The commonwealth. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1861-1862, March 14, 1861, Image 4

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C JON HtTITUTION OK TIIK Confederate States of America \V**. ilm* th«- C.M.r.deratc States, **a**l« Slat-* acting in it- sovereign and imlc|N*ml<*nt character. in order to form n |mti»i»ii«mil h-deral government. justice. iiiMiir<- domestic tranquility, nml H**cur«* tin* blessing* "I lilhtlv toouriM*lv«*s and our |N*si»Tity—in v* iking tli** favor and guidam«• <»1 Alnuirlity «;.*.!—««•» ordain and « -tablt.-i. this naistitutton for lit** fonfeder ate States of America. ARTIOJC 1 wm» 1. Ml hgi-latixe |“»wi*r herein d«*|cgai**»l -hall Ih* vcdc*| hi .1 Congr**- «»f tin* Confitlernt** Slat**-. which -hall roii-ist «»t .* Senate and lion*** of Kepresentativey. JUWTION 2. 1 Tli** lliuimc of K**|irti** ntativ« - -hall Im comp* wed ol nn niIHT- . h**s>en every s**c«*ml year hy tin* **r tli- << v* Stat«*.- : nn*l tin* elector* In each Slat** -hall lie riti/.- n **| tin* <‘onfei|»*rat‘* Statin, ami ha\** the •liutlilhulbnis requisite lor *1 •* torn of tin* must nutner ous hranch of th** Stat** legislature : hut n*» person of h. hirtli not n citizen **f tie* Omfiilernte Slater, shall Ih* allowed to vote f..r any officer. civil «»r |-*Mtic«l. Stat** or Federal. 2. Vo |** r-o*i -hall a Kej.r* -dilative. \vh*» -hall not have attained lh« age nf twenty Ih*** year*, and Im* a citizen of'tin* <‘*»nf«**h*rate State*, and who -hall n*»t. when elected, h«* an inhabitant *»f that Slat** in which h** shall Im* . h*..-**n. 3. Kc|»r* *eiilati\.**l IHrcct Tav- -hall Im* a|»|**»r li*>iii*< 1 among tie* .-••vcral State.-. whi**h may In* iii<*ln*l«*<l within tin- Confederacy, according to their r***|*-* t«\•* numbers. xvlmdi .-hall I*** determined. hy adding t" th** \\li*d<* miiiiher «»l free |mt.-oii*. including those bound t*» service for a t**rm of year.-, and excluding Indian n**l ta\e«l. three fifth* of all -lav* .- Tile initial fill! mention-liall Im* made within three year* after tie lirst meeting of th** Oaigress **f th** r*mf**derat** State-, j .ni*l w ithin every *ul**i**|uent t< rm **l ten venis. in *u«*h manner a- they .-hall, hy law. direct. Tie* huiiilmt *d lt'*|ire*enlattve- -hall not exceed "le* f*»r • very fifty Miousaud, hut ea«*h State shall have at least "lie K* pr* • i\ •* , .in«l until miii'li enumeration -hall Im* mad* th** state'of Si tilth Carolina shall I*** i*niil I***l t** -ix—th. Mat.* **f li***truLl t«*»»—tli** Slat** *»f Alah.lllia Hite* —til** Slate oi Florida iw**—the Stat** **l Mi—i*-i|i|*i seven— Hie Stale u| l/Mli-iaii.’i si\. ami lie* State of Texas six. I \Vle*n v.i* .in**i**,- lui|i|m-ii in lie* representation lr**m •nv Stale, tli** Executive authority th**r«**»t shall issm* i writs «*t el**«*tioii t** till such vacancies. a Tie* ll*mis** *.f Ke|ir*****ntativ**- -hall clmm**** th**ir Speaker and «*tle*r ••III* **r- ami -hall have I In* **•!'• |**»w «*r of iui|M*a* litii(*ut : « , x*'**pl that any judicial **r federal ! • ■Ulcer re-id**nt ami acting solely w ithin Ih*- limits **l , any Stat* . may h* itn|M*iir|i***| liy i vot** ot txv** third* *1 hoih hranch*** «>t tie* legislature lh**r****l. HKrnON 3 1 Tli*' S**** *»l III*- (**lile*l* ral* Stale.- .-hall I**- c**ln |*os***l •*1 txxo Senators fl*"ln each Stale, chosen l*»r .-l\ • «*.ii - hy the I s*gL-laliii'e ih'*r« **l. at lie regular session next iniiii*'dint*‘!v preceding Ili«* •■••inni<*m , *'in**nl *•! lie t- rin *>l -rx «**. . ami each Senator shall have on*; vot 2. limn* < 1 i.i*• -I\ ali**r limy -ImII Im a—. nilded, in c**n '•*pl**lie** of th*' lirst ele(ii«*n. they shall Im* «hvi*lc«l a equally as may hr into thr-c eia-.—.- Tie* scale nl Ih** Senators «•! tin* Hr*l class shall I*. \.»* at***l at th* «• v |»« ration **l the -.-coiid y«*.n* *»i tin* .-•••••ml class at in* • xpiraiion »*i th-fourth \* ar. and **l lie- third • da.-- at th** expiration ot tin* sixth %**ar : .-*» that om*-third may he t )ios**n every -••• ••ml year . ami il varan* n- luip|***n l»\ r* ion **r oth**rwi.-**. during tin* r«*c*>* ol tin* l/'gi*lalur*- **l aii\ Slal**. tl»** c\c«iiii%** tli**n**»l may link* I ui|-* .■ |>|***inlm* ni- until li*** i»**\i im * tin;: ••I lie* l/*gisl.ilur«*. which shall then till such \arun 3. No |m*i -'Hi .-hall he a Senator win* shall m*l have at | i. tii** aye «*t thirl) year-. ami h** a i itix**n **l lie* I •*lil***|en»t'* Stat**- . aii*l who -hall nol, when elected, , In* an inliahitaiil *>l tin* Mat* l**r win* h Im* -hall Im* , 1 The Vie |’r* ‘ideiit ol lll** «'oiiledcrate Slat* - .-hall j I*'* I‘re-nleiit **l lln* S*iiat«*. Imi .-hall hav** m* vot**. mi ' less the% Im* -«|«iall% divided. :. Til' Sum., rlii.ll.lnaw. Il.' ir li.-r .' : niul ! i- I *»■» - 1* I* *ti I /iro iHimrr in the ah.-elicr ot til** Vice l*»* idem **r when In* shall * \**rei-.* lie *.t||c* of l»ri*ei ! •I* 111 *>l lie t Oiil-l-rah* Slat* - li Tin Sen,,*, -hall Imv* th* |N*w**r t*> try all im l***achiin*ni- When silling lor that |*iir|N>-e. th**\ shall ! I* "ii tailli **r allirmatioii. \Vh«*n tin* l , re.-i«h*ni *»l tin* i onliileraie Stat*-- is Iri«**l. lln* <'hn*l .lu-iir* .hall |*r*- -el** and m* |htsoii shall he cum* l***l witlnait th* comurn-nc* of two thir*isol tin- iimnilicr.- pr< .-i-iit 7 .hnlglin'iit in eas**> **| iin|- .**'liiin'nl -hall not **x h inl tut tin * than t** removal fr**m otllcc. ami disqualili cation to ho|*| and enjoy an) ••lll**** **l honor, tru-l or prolll. ninl* i tin- «•»nl**«h*i.•!•• Slal*— hut tin- |*arty c**n ! \ H ied shall. nevertln*l* I*<* liable and *uh)*** ito in ilictineiil. trial. Jmlgnu'iil and |»«tnt-hiii**nt ace**r*liin: to iaw. kflpfitW sWTPin 4 Ini" toM|MAt'*i' ami K**i*i* litativ* . -hall !»•• piv-<tilm-iI m rfffeSal- l*v ih* ls*gisl.iiun lln r* **l. -uhj**ci to tie r t Till • hut lie foiiirr* -s ina% fit. h\ 1a%% . liiak** **r all**r -m h r**gul:ili«*ns. **\ < -•irli ni*'«*liug shall le- on lie- lir.-1 Monday t|gggp|!j|pr 1 ml*— l they -liall. hy 1i%% . a|»|-*int ;• dilh-reni 1 swn*»jt a. I Fa' ll lions.* shall Im* tin* judge o| lln* < |*‘**li*Mi- r* turn- and 'ptalitieation.- "I Its own nn*inh**r-. and a nia j pirity *d ei* ti shall eoiisiiiute a quorum to d*» hu-*im*s hut it smaller iiuiulht may adjourn fr**tn day i*» day . ; ami uia% he autln*ri/.**«l l'M**ini|N*| tin* attendance of ah ( -••ill nieinlnu s, in such miiiiinT and under such |M*naltn*- \ as each 11* iiise HU) |»r**\ i<|e L* bo h Iloiis*- ina% dcieriiiiu** tin* rules *»f Its proceed mg-, p'liush its iiii*tnh«*r.s f**i dis**r*l**rly h**ha% i«*r. ami with the concurrence two-thirds «*l tin* wind** nuin , her. e\p. Ia member ;; Fall'll House shall keep a |**liriial **l II- pro* •** dllil .ind ir**ni tiin** t** tine* puidi-ii th** -aim*, except -m b jiarls as m i) in their judgment require -. crecy. and lie* | m.i and tia) •»! tin* iiumiilmts **l **ach lions**. **ti all) 1 question, .-hall, at tin desire *.| **le IIUII of tin —* |*r*- • ni. h* entered on tin*journal. I Neither H**n-e. during tin .-*--i*»n **l <**ngr*--. shall, without tin* consent ••! tin* other, adjourn lor I unir** than Hire, da) n*»r in all) other |»lnc* than that m which tin* t%vo House.- shall In* sitting. SWTION tl. 1 Tin* S**ii aloi -and K*j*r<-«*iilali% *•- shall receive a. eoni|M*nsaiioii tor tln*ir services, to I*.* nsi*erlauu*d h% law . and paid «wit **l lln* irea-ury ••! lln* foiilederat** Stall*.- The) hall, in all cases.‘except treason, and J breach •>! tin* |*« .*• •*. he privileged from arrest durim; llnir atl*‘lldaliee at the -**-si*Hl *»l IlieJr r«*spe«*|iv* H"u-es and in going I** and r* turning from tin* same and for all) -jm** ch or d«*hai«* in • it her House, tin* % snail not lie questioned in any **ih**r place. •j \o S-nator **r lt**pres**niatlve shall, during tin tllin for which he %%•*- e|e**ted. h** :ipp**lllt**«l loan) * ivil nlllce under the authority of tin* t **nled**rat** States, which -hall |»ave Im***ii cr** , iled. or th*' ••inolunicnts i %%hereof shall lia%'** h«*en lin r* a-***l during such tllin* ; uni in* |M*r-on holding *nr> **lli* <* under tie- t "lit* *l**rat** Mates shall Im* a nieinlN*r ot either Il«*»i.-«* during lu cotitinuanee in *»tln ** lint iongr«*ss may. by law , grant to tin* prim ipal «*tlteer in **a* li ol tin* Kveutiv** I*»*|*.irt Monts a -eat ii|n*ii tin* Hour **l either House, with tin* privilege of discussing mix measures ap|***rt lining t*» hi- | |t**|Kirtin**nt SKCfIO.X 7. 1 All hills for ;alsmg revenue shall original* ill tin* House of Heprewuitativc- . hut tin* Snap* may pro|N*c •*r < 'Hi*'ur xxitii auieiidnieiits as • »ti I»«*r lull •J. K%erv hill %vht**h shall liax*' |mss«m| Iwdli ll*»u-es. slmll, Indore it Ih*c**iii**s a law . I*** pr**s.*nt***l to tin* I'resi dent ol the r«»l»f«*derute Mates ; it lie approve. In* shall sign it ; hut if nut. In* shall return it with his ohj**ctnms to that H«usc in which It shall have originated, win* • hall enter the objections at larg«* «h. their journal, and proceed t*» consider it. 11. i*lt**r such reconsideration, txvo lhirds *»l that House shall agree t*. |ms- tin* lull, it hall Im* sent, together With the objections (o the *dln*r IliHisc, hy xvliieli it shall likewise Ih* reconsidered, ami il approx**<l hy two thir*i of that House, it sliali Im* conn* n law. Hut in all such raiM*s. tin- votes of both Houses shall Im* determined hy yeas and nays, ami tin* name- of tin* |N*r-"ti- voting l**r or against tin* lull shall he entered mi the journal of each Hons** r**s|»*** ti%**l% II any hill shall not Im* returned hy the lTesident with m ten dux - (Sundays i \ccpted) after It shall liave Imm*h prescnteil to him, the same slmll he a law. in Ilk** man m*r ns If In* had shrin'd il miles.- the Omgress, hy their adjniirnm**tit. prex*ent if- return ; in w lih*l» case it shall not he a la%v. Tlm* President may appmx ** any appro | > nut toil and disapprove *i| any **tln*r appropriation in tin* same hill In such a case In* shall, in signing the hill. ih'Mgtuih* tin* appropriations disapproved : and shall return a copy **f sin li appr**priaii**ns. with In- oh j**di**u.—, to tin* House in xvliich tin* hill shall liave ongi ■iat***l ; and the sam** proniiling- shall then Im* had as ill case ol other hills disapproved by the President. 3. Every order, resolution or vote, to which the con curmice ot lmth How** mux mi*essary (except on a question of adjmiriinn*iit) shall Im* presented to tln- President of the Omfcdcratc St«t**s ; amt before the .mine shall take cllcct, slmll Ih-approval hy him; *»r lM*mg *lis«p|in»x ***l h> him. may Im* rr |nwmxl by txx*» thirds of Imuli H«hl-**s »*•«onling to tin* rule*, and liuilta (tons prescribed in cam* *»l a bill. sWTION H Tic* Oougremi liave |Miwer— 1. To toy and eiHoct taxes, doth*-. itn|N»ls, and ex rises, for nanus* necessary to jmy the debta, provide lor the c*'turn* mi defence, and carry on tli** govi-rnineiit of tin* OHifederatr States ; hut in* IsMintU'S shall Im granted from tl»c treasury . nor shall any duties «.r tax ea mi importations front foreign natnai-Im* km I t** pr** mote *>r f**st**r any branch **f tmiustrx . and all duties. mi|N»t- aud exciaea shall Im- uniform thr«Migh«Hit tin* Out federate Stat«*s ; 2. T*» himnr money on the crwlH of the ('tuili-hTat** Stat«*s ; 3 T** regulate eommern* with foreign uatsms, and among tin* several States ;u**l w ith the Indian tribes lull neither this nor any other clause • •uitaimd in th** Uonatilntton sliali jßV* , r he cmistmed t** delegat** the iwwer to Congress to appropriate tivnn y t*»r any inh.r mil tmprm enunt to facilitate comni**r««* ; e.xc«*pt forth** pur|*ofii* «ts Inrinslimg lights, bemons and buoys, and other aids to navigation iq«*n tin* nuists, and the im provenont of luirltors and the rctunvcmetit of ohstruc tions m river uavigatiiNi. in ail which cases.such dnth*s -hali In* laid **n the navigation facilitated thereby, .is max Im* n«*e**aaarx* to |uty the costs ninl e\|***ns**s th**r** of:' 4 To establish uniform laws of nuturnliz.itl«ui. and tinilorm laws oit tin* subject of h.inkruptci**.-, thr**ngh iHit lll** < otif***lerat** Mates, but no law of fmigros sliail di-clmrge any debt «*<Hitr»«*t***l Indore tin* passage ol tin* To coin tmaiey. r**gulat** the x*aln«* there*»| and of forcigu com. ami fix th** standard of w**tglits and mens ti. TANARUS" provide f**r the potii>*hni*'nt **f ciHinterlciting the -ei’uriti**s ami current coin **l tie* r*»nf***leraie Stales 7. To establish post olli* ••- and |***-t route- ; hut th** ex|»cus**s of tin* P*s*t office llepartmeiit. after 111** first •lav of Mar* ii in th* y**ar **l *»ur l>*rd i igl»t****n hundptl anil sixty-three, sliali Im* |nii*l **«it of its own revenues h. To promote tlm* progress *1 science and th** useful arts, hy securing for imiit«**| limes to nut hors ami in veil tors the exclusive right t** their r<-jN*«*tiv«* xvritings and •liscoveries: 0. To constitute tribunals inferior to th** Supreme t'ourt. 10. T<* •l**lim* ami punish piracies ami felonii*s nun mitt***! on the high seas, and **tr**nc**- against the laxx of nations : 11 To declare war. grant letters of marque* aud r** prtsal, and makes rules naicernhig captures on lamlnnd xvater : l*j T*» raise ami su|*|M*r( armies ; hut im* appropriation •*t money* t*> that its** -liall Ih* made for ;• haigcr term than tw* year* 1.1 1., provul* and maintain a navy : 14 To make rules tor govennm'iit and regulatkai *>l th** land and naval lor«***s : 15. To provide lor calling forth the militia !•* execute th. laws of th** r.uifedeiat** States, suppress msiirrcc I Hons and r* |M*l invasi*ui- : i 16. To provide for oTK«ni*iug. arming, ami dlsciplin I mg tin* militia, ami lor governing such |»art of them as ' mav !" einphiynl in tie* scrvii*** •*! th** l ouh'ih'rate" reserviie; t** the States. res|M*ctivcly. tin* ap Im•nitiiM’iit *d tli** ollte»*r.-. ami the authority "I training j ih.- militia, according to tie* discipline pres* rih«*.| hy i Congn s -17 To cv-rciso **\* Inslx ** 1* gi.-lat i**ii in all cases what : m**T such district (n**t ex«*e»**Hng t»*n iml**- -qunr**> a- max . hx th** c**s.-m*ii ••! one or timre Stal«*s, I .hi.i th<- a*'■•■'•pt.iii**** of t'ongn s.-. he**oim* the -eat *»i th* hoverniiieni "I th** t onl *d**raie Mates *. and t** e\«*r**is.* i like authority over all plm * - purclia.-ed li) the * tin* I' gislatur** of tin* Slate in which tin* sane -hull : I*.*. |or th** erection ot tort-, magazines, ar.-eiials, dock ' yards, and other m****lful huihlings : and is so ni.ik** all laws which shall he m • *> and prop' i i',,r carrying ini** «*x*« uti«*n the l**r**g**ing |«iw**rs and all other |N»xx.*r- x * st**«l l»y this r**nstltiiti*»n in the • g«*veruin«'iil "• th** t •uil*-*l**i it<* Slates **r in any d** , |*artnt**iit **r ollbt* ther**«*f. sK«*no.v 0. I The nii|***M itt"ti «•! m*gr«-- ••! Hi* African ra* . Iciin| an\ foreign countrx. **lh**r than th** >lax• holding Mates *»r T**rrit**ri**.- *»l tie* l i»il***l Mat* - **l America, i herehv l*.rhidd* n ; ami l ongn s-1- r***piir***l to |*a-s such laws as shall * ft* • tually prevent Hi** satm* o t'oiigp ss shall also hav** |*oxx« r prohibit tie in trodiiction **t slav**- from anx Stat** not .* member *»l ••I T**rrii**r) m»t h*>!**iiguig t**. this * '«»nle*l**ra**y■. Tie* prix ileg** **i the xvrlt **l halnuis corpus -hall not In* suspended . uni* -- *.% Il *u iti ca.-* - *'l r*• I »**| 1 1**n or invasion tie* puhli* safety im) require it 4 No hill ol attainder. ••! >r /***>//•**/** law. or law • I'-nx mg **r ini|witring th** rigid **l pr*q***rtx in n**gr** -lax".*- -hall Im* |M.—■-I. .'» N*> t apitateui or other dlr***t tax -li.dl h - l.nd on I*in proportion to tie c**n-u- *»r • imiiieratiug h»*r**in l»**|oi * dir*** t***l P* be taken IV No tax or ihitx shall l»»* laid **ti article.- i*\|*orl*-d friHU anx* Stat**. except bx a x**«t«* *d tw** thirds *il Inilli Houses 7 No preference shall In-given by any regulation **l •-otiiiuer*-*' **r revenue t** the |**Tls oi «im* Mat** over I hose of aiiot h**r. s No money sliali Im* draxvn from the treasury, hut m consequence o| appropnatnuts mad** hx laxx . ami a regular statement and aceoiint ol 11»«* r*u***ipt- and **x |M*u*litttres ol all puhli*- ni**m*x shall Im* puhit.-h***! from tim** t** linn*. ?* r*Higr**.-s -hall appropriate im* un*m-) fi«>in tin* tr«*asur) except tix a vote "I t xx** third-»»l In*III ll**us«*s. pikeii hy veas alui nay-, uni* --' it Im* • -k**«l and estltlia t* *l for i*y some *an* *»l tin- Imm*ls ot tli*' |h*|nirtiiient and suhinitt***l to t'*uigr»*sa bx tin* I*r* - .—i*!«-iit : **r lor tin* pur|N.-. ..I |xiyiiig it-own • \jn*hs* - ami »**uitiug**in*i''- •*r t*»r tli** pavim*nt •»! claim* against flu* < **nl«*«leraie Stat* .-. tin* j*i—t»* •• *.| xx'lii* It -liall have Im*cii jiuln uilly declared b) a tribunal lor th*' iuv**-tigatn*n **l claini .i.'ainsi tin* gov**ninn*nt. xvhi**li it is lier**hy uiail** tie* •lutx ol t'oiigrc-- to establish. in All hill-appropriating iiumu x -ball s|H***ily in l**d **ral ctirrcn* x tin* exact unount "I «*a**h approprhtioti amt tin* pur|N»s*'.- lor xvlm h it i- mad*' . ami t "tigr*'-- -hall grant in* extra c*»iu|N*nsatioii to anx public i «ni tractor, •'filer, agent **r .-••rvanl. after such contract -hall have I lii.nle **r so. h —i vi* «• r. n.l.*r.**l II No till**'»! nobility shall h* gratil«s| hy lln* tun lederal*' Stales . and in* |N*rs**n holding any "III* ** **f pr**llt *>r trust under tln-m. -hall, without tin- con-mt «*f tin* I'ongr*--. accept any pre.-eut. eui"liiue*nt-. **lln*»* **r tis!•• *.| any kin*l xvhat'*\ «*r from any king. prm« ****r for • tgn St d* 11 Ctaigres.-shall make m* law i«'-|h cling an e-tab h-liuietit "i religion **r prohibitingtln* ir****«*x**r* i- then* ••1 or abridging the freedom of s|N*cch, or of tie pr* •*r lie right **i th** |-*<*pl»* |N*a***ahly t** assemhl.* and |M*uttoii tin* government f**r a**.-.-*.i grn-vane.- 13. A well r**gulnt«**l militia Mug m** •-.-.-ary t*» tin* -••curily **f a fr**«* Stat**. tin* right «*l tie* |N***pl** to k****j» ,iii*| I war ajm- shall n*>t Im* iiifritiged II N hli**r -hall, in tine* "1 |n*.*i* **. Im* *|iMrt**re*l in anx lions** with*nd th** consent •*1 tin* **xvm*r : imr in nun* *»l war. hut in a manner t** Im* pr* -i*rih.*d hy laxx I.Y Tie* right ot tin* |"***p|e to he Mrnrr ill their |N*r sons. Immis-s. and dt* els again • unr* as**mihl. -.•arch**.- and -"I'/.'ir* - -hall le>l Im- x Md.d***| and le* warrant- sliali i--im* hut upon probable cause -uppoi t' and liy oath **r at lirtnation. and |mrii« ularlx ilescrihing lie- place to h<* -• irchetl. ami 111** p'*r.-**n • **r tilings to In* seized 16. No |N*r-«*ti shall Im* held to answer lor a capital <*r otherwise infamous crime, miles.- on a presentment **r indictment of a grand jury. except in cases arising in tin* land or naval forces, or in tin* militia, xvlicii in a* tual service, in mm* **l war **r public danger , nor shall alt) |m rsoli I" -object. for tin* - .line • 'lift ire !*• I** twice put iii j«**»par*ly **l lit** **r liinh ; nor compelled, in anx * riuiinal * tube a xx it ness against hinisell : n*»r In* deprivi**! «*l lit**, lihertx . **r pro|N*rly. xxithoid *lu** pr*s-e— o| laxx m*r shall private pr.,|M*rty Im* taken for public use. without just ••oin|N*nsatk*n. 17 in all criminal pr»*-****iiti<*ns tin* a*-cu-**d shall **n t**x tin* right to a -|N***dv ami puhli** trial, by an mqiar t jury Ol the Male ami district xvherein tie* • rmn* .-hall have been committed, xxliuli district shall have h****u previously ascertained by laxx. and I** he informed of th«* nabire ami cau-eol tin* accusation ;to Ik* confront «*d xx nli tin* xx it in-.-* - igainst him . to Im*. • •oinpulsorx pr«N‘**ss for obtaining xvitm*ss**s in In- lav**r ; and to have the assistance **! cotiii.-**l f**r his l**l**n.-** IH. In-nit- at eomuioii law. wln*r** tin* x*alu* in ***n tr**v«*r.-x shall *•%«'••«•»! twenty *t*»llar-. tin* rigid "I trial by jury -hall !»*• pres**rv**d . and in* lad -«* trt***l hy a piry -ImII I*** *»lh**rwis** r* •*\aiiiiiu**l in any court of the ('••id* d*T»cy. according t*» tin* rule.-’ol tin* <*««niuuai law 1!». Kxnwive bail shall m»t In.* re*|*iir«*d. m*r •*x« «-.-ix *• tin**- iiii|n*s<*«l. nor cruel ami miu-ual pum-hne-id in III*-led. 2li Every law. or resolution having tin* lor* r o| law. -ball relate to but om >nihicct. ami that .-hall Im* e\pr«*s srd 111 111** till**. si;* Ti*»x 10. 1 No Mat** shall enter into anx treaty, alliane**, or eofih'dcridioil ; grant letl«*rs of tuanpie ami reprisal; «***in in*mex . make any I lung but gold ami silver coin .« lender 111 imyilldd of ilelil- ; pas- all) bill o| attainder. **r rx foal fnrtn la xx. •*r law itn|Nlirillg lie* **bligat|*m ol contract- . or grant any title «u imldlit) 2 No Slate shall, xv it limit the ••**ns**nt of tin* Congress lay anx ilil|NistS or «lilties **li mi|***rl-aml eX|N»rts.except what may In* a , N*ohd«*ly m*«*i*ssary f*»r executing its in -|N***tloti laxx - . and th* lid pr*Nhn*** of all duties and ill: fNKsts. laid h) aux Mat** on itii|N»rts or eX|Nirts. slmll In* for tin* us** o| tli*- treasury **l the Conb-hTut** States . and all j-iich law- diall Im* -ul»j****t to ih«* r**vision ami «*oidr*t| of Congress. 3. No Male shall, xx ilh**ut th** i**4lSClil *»l Congress. hix any duty *ir toimag**. except on sea going x***k*m*ls, for the improveincnt *»f its rivers and naviga ted hx the said v* ssd- . loit such duties -hall not con Ibd with any tnuti**.- of tie* Confederal** Mates xvdli foreign nation- ; aud any surplus **f revenue thus de rived, slinll. sifter making mh*li iniprovdiient. Im* |iaid ml** tli** common treaanry . imr sliali any Stat** keep tr*Nip- *.r shi|is *d war in tune of |»ea***‘, ent«*r int*» any agre**lll**lll **r coni|Nid with another Mate, **r xvilh a b*r**ign |N*wer. *»r engage m war, unless idually inva «lc*l, or in such iiuiiunent *laiig**r as will not admit **i «l**lay. lint xxlm*ii any river *livi*l«*s or How- through two or more Stales, ||m*v may «*nt**r into comparts with ca**h *dlM*r t** impr*»v«* the navigation th<*re**t AKTICI.F 11. swnox 1. 1 Tin* **x***'Httx*e |N»xver shall Im l vest«*d in a I’rc-tdent «*t III*- l'«Hife*|eral** Slates **t America. He aud th** Vi**** l*r**si*h*nt shall h*d*l tlu ir *'tli***s for th** term of six years hut th*- President -liall not Im* re eligible. Tin* President and Vice lY**si«l«*nt -liall Im* elected as follow- : 2. Each Stat** -liall ap|**>mt. in such a manner ns the legislature th«*r****f may «hr****t, a huiiilmt *»f t*le**tors ••qual to th** wind** nunilHT of Senators and H**pr**s**nta tix ••- to which th«* Slat** may In*entitled in theOmgres- . lint no Senator or Kc|»n-N‘iitattx •*. or penum h*d*liiig an nflki* of trust or |*r«*!lt under tin* Confederate States, shall In> appoint***! an rki fnr. 3. Tin* electors shall meet 111 I Heir r**-|N**||ve State ami vote hy ImlM for I'nnklml ami We l»ri sident. om* **f xx’lmm. nl least, .-hail m»t bean inhabitant of the uni*' Slat" with lhem-'*l% **s ; tle-y -liall Ham* ill th**tr ballots th** |nts«ni voted for ns Pr**siilcnt. ami in *listin«*t bn I hd* the |M*nsm v«»(*n| i**r a.- Vk*«* ITni(fb*nt, ami they shall make di-tim-t lists ol all persons voted f*»r asPr**s- M**nt,And of all |M*rs*ms v*»t«**i f*»r as Vtor>-PreaMent. and **t the noniber i*f vot**s for each, which list tli**y shall sign ami certify, and transmit. seated, to the gov ••nuiMHit of the lAmfederat** State*, directed t«* tin* Pr**s ideiit of the S**nat* . the l'r**sideut of the Senate shall, in the presm***- of the Senate and Hints*' *»f Rrpres**nta live-. «»jH*n all the oriiiflcatca,and Uk* votes sliali tluii Im* coimtctl ; the |»cr*oti having the greatest uuiulmt <d votea f**r I*resl*l*iit shall Im* the Prratdcttl. if such mini Imt In* a tit.i>*rilx of th*- whole iiiiihlht *d elrcloi- ap P*iint'**l : and il no |N*rson Iwve such majority, then, from th«* iNTHms luivittg the high«*st immlMTs. not • x c«****llng tlir****. on the list *»l th«»s** v**i**d for a- Pr*-i •lent, the Hrnts** of Ih*|»r**senl:itix* - shall ch*N*se ii.-,m** •liately, by Itallot. th*' Pr«*si*lcut. hut m ch*N*>uig th* President. Ill** X’otes shall !»*• taken hy Stale.-, lln* repre MUlatmi fr*Hn «*acb Mat**. liaving *ai** vot** . a quorum f**r this pur|Nirs‘ shall consist «»| a iik-iiilnt *»r im*mhers from two-thints **l th*' Slates, ami a majority ol all th«* States shall In necessary ton choice. And il tin* H**u.-** of Repr«*sctitalives -luill not clmnisc a President, when **ver tin* right **l «*l»oi**** sluill and« x*dv«* ii|nju tl»**m. Iwlor** Ih** fourth day of Mar* h next fidloxving, th«*n the Yicr lYesiilcnl shall act n- President, as in easeol tin* *|**;itli. or other constitutional disability of tin* Pr« -nl* nt. 4. Tin* |N*rson having llh* great**s' number of votes as Vii't*•Pr**si*l**nt shall Im* th** Vice President, and such mini Int Im* ,-i majority of the whoh* huiiilmt *>l **lectors ap |sdul**«l ami if no pernni hav** i* majority, then. fr*»m the two high**-! iiuiiilnts on the list the Senate shall eh«Nir*e tin* Vic<*’Presi<l<*ut ; a quorum l**r tli<* |Mir|s*s* shall consist or turn-thirds of the xvlmh* ntimher of Sen ators, ami a majority "l th*- xvh«d«* huiiilmt shall In* in* ce-s iry to a dunce. f». Itut im |M*rsoii *^constitutionally mdigihl** i<> the office of President shall Im' eligible t*» that «•! Vi**** I'r* -i •lent ol tin* <'*Nifc«k*rat«' Stat**s. 6. Tim OMigr**s- may didermim* th* tine **l chon.-ing III" eliTtors. aud tin* day «*n xvhi* h llu*x .-hall give tli<*ir vol**s; xvliM-h day shall Im* th** same throughout tin* Coiihilernte States. 7. No |mts«mi **x«**pt a iiuiuriil lM#rn citizen *>i th«- Cotif***h*rat** States, or a citix<*ii lh*T**of, at the line "I the adoption of this Const it ut i< ai. **r a citizen th**r**of Isirn in tin* ITiite«i Stat**s prior to 11» • 2Pthol |h*« "mtM*r. IH6O. sluill Im* eligihl** to lll** olllce *»f Pr* -id*Tit ii*'ith«T sliali any |mt-ou Im* «*iigild** i" that ofliee who shall ii"t have attained tin* age nf thirty-liv** years, and lieeti l*Hirte<*ii years a resident within tliv limits of tie* Con federal** Stales, as th**y may exist at th*- lime **t his ••lection. h. In case of tlm* removal **f th** President from olli"* •*r of Ins death, resignation, or inability h*discharge th** |N*wors and duties of the r*ai*l olli* * . tie- sane shall •!•• vdveon tin* Vicc-Pn-sifleni; ami tin* C*mgr<*ss max . I»x li'"’. provide f**r lln* ease of removal, ilealh r*-siguaii"ii. "i inaliiltty Inilli ol lie* President and Vie*-President, dei’laring xvliat olh****r sliali tle n act as President, and •**ui’li olth*«*r sliali net aeeonliimly until tin* di.-ahihix Im r**mov«**l *#r a Pr**si*l**nt shall Im* elected. I* Tie* Pr* si*l**nl shall, at stat***l tine•-. r»** "ix l«>r In.- S**rvic**s a ««*lii|H'UssilMi|i. XVhull .-hall IK-Ilhi'l he Hi •*r«*as***l m*r dmiinisle-*l ilurilig th** |nti*n| for which le* shall hav** b«***n d*cti-d. ami he -hall mu r«*ci*ive within that inthml any other euiidiiim'iit lr**u» lie* C«*nle*l**rat** state-. *t any ol them. 10. Before lie Cillers oil the **X*** Ut|o|l *'f 111.- "Ill* • . h* shall tak** th«* follow mg oath or afllriitatuMi: * 1 *h» solemnly sw**ar (or affirm * that I xx ill laithfiill) execute the office of President of ill* Confederate Mat* s. and will, to ih** lu*st of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend tin* Const it lit Mm thereof." swtuix 2. 1 Tin* President shall !»•• cominamh’r-iii chief of the army and navy **l tie* Coidcdcrut** Slat* .-, and **l tli*' militia **r tin* -'*x*Tal Slates, will'll called into the actual service of the Confederal*' Stall's, h** may r**quir*' th** opinion, in writing. **r the prineipd otlicr in earli *d lln* Kx'-ciitiv** hepirtim'iils. ii|n*h any subject relating to lll*' iluti**.- of their rcs|H*clivc olli* *'-; an*l Im* shall ! have |Nix\«*r l<* grant reprieves ami p*r*l**ns against the C*H»|i**leri»t** Stales. ex****pt in cases **l iiopcn* hnc-iit 2. ll** shall have |niw*t. hx and with lll** adxin* ami | ' "iis**nt **t tli<* S«*nat'*. to iiiak** treaties, pr**vi*l***l ixx** third.- of tie* S-iiNtors pr*- lit <***n**ur; and h** shall nominate, ami hy and xx it li the advice and consent *4 | Hu* S-iuit**. shall ap|Nunl amh:i-s.i*l*»r-. «»lh»T puhli* ! imiii-PTs ami i-«»usuls .liulg.-.- of tie* Supr**iu«* Court. ami ; all other «dh«**T- **f lll** C*i||f<‘derat** Slates. wlu*s** a|* j p"inini* , ni- are not herein otluTwis** pr«»vi*h*d f**r. and I which shall Im* *'-iahlish<*d hx laxx but the Coiigrcv I ilia) . by laxx vest III" ap|Niintni**Ht «*f such inhTior "111 j * '*rs. as th**y flunk pr**|N*r. in tie* Pr«>Hlenf alom*. in i Hi** ***Mirt> **f law or m th** heads of Itqiartmciit- I 3 Tin* pi im*i|ml ofln rin each of ih** K\**i*nli\•• l»* | parliiu'iit.-. ami all |***rsoii.- •■«uiiiect«*d with th* diploma | in »**rx i«*«*. may l» r«*iuove«l from office at flu pleasin' j"I ti»*' Pr**sid* nl All other cix il offie**rs **l flu* K\**cn ; live l»e|iartlil<'lll Ilia) he r*‘lnoM *l at all) lllil** hx th* : President, or other ap|N*intltig |N»xx r when th**ir-*-i ; x are unm***i*ssary. or lor dishonesty, inenpucit) . in j • ni**u*m*y, mi-*"iidiu i. *»r negl*'«*f ol *lmy; and when : rem*ix ***|, the removal sluill he r**|N»ri'*d t<* tin* s*uat** loge|h«*r xxitii the r*as*Mis tlier**r*«r. 4 The Pr<*si*h*til sliali liave j**'\x**r t*> fill all va**iin**i*'.- tliat may liap|N*n during tie* r**«***-.- **l tie M*nat«-. hx granting eon i miss ions wliN’li shall expire aith*- end ot their next session; hilt iu* }ntsoii r**j***'t***l hy tlu* Senat" sli.xll I*** n* ap|H.inied to the -am** office during their MVTIOX 3. I Tli** Proidenl shall. Ireni time |*> time, giv** to tin Congr*-- inforni.ition of the stale **l th* f oiih-'leriu \ . i i*l r**i'*'iiiiii*'ii*l t" th**ir consideration such measures as h rdinll judge mu-es.-sir) and ex|M**li**iit; h«* iii.ix <»n **x tra**r*liuary .N * a-|.HIS. • ••uveiie !»••• Il Hoiis**s or either **i them, and in * as** ol •lisagr****uu-lil b**l\x«**ii I belli, with r*'.-|N*ct i* * lln lime ■•(’ adjournment. lu* max adj**urn them to -u**li iinu- as In* shall Ihink pr«»|N*r; lie shall r* ' "ix i* aiiiba-- i*l'*r- ami olh'T puhli* uiitii.-P i.-; lu* sliale' tak* care that tb»* laxx -b< 1. • i( 1 1 1 ■ 1 11> •\< • hi* I, ami nlui colllinis-iotl all the officers of lll** C«i||f***|«*rale state.-. iwnttt 4 1 Tie* President. Vice President. and all *ix il **Hi* *-r --**l lln- Coiiled'Tat" Slab*.-, shall Im* r*‘lil«*v***l from • •fit**** • •ii itn|N aeiiineut lor. and conviction«•(.tr**nson. briberx **r «>t!i**r high • rim* -and misdemeanors. AKTICI.K 111 -K'TI.'.N 1 1 Tin* pidicial |Nixx**r *>l Ih** Coiif«**h*rat** Slat* --h.ili I he vst***! in one Superior Court ami in such Inferior Court* a-Hi* Congr* >- max from tun t" tine «'rdain ami esiahli.-ii. Tin* jmlg**s. Inilli «and the Supr«*m»* ami Inferior Courts, -hall hold Ili**ir offices during ;:•-•*! I* • liavior. ami shall, at stated turn's. rec**ive fm ih**ir -• rxi" -a • ••tii|N*usation whu li sluill n**t In* iliniinisli*-*l • luring lin n « "iitiutiani'e m olllce. SK«TI*»\ 2 1 Tin judicial jn.w.t shall extend »'• all cas**> arising under this Const i Pit km. tin- law.-ol tie* Conlederat** -lales, ami tr**atk*- made or which shall h<* mad** under their authority . to all case- nllectiug ambn.-sudors. **lh**r puhln iiiini-bT- and consul-, to all •a-- **| admiralt x ami iiiaritiiii** jiirisdi*'li**u: iu ***inir**v*Tsii's to which tln* Conlcdernte Slab's shall Im* a |*artx : t** conirox *t.-i* - l*"tw****n two or more states; between a Slal** uiulciti / *n of am *t her Slal** wlut** the Slat** is plain I ill; be ixv****n cltiz *n- elaimiiig lamb uiul**r grant- **l dilt**r<*ut Stabami between a Stale *»r the i*iiiz.*‘iis th**r«**»l. ami lorcigu Stat**.-. ciiiZ' iis or -ul»j**«*i-: hut in* Slat** -liall lie su**d by a citizen *»r sulij* * l of any foreign stab*. 2 In all ca-e- a||**cting atiilxis.-adors. otlu-r public ministers and i on-ills, and those in xxhicli a Mate shall he a party . tie* Supreme C*nirt shall hav** original juris diction 111 all tin* other case- hetor** mentioned til*' Supreme Court shall have ap|N*llai** jiirisdieli«*n. In.ili a to law and tact, with such **xii*p|i*iiis and umler such regnlati*His. as tin* Congress shall iiiuk*' 3. The trial ol all crimes, except m • *-«*.-**f im|***.n h limit -hall Ih* hy Jury. and such -ball he h«*l*l in l In* State xv Imt** the said crimes shall have Im*cii com in il t**«l but when not coinmitte«l w ithin any Stale. (In* trial Im* at such place or places u* th*- Congress, by laxx . tn.iy hav** dir*T|e*|. swtio.x 3. I Tr* a-**n against tin* C«*iife*li*rnte States shall consist only hi levying war against them, **r in adhering to their ••in iuies. giving them aid ami •■iniilort. N«» |N*r.-on shall Im* convicted of treason unless on th** testimony ot two witnesses t«» tie* same overt act. **r **n **otil«*ssn»n in **|n*h «*oiirt. 2. Tin* C«*ngr**-s shall hav** power t<* «le**lare tin* pun ishiiient of tr«'a-*m. hul in* altaimh-r *»f I reason -hall work corruptn4l **l hl*****|. or forfeiture, except during tin* hf«- of th** |*crs«4i attamteil. AKTICI.K IV. 1. Full faith ami credit .-hall h<* given in each State t«* the puhln- acts, record.- and judicial pr«M*e**dings *»f «*x **ry other Stat** And tin* Congress may. by genera! laws, pr»*s*TilM* tin* manner in which such aids. r**rords, ami pr*N***e*ling«» shall h** pn»\***|. ami the effect thereof. SWTIOX 2. 1 Th** citnuuis of each Stale shall Ih* «*h!itl**«l to all lln* prix lieges and |flltnillliti**S of citizens 111 til*' several Stat**s, ami shall have the right *»l transit ami sojourn ill any State of this Cold*‘derm x with I heir slaves ami other proyerty ; ami tin* right **l pro|M*rt) in sanl slaves shall n**t i»* thereby mi|Niir***l. 2 A |NTs*m * lmrg*‘*l many Stat** with tr*'iis«ai, f«*|*4iy , *»r **th**r crime against tli** laws o| sin h Stat**. win* -hall lh*c from jostle*. an«l b«* |,nm«l iii another Stat**. shall. on demand of (In- Kx**cntivc authority «and tin- State iront whn h h** tl*il, Im* d*'liv**r**«l up to in* rem«*v«**l to tin* Slat** haxmg jurisdiction of tin* «*rim«*. 3 No slax*** *»r **tli«T |N*rs*4i lid*l to s*Tvi«*«* or liilmt iu any suit** **r Territory **t th** C*4if**»l*Tat** Slat**, under tin* laws thereof, cmaping **r laxvfully nirrk'd into .hi •*tl»«T, shall. In c«4iMeqii*nc«* *»| any law «»r r«'gulMti*4i ih**r**m. Ih* «lis**harge«l front such servk’** *»r liilsir . hut shall Ih* delivered up oil I'laitn of Ih'- |sirt) to wln*tu such slavr hekuigs. **r t«* xvhotn such service or la Imt may Im* *ln**. swtuix 3. 1 otlwr Siat«*s may In* admitted into this C*4itedera cy hy a v*»t** ol two thir*is«4 tin- xvltole House o| Hep rcs«'ntativ**M. ami two thirds of the Senate, th** Sennl** voting hy Stat**- ; but n** m*w Slat** shall Ih* f«*rme«| or ••riN*!***! xx it Imi tin* jurisilietMui **f any other Stab* . n**r any State Ih* r«.rni***l hy tin* luiM tHUi of two or m**r*' Stall's, **r |mrts of Stat**s xvitlnnii tin **on.-«*nt o| the legislatures of the Wales «*<Hic**rm‘tl as w*dl as *U' the c* *ngress. 2 Tin* Congr**ss shall hav** |*uw*T t** dis|ioHc **| ami j make all needful rules ami regulatHUis ***in**rniug Hi** pr*i|NTtv *»f th** ConfiihTai** States, including tin* lamia IherenT. 3 Tin* C*nif*i|erat«* States may acquire new terrihiry ; - ami Congress sluill liax'** |«iwer t** k*gishit** and pr«*x nle governments for the inhabitant- *»l all territory h**l*4ig I mg to the Confederate Slap's, lying w itleait tin* limits •*l tlm M'veral Slates ; amt max |*ermit llm'lii. ni s*n*h | times, am! iu mu* Ii manner as it max hy Inxx piovi h*. to : form State* to Ik* a*lmitt«*«| into tin Omf* d**r.t* > . In all | such territory, the iu.-titutiou **f negro sktverx ns u now exist- m tli** Confederate States, shall Ih r*«**gniZ"d ami protect*'*! hy (ong.nml by the terrH*»rwl govern ment nn*i the inhabit mts <>f th** .-ev**ral C*aife*|eral*' State-and Terrilork-s. shall linv<- the right I" tak** to hocli territory any slaves, Ittorfully l *• •i* i by them in any •»l th** States **r territorn'S *»f th** C«4if***lerat** Stato 4 Tin* CoufwhTal**' - shall guaranty »•• ev«*ry State that now is or h»T**ali'*r may h*****um* a um uilmt *>l tlii> Ci4il**«hTa**y. a r*-t»utdi*'an f**rm **f governimut. and -hall prot's-t eai'li of th**tii against invasion : and "ii ap pli<*ati«iii of the legL-latur** (or "f til* F.XeeiltiX ' when the legislature Is lid in -e-skuil n.'amst *l*»m**-li** vio lell.e Aim« I.F V Hm<« 1. 1 C|M4i the demand of any three Slal*-. legally a s**mh|***| in tlndr s**v*Tiil ***Hiv*"iiti*4is, tin* Congr**.— -hall siitiiiii**n a conx’«*nti«4i «*f all tlu* state-. t*> tak*- into mu si*lerali**ii -ih h am**mlin**nts t** tlu* c«*n-tiiuli«*ti a- th** said State-shall concur in sugg*>ting at tie- tine* when lll** said •Icinaiel is mad* : and should any of tie* pro I •* niu*'H'lni'-nt- t** th** Con-t itut ion I*** agr*****l **n l»v tin* said nuiv**niioii—voting hy Stat«*»—met tie* - tin** •*• ratilhtl hv th** legislatures **l tw** third-ot tin* several >t:it«*s, or hy convention- in two thirds tluT****l--:i- th* <»m* or th** "tiler iimmlc «>l ratili'-ation may I*-prop*-•-•! hy tie* geii' •-•4ivetlli«>n. they shall tlM'liceliirxxard torin a pirt **f tlu- Con.-titutioii Itut im*** -hall. xv it bout it- consent. b«* d**priv***l *»l il- equal r«*|*r**-**nia tk*n in tie* Senate. AKTICI.K VI. I The (kivcrniie-nt e«tahlish***l hy this Const it'll hmi Is the -li.c—or "I tie l*r«»visn»ual t...\.*nine*nt •*! tie C*mf* •lerat** St.ii**s of Alien* a. met all tie* law.- pa.--**d tix tie* latter sliali continue in l*>i' - until th** sain** -liall In r*'|M*al**d "i iieMliiimt . an*l all tie* officer.- a|i|"»int«*d Ii) tie* .-inn** .-ball remain in oilier until their snccessoi - nr** ap|Niiiii* , *l ami qualified «*r ih*- "lll****- al**.lish*'*l 2. All d**hl - c*4ltracle*| and engagement- entered 111 I• • hefore tile adopt 101 l ••! this t oil si It *il e*li -hall !**• a- valid against the Coiilcdcrair Mat**.- under this ConsliPilion a- umler tie* !*ro% iskuial li«*v**riine*iit. 3 This Const itut ion. ami tie* laxx- *.t tie* Coid**«l* rat* Slat**-, mail** in pursiiaiic** lie r***»l and all treali**- mad** •»r which shall I*.* made under tie* authority *l tie C*»n t**derat«* Slat**.-. slmll Im* lll** silpr**ne* laxx **l tie* laud and the judge.- in .-very Stale -hall Im* bound tie r* bx anything in tie' e<*iistliulion *>r laxx - •*t anx Slab* !<• tie coistrary iiolwiihstamling 4 Tie* Senators ami lh'pr*--*-'itatix •* b.'|.*r* iie*iiti**ie**l and lie* ih' liilmt.- **f lie -**x**ral Slat* legislatur**- and all executive .I*l*l judicial ollk'ers Ihi||| **l tie* Collie.|. I at** Stalls aud **l lie >.*v*Tal Slat* - -hall I. I«.iiiel bx • •iitii **r ollirm.ition. i*. sup|***rt this < "ii-tipitioii hut m* r*digioiis lest shall **v«*r •*** re*|Hir***l a quahlication t*• any olli**** **r puhli* trust umler tie* c**n!**d* rat' Males a Tie* •-lltlllieralHMi. 11l lie* C**listlti|ll**li. "I certain right- -liall not Ih* • •>n-iru*-<l l*» *leny "i *li-|«iragi* oth •is l **t •» III* *« I h) lll** |N*op|.* "I the several St it- - 6 Tie* |NiXX'-r.- liot •I' legaled |*> lie- C'»lll***|* I il*- Si it - by tli" ('"ii.-tipitioii. lior pr«*hihil*'d by II to lie Mat. • are reserved I" tie* Stall'-, respe* lively . OI to III.' |N-I. p|e there*if. AKTICI.K Ml 1 Tli*' ralili* .item «.| tie* * <.nx*-titi**i fix •* Slates shall b.* sufficient for tie- • -labh-hlie-iil tin- Con-ptu li«4i h**lxv*'* ii tin* Si it* .. i itify mg th** "*•' 2 Wie n lixe Stat*- -hall hax. ratlli'**l tin- Coit.-Pfn ti*»n. in tie* manner b*'l**r** f.* » iii**.|. He* Congr*.— under lie* I’rovi-i'Hial C<aistitulmu. -hall pre-**rib** tie* line' for holding ti *.| |*r> -iih'iit and \j* .• I'r. -id**nt > aiel. I*ir tie* lueetilig "I lie* El«*« t**ral C**llege and. for coniiling tie* vot*-. and inaugurating lie* IT**-i*l**nt Tle*x -hall, al.-o. pr* .-crib** tie* tine* l**r holding tie* lir-t <-l***'iion "I hi'*iiilm*i - «»| C.aigr*-* niel**r this Const it *i ti»*n. and tie* Pm*- l*»r a.-s**iul»hng tie-*. I 'tit il tie as-.*iiih|ing "1 such Congr*--. tie* Congr*-- uiel'i tie l*r**x ■•lolial shall continue P* ** \ • -r* »- tie legislative |*oxv.*r- granted tie-in . led e\P*n*ling h* x**nd th«* line* limited by the Coii-iiPition of tie* I'rox i-I*in and ib*v«*rime*ni A*l*ipt*'*l, uiianiuioii-lx . Mar* h II IH6I Ol gii n i/.nf ton of the llepii l*t mi eii f*. of tli* C'oiifi-dernt<* Ntalci of \ii'« ri« ii. AN AIT To OMIIXMZK Till. lIKI'.XirrMKNT 14' KT.XTK M* 1 111 il * Ititilnl l,ft flu- I'nllfrthinh Slntr* nf .|»i# »• •••I. That lle*re shall be m F\* *utix. Ih-pirtiie iit !•• I*. «h-noiiiinnt***l tie* |M*p*iriiie*nt Sl it* . ami tie r, -hall Im* n principal offict*i tliereln l«* Im* . ail. -i tin* S**cretary •*l Slat**, xvtio-hall |**Tt*irm aiel **v*.*up -u* h *luti**s as -hall. Iroiii tine* t" tmi**. Im* •■njoim'd on. **r «-uirii.-i"d t" him. hy tie* l'r**sld**nt **t tie* < onl***h*rat** State.-, a green bly «.. tie C**n-litutioii. r*l-*ti\»* t" ••.rn-|«in*leie - •■oinmissi*4is or mstrn**li*4is toorxvith puhli** miiiist***- •»r consuls Iroin tie* Confederate Mat. - **r to ic-g'dia ti«*lls XX It II public IlllUl.-ters lioiii foreign Stales *>l prin* • s. or to memorials **r «»th**i application- from |..| **ign pnhllc minister- amt other t**r.*ign**i -. **r to such other niati<r- r*'s|»e* ting tor**igti •- tie* I*i • - -I.l* n t •»t lll** foiih'diTnp-stat.-- -hull a--ig,i l, lie - 11*I i|.-p**rt lle lit . aiel Inrth**ri«»«»r« . Ill*- -aid pi in* ipai oilier -liall eon*hl*'l tie* hilslliess o| lie- said do|iartlli**tlt 111 -il* h iiianiKT a- the l , r«i*i*h'nt *d tie t bnl.-d.-rat** Stab - -hail froin tune l" tin*** order *>r ii.-tract Said >• • reiarx -liall Im* ap|Niiute<l by tie* I'r* -ideiit. In and xv till lie ad x i**e amt «-«4is*’iit **i tie* Congr**--. and -hall r*Teiv a «-o||i|N*muiti«Hi t" I*.* a-c'Ttame<| aiel r< rulal* *l bx laxx ST.. 2. n i l funhrf rHiirfr*!. Thai || -liall In* lie duly •»l the S**cr**lnr% ol Stat** to k****p aiel pi • -**rx •• all lull ami resolutions ol th** Congress hax mg Im***ii -• |q>r< *xI •*r signed hy lie* IT* sident. **r otleTxvi-.* Im-couc* law-, and le* sli.ill carehlllx preserve lie original-. aed -hall a.-s*ni|i as convenient Ix max h> .ilb i le .-ball r*"*u* 111*' satm*. cause ever) sii' li laxx or.l. r ami r* sohilinu t*. be publish"'! 111 at l' a-1 t 111 •*«* public ||*'X\-|ll|i**l > . |M|h lish**«l within tie* f , onf**d»Tiit*' Slat*>. net shall al-... an-* txvo print*'*! copies. *hdx aiitle*nte at**d. in b. -.*uf loth* F.x*'*’illlX*• authority **l <*a**h state II -liall be tie-duty «and tie* S cr. tary to'k' ep tie* great seal ••» tie Confe.l.* rat*-Slat* .-, aiei to make *H|l aiel r* « o|d and affix - nd seal to all civil « «*llllni-sl**n- I" officei.- *d ill* Coliieih* rat** Stales, to In* a|M|oint*'*l hx tie IT. sideli! liy aiel xxitii lie* .elvice «>| lie* Coiigre.--. or by tie* IT* -ideiit alone . Provided, -.11 I ,-*ml -liall not b. alh\***t !•• any *..miiii--i**n lM*|..r** il i.- sign* -I by lie IT. sideni.m»i to any olll*T ill-P niie-lit **r ad xxilleuit 111. -jm *nl W II rant **l lll** ITeskhut th**r**l**r. 'Me* -aid S «*r. lary shall also calls*’a seal ol olllce I*, be Iliad*' |*i|* -aid *l''|«lll nielli, ol sill’ll device a.» tie* IT**.-blent shall ;ippr**\ and all copies **f r******r«ls ami |w|nt.- iii said *»lli. *• an f llelitical"l umli i s.iid -**al. sliali l>. e\i.l**n* .• •••juallx • ! tin* **rigiiial r*****ir*i **r | aj***r Sr* 3 It. it furlh r .nn.l.j. That there -liall is* m tie- .-aid •l*'|.ai'tmenl a Cine! Clerk, to I.*- a|i|M.||ib*ri l.x tie* St retary. ami sit* ii oile r * l* ik- a- Iroiii line I*, tine* may Im* loiiiei in***'--sary. aud authorized |.\ lie Congress, who shall r***’c|% .* a < o|ii|M'li-a! 101 l to Im* lix***l hy i.ixx . mill the Secretary ol Wat* and ev**rx **th*'t |M*r.-oii t*» Ih* a|*|M.|iit*‘*l **r employ e«l hi ih* said il**|Mrt lie-lit shall, h*jii4*c he enters **n tie* «*.x* * ule*li «•! hi • •lll*** or employment, tak* an oath or affirmation xvell ami faithliill) |o*'x**<*iite lie trust eoiniiiitt«**l I** him sici*. 4 Hr it fiirtkrr riHirtnl. That there shall he |iaid P* tie* .Secretary t**r tie* us** «•( lie- < onl**" -i u.>. tin* lolloxviiig t••• • **l • »ll»«*«* hy lie* |hts**ii- r***pnrmg lie service- I" Im* |NTtortll*'«l, **X*'e|i| XVlieli lie ) ar* |h*i foriueif for any o|h****r **l lll** C*»ut**d*TaP* Mat* - in a matter relating to tie* iluti**.- of hi- oflie**, t«* wit : |br making imii and authenticating copies **l reenrds. t**n ' ••nts tor ea*’h hundred xvord- . ami I*»r aiille'iitic.ituig a copy of a record **r |*ap*r umler the seal of office, on* dollar. >►.! a. Aml lir it fnrlhrr That tin- ait shall Im* in tore* and tak** «*tl****i front amt alter it- passage AN A<T T** OMU.X.XIZK TUI TMK.XSITIV HKI'.XMTMKVI Sf 1 Hr it t nnrlrtl hy tkr I'nn ffilrratt Stutr.' nf Iw i int in I'unyrrju n*srmhlni. That there shall b.- ~ Itrjiart n»*Ttl **l Treasury, in which shall he th** follow mg olli *’«*rs. namely . a Secretary **l tin* Treasury. P* b«* i|iiiiii*.| tie* head of lie |te|iar!tticii! ; a Comptroller, an Auditor, a Register, a Treasurer, ami an A-i-t.ini i** tie St. lary «>l th*' Treasury xvhe liAs.-i-t.ini sluill !••• ap|Mimi.*d hy the said S * r* t irx ; till «*t which ••fib er- shall r* «*eive -u*'h ****in|N*ns.itk*ii. res|M . ii\*«*ly. as max Im* pr«» ! viiletl hy laxx . Sk* - 2 Arul I* il fnrthrr matinl, Tlint it -hall !*• tie «luty of the S***r**Liry of tie* Treasury t*» sn|N*rint*'»i*l tin* c*»lle**lion of the puhlie revetin** . t*» *lig**-t ami pr** |Nir** plans for tie- improvement and management tle i. **l. and lor lie* sii|i|M>rt of tie* jnihlie credit . !•• |ir«*|Mr< ami rejMirt estimates ol the puhli** revenue amt lit* |Mit. li** e\|M*ndiPires ; P* and« « i*l«* on 111*- forms of keeping amt stating accounts and making returns, and to grant, un •lor tie* liinitNtions herein estahSislie*! or t*> Im* ln*r.*aft**r provided, all xv.trrauls b*r moneys l** Im* |Mtd ml** lie treasury, ami nil warrants for moneys p* Im* kwned from tin* treasury in porsiiam e ot appropriate*ns hy Inxx . to •*x»***ul** such s**rvtc«*s r**latix •• to th** sal.* «»f pnhhi pro |M*rty iM'bHtgilig to the C*Hife«lerale States as l»\ laxx may 1..* r**qoir*'d of liim ; t*. make re|M.rts ami giv** itiforiua ti*4i t*» lie* Coitgr«*ss or the I’resident—iii person or m writing, an may b<* ntpiired—concerning all matters referred to him by th** Congress or tie- president. n* spectively. aud whii'h sliali ap|M‘rtain to hi- ••1I». <- . and generally to perform all so* h servki*s r**latix ** i" tie* tinniiees, aiel all stieh ctlier *luti«*s as le- may by law le r«*«|*iir***l to iNTform. Sw 3. Ami I* it fnrlhrr martnl. That the Secretary of tie- Treasury shall liave |siwer l«» ap| a Ctuel Clerk, aiel also such oilier clerk**, from time t*» tine*, as li** may .loom ne*i*s*ar> and Onegrees may niitborlz<* by law. which officers shall r*K|iertively r**eeix*esih’li *-«••■• |M*m«atk4i as may Im* pr**vkletl hy law Sr* 4. Ami Uit further martnl. That tie* Secretary of the Treasury shall eanac to Im* |*r*N*iir**«| an **fli« iil seal f**r tie* Itepnrtmcnt of Treasury. t*» I** u|q*oiut***l hy the Pr**si*h*nt . and c*q»lee of all official |Mi|M*rs «»r nronls hi sabt ile|mrtnieut, certified under tin* s«nl there*if. .-liall Im* received in evklenee in ail the imirtii of tie* t**4if***l**rnte Stall's, in lieu of such original pa|M>rs er remrds. Sw ft. Ami Iw it fnrlhrr rwtrtnl. Hint it shall he the duly **f th*' Assistant S**crctnry of the Treasury to exam in** all letters, contra* Is ami warrants prepared for th** signature of the SeeretUTy of the Treasury. ami perform ail such oilier duties us may he devolved ‘on hun hy law •»r liy the Secretary of tIII* Treasury. >w. 6 Aiul hr it furthrr mtuf* l . Tint it sliali be the *1 ity **f the C«4nptr«*ller to su|«erinp*in! tin* a*ljustm*»nt •iii*l iiresiTvaliini of the puhlk* accounts -. to examine all arr. Hints settled l»y tie* Auditor, and rerltfy the lialntires arising thereon, t** th*' K*fist**r ; to riMintersign all war rani- ilrawn hy tl*e S**rrotary of the Treasury whirl* shall Im* authorized hy law, to r* |N*rt t** the Sfretnry the " forms of nil ent offices tor cjKcctuig tl*c public rewnm*. and the manner and form **f keeping and stating tie* a* count - • f th*- several |Mjr.-**l*s *mii|»lox "*1 l4»**r* hi I!** -hall n»**re over pr**vide f**r tin* regular and piim tu.ii imyment «*f all moneys xvliich may I*- collected, atid shall dir* * t |*r** scent ions tor nil *l*'limpi**m - k- "folli* '*r.- ••! tie* n*v*im**. and for debts that are *»r slmll Is* di»«* t*» tin* c**tif***leral** Wales. SB*'. 7. Awl I*- it further nuuirtl. Thai it shall he th** duty ol tie Audit**! t*> r* * ' tv«* all puhli* a* **<Mints. ami after examination, to « • ritfy tin* Imlhim • amt transmit th** account . xx ith th* vouchers and • ••rtitii .it'* t*« tin* Ciiinptrolb'r |br In.-•l**«*i-ion lh«*r****n ITovnl' and. That it any |m*i.-oii w hose a* «***unt -liall Im* so vtidited Im* dissaf is fie* | therewith. In* may ji|*|H*nl to tie* Comptroller ajrntnst -n**h settleim*nt. Ski . K. Amt hr it fnrlhrr nuictnl. Thai III* Auditor ol tie* I'uhlk* Accoiini * -hall I*** i*iii|m.\\. r***l t" administer • stilts or affirmations t*. xx die in any eas** in xvliich li** max deem it le o .--ary *»r prop i for lie* due rx.nni lUitt*»n of the ii'-*-.Hiuts XX till which h* max he < hm-g* <1 Sk* 0. Amt I* it further rmirlnl. That it ll lil In- tie duly of tie Kegister I" keep all liccount- *«f tie* rcc-ipp and exp’iiditur* - *>l the |Hililic iimmi.x and all <l**i*ls iiu* to or trom the Couleib'iat* Mat* - . t" r******ix'" from tin* fomptrollei th** a****ounl.- which -hall hav tluallv h****n adjust'd, and to pr«*s*.*rv«* such account-, with He ir V"ii*'licrs and c**rtiiicntes ; t*» r*** «*r.l all warrant- for tli* receipt of payment *-f mon«*y-' at tie Trea-ury. c«*rtifx th** same tli**r«**rti, .uni tran.-iuit I** th** s creiary th* I’r* a.-urx c*q*i**s "f th«* ••••rtifleal**.- **f balan* . - <»f *■ eoilllls "IjusP-'l as herein dir**ct«*<l Sk* 10. Amt hr it further emmtril. That it shall he lie duty of tie* Treasurer t<* receive and keep tie- moneys *»t tie- ( "iiteihTiiP* Slab's, and t>* disburse tie* sane up on warrant- ilrawn by the S cretarx <*l tie fr.-asni \ (ouiit**rsigm*il l*x tin* Comptroller, and r«**»*r*b**t hylic Kegister. and im*i **th**i xx i-** . le* shall t ik" r***'"t|»t- f*»r till tmuii'V- paid by him. and all r*'cet|*ls for ne»te*x - r»* «***iv**»l hy him shall In* endorsed u|M*n warrants -igm*d by tie- S*er* tary **! tie Treasury. with*ait xvliich war rant. so signed, no acknoxxb d'jnient i**r imue x received ml** lie* I'tibhc Treasurx shall l»** valid And tli** s.iel Treasurer shall r* n*l**t In accounts i*. th Comptroller quarterly. or **ft* n**r it r***pnr**«l. ami shall transmit a copy thereof, when <-* lltb *l. to tie* S*n tary ol tie* Treason ll* shall, at ill tine-, -uhinti t" tie* S * r* tary «*l th** Tr«'i»surx ami tie* Comptroller. *»r either *>t lh«*m. tie* insjM** ti*»n ol tie h*N»k.- ami records in In • •file.', and of all money -in lit- hands ami diail. prior I** cub-ring it| m>ii lie dull*- "t Ins olli* •■ gtx < bond, xx ith g.MMI and sufficient siirele- t«* Im* appr**V**d hx th"> <T** lary •*! tie* Tr**a-ury ami lit** C**mptr**lb*i. in lie* sum **l dollar'. |m) able to tie* 1 "iifetb ral" Man -ol Am* t tea xx illi • oielittou lortli** faithful |***rf"rmance .<t tie* dote— ol he office, and lor tic leb iii x *<l lie | *• • i -on- l*» le* hy him employe*!, xvliich Immu! shall be hstged 111 tie o|le ** *•! lie t "lll|*tr**lb*r. SK« II Awl I- it further nun-hit That li" J« i -"li ap |M*int"*l to any ••lli**** m-t it*n**«l l.x tin- a* t. sliali directly •»r indirectly Im* concerned **r interested as oxvic r iii whole or in part *»f any .-".i v«'ss**l. or pur* has** t*\ him s« lt. or another m trust for him. any public pro|**-it% .<r |orl**it**d g*MMts. *»r le* ••••nceriK'd in tie* pun*ha.-e "i di po.-al of any public .-••curitb'** "f’any st it* *»r **f tie* < ••* States, or tak* Hid apply t** hi.-oxxn us** any <*iii**hitie*ut "r gain l"r negotiating **r transacting anx biisin**s- in Ih* - said *l**|*ew’lim'iit. «*th**r than what -hall Im* allow and hy laxx . ami it any shall oflcnd against anx "I lie- |ir«»hihitb*n- ol till- act. h* -liall I*" guilty "f a high misdeiiieaiior. amt forfeit I»* lll** C<*nl"'bral* Mat* - lie - |N*nallX ••! three thousand «t**llai.-. atnl -hall. njM»n c*4ivi;*tk»n, h** reim*v«'«l fr**in ••Hi*-*', and lbr**v**r th* r< alt.-r t>* in* apal.le <>t holding anx ••th* • umb r tie 1 oiif.-doraP and Mat*- IT**x : b**l. Ilial it any ..tie r |h*ls*.|i Ilian a p*d»le |*r**s"*’»tt**r shall gix*- Illlonuatioli *»l anx such "lb'll****, ujm.ii XX ill* h a |*r**s-cut 101 l ami c*4IX l<*l|on shall In had. on* half ol th* .dor -aid |***iialfy *.t ilir*** tliousaiel dollars, when re*ov* r«**t.-hall b* |«r He* u •*t tie* |N*rson gix mg -*i* h inl**rin.iti*'ii. AN AtT r»K' 1 Ih it ennrtnt. Thai all F.\"*'oli%" I‘•par! 11l nt Im*. .imi lll*' saim* is her* bx "s|iililisli***l. uii*l'*r lln* linin' ol lll*’ War |le|*urtiueni lll*' • III*'! «*llie**r «»1 will'll -haft b* . alb <1 th* Secretary ol War j th it further emieterl, hiii it*l Secretary -hall. nmt**r th" •lir*'* ti**n aiel c*'iiii**l **l th* I'r*—eb ni. liav<* charge **t all matter- aiel thing- rnenected with tie* Ann). and w ith tie- lieliau Irih* - xxitlim the hunt ..I tie* C**nle*leracx . and shall |M*rb»rm -u* h dull"- ap |M-rtniniiu'm the Army aiel t*» s.iel Imlian ml" •- max Iroiii tun*' t-* imi*' t*<* as-ign**d (•> him l*x lie* I'r*— i.hiil. -I* 3 th i>further -Wirtul. Thai lie Se. r* to x ..| -aid I*• | i.i r t In** l■ l i- li'Tel*) ai|llloriZ"*i I** !i|q*o||it a* hi* I Cb*rk tle r**«»l. ami as man) int"i i**r clerk- may le* tound ie*« e-.-arx . aud iii:*) h*- autli«*riz*'*l by laxx. AN AtT T** K-T.XIUI.-n TIIK COST **m< K PM'XKTXIKNT Sm I Ih it i-wu 'eil 1 1/ th> tuilfulrrnh Slillrtnf Amrr im in I'mii/mu •!*.*• inlJiil Thai tie r -hall b" an F\****U liv iN'imrltn 1 ’ ' • 1 •i*-noiiiiuai***l th* I’ost tllli* I'■ |Kirtiii"iit. aiel tle*r*' -hall I** a j*nnci|sd ••llic* , r lh* r* in I*, le railed lie l'**stma-i* r tii-ie ral. xx le* shall |M*rl*»riii -u**h dull*- in r**lati*4i f** p*-i •■Hi..*-, ami |m.-i r**a*l.- a -ludl l»" **nj*um**| ii|***u him hx • !»• • I'r*—id**ni **i lie • *<n I'Nlerat • Stal**s. agr**«at.lx P* the l"ii.-tilnlloti, aiel th** laxx-"! tie I and . xx le* shall l» |*.iel ait annual -alarx I" i. • ii\".| by law ami hax jn.xx. . b.ap|Nunt i« he l I’b ri ami mi* h olle*r it»f«*rtor eb rk- a- may b** loiiiei ie * ••- • r\ . xx le- -hull r«**« -u.h .••iii|**e-ul e*n a- max Im* li\***t l.x laxx \ N A<T To r-T xitl t-ll TIIK NXXX IIKI'XIIIXIKM >K* I //. .7 .nurtnt ,1. That an Fvenli* |** ,mM l»i**»*t b". and tie* - iiii** i- hereby —labb-le and l" »**• - alb**, the N ix \ IM*j>arllii"lit. >K* Ih it further enurtnt Thai lie chid • tie « i -aid I••’Ji.'trtllicnt shall b < alb-*l lie* ** .M*cr**lai \ *'l lie Navy.’ and .-lull! under ".'litrol ol the I'm-el.-nt liax* ■ iiai g" "I all in .liter- aiel limit'- i "die • Id xx |lh tie N > \ \ "I III"*- si at**- .'tei shall |«*rl"rm .11 -u* h dull"- a|i|N*rtailillig t" tie Nax x as -liall. trom time b> tine h" a--'.'tied him by th" I’m -t«l«*nl SK* • th it furthi r • uurtnt. That acl Se. r**l irx -halt be auth"nz"*l i*• .i|»jM'iiit u i'hi"l Clerk, ami -u* It ..lie t clerk -as max !"• louml m*ee»-arv aud b« aulhort/' -l t*x law. A HIM.. I'TtX'K liKI'.XitTXIKVT T«* HK KNOWN xs 111* I.Kf AKTMKAT "t "*r < 1 th it I,y thi i wujr. us th. I iniftilrroh Stutr* nf Aiw rim . nwl if k Innhi/ « no. /.»/ th.■ siiiw 11.. 1 fr«4ii ait i .«ii. i 1... p, u . ibis ' then wind Im* .ni Kx* *nlix • l*e|.artne*nt t" !»• knoxxu .• tie |K*|*art m"lit o|.lust ie tie* prueipal "lle.-rjat tie* head ••! -aid |)"|.artin*'Ut -liall I"- d.'iioiiiinat"d tlu Attorte-x ten i al—who shall t** |*ai*l an annual .-alary l«* Im* ti\.* I hy laxx . aiel xx lio shall hax the |N>\\"r l*» a|qM>ml a < l*-i kat -•e h ••'*tn|M*nsalioii a max In- liv*.| l.x laxx M< 2 It -hall lit lie* dot) of He AtP'rie ) Ib ie 'il 1., prose**nl" and ei*mhict all setts in lie* Supr**im* Court 111 whirli III" Confederate Slat'*- -hall be < .i|ie.*rne«t. and to give his ndvto* ami o|uiihmi ii|m.ii *pi«—ti-.n- ot laxx when re*pitre*l bx tie President *.l tie Coiif**«|.'rat' stat.- or when r**qu*—l***l bx tle-.ule-r h**a.l.- ot |*«-|«iri nieiii-. touching tiny inait' i- that may < ..m .ru tle ir l* |.artne*nl •»H -libierl- l."|or«* Iheiii ll' -hall ha*• sii|N*rx i-«*rv |Mixv«*r *iv* r tie ac**oiint **f He* Marshals Cl.-rk ami.Ulna rs o| all tie **«*hi i- *.| th* C'.nl.-.'. rai Stat*-. and all . lailn- agam-t tie t ~t l| , d* rat* Slat - IlitfcN of I’oixtag* in tin 4 'on fell* ru I e Stati nos Anierlcit. **N I ITIKM- Singb* l**tt«*rs n*u ling a halt .hiii**.* iu w. bglit for ail) dis’taiiee uwtrr ftim luib-. ft ****nl- F*»r any di-iam*** •*'•*•* .'um mib s. in * . nt An additional single rale for each additional half oun. • or less. I M op letters 2 ••••nts inch In tie* loregoing i*iis**s. tie* iNHlage t" Im* |>r"pael I*;, -lamps and .-t.uii|NN| **iixi*lo|m- Advrtised letters 2 * "tits « ach. Containing other than |irint«*.l <»r xxritt«*n maH«*r- III"!."X |M. k.lges are included 111 this .la— To In* rated hx ’weight a- l"ii**rs ar< rated and I** I».- charged thnilJi ill*' rates "I |Nislage on letters. I*, xx it For any distance umler AfMl tnib*s. 10 cults l**r »;:* h halt ollle'e or I'—. F**r any di-tan* .* ttrer ft(g| inib - JO nut.. |.*r ea. h halt o»»nc*'or b*s ln all ea.-' s to be prr|Nild hy -iauips *ir stani|M*d i*ii vckqH-s. •»\ NKWSCXI’KHS Sent i" regular ami t*nut fuh suhscrilH-r.- tr**m th. •*! It.*** ol |Mihlicatton. nml mu ex«*«’**iling thr**** oiiim— in xx«*ight. Within the Stutr where fiiit-1 inhnl Weekly |»»»|N*r. 6», c. iiis |mt quarter: Vmi W*N*klx |*u|M*r. 13 ceni- jH*r <piarl*-r IW Weekly pa|M*r. 11# x 3 **«*nts |N*r qiiartei Unily |w|M*r. 30 c**nts |M*r quari«*r In all cas.*s. the jNiMlag" !•• Ih- puel •fuurtrrty in ml mint al the offices of tie* nulm**Tilnts Without the Stutr where pulJuht >t Weekl) |N»|M*r, 13 cetiU* |*er quarter; Sr mi Weekly j*a|M*r. 26 cuts |H*r *piart*-r. fW Weekly joint. 30 cents |M*r quarter; Unity pa|N*r. 7H rente |M*r quarter In ull ca-.*s. th** |Nr-t.»yi* |o In* |hii< I ./ unr Inly in ml mure al Um* offices of tin- siilh-.tilnts on i’kki* *nn'.xij* Sent to regular and leurt /birHiiMrilfTs fr*4n tin* *»l li**** of |Mihllmttou and imU exceeding 1 niiiir**** m weight: II 'if Ain th• Stutr* where fnihluhnl Monthly. 3 rents |N*r quarter. **r I rent f*»r each nuni Imt. Srmi Mont III) . 6 *-*'lits |n*i qiinrt'T. »*r 1 cent f**r <*a**h iiuiiilmt An ad*liti*4ial cent each iiuiiilmt for every a«l*litb>u.Tl (Nine**, or l.—s h‘*y.*ud tin* lirst 1 «niiic*'s Bi Monthiy *>r <j*inrt*Tlv. 1 cut an •**in*'<*. 11l nil mss. tie* jMwtag" to le jiaid •/mtrferht in ml mmr nl tin* «»tfb***s of stihscrilM*n* H tlhmit thr Shllt whet r fimtJi-hnl. Not exreedMig 1 (Mince** in w**ight Monthly. 6 cut- jmt quarter, or 2 rents |**r Imt. ijSWBI St mi Monthly 12 units |nt quarter. *>r 2 ni- for em it iiuiiilmt Txvo cents additional for every additional "un* - or I* - Im*) "id the lirst l **UI" - iii Montldy "i <piait'*rlx 2 n*nU an ounce. In all rases, tin* j«elav" to be |*anl i/uuiierty in .«•/ *>*/!*. il the ••lli*-*— **f tic sub-* ril»*Ts • *N TRAXSIKVT I*HIVTKIi M.XTtKK |>. rx other n* xx s|*a|M i, |4iui|*hl* i pen*Mti* al ami mag uxnt". "... Il«II "liar mu -de l hand >*ili ami engraving mu **\‘ *****lliig 3 •Mine»*s in weight. 2 cut- l**r any *li> tan**** 2 • »'itls aihlilbuial lor .T. additkuial oun*-** *»r b -e lM'yi.n.l Hire* - In all «*a* i **s, lie* |N**tage t" Im* |*r«*|Kiid hy .-tamps *»r stamjNil eiiv*'l**|h*s. n:\NKi\o mntiiViK. Th** following |N*rs*4is only ar** •*«ititi«*«i t" th** Irankiiig |inx ileg**. .111*1 in all ca-**- rtrvtty rtmfinul hi *4nnu 111 si NIMH. PiiMtliiastiT tieiieral Hi- <Tim*! < b*i k Auditor of th Treasury b*r tli** I'o-t <Htl***' l***|siri ni*Tit. It**pilty Postm asters. Tile ll(*Mt Im nlwny-H tin* f lien pcxl. GODEY’S LADY’S BOOK. tiii: st asi• ai: i»n *i: tii i i,*t i-oskvk ai; s. /‘riimwiirnt hy th> I'rtM of the t uilnl Shift * TII K It KH T Lath’s MutfHzine in tin* World, and tlie 4 II K A V K s T . nth: LITHKATI KH i- "1 that hnt*l Ilial call Ih* read aloud ill th" laimlx "it .1" and tic* clergv iii imimns- number-ar*'sob-rib**r tor Hi* lt*N.k 77/a; HKST LA hi ii HULL’S iii America *..iilrihute I*, tl-|iiig«*s. and xx** hax.* some lliat writ.* for noollm'i magazu.". IIIL Ml Sir i- ail original, an*! xxoiihl ***.st 2-’* c<*nts (th** pri* >■ •»! dc lt*H.k i lit lie HlUst* -tol •-: i'll! lll**.-! of || i-cupx l ighted, and cannot l»* ol>taim*.| oxccj.l in <i««|ey tint STLLL L\t;HA l /.Vb.N All •■lb>rt- (•• rival n> in tin- hav* **e;is**d. ami x\* now -•aid aloii" m | hi- d*|iart nciil .gix mg. .i- xx** »h*. many iiior** itnl inlhntely Im*ii.t "iigraving-thaiiar* |Mihlish***l in any othei \n • k ttf H I \sllln\ I’L.' n- 'fuHHHR x- .i ." "i ii uid tic .ir< i"ally th" I i-ht"ii.-. xx It lion xx< ton- **t other in igazii:. - liax* ii. v. i • riM'iii-"I either |*la***- i..Hb*x - ar** tie* only reliable fashion.-. Ut H WOOL LXtittA l tXtis. •*l xvlm h We give lxvi**«***r thr**** title s a.- m inx a- am •' ■ e . /.* ■ at** **ll*ll mist iketi for -i".‘i Tli**) «r* .-*• tar >*ii|MTior I** any *utiers I Mil'A TtHS S K* xx it"*-! t ii* *n i. K"iu* iiilm i that tin* l.elx' Itook i th" *>ri-* jiuldi**ati**ti and ih** * li*-a|M*st It you lake (••»d« x . x*»il xx.m! no oilier Ui.iga/.tlM* I x • ryihtng that is u- t*il «*r oruam*-utal in i Immi-* • m I*** l«mh».I in i;.«|. ) HHA WlXfi LKSSO XS N«* other giv* - them, amt xx•• hax* gtx* n enough I** till s**v*'ial larg** xoluui* - ortt HLt’L/rrs ...•-ik-h a- . hi Im' tound powlmt* "I- t *l..king m all ,i- van* lx—4 ..nle* iNMiery—it,****r\ —He T.ub i lie 1.-iunhiy—th* Klt*-h«-n |(*****i|*i- H|m»ii all -ui»|***'t *l' I" Ih* tuiimi ill the p t the l.idy - Ik-'k \\. originally -lari' and this .l**|Mrtni**i't. and hax •■ |h*. uliar la • iliti*— for making u ne-i |N*rfect Tin- •b*|*artin**ui • loll** I XX*.rill the price "I til. Il*M.k roLOIt Lb LX ft It. I I / XHS "l Kmltiiig. N< thug **r -**m** oilmt u- lnl hram h **t I.i •h**-’ xx'.rk i- gix**n m •■x**ry iiiiiiilnt. i.a/hls- in nth tahll Tin- dc|.nrtm**nl <-"iu|irisi*- ••ngraving- amt *l* -• rq* 11* mis ol **x *T) art id** that a la*ly wear- Mob LI. fOTTAf.LS No other un ./in* ha- this .l. i.artm* nt Terms. < 'iisli in Ail \ anee. SI Tiv..i..| >.'iir V, Tir. *n. ■. 111.1 an .\lr.i i..|n 1.. I le- |-r—ll •■luting III* etui' <|«l I • lit i <-pi - *'ii" x • .'i . aid an • \tra • ••|*x I" III" |«*i -*»ii - *ndit.g tie . tub. .«!.*, •ndm, tl,, . hiii. rJn \ml He tiiihf m>g i/im lhal • in I**- iniradu. *1 int*' Iti*- alnive rluln* in pkic* >.i tie laxly Bunk i* Arllnii ll.'in* Mag.izin <•«*»!•’) - Iji.lx IbM.k rn.l Arthur Il*>n. Mag./tn* Imuli - Iktok llarp' i M " ../it" b..ti. "ti. x «. 1... *4 all <«*h|* x llar|H i .net Ai dun will all lln** !.*• *nt »»m* Notes of all sotv*‘lit liallks lak' li at par Mil**crib. i- ni de lb ii i-h Prox in. . - un<> •nd for • mb-, must r"iiiii 36 • ••lit-**nii i*»i!' x**rx -Hh-eriber. t«* P'X til" Ain'TH'iin j»-lag* t*i lie hms It* earefnl and pax th** |»*•-» ig« «*n vonr lett«*i A.ldr* I*. A. 444mF.l , IVSI fhe-nul Street, rhilmhl./hm /’.» I'Kosnirirs OF DE BOW’S REVIEW. <» S..VUI. XXIX \FA\ SFKIh-v \'»l. IV. \«la|*t*"l piimurdx t*. lli* s.mhli.tii I\\ • t- i*. m.«i* •*f ih< fni**u. ini-ludiie. i.iii-tn -"l F**r* in ami IH'llieslit Ill'll.-Ir\ and FlihT|*ri •■ I’Ll tMS ti un ii hi innilrunit /*»».,' 'utf. futt mit •i i if /irt/tui'l i/unrlrrly. N'ttir* to SiiliMci-iIM i m aml Pont mu itei *». T*« iwmiiikms.—lt *.ur sub-criber- xxill |olb*\x a I* xx plain rub--. iM'.ount- le-txx "ii n- xx ill I* far I*"ti *r k* |*t tliaii t**riu**rlx 1 N.U" lli" U**« ipi-on th<* * **x ei and il xoiit iiam :• • mu ap|M*ai in two imuitli* alt* i |k xm* nl ml**rm lie "tin* al N**W'Orleans ol tie la* I an.l Imxx tli** pay iii nl xx.i- iii.kl* Nottlx de- "tli* "xx ti**ii a hiiiiilm r has taib and I" . ..n." to haml 2 K«*mit xx iih*.nt xx ailing l**r ag**ni- |t**g!-ier your I•• 11 • *r.-. When )mi juix an ag* nl. I* -or* that lit- *r* lential- ar** right \Vh**m*v**r praett*•rthb* remit hx • lic k "ii mix liank. *>r u|m.ii tii**r« ji.'ints **r • iti* .- oi lown.- I*.. imi to N.*w orl MIC 3 It xon xx rite I*, this "lib " gix lie* name ofthe • •Hie* 1., which yoiii |{**\ i**\x i- -**iit . and il you di.»* *»n tunc . gix** th*- node * "I thr**** uionths uludi is r***piir«**l. nwl /my »'/* 'ill nmurnife.* >hoiild liiiiiilmts alt* rxvar*l • *hii** t*» liaml. <*<•*• that ih**x ;ir«* return***! hx tic n* \t l<» xsTKifS —Th* in*'iii.-t*t .1 P' Xt. %% i- r* lu-*d al xom "lli* ". giv** n*Ui* " as lie la xx rcpiir*-. **r return lll** iiuiiilmt with * \planali >n- Tin- t- • ir»i**-tlx r***pieH|.*d I'r*4ii aii O.irliax.lltiig a-.nt-ai. John f" . Ilujmr '-ptx a. .lain* - lleenn;. | W Wil* x 1 W .1 <m**ifflM| tli«*r-«* ai’tiug uml'T tun. Adx**rttsing '."ii». Jm, I’r.N.k.* fur Smith lui nt imt It, t'"lnpl"l- -"t- of th" I: \I. XX or Nuin 1 ' Voliim**- for th" -•••v-Tal \**.i* may l>- had at PROSPECTUS ™ KCLKCTIC M Ui A/INK. Tli" h ittTH is i-stio'l tM'fop* ih<* first of every moutli Each nuiuher « *4itaitu* 144 large **rtav*i pagi*.*—tin* Jan •wry miuilNT. Ift2—on tin* j*aper, matly stiPled hi green cover.-, xxitii om* or in**r** beauiilul st*** I |N.rtratts by Sirtam Tic* twelve numbers <-oni|*ris. thr**** v«*| nines "I 6tWJ jsige- each. With titles, index's, and cm b. Ilishim nt- Trriu* : |a per nmiuiii in ailvanrr. 'Hi" |NM*tage i- only thr***' cynl- a nnnd*er. j»r**|i.iid. at til" o|fl**e ••! dclivcrx A*l*lr**s-. W. 11. HIDWKI.L, ft Be«*kiuan St N Y. TEMTI>I<» lAL#*. Lmm thr Him Lnlwnr.l Lvrrrtt lI**KT"N. Srft. 30, lHftl*. "I • »4i* ur in tic highly hivoralde ojunioiis at Jhk Fz ijcrn* Mai.azink xviik'li luix e t*<*en «*\pr«*sse.l hx 4*iiiiui*ut | nth*mis and ms* x.-ral leading journals read it tor three years, .md tind its < <>hi •*,!- selected. -*• »" pr. - ;,| n V ji n . | and ml* r- -Hi. matt. m atb.rd a l.u - . • urr*nt lit. tat in- ..t :h day FI»W \l.' Lii'in th> I/im Ijrw, trert. of inn CMKnr. I have long h *.*n area l-r of the Ar- ti* »**;«# and r. gard it ;»s iinsur|«*-- ! I*y any iML *.| the kind iii *.ur country f**r valuable reading Ti^fc**bi-imhis ar** jicm iously mn I**, ami ran y .j om* On*: Hi. tlie work \vhi« Ii is not of lively interest .*r p:* bum ' r id ruction." From Er brervh nt Fillmore I liax- taken tic Rrumr from its coniiictM i iiieul. a- tie* Im*ml s«-le. non * t |br**ign jMTMMIb al literature whieh , al»l** to.diUin | think thearlcrti«m< are ju ami the work i- very valual.b* MIIJjARB FIU.MMKfc. •