Newspaper Page Text
£cgal Notices.
Me., tretlier June Mortgage Sale.
WILI. ho solJ before Hio Courthouse door.
in the town of Greenville, Meriwether coun
ty, on the first fuesdsy in JUNE next, within the
t'sjM hour-* of sale, the following property, viz
Fw’ f> N> g’'oe*, tn-wi?: Jinny, a woman, o
‘ I,V P ‘mvn complexion and about 20 years old;
nod Henry, a tmn, of dark complexion and about
20 years old; levied on as the property StmUrd C.
Powell to satisfv a mortgage fi fa issued from the
Inl'eriorCourt in favor of John \V. Hcwcl vs.said
Stnciard C- Powell.
J. W. REDDING, D. Sheriff
March 28; 1853. 13—
Administrator’s Sale.
WfLLl>> soi.l pursuant to art order of the court
ot Ordinary, of Henry county, before the
Courthouse door, in McDonough, on the first
Tuesday in June next, twenty-four acres of
land, off of ktf No. IG6, in the IBth District of said
county. Sold as the property of Wm. Garrett, for
the benefit of the heirs nod ercditois. Terms made
known on the oav of sale.
April 71 h, 1553. 15—
Georgia, Henry county.
WHEREAS James Stewart, Administrator on
the estate of William C, Sfcnnrt, applies
to me Tor Letters of Dismission from the Adminis
tration of said estate.
Therefore,.all persons concerned are hereby no
tified, so file their objections (if any they hare) why
he should not Iks dismissed, on or before the Ist
Monday in October next, otherwise be will be dis
missed from the Administratorship of said estate.
Given under mv hand at office, this March 26.
1853. 13- ‘K. P. WATKINS, Ordinary.
Georgia, Fayette County.
Marcellos E. Mclntosh, applies
Y r to me for letters of Guardianship, upon the
person and property of Samuel L. Mcßride, and
Andrew J. iVleßritle, minors of William Mcßride,
ol Carroll county. These are therefore to cite and
admonish aii and singular the kindred and friends
of said minors, to be and appear at my office, with
n the time prescribed by law, to show cause, tl any
hey have, why said letters ol gnardianship, should
ot he ganted said applicant. Witness my hand
office, this the 3*l January, 1353.
I— G. C. KING, D. Oidinary
Georgia, Fnycttc County,
“tSUfiIEREAS William Watson, Guardian o
v* Thomas Watson, applies to me for letters
of Dismission from said Guardianship, behaving
executed Ins trust, as will more fully appear from
the vouchers oti file.
These are therefore to cite and admonish al
and singular the kindred of said minor, to be and
appear *t my office, within the time prescribed by
law, to show cause, if any hey have, why said i
Lctteis should not be granted. * ]
Given under my hand and official’signature, this
Itie Ist day of December. 1852.
G. C. KING, Dept. Ordinary.
December Ist, 1352. —SO
Georgia, Henry onnty.
WHEREAS Tlios. T. Green, applies tomefo
Letters of Dismission, from the Arinn.-tis
tration of the estate of Thos. King, late of snsid
county; deceased.
These are therefore lo cite and admonish ail per
sons interested, to file their objections (if any they
have) why Letters should not he granted, on o . ••*-
fare the Ist Monday in August next, olher*v ;
elfers Disintssory will be granted.
A true extract from the minutes.
Given tender my hand at office, this Janu y
E, T. WATKINS, Ordinnr
Georgia, 1? ayettc County.
HERE AS Robert M.Sims applies to me
for letters of administration on the estate
of Martha Jane Harris, decsaseci. These are there
fore to cite and admonish all and singular, the kin
dred and creditors, to be and nppfar al my office,
within the time prescribed by law, to show cause,
if auy ( they have, why said letters should not he
granted. Given under my hand rfl office, this
X.iHi April, 1853. G. C. KING, D, Ordinary.
7 days alter date application will he made
to the honorable the court of Ordinary, in and
for the county of Henry, for leave to sell the real
Estate of Wm. Riff, late of said county deceased.
MARTIN L. RIFF, A-.lm’r.
April slh. 1853. 15—
SIXTY days after date application will be made
lo ihe court of Ordinary of Fayette county, for
leave to sell the Lands belonging to the estate ot
Waren H. Cooper, late of said county, deceased.
March 30th, 1852.
14— JEPTH A LANDRUM, Sen. Adm’r.
ftOXTY days after date application will be
made to the Court of Ordinary of Henry
county, for leave to sell the Real Properly of Wil
liam Garrett, late of said count v, deceased.
March 11, 1853. [Administrator.
Notice to Debtors and Creditors.
& LL Persons having demands against the
DA- Etate of William Garrett, deceased, late of
Hcnrycounty, are hereby notified to present them,
within the time prescribed by law, otherwise
they will not he paid.
March 10, 1353. • [Administrator.
TWO months after date, application will be
made to the Ordinary of Butts county, for
leave to sell the real estate of Willis C. Jenkins,
late of Butts county,deceased. Said lend lying in
the county ofWilkes.
Feb. 23, 1933.
TWO Month? after date application will he
made lo the Court of Ordinary of Butts conn
ty.S'or leave to sell the Real Estate of James Dra
per, late of said county, dcecasod.
March 7, 1953. tl
THE fact is undeniable, that no place in Geor
gia offers, better facilities for Female education
thin the young cily of Griffin, having at present
one Collegiate Seminary, under the well-tried man
agement of Mr. H. E. Morrow, and tlie Female
College, under the direction of the Presbyterian
Synod of the State of Georgia ,to be opened tho first
of the coming year, together with two or three
private schools of high character.
At ttu; suggestion and solicitation of many ofhis
friends, t!io undersigned has secured the coinmodi
ns and comfortable residence of Mrs. E. A. Hill’s
on North Hill St., at a pleasant distance from the
oiffjrcnt schools, and convenient to the different
churches, and proposes to take twelve young ladies
(school girls,) as boarders. Mrs. Taylor w ill de
vote her whole attention to the comfort oh hose put
der her care, and every facility will be afforded to
assist them in their scholastic duties. A good
Ihano Forte will be furnished for the use of those
who may be taking music lessons. Proper author
ity will be exercised over all; in a word, they will
be governed. As the number to be accommodated
is limited, and as some have already made applica-
tion, and for other reasons, it is very desirable that
nil further app'ications he received at an early dar.
For terms of board, anti nil further particulars, ad
dress the undersigned at Giiiflin, Georgia.
_ 8.8. TAYLOR.
References— Citizens of Griffin
Nov 30, 1852. 49—4 t
Book anti Job
Pampliies, Circulars,
Law Blanks, . Bill-Heads,
Posers, Show-bilht,
Hand-bills. Catajr
Business Laris Cotton Be Yelps.
Yisiinjr Cards, Labels, tr, & c .
David IV. Martin. I „ ,
Gilbert 3. Green, | CrilHn^a.
Hartford Green, Zetmlon. Ga.
My 28.1858 )
A cripple sets aside his crutches after tin
years suffering.
Copy of a Utter from Mr. Thompson, Chemist, Li
verpool, dated August 20th, 1852.
—I am enabled to furnish you with a most
extraordinary cure effected by your invaluable
Ointment and Pifis, which has astonished every
person acquainted with the sufferer. About 10
years ago, Mr. W. Cummins-of Saltney street, in
this town, was thrown from his horse, whereby he
received very serious injuries; he had the best
medical advice at the time, and wns afterwards an
inmate of cliff-rent infirmaries, yet he grew worse,
and at length a malignant running ulcer settled in
his hip, which so completely crippled him. Hint lie
could not move without crutches for nearly ten
years; recently he began lo use your Ointment and
t’ills, which have now healed the wound, strength
ened his limb, and enabled him to dispense with
his crutches, so that he can walk with the greatest
case nod with renewed health and vigor.
(Signed) J. THOMPSON.
A most extraordinary cure of a dreadful skin dis
ease when all medical aid had failed.
Copy of a letter from Mr Hird, Draper, of Kcady,
near Gamshoro’, dated March Ist, 1852,
To Prolessor Holloway.
Sir:—Sometime since one of my children was
afflicted with dreadful erupt io-rs over the body
and limbs. 1 obtained the advice of several em
inent surgeons and physicians, by all of whom the
case was considered Impel ?ss. At length 1 tried
your Ointment and Pills, and without exaggera
tion, the efieet was miraculous, for by persevering
•in their use, all the eruptions quickly disappeared,
and the child was restored to.perfect health.
I previously lost a child from a similar com
plaint, and firmly believe, had I in her case adopt
ed your medicine site would have been saved also.
I shall be happy to testify the truth of this, to any
(Signed) J BIRD, Draper.
Certain remedy for Scorbutic humors—and an as
tonishing cure ofan old lady 70 years of age of
a bad leg.
Copy of a letter from Messrs. Walker and Cos Che
mist, Bath,
To Professor Holloway—Dear Sir—Among the
numerous cures effected by the use ol your valua
ble medicines in this neighborhood, we may men
tion that ofan old lady living in the Village of
I Preston, about five miles from this city. Site had
I ulcerated wounds in her log lor many years, and
latiely increased to such an alarming extent as to
defy all the usual remedies; her health rapidly
giving away under the suffering - she endured. In
this distressing condition sire had recourse lo your
Ointment and Pills, and by the assistance of her
friends, was enabled to peisevere in their use, un
til site had a perfect cure. We have ourselves
been greatly astonished at the effect upon such an
old person, she being above 70 years ol age. We
shall be happy to satisfy any enquiries as to the
authenticity of this really wonderful ease, either
personally or by letter. We remain, dcursir,
Yours faithfully
April 6, 1852. (Signed) WALKER & CO.
The Pills should be used conjointly with the Oml
ment in most ol Ihe following cases:—
Bad Logs Chilblains Sore Throats
Bad Breasts Chapped Hands Glandular-
Burns Corns (soli) swellings
Bunions Cancers Lumbago
Bite of Mosclie- Contracted and Piles
toes and sand Sriff Joints Rheumatism
Flics Elephantiasis Scalds
Coco Bay Fistulas Sire Nipples
Cliiego-foot Sinn diseases Gout
Scurvy Sore heads Tumors
Ulcers Wounds Yaws
Sold at thoostablihment of Professor Holloway,
214 Strand, (near Temple Bar,) London, and by
Vendors of Medicines throughout the United
States, in Boxes at 37ic a 87$c~and §1 50c each.
Wholesale by the principal Ding houses in the
Union, and by Messis. A. B. £• D. A. SANDS
New York.
There is a considerable saving by taking the
larger sizes.
N. B.—Directions for Ihe guidance of patients
in every disorder are affixed to ecali box.’
For sale by WM. W. LINCODN, Savannah, Ga.
“ “ “ J.W. JONES, Griffin, Ga.
April 24th, 1853. 17
For |Sic Care of
D3rL 3 23NT23S 3, STI
OF all the numerous medicines extant, (and
some them valuable) for the cure of pulmonary
complaints, nothing has ever been found which
could compare in its eff.-cts with this preparation.
Others cure sometimes, but at all times and in all
diseases of the lungs and throat where medicine
can give relief, this wi'l do it. It is pleasant to
take, and perfectly safe in accordance with the di
rections. IVc do not advertise for the information
of Ihosc who iiave hied it, hut those who have not.
Families that have known its value will not he
without it, and by its timely use, they are secure
from the dangerous consequences of Coughs and
Colds, which neglected, ripen into fatal consump
The Diploma of the Massachusetts Instil ttfo was
awarded lo litis preparation by the Board of Judg
es in September, 1847; also, the Medals of the
three great Institutes of Art, in this eountrv:
also the Diploma of the Ohio Institute at Cinein
nalti has been given to the Cherry Pectoral’
by their Government, in consideration of its ex
traordinary excellence and usefulness in curing af
fections ol (he Lungs and Throat.
Read the following opinion founded on the long
experience of eminent Physictans-of the Pori, and
City of
Dr. J. C. Ayer,— St. John's, May 8, 1851.
Five years trial of your CHERRY PECTO
RAL in my practice, has proven what I foresaw
from its composition, must be true, that it eradi
cates and cures the colds and coughs to which we,
in tins section, arc peculiarly liable.
I think its equal has not yet been discovered,
nor do I know how a better remedy can be made
for the distempers of the throat and lungs.
J. J. BURTON, M. D.; F. R.S.
Sec what it lias done on a wasted constitution,
not only in the following cases, but a thousand
Fbcdury, Jan. 24th, 1851.
Dr. Ayer. In the month of July last, l was at
tacked by a violent cliarrhcß.i in ti.e mines of Cali
fornia. 1 returned to San Francisco in liopo of
rcce.ving benefit from a change of climate and diet.
My diarrhoea ceased, but was followed by attVCre
cough and much soreness. I finally started for I
home, but received no benefit from the voyage.—
Mv cough continued to grow worse, and when 1
arrived in New’ York, I was at once maikcil by
my acquaintances as a victim of the consumption.
1 must confc s that I saw no sufficient rcasop to
doubt what my friends believed. At this time I
commenced tUkmg your truly invnluuble medicine
with little expectation of deriving any benefit from
its use. You would not receive these lines did 1
not regard it my duty to state to the afflicted, thro’
you, that my health, in the space of eight months,
is fully restored. 1 attribute it to the use of your
Washington, Pa. April 12, 1848.
Dear sir: Feeling that I have been spared from
a premature grave, through your instrumentality
by the providence of God, l will take the liberty id
express to you my gratitude.
A Cough and tiie alarming symptoms of Con
sumption had reduced me too low to leave me any
• lung like hope,when my physician brought me a
bottle of your ‘Vectoral.” ‘ It seemed to afford
immediate relief, and now in a sow Weeks time,
has restored me to sound health. If it will do for
others what it lias done for me, you are certainly
one of the benefactors of mankind. Very respect
fuity yours, JOHN .1 CLARK,
Rector ol bt Petci’s Chtirchj
With such assurance nt.d from ncb m- o, no
I stronger prowl rail he adduced oiiloss and be limn tis
eHeels upon ‘
j J Prepared end Sold by Ja m Et> f . Ayer,
;V.ia.dtd Chemist, L.iwell, viuss,
I SOLI* , Mi* m"V DR. M- J. DANIEL.
I• 5 • R. J. v ..k*v*3.
; ln'jUcl)onou%’ ,-• J • Sn l ‘ ‘ Da. n>ville
tv Leun.ii-i LTtitC. I:t Ztbulonfoy A b . livum,
mid Druggists gnu railv.
ApriMM. 18s3. 17—3. u
ChoUra , Dysentery and Di
THE area* sin e, s* •*.* . ;i tended the *re.n
iiienl oi aii biui ! ‘i s. u ivuti ‘ jacun’s Cor
dial,” for the lust tc.tpvr 11.1 ** ii ti>, has induced the
proprietors to go la r gel* i -to die maoeUcture ol
it. No expense or pains have been spared in g-- r
tmgit up, and as regards its external appearances,
we can say without Contradicth n. tn.-n it very fin
surpasses every otln r jvr-pa .itimi now on: in the
United Sfntcs. The Imti!.. s were innie expressly
for the purpose, having the to!!■ m inr Words blown
in the glass: — 11 Jacob's Cholera & Dysentery Cor
dial.”— 1 lie bollle together with a liuii* printed
pamphlet, is inclosed 111 a fine steel engraved
wrapper with four vignettes; and litis also upon the
top ot the bottle over the i-u'side wrapper, a finely
engraved foe simile and signature, of “\V . VV .
BLl?S &. UU.” These logo!her with two kinds
ol large fine sleel engraved “placards” places if
so far as regards external appearances , tar ahead o‘
any thing ot tne kind in the United Srales.
As to its merits as a remedy in Dysentery, Dtar-
rlueti, and Clio+cra Morbus, we believe it very Ur
surpasses every other preparation of the kind now
before the public.
It is a reliable preparation, safe, speedy, and ef
leetual; and the trial even ol one dose, by Hie al- i
flitted, will tally prove the truth of otir assertion, \
that a preparation never was given to the public |
that will so effectually, and in so short a time relieve, j
Thu formula for the preparation was first used!
by o"nc olliie proprietors in Ins private practice,’
some eight or ten years ago, and has been in his ;
bands from that tunc up to the present, an almost
never lulling remedy in bowel affections.
Physicians of intelligence have tested it in their
practice, and people of entire neighborhoods
havealso used it, and one and all, so far as the
proprietors have any knowledge, are enthusiastic I
in its praise.
We have already.stated in our pamphlet, that we !
believed it will eject a cure 99 cases out of every
hundred, when the directions arc dosetv followed,
and that eighty out ol the hundred cases, will have
become relieved and cured, by the time the 2d or
3d dose has been taken. We ground ottr belief on
what it has done during the last tweive months;
lir. nearly every case, so tar as we have heard, has
not only been cured, but cured from taking one or
two or three doses of this medicine. We do not
regard it by any means a specific: nor do we b -
heve, or pretend to say, that it will cure every case;
but we do mean to be understood, that if it is ta
ken according to the directions as set forth in the
pamphlet, that a great majority of the cases will
not only be relieved but entirely cured. We have
no fears in regard to its success,except in some
lew cases ot children. There arc many eases of
bowel complaints, produced and kept up by the
presence, of worms in the intestinal canal, and so
long as these remain, this, or no other Dysentery
and Diunluea preparation will do any permanent
good. There are also oftentimes chronic dischar
ges from the bowels, produced and kept up in fe
males ol a weak and debilitated constitu ion, pro
duce<lby “prolupsus uteri”—so longas this source
ol irritation remains, no permanent, benefit can be
expected from any remedy,.until the cause of this
irritation is removed. J
We cannot herald it forth in the t’uce and eves of
the whole woiht, that we can produce “thousands
ot certificate's” in relation to the wonderful cures it
has effected, lor we have not got them; but we have
got a great plenty, enough we think to satisfy the
most fastidious; and they arc net certifioites man
ufactured lor the occasion, got up lo dupe tlie un
wary, but are certificates of men of worth an /
standing in our midst, and known to nearlyevnry
person in this and surrounding counties*. We
could have inserted many other recommendations
in our pamphlet, ol equal v .ltte to ihoe already
published, hud we had space lo have done c c
—but to make a long story a short one, we say to
the public, try a bottle, and our word for it, you will
not be disappointed in its cflects.
To you we rctpectfully off it Ibis preparation, not
particularly for its efficacy alone, hut for the con
venience ot having a reliable preparation already
prepared in eases of emergency, ff’c sell it to
von who wish it for private practice, at a discount
from the usual price.
This preparation was especially designed for you
and your females—more particularly those who
live at a distance from a good physician. To all
such we would most respectfully advise, to pur
chase and have it always on hand, especially!!’
you are living m a distr'et of country where Dy
sentery and Diarrhoea prevail—by so doing, yon
may, by its timely administration, save of
some of your faintly, or the life of a valuable ne
This preparation is peculiarly adapted ond admira
bly suited, to rhe many peculiar maladies to which
you are subject—loss ol nervous power, bodily ex
haustion, depressed and gloomy state of mind, the
which, il not remedied very soon, impairs the en
ergy of mind and disturbs the equanimity of tem
per. In this you will find a tranquil.ser and a ton
ic, whose invigorating effects will he seen and felt,
even altera few doses. It contracts nervousness,
prostration ofsystem, irregularities, despondence
heartburn, vomiting, pain in the hack and loins’
false pains and pains ol the menstrual period.
Foil will find it sift at a!! times, and speedy in its
operation. This medicine is indeed admirably
suited ta those hysterical feelings and that ner
vousness, which arc so often an accompaniment to
the menstrual period, and a great rnanv cases
could be cited where it is now being used’ for this
alone, in this county, and neighboring ones.
Whose business cnils them through parts of our
country, where Cholera, Diarrhoea, and Dvsentcry
prevail, should not he without Hus remedy in their
trunks—that they may, upon the slightest evidence
oi disease, have recourse immediately to a ptoper
This medicine is admirably adapted. Bowel
Complaints of children, while teething cannot
only be readily cured, but prevented, by a timely
use of this Cordial, thereby preventing them from
becoming wenk and puny, and consequently fret
ful and ill-humored. Much suffering on the part
of the child, and anxiety of the parents, could by I
timely precaution and suitable remedies be prt-1
For recommendations and “ex'racts from letters”
wc refer the public to our pamphlet.
One Bottle, 00
Six Bottles, $5 oo
Will be established throughout the Southern
States ns fast as possible. We intend in the course
of two or three months to have it plnccc in the
hands of ugents in every town and settlement in
In any part of the South, where no a"cr.ev ta es
tablished, will be supplied by making'application
accompanied l.v reliable rcle rences.
it) bur friends and the public generally, we will
say that we know no better way to ohtuin vonr
patronage than to ask for it, and in so doing, Wc
can assure you that by gaining- your confidence
and testing the efficacy of the medicine, you willnot
find your confidence misplaced, for as a remedy,
w e believe it surpasses and is belter adopted to
climate and constitution than any Northern pre
paration. r
Wc linve been at great expense in putting
forth the Cordial in its pretent shape, and ifit now
succeeds in gnniing the confidence of the public,
we shall Teel ourselves repaid and highly honored.’
Manufactured and for sale, wholesale and re
tail, by W. W. BLIP'S 6c CO, Proprietors, j
Griffin, Georgia, I
To whom all orders should be addressed, the
which are respectfully solicited.
Griffin, April 20, 1853. 16— I
TMItJE undersigned hnving leased the above
named mills, will sell the best quality of Luin-S
her at the mill, for $9,00 |)or thousan feet for cash.
All orders left at the store of Win. U. Plnllips
Esq. will be punctually attended <n.
j. McDonough.
vjovenibcr 30, 1852. 49—2
Fur the complete cure of
CougEis, CoIdD, liiilueuzn, A stlima,
Ui'bucltilts, R. t Bioed,
all cthei JLtttig < m
---plaints tending to •
5Q’ 5 5 SQQ Q 5
KEADER! have you a Cough, nhicli you ara
neglecting, underpin; iil<-a that it isoiiK a
common cold, and tliul it uit I soon “wear itself
out?” L,ct a irieod fell you, in ail kindness, vvlia
\i it! soon be the probable result.
in a short time, it you continue to neglect jour
ell, you will in gin to feel a sense ol tightntss aid
oppression across; the chest, accompanied with
frequent sharp darting puins. Then u dry, hack
ing Cough, will set in, and when you raise any
thing 1! util be a thick and vellowtsh, or white
frothy matter, stn tiko-d, perhaps, with blood It
Jll slili tube no iiiedieine, these iinp'eusnnl Bvinf
’ wiliiom* increase, rind you will soon have Hec
tic Fever, Cold Chilis, Night Sweats, Ot.pi
ous Expectoration, and then Great S’rostra
tion• II you still neg’eci yoitrsell, a few weeks
or months will sec you consigned to Hie grave,
leavi ig your friends lo mourn how rapidly CON
SURIH'ION diet its work, and hurried you a way.
Friend! have you no cause lo he alarmed? In the
above sketch you may see as in a glass, Imw every
ease of the Consumption progresses, with more or
’ less rapidity, to a fatal termination. Os all the
I Thousands and Millions whom Hus great Destroy
I cr has gathered to the femh, every single cascbe-.
I gun with a Cuk!! If this had been attended to
[ all might have been well; but, bring ncglrctjd
! under the lutal delusion that it would “wear itsell
| olii” it Ininsfeired its deadly action lo the sub
; stance of the Lungs, exciting there Hie formation
!ol tubercles. Another, und another cold, added
.fuel to the Hattie, until these tuheieles begun to
soften an 1 sappuruie, leaving by their ulceration,
great cavities 111 the Lungs. At. this c isis, the
disease is very difficult of cure, and oftentimes sets
at defiance ail human means.
In the lallet or worst stage, this medicine wil
: oftentimes arrest thedisease, or cheek its progress,
; and will always make the patient mine comforta
j hie, and prolong ins life, and is therefore worthy of
a tiiai. —but ii its incipient or forming periods,
j Consumption is as curable as anv other diseases
i and “Dr Rogers’ Svrup of Liverwort, Tar. adn
Oonehalagtiii,” if taken at this time, will cure it
This is strong language, t ut wc can refer you to
numberless living witnesses to prove that it is
TRUK! And therefore, we earnestly exhoit every
man, woman and child, who has a Cough, oris
subject to Colds, to keep tliis medicine hy you in
the house; and whenever you take Cold, do not
‘Met it alone” to work mischief in vnnr system, but
eradicate it thoroughly, and at once, hy this pow
erful healing compound, and leave your Lungs un.(
injured, to carry you in full vigor to a good old age©
1 lave you delicate, weakly children, wlm areal
ways taking cold, and subject lo Croup? Rent
eirtbei! There never was a case of Croup, which
did not originate in a Cold! And when your child
goes to bed wheezing and coughing, you know
not that, before morning. Croup may set in, and
ere you ean get a Physician, your dear child may
be beyond the reach of help. Wc beseech you
therefore, as you value Ihe lives of your children,
keep this medicine by you in the house, anil when
your little ones lake cold commence coughing,
give it to them at once, and rest not until the cough
is subdued. We consfienliolslv aver, niter the
most extended experience, that if tins aJvice were
foilowed, no child need ever
furl he cold would he cured before il could arriae
at this aggravated and fital stage. Let every
Mother, especially, heed well these remarks, that
she may not honwfier, when mourning over the
eaily blight of some cherished blossom, have oecn
s;nn bitterly to reproach herseif fhr her criminal
neglect, ft is an nkf adage, that “to lie torwurned,
is to be forearmed.” Parent-! so let it he m your
Be sure to ask fir Or. A. Rogers’ Svrup of LI
and lot no other be palmed on you.
111 Chartres Street, New Orleans,
Wholesale Genoral Agents lor the Southern
States, to whom all orders and applicat'vons so
agencies must be addressed.
Also sold in Griffin, by J. W. JONES & SON,
and by Druggists every where.
THE great remedy for Rheumatism, Gout,
Pain in the Side, Hip, Back, Limbs and
Joints; King’s Evil, White Swellings, Hard Tu
mors. Sod! Joints, and all fixed pains whatever is
Where tins Plaster is applied Pain cannot exist, —
These Plasters possess the advantages of being
put up m air tight boxes; hence they retain the.”
lull virtues in all climates.
This celebrated Pain Extractor lias been so cx
tensively used by Physicians and the people in ge
neral, both in Hus country and Europe, that it is
almost needless to say anything about it. Yet
there may he some who stand in need of its healing
powers who Imve not vet tried if. For their sakes
wc will simply state wlml it Inis done in thousands
ot cases, and what it will do lor them when tried.
Read the following Testimony from a Physician
Gentlemen—Your l-Jebrcw Plaster iias cured
me rtl pains of which I have Pitflercd for twelve
years past. Diirins tins period I labored under an
affliction of my loins ard side, and tried many re
medies that my own medical experience suggested,
but wilhout obtaining relief. At length I nged
your Plaster, and am now by its good cflects en
tirely cured. I will recommend Hie Jew David or
Hebrew Plaster to all who are suflertng from con
traction of the muscles, or permanent pains in (lie
side or back.
The people of Georgia have but to become ac
quainted with its virtues when they will resort to
te-uso. Yours, truly,
Forsyth, Monroe Cos., Ga.
To Messrs Scov;l & Mcud, New Orleans, La.
David's or Hebrew Piaster in Morlh Carolina.
Messrs. Scot ill <s• Mead: 1 have been 1 rouble
with the chronic rheumatism lor the last Uvelv
years. On the Ist of July, 1849, 1 was so bad tha
1 could not turn myself in bcd ? and tljg pn in so se
vere that I had not a wink for six davs,
this tune ;r,y attending physician prescribed the
“Hebrew Piaster,” and it acted like a charm; the
plainleft me, and 1 slept morc-thnn halfofthe night,
.id in three days I was able to rule out. I consi
cr the “Hebrew Plaster” the best remedy for all
rts of pains now ift use. G. W. M’MINN.
qqqq q q q q
Beware of counterfoils and base imitations!
ICPTIie genuine will in future have the signa
ture of E. Taylor on the steel plate engraved label
on the tap of each box.
Purchasers are advised that a mean counter
leit of this article is in
The genuine is sold only by us, and by out
agents appointed throughout the Booth—and no
pedlar is allowed to sell it. Dealers and purchasers
generally are cautioned against buying ofany but
our regular agents, otherwise they'will be impofl
sad upon with a worthless article. “
II Chartres sfroef. New Orleans. Sole Genera
Agents for the Southern Statse, to whom al
orders must invariably be addressed. Sold
so bv
J. VV. Jones & Son, Griffin, Ga
John Stilwell, McDonough.
G. H. Warren, Jonesboro*
Beckham 6t Buchan an , Zcbtilon,
S. S. Kendrick, Barnesvilo’
An dews & Littlf., Jncksn
Hall S'. Young, Newnan,
J. I. Reese, Greenville,
Micei Taunt h MoaLET Indian s pring (
Georgia Sarsaparilla.
tOGR Jnttndicc, Sick Ilead-Achc, Dizziness
JS? Loss ot Ap|it;lire, Constipation of’ the Bow |
els, Piles, caused by Cos!ivencss, Pain in thei
Bones,or Rheumatism, caused by die use ol JVler •
enry, Syphilis, Scrofula, Boils, Ulcers, &c. &c. I
Thi- preparation is made ns pure na possible.!
Its biller taste, and beneficial effects in diseases o| *
the Liver,and diseases arising from an impure
state of I lie Blood, proves to be the purest Hnd
and most useful preparation of’ Sursupariliu that i
i'liose who hove used the various p r eparr.tions
ol Sarsaparilla, will find, by the taste and effect,
flint there i* more Sarsaparilla in one holtle ol Dr.
D’s. preparation, thun in hall u dozen bottles as it
is generally made.
Thai it might be more particularly adapted to
professional use, nothing list the pure Sarsaparilla
lias been used, that!or diffeyene diseases, phis*
cians might combine or preserib with it, mu-liar
tides as they might consider most appropriate in
eases under tlicir treatment.
Its alterative and mildly purgative effect upon
; the bowels, make it not only a good substitute for
( Mercury, but useful in removinglfll diseases ari
, sing from the imprudent use of Mercury.
I Prepared only by .1. Df.xnis, M. D Augusta, Ga
| Sold in Griffin by Drs. Long & Bliss, Dr. Leroy
j Sneed,ml Dr. VVm. R. Moseley; in Biirnesvill
jbyO.A.& J. P. Nutting; in Pursy)b by D. San
! r I. a-H Druggists generally. 46
_ __
New Year-New Features-New Type.
Published every Saturday , in the City of
New York, at the very lota price of $2
per annum.
Saturday the first (lay of
“ * January next, the first number or
THE new BKinds of this refined, piquant, cheap,
and universally popular Family Neivspapf.r, will
he presented to the public, printed on tine while
paper, and anew and beautiful type, mnnuficlurcd
expressly lor the purpose. This arrangement will
afiord all whodesiie lo receive the work, an oppor
tunity of commencing tlicir subscription with the
beginning ol the year.
Mr. vVii. 1,1 s will contjnuc bis usual editorial la
bors, writing oti the pa ssingtopics of interest,
as I bey occur, lie will also give, trmn lime lo
lime, passages from bis Travels in the Tropics, and
in the i'outh, and West, w.lh portions ot which the
readets of Hie Home Journal, are already familiar.
His entire time being devoted to the paper, the wel
known variety and industry ol liis pen will be
seen in its columns as hclore. But wc have anew
feature to offer from the pen of Mr. Willis, and
one Hint we believe (at this period of ta.-ie for
picturing* of real life) will be ptti-cniincidly attrac
tive. lie proposes to give a scries of sketches de
scriptive of
Our readers are acquainted with the one success
ful effort in this classical writing. His “Letters
bom under a bridge-’ described mere country life, as
experienced in a remote retirement on iheSurque
luimiah. For the last year or two he has In-cn ta
king advantage ol the new faci ilics given bv im
provements in railroads and steamboats—uniting
tile repose and beauty of rural life with the eom-
Ibrts and advantages of easy access to the city.—
He finds much in ibis which is new. I: forms a
combination ol the desirable qualities of tlie true
modes ol life, w hich be thinks well worth descri
bing amt maKinif familiar to the world. In addi
tion lo me above,
translated from the Gorman by a graceful anti
brilliant American author, cnlitled
will adorn the columns of the forthcoming new
Tiie Town, ns heretofore, will be a leading to
pic: not its trifles, fashions, and amusements meie
iy, though ttiese are noted with care. The vveek
ly chronicleol the Town, comprises nuliica, more
or less minute, according to ciicumstances, of the
important lectures, meetings, works of nr’,
schemes of improvement and benevolence, new
enterprise, discowies and inventions, as well as
the popular enter/ainnients.
‘ Interesting to Ladies,” is the title of one
department. Special pains are taken to select
from the news and literature of the world, those
facts and ideas which are of peculiar importance j
to the Women of America. H fairer field for llu ir i
industry, and wider scope for the exercise of rlicir!
genius, are among the necessities of the time to
which we shall endeavor to attra;l public atten
From new works of interest, or from valuable
articles in the reviews and magazines, libc-al cx
tracts will he presented weekly.
The Foreign Papers will continue tube cmc
ully (xarnined, and everything of home interest
extracted, and arranged under the head of “Kctuf
ings in Foreign Journals.” American papers,
lor a similar purpose, will be dibgently ransacked.
A large number of able and distinguished
persons are accustomed to avail themselves ol the
columns of the Home Journal whenever they desire
to communicate with the public. These contri
butions are a valuable feature of the paper.
As the Home Journal is designed lo be par ex
cellence a Family Pater, the editors keep m view
the tastes of the younger members of families, and
endeavor to piovidc m each number, something
specially adapted to the liking of intelligent youth.
Upon puny politics and sectarian dogmas the
Home Journal is silent; but upon subjects which are
not in dispute between parties or sects, it endea
vors to advocate the side of humanity and pisiice;
mil to keep its readers in mind, that it is not all of
ife lo get a living.
I Ins cop ons, comprehensive and elegantly print
ed Family Newspaper is now acknowledged to
ho t he indispensable drawing-room gazette of the
country. A home is hardly complete welhink we
inay safely venture to say, without the HOME
JOURNAL, which is the chronicle of all that
interests all classes of sociktt, and of the in
telligence which most enlivens an American Home.
Nevv-Y orr is the great, centie, and here at the
great louatnin-head of novelty, incident, literal ure,
and lorcign news, the Home Journal is primed and
published. Its editors \George P. Morris and
N. P. Willis,) devote their entire, time, skill and
experience to I lie task of giving each week CV
erytiling worth knowing.
_ IBRMS. For one copy, 8"2; for three copies
0 or lor one copy for three years, So—always cn
-Ivance. Subscribe wit bout dtdav. Address
tors,; 10-7 Fulton-strret New-York
THIS most unique, original, Instructive and
beautiful, as well ns the cheapest paper pub
lished, desiring to be judged ofby its merit, solicits
examination and challenges comparison}
No expense oecn or will be spared to make
this Journal all that n paper can ’’e. Its broad pa
ges arc filled to overflowing will the most brilliant
Original I'ules and NovalJettcs, the choicest poetic
effusions and admirable essays on all subjects that
can interest an intelligent community, contributed
bv writers of acknowledged standing and abihlty.
The pencil is also brought to the nssislance of the
pen, and ihe paper is beautified by at least four
nfogant engravings in each number. In addition
lo the labors of its host of talented contributors
the entire lime and attention of its editor, *
Steuart Adair Godmnu,
arcdevoledfextlus-ivcly toil* management; and he
will contribute, in |le course of Ihe year, magnifi
cently illustrated Original Sea Stories; one of
which will be commenced in the first number of the
new volume, December 6th, and will run tlirouoh
ten humbers; its title, **
A Talc of the Chinese Waters
The Family Friend” in published weekly at
Columbia S. L\, and is the only paper of llte kind
.’ be “°" ,hcrn I ,aU ' B - 11 ls furnished at the low
price ol Two Dollars per annum, invariably, in
advancc-no name hoing entered until the money
?™t Cei>ed n * P erßon sending five aubscri*-
bers a copy will be sent gratis.
Ra T, B . B T To . L l,,bs ofl,!n onil opwtftls,
•he paper wilt be I urn mho,l at tko rate of 51,70 per
I?? or j®? copies for $ 17,00. Specimen numbers
eent gmluimialy, by applying, post paid, to
S. A. ODM \N, Columbia, S. (\
United States Mail Line.
Through 1(1 50 to
55 L lioiu'g.
“H” EAVH Adger’s Wharves on every Saturday
’ JL A ufieroomi, and cujh alternate W ednesday.
Janes Adgcr, > J. Dickinson,
1,500 tons. ) Commander.
MOoTona. | M ’ Berrv Commander.
j The SOUTHERXER, W. Foster, Coinmand-
I er, will leave each alternate Wednesday, having j
I been newly coppered and guards raised, is now in
I complete.order.
j For Freight or Passage, having .defiant State
j Boom accommodations, apply at tlie office of the
| Corner East Bay&Adgpr & Son Wharves.
; N. B. Ain vy ship will be placed on tho Line to
;• conned with I lie Southerner. 14—
A Southern Literary and Family
Dw>tt (l io Literature, The Ladies, Art, Sci
ence, Education, Agriculture, General,
intelligence and Southern Interests
Editors and Proprietors.
TERM S’ I ropy 1 year {always in adranee) $2,00
2 copies “ “ “ 3,;i0
5 “ “ “ “ 8,00
10 “ “ “ “ 15,00
Historical Analects and Compen
IN order to give increased value and interest to
the Georgia Home Gazette, we shall com
mence on the 17ih or 24th of November, the pub
lication of a Compendious History of Various Na
tions, ancient .)ml modern. Our main object is to
lurnish striking and interesting Passages of great
Characters and Kvenfs in the history ot n country,
ami at the same time present to the Bender, a
Compend of its History. Some portions of our work
will consist of but little more than u Cli om.logical
Statement of Facts. Such w ill be tho rase in re
ference l o periods ol History which were marked j
by nothing remarkable, either in the affairs of.Gov* j
eminent or Hie progress of Sciee- -and Art.
It w ill be seen ala glance, lb. his will be a la
borious undertaking. Wc hope .oat it may meet
public favor, and fed that it should, ns it will com
press, in a small compass, much valuable informa
tion, eiqif orally for the young and persons of lim
ited means and education, li i-- now,
as say how long il will takf * conclude il, but wc
naprehend twelve months at least.
This single publication will be worth to each
subscriber, more Ilian the eosl of the paper for 1 hut
length of time. Those who mav desire to obtain
tire, would dn well to subscribe w ithout delay.”
Nov 8. 1852. 46
And designed to improve both the soil and the:
mind; to elevate (he Character of the Tillers of the
Soil, and to introduce a more enlightened system
ol Agr.cut'ure, Horticulture, Stock Breeding, and
Illustrated with numerous Engravings
DANIEL LEE, M. D. & D. REDMONP, Ldltors.
Volume Eleven will commence Ist of January
1853, each number will contain ih’rtv-lwo large
Octavo pages <7J by 11 inches) ol closely printed
matter, embracing the contributions ol some of the
most intelligent, and practical planters in every
section ol Ihc Southern States.
1 Copy one year, $1 Cos !
6 Copies oat; year, 00
12 •* “ “ 10 0u
25 “ “ “ 20 Ol)
100 •* “ “ 75 00
The bills of all specie piving Banks received at
A'l n nev re i'f;l bv mil (pu'ag; piil)
t lie risk of the publisher.
Address W. 8. JONKS. Augusta, Ga.
Atlanta ‘
[Late Atlanta Iron Foundry.]
Tuts new Company is now prepared to do
Work on short not ice of heavy and light!
Castings from the latest improved patterns ot • ion-, !
Brass or Composition,all of w hich will he war
Turning, Boring, and Drilling done to order.’
Screw Cutiingof tenl'cct, or under, of any sized
thread required.
Heavy mix! Lurid forcing of wrought Iron or
Sled, done in supciior style.
la called to I heir Patterns for mill gearing of Mer
chant and Custom Flouring, and Saw Mill.**, Gix
gearing ol all the usual sixes, and Dark mills al
ways kept n hifhd.
We arc also prepared to build Stationary engine
with tliclalost improvements, all of which will be
sold low fur cash. Copper and Brasstaken in cx-a
change fur work at cash pricer.
l\ S. All of the above company are pract
Mechanics, and give tlicir undivided attention j
the business.
Santcmhcr I IM, 18*1. R—
THE subscribers would Call lhc attention
Merchants doing business in Georgia, Ala
ama ami Tennessee,to (heir extensive assort men j
Comprising a large collection of Combs, Buttons
Pins, Needles. Pocket Books, Port Monies, Sus
penders, Uotto.i and Silk Purses, Ladies’ Belts,
Black and Colored Sewing Silk, Spool Thread oi
all colors anr. at all prices, Flax Thread, Braids
and Tapes,together with Hair, Shoe and Cloth
Brushes, Tooth Brushes, Hooks and Eyes,Bends,
Necklaces, Fancy Sottl>9, Perfume?’ - naii
Oils of every style anc( quality. Togoi’hcr with
_ , BoqUs an<l Stationary.
---.1 ?. s School Books, Blank Books, Letter and {
Cap Paper, Paste Boards, Steel Pens,Gold r‘id
Silver Pemilsand Quills. Aiso a large stock )l
manufactured at our own Factory in Son Hi C
Our stock is now so extensive, that it would h 1
impossible to give a list of one lialf lb article*
kept by the subscribers. But we can only say to
merchants from the above States, give us a call
ns we are determined toofTer goods at lower prices
and upon as favorable terms ns can be go in
New York. All ardors by mail or otherwise, will
be promptly:iltcnded to, and the utmost caretaken
to send such articles ns *rc desired and at Ihe
same prices as if purchased personally
Angustn, Gn. Fch 6,1852.
‘■’HE undersigned intending to make a slight
change in their business, arc now offering lor
CASH,-their entire stock of
„ wmm&v.
all new and I resit, at very reduced prices, and on a
credit unlit fall, at as low rales as anv house in the
P 1 "® 0 - J- C • & L - R * brewer
Gnflm, March 23. 1832 13_ 6m
of every description always on hand
For Safe at this <* re, l
The Rights of the States, and tic Union of
the Stales.
IT is the intention of tho subscribers In pub
lish on the first day of every month, begin
ning with the month of May next, sintdl* jneoiisly
in Ihe cities of Washington and New York, a peri
odical, to he entitled the “Democratic Monthly
Beview.” Kach number will contai. at least 96
pages, and be printed on very lino prjier in a very
superior style. It will also be eiiibullishtd wi'li it
finely engraved portrait of a distinguished living
man, embracing statesmen, soldier*, aytisf-*, unJ
authors The political character ot this Review
will be, ns its title indicates, democratic, nud one of
its main objects to elucidate tlie true ilrmciplcs f
tho democratic party. It will etauiim-, in a spirit
of fairness and candor, all the leading pleasures of
the present udministraiion, and accord to them a
cheeifnl support. Should we, bowevt-r, unfortu
nately differ hi opinion on any poin| the Pre
sident, we shall nut hesitate to express our own
s. niimenis,and preocril the reasons tbit cmistrsin
ns to do SO; —submitting lo the democracy ol the
country 1 lie decision between us.
This Review will also aim tolumi.-h its readers
wilh a graphic and comprehensive notice of the
new works published, which inav peein lo be en
titled lo it, and also a record of all scifidilic dis-
coveries and improvements.
The present condition ol ihe nitrons r,f Co;opr,
and ilie attitude in which some, of them strain i<v
wards certain portions of this continent, have nr
vesleit our foreign relations with the uitrioF’ i.i --
porlance. Naver was this government placed ii
n situation of morp rriiiesl rhffictdty.than at the’
present moment, ‘j'be most ii flexHife ffrium-ssv
I far-seeing wisdom, and adroit skill w ill be n qmrcif
j to avoid complicating our inteiods and affairs witiV
those of Kurope. We tent!y !ru.-t Hie n".
j ministration will be equal to ’lie lask. fFe shall
walclt with unsleeping eye the progress yf a flails
Jin Mexico and the West Indies. Here alone, is
’ our vulnerable part.
! This R view will abstain from nil personality,
and seek to barmon ze and unite the di iic eriinc
pirfy, both in feeling and in piinc'ph*. I’. vill he
the exponent of no clique, faction, or mdivu.’iul. —
The editor w ill speak for lumscli, independently
and Icarlessly, under a thorough sense of <ne re
sponsitiilily he assumes. The iindersid’.f and have
sib'ctedan editor,after a careful consuß.ition with
their prominent democratic friends, and f!a'e cho
sen cine whose ability anil experience jl'ctoy believe
wit! sec ure for him universal confid-ince; and re
spect. From Ibis article tin; public can Inrut :i
correct estimate of Ihe merit of this publication.—
Several of the must distinguished liters in the
country have engaged to become regular eonliibn
tdrsfo our pages. vVe ask neither confidence nor
patronage if they be not deserved.
Our first number w ill contain a gene it! c J ycilrrie
of ihe, course wc design to pursue in Cut art*.
The editorial department is under the control of
Ovid F. Jt hnson, t>q.
Terms.—Four dollars per annum, naval*/o. in
advance. WILLI AM U. LhVVIS <§■ CO.
New York, April, 1853* Publishers.
Communications must be; addressed to “Thrt
Democrniic .VI mtlily Review, New York.”
Eiilo r a who inserl this Prospectus ami forward
Ijierr paper containing it. will he furnished with a
copy of llie review.
WF intend to publish in the city of Columbus,
G.i.a paper under Ihe title of ‘‘The Cor
ner Stonf..” We shall not attempt to ton-shad
ow cm;!* future course*, by saying that vc? rliaii ad
here lo and advocate the “greml principles” ot tin*
or that “great party,” lor the reason thrt w
know no party, lo whose principles, as exemplifi
ed in practice, we can thus commit ourselves.
V\ id) some difference in creeds and professions,
1 the two greal parties agree in one lend
ing object, which is lo do whatever inny be ne
cessary lo increase the amount of pony spoils,
which are gathered mainly from ihe South amt
distributed almost entirely at the North. Vv edo
not belong lo either of them.
Believing the General Government to be corrupt
in all its parts, —holding that il belongs to, and is
and will be administered for the benefit oft lie-
North alone—ilia! it is an engine, by which the
power and resources nf the South arc* ivisdsiorf *<
her injury—that mall respects aid under all etr
-1 cunist'anees, flic political connection between the
! two sections is productive of evil to the, v,
I shall advocate iis dissolution. f'.
j As to State polities, it there he any pni , y which
[ has any, we aro ignorant of it. So entirely it
i everything absorbed, in the effort In sustain a na
tional orgauizalion, il'.at the discussion ol princi
ple and measures, involving the rights and inter
ests of the people, is often deprecated ant! avoided,
lest may be tnereby injured; as if the
i invasion, of ihe rights ol a citizen, by Male legis
j l.tlmn were not ns fatal and as much :<> be guarded
j against, as the exercise ot an undcieguled power
i by Congiess.
i In what we shat! clmose to consider and to fr<*a
, a* Mate polities, we shall find much to discuss—
for there is much lint is wrong somewhere.
VVe that we have Ihe best Government on
earth, and Mint vvt* live in the full Idaze oflhe light
of Christianity, yet we have daily, the complaint,
I hat over all the land, crime and degradation,
and misery are ;nerra#ing, with appalling rapid
ily. Such are no! the legitimate Iruits of a pure
; Christianity or of a good and wise govt rnment.
I We shall consider all tilings connected with ‘lie
j rights ami interest of the pi ople, proper subjects
forditeussion;onrobj;*et wdlhetn aim <d Ihe truth;
and jvlien in our opinion, we shall have found it.
wc shall present it to our readers a< it presents
itself lo us.
Terms —“ The Corner Sion; ” will be publish-
cd weekly on a large shed, at $2 per annum, in
: variably in advance. No man will he entered up
'on out list until tlu: monev is paid. Any pcis.m
i who will send in five subscribers will receive a
copy for his trouble. The fiist number will be
issued by or before the Ist day ol February.
Our brethren of the Press who will give this Ti o
spcclus a few insertions, will receive our thanks,
and find us always reaclv to reciprocate.
l’r.TS'ci Ps Sr. Yarbrough, Publisher.
January 18,1553. 6
, rgIUK HO VIE GAZETTE is devoted to Lit era
j JH_ lure, Art, Science, Agriculture, General In
[ tclligcnce nn<l Southern Interests. The rolunin
nf the paper will contain Historical and Domes!
Romances, Sketches of Biography, choice Poefn,
entertaining Anecdotes scientific •Memoranda,
wilh Agricultural and Industral articles. L is pub
lished lor the home circle.
’ Besides a rich variety of miscellaneous matter, ,r ~
will rontaintlie general News of the Day. and x
---hibit the course ol political even’s without the
east party bias. In addition to will con
tain a compound of Universal History, from lire
pen ofthc Senior Editor, now in the course of pub
iication. This whyn completed wil* equal in qnnn
tit vof matter, a large octavo volume ol s;.\ bundled
jjjAlsil— A rcg;.-ter .>f Anciei t Grecian and !’<*•
man Lilcrature. A compendious exhibition <>fiho
I duel beauties of Stinks pen re’s celebrated plays %
, wilh such explanations and remarks as may be nc
eessnry to keep it|i> the interest of the plot of each--,
and a brief expnsit ion of the leading principles of
political economy.
I he terms ate very low.
The Gazelle is a large imperial sheet, >f elegant
appearance, printed upon new and beiintiiu! tvpe.
lerms, $2 per annum, always in advenee. ‘Two
copies $3 50; Five copies gS; Ten copies sls.
Editois Home Gaz tie, Augusta, Ga
WsoiToi™ sot'Tfl.
Devoted to Agriculture, Horticulture,
ait l the General Interests of ific
i Jame M. Chambers, Agricultural Editor.
Char esA. Peabody, Horticultural Editor.
I 7. hli hed at Ci lumlns, Georgia, on ihe
first of evert/ month at the. low rate of One
Doll a t i Year in Advance,
I U year, - } JSI <lO
6 Cos i rear, , 5 00
25 ‘• • “ 20 Oft
100 “ “ “ , 73 0U
A • subscriptions ~must commence with th
Address (postage paid)
f. LOMAX, & CO,
Columbus, CL,