and toe river not far away. “Isballhave more trouble to-mor row, she mused very coolly and philo sophically; steength "rail bravely. I sbrtl h. *v1®t 1 all my to meet ft for to-mghfc, I nhaj iraagmn i am the hap piest women in the whole wide world, and so slesp sweetly.” Had Miss Beto Hurs* be® lees ijail isr with sorrow, she would have been perhaps less philosophical. But had ft seemodasif the Waters pf grief gone ever ter until the allotted flood from must thw-reasoiung surely be drawu almost dry ; sail ysauojm^ she gathered Cosi “fite to iT "Z “'( tocher morn St tom'L «Vt! Imau t/ but Miwiteknrtiwk tatoherritefw 'b«mtiful WWstoosd, wav hrimsoniiiM i, «ie,« ®?®® radta SK-UtZSi^/™..! ^ in tl- hail wi drawinlotfv?i £n,tav in^hm” i—'*.■^ ® l ° od 7 v glove* re her V?1' T -l' h ;,B ®d her. “& te?•?];>nS'n&S^SJT lucti Oiu-fa* • i^.,- Z v T- . v. Wife of this Mr. Wells, or hot ?" “ And I really think I ought to know why you ask me a., question tost pogsi bly may not seeia'to ypu impertiueat?” Betoiwhife her large dark eves ta*a to kiiiuie with, resentment and , , Tt eft**!*’ etteT-^inviTi ^ fc0,r mterlr -°? f >ST enter ? or 0T with ® cs* x a ’ ^»>8 -“Iwishto gesture toward know, toe Miee breakfast Burnt, ta.nw beiWn« I am interested in J0» wei fe* y °!V “ d to Whirtf 1 ? im1b T 1 !* 1 “®r omrrM mean8 that if I am not vX^rewish dsv L.r®? 5 ,™ to give railed here me up my ^ tl ■?** '< T ’ Id r3P* * * Oglethorpe 4» kamm •ar H HO. THE catty PAPER m ONE OP THE LARGEST, MOST XUTELLroAtT AND WEALTHIEST COUNTIES IN GEORGIA. By T. L GANTT. sv 1 d ^ toll ^^i^ Ss^jjhsTaS. uk! who b*f fnalodlu-r kindly ijs: eronrfy nnfil she rafraad the derotoon of Hiram Wells, iriiomhe Uewed. Itoant » my dearest fnemi, Beth. ^ ll « had said to hmr, persaa«raiy ;“ever we werern college together, I hare draamed that some tune he might he nearer and dearer still. Do yon re member the time he saw yon ftntT It i was a summer day, and Yonr you were a little maid of twelve year*. yellow hsir hung below yonr waist, and was gar landed with bine >ioleta. With your nmsim Auts gathere.1 np from yonr bare limbs, you were war, mg ‘brongo the waterafterhliea. He loved creased J 00 then, with Beth, and his He love weal has m yonr year s. is thy wil*- ftii&piimg.dininie I understand wants yonTor a cannot why you have refused him. JliHxxuf I diaUke him " averred^^the 8«1. ‘‘and since I refused him I have leamd to despme himself him thoroughly. He has shown revengetul and un manly.” 1-Jaiw ”mqmredh mcrwlnlonsly. tgns*y7 e r bro tt rar , “ He has tried to part me from my friends,” Saaerted Both indignantly. “ I hnressen the imeera and shmgs with whi ch be na t kned totnd>tos me. He cuts rare,- -—a re «Z$s sraiss.X“* be his that if I will not wife lie make me in tbs eight of men a creature so despicable, that the lowest of them all »onhl scorn me. And for what be has satd or what he has hinted, theoueTnau *hom I love has left me without a » l0,d - that^'ClaAe " r • n PP°* e J ou refer to 10 J brother •• I refer to Mr. Elkot, ’ she answered. “Well, the truth of the matter ft, Beth,” he returned; "that your bs* been censurable. Tear stohoMKm with with that that EUiot EUiot WhenSsagreuable was was highly hly unbecoming unbecoming and and indiscreet. indiscreet. When com menfeWere mwle. HLfttm oliray a «I yon. Hiram was quite right if he coaxed or coerced the fellow to leave “ d th0 EUiot sought you ff* flattered you bsoense you amaaed I suppose. But he neyer tbonglit of marrying you. Never think, Beth, S*» amanof snefa anstocratic Prnteu- 1 “ i a wa “W ni ever choora for a bride a ‘mu. Wi Hiram 3* to. artedhonwaMy, and jonare uDgrab'ftil, Beth. He hanilonr what many better mea might “«*. d » *« "»*h«ri®n «®l »>»® * wlU ^ n*v« B,)Ver •» * hi* ■“ wife Wl,e - ” nrotested Protested ‘ Then yon will ... no longer be my m* ter. nor ora my home be yours, de ■•hwed her brother farm ly A*i«l so B-th flaiBt left the home^ that hrT mtS miter y persecutions o! Of her reb rejoced su . tw'so ... . to unmralv railso sbametolly creel’ ™ “a < ‘?J A I0 was ?o/ on ?ff. «o lnexpenencod, that be h<yht l town, h* •2‘NjP^-*’ eEmeofhis own piuwnoa. ltewasnatur see ally nothing a.diplomat^snd unkind or intriguer, wrong m andeouhl this nn gallant pursuit of the intoned y 0 t«8 had determine.! sbonld be bis wife. , Most of all he wishe.1 to force her back to the boms and infinenerof her brother. And to do this he affected to tie the diamteresleJ misguided friend and and pardon- indis ing lover of a most His hamiaoma rad-perverse hia sweetheart. ehivalroa* person, ‘seductive bearing, rad his voice were anffieieni to gain at onw tbe attention and sympathy of those whom he wished to convince that Beth was a sadly way- » war.1 if ntoto»etly ah i mp roper ro rt young Much person. Beth dreaded him, she as w*s scarcely prepared for toe vexatious await ing her that morning when, resentful and defiant, she went ont to visit her musicpqmto. -MtesRftr*t."lsid the lads' of {he house where she first catted.' , ” nly daughter will Iconldnot not require think your lessons of after to-day. em ploying yon against toe wishes of yonr brother rad the gentlemen who is to be yonr husband. delay And, my dear, if I Were you I would not my marriage, Sir. Wells ae©me U> be a very excelleut snd genero® PoorBeth! gamtleman.” Shewre blind *ith tears when she went Howto-up the step* of a stately • house As she close by. admitted, haudaome was a elderly lady met her anil led hermto tbe • parlor. -Mias Hurst,” shebegau i ’ gently. quite 1 ahT^.TOSitStoto alrire bid P“ h « t ' 0 .f atllerres0ntfal “ ood ’' i * B18 h | My dear rkM-srerta/ child, resumed tk. the l»te I have known you for sometime, and T Z}?' NiB you MUta «baf raomratny 1 friend J™ to speak so senonsbr rad jet so , himl^t ^ > F? n m“v .f • tori^l“ - son «>n who who calls himself my fnenil, wta when ?*^“^.rtTT tor^m ied Both, wlule .her 7 “ proud d P T eyes am ’ r ~^’°r dd '' n oT~oiiHe~cmFr(?Eeha'~vmu tr observed yon tell me the the be Wboie whole story, story, LchiTv” m^^ mv c “ Indeed I will,” declared Be believe pulsively; “ for I know yon will ! ■” - “ fast to me also : The lady smiled an j and rated pretty, her aggrieved with Beth impassioned biieflvnar I rated her story story with impressed sn an impassioned voice that intently will® her listener of her truth aa her trouble. •‘And " ' , ’ yet, . ' my Beth -------- poor girl,” remarked , , the lady, when paused; “ perhaps ^ wfll 13004 tor J°“ to jWd. It be almost impossible tor you to live down the r«*mtatkm that von? suitor lias given iStoss'vou yon. Nor can you ever ibe quite happy brother-. beirome re coDciled to And Mr. T LEXINGTON, GEOMGIA- FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 15. 1878. “ ""** gT7 toyaafor *‘ & T** 1 « '’ %J e*plan««». °®?“ *°. 1 *»« .op- 1 ” j re ! ^WftMrAUir^SU® M ao4 pi«.! d- ; j mg ,he M w oh hie handsome face, and nd arisine, aha weotehyly toward him.- atfeetion "rhare nerer douhted ydnr ; «>r me, T 'she heart-dear, said, etaply. troabled heart !” .. rne ‘ h e responded, stroking her bright hair, badly toward Betb, yon.?-* I reallr think I behaved; , Then he tnrne.! toward the lady who regRfjjng them with, pleased eyes. <• Ton eball decide abontonr wedding: i lay, my sister,” he said; ” this is the .„ee» girl I have *Gkod about to yon ro often.” .. lra .p«te,l so,” returned she; “and that is why Mr. I sent for you as soon as . ffi. jiaS i WbulationswsreairoyerHer We ll, had brother became reconciled to her union with the worthy man she had chosen, ^ was ranch too happy to heed b» resent the ethTdisoomfited petty innnendoes that the <-«**% Hiram WGls oeeasionally hurled at her, bitterly Imt rerv covertly —' ’ ' i ■- Erptostre Hines in Warfare. SSrfuSvSnSnMfa ^ . » » S^E^roSa w2^ m ,ia gn^ sid “have The Sd adohra Mtog ft ^SiJ^zssp tS. KSf5r hen ®M* thwnten SS ed. *”» *»“*; a I >r ?P,. u P tue superincumbent earth and wrth wood nitok When ^ t f ^“^troyed g feHm^.T „. w5 ftlhenmStab the parte With tachod.^the rebymA tog ters^on " *°g” re French wri th o art of : oTJun’oomdor by cidIo- : ? rad f >n m e Xoto . m ‘ i^t lrf^^amst *X stelhcWmv thc wraultiug m A kind of ante ™ • ^ ^w “to to«tW^^, S wortS.S work } j % A wasdeVSed aomowhat cluliont^ guMethe^onT intern of ftotics to batoift# in these curioue engagements, °»'l"' 08 *“ to listenforttie wbrk-^^ men o( |h# *nemy were oonstrncted. cantkmh^made and approaches toward thm ware f notil near tnongh to , hllMt in he dividing partition 1 defeat of earth, them, then rash upon them an aut ^ j p t their work* In the °* th * , ^vgataenth oentnnre, the csndi datea for knighthood conferred kee during to P gP”™ ** by ilielrown aide, warfare hrora the subterranean step to submarine was ve, rapid. Varioaa methods of das ( ruvtB g go mimuy's exploitive ships, combustible by sending gg^ngt «* them dcvW, or c „ re and were employ, edbythe J Dntch iu their wxrs of liber omselvS. „ ti , he 8p , ni „d. > .»nd bv and other nation*. With J^y plan., of the kind we have become toi.T fimlHar , from the frequency with which they wore made ottsy tee Chinese iuoffir war* with them. Wit.. Sueh t beir perniiar Vftnrn humor, ri’dicnle which what tends into ante kmd Sort in general consent to eonsidBt aa serious, they have .boon known to make tbe explosion of a ghastly flre-ship, practical rae( j w j tb gunpowder, the a Arrow torcha, joke. i,n7o Iu war to tho f tter fouled ships, by lytog-Ib'A vessel river of China was a which had tan sent floating down the stream with a view to being exploded When against K^pXn her snd took destroying plac^ thSra her. lore life"and ^damse was no to little t*S; 0 »** done to the structme to the but above the gunpowder piteil to be exploded to too had been immense quantities with excep- whieh ti.mallv ClTinereara disgusting manure to the to the habit dressing their vegetable gardens, and the of the hlow-np wss to cover toe ship, rigging and crew who were on deck with nauseonn eompouo4.— Westminster | ---——~ The B-appearrace of takes. , , . Natora i philosophers drying have generally to in ! considered that the up I waters is due to the destruction of i o( the forests near them by tbe ssttlers ! who colonize the land. A French travel . er who baa lately returned tohis own ssaraaf *&•»«! {■. <*"■? lliie - of desioretiim taking ptace all over tto j American oontineat, to toe enst as weil »* However, to.toewcef.ef slioat the-Bocky moactania. he two years ago, aaya, :re,WWwrt andjast summer poured for severai over weefc^-ra its south : cavt ,r known htoore. And yet the stark to clearing ihelrad i“ B*« : Tio rapWity, ^# y ttsqi rogressfag with mcmsag rad mMff bnudreds of som ' <* ***"*>* woodman’s axe. The. rise rad tell v ?S i aS n .i„!rv^J ! S«i i! !l wS p,aa ^’ & 1873 the first ssttlera began to gtt ai!I st^msffSJiaap ^iy. fa 1876 the waters in the lakes : imusoaUv »,{tfog' dry annuner ol 1877, flooding the . meadow, rad reaching a he j- ht of s bont three feet above toe Simultaneously ' tost ievd of 1873. with e vreA toe water in porcupine rad gradurt- lake, a ; f ew mags distant, fee came neek up ot land i y overflowed solid over I, »hiA the public toad passed, and the „ .i.iiAjathiii nf a t gLIs fi u€Shu« ubCbs* 1 igS’ S TTioaelakes all lie on s levelstable : “SjSj rfCstate^nd hiohest noint on the tower ‘ * ** ™** *“<«*<* “* seventeen sculptors snd eighteen pate _ , 1 he eonaolidated and floating arMSg debt at Turkey now amounts Lml to about *1.000, 080,0fi0, Wl, rad and the the annual expenditure* greatly greatly exoeed exoaed the the revetme retenne. - - Mrs. Anna Wittenmyer, president of tho Woman‘s National Canada, Temperance organizing Union, is at work in women's temperancesooieton. - At Long Point, Tea., the eolored peo p l e put bells upon the necks of tbeir to keep them from getting lost in the high weeds that surround the town. --r^TT ru,w»n’« M hart in. wirl lUinL ia nnt in Wia! the , , j ews !ike a ^t in distress has . ” ftB(1 aQ am, resembling 8 a cat’s •**' . _^ Th« . Rmi1 hmi S n , Tttr » Ja neiro to study on fthe jgf*” th^ true of yellow Several fever, have and diaeovor accepted a remedy thecafl. for it. _ - The wonderful vitolityof ImmanGrif- Do<H,0-, fl °- who h “ iB W " ** *« , ^ **•— • —_ isus g^-ar* crop ’ 4 ' 773, *_ ■“* During the year ending » May last w ft * The traffic to sImctIi^ tw«n Mozmiibimre ttodSen^rf^ and Msdagasear Z™ J ta * eo^dderaW^mk! aB “ de “ bl > dlu,JD “““ *• T *° “ e “ ®* St. postal Paul have te patented . of , su express and carto made hullet-propf iron, flxed witti brakes and a coapler that with may springsJ^wlilch be o perated fro m_the th o.».de. and doors ao»l wmdowamay bwrestmftty ami violently closed at the will of the m* Theroa ilcfenoe roloaph against iftra and various rob other means of train ,>er “' - dames H. Sister, the new Dnitad 8t s.X, , R h^^eihiteerwhenthe: p Uat<ir from Oregon, is sn old Territory Illinois wraeiimst a wildernoas. He is »n rajw, prominent# fifty-two yeareof m^ny ngt*. and a Uwyer of ter years. He was a member of toriallegislature,and legislature, and sulwe<|!.entl^yof 187U wa«electe<l the State in to Co ignas, serving one term. He defines' himself as a Democrat opposed to inflation, bnt in favor of substituting greenbacks for national banknotes. A „ invention which merits notice has jn8 t teen introduced into parts of Oer m auy. The invention consists of a milk can, so arranged th.t tbe milk can be wuMnd: out tD-theisst dxop,bntnata ,i n , p of water can be added to it. In the ordinary ^f^pSloekatS tin lid. which is ter^hastran secnrelv 1, token -iMc.i , H a brass valve 'can wbicu opeI ,g outwards. When the is .’l 1 /. re let tL the „ll° milk out Lf the valre te,w» nltoraily • hte to i^rfglrt ,be «n mutt taTthe te to w wire SSSb bv its own weight and V prevents nny ^ter uomog u,. It is not storage cfeangnes.s that cheler* ind^ rages to *** wtey. giene a re * ldom tb0 n ? bt ,f f ' As an instance of the “‘h, general.intelligence , d ! ®* d a su all village 1 Iy tovaded 6 P r ^‘ by the ® Bc y°| scourge, ™® and w out “ * of t f a po ? n }? t '? n '‘““he 1 * eeBt to tb ® Pj® 00 . 0nd ‘he inessenget TTt rraf who ..“"if/ hjf g «ie tb ^thes «“ f to , d '.^ toe e chtoera 1 “ bTe ® P»‘ 1 ® Bts ,n * J”8* w ® n ‘hat supplied drinking ol this sort water for constantly the town oocnmng. Examples are l ‘°b® m ev ery part of the East. -- The grand canal of China, which is as famous as the great wall ofthat country, is to be abandoned. This watejwaf was constructed by Kul.lai-Khra and lua suoreesoraof the \rtto ***t,MjlJ* 10,000 GOO miles in length. There are 'rad fiat-bottomed bout* on tbe canal, three are used in the transportation Of grain. It costs an enormous amount every rear for repair*, the rapropria tions there, as elsewhere,not being eu tirely they' devoted to the purpose for whieh are merat Jnnka are .Waved every month while channels are being dugfor their passage. This year, for R*W ed the Pekm e tohoritfe, toe rartto -• tauefor Vesuvius is at it' Outbreaks amrtiv aft ® r 0“'®’ few six year*. are Hnd f ar betweemj that next overwhelm^ preceding l«a*“ i» 1**. whieh tbe ^flowing village of Caroolo, mUee. Between the stream 79 rad of tan l850 only forty nine aerio® emotions are belie*ed to have occurred, and dor jpg the reft part to this century the crater had been so inactive os to Justify Sir Charlen CoUstream’. •• There’s nothing in it.” The *”** a £ P< ’ 3 S 1C ^?Jl > '‘ jk £. Zil CriA^XIr'rrve. escaped. In SU October, wwmw *, 1822, -avrewre, » re H*WW" 800 *» eruptira eruption carried curried away away jnoge mwe than than square feet, leaving a The vast chasm Miles that in circumference. eruption overwhelmed Pompeii was in TO. The amount of matter erected m enormous, that sent forth in 1737 boing over 33, (Jneae . . .. . ontttngia ttaSm ..- «... Frasess®* pnstms has been forbidden by an mjtinc fto? dunug: the tasl of the lawsuit ln reiving the legality of tne practice. t* cow said that, contrary to general has li«f. ‘he preservation of the qnene 00 religious eigniflcasce to Onin. a Chinaman, the It -as introduoed into by ^ ; * ***** '•*■ Ira mbom Mm Chinese inn | j eourt-ynrd a sides, Uug, an low, Oj^rt^ptL open of onerat^.nhlmg a afa..t recteiWar for the gh-jpe, animals oa two <* on the the third third aide, «de, and «w! toe the mud mad wall wall with with its it* «omenhEt somewhat Lea heeiy wf gate gate on on the the fourth fourth Mde. easminstion dwoorored the longbmktogtobe a wneaof rooms, ; ranging to to twelve twelre m ria^omjwelra byfaren^fett,^^sopording b!^fy l f«r, ai^Jteg^a feet as i each each eontainei eontoinevbne cdled e^ed bne or or two two beds, beds, os or These kongs hongs as as beda-Mit !*od«—but they they are are no,ant «t*o do in in br brag Chinese. Chinese. disorolit discredit These the^nomn, let uo,f * too rail ag them kongs. on on These Songs, fen, are of generous <H menaions. ertjnding the fall width of the room and beinc not less tbmi sir I««i w*4«. «*»«■*? Tie height from the floor is ^ no aan’e imagina non C8rr T bra awsy. There were no 1 ^- ” - •! *-* *. h l sua -le m .r tmW ? n ' h<,Re k,B 8*- U 10 ? were built of bricka . and , am'l. aad presented a hard, smooth si. .face of the latter material as the plaoe whereon to lie. A square hols m the side of each Iroog attracted sttenticn, ami tpon asking I learned that in there a Arc was bmlt to seenre bed-clothes warmth f.w Hie unders*th weeper; putting of the instra.1 on the bed as itwere. Imagine getttngtoo much flr< on ftlii) waking up m the moruioosl).««*-«• As there was no hfctel clerk to , v“‘ v f* e !“• #"*?»** *° aftwftsSarsSBJ ^^ssrjaciiss but mud iu fact a mud k-mg and a room, and not d.«n ^ mud either. 'duk, After dinner, to I called *w« light,and rect-ved a piece of pith floa ting iB a sanoer a| * oil. One enft of the pith sputtered hung oyer ftpreoabugly, saucer and when anil lighted if <1 would make it looked as a cross „ OT gooul Bom# bAoks might have tempted me I hail to read by iot suoh of Up ,8ght; sort, but the I ssid one was so *• pshaw I” and the pith slid down into ,be oil snd Imraeu *o more. Then I tried meditation, and marched up and .town my ro.on for »b«ut five minutes. All at ones I gaped, i won’t say I did not cneonrage it rb*t at toy rate I' acted fin the hint and called ont to Chemwto wratoTie bring fvSSfl ambttjJteto. One I on, irss to contra »ith. T«roiu* «P the collar <ff M tte sterand pnlling my bat down to my rors, withoutother preparation I got in V.oue. As an indication of how com tortoble I found the kong, I may say got u p atfive to* next morning without f>eiflg called. rofft?e ami m,,de my breakfast. It had to lie cafe, however, for mflk was an nukmiwn Weybsil. quantity in but ibose regions, b«Mta omy used them as of burden. It wss^a v«y ..rdtnary night- to $ <jow and donkey bitched. fc> one plow ; snd if I were not atraid of having 1 have my word Hej-n several doubted. limes I ^wouM » woman Add *“ d hitched together . n Bleat r .„ fr~T liger Km.™. Killers. 11 .<»-t*iy-Mariy **/* *'' ? t ” O'- t | h " lotot nothing of smaller game—in a lifetime, ,,Tea when one’s whole euergtea have been devoted to such pursuit*. M. d'Harnanoourt, a Frenchmnu, who baa been pursuing tin- avocation of a “ hunt « ” « ail parts of the world, claims to be the ••greatest tiger-killer in the '»tion| world,” and having achieved this repu heis now, it appears, reoltaingon of bft laurel* iu tho dignified position tiger-klayer-iu-general to the govern ment of qhe Straits settlement. •>»*»* de it is reported—to heliiil. Ah *teuytheiie animal* at flW per English officer in Indw. however, Major p ronyn y ^ KUpe riiiu«ilaut ‘ Xte« slavefoftipers jut pciBan Khan d h f pretty closely in hia claim to the title to cijani pj 0D tiger-killer. During the lost f HW xmT „ JhijorTrubru i ^the haasliot nfljees h| district to Khamieisi. ftkin6t auJ , Ue immnnity from the ages of these animal* which he has * 0 oare d j„r the inhahitnnto to the district hap ertn overcome the suspicion with which toe nativesloo oftraregsri tiger.^The any de E uglishmau who kills a sirnction of these felines is looked upon cirtsin by certain claeaes as with au act fearful of aranlege, punish to be visited meats on the Prob^n. village conniving at the act. Major however, having the practicalft- rid the district of pre.-enre of toe unwelcome viritore, bss earned the gratitude of the inhabitants. auU, his’leaving’'the reoentlv, when there */a» a talk of neighborhood, Bombay they memorialised the governor of u „t to reihovB Doubtless there are other districts ,n India where presraee wonM unwet/imeto be cjiudiy we’emae the people-if the tigers, ----*---- t tlnr*0 Aatrenemy, cbjne8e astronomer’s wavs - net. Ji.w b r igh U ^gfaad CkThe.vrether wa.^*y radthe!toy covered scientific with books a mist, their Turning learned to 'ttete mem with ^“ amazement that these signs, sSt^narian bv all la „ of goienre and knowledge, 7m%rtelfamily. gave warning of danger to 1 b e The tidings V were promptly gtoaje corned to the throne. Orders -Went fortti for toe defense of the residenoe. The gates were guarded by .»i.n»v. d5Sl~A?*«dc .n,i ip. fine ,f sprsadT^ug T f W i.„ 1 tS .iy ^oripTanmAhin. w l* about to g hai, f‘ en to fEnemperor, they said, and whin Souring qnhft nuiei Klt'-l to IO end “Uh* toe them, them, qnesfeStS* UUOhU<2U» the the CQHl were -A frn pouring in in upon nptm authorities authorities at ia gt said the government was on toe br j n k of a war with Russia. Borne trifling discussion between Russia ami Chinese anthorities in central Aria gave color to the report. But • suddenly the stage 5as*sjSBr.SS of hiptory of hi* imperial highness, -here th«» h..i -Si- -,.u» .i, - *.! wrajftd^wn , . they |n*taad tf) «ttheevil influences of eentasOT sun rad„ - of no milk.ow of rai*e£?*LkU rep j butter, one torapocnful of rad*. Flour , “Eg ''rfem ™me illjri ' » P°^9 p^e np eome .how | | !?£l? ^N>mhl e.pienty^ , d«rtrhrown ! father i n'n tte’ T! Glffl’,^f t eto * h !o " 10S ’»® ^Tj.d*«t , 7 ; »» botaramt bvnrand a ahaH. b. | , ite ter To To hjCnonm- Fa* CmcKRss.—Many fried fried Many other other people jwople pre chickens ehieketa to to any any ™7- • : Diasect, Dissect, salt salt and and pepper pepper with with osyei »U When the done, pieces ponroff in Arar the andIfiy lard and m pnt lard. in i a qoartor of a ponnd of bntter, a tosir p ; fuf of cream, » little flour, and amna parsley salded and chopped flnefor the . mnoe. Bmsr T*C—Cut in small piece# * |ho ponna mnoh ormhrtroriWBfr tea wish dependingnptm make; put W you to the beef into a pitcher, or any earthen vessel, covered tightly. To a pound of beef add a ft little salt and apintotcold Ton wilt water; let steep two honra. have a pint of tea; set it too cool* long while, to get off all tho fat. " , | «,“cnp ra |S!S!f^fOTr Rovew of'sweet G*ww—Two t milk, lM of four tooems aonpof tmpsof of butter white flour, „ [ j( (on i, »— t *„ - SS f - lth ’ ,^ *~j| :nf tortar for Ae v a nutmeg sSgar or lemom First rub butter ami ’ZZ‘1£Z3?Z'<~~ ■ SftartsJSiMa* and ; white# flour by degrees, alternating until both are stirred in; flavor with lemon. ; Gimurb Ssaps.—Take half a ponnd of. flour, a quarter of rarand a pound pulver- of best butter, aqnarter of a of of aed sugar, two eggs and two ouuoos [ground ginger; add beat the flour tbe butter by degress, to a cream, thm than the sugar and the grogor; mixthe whole inti a smooth, stiffish batter with theeggs; lay oat this mixture little distance on cut fared tins or paper at a apart, Bake .o as slow to al low tho askes to sprawl, in a oven. Con* Starch Ptodiwo.-B oU one qatoTur iiutt, 'Oeu''lMnt 'the yrfks of f onr with four tablesnomifulB mi*! of corn-stereb and a little etir into the boiling mils, let it bod np ones, and tarn tote epn-Wing dish i Iroth then beat the whites of theeggs to a white powdered and mid f odt tablrepoontels of ssgar; cover the puilding with the mix 0 * rad Flavor with vanilla, adTug lew A' fro<*Lag i* improved by : „ a.^ to ft. Chow-Chow.—^T ake fifty small pickles, quarts of silver onums, two quarts ()f n string-beans, one dosen green . {j ihree liesls of caalifiower; twelve el the oa i OU9 stand in brine j UourB( them/ thf[1 ^ I{ tb e beans are large. (break Slice the green tomatoes, cufc U p P the cauliflowers; let all stand m , h rin e twen,y.fonr hours. To one Ration : of vinegar use one pound pf mustard (common is the best), mix it with a ht- 1 two. murte/f : nr one tablespoonfnl spices if of preferred. cayenne Tie the | nse more boil in the s,,ic«« in « white cloth and vinegar before adding the mustard. It mg be pat in tSree-qnarter. preserve jara in alternate i Sere full; when : j fl il io g the jara add and there s little | tgd mu.taid! and green pepper ; fill up with the mike tor tight. : hSTan? . gnnea Pralu toreiSTrtemand ■■ nmoil. 1 for _ ^Silrota^X I ®* BB ,/„ q? 1 nruminent J* S5**fflLngfe J*® , Fverv successive ySrvaurn-Drln-iinrrn ettabiishment ^aU im J*”*?*, b!ackbemre”nd onratitv to J’J' ' hrakleber ,,, it’ The venture [roved £ sneeess n"«*k>a> irad ^ ir » "^ entiein-ted 5 ^ d fo * P”?" 1 ®”, P 081 *! 00 ™ tn the tl10 rraksto rah* 8 ^~i|oferykmd n^Tto njlTininrr of iirr^im fruit is now pre m tV *VSSleSSS» Canned "™J! ber ^hes ’ ra d p ftesre R are ' to Eoglrai rel!^nib^vSblitoe asiiariigns peas corn and AIwot *skMra!SietoStoa^ttS?t Americ.mi canncrs have sneci St .'rS'S p//i« FinnTition and it tlVrn^. iscalculatol 'increase ^1toe toS «n SSSSTra m *• One otoef exhibitor pSS lias already ”“2*®? teTO “ T ®' 8 j i P^fJtaM feTSottKt T “to is Ihrtot^rad __ a for'canned - "SfMSdT SS^taUo salmon ! learn ■ j > w°ir nn.t.■ .ti, fruit butters is t k "--r - t tasumers are mJiy to be ! " ^/™md-Verv more*/ vra^ls much j than thteteharged lor milk orders' butter Wehave received a lew sample i for this onrl«rat« class to goods from Eng \ large do not give trade ns ' much toSlte hope develi^ed. that's * foreign said, Still, as I have j j the enoWos home demand rate.” is increasing at an __________________ represent in psrani as of * riskyeharaeter a S5? to fSTS^irt iLv conaldto lowest figure the market can ata Sm ^%f"^toSn DTUS 68 WlJ» kO who who aOWIl have have raother BUGlUBl waited waited notch, UUIbU, expeotsnt- and »U's the eranera catmer* goods ly are thua enabled to put their a lower figure than their competitor, who has bought high. The latter, to maintain his place in the market, has to adopt the low price*, which in many Ust season's bnrines*.— RreorA. - o™ srzss**. . arm hiTdoetor’s s*yfi be rave* by tbeir use nearly all bill. He keeps * barrel jerJSiSKrSrJS of good apples in reach of *U. a glad to know how to lay ft? A lady VOL. Y. NO. 6. pbjeeuTtami* talof with two >1*1/ taUwaafefc of of turpentine .a <huk* &&&***** sSSyS'S *bL boUm K hot. **& md rehirn to ttM tw6 j Te ^ pea^J, rf dean *M *ne-half ^ r]|o . toutB . diseolred ponnd finely hot pnlveriaea etir borai, well in a little water, tat cool is the kettle or torn into woodm moWa well soaked in water, CrftckliDgsor mclt trimmings wUI do f or this M»p if aHow for waste, bat be „„*„] & h n owto o mocb, thereby etti n^too 8 -5-*— mno grease in. . KMera MUM. Mamvm . . In the last century there livedm .... Eng laml a man nam«l Thomas his muscular Topham »bo was renowned tor power.- He «mhl,_wt& e»«h roil np™ were tna fingerathe^pewterplaWerii^which in faehion at that time. or strike an iron poker upon luaarm Hetoolti untdhe ^otoon bent it and, at a right angle. behindhia neck, h^Bng placing it tomfcltotKmpM thetwoend* m tan there «nds forward ■nntiil ttiey met still m front, then-a feat which required mo ^^mght ft H atrMgot f to 8 ®;"*® have ld'ed with ?,?. his JLth teeth, ^1 and S,ld held ? nt ^«* *,»*% a “J ** ha , “ * huBdra ^“« h * * t ' *** * TtolZJSZ as.jssaaC.Tgsstepp: siSfa. iSKsasjas anoes.he raise. ■ three casks fllled with water, the total .pound*, weight snd of willbe the three ob being 1,838 habiwight it served that m doing it muacftaof his neck and shonldeiB par tmnlarly into requisitum. Die. ®uwdr lar strength of his legs had been rffected by an injury he sosteined dnnng an incautious eiperonenk takeni to pull against two harass from the trunk of a tree, mode bnt, being un scientific m hia of esertiou, and placing: hinreelf disadrantageonsly, his kuee-pan be raetnred wasdefeated, and of Deaa- wss f . It wa s the opmioa bad.he gone Properlrto mBeflrae have ceeefnly »«ain*t four horses instead of ^btee, ^ “‘"J??** «g«; Tlim roan #*t down UK nn^ite e|ij * d . Oxod rapport, aua two airoog Unrf?^*nnai? aSd. of !„ Jhfr ZHsSrhfs^’tod.'tethe roond bit waist »fe form^f % a *“ ”arch^ bellowed a stone of tll , in thickness to be b ken Bpon hi g abilomra bv the blow giedgc-bammer. Of Manrioo of u__ ^^tSSled n _ -orrof the Elector Ammatas IL that h's strengte of Anger fan Wll , ^ gr0 at that he couM snap hfe'se-xhoes between hie Augers *ororoiS like on one au ding himself in want of cork-ccrew, be to<>k a long nail, rad, with his tin l ?< ‘ rB - ‘* i>lted -it round into the « tope lw ISpRraeBt lieireqaired. Such are g„ me of ^e feits which the human ^tti“ . k- p, ,ble to aaeoniphah P by muscular — — — ■■ — The 1 *> Bra,e Brave Southern »•“«“« Howards. We want onr re idem to stop ]Wt one moment anil look at this matten nurses who have gone outol the R ’ r their homes to the tend plague-stricken to»n». to and " rS ? « re for **d- •»« mra »re utter strangers to them, need a higher oaur tote thau auy soldier marching into'tho ot ba ‘ 0e - neither 4atche<i pay nor glory. Their victories «• not by a prond country, for whose honor they gave their lives. If ‘hey die no weeping nation will, year The by year, hang lanrols on their graves. ’nurse is only mentioned in the news P a P era !m “ OBB ot »*«>‘y-flve of ” amv ; • iug on such a date, or-one twenty »ho are dead. His name only nobody learn knows. of, i If he fails, his friends it «*«»“ he Irti* to return. There is no battle-cry or martial music to cheer h» in the iB future >“* there struggle is to be with no roll-cali &*■*>>; <* • viotorious army with DiCil the prond toe answer to his name: npon field of honor." He ffvea his life for rome poor plsgue-atnoken to the world wretah, than Probably to leas value chamber, himself, iu where the poisoned there air to » bat »“htary Ooo is none to know. He is burie.1 hastily to a namtoere grave, with shuddering and f fW , HO d quicklime is thrown upon tbe body-, Th®. »**$» God radl h * humamty, rad ®! pure love to this sacrifice is now making hundreds net by one to : man, bnt every one of toe nurses sent out by the Howard Associa Moo. Every one to them carries his life ir most estrarishinff ease to self-de Iramber justooourrUl of the in thia Cincinnati .city, says a recent Eittle Henry Kippits. seven years of age, ^cknae who live 1 at No. 59 Martin street, his mother refused him some thing he asked her, Itot his home, and bidding his suiter goodbye walked down, trouble* to the ’ river, nndreesed ------- ^^teelf ---- and his young .life at the which Wliittl there l U” *” wre ** H*' no wv butter •> but *'•»’■ he «, *’ f farad n8e ,j tto te take take it. it. Bhe Bhe told told him him site she would not give him any butter on hi* bread, whereupon he laid it down rad left toe house. On the wsy ho met hie sister and hid her good-bye, him telling which her she would never see again, 5k«sa: yard, near the Eittle Miami depot, rad -■ j There are few wont® “folia” with more When aean* in g* than that of ap plied to a newspaper it means a four auat^siSL^pf certain number of word*. FATAL 8H1FHBECK8. Thirty i«m. Bpeakisg to the raeent linking to toe Princess AHee, in the Thames, by which more than 600 lives were lost, an the English teas paper to tbe says: Grosser “Setting Kurfurst, aside the meet fated aee iilm tto * hxe character that has taken place in British waters rnimihg during too down period of the In Northfle quretion, was the ship. While at anchor off D et emigrant inerarea, on toe Spanish night of January MtiriUo, 22. 1873, by the steamer when 2iO per son* were drowned. A eolUaton at SsSsrJte .tS^Lady E!g took 1 W The ml started from 400 Chieego on a with nearly eienreionnta on hoard. was rim into by x sehooner, and sank within a quarter of an hour with 286 people. The scar 1854 was marked by a series of fatal collisions. The Italian mail steamer Ercolano left Genoa on April 24, with a nnmber of passengers, indnding several English, French and Italian families, and at midnight was cht down to the water’s edge by the SfoOfc Only fonrteen of the be£g«r passen gers escaped, among them gobett ghSto Peel, Hal’scy, whose seeretory membe? sad' Mr. the for H«t fo^ighirp were among the drowned. lfej 0n Apri i eg, the emigrant bark off Fayor- the f rom Bremen, was run into fiespep and went down like * .tons with 201 of her passenger, and gelyes by clambering thecrewonlysavinglhem- the Heaper* over lloW(|< 0 n September 27. tire Arctie, a .pienay j5to collision 8hi p with of the the Collins line, came sorewsteamer Vesta m a fog off the Banks of New- 1 foa i» il ®i“ 1 . “t' 1 oat of the 368 persona (war,) 323 perished, and’the among d3o them the Doc de Grammont de Guy nes. Tim same year was also rsnderol memorable in maritime disaster by the ■ a bwhe ■rs^s’S^’s PaoSe whietfleft Ltoemoofon j- ofCton! m whiobre^ed jg5g with 18t} and the City ^ from H.Ufa* oa ta jg 1870> with 191 p^rgoug OBbotra . The mail steamship Enropa, IS®, « D tier wav the to England,-in doly. Ohturlee ^own causing emigrant tbe death bark Bartlett, Irish of Mange?ton 132 per sons ; auilthe steamer i,tendered into W.llis, the New just Zealand off clipper 8.mth fow . phi ne the Poreland, and sent her and sixty-nine ,«„pje, mostly passengers, to the bittern. Tlie f„ ni; ,i ( .,ing of the Captain off Cane Fimsterre on the nigfat of temWfl. ,„J ffi,ie.-g 1870. and w.thCvptam remains Burgoyne the 500 0 seamen, heayisst salsnUy tecliM that has befallen the navy during half of tee suffered prrem.t Tbe severest lora ■ sea by the armvwra from the eonria ROT1 t furnisher! Nortv-thrrJ by tho Twelfth Dancers pnot, through tho 438 lives Nmrty-roomd lost with the ofl: the.Cape <ff_ Good Hope «» February 26, 1852 lire American **?& ?*a f 0 **,® 1 ? 10 *! Eb< ? t aoa ^ 1 tb0tro °P 8 . a^Tr exhanstten^and S Trom e* ISS D^mW P SS' M ai „ The moat , ^ l8 ^ eron " *“ rereigi, mWMThV Aherge?o emigrant E, M<m«ob in AtnmBt^24 v hoKre ftft«n>oon of evt^ip^i bv those attending the burning o! the s tVamghiu P Austria between Hamburg wbanktiHmtof b bA S0w on 528 September 13,1858, board drownml persons A on like fate WP ,o burned or GfidraGate^1^hroS?bSt .,. u qiq ig )ar dtha ^ontthe Sra F,o„ctow, re Panama 27th of ff^S Tulv S 18K2 8 ** • ,Tm while the number wilh who per kr maraer Etot ,n Wni the Amraon to ‘be*y of B^T. on to.etth of.MHff, o./oLs ’ ...i ..nthor bitten of •* The Cresrent I ; n toe O^lra^S^raTintt ” L Jl that ^!co atone j Bisaiy wa* Ln.a.i.1. (1251^5^,' r?« '‘n^lIXto^raLra onher i®.,. the Vito M i | Janumy, 18M , .tyfftof ««> . her l!a h39 • raton g toem beB °L G. m ,t. %T ^ ^Broiike. ^oke to? toe actor . ; « /*? Bt d * .fi’JL 'Thfwte Attraitte and I “d toe Boyto Charter. The tetter, a honic’raril-teiuud Australian clip^ , ^ rouhy 0 r^*ed e osat tof lk Anglia, i t d*ybreaa on W-rta M. 1M9 rad , ”®° “ d 0bdd ^f “ 0B . ’ n , ”-i-^ Storitt ( to 0 A^nttc^eto , ] ., . the toeWhite White Star Star line hne^ " • g“*^*^Atoft oB A P"‘ 1*1873 *■ l07J > toth Wl^pas- Nova ; “3”, “■ K Zm the breakers i ^ ’ ’Tte ? CanSf An® • «,yvi ad fo , . ‘un^mtssadtreewto l rrRnt« and aer«w of forty i^* ?T^ B wl d '*“TI? ’ S/i S aS&ntem Th f°r e , pJSs ^ Sto^t|rrarsSp rnffreeS, ^ -mat “TfvT^ccLtduriMXm^it the loos to , .. , n“lSMthe^Tavtenr, »u,. -rsult being j sn teD , Havre, on toe coast to Barno pf April 30, 1850. the Boyal steampacket, from Cork to Domlon, went on to the Tongue Sands, near ^imgera gate, and ont of 200 persons forming rad crew not one survived to give the details of her fate. ------"™ ___ Hew Sea-birds Slake tbeir Thirst. To those making long voyages the is often present'd explanrttoh-brnh ,ta|«®« « *» ■ . by^ra. oM . * a^^_ Hew^s ft &# the tmitter nmtter by an. old sailor, . _ nerays u av» that dnnng someot rnsv^yages, wuen he ha.tan at a ve^great distancetiran any pl»c« ha* wnicn frequently w<mm snppiy irre t rg wstei; be seen ; number* of terns hovenng Draraiiu i s.3S?-H These binis, he . ’ h1 i _ h ™ be MP*** of V ka ‘ . ^'«^h . ■ „ i. Te length t M B *.' but without f //..-?*, ‘ i»»>jras assnhai dar _ r ««« *«•*" ,OCPtr,?T ' THB KUTH01P1 ECHO. Aavorttatn* Katas i * » ; a»i«w »j.,io|i UMk... — fi.u> m ft >A%i*.iefs <*>fi 1 - i }•? fg: ** f»f wa» 1»S« -I }*s **• y± *•« u.<» aw aBA mm ' loatal Advertisements. fc *SBS%saaU5f^«^aa^ •dfcwotaJ ...... Ml SoUoC Kq-ura Of Lwre |o Ml. thirty «*ja.... . -v *** nammvmd Soticca, tnrw ib _________ At* falfe Saa pox tnaow, ao«ib i ».us f Lights as* Sh«d»WV ” Into aach Ufa kb» rate arart tad. Or insp. like Srre tma as aataag teart. Into ah heart* InUaSacnb fitmWttgv axm. 1 La-hia* the wart* of life* gnat deep from afauhtbu waters to saattaogr foam. • OreraUpatl ~ - ——^--------- ! °®*w •“ ta •htfptb rp«« fciS hrom* magh Wio4a bto»* OwtlflliHIHl »«m twltln. Sowing tbe for» is its toft? 1 , fate Cote OoaU ail atm maa dotf Start Its dfawywdfhk dm Ot bfhag th» son! from eurtL fee h** Into oil bwurta «od bome« «od Utm Q od’a dwr whino Gilding the mius of life’, greet plefe— Weeviog t&r *H the golden oeoiro. 1 items er Interest, Riflemen—Thiev® The school population to the Hnited States is 14,306,000. home” The is most the beehive. perfect "type to “sweet : 1 In all well-regulated families toe hired girl has to get up and dust. “ How is yonr stock in trade ?” as the drummer said to toe hose-dealer. Almoet every man takes his day off, bnt we never beard of him bringing it back again. Why should s lady 1 * home dress last forever? Because she never wears it out, j SSfSStoSRSStoST&h Start - , . batoreths t J _.. drad todm^ Btofetoi, His rslstivw panto c»H him Edison. i The letter •• 0 " is called the most charitable of all the alphabet, because it is found oftener flnn any in •• doing Within the space of 200 years previ ous to the Ncrmau cooO'iest, throie thirty 8ar on king, and queens left the for tho cloister. dead, Dr. sho^ Oldbam, tbe geologist, dcposito recently test¬ from wariiw Ireland was once One thousand let* under the sen. PmKhm » that a Yankee baby will of crawl out s'. ofhis imnrovemeut^Jspply cradle, talte a survey uiuveut paUit months^oll for * g Ooforo be °!. issu —-reT ^ .1,^0 'J ™ 1 ,1 m^ntbst i» J 00 P Wue or that the deep sea “What was the brightest .... ... idea that ... f CfimM.jAnd tertLkbm^dd timytbekms rant. ‘#£1 Tow «7 0 . ”7 Frank Buokfand, the uatorahst, natarally de elares that treble* swim A friend put ore into warm water, and it took to it like a duck, swimming brirtly. Plans fora railway up Vesuvius have been bSnn comp once!^ loteil and klie work » to ha by*» at The rare will he drawn *D 0 ThVroad rope, moved by be ready a stationary within engine. is to 1 »JTOri Tne remains of Nobeling, who tried to 1 rail-inflicted fh o«rmau emneror and died of ! wouuda were interred, after dieraction, in a secret—in cemetery-tho ! name %£ of J.UwV^vrTrad which is kept g£Tt pre a many police, *t 6 a. M. Asa Kansas Oitv (Mo 1 lawyer was Sotrafia going to Wsnsiienter his offlte the other tying day tee he on gJLnad ton of some frei-htecaveil tha^nanender earth He Sd n. nick ^ to«“ no bnt it .ion ran, Kgi.,1 ' i,c goon loner the dead hSl^te bodvoi a .Z. bov Mach alarmed to’hm be wmLthid tte^ire sirale. and S bnn^Lhve of two S whoted olrad teen teen temedsn to b, Dy^tM thnv ml h«a hnnn ulavLur TtSTITZL the night before The way to tel the age cf a dog sp proximataly is to examine the npper___ froht teeth. 'Until tttdro mouths tod these jw rounded on begin ■. end o! two gra&ally yeara they to sqnaro ^ ^ were down rad short *” nn *‘. , i. “ * h6 .’fth* 1 year, they are nearly ev*n_ *'*-• ‘ha 8 U “*’ Tlu! I 0 * 0 * o „ “‘* a i 90 rii0r a ,. „.indication ’ ,^ h ( e of age. rad ddSh alldark eolorad growth of fjogq.qhpwthmr Writ* hairs about the mode, hy_ty GOAT. At <tew-bAtbed mewn or evnc bftlcyoa dtwk You moiettlv gambol down the elonT nlope, You far-fetched travesty on the antelope; painfully Ofttime* you’re meek »ua oft you re You'nSSSi d ah yon chew heliotrope theeeffronhuek, Or oyster can, hills or where languid idle breezes grot*, On Bunny with balmy math. And ail ihe sir is henry You m. me Gost, a study r»st «nd grand; blight, Yonr life superbly calm doth know do And, when yoa pause beside the reedy Yonr immobility «fc*t*ieeoaeaad blend Is WfcH s dreem in mwble. ghoeUy w-hite, By the way, did yon kn°w that for toe post eight mouths y-nir wife has tan using the diary you started iu January for an racount-book with the grocer ana butcher ? t®» saw it the other day, and right under the last paragraph said “ I feel you a wrote in it, where yon : hfe, I fitting of my being into a higher ptash; feel my feet ateppmg on * higher * the soul oi peesyl* oiling a* 0 * 0 0 *' »phrTG ot gr&n*ler action, I tbroir off the tracamela and tbe coarseness of everyday existence, material l rise-to life o>^ *** the a0, call ® 1 of *{ as that Jit genitia”- ri«bt under **?*? “ Two pounds of mutton suet. n«i* * calf ft fiver, » pieoe of bone to twu«, jad a pound of link sausage, forty*flf9 oents.”— Burlington Hawkeye. ' TBB UOHTVXVa-iOV ***■ A meUuehoty fanner, bot. cr*ram«d . Witb hitt-ok! irnn w»n Wjm» isuting b? hi# umion tot. Three weeks he had thin ▼tf 5 ’ 1 k *P^ ■TaafM vrlorA ? w r » » «-' »> --r- : -- Yet ail the wbik the bad bo; a crept Leer^e i«?t» fcu'tSf'rn'-l bat toe that *m*ii boy# Thi* mwideowl tenner, oieb if-**"*; , Jaat #t thin ®wfnl time tb®*« ^ Up to tiie farmer. *ttb # A,n ageut for # jigbtxuog rca. “Oood mornScs nr ." lie ££!**£* •< Oh ro*r. row redo V tbe The boDete S»tM * l Ho pirtot on# up, end Promoted it; he » * »»* tat ■ So* farmer ” **td be. ebi te *"*• '■Jo*t boys rod; '’bmteomntmrf To