Newspaper Page Text
ju if tr*y y i
r. ciAi
At 2 wo ‘Dollars ’Per,
***USpo«ltnen UnjdesScnt Free on AtpUeation.-Stt
There’s two things oil Mfs alri
there haiut no escape,from! And them
is death and sowing machine agents.
Lighting rod men Js .as
had, but they'don’t quite come up W
the mark.
Yon may turn, and twist, and plan,
and contrive, and argyfy, and lav
yourself out ginerally, but you can’t
git red of the sowing machine agent !
He’ll stop to diuucr, and ]>ick his teeth
with your best silver forks while lie
tells you about the vartoos and graces
of the lock stieh, and the under food,
and the improved-shot tie, and all that
kind uf.tulk, that everybody.khows so
well. And I’ve took notice that lie’s
ginerally a nice-looking man, and that
makes it woe* liar .ye, because no wo
man, as is a woman, cian be onpolitc
tia handsome man,with tidy whis
kers, and modest-looking boots and 011-
For about ten year, I should say,
the sowing machine men have been
pestering me to buy machines. Thcy.’ve
left every kind of a machine under the
sun, for me to t:v, and I’ve done up
my sowing on ’em and itliaint cost
me a cent. And when the agents
would come round I’d jest tell ’em the
machines didn’t exactly,suit me, • and
they’d carry ’em olfagin. . * t . S
Hut this spring ] cunt acrost a new
an oncommon name, and
common man. Ellea*->S
is a bcauty, apd she shot:
with him il' it wasp’t for
and then Arthur getjrsu
lias to kiss him, and twidi
mustache, and cadi him her, f “old dar
ling,” about half-tlinhour, itfore he’ll
come rtjmid' right.
Mr. Whicksy ho
sell men sowing machine,
new kind of a one.
7nJ> vmn tljgnns* him etnuiov
ciot|i« amot ‘lalnr.'ojO** it
“'•♦hno si il .mniali-bim sdl mail
bTriiTr%"r> ad -biv»vgfirriF>«rfl -feoobr
NOi 40
him by the collar, and I shook hi ml
with all iny might, and I shook him sd
hard that the very tectli dropped out
of his head, ® n d Was gabbed # by onr
old gobbler and ^gobbled fh'no lime.
XVho’d have thought that young
man’s teeth was false?; T' lO ) 001
You’d ort to have seen this agony.
Words can’t do it justice. lie was a
going to see his gal* anti. ho\vct|tild he
appear afore her toothless ?) (lie let it
all out, and then he sot sail after the
II." lll^ A V.lllll .U 1UH il
His name is.Whiekijy. liatl^ur
union name, aid lie is ai^ oiw
fter til
ni\^ u
onto the roof Of the corn-house, am
there he sot and and lalfed at us, a
well as a he-turkey could.
Mr. Wliicksy he 1 legged of me to do
something. 1 told him Vd kill the
gobbler and git the teeth, -it he’d take
hack the maclunc, and lie sed he would.
And he did. i t
Mose White knocked the bird down,
with a fishing-poie, and Whicksy went
away with his mouth full of teeth. He
never stopped to wash ’em rite in. I
hain’t got any- sowing machine -now.-
Put this in small letters ,so that no
agent will notice it.
/lines fig. '<te Death of a Gobblor.-
In eighteen hundred seventy-three
Was done a dreadful tragedy !— ' i
A wicked gobbler swallered-down
Some,teeth in Pigeon Holler town,
Belonging to a man that peddles
Sowing machines with patunt treadles;
Great was his grief; loud lie iliil qrvj
"()li, savtrthem Heotli ! or let medic !
Fur if my darling sees me thus, , - ,
There’ll lie a dreadful, awful.luss ! i
She'll and take Sam Bust—
And then, dear Lord; nty heart’ll burst!”
bid after von hfive-wMfflifcd fttwtrhmrtfe
as it jjra» 'riieayou Qowufeiiret].,
you bundle it up, with one - Comer
draggfiiw, and stfimbfo Intrt tife iMttfo*.
ami have more trophic with the sfovQ,
and fail to find any way of T »* i t
While you stand ou the carpet, and
fail to find any place to stand off from
the carpet and then you got down on
your knees again, while your wife hold
the saucer, ami with blind confidence
hands you broken tacks, tacks with no
points, lacks with no heads, tacks
with no leathers, tacks with the largest
eud at the poiuts. Finally the carpet
is down and the baby comes back, ami
the cat comes hack, and the dog comes
hack, and your wife smiles sweetly,
and says she is glad that job is off her
mind. As it is too late 4», do .any-q-
thing else, you slV the~.§T®*jmd ‘
smoke, with the inner consciousness
that you are the meanest man in Amer
ica. The-next day you hear vour wife
tell a friend that she is so tired ; 1 she
took up and put down that great
heavy (arpe^yesterday.j r -nic(j| A. OL
Herald. ' " *• 1
t I f
was iletdkninietl to
it was a
It lnul all tho im
provements, and some besides! It
would do nil kinds of work that ever
was done, and about, fifty kinds that
never had been done! It was a light
running little thing. It never got out
of repair. Your couldn’t run i t wrong
if you tried. It was fun to operate
it. Queen Victoria had one that she
made all .her nightgounds and things
on herself. Ginral Grant’s wife had
one that all the Ginral’s shirts was
sowed mi. That was w'hat made him
such a close* man. His clothes was
sowed up close.
A person who once had this machine
would sooner <}io than part with it 1
The agent himself lid nftlier*l4 bum-'
ed at the stake than hot haye thjs wbni
derful machine! So had his wife ! So
had all his lblks, including his grand
ma and his mothor-in-lnwVgrandma,
which was aged one hundred and two,
and had all her reasons, and had
strewed flowers before Washington,
and could rejK-at the catechism from
one end to tother, and could see to
thread a needle without specks.
I won’t tell the right name of this
machine, because it would lie kind of
unfair—so I’ll jest call it for handy,
the Queen.
It was cheap. Forty dollars cheaper
than the other kinds of machines, mid
forty dollars is worth saving. Forty
dollars will buy a iiicoJiog.;. and at the
last elec: ion forty dolliirs would 'buy
amo-t-auy - -man’s -vote— in - Pigeon
Thai agent was too much for ycr
Aunt Jerushy, and she-collapsal jtfttfr
he’d stayed to onr ’us three days, 'ana
she collapsed after he’d stayed to our
’us three days, and bought his machine.
I had it sot in the setting-room. The
day after I bought it I went to mak
ing mo some nightgounds like Queen
Victoria. The thing jvent on a little
while, and then it went backwards. I
couldn’t stop it to save me? The
more I trotted my feet the more it
went the wrong way! lly and hy
the shcttlc hopped out, and honneedoti-
totlie floor, and the eat grabbed' it,
and kited for the wood-shed aud I af
ter her with the broom !
I got the shcttlc and went to work
agin. The under thread broke. Then
the upper. Then the under. Then
the upper, and so on for lialfan-hour.
Then 1 fixed the upper tension. Then
I fixed the under tension, v Then
I fixed both of them. Then I iled the
thing. Then I tightened the belt and
went at it. Both threads broke togeth
er now. I took the crit ter apart, and
looked into his in’ards. I put him
together agiu,.and sot .•v new needle.
I sowed a few stichos, nfid then there
was a crash ! Needle broke ! Sot an
other one. Got it too high It didn’t
reach into the shuttle race. Sot it low
er. Got it too low, and broke the pint
off. Sot another. It skipped stitches.
JThen tho belt cum apaVh . *
It give it up, and made the liigbt-
gounds by hand, | (
Next day there was a spot' of ilc on
my setting-room •cartel? as big as yer
hand, where the ile had run oil' from
that machine.
I tried it agin in a day or two.
Ilad just about the same performance
over agin.
The next day the same, and so on
for a week.
Then I got mad, and. I swore re
venge on that machine agent.
1 watched for him, aiul. in about a
fortnight I seed him driving by as fast
as, .ever lift ’.old * ljpss ctnijj)
cl. I grabbed a basin of coj^i, and run
out. He ducked to the boss, hut it
warn’t no use—the annermile had
caught sight of that corn, and warn’t
to l»e got by with clucking. . -
Mr. NVhieksy had to stop.
I told hi ip stout the taaahbie.'i and
asked him to take it bhekand give me
my thirty dollars., He killed at nj«V
nntllUu cigar, and sod' ho dfiilii’f
Then Moses, the deliverer, come t
He struck his fishing Dole rightlionip!
Down came the gobbler teeth and all —
And lit upon the garden wall ; '
lie wrung his neck, anil cut his crop.
And, lo ! them teeth did outward drop!
Sinners,' Who read this tale, ltcware!
Let all your deeds lie true and lair !
Lest, like that gobbler^youdiiJir Ik'd
Your sin’s reward come close behind,
lie gobbled up the teeth, pnrtr'clf!
And then got gobbled up himself!
Jekcsuy PmtKrss
.Ait- % itnoHVi
The Happiness of Shaking Carpels—A
Rival of the Danbury “News” Mini
Tells a Lillie Story.
course.'• >,i j *-
A Varfck sfreet sali>on : keeper ari* ;
nounces, by sign-board, “Irish Lager
From his cavalry experience Mnc-
Mahon is relied on for a stable govern
ment in France.
Manufacturing is not a poor-paying
business, although it takes tcifjnrfilLtiJ
make one cent. i if
L. J.£ , -IS! I (• lolWhi —
A Wester^ editor re^cntJy rMtebshp 1
ty mi!ct on a cow-catcher, mi^ failed
to catch the CoW, after all;' 1 “ J ’'
. Josh*' KSflM#*4ylf
“You’d better not know so much, than
to know so many things that ain’t so,
A Pottcltteepsieelertt loves*the-very
ground a? Highland' widow wnlk« upon.
It is worth §200 an acre.
Nature and m < ud<upl«kou|eww(Maiap,
|>livvimrat"roaffipuip<iJk.*^Tl4vl tifol
lo in: tsodjpil ‘jrii In if],
a • I cd.i- .41 i . -d, ni rU.u M »• »««***
i87 ^
tin ahitar ■«) ot mu l a -''f'h' gnitoai .aobenimavs it* nilA
Jm3 fa baa aloallA oi
*.\ab thn
Onr Cosh ^
i vtdnul: el *®* Advertisements, from 1 this date, ineerletl nf
Dollar wr^mro bif one jnc'l^JwJ^lJrs*
"oam 'f! >td ttitrl vod A infertioo,. iwf’Sjfemy-nW cSntriiti'rsqBsm aw'
.naoT ,imubaL ni fo W, a fa
wait atjregular Advertising rates.
beib sad ,-»oiho wot isbnu tint
=t^AUgr^wX>i Iiin.y ■iiiiii , .a»T T iiji^jQqBi|e|, nw
mmiwrwsKoTd, (*.**&rH ‘
t -an* it rfriV V RAU.VtMdVli
!:rffc>r* ’
'iDb* 3
bun tn
” tmamiii'd 1 vnio t
K kwtf-tH*»gfeltn‘ (6al-
a 3 f!lfocr"W thtf-RSchhioffi
la riltf? It iS ’^tn so! Itf
ofSdhtfaty;- 'm2, Thomas
T. 'Glles. the : smi ‘ f br’‘Governor "Wm.
II'.’-GndsV antl^Mf; G'lsth.vns A; Myere,
both young m«f; *ettterilig the carriagd
of ftmllfterh'iid flrdVdtoHano'vef Gourt-
kottatl 1, ’ Tlierie’they entered the ktnge
fof'TScqtiia cret^k, ha\n.tig eTi^ng(ed scats
‘leavitig'' hotne: ^ 'Aiiiohg the
ht Wife a gipntlemitn Ivlicf IttFpt
hhffcd down hpon the Tfafti-
wiiM^=fee/4cd f a Mclr to 'the'
aarfaawiilC fa oamow nenrjol) A
fata god xtrnif of Atiid oo?ig L-ii i
erv t
..fuehiTc’nntnicfs mailo -
m^tWITA3-Taitl fcsl
RtdAe,i«4r IWiiWfNDftidllir.m
is thueditv(>«hnih|iitsn»A)a^riilC'iif)I|r
-recent. *>
uijm ®
lpt with their enemies. He see.hia»<WH 5
r eaeniP^rvrccr, frriTP“ors^nrc efr tire
f♦ililo** jroa ?dt
. „ ait .tuiTJBl. - T 0 ®# Qamo
llttusc a<K»r, in thc.county of Hart ana
town rtf.
rale, op tUg yjJtST.ffU^SlP.AJi ^ AJE-*’,.;,
n«xt y ;tlic following property to-wit; All of the
intent rtf* P.-Av KI xoh In rfWiinVflfr' ton '!
certain tract tit Lyin^ anf bdttgitai
six Brigadiers appointed in the regular
a hut cm the peac£ awtablisinent.oHt
wasgirencoimiiand-of the Bopartmeut
of the L’irolinas, ilftnC b carried -u lit it
ruthlessly-aliitkoioreel vftiasure^iaivfK i
remorseless Gongresd. if lib wir AgajBst* )
his Own* laud; audi q>odplft o seetiidit tf» 1
havo destroyedjuftihi^ iidUaiiqadlitieapI >
while she is
• V .
Apropos of Mrs. Livermore’s late
lecture on the above important ques
tion, the DawniKirt Jknukrut ..tlifigi
sensibly ninkes answer:
Teach them self reliances
Teach them to make bread.
T^hjntemt« mfiW^hir|^ O C
leach them to foot up store hills.
Teach them not to wear false hair.
Teach them not to paint and pow
der. • ' A •"» V ; V
Teach them to wear thick, warm
shoes. * '" • ■ *
' t “ , vr d i!nN
1 flrnlg* thefA up' in* the 'way“£fi{q'
in a
Teach them how to make their own
drosses. ; T , , 1 j // i
Teach them fo do marketin
_ for il
dollar is oi\ly v
The annual ceremony of taking up.
whipping aud putting down carpets is
almost upon us. It is one of. the fills
wliidi flesh is heir to, anil -cannot lie
avoided. You go home some pleasaut
Spring day, at .ptttitt -witk, Utf?' world,
and find the baby*U ffh’tTOPti'Uice and
get your favorite pudding for dinner.
Then your wile tells you how much
younger you look, and says she really
lm]»es She can Itirn that walking dress
she wore lust Fall and save tlu* ex
pense of a new siii;, ’nnd then she dsks
you if you can’t just help her about
taking tip the carpet.. It you are a
fool, generally arc by._tliis
time, you tell her ofcqurse you can, just
as well as not. Then she gets
And stan^ and holds it^aml then you
get the claw add goldown on yout- knees
and begin to help her. You feel quite
economical About the first three tacks,
and take them out carefully and put*
them in a saucer. Your wife is good
about holding the saucer and beguiles
you with an interesting story about
how your, neighbor’s little hoy is not
expected to live till morning. Then
you come to the tack with the crooked
head, and you get the claw under it
and the head comes <fH, andtisljt wont
do to leave the tack in the floor be
cause it will tear the jcarjxA. wlieuit is
put down, a]gaiti, vou skin your knucka worth
lea anil <vi't- ‘ " 1 “ ' ill hr.
les and get
And tell your wife to shut up about
that everlasting boy, and make up your
mind that it does not make any differ
ence about the tack, and so you begin
on the corner where the carpet is
doubled two or three times, and has
been nailed down with a shingle nail.
You don’t care a continental about
saving the nail, because you find that
it is not a good timefor the practice
of economy, but you do feel a little
hurt, when both points break off from
the claw and the nail does not budge
a peg. Then your manhood asserts
itself, and you rise tip in your might
and throw the carpet-claw at the dog,
and gctliold'of the carpet with,both
hands, and the air is
And there is a fringe of carpet yarn
along the mop-board, and the baby
cries and the eat goes anywhere, any
where out of the world, and your wife
says you ought to be ashamed of your
self to talk so—but that carpet conics
up. 1 * Then 'you lift one side of the
stove, and your wife tries to get the
carpet from under it, but ain’t because
you arestai ding on it. So you take
a new hold, just after your back breaks
the carpet is clear. You arc uot
tli rough yet. Your wife don’t tell you
Teach /liein that
one nundretl* cents’.
Teach them how to cook a good
meal ol victuals. . ^ ■, v v
Teach them everyday, hard, pract-
cal common sense. ,. „ ^ ^ ;
Teach them Ko\v to darn stockings
and slw on buttons.
Give them- a good, substantnfl,
common school education/. 'KIM ff
Teach them to say no, and moan it;
or yes, and stick to it.
Teach them to regard the morals,
and not the money ot tho beaux.
Teach them to wear calico dresses—
and do. it like a queen.
TeaclPthem all the mysteries of the
kitchen, the dining room and parlor.
Teach them that a good rosy romp
is worth fifty delicate consumptives.
Teach them to have nothing to do
with intemperate and dissolute young
Teach them that the more oiie lives
within their income the more 1 they
will save.
Teach Jhein . th:<t the; Kwest
lives beyond their income the nearer
they get to the poor house.
Bely upon it, that upon your teach
ing depends in a great measure ting
wmi orw,«-onn,MVdMifo:* •
Teach them accomplishments—music,
painting, drawing—if you have the
time and money to do it with.
Teach them to climb apple treqp go
fishing, fcultivAte a garden and drive a
team or farm wagon
Teach them that God made them
in hi£ own image, ami that no amtuiiiL
uflight, latfdg 0f|l Jinrove tRc'n{wlt!l.”
Teach tne’in that a good, steady,
mechanic without a cent, is
a dozen oil pa tal loafers
in broadcloth.
Teach them the essentials of life —
truth, honesty, uprightness—then at a
suitable time let them marry.
taking up their carpets
putting down hers.
walk into Ftornitv,” is a lieadin
San Francisco paper.
Adlergyi^ian get^ qlTthe f<fl]bn|nfr i
“Boston proposes a'convention' of bald 4
men to he held next month— probably
to revive the old wig party.
The Woman’s Journal, Boston, has
captured a Massachusetts girl who
walked forty miles in two dpys to at^
tend a circus.
i A New Bedford man a fouqid a Jtmg-
Jost brother recently, by reading*over
the cases of cures ill a patent medicine
almanac/ T TI i • 7 TH
The wife , of; Burlington, diet!
on Saturday ‘ last',' of ccrcbro spinal
mcncijitis aged 05. {This is the first
time we have heard the ago of that
disease stated.]
Nasliua, N. H., having ^<inc tb the
expense of two steam fire-engines, now
discovers that the wholb frnter supply
of the city will only keep one of them
going for tetimiinites. ' (i < l =. i ?
A Texas sajoon-keeper, who used a
stolen graveston 2 for a beer counter,
“lias been persa-idci}, by the argument
ofa grass ropethe 'hands of liis
neighbors,” to abandon the practice.
The editor of the Hoihe Journal,
published in Houston, Tex., proposes
to increase the circulation of his pajicr
l>v sending it at half-price to all who
marry during the year.
A Pennsylvania man used nitro
glycerine to blow out a ledge. As he
hasn’t been home since, his wife hasn’t
made any definite arrangement about
a spring bonnet.
There was a row at Oconto, Wiscon
sin, recently, in which a Bohemian
was only stabbed eighteen times. lie
was lovely in bis life, biit in death he
is sadly divided.
But that boss was a conscientious beasts
and with h|s eye on that com fie didu’t
budge an inch. ‘ ,
4Jot out of h'? ivaggio,
and used some insulting lahgwitlge to
me. He called me an old Icmiygrunt,
ami sod Jonathan Perkins was to be
A Girl Who Never Saw a
Young Man.—An old* man who lives
near St. Helena, Gal., in a wild soli
tude, has a very pretty daughter, aged
19, who had probably never seen ayoung
man till her father took her to San
Francisco the other day to see the
town. She was dressed up pretty, for
the first time in her life, and her silks
and ribbons and the gay sights almost
turned her head. But whaf most in
terested her was that hitherto unknown
being—the young man. Every time
she saw one she would fix her eyes a ,naE
earnestly oil him, aud she actually
made several attempts to get away
from the old man, that she might
cultivate the acquaintance of these
action of disinfectants? lie replied,
*‘Thcv smell so badly that the people
?£00hl i "#t!
A st idled eagle, seated mi a ballot*
box ditto, is repotted to by the most
conspicuous object in the American
department of thc Vienna Exposition..
The ia’^le dde3 not' scream much at
Vienna. • *
A Quincy, Ill., lady has a quilt
containing, 5,4'>3 pieces, nud 185,600
stitches. A Western paper asks,
“Who counted the latter?’,’
woman who would he fiiol
take them would be fool enough to
\\ -mT
The will of a resident of Middlesex,
Del., recently deceased, contains the
word, the occasional con
vulsive clenching of his hands showed
internal agitation of no ordinary kind'.
Mr. Giles having observed him at
tentively, 'said to his friend, Mr.
“That is John C: Calhoun.”
“I think not,” was the reply.
“I know it, and will prove it.”
Mr. Giles then began to talk in
rather a loud tone about the resolh-
tions in favor of. nullification which
JoTm Randolph had but a short time
before induced'thc citizens ofCharlotte
comity to pass, expressing his dissent
from them.
Mr. Calhoun, for he it was, at once
raised his head.
“Do you kjiow Mr. Randolph, sir?”
“Yes, sir; I know him quite well.”
‘“Do jou live in this district?”
“No, sir; but in the one adjoining'
mo ! 4 ■*- ; > ’
“I am.supiKed, sir, that one who'
knows that great mhu so‘well, andwhd
lives so near him should disapprove his
course. •
M. Giles, in order to draw the emi
nent Carrolinian oitt, defined his posi
tion as best he could, hud Mr. Cal
houn Waxed eloquent, in defense of
his o«in view?. , \Yhqi\ Abe! stage!
stopped in Fredericksburg, a great
Dumber of citizens called on Mr. Cal
houn at the hotel, and in the course of
conversation Mr. C. asked wild .that
young-man .was, pointing to Giles.
Hearing his name, he at once stepped
up td him, offered his hand, said that
he knew his father, Gov. Giles, well,
and expressed his regret at. having
spoken perhaps with too much
warmth. f
“No,” said Giles, “it is I who should
apologize, \\diich I now do most sincere
ly. To be frank with you the disoqssk n
was the result ofa plot on the part of
my friend Myers and myself to draw
you ouai L,
j - ’ wi-Y M-..
iug, “I must confess that I was fairly
On re-entering the stage conversa
tion was resumed, anil tho subject of
railroads was brought up, Mr. Giles
saying that he expected to .go from
Ellicott’s mills to Baltimore on per
haps the only railroad then existing in
America. Mr. Giles did go that
distance by rail, but the motive power
was a mule, Mr. Calhoun, address
ing his young auditor, said:
“T'iiil von Dvnr fmnr nf' Atlsi
lor Liver Complaint anti the |iaintul .elCsprini?
thereof, to-wit: HYSPliPSlA, ( ONSTIIWTION,
Jiumdice, Hillious atuck^, feHJK HLAliAClIK,
Colie, Th'pre.-sii.n of Spirit*, SOCK STOMACH,
Ueariliuri^iCIl^l^ aud FEY Lit, Al, Ac.
After years or Varefill expi iiiueiiL-, lo meet a
:-Cieat and urgent demand* we now producp from
»4ir original Genuine Ptncders,
A Litjtiid farm of fiuntnons* LiVeriRej;Ulator, r»»n-
taitti:i>: all »Ls wonderful and valuable properties,
amlutfbr it-A V ri* *
The Powders, price frtJxdtm*, ...$1.B0 per package.
•Sent by mail 1.04 “
1 ■ > Ojft."Cja?xoJsr. - »
Uny no U*>wt^cf.s oi Prepared Simmons’ Kevuia-
tor* unless* in mir engraved Wrapper, with Hade
mark, stamp arid *uuature uubroKcu, None oth
er is genuine. * c! ‘
. t MawHi, ila. t iitid IMiilmU-luhla
♦ Sold by -a ll niaoiiism
i lindi dathnfvor.trnnrfanmeri ahlh , j
usual'type of the renegdde.' A cith^n u W.HBfW SUIH-reit!
of Cliaxloftb was prasent in 'Itiahmond
when Gen. Canby jK-r. omdly superm-
tciided the hanging of a whiteuman
up bv the thumbs fon kicking: an
insolent negro out of his saloon. ■ ■ K
Jim Lano cut his* own ‘throat.
•Stanton most likely committed suicide.-/ 1
Kiugdnowned himself. One by onethe
oppressors of the South coiue to an
untimely end; Some of the most atro
cious are riow covered-with infamy
worse tiiau death. Is it accident-or
is it retribution ? Thchistotyof rene
gades /Ls getting t6 be interesting.
Mr. Lincoln deserted his own people,
violated liis conscience and stultified
his oft - expressed tph ions; He was
foully and- /atrociously . murdered, in
the hour of liis triumph.. Gen. Thomas
pledged himself in Lynchburg, *t thfe'
outbreak of-the war, to stand, hydti?
neighbors and kindred. -fcJedueed'by:
office, lie ftiifght against them. At the
close of his brilliant miiiitanw career, a’
popiujayiWas put over bkn, ami die!
dropped dead A Stnu’Erobrfsoo. 4M-
Brownlow was the stiingest pro slavery
man iuaH tho §quth. B[ntj»e.i)ast l»s
loj with the. Aboliti,ouj9};s. #(y,l f perse-
cutcd.his own people.. 4|ais.n<iiji'. a.
paralytic, aod v gliiiu^t a djiv/.qjng idiot.
Professor MaLau.wqs.aii aiideVttrjouth-
ernor,^ld,.hardly ffiij* lungjiage
where with to cxprqps his al)ho”cM.ce of
the disunion , r Aj/i-iliti(#i pauJy, ? M ,ifo
affliated with n Jliftt. party !
war,. a,ul beqamu very bitter against
his own ^potion. lie was so [>creeded,
• ur* -*.»•
•i$ Certainty Prompt
\U will prevent the 1)1
DIm’jisc atmni/i Poultry
• , v *' * - . *. ’ ‘ •*' ' all,,i}ncl» t Ou« Rutile, Worlli ! UE8'l'6e
whenIns wyrk was done, tlinem hinwolfj Twotiaifcm»ut MeAicine. ts? um «r. n
.1.. tt > J.V. , * T ’ DuUnrsauiimUl, tuijtirtllr
st ueorgia.
'■M *1 ; 4 i»4
tv, on Ttnpilo river, art join ing, lantls of Jonathan {
WoWdn, A if. ■
lluhdfHiaiidtifiia«r'*<*<*, ttpjtfarics^ tiigotiiev • \
Witlitlic qruwing Croi* tlieioyii. ,'-f
ehant Mill miu Siuv Mill mill C*51t"ii din on raid
lirwnislw. 1 pCvted U>*!i]ut nWMie’Jntitlertr MV - * ‘
1". ol
Eavins w. P. If*. Nixon ; ais<». one in f^vorpl'J.-
il.-' sfcSitsli ■ vs. K it. Nfxnn. ‘iraiitA m>a> 1
the Jiisiiconl'onrt l4'ltho DisiivtMi. M., ?
iFchruary 1UU-187:L ^
Also,' at tho same time ami place, wilt*w»w»W,-
TlnMf otntr»U xmO f»w*» amt^nedwi# -UitJS oTJLHMt l
lying.ami bvimt in f*.ii(®cvHiiity vf Hart,
n:th river atul Rig Lightwood ort*ck, adjoining
lands of John Coilirnn, Micajah Carter, and others. •**
Levied on and sold as tjie jtropcity of Janies Rice/ ,
to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor ot .1. L. Turner, admin
istrator of ft. J.’IL f»enN»tV, deeenVc<l, rs. ^anieji^
ltice, Johu G. McCurry .wul \ViJli:im,J<'m>. A|»
.sundry other ft. Sis. m in? hands vs. sniff
tes Rice.- 1*110 Abovtf tbnd {s sold SfiltfWT fo tlic*
ilonlcMciid of IWkT. * t> '■ i
1m>, at tbe xamc time and place, T^renty-fiVe
Acres ofLaml, lmne or le-s, tube fOirvcycd olf or
the Cochran tract, adjoining lands of KliaXWihrau/
H. Tyler and others. , Levied on and void as tl|ii
properly of Eliza Coeliran. to satisfy n fi. fa. in fa
vor of S. V. Milford V.L mid Eliza Cfn hrtin, fssn^l
friyu the Superior Court of said county, returnable
to the September term of said Court, 1S7o.-
Also, at* the same time tmf* *Hiflr v <*y vfflt ^W* v
another trr.ct ofl«andiu #fi«l eviu*f # v,4*Hijlic ‘Tfr* *
ters \ii l.iglitwoftd Log creek, adjoining lainU, of
lieiify AHcn, Ilrtgfi Mt-Iiintf, ^r., 1 affl4
doirtUiniug-Om- llumlrcjl mid 'JCliirty Arrer«, ifcpw
or .loss, levied on ami rtakt as ll)^ nrwm^rty of
Samuel Askew, to rfnP/fV a’ fl. fa. fh fa\^rftf J. it 1 .-
jkidton vs. Sami A^Jcevr; returnable to »Ae Jiilf
Oenu of the bounty Court <>1 ^806..
qlher ft. fas. in myTiaiiiTs. ’
Also, a’Htlie Kiiii#'tlme atfd |>1irS#v 'tWR kh
Thif« 11 ujut Sbpy v 4SY?},<!H^trf,Jpon ( .j|5j |
less, lying and being in said tfount.v ,-on tlie waters
uf Cellar OMki :ulJoBvlrt
U'v, J. U, artil l^illiiiiii
known a. the IIoiuc tg X* L. Stuwera, Itf.
satisfy a fi. tl.* Ill V.iVor ofSotuiuon SfeRtts TFT. f?
Stoiuci«,;^il sunjlty-c.t'j^ft.^js.
ous iiartlvs Ts. tlieJOlid/r. I. Stumors. >
* Abu, a/tffl s^ini'Ifmcntr^/flinci /Two Iftfiiifrcif”
aiul-Siitt.-en.Awvs <if fcaml,lyin'#.*4 Wc WHt'4.
<jf Cielat adjuuilnu laii^r^f llic
^utIIkh! iitace.’CasWct l-’arnier, and l.iii
ing tutUUCstate «if Mari- tl *
iettef Ipma as IVatSjjD.pia^,;, , ^,
AliO| at the Fame jiine and place, will. l»c sold.*
One Huttdr^i artd
tc^on liwtt tkSF *-«)«*''’MW.
a crust pt cqrnbiead, tliau. poQBjUoug-,
streAthft pet of Gragt, and .the idol
of the Louisiana thieves?
; .hc/pieqth tOj
fib “to liny hi Toffo'lhng'
and strong enough to hang that Irish
wife of his.”
When Lord Eldon brought in his
bill for restraining the lilie'rty of tho
press, a member moved as an addition
al clause that all anonymous works
should have th(3_. n^Jiie .of the author
print-itWfaAhelitie page.
any more little stories, ‘but gets B'o^r] a ,,d go with them. She successfully,
old coat and hangs it "on you, autri gnye her father the slip when they!
on ns the back door aud shoves you out,
and ititimhtesi that the carpePifcejls
whipplAj'/ Whet >*6a .liangwtlto-ltdr-
across the clothes-line
nienting thin
And get it righted, aud have it slide off
into the mud, and hang it tip again,' 1
and get a half a pint of dust and three
broken tacks snapped out-of theaiortii-*' is
west corner in your mouth by the wind,
you make some observations which
you neglected to mention while in the
hou(b.; Then you hunt up tt stick and
go for that carpet. The first blow
ter how you stand, you wield that
cudgel till both hands are blistered, and|
the milk of human kindness curdles in
You can whip the enr-
, But that.die
led lief bV Ill(f blind.
After lie got lier ou the boat for Yal-
lejf>* on the homeward trip, he felt
pretty safe and coucludcd to take , a
drink. He took several, and in his
absence the daughter made the ac
quaintance of two sprightly young
men on the boat, anil she was so fasci-
ed inUrd^J inan is living^ T^
ii is,-whether the ' verdict sUm
a rescind?!!:' ox the man -allowed to “Only ten cents, and it’s the re«
uirdet liis'-victim. . i Havana.” Well, how many do
. . *!. A - », smoke in a day ?”
A gentleman having tt\Ti&*e fthat (tT .., n ,hr«t T nlwnvs wm
Did you ever hear of Atlanta ?”
“Never in my life,” said Gfics^
“You will not find it on any maj
of the United States, It is hardly to
be willed a village; there is hardly a
tavern there aud little else, but that
place is destined to become one of the
great railroad centres of* the United
He then explained at lejigth the
peculiar ’ geographical situation of
Atlanta, just where the Appalachian
range, terminating abruptly, afforded
a natural gateway for the Southwest
to the waters of tli? Atlantic, and to
the great markets of its coast. 1
“Now,” he cuuntinued, “if you will
take a large map of Georgia, find
Atlanta, make a dot defining its posi
tion on the map of the United States,
and place one end" of a string at Rich
mond and the other at Atlanta, you
will sec the natural route of an import
ant railroad, and you will see not
only where it ought to go, hut where
it actually will go. You, Mr. Giles
will live to see that road built; I may
not. It will pass.yfiur own residence,
Amelia C. n ; will pass Burk’s Tav
ern (now called. BurkviUe Junction) J
it will go by Daneville, by Greensboro,
by Charlotte, N. G., and thence to
Atlanta, Georgia. t - * "
The Cost of Cigars. — “How
much did that cigar cost you, John ?”
the regular
--./rinytifriO y*T j »iiT
llard^are r , ,
, - tl jV udt >*l A m. Jii *
fe»ii, JfwHsr'
And f«»r sale by Mon hants Jirinerally, and i»v
BARRETT, LAND vk CQ., Augusta, Wholesale*
A gouts. * • fe?.2M)in
A Great S Wondeiful Discovery
H ERE IS Wir.VT gave ritie (o tbe Wonderful
1/isooverv : My little daughter, Claudia, wus
severely burnt on her cheek with an egg. After
trying everything the aiust learn ed Thy sicinu of
this count v r<>coinniended, and all seemeil to do no
good*, nty littWij^ughtqr cuntinuod to grow woixt
and worse. In a few weeks .-he began to breakout
in rliuhiug.hrti e^, nUiivei^and’lbiaturnUv became
alarmed at nut her eondition. 1 dropped all. ejse,
began to eoiupuun«l i\ medicine |>f my own, whiedt,
alter the first application, I disco\jpred produtxM*
great change, and '*« fi• <■ iioin <a,i'.Ui
dir without a scar.
\ a i -ttii
<• ytfoiati
ami i
* u /«a a!Mr«D U:
til to -
Rlf««V MATERIatiii.
* -. . v«i» Ih't -Hii ir
ManuLicturcn’t* Agents for the Sale of..
h: btt-***** -aj iiuq(J I . */“
GEO. 0l St'E^NS?;' ’ V' *
Corn amp Wheat
Threshers. 1
.t • a hi<
Powers, &er
J6S^~ Special tim’d bontracts made on
the above when time is wanted, j, ‘
ii vc ilfiy. iBy little strl
1 • t1 isttimcraiFcfic-M i»* : -
.m; Si ‘A MIS
j .ST Wittlic!a,Ta thro«BA.\ffe(tti-gl!fir*l>-. ' •» '
* Mr., ami ills. L. RliAHRERR Y ure my sole
A lilrW^oumV. »KTftDI!AK Wf<Prf and ‘
Mr. IIAURI80N BRlHGEo arc Agents fordack
sonAitid Hall counties. f
!. ui UANHalt’S-. -
In March last, niy wife wus aliiicted with sever©
Rheuina%isin I* hefRcft Shoulder and Imu. I ap
plied every g».|| remedy t hat waspi e»eribed, hut
ioulhtfnhthfhglr» iV*l»4<ythi^jmfri until I :t]«plied
k^pirhitlrih. JJVT. STErilENf-
offer the
This is .
t AOIOOIL, and t can rc^hmrtbnd it
♦e, Chilblain, S|muns and Bruises. I am \suM*»
d that no one would regret trying it.
M. I*. DAVIS, Cliief Police, Athens, (Ja.
-— 1 — ■■—.,;r *!!'■<—,—
A gentleman finviogAQHPro
ran away and brok« lug wjHes necKfn
neighhyt.tttivjght to buy tfi^imimal as a
means of divorce. “Nobjjio,” said his
owner; “I intend to mariftt^ani my
self before long.”
was any indication that she had coipc to
a fiat stoiie.
left the boat for the cars, and the in
fatuated girl was sto.wcd between them
in a smoking car. But her father
fouud lier aud whirled her out of that
car, in the liveliest manner, and kept
h hr hands (on, her till' they reachfedA
hinVeJ^He wfll'not dar6, effiiosc her 1
to such jieril agaui, aud the T poor girl
is destined to close cornfiucnacntfont of
the world oT voung men unless she
Tha$ wa»a touchlngrexperioncc|of7«
Bdstoil grtifleman whose fatiiHy 'hacr
been abroad for sometime. Il6 met
them in Paris recently, ai.d his chil
dren speaking French ohly, he was
‘obliged to go to school to acquire the
language, in-order to converse with his
offspring, ^
In a Latin class a few days smee^
ie world ol young men unless sue lnauaun <
I S I ,1 < i / . |» yottdg lady was called up for the
* i-* II i * *■ ■» * *-*• - 1 * “ 1 deeleusion of a certain word. She
Flour of all grads for sale by >\ catli- boldb- J>a»cq|de4 j- Jlpic, Ziofc
erly &‘^Co. nudSu^I ,f f whiA
“ ’ " received : w»th joyful- ap-
(J iUI nine ■*!' I JlGl, * ,v vm u J ,
The'cclcbriiteiT I he hoc Iilins* the boys.
i B ht into the cent re of that cloud, with vays ou by Wcatheriy t&Qoi' , Vvonmr nmn-in
iiid^Vd in vour faW^hnat- J *3 man_ur.
■ ,J **—* A Good Smoke,—“C^ur Choice.. is.
a superior Cigar, and cau be had of
, v KMvarinski&I^er.^ , fn ’j • i ; H F to^7cl^peAon ! ri£recrQeuts stamp
your bosom. You can whip the car- atldnfropUHt into tha., re
pet a longer or shorter Kriod, accord- j Q^g delivered free of charge every mnAing ilmt i*. was a very handy ar-
ingto the nize of your mad; it don tl j ur j ng the day by Weatherly & rangemeut, and should have been in
make any difference to the car,iet, it is • ° troduced years ago.
just as dusty and fuzzy und disagrcoa- 'Co.
Two or three. I always want, to,
enjoy a quiet cigar after my meals.”
“And when you meet a friend you
must take a friendly cigar. Is that
not so ?”
“Certainly, I don’t want to be con
sidered mean.”
Well how much do you think all
costs you ?”
‘O, I never counted it. I don’t
pinch a dime.”
“Let us count now, aiul sec if pinch
ing a dime won’t pay. Three cigars
\i day, after meals, and one friendly’
cost forty cents; two dollars and eighty
rents a week; eleven dollars aud twen
ty cents a month; one hundred and
forty-five dollars a year; enough to
buy a horse, a melodeon, or a good
library. Put it out at interest, with
additions you would make every year,
and in ten years it would amount to
§2,500. Follow this practice ten
years more, aqJ you squauder a nice
little fortune. I tell you it does pay
to piuch a dime whenever you are
tempted to squander it for a worthless
cigar. Take care of the dimes, and
tlie dollars will take atre of them
selves.’ It was by saving ia these small
things that must wealty men liav be-
comc rich. Take care of your‘small
change’ if you would grow up to be a
r nvise, useful, honored and wealthy
To keep Indians quiet requires con
siderable iugiuuty.
J. c. H-A-RlDIlil,
DKAkfcR IN j
large aUd MiiQ-scldrtcd Stock of'
vj fucy
DRUGS, 1 ■
» |v‘. ** f .?
Justly CcRbratort Macpio-
lia lliims, Bologna Sjau-
sage, Drictf fiepf,
Canned Goods, Ac.- a
Snnir, Vipcs, TiVhucco and ScRnr*, tfciisitis, S»?.
dines, Nuts, Crackers, Cliei-se, Capily and He«f
nuts, Lennms am} Onuiges, Flckles, XurtUcru Ap-
p!es nn<\ Butter Sciitdr. rli-./ -**
C:isU iwid for o#ntry produce. ’ , . - Uf
ttir Brund street, Alliens, G3., obnmtfe ,T. n.
Ilu^gim. " . *plWy ' T1
W OULD call tho especial attention
_jif MKRttll AXrs and -l^jc pirldic to 1 their
j. wv Jones, Av W«iadm<ili4nif
Said li. fa. rctui nahlc t«jiho Superior Oiurt, Marcia
Term, 1SGE lVim-ii'a!, Two lfitud^cd Dollars.-
Sold tjuhjeci to the old
Ah»o,*at the ssaue' time jiiml place, will be *ol«l^ y
all the Interest of C. W. Temples it? r Traci rtf
Land, lyHiv' IA the said cOinYtJ, the town rt^
Hartwell, adjoining huulb of Johu Peck. J. I*. Suu^ -
aenrWff&Gth^-, J c
or less, said interest being a Hoik! for Tftlw.S
Also, at the same time and -place, will he solrf
an Ox Wagon, levied ou as the property of >hm«I V.f
W. Temples. All’ to s;i1i>fy a fi. fa. in, fkvor of loi-.
yetto C. Cooper ait# JesArt F. txingston,'* admln-
i.sV.rati»x> of J. F. ('oi’i^deeoofieil, vs. Clark W<
Temples as tlie nc;;t friend ofMfidison,E. b. Tem
ples, issued in the Siqiptfor OourfVif^sdifd'eoiinty.
r* turn;iMe U'» March Tcrui. 1^40..«^AFfOi another
fi. fa. in fyvor.of^.nFayette C. Cop^yr afidi Jes^O F.;
LangsfoA,' adniinlbtroftdof Jl*F. Vooper, deceased,
vs* Join t T cm plus ,U 1 art W. Te*4»!cs, alMMHMMnidf
I).Templet, Usiuxl
naid coihit v, returnable to March Tenn, 18To.
) Altti.Vitttiib kuttfWWftuitQiae^<4lj 'ttVi u ,<t
La ml, more or IcsXj Jyitlg if ^ud v ce^nty^ ow U|©
ialors of Rood Creek, adjoining lauds of F. K/
Harrison, GeOrgo Virunt and lorfrtd on as
tlwMOJtertf of A. i corgli t?
}nvor of J. AJ. llrafiley vs. Win. KsteS, T. J. C,acif
a*rt George tirantr Issued from me’ ifusUcd Ci>ur<
of llitrllvnA District, <1. M.,rctvnnbll to Ui.May-
Term of said Court, 1SC3, for Tliirjy-^fievtu I>oHw*
prineipa'l; liOlides interest arid' cost, shlil Fifty
Acres to Im.;cut off ot tlie Uoiae Tniet oftlomy.'
IGrantyit l-einjj tlie trwti v, krrcoo .M-rs.- Gtur^*
Grant iVow tlV*s. ‘ %
Als<*, at the same time and place, trill fft* srtld/
juiothcr Tract of Land, levied.on as’ the property
jof F. G. Stowers, containing. Three, Hundred and
Six-tenth* nf.Acres.morc/tr less, adjoining lathis of
J. R. Alford, II. J\Wt and EVixa Coq)ir9», to mtia- f
,fy a li. fa. ii| fcivorof Chrew> H< (JItX()d>ar
F. O. Stowers, ihsuod from the Su|H;rior Court of
said ctAinty, rotufuablc to the SfcpteniWr Term of
said C^wrt, 1307. « i
Af tr/e sjiindtiiim and place,■ another Tract ©f
l,-*ud, cont*iMn< Twenty-Six Acre*, Wifttlft #f leiw/
adjoining la nils of J. B. .\lford r N. Hunks and .S,
V. Milford. Levied rtn as the projierty of F. li.-
Stoffciv, to sntisJy ilic alHive^itefed 6.^
W. A. HOLLAND, Sheriff!
Marcli Term' 1N?.1, -Amr K. Cleveland, vs,
Iicnrjj Cleveland—JAbel fit*r Divorce. It np|K»«r.-
-ing to /lie c-riurt, hy tlio return of the Slipriff, that
tin* defendant, Henry Cleveland is without tho
jurisdiction of thWCotirf^ so tl'»at service eaniiof
l»e perfected uism him in person. On motion, it
is ordered that service ho pelfcefed bv nfthlieWtloff
once a month, for lour mouths, In tips Nortfr-E»t
<ie'oVgrmi a’puhlie Gur.ettrt published fn Allieuir/
•State of (icorgia, March 187;;. ,
A true extract frdtu the minutes of said court.-
(’. A. \V KBB4 Clcfly
' v. * rit j
,-t |r,t t -
PAINT 1 '■ ■
1 .-'!(:•"•• ta !
\OJ.LtUf \.f-
•4ft* hwttt-i
jtlarble f W*ork&
BltOAD «T., i4T«r«T.I, GA.
«L\jL .Stones, cte. f Marlde Mantles, Furniturif
Work of all kinds, from tho plafneat to the most
elatNifate designs,- mid famhdieil to order at short
udrlicc. -ill work for iWI*«ttUNfc*cfnlly h>x©l.
Has notr in .Store a Hull Stock of. J
dry go
wliicU^Uo oiler.
hi i -.-»*>_}»<i M fo.* h-iq fo*
_ yA.ra, bpeoiulitie^*
iVhieli they have now in Store and arc reeel Vi
I of which wj,offe|y> ^erthawt^. r}'
JtJTeirTork ttijccs.
: <rot ,W10,090,ai fo Ir-uqiri it '-w .1
Of All Kin,
.... ,. ...
Or in Exchange,for. Cijyutry J>p4w»* i
-^Thc Uiglicl. iftitt! ' "
'Call a&Y&ii'mhicf our Stock &* Prices.
lOiff L b mifis 'I •:* ' tl
; I’Soilct -Powders
-i >.■ fv
Family ;Ui-oceri *nfo Bar Bloom'
us a cull, und you will find eriirjrjj^gf Jg, L| I . <! -“j*. ' t"
iu : - ' fowl Kj-vj n b
Commercial, Note%*'
j v - and Cap Paper, - «*'<
to whkilr,ihcy iovile the nttwiliou pf, Scfrhunts
find Dealers. Wo believe that we cun ..fell as low
us thoMioe -milltics Ju,diuran<it*fs CM tW |tne-
tluued any where in tlie South. Samiiles and |irf
coasentou anidicathm to -tt 1 ■
ries. vf .,ili
Lhiitors an
Give us r .
our line of tin* best, aud prices
‘ WM. KING, Jit. 1
* 0*5'Agents erant06*
tuns, Ac.# scut fu'e#
auhMw ’#t.«L7 ’ ( i
Bull [more. Mil.-
ChtdoguttMf hooks, pk>