The commonwealth. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1861-1862, March 14, 1861, Image 1

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THE COMMONWEALTH. .1. S. PKTKRSON, KDITOR. Till; (OMMOWVKALTII. rrKnsiiKK n.vii.v ami wkkki.y iiy riii: COM Mo \ W KALTII ITIII.ISIIINU COMI’ANV. J.N.PKTKHMM, ------ Kill I or. Hnmaii’l <<*riabl>, ------- \|C"M,. I»i .s. s. 11. ii. li, - - Ui innil ( »iiui»M-r. srnscitiCTioN w.xti-s. HAII.Y |" > iiniiiiiii. in wlvnnii- W >lO w-.k. "i WKKKI.Y |«*i .iliniiiii iniiilvulii’' ■ ■ * 00 *• tiimilli " ** •" aovkuti.'lm; h.xtks. Ailv.-rlii-MHiil- w ill I’" ■••isirir<-<| fur ill llu r.H- "I him -1k.11.,1 I -.|.| 11. 1.11- 111. 111 -1 mill Kim < '••III. |h-i Sujiii - I'.r ..... li ii'l.lili"" il iiinTliini T'li I"" -or !■ " iwif .i A|imri-. \ riiril uni . \..-.-i|iii- -t\ I in*-- ii'il ri u.-w.ilili* II ill In inwrluil i'u •• »ix I N>- for »•»! 111. In Hill- l'ir *l'i T.-h l)ii- nut ri-lii'ii.iOl' 1 - mil In' ili.-'Tli-il tin'-'* 1,|..1,1||- |.,|- *■> -I\ 111 mil'- tnr M- • i—III lor I Iw.’lvi- llinulll- fur r'iu nl Mi Inn rlt I'-11. 1 1 il'- ill 1 il'-- 1 - 11 ri .ii imaSMSttl, • ••lumn •••»•• year. willuhil BBHBffIK .’»«««• v- i• n 6o no ,1 1 , i.lmimii -'ll vear without change.. . HH» <W» renewable at ,„ r , I 110 *W» • OH.- cohilUH. V'-ar \\ill»*«u« change - renewable a! pleasure i tract adverti-ei.- will be lin»»i**l »<• *!••- -im,- • • *ii Iriii l.'l lor. uml I" llu lr "mi 'i"l "-’il'ir Im.iiii I I"' i x|ii i t.HI I" |*>.y i|iiarli rli All nllu i will 1..* iii-iiliT.'*l ilm- wli'-ti • -ill'-l lor. A'lvrtiM I""iil- ||"l minK'-'l "ii II"- '."|'\ f»r " -I" ' Hi'-'l ilm will I"- ih-'Ti'-'l nil l"rlil'l uii'i iuyni' iii '-xi" i' 'i -Inin." i ilnl Ir.ui-ii'iil (.'-r-"li.- will I" r*i(iiir#i t" i. n in ii'K .inri'. Tl" 1.,.,, i will ii"l If lii.-1ii.1.-.l in n '"lllrii. I V"li. • ..I \l irri.i." - nl"! I*- ‘Hi- ii'-'-i i"'l 11 *■• ,-l«. ml N.iti" - "i-'Tli-il in lli Kilil'tml ."liiinii "iily a t 111. .Ii- nil I III.' Kalil"i .nl Ixv.-ntx "'III- |*"llni' in-ina' . iiii'll.l.H' - l"r nllli-' t'i I" I"’ Oli'l »' >''• ' "ylV'-rli-i- I- ..r.liriil in II"- Only i""l W"-kl> will t.i- 1 llfiy i-t r.'iil Ill'll' Ilian 111'- 'll"' .- I nilly I*l • nt y nl I orn noil < olliin. Tlir ifmii sinpli' nl Vii'oiiiiii. Norlli .-tali' uml i- arriiiii- In'ii- 111 \n-l 11 ii hi 11 i I if- Tin' ri'n|i tin' In'ii > '•nr "a- i i'l'.i In a ti xv. 1111 iII i 111 I- ul (liinisiiinl- nl liil.-ln'l liax••'liili-lv ln'i'ii I'l'i'i'iyi'il : many rnrooi-iii'i mi III!' way. mill i-Mi'ii-ix•• ni|i|iH<'> urn yi'l I" In lliia jinnliulix r ii-}'i"ii. yv Inivi* inrn i'iiiiii”li uml |ili*nix l*» —(isi l**, i.ikr .l"-i'|ili nt nlil. Ilm I'miiii i- liiuv pillii'ii'il mnl si.nvil .•uni "ns lli.- siuiil nl lln- I " w iilnnii iituiiln'i'." Tlir liniiorv jii'iijil'- nl lln* Nni'lli mnl laisl «• \-1 >• •*■ i in In- sii|i|ili..l Hum I In* spa rinn- lilirn-. mnl wr may Irl llirni liay r -"inr I lint ■ iliry may liyr mnl mil .1 i> ■. I.iln' lltr •• ilisrirri mnl yyisr" ymilli wlm yvnrr nlil I’lia lanlT- rill" mnl a " "nlil rliain ul lln - n". 1 I In* xyrnllliy nlil imlmli planli i- "I ' ii'L'iina mill rirli Ill'll Nmili Cnrnlina will " npnli lln'ii slni'i'Tiniisrs ami -'*ll In lln- pliaii pi" y lln-y will rrasr llirir impi'npri inlrrlr,- rlirr will) lln- wrll lnl all'l llllppy prnplr wlm j plniinli I In- pill ill 1 In' —i -i 'll mnl jiallirr \ till' rill'll anil ml Inn In supply tlir ilrmami I’l'nui till' mill mill strl'ilr irjiiniis Im-vi.iiil Ma -nil ami lii xnil* - lint*. •Mill Kin** Cnllnli.** I is alnnit. Many cm ami v.-srl-lna.l- liayr * I iv«-<l irrrnlly. ami llirir air many llioiis.iml- nl Pair- ri'aily Inr markrl v.ln n Irmlr shall lirjiin In llnyy nil iijfiiin in ils tirruslniiiril rlianniT-. . Nrw linflaml uml Uhl larrlmnl waul mu mill In makr mnl whi-ky I'm' tlm innri' anil r.itlnn I.n- ilm nnlrr : ami in irtiiin w r .shall k. i llirir I-anil prnrr. ilnllm mill rrnl-. mnl prrliap- tllkr -nllli* lilnall rlnlli anil linr lin.-n. ralirnr-. mnl liall-hn-r. lirr riijyi in■- mnl lirrarm-. ill r\rhani*i' Inr lln 1 plrnliliil prnilnrtinn nl mil rirli mnl I'xhuiisl lr-- tiflil- iilmijx tin* rix*-r shores, ill tin* yul Irys mnl nil tin- In-iiltlilnl linmnluin slnpr-. KliifCrrs mill lliii^s. The si-ii-i-tiniis nl lin.-ri-rs I'm- lln- filler is hy an iiirans mi imlillrrriit niaOrr: it tin-in- a i-nitrsi* nl* sillily . Tin- imlrx. nr lirsl linnrr nrxt 1 In* llininh. is Ihr most inaji'stir : il i- Ilia w hirl) tlir I Irlll'rw s rallril till- lilljil't* "f Uml. ami i- iiiiiyi-rsully lln- inilirativr sign. Il lip* urrs in uilvrrlisinu rnlumns ; mi -inn-pusl- it is ilrlim-alnl issnillf* from a rlrnrliril list, to pi ii II t nllt till- rotltl In fnllnyy : anil till- Inyrr pinrrs it mi his lips In rnmmaml silrnn- ami rirrUlllsprrlinll. 'I hr I*nll- nt allliipiity yvnrr (hi* riu" nt* authority nil this a- an **y n (Inirr nl* llirir nmiiipnlriirr. This rxmnplr i slill iniitali-il liy Ihr ami riinlilials. liisli ops. mnl nthi-rs’. ami is nl ilnliimis rl.-jimin-. Till- -1-rninl llll"i-r frnin lln- Il is lln- ilium- major nl tin- liaml. anil like ehiUlren nl a emu I mamliiiy* lieinhl. i. srrnis as it ils Inuly hail EnroVti in lln- iletriiin-nt nf il- mun-liness. I T inier i.nin-rs nl' till- line, superinr ennk-. win. I. hay i hail their ufl'ertimi- lilijihleil. ami a | to xvlimn phy-irnl ilevelopnienl i- all iii-'-iiiii- . “ plishmrn!. yy ear the rittjff nil this liiljfi-r. 1 lie fuvnrite anil pnpular finder ha- al all tinn-s hreii the thini I'rnin the ami the origin nf thi- is ho eurinus tlmt yy e must nut pass ii over in sileure. It is niaintuineil that an al - ien lemls I'rnin it directly to the la-art. anil it is nw iiiK In thin eirriunnulnco that tlie'marriap. riii". are placed on it. Uhl apothecaries, in ilays nf Hiiperstition. mixeil their prescript inns with this privilejreil linirer. in pres.-nr.- of their patients. The iluv nt* the thumh's tflm-y pass i..|, when it was nnleretl In npeii the tnueh-pmi mill harnlle the rartridK'r hv the aiil nl the lirsl linger. Formerly, soldiers and physicians wore their ring's npnli the thuinli. Il yva thought tlmt this rinj* which wns vsually very | a rye. contained suilalde cordials In diidnlecl a siek rnntn. or ri-miitnate a wonnd«*il warrior. Tin; Mn-nx Tki.kuh xi*»i. The Teleyrapli line from this city In Maemi is now npeii, ami mess ayes ran hr t rmisini tteil to any jmint nl US. Mr. (’. T. t umpbell. a yrntlcmun BHHjtawu ui nnr citizens, is tlir Atlanta (lp- Jinlitr yrlltlrm.lli d.o's .Mi f: ■ ulLiiftowtiKif mu - akj.ltPJ l niaiju ic ' s ; - ; SMk hHmp l thf !*••;»» of our busini‘s> pojillluUOU. Inhlli- Ilou to H.III tin Kitiii) . • riiililivii." >ni«! a kiu«l fatlu*r to lii** little family, a- In- took his seat l»\ the llresiile. and gathered them round liim for jdeasjint talk, •which i- tin- liest wax to kill an enemy ?* • Whx. shoot him. to lie sure.* said one. • No. stall him.* said a second. No. starve him.’ said a third. • (hit I think.* said their father. • I can show you a better wax Ilian this. An eiieinx may be killed without taking trom him his life, or shedding one drop nt his Idood. Let me tell you a story In show ln»w it may be done. • There was a farmer mice, wlm was a verx cros**. surly. man. Kverybody in the knew him. ex*orybody dis liked him. lb* xvas sure to make the most of whatever went xvroiur about him. and the poor offender alxxays met xxitli severe punisiuuent. There xvas not a boy in all the neighborhood who did’nt feel uiicointbrtable as lie passed his eate : and the poor do*? that barked at his jjirse. ni' the imit^llbnl's rnn-ter that croxved on his wall, was -peedily visited either with the lash nf his whip, or the shot from his eim. The very eat'knew hi> footstep and slunk away from him in terror, lie was a complete pest, as much so In llilllsell SIS In lliose alinllt him. Kverx day bmujrht him some fresh trou ble, and found him in continual * lml water: indeed, hi- v ery life was inside up with broils.* • After a time, si jfood fanner tJreen came in live near him. and. as you may -ii])p<»se. lie was soon told the clmraeter of hi- not ox'er pleasant neighbor.’ • W ell.* said he, * If* lie show - off mi me. I’ll r* i ff m Hin I. 11l him ! This remark of farmer flreen’s soon *j«i afloat, sind sill soils of tiling- were saiiil about it. lie sceuied the \erx last man to kill* sinx man. for his looks sind words, smd actions, sill told of a loving heart, which thmldied in lii bosoift stud directed hi- life. Nobody could think for a moment of hi- beenmimru murder er. Mr. (Jreeu’s intention sit length cnnie to the ears of tin* ill-natured fanner, and you may be -ltrc lie was not sit sill plea-ed aboift it. Kverx thine he could do to tease, annoy, smd even injure Mr. tJreen. wa- done : but. some how or other, the man who was to •hill' this u»(|v tempered farmer took it all part, and spoke sis csilmlx. and looked si- kindly sis ever. One day Mr. (ireen -ent to the wife of our surlv friend a basket of plums : but her liu butid xvotild’nl let her have them, lb- told the person xv ho brought them, v ery gruffly, that • It was niilv done to £et some of hi- pears in return, ami wa-’iit going to give any of them | SIVVSI V . At smother time Mr. (ireen*- team of oxen stuck fast in a bog. and w hen lie si-ked his neighbor for a little help, lie told him. in a \ ery rough way. * lie had enough to do to mind lu ovvn business.* and refused to help him. Never mind, said (ireen. to some one -landing bv. 'I'U I. HI him rt-rt/ simn *ec if | don't/ Soon after thi the team of the ill natured mail was in sh«- ante plight that his ueiglibor'- had been in. Mr. (ireen saw it- lie ran for hi' o\eii sind chain . and set oft* to the bug, II poke killdtx . offered hi- lielp. iiiul began lo render it : but wlmt did lie receive in repiv ' ;W h a liei-ee look and an angry word • I don't w ; siiiv of your help! take your oven sivvsi. 1 • N'o.' s/d the other. I must help you :I t tic- tight i- coming on.and what had eiioiigii b\ dav is ten time- worse ill the dark. Avvax I piiileil the oxen and the men. and soon xvas •! ! right again.' ' • A strange feeling did that rough, cros-man j carrv home w ith him that evening, .-oiiielhing which lie had never fell before. And a strange look did lii- wife give him. as lie -slid ' !Vg. farmet (ireen has A Hl* ■ f in* ! lie aid !i«* would 1 and lie lias done 'll.' •Yes I lie • lininij was -/. ///•*/* without the loss nf si single life, or one drop of blood. He 1 vvout in flu* morning lo route-* hi- ingratitude to hi- kind neighbor, smd to n-k forgivenes- ; and tin* verv man vv ho had been noted for noth j iug but hi- vvickedne— became the friend of alb* There i- the g resiles! difference between coiupieriiigbv power, sind compiering bv kind nr-The former i- like building si dam aero— i stream of water. It may -top its flow lor si little while, but pre-entlv tin- dam may give wav. and then the stn*am will rush on with more force and fury than ever. Commering bv kindne-s j. like drying up the springs wliieh feed tile -tt'eaiil. Compiering by power is like keeping a lion from doing harm by chaining him : compiering him by kindiie-- keeps the fitm from doing harm b\ changing hi- nature and turning him iut" a lamb, lirsl Thin*js. IIN Me. We find in our drawer, among many other gem-, the following piece of prose poetry. M e know not who wrote it. bn! nre -atislied that In* dwel* among men: Passing a neat little marlin box of si house last evening, we happened to see si in.ill wait ing at the door for admittance. ,\i the instant a green blind above just opened a little way. and bv the gas light we caught the glimpse of a pair of brilliant eye* and a flutter of some thing while, and si bird-toned voice softly <uid. •Who’s there ?** “It s m> was the brief re -poiise. The eyes stud the flutter disappeared from the window. lik«* -tars in a cloud, and we almost fancied, as we psi-sml on. we could hear the pattering of two little feet upon the stairs, w inged with vvideome. It Wits si trifle: it happened sill to be in an instant, but it haunted u- for sin hour. It*- me. Amid tiie jar of the great city, those word fell upon the ipiick ear aloft, and met si glad response. It's mr ! And who was •• me?” Tile pride of a heart’s life, no doubt : the tree, a vine was dinging to the •• I defender of the faith ful.’* is tile best sms,, in tile world. •• It's !" Many there sire who would give half their hearts, and more than half the hope in them, for one such recognition in thi- •• wide, wide world.” On ’Change, in the Directory, at the Post Office, lie was known sis A. Kso.. but on the threshold, and within tho-c walls it s m* and nothing more : xvliat more is there one would love to be? Few of sill the hearts that bent -o wildly, warmly. sadly, slowly, can recognise a true sou! amid the din and darkness ot the worid. in that simple but eloquent it's me. As if he j had said. S.w, 1 ait. nothing I" alt tl." wat.t, K'.r I am all tl..- world to tlos-. tinnil nature is a gem tiiat glistens in a ciiat ueter more radiantly than a diamond beneath u trnpiea! situ. Man's pridiatinii upon earth is nothing lml ■ a Inihhle upon the brtaid ocean of eternity— appears beautiful hut i- anoti numhensl with ! the thiug that were. “ WIKI>O31 —.IIJHTICE—MODEIIATION ATLANTA. UEOKbIA, TIIPKSDAV AITERNOON, MARPH 14. IHfil. (bfucral Jirrctortf. l*i-o vir*»i on ul Oovr*i*itiii<**»< Confederate States of America. PItKKII>K\T : ,1 KiT'KRSON PA VIS, OF MISSISSim. VICK PKKHIDKIXiT i ALIA. 11. STEPHENS, OF (JEOUOIA. Heads of Departments: linliej-t Toombs, of tiro., S.-el’y of State, t . <’. Mi'iiimltiger. of S. ( ~ Seet’y of Trs’y. 1,. I*. \\ ulbci-, of Alu., Seel'l taey of War. S. H. Mallory, Florida, Srrrrt'y of Jury. .1. 11. Itragaii, of Texas, - P. M. Clrlteral. .1. 1». 1t... jam In. of 1.a., Attorney- ttrn’l. Congress: nt iioi».*noAVEidia conn, »r <-*». Hrr. J(UI\SO\ b. IIOOPKII, of Ala. X MEMfIEKS s Mnl*iiivi -K. M W.ilktT. I! 11. Smith. .1. I- M <*'»r ry W !* lliilUHi. s K. Iliilf, l iltili .1. X|cK;ip. .lolm Ulll Sltitri'T. Ihml* -1 K \/ ■wiSsThnm.i- f-;»r:t Horuln. .l.iiii- - !J. Owns .1 I’.iinm Asntcr.-tin. .‘«i|» Mnrtnn. o/./i'/i —. 11-'w II iXiiiit. | S. Ikirtow . VI .1 (Tiiwinnl. K A II Hill. A It. Wrulit, Tli..> It. K. Ct.lil., A II K< nun. A II SU-pln-iis. .It A I. I ‘ « ...» <i. i M ('Miirsnl. I». I Kf.iin i U K Sj«irr«*\v. H«ir> shall . I/i**iNki>/*i. —W. I’ II cm- XV.*ll • -r ltn*»k«v N. b. XXII- V '! riuvl'in. x\ S. Ifcirrv. .1 T. Hurrt.-«*n. Smith 1 iirulimi -It. u ltln-ii. .Ii It. W. ILirnwll. L. XI Ktm .Inn -11 m--nut. *lr.. <\ H M* niniinu'-r. W I'ltrHi'T Mil' - Tl.miim- .1 XViili.-r- W XV. Ik.yrc. r XNTuI >ll. .1 II li*M«an. .1. lh«iii|»l»ill.T. N Wmil, -■ i;i. . .1.i.1p oldlutn autl WII nrliiltrc" S r r \N l)IX(> CO.XI.XIITTCKS : Krr*u!i" Ikf*t rhifill* —St• • | »li« i*. I "iiM'l. llmvo*. SliMil'-r. IJr.H.k.* Htrriifti —Hln-lt. I'crkin-. XX.ilk'-r. K- ill - Milihi n/ Atrnir- llirtt.u Xlil. - -|i.irr«»\v K« , nun. An lIiTHHI " . \ mil Ajftiii' <'* *ii r;**l. Ch -nut. Smilli. XX’riidit. T'Htiul*.-. ILirnw' 11. K-un- r li-irrv Xhdtie * 'lullin’ »•• • - Xt» iiinnn-''-r. t'raxvfnrd. |Mltiii' , t. XlnrtMii. ./h»/|'ciry—riiivimi. Will., r . H;i|p. «••».!. Ilarri-. /Wa/—‘TiiMmi.. li..\« Ibll. Harn-*ii. 1 nrry. / 'n(*ul»- -Hn- k* XX'iU-oi. b*v\i«. Hill. K**nncr. T'-nihiii’* —rinSnul i .■ni|il*"ll. Marsliall. Nistiil. T- .MIC J’uUr bnnU —Mitr-liall. Karri-. E. irnc Alloii ■<— Xl«* II il.-. S|Mrr*«w I ■••wi- K« iH /!_Hun- Mil* - nilllMi.. I , «rk in .l• intitil* —Ou st- I'rawfonl. < niiij*ln*ll. mdiui'T Sunlit Slmri. r, XVil-<*n. K«*imn. XI. !Unv lk«r STATE OF^-EORGIA. F.xmitlo u«'|iarlnirnl i .1 . ph I llrown.Gov.Tiior. .1 ,It < ininbcll. | II il Watt r- - - rctai i' - ll l. <• Willi*.in.-.) | p VV.iikin >.. .. i.try ol "I il" John June-. Tr a.-un i I*, i rson Thxx* at. C.iniplroller General A J Itogg --. Surveyor General la gi-lnt ivi l>« |in ct no n< : Tle I. Guerry |*r< odel.l ..I S nap I II XV. -t. s . rein y S nat « .1 Willi mi -P Ik I Ihm.-'oi r.epre-nl Itive » . ||;l|y: <’lerk House of l»epr« entatix ■ - Pi iilti'iitinry : 111 Xh c« Hue II I'rllf Ipa Keeper. Charle.-ti Tallind. V--i-t Hit XV V XV 111 i-. Hook K - p r <h t> \\ I-m* . Chaplain. Pi It. G < a-*-. Chy-ieian I .it n:it If \sy 111 111 s Hr T <;r*'*'ii Superintendent l.unati* X 'him In - xviute. | |». ii < nn»pb"ll. Tru i • Mitl.-r «;< <■ ' " ) •full if I III*) ll< |»:irf Ml. lit 5 .1 ph lb nrx I.Minpk.n, o’ Atle i, Kt. hard II 1.y0n.0l Xtlalila Charle> J. Jeiihin-. of Augusta George \ l. -slcr. of Mari tta n.a.l*- W l» ilk- -I S|«rt . Dlwtrlcls i Ist wsnwT—nriinswlrk.Lirfl.Tn and Middle Judicial Circuit*. Toil .a -K--I..X— -i I M lay 11. aii.l .Imi. a SaviUinali. ... , 2l* IH , nK|r*T.—!*•«* Mila Xl'f'M.. Srtlf II XXi'-l'TlI all'l <ll.ll I.ilhh.i li* .hidici.ll l'ir<ml- Tims mV SK-.-IMN—III; Mmiul.iv in .laimarv. (iII.I IM M* tI;.V in .Inn. . .1 XI ..-Il :n.' IU-TKIIT—TiII! «1"- ' Flint. Cmv. 11. nine Kidv'.- mi l CluTMk.*.- < ir. uilf I imi: mk Sk*W"V—till M*»inlay in XlanTi. and- i l°ii .lav ai t. ■!» Ati iiiU 4tu liisTKicr. —" -• I nnl \ >rtli rn ( i r, nil- Tnii: mk -k~im\—Hit M*m«lu> in Xla> and Vmvciiilht. at At liens. .'tin IM-Titicr—4 a-mtiliTpo ain! Southern ITrcuit-. I ,xii ■>, r».-MMN- J! Xl.hmliiv in Max and N<»vt nih r. .1 Xlill.-du-vilh Sai|M*ri«>t* Coutim nixvCTA nun it 11, \ Hie a Bull ItfiMge b*dgi N .1 llaniiiiMnd. Atlanta <e-n. id. OHiiitiiK. Time *»f Sf-seai < I.iMini—lst Mm?i.|;iv in Max and N"vcinh* r IN-K.ill*—4th Xlt.nd.iv in April and <Mmlht K.iv. ti'—2nd M«uid;iy in March and S pt<mlH*r Kuituii—lst XlMtiilay in April and o. Imlpt. Meriwether—3*l Monday in Keliruary and August. Tn.iip—ill Mmi».l.»> in Mav and N«.\. nih.-r.<nsa clitrerr l>. F llaiminuid. Ncwnnti lit.lcc xt Kendrick C«t;»r T«»wn s.h. H<*r Ccncral iVmihih’s Time «and S’-shhis. . amplM-ll—2 l Mnn.lax »u F«*hruary and t irrull—l-i and 21 Monday in February and August Coweta—l-t Xf.mday ill March and September Floyd—4<h M.unlay in .iaiiuary *. and 1-t M«md.iy in Jnl\ Heard—3*l Mondav in March and S pt inln-r. Haralson—:kl Xfonday in April and 0» i*'h. i Cauldiug—4th Monday in Februarx and August IXilk—Tl M.antay in February and iuj'f. ittikiK nntrrr ticorgc I*. Hhc. Xlarietta hi.lire Win t*billi|«-. Marietta S»ln ilor liciiaral C.Hinti«*- Tunc «*f S—i«a»> <lt. rok.-e— l-t Mondav in March and S ptember. (old*—2*l Monday in March and S*p|enib<*r. linws<a»—*2d Xbuidav in February and August Fannin—2l Xl* hi day in Max and October. Forsyth—Ti Xloiiday in February and Augu-t. Ciimcr —Ist M hmlmv hi Mix nml Oct«»lM*r. I^impkm—4th Moutlay in January and July. Milton—lst Motnlay m January ami July I'tckens—2nd Monday in March and ?V|»lrml»cr. Towufi—4th Monday in May anal Ortobrr. I'nioii—S<l Moinlay in Xlay and m tolier. OIKIIOKKF niRCnT. 1 P A Walker .-|*ring Place Judge J A W. Joliujod, Cai-svillc Solicitor General. (XrtUltloS Time ttf Se--ions Cass—2l Monday in March and September. Cati-Ma—2d Xfonday in May and Nov.-iiilmt. Hade—ith Momhiy in May and November <lord.«l—lst Moiitiay in April and Oetoher. Xlurr;i\—tfd Mondav in April and <K toher. Walker—Monday lie Tore fit -t Motnlay in March and -ci item Iter. Wliitti"! I—4tl, Monday in April and <s p.|h i ’Xliliiary l>c|mrtinciil : FIH.-T RF.HIMF.Nr Colonel- Win J. Ilardee. C A |.,ein. c..| -Cha- .1 Williams, ol Muscogc* Cos 1. I. 11. M< Law-. I S. A 2, !/lxxard R Harden. XVhitli Id nninty 0 C.MT.VINS. Win. I* -mith. C. S A .Company A 2 Win J McGill, t. M l . R and. Win Martin. o| l.umpkin Cos •• . . .<' 4. Win G. Ii ill. ISA ...I» 5. Jacob Read. I . .-. A ....»: <l .loitit i. Cattuti, "i llitib Cos I 7. Ge**rg«- H Thomson, ol Fulton Cos k Frain is T Cullens, of Clax Cos. .11 9. Alexander M Walla. . . of Fulton Cos 1 |O. S. I* Hamilton, of Chatham Cos . J \ ArHiui I S. A Coni|winv A 2. M Clair Hearing. ISA It 4. A F < one I* S A . .<’ 4. Tit'»mas J. R-rrv. I .< A . ..I* 1. A A F Hill. ..I Clark- Cos -I «. XV. \\ Kirkland. InP Marine Corp- f 7. Jno Milletlge, Jr. ol Richmond C 0.... K. T. X|. !np.-h. Ol Chatham Cos .11 9. John M. branch. o| Clint ham Cos I 10. Tomlinson Fort, of lln hi win Cos I 11. Itedncy F. Mejionald. .'ip|Miinl< and by the Col. Quartermaster l-t lb‘gine-iit. Company .1 MCI•uXIt IJKCIKN.IMS. 1 Thoma A. M t||o.\. ol Chatham Com|Miiy A 2. t»arnetl Andrews. Jr of Wilke- .. Il 3. John F. King, of Glynn ■*' 4 George |» Harrison. Jr. ••! Chatliam. I» I* Xi R Votin'. .XV I*. < ol Ca.-s f. <• F.. S. Willis. W I*. C . (Imlham F 7 .1 G. IJlouut XV IV C . T.illm.i .... G 5 .1 Alexander. XV I* c Fulton .. .11 9 John Xb'lMierst hi llerrien. Chat ha lit ... I 10. Michael ('as.- I 11. Joseph A Rian. **. |*iOk .. J SKCUNP RKGIMF.NT Colonel—Win XV T. Walker. I S A l.ieut Colonel—F. XV Chastain. *»f Fannin MAJORS 1 Win. M Gaidiner C S A 2. Alfred Ciimtuin -. C. S. A 1 .laims Mclntosh, t S. A Company A 2 Tl.oma- Met oum I. of l.ih rty H and. Alfretl Iv rson. Jr.. C. S A • ....< 4 John P Walker, ol Senven I» o John It. F Tat null, I SA ...F ft R A XX'ayne. o| Chatham .I' : .i- Fain "i t ni*.n '• k Xliller Grieve. Jr ."I Ikildxvln H W Lx\ is H Kenan, ol Italdwin I Hi AhncrSmead. C S A I KIKST UKI TK'.N.XSTS 1 John T. Xlercer. C S. A Company A 2 .tos''|i|, IV Jones. I S A •....<’ ;; A It Monigonierx I . S. A ..P 4 Rob rt II Anderson I .S. A I* 6 I! XI Thoma-. I S A I »; Jo • pit XVl..•■'!. i 1 - T A ..G 7 Roht A Crawfortl, of Fult'Hi ••■...11 h II I* P Twigg o| liicliiutHid I 9. Ih nrx Ch x. laml. ol Hiehinolld I 10 A P llrown. of Forsyth *lt 11 i. Whim id An ten**ni. "i Fulton . and SWONP IJKCTKXAjm* I John Howard. Jr.. o| Mu « **«••.• C<uiip:im \ || !' ‘ w ' , ; 4 It II Atkin on. of ItifiL ' ■ | M Mver "t Cobh . i ♦; .1 liirroxv. XV. P C .of Clarke .. . 1 , 1. Wikl '• ■ c.. s |.. xxi. l>**l.ig|e. "i Richmond — ll •ii. p. lam ar. Jr.. of Rirhmond . . I |o Robert F Hunt. of Cobb " • 11 Henry W Tripp- -d Ilou..ion •’ FULTON COUNTY. Justi™ Inferior * 'miri. /. A Rjck:. < i xitK Howki.i . WIt.tJAM XVATKINS *1 N MXIXIOVS. F. M Tamxfkkiio sloritl 1 1 Green—lkpillx - It l/*x< <7 . il Stif* imi *'mirt —lt I C/.rA Inf-nor I'mirl— Pallid IMtm iti. nnliitiot t II Mead Tmixim r— J. R. Wallace Tot C.JhWor—A. *1 Collier. Tor //*e.i»vr—XVilliam CenP*r X R Wlm .vmi.v-v”#—Thoma- A Kenedy Jiuti' - th’ rmr* f.,r Alton*•*— Tti-rtna- I. Th'Una It P. MMitii CITY OF ATLANTA. Civil, lIKI’ARTMF.NT.— l.tltKli lIItVIS WIIITAKMt Wunt I—l i.i i\ II mi." <- 1 1 Hmw -I—WiiMAM W \ikivs. I It i'«►;« Want :t—S li !/»►:. lli.ia nTrinwn.Ki. Ward 4—l II Mt. AAMV .1 >MK- I.VMII Ward &—S. It U >ie*.\. Tii"*>s Kill; I '.in. mitt"' .... Fimtnrr —r.inlirillii.'lt !t"l.'"i'- Ir* u 1 "11 ontnmn.r*—l'.Hll"'llll."li Walk lie. M> .a lilt. Roltsoll. ('.linin'.' ('"im. !llifi.|l ( l'n « .l."l""l' I.V'I" ' Hiqwitfiv an IfVfftt Pimp rtwrf* (Wrna—Coumulmcti 1 1 < '•iMmi/lf* tin //twi/s ii/i'l Ifcu —4 otmcihii’ n Kil< '!■ caslin. Crawfonl. CoauwiV/s** on (’•aincilm«*li l/tv CommiVcr on Firr. lt**m 'nl —Coun< illiien Mecaslin Robson. Watkins inmmiUrron IWir. t otineilmeii I/ive. Hons I.x nt h (•milmiltmi ouih ihnefi Hardinnn. XXat kins. R«di-t»n f'nmmill?*’ nn I‘nhtv llsihliinf* nn‘l GV*<ro»d>- -< oiiim il lltell liotise. Crew . M* • tsllll. I'.immiilsr irtt 73»r—Ct.tincihn* n Watkins. Crawf*»rd. I.vntli fmnmUlsr mi Rrtisf— Him. iln*-li Crawfonl. M»i islm. House, XV.itkm-. Kil*- rirrk of (imtu il Tilt Un rii+r nn>l <\Jl*rtor—\l C Ifolcolilltc Treasurer —F. I Ibwch. t'kisf Mnr*hnl —Tlmma.- It P-«ggii- Ikpuit/ M'ir*ho! —Ittik" II ltrann**n |<f l.tsitiswin' Folirs —lt N xx.lhford 'J'f IJsntruttnl I ‘of ie —.l. XI l>*S|er. Ct'/y Surrepnr —ll b. Curri'T. <7 srk Mnrk-rt —*l. P W-lls I’ilft Srjirm —G A Pilgrim Sufm rintstvlrn* Sirrst *—li XX'. Mcflntiiel. lUtnrJ of I/milk Pr. H XX’ Itaowx. Chairman. G It Huyg««*d. Fs*<| . Pr P < <i’K* le. |>r J. G. XX’estmoreland. Pr. T I’owell. Banking. BAKK OF FIRTOX. Ofltee on Alabama Street Fj» XX* Ilmi.Hdt. Pn*-ident. A. Ai imuj . Cashier \<iK\C V GEORGIA 11. K. AMD IIANK IKG (OMPAIIY. mth-e. eorii'T «•! XVhitehall Street uenr ILitlnwd.— W XV. Cl IVTWN. Agent AGEIK'Y CENTRAL li. 11. Afl) BYN’K- Ilfii COMPANY. Omc* **ti Alabama Street. A XV JovtKs. Agent AGEK( 1 MIHTII XVKBTEKX BANK, RIMGGOLD. Ofllee at W;ishmgt'rti Hal! W. P. Ivmvx. Agent. ATLANTA IXSI RAA( E \WD BANKING COMPANY. tHtlce rttljotnmg Agency t»f te-orgw Rallmad and Bank ing C«im|on> J. P. Un*AX. lYcai'leiit. Peiuno Brown, Cashier. Loan & B’ld'g Associations IMmciilx Lomu aml IliilPling Assm-intion meet- night ot lot It each mouth Capital. 2.000 Sli ire .l A IIAVPKN President. XV J lIot'KVON. Treas. ( it ion Loan nml Building Amtotiatinn m* ot - night •»!' Hth eaeh month Capii .l. shares t JOHN GI.KN. Pn>Hciu No.vnß F'.wijjc Treas. Fire Department. Meets quarterly on the third Monday evening m Jan i nary. April. July and Oetoher. WIIJJ.VM R.XItNKS. Chief Kllgllieer s It Siikmwoop. Ist Assistant. R. I MxlHmix. 2d A.-sislaiit F M .hrtivsov. S* ep tary John F Fo/.akh. Treasurer. Atlanta Fire Company, No. 1. meets at their House on Bridge Street, near th* Mark- i House, on first Mondav in even month .1 If MFCASUN Pr* - t XV K Mason. S«*c’y. Mc« liuiiir Flrr ( niupany, No. ‘4. meets at th ir l|ou.-e on XX’nsliiugt'rti Sireel. m ur Georgia Simp, on the iir-t Fridav night in ••verv mouth. I.KVI R|4*HARPSON Pres-t C. C RohKs. Se. y Tallulali Flic Company, \o. .'I. ne t- at their llou.-e. eorner of Bridge and W.»lt• »n Streei- on the Hi t W**diicsdav in everx month. JOHN F KZ7.AUP Pres t. .1 b M«-bK\|Mi\‘. Sd-c y Hook ami Lmldcr Com pH ny. No. 1. iu«*«‘t.- at their Hons* on Pry«»r. between Alabama and Hunter Streets, on tie* iir-t Sattirdax night in excrv month. FRANK M .loIINST*IN'". Foreman. Noah R powfju:. S*c'y. Benevolent Associations. Atlanta No. "»9. F. A. AI. Meets in Masonic Hall on He 5.. ( .»u I and fourth Thurs dav nights in each month I.KWIS bAWSHK XV XI John M IFmii\ii. <eer. tarv Fulton hiHlgc, No. 219, F. \. M. M* Is in Maxtiiic Hall on tie- lir-t and third Ttiursdav night- in each month PAVtP MAYKR. XX M R .1 M xssKY . S cretary Mt. '/.ion It. A. Chapter, No. 19. Xl* -I- in M.< >mt H ill on tl. -eeoiid and (.Mirth X|..n day nights in each month. I. J. GbKNN. II P < R H\xikitkh. S*cretarx .la son Burr Con in* 11, No. I.'t. X|* <t- in Mas.ain Hall ipiarterlv. oti tie- lirsl Tie--*lav in Jamiai x April. Julv and o. to'her I.KXVIS bAWSHK Th 111 John M Bomixo. Recorder ( mu DeLion ( ominundt ry, No. 1. Meets in M.isonic H ill on tie- lirst and third W-.lie dax in each in XV XV ItoVP. XI. K XV T. Mk.xi* Rcord* r Central IrtHlgr, No. ‘4**, 1. o. O. F. UivU in Hill ol Kurd)' ..i Jericho ev«*rj 'l'u* day night T P MARSH. N ti XVm XVii-.x . S*. r-lary Kinpirr Fncantpment, No. I*4, 1.0.0. F. M- t- in Hall ..! Knight- **i Jericho. *>n tie- -con.l and fourth Friday night- in each month XV II RAKNKH. i |*. T P Fi kmim;. SerllH*. Atlanta htHlgc, of .Irriclio. Xlarietta .-lei Whit h ill street-, - verv Saturday night. XV. It. KKF.NI* « Gko W Kk.i.txk.i: . Secretarx. Slienandoali IHvislon, No. *4l, S. of T. XI •i- in their Hall na llunb r -lred. on every Xl-ai dav mght <* J RWHSTKK. XX P .lamks Bakkk. R S Xtlanta TANARUS) pagra pit li a I In lon. No. 4N, xieets at tie- otlie.* of 111- ( omniouxve ilHi on tie lu»t Saturday night in each month S W. GKI’IIB. President .1 XV Kkkxan. Se*-retary Fulton Xleelia uics \hsocint lon. M- 1- M. Engim ll.'M-, N« m .«» arid» Khop mi XX a-hingt'rti -tr* "i- "ii tie- 4th Wedi. -da*, night in eve rx month r M ( VI,PXVKI.b. Presid. nl XVM Ri siiton. 1-1 V|. Pk I lent XX M II.VHNK-. 2 1 Vice President <;k** l.nxxum- Tr a-urer Jamks Noiiik. Sa retary Railroad Directory. linirgin Itaili'iut'l mnl Ruikin*r Cnin|mny. Al'lil STA TO ATI AM A —l7l MlUi- K AKK s•’» tU> Gi orgc Yongr, Superintcnih-nt. MORNING PASSF.NGFJt TRAIN leaves Atlanta daily, at oOa A XI Arrix- - ai Augusta at <’» 4a P 'I t » dailv. al .. . . 12 -i" X M »C X M NIGHT PASSKNGKR TRAIN l/ .i\ t s Atlanta daily. at h 4o P M Arrives at Augusta at .. r» 6<* V M Is'aves Augusta at 2 .Tl I*. XI Arrives at Atlanta at 11 4& P M Tin- road runs in conievtion with tie* Tram- •»l lie South Carolina and tie Stvauuah and Augusta Railroi'U Atlanta ami West-Point Uailroari. ATI-V NT A T»' WK>T POINT—M 7 Ulll> K.VHK f." W Grorgr H. Hull, Supcrlnfcmlent. |»AV PA-SRNGKR TRAIN L aves Atlanta daily .at 10 15 A M Arrives at West Point at 340 P M L'-avca XX'est point daily, at .. 255 P XI Arrives at Atlanta at ... 7 941 P X! NIGHT PASSKNGKR TRAIN braves Atlanta daily, at 0 .Y<) A X! Arrives at XX’est Point at •*» 49 A X 1 L*uves XX’est Point daily, at 3 15 A. XI Arrivs at Atlanta at 7 60 A. M Western ami Atlantic (State) Itailmail ATt-AVTA T«» HItTtgHNNIA—I3S Mll» TAKf f.'» 410 .Volin \X LrvrU, Superintendent. MORNING PASSKNGKR TRAIN leaves Atlanta at 10 20 A X! Arrives at fTinttan>Miga at 7 :H P. M L*aves tlmtUiuooga at 3 25 A. M Arrix*«*s at Atlanta at 11 32 P 'I KVENING PASSKNGR’. TRAIN Is*a\«*s Atlanta nightly, at H 15 P M Arrives at <liattai»(»»Aga nt 930 A XI leaves n»«»ttaiHw*ga at 3 On P Xt Arrives at Atlanta at 11 32 A. M Tliia rornl cunn«*ets »ni*li way u itli the Rome Branch Itnlnwl at Kingston, tie- Ka.-i Tciim saec aiel l»eorgia iLnlroa*! at Haltoti, ami tie Naidiviile and <liatt.un»»ga ILulr-nd at tliattanoogn Maroit nml Westent Railroad. MACON TO ATI-%VTA —IO2 MIIJCS - - rA*K #4 50. Alfred L. Tyler, Superlnlen«lcnt. htviv Macon at 12 X| at night, and 1 45 P. M A»TlX'«*s at Atlanta at 7 15 A XI. and 7 45 P. XI L’avc- Atlanta al 12 at night and 1 30 P M. Arrives at Xl.m *>n 7 15 A. M and 7 00 P XI Tin- mght Trams w ill not run «ai Sundays. Tie 12 (•'(!•« k night Tram trim Atkmui ••onnrrt- with the Central Railrmd for Savannah, at 1000. XXI and Southwestern, for Allxany and Odumhiis. at 9 45 \ XI The 2 15 P Xf Train connect* with the Central Rail Knud at 10 00 P XI . and Southwestern Iktilroad at 11 54J P If Tkromfk Tifirl* from Atlanta to .V» I/*rt hy IMis line Ul 00 VOLI’MK I.—NO. 7. THE CRUSADER FOR 1861. TIIK FA Mil .V PAPER <»F THF. SnITII TIIK FVMII.V PAPER t»F THF S4MTII Till FAXIII V PAPER <*F THF SiHTIt 4<H>o9 KHiCbAR WKKKI.V RE ADERS 40.000 REjGCI.AR WKKKI.Y RKAPERS 4<».000 RKGCI.AU WKKKI.Y’ RKAPERS THF REPOSITORY oF SotTIIEIRN GENII'S TIIK HKPosiTtdiV OF SoITIIFJtN GKNICS THE RKPoSiroRV OF Sol THKRN GKNICS. UKAP THK I.IST OK roNTRIBI TOR RKAP Till IJST OK i oNTHIBCToR RKAP THK I.IST OF CoNTIiIIU TORS No journal ever |>ublishe«| (Ht the rout lie-lit could Ixnust **f «• brilliant • galaxy *»f literary star- a- we here |»res**nt —literary geniuses of sexe-. most of xvliom hax* natioiiul r«*|iutati«ai.- MRS b VIRGINIA FRENCH, laterary Eslitn-- l <mt ributor* Xfadiitiie i>:\’»aiT. of Alabama xir- <’ A XV AHKIKI.H .of Kelli Uek X ANN!K < Ktcmtl M. of Tennessee. Roha Xkhtnkk Jomnsov. of Kentucky. Xlinnik XX’ Ha( KurroN. ••! Missi—i|i|n. Jiji.i b Kkyks. of Alabama, M AKMKTKOM.. of Tennessee. |JI*K XIkMKIW KTIIKH. of Tennessee, " Mil IJH X!AVUKt l* ol Ncxv Orleiih- KMItJKC. S. Chiiton. of Nashville. Xlaktiia .l 11n.i.. of Kentucky. EStkiij:. of T* i»n* 'li- Saijjk Aha Rkkuy .of X|it.sis-i|i|n. E 11 11it.1.. "f Missouri. Anmk R. Bioi-vt of G**«»rgi.i. JM4K E’ltKliruoX . of Tennes.-ee. Mauv XV Ckkan ..f Istui-Miia. E.xnnv E’ikijmno.' of X'irgim.i lion. J. R. Bahhick. of Kentucky, It XI lb:Witt, of Virginia. Prof R XI Johnston, of Georgia, b b VKX7KY. of Georgia. John F IIxTCIIKH of Tetmess*-. Col. A. II II Pawson, (»l Mobile. tiKoKi.K ItAHKK. of Tennessee, s C Xlkio kii of Lrtiisiutia. of lie-' gifted ladie- xv ill writ I during tin* year thrilling novelette-, and all of them will contribute hie rary gents, **|m« ' .-ketches, and -ttcj |sh-hi- Soine «*l tie ni**— t distinguished men in tin- Stale hax lllll« • V|»r* ! Ill* 111-elves 111 regard to tie- merit- ol the i’riu*nlrr. and it now promise- to I* • far more attractive than ever helor* Hon AlK.\ XNIHtt: II -TKIHKNS. -IX - iif .ill th* i«»ii-1 take I prize none more high lx than th" t'ntMuhr —ti«*l on- «|«» I look for with more intere-i. and not on* < **niain.- more original mid reuda l*|e ntaib r. in pro-*- and ptetry It js the f»est literary <-011111 of the Potomac, ami I think nm* o| the best oi its kind in the whole eoimtry " Hon Roiikkt T* s.m it* saw I enelose j o'l lux -uhscrlptio|| to |||e I’rilMlilsr I '1" n«i knoxx a it' xx-pi|M*r winch better *b , -' , rves the I'iihli* patron.i .••• Ii is not excelled by any xveeklv xx hi« It has fall' n Milder my eye. m tlit* excellence aii'l i lu illi.incy of it- literary roiitrihutioiis.uiid I trust ii xcill t ineet with a patroiiag* etpinl t*i ii- very great iwcrlb.'' I lion Judge .I'swii II I.i mckin saV-. lam delight' and with the improvement which the ! I’nnut lsr has iiiel-Tgirtic. I can cordially recommend it. 1 which 1 take pi. I*l,l *■ in doing, a- one of tin- b.-*d fami l\ |M|H i- ill tie xvliole couiltrv It is quietly . hill efll i . ntlx a."tinpli-hing th* noble pur|swe lor wlm h ii wa- . -tahlished •’ Judge 1 ii*im xs XV TltoMxs. say - lon very mm h pi* ,■*•••! with tie- t'rurtulrr I con -i«ier it in lie ipml rank ol literary journal- in |s,int of ability and I t-1■ •in tie I lilted Slat*- 111 ( -t.ildi-hltig it ami bringing it l" H- pn-ent high |s*sition. you have aei<Mlipll-lied a b »l that I did not eoliH.l. r js*ssil»|e a 1.-w vear-ago V-a Georgian lam J*r<mi»! of it—as a -.Mitie rn man I am grab bil to you for thi- decided step i-ward * t,i uicip it mg *i- lr*»in Northern inllm n* *-. and xxlii' Il lar a- I an -*•*• and h* ar, i- tie n-ull -ob-lv j of yiHir |s*rs* verane*- and enterprise." ||on Rknjxmin II Hill -ay> I lltt'lieve every family in tills Slate ought lo Ilk* th.* I’m/unit r It i- tie be.-t secular family |«ai«r in all I mx knowledge m 11,1- ctnintry I admit im HiifM*rior to ! n North or S»uth II any man in t.-orgia w ill take ih • ! piper oil' year, aiel then either Hi man **r hi* wife will ‘ - Ihl* eulogy is not Jllsl. I Will |M> In- sub-* r I pie *li J pr'n • I horn si ly le li. x e every man xull bem lit Im* l.itinlx by taking tie 1 |«i|o-r I -leuild have more h**i»*- o| tin* ri-mg generation, if all lli** young |*e*qde wonhl read ii .lamk-R Tiiom vs. I» l» Pc.-eb itt of Emory <’o||eg*-. We earm*stlx solicit from all who Imv a • heart on lie* right Side, to cone Up to tie- sup|n.rt Ot lie- t'rnm lltr II i ••lie - tolls 111 H- weekly \i-H- In igllted with choice matter, xvhether cot,sidenol in it- moral or its ltb*rary aspect—and m it> dress looking as mat and ta-t* lul a- .i Xlay ijm*eii' «»n a coronation day I *••. **v ervbodv ~ub»erib for the I'ruunlrr’ N XI CKvwFoKti. P. P . President ol Xt'*rcer I’liiver I regard the * V munlsr as one of the very hc.-t laimlx |M|M-rs now putdislie*!—North or S*uth I -hall he glad to hear of it-increased prosperity Iti' iiAMU XI JiiHNsntN Profes*.ot ot lE-IE-s L itres. Slab* t'niversily. .-ay - • The f’ruMiilrr ha*, in iny opinion, created a greater interest for reading among *mr ("*op|e tlian any other pip -r ev*-r published at the South. Tit- original articles in it. from It it or-, are generally nm-t excellent.— Success I*, yon. V'«l Will have il. i leal SUfc " R. X A Xlkxns I* P . 1.1, P Prof'—or Atlanta Xf.-di cal follege. says: • As an interesting and safe family ii**ws|ia|a»r. we cor ,Rally commend th- Cnumlsr t*» pirental | witnmag- It purc moral-. it- chast«• amt nnc«»ntanimated |iages. nml its Hue literary coiitrihutnHi-. supplied hy -•in*' «*t tin must poln-IH-l and prolific |- ns *»f the South, fog-ther with it- constant ami deferential r**(•n- , nitt**n of the i einnii- of pjety nml the Religion of thel'ros-. make »t i welcome and desirable visib»r to th* e.»ns**crate.| hotm and Hnvide. where Iwaiity and innoeenc revive their 1 iir-t md sir*»ng*'-i impressions for 1 if**.” Col. Jamks XI. Smttiik. -I)s Tl»e i'ruMiflrr is eminently w orthy of Southern |wtn* ! n;,_*c It is a first rat* Temperam*'- and bit rary sled I trust tlinae \vl»«» nre xiarmed l*eueath G-.rgia skn will se.p|iort and rherisli thi- lh*«*rgia ent rpri— «*ab|y conducte«l hv Georgia g*-nhis An examination «»f a sin j glc I,mnher will ultra, t thonsamls »•• it- getieruw* iwilr,* nage.” IV. I J»»NA*I» T biv il.. mv« •• In |w»|sts. magazines and reviews. I take, m all. twenty -ix pcre-licnls. from ditlerent |w»rts of th* I in i.-.l Mates, hut 1 do honestly . aud an» proud to mx it • *rti-i lcr th* (Imrgin CrumMrr far tl»e best publication I receive In my iqmiHHi. It is th** Ih>» journal pnhltebewl—North or Smith -and should In* j« . tr.rtii*«*d by every Soutbenier. ' Rex J. El RvKue*»\.**f New iHieams. ways: 1 liave long <b*sin*d to write yon in reference to your noble efforts to funiisli our psqm with a |«p**r the hhrh'-st literary and moral eliararter. \’*m Imve *u,-eee«|e,| |h*\oiul my most anximm ejprrttliow In a literary i-unt of view, as well as a |«|s*r of general in iclligenre I know nothing sn|ierP»r m tie* whole land Asa t< ni|w*ranee. literary moral and general int* lligetie* jiu|w-r. we liave not |u my huinl»le estimation. iLs equal It is worthy of th*-sup|w*rt of every gmsl man. It is worthx ,»r a pnanment place in every home in the land, when* it mav Mini find a welcome it is high tine* «n» |MH>|4e were furnished witll a pure literature I fe«*| tin thi- desideratum y,ai Imv nntdy met in the CruMuh’., May you prus|M*r mare amt mop , m llieearnesland le>t * ••st prayer «»f ymir friend.*' i Ut soulbmi patronage encourage rfoutberu talent.