The southron. (Gainesville, Ga.) 1875-1885, June 27, 1876, Image 3

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THE BQJJTHRON.- P. F. LAWSBE) ifdUor. W. XI. CRAIG, Publisher. TUESDAY MOUNTING. JUNE 27, 1870. Any person wishing extra copies of The,Southron wiii find them on sale by T. S. Campbell at his news depot, east side Square, and at our office, after Tues day morning of each week. Price sets. ANNOUNCEMENT. Having procured the services of Mr. W. W. Hood, the oldest printer in this section of the country, to take charge of our Job-Work department, we are now prepared to do all work in the very best style. Send in your orders, and they will receive prompt attention at low figures. Best brands of Segars at Champion’s. Mr. Clapp, the Alabama lime man, is in the city. uf - : That Old Centennial, Kye Whiyky at Champion’s can’t be beat. Webb & Oliver have just received a uimy lot of Iron King Cooking Stoves. Our old fellow-townsman, John Law rence has met with the loss of his son Joseph during last week. Henry P. Farrow wrfs in' the city last week, just returned from the Cincinnati Convention, lie thinks Hayes invinci ble. Gainesville is filling tip rapidly with people from everywhere. Look out for big crowds this summer, both here and at the springs. f If you want to enjoy something good to drink, go to Champion’s. On the 4th of July the, Amateurs give another of their grand Go and hear them ; they merit a liberal patronage from our people. The press, types, fixtures, etc., of the old Gainesville Advertiser were sold on last Thursday to Mr. J. B. Thomas, of the Dahloncga Advertiser. The barber shop at thejriedmont is in charge of Wra. Doyle, lie is a first-Class shaver and hair-dresser; can give you a hot or cold bath; shampoon you and black your boots. Give him a call and be rejuvinated about twice a week. John Champion lias the first water melons of the season. They are from! Florida. Col. C. D. Phillips, riolieitor-Gencral of the Blue Ridge has been so journing at the Piedmont several, on business. He is a powerful big fellow, and it is said his heart and legal xTitlitidt are in proportion to his person. fr ♦ *— Hie Air Line Road is all-setting-up, and the trains are th ing around on it at 40 miles an hour again. You can’t stop the Air Line long at a linie, uulCfs you Inti Oil d of its officers. PUBijXC tvißiosyryasrcA-. Til man K. Gaines, of'Greenville, S. C., w.ii lecture to tin-citizens Gainesville to night; Monday;, on the Subject of Im igration to ;he .South. Everybody will go io hear him. of course. Meeting at the Court House at S' o’clock. Mayor W. I. Pike, oi' Jefferson, was i:i tile city last week. He j-eports more '.amaire in J;tekson county from tlie late freshet than lias occurred since Noah’s little . hower; bridges, mills, etc., wash ed out that have stood the test for forty years. The I. O. O. Fs. will install their offi -1 hall on Friday,’July 7th. — T h< installation w iil be public, and they will give a reception at o’clock in the evening. Music, dancing and re fiv.'hments is the programme, and there will boa good time generally. All are cordially iilvited to participate. 'the Piedmont. Richmond jfnd Gaiues •-lie ;ire just girtin' up an’ dustin’. — There is uiore whitewash', soapsuds, hloride of lime, charcoal and diggers about them than would fill a steamboat. They are lixin’ for about a thousand slimmer visitor ; and they are jjpiug to come, too, when they iindout how clean, cool and nice we are up here* We are in receipt of the prospectus of the Dulilonega Advertiser, to be started ut Dulilonega this week by J. 13. Thomas XW. 13. Townsend. i3olh of these gen tlemen arc young, full of vim and enter prise, and we wish them abundant ue cc -. Gentlemen, you will find our of li- •• always open to you when you visit the city. Those more than clever gentlemen, < up.. W. S. Keene, of A. G. A B. F. Wy ly’s, and Chari-.y Thomas, of Dabney X t'v ;il!’ , were :it the Richmond Saturday. They have to come here very often to k ep up with their growing trade. The reason they -uecced so well is because they treat tlieii patrons just light, and take Thk Souiiihon and pay for it. - 4' ♦ The many friends of Mrs. It. J. Cas tleberry will be pleased to learn that this estimable lady i rapidly recovering from the long ami painful illness she iia-> l> mi sutleriiig under. L>rs. iiaiiey A Bong, her piiysiciams, inform us slie i- now out of danger. Her recovery will b liailed with delight by all of her neighbors. Rev. W. P. Harrison, of Atlanta, lain the cit v . at tin* house of his friend J udge Rice. Hr. Harrison comes among us to recuperate liis failing health, never very goi*t, and now aimo-r entirely prostra ted by His recent, terrible mental trials icom the singular and unaccountable suicide of his promising iiLllc daughter. Col. J. B. Feck exhibited his kindness of heart and generosity in passing Mrs. Thco. Mcßride and daughter over the Air Line Road to her old home at Jgasly, ;•>. C. Mrs. Mcßride is widow of Rev. Mcßride, who was a missionary in Chi na sixteen years; she was caught by the breaks iu the road while in Gainesville. All honor to Mr. Peck and bis high toned road! The service will be put upon our new mail route from Gainesville to Pleasant Grove, in Forsyth county, on the first of July. This will give the Browns Bridge folks their postoffice again, and will en able them to take forty or fifty copies of The Southron fresh from the press.— We congratulate the peonle along the route on this much-needed convenience to everybody. Mrs. Dr. Bradley can’t fool us and make us believe her whole potato crop la like those in the basketful Stiley brought over to Mrs. L. She picked them out, that’s what she did; there wasn’t one in die lot less than your two fists, and just as sound and mealy as they could be. M rs. L. is very much obliged, and we vote Mrs. B. the blue ribbon on our favorite vegetable. Mr. W. A. Skelton, of Hartwell, Ga., has bought the vacant lot next to Les ser’s old grocery on Main street at S3OO cash. This lot is 35x90, and less than a year ago for $l5O. IsHfeiness property in this end of the city is cheap er now than it will ever bo again. Dua lly Banks knew just the time fo wade in, and it seems struck it right wlin he bought those corner lots for one half tjheir value. There will he a meeting of all th friends of the immediate building of the Episcopal church, at the Piedmont Hp tcl parlor, on Thursday evening, June 30th. We hope to see all who take an interest in this enterprise on hand as early as 8 o’clock. By a reasonable ef foft made at once, there is no doubt blit the building can be put up immediately , so as to hold services in it during the summer, and we can undoubtedly get ajd from abroad to complete it in time for winter occupancy. Col. Nichols opened Holland Springs for the season on Friday night last: with a grand ball. Col. J. G. Longstreet chartered four hacks and took out the guests of tiie Piedmont and Richmond, and a whole lot of ladies from the city generally. The opening ball was a grand success—everybody satisfied, and ayotetaken to continue them through the summer, alternating between the j Springs, Piedmont and Richmond. Tligt ! is risrht, gentlemen, dwell together in j unity., I I Ihe advertisement of D. E. Evans In this issue will notify the public that that gentleman conics to the front again in his old favorite business. For some months past lie has been engaged in the bee-hive business, and other pursuits, partly neglecting his old calling. He tells us that lie will now be found, at all reasonable hours, at his post, rea dy to do all kinds of work entrusted to him, on double-quick time. Most peo ple know Evans, and those who do not will do well to give him a call. We are authorized, by a number of the good citizens of Union county, to invito Dr. Wills, of this county, to re move to Blairsville and practice his pro fession. While vve do not wish Dr. Wills to leave the fields of his successful labors for so many years, we cannot help the people of Union wanting him there, and will say that there is no doubt, the Doctor would have a large and lucra tive practice, and would be kindly treat ed and appreciated were he to accede to this request of the people of Union. An abseilt-mimled Ohio woman got: tiie coffee-pot ready for boiling anil then carefully placed it on a chair and sat herself ou the stove. Although the oc casion \vas dreadfully suggestive ol some of the eai ly martyrs she managed to derive some consolation out of it from the weil improved opportunity it afforded her of obliging her husband to bny“her anew dress, which, as soon as she was well enough, she made up her self with the rssistanee of the “Domes tic” Fashions and anew “Domestic’ sewing machine. 1 ”** Our young friend T. Cobb Law is fit ting up a nice Confectionery and Ice- Cream Saloon in the Craig building, on Main' street, and within 100 yardjk>i tiie Piedmont Hotel. This wiii he a pice, quiet place for young gentlemen icfttiUti their lady friends for refreshments,-and very convenient for the guests of the Piedmont. Everybody may rely on tilings being all-right where Cobb.prCC sides. There is no more clever, straight forward, energetic young jnau in the community, and we predict tkat he will succeed, because he deserves to. Go in, Cobb, we’ll help you all we can ! On Wednesday morning, just in time lor breakfast, a little girl and boy made their appearance at our front door with a basket plum full of break last-rolls, tea rolls, lightbreud, rusk and Graham bread, all hot and smoking from the ovens of J. Lt. Solomon, our city baker. If there is anybody in Georgia who can beat Mr. Solomon making any of the ar ticles named we don’t care to see them. These are as good us we ever want to eat. Our citizens and hotels ought to give Mr. Solomon a liberal patronage, because be merits it. ByH|ej>wia. American:-, are particularly subject to this disease and its elleeis: such a ; Sour Stomach, Sick Headache, Habitual Cos- Livucss, Heart burn, Water brash, com ing up of the food coated tongue, disa greeable taste in tlio mouth, palpitation of the Heart, and all diseases of tliej Stomach and Liver. Two doses oJ Gkken’s August Know eh will relieve you at once, and there positively is not a ease in the United States it will not cure. If you doubt this go to your Druggist! Dr. H. S. Bradley, and get a Sample Bot tle for 10 cents and trd it. Regular size 75 cents. EXCUTTRSIOISr A.El2.A.3<ft3-K --MENTS. Major John G. Longstreet has per fected arrangements with the Air Line to run excursion train fi’om At lanta to this city on Saturday eve • nings, at such rates as will enable him to make the whole expense to excur | sionisls, including hotel fare till after | breakfast Monday mornings, rail road i fare and all $6.25. This is as cheap as f any one could ask it, and givega splen did opportunity to spend the liot Sun days at the grand Piedmont. Tick ets will be for sale at tho rail road of-, fices. Our friends in Union county will ac cept our thanks for the interest, they are taking in Thb Southron. We have re- Sceired 21 names as subscribers from that county alone within ten days, also several from White, tgnnpkin,' Jackson, and other counties* making ah aggregate of since our last publication of the roll of honor. That is right gentlemen, give us your patronage and a very little .of j’otir money, and we will give you a lively*paper during the campaign. Send us coin in unieations, short and to the rpoiiit, from all over the district, and you shall sec you£ productions in print. . t t • i > Buster Billy Smith comes to the front with an advertisement this week of his Livery business. Uncle Billy, needs no printers’ ink to help him in this commu nity—-everybody knows and likes him; but there are strangers coming in every day, and once in a while there is one Mr. Smith does not know. It is for his own and the poor printer’s benefit that he advertises. If there is a man in Georgia who thinks nearer right, and does nearer right, and pays liis debts better’,’ than Billy Smith, we don’t know him; ‘and foa this reason he succeeds, and always will. Go and see him, and get a ride in that splendid new hack. DEMOCRATIC a.A.XTO'CTS- j The Democratic voters of Hall county ' arc requested to meet in the Court House, i Gainesville, at 12 o’clock M., July 4th, ; for the purpose of selecting delegates to attend the Gubernatorial Convention, to ’ be held in Atlanta, on the 2nd of August, r We hope our Democratic friends will iadjourn their work on their farms for ■that day, and come out and attend the Ccaucus, as it is important to every one of us that men are selected to go to At lanta vi’ho represent the will and wishes of the masses of the people. The meeting on the 4th was called by authority of D. H. McDonald, as Chair man of the Democratic Executive Com mittee of Hall County—but we don’t get our information from him; wo haye a little white mice about our office. i•♦ ♦ Sec card Banks & Brother in this is sue. All we need to say about these gentlemen is that they havebeS* in this city ever since the “woods were burnt.” * Tiiey are capable, able (within thern 'selves), and willing, to carry on their bhsiness in all its departments, and that thdy do it promptly. No one. from New York to California, need be afraid to entrust them with any kind of busi ness in .their line. As an evidence of their integrity, their banki goperations have gone up from a mere little broker age business in 1871, to hundreds of thousnds of dollars per annum in 1870. Their banking house ha? been a great conveniences this growing city,and we are glad tosay that it has become one of the fixed institutions of North East Georgia. -A. BkiA-UTIIF'TTI. FLOWER. Maj. Moreno has growing in his front yard thd most magnificent ilovver we ev er saw. „ It is from the celebrated nur series of Briggs Brothers, New York, and is called “Lilium Auratum,” or “Queen of Lilies.” We can’t describe it; but it hits a stalk about as thick as a man’s linger, three feet high, with long, deep-green) leaves on it, surmounted now by four mammoth lilies, and two buds six inches long. The blooms are eleven inches across, every alternate brief or section with a beautiful curl aj the end, the whole thing soft as velvet, white as snow, and variegated with beautiful'deep-brown specks. The in ternal arrangement of this wonderful lily we could not describe without stu dying botany six months, but the odor it emits is equal to distilled ottar of ro ses, and much sweeter. Everybody fond of rare llowers should go and see this wonderful productiau. of Nature aided by art. COHEg “orsr A- BIG BUST!” So share I lii! 11, Cohen lias got liis Soda Fount, Ice- Cream Freezer and Lager Beer all run ning, and you ought to go and see him out of pure love and gratitude for the good old man. In experimenting to find out how to give his friends the best of everything iu ids lino, he froze liis toes making Ice-Cream, got a solid chunk of ice the size of a bologna sau sage and a foot long, in his throat while testing his Lager, and blew every hair oft* llie top of his head bringing the gas down into his Soda Water ; and yet it will make you walk tip-toed thirty min utes after drinking it, unless you take a pine-apple, banana, or a quarter’s worth of Confectioneries to neutralize it. We wouldn’t miss going to'see mein frient Heinrich Colien, and wutcii him bob and dodge about among the. gas, Hying corks and icebergs of liis establishment once or twice a week, for the price ol that hat about which it is said lie told bis clerk, who had put the price about *2.00 under what Henry hurl told the customer : “Go pack to your end of the siitore; vat the h-—ll you know pout mine piznish!” But, no joke, friend Colien is one of our indispensable#, and we shall advertise him in form next week, uf he don’t get friz to death mit ex fieri men ts of Ishc-Cream und Lager Peer before that time. -ZV OIXEKKIY BELLOW. A black-haired, dark-eyed, slender, well-dressed nuMvbape IP th|*,eisy §lout two weeks ago; registering himself T. M, Wilson, at the Richmond House. Af ter remaining ten days Marshal Ilunio received a telegram from Chief of Police, Atlanta, to arrest the black-haired stran ger as T. W. Hayward, formerly of Newberry, 8. ('., where lu> was once a county officer, niidUfterward merchant at Edgefield. Our Marshal(nude the ar rest, Hayward protesting he was “not the man he wanted.” Hanie turned him over to Mr. John Champion, while he would go up town and bring a party who could identify him. A few minutes af ter this Mr. Champion being called by a customer, Hayward passed,, <fiit of the back door of the store, and “slid-oufc” in the direction of Mexico* and we should think he was there the next morn ing'at"the rate of speed he was making when last heard of. The marshal, Cham pion and others tried to him, but ' he went at such speed that T<tn*s blood hound couldn’t smell his tracks as fast as he made them. Hayward £s charged with dressing up in anew suit f some one clse’s clothes in Atlanta, ig the re port. Mr. Craig loses his bill, and an other friend of ours would Hke to see him a minute or two. Our frieads on the other side of the Gulf may ljrik out for him. He is a “dead beat,” with a doubt. GAINESVILLE PRICES COBRENT, Corrected weekly by SMITH & JENKINS IE 1 ! IT -A. 3ST CI A.X* GOLD—Buying 1 10 Selling 1 ’3 SlLVEß—Buying 1 00 Selling 1 00 COTTON—Middling 10 Clean Stains.., f 8(a)9 Dirty Stains 0 coTJ3srTE,Y rpii.crnTJ'cnD. BACON—Hams # 10 :t. 15 Sides n 13 Shoulders .... 11 Hog Round (country).. BEESWAX- 25 BUTTER—Choice Country 20 CORN—without sacks , : 90 doz ... .. 10 FLOUR—Family ! _ _ Extra * V v 4 Super v 4 y x FOW LS—Chickens .£ 20 SPRING CHICKENS.. / ..,...12>£to 20 Ducks 12 HIDES-Dry 9 Green.. 4*£ LARD IS MEAL i 95 OATS 75 ONIONS 100 PEAS ...j 120 POTATOES—lrish—per bushel 100 Sweet per bushel 100 TALLOW 0 WHEAT- Q bushel.... 125 COFFEE—java lt> 35(a) 40 rio “ 23® 25 SUGAR—ft lb, Ex. C. . i 1 i “ A. .J J2>* “ Crushed 13 “ YellowfC 10 “ Brown lo SYRUP—SI gal 70® 80 MOLASSES—ft gal ..33}* MACKEREL-# kit 1 50 CIIYKSB 20 HAY —Clover'# 100 100®1 DRIED PEACHES—unpealed. /# lb 7 pealed 10 DRIED APPLES—pealed # lb <> PORK lo GREEN APPLES 75 TURNIPS 25 CABBAGE... 10 RYE IO ItAGS 205 PRINTS G®B SHIRTINGS. o>i®B JdiKETINGX 10 CHESTNUTS 3 BLE 1 CUE 1) DOMESTICS 9® 15 W HITE BE ANS 1 T. J, CARTMELL, AGENT, AN I) ItU<AT.ER IN Pianos, Organs AND ALL OTHER Musical Instruments, Gaimtsvillp, Ga. A GOOD 71-3 OCTAVE PIANO —AT— S2SO. Wittiall Modeim Improvements JAM Agent for the celebrated HHna/Toe, KCallet <£z iDa-vis Haines Brothers, AND SOUTHERN GEM IFIJLIsrOS, Which me all FIRST-CLASS in every respect— -1 will compete with Atlanta prices, and keep the instruments in thorough tune and rppair for one year. My system of Tuning is that • l Equal Temper ament, and according to Mathematical Demon stration. It is tha only way by which a Piano can be TI TIV E D CORRECTI, V . further particulars, address r X\ a. Cartmell, Gaineaville, Ga. li b; ip in it i-c mcm s: Col. J. B. Estes ; Rev. T. P. Cleve land. A PAPinOl THIIARMir THE AMERICAN ATRON, A Large Eight Page Paper, Published every Saturday, at the very low price of PEli YEAR W ith reductions to clubs, ilaudsome premiums to the gutters up of clubs. THU AMERICAN PATRON is without a rival as a GRANGE AND FARM PAPER, Being replete with matter of interest to every pefsou engaged !u rfgiicultdral pursuits, eontrin full departments pertaining to every brunch of farming. Asa Grange Pa mit stands witboifta single rival, as it reaohesßtihseribers in every State and Territory, and throughout the Dominion of Cana da, and has correspondents at at over 1,000 differ ent poatolHces. One month, on tr al, or 10 cents. Head for free snppte copy to J. It, M, Publisher, Fixulay. Onto. 2*TO 14 Marietta St., G-EOKG-I-A. marltttf.] VALUABLE PROPERTY For Sale. f will soil, cheap, the following property in the city of Gainesville: A Brick and Wood Store House, 22 ly 75 feet, two stories l.igli; the store rooit well lifted np with shelves, counter, &<•„: Hast meid 20 by 22 feet, walled up front bottom; si* good, well plastered and naintedrooms upstaii *. The Store is now occupied by Smith & Jenkins, who are doing as large a business as is done l y any firm in North-East Georgia. One-Half Interest in the Farmer’s an Planter’s Warehouse, 44 by 86 feet; house new, dOuble-lloorcd, wife fire-proof roof. It is built of brick, and is eon plctc in all its appointments; can be made, wi'e food management, to do a business of $50,000 to 100,000 per annum. A New Dwelling House, with 8 rooms, well plastered, painted, grained, Ac. Also the Furniture, Carpets, I’iano, and ah the household goods in the house. This property is all well situated, near the Denot, and, in the hands of a noon, kniokokttc SoFfHEKN man or linn, is as valuable as any like property in Georgia.. I wish to sell the property all together, for about the cost of building; will give time on part of the purchase money at 10 per cent. The price of the whole is six thousand dollars. It will rent for sixteen percent, on that anuMWit. This- is a good chance for a business man or firm tolmiM up a large business on a small capital. The titles are perfect, with no incumbrance. Call on or-write me at once. P. F. L.WVSiIE, Agt., Gainesville, Ga. P. S.—l have some valuable unimproved i >is will sell at a fair price; am not particular •> selliuc them. iijwcevm- * WJ A "tJ* -TOj- gv* Xg 7 gMI FOOT-POWER SCROLL 0L SAWS AND LATHES- M] $5 to $#1.50 averliged per day -, T , with these machines. All . j wood workers should use them P.OlfS can make $5.00 per day tfralr kCT w ilh them, Insides learning a via fjf PKOFITAI’.I.ETIi ADK. For a sample of sawing send 25c. fertile MYS'i'ii; PUZZEE. or YANKEE’S I'RKAM. We send it by man. any where vou read this, ami address for FULL de scription, W. F. & -JOHN UAKNES, Koedford, Winnebago Go., Illinois. $11.50 AVERAGED PER DAY. t'VLTOS, Mo., Duo. 14, isi l. Mi-iss'.i'. V. r . F. &-Ton:r Haknus: Gentlemen —I sawed 110 frets for balustrade for portico, and 15 brackets in lirst two 'lays run ning. Every one who has witnessed the working of tfccSaw lias pronunced it llie most, useful ma chine ever iliver invented. I have been working from 12 to 16 men, and have done all my shop work (scrollso wing) on your machine, running it daily fciime I purchased it, and have paid nothing for repairs, except for saws, which amount was comparatively small. Three weeks since 1 purchased some imported moods, and so me. u ice i Tc'.gus, and turned iuy attention ty fretwork, i hive averaged per day, since that time, $11.50. I know of im occupation as pleasant and profitable for a mechanic to spend liiß win ter days at as I he above. Your machine runs so lightly ami easily that it will not tire the most delicate man altera little practice; in fact, I consider your machine indispensable to any car penter, however small liis business is, as he can introduce the machine to his scrap pile, and make enough brackets in one week to pay lor his machine. 1 consider my machine just as esssen tial in iny shop as a set of bench planes. Very truly, M. FILED PELL, Architect and Guilder. Addceasior lull inform rtion, W. F. A JOIGS PARNES, Hoc.kford, 111. ALEXANDER & MERCK. Keep constantly on hand a full line of General Merchandise, Which they sell Olieap for Cash —OR— Approved Country Produce^. Their stock is full, consisting of IDr3r Gr-cocLs, CLOT 3E-XXISTC3-, BOOTS. shoes. lIATS, CATS, GROCERIES, FLOUK, MEAT, Anil in short everything kept in a first-class FARMERS’ SUPPLY STORE. All onr goods arc jnirchaseii for cash, or on short time, au.l wo can and will sell or ex change them for cash or cftuutry produce as low as anybody can soil the same quality of goods ill this market. Give us a call before making your purchases. WE LOVE TO SHOW OHR HOODS. make a specialty of Fine Flour. Store in the new briek building, near Depot, Gainesville, Ha. ALEXANDER & MKKi K. mayi.'ltl American i!M Foreign Patents. Gilmo, Smith ft Cos.. Successor to Chipmau, Hosmer & Cos. Pateuts procured in all countries. No fees in advance- No charge for serviced until patent is granted. Preliminary examinations free. Out valuable pamphlet scut tree upon receipt of pos tage stamp. Address GILMORE, SMITH & CO., Washington, D. C. Arrears of Pay, Bounty &c. Federal oilicors, poldiera, and Sailors of the lata war, or their hairs, are in many cases cute tied to money ffom Ihe Government which has been found to be due since final payment.- IV rile full history of sow ice, and stale amount of pay and 'bounty received. Certificates of* Adjutant-General V. S. A. showing service and honorahle discharge there from, in place of discharges lost, proauiod lot j small fee. Unclose stamp to GILMORE A I'D., and ful I reply, with blanks, will be sent free. Pensions! Pensions!! Federal OtUeers, Soldi era, and sailors, ivouui. ed, ruptured, or injured in the line bf duty in lb late war, and disabled thereby, can obtain , pension. Widows and minor children of OtUeers, 80 diet.', .ml Sailors, who have died since, died di. charge, or disease contracted, or wounds and ii juries received in the service and in line of dut can procure a pension, by addressing GILMOU & LG. lmftCused rates for pensioners obtained. Boui ty Laud Warrants produred for service in wu prior to March U, 1835. 1 time are no wurran granted tor service in the late rebellion. .Send sLamp to <k CO.* H ash i IngloA . tit. r.. for full .n 1.. ctio , TTTTT 1 WVAG ALTV AGENT =IIT COTJl<rar!sr=a —IN THE — UNITED STATES! Gold Coi! SI,OOO in Gold Coin, *ww:k! challege the world, And will forfeit SI,OOO to any' person w lift can produce a remedy which will prove hv actual taat a more speedy, certain and effective cure for afl Ffuui and Aches ot whatever form, external im internal, acute or chronic, deep-seated or otherwise; than DR. RADCLIFF’S GREAT REMEDY, Seven Seals or Golden Wonder. We have had this challenge of SI,OOO prominently displayed in all our Circulars and Neirap** per Advertisements, for the last four years, and not taken, which shows the superior excellence of our Remedy over all other. For External or Internal use. It Will Ettoot u Speedy Cure in all Cases ol HEADACHE, NKIKALGIA, TOOTHACHE, SPRAINS, BRUISES- HUM WOUNDS, KI RNS, COMC, CRAMP, CHOI,ER A MORBUS, I IJiX, Dl< ARRIHEA, BRONCHITIS, CATARRH, COUGHS, COEDS, IN ILAIOIATOItV UHECMATISM, ASTHMA, PHTHISIC, # HEARTBURN, INDIGESTION, SUMMER PLAPiT, PAINS IN SIDE, RACK OK COINS, PICES, RINGWORM, FECONS, STINGSOF INSECTS, BITES OF VRSOWOUS SERPENTS, AND ESPECIA2.- JLY RMECMCTISM. A PWERFUL REMEDY WHICH IS TAKEN INTERNALLY BY ANY ONE. This celebrated medicine ip beyond a doubt the greatest discovery in Medical Science known to Ui* world. Its action is at once felt; its wonderful cures are instan taneous; iu fact it literally'demolishes pain. 33q - “u.€ill37' G-ood for or Eestst REMEMBER WE GUARANTEE EVERY HOTTI.E. No Cure, No Pay! Try it, and be Convinced* A ATT.'' FD PERMANENT AND PRO FIT A BCE EMPCOYMKNTI VV Pj V/r i IMiIN ARTICCi; OF universal sale. TO YOU THIS IS A GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY Thousands arc now out of employment. To them wc offer, in the sale of our remedy, a pre ventative of hard times. We have adopted, as our motto: no cube:, NO PAY. SOURCE OF HAPPiNES TO mtICNS OF SUFFERING HUMANITY. During the past four'years the wonderiifl success of this great Ucmedy has far exceeded our most sanguine expectations; t Itowsaaols'liave bean cured, and thousands have found out from aelu* al experience that DR. RADCCIFF’-S GREAT REMEDY, SEVER s|A Is OR GDC DEN WONDER, is the most Wonderful Pain Destroyer iu Existence, Ihe Most ExpoditioiM, Safe and Powerful itcin -d v known iu the World, t lures arc effected almost instantly, as if by Mag ic. Thousands of eertriioa’cos have been received 1 row all pai t -of oar broad laud, unsolicited and unasked for. speaking in heartfelt amLmiivtfhipt praise of tins Great liemcdv, from personal knowledge of Us almost miraculous Hewers iu curing the mfst obstinate ami protracted stagest Diseases. •* - - SI,OOO Profit in 4 Months! 1,372 sl-Bottles SoMU 1 1 r: vi > th is: .-cot? Town, ) > I.AWIIENCIC Lou NT 11, OHIO. j Mksshs KKNN'iiDY & to: J)Kah Sins—At this late hour I will inform you of the great benefit I received from the use of |>r. RadciiiTs Great Remedy, SEV KN SEALS or GOLDEN WON DKR, after being confined to my b.;d for eight years with a complication of diseases, viz: Dyspepsia, Bronchitis, Palpita tion of the Heart.* Pain iii the ‘Right Side, with General Debility, tor which J tried (lie-skill of our home physicians, also a doctor of New V ork Gisy, ami two of Pittsburgh, and one in the nor thern part of Ohio. Took enough patent medi A Remedy for Hard Times. Try It. f-OK THIS GREAT It I’ tl 111 V Wf) WISH VOIT TO APT AS OIK AGENT. Dear Sik—The above fully explains the avli cles we wish to sell. This business is honorable, ami by being energetic., will pay .you well. It is our desire to appoint an agent in every county in all parts of the Unite.f States and Canada, granting to each the exclusive right to sell every bottle sold in the county. Should you accept the agency for one or more count res, wo shall have the exclusive right to sell every Itytslo sold in your county, 1 as'toug as you dentALnc to >*'t as our agent, and alt orders which -we revel Gfioin you! ternWy shall be turned .lo jo fi .ac- Heme&v. SKVfcN SEAI.S or GOI.IH'.K ItOAUbK. sells Vapidly m the bauds of the right kind of mety ami wo want none other. Now if you iluub you are the man for the work, forwaad your order, name our lount V, and go to work; you can ee i a gio.s in a ‘few days, without a doubt. Wo have one man who buys on an aye; age teree gross per week, and his orders are increasing mpidly. and he lias a small county (Berks Lo., Pa). He writes that lie expects to sc‘l one gross per dby, at re tail, the eoiniTrgdfS’asou, not counting wholesale You have the privilege of selling Wholesale or retail, or butting it on commission'with drug EXTRA. PREMIUM TO AGENTS! In order * o have live, energetic men to take hold of the business at once, wo have concluded to give free guilds io each and every agent a present of a handsome, fine O i ii Silver Hunting* Case Watch, Erne, Beautifully engraved, and correct time-keeper, worth s2o,and a certificate of aireacy giving S#*JK CONTROIr of such couNiv as the agent may select (ten already taken); and, furthermore. Ml orders coming from such county as the agent may select, wil. be sent back by us to the Agvßt Wty*. tillod--iu fact wc give so).: control of such counties as long as the agent continues in the business-" ltcmember. the Premium Watch is givoh gratis to th: agents. We toke tins plan to have our Great Remedy quickly and thoroughly introduced. Let us bear from you at your earliest couvenD cnee, and secure your county at once, before being taken by someone else. Lcwemboi, luisosw is open for a sliort time only. Small Capital Required to run a Large Paying Business The capital required is verv small, and the profits from it will fully equal that of thousauda of merchants who have invested it large capital in thcii business. Hundreds in all parts ot the coun try are making from $1,500 to $5,000 a 'STea.x. And hundreds more, will dale thei, . c.-s t,.,m accepting our liberal at this time Any W dling In work to, SCO Cl , .11, I.ior it, hut *••u no believe Him it can be had Horn idleness are not the kind of men we uam i ' posh ot i imsmess. 'V e want _£>_ X-il\re iSTreexgretic -d^-gretret As one. such is worth a di. n who expect a business to push itself. Wc have pent in pudoauvur ■ SIOO,OOO. It has paiil us to do it. and it pars our agents, as if advertises it thoroughly in every atate. Leunty and Towusliip in ilio United Marcs-- not oaly for us, but for the agent. lamiembcr, this is a life bua incss ami that every y ea. ii grows larger and larger. ■uvr'i'T We will send to parties cuuemplating to act as onr Agents a KAMILS DOZES IHiffl.eJaM cnrelv packed with our dillY i.-i.t Posters, Bills, Spow t aids, Terms, etc., u I*O IN 111 1 : K KCKiPT OF i£SJ.rSO. ■Vml ail sending $2 50 for sample ! hi/, m. w • will ! eml five of charge. Samples of our Fight. Elegant Lhromos, entitled, GOOD MUIININU. GOOU NHT. * I'EEIHNG THE ( IIH'KIINS. iliOllfliH'N GUAREi OUT Of TIIR FRYING *A!\. HO I'lEl*. HEADING THE KIKEE. MUST LESSON. 1 von want your coun jy. let us know as soon as convenient, as tho territory may he taken- Wo would be pleased to have parties who couiien: plate taking an agency, to send for sample package ©f this Wonderful Remedy before engaging largely in tha business. Remember, we Guarantee Every Bottle- IfcTO CTTIRE, IsTO ZPJLTT! With these suggestions wo leave the matter with you. We do not wish you to on gage unless rou will follow the business, and really desire to make mouey. Wo want none but honest, eonsoieutloaa men. To such wo guarantee success. Address all communications to KENNEDY & CO., , Sole Proprietrs, Pittsburgh, Pa. yaar*Ul(‘ttap Rtiifce ii) what Bary.r von saw t! ii•. •ulvo’t' uouont duos to swim in—a’l to no purpose. At leuafet was induced to try 10. Dadclill'sSEVEyj or GULDEN WoSlDKli. 1 sent and got sis MH cent bottles. and before using it all found inywA able to travel in a buggy. Took the ageuef for its sale last April, four months ago. and Bit* sold 18 gross, or 1,872 bottles, up to this date, An* gust an, 1872, ami expect from the growing 4** maud to sell ten thousaud bottJes if the uul yeaT. Gentlemen, if you think tats worth imiug you can do so, as 1 am general 1 y known over three counties as a man of great niUigtiou. < Yours inspect fully, If. k. If A Rid NG. gists, or selling by sub agents. 'i’lii9 busineM is worth the attention of good men and man of capital. Should you make br.t reasonable wa ges—ay SIOO per month for the first three month*, (manv make more)— you would nevertheleaa 1m establishing a business that would pay yon largely in the end. Agents are doing better with our Reineilytbaa anything else they ever took hold of. Why is thisV Because the Rein dy does just as wesav, and our agents cau warrmt every bottle. No . ure. no pay. Knowing that we make all loaaM good, should they lie railed on to redeem a bot tle, agents run no risk of loss. SEVEN SEALS or GOI.MN WON -I>KIL is pul up in fl.Ol) ami 50 cent bottles, el - gautlv Urns ed in neat and appropriate wrap pers, and pacl.eil in nice boxes, one dozen in each iiox. To druggists our scale of prices are—Largs size, SI.OO bottles, per dozen, $8.00; small size, 60 cent, bottles, per dozen, SI.OO. Wc give special terms to onr County Agents at such figures that they can sell to druggists ami country stores at the above price aud make % handsome prollt. We also give au