The commonwealth. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1861-1862, March 14, 1861, Image 3

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Tin; riNMIKVEUTI. TIH.’KSDAY, MAI.TIJ 14, 1801. w See First Page. *p«-«-inl Sutler. |M " " Ih-m li i**'lulv utitliori/.'-'l to receive ;nl\rr ri-i'iiMMit- un«l siil»-»*ri|itioiiH. and to ro , . aM'l ivn*i|it liir to this office. ||js riTi-ipt- mil « uiitraoi- will !>•• ami rutaijili**»l with to t!•«* l**tti*r. IVmoiix H Uhiii){ to Subscribe l or ••itliiT tin- Ifciily or Weekly cuii leave Hi. ii naiiio with Mr. Samuel < imlili, Ap nt, .it til'* ollln- IIVI'I till* stole l»r < lining A Stolll*. i .nm*ll \ Iniildiit". Whitehall .Stroot, or hum! th'-m to Dr. S. lioaoli. our (»«*m a ntl t’an \ n^ser. TK.M ( K\TM Will jioniro lho ilolivory «»l tho Daily I’nm iiioiiwoulth" i tm; onkwkkk to tho-* 'il our riti/.i-ii- who may vvi-h to take it that wav. I*. i-'iti- -iih-'-rihinjf I*v tho wook will writ'* tlioir name** in mi > mor«iii<lum hooks in |i.i»iii ol tin- carrier* pay tho farriers in'. ami look to tlioin and not to tho oih'• lot their «ii|»|ilv. t'arriors will ho fur iii'li- >i with written authority to r**r<*ive soli nptioii' in that way . from Samuel (dulih. \: nt or hr. S. S. I loach. <onoral (Ainvussor iVi '»u.t to >iiliMTii»e for throe m JHR* t'niiinioiiw * alfli Math and Wooklv call he supplied to friend win. may wish to-*-u*l them abroad, already . 'ivi lop' and and ready |i»r mailing, on applica tinn at tin* office. Tin- Weekly, for thi- week, contains tvvcti t i\ columns of solid reading of the very h> ! character; at U\K hoi i.Mca is the di'Mpe-t paper ill the South. // is also unc of //,. A»r»n/\o/»e si. Send for a specimen copy, and j»i«l •• lor youixMvc*. Single copies live cent each. I)« it I It of .folio \\ . I.i'Oim ill, \t eh-v on o'clock this forenoon, this penile mill, formerly •*! New York, died in thi'city, .it In resilience on Hunter street. His disease w a * coiisuiupiion. Mi l.eonard i- widely known t! roiintt'\. to the Mamnie Krafernilv. as a In i-.dit and efficient ineinher of that undent ~;<!• i Hmiit a year ago lie eanie to Atlanta. .K..| In iIlf■ ".Mlieeted with l||e office o| the M i ■. ll i« Signal and .lonrnal.” Siih-eipientlv. how» ie.. If hecaine \ssoeiate Kdilol* of the Intellineiii er " newspaper of this city, u po tion \a«-ale«l hy him *|iiit»- reeently. oil lie "• hi f'-elile health. He will he hlirieil t-. nioirow. with Ma-onic honor-. Tin* -/«*nl|.-manly deportment and scholarly ■rt• iit hi.-nt -ol Mi Leonard had won lot him. .I.l*l i!i aw n around him. a lai eirele of friend-. Our *1 recta. Never we will venture to SUV. lIHVe the i;<'• i of \tlant i had -itch thorough work •lorn- oil them. Tin* dde-drnin*. and those at iuic ti«hi ami cro.-'ino' of street-. in paiiim' heiiio mid*- upon correct principle and iii ili*- most substantial manner, as ail in 11 -» lie rou v iuced who have been observant o| the pr«l'.'l e-- ot -I reel -VVOl'k Alice the pre ell’ ( hail man assumed direction. II all the work done on tin street** during his udmim (ration shall be as cro unfit i **allv done lie • ■.oi-e dom* with a view to jn nieneuire oill* < 111/•!,- will have e 111 e |«» rot ig l a 1111 ale them l\e that they have plaeed ill power so pa li' iit and efficient an officer. IVlta Hugii /.I lie. We are indebted to the publisher of this \<■ ; .. - \ *-. -1 lent Illu*drat*d MOiltllly . for t lie In-1 three utiiiihers for the present year. I lie l ash ion I'late- and other embellishments in I’eter •a are a I wavs gotten up with la-M* and in the hi.'he-t «t \|e of art. while tile -lories are of a high order of literary merit as well as part if alarly interesting. Iteing only two dollars per iiimtui. it i one nt the cheape-t maga/.ine- in tic e.,initr\. Addte-s ('. ,1. |*ktkkso\. IWM. * lie nnt St Philadelphia. |,oni' still- oi' Si-ei-M-inn rolkii. 1 the put! intie title given to a piece of Mu -!enillpo-ed hv |f|*. < •IM'tebrilek. ol thi- cil V i id on our table bv it- gilteil author. It -e ite.l to lion, .lefferson I>av is. Pre-ident < onledcrale State- of \nierica. and i e at the Hook -tore ol .1. .1. I.i' liaid- A H and at the Mu-ic and Musical Instrument wfcn• ol 11. Ih'ittimtiller. Tin- Moiatlii-rn Tim lu-r. The Match number of this monthly, pnb li-hed ami edited in Montgomery, by Ifev. \\ . P.artou. has been laid on our table by tbe editor. Mr. Harton i- in the city, and will re main -everal days during which lie will pre sent the claim- of Ids journal, ami solicit sub scriptions. We understand it will hereafter In published in Atlanta. 11. MIATIMOTOW M. DENTIST, VTI.ANTA. (SKOH'.IA. Hr) iMhw m Hitman'* n*n' twilili**/ ***>' "'» °J It hit’ hall nn>l I limit r tlrrrf* BC tj !(• < ••/*•»»• > hrrt koutr so tkr left »f kj. -«n». (.iltK-rt k Ihirr. It"*' H t la .. I. k It.-'t I»r I>»»riu.. II'O Mr Rogers. M< Nauglil IjR-'i.-i k («. . .vtlaut.i lU»\ t M Irvin, bavi't A V.» MWaftielson Tilt VV J lnwl-n, 11-'iirvTmv i .\Hn«'o t SK'.AIL' ' I AI I IMl’Oltl A mritu \V»f <e-orgta Cain trim wtnt- IftMHCY k LANSHKI I. ID !»!’.' -mu ft YOt’N'. A: so mar:-ft WbitstwU! street At Inn la S*tAKun> onion setts .tn*r mnavKu am* f.»r Kile by J>. YOtTJM* uen M »rcti 8, IWI- LATEST NEWS. It is ri'imrti'il Hint C'ul. Simmer Ims been ll..minuted ns Itripnlier 'ienernl. vice («en.-rnl resignei). Alsu. Hint tile order fur I lie eviicimtion of Kurt Snintei Inis not vet been ; IHsllefl. 11l llie Alubnnm State tin* I’ernmnent t'.institutinn of the (’onfederute States him been rntitleil by u vote of e|f;hty neven lives to five nays. •'ere. ClenienH lias received the a|i|>ointinent ot Major Ceneral in tin* Alabama Amu. I'eiidinp; niovetiienis looking; to theevacn ation of l*oit Sumter, and awitrances from hitrli <|iiiirlei> of tile paeiliie intentions of tin* Adiiiiiii.straliou in referenee to Soiitlierii I’orts. <'oiiimissionei-s Korsytli and r 'mwford will i*<* nmiii i|iiiet and make no denmnil. Konim and etiijiietle will not be strietlv nbserveil in their intercourse with the I . S. (i.u ernnient. Tin* Southern ( oiitfn—s is luml at work. |n*rf.*rtin|i a system of laws, or lit.nlifyiiift sueh 'd tin* i.1.l tbivernmeitt an can In* iidtiptc.l to the Confederate Stales, suited p, dilion. 'ln tin* l.'itli. tin* Tariff bill was made public : its provisions to take efteet on tin* first of May next. Articles wlii. li paid thirty per cent. nil.let* lln* I 'liile.l States law. w ill |»«v Iwenly-liie miller this and which paid twcntyd'.mrand nineteen, w ill inn fifteen. Tin* ten per cent, schedule is very large, while the flee list is .piite small. At U ashineton all’airs are. upon tin* whole, •piite uncertain, bill rather favorable to pi* an evacuation of Slimier, and the recognition id tin* indcpciulcn tin* < 'onfederate Slates. Mr. Ib.itglas has introduc'd into tin* Senate a resolution intended olliciallv to disclose tin* ln**t that there i- no a.leipiate power or Ibrc* to retake and hold the forts w ithin the limits of tlx* new llepllblic. (I is understood he will address ih<* Senate on three .litter, lit pn.po-i lions, viz: such iim.'iulmeiits to the I . s. Con stitutioi! a- will take Imek tin* Cotton States, and guarantee them in their rights; a recogni tion ol their Independence and a Treatv with them: or. their subjugation and the oeeupatioii of them. Ilis resolution was laid over until to day wlien he wa- expected to address tbe Senate. \ resolution to strike from the roll of the I nit.'.l Slates Senate, the names of Messrs. Ib'iijamin. Itrown. Ilavis. Clav. Mallorv, and Tmoiiilis. al'i. lies m er. \TT.\NT.\ PIIST omi t*:. Arrivitl and Ciusing of Mails, etc. HV oKom.tx mii.KoMi Him iluilj ..i iii:, i* \| unit ami ,v M <l*-• *! ilt> .n s no v w i,„.| i; nn |* w itv wi.s*m:\ ,v vn.xvrii kaii.hiiah I''.* daily .n I 15 !■ M ltv ATLANTA * W t*.'T I'OIXT KAII.KUAII tin* itiitlj .a : |6 !* \t i'l—i d.iil) in a no I* xt ItX MAI*I IN .V WISTI ttN ItAll.laiAb I ul 7 16 I*. M my n II w» A. M Ol'T*T< K not ICS. I nltl 11,. ..111., will 111 |e |.l 11| h 1 n !*.. 11»*' I'- Iv "I in.ill m illil.tih . (Suii.l iv i\« • -|*l«-*t, i ll'.ln 7 A VI 1,11 | ..clock p V| .11.1 If.HI, liiill |M'I -j lilt li M cl.- k P VI iin >llll*l.i\ Ilf* "111. "Will l>" "I-II tfiii h \ Ml 111 i*-k \ M .n't lion.-J ! . nil ;.-k l- \l I r How on. I■ ir.. .i. r I-1 ill*: AMi I.IIK INSI IIANCK IN SOUTHERN COMPANIES. liri AID AI.KN (> Hit; HIE Hil.I.nVV IN*. KK'I’ON Y f III.' I'll < ' ll»|MIII" till \t f.l -I V |\.-l i: AM I AND IIAMvIM. •mMP \ \ V \ ' MlI VI • 175<100 Till -EI.M V INSI ItAM I. ANMTRI >T l uVII’.WA Vi . ' AlTI'-Vl. it Ujil'-"! I*r*-in i*iii» mi".' nt niv -.ilv.*iii .uni •i • Si. 11. ItUltMlN .V < u., A. ' Ailiui.. mar 7 it 111 'I lslOlt A. I’ETIOKS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Hi* fur. I. and Sal. ..I TENNESSEE PRODUCE, button, (broccriro, etc., < of l<'»r«ylli Hi, ««ml \\ . iV \. IC. IC., Atlanta. G-eorgia. <{#. i.'-n T-mi ■■ iii' ic \ i.ik'ii .it |Kir lor Pi'-I'i'. man I. 7-ts BRADY & SOLOMON, s.,|.* r<>iisi*.-n".* fur iii*- s;ii" <»i COOPER’S ETOWAH IRON, "|. ...ii.-t.iiitlv on linii.l u L,rn'- k ..r < Mil: A\|! IIAKNKSS TKIM Ml Mis. >Ali|il.E .v (I U!M>- J.l ATIIKK k Ul lIIIKU IIJ 1.T1M.- i I HR! I uh. IMt Hi H \ A..V.V rum.s \ VItNIsIIKS, |»\|NTB, 011-H, KTI • l!htfk>milh> and .Mmliunio' Tunis, I’LANTKHS \N|» MIMMi IMN.KMKNTS. i. 7 giii SEA6O & GAWLEY. com mission' ’'merchants. N«• 1... AI.AHAMA sTItEKT. A r r la A NT A , (« »*: O H (HA, AMi ST. I.Ot IH, MIHHOI ICI. Issi: <• vVVt.KV '.IVK' Ills I'HCHiVAI. ATTENTION isl I" fllltiiy "f.l'-r- in si .\f i—»Miri. w li< i • lc r.-i'l.— t.*r that |»ur|N»>.'. at '1 1 x |»»-r .-«*»»t. c»mini -i"ii Mr sf \i.n ati.' |M*rsuiinlK In mukitii; -al* in Ai I. nt" l"i j{t' |-t . .-nt N’«» chari'" l.*r till iiik’ nr.h-rw lit Atlanta Terms ntri«-tl.v mnli iii Ih.ili |4mc Si I/.t i- lh«'"ii. a|- i I’pmliic mark«-t til til" Smlti ■» li Stai' Allntita Hi" «!i>*tril»«itme mark"l in III' i ..ll"ii State." t'llfih iffill’W ml rnrr«-*|».l.»l"l 11. E M. SKAEu. Atlanta. (.enriria. r«H*|**-*-tf*ill\ refer- t« Win W I‘layl.Hi Ak’.'iit'.a H It Itank Allanla E VV llnllati'l. Pre-i.l"iti Iti&iiK "I Enlt'.ii AlUntat. A VV .lntn Aw'ent Cciitrai 1! It Itank Atlanta. W I* \i;eiii Nurthw. . tern Attain i. Perm" 'ti"un, < ai*liier Athuita tu-uran. •• <'«».. Atlanta. John II Scaly*. Atlanta. A«*l Merchant- m Atlanta, amt nth'-r <*lti«i* uml T»»uiih 111 tieurf!a. Teniu-sye. ami Alnt.aiiia. tra*Un(* In At ianta Hin. " 1H6.'1. I»AMI» I* laiiii|4ui. ti.nruia, mm r«- -iTiii*; in si MtfH.ain. refer> t.»— larhart .V I troth* r. V \\ Y**rk. J itn»*>* (’lark* Atlanta. mTic \ IC<-»t. Atlanta. .I"hli V l*rtc»*, Allierirllh. W a UawMin. (uhimbiir. ItnyiihHi A: (liainherltn. A|C**tit'* Itank «»f I'nlutul.m. Ijninpkill. <n*nrtfin iuarrh7 If HI i a.'l:' 'HHur, r.utM MEl»in\E> VT THE Ihriifc store of l» Yol NT. k (It , WliiW-hail htri-ct, Atlanta. FOH KALE. SKYENTEKN tITY UiTS L'NIMI'IUIYKIt. < «»\TAIN about half an acre .-a h th«- greater |wrt .*f u lin-li are »v*y •IrtirulJ* hnihlimj UJ* tln’V will p».|«l \ery |..w lur i .ii*ll. ALHO, Er. iiii|>rnv «• I nty lot* of v arimi- hiZ"h . all h.ivmtf new. well luu-li. 'l <1 welling h'.ii-e.- ami all -ary nut hons.-r A-th<-l .ijiltnl nt the Southern t nufe.l 'Tin y i alinn-l <■ rtain to l»c locate! at tin- plac it u ill atlor.l 'i.-Hiring t»i make thi- their future p -i it' li. e a I o|.|HirtUlllt> tv h'-cur" the|ii-e|v.-H a home rhtitp fur iiuh. For lu!! pu tirular- a|.|.t\ at tin.* nflt* ■ murO-tr S. S IIKACfI i. o. McDaniel, WIIOI.KSAI.K lIKAI.KK IN GROCERIES AND PRODUCE, <Mi Hunter. I»*t ween Wiiilehitll A I'rvnr Stc., Atlanta. Georgia. March O-'ltr NEW STORE! NEW GOODS! Groceries & Confectionaries! Next ilnnr I*. \V f Iferrinr .V <V VYuitehall St ATI.A NT A. (;i:o|f(;i.\. (I'»\>TVNTI.Y ON ll.Wh A WE! E SEEM TEH ST* H K j ..f tii... "i it it* I Confect lunar !">. coffee, i iu its. CAKK". MTS c.VNHIES I'ItE'EHV » -IFI.EIfS IT* KEEs \c \r FINE T*»MA< * *» IMPoHTKH « H.AIiS lii«l irll of Fat Irtk !;.:*• i • niI'OHTKI) WINKS. S|biikluir amt Still. -e.-iireil thro'mli th«- i*'-i«li*sit lt*‘L*ian M'HI IM inarU-tf f V| JACK. As nt J. J. RICHARDS & CO., BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERS, Ml sir. Ml Sit ai, IN.ST I! I MKXTS A.M) I'A.M'V (iOOI)S. (Ks' .lili-li. and 1 K.V, ) null: POK \I I AT nil I/IWKKII \-It flit, !.- SCHOOL. M KIMCAL LAW. AMI MISCKLL WKors li()() KS, I .miitv am! E'-k ! Ihl.l. - . Sniulay Imul amt lly in’. H""k It! if.k lu-'k Writ niff. Not* .hi.l Wra|i|ni»K Pj»|mt p \ pi:ii ii \\(; i\;s. \\ ui'ln % « nrtaun ami l u r«i*i» ,Hn lln % (»!»> i mil Sle tlaml W"i-l".l- Clock * an* - IVlur* amt I't. ture Ernim- Landi-eth's Garden Seeds. Neuman Hi" .v .-on- Italtiuinr". !*wl.-nt -onmltti/ Immi.l PIANO-FORTES. t, t ) 1* - a-' ill aii't "\ainiti" I I Ul* HAltHs .X **l . March 7-tI W«- t m«l* Whileliall St. iTi.ivn Miiiiint, iiiu.ijj.. rixitf - "iiti. l:. /oi;.i * ...ii —ot h . iur.- in tin- In 8 -til..'ion will * "inn. I. 11l til I Vl.ifl.ta\ ill May 1 s*.J amt ."iitnni" until tie lii-t of lie foli"\vin|f -"|'l"lllher EA( I I.T 1 i AI.KXAN'HEIt MEAN'S M l» I*.o|. -.., ..! ch.-n.i-irv ami Pharma* s II VV !*J:«IVV\ M |> Prn|"..o, o| Auatomx JOHN VV JONKS, V| |. I’rof.'-.r ..I tie Praetice ..r n rat Palholnyx VV ! \YTSIMMUKI.AMt M H Pfl'-s-or o! Piii:ci|.!e aml Pra. ti I Sunr.-i \ lll'iVEv-- PmWEIJ. M H . Pmi« --or of 01.-i.-tru J'isEl'll I* UK.AN M I* Pr-.f" or «*l l'h\ ami In "I W'.iip i, ami ChiUren .1 *. VVl>TMo|{n.V\n M H Prnl" or ol M.ieru* M' a ami VI- *1" a! Jut i-|.> u l. le PI!A*Tl* VI. AN \ l"M\ I ti'l- rHe control "I Pm!* -e. r ••I Aualoiiix V H ,\EV|*iM.Y VI H ' uraioi nf lh" Mu-emu l i. VI. I |N Joint"i fEKS —4-.n n-i..n I ht nr.- f|*g. Ito VI *11(1. . I "IN. HlwWllxi. 1*» IKI (imul aiion ’jfi on Tie Tru-t". !""l vvarnilit'il 111 tailin'Dial III" fadli le |.»i tln a* •i‘ it i"ii ol V|.-.le ~| kicwl'-'E'". iii . ..nii"' t»*•»• with »lti- In-l it <il mu ar" ".|'i .1 to th"-' ••! any nth *r ' "II" Th -"v.-ral «|. |..irlui"iii li.iv Imm tmi" to turn rc ivc.l such a.l.lition- aii.l a|.|iltMii"v* a- h»\. fmiii'l I"' ■ try t*. fully illnatrat' 1 »ic mrioa luanch. ol Vs. 'le 'I Sri.'iu lie An .l"l,il. al |{.->tii uill he "|H'h"l ami liirm-he.l with -omul ami innnei.Mv.- In-*’ "I'.al I»\ tie |sl h"1 \|.l ll 1".*.1'l .an h hail ll> the CUV It t" M|M r for further uifoiinaiion. a>l.lrc-- .1 C VV VNH Hkan Atlanta *.,. Mar. h 7 !861-*|gin UllMstilslNS IM) HtlHklJtV. Now on ham! a tar.-, ami COMPLETE STOCK 'll every article m th* Cn-'K'-ry . < hma«n«l «.la hm iiavi.m; imm <hit vki.’y lau(;klv UK K* iltK TII 15 DITIISS ii \h ukkn i»L\n:h o\ ol \i '.".el W will —II at the SAME OLD PRICES. ('till llll'l iu-koui: iirviNc. (.'****l- exhihlte.l With |»le.i"Ure PRICES AS LOW AN TIIKY ' AN HU IH'I 'illT IN NEW YORK AT WHOLESALE or RETAIL. mi mtin in n». C*.nnellv',- lt!'« k . Whitehall St r»***t n«*ar Alnlu»nia mar 7-11 THK HTIM K Os MAShKY k I.A.VSHK! J.. n- now cHnpleie. ami tie \ are pi pfian *1 t"-• II ii. th*irlim t< I'hy-e iaii amt Merchanir at rat»v I*. «*nui|M*tc w ill. any H*"i-* 111 the NMitll'-ni < «41 federal-v. march H—2m IVi.XkX WIN HOW *.| .\T Ttlf HIM*. Mt*.r* of H YOTNH A (*• . mar7-tf Whitehall ulrwl, ,\tUnttr. WHITE IJ-.AH It TTY PAINTS HP.Y AVII IN *»».. Hruf*iKat. amt heavy t>l.K.i ol Itiatriinieni*-. Faney liwli'. A* k. at the l»rt:K Ktorr nf 1* YOf.NG k tU, mar7-iI Whileliall street, Atlanta* COMMERCIAL INTELLIGENCE. ATLANTA MVHKET. orn*»: • c.immoiwicauii," * Atlanta. March 14. JH#M. COTTON—Tie re* ei|»t- ar<-light, nti«l the •*ta|.l. in l»ri.-k 'leuiaml at from 7 <»» I0' 4 c H.M’ON— < f**ck m'-'ltiiiii. with hri-k 'h-inaii'l Shout d**i* I'* H*lie. . ..tinln Ui' a M.l3* l.'urwl 13. . Hililetl Sl'l'V, 12I,*-. 1 ,*-. Clear Kihhetl 12*,. . ,111*1 Clear l.'l*' WHEAT nominal FLOCK in activ* reiiuot at from ff, 75 to 00 j |HT barrel the be-t .jualily lH*tug -earn*. COHN—Tie- -*i|»|iiy h ui'iilerat' atel limb* ready .-al** at OO'/iO.’m . fur W. .-tern mixi*.|. ami f*H». fur *•••». Whit* . r.n kei| from store. r. iir* • ami worth *Kk-f *k'»* -a* k<**| from store. POTATOEK at" ""linn- at iXimft ft) r * I*l*l. tur N'ortle-rn tmslenil" YAM POTATOES II fmm .|*.iekly at | IICTTKK -Country i- worth 1H ut go* ami mu'-h I \\int-«l. < HICK 1*7% S -"II for gg • * g/» from w.» *.n. w itf* a 'leiiMli.l itt'l' hHi "\"' "| sfi|i|.|y K(>(*N -at" .-eliun at 9< from OKA'Alll lU*S—Full .-to* k- of (ieorgut made of all i|uaitt|e. will l**- found lu r' ami ir«- seiliiiy* at |0«- for No. I SHI ICTI.\OS—"II fur 7<« 7*,' Y A It \H - are worth WHicWh (HtOCRKIKS—Very heavy -t-ks are n.iw in sto»e amt on lh*- wi»y . with an iiicrcusiin activity in the trade. Sugiir N. w f»rl« an i -ellmy at 6‘, <a o'a If** the l I worth, A ll(a\2‘ . It. lo',m 11* . and C. 10 (a lO'.c tin- wi'l" margin being rhurg<*nhle to sum** incr • haul - having already a<ivnuc* and in vi'-w •>1 th«* tariff. Slrii|» New *tl lean- i- in lull sil|»|d\ and ac|i\* at 4.U.145' VinhiHHi H nt VV. t India, tin- lin k i light and tie |irn •• firm at .‘J7' 4 ' lll** i ofTi-r—l h* r«- i- a good .-I'H'k *m hand, which ■I | I .111 VI, is, Sl*ll —flu -1 "C k I- liot heavy hut eijilal t«. lli < - de luand VV"*|uoi< at $1 ft) r* sack. < lice**- i mi only ni'Hler.itt -upply.aud i -••lliiig at I_*. lor W* I- m It* "* r\v. uu*l l*k for fjigh.-h U.irx Sti»reli--i h* i• i . .'"•«! x\ii it -■ !! .*i to* <»• 11*11. Ill' -!"• k I.- «|'lile lull ; \\c .|U"t" *£! I'll Star, and !!/»• lor Adamantine Snilii Hm- ai ' t (n 7 1 u|.|dy go*.d. IIAHDYYVRK—TIm t-k- wr*-n-v.-r m r.-full nr morn varied. Tlmt*- h;iv- Ih**ii heavy iiii|sirt.itions of iron, ami our merehatit-* arc |*r"|»;ire*t t«» -••!! at biw pru ami on aecuiii.slating t«*riu.- Iron—Sw-d* i- in vry Hill sup|*ly iind dhiig at #IOO ft ton ..I retail 4V»*.5» Eugli-h It* lined -toek extra h'-avv at #7h ft) f* ton. and 4* at retail. Ktowaii Hit n*l lron—i t"-.\.ih l %li i l*—f low an #-l ft) >* k• < Smx%h—<»ld H"minioii Jsn, **«»ii ftim #7'J 52ui and 54m DKV GOODS in l»"Ui re."iv*d lur. m large «|u.mtiti‘- and h<*in.' generally laid in 1.. f.>i*- the taritl went into oj.eratinn. ean he allord'-d low. CniHimu-rr j will lilul till-oil" "I the In-st liiark'-t iii the Stilt*- ill which to lay ill tie IT U|.||||' Die- r« « "ll tor til!' ! ; till ae -- ; moxtiy ft' I"!ia •6 :1 l».'-I- and m. ! .-xtrn |*r.d!l- have I" made |u inak" up lor tin- le-avy i i". , . < ••n.-.-.pu-ut *ll ***n imliMTimitiate anil long eredlt- DIU <.S, .MKOK IVKS >k DYE STI FFS Tie -t«« k • are lull. In -h and g*'uuiii",and nor deal*-i I arc •letermiii'-d not («• lu* undersold m tie- Snith Oil- Sw"ctsl •SO'.i l 75 ' a"t«* r #| ftf*/41 75 Whit' I.eiMl *n.K. and Mi •' ly lull -Mj.piy <>li* •*«—-uppl. If iv y r- 2ft«i #2 4<) r 1 t'"\ t'-n deucy* upward Putty !" *". X -In* kat *s CopperuM th" -apply -•-»!. pt i* • _r .< !Had<l« i In.lig.i ippiy g«M6*|.p, u tM)c'.' *i .«» f * ||, FKItTH.I/.KI(S- i 1.1 :u. . .putty li t.* * 1. ' III* I*h k' ll- re at" (till IN'llialul d*"pl • dat pi* -"lit l*y |sdilii'.il events, vvliu h ha\e can.-"'1 moil'd.o \ 11 ill g.-ney We .|U"l'- for lie- leadnc..- kinds. Alupe*' Suprr-plinspliMtr of Ijliim- iii v n lull -uppiy and It- at #57 0*) p t**n i roll n«tll I* -'n PflOMplltl t« -- • I' .i at - O K * I (I* w « ll'n <>l*llllo ♦ .s no , i * k *".‘i.i' ■ \\ ll it« 10. kSupcr-pliottpll U t«- • 111 !• i* id it. any '|uatitily at fft» on V ton mom:t \iu. Tie- tu.l- <d ail the Georgia Itank- n\< ptmg th*.-- of lln- luiii"i Cutl'T- Itink . S *\atinah.) and th" not • nt alt Hi tv-lit limks ill T'-titi" — K'-nliu ky U»n;-i ; Tie Tiiiit..-r C.tttet- It ink viumdi is at >i dis. «*unt of 5 p"t *"111 and dull *>< -ale. The lulls "I all Alabama Hud. - "ii!-td o| Molnl" an | p"! ce||! dl-c.'llll The 101 - "I tie Sultli Carolina llitik .ir« not (|i|otaldy at a di.-*«>iliit. I.ut an lak"ii will, caution. Th* l>**!- ol tie ILiiik "I North Carolina and Virginia are 5 |H-r rent di.-ruunt KXCII.\N<;f. *)u N'-w York at iglit 4 |h■ r •■••nt pr.’iiiium. *)n Italtimore • 11 1 p*-r • "tit Mil *‘harl'-stoii. •• ' 4 per rent *)n Stvnmiali. |s-r e*-nt *.MED AND SII.VKR Silver change and |h*i nut premium Gold, 4 Till-: IIORTH I LTI KIST, JOE It X AI, OF KI It AI. \lf T. l.x !>«•*.•■• It. >l<oul. \ \FVV YIII.I VIE Ml Till- STANDARD AND FA \.*rtt" |s-t i.nli. al t.cgan w ill* J iihi.ii y 1 v.l It u* Itu'-nc « n th* pr*.grc- "I Hardening and" Rural Ta-t *- now strikingly ap|Nir.-ut i*. m> and i w>*r*l "I *"i.i ni'-nl and it i- th*- •I'l.-rmhialHHi ol l.oili f lit. i and Puhlt-le-rs I** make tie- lortln "iniliir v oluui" -ujh i , t*. any wbkhlntrp preceded it Ah i-* s «ltve t :«* tmpr«.v.'io'-ut ».l tle-ir <*ard.-ns OKC lIAItOS. or ( 'll NTIIY-SLATS Will eolltltiU' t" lilid tlf l/'.rtn nllunt an 111 Valuable a sedatil. It will pr•■-«iit tie- lat*-l dt*. overe-* and tin proveinelits. "X|s-nilU-tlt« and ac.ptHttmli- ot llortH-ut tor*- tints rendering it a s|m-ci.«l aid and coiii|*auH*n to imr-ery men and couiiiu-r* - u.l g'ard'-m-r uml t*. all “*'i etillli* and prm tu-ai eulltv at».r- <>t lie- .-**il Tiu- numerous au*| ilrautiful Jfllustrationa, Plan- for Cetiag.-s. lin- n I*. el* ~ tie ligur.> -*l N*-w Fruits uihl Plant-—add* *1 t*. lie- v.ihtald*- i .*tor«- ulh.\" naiif-d. • "tiihiif I" n teh r tin- "ic oi lln- cheap **st and niosl valuable work- "It e)th*T nl'- of tie Atlantic In a.ldittoti I*, tlu-4M pages us regular matter in tie llurti' ulhirint. w ill I"- I*Mind lie- advertisements "I all «Hir leading Nurserymen and <*nlttvators lirmgtug then iu.v.-Hm- and it'-w and rare Fruit.-, el. .-«•■ . t*. tin knowledge nf our readers. TKRMS» Dm- copy, on- year, |ny.•!*!<• in advane.*. #2 00 four . opu "te vc.h #d 00 ; six cifd' s for nne dollar- and a nrrrnlh ea/iyto tie .«n*- gelling up tie- club THE KDITION VV I fII CmUiRKH I'LATE On*’ ropy one year. |Miyat»l*‘ in adv.inre. $5 00 four eopu - year.#ls 00 Mperlul I ml «•«•«• an ml. Any sultseribcr tlu- llnriirulhinti who shall rrtu-w hi- sol. crtplioti for |M| an! - *li't u tbr<-" te-w -nt.-.r, tiers, remitting us 00, sImII I**- entitled l«» s -1.-«'i from •mr * utalogne $4 worth of l»*»»k grali- C. M. HAXTO\ At 11AKK Fit. No 25 Park K'jw , New York NOW OPKNXNG at Tin: FURNITURE STORE. Kirs! door West of He Fulion Hank. A l« AII A !»f A HTKF. KT . A great variety of PARLOR SUITES, \la<l.' of iIUSKWOOI). MAIKHiANV. AND WALNUT. ('iiviTcl in IIR< MJ ATKLX.K. UKI-S. VKLVET. KHALLV. AND IIAIU CLOTH. ,\!1 miub* in a worknmn-ltk'* man iht. combiniii" Strength, Durability & Beauty! M-sl' 11. and all* ! 111,. Sl Vie ot Dii m XIV. and many of the oriental Sty I- adapt -I t*. Atn'-riean las'" Also may h. fom ! KM) HOCKING and LADIES' PARLOR CHAIRS. Mo-lly of tu-w pall.-rns, from $5 to #.!O * ae|i. Si if’as, DixaiiH, Ott'iiuans, T'-tc-a-Tetcs •If the latest and most fadnou.ihle -tv!*'- TWO HUNDRED BUREAUS, Os Rmskwmmd, Maihm.any, Wai.nit vnd Imitation, fii*»m $1 i«* SHO 00. LOOK I N 0-0 I. A SS |*;s Os every style, 'piaiity atel variety Cm" lln h.aiulW'Mul .t 'I Cliaii-.for Parlor Din tug .»nd Red K.siin ; with .« large v ariety «*f CiIILDHKN’K <ll AIKS. Rocking Mini Nurse Chan-, with Cate-. Itu-li and W.s*«i VVAKI )!*’( )HES, Wash staiids H.t Rack < orm-r Staiul- ul.- Ceulr*- sVikl I*i.i-I«h- 'l'.i ; LAIlllv" WOliK TADLK- A Ql AKT'KTTL BEDSTE.ADS OF EVERY KIND, KKKsen in itosi*:w<toi». Ii: i*:n. 11 IN MAHOUANY. IT!KN*’ll IN WALNUT. OItIKNTAL IN UOSKWUOI). OUIIONTAI. IN MAHOUANY. COTTA,a*: IN MAI’LI. AND WALNUT. common IN I'Oi’l.Al: AND MAULK. COTTAGE SUITS la a vnriclv us Sryli*6. Xl* uml I 'lttiin XI illr* in.iili* in r All kinds ol common m \Tiki:ssi:s I -ually loiitul in Furniture Slop . k« pi «*n hand.— Also a full supply of WINDOW SHADES: New Patterns t".-ether with many other arlel.-s rum iiion p* tlu- line *.| trad" Pnrtiettlnr att« nti"u |nii*l to KKP A 1 iNO And tick He t" "I'i.-r, l.n'ikittg-filttiiN kept constantly <-n h ind. I>. ( H VFFKK. \f;'t. Atlanta march 7 ts Important & Interesting News, I' -T RE* I IYED A Exlh.E AM Ml 1.1. -EIJL*TEH 9 9 •'!. o| th ■ \ -llent COOKING STOVES, Wh.'li li.iv giv-li ich L'*-nera| -at u-1 action t*. ..It wie had tie l-xhl in. ktog* t on** Tie— .-t"V -mv at* tmw in store. Hid I. i! • till* I Up 111 hauds'iiii -tyl . .ml will I"' "It red to cu t *lll i at low |*ri< •-. w 1 • ,'*i and t" . th. fault Pei -on- wanting a rood n liahlc C.n.k .-t**v* t will du W. II P" dl and vaunti" till- .-toek h.*|or. pm • h .-mg r r ii\ xv a ic to | Ml • \ ••* y d< ser ipte»n, m *<l" .*1 tie- levl tnat'-riai. eon I -taiitly on hand, and sold at low price - Roofing and Guttering t>.' ,i i*. • ■ tia! mnmt* ! tlu v.-ry !*••-1 m it.'i i*.l, nl Loxx I^i|2;iiP<»H. All kind- ,l work dote t-* *•• <l*m w ill*-ti-pai. ii Tii ink fill If" |" i I". " w • If.p" if .* a •i.* • of l.v doing -I" on Miteh'-tl street near lie-w* ll known -land "t \ l< S.ago C M CAIJ'WEIJ. March 7 -If I*li< >S-I*lo< -Tl '!-* AMERICAN STOCK JOURNAL FOR 1861. M.N tii. tu t day of January . 1H51). »*• i--u« and tl," In t nunit»er «f tin* Awkiim an ' J.»*'kx u It wa- tiieu an . \|M-rim nt It m.w a -un- VV I. li -v* our ..Id Irt'-nd- and pair*.n- will need tioolli.-r guarani*" "t tie- -1 rltng eharad'-r ot Ih ■ Journal. than lie- a--uram • xv -hall • • *t.ll i*i t• d* vol- «»ur "le-rgie* to tle-ir s.-rv and that th tojf and dll'* ■tmu nf tie p.ijn-r , w ill 1.-- 11l- -am- *<- le-i "t*dor«- To til*lS" wlm ar* uttje 'i'iaiuted with tie- ehar.e l*-r "I tic pap'-r, w- *i\ It will t. • d"\i.te*| »\. liisiv l\ t" th inter* -ts of Rre*-*l*-r- tlir«.ugh*»ul tie* e**iintr> No }i'.*r cultural topi- Will h- tr* a'"d*d except sueli a" relal-- I" St*- k an I nothing "t a -<• tat iati *»r polite a! < otupl.-xioii w ill under anv eir'Mim-tanc"- If admitted to it- p I"*- lion Henry E Er* i* h. "te "I th • aid*-t agi e ultu al W rtt'-i sin the Chit *1 Slat '• lui- I' tad'led t" tie '"ri ot "itr regular .*«*titnl»»tt«»tand . . . Ii nuiiih-r *d tie ■l.xtrUs'l will contain .t !• »-t "tu irti- Inm til- p--n THE V#n ERIN ARY DFPARTMI N I ..! the .»->*,. mil w ill . ..titi'tm 1.. I. e0i..1". i. t l.y Hr *." »l Had I ot Ijoui v ill* Ketit’i'ky ih well ki'Wii V- t'-niiiirv .-ur:,'--.*)! and writer II will ai w i. tinougli tie- .-olmiiti- ••! tie- Jourtml. any tti.|iiire - made hy Mihscrite-rs. u|«.n -uhj <t- < "Miiug pto|-*rly uud'-i li. -j**-*-(:•!ity. Iti.p’i ri I-. l»- ... -w t* I l.v mui m i-t t. p-*i*l for Th • THIRD VOIJME will . th »i.-t*d January . I>r,l and tie- liUliiHen* will lc t-sued *Mi th l*» -f «and • aeh mouth th'-reafl.-r D will I*-- vv. lt print* .1 and haiid-*itiieJy illu-trat'-d with cut-* <d dont—tie am tnal.-, and otie-r Mtihjeet- niihr:e and iii tie- s|H-,-i .tity of the Journal Mur motto i- a tj>**l jn/ttr a larifr rirru lafvai. mvl a /waff prirr. invariably in adv.iti.-*- W" rigiitn tender our thank- l** in •- g"m-r*.u* fri'-ud t*> irlto-x* iL-sistali'" xv ow> so nne h of utr |«*t "nee.--, and trust tle-y will .- .tiiium to aid us in extending tie , ii. Million of tie- Journal TKItWHi Single .ope- *.m v* ar #1 oo liv*- - . pi' “ oie- yar. #4 tin T'-n ope- on* V'-ir. * * 1.1 an «■< tra «op\ I*, g.-ti.-r up *d Club on t\ «• t m »re cope -.'HI" V * at. 7*) ' -tits ".1' a.opv "I l*»" t-T laidd - -• Hors*- or Calth- I*. 6-tor.’ |f,-r1..-rt - Unit - t*> l|oc.M-ke**|K-rs.' or • Stew .irt's Staid'- FWHiotlty sent |He*t pa i* I loth* getter Up of til" O'lh p»'i-.»ns sending -ueh rlnte' will direct whM’li ln».k is pref.-rr*-d .—!>•-. ine-ti ope- pros|M-.*tiis.- and |M*st*-r- -*-nt gratis |.* all who wish to examue- them or g*-t tip elide, of -erile-rs IIOVY T*) REMIT M«>\EY Ft)U THE PAPER All autos «.t ten dollars and under, m»y h - r«-tiittt'-*l hv mill at our risk, .aily hv Rnfittnirvi tie- letter. We eaniiot as-uiii.* !*►•• - hv th*- mails in ttnrcitutrral |eti«>rt-. A *• Hatch, .air *5-ti--ral Ag'-ut. lovini'-s all |.*-s> - hv to.nt nf letters a-ldr*—s..,t to him. and orders |..r |*H|»*-r" w ill le- promptly litlnl by a*ldr> s-uig him at H’im'Unr. Vermont Rills of all “(s'* e- |«*ying hauks. amt jsr*tiig.- slatu|»s received at Mr- All eoiiiiiinnie.iteais ste.uld te- n.ldresseil t*. Fi>l)tor- Vim-rieaii Sf.s-k N*> 25 l*nrk Row . N* w Y»»rk l>. i . bIYKLF.Y, fslltor and Pi *p r OTIH F. K. WAITE, A- Editor A ** HATCH. *;*-i».*r.»l Agent. Wiudaor Vt. * M. SAXTON A: HARKEK (Agricultural lw-.k pul. lis hern), Agents, No. 25, P*ak Row, New York fiK.VXT) OFFICERS. KN'HtTtTS OF JFKICIIo, HT ATE OF GEORGIA. T»*rm .-xpirea 25th July IH4II J S Petermai, t*. •;. C.. Atlanta, Grand Chief. J E l/»ylc.“.». IkiwKou <iraiid Vie.-CJiief VVilliaui *; Forsyth, Atlanta. ... Hrand Recorder R* v t VV Stevens. K|«rta Grand Chaplain. J A VYitiipy. Uihl.Hiega (.rand Marshal Edward Jackson perry Grand Guard iwwisi* HRgm nmtm. Hr E M P.-tidl«-toii. SjMrl-i. (e-orgta Pr"l- ?--*r VV |» WdlMins Ma* *.n, G<*orgia * "I *’ 11 H.11i1.-itf-r. Atlanta. Georgia lluiuwnity, Trmpernnrc- anil < liurlty . fiHA \/t UWt.’H KNKiIITS OIMEKiriK), STATE OF GEORGIA. I’KIM IF I» —To Uml vve OW" Mln-diei!' '• I/tV" and Worship, to the world Justiec t*.our Rr«-thr'*ti Forgive UCM ami Ftat'-rtiity . to *.urs«-l\* - -'istenati. .* and pro lection. I'm.ih.l W will not link- . buy . vll *»r u> .is a Ih-v --erag.-, .my itiioxK .itin. drink whatever. and will use all lioimrahi* ima:i- t" prevent tie inailiifacture iin and the traffic th-ri-in for tin u-i and pitqs..-! ot a hrv crag" iIovuiNRKVT —I -i MilMirdiiia. l/«lg" .to which any ft*-.- iH.m whit" io.*l« . j". -• -aig a g«sst moral cltara* t i , of sound h-altli and .*f tic age .*! flft.-.m yar- and upward-, wlm acknowledge and Ih-li.-v*- mi the • ■ \I.-*t' m ol an God.Tii" I ath'-r. S»n and Holy spirit. Th- Cr. atoi and I'm - m r of all thing-, t-- whom they ,n, .it-ciHiu!ahl* for • very thought, word and deed, may !»• admitted I** to tuhership. <uid any Uuly conform mg t«. th- foregoing r< *piiremenls. to hoim'ary tn«-iul»er »i»i' 21 t.iand l/»ig' eotii|i>*sed of the (*|ii*-f Officers and repr»-s*-nt.itlv-s from tlm Sitw»r*'- 1/»*lg.-s. Form of \ |ipl leaf ion for u Suhordluute I>o*l is, *' < lii»r4er. Tu liv ft'raii‘l L«/*/' A ai///|L <>J J, rvUu Stale nf G'*•ory*< , Tie undersigned fr.s-lM»rn whit-- . Ui/.-iis «and miuud Ik a tii and pa t Un* agi l *.t ut* t*n \ eai - inoil .ol -.f whom a' ktmwt***lg" and heln-v* tu the'-xistem ul an Almighty C*"l tie- 1 »ih«-r.S"ti and Holy Spirit. th*-Cr*-a tor au«l i’n -i-i V'-r «*l ail tilings, to whom vv are . t || a. "Mihtahte f.»r "v * r> thoiighl. word and .b-ed. I*"li«-viug th<-Mr.h-r of Knights ol J*-ri* im to Im- iii harmony with tie great prill' ip!* and w* II .at. ulal-*1 toa*lvuii< tl.O cans* i ilum itiily I tii|M-ran< • and Cliarity*, iii»s*t rc- I *- « 11.11: v p-tition \ "in Imimrahl*- ho ly l" grant them a chart'i i • "|H-n a |/sl.<- oi He order, to h- I*M ated in U i Ki is of Jeri cho."! tie- Mat" of || granted, w*- |»|edg -a.-r* and honors gentlcne-n. individually and c.11.-etive |v t<> t> governed l»y th" Const it niton. law - rules and . ig< "I 111" (.rand L»dge amt tie Mrd'-r at large I-ji clos.-d i- tie-fee |.»r fliarter. <’"!istituti"i».- and <KI.-s—T«-n - Tle-aIM.V" mu.-t •*■- pl.uulv signed hy at b ast t'-n |n-r -"ll- and 111 til' " "lit that any ol tie-in ar" tin inte rs «*f tie- Mid"i . it -hiHild t. stat*-*l at tie- Isittoni, t*»g‘-tlier with the I/xlg* to wltk'h they fielong an ! tie degree attain*•*! t<* be direct'-d Im tie Grand Recorder Th" exp'-n-' s itieuri'd by lie organr/iiig ollic.-r in going and returning I" he pai'i bv tie applicalit- Tle i.t tn l L**lg. ol Georgia re—rv* t«. it- ll lln-< \ erl • i.t I" • I Rut H !""f 'll >' t>-'. "1 *!"• Knight- of Jericho within its own juri-m tmn and also in |’i.*l right with other Grand l/slg< -*d the ttrder to r.Hist it*tl l■ 1 ll I **r Pro Hi' " in whn h th'-p- i- no Grand I/sig.-«»| th- Mr«b*i wle n prop- r apple atioti I- Iliad* . .<nd will hold thu- oigiiuz -1 under Its juris li. tmil. giving th* m tin - itie- right and prtvtl'-g* -a- at*- allowed und'-r its own jun.-diet101 l until -I. li tllu a »ny three "I limi- Iz-tges Him- . ..n-Htut'-d, I'H .iP-d in any o’ti" Slat-. T'-rritorv or Pi ov ui"' -iiall li.iv • lorm.-d and "i •* inr/*-.! a Grand l/Mlgu I". He n." i-. <• I,*' tug • grand * on-1 it ul lon. law -. rub-s iltd usa) ul".tiling to tlm- *•! tin- Grand l^-ig" wle-ii it - pm- lift ion over -*at*l l/.dg' - -hall •• *-• All |H t't'oii- t'< th -*iratld I/H|ge Klllght- ot J'-rieho. -11 l ..i *. I I. l"t Hi.ii t r- I•• *.|S-|| le-w sil'oidm.*'*- l/slg - ot *1" *)rd* r or *.mmunt* atmn- king into: Illation hi relation to lie-Order -lestld a.ldr* ---d t<* VV M c FMKsVTH. G If K "f J Atlanta *.a THE 10. In* *ji I ion ul l{"|)"f»ilur,x FAMILY MONTHLY. SK(DM) YOl.t MR. JflH fill I’obll-hli * "tuliil**- "t III" Ia!»|. ate-n »l iv alid t tluilv Mol.tlilv . *lt gal o| tie |-'*lo- Hint ol th■■ M> tli*-lt‘-I Epi c- *|Ml (litireli . pi' i • < \ "Im W I■ ; .1 I • » at. I atlra* ti in .*l*lllloll to tie paper- on Ii - I vrlueh may l»* \|e *-i"*t. * .»• Ii imiute r vx lid" b • lll*.' Ili-le ! With III* »*,.KTM vrrol >-"tßw • "ir tu ti • a i-i.n Em . vtons. or He inn in: "I «*i i niii.',i a* ■ "iiipani.-*i l.y l.mgraphi* al k- t> le wle-re |M.rtiait ap|»* at , and a-tioil in loty «and tlm ln-titutmn wie*-" picture l- inserted. lie It |».s.|tory will at I a.-t sIXTV TW*.p.g.-t of • h"i« <• H iding mattei . larg" *h tavi, m ikiiu* a vd um aiii.oailv .'E\ EN ID NDRI.H AND FIFTY PACK*! •p .1 ati-i.i, n wilt I. :i\"ii t" tin- F.iwttv ln:i-.uu XYW, m.ikin. It a w • .tie-vi-H'T 11l every family It will present »1.-o. .»i oinpb-t' snmtnary **t all tin* EHECATImNAI. NEVV> "-|h . Lilly fiom all |H.rti..iiK iff lie * oi.t'-r- le ■ . ..|ii|**' li He- M'llmdl-t Fpi-"»|fc'll • ’liureh. gs.uth 111 . Vail" . *l* plltlUellt- "I H""»x N'cri'i - If). »T Pi iiiji ctiov- and IJTKK vuv lo ws, will I"- fully -u-tain • and 111 oliorl. l:o pain.' will b -pard t" tuak" it the 1,1 Fslucalfinal Junrnat in tlf inwntnj ' I ki: *.|- I-I . 1.1 * ~pv . Two Itollat a year. Ilivar 1.1 Idy m ad\ate •• In order to pl.e tie Rep*, itary wilhiu r» a* h *.| ail. .. .it" iti* fa -ii •if ulati •!* ami u t"h* w • Iff r Im l"i "V. -i Hit UK Iwturrmatl I- . • . ; I • 61) IMI i I #lO w will - lid six fopev- "le V«-.*t tlu AM eolntliuiieil i"L- -üb-ci iptmn- .I.u.ili ! I- and .v hail • inn tbe dll', t I1" «. D. Hay good. F.«| Atlanta. «. *»rgia Agent- w.»tii"d iii all th" C.rtib-r.-ne*. . S.uth. Trav*-! I ii,g pr.-aei*- rs .llltho* i/.-d I" a* t a- \g*-nls PETERSON’S MAGAZINE, lli-hI tV t In ii pint in III*- M oilil so r Ijlklli-m. lu p.piilnr inoutliiy will le- greatly unproved f-»r I hi.| H In- tmw a eir. ulal mn "I alM.tii Rsmssi *.r ten Inin* n much «i< anifnthii t '■•* tlnllur Miu/tuinr ll •*n tail, Hss) pa - **i doublecohiiini reading mattvr }' irly fr*»m 25 t" M'-«-l I’t-'t• ■. and about msi VV*s»*i fjigrat III; - W'liiell m pro|s»Tt mluihly more Ilian any p-ri'slical. at my prte- gtv - Tlm te-w |K*|s-rf. \*-ry g'-n'-rally. pi• 'ti" ' ■ i' '"/mrinr. tn mutt'/ rcr/,th In flu thm tltJhir 1/ ail I SA A' 1«: A I>< >I.Ia.Y It ! i ■ :• i * are led b th. h.t publi-l. -t anvwii i Tie- e*lii.»rs are Mr- Aun “t -ple-ti- author "I Mai > D' l weni Fashion and I atone atel Cti.irb - J p.-l*T“-ui. aiitlmr *d *' Tl.*- Hid , st.He- .Mansion, K it" Ay b*sl*»i*l. • Tie V all* y farm. I* t* "i- . atel tle-y ar** a.--ist- and l»\ a numer*»*i“ * *»r|«s ot I He mo.- b: llliatst wrib-rs of tie- day . Tiler*- will I.*- giv<*n in |S*ll. —-y.-rnl **i iginal (’orYKKJm NOVKLETS: m tie-rit. at li-iist. I*, timse t »r wlm-ii tin- Mag i | /ii:-- ha • already att iiit'-d Htdi *- b-hrlJy . *n«t su|***rK*r to III" • t** !h* fiMiict atiywle r* •■)-.- Morality and vir t-e are alway - ineiil'-at*-*! Its pictorial "tnh'-llishiie-nt areals*, imrivalt***! It - ip- rl. M -r/ot mis and «»tli«T STEEL ENGRAVINGS : Excel tie 111 any Other M.lgl/tne, mid on* at b-1-t IH I giv-ii tu ev-ry numlH-r. COLOKKO FASHION IM.ATKS h ad van* - *-. D i* l He* only Magazine whose EVSIIIbN PLATT-y em !.. reli.-d mi f.e h iiemlN-r e* .nt a ins a E.-lnoti Plate, *ngra\«*•! "ii t |. and A Is*., a doz ti or more lew sty b 1 engraved "ti w.sml i*L«. a pattern, from winch a dr*-“.-. 1 mantilla oi • iiitd .•••‘tune- • u. In-cut witleait lie* aid •»f a m into i maker—•"»«-a» b number, in this way, will 1 'Uiw rt’ycfir'.x ..d./oi/gem Tie- Part-. 1/mdim, Pfiitadel I pluattnd N w Y"fk I ashbhis are described, nt h-ngtii. ! each tnontti faigr.ivmgs «»f n-w sly lea ol *'.»|w. Hon ip-ts. H".i ! fh* --*- Mantillas.<l«*»ks,Ca|H*s. t’mlerfiar i 11i.-tit -. • t el- giv.-n in great profit-KOI iih vn mini 1,-,-. /r* Al " a Plat* of « IIII.HREN > FA<I!I»»N> I every month. RECEIPTS FOR THE TABLE, Toilette, si.-k PS'III. (t« . el.- W ill In- gl\ «-n tn every i iiun.le-r Ape-i-e *»| n*-w atel ; ap|s*ar each tiemth Also, arle b-s "ti tin- Flower Gar ; d.-n, ;utd Horn* ultur** generally and hints on all matter' ' %n*erc*linii to Ijvtict T«*riu« « Always In ndvanrr. ' Gt.«- . *>py f»r ii \ --ar. #2 00 three r»>pi* for "te j veiir #5 Igl live ctpiort B*r "tl* year.#7 ft* eight'",lns | f..r chic v. ai #l*l (Ml I JIAH. J. PETBRHOX, No. 306 Oioatuut ».. PbiU.