The commonwealth. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1861-1862, August 16, 1862, Image 4

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A. C. WYLY <SI CO,, MHKMN MERCHANTS, AT THE!II OLD STAND, roRNF.It OK Peachtree & Walton Streets, ATLANTA, GEORGIA, Will niv prompt and personal attention i«> the pur chmo or sale of all kinds of Goods, Wares, Merchandise, Groceries. Provisions, Real Estate, Negroes, etc. FKKER TO Kdwaril Duvonport & Cos., Kiobuoml, Va. W. li. .Ion«.« .V Cos., Do do. Cowan McClung .V C 0.,... .Knoxville, Tenn. •lohn T. Uoßorß, Esq.,, . . Chattanooga, do., .1, K. l’ownll, Esq Montgomery. Ala. Claghorn,Cunningham it Cos. Savannah, Ga. Koss A Seymour Mncotl. clo. C. 11. McLaughlin A Cos., Augusta, do. Geo. W. Williams A Cos., . Charleston. S. C. And to tlie Merchants generally of Georgia and South Carolina. On rniungnment aii'l for sale 1.000 Boxes Tobacco. aug. 7-dtf SOMETHING NEW. m»i« Hulim rlbrr i« pr«piirnl to tupply J llio trade with his U IN EQ HALE I) SHOE BLACKING, Which is believed to be the rhea pout article of any and« script ion NASVFACTUREft IS THE somi It l * put up in wood boxes—tin ho in;: held at prohlbt l<»r> rates—which are neat, substantial and iiiijhtvl ou-* iuid are in size equal to Mason’rt Meiliutn. K.vory i;i4r*;di'Mit of this Blacking is PROIU CED I S THE MOUTH, And all sain** It is, ihrrrfurr, essentially different Irom any in use besides it will “go further” th ui aoy, i* free from •cid. and still susceptible of an KASY AND BEAUTIFUL POLISH, lmt»artmg uoftn* »sand consequent durability to the leather A. It. It K* DKKV Whitehall street, 3d door from Mitchell street. Atinnta, Georgia. N. It All orders must bo are/>mparil<vl with the cash. 1 grosa. 9U 00 O groan, |4t INI Jy7-d3m A CARPENTER’S SHOP. THE undersigned lins openod a Wiop near the First Baptist Church, whore ho is prepared to take eon trai t * fur doingull kinds ot CAnPiaVTHIIISTG, From making a packing-box to building a house. Particular attention given to Stairs nud Handrail building. l*er«*His having small jobs will And it to their advan tage to give him a call. THOMAS VFJXKXt>W. August I—lnto. LAST CHANCE! “SAUVfc 4I!I PKI'T.” Selling out at reduced prices, a fine lot ot A, NO. ONE WHISKY, BY THK BABP.KI. i. I.IjOK OR QI'ART, TO CLOSE OUT. Thou** ui need will do well to call early, or they will be too late Apply at EDWARDY’S. ap 15-ts. "MEDICAL CARD. A, L. SCOTT, M, D., OFFICE ON WHITEHALL STREET, WEST BIDE, OVER OI’ENHEIMKR'S Atlanta Clothing? Hall. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE ON GEORGIA R. It. On and after Sunday, July 271 h, Sunday Day Train resumed on mam kie, also trains on Athens and Wash tngton braucho* wli! run to connect until tarthor no tice. LEAVR Atlanta a 6:10 a m Atlanta 7:16 p m Augusta 6 45 a m Augusta 4 00 p m ARRIVE Augusta.. 6.04 p in Augusta 6JO a m Atlanta 6 32 p tn Atlanta 205 a m Trains connecting with Washington and Athens branches leave Augusta at 6:4saand Atlanta at 6:10 am Mo connection with WarrUCoo on bumlay. Bn lair trmn leaves Augusta 6:16 p m. GEORG?. YONOE, Bupt. T>au<l lor Sale. \ Urn; botly of land, well situated, 'A well w«tereil, wttti good Iwra holme, good oct bolMingl. aad over two third* woodlaod, fbur and a half miles from ihe Depot, for aala. For parttraUrr, •OrtOlro at the COMMOVWEALTIi OfTICE fyifc-M rmni'u- u r- ■ •:••• :i. ntklH. I'EAW‘I .V DAVIS, WHOLESALE \M) retail G HOC E K s ' AND ! COMMISSION L. .HANTS. j IMIAt IITIIJSK STUEMT, I ATLANTA. GEORGIA. DEALERS IX GHOIGF FAMILY FLOOR, Rif.-, SI !*. l-t-lt. Cijjarx. Siign 1-. Siill, | Bafou. UPIS!"J X‘U( in J-511-dl. •-rltt-t-l r 11^-^. Sipirr-, ISIK-liftK- Sillil-( ' r, Tobiif f‘<>. Yiii-ns. ! ? -fie. I'H! - \!.E : IF.II'HI :i of lan ! " .• , . S < 'll" l.fll 111 I.' ■'! ii' 11| ll's'i let |).IH i OneLt Hi FI roly. , i >ne Lot i Ono Ilrifli ll'.'.i- ■ I. 1 :i A i. nm , vnniunt t., :■ > \ Out! (ill ■ . i:..;, • l'il ' ur. . ; iiu! j i- Ii V. ' .....■' .... ! anrios • i--.ilt twin ■■ ■ ■ cWd . , I*EASE D\YN. NEW BOOK ST< IE, J. Mrl’lJ liliSON .V Clt , BOOK' I Whitehall st„ Mliinu, <- t D Oirt.i . v . i , rials. !.:; :r:i. . , W < > £ £ • i 15 <; \. 5*5 , ! Wri lUt*K N«u 7 v Vt if .v idiots. AMBROTYPES For Sold : .ers and Citizens, as win.:. V' rou iji: TRA\ ELIXG ITRLIC. NAT! UAL AS I.H'K, Ami pm ip in C;.,.. „ iri.n: -%<> to s-M<» oo Knell, ! By 11, med 1 m YEARS OF K\PERII.avi: l\ J'lli: ART. Ihtutii in In!! and Alalmnn «' • t *• t-th- t. : i.i«• I t'omnium* • it'. * ’ 7 I*AItK!.! ! jy^-'ur Afl;ni(;i iL- West Coini Kailroihi. Atlanta r. Wis ?»o:• : S7 Uur. !.m . *)SO | r.Vmc.EC. HUM*, Sn-rni.vTEM.KNi O IAWV'i! . •--»» v ' 2 !•** A. M I Arrive at W- t !*«..lit a: 7 M l/iavo w.-st l*"il»t daily .at 1 .11 IV M Arrive a .... AYosTorn A-Atlantic UailroaH. Atlanta to t hatt.a n* : a ICR Mtus r.vur 500 ! JOHN W. HOWLAND S- i-Kcfvrrv \t I/save Alla, t, nt .... 7 > 1 M Arrive at Hiatt i ' -f - 7 \ i I/-ave Atinnt i :.t ... 2 .'si* A. M Arrive ,*it ft. tp.i- ..: • t'< M. t A(Xii>l\i;)i»Ano\ i. ; u. o\. Ireavu Atlanta at •• - 1’- M \ Arrive nt Kin--' ■ «t • • • —f*7 I*. V. • I>eave Kiny tun nt ... * A. M. \ Arrive at Atlanta s -t * ' 't j Tins Road ci: -.udi w with fin- :: -m- Itra-ich Railroad at Km.-t •> :!• • ! • t 1 : -v •■•-r^.a Railroml at Da t*d a the \ ivi • Ui' ittnitoogri Railroad at Hiatt • ROOMS TO RENT. THE undorßirft. ! \.: • r*. t > r«*nt 11. * vgaut ► ;;t»- «*' Rooms, enite Ito the Millinery business, over tl Itook Storo or J. M< I’hers- k< «• M. r. Ft ANN. jn26tf A! v A CARD. TUB ondei .I . ■ r to hw fine stock of Ilnttse Furnishing g»sx!«— nrh u CarfHita. Window Curt uns, Lsiking ('• La.- . . m I Spruig Cotton and Shuck M atn ‘ ■ s. Lr. >urnlture on hand and for sale. Repairing promptlv attended to. A. ERGKK7JNGER. • «;i2l—3m W“l«»l.»liau, Al • •*. <!» BUCrGIIN! BUGGIEM! FIFTEI'N NEW BUGGIES i- R SM.i. nr WILLIS k YOUNG, Whitehall Street, Atlanta. Georgia, jni-dlm TERJS3ENE OIL. Hamilton, m \u.<y k joyner ore «rrr.ts ftn connection w < /iiHi«*rtcr tk Oo.,) for this NETS’ LIGHT—it is rli-an \» -» and rh»»p. It buriw with h -\«euo Lamp and wick. Ijimps must be slightly alt* ' * Seud them to our hoinsi: for alteration. Hrlc** onKtfl 75pergalion. •Sa’H'l or.lersto tho a anoriacd agents a?»16 UAMfI.TON, MARKI.EYfb JOYNER. r-*-!* Steamer Memphl*. Splendid heavy ENGLISH RLUE CLOTII, Suitable for Coats, Punts, or OVer- Coats. SUI’ERIOU CONFEDRATE BUTTONS. 11l Knirlisli Manufacture, for 'lflicera and men. A general aeaortment of MILITARY GOODS, For Oflweri and Men. For Bale by W. F. HERRING & GO., Whitehall Stivet. Aflunta. Georgia. iy7-d2w Y LIGHT! MORE LIGHT!! 10 bbls. Kerosene Oil. TEN BARRELS TEREBENE OIL, AT SI a.-i I'KK GAI.I.UK. -I"'llIS OIL GIVES A BEAUTIFUL BRIL I limit with but little alteration, at OXK-FOITRTII THE COST Os the Kerosene Oil. For Bale by hj>]."mH: MASSKY ik I.ANSDKI.I “THE HEM” KATIN(; ROOMS! I I A I:iAUI;AM \ST..COK.OFI , KYOR, np i worthy el our nty. lUt ronma are finely VENTILATED 1 FURNISHED. AM* ALWATH Sfrupn! Clenu. It-Ft *' s' illful *n«l attentive. It : .i : riitlul put* i ...iu.«l--4:vcrything cooktxl • > *»;i .no- I : on-'.*« own atylo an*l time. Th it T»lI-:iU i DFi'i-iK, wlmti u the pure im jwrf and arts .v n? m*u* t. In a word, “(Tkf (Gcm M Ij.i• quietly earned for t-••If a name and a patronage which IS ti.lttenng iu*leed. KVKUYTIIING GOOD TO EAT which the Market afford-', will be found at Tho Clem Room Duyaml Nip lit. May 24-dtf RUN THE BLOCKADE. 500 REAMS ENGLISH CAP, LETTER Aiul Note Paper, 1U LBD AND t'NSTAMPKn. 5 000 POUNDS OF SODA ASH, IX store. 300,000 ENVELOPES. 500 HARDEE’S TACTICS (author's i.ast kdition.) For Sale by j McPherson & 00. Atlanta. June 23d—tf. LIFE INSURANCE. THE GEORGIA HOME INSURANCE COMPANY pfe department A. WILBUR, Actuary, At Savauuali: SAM’L SMITH, Apeut, Atlanta. pine 16-ts THK NKYV CODE OF GEORGIA. n A VIST, pnrehn- .1 tl " entire eilinon of the New Owl. ns r. v ’’ " "S. Iwvul Irwin, T It. R. O,lib and It H il , >y lw.iij all the a tan t- - . we offer them to the jmhli, al SIX DOLL V RS PER COPY. A liberal discount to the trade. JAMES McPHERSON L (X). Atlanta. August 2—-dL*«' ts. COM WTITUTIOIX Os Tttt. Confederate States of America We. ttia ponple of th* Cor federal* Rtat*e, each f*tat* •rffng in its Fnveroign nnd Ird*pond*nt order to form a permanent f*d*ral govrrnth*ht, f!iljd»- li-h justice. in';ur« domestic tranquility, and secure the olepsingf* of liberty to ourselves oqd oqr voklng the favor and guidon’** A T Außignty God—do or .lain nnd establish *.h!h Cbh'Alitution for the Confeder ate Staten et Anwriro ARTICI.E I storiox 1. AU legislative power herein delegated ehal) be vested in of tbe Canfederiite Stale*. shalt constat of a Senate se.i »*r u*-*p’reaentattwe». Kitmox 2 1 The House of Representatives shall he rnmpened of members chosen evorv second year by the people of h* several Slates ; an*l the electors in each Slat* shall he citizens of the Confederate States. :»nd have the qualifications requisite for electors of the tbPV. r.liHlef ous branch of tbe State t/£! k ::i\ure: hut no i»erson of foreign birth f**V cilizen of th* Confederate States, shall h*» r.uhVved to vote for any offlcoi , civil or political. State or Federal. 2. No person shall b* a Representative, who ahfill not have attained the ago M twenty-fly* rears, And He a citizen of the Confeder «te ‘•'talcs, apd v-ho llfit, when elected, be an iuha*'iH2t r.f liiAt Mate m which he shall be clr^n 3. Rcpferebtatives in I P reel Taxes shall he appor tinned among the several '•' ales, which wav be Included within this Conh-'lerac-. . Mct-r.rding to their respective numbers, which s.i.Vd !>•• ••••termmed. hv adtllng f«» the whole number free r»ersnns. rcludinv bound to service for a -c-m of ' *v*rb. Atiil eSc.Lidmg Indians not taxed, f fibs of nil slaves. Th* actual enn meratinn shall be mvl* within three years after the first meeting rs the Congress of the Confederate States, and within every ‘■•ltweqnent term of ten years, tn such manner a t'l* ' s'.-i’i. bv Iruv direct. The number of repp entativ shall not cre. r*! one (<*r every tlffy tnonsand, I u * vh State shall have at lea«t one Repre tentat ve »i,• 1 O',til so* 1: eu iiner.',*. \cu s'.i.'lU Lr itl.tde the State of c„ D Ca r «»V?.i s'.-.'.lV- eblltle.l tos.x—the State <*; r,< « - , I< !i—*b>. ‘-late of Alabama nine—the c tntc r. r Florid* t*vi—Hi* State of Missis«ii»pl s< ven— the S» t’e loui-::i;ia , an*! t! * 1 »*f Texas «ix. 4 Wh :i'icT » • ;*) trepresefitatioti from any Stst the Kx**c itiv** nulliorlly thereof shall Pane writs of election to ID* •u* , h vncaiiclr* r. Tie-Hons* of Itcpr.-culalivcs rhall ehoosc ihcir m*l other *»6lr* r>; : nud shall have Ih*sole | M *w cr of Jt:i|N\-»rhm»-nt : - pi that any judicial or federal officer resident nnd acting •■•o’’'- within tiir ’mil" of any Statu, may be imoeache-' hv -\ vole of t*o thirds of Itoth branches of th° T/brlWJlV.lre fhe}-rbf sr.rfmv 3. 1 Tic Senate o| the Conf?*!eratc Stnt<u> shall t»'- com posed of two Senators frorr, each State, rho«**ii for six vear J t*\ th** legislature tlier* **f. at tho regular n**N-«j,*n next immediately precei!ing the commencement of the term of service ; an*t e-o-'i Senator shall have one vote. 2. Immediately after tr:- • shall l»e as«emhle<t, in rho • ceof the flr«t election, they shall be divided as equally a*» mav be into three classes. Tee seats of th** Senators of the flr«l class shall tic vacated n» til* exp! ration of thesceon-1 v •ir : of th* second class at the -•xplrnt.on of the fourth year. nn*l of th* third class nt t!i* expiration *t th* v*ar : so that on*-th!rd may i be chosen every second year ; and IT vacancies happen i tyv n , rnation or o|herwi«*. during the rerrsa cf th* I *p slature of nnv State, the ex*rutlve thereof may rnak* temt*crary npfiotnfmenls until the next meeting of the legislature, wnirh shall th*n fl.l such vacan cies. 3. No person shall > *• i Senator who shall not hare at talnc-1 Hi* ap*- of thirty year-, nnd boa rltigeti of th* nnnfederat* State** : and who shall not.whep elected, he an inhabitant of th* State fhr which h* shall he •hosen. 4 Th* Tire President of th«* ronfe<t*rate States shall t*c President of the Sen.iir. hut "halt have no vote, un ess they b* equally divnled ft. Th-Senate slial! choose their oth*r officers; and also a President pm trmTvyr* in tlm absence of the Vice i'n-Rident. or when li* sbaM exercise th* office of Presi dent of the r 'ontbderate ‘dates f». Tlie Senate ■?. o' have th* *»>l* power lo trr all im j peachments Wliep ‘■ tting for ttiat purpose, they shall be rm oatl i r affirm it i Win n ii-»- Preatdent of the ) (’onfwh-rate States is tried, the Chief .fustier vhnii pre side ; an ! no |M*rvon shall be convicted without the . roneurrence of two thir*J« (>f the members present 7. Judgment in eases of impearhment shall not *x 1 t*n<l further tlian to removal from office, nnd dlsqualifl ■ cation t«* hold ami *nk»v any office of honor, trust or profit. un«ler the Confederate State® ; but the party con j vlcted shall, nevorthelers. Ih* liable ami tuhject to in dictmcnt, trial, Judgment and punishment according to law. PimoN 4. 1. The time*, places nnd manner of holding elections for Senators nnd Representatives. «hal! be prescribed In each State by the Legislatures thereof, subject to the provis on* of thin Constitution : but th* Congress mav, it any time, bylaw, mnk* nr alter such regulations, ex rept ti* to the time and places of choosing Senators. 2 Th<* Congress shall assemble nt lea«t once in every rear : and such meet In*: shall be on the (lr**t Monday In December, unless they shall, by law, appoint a different day wrenov f> 1. Each House shall be the judge of tlie elections, re tump an*i qualifications * f its own members, and a nia -ortty of eoch shall constitute n quorum to do business ; Vtt a smaller number mav a*ijourn from day to dnv, an«l may be authorized to compel the attendance oCab sent members, in such manner and under such penalties ! a® eadi Ifonsn may provld*. 2. Each House mav determine the rules of its proceed •ngs, punish itn memln-rs for disorderly behavior, ano, with tit* concurrence of two thirds of the whole nuns her, oxp*d a member 3. Farh House shall keen a lournal of its proceeding*, and from tlm* to time Publish the same, except such parts as mav in th*ir ludgment require secraey.and the veas and nays of the members of each House, on any question, shall, nt th* •l*-s»re of one fifth of those pres ent, be entered on tin* journal. 4 Neither House, 'luring th* session of Congress, ■hall, without th** consent of the other, adjourn for more than th-ee dav«. nor in any other place than that n which the two II > :■*« -*i;»l| l.e sitting. 1 The Senator* and Representative* shall receive a compensation fbr their services, to be ascertain**! by law.nn l nald out of the trc.vmry of the Confederate States They shall, in all cases, except treason, and breach of the peace, he privileged from arre«l during .‘heir attendance nt the session of their resjicctiva Houses, and in going to nnd returning from the same ; and f*>r m •• ■peedi or dehatn in either Hoiwe.they snail not be questioned In any other place 1 No Senator or Representative shall, during the time f*r which he was * • rtrd. Ik- appointed to nnv civil office under th*? authority of th*- Conf.-derate States, which ‘hah hive h- n creat*-*!, *r ttn- emoluments whereof -!u.’! have been mervased during such time; and no p*-r-on holding nnv office under the Confederal* States shall lie a member of either I1ou«e «luring his rontiuuAjn cin offiec. Rut Congress may, l*v law, grant to th* principal officer in each of th* Executive I>*part rnent* a m-nt ii|ion th* floor of cither House, with the I privilege of discussing any measures op|i*rtaining to his • toparMn* nt rkitios 7, 1. All bids for rawing revenue shall -riginate in the nouse ol Representatives ; but th* Renat* may propose or concur with amendments as on other bills. 2. Nvcrv bill which shell have passed lw>th Houses, shall, before it becomes a law. I*e presented to the Presi dent of the Confederate fftat** ; 1! he approve, bn sliafl ■ign it : but if not, he shall return it with his objections to that House in which it shall have originated, who •hall * nt*r th* objections at large on their journal, and proceed to consider it. If. after such reconsideration, two-thirds of that Hous* shall agree to pass the bill, ft shall he **nt, together with the ohjeotions, to the other Rouse, by which it shall likewise lie reconsidered, nud If approved by two-third* «f that House, it shall be come a law. But in all such cases, tho votes of both House* shall be determined bv yeas and nays, and the names of the person* voting lor or against tbe bill ahall b*e enter**! on th* Journal of each House respectively. If any hill shall not be returned by tho President with in ten days ffindavi excepted) after it shall hare been present*.! to him. th** same shall be a law, In like man ner as If Ip- had signed it, unless the Congress, by their adjournment, prevent its return . in which case It shall oot be a law. Tbe President may apnrore any appro priation and disapprove of any other appropriation in the same bill. In such a cas* he shall, in signing tbe bill, designate the appropriations disapproved ; and shall return a copy of such appropriations, with his ob jections to tho nouse in which the bill shall have origi nated ; and the same proceeding* shall then be had as in cas oof other bill* disapproved l»y tho President. S. Every order, resolution or vote, to which the coo ourence of both Houses may neoesaary (except an a question of adjournment) shall be presented to tbs President of tho Confederate States ; and befere the qua* thaii taka effect, shall be approved Iff him or being diegliflrffftff hr hlfft. *ty be fwpaseed by taro- IKtrdi of Wrth BHHW*. arWdWtttl «f*i Mra op# basil#, tibhs j*n*srh!*6<i lb c«th hr 4 Wli eivffjrtJl Th* Oongteki have pow^r-s 1. To lay and collect taxed .duties. Hhpoffts, an 4 eff cises, <br revenue pecessary to pay ths debts- prwrhte for the cotampf defcijc*, and. carry n fi tfie |Wreyarf»«di4 of the Confederate Fuioi; bill Bo.JicnatJS iMfl W granted fftfti the tfrafiurj ; Bbfthail inf dCuBsY W h dh ithhbfutiaiiji rtwh fhHift Mum w mis m mote or footer any branch of ladnatry ; and all Mtitfl, imposts and excise* shall be naifbriß th# Confederate States : 2. To borrow money on the credit of tbe PoafatUralC States : hni nrlft-r (U fiwf «>•- tU'lM (WIWIII# « IM rnn.litolion, (hall over b* ontutrud to del«g*t* tM nal Improvement to facilitate commerce ; except for tbe purpos* of fhml*hlnc lights, beacon* and buoys, and other aids to navigation upoa the coasts, aad the Im provement of harbors and the reenovement of obetmo tiop? )n navigation, in all which r**ea f *u«h datW# shall he lAid Hh file hnvigttilfffc PA tfrsfiftf, m rti A'f no nnVMtU *" P" 1 lh» eM*» **i tspnm ton nf ■ 4 Tn ntatih.ti umfnrm la** rtf tuisndfttli*, thi nnir.’rm I**, on (hr of honkfopfrlrt*. (kfMuft nut til- ronf<-d-T*tr Ptile*. but *o lk« pf CMffNHiinMl mw-hnf*!- cii> d*I»l totilra«(*d fctlofrt (it* i+Mfrat IM snniej i. so coui mohey, reguiate the tllue U.6f6of stiff M foreign coin, and fix the rtandard or Welghis ahff Am#S ures; *■ 6. To provide fbr th* pußithfftcnt of roufi(erfe(ilfig tbs securities and current coin of the Con Mdlaff: 7. TANARUS« estaidlshpbft offices Sid Dost roil fra ; lot tbe expense* of the lv*l office p^artmetfL_|fter Ue (m dsV cf Mitffih th l«e te.if nt fftff i/tfif Affile* SttlffMf an sixty thre*. shall H* jwdd out of lis offfk 8. To promote th* progress of science sod the meret art*, try securing for limited times h>anther* and inven tors tn* exelosivo right to their wrUmgeand discoveries ; ft To constitute tribunals Inferior to the feiprsms 1 Court. 10 To define and punish piracies asd fetenim era milled on th" high ■*»*■•. and offswora agamet tbe law of mtt loft|l l 11. To declare war. grant tetters nf marque aad rs prisai. ahd fuakss t tiles COttWlffg capturas oa fend asd Vi. To riti*» ahd gtippof! armies • hut fioawtmprlalic# or money to that use r»i«i| be mad* tat a Winger fem itto yeflffi: 13 To provide and maintain a anry : 11 To make rule* f>«r ror*rSlltent‘ and fegutallon Ht tlie land and natal fbr*'s : Ift To provide fbr rallihe forth the militia to stsrtrte the law* fit (he Cohfe*terrtto 3Utlfe, flfipM* fffSflffS6- tions and 1A To provide for organlJtffttf, itrtfllfiff, Ifid inc the militia, asd for goverum# sunk P*rf of Ibrfß 0 mav he employed fin the servlcr of the Cbafederate State* ; reserving t« the States, respeetivsly. the op poinlment of the ofllcerv. and the authority of fraisHig il * Militia, acropllng to tho discipline proscribed by Congress : 17. T«> exercise exclusive legislation in all casra wfeat snever. over such di-trict (not exceeding te* giffra -Miian ) nr mav. by tb» ceesWm of one or more FfiaSaa, and the acceptance of fen gross, become the scat of ths Government of the Con federal* Wales ; and to exerefe* 'ike authority over all (daces ptirrtaased bv tbe measnt ~f th* |egi«latnre nf tho State tn which tbe some Uhaff ii*-. f«»r tb* *r«-ction of r rto. magazines, srseaalf, deck \ a»-*!s. an*l other needful btilldjng* : and Ifi To make all laws which shall be aemaary mH tiretvr for carrying Into . T.vutieo the tarogelngpowers, and ail other powers vested hy this fVmstltatloa tn tbe government of the Confederate tastes, of n any da pnrtmept or offie.a thereof. »r'«nny I 1 13ie imi'ortalion >•! negfra* of the African rasa, from anv foreign reunfrv. other than th* stavchnMmg States or Territories of the Totted State* of America, te hereby forbidden «b i r 'ongrim Is required to pass sneb laws s* shall effectually prevent the same. 2 Congress shall also have pewer to prohibit the Is troduetinti of gtavra fWmt any State not a member of, •r Territory not belonging to, this Confederacy. 3 Tlie privilege of tli* writ of babe** (tnfpss shall nor be suspended, tinier when in case* nf seb*l!jnu or invasion the public safely mar require it. 4 No hill of attainder, or m pr»r* fario law, er law denying nr impalnnr the right of property to segre slave* shall be passed ft Vo capitation or other direct tax shall be laid ns i*‘*s in proportion to th*- census *r enumerating bcrHn before directed to be taken. ft Ko tex fv dvly shall be laid on articles expected from any ?tate. exirpt by a vote of two thirds es both Houses. 7 Vo preference shall h* given by any regulation of commerce or revenue to the porta of one gut* ever those of another. 6 No money shall be drawn rotn the treasury, bat in consequence of appropriation* made by law; aad a regular statement and account es th* receipts asd «w* renditures of all public money ihall bo published limn time to time. ft Congress shill appropriate no money from tba treasury except by a vote of two thirds of both nooses, taken bv yens and nays, unices It b* asked and estima ted fbr by some one of th* heads of the Dcpartaumt, and submitted to Congreps by th« President • or tar th# purpose of paying its own expoitara and onwttngeneles ; or for the pavment of claims against the Confederal* -’tate*. the justice of which shall have been tndlcWty declared by a tribunal for the Investigation of rtsiwis “gainst the government. which It lb hereby mad* th« dntv of C4mgress to establish. 10. All bills appropriating money shall specify In fed eral currency the exact amount of each appropriation and the purposes for which It Is made ; and Congrara ■hall grant no extra eoin|»enaatioa to any publls on*- tnv tor. officer, agent or servant, after sorb oontraol shall have been made or such service rendered 11. No title of nobility shall he gra-.ted by tka Con federate 9tates ; and no person holding any offbw of pr*iflt or trust under them. shall, without the noasrat of the Congress, accept any pras—t, emolument*, offfes or title of any kind whatever from aay king, prtnoenrfer ngn ?tate. 12. C*»qgress shall mak* no law respecting an e*t*b> liphment of religion /»r prohlbitlncOie free exercise there of ; nr abridging the freedom of speech, or of tbepraaa; or the right of tn* people peaceably tn assemble aad jietltlnn the government Dr a radrtf* fTtevaama, 13 A well regulated militia bring naewary U the •eenrlty of a free taat*. the right af tha people to korp an*l hear mms shall not h • Infrlaged. 14 No soldier shall, in time «»f peace, be la any house without tlie rourent of the owner: nm la time of war. but in a manner to be prescribed by lav. 15. Th* right of the people in be secure in thelt per sons, houses, and effects against «nan*t*oo*bto asaratjes an*! seizures, shall not be violated ; aad no warrants shall issue but upon probable cause, supported by asib or af firmation, and particularly deaarlbmg the plao* Is be «. arrhe*!. and the persons or thfog* to be seiaad. Ift. No |*er*on shall be held to answer for a capital or otherwise infkmouacrime, unleraon a presentment or Indictment of a grand Jurv, except in cases arising In the land or naval taro**, or in ths militia, when la aw- Inal service, in tuna of wnr or public danger ; nor shall anv person be subject, for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb ; nor be nruapHM. fe anv criminal case, to be a witaai#against himself; nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without dna process of law ; nor shall private property bo taken fbr public use. without Just compcnaatloa. 17 In all criminal proaecutlo®# the accused ahall ra iny the right to a aparty and public trial, by aa hnpa*- t ini jury of tho Mate and District wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district ahall have bora previously ascertained by law. aad to be htfbrmeri the nature and cause of the nrc usaUon : to ho confront ed with the Wltneesea against him ; to hwva«a»fsilsnry process for obuintag witnesses Is bis favor; aad to have th* assistance of counsel fbr his 40mm. 18. In suit* at com* um law, where the vatae la on*, tmveray ahall exceed twenty deltara, the right nf trial br jury shai tae prase wed ; and ae feat aa-tried bv a jury shall b« otherwise r*-ct am teed ta a ay eaartef the Omfederary, according tn the rulesef tbe ceauaoa few 13. Bxrtesivo ball ahall not bo requtred.aevMMjmra fines imposed, nor err*! and tsatwoal punWhiaaßt to flicted an. Every law. or rraoiutW a having the ferae of law, ■hail relate to but one subject, aad that shall be egprea •ed in the title. now 1. No State shall eotrr into aay treaty, alliance, or confederation ; grant letters of marque aad reprfeal; rain money ; make anything but gold and silver coin 1 tender In payaxeat of debts ; pa* aay bill of attamder, or 0 pmt facto law, or law tmpatftag Uw obNgaUoa of contracts : or grant aay title of aehiUty. 2. No State shall, without the eoaaeettof theOoagreee lay any impolite or duties on imparts sad exports, except w'bat mav*be absolutely necessary tar executing Its tn sped lon laws ; aad the net prodaaaef all dottsssad Im posts, laid bv any taste on imparts or exports, shell be for the use of tbe treasury of the Ton federate Btates ; and all such laws shall be subject to the isvfetaw sad control of Congress. 8. No State shall, without the qffeaaat of Commas, fey any duty or feoancs-azcMd ns set §mg wspb or the nhTjffl*