Newspaper Page Text
y, .March lO, 1876. \
,tn:a .ridi i*>./. * * -
The Official City Papery
J. M. Orh, late of Xewnan, Ga.
-J. G. McLestee, Jefferson, Ga.
jscclfaiieoijs Selections.
Business & Profes’n’l Cards.
> Attorney at Law.
) attention_p*td to criminal practice. Fo!
c apply to Ex. Got. T. 11. Wan, aD d Hon
Tlopton, ItatMen Ala. Offlce ore:
Store, AUtw, GwrgU.
L. W. Thomas,
’■'10B8, ERWIN & COBB
Attorneys at Hair,
OBca in lha Douprcc Building.
• Attorney at Laic,
Will practice in the counties of the Northern
Circuit, Banka, Franklin and Haberaham of the
Western £Jrenit; will else special attention to
all clatae entrusted to liU
Jan. 10, ISM—ly.U
* Attorney at Z>aw y
At Dr. King’s Drug fitore,
•i* All work done in a superior manner, and
warranted to give satisfaction. jan.Vtf
T OCATED in this city, is prepared
JLi to do all kinds of Carpenter*’ Work in
ith dispatch.
best style, and at reasonable rates, wish uis|
Shop in the rear oj the City Clerk’s Office.
Jane 3. 1874.
r PARES pleasure in announcing to
JL the citizen'* of Franklin and and adjoining
counties, that Uv is now located on the Athens
street, one milt) south «f farnesrille, where he is
prepared to practice Dentistry in alt its different
ranches. Prices low to suit the times, but posi-
itrely no Inferior work. wcll'.Mf
Carriage and Buggy
Theme* Street, oppealle Cooper** Llrcry Stable
P ARTICULAR attention given
KEFA1K JOBS. Order* left with A. A. II
will receive prompt at-
June 17 tf
o it it & co.,
,* ’5 ' ^ -T w) ,j> n h * 7.
Are now Opening aljfew Stock of
C ONSISTING in part of 82000 Jbs., Flour alt grades; 20/000 lbs. bulk
meats bought before the advance, a good stock of Orleans and Northern
Sugars, Rio, Java and patched Coffee’s, Muscovada and reboiled Molasses, Or
leans aud Fancy Northern Syrup—Ham?, Lard, Irish Potatoes, Seed Oats,
Nails, Tobacco and Cigars, ^ f
* • V a jU* • -a ^
Plain and Fancy Candies, Nuts, Maecaroni, &., &c-, 4a We invito
especial attention to our
Our Goods are bought for CASH, and we kuow we cant be UNDERSOLD.
We cordially invite an examination of our stock.
W. o, Ore and S* P. Parker,
Are with the new house and will be glad to see all their old customers and lots
of new one’s. We are Agents for the Old Reliable DICKSON COMPOUND.
. _ . . w ORR & CO*,
At the old stand of England & Orr, Broad St., Athens, Ga.
a. winist,
Cotton Kactors,
SeHeral Commission Merchants
Savannah, Ga.
Baffinf, Tie*, Rope, and other Supplies fur-
•ished. Also, liberal Cull Adsance* made on
o*ii*ament* for sale or shipment Liverpool
Northern port*. mjr30-tf
Livery. Feed and Sale Stable,
TKTUAj be found at their
VY old stand rear Fnakltn Heu«e building,
Them** sweet. Keep always on hand good Turn
out* and eararul driver*.
Stock troll cared for when entrusted to our car*.
Stock os hand for sale at all lima*. decia-tf
A Positive and Specif c Remady
. for •
LOSS OF VOICE, and will cure
An M.OOO^ grave-rohWd witnesses* testify. No
opium. Nothing itoisonous Delicious to take.
The earthly .Saviour to all ntllii te I with affection?
of the Trout and Lungs. lieqm atlis to pro.-* ter if',
one of the greatest blessings, >oun<l Luugs, au«l
immunity from Consumption.
Over one hundretl thousand bottles have
been used, aud not a single failure known. Thou
sands of testimonials of wonderful cures, will be
sent, on application, to any who doubt.
For sale by all druggists.
Proprietors, Atlanta, Ga.
Head! Head!!
Ohkick of O. Sackktt, Drugs *A Medicines,
New Alramy, Ini»., April 10, 1874.
Dr. J. S. Pemberton, Atlanta, Ga.: DkaR Sib—
I have received your circulars, and in consequence
of the distribution, I have sold about six dozen
Globe Flower Syrup in the last two weeks. The
Globe Flower Syrup is gaining great celebrity. 1
recommended it in two cases of consumption. One
case was bed-fail; had not laid on bnt one tide for
two years; hemorrhages almost every day; much
emaciated, and expected to die. He has taken six
bottles of Globe Hower Syrup; bis troubles are
all gone, except prostration, which is rapidly im
proving. He will certainly get well. The other
case is similar, with same good results. I can send
you many testimonials if you want them.
Yours truly, etc., O. JACKET.
Cleveland, Ohio, April 12,1874.
Dr. J. S. PembertonIt gives me cr-at pleasure
to inform ycu that two bottles of Globe Flower
Syrup have cured my son of An obstinate lung af
fection of several years* standing, after our best
physicians had given him up to die, with what
they called Consumption. I shall ever remember
with grateful hear'.and recommend to ail theGJobe
Flower Syrup. It has brought for sunshine and
happiness to our hearts and home than one million
dollars could have done. God bless you.
Your friend,
Elizabeth Spencer.
Nearly all dUtfa«es originate from Indigestion
and Torpidity of the Liter, and retief is always
anxiously sought after. If the Liver Is Regulated
in its action, health is almost invariably secured.
Want of actiou in the Liver cause* Headache, ton-
stlpatlnn. Jaundice. Pain in the Shoalders.
t ouch, t hills. Dizziness. Sour Stomach, had tide
in the mouth, billions attacks, palpitation of the
heart, depression of spirits, or the blues, and
hundred other symptoms, for which S1MMOAS
LIVER RKGI'LlTOR is the l*est remedy that has
ever l»eeu discovered. It acts mildly, effectually,
and bcinga simple iccctable compound, can do no
injury in any qualities that it may be taken. It is
harmless in every way ; it has l»cen used for 4«
years, and hundreds of the good and great from all
parts of the country will vouch for its being the
purest and best.
Simmons Lirer Roguhtar, or Medicine,
Is harmless.
Is no drastic violent medicine,
re to cure if taken regularly,
Is no Intoxicating beverage.
Is a faultless family medicine.
Is the cheapest medicine in the world.
Is given with .safety and the happiest results to
the most delicate infant,
Does not interfere with business,
I>oes not disarrange the system.
Takes the place ol Quinine and Bitters of everv
Contains the simplest and best remedies.
For Sale By All Druggists.
ItTRS. T. A. ADAMS would most
1YL respectfully Inform the Ladies of Athens
and of counties adjacent, that she has now receiv
ed and opened a most choice an*** select assortment
of Fall mud Winter Millinery Goods, com
prising fu part the latest styles and fashions of
PIBjBOJSS, zacjss,
Flowers, Gloves, &c.>
which the will sell at reasonable prices. Give her
a call be fere purchasiiiK elsewhere. Orders from
a distance carefully filled. Store located on Broad
street, on* door anoa* Natoinal Bank, octlt-tf.
Of Choice Reading.
r T' , HE Missing Bride; or, Miriam,
_1_ the Avenger.
Victer’s Triumph. Sequel to “A Beautiful
A Beautiful Fiend; or. Between txro Fires.
The Artist’s IsOte. By Mrs. South worth.
A Noble Lord. Sequel to “ Lost Heir Linlithgow."
Lost Heir Linlithgow ; or, The Brothers: or, The
Karl and the Outcast. By Mrs. Soutkworik.
Act, a new County shall be and i c ? uuties of this State, and the reg-
the same is hereby laid out from « ,ar terms of the Superior Court
the county of Clarke, as follows:
Beginning at a point immediately
opposite the mills of James H.
Thompson, on the Jackson line,
and leaving said mills in said new
county, thence a straight liue to
the old saw mill site ol Nathaniel
L. Barnard, on McNutt's creek,
thence down said McNutt’s creek
to its junction with Barter's creek;
thence down said Barter’s creek
to its junction with the Oconee
river, commonly called Middle
river; thence down said river to
the junction of the two Oconee
rivers ; thence down the Oconee
river to Barnett’s or Neal’s bridge,
on said river; thence with the
public road to Big creek church
to the Oglethorpe county line;
thence with the lines of the coun
ties of Oglethorpe, Greene, Mor
gan, Walton and Jackson, to the
starting point; and that the ter
ritory thus included, shall form a
for said county shall be held on the
second Monday in May aud No
Sec. 8th. Be it further enacted
hy the authority aforesaid, That
whereas there is now an outstand
ing debt against the county of
Clarke, that said new county shall
pay or cause to he paid its pro ra
ta share of said debt to he estima
ted according to the taxable prop
erty in the old and new counties as
shown by the Tax Receiver’s hooks
of Clark county for the year 1874 ;
and the Ordinary of said new coun
ty is hereby authorized to levy an
extra tax for the purpose of pay
ing said pro rata share of said
Sec. 9th. Be it further cuacted
by the authority aforesaid, That
the second section of an act to
change the county site of Clarke
county from Watkinsville to
Athens, and to make provisions
new county to he called the conn- t * ,e procurement of a suitable {most as a national calamity
ty of Oconee, and that the same building for the court house and “ ’ *’
after such deliberation, we have
resolved to lay aside aft considera
tions of a personal character—to
waivo all personal preferences—
to consider nothing but the im
periled condition of the country—
the capacity of the man of our
choice to grapple with the mo
mentous questions of the day—to
meet and shatter the sophistries
of Northern fanatics;—to repel the
slanders of the vile culminators of
the South. The lituess of the
man, all things considered, for
the grave and responsible office of
Representative in the Congress of
a great Republic—of vast and di
versified Interests under a govern
ment in the hands of usuipers,
from whom it must soon be
wrested, else plunged into revolu
tion, anarchy aud ruin. We ig
nore the doctrine that any man,
or set of men, have claims*upon
the party or the people, hut hold
that the party aud the people have
elaiins upon men, uud in times of
great peril, as the present, we be
lieve it to he our duty to select
for our standard-bearer, the very
be t talent m the country. With
out intending disparagement to
any aspiniut for Congressional
honors, we express the opinion
that Hon. B. II. Hill is vastly su
perior, intellectually, to any man
in the 9th Congressional District
—superior, perhaps, to any in the
State, and equal to any in the na
tion. The interests of the 9th
District, the State and the entire
South, demand his presence in the
National Assembly, and we should
regard his defeat at this time, nl-
shall he attached to the Judicial
circuit and Congressional and Sen
atorial Districts to which said ter
ritory now belongs.
Sec. 2d. Be it further enacted
by the authority aforesaid, That
the county-site and location of the
public buildings shall he in the
town of Watkinsville.
Sec. 3d. Be it further enacted
by the authority aforesaid, ’J hat
the qualified voters within said
new comity shall, on the first
Wednesday in April next, at the
several election precincts now es
tablished by law, and which arc
included within said new county,
proceed pursuant to the election
laws then in force in said State, to
elect all county officers necessary
for the organization of said new
county, according to the laws of
this State ; and the Ordinary there
of, as soon as practicable, shall re
model tjic three fractional Malitia
Districts, made bv the d viding
line, by adding them to the ad-
make provisions for a jail in said
town be and the same is hereby
repealed so far as the sale of the
court house and Clerk’s office in
Watkinsville, is concerned ; and
the removal of the jail, but re
serving all other power and au-
passed by grAter dangers than at
the present time. Let us send a
man to Congress from this Dis
trict who understands the situa
tion, and can, and will make him
self heard ou all the great ques
tions of the day, upon the deter-
thority therein given to the Town | miuation of which, so much for us,
Council of Athens.
Sec. 10th. Be it further enacted
by thqauthority aforesaid, That
after the expiration of the terms
of the members of the present
Homjg of Representatives in the
General Assembly, the county of
Clarke shall be entitled to one
member, and the new county of
Oconee shall pe entitled to one
member in the House of Repre
Sec. 11th. Be it further enacted
by the authority aforesaid, That
all laws and parts of laws milita
ting against this Act, l>e aud the
same are hereby repealed.
Approved February 25th, 1875.
James M. Smith, Governor.
the fraudulent sale of eadpt while un
der landlord’s lieaaibr rent.
An act to incorporate the twit of|
Bradley, and toappuiut corawLauouer*
for the same. ‘
An act to amend section 4t9t of the
Code by fixing the punishment for
hog stealiug.
An act, to. designate the holidays to
be observed in tbe acceptance and My-
nient of hills of exchange, bank checks
and promtnory notes.
An apt to provide for the military
organisation . ot the State College of
Agriculture and Mechanic Arts, aud
of other department* of thp State Uni
versity. ' f
An act to amend sections 109 arid
710 of the Code, so far as the xanis are
applicable to the crossings and public
roads within the limits of cities, towns
and villages.
_ An act to provide for the registra
tion of electors in the county of Thom
as, tetrodes, Decatur, Mitchell and
Camden, and to prevent illegal voting
iu the same.
An act to authorize the graduates
of the law school of Mercer University
t» plead and practice in the several
courts of law and equity, in this State.
An act to fix the pay of jurors in
the counties of Butts, Cobb aud Har
An act to change the line between
the counties of Henry and Butts.
An act to exempt certain persons
from jury duty.
An act to amend section 3554 of the
An act to abolish the County Court
of the county of Pierce.
An act to alter and amend an act to
establish a County Court in the county
of Coweta, approved March 2, 1874.
An act to change the line between
the counties ot Clay and Calhoun.
An act io prohibit the sale of intox
icating liquors within one mile of Prov
idence church and academy, in Stewart
or has the country been eiicom- coun, - v - .......
- An act to abolish the civil jurisdic
tion of the County court of Laurens
An act to amend section 3879 of
the Code.
An act to alter and amend section
2 of article second of the Constitution,
so far as it relates to the residence of
lias now In Slora a Full Stock of
Consisting, in part, of
Of AU Kinds, which he offer*
Or in Exchange for Country Prod nor.
mw The hifheat market price paid la rash l< >
cotton May IS
The Queen’s Rex
Poole & Hunt, Baltimore, %
Manufacturers sor the South and Southwest.
Hearty 7000 now in use, working under headavary-
ing from 2 to 40 feett 1 24 sixes, from
5*; to 06 inches.
Th* moat powerful Wheel In the Market, and
most economical in the uee of Water.
Large ILLUSTI.ATED Pamphlet sent post free
MANUFACTURERS, ALSO, OF and Stationary Steam Engines and Boil
ers, ltabcork and Wilcox Patent Tubulous Boilrrs
Eliaugh's Crusher lor Minerals, Saw and Grist
Mill*, Flouring Mill Machinery, Machinery for
White Lead Work* and Oil Mill*, Shaftlm: Pulley,
and Hangers.
The Largest Stock of
Clock Shelves,
Book Shelves,
Wall Pockets,
JVlatch Safes, •
Hanging; Baskets,
&c., &c.
Ever Brought to Athens,
For sale at
Dissolution of Partnership.
fTIHE partnership heretofore existing between
J. the subscribers under the firm name of
I* thl* day dissolved by mutual consent. The
business will be continued hy T. A. BURKE, who
will collect all of the accounts due the firm, and
act Ue lu Indebtedness. Parties Indebted are rw-
qu ssted to make immrdlatt payment, a* the books
of .he late firm mtuf bt cloud.
T. A. Burke,
W. H. Hodgson.
In retiring from the firm of Burke A Hodgson, J
take thi* opportunity of returning to my -riends
my sincere thanks for their libenu patronsge, end
solicit of theme continuance of the seme tomy
successor W. H. UODGSOH. •
Tried For Her Life. Sequel to "Cruel ms the iomino- Milit*irv lTUtrir*t« m* ltv
Grave.** By Mrs. Emma D. K. S. South worth. jMlllUir} 1SISIT1CIS, Ol
Crueles the Grave; or Hallow Ere Mystery.
lielle'tood end Bondage; or. Bought With A
Price. By Mrs. Ann S. Stephens.
The Old Countess. Sequel" Lord Hope's Choice."
Lord Hope’s Choice; or, More Secret Than One.
The Reigning Belle. By Mrs. Ann S. Stephens.
Linds. By Mrs. Caroline Jste Jhntz.
Robert Graham. By Mrs. Caroline Lee Hents.
£rne«t Linwood. By Mrs. Caroline Lea Hents.
Rena ; or. The Snow-Bird. By Mrs. Hents.
Mercus Werland. By Mrs.'Varotinc Lee Hents.
Autobiography of Edward Wortley Montagu.
With Preface hy Dr. Mackenzie.
The Initials. The Great IjOtc Story.
Count of Monte Cristo. By Alexander Dumas.
Camille; or The Fateqf a Coquette.
The Dead Secret. Bu Wilkie Coil ins.
The Crossed Path. Bu Wilkie Collins.
Memoirs of Vidocq. His Life and Adventures.
Cousin Harry. By Mrs Grey.
The IJttle Beauty, tty Mrs. Grey.
Cvrilla. By Author of " The Initials."
>fod«*rn Chivalry. ByH. H. Breekenridge.
Major Joues* Courtship and Travels.
Major Jones’ Scenes in Georgia.
Simon Suggs* Adventures and Travels.
Col. Thorpe’s Scenes in Arkansaw.
Big Bear’s Adventures and Travels.
Don Quixotte. With His Life and Adventures.
Frank FalrlegYi. By Frank K Smedley.
I^ewis Arundel. By Frank E. Smedley.
Tom Racquet. By Frank E Smedley.
TheTowerof London. By W. H. Ainsworth.
Count of Monte-Cristo. By Alexander Dumas.
The Countess of Montc-Cnsto.
The Three Guardsmen. By Alexander Dumas.
t wenty Years After. By Alexander Dumas.
ragelonne. By Alexander Dumas.
The Iron Mask. By Alexander Dunuu.
Edmond Dantes. Sequel to Count of Mootedristo.
Forty-Five Guardsmen. By Alexander Dumas.
The Iron Hand. By Alexander Z>«iwai.
Charles O’Malley. By Charles I^erer.
Harry Lorrequer. By Charles Lever.
Jack Hinton, the Guardsman. By Lever
Tom Burke of Ours. By Charles Lever.
Valentine Vox, the Ventriloquist. By Corkton.
Basil: or. The Crossed Path. By Collins.
The Brigand; or the Demon or the North. By
Victor Hugo, author of " Les Miserables."
venge- By Wilkie Collins.
~ Wilkie Collins,
ilkie Collins.
Cruising in I^tst War. A Capital Sea Story.
Trapper’s Daughter. By Gustave Aimard.
Guy Fawkes. By Ainsworth. Illustrated.
The Star Chamber. By IFm. Harrison Ainsworth.
Holiday Stories. By Charles Dickens.
The Pic-Nic Papers. By Charles Dickens.
Dickons* Short Stories. By Charles Dickens.
Windsor Castle. By IF. Harrison Ainsworth.
Charles O’Malley.
Harry Lorn-duer.
The Three Guardvinen.
Twenty Years Alter.
The Iron Mask.
Ix>uise La Valliere.
The Iron Haud.
Jack Hinton.
Tom Burke of Ours.
Edmond Dantes.
Forty-five Gtiarri>raen.
Love at Fir<t Sight. By Captain Culino.
Sunshine aud Shadow. By Mrs. C. J. Seicbu.
Miss or Mrs.? By Wilkie'Collins.
The Dead Secret. By Wilkie Collins.
Mad*Monkt<»n, and other Tales. By WilkieCollins.
Sights Afoot. By Wilkie Collins.
The Corsican Biothers. By Alexander Dumas.
Father Tom and the Pope. Illustrated.
The Marriage Verdict. By Alexander Dumas.
The Flirt. By Mrs Grey.
Salathiel; or the Wandering Jew. By Bev. G.
C roly.
Good Society. By Mrs Grey.
The Rebel Chief. By Gustave Aimard.
The Border Rifles. By Gustave Aimard.
Sol. Smith’s Theatrical Apprenticeship. THus-
Sol. Smith’s Theatrical Journey-Work. Illus
The Indian Chief. By Gustave Aimard.
The Gold-Seekers. By Gustave Aimard.
The Tiger-Slayer. By Gustavs Aimard.
The Lost Bank Note. By Mrs. Henry Wood.
Lion-Hearted. A Novol. by Mrs Grey.
The ltcd Track. By Gustaie Aimard.
Passion and Principle. By Mrs Grey.
Mary Sealiatn. By Mrs Grey,
For Sale at
X? Slat, II
VT Ordinary's Owes, Dm:. Jith, 1*74.
Whereas, Jane Bowers, Guardian of Nancy
Bowen, E. A. E. Homers, J. D. Bowaaa, L. M.
Bowen, Jane Bowan, Mary Bower*. Martha
Bow era and I. G. Bower*, minor hairs arEdy
Bowen, deceaaed, represent* to th. Court that
ahe ha* frilly aattled with the said bain in terms ol
tbe taw, , , ,
This Is, therefore, to cite all ooncerned, to anew
iKrt’befdiamlueS 1X7 A TIIVIF Th ?
Dec. Mth, It.
1st October, 1874, to Dec’r
Slat, 1175, }
The Best Business Stand,
tad beat arnngad Store in Athena.
July 1 tf Apply to E. P. BISHOP.
LADLES to work in the Athens
luundry. Applv toC. C. Carroll In the
Laundry or to J, H. Huggins, No7. Bread St.,
Atbona, Georgia- Fcb.10.4t.
adding to their limits territory
from the adjoining districts as may
be deemed most expedient, and
advertise for the election of the
requisite number of Justices of
the Peace and the Governor shall
commission those elected.
Sec. 4th. He it further enacted
by the authority aforesaid, That
all officers now iu commission
within the limits of said new
county shall hold their commis
sions and discharge the duties de
volved upon them until the date
when their terms of office expire
by law.
Sec. 5th. Be it further enacted
by the authority aforesaid, That
all mesne process, executions, and
other final process in the hands
of the Sheriff, Coroner and Con
stables, of which the now county
may be formed, and which prop
erly belong to said new county,
and which may have been levied
on and in part executed, and such
proceedings therein shall not be
fu’.ly disposed of at the time of
passing this Act, shall be deliver
ed over to tbe corresponding offi
cers of said new county and such
offiers are hereby authorized to
proceed with the same, and in the
same manner, as if such process
had been originally in their hands;
provided, that in all cases of pub
lication of the time and places of
sale, and proceedings of the like
charactered, in the new comity,
shall bo mads for the time now
prescribed by law, and all such
process which properly belong to
the county out of which said new
county may bo formed, which
may be in the hands of the offi
cers of said new County shall, iu
like manner, be delivered over to
the officers of said county to be
executed by them in the manner
herein prescribed.
Sec. 6th. Be it further enacted
by tbe authority aforesaid, That
all actions now peudiug in the
! county from which said new coun
ty is taken, wherein the defend
ant or defendants may be included,
within said new county shall be
transferred with all papers relat
ing thereto and trial had in said
new county where the defendant
or defendants reside, provided,
that in every case no cause shall
proceed without the certificate of
the Clerk of th® Court from
whence s»id causes came, that the
papers in the cause are the origi
nal papers in the cause from the
file of bis office.
Meeting in Franklin
In pursuance of notice previous
ly given, a public meeting was
held in Carnesville, at the court
house, on Febrory 20th, 1875,
for the purpose of appointing del
egates to the Convention to te
held in Gainesville on the 14th of
April next.
On motion, Rev. W. M. Ramp-
ley was called to the Chair, and
L. K. Burras was requested to
act as Secretary. •
The object of the meeting hav
ing been explained by the Chair
man, it was moved that he appoint
a committee of seven to report
busiuess for the actiou of the meet
ing. The iollowing committee
was appointed, to-wit: B. W.
McCown, Dr. W. C. M(.-Entire,
A. L. Carson, O. A. Holloway,
G. P. Willis, John Lattner and
J. S. Dortch.
After a short absence, the com
mittee reported the following pre
amble and resolutions, which were
unanimously adopted.
Whereas, In the Providence
of God, wc arc called upon to
mourn the death of Hon. Garnett
McMitlan, onr Representative
elect to the 44th Congress of the
United States; therefore te it
Resolved, By the Democracy of
Franklin county here assembled,
that we sincerely mourn the un
timely death of our gallant staud-
ard-bearcr, whom we have ever
regarded as an affable, Christian
gentleman, and able lawyer, an
unflinching patriot and an uncom
promising Democrat. He was en
deared to us by many sacred tics.
He had met qur * boys in grey’ in
the lonely bivouac—stood side by
side with them nrouud the camp
fire, and shared with them > n deeds
of noble dariug on the gory battle
field. His first triumphs at the
bar were iu Franklin county. He
was the personal friend of many
of our citizeus, by whom his loss
is keenly felt. We tender our
condolence to his bereaved family,
and remind them that though his
sun set early, it shined brightly
from its rising to its sotting—that
he has left a spotless record, and
died in the. faith of the ohristian
religion and in tbe hope of a glo
rious immortality beyond tbe
Resolved, That in view of the
necessity of electing a member to
of weal or woe depends; one who
will command the respect of all
men in every section of the coun
try ; in whom the people of Geor
gia have full confidence, and to
whom the people of down-trodden
South Carolina and throttled
Louisiana look for help. In short,
let us send B. H. Hill.
Resolved, That B. II. Hill is
the choice of the Democracy of
Franklin county to represent the
9th Congressional District of
Georgia iu the 44th Congress,
and wc pledge to him our united
Resolved, That we appoint ns
delegates to the Convention, to
be held in Gainesville on the 14th
of April next, John H. Shannon,
W. ft. Little, W. C. McEntire,
John Lattner and Daniel Mosely,
Sr., nml they are hereby instruct
ed to support the Hon. B. H. Hill
before tbe Convention as long as
there is a possibility for his nomi
Resolved, That tho editors of
the Athens and Gainesville papers
and North- Georg ia Herald, te
requested to publish the proceed
ings of this meeting.
Wji. M. Kvmuley, Ch*n.
L. K. Burruss, Sec’y.
An act to change the line between
the counties of Jefferson and Emanuel.
An act to repeal an act entitled an
act to make it a misdemeanor for any
person to sell intoxicating liquors with
in three miles of au academy,
school-house, meeting-house, or other
place of divine worship within the
county of Muscogee. Approved March
2, 1874.
An act to legalize the issuing of jury
scrip in the county of Quitman.
An act to repeal an act to incorpor
ate the town of JSylvain, in the couuty
of Screven, approved Dec. 7, 1866,
and to ro»ter and extend all the pro
visions of the act of 1872 contains
sections 764 and 799 inclusive, cf the
Code, to the coporate authorities of
said town,
An act to fix by law the standard
weight of a bushel of certain commod
An act to amend an act to create a
county court iu each county of the
State, except certain counties therein
mentioned, approved January 10th,
1872, so far as the same refers to the
county of Glynn, and to provide for
the appointment of a Solicitor for the
County Court of Glynn county.
An act to repeal an act to create an
advisory board for the counties of Fan
nin and Glasscock, so far as relates to
the county of Laurens, and to provide
for a board of county commissioners
for the counties of Johnson and
An act to amend an act entitled an
act to organize a Crimiual court in the
counties of Marion, Talbot, Stewart
and Chattahoochee, approved Feb. 17
1873, the said amendatory act Ap
proved Februaiqr 28, 1874.
An act to repeal sections 1599 and
1600 of the Code, in relation to weigh
ing rice and cotton, and to relieve cer
tain parties from all penalties for vio
lations of the same.
Ah act to amend an act to incorpor
ate the town of Thompson, iu the
county of McDuffie.
An act to amend section 4600 of
An act to authorize G. W. J. De-
Renne to nominate and appoint as ex
ecutor and trustee of the Pennsylvania
Life Insurance Company.
An act to amend an act to establish
a County court at Calhoun and other
lunties, approved March 2, 1870.
An act in relation to pnceedings by
quo warranto.
An act to regulate the letting out of
convicts to the lowest bidder by coun»
ty authorities.
An act to prevent the sale of spirit
uous liquors to minors.
Ail act to amend section 1423 of the
An act to regulate the law of dower.
An act to amend the Constitution.
An act to create a State Board ot
Health, for the protection of life and
health, and to prevent the spread of
An act to prohibit the sale of intox
icating driuks of any character within
three miles ot Powder Springs camp
ground, in the county of Cobb.
An act to prohibit the sale of spirit
uous liquors within tiie limits of the
1104lh G. M. district, of the couuty
of Chattahoochee.
An act to amend the law of tender
ing and certifying bills of exception,
as rontained in section 4552 of the
Code, and to prescribe the time in
which bills of exception shall be ten
An act to fix the pay of clerks of
the Superior Courts.
An act to regulate the pay of jurors
for the county of Early.
An act to change the county line be
tween the counties of Coweta and
An act to provide for tbe payment
‘ ' ‘ Cla
lay ton
fill the vacancy oaused by the j the Code, relating to' the fraudulent
death of Hon. Garnett McMillan, 1 sale of personal property, while under
wo have deliberated calloly, and, 1 mortgage, by extending the same to
of certain insolvent costs in
county. .
An act to incorporate the town of
Douglassville, in Douglas county.
An act to change the time of hold
ing the quarterly terms of the Couuty
Court of Richmond county.
An act to promote the propagation
of shad fish in tbe Altamaha, Oemul-
gee and Oconee rivers.
An act to regulate the compensation
of the Tax Collector and Tax Receiver
for the collection of the couuty tax of
Chattahoochee county.
An act to prescribe the mode of
ranting license to sell Intoxicating
rinks in the counties of Schley, Tal
bot and Greeuc.
An act to regulate the sale of intox
icatiog liquors within one mile of
Ward’s Station, on the Southwestern
railroad, iu Randolph county.
An act to confer upon tbe judges of
the City courts of Savannah and At
lanta authority to grant new trials.
An act to incorporate the Wills cot
ton mills, in the couuty ot Cobb.
An act to consolidate the offices of
sheriff and tax collector, aud cf clerk
and tax receiver, and of ordinary and
treasurer, iu the county of Calhoun
An act to regulate the mode of
taking verdicts in capital cases.
An act to amend ho much of section
1978 nf the Code as relates to liens of
An act to amend the constitution.
An act to amend au act to continue
in force and annul an act entitled an
act to incorporate the town of Fair-
burn, in the county of Fayette, and to
extend the corporate limits of said
town, and to provide for the election
of a mayor aad couucilmen, and to
confer upon them certain specific pow
An act to lay out and organize
new county from tbe county of Clarke,
to add the same to a Judicial, Con
gressional and Senatorial district.
An act to amend an act approved
February 12, 1873, establishing a
board of commissioners of reads and
revenues for tbe county of Burke.
An act to authorize the judge of tbe
County court of Richmond county to
and to borrow money
ramnbz tte'lsi—HflfoU bar* band .M
An act to fix the pay oft
ors and receivers ef t
An net to repeal |
city ot Atlanta in purchpsiug i
ing a transfer to JtPT«3r *
held by the Noihweste
insurance company, nf ^
the State capital huilaHigii an<l
An act to prohibit tbj». sale ot " in
toxicating liquors within tarn miles
of M. S. Barney’s mills, in the county
of Clay, and Panola, in the county, of
An act to repeal section 2676 of tiie
An act to alter the present mode of
disbursing the State school fund h: the
several counties.
An act toamend an nc! to alter and
change so much of the seventh section
of the net to carry into effect the
amended constitution, in reference to
the ordinaee of the State, so far as the
same relates to the county of Liberty.
An act to consolidate the offices of
tax receiver and tax c Hector of the
county of Lumpkin, and to reduce the
am milt of comiieiisation now allowed
by law.
Au act to change the time of holding
the Superior court of the couuty of
An act to regulate the fees of the
county treasurer of Worth county.
An act to amend the charter of the!
city of Toccoa in the couuty of Haber
Au act to relieve the Comptroller
General from tho duly of consoldida-
tin},', taking care of and publishing
agricultural reports.
An act to repeal an act entitled an
act to chnnge the couuty line betWeen
the counties of Lumpkin aud Dawson..
An act tp amend au act to create a
board of commissioners ot roads aud
revenues for the enuuly of Calhoun.
An act to prohibit the sale, by retail,
of spiritous liqours within the corporate
limits of the town of Lawrenccvtlle, iu
the county of Gwinnett.
An act to amend the charter of the
town of M irthasville, in the county of
An act to amend an act to forma
board of commissioners of roads and
revenues in the county of Crawford.
An act to prohibit tho sale of intox
icating liquors within two miles of
Harmony Grove academy, in the
county of Jackson. ''
An act to amend section 4372 of
the Code.
An act to authorize the Ordinary tf
Elbert county to act ns Clerk of tbe
Superior Court of said county. j
An act to provide for the election
of the commissioners of McIntosh
nlnty academy, and to prescribe
terms of holding office. _ ‘‘ ] ' .
An net to amend the first section of
the third section ot an act entitled ah
act to construct a Railroad from EU
berton, Georgia, to intersect with the ,
New York and New Orleans A?r*iine ;
railroad by the most practicable route,
parsed December 13. 1871.
An act to charter the Georgia Grange.
and Planters’ hanking company.
An act to provide for tbe payment
of the claims of Thomas G. Tipton and
Nathan Marchanl, of the county of
Worth, for services rendered as teach
ers in the year 1871.
An act to create a board of commis
sioners of yoods and revenues for the
county of Baker.
An act to amend an act enitled an
act to amend the charter of the city of
Macon, and the laws relating thereto, '
so far as to prevent the Mayor and t
council of saia city from the issuing of'
chnnge bills, the increase of the bond- *
ed debt of the city, the borrowing on
the faith and credit of the city, an£
the levy or coaiection of takes on the
real or personal property toithin the !
corporate limits-of said city la excess 4
of one percent, upon its mir market 1
value in any one year.
Approved, March 2, 1874.
Bill Taxing Bachelors.—The'I
Georgia Legislature has passed ft bill,
whieh bos been signed by the Governor,
taxing bachelors over twenty-five yean
of age $25. Good law. If a mftft: lfc <
not willing to support a Wife, he ought >
to help give maintenance to the wives
and children of others. Now, if the
Legislature, in the same spirit nf phi
lanthropy, will tax maidens between
sixteen aud twenty-six years five dol
lars every time they rmect a “fellah”—r :
the word of a "fellah” and his actioosl-
being taken as proof thereof— that body
will be doing the Stale ipore service
than by changing county lines aud in
corporating Fooldom. Old maids
should go free. It is punishment tO->
inscribe on their tombstones:. "Miss
, age 70 years.” No woman alter
she has passed twenty-six. wants
Miss” over her grave.—Columbus
—A sudden gust of wind took
a parasol from the hand of its
owner, and a lively Irishman,'
dropping his hod of bricks, caught
the parachute. 'Faith, ma'am,’
said he,' if you were as strong as.
you are haudsorae, it would hot
have got away from you' Which
shall I thank you for first*-—
service or the compliment?’ asked
the lady, smilingly. 'Troth,!
ma’am,’ said Fat, again touching
the place where once stood the
.brim of what was once a beaver,
"that look of your beautiful eye,
thanked me for both.”
..A band of colored burglars has
been broken up in Forsyth. A large
amount of stolen goods was found con