The commonwealth. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1861-1862, February 18, 1862, Image 4

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y". ■» dirtinnit. !i» , Judiwnl and '■ ”' i «Wr o '"'' i rh" tii «, r>r« «i..r n .T,i r ,f ';*«£■»*'"- fnr S"nat*.r „ . K.-w"-i t .lif- •■ -O'" .'tTT, , ..4Vw.tlt.UWl> . t.-t «!>'■■ C«.pri.r ir»s 'T *ll rorlM-.n,.., r!vl l> i" t » .no- 5...1 t.iH- - « C T &.• r ... .hull »-n.Mr n- l«,t twin In -v-' - " , * .uiPP- m t,» IH«t Mw'iv , asifi?, «t7..y day B •- 1 Rarh I on <• -'>**’ *«• n ' \ h " " ==:.*-vIS; .ii, . .1 •» nnntwr may «'.l " ■ - ''T >" „ tn.rlrM I ■ mmv I’ " atl-n-lam- m «, anrh manner a. i ndarirart.iwni.lti. r-r,,-!, ||.n «*• max im*vM** • s R,rh* w.a».* •.«-,tl.rmrfd U '«' VaX t.CJJTtWIIi Ve-T a mil n' rs It* and from t n. i»tm. imWah ’ " "* r rt" *"f ‘ '> m thrtr |,.d(rwnt r<v in- uTr-rv. and Ih T.n« and n-v. at. th" m-inh"r» '#<•' B'"'*' «> ,r qw-Mwn. *1 al' »' th" daa.rr of • nr tlill. <>f tL<*r pr', ent b<* ent re ’ j«nm»l 4’ S’-’th lona#* ••urtng th a 4«» or of atoll*wtrtM-tt th rnnamt <f t - dtor f ; tnrrr tut. I.i r dnyr nnr ;n »r- •; h— ~l.r« thu" th.- n whlrti tt tar., thniara nnatlh »'"**>*• Wnnv 1 Th, “T at.-a am* R-nr.-a-nl 11-m "bail .. rnrnprnaM n nr th"»-aow » -n hr BWWtntnrd hr •law nnd p and nit nf th'- trraa. y «< th* fnnfrdr a ■-latra Tt -» -hall. In all «•"* ' rna|d trraaon, np I hriwrh of t'li -w". h, prtrtl"* 1 'from arrral d.irtl,r •hair Mir. t, rr .1 thr art**" -f that" rraprrth . I'rnara. an It a-dnr 'r and pH mt tmir tha anm. ; and for »P' •’ prh-or In • •>! nr Honan, thny ana 1 not hr ndn> " "and Ip any °l ,irr I r . n hb. «. r. nr nr Rrpmarptr V ahVI. dnrtna tl a* f... w’ r> 1., aw rlnrtrd h a .nPlntnd t.. nor r.v I Imr- .mdr I V r Ihorltr nfi n r.,nrndrmm Stair wtdrh rh>* am hrrp nrralr T lt>" rnxdnm o r Wbnrrofat •” harr hrnn np*. n d.inna aorh t.m. ; ar. •nr prr ..r. hnldina any .dhr. >1 '»r thr rtnnfrd. rair ntMm .hai h. a mrmhiT nl H i» Han»» dorlna t a rniitlnuaiir 1) nfllm Jlnl rnnr a, law t-rai.t .0 Ibr pr,r T-I nfllonr Isl «wh nl tl. ■ \ larwr ■ fnmta arr 1 .«m ihr dnrr nff dl -r Ihmar. with II n pr'vdra- r and cuaasnii any nvar r. a a|.prrMiumK to k a .Miiiirtm ti . HK»-T1« i’* 7 1. All bp* rawnnit yirtm, of F-r ••Acnt.’tivt* *»«« 1 '** ntny prnj-* » n* coni'Hr v it nt* ** * i f h**r htlta ? hv< r\ hi vlimh shall »*v T » ‘ Wnq»i , atoll brim ■ . h.a -naalaw.l p . »r,i|,(l to tto Tm. drni of 111 r nfrdnrnir otaira I' " atwrorr. hr atn I alrn .1 .h. I unt. hr ahall rr... n l w.thtnr rhtrrlln, a to that It" aril, whtfih .1 flat r*»n orlßlnatnd, WP 0 •bull • nh*r til mnt» at l»rt • < • M\r\r Jnunia'. at 4 nrnr.—d tn ... .i.hT It. If, aft", . rrrrp.Mrrallr' two thlrdp .1 that flnrrr aM'l ' r ■I" |«IM Ilf Ml. I aha'lh. »• t,li«. ; thr. •lib thr t. ntana. to lti»"tt. r Hmwa.l.V «t rh .1 «hatniV, wn I r r.a,a.d. rrd ar 1f..,i,W. T. trtw.lhlr.l- -rtl I 'h;'>»r, ItdWlh f«mal !*■» Rut ip a«» ancli cn •* tin* of boi% H.m Bi-a » by > ‘H nn<t nuv«. tl-a namna .it t .#* voting tnr r iR«m-t th- t»IH ah. II *r antr r x tli<- «onnml of .*a b r-«pif»*r.« . If , rT hill 4t, n n«.t h aatnfn** »y th* l*r«ai'!-tit With tu tor. 4ay- ( umUyn .ia>| U*) 1t +\l alwl’ haro hr. a l»r<*iirtil»in •» itn. th*- mm>- flu* •» a law. In Ilk n ma k u*- if b t m* '’ »t. «m!«w tl ** rniurr.-w. by th. t nrltffltrwm*- t- nro\-nt 't* r-turn ! • Wh»rh raao tl •bull a!» c T)a* l>fVl.l»oi m f .ptirnv** any *. o*uttl«H» i; * raai»t»f* , vi % «»f any «t i-r v t' o «.i ii *' n !i <♦*!»• raM b hall. In al*r »nr tl a h.n. *1 •; st - lb- m»|— vHH »u . ai rt »*!!'* • « e»»fW Rfi'X " » »'• li»A n • »• tl I*’-.a- In Tfrwt« v *l an t o la * .of tl f hil‘- 1 y *V**»i* , « nl 3 |nv**n »* i-r, rwWimi •* ‘f •- ih»-m • f ►<l m») c *aar) («*frr|t| on • 04'-a*ivn •' * 4joarntn»*Di) ah'/ *n* V» I’ a vJ|2a. t &« Ormlwlnratr * ’•* *• and beftm V+• +mZ3S*mm tm* W mm J* 11 * i" ~t t: • •* ■ i ;»:. ' < '-.‘•h*. '• ■! ■ HP aii'l ti- ri o‘ funirw riViifatimr. iTi a'! wlii'ii »-.iP«-i».K>:fh .lutuv <, , tho fm- 'iuit.'il 11.• •r< by. um -ry t<> i'.t> U.v > ■ .-•!•• Ml. I ■•Xpi'l •..•». th fS tib “h uniform lawn of ii’ttorallvaMon. nmt «*•• n tli«* aufi>vt *' r i u’V Uin.ugb 14IJBOr, I ff.r-,. rA t,. stul -, but i.* •w, i*l C‘n*jjrri*>. !U4.11 ljett*"* '* “• ’the / ijn ri inoy. r.*jt: \ # tl>* . ihia tharn-i nf * i t flx thf- Ktub-luril ol welghtr a-. ! iu.*a«- >r#but .- r.-vii <• |ur thf w T tbr l- 1 „|.,i .rrr '.i .v»in of th*-«'* w i it « 14 r«» 'ttb !. j."if oflh'-H afbf n«>xl ruauv* br.i tlm tof ; •• t uillt’* l»i?pnHr«.*nt. aft-r Hu* ft rat • larch n tl.** v.-ar of nur |y*r«l night*H*n h . I ' 5* T to f h.- o.'" rtir.* aadj lb I acctir :;a f> r limit* <’ l;nu> tu&uthanci: ivcu '? t«-rlu iv* r.ghl to th«ftr nmpvt tive K iarnl >uu! !i# j,.., • # » r«n“ t ,t** tribunals in!* . ior to tl.. ' :prone mnA g |r| M*l'** and f.r m com fjlPin lb** hurl; acax. i fTcncij against * • law of imt* fn d«*cl: r- war, grant l-ttcra of morq : :u. l r<* kp'i tn lc< h nil*’* capture« ru !%»•! and * !*• raiy. mot * import armift*. but noaupyopnation ' tn that ua* 1 *hal! b tnah- Pir a loo.pT t-rtr. r■<»*>!»" y**;» * ijf'i j.r*». id.- am! matc.'.ain.u n .vr lU ‘l|>»tnak rul-a for fovertmu-ut an.l rvgulatioe of fj wf toi«i and aval forwi • Tn prnvi't** for caiiaik* t '■f. tlic militia #n -i< r.uU* of i-<• Confidrratc .<t.»t* , r*ippr«.- uiHurrrc .w».t r.*p i tnvaxiona 1 tlju yro\ r|«* fur organithi:*, ;:rr»»inp. and nplin ,l... r * nulilia. an t for imv.-rntnK t"*'h part - m w* V pniploycl In th- s»-rvlii* of th** f ’**«h*r'.to &tj o r(*«cr.imf to th- Stat**v, r< o'-rtn* ’* ap -11 lof th** ffHr**rn. and the ai'fJi'-*-i»y »'i ti'amuit’ r.cconiiPK to th' *in< i|ilU.i pr*-*** 1 .b**-' by To .‘xr; vine -xclubii •!• hit .up in nil c;»n*» wiiat* ) t <iir , % ov**r Much diftro t .not oxccorling t**n iiii!»w / )aa thojr, by tin* r. •B‘-;on of onaor timr«* Ktatf-r. rin lii'- occo) tauifs* of r*»nrr* <- he* 'Um th- at «and of th«- (*«»nf—UT^t->tnt** .-unit ercltfl uitlmrlt* wr «ls pfama purclia«-.f by tfu- nowwm ill • Icpialn ure of th- stale in which tin* aunt'- shftJi ir tin* ei •ction of fort** mir/.c ii-'. aiHMia!', Indfr i. run* oilier urrdtul hiiihlint'- and s #iTbrnak • all laor wbi-h rhall »h* n«‘C*-a«ry and k for cn rylng Into ex* r«itlon th.-'foreffnI,)*#pnw-ra, 1 ,)*#pnw-ra, S 'ffl Other iriwf-ra vertwl by th-s f’-a-tilul **r. in th«- Tomrnt *f tin* Confederate siutex, or n any d-- Vul or . fti”- thereof # 1250 wTtoN n Hhr imi ■ rt/itioß nf n-trro-n nf thr* raf uiy for-nm **»*ortry, otlu r th-u tin- *'lH«*-bnMini;' ; * •** T--rdtori*-**of tin f’iiit—l r-i-*-•• <-.f Anu-r'ca is i4. r t»; ten and (Vnjgr*-** t* r-spun and !<• p **ii( h ria irrb.ill fT-ctnaJly nr-v-tit tl..- anm '■ orurrof aboil a'».» hav- f*. w-r t<> ni-ohihii the in nyi-*M«inof «lav*-r from any **'t uof a *** cf f »nt rr ’t. ,r .V ’ '"*l'"'fW' ti*. f) and (, y ' III »TTi- f»r* in-jr- « » th* wnt *.f h«l ■ j*« *.*r|m«* -hull »* nitrite* led. uni-* > wh*-n in »m-- .f r**b« n *•*• non f» - .oldie r;«f- iv m*y it. forC v ‘’ hill . att'iitUMi «»’ -r • fo’i*s ..or >-iw inv or tmpairiiur ili- rwht .- r pr-p.". : i. jro l»C(V .4»,u1« 1 |«Haa*-,!. n y o-afi '*i'*n .*■ other »iir«-*:t **hall b- laid tut pr.*»r> f "ii n* the reiiHUR or enumenaiiUif herein br* et *1 to h«* Uu -n I . * r *hitv rlu-.1l be laid on tirf ; c|e« ex|K*rte.l Sf, ex*.*|»t by a vote ,;f two third of both ? > prof- rerr** ahaU b-'|wv-i< hy anv rcirulatinti of rntunwree or revenue ry th- fu rlB of uii- Hta?e over tin • . .*f anoth-r r \n nmr y ahall be drawi* f r<im tl < tr-*ai**ir*. hut Ui cpnaequen •• of approprlittuiti*. made by l.iw . mid n nvilar •tut* nent aud account "f tl*.** r«:r«-i*d and » • »***tiditMrer o all public tnoniV nliall be puiduhed f-etn linn* to time 9 <oppior* •hull -» monWr fr.-tn the tr.- u ury «-y.r j t by a vote of tw<-dhlnlrnf liotli li< mo*r, ti-Jim b* yen- end nayr, unlerr it be hblo and and « -i nirt f>*<t f *■ ii\ h« in- ‘die of the head* of tin- T> pnrtmeht, and n hniltt* and t*i Conijr-Ki* hy the T’rvrid. nt or for th purf 'v of p lying itr iiw:i exp* j»p*e and miitingopner <>r for the f* yn»ent ol claim* siealnM th*- Confed-raV* Htnt*r. the i slice of winch ahall have h-.-n Jiuhctahy derlnred by trlbntiki fo’ tie- •nv« < M:ffßti.*ti . f claim* apam.rt the y»ov»-mment winch It ta bert hy mode the duty ul Oiif I*4 t*» eatiiMtrh 10 All bilh* nppropeiatmp monfy rlutll ap»*eify in fed. *Tn* rtirrciii*’ tin- « xart "mount of each aupropr.ation at and tin- i»un'*aea f#»» winch it ••* made. «n.t I'ongr.-ra rhnh grant m extra eem|*.-i»*o»mti to rny puhlir or.: tr?••tor. officr. 'agent or p-rvnnt afl-r !*i,ch contract vhaM hnr. In-er ariadr nr rurh »i vie*; rendered 11 Vo tit! of nobility shall he /ranted bv the Con- P**’%rht' **'t« -r < and no perron holding any cfTl.** ol profit ..r irn.-i under them, shall, without the row*, nt nf th- (*ongreat- accf-pt any pr*~* tit, emidunventa, nttk-.- or tttlc of a hj4 tiid wh»tover fr -m any king, prince or : v r »i(rr. State 32 c i-ngr* -n ahall mak* no law respecting wn eatab llaiimcnt nf r -!igt«*n,or pmhihttingthe fre*-exere:ac there, of ; or ahrld; itig thsfreedcm r-r of thepreas or *hc r-.tfht of tjie pccpl - pcmeaii’y so aar-mhle and petition tlie rort-mmoi't for a redr-sr of grievamy-r 13 A well regulated militia tv*in? n-ceasary to the m ciTTity of h fr-** Mate, the right of tb* propl- to keep ai.-! h.-ur arms rbal! not be intki*ige*k 14 S'oaol 'i-r ahull, is tim* **l fH-arc, be quartered id tir.v licua* v *tl »mt .the . -mirnt »if th owner . r» r >n lime of war but in a manner to he pr* ft-nlied by law I#> Th. n-*ht of tin- people to be their I***r aomi. house* and cfl.-et* ayntnat unreyonahle Mcur.-nea •ndrc.*,jrHe -<hal' r.ot he vtolat-d . and no shall ia«"e but up n probable cause. supttorled hy .Kith or r.f frmatlon, aid padtrularly dorrribtng the place V> be aeHr. - k***l, acd the pwnuss or thhJg* to bo a-ixod 18 Vo pe son *haH be hdd t,* answer for a rapii-i or otherwise infamous crime, iin! > ar on a presentment «>r ladirtmentrt a grind Jury, except In casi*« arising in the land or i aval fopr.s, or m the militia, when th ao- Inal servirr- in lime nf war or public danger ; nor sb<i!l any pfrsr.n **• subject, for the same offence to be twic* |V i in .jet.pardy of life or limb . nor he cntn|s*li«vl, io any rntnlsa- case, to Na wlln«*sa against himself . nor b«- d-ppir- and «f life, lil.crty, or property, without duo pr<w.-.*e of |; w . nor shall private property be tak*-u fbs pctA* use. without just compensation. 17 in all riminal prnsrcutinpn the accused shall on Joy the r igh U‘ a «p****dy and public trial, by «o imrwr till Jmy-*r the State and district w litre in the crime shaU h»ir< Im*cii * wmiiv ii, which dwtrlct shalt have b*>r*n previously hy law. and to l>e informed of tii** nature and cause of the accusation*; tn he confront ed with the witnesses against him . to hav- compulsory l>r"c*-w* for *iblaining witn* soes in hi* favor : and to bar. th- a* istaure »»f oomtsel for hi* def-nac. IK In suits nt common law, wh**re the value in cod iM-v-rsy shall «*xc—d tw gty **ollars. Ihc right of trial by J'»ry ah« ! Im* pr.werred an I no’ fun m tried hy a Jury shall h otberons* r«* examined In any co*»rt of the G*nf*el-rucy a«*our*tuig to the tides id tie* common 1.. w Jtt Kxce* iv*- bail sliafl rot be r*-qnir*-*l. n*»r .-xi'-wsir* flues and, n»*r nrnel «od umiKual poiPshtn *n? in flu t-*d. 'JO I v ry !aw. or resolution liavtog the fonre of law. shad re lata- «.» but one suthict, and that nha’l b*j expres* std m the wrsr ' in. 1 Ho yta e shall dot*v‘'ntn uny treaty, alliance, or cotif**yeratl- n . grant letter* of marque -«Gfl reprixiil; wdn money mak*- Anything bet g**l.'. arid river coin a tender in p. ripent-of debts ; nose any bill of nttamder, or «ar. w*i fa* is law .or i*w impairing lbs obligation *W contracts ; . r grant any title of m billty. 2 No M* - shall, W’tbout lav my Imi •*«*» o- duties w, itu*w--t w ar.d *-tj» h-w« -x* -nt WV»* pn«V l '• aHs**!i,t#*iy *.‘s- --sary for eX-cut ! .ij» (W* in-'' ap- t-nv btv • ; hi • th*' uet t*r«**lnce <,r all duib-* *nd >m f***ti, lol! I v ary Hite *w im*v*rta«)r tl- shah In* for th* i.O* t tpe of ‘tire f*'.,ifi-lerai*» “tV-l ; an! ad Such tuwe «ha]i &sub)-ct U* the lyrUtba and Coiitn-I o| i *ggr«-«a .» Vn rt« ■ «toC, *wfek.«k" Onpr-wa, Wl Sr 4' *!! '• p ‘ •• 1. a! y r.\ <t divid* .-r fl *v. i.ifi.-b HH|H , s •' y - -m ■-i. i ; * • ■’ t,!< *- a .vir * ; " I: •■hfi-.uf. jC-'aV 4-R-nrl.F tI 1 mtmni ] now*-- ->i** n !■" V.' »te-1 !r a T 'r**»: ’-Tt - nnd th-- V-co ■hall boM thqtr th- term *»f j*i*. ▼ear' Sot thg f’resi »nr.t «bnl’ not he j-o-ellglhle The President and Viee-Proe-lent shall be elected rm follows : . 2. Foch f*ate shall appoint, in such a manner a.** the legislature thereof rr *v direct, a nurrtb-r of elector* equal to the whole pntrh?r of Senrtoes and Hepr.** entf; lives to which the P| it- mavbe-ep. it.ied In theron*rr«w . but tin Forntnr or Reorient live, or bolding a r . office of trust nr nrnfl. ujaier the ftinfederafe States, rhnit h<* xnrNUuted no e'-wdnr. 9 The e»*a*to-a «hal) in—l in thej9 and \-o, .> by ••▼Poi f,.r Wospient epd Vine President. one of whom, at i*-i«t ■h*n b-an iqh vitant of theaam Mtite wl*h themsqlves • they shall name i»i |h*-ir bnlbda th*. o- r «- i» ynted for a** Pre<: f- -t, ni>,» in d.M*nl*t hi I*J» lb- ner*,n» vot* ' for «vi V|c f*r,.«i , .'ent. fl!)'* lt»oy ■lbl l majf** *li«tlt»ct Mit« nf r»ll i>«-rv.*t***t for qaPn-'-- liMnt and of ah o,*»-t;nn» voted f. r qo Vir- TVeei.h*f)t. an-l of ft JO nnmb.-r of rOt<-B for eaSh. w'*icb list they bjvrxt* fi-u> an 1 e#*-»«r v *«i*d transmit. •»*—•-*. to the s**v emm-nt of tn- r-'r.fl.derate •deni of tb- Sena*- the President nf the * --ife shall, in the r*re-»en-e of an*l fto-»ae of ft*M>r* » nta tit'—*, oner .»!* the c«ri(flc*iti-* and the vot,-. dinli h-n b* counted • the pf.pcnp hnV’Oy 11.0 rrp-i|i>«| nilOi>.. *- »«f • vote" f, r t*-ss|.*ent ahall ho tlieflVcs;,? >.t. if - -. h num ber Si i malnritv of thr who?/* number r,f *l.Tt**r*' nr pointed ■ and \f »m ner«on’hn\e o*»eb maiority. then, from fb- n-roons b**rl*i» th* highest numbers, rv *-a C-’O *)ne three, on tile h«t of these Vi i? —it for «•* Pr,* d-nt. Ih— ffe*ise of Pepreaenfatlvea ahall e}*oofc.- tm’Tl*” dia|»*lv. by bn’U.f. the Preald'*tit. b-i In cl,od-,ng the '-ut th" rntri KbjiP h.* |>jk«n bv -t;,l •<*. the reprr «e*etnt ion fr,.—* each U**,#e tinvlp—•• * -q;. r,i for ib'n numose shall consist of n menii "r r.r nißmb---s from two.thirds of the «tat*-s. nvl a nv"r.ri»v »ah f?«» Stut-a lv> n-iyasqrv to r choice And <f th- th-oa of Tt-»»*t ■V'*} »b.-d| not cboov. **r,-fc Uut*wh-f.- ever rjjht of choice shall d*-volve noon them, Imfor,* the fourth dav of Mnrch next fidlwwim'/atberi the V-ce. preald-nt shell fie| n-< Preaident, DC m cn’Jer.f to, d* ,th, or other copstit-tlonat disability of the Pm-id-nt 4 Tt.e nerooo haring the pr on leaf i,,*mh>-r of vofea r-« President «h-*U h- the Pic* Pr,-» *• nt if «*neh tr-m b'" r boa maio-Kv of tljn vihole numb.-r ch r'nrv *(n pointed - find jf pi* person have n mVoritv. then, f.-.mi the two choose the Vice t’r< - 1,-nt •* a quorum f. r the puvpewe ph*»lLroo«*at 'A two third* of *J<* whole nnmhen. of S'-n --••o*w nod n ma»oSitv of the whole M-mhcr shall h* nr Cesserv to a choice fl n>t no »,4.ra/.H cnn«t l"t’/ «-»llr ineligible to the .’ifflce of Prealden* ahr,U h<‘ ep-ihlr f,> that -f r > ; , *|e**t of the fVn f*»d rr At 4* Wlfifac 8. Th< r .rurc- nw de!er n ,ina > 1-4 t ru'- Os chne-Jirip , f*tr charters a-d |he d-iv rp w l ".-*- f**ev • •’ •• *-e Hietr fcV-'tea- which HflV shah hg s *ni‘- •!’ • •■ 1 * .»• * thf «r. .. C/ M «.,rate «ft 4 -4 V * 7 Vo rw»r«nn »*TCCpf rt tVtl.irql born cU-fen f,f ‘.he . 'f..*if4..«4.— I|4» c* .* A, ,r w rlt-T.-n t» n» *l. | •?.■ ~f "th*- I*’ ' ll'iM .if thl f'onstit•*l»oe | *»r •* ail'v..,,* 1«8A do" 1m ■ '.-iliV tr, lh« i.fffr* •*. V.f ’i/.1-Tr • »**•' nor ne**9r»p »»#. eligible to p office who ab-jl* ~/.t have attnined fh.i H*»e O s t*il*Uv Sve i--.-,r« TP-t he-n ft '-rter■ v»r* •< reawl-p* w**i|'U •* e I >->d* rj 1 |b*- .'.ii fa.i.• —at.* «!•*. -• as IheV tnnv exist »»t the tJm**ol h < 0 *n c-»oe of |).e remova* of IH.. Prr.«i,»on| from offirs. or i-.f bin '*4> ,*li *-ew,|.ni' r.- m*l,-li*.- *o and -.-rt r\rm- »ho 1--. V • r.r th..', „of r , l , a , ' f. r- U l, . oftv-r «b-,M o. i ■.« I‘r,, ,-t .nt -.r» » r-*cb offic«*r - hnii nC f aceord'n-iv I'oti) tl * ;-ab-***v he rep r i t < Prat , 'oat <lp,'.l be -lari...* Tv... Vp4'«i i-n 1.1 fit . r , , . v ,. r, r i, , P4»rV*C/*« a CO*pl»*-eSfltir>P. wh ' *1 *.o*l*l4 r }f. . cronsq . -or diminish,.,* dnru - the npr'q l twh* ! » 4 » -ir*- hc4.4^'.i.. <i t4.,* r,. and besh ," Wot • >v ; iVn 14-at t"ri.v| mv MW«m<.!iimrnl fr'.4n t'. r4lnff.lal.Vtf K»**t*-j. ~r gpv of them fa tr.f-vr.. b- 4.p*o»j 4v* " - tfon of 1.. he e-a" 1lV" l>." 'rl’.-cipiimlb . ..4 , m „t v ... ~ .1"' tfßr l‘rn. I. , f, ..„,i„r,t . t,t„ "■ V —4 rr an<l ft" .’.matltnf "" *4t»fl. r ■ r.?c*ri<*v t 1 -I*n- Prealdent ahnll he eomninfi*ier.|ii-ch*- I f.f Ihe firmv ■•n** paw of the lnj-nf- M*»l*-,j. -»nd of I*tr *p :, 't’-» of th. snrw'ft 1 M.atea vr)v**4 -a*l -i the r-r-ia! ’ ■if-rvice of tb * - Ponfedarnt*' ®tate**- l>4 h-iv r<> the oj-it ioo in wriffn-. i t s the tirmi- r,,i! offl r In < nc>» of tike Fv4*c*iti-i* I»#• >»•»• tm-Ud«. Hfi.-.1, -,*.v » ’■••ert fl into * to Hi- 4*i)lioa of tbalr resperfive r.fV nti-1 It.- ■li-i'.i bar.- nnv.-r to irrihi reprieve# qpd r.-*r, I on- n.'iipct the ('» r f.'d -rfjt*- errant in cps, r.r ~ m>nchu)« i t 2 II- eh.-iil have power, bv an-i w t‘- H , nrei Ctt-r ' -Us •>* the Senate, fn make tr *at>* a prnvi'hnl two ih**ds nf the ''eentore nreseat concur and h,- aha'* norpinnfe ao-' hr and with th- adv'ce r-epsept of the ate •!.; 1’ 1 aopolpf uplv'con.W*, rdh'-r ouldic mtP ( ster« and cens«**B |*|dee« i>f th.- s bin*-eipr f,.,irt nod all 4*tber officer* es »h,« r..|,f,.d,. r *-t i|e« wh*w. *o peiptnieeto ar#» pef horeip othorw'S*- prpvl»*e,t for_ an.', whirb «>.*,'l t„. 4*-j|ab*iahed bv 'nur b**l the fV,nfrreaa TIVtV. liv ’'iw, V* ‘ t the appointment of C«n-I» ipfarmr oS*. C*-rc. ft* p.f-v fblt'V proper |e the f»rr**»*d,>pt alone, fn |h,i ♦ fi'-rf', rtf Inv. or in the heads of TVnnrtmeets Jt Th. erincion! officer ity each of tha f'anpntlre T*e p.artmeptß »pd -.d o»»r«f, r r- connected will the diploma. 1h- service. m«V be 'erp'-red from office M the p|en*4ire *if tb* , *rr»i4rfit. \U oth* r civil off.-, pm r.f the Fxecu tir»- T'ena-im-nt fnav b** removed r*t »»nv time b%- the l*T*-sld»r f. or r.tber npT»oi.dinr f..»vr**r, wh-p their e. r vires !,'# -.nnei-eararv. nr for di*li4in<‘«*v inr-ipii'-ltv. In cfflci-nc/ miccopdiu-t. or neglect ,f and u- an*' when »r remra-e,!. th,. fepaori! “hull be rc; prf J Ut f1.4 Senate, together with the* therefor 4 Th- T ‘resident «n 11 * her- power to tt-' all that mov b inoep di| the r**re»-,.f the Cenat'-. bv granfipa which "h-,il - at the ep •ct tbejr '-evt seeeinn hut n« person r ■. i, .* hv the <mr. at,. shn” be re-at.rvdintcd to th" sfim.* off'"' tl*>rinjr the ,- ensuing r’ce** swrnov fl. 1 XI,»• Pr-sid-pt sha’l, from iiiiii- tn tirpr. «••»« to tha Cnncri-vm ipformst ; . p of the state of th -f - nf. de, npd **,-, '.mmc" *to the|-c.T«lder .I-r n * ( m- *.-rc*i h? ehill |*iige n , *cess»,rv and egpodirr* be mk' .Or ry. t r 4 ordtpar|r crcasiqps, convene hath P- ti&e« pr cither < them- fir-t In rase of .‘••avr-ep-topt h***ween them. u*th resi*ecf to sh»- titpo/if adlnurrment. h*- rnera 4, o*irn them to pitch time a* he shall think prf»iw*r- he shall rr feiy,- ambassadors and other puhlir mia’-'ters he shall take care that tbs taws b- fhitbftinv ex-enfei. an 1 shall conmisaion all.thc officers of th*roQft*rie?ftt*> Flatcs. HgrWos 4 % . 1- The President, Vice Pr.-sidrnt, and all r<r! officers of the fVmfederate Stales, shall ?»e remove 1 fVnm -.fTco on impeachment for, and convictt4»p of. treanon, knb*--y, or other high Crimea and misdemeanor* Apn.r m. Ppemov 1, 1 Toe tudicial power nf the fbhffderate fftafes shall He vested i$ ope Cuocr-o** Tourt find in such Inferior Courts »• the Com*rew« mar frerr* tinp*-" to time ordain nnd establish Th- judges, both of the *»'uoreme and Inferior (VnH». shall bold th-ir offices durinr poo-t be. hurl/w. and - shall, a! stated times. •-'■noire f**e their services a romoenaatine . whH shall not bt* dHU.Utah'*') daring thetr continuance tn offlre. worros ? r **Xie indi-isi n-'wer sh-*ll cv*-p * to all cs«es atlsing under *his f%*nsllti*tion. Up ’»w* <*f »be rnttfc.Vraf* Pt.Xteff and treaties made or w-h*e>* t-b!*’* be made no '• r tb-u- si-.tbocifv to alt eases *,ff*»c*iug *mb-i«sa-l'*es ofb**f f-'Mic o.i-Pd -rs spd eofMUll*. t»* »H e**»As nt a **-prn»?v and Pl'** Him-- iu-is'iCticq t> cortrf.vera'ea to which the Cl in fed e-at" Cfst<-s s» al' b* l a Pa-tr to n-ntenvers" • butp-r *wo or nm- States, h tw*-* n a -tat'* -*n*t **itl x-m of a-**tb»*r *>tate Where ih-- Ftate |s ptaHitiff- b tween rtf hr -himlne la**ds under gcqcts of* dtflVeept Ptutw. am* hetw*-n s c bite or th** cuir-’ns th r c**of. and fo'-elgn M.-*|es* c*t'r.«ns «*r anbharts Jmt no Ma»e shAU Ho sqcl hv a cit'sep or »*»b|,»ct of bv foreign '•♦ate 2 In al* cqs *s wnh tssador*-. other nt»bl*p. miojste*ui and c****suls. and «hos- in W»»ifh a Mat** *hi»'l bes ••qstv. the '■'itn*an« Oru.’fl fbiV have or trine > iuri«- diefen. Tn ah the lithaf rxiv* b*’ r .« -r•* -p*iofic I fVs «*i***e**mo Cutict sb»* ,! ba-«* fppell itc pjrh* iictlon. »*h t*» tow amt fact «*ltb such «x»*epM«V»*a aflii ntolcr auch rejniV-itv-ps. us theCiqirr'We shall ainkf. fl TH • *ri*i all C'*m-a. i*vc'»nt m ceres of *m»v*acb. rper,t «b* th- bv hu*v, and s*ich tr-,ifl shah be h-ld Hi th* 'tet,* Where *be *atd C*-I?n.*s hcer c/ITtl tn*tted but when not commuted with*n.any State, tb# imi }pm*mQaXtaiercmtpw)*mi '4s- : .HBr * RETAIL D S E R •A E L * ' IN FRENI! DRUGS, GENUINE MEDICINES • |XD PURE CHEMICALS,' SIGN UK THK GOI.IJEN EAGLE. 0 coknlt; or »»i:ahi trkk ami hkcvti.h htkkki;! ati/a.vta. GBOKGIA. By CON TAM ARKWAI2* **f A«Tin.F> I.V TIIKIR lid*,*'*! l.#r*-u ii .-•: • »ii«* ~i * </i i’ l in .ii, tiiAnuiru ' IK'liCtn-y, limits, ly Stull:*, l'*-r uim-ry, T'iiicv Arljgl'-H, lirushca ol a 1 ! kind* iMtital Instrum-M.i ftt'-il eijit-r articles, a!tu», p'urgu-.aj lastrumuara ill •;! which will t»r tfdlil at tin. Lowrd PrieeN'lar Oupii, AVP UN THV ,1-T -AnXIMMODAtCfc ifllM." HJIt APPROVED PAPER. l*liy«i*THiH pr«-a<*rlptloiim comimumlpl wlffa xrrujMiliMiw <n rr nnd an unit y r.t this Krftnlill«liiii«-iit. W- ar.; alM* «!i- • ole p ' nri-tor and ir. inulu* tur« r* of TA V LOK'N A *T»-nVHI»KPTIC ‘ 1C 1-1 \ IK. M-TCbauU,'. I''Ta. riiyslcrins and ulhiTß wul flt.d l te tlieir-intored (<• hs»k through our \ iUI ,i ; -..n,, pric -f imff»rc*gr>litg further or |rircJ«A*uiifi ••J«t*wb**r g[-.r 24-*lly ??l r N\*ICC TT, iAVHnli.k .MV!** HOME INSURANCE COMPANY COLUMBUS, GEO. CAPITAL 8*4.104)00 Dr. JaMKS F. ROZKMAN. I'ri-Kldvnt. I). K. \VtM*ox. S»TC|*tnrv. LIFE INSURANCE NT. A VItVN Wfl.lirit, Ael '. i ;• Pr 11, P a.(v-m r*. < oiT i!.d;r Vhysuuai: i.'isv l ; uu L i'mmiiiglmui’e H.iildiiq*. 94 lUy ; treat. WHY •VVJU. \ F nil ’ • • Ah'* leqv • uii|,ro; *‘--l Iw v. it- . «*ln > . **c 1; .* si :. a ,i P in) paid, eth . 1; uu ii;y ••• qu;,ri>*rl\ >" » • 4.... U>r th.-m .»*• -.iD-ttuu «*‘tni«» l- TANARUS;. (. - * gia ll'*ru< Ijfo lih ir.uii* • fornia iv ill '*--inenij, • !|*. r.**c 1“ «• y 'if • .nsMitinr* • ->mi'. \ t-r* .1 •*.!• : l|* r *** th • >mrnuiutv lu«. a* in»v >** lul f*v * >• »i Os l*»r life The ’ll- Os ad* htur nu\ i* -r Ih h-u.-tti of hi* rr.*» tor, \ hmuc.ii. .i-m ire l.jw „«ui lit** so n** i<* r-cure the h n*-<U ..j tl* Aiuuir Uic- huu - If nil i.tni.iii':; Vim . «l.i** n n«* ol- fl-tor- t »»e sq n . gs.'uri**! m t*;»i I t*i Jus r**p *•? uit-4'ves I rontjot aflorii it—three c**|it« a *1 .y wi i isqur* s;ttXi t«> .» |mtp<u» Iw :i ty ight y-«M» nl'l, and » young* r|r rtmu ii*»ihl jniy still !«• - Is nut |lt* qu id ion, ruth'*r r.»u y«»u, coiisblerim* • r , * ##'l’*'lh i*-H lifKorthern cbinjH*tiii‘f:cim Id ira: *'!- 11 te I .is ccmp.uiv 1.11 iib*-r..l terms.and with littl*- irouh. * tjrFor ft;il IDturiu itiou an ) .1* m -ur. c.e, < ,juy to l KAM I* SIIITU, Agi nl, and ‘cU-*tlv * ,\t! O- orgia. PRINTER’S INK. * MA.STf ACi iTtKI) nv .B. A. RANDALL &. CO. MARIKTTA. GKOKGIA. , , 1 BOOK. NIAVS ,\ND .C’OLOUEf) INKS. Or an 4-xci , ll.-"l qnaiit v. and warrant.-d pijna to itn) Nortln-rn make. Book Ink at » Ct-nta to . 4.0(1 pm pmind. in can', ol 1 to 10 poiin.n. Ni-w.. Ink ut ">o e:.<. p.-r poitnil, in k>-ga ol' i... .Oil m,! 10*1 p.minl*. Oolor4-(l Iplta at #| Dll to SSIW p.-r poniiJ. in half pound anil ptnitid cans. janltft dim it A. li.WDAU. & fjO SUGARS AND SIRUP!! COO BAHIIELH NEW ORLEANS SIRUP!! I'JO Ilnpalionils Ntt|;.ir, OF GRADES, eon ha lk. nv > T. F. LOWE, jant-dtl • M.kikita Stukkt SUNDRIES. * 30.000 CrtiAlW VARIOUS BRANDS, c cuf-STS Tea. . 5 I!AOS ALMONDS, • 4 BOXES S. \y. COLLINS' AXES • F* r s .le ljv BROWN. FLEMING & CO, * • »nl I 'Oy GEORGIA, Fulton Connjy, S*V pkkj.'R < m rt. Octubar Ttrm IWI Narqe m her ) v« ► Libel for I) vorcc. f Nathan W Miller) fl'W'* l UU' to the C#u r t. by thcr4«t>irf, of t .<- c h-r’ff. til *1 tilH <l«, •* o*»t 1 »* 4 -1 le la this CUilotV n ;1 tt further mii;> i u.ff th «t hv •' sn* t *•**•'i • t'.i* bt tc. *-ii in t * n «*r J*.hi. M. C'.xrS-,. 1 lihiiur* Attu-n-y, •t •% order-.' ti t h m Id f n • t.-t «pp nr an 1 imi w-r at llg* r-*Kt t**riu **f th»a f 'nurt th »tili«*c.u b c«*j n i. red it, i.-f.iuit. ,utd tti.* tiiaiuttfl ;iU*»w--<l tu nnaf l. Air* it is fifth r ordered th .t t? u» ru n b** pit- <i**hed m cn <d th** g.-x of tt«!» bt fl ouco a Mouth for four in< Lthq * -rw r» rapkAUB«e»4MCW4* B I. Boilaß,' •uMaaa - tabugaittMc* ,J * -vS sou, , Hv:.ry liirvur. Albany, m iria-ly f , * E. M. EDWARDY. FAMILY GROCERIES’ AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, . AT G. 11. DANIEL'S OLD STAND, U'yiTK (I A 1,1, STUKK-r, !•.TltA ,TA. *a")*ariu AU-u t* -, i . ,i|,» j - rM A#*A due lot Kentucky Applet u'»w on *>»>■ 1 t JJ-uiA-inj “• **W «. «. nwwH III'BHELL, ifUKII & HUSTON, PRODUCE, PROVISION Commission Merchants, ,V/i. |»,7. Mu in Strrrt, ( WVArfo Him k i Mmi/tAu HA Vi r* '•uj't.udly ■site. H<t|lßiU4, iv-I*** ui i l'o»iil.W» m vii,,;.i 4-*n\ ,y cry kind, . - . April-2« l«M| itatuly brown; FLEMING & CO ATLANTA ■ • Winnyw fUn IH / NF,\V t'HLEANfj - &7 i.5... r.n. r.amr ™ WHOLESALE PRODUCE DEALERS . And general COMMISSION .MERCHANTS. vSjcPiirtictilnr attotyion jrivr-u to. ami nr (lim's koliciteil for XvlasKti, Wuul, liitTes, Ac. jiiuh «fll * L 0. JKjc 'D A NTeL, WIIOLIvSA Lif DKAI.I U IN . GROCERIES AND PRODUCE. On Huntin'. Whitnliali A ‘ i>* J > 1 . Atlanta-. Georgia. . • March te—lf* NOTICE TO liEVnm “' w v. have: a good assortment of AUTfcFICIAL, TEETII. Plain and G-um, 4 WHICH WK WILL SELL AT’ SLEW YORK COST To out. ' . I .*»1 \«SKY A LAAktiKLL. ft - ., 2S-.:2tu . Vk hiMi/i . *lr*'< t Atlanta. J. T. POUTKK, COMMISSION* MERCHANT ¥ And General Agent.’ For the Punjiase and Sale of.all Product. Marit-ttu St , Atlanta, Gu, K**fi*ra t*> V.4-'t , *y k I/r.Md* I . Ali.tuit* Re*-.-:** Lin ton, 4\ m 4,ti. K v . W. C Hi. . Mi- vii , ! ' N l I't.uL l.i tu, <»r**4it-h4-n; lieu W •*- :*llj*r»< *• fi O* (.'liarlvabm; St rat an k -,‘ym<ujr,.!. H Willy, Tci,tv .l«it ‘2K. olr ly • JUST OUT THK ONLY IMPK >VKI» WHTJON .(* HARDEES TACTiCS . im-avtky am* imi.E. 2 vote 24 mo. cN*th, nil th • f l t« h 12 Mi ■J v! 9 v*. |iaf»* r. all th* plat p • - 2UO 2 votfc. a V*<. f»a|e*r, aiUuui ’.f>■ atv* • f 1 60 j#i2..ttr J. MriMlKHniN Si ro. and like inA’Uance IN SOUTHERN COMPANIES. VITK ARI. A<*KVIS F«Ht TMf- H»LI «»\V|Nt. Kk^PllN. If slble C>»miHUii**a THK A! til bTA INM’RAMT ANI» BA'%CIM. Of»MI*A » NY.C.A t’AITTAI s37ku*k. .Till v ’KI.MA l\s‘l , KANf*K ANfrTRI 4T(t»Mr*AVY Am, • AiTIAI f.tffMa,. l , rt*m*utr *im i c m ir v <u*tv**tit tu,.* *> ~o in-*i’i**t!***•* *•• n. iremsov tk ( - u„ ,\g't»* A«litutj|. mar 7*4! . , . Valentines! TTIE ti«n*l of V.ih*r*itv# lor tut’ * •»’ •l*** Book A Mu-t Si*»r»- *f F« H. IM , .1 J Bit II \ I?f>> A .Cn. GKORGI Kalltit) County. m iMiKi**N «>trm» talker Term, lbfll Jf-a-nl. tu* H**u t» A Bull. Judged oai*t Circuit Khxab-th KulMiikx. ) a vp >l.ib**l for IHvorre, L<v Adam Kubiukf, ') | IT un*«irnirt''l!i' , <Viirt. hv therrtun* «» f tbe«heri(|, i». tl ti.»- IM*ndm‘. if.- 0i r.-ati-i;» ih.. mil It llirtlb’f *IU* Hriiisf 11: 4I fir •!». - »**! f’,S' *" •’ ”~ , 't , *» ‘it i* **u m*-ti**ii. i**o* * .1 * *i-*r*'■*■ * *M't , ”-* r •*» I a'a-vy.THI tl a I ,'XI t-IrTii 4if If'.M *'«-•’•• V fl* Hi-* 1: 6«* i>* •-M 7 . ,*rr<l ill dvratlil. wtl 'ih ' I’-tw*.»* *| l***W*-n U* pr*-. ~ J. .1 >1 A *V I IWUOd W HaliMlfl'- AttArt.eyff. Gram.Hl. . o A Hi UumLo. 4 Tru, vztraet fr.« tto - -iwwr 400*