The commonwealth. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1861-1862, August 16, 1862, Image 3

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tfitjj fntdtigetva. CHURCH K!itOU>, f*t Pwupp. (Protestant Ep vojjil) c.iv Hull f ; - Re*,A*f\ Y*n mas. Ifevfce 10 j, A. if., 5. 1* M. Atffofh Scii/**i. .2 o’clock, r M , City Hall Sj ’•»*•■■—fin A. I. tfcbbatb Nrlim.l 0 o'clock, A. M. tT'ctfST CHCkch, r aer of WiNliin, t > id KilrUnll Ltrretv—Rkv. W T Hpvnm : -r»i !'.»*£ <o'di*.k.A- M i rnd akgan lighiiug. " HabtiMb School 0 o'clock, A. M Tmsjrv. (Methodist Kpinopi. .CiiyH» »; •- 5 6,tL Serviooo 10>i <>’ci*r ?i .m if I*. M. fttbbnth Stcbonl 3 o’clock. 1* M. Fhwt Baotmt entrant, Walton r»rwt--.11 c H >. • ff ady. Services 10A. M.. nu t 7 H, I‘. M Sabbath Scbqol. St o’clock. A M VTjcflJtt Ouato, (Method i.«l K;»l«co|t Ts-e Street—Kkv, J. jVott. ■ v :»•<•« 10'.. o’cb ts. «o*l 7)f o’clock, I*. sf. Sabbath School 3 o’clock, I*. il FnWTriUBmYTKKM.vftirRrH. M l - ' ttri :•.»»•.•»•! —lll ’ .I‘MI.V 8. Wiuw.v. Services lo>a • •« k. A. .tf.,ait«' 7 . «*vi«..-k f r. m. gubbnth School 0 o'clock. A M Evaxs Qum, (51. K.) —i. v. .1. H. i' vv'nt ■ • ; to-morrow 7>£ o'clock, I*. M Sabbath School 3 o’clock, 1' M Payss'ii CnAPKi.. (M. F!.)—Km J. I; i'a.v: >*-r... »p to-morrow at 10•£ o'clock. Sabbath School 0 o’clock. A M IMMJtCtTLAYK CONCWITO*, (< alls die), ( ‘ I ■ y<i Hunter streets—Rkv. Jam»> Krr.KV. M... 7 * k ..nd 10)*, A- M. Ve.«o'TS 7?; o'. I’ M. Sabbath School O’cl ‘ pKOnBTA-vr M.:nioiMcr ( - Tkokas Huttiiins. S*T\ i •lo . ... .7 CoXOKKIATIOXAI.CIIUKni—■ .<• Wm. 11. Joxrs. Services 10 •A M . and 7•; o’clock I*. M. ■LAtla.nta C'iikistiax On t.. n—!)••• -i -t—!: .K. Marmiai i., Jti. f-ervi* I O', o’- tA. M. Not *< c. As it is impossible to gutlici.'ii* ber of phials for medi' Y pttrp* .111 me Government, we chII - the 1. i-IY city to furnidi such « they in -pur. at Beery's Hospital, opp ■ ■ the I. mli .■ Uun-o. Whitehall Street, Alla’ .. Ga. June 21. 1802. ts. AUrntion Fire l>tf|iai'!nirnl. A special meeting o: the J' ..tin; . v. i be held at the llall of Engine (.'.impair. '■'*■. 3, Monday evening at - t.V ... 1 " u.l atteiulance !■ requust- By order > . the Chi auglO-'.’l. A 1 riiptr ' hi . A gentleman of \\ h • • At i .'i ta. upon whom I sev.- . > r< J for /'.Vex, call 'd ye My charge .*•;.-in 1 ■ - .1.. M . Said he, “ Sir. the • . valuable, 1 uoulduot ! 1- til". •!. be as I were before . p- i -t upon it, sir, that you .pi -in •> hundred dui'un, will. I ■ . .or compensutio.i lor the 1 >.-il«*lit ! You are at liberty to 1 •>•- o. . t 1 will lake MU-’h pleas 1 e leg .1 1•• .11 you.” Hundreds o r m.* the liberty t > use tie mo way. A. ECU’I-l'. ang I’- dtf AtteiltiOlk. The oitizeir. of Atlanta, anil the cuimimi ty generally—not only -it' our own State, hot others at large, are respectfully end Kit-lly solicited t« send to er- be lief Society, 'ol this < .. all :u b .It worn clothing they can coiiv-utieii sp. •• irom their homes, lor our hd; and ---ly rs who are arriving daily in our 1 u Ist. in a < -// destltutr condition. It is impo-dble t.ipro enn material for inaki . cloth • tl -i i ee, any donations o! this . : I v. i !>•• 1. and acceptable. Vegetables, i.utl-.r. i> : 'li. Ac., will also be thankfully ived. Mile. JOH..' COLLI Ell. President, L. h It. S. .-i- iy. Papers generally will plea-.' >ny. ang 1 Idtf Xegi-os’s Wantril. The Hospitals in tlii iiv -•■•jiiit-.- » 1 addi tional force ot attendants for the sick already in the wards -I am nothin 1 tin tlv- hundred more will arrive in the ne.\ twenty-four hours. It U hoped that, persons owning or having control of ni gr ■ will 1 ■ uupily ] ■- sent them for hire at the various Hospitals, and that we shall not lit* compelled toe ill ttpon the military authorities t ui-l. J. P. LOGAN. Surgeon in charge o! Hospitals, -he.. • Atlanta (ia. angil '!'• Aiivann of Kates. By reference to "Our Tern.-.” in another Column, it will be seen that we have advanc ed our price for our Daily. As stated the prioe has been advanced the least possible amount, and by 110 nevus in proportion to theadvauco of everything u«e l in the publi cation of the paper, or to sustain lite. At the present price it ie the cheapest pa per in the country, and in the quality ol its matter tfie best, much l -bor being - '.pended in condensiug tie new . so as to give the most in the smallest space, and giving v ariety to its contents. Our books are not v / •p- .Vi but they contain many blank pag in which we would like to place *!.••>'- of now sub scribers—and. it lilled. will ui.tke a:t aggre gate large enough to -tisfy -m highest am bltlon. There has beou a gradual ~! gratifying increase of painin’ ever sire - the num ber was Hrxt issued, and istp< ally tl:is year. Our success under all the ci: ui.istan e, lias b«*n flattering- and r rlti 'tlntioti is well worthy the utteiitioit >.i eilve.’b ers.-if whom we solicit a share tivur.-. Neither would two objet-(.fu an in<rr-'a eof our übscrlption lint HY TELKGEAPII. Kxjiressly for th. f ummoiiwaHh. BULL NE3LSON . Issi s HSGHAIIGED 1 PRISONED'. Citv'iTaXOtM'.t, l>i.— The 'Rebel learns that iliat three uixclu" .-1 Confederate sol diers were shot by ( Neh tjn at McMinn ville, in retaliation on b«tsl> •d'.-.'kei: t)u. 1 was a wounded Georg | Gen. Tilgbuutn an 1 boro last night re j j r .ul" ti; Vicksburg. Gen. Bucknet will be here to-nignt. CONFEDERATE HASH INTO FRONT KOVAL. Uii i'moMi, Aug. 15.- A detachment ol Cap! - Baylor's cavalry, twenty-eight in number’ mad. - 1 diisl;.j*<v I . . Royal on Tuesday* capltiyiAg tfu- Prove.-' Marshal, ten I’revos' guards and eleven ho: vs. A large force of Yankees was in the tU lit;, it the time. STON iAV.vU lA' r -0> IN POSITION and reinforced, battle froba BIA PROGRESSING. Mi .iii.k. Aug. IG.—A special dispatch to the "Advertiser A Register -I ted Hill vt . Knoxville, states that guntli men from Wythe' I ville. Va., say that Mr. door ■. luember 01 | the ConfoderateCong. • iro. k utucky. had received adipi 1. h - leg that General Jack, soil had gained "c 1 lion ini had ougt- 1 bey. ud the llapi-lau 1 .vor ; that he had h ten I reinioreed by G.-n. Lee, and that Jijhtiwj \ru ! fU'Otlfl'.i.'lhtff <>)< I J’’sf, t i/tf lotfl. Gt iHTftl Steven.iou’a f*ircen were eußugntf in' • lij!i' )Oister<Jay about ,wi\ 11 it- Iruni Cutubr; ‘..ful i< tilt! Cs'.jlllirt! of t -11 pM m/IJ'T! . A i Minor has bt;en [irevuliHil that thr enc my !. Ivo evacuated Omberhind Gap. J u kjoN, Miss.. Auk- • Confederato pi. onora v nnli '*il- -V (Nt'tn jirisoii«*rt Uuil) exp .<*<’ ;.i \ i ksburi: Ci. i. Nan Dorn or tier nil pr*Hon«M*.<» «•' ii« IV'partment to re port j.t Jackson !orH»-it • i H cor-t* Mm. Jen' ' r nc *Mi say- lnat *»■ l> t‘on II • I*.* «•#? hund.t-d in >vor»* -iti -;it*d i ..<»n ol the \ nnk* ** lint vud on • Immlr- l ;o;<i fifty <*f thee* killed. Moiuu:, Ail};. D». V special dispatch t“ the "Tribune" d.itck* Grenada the 15th. Ntu tli Isfijin’s emu iml. about flv** the. * ind strong hit- **:i b.iek *.■> Ifitcbi river, on tlf* • .o*!’ • -* -F I Soli v . Tenu. Three tboii" ll' i'* l been m lrom l'»rown.HV-'b* u I '«*w. . lino hund *:*fl ii. v Htckin and twi*lvc ! n *i ■! . a,. 'i hc co miun i at • Has C 'UI u V-. ■ *.\V'' -i r njoi eeiiief.b- i-p the i or--probably •• i Gen. Huell. From our Jlomiug Edition. Momia. Aug. 11. \ Ml -i sm'-h t , tli." .t-lvertirer .V R -- <! a- I'upe ! the 1 till uixt., --..vs Ca.-t. iL-tf. m n-.iuiuab of lliri-e compaiiies oi Confederuto scon's at: bed the l-Vslero' lore's near Been tnr, charging tle ni. . .itnug twelve priso ner.-, one oflieer. lipsi.l. - killing and wound ing a cousiilirable number. Confederate : los . one kill-'-l an-l three wounded—he krr.'igbt o(Tf*C stand ol .ran the succeeding ! day. Ho chased a party o : 'l'utikecs, burnt the trestle work of the raiir-ad and cut the tele graph wires. The enemy are well lorlified against c*v airy at live positions between Tuscnrabiu j and Decatur, but can i>" driven out by ar ' tillery. Tlio Yankees are destroying abandoned croi'ot. in the vicinity o Dcoatur. Rosencran/. is at C. i inth. Ja- kson. Aug. M.—lt is.n ported that the Yankees are evacuating Raton Rouge. Capt. Morgan last we* k captured on the coast three schsoners loaded with sugar hound lor New Orleans. The Yankee crews were sent to Camp Moore. The town -f Donarldsville ba.- i been destroyed by the Yankees. Planters are being arrested for sympathis ing with till' rebels and held as hostages.— ITo repress movements Federal Guerrilla*. : are plundering generally, anil they have two | negro regiments in Now Orleans. Gkkn'ai-a, Aug. 11.—Special dispatch to the Cincinnati Commei ciul, dated the Bth, says, 1.600 Confederate infantry are at the head of Cumberland River, moving into Kentucky with two hundred eavn’ry it is «»jd they have tak n two hundred more at Livingston, eti route fur Kentucky. Major General McCook of Buell's army i was killed by Confederate Partizans near I Salem, Tenn. On the tub instant his remait’s arrived at Louisville Ris said bis soldiers have 17 Partisan ltaugors upon whom to avenge bis death. Eligible City Property Ibr Hale. j A Mock es alt acres of land, In one of the most boat, j (by ini pleasant .sections nr Uincity. crabrsnng at least I six gnoit butl-lin,-: sites, i-n a boautirul street. Tiw \* hole s ill be snM in a t*vi\. nr iu single acre k-ta tn | suit ►ircUasers. ! t-Or lartlcuiar. v-ii.j.ii! .u ti.isctn.-o. ! augU-tf —ln Kentiickv son .-.m ■ ;i -a, > Judg.- seiz-ul a bench tii e I s*. Ir .1, and ;l.o'“ a coii’mamci.HH lawyer i* flue style. The ia! ter boasted that it tool} tbetrVxe bench to imt him down. i'r .m Ki-rupc. Tit" C a ,l »ii v .rs Company’s bti' -iii 'r Jura, Which P-M Liverpool on the of July, tlie aher noon of tim 8-h Inst.*” If*.- dates are liv-' days 'ater than those brought by the Arabia.— I'he following summary ifiiov.'. i. i.-'tly ad verieil to yesterday, will lie found interest ing : l’i. steamer llerriira .heavily laden with ar.miiinit ion and the rebels, which in been lying in Plymouth round since the «'lh us June, hastily put l< sea on the 2htb of July, bound for Nassau via Muderia. On the n gbt of the 2[ith toe I'nitod Wtates frig ate Tuscarnr i suddenly quitted Southampton and her departure excit 'd considerable inter est, under the b-tli.'l thui she was in chasd of the Merriuiac. Large amounts are insured at Lloyd's upon tho Merrimac.and great anx iety is lt*lt for news of the future movements ol ill-' two vessels. Tin- London ''Daily Tfbjgrapli” publishes i xtr nts from led- rs ad siv-scl by l f7.• Prince de J-inville to his hr. her. the Due -I Au male. gi r:g an aecoiin! ol the retreat ol Gen. McClellan's army to tie James river, written Juoe "J7tii. The Priiia. shows the causes compelled Gen. McClellan to under take the movement. <>a the previous day it was suddenly announced that Jackson was about to act ou McClellan’s rear, and that It .-regard had a'.rrr.V at Richmond. The Friuci' -ays that » <J«jR greatly complicated our situation, and it *a ’t en and there de teruiiue.l te lake up a nCc base ot operation upon the James river, under tlie pi—iection of the gunboats. He describes the part be l-iok in irestingthe panic among the I'nion tro ■, s. and say*. "Your Prince and bis nepli were tiian one* under a most vio " lit" «>''musketry aid artillery, and acted w-i' uishs.t brav-'ty.'' 'n 1.0...t0n Time ,” in commenting on I tlie .wMiacaiioit ot . sa_. "Happily, it is cert iu that uo rulei wul ever dure to put in t*irc tbi- scandalous s.w. it will only re main a monument of infamy to tho.- • who passed it, and be ranked hereafter with the Hilcinptod destruction sii Charleston harbor and v. jib ilie ravage vagaries ol Geu.'i al Rut ler. 'l,-e Paris corronpondent ot tlie Loudon "Times’' lii-iievvj the Ainericaa question oc cu,.i ;'t -most *..■ i r-'s-ti'-n ... N'ap.ile oii. . -id that a Cnuuc' I diaist .s It id been belli '.jw*l it. !!>• v I lie M'l |-i i-ed il that matte, were iai e he liu'-l.sli tl veiuine. n a still n . pves-iug it >*n. "'. w-i' I -i "l a ■ 11.- ii..res La- <f. T t " " ... I • i,f n • *’ ■ • fl< ' • •> i’. r - • • '*• Jti ■ -II ' <.ugi-'i s. I . ••; .. y ailv* I.U/VMIUUIII. Will !»• »t)lM>W«‘*t l» ally iUl* mediaiale elTeot; wbethor Praucr will take tbo lead with the ojtpectaii'.u tin- England caimol <lo otherwia* tl-a-i lollow ; . whether both will at the name time. I -niy know th I'T'tn .o is convinced that the present j uii'n• the most o-'pn.'tune Ibr united ac insi' .-ate- ' Lite "hi and some w .. yv t *».-me gen tle pressure. 1,- 1.-i .. dilonaU..' continues -t the L ■ - n.oxpec - us more v: ’ 1 is 1. - > v.' " oouihsls w v ,(. s-'.iieiii policy ... .iti i-o Lundc . . ■!.. s a!'.id*, to I lie no «.. . is in y.. sad reiterate ibeir sill ;i:> upon tiie 1. < linaliciul policy ol the Guv -ument. Even the "Star ' charges tue \i net d'gton Cabinet with the m -leplo rKlil- go u'Aiice of trui: economy . ■'l 1.. li. -i .iti" ' argue tiia'. iflhcpo , *s.n levers il. the Americans v love h»ve recognized ihc blockade .- i .-•/ l u-. 1 and lon would have broken ou ol wit pri ion -Soiue ol the journals uttack Archbishop Hi-l-h-'S for certain revoiiu'oii-iry remarks win - 1--' iiiado in a speech in Dublin. Tie l. union “Times' " city article draws nttenliti i to the luct that, within a short pe riod. ! hi- 'd States liy have fallen lrom SO to anil. G 5, being tie- point ever touched. In th" House of Commons, oil the J'flh, the Gill providing for raising funds for the reiiii! of ihe distressed in manufacturing dis tricts. by means of a vote in aid, was again discussed. An amendment was proposed enabling the Guard of Unions to raise loans on the mviirity of parish rates. Government opposed tlie motion ; hut it was carried—9s to 9k—and the bill was recommitted. it is seuii-ofllciatly notill "and that Queen -.nd the younger members ol the royal faint ly will, on the Ist of September, proceed to lielgiutn, tor a short visit to the King.— Thence they will proceed to Castle Rein hard'.sfriinn. near Gotha, the property of the Grand Duke Saxo Coburg Gotha, the Queen's brother in-law, where they will remain some time in strict seclusion, and be joined by the i'rinco of Wales. The Queen will travel in cog, with the Duchess ot Lancaster. Gold continues to flow into the bank in large quantities, and the money market is very easy. Good kills are quoted at 11. fraxci:. it is renorted -hat on the 15th ol August, ibu Napoleon /e/e day the Emperor intends to issue a raal-ilesto, in which he will allude to tee gr at quo- • nos the day. Ine Pai o hoarse, on (be JtUii. was heavy and lowei. Rente* closed at GBe. 60c. ,\l. Roucher has been entrusted, nil interim, with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. COMMERCIAL. LivKiirool, August I.—The brokers’ circu lar repot ts : The sales ot the week have been S‘J.OUh bales, including 20.000 bales to spec iilatois aid 15,0(tSJ to exporter*. The market has ruled firmer and ail qualities have ad vanced one-quarter to one-iiuif ol a penny -n the week. The salt's today were iII,(KM) bales, including 6.00 U bales in speculators and exporters, the marke; closing firm at the following quotations : l ii Middling. fl. leans I" )8| iioouu in; Ist Uplands 18j ISf The total stock of cotton in port is estima ted at DiIJMIO bales, inclusive ol 37,000 bales of American. Jlrtndshtffi. —The hreadstufi's market is quiet ai i steady. Wheat i- -iiiil and ea sier. /Void The piovlsion market is still inactive. L..vr-ox. A-igu-t l. -Oonsols closed at tll@ Si j or money. .unc-rii -j "oek .... «'cady. Illinois Con tr„' ' 3 and cm i* . hr'o. -1 the. bullion in the-Lank oi England has increased C3|7,000 since the last weekly re port. A. C, WYLY <fc CO., f#M!WIWK !HBRCHA\TS. AT THBIIt OI.D ST A Ml, roRNKR l»>* Peachtree & Walton Streets, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. Will give pmmpi «n'l jKjrrfoual attnUiAn t<» Hk pur chase «*r sale of nil kind* ol Goods, < Wares, Merchandise. Groceries Pro-visions, Real Estate. Negroes, etc. TOLU TO Edward Davenport & Cos.. Richmond. Vu, W. B. Jones Ic C 0... Do.. -10. Cowan McClung A Cos., .. .Knoxville. Tenn. John T. Rogers, Esq Chattanooga, do. J. It. Powell, Esq.. Montgomery. Ala. Clagborn. Cunningham A,Co. Savannah. Ga. Ross A Seymour Macon. -10. G. H. McLaughlin .V Cos.. Augusta, do. Geo. W. Williams A Cos., . Char Us-ton. S. C. And so the Merchants generally of Georgia ami South Carolina. On c-msignmcio ;ui<l tor ai.- 1.000 Boxes Tobacco. ailg. 7-iltf SOMETHING NEW. Suburriiifr In ]irc])iir««l «o supply I th** tmil*' with ill TTTNI2Q lAI-lii) SHOE BLACKING, Which i ■ iM’licvcfl l«> l»e Hie • • jrll»* "i my ►trlptiou MAMTACrCREU /.V Tin. SOL 111 Il is p«il up ill wnod boxes—tin bt’ln, hel lai prohihi l»»ry which «ro neat, NiilHUiilml amt imi^rvi ouh, ami lire in 3»i*o equal to M.»soh s Medium Every ingredient of this Hlucking is PKODI’CED 3N THE SOI TII, Aud aP erisageil in its proparatinn are natives ol the game ; It i*. ihnrfurr, « «lifl**r« i»t Ir-mi any in Uri** ; b**-i<l* ■ it will " i*»» further” linn ay. i; Ireofroiu arhl, and .still fcuHC*/ptibl« of an EASY ANI> BE.AT’TIFiJL POLISH, Imimrtin,! •.>■■■ and c«>iißn|'ient tliirabiiii> l<> the leath.-r A. 11. HKIMHIKN, Whitehall street, 3d *l«N>r from SI»U hell gtreet, AtlautA. (hxrgia. V B Ail order* must be accompanied with thorjudi. 1 groitM. S'.* on (V gnu*, $1 j OO JyT-43m A CARPENTER’S SHOP. THE undersigned lias opeued a Simp nejir the F’irst Baptist Church, where he h prepared to take con Irw in for doing all kinds ol OAnFTLVTBrtIJJG, Krorn making a p«cking-box t’> building a ln*us-« hftlculiu' attention given tn Stair3 t&nd Hand rail butMlng. l'entons having small Jolw will And it to their ail van tage to give him a ca!>. THOMAS VKI.I.KN’OW r August I—lm<>. LAST CHANCE! oSAVVK (ill PBUT.” Selling out at reduced pricer, a tin*- lot ol A, NO. ONE WHI-SKY, BY THE BARREL CLUJ/JN’ OR QUART, TO CLOSE OUT. Tkoao in nee*l will do well lo call early, or they will bo too late. Applv at EDWAKDY’S. ap IN—ts. For Rail Road Men. p* REAMS Kaigurih Gfpytng Paper. Size lb by 2*J inches. For aaie by J. Md'HERHON A f-O. June 25 ts. ~ FARM WANTED. Any one having fir sale a farm containing 200 tn 300 JCMKS GOOD LAND, well located on or near the Western and Atlantic lUitrnad, can hear of a purcha ser by writing to W. I*. Inman, (Ualilor North VVostern liauk, Atlanta, Ga., with full flewripthm ot laud, locu lion, price, etc sty 11-dlm| CALHOUN’S PILLS. OWING to the blockade , niodicineH have became ex trcmoly acarr *. Vie have contracted with I>r. E N. CAtnorx for ail of Utx celebrated FAOTLY PILLH. zVe ko at'urn rax w madk while tlie blockade huts, 1* milieu would do a eh to aupply tbomselves uow. Retail Price, 76 cents j»cr bex—discount to Dealers. Re f ercnce \* made to the high testimonials contain? tn the Hand Bills. Ramtltoft, Markley At Joiarr. majrMUf SAMUEL b’ SHERWOOD, Architect and Builder, tRf Office and Slops on Pryor rtreels, between A' abama and Hunter streets. November 13—if FOR SALE. I rjn KN ttion.snil iwucf) cclcbrxeti Kil 1. Upklmck fm-kinf Tdlw : 1 t/39-tf r. E. fl. PAMLL. Slilitavy Atativu • . (iIWEP.AI. niiDKK. ! I obeti; 1 e loord. is r uvud ftrs. \V* -teru I ißirtti.eiil. V'ii, 2. it l- ! \ id 'i|. ' !>«!■• r or hard Cider <•: !»•• p*i mih and i*i |»r k ndetl bv any * ••• "••*»'» from .my hdqv of i,y kih !. , «" <ir-n-. * • y’D u;, r- if or pi-u*!,* in. |ih)sii uil jii goifl :-it :i „ * .It th” If ad of I! . Ji;,.' Mar^liitl’ liy ordt r Aug. M. 1 , SPEt’IAI. ORDER It iiereby ord* r- ?! tii ' th. "fl! prior i » tin- .I,*|. ;,| will fl>*( l ts M;'lli:vd Ity {*•. ' I j poll*, f.. h.'Y* t*tnu r-1. u !. liy f. t. r . A«ig 14 I-vL’-m II I>r|>;n iiu riHTUVOiH. f, .tli I J 111 Marti:.; Liu i !..-n i.y ■■i • . !•>' command of .. -nerai it..*. . dpi «. . . War I)i |iartm- W»Jt tr ; \pi-.. «;, CENERAI. »*;:il|.P.. No. 4. 11. Who:. Marnal liu ha- \*c • • trill inn :! •• . ith*iri/. • f.. . : ,l • ' it* -oi ■.«■ i.5 r ■; • iry • nft.rc' ih« • ». ■ • •Dllf? ‘or . .'ll! I t. : - It, : t t- nit ,-i r .. . . . HI. Wtvr.' Ilf. * «r tho f , j mention.--i. Inin\ Id- r-ot fiH • ; • ! By < ■ - *of ID - . r « i o; \d.iutati* ; lit »<!•{«• t An'm•. a : formal ion of Hotel and It u this City. * o:ninaiidiii” l’< i SPECIAL niHiKi: ” No M ?-l ... !>urduu llou •. !, vi il .Alurlf p. rmii -lull tm -iedj t | l*ro\o-. \,.ir,1..i1. Th. iraveil.-r : upon * :di i:|mmi the Provo"! mil ' iriud by him. <>r .i !•,••• |M rm I . Mi. or leave tluri City ; and v< Hotel . r 1: KeejM r, o*l it w u.H’ni; perm » •* • lor to take lawny lii-' or li.-r . v , permit vLed' v tue Provo*! M ,rr’, leave th-.-ntj. K- !, If..t :-r it,.,, * nr fill/' n, i* . i\in. l travellers m, daily at 8 o’clock. A. \l.,name- <•!' vihit'.rs rcl’.eived l»y tlicin with t ! - nane and. to the Provost Marshal. .- -■ t'J atl 'em. .<ii*l !••. • Mrtlfral ll*-:**! (t-i-rt Ati.anta, fi>... Aug NEGROES WANTED Fifteen dollars per mouth, *•-*. . paid for twenty or thirty a-tive lows, to labor in the Hospital Apply immediately. JNO. M. JollNVo' ang 4 lf lV l MILITARY I’*).- ATi.v.VTa. G.t.. August <■. SPECIAL ORDER No. —. .It is her.'l'v dared that nftei > ~ •hi •-q ' 1 Os-ier, -.10 gaming l i*" ' 1 ■'•'•■ou* will No permitted t-. any lime in this city or vicinit;. By order (}. . ('em. IV V. >l. ivisr sraoßox j «if' Atlanta, Gn., JuK L \I.I» Oll.cciH mid Soldier, .. ii ’ rlo,. or leave of absence fr< •: In »i tfu place, are r.*q Hired t* r«*jv»rt • *• *»> i . -ic • .a) of August iu*xt,* r l* * ip ri»*rt' ■ s Tin mm I* r.-uMrd In»gs leave so thank t* te f who Inn re turn* ni within the ? fill M thtdi 1 t:i D or win. have furnidi -i * i i-. . • iiave showed no •h>|s rit»ofi t*» iu* p lie ir .st i , . *v I T-vir-d t! :.t tliev will lie nil • ’ • >f ' le. d\n. M ,n»s . 1 I*. Stir::«*nns of l,os|. iairi w; 1 : i* nn« n I every other nud return ca • m j maud lit !»r dt:»A-. N ! I:r*r?» .are n*»t . ■* J i>2fUd:. h i * iVivt Af «*:•-.. .'e 1 , GENERA I. OiIDKK' No. —. . 1 * from AU uit.i. ah ml'ixicain / ! ,a" . - irnis pTiation in*y l*e are.; Uy il: * ■ »«»* r urdera. fly order of < ’• Giaiiuuidiiig P(et,Bß’l P.< . *1 *■• ;» j HEAD Ql'-kRTEri. MiLIT.VItY )'• • .1 ATi.A.vrjt.GA.. Aug.s. I * j Mtt. Boitor : You will Nate (,u --l*"r that all passe. issued trmn ■ -■ , iti*:-. ii* urgaul ilioi*. A-*' '•> -'-I until further urtleig, lx. W,- aug7-3t Com. P.'i. LAW NOTICE. Vs J. HAVMOta»,F»q.,t«<ll)!;. «'j".h*>r '"U-l JLX • t*» the biwinew* *.f the • iK » iiw” . ae-eure. and n> t?m Oi t k*v-< k S. Tliost rUOBIAIj 6i A [ 1 pise 23 U A*t rn*