Newspaper Page Text
llama aimbn: <Sa#tte.
"lotal department.
— — i -
_We pn:mu*e*l our readers. Ust w-ek,
-raen the first aumfcer of oar “Ixtfi.* sheet ’
wt , a c forth, that we wcmld eudeawr to give
tnein a better paper in ippearjkee. this
We hare made some slight changes
in the make-up,'’ and otherwise improve, t,
tfn -jiink. the general appearance ot the (tv
ssttz. and we trust ir pa fro®- will anpre
iiate our efforts to please, ami if the-citizens
oi this county wnl encourage ns hy putting
-heir “shoulders to the wheel, md giving us
a strong pull, and a pull aitogt her, we will
have ao fears of the successful operation of
the Dunns rmana Gazette, a the future.
Wk had the pleasure, a ftw dbys since,
of ma.ring tin* acqi.i.a&mee the Hon. ,7 c
liax S.iUT'iiaa*. of '-avannaii. one of Geor
gia s most guttii. sons, who vos in ifcten
dance on the April Term of the Superior
Court, which convened in till: city on lues
day. Mr Haethidoe stands it the head, of
his profession as a lawyer.
Box. M. L. lisashon, Mat-or pro torn,,
of druaawicit, spent several hays in the city
hiring the week in atteudaac- upon tiie su
perior Court
—Ws direct the special attention of our
readers to the card it Mr Chau. 0. tar a.
to be found m this issue of the Gazette.
All those wishing beef, vegetables. Jfce..
would and it to their advantage to deal with
—The "Flying Ponies” ar- here again,
amusing the lire Ik. an 1 giving them an
opportunity of spending their Loose -haiige. ’
Raan he adver* ..,cm a. :f A. I'. I'ttt
nam, the popular,-rod icci tium dating Liv ry
hi able man.' Mr. Per*am s well-known
in both Brunawick ami Durian. as tro.og m
of the best livery stable keepers in the -tate.
He has been running a stage ine from Brun
swick to thin place for about a rear, ir.d de
serves great credit for the successihi man
agement of his now enterprise.
—Lr y>u would learn how to beautify and
improve your residence, rule our to Thicket
—the home of >nr ci;v mayor. T. P. Pease.
Be sure to ask Miss Theo to show yon her
pets and (lowers.
—''EE. in to-day s issue, notice of change
ill tile schedule on ihe M. A B. R. R.
—While on our way to Brunswick, a few
days since, w- w ere in# i nied that our young
friend. Tice Haems, Baggage Master. , n
B. ,t B. K E , Lad been carried home hope
lessly, ill. and that he had subsequently
died. We liaii occasion to visit Jssitp the
same afternoon. On arriving at that place,
the first ujiin we met was our trien*! Dice.
looking hearty sad wed .is ever. C . v*
were not satisfied (hat the report of ais sick
ness ah'i dea;ll was nnirue, until w as.: a:
him if he was lead? H * .answered that h
was act. and (.hut be inn. ata. been >. tin
ro.m.LXro "■ H- --a:'-,■ .... ..a:
ports are efr' fi, when here is no four
datum /or ;L*- l.
—T.i;. travelling pr.'-llc ill cd scrv** .. a
ther*i has been a ■ Inui .e made in the scktjn
ule of the Jg. ,fc A ii. Ik. This cl. mffo- was
erfeetea some time ago. ui*i has gi. a g h
erul satis.action on account: of convenience
•If travelled, close cou'.ecr,. as if tv ,:i.s
eiong the Lne Ac. Mr. fm hue L. t oh.
Assistant finperintendent f this Bo:.:, and
is an efficient, high ton* *1 tnd u:< on:m>ala
—We call the attention of the prt lie r o
h: advertisement if A A Li. stuas, vh:ch
is found in another column, ti an whfeli we
see that they are -np*;..*-d v rh i lam*: md
extensive stock of assorted merchandise.
Messrs. AAR. Srnu's. heads ar ■ >v •
they know how to dispose if their sr *cks.
F irtunes are to .*• made by advertising, and
We feel confident, that be to re their heads
are frosted fre with the frosts -f many more
winters, that their dollars wiil be tfionsan*: .
Verily, these gentlemen seem to kn v -j -
use of “printer s ink” and they prove them
seives to be business, men f the ligheut t
der, by judiciously advertising tiieir business
in. the puolie journal of their -lty. The
pnneipie ot “live and let live’ is their mot
to. and men of so much sound discretion
and public spirit, are bound to succeed in
any country. Success to the krm
—The services of Mr. Jtro. W Cohen, of
Savannah. have leen secured it the Magno
lia House in this city. Mr. by his gen
tiemanly deportment, md good ousioess
gaidification. will soon gain cue -sceem md
friendship of ail our citizens.
—Ws ha*l the pleasure, a few lays since,
of greeting cur much-esteemed friend, £*. T.
Dunn. Esq., of Brunswick. Mr D.. we are
glad to say was well pleased with the appear
ance of the first number of air little paper,
and wished as much success.
—Col. -Iso. T. Hollos, the good looking
Collector for this District, was in the uty
this week.
—Atwood* fc Avsbx ws always ready so
serve their numerous customers. they sei.
their goods it reasonable prices, and the
quality of their goods give genera* satist'ac
tioa. Go and see them.
A gentleman, visiting our city a few lays
since, wondered why the city did not im
prove its principal street'
We do not wonder that he wondered, but
we wonder with him. and hope that me
Commissioners whi. ere iong, c-a toil the
street fever, and immediately t.ike the ne
cessary steps which will aecomptish that
end. We need greater manifestation of
public spirt among our citizens, generally,
and it is the duty of our “City Fathers” to
jet the example, A- word to the wise is auf
Timne* measurers and mspectcrx of
Dur.en, are O. lopsxss. and D. B. Wise.
See their card m this issue.
Uclnttssii Superior Court.
Melnt. *4 Superior Court convened last
j luesduy. Ihe lihtk lost., his Honor War.
>mley. prmiding, and adjourned 'Wednesday
eveiung. Attorneys from the Savannah and
Brunswick Bar were in Vri - no
ticed the S>.lowing Hons. Julias Hahxeidgk
Ws. B. Fl*wu*;. jgad R. E. Lesteb, Petes
Solicitor General, a-, vm. • Su •••anna... *' '.
C. C. Hofhiks, ana M. L. Mebshon, :f Brun
swick, D Eotehts. of Appling County. H.
M. Law and J. W. Fabmeb. of Liberty Coun
ty. Local Bai-—W..R, GmKZLLiAr, Col S.
S. Si'eiso'eil 1* L tuns and Chil.-iTian. In,
E. Hoyt aiial Walt* A. Way.
During the short time the Court was in
session, much bust tens was transacted. The
two murder can's was-; called, and. on mo
tion of defendant's aiunset, the indictments
were qmishe.L New indictments were i: >-
mediately gptteu in| the parties admit red to
bail There was lit two criminal cases
tried: The State, vs. Lewis Jackson, eharg*id
with Assault—isoinnhu'General f r the < at *.
W. It. Gig-silllat for Defendant. Verdict
—not Guilty
State, ws. Mnitg aery P. Styles, charged
with false imprisonment. Solicitor Gen
j-or xtaie. and H'm. 2. H* yt md M L Meh
show. for Defendant. The jury could not
agree, wouaequjr.'.y was a mis-n-hd, and the
party released ipon his own recognizance.
We cannot c.ase without commending the
ictmu *:f the Grand nougi car
time was short. mx ■ use pience. w-re
greatly hurried*.nl pifshed, yet the un* uat
ot w :* k ittendefi to by them was trnlv w*>n
• -r- ... " i•• .1. I.n.y l;,. fcte
'i u. a uq.'-ii v - . -
tore in (ins couiiiy. Wealth, rc9j.-*:tai nity,
and intelligence,! composed that important,
body, and for th* work and atrentii.n ,iven
Ole investigatiuni'.-f ion uty aiiiu.-s. the c .n
--ty and the people will tccord to them, the
praises, which ria*v so rich! ' in i mer * n
usiy earncil. As an evidence th it r.hev did
not irect in theirroom to puss the time fiol
i-hly, by gyumoliiig .end -.rirring up fruitless
controversies, we pu ! lish in another column,
the Grand Jury presentment-), which will
show for themselves.
The Court was a.lj >urne*l Wednesday
night, to r ,..a ri T’liar T cm li-y > eni :er
His Honor, Judge Schley, has promised to
devote to the c onty- thr-.e weeks, when the
Court meets ;i*gain, at which time h-* will
make a clean swewq> of evryrhiag m th
The fiHictrt.
I ’. is present t th • •.’oiioart - : •;• iD
.* 0.. •. in *o* C ’ Isst we<*k. .iiiii havimr
den invited to w; * s<“r*.*thin r ii.*m( K
just to hdl t ) fill :ip OUT Ciiy paper. I rt’ip
.f rwe bare a newftpi *•. ao-v, tad Dm
■*•• j.'ari. iv;. Ft r ..:e
I io: ~ hu*'w \\L \ ti. t .t i.ri t *-, ..-**
a, iu: * t • end, e\ u m 1 */**./!'•(?.
.*v • . ; 'il Tte w' ■ !lfl. :i ■ lOIK*
.ig dthonqh sol. . i v*. •; .v.. j. 1. I;
s epjeii to me ii' • ;rn.:ei“.i m*. hi:toce:i(
.mm :em*i)i,, an 11 f roe .1 w i . ■ _
fed Ul it. 0 iji V -*1 -a :hi.
1 l.fe * r ,i:T 17.1. . r all 1:1-' • 1 he
na-eiy amute- p - ti;..n . wa a was so
w ill r-mfered as t* v is ' e airy oca r r s* at.
and die friends ■ f t.,e sin. ro wen- qu :e
gratifieii Many ft. at ror -
ly encored is r*< m • • : ie hi set: -
and time, or some otlier *:•;* ■• Ly h iurne
singer. Miss Grater in..a .oi • imt eking
■ bird. n*i l£isa Lcla like a liirk. M. 1 .. si
sttiq roie a fiiirv amoag the r -es, ana i
cal D ii-tt was taag by rite Misses .Cnnie
M Wait and Vutr.v La chi iso x, in such soft,
rich notes, ur . make yon think them i pair
of nighrenqales. ‘•Home. sw**er
home." vus -x.-.*nri-tl with so ai ill’ll feeling
on the Piano Ly Mrs. A., that it :alietl up ro
ihe scenes of my chib.hood. Leea
Cloth execuw*! an idrgan '* o, ■ i .r * a ms
Excelsia Deo." beaucimlly. I da* aght.
several - U a'us is were sung by Mrs. AbaXS
class, composed of the following young hi
die: Miss .Caw Bailey. Miss Nellxe ttin
aed. Miss laacsTnoMi}. Miss Oicldsb. Mats
Hattie Thompson, iliss H.vttie Claske.
Miss aLaey C. laxee. and otaers. 'me
Chorus. “The Harvest H me. ’ especially,
pleased the entire unlit, ry. m.l we th ight
ail were excellent.
I must say that £ a py t>< know nr
young auii>*s mu do so well, md n L vr i
young man £ till ait ,t -v* lid affa- : lie
pleasure to make their aoqnaautanee. The
young gents acted tlie g*i .ant part, treating
the singers to ca.m. ice ci'eam and . 'ill* mule
' bountifuily.
£ think Mrs. Ajjois ieserves rnoch credit
for bringing out the :iass .a so snort i aaie.
Missionary Work.
We know a good lady oa the R ig. who has,
what she calls i -Missionary Bos. ’ and into
■js she .trops titty cents every time she thinks
of it. That is whai we c:aii a true missiouary
We intend to make the (aatuTTE a mission
ary of good to everybody and expect it will
be liberally pairmazed.
•A. sermon is that part of divme service
winch has nothing to do with the worship if
shell dead.
The question of making a shell road from
this pLatte to the Eidge. us neuig agitated,
tad we hope it will eonunue to be. tail it us
done. Public spirit .s at live per cent ms
count from Darien to the Beige.
£n my broach of business, more or less
outlay is necessary to make it suti -'esfu*.
and this holds good m pub he as well as pri
me enterprise.
A nrti*a for the Daaias Ti.vault (Jazsttu.l
A Ladj's Experience With Wfeiskcn.
I will tell you a little episode that occur
red in my own life, ever so many years ig*\
when I was oung and handsome. I md
lots of Beaux. My especial favorite was tv
tall, slight youg man. with jet black eves
.md hair, and oil! such beautiful long, curly
black whiskers. £ jus. o ved those whiskers,
they were so truly bentirirnl. Well, one eve
ning FeaNK .that was his name promise*in
take me to a Bail.—so £ dressed myself -a n
~,ht-;bait silk, trrmumd with white ! a*.
My hair h-ing in curls decorated with. na .ir
al rosebuds of a pale pin’.; chit. £ tell yon.
£ looked some nice! Well. Feaxe cum
early, and T went down in the drawing r * m
to have a chat with him. He wanted xne to
give him a rose bn i from my hair: so £ r *-k
gat a a.. • -i*l aa-i fastenetl it tn ms a' a
hole. I stood and looked at him just a min
ute, to watch the effect, you know. £ dbrrt
know wiiitt possessed me: the very imp ot
mischief £ expect, I -aught hold of
whiskers and gave them t pu.i. and :-- : t
ror t horrors. tney both cam- off. H v I
did scream, and Lncle and iunt came run
ning into the room. “What on earth is the
matter, child said uncle. “Why uncle,’
said L “Fua-NKS whiskers have :* me ! f fii
my hands; the nasty things, they are twin ug
.around my fingers like a lot of snak* s:.
Just then I succeeded in shaking them nf
on to th-* carpet. “But where's WaxsaH?
-aid uncle. Sure enough, where was he
' : - \ob gone. Audi walking to the w; a
ij. v saw him flvmg lowu rhe street without
his hat. and five or six small boys running
liter him. crying: Stop thief'."
Uncle, as soon, aa lie could speak for iaui i
- ic-dded. .tr me for flaying Fa
vasa't tue worst '
, _ in—| ' my s: v I record if. there
is ten "inii-s worse than that to
come. I thought £ would have a look at the
whi: m rs. so I picked fh-rn up, wu-*n unci l
.iai*L “You had better try them u, Ada, ami
see how y l look m wniskers. ’ “My lesf
sir; that's exactly win t I'm going to do.'
So I va’.ked to the mirror an.l fixed them * a
beautifully: ; hey stuck to my cheeks like wax.
J use as A was admiring the effect, the ser
vant threw open the door and announced
■Gentlemen visitors'' two of them, enure
strangers r me. There was a pro tty pru
c w L .iid hate false wunnurs ami e • .-ryth-ig
“Is* 1 that is laise too.
Then and tiiei’a £ made a vow that. I won and
novel? trv *n my me s whiskers igain, an*l
£ assure y u that £ have kept that vow mot*
refigt. -isiv. The only tiling £ could Jo,
was to turn my biu*k to the visitors, and
walk towards the window an*l ta.te off tile
ivi'id th lags. I thought fiiev woui*l come off
.:r :c y. :.ut i .-,i • n round cut I was mist.iii
*n. “A ia. ’ suid my aunt, come here and
let mo . rt:du- 1 mto anise g-u-men.
I can’t." £ ha.-' soot *l. half la.iuheii
•What's tn- u' or 1 su.d u cle."
uncle ■ said L ‘ £ can't get tL se bort
whisker- tney stick so tight, w nut. siic*A
r gff ;• _ t . t
p •• *s.l**le. ! thoU'-h* !l** v roll! i- . W
l: -,nr f *** rii *v la t* “*i. ii i i..u,- :c• 1. *a*.
; ,v -r* 1 itrv f*c* with. r*y .md rush. .1 out - t 'he room Ikm a
small it.-.-am engine. £ weut U* my rocm
and rang :V beli for ' Laky, aefi asked
co help ne act, <uy uri.vb- ■•rod’- J * oroufeL
hot . liter ind soap, am! ruU> and m l sen. *i
Hi? ’ OUT ui.L 111! -HSTI-, !t i: 3 . t iT
that I had my tuc- left. I had to keep ny
room for Hire* wh* “ days, because r,i ere
w r as om: Attic strip anont tw*? inches -• a 1 s
in mv left cheek taot coufil act .■ e ri.tmed
to depart &r ail that time, thougn we ’ujed
it with soap and water niithfu ly. Ever
since then. £ have dentes tied b
whiskers. I have neve.- seen nor hear 1. ny
ahmg of Flank I write this for the benefit
ot all interested, ‘specially young ladies.
Beware ot false whiskers.
I Six Year Old Pie-Ni.; on the Rate*.
The hoys ant: girit, on the Shiga. sis " rs
.f ngf> ini under, were very nicely fenced
m Tha.’stisty. 'he Aid trot. .it the house of
out* Chihlren s Friend. Four o ''it in he
afternoon the Tee tilings eobhteted j So
round number of thirty Croquet. *min
uie. candy and cake, was the ofiler t t.i
party. It took four ladies to wait on the "1-
ble, which was bending under the weight u
-™ s oif r ungs and ahuied by t large
Jissn The-' . ro- iiil a load of five cakes, and
Left, with .1 supply ti;r a sick boy. saying,
"I've spent a happy afternoon.
It it fun. a. .'.joy c..' see the children m
happy. Ir. - great rhing to ntuc he . :rtid
cues aappv, and wul bring its reward
We suppot e we cannot have i Hay P urtr. :
the king and queen being absent. We and :
wish it was othemose, tor we do dearly lower]
to acts and such parties, and to see so man*
pretty girls and fu .i tables. Way noc seises
i new king and queen We think a y lar s
long enough, for a prince to reign. W, know
of two boys who would act as king if elected!
Soc ladle.
}£. E. Church, opens wide the doors of tuff i
parsonage every Wednesday evening. ’Vj
nave attended several times and inave been
highly nteruuned each time. Mr. L., aa'
gentleman and besides, he has a v-ry pleas
lint family. Ail are .nvited to att.-ud: oh;,
and young, saint and sinner. We think the
young men would enjoy the ride no thr
Ridge, and me pleasant society Theyoun; if Beige "me ire very pcetty anil en
tertaining. and they usually attend in good
Music, select nailing and Turkey ishgea
tleman. ire a,ways entertain
ments. '.'lias and see, and go and
tail us. At 12 clock all are expected to
ek their “little bed'-. ’
A Ride Itt'o Tie Connrry.
This is a lovely season of the year in
which to drive through the uountry.
fb* went out in the afternoon, and 'nine
b'k by moonlight. We thought, surely
-The time of the singing of birds is come
so fii.': -f their tuus.c the woods ami fields
vere. In fimt, we believe there is no time
her*.-, but what plenty of bird music “*in be
heard, ami then, they sing with inch
vise; but thns is th* .r special season, ana
hey seem to ippredate it. Many birds
/ave their rim.* to c nun and to go, and many
>re sot'** -f at . ' asant winters, that they
: ury WiiJh un all the time.
As we rode along through the dense forests,
.. > graa.i. sir it.: ‘Bowling Green. ’ and made
fu, 1 >: md a*-::vity y die songsters, and
.a* aurrying ,: c-Z“. bivtng our cheeks so
efreskiuig y, W“ were m-spired with anew.
'higher, and nobler life. Nature is * great,
yet simile teacher, and it is a delightful
•rent to be eutertainefi .a her own vast par
!•>;-. and- to ncuc :he -u;a from her owa
’lips. Tins is a w uderfui world ofisunshine.
•inis and (See!;; ami she ires of speculation
when once open, an* hard to close.
Just os the sun lay ro w. ia the west, so mys
-ri usiy. we turned t . heme, but some
thing hell its fast, ind we stood and gazed,
filled with fe* Lags of w inder, admiration,
and praise.
'This was c :e of the strikingly beentifui
sunsets, peculiar to tilts *ection of the coun
try. We have seen the lamp of Uty retire m
many localities, but never so gracef lily as
t here. A* last, he slipped into his 'ted
piita out of our sight, and feelmig released
from the unseen hand that held us buck, we
: started on our horn •word journey, in deep
I aie* ii ration.
m. uige mat thece *•. •■■.*:; shcu do util “e us .
Why are we not i ■ rnu'ted no go ms near
heaven is these feathered songster*-? Is ir.
because we have not feathers '! >r it may he
heaven is not in Hint direction, after ail !
As we cant over the bridge, s-he water
seemed harrying on the ocean tn ibedience
to the same law that controls tUi things. The
head, that moves ill th ags, is in <•- msecn
.a oil. i.ut all must feel the directing force,
though none can explain koto!
Think carefully, seriously, calmly, then
act promptly. Home again, so “good
i night.”
Answer Wisely— ia
1. What will be the advantages to Dan-n
,fa railroad from Lamhrigllt’s to Bruns
wick ?
i. 'A 7 - Uld -rot that rend, if - uilt, prewenr
t che Duiiding of a r> mi from Hammy Smith’s
Laaiffng t* - No. 1 M. k ->■ R. R !
;l. Are both, roads needed ’
t Could be th be supported-? 5. Will the
I 1 !o in miss loners of Mcratosh county, an. I the
; itizens ■ f Darien tiik- such measures, witli
mt dciuy. is will secure the budding of the
| mod air aidy charter dby M- srs. Fill r.s i
I .Jo., :ro:,i II mmy s Lon. n . t " N--. 1
1 on toe ML & B- Sevu
j 1 Ir, r . e this opjgertunity tor Darien.
.<•' * *— ■ . ... ,1 . *r~
* V a- r
*. -s is Bncw-Tick.
L- J 5 E ZL;BATED AT * 1 •'•.
W-- le.,rn from Col. M. L. J.L ftsu 1 1 a. wll*}
lti .'..-d ;a the) ■■ ~y ft ai Brurss'vick on Wed
a. sd.v, hat, the Blaaing Machine of Mr.
tv H. And ms- together with a lot of lum
ber and new machinery just pureiioseil, was
:. uauuirt*! v fire oil luesday night last.
I’he cause ,i the fire wis the result of care
d'ssu-sn ,j. tin: part of the WatchnLin, who
was n the ron; my of the Propriet >r. The
W man. a ven-ig the fire, and be
lnu 1 foarf;ii if ii't >lxhi^ujsi]oeft of ntJixli- ,
.delicti. lU uiiti ae ill resit: nadiie,
and, liiio proba* iy. aot bem heard >f hkicu.
Mr XxwLttiH iseaciiii ir*i as
Mr. Me*'ULLocftH, also, lost about s;i,ofio. j
while tji.-r parties lost near it Mb.
5,i,:h eu’elcs.iness cannot be too severely
censure* L
-_g ad••• 'V'-tneut i Haw s c 1 y :r
dealers hi dry goods. in this number.
Ho cl Iftivais.
Misscua. Ho css—Robert Johnson. Sterl
ing: B. leGruaf. Savannah; John T. Collins.
o-L-uiswiek; D. T. Dunn, do: Geo. A. Berk.
i ■ apt. AbeuX do: B. H. Linch. Savan
... and ■ .. H. Baker, ilo; J. T. Mims, do;
Cape, r zgeraid, str. itfcipies; Henry Bii"-
roughs, ija.; John a. Gum.y, Oolumous, C.
3. Banes. Atlanta. J. T. Weems, do; Hon.
War. Scniey, Savannah; Hou. Jar an Hart
ridge. do, Hon. E. Les er. do: P W
Me.-trim, do Hon. Wm. B. F.em-ag, do; F.
Lehman, do. Walter G. Charlton, io; R. ■>,
Steeie. do; .dam Beisinger, do; Jas. H. Hah,
do; D. H. Roberts. Appiing co; R. it. Aiken.
Broughton Island; H. 0. Devendorf, Due tor
town. A. Bins, Macon, C,ipt. Win. Robert
Gtgahiiac. City, EL a. Barclay, 'io; EL IJ.
BLmnt. do Geo. EL Burant, do: James E.
Clarks. City; J. W. Farmer. Hine.-mlie; R.
H. Hall, Waithourwiiie: J. P. Gilson. Doboy;
E. 3 Green. Savannah; Chita. S. Park, do;
C. Linek, do. Win. HEtcfiMon, do; B. F.
Leonard, Atlanta, Ga.: Jan. W Bahie, Scot
land: Jas. C. Foster. City : John E. Martin.
M Villa, Ga. . Wm. f Swm. Mew York; Cob
I. W Christian ± 'only, City; S P ELiiiowav,
Fort Valley. A. T. Pittman, do . R. E. Brc vn,
:do. Dice Grubb. Timber 'Fuel** . T. B. <iood
bremi, do: C. v.. Th'-rpe, Mclntosheo.;Joaa
R. Frank..:;. Bruua vmE Ga.; Xl L -Xer
.shon A wife, do; R. P. Eahnnsen. Savanna.;,
J. Johnson, bark Farsand; W. D;sehbura.
ship Patiucaa. E. Williams. bark Gladiator,
A. J. Barley, Charleston; Peter E. Cleary,
do, Edward Sanford. S. C.: Julian N'ewbold,
N. Ii J S manly, Phr-a.. Cape. Samiras,
Dobov. Capt. Doiige. do; 3. F • .liter. Co
sH. J Vane, do; W. r 3oily, do;
T. B. Herbert. Hcmeraville. <3a. Thomas 3
Moore. Tattnal
MAY L 1574.
AVBHA.IB. Dgc.iaz. *ll.
t .t*•. ia
MM) . . . tu S
scii ito **%.. ■ ;**% tu UIM
*>IHI Sg to .
UIU s S*t to U) ...
SUO lu tu tl
9BH 11, to and
ukiii tay tn ta>i
\:?ni ,) New Wibintt. James—^av^nmih--
A. Cos.
C>r, .17 -*shm Putridian Dttahhnrn—Rio Jaaiero
V.. iJohell it CTu.
.afji-i. I s ? —Bi -ti <J MiiiulUM, Wiliams—Sr. Vincent—
Y miiLi -JS Larurlon.
May L—Bark ivtartaan, Rohuliiu v^avJAnnah—Ep
: pinjf, BtuluH <k Cos.
Apr I At—Bark Honi. EHcharda—Aberysrwith—
D* M Mniirn.
| AprC i4—Bark Lilliua M Vi^ib—Gliagow
—A. Dobell dk Cos.
AprC la —Burk Lame? —Baili—Tounjf Jfc
April 25—Brin Wellington, WllliamH-Aberyatwitli
—A. Dobell Jfc Cos.
April —Lurk Boaa, Jucobaia-Cork -D. M. Xun
Aon; 35-—Burk Arethuiw. Dobeil
& Cos.
Apr! 25^—Bitrk GmefewaM Iforbrraadt—nartibn?*—
D. M. 3£unni.
Apri: -7 —Burk
Dobell A Cb.
April :Ui—Burk Hipiinox, Pirnier-Hurricpool-D.
M Mmrn.
May l —Bark Prudent Von Blunu ntliul, Setlwarta
-Liverpo 'i-D M. Manro |
May I—Burk Hauu
D M. Muuro.
.May l—Buck Mara. Polter-Leinwiek-D. 31 Mnn
Mav I—Back1 —Back Savanna. O'y *?il -Liverpool*-D. M.
Ma • I—'dir1 —'dir W i idem ar, Parker-Rio *te Janeiro-
Yonnir jfc Luiution.
S’hr Thomaa Watta, CorriH-Waltiiiu N. S.-Young
a Laugdon.
rv PORT.
Ship IleurieTra, HoJhy. Loading tor United
dom l 'v Y )un.*: jfc Langtion.
Bark - rat:* a, [T i oiebecker. Loading for United
Einifdom bv Yount; * Lanudon.
Burk < ■H mue-i. Sie\var*n. Loading for United
Kingdom by Y >umr *vt Laimdon
Burk Tolmnna. Ilaime. Loading for Um,ted Enn;-
<lmn >v Bpping. Beiiae Jfc Cos.
Burk Emma and Car*. Harder Loading for United
m by Spointr Beilas A Cos.
Bark Paul Fr derirke Poujn. C>b e Loading for
United ILinjgdom l)v Eppiru. Bella!* Jfc Cos.
Bark Jude Hyu. V,:>n*eht. Loading fur United
Kindoin uy ffpu’ou. Beilna Jfc ('>.
Bark Sraiilio . N-itvur. Loading for United King*
dom by Eiipimr. Beilaa A Cos.
Bark City of Ottawa. Pin ley Loudini; f>r Unitd
Eindom by *j!ij T Stewart c •;*.
Burk-luiLiif*. Frenek. Loading for United King
dom by <tiiv >u*\v *r Jfc Cos
Burk liurieta M i da. Siiatßl. Loading ttirUnited
Kingdom by A.. Dobell Jfc Cos.
Burk Town Larenrxen. Zaekrinon. Loading for
United ffinirdom v a Dobell jfc Cos.
Barks: Croix. N.iAe, Loudim; or United King
dom by ' . Df)he :J .£ <’o.
Bara P* T-uvre. Loading for United
li rih'flnm by Dobeii Jfc Cos.
Bark Via en "*>mdenv Loudiii;; fbr United Kim;
dom by * Do be II Jfc Cos.
Bark John Burinir. Brook.-*. Loading for United
lUin*rdoni bv V. Dobell Jfc Cos.
Bark Re-oure-. • tw Lo^dine ft>r United K:ul
dnm by ■ (Jo.
Brtik “ffremonf. Eenney Loading for United
K.!H;dom by A. Dobell A Cos.
Burk Dnnnmity. P wer. Loading for Un ;*d Simg
[ dom nv c Uohi*ii v Co
s Beiina. W iilia. Loadlnvr fur United Kingdom
by U M Mnnro.
Burk ‘Pipe! n, Munirer Load:. J for United King
dom by D. M Mimm.
Bark ihisi.iv Gr*‘|eriHe, starv::v Loading for
United Kingdom bv D M Manro
3ark Mar** Jane. Btntue. Loaiting for Ua 1 ’-od King
dom by D. M Mimrr .
Bark M.nnu. Buns** Lnadimr for Unif3.*t T King
dom bv D. M. Muxiro.
B k Furwmd. Johanaen. Lumimg fiir United
K.Uhtooin by Yonm; A Lunudon.
Burk Savanna. 0 Seif. Loadim; .or Ua;t**<i Ki inr
dom ny D M Muuro.
a ~”‘“ ° diffay- —T6. - y '.|h>in*r f% r r c * ;
fl[ .ngdoai A ffn
Ship Ragnar Fort o L>arPn*f \rr r iw. md
lom by A. Dobe and A r n.
Burk v lantic, EllintpHin. Loaning tbr UMited
K nrdon bv \ Dobell fc Cos.
Bi ’u Batter- P.iwm. Loauinir for United Kingdom
m- \. Doheti Jfc (.' .
Bi ; u KvUtnftUK'*. i)wi*n.H Loading for United
Kingdom by A. Dobell jfc
Brig Emma Seng, Sudemann. Loading for United
Kingdom by Sppiiur. Be Hue .% *"n.
<ci\r Charles A Bowey, Scute Loading for St. j
Johnn by ri:ir<*ne ,fc Foster.
Ship New W imna. Jamea. Loading for United
Kingdom bv V Dobell Cos.
sh:n Patrit.iHU Dirchbum. Loading for United
Kingdom by V Dobell fc Cos.
Balk ‘t aiii“!uu. a' liama. Loading for CnittM [
K * gdom by Young *fc Lungdon
Bark ‘ icwi. HoKinnn. Loading for United King
dom by Epping, Beilka jfc C<.
Jltur Advertisements.
Hninswick and Cast ialroad,
Bhiinsw;. ii. •. , . Vov ‘i. STTf
/\J snd after Mov ■mnrr 17th. fefiJ. lowM-nger
trams aa ae B. .6 ft. ft., vill nn m fbihn*
Brnnsw’Ck Mjunria s. Watlnewiavs mri ?n
--'hivwJßfc" iii I- M.. MT** ng 4t .f i”c:’*in!A i G. 3..
It. at !T.\ 51.. ami ir Albany at7.AO P H
Lenvee -. bnr Taewtays. Thiineiuys and 'latnr
.in v—ir 7 l(i A. M . arn- *ig ae > A. .t G. 3.
a. It -1.0) ?. yi ■ and a r Brun. wieh at T;ll) P k.
Twine going Eart eunneete wt'h die 3. W. K. R
•sta i'll imvce tt Albany at 7.10 A. M on Tucadoy-.
riiursUayß .uni Saturdays.
As-:nan. Superii. leiufeiit.
Mav >tf.
Timber and Lioidg^
Respectfully solicits patron
DA&IEV, - - - GA.
Timber and Lumber.
Respectful v .i,.. -,ts Patronage.
Danins ... - 'imniGX*.
Apr-2 -im
, preventative fttiiu 'Wing roIKITD TO
-A DEATH 3mnpie -"‘Ut free tm uppiicaoon xa
W, S. T.
Refer a> F COSWAT, wuo jott ii me w.ib
grent uncctuts.
Subscribe tO the
New Store
Keep Cvin.'taatly on hand,
Clc thing
Wood and
Willow ware,
ii so a -elected st*>ck of
GSQC hiSislS,
TO 3 7 OiGA
The attention of
aad ah in neeil of *av of the above
ttrUnits, are espeemiLu caihstl
to their new tdfoek.
eHTieeialiw f>r their trade.
fe *
VII will do well to ( ALL and
examine their well-selected
stock before purchas
ing elsewhere.
This store is under the immedi
ate supervision of
Robert Strain,
>urtuer, assisted by the genial
ami pleasant
We defy competition, believing chat
with oar advaacages we can alfurd to
sell GOODS as LOW as any dealer m
sous_era Genrym.
We DELIVER all goods purchased
oy citizens in town or those oa the
Riu„e, tree of caargt.
A. & XL STB ’