Newspaper Page Text
Si trv.ttnnil ' r, ■nf It sprf ■»{*
oirfwi n* aigiooO
i-rto*; JsattttfOHn laVKJtm Iwnirv
ni .Ill'ili’J sdl (t; •):•('
ONE COPY, Ono Yonr,
FIVE COPIES, One Yoar,...,
y//e Official City Taper
Business & Profes’n’l Cards.
*a* —* , *‘*"~***“ ‘•ipr if . ii . i 11|f|i.
iDrtj «l?i
■'fh> v«<w!
T -•*,« utrj •'Ir.-'lltl 11
•a! Ulstxk ,!oof*rt; - ntjwi-—fxnfcihid
-b/bjp»»* oi nnilWjlitl • >t 1
it'If! -UUTOq-olq SfW
No. 204 Athens, Georgia, Wednesday; March
.JL • Attorney at Law,
.s£., i. ; ) attention palil tol-rlmlnnliiiSln. For
refcron. r api-ly to lix. tiov.T. H. Watt, nn.l Hon.
Barry's .Store, Alltel
ry Ala. 0:!u
Asa M. Jackson',.
.L. W. Thomas,
Attorneys atIaw
Athens, Georgia.
K«»r rrforcnctf l»jr *i»<*c!al iH-nui«*ion
• . 1* \V. Tji>*|MA* Jt'fiy* tv William L.
MilrMIk lv*j.,«»f Alliens arid llt-n.A. II. stepros,
r Hill au-f It. Tixjnihr.
v Allorneys at Lair,
lid* Ol&ro iu tUc Ucu|»rue Building.
Nearly a!! Urisinate from Indixrrstioa
and Tori idlly of t he Llvrr, mid rrlirQs always
anxlonsfv sou&lii a her. If thu IjUr KHwUt
In it*aeti'tn, tfyaltfc i»a!i»»*t invarialiljtaci tire
Waul of net ion in the Li ver causes llnuliirhr. 1<n
atipatlun, "
HHJm _
keart. drj.n-wion of spirit
Attorney at Lair,
.. __ ..... or the h|u«s« and
hundred other symptom*, for which SIGMONS
l.l\KIS ISKiil LATOlt i* the l»e8t remedy that lias
firr Krn riiscoicr.Ml. If arts mildly. < tfirtually,
and l.fin^a >i in jilt \.*»'t Jrtlfli-compound, can dono
injury in pr.y quantity that it may be taken. It is
harml* «h iu t very way : it lias been used for 40
nlreds ot tlie^nod and ureal from all
untry will vouch for its bciug the
purest ami Ih*sI.
Simmons' Li;er Koguhtor, cr Mtdicii*,
Will practice in ih.» c
Circuit, Bank', lY.inhh
Ilf'* «»f the !
id llabershai
special atte
1 of the
itinn to
• uudra.vic \ioleut medicine,
• Mm* to cure if taken regularly,
i no intoxicating hevurago,
n faultless family medicine,
1 the cheapest in dicitie in the world,
• £ivcu with safe v and the happiest results to
the iim>: delicate infant,
oes not interfere with loudness,
ota not disarraivp the system,
^Quinine and Bitters of every
Contains the simplest asnl best remedies.
Fou Salk 15y Ai.i. Druggists.
A Hornet’ ft l Lair,
• \ ’.IN' II - V ! LLi-
At I)r. Kill);’* Drug *torf,
»«!' All »..rk 4.iiw in a «a|*ri»r manner, and
1 Kirt- sstiafactiua. jault-if
lumtril to
T OCATEI) in this city, is prepared
1 -1 to do all kind* of Car|»ent«re’ Work in the
bent style, and at reasonable rates, with dispatch.
.Shop in the rear oj the City Clerk’s Office.
Jane 3. 1874.
r PAIvES pleasure in announcing to
JL tho citizeusof Franklin and and adjoining
counties, that hn is now located on the Athens
street, ona mile south of Camcsrille, where lie is
prepared to practice Dentistry in all its different
ranches. Prices low to suit the times, but posi-
iToJy no inferior work. oetlJWf
Ostrriage and 33uggy
Th.m.. Slrrrl, ..pjM^ilr ( (Hiprr*. Lirrry Staldr.
1 3AUTICULAR attention given to
REPAIR JORS. iir.lrr. left with A. A. Hrll.
Ipatiuii, J.uadirr, fain In (hr SluwW.riJ _ .. ^
uc!t, (TiIIIh. Dirrlnrxx. Knur Stuiiun li. M UaW I Da mighty rtTarY rurtl
«hc m iiilh, IdIIlull' atlarka, palpitation of the rt» tln—hitrn'«mi;»|i«rtlln
Of Choice Rending.
r piIIb ?Ii'in^ Iiridc; or, J7iV/aw? #
X thr Avenger.
. S-y iA 11 44 A ]'• dutiful
et«C' ft
• \:
[ Written for (he Georgian.]
^ ijk it wkd o’r.
Oh, sta^My thl^, •low-kailingjjr^u the bay,
Move slkwly on thy path—oiieJnMant wa§t^
And takoa message front.ray longing soul,
Ereftt yon pnsp beyond the Golden Gate. \
So smooth the ripples pl*Y around your prow,
bine the trailing rty above,
the winds that gently Am my brow,
Thou’It bear it safely to the land I love.
’Tie this: I miss the gmndenr ol ita bills—
IU sunny Tales, and brooklets mad with glee—
Its long, bright days full of all calm deli^hU
A od nighU replete iritlfcbeauty’s harmony. -
and flow,
tonWntr^sparfcllng waterfalls;
And rising in their solemn msjesty,
Impervious and grand, its tine walls.
I miss the flowers that grew In every nook—
Tho* others may be thought by far more lair ;
The yellow jewels nodding by the brook
To me arc dearer than these blossoms rare.
Oh, Trbite-winged ship, Gousp«>ed thee on tl.y way!
Grant thee fair breezes, calm the treacherous main;
So longingly my anxious heart will wait—
My sad eyes watch thy coming once ag?ln.
Bring me a breath from ofT my native hills,
Fill thy soils full of my free mountain air;
Catch the rare tints of Southern sunset skies,
Paint oil thy canvass scenes so bright and fair.
Coiuo to me laden with the breath of flowers,
That used to fill my tiny baby hands;
Bring me n branch from the old maple tree
Beneath whose shade the little cottage "lands.
Kind angels guard tliec on tl»y trackless way,
And keep me safe who fur thy coming wait,
Till 1 shall see thy swift sails once again
Pass homeward bound, within the Golden Gate.
San Francisco, 187.*».
(CMnal/M W «A)
A-. WN 1ST
Ootton Kao tors,
General Commission Merchants
Savannah, Oa.
Hogging, Ties, Rope, and other Supplies fur-
«i.h«d. Also, liberal C«*h Advance* made en
oasigninents fnr sale or shipment to Idverpoul
Sort hern port*. % my»-tf
Livery, feed and Sale Stable
VV »MM.iiil. rear I'r.mkiii. Housel.nil<lin R ,
Thomasstreel* Keep alwaysuu hand good Turn
outs and careful driver*.
Stock well cared tor w hen cntrii'ted to our care.
Slock on hand for sale at all time*. dcelS-tf
M RS. T. A. ADAMS would mo.-t
rospe'ifnlly Inform tl.o Ixulirx of Athoni
and of countie* adjacent, that she ha* now receiv
ed and opened a imut choice and select a*M»rti*»ent
of Fall and Winter Millimry G.hhN, toiu-
pri*ing fn part .the latest styles and fashions of
Flowers, Gloves, ttc.>
which she will sell at reasonable price*. Givelici
a call before pur«:lia>ing elsewhere. Orders from
a distance carefully filled, store located on broad
itriit, ou* door sihiac Natolnal Bank. uctlU-tu
Has now in Store a Full Stock of
•'jsrM'iA .3A nnejAS,
' ■ in part, of
Of All Kin.l., which he olTera
Or in Exchange for Country Produce.
•W"The highest market price paid in cash If»
eottoa May 13
A L i lend; or, Lrtic> en tiro Firrt.
A rti- ’a Love. JStj Mrs. Soutlnrorth.
A N Me Lord. Scgnel <; * 4 Jr>*t lirir Linllthgmr."
Heir Linlithgow ; or, The Hrrth, rs ; or. The
•Jar l and the On trust. Jin Mrs. Soatf$:r„rth.
Tried For Her Life. .Se«|U*wl to 44 Frutd a* the
Grave.” liy Mrs. Km ma J). K. ,Y. Snulhirorth.
Cruel a* the Grave ; or Jlallotc Kre Mystery.
Belle'.»oo«l and Bondage: or. Bought vt ith A
Jty Mrt. Ann 8. Sfrjihrus.
The OKI Countess. S^w*!** lAtrd Hour's Choice."
Lore Hojk?** Choice; »r, More Secret Than One.
The Reigning Belle. Jiy Mrs. Anu S. Stephens.
Linda. Jiy Mrs. Caroline Lee JJealz.
Robert Graham. Jiy Mrs. Caroline Lac Jimtz.
Fniest I .in wood. Jiy Mrs. Careline Jxe JJentz.
Rena; or. The Snow-Bird, liy Mrs. Jlents.
Mann* Warland. liy Mrs. Caroline Lee JTentz.
Autobiography of Edward Wort ley Montagu.
With Preface by Dr Mackenzie.
The Initials. The Great Lore Story.
Count wf Monte Cri»to. Jig Alexander Dutnas.
Camille; ar The Fair of a (V/weffe.
The Dead Secret, liy Wilkie Coil in *.
The Crossed Path. Jiy Wilkie Collins.
Memoirs of Yidoc-j. Jlis Life and Adventure*.
Cousin Harry. Jiy Mrs Grey.
Tl.e Little Beauty. Jiy Mrs. Grey.
Cvrilla. liy A at nor of •* The Initials."
Modem Chivalry, liy II. 11. litrekmridgr.
Major Jone*’ Courtship and Travel*.
Major Jones’ Scenes in Georgia.
Simon Suggs* Adventure* aud Travels.
Col. Thorpe’s Scenes iu Arkansaw.
Big Bear's Adventures and Travels.
I>on Quixotic. B'ifk His Life and Adnemtmren.
Frank Fnlrlcgh. lip Frank F. Am^Veg.
I^-wis Arundel. /»y Frank K. Sotedley.
Torn Racquet, liy Frank K So.•Airy.
TheTowerof IJ'ndon. Jhi IP. H. Ainstrorih.
Count of Mouto-f'risto. fly Alexander Dumas.
The Countess of Monte-Cristo.
The Three (iu mbmon. liy Alexander Damns.
Twenty Year* After, liy Alexander Dumas.
Brageloime. liy Alexander Dumas.
The Iron Mask, liy Alexander Dumas.
Edmond Ihinte*. Sryuri to Count of Monte-Cristo.
Forty-Five Guardsmen, tty AUxamtrr Damns.
Tho'iron Hand, liy Alexander Dumas.
Charles O’Malley, tty Charles Lewrr.
Harry I^>rre<|ner. tty Charles l*rer.
Jack Hinton, the Guardsman, tty Lener.
Toni Burke of Our*, tty Charles Lerer.
Valentine Vox, the Ventriloquist. ttyCarkUm.
Basil ; or. The Crossed I*ath. tty Collins.
The BrigaiMi;**r the Demon of the North.
Victor lingo, author qf 44 Les MiserabUs.*•
The Queen’s Revenue, tty WilkUCaUlmi.
Hide and Seek, tty WUkieCaUins.
After Dark, tty Wilkie Collins.
Cruising in Io»*t War. A Capital Sea Starr.
Trapper's Daughter, tty Gustave Aimard.
Guy Fawkes, tty Aiustearlh. Illustrated.
The Star Chamber, tty ll’m. Harrison Ainsworth.
Holiday Stories, tty Charles Dickens.
The Fie-Nic I*ai»er*. tty Charles Dickens.
Dickens’ Short Stories, tty Charles IHchena.
Windsor Castle, tty IV. ifx
Charles O’Malley.
Hanj Umdner.
Tho Threo Guardsmen.
Twenty Years After.
The Iron Mask.
I»uise La Vnlliere.
The Iron Hand.
Jack Hinton.
Tom Burke of Ours.
Edmond Dantes.
nrrison Ainsworth.
Mis* or M:
The I» ad S
Sight' A!'"
The Cor»i.-.:
Father Ton
ml Sh.nio
t. Jiy II
.11 1): uthc
Jiy Cayf.tin Culina,
Jiy Mrs. C. J. Sc
, Willie C,.IIins.
her Tale*. Jiy Wilkie
tLia Collins.
v. Jiy Alexander Dun
B y lire. G.
By Alexander Dumas.
The Flirt, tty Mrs Greu.
Salathie!; or the Wandi
Good SiK'iet v. By Mrs firry.
The Itch’d Chief. By Gust-ire Aimard.
The Itorder Rifle*, by Gustav Aimard.
Sol. Smith’* Thea 4 ideal Apprenticeship.
Sol. /f Smith’a Theatrical Journey-Work.
Irateif. .
The Indian Chief. Bv Gnstare At ward.
Tli. Ily Hn.urr Aimard.
TlioTip.T-.SUy.-r. By
The Urn* Back S..U-, j:, Mrs. II. .try Hood.
I.inn-lleartr.l. A Sim ! By Mrs Orry.
The Be.l Track. By ih.slare Aimard.
l’as.ionan,! Brincii-le. By Mrs Grey. %
Mary Sealiam. By Mrs Grey.
Nov. 2.1
D/ssolution of Partnership.
mm: partnership In r. tofore existing between
_L the sulisrril»ers under the firm name of
I* this dav dissolved F: mutual consent. The
biiH.mss will berontinue'd by T. A. BURKE, who
will collect allot the account* due the firm, ami
settle iL* indebtednes*. l’arties indebtid are r**-
qnested to make immediate payment, ns the books
of the late firm must he closed.
T. A. Burke,
\V. H. Hodgson.
In retiring front tin* firm * f Burke A Hodgson, I
take thi* opportunity of
tnv sincere thanks for tin
t '
VT Ordinary’s ofkh
i . ... : o—o :
. The Largest Stock of
Clock Shelves,
Book Shelves.
Wall Pockets,
IVlatcli Safe*.
Hanging Baskets,
Ac., &c.
JBver Brought to SthenB,
For sale at
Dec. 28U),1X74. |
Whcreax, Jane Bowers, Guardian «f Naiirjr
Bowen., E. A. E. Bowel*. J. D. Bowers, B. M.
Bower., Jane Bowen., Mary Bower., Martha
Bowcra and I. G. Bowers, minor heirs of hdy
Bower.. deceased, represonla to the Court that
ahe has fully settled with the said liein. iu term, of
* h ThU W i«, therefore, to cite all concerned, to shew
rause if nnv they can, why sa . i . d ‘ ’‘ wTrf-the
not be dismissed at the April term, 18,.>, of the
Court ofOnIin F .ry F for«id s Coua i t fej£oNi orf , y
Dec. JOtb, It.
I TtROM 1st Octolwr, 1874, to Dec’r
} 31st, 1875,
The Bejit Business Stand,
ln.1 I test arranged Store in Athpis.
July 1 If Apply lo
An act to amend an act entitled an
act to create a County court in each
county of tho State, except certain
counties, so as to include the county of
An act for the relief of W. L.
Whitman, of Catoosa county.
An act to amend an act to incorpo
rate the Ridge Valley Iron company.
An act to prohibit tho sale of spirit
uous liquors within three miles of the
works of the Rising Fawu Iron compa
- An act to amend au net creating the
office of State Geologist, and to pro
vide for a Geological, niineralogical
and physiological survey of Georgia.
An act to create a board of commis
sioners for Lumpkin countv.
An act to amend an act for tho bet
ter government of the town of Sparta,
in Hancock county,
An act to ratify the action of the
mayor and council of Americus in
building a bridge across Flint river.
An act to amend au act to organize
a county court for Muscogee county.
An act to limit the jurisdiction of
the County court of Elbert in the mat
ters of debt.
An act to amend an act to create a
County court for Clayton county.
An act to amend an act to incorpo
rate the Etna Iron company, Folk
An act to prevent the sale of spirit
uous liquors within three miles <>t Shi
loh church, Gwinnett county.
An act for the prevention of cruelty
to animals.
An act to amend sections 279, 291,
314, 317 of the Code.
An act to consolidate the offices of
tax collector and tax receiver in the
county of Terrell, and settle the pay of
the county, treasurer and the pier diem
of jurors for Tcrreil aud Decatur coun
An net to incorporate the Fayette
Savings hank.
An act to incorporate the Gordon
County Railway and Mining compa
An act to amend section 1700 of the
An act to incorporate the Murray
County Mining and Railway company.
An act to regulate the compensation
of tax receiver and tax collector of
Jcffer son county.
An act to incorporate the Enterprise
Bank of Macon.
An act to provide for a Beard of
Roads and Revenue for the county of
Don ^ la-s.
An act to prohihii tiie sale of intox
icating liquors within, three miles of
Acworth High School, county of
An act to repeal all exemptions
from jury duty in tho county of Chat
ham and city of Savannah.
An act to amend the act incorpora
ting the Savannah, Seaboard and
Skidaway Railroad company.
An act to establish a County court
for the county of Campbell, and for
other purposes.
An act to incorporate the Georgia
Mining company.
To authorize the city council of Au
gusta to use the ground under any
railroad, street, etc., for constructing
or improving the water-works of said
citv. —
For the relief of Win. McDaniel, of
Wilkinson county.
To organize a County court in the
county of Marion.
To organize a hoard of county com
missioners in Twiggs county.
To enable parties to waive the
homestead and exemption law.
To incorporate the lliwassec Val
ley Railroad company.
To incorporate the*Georgia Mctalic,
Iron, Powder and Steel Manufacturing
To amend the act creating County,
courts so far as relates to Richmond
To amend section 2013 of the Code.
To regulate the publication of the
decisions of the Supreme court.
To protect the people of this State
against the rciiaymcut of past due
To explain section 3398 of the Code.
To’ protect the piscatorial rights of
the citizens of Georgia.
To amend the act regulating the
manner of giving in lands for taxation,
and the sale and redemption thereof.
To authorize the clcrK of the Su
preme court to demand and collect
ices for recording deeds in advance.
To regulate the weighing of cotton
rice and other products, and prescribe
a penalty for violation of same.
To amend sectim 4437 of the Code,
To amend the laws relating
. . ■ , changing of names.
And as Oconee has no officer com- To c , nfrr a( iditional jurisdiction on
missioned, u for tnat County, she must CoulUy courts in case ^ of garnish
“ elect all officers necessary for her | ment J °
complete organization; i. •. “ Ordma- j To ’ amend scction 4097 0 f t h 0 Code.
<7- Alerk of the Superior Court, To amend section 110 of the Code.
Sheriff, Coroner, 3 ajc Collector, 1ax T() exempt loco™,;™ enj? i aC ers and
Receiver, County veyor and all ini „ ers from j du(y .
County officers. 4?U19 Code. To amend t , )C j aws of
If it appears awkward for the pfifter this gtate in relatio „ to mcchani(3 an d
of Clarke county to live an Oconee, at laborers,
is nevertheless provided for by this
Act and the geuornl law of the land,
- : ! r-
i NEW SEjfciES—Vqlume
Executive Ikumrtiiient,
Atlanta, Ga., March 9th, 1875.
linn. II. II. CnfUnn, Athens, (la.:
Dear Sir:---By action of the
Governor, I enelo- you herewith, a
copy of the opinion of the Attorney
General in the matter of the terms of
office of the County officers of Clarke
Couuty, Ac. I am sir,
Yours truly,
P. W. Alexander,
Sec’y of Ex. Dep’t.
State oftJcorfffa.
• (copy.)
Ateanta, Ga., March 8th, ’75.
His Extdlcncy James JL- Smith,
Atlanta, Georgia.
Governor:—I am in receipt of
the letter of Hon. H. H. Carlton to
you, and herewith return it with my
opinion upon the question asked by
Oconee County lias just been made,
by the General Assembly, wholly out
of the territory of Clarke County.—
The third section of the Act creating
this new County, requires that an elec
tion be held in April next “ for all
County officers necessary for the 01-
ganizntion of said new Couuty.
Its fourth section declares that “ all
officers now in commission within the
limits of said new County, shall hold
their commissions and discharge the
duties devolved upon them, until the
date when their terms of office expire
by law."
The Clerk of the Superior Court,
the Ordinary and Tax Receiver live in
Clarke County as now existing, the
other County officers of old Clarke are
within the limits of Oconee County,
The question put by the letter is,
“ What officers in each County will
have to be elected in April next?”
By the Constitution of 1838, Art.
IX Code, SS 1319, 1320, each County
in the State has its full quota of
County officers, commissioned, as of
the County in and for which they
were elected. Clarke now has such
quota for two years, from January,
1875, and by said 4th Section, (and
inery on theConesaugo,
de for the per diem pay of
’iun county.
the County court of Han-
a court of record, and to
a clerk for the same.
To authorize tho Trustees of the
Macon Free School to sell all or a
part of the building and lot on the
corner of Walnut and Second streets.
To append *tho act creating board of
C. C. R, B. for Gwinnett county.
To chuige. the line between Elbert
and Hart counties.
To regjlktte the pay of jurors in tho
of Echols, Dooley, Lee and
iid an acf of- February 22d,
% to make it applicable to
To further amend the act incorpor
ating the Savings hank of Barnesviile,
approved October 26, 1870.
For the relief of maimed and indi
gent soldiers.
Te provide for compensation of the
Ordinary of Randolph county for cer
tain services. -tfi -. » ;
To consolidate the offices of tax re
ceiver and tax collector in Decatur
To provide for the payment to the
authorities of Thomas county of the
amount expended in sending convicts
to the penitentiary.
To confer additional powers on the
Gainesville, Blairsvitle and V. W. R.
It. Company.- m • -i ■■,■■■■
To legalize orders of the judges of
Assignable Crop Liens.
According to n statement of the
provisions of ah act passed bv
the Legislature,' giving lnndtortla
a lien oh the crops of their tenants,
that body provided a wheih
fanners of small means may pro
cure supplies lay an indirect pledge
of their crops; Tho Savannah
Weirs explains it: As a sort of
concession to those who favored
the re-enactment of the lien law'
in the interest of tho small fann
ers, whoso prosperity 'depends
altogether upon their ability to
negotiate lorins upon the security
of their growing crops, tho L». gis-
•9. AH ■dTrrtlt^»Mil+ | lOMtSwx! Iiwlati
m law* wuutS^imhuimuiandBm
Twriro Hoo* of till* typ* «tr M MU ‘
mike one square. ’’
"U*For Contract price*, *ebednle.
the county of Butts.
To amend an act creating board C.
C. R. R. in Walker county, approved
March 4,1874.
To change the line between the
counties of Bibb and Twiggs.
To compensate William A. Walton
for service rendered in the case of
Devine. Powers and Leo.
To amend an act to facilitate raft-
g of timber in Wilson county, ap
proved February 21, 1873.
To incorporate theGeorgia Southern
railroad company, and to grant certain
privileges to the same.
To incoporatc the Atlanta Savings
Bank, with its chief office in Atlanta.
To repeal an act to regulate the
manner of giving bonds for county
officers, so far as. relates to Banks
To amend an act to create hoard C.
C. R, R. in Floyd, Berrien and
Effingham, Schley, Sumter and Green,
approved December 13, 1871, so far
as relates to Schley county.
To change the line between Coweta
and Campbell counties. •
To amend the charter of the Com
mercial Insurance and Banking com
pany of Augusta, so as to change uame
and regulate the transfer of stock in
the same.
To prohibit the sale of liquor in
three miles of Bethel church, Baldwin
To prohibit the sale of liquor in two
miles of Woodstock, in Oglethorpe
The repeal the civil jurisdiction of
the justices’ courts of the district em
bracing the county site of Cliucli
To exempt members of the Light
Guards from jury and road duty.
To prescribe the method of grant
ing license to sell liquor in Jefferson
To prohibit the rale of liquor within
three-fourths of a mile of Elam church,
Coweta county, andTurwin Academy,
in said county.
To prohibit the sale of liquor within
two miles of Harmony Grove, in the
county of Jackson.
To amend an act to incorporate the
town of Fort Valley, Houston comity.
To submit to the legal voters of Butts
county the question of prohibiting the
sale of liquors in a less quantity than
one gallon.
To create a board of C. C. R. R
for Colquitt county.
To amend tho several acts incorpor
ating and conferring power on the City
Council of Griffin.
To amend act incorporating the
tho Superior Court of Rockdale and : 1.,“ v.;„ „ i-
^ . .1 c 11 . .Mature passed a law so amendin';
Newton counties at the tall term of 1 „ .. Ln-,- .... - - ,
1#74 section 19<8 ot the code of 18a3,
To incorporate the Mutual
Light Company of Savannah.
To define the? line between Worth
and counties.
To incorporate the Bank of Thom-
Prevention of Cruelly to Animals.
For the benefit of all whom it may
concern we publish below the act pass
ed by the Legislature, and approved
by the Governor, to prevent cruelty to
Sec. 1. Br it enarted ly the General
Assembly of the State of Georgia, That
from and after die passage of this act,
any person in this State who shall tor
ture, torment, deprive of necessary
sustenance, cruelly heat «„• mutilate,
or cause to he so tortured, tormented,
deprived of noce.-sary sustenance, cru
elly beaten or mutilated any horse or
other animal, guilty of a mis
demeanor, and for every such offense The Enabling Act.
shall, upon conviction thereof, he fined Mr. McDaniel's act to enable
in a sum not to exceed fifty dollars, at parties to waive anil rcnorncc the
V^Tnelt h the exemptions provi-
authority aforesaid,. That all laws and J cd > b,W ’ hil9 ^ 'f
parts of laws, militating against this the Got ernor. The act provides
that the liens of landlords therein
provided for, shall arise by opera
tion of l:uv from the relation of
landlord and tenant, as well as by
special contract in writing, where
in tiie landlord shall furnish the
articles enumerated in said section,
or any of them, to the tenant, fi r
the purpose therein named, and
that said lien may be enforced in
the manner provided in section
1991 of said code and that when
ever said liens may be created by
special contract iu writing, as now
provided by law, the same shall
be assignable by the landlord and
may be enforced by the assignee
in the manner provided for the en-
forcemsnt of such liens b\ land
I’M ENT, [•
1st, 1875.)
act, be and the same arc hereby re
Thomas Hardeman, Jr.,
Speaker of House of Reps.
L. Sweat, Clerk of House of Reps.
T. J. Simmons,
President of the Senate.
J.W. Murdiiy, Secretary of the Senate.
Approved March 1st, 1875.
[Signed] James M. Smith,
State of Georoia,
Executive Departmf.nt
Ateanta, Ga., March 1st
I hereby certify that the within is a
true and correct copy of an act of the
Legislature now on file in the office of
the Secretary of State.
[Signed] ' J. W. Warren,
Secretary Executive Department
...The American riflemen, who are to
goto Dublin toshoot in an international
rifle match next June, will be chosen
by four competitive trials. The team
will consist of a captain and nine meu.
Each trial will he of four consecutive
scores of fortyfive shots each, each score
to he made * in a single day without
sighting shots, and to consist .of fifteen
shots at 800, 900 and 1000 yards.
Nine hundred yards it^a little more
than half a mile. In shooting at such
long ranges there arc many circum-
% &
.. (00-StaJrs,) t
Tranotent adTortlae
81 Ms*r*q«n* <brdM8r*C
-~ JI v
ft A. A. LincoMD, D. O.
_u . jjJlJ JO
Ono br one, the links an broken.
Link* tb*t bind 11 fo’iprerlooi je*i*r NV!
On* b; an*, the panlng* spoken,
Piftln* hashed In *Uent teeu*-,
But tbn sllonra hemthe tfrMIng ">!
k’nua.the for c( sunny shore,
Where the links esekother meeting
Are • broken eh tin no snore.
. -*trvi .(
-•■.at 1
<ij sril lo
To prohibit the sale of liquor within
three miles of the churches of Locust
Grove. Henry county. Also Shiloh
camp-ground, in Carroll county.
To amend the charter of Warrcnton,
raid Ait. IX) they remain the officer
of Clarke county “ for two years,”
and this without regard to their resi-
jdenccs. “All ministerial officers in
| canimission, included within the lim-
1 its of the new County, hold their
commissions and exercise the duties of
j their office, until their commissions
1 expire, and their successors elected
and qualified, nnlcss there is more
than one for the same office ; and in
new counties organized entirely from
011c county, all the officers of the old
count/ are authorized to exercise their
respective duties in the new County
until the proper officers are elected
and qualified” for the new County.
Code, §31.
These old officers of Clarke remain
officers of Clarke, hut serve Oconee
also, till she has officers of her owtfbi
commission. Unless therefore some
office of Clarke county is vacant,
(without regard to change of County
lines,) there can he no election in
IG illllv IHI llbl IIIlA’ll j/'lItlUIIL llll I " " t . r | • £, f
Merchants’ and Mechanics’ Bank ( ,f stances outside of the rifleman a nerve
anil good vision which determine the
character of the shooting. A mirage
may give a false impression of the po
sition of the target, a puff'of wind may
carry the bullet out of the line in which
it is fired. The variation of a grain of
powder in the charger, or of a grain or
two of weight in the bullet, or the
rapidity or slowness of the combustion
of the powder, all affect the velocity of
the hall and the line of its trajectory,
or tho curve described by it in its pass
age from the gun to the target. In'
addition to all the qualities which a
good-shot at short ranges must possess,
the rifleman at 1UO0 yard ranges must
have intelligence of the highest kind
—that which enables him to observe
closelv and think logically.
l.U-ral |.:,Ui«li;«e,uli<l Clarke 111 April HCXt.
ii- ..f Hie -ann- t<> my 1
and is but a temporary expedient to
avoid attempts to vacate an office, or
To an-end act constituting a hoard
of physicians to examine and license
young men to practice medicine on the
To change the line between Clay and
Quitman counties.
To prevent the sale of liquor iu and
near the town of Kingston, Bartow
To prohibit the sale of liquors with
in two miles of the academy at East
To authorize the Chattahoochee
Manufacturing Company to acquire
title to three small islands.
To amend the charter of Elberton
Railway Company.
To amend an act to organize Crim
inal courts in the counties of Talbot,
Stewart and Chattahoochee.
Tn.aniend an act creating hoard G'.
C. R. R. for Bibb county.
To repeal an act approved Feb. 22,
1872, aud amend section 4,441 so far
as relates to. Calhoun and Chatham
To amend an act approved August
23, 1872, to prohibit the catching of
fish in seines in Catham county.
To add a proviso to the act to pre
vent the destruction of game in Lilier
ty anu McIntosh counties, approved
March 2, 1874, and to extend the
same to Baldwin county.
To prohibit the salaof iiquor within
three miles of the churches and schools
at or near Stockbridge, Henry county.
To allow the Treasurer of Lincoln
couuty to hold tho office of Clerk of
the Superior Court, and allow the
the Clerk of Superior Court to hold
the office of Treasurer,
To suppress and prohibit the sale of
liquor within two miles of churches in
Franklin, Heard county.
To prevent the obstruction and re
move all traps now erected in Buck
Bridge, Ooclice, Kinchcfooncc, Muck-
nlee and Shoal creek
put hard terms of rciwftil, «Sc. upon eclectic system, and to locate the same
...i- k- *u„ in the town of Athens.
. an officer, who, by the Constitution,
i holds his office, for the County which
! elected him, for a fixed term.
I Respectfully,
(Signed) N. J.' Hammond,
Att’y General.
LADIES to work in the Athens
to C. C. Csrroll In the
ns, No 7. Brood St,
* Feb.t0.4t.
■lry. Apply to'
Laundry or to J. II. Uuggti
y or
Athens, Georgia.
S3-00 for lO Cents!
mil REE back number* of CHURCH'SMUSlCAD
1 VISITOR, containing orsr thr** S*g»rr *onB
of new and good music (rosol *4
all grades) will he sent post-iudd to Any nddramf
ou receipt of ten cents. Address
John Chuhch &Co.,
March 10,-21- Cl*OJ«ATl, Onto.
Tiie New Postal Law.—Tho new
postal law allows the Congressional
Retard, or any part thereof, and public
documents, to go free through the
m«il« on the frank of a member or
delegate. It also allows members of , - . .
Gor«rrfln and the Commissioner of ere of the public schools (n Gilmore
Agncaltnre to send garden seeds free ; county for 1871. o ’
through the mail* under such regula- j To compensate the Sheriff of Chat-
tions as the Postmaster General may j tahoocbec county for extra services,
prescribe. » To encourage the building of mills
To amend an act to provide for the
annual publication of agricultural pro
ducts and resources of this State,
To authorize trustees of ihe Clarks
ville academy to deed the lot and build
ing to the board of education of Haber
sham county.
To incorporate the Georgia Farm
ers’ Phosphate company.
To change the line between Mont
gomery aud Tatnall counties.
To provide for the payment of teach-
Circulation and Convenient
•Size.—That next in importance, says
he Baltimore Sun, to tho universal
circulation of a daily morning paper,
as an advertising medium, is a con
venient size, so that it can he handled
at the breakfast table of anywhere else
without being tiresome. Such is The
Sun. The Springfield Republican
rays: “ If two thirds of the Ameri
can newspapers were forced to cut down
their sizes 25 to 50 per cent., anil get
tho same matter into the reduced
space, it would be occasion of rejoicing
both for their creditors and their read-
A Western journal, in noticing
the enlargement ot its contemporary,
says: “ The only drawback to an in
crease of the circulation of the paper
is that the weather is too cold to read
it in the apple orchard, and the paper
is too large to unfold in any ordinary
(louse in Ohio.”
that it shall bo lawful for any
head of a family, entitled by law to
a homestead or exemption, to waive
and renounce for a valuable con
sideration by written mortgage or
deed, intended to have the effect
of a mortgage, the right of home
stead and exemption, or home
stead or exemption, and so mort
gaged or conveyed in favor of the
debt or debts of any creditor or
creditors to secure which said
mortgage or conveyance shall bo
executed, and therein the person
or persons making such waiver,
and. any person applying in
their behalf, or in behalf of any
others claiming homestead or
exemption through his or their
title, shall be estopped forever
from setting up rfny claim for
homestoad or exemption, or cith
er of them, in any court in this
State as against tho payment o'f
said debt or debts, so long as tho
same shall remain unpaid: provid
ed, this act shall only be applica
ble to debts contracted m the
purchase of plantation and house
hold supplies, and clothing for
the family.-—Sav. A r eics.
Who Can Match This?—Mr.
and Mrs. Geo. Baird, aged 74 and 72
years, respectively, of Green Village,
New Jersey, not Ion* since celebrated
their golden wedding. During the
festivities the old gentleman very gal
lantly proposed to kiss his wife for the
Ji:>t time in his life.
The old lady said as they had lieen
married for fifty years, and lie had
never before thought of making such
a proposition, she should decline, which
she did. Where is there another couple
of which the same can he said ? We
scarcely think there ever was one.
...A correspondent from Milner, Ga
to the Marietta Journal writes: “Tiie
time has arrived for the liquor traffic to
be stopped at this place and now a man
can’t wet his whist ie worth a cent. It
died peacefully and calmly on the night
of the 1 lilt of this month, was buried
without a sigh, and we hope that it will
never hoar the trump of resurrection.
Our town is so peaceable that we don’t
need, any mayor and marshal. Bo
healthy that we don’t.need any doctors.
So honest we don’t need any lawyers,
and wc can live so cheap we don’t need
any money”.
One ky one, each soot sseeadlng,
Lifts ns to • liichec IMs,
Each with other closer bl*n<]ln|b
Stills the manner *n<1 thestrlfr,"
Airl iheir vuircs sweetly tailinglw • n yiin*i
Touch u*likeshou-eholI prataw - t#)
Ana their blessings * -ftljr fulling
Sootht u>like•StUsIh'lMHr ! ? ‘ ri ** f *'*
One by one, the lowed ns learfiig, 1 *
But return so sngsls (o)r,,
’ Heavenly iplentlon rottnd them weavlnfl
With tbcliuiunn look* they wear f
All the |a*t, those looks restoring, ,*
ChiMlii..*!, youth* ami rlprr years:
lleW fan grief, their to** deploring*
Longer tsk th** heart for tearsf
One by one, atiove u* iterating,
Closer tlrawn as flay* decrease j
Watch anfl wait w ith love’sflear lending,'
Watch aiifl wait our glad release;
Ham!.* are near their final grasping,
Ilcaching through the parting v. 11;
Hearts are near thy final clasping, ,
Throbbing—panting—Hail! All Hail 1
Happy Homes:
Wc pity the man, however
prosperous his pecuniary condi
tion, or however great his fame,
who has not a happy home. A
happy home is the heaven of thW
life. Yet many of our most dis
tinguished men have not been for
tunato in this respect. They
have been made to feel how un
satisfactory was tho world's npi
plnusc, of the position] of official
power, while all was cold, heart-,
less or unsympnthizing iu their
private homes. And these tfrt-
happy matches have liot always
been made from motives of ambi
tion. They have seemingly been
the misfortune of chance. —
what a terrible misfortune !
the distinctions iiY the wor
affords no compensation for such a
deprivation. There is something
inexplicable about many unhappy
matches. A young couple irfairr
from actual preference for each!
other, and from no motive but sin
cere affection ; hut a want of con
geniality is subsequently de
veloped, aud a wretched home for
life is the result. Blessed indeed,
and more highly favored are they
whose homes, from beginning to
end arc always happy.
A New Englander, riding in ft
railroad car, Seemed particularly
anxious id dstonish the other parf-^
sengers with' .toufgh stories 01
Yankccdom. At last lie nieutionn
cd that One of his neighltors owned
an immense diary, and made si
million pounds, of hnttcr and d
million pounds of cheese yearly.’
The story produced some sc na
tion ; and the Yankee, perceiving,
that his veracity was in danger or
being questioned, nppealed to at
friend as follows: “ True isn't it,
Mr. P. ? I speak of Deacon Brown
—you know Deacon Brown P*
“ Y-c-c-s,” replied the friend^!
“ that is, yes, I know Deacon!
Brown; I don’t know as I ever
heard precisely how many pounds
of blitter and cheese he makes a
year, but I know that hi foltf
twelve saw nulls that go by butter
St ami* YourG’iiecks, Drafts and
Orders.—There is a clause in the
“Little Tariff bill,” signed by the
President on Monday, February 8th,
which provides that every check or
paper used as a voucher, or on which
money is drawn from a bank or bank
ers, either on time or demand, shall be
i stamped with a two cent stamp, which
To fix the compensation of Tax Col-1 8 j, a u ^ cancelled with tho initials of
lector, P. T. P. and Treasurer in
Houston couuty.
To amend and apply to the counties
of Merriwethcr, Coweta, Troup, Lau
rens and Harris, the act forbidding the
sale and delivery of farm products be
tween sunset and runrisc.
To prevent the killing of deer, part
ridges and wild tOrkeys, in Muscogee,
Lincoln and Baldwin.
To change the line between Talbot
and Harris counties.
To appropriate 8171.50 to W. H
Pfttterson, in payment of services ren
dered the State.
To amend act, February 10, 1874,
prohibiting the nit of cigars at Tryon
Factory, so as to in>sitfde other places
and factories.
The penalty for
_ violation of the law is 850 ou the
one drawing the check and 850 on the
bank paying it,
signer and tho date,
...The “oldest inhabitant” ofTal
hot county remarks that “ more wheat
has been sown in Talbot than has been
since the war, and that the planters
are going to work with greater earnest
thau they have since the niggers got
their free locomqtion."
*... A Remarkable array of what Sena
tor Brownlow fcrraed Congressional
boot-blacks, barbers, kitchen scullions
and other trash, retired to the shades
of private life last Thursday, 4th
...The San Francisco Academy of
Sciences have been looking at some
Cfirions fish of the tnmt species, some
of which, says tiie Alta, are joined
about the umbilical region, and. while
having hut one tail, have two distinct
bodies and heads, and seein to navigate
with entire ease. Others have two
bodies and tails parallel, united by a
ligature as in tho case of the Siamese
..Ti is often remarked that a wet
spring makes a poor corn crop. Plan
ters should accommodate themselves
to the seasons—as they cannot make
seasons to suit themselves—and put in
a larger corn crop on account of the
unpropitious spring.
.An Indian came to a certain agent
in the northern part of Iowa to procure
some whisky for a young warrior who
had been bitten by a rattlesnake.
“Four quarts!” repeated the agent with
surprise; “as much as that?” “Yes, r ‘
replied the Indian, “four quarts—
snake very big."
The Rev. Dr. Deems, ot
New York, said, in hisseunon last
Sunday ; “To my mind, the four
sweetest things m the world arc—^
first, baby girls; second, baby
boys; ihird, ripe, good old men ;
fourth, ripe, good old ladies.*’
That is very nearly ertrr creed—•IqfC
wc rather think we like a healthy
mother-in-law best. And next, a
ripe, good old man, who aits quiet
ly in the corner and tell lies aliout,
how far housed to walk to school
through the snow when he was a
hoy, and how he used, to come
home and saw up a cord of wood
before supper, instead of sneaking
in the back door for his skates’,' as’
boys do now-a-days.—Ex.
A man who won’t complain when
his wife crawls opt about midnight and
takes the heaviest comforter off the
bed to wrap nronml her plants is lack'
ing iu all the noble qualities 6f a free
...An Ohio clergyman was address
ing a teachers’ meeting the other day;
and said that, owing to the defective
manner of selecting school teachers,
some of them were “no more able to de
velop the human mind than a Modoc
to draw a picture of tho Heavenly
Jerusalem m chaVoonl.”
A young ladies’ institute at Ueri-
kon, Switzerland, goes by the uame of
“Eden,” and the discipline is so strict
that the managers won’t even permit
apple pie to come on the premises.
...The Ordinary of Oglethorpe co.
has conceived the happy idea of turn
ing the “ dub " system to account in
tho promotion of matrimony. He
offers a marriage license free to any one
getting up a dab of ten applications
for license.
..Cox, the witty Democrat from
New York, was described a few days
since by Congressman Townsend, aa
his “ bficolic friend from the agricul
tural regions of Wall street and parta
adjacent, where they raise bulk and
bears, and various other .kinds or
agricultural cattle.”
As the poet truly says, “It Fn’t at!
of life to live." O, no. Any wreteh
who hat to scratch aroi ml sixteen'
hours a dav to feed a family of seven
teen strong children knowa it isn’L
“My lecture," said a California ora
tor, “will be brief.” A turnip bit him*
on the “divide)” at that- instant, ~ aant
he fnnouncad: “The raitUlftg at—fa
...It takes forty-five derks to ran
tho Georgia Legislature—Ben ate eigh
teen, House tWenty-eeven.