The southron. (Gainesville, Ga.) 1875-1885, October 04, 1881, Image 4

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THE EUCALYPTUS. The eucalyptus of Australia is be ing rapidly introduced into Southern France. Seedlings a year old planted in May reach the height of six me ters in December. Its mean yearly growth is about four meters, and it comes to vigorous maturity in twenty years. Its beauty of form, luxuri ant evergreen foliage and balsamic fragrance commend it as a most desirable shade tree. In Australia it is thought to make the entire at mosphere pure and healthy. Its com mercial value can hardly be overesti mated. The wooden ships of Aus tralia are built of the eucalyptus. It is alike adapted to hulls, framework and masts. Carpenters, cabinet ma kers, wagon makers, wheelwrights nno other mechanics, use it as we use poplar, pine, walnut and maple in America, while its growth is about five times as rapid as our forest trees. The French have begun the culti vation of the eucalyptus with great enthusiasm, believing it will soon render their country independent of all others in its supply of timber. Its African colonies are also adapted to the healthy growth of the eucalyptus. Why do not some of our Southern States try the experiment of trans ferring this tree to their soil? If our forests are burned in the future as they have been in the past, we shall soon begin to feel the need ol timber for all kinds of industrial arts. The oaks, pines, walnuts and maples, are rapidly disappearing before what we are pleased to call our civilization. W hen we begin to realize the conse :enees of our reckless wastefulness, it will be found that it vviil require a hundred years to recover from the damage received from thoughtless carelessness. It is time now to see what can be done in the way of renewing the forest trees that once covered the continent. HITS THE NAIL ON THE HEAD. We find the following in an ex change: I am amused if not edified by the revelations of your various corres pondents anent bed bugs and vermin of like nature. What a picture of housekeeping it affords! Now, I assert that oed bugs are never found in dean houses. I have kept house now l'or twenty-seven years, in more than a doze* rented houses, and I never had such a thing as a bed bug as a permanent tenant of any bed in my house. Of course, where the wash ing is done out of the house there will sometimes be a stray bug brought in with the washed clothes. But that need make no difference; they will i ot be long undiscovered by the vigi lent housekeeper. There is no need of - : ng anything except varnish on you- Ledsteds, if they are clean to be;'.ln with, and thatonly to facilitate dusting and wiping. Your corres pondents who suffer from chinch bugs, roaches, &c., need not endeavor to excuse themselves by saying, “Oh, well, every one is troubled alike with them. I am no worse housekeeper than my neighbors!” Misery may ha\e a good deal of company, but the condition is not universal. If any one will come to my house and find a bed bug, a roach, a mosquito, a moth fly, or more than a halt a dozen house flies I will pay a handsome forfeit, to be invested in bed bug poison for the benefit of fellow-sufferers. I will say in conclusion that my house is not one of the dark unused ones. Every room is used every day. It is open throughout to light and air. The kitchen ana parlor are alike clean. A roach can’t live iu a thoroughly clean kitchen. A writer sends the following to an exchange:—“We add two teaspoon fuls of powdered saltpetre and two lublespoonfuls of granulated sugar to ten pounds of good, well worked but ter, when we put it away in the fall to keep all winter. It will keep good arid sweet without these additions so long as the weather remains cool, but it does not keep well after it gets warm in the spring. We make it up in cakes all ready for the table and pack it away in stone pots, set them in a cool, dry place, cover tightly, but without brine or molasses over it. The Scientific American gives the following recipe for getting rid of stumps: “In the autumn or early winter, bore a hole one or two inches in diameter, according to the girth of the stump, and about eighteen inches deep. Put into it one or two ounces of saltpetre, fill the hold with water, ad plug it close. In the spring take out the plug and ignite it. The stump will moulder away, without blazing, to the very extremity of the roots, leaving nothing but the ashes.” Try it and give us the result next spring, An agricultural journal says: “The farmer who has no sheep should be making arrangements to procure a small flock or nucleus for more ex tended operations. Sheep will pay, if property taken care of— not ten .per cent., but two hundred per cent.” GAINESVILLE POST OFFICE. General delivery open at 7 a. m. close at 7 p. m. , Not closed at noon nor while open ing mails. Money order office opens 7:30 a. m., closes 6 p. m. Registered letter office open 7:30 a. in., closes 6 p. ni. Eastern mail for 6:20 a. m. train, closes at 5:30 a. m. Western mail for 10:19 a. m. train, closes 9 :30 a. in. Eastern mail for 8:19 p.m. train, closes 7:30 p. m. Western mail for 10:20 p. m. train, closes 9:45 p. in. P. F. LAWSHE. Postal Items, A request to forward 1 must not be placed on the address side of a postal card. An impression of a seal on the ad dress sidtffrf a postal card will ren der it uninailable. It is the duty of a postmaster to ex amine all unsealed matter deposited in his office, and rate up postage due. All Postmasters are forbidden to use official signatures to an advertise ment of goods, or as an endorsement of any person or thing. Postmasters should instruct their patrons ti at mail matter must be pre paid by stamps affixed, and that put ting money in a letter box is not pre payment. Postmasters arc not authorized to exclude the public for the lobby of a postoffice during the distribution ot the mail. They, however, have the right to prohibit smoking in the lob by, and enforce observance of good order, and, when necessary, to call upon the local authorities for assist ance. The fall terms of the court? of the North Eastern Circuit, for this year, will be held as follows : Hall— 3rd Monday in September. WTiite —Ist Monday in October. Lumpkin—3rd Monday in October. Union —sth Monday in October. Towns —Ist Monday in November. Habersham —2nd Monday in Novem ber. Rabun- -4th Monday in November. Nex year the regular calender will go in operation as follows : Hall—lst Monday in February and August. Habersham —4th Monday in February and August. Rabun —2nd Monday in March and September. Union —4th Monday in March and September. White —Ist Monday in April and Oc tober. Lumpkin—3d Monday in April and October. WBULVS ■ '.f. - r ,*’,■ • • ■"■:>; •• •• •.:. >i* •\.o:<;. 'ty^-. 'M 1 '• >?¥< IRON BITTERS BROWN’S IRON BITTERS are a certain cure for all diseases requiring a complete tonic; espe dally Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Inter* mittent Fevers, Want of Appetite, Boss of Strength, Hack of Energy, etc. Enriches the blood, strength* ens the muscles, and gives new life to the nerves. Acts like a charm on the digestive organs, removing all dyspeptic symptoms, such as tasting the food, Belching, Heat in the Stomach, Heartburn, etc. The only Iron Preparation that will not blacken the teeth or give headache. Sold by all Drug gists at SI.OO a bottle. BROWN CHEMICAL) CO. Baltimore, Md. Bee that all Iron Hitters arc made by Brown CnKMiCn Cos. and Lava crossed red lines and trade mark on wrapper, BEWARE OF IMSTATJONS. 50th Year of the Medical College of Georgia. AUGUSTA. Tills institution constitutes the Medi cal Department of the State University The Diplomas are'signed by its Chan cellor. The session will commence on the lirst day of November, and will end oo the first of March following. Apply for circular to septfi-Gt GKO. W. KAINiS, Dean. One Thousand Dollars Given Away. I will sell, to a cash buyer, Four and a-half Acres of Laud, near the Depot, with Improvements, consisting of one Two Story, Seven Hoorn Dwelling, and outhouses —three cottages containing three rooms each, and Mill House,with Fifteen Horse Power Engine therein, for the Low Price of twenty-live hun dred dollars. I will sell separately or together. Apply soon. W. F. llookkk. E= X,.A.GiTI Or KILL. J. J, CAMP, soccbssohto D. M. STRINGER. Has purchased and refitted the GAINESVILLE PLANING MILLS, and is novr prepared to take CONTRACTS FOR ALL KINDS OF CARPENTER WORK Outside, and furnish at the mills SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, And all kinds of work done by machinery or hand. Also milling of every kind done to order. I HAVE PROCURED THE BEST WORKM4M THAT CAN BE; FOUND, use good material, and am determined to give satisfaction, both in work and price. Call before making your on tracts or purchases. Correspondence solicited and promptly answered; Also, price lists sent when desired. Iron and Brass Foundry, GAINESVILLE, GEORGIA. Manufacture and repair all kinds of machinery, such as Stationary and Portable Steam Engines, Grist and aw Mills, Gold Mining Machinery, Forging and Casting of every kind and shape. # Iso -ik. gents or Machinery and Machine Supplies of every kind. Steam Fittings of every description. THE WORKS ARE ALL NEW Vnd we can and will supply Northeast Georgia with No. 1 work of all kinds done at a First-Class Foundry and lachine Shop. R. H. BUTLER, "] W. C. MOUNT, Proprietors* J. ALEXANDER, J ' .. y <iE?/V KIST waterKHQ?;x j:v; 13 A PURELY 'VEGETABLE REMEDY \-m mißUki km mnmki use. A Sure and Speedy C .ire for Core Tr?oat. Coughs, Colds, Diphtheria, Chills, Diarrhea, Dysentery, Cramps, Ooierf, Summer' Complaint, Sick Headache, Neuralgia, Cuts, Bruiseo, Sprains, * Rheumatism, etc. Perfectly s;ife to use uuemoily or r.-terna’lv, a"T certain to afford relief. V" family can afford to be without it. Sold V-y all druggist? at £s©.. no©, and <91.00 a h tfle. PERRY DAVIS & SON, Proprietors, Providence, R. I. GOWEE’S CARRIAGE SHOPS. T. C. GOWER has leased the old Go' ,r er and Rich shop*, ne-ir :h < ? M eth church, and will carry them on in connection with his Gov er Spring sho| He will make Carnages, Wagons, Buggies AND FARMING IMPLMNTS Of every kind to order, if he has them not on hand, .ilso and Blaclisiailliiiig Done in the best manner. MR. E. N. GOWER is the**-)Je-ut who i well known in this country. No shoddy work or materi li is allowed where h stays. Call at either novll-ly MARBLE WORKS M A 'X XT IT A C TORY, O-aA. s s We call the attention of the public to our new and the only MARBLE WORKS in Northeast Georgia. We are prepared with ample capital, large experience and skilled workmen, to fill orders on short notice for GHATS STONTSS, MONUMENTS, MARBLE MANTELS, Etc Beautifully and Artistically finished. We guarantee all work in our line, and will sell as cheap as the same can be procured in any market, North or South, and respectfully solicit the patronage of the public. Office and ware rooms on Main street, near the Depot. H, T. MENGS. Proprietor. Henry IXuiiiiari’s y jPOATXD ifoieuk: store. There is no use going to Atlanta, Athens, Gaiuesviim, Jefferson or any othei large city or town to get what you want on your farm or in your house, as 7. keep a full line of DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, ROOTS AND SHOES, YANKEE NOTIONS, CROCKERY, GLASS AND WOODEN WARE, GBOCEUELIES OF -ABLIL KIISTDS, SUGAR, COFFEE, TEAS, RICE, PEPPER, and all kinds of Spices. A full stock of Bacon, Flour, Meal, Syrup and Molasses. Also, all kinds of FARM TOOLS, PLOWS, lIOES, RAKES, FORKS, Etc ALL OF THESE GOODS Will be sold cheap for cash or on time to prompt, paying customers and none others. 1 shall in addition to ihe above keep a full line of STAPLE DRUGS and MEDICINES. the BEST OF CORN WHISKEY and other spirits for medicinal purposes. Come and examine my goods and prices before making your purchases. The highest market price always paid for COTTON and other FARM PRODUCTS. HEMRY HUMAN. POND FORK, JACKSON COUNTY, GEORGIA. B. 11. BROOM HEAD. FRANK TRYON. Builders’ Supply Holism 23. 2=X. 23roo:na.Ib.ea,d. Cos. SUCCESSOBS TO LONGLEY & BCBIHSON. OFFICE & WAREROOM 36 Decatur street, Atlanta, Georgia. HDooxssusltL, ZEBllra-cL©, 2BracHsiets, M!!K STM Mil, lEIUS. MIS. IMIS. Builders' Hardware, Hails MIXED PAINT, PURE WHITE LEAD. LINSEED OIL, COLORS OF ALL KINDS, DRY AND IN OIL, GLASS, PUTTY, OLAZIERS’ POINTS, KALSOMINE, PAPER BORDERS AND CENTERS. ID IK, TT <3- £3 DE. E. E. DIXON WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALER IN DRUGS, x JS DICINILfiS, OH EMICALS, IYLIIVTS, OILS, Etc. PURE WIINTEJS 13r ;i it <ll e 4§c;' "’Wlilsslcies. ' sepl4-6m GAINESVII.IJL GA. Have You EVER KNOWN Any person to be seriously ill without a we? k stomach or inactive liver or kid neys? An when these organs are in good condition do you not find their possessor enjoying good health? Par ker’s Ginger Tonic always regulates these important organs, and never fails to make the blood rich and pure, and to strenthen every part of the system. It has cured hundreds of despairing invalids. Ask your neighbor about it. BUKEff’S AINGIR TONIC Si^st![cnlth±fitmi?th r j Sleeplessness & diseaess B STKSr S of the Stomach, Bowels, |j . n | Lungs, Liver & Kidneys, Ha r Ka RarrL &isentirelydifferentfrom The Best Cleaned and Bitters Ginger Essences Most Economical llair Dress- Other XoniCS, as it ing. Never fails to restore the never intoxicates, Hiscox youthful color to gray hair. & Cos., Chemists, N. Y. 50c. and $1 sizes. Laiye Saving Buying Dollar Size. VASSARGO L LECE. roUGUKREPKIE, N. Y. For the liberal education of women. Examination for entrance, Sept. 14th. Catalogues sent on application to W. L. DEAN, Register. NEW RICH BLOOD! Parsons’ Purgative Pills make Now Rich Blood, and will completely change the blood in the entire system in three months. Anvpersnc who will take 1 pill each nightfrom Ito 12 weeks may be restored to sound health, if such a thing be possible. Sent bv mail for 8 letter sf amtw J. S. JOHNSON & CO., Poston, Muss,, formerly Jlar.gor, Me. MNITWANTIO^Si ting Machine ever invented. Will knitapatr of ctoeklngs, with HEBL and TOE comp' ,te, in 20 minutes. It will also knit a great variety u fancy work for which tiierc is always a ready market. S* nj for circular and terms to the Tworably Knit • :njg IflacSiiue Cos.. 409 Washington St.. Boston. Aiat-i SPECIAL NOTICE. Pcrsoi • having from 100 to 150 acres o: laud, eligibly located, with ' ■ mi i!, and easily supplied with a- amount of water from adja cent creeks or springs, and not over two miles from this city near the railroad, preferred, will do well to leave description and price with me at the Southron office. I*. F. Lawshk. rasme* ONLY S2O f : ir - !,i ? f PiniiA delpma. Kijua! to any Singer in lh markot. H<">nrmher, ere 2§Hf I/O sen-t iU.;i r , r nutinr before WGotl Jr&fi V"’< pauisr,!. Thus w the mmo ‘SSy t?*| Mylo <‘tler ccnipaidM retail for 111S.;0. All M Arm . w named for ; w PA 8 years. Smu for liiustnUcd < ir- cue rand T'-cthnoTii.d:;. AdUresa tSiAfcLF.S A. rt ■? CO.. II N. 1 ill St., I'hiiadcliiiiia. lb. 23 XT OK3"3,!E]S, Carriages and Wj^ohs And :ul kinds of Farm Implements, Manufactured by— G. W. WALKER, 4<t Ills NOW StlOlV \tl work of Material and Finish. BLACK SMITHING And all kinds of repairing done, neai. sir and cheap * sentstf Niiw Balter? ana CoiiMioiißH. GEORGE jM. KELLER & SON HAVE their new Bakery and Candy Factory completed, and after Juno loth, will be ready to furnish all the hotels, watering places and private 9 families in upper Georgia, with FRESH ‘READ AND PASTRY. Also, all kinds of Confectioneries at short notice. Come and see us at Lotts Block, oppo site tli Piedmont Hotel, or address us Gainesville, Ga. GEORGE M.KELLER 6c SON. New Store and New G-ood; g AMOS & DOZIER, Having got regularly installed in their new store, next door to Dr. Dixoi Drug Store, east side of public square, will keep full lines of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES CANNES GOOES, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, CEOCKENT Yankee Notions, Flou, Mats. AND All Kinds of Family and Farm Supplies Which thej' propose to sell as low as the}' can be sold for cash, or exchang them for approved country produce. s Give Us a Gall Before making your purchases, as we have come here to stay, and intern to merit a share of tlie public patronage, by elosse attention to busines and small profits. Are Yon Groing To THEN TJSSE MUXiXjETR BHOTHEES MIXED _ PAINT. s Ready for use in White and over one hundred different colors, mad< of strictly pure White Load, Zinc and Linseed Oil, chemically combined warranted much handsomer and choaper and to last TWICE AS LONG a any othor paint. It has taken the first premium at twenty of the Stat< Fairs of the Union, and is on MANY THOUSAND of the finest houses ir the country. VARNISHES. Wc have now completed our new Varnish Factory, being the larges! and most complete in the United States, and making Varnish superior U any in the world, and at prices that defy competition. * -s St. Petersburg, Pa., Jan. 10, 1576. MILLER BROS. —Gentlemen: We have sold large quantities of you Paints and Varnishes, and parties having used the same speak highly of tli durability and finish oCAour Paints, and find the colors and just a you represent. There can be no better Paint for exposure to the heat am cold, and any one using it once will surely do so again. Your Varnish 1 also giving tile best of satisfaction, and is pronounced the best goods era sold in this section. You are at liberty to use our name as reference. Respectfully, CHALFANT & GRAFF ADDRESS MILLER BROTHERf IS. 31 & 33 St, Clair St., Cleveland, Ohio. Sample and Price List sent free. New York Enamel Faint Company's Ready Mixed Paints. Manv years’ practical test has demonstrated that the Paints manufactured bi this Company fully bear out what is claimed for them. 1. They are the best and most durable paints made 2 They are always ready for use, and need no thinning. 3. They can be applied by the most inexperienced person with good result. 4*. They retain their original brilliancy of color for years. 5 Thev are not affected by the atmosphere. 6. They will not “peel,” “crack,” “chalk off” or “blister.” 7. Tliev have a more even and glossy surface than any other known paint. $. They are the most economical of any paints used. AJSTJD THE There are two essential features to observe in making good paint—purity c mat'rial, and a thorough mixing of the ingredients. In the manufacture of the New York Enamel Paint, none but the bsst ma terials are used, vet, at the same time, bv our system of compounding the oil lc-u' zinc and pigments, the entire mass is so held in chemical cohesion, tha the paint, after being applied to any surface, will not shrink, evaporate, or lo* its oil' hence ft possesses a firm, yet glossy elastic surface, and will not chalk o nod off, as is the case with lead and oil mixed in the old way. Our Paints are warranted to be all we claim loi them (3-00X3- CHICA-IF -A.XTI3 IDIIX2/-A.BLEI ROOF PAIX f We also manufacture an iron-clad Root Paint, which we claim to be superio to anything in the market for this purpose; is very durable, affords tUrougl protection to the roof, and is not affected by trust oi beat. figr-A LIBERAL discount to the trade .jm PLEASE SEND FOR PRICES, TERMS AND TESTIMONIALS B. H. BROOM HEAD & CO., AGENTS. may 11 -ly 3S DECATUR ST., A /LANTA, Ga. DRUGS & MEDICINES. AT THE OLD RELIABLE DRUG HOUSE OF Dr. I-lenry J\ Dong, GAINESVILLE, - - -•- * ' - - GEORGIA, Can be found a large, fresh and select stock ot PAINT AND OIL. PAIHT BRUSHES A SPECIALTY. PERFUMERIES and TOILET GOODS. SPLENDID LOT OF COMBS AND BRUSHES. ALL KINDS OF STANDARD PATENT MEDICINES. PUTTY. AND GLASB OF ALL BIZEB Kerosene Oil that Will Stand the Test. LAMP GOODS OF EVERY KIND. Prescriptions Carefully Prepared at any Hour, By competent clerks, by the best Formulas. TOBACCO AND CIGARS. A splendid line of Cigars, Tobacco, Snult, etc., always oil band. FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC' LIQUORS For medicinal purposes, as pure as can be found in any drug house in the State. Also Paregorie, Laudanum, Bateman’s Drops, Castor Oil, Pepper mint, and all other standard preparations put up by the dozen for the couu try trade, and sold at the lowest Atlanta prices. id , T- HiOisra- Is also one of the oldest Practicing Physicians in the State, and will attend to professional calls at all times. Residence fifty yards from Public Kqxiare, corner Green and Washington streets.