The commonwealth. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1861-1862, August 16, 1862, Image 1

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THE COMMONWEALTH. i. S. PETERSON, EDITOR Ottr Term*. Dally, one year SO,OO. Do six months 0.00. Do three months 1.50. Do for • less time fifteen cents per week. The “ComsoNWEATTH” is now the cheapest —nod by many considered the best paper MW published ta the Confederate States. We need a large circulation to make it pay —we put the price low to secure it. We hope our friends will aid us in securing it A Pie* tmr the Soldier. Camp Browk, Macon, Ga., > A life, lit, lKti:>. f Editor Telegraph :—lt in now a stubborn fact beyond all disputation that our lives, our liberties and our property, and, moresacred than these, the salvation of our wives and chib 4ren, our altars ami firesides, must de pend for security on the strung arms and stout hearts of our common sol diers. Whilst many of our officers have tarnished their uniforms by low debaucheries, it is admitted, with one harmonious voice, that the privates have sustained and redeemed the pu rity and honor of the Confederate Hag, by their good conduct in camp and their valor and unshaken intrepidity Slider the flash and fire of the enemy’* gnus. The Congress will re-assemble next Monday, at Richmond. Cannot (hat body, npon the recommendation of the President, do something more than has been done, to reward merit and services, encourage order and subor dination, and add increased hope and strength to the hearts and arms of eur common soldiers '( Wc think it could ; and that something should be a more material “aid and comfort” than th* idle breath of Fame’s uncer tain trumpet, and the equally false Cohoes of an cvcrcbanging world.— Sere not unfrequently the paths of military glory lend but to the grave ; and while the multitude, pleased with novelty and studious of change, may tisday strew branches of palms before aome conquering hero, on the mor r*w it may cry out, Crucify hint ! 6rucify him ! “ruts tin with gold, And the ttrong lanes ot jnatice hurtle** break* ; Ana It in rag*, a pigmy'* atraw doth pierct It.” The wives, mothers, daughters and sisters of our soldiers demand a more certain and substantial consideration than mere idle wind for the lives, the broken limbs und diseased and man gled bodies of their natural protectors. When these protectors are left un known and unfriended on the field, to banquet worms, or drag out a miser able, crippled, diseased existence, the mere whistling of their names (if ever they should ascend to the digni ty of a newspaper) will hardly atone for their poverty and wretchedness. They will consider patriotism but a misplaced word unless, iu its mean- Dig, it embraces wife, children, friends md sacred home—more sacred, be cause that borne is forever consecra ted in their affections by the toils and privations of virtuous poverty. I.ike the Daoicn wife or mother, while the husbaad’B or son’s eyes are swim ming in death, the red drops fall one %y one fmm his side to make a Roman holiday—so seme helpless woman •way yonder in a lonely mountain hut •r cottage that aits Bear the sea, may fttnk th3t the drunken order that pave fame to the General or Colonel, •nd butchery to her husband or son, hi of little real worth while she in hopeless wretchedness und “unwo manly rags” is left alone to weave out for herself and starving children •t once “a shroud and a shirt." She mill hardly be consoled when she reads Ans of the buttle— m TA* a«thi*g—• prl rwte or two, mow and then, Will mot (joust In tha new* af the batik ; V**aa ««eer lout • on’y nan* nt the won— Moaning out, aM aloof, thr death rattle.** A considerable observation and ex perience in tbc army confirms the im pression on us that the root of most *f thlu insubordination among the pri vates, takes its sap and vigor from toe small government pay. lie must he more or less than a patriot or a ■mu, who can serve his country with amorfulnoss at eleven dollars a mouth, (• snm hardly sufficient now to buy i pair of shoes) while he is always •Bcscione that his wife and children at borne arc* exposed to the “tender “ WISDOM- JUSTICE- MODERATION.*» ATLANTA, GEORGIA, SATURDAY EVENING. AUGUST 17. 1862. mercies" of land sharks and mud 1 suckers, and the precarious public and individual charities, more talked of than experienced by many of the mod est and needy of necessitous females. This fire in the rear is more deadly to the energies of the soldier than the Hashing in front of millions of the enemy’s guns. The officer may well be content, for his pay and brief au thority is a full recompense for all of his responsibility and military school ing. The lawyer should be paid for the time and money he has expended in the mastery of Ins profession. Tin physician should not only in- cwc.d j ed for his immedinto services np.u medicine, but for his science in ad ministrations to diseased minds and bodies. The sculptor's most prized fee is not found in h manual labor, but in the sublime faculties which enable him to transform, by I, is chisel, the rough, sliupelcse marble into the * image of a hero or god ; but why the I officer should receive his hundred* i and the soldier only iiis tons, is a ! mystery, except, on the supposition (which, wc think, is lar fetched) that all officers trace their pedigree in a lineal Hue from Minerva, who is said to have leaped a! no hound from the head of dove, lolly armed and equipped —"as the lam directs .” If wc open our eyes and cars we cannot he otherwise Ilian satisfied that this cannot be a fact—for if we compare the officer and private, we find that in looks and iu speech, in miad and in body, in skill and in education, and in all that gives man a re titled suprema cy over brutes, that neither, or l>oth may claim a warlike goddess lor a progenitor. It could not be otherwise and will always remain sc. as long a- the i "you tickle me and I'll tickle ynv” system of election i practiced—a system, by which the few, of more brass than brains, impose themselves on the many, by secret combinations and tics ol u uuinerou. relationship, at the expense of friendless, modest merit and public wrong. If every General or Colonel had been -horn such, or prepared himself for years by a regular military pupilage to command, then the duty of obedience would be pleasant to the private, and the military title would not be so of ten associated with ignorance, tyran ny and scorn. As it is, each man now feels that he is every inch a hero—that he is a born Ciesar, and can lead many squado ns in the field, although he knows that he can neith er read, write or speak his mother tongue like a Christian and gentle man. It is this acknowledged equal ity of the essential elements of worth and talent, and the ficticious inequal ity of title and pay between the officer and private, which will, without a change, continue to be the fruitful mother of dissatisfaction, disorder and desertion. Congress should ap ply the remedy at once. Unlike the mercenaries of the North, who fight for pay and plunder, our privates arc among the best of our professional and industrial classes. Many of them have voluntarily abandoned ease, wealth and homo and freely sacrificed their all of worldly sub stance. Congress surely cannot permit such men longer to live on eleven dollars a month, (which can not now be done by the practice of the mast miserly economy) while their wives and children at home are exposed to base extortioners and greedy swindlers, whose God is gold, and whose cars are deaf to every sound save the clink of dollars coined from sighs and tears of absent sol ▼iers, disconsolate widows and rag ged orphans. A VOLUNTEER. Trooper’s Manual, for Cavalry, NEW EDITION, j. McPherson a go. JnMtl •J. X. PORTER, COMMISSION MERCHANT And General Agent, F*r the Purchase and Sale of all Produce, Marietta SI., Allan!*, e*. Keren to Maw, k Outsell. AUmU. Rsmc k LA> too, August* ; Rev. W. C. Bom. »e*m : Dr. N T. Poo, lout, oreoooborn . Goo. W. WintOmu tCo,, Charlosloo , Bl|*»u»fc skyino'ir J. U Wily, Ni'hriue, fctm. gfg CUTTING <fc TIPPIN, Aro oObring L*«t make of CALICOES, ESAU. FIGURED MUSLINS. A 9T I lOf (>F BLUACHRD AND BROWN SHIRTING , A grail variety o| LRLfc'd rRIMMTTTGS FANCY GOODS; ' niKi: with v i.»rp of DOMESTIC GOODS. ( Abb AND EXAMINE THE KTOC K. CUTTING & TII’PIN, rny 21*-.! j Vint 4*ll direct, At last a. T. G, RAWLINS, Hating furduuMKl Use tu*'k of IRON, HARDWARE. &C 1 ., OF MIH. K. K. li WFSOV (F«rn«r: y Ugvwn, Gilbert vVllurr, V W>l UI be nlnaxvl to haft- u onntiiiunnce of Uk cry lilieral patronage formerly <it«*i»dod to there at their old Flood . Oar. Whitehall & Hunter Sts., ATLANTA, GrA. r. a —\ few tjft-rato OOOUMtt STOVJ** A Ml* WASH TFBB U% HAM) u SUNDRIES. V'HOI.F.SAI.E ANJ* lIKMII. I.AR'tF, and i'i'.'E SUPPLY. Flour, M“*l. Ri Rice flour. Corn, Suit, 6u gar. OoflW. 11l >ok Ton Croon Ten, Suap. (’nail 100. S'nr oh, Soda, i’cnpir. Spico, Hamm. In hacco. Cigar*. Simfl', And Whiskey. Just receivatl of jy.’i EiJWARDY’S. VALUACLE CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE. GEN null A. I> Laperrvro!.flora Ift» lot of FIXVES ACUF~' m more Hr sail*, adjoining F. I). Thurman ow lh" south amt I P. (Jnnt cu the w»vt Thorn art Hna tooaikm* f ■ • bgddltu ; a tan, a good branch of acvnr ftUhiK a-aW r,v. itb flv# • rilx s>t«s of v«-ry rich bottom taM Tt»«rels m« ioa tbn plmre a triWNl my. i| u»takbM. wttting to on Ik. F. I». TYimruiMi. or W 11. THURMOND, Agent. JUly *>, IMB—4lm •EAMSTRSSSES WANTED. ONK or tm- ii«> lr«d k<m» 2 .'Hiitudlrct- to bo cm pb-yt*! on F i lior ( ami Faott, can find *wmsly ti ipleyrnvt, »• liberal traces, on tmraMiato aj*. pUmtttm to W r. IIERIUNG A CO. An* 1— SALT DISCOVERED 11* ATLANTA. Pr by Scientific men to be .1 superior article Over One Hundred Sacks* I Oft ft*. LI FT EDWARD Y, Jdd* lit—ts Whlteball Btrc#t. Mies AM DYE STUPPS. 30 lbs. Blue Mass. Ifi lbs. Gum Opium. 30 uunoss Morphine. 50 ounces of Quinine. YSO lbs. of Sulphuric Acid. 500 lbs of Toilet Soap. 300 lbs. of Good Indigo. 900 lbs. of Good Madder. 800 lbs. of Lump Alum. 800 Gallons of Train Oils. ALSO FINE AND COARSE EMERY. 400 LBS. BXTRACT LOGWOOD. For Sale at Hamilton, KUrkley & Joyner’s. £Qacta August 2 PROSPECTUS. The “ Cun mom wKAi.m ” is the name of a Daily Newnpape- published in the city of At lanta. It contain* the beat and fullest Si uopsis nt News Os any paper in the State ; the LA TEST SEWS lly TELXQyAPH, And gives the greatest variety of choice LITERARY SUSCBUbAKT Os any paper in the city. In quantity it Challenge* < ompariaon f in QiMLmr IT DEFIKH COMPETITION. Till; “ DAILY COSIMO.NWBAhTII” Is published on the following terms, which makes it the Otaipesl Daily in thr Umfeder ate Stairs : Dail)-, I year - - - . . $* ntt Do r» montlis - - .1 no Ho a month* - - - in Do for a less time than three months, fif teen cents per week, invariably in mlmnc*. ftforip (Tommonufalth Is a Weekly paper, 21 by 3G inches in size, and contains twenty-eight columns, nearly all of which is reading matter. It contains the choicest original and selected matter pub lished in the Daily ; the general and the tele graphic news, and one ermoro selected or ORIGINAL STORIES, InlEnoli Numher. THIS M TIIK CHEAPEST AND BEST PAPER IK TIIK CONFEOKHATK STITKS. TERMS r One copy, one year $1 60 Four copies, one year 5 00 One copy, six months 76 One copy lor a lees time than six months, fif teen cents per week. Where a club of four ha* been sent from one office, other additional names may be added, singly, at the same rate, naiftely, $1.26 per annum. .Send and get specimens. Address C< I'iMO.VWr -.DTIi. Atlanta, Ga.s| .1 AS W. PRICE, M. D. PERMANENT PHYSICIAN ATLANTA, GEORGIA. Having been absent, u in tbn nrmy f durinf tbo la.dt nix monOiß, would rt inform Urn flint<‘() mat a dnUancn, u« well an the iillwrm of Atlnn ta mul luliacrnt country, that lie ha* m tli * |»r«u ticp of modlctuo, m all of its various brsnrhcs. Alth'High r.ircumßUßcea soom t*> make it utctwttrj to inrp\i'«' htfl rat** of fharßog, yet tbin will not br but hi?* fees will Iw hr h<T#*tofbrc. It will bo unnor.ofw.iry torcitorsto th« fwt of bU us limited rtirccsH in curing the vsritiu* and divcruiftn! ehrsnic diM<ssm« to which human nsturo Is liable. R *ri.tUy Iri.s »iii nttontion b«*n directed to thr tnwt •nent t*f KKMAI.K MSEASEP, such m EuUri, !.uc«»rrhfpu, Painful Mountruation, ud guch othern a# females arc liable to, which, in umt instsnees, may br permanently cured. I n'Fo treat micceNifully, Rheumatism. Acute or Him. ric, Syphylis, In all of ita forms, enpeclslly when of the Mercurial tyi><\ Skin iHnesses, Liver complaints. I»y« pepgis, together witli l>owol affect ions, either scute or chronic. Ami, indeed, there are but few diseases which may nos be reached by proper medlratlon. The great secret of my «ucce*», however, tlei»ends ■nt only upon an experience of some twenty-seven years, hut, to a very Urge extent,upon tie* agenev ot my •* ELECTRO GALVANIC HA TffS" wl.lrh are the admiration and wonder of the scientific world. Persons desiring my service* can obtain them by calling upon mo in Atlanta, where everything shall be done, not only to cure them, but to render their stay in our city agreeable and pleasant If preferred, (before coming here) I will vigil them at their homes, by paying my expenses, and five do - lore per day. while absent from the city. J9*OFKICK in the Markham Holding, sret.ud flight oi stairs. Residence near the Washington Ball. KKFKHRNCEB. ticn. F. W. Capon. Marietta ; Gov. Jos. E. Rrowi, Col. F. P. Watkins. Col. .1.1. Whitaker, Thomas Tutier, M. D. : E. R. Sasgeen, Perino Hr own, Gen. Ira Foeter, Rev. 11. C. flornadsy, Gen. J. H. Rice, Atlanta,Geo,; Kev. S Anthony, Cuthl>ert, Ga. ; Itr. J. Dillworth, Stone Mountain, t»a. It aflordft me tUeasure in adding my testimony to the above. a8 well a* recommending to my frinUU and na frous, James W. Price, M. P .as % pbyslelpn of skill in the treatment of all acute direose*. Atlanta. Juno 36,1862. W. W. DURHAM, M. D. jr27-dJfcw3rn BANE NOTE ENG&AYING. BLANTONBUNCAN, COLUMBIA, S. C. (FORMERLY OF KBNTTCKT,) IS prepared to fill orders t*> any extent in eugmviag and printing BANK NOTES, HILLS OF KXCHAIVGE,AC. Engraving upon Steel or Stone. Largo supplies of Rank Note and other Piper will be kept. Address BLANTON DUNCAN, Augusts—ts. Columbia. S. C. Central Female Seminary. Washington Street. Atlanta, Georgia. THE Exams** of tins SCHOOL will be resumed on Monday, the 18th August. Roome large, airy, and aril furnmhed - Gratefhl for the very liberal patron age bestowed (hiring the three past years, they hope to meet a contmuano* and increase ot the same, as they have greatly increased their facilities ami n. nos of advancing their PUPILS. For TF.RIIS, please see Circular, or call at Lecture IWoco; New Central Presbyterian Churob, opposite City Hall .1. W. MJUJCR. aug U-dis MRS viyp lm.T rF VOL. II —NO. i;*4. Another “Eebel" Victor Southern Envelope Manufactory, ATLANTA, GEOKGIA. 'indo B.v .Miirliinery Os My Onn lnteiitioi. .t'UK Til ACTS Kim ASi V .VIMBKItJ BKISC Prtparnl with ■uai hiiirr, for Hi* r*|.i.l maimr.ivmrc ol Kjivcli.)* ~ i|,c Mibseri- I l"T H <*ualil..<! In 1111 nil nr.lvrs fur tii.-vn. it, i.irir* ~r -mill <|uantiti''M at moderate prices. pif|or< nt ‘lunlif leg Ibr sab*. I'arftifM having paiwr which th* \ u ish i onr<Tted into !.nv«*h.|H - will bt- ut'riiinmotlat’sl by b.rwar.ling P to !•»••. ChargcH made, |.?r maiiufurturiiig *»nlt . n . ording " the UUUIhiT of I!»• ilrtif and. T. S. HEY\OI.I)B, aug7-tl Whitehall street, Atlanta,Ga. CITY TAX PAYERS*,.' lliat all who 1,;,.,. „„t art l“ii'l Ih'-ir TAXIS, ran iln |, V r.illh, rmim» at Ui V o!||r • any htwin.'.-s ilay, , Mayor'* l'o,i r t .lava—Kn •. .-rvopt.-.1,) until Iho , low, „r (1,.- nt tuna, my ullcnl w,:i ho , i||, ,| p, olhrr huainf**-. of my 0i11r,., von*i*piontl> provonlhm fnrlhiT upporlnniiiov lor |.iy lr ,o wilhoiu niino.*'N*.«ry ironhlr m.! < I hope 1 may liar ■ i|»> p|. our. „r -i Ili«; *itlirn'n i* r»on, hahlo l.rtori iho , i *, „r Hit niuutli \ err rv«p.■.-tr.illy . \ 11. i IIOUoMIh . Atlanta, (.a.,a*ig 6 «li; Clerk and OiSlet mr. Shoemakers and Binders WANTED. rpiiK uii'b-raurned having r»'m«retl his I. \ iHKB' 1 HMOK n\M FAC TORY, from |,»g ” ! deuce to the room* IN RAWSON’S BUILDING, Over Rawlin’s Hardware Store 0\ WHITEHALL STHKEY, * ■ -hv« lo rinplor Jaim' ll who .iro qnahflotl |o h url I" 1 ' 1 "'* •'ll'"# Slcaily work will lio pivi n, ono o ral w iiK' 1 '- |»onl. Hr »l*o wi.ihr* to rinplov iw„ t '««l ■IUI'RNEVMKX SIIUK.IIAKSIUS, |. work ox, hisivvly on lo'ho*’ Sho,-*, t,, whom ipk*l w ~'.•* will l,v p.1,,1. Mono hut yoo.l workm.-n nv,.,| I' I .''. HOLLV A. IIIIUIKISI H, Whitehall Stre. t. Atiantn, fj* ■hum 11,1862--Sm Confederate Insurance Conrpy <>l Afltiniit. m t\i) lire mm I'rofits to Ihi divided liclwotin llic Insured and Insnmr. HAVIMJ lompliM With tlm proveionx «r ih* Hiartcr, thig CVimtMiny m ready to r< ceive appll cdtioua f»r iiisiiranre, and nwiic policieg at tlu ir uflire, IN KAW.SON’S HI ILDING, tt'tut. WHITEHALL, yk IIIATEIt STS., apnin-t l.w* by t iro, an,l on the live* of Slave nn.l of wlnt. poreon . lmniraimo ,* now nUered to tho citizen* of Alhiutn. in a home olth-c, combining tlm rrrnruy of sbak capital with tlm mlvantayo* of a miitiml coni(vmy Dir<“<*t«TSi: C. F. Mc'KAY. Pkkhidekt. JOSEPH WINSHOI*. I A. .1. BR.tPY. JAMK>- OKMONJi, E. l'.n.AVT(tV,oi Anvn.l* f E- ItAWWI.V, | 5. )). ijtiiX, „f Aim nap. (' K. McKAY, President. I’KUINO BROWN, Secretary, my o'G2-tf. wAKUornt nsrTKRKiMix WAKMOUTII & GUETEBROOK, laroMYKiw aid MA.xrrAcrriutKH or HAVANA & AMERICAN GIGARS. DBALXB* IX LORILUUU)'* Maccoboy and Scotch Snuff, SMOKING £ CHEWING TOBACCO, I'irEcS, &c.. &c.. &c A GOOD aarertment of tne beat CignrM lor tu« retail /\ trade to be found at their rtore on Whitehall St , between Kiplry g Crockery and Gilbert'* Jewelry *torc, Atlanta, Georgia. marefl lg-ly. FOR SALE. f|lF.\ IhniKiiHt pound* cclcliratid Kit* A lickinick Smoking Tobacco. iy»-ir p. f. McDaniel. Flour: Flour-! A "1)0(1 article ol Flottr. Superior Yoitnu Hyson Tea. in'Ttf „ _ At EDWARDY’S. Atlanta Female Institute! THK Rail Term •*( thi* INSTITUTION will «.|»cu on Monday, the 18tli innt. For further particular*, apply to tho utideraigned or to I'rot. W. P. Howard. 4 *• N»» Buwx4i»r.” on Tuition—4ha game old price, vte Collegia to Ik-partmcnt, Term ol lour inoutiuj,.. S2O 00 l*MtoraU»ry, do do do do 16 00 FWwary, do do do do 12 00 Mu*tc ou Piano Forte, 20 00 Piam. Rent 2 00 lad •dental' AO aug h—Jlm J. R MAYSOV, Prea’t. DO YOU WANT IT? /W k N' KFS OK I.AN’P For Sale, two mllaa irom .lAFtF tbt centre or ihn City, 06 acrea Is Wood ' and rolendidty tlmlMTcd. none of the thr ber having been taken off. There art on the Va. t two spring* A bar.nin may be had. For part > :olure KOBLRI CRAWFORD -lyaota aug Ig>dlm