Newspaper Page Text
L _ __
Reasons for Removing Rosencranj.
A telegram from Washington gives fie
Government reasons for the removal, amoi'g
which it will be seen is the mortifying cie
of cowardice in the presence of the enehy.
It says:
/I he removal of Rosencrants is the sis>-
ject of much and contradictory comment.
The more correct understanding of tie
causes that led to it charges wtre
preferred against him by tieuerals McCo&
and Crittenden, of unofficer llfie conduit
on the battle-field,of a panic-stffeken digit
trom the field to Ohattauooga, while tie
battle was in its crisis, and of-flis unsoldierly
and mischievous conduct in publicly ib
pwrtiug, on reaching Chattanooga, tb bojh
officers and men that the day was lost.
Superudded to this is alleged Governmen
tal resentment of his disobedience of posi
tive orders not to risk a general -
incut by advancing beyond Chattanooga be
fore he was reinforced; also, its impa
tience of his disposition and handling his
troops ou the field.
, reputation for courage that he won
at Stone river is placed in bar tokthe im
putation ot cowardice in his abandonment
of the and his friends at
tribute U to a mistaken impression that
liis army had been wholly whipped, anil
was wholly on the retreat. The replica
tion to this is that such a mistake is a
complete disqualification for
The statement acquiring growth that he
t had an attack of epilepsy during the bat
■ tie, and that he was subject to that disease,
lis untrue ; but that he was coustitutional-
F ly and by education subject to fits of reli
gious depression of thp profoundcst char
acter is correct, as is well known. In con
nection with this it may not be unsuitable
to add that it is understood that the fourth
l specification of the preferred charge is au
b unsuccessful use of opium.
The relatious between Generals lloscn
crants and the Geueral-in-Ghief, Ilalleck,
have been bad. A sharp correspondence
took place between them and after the bat
tle of Chattanooga, and before that the
Government had found fault with his mil
itary conduct on several oceasiions, and
that he had retorted by charges of neg
lect by the Government and want of sup-,
His removal has been iu contemplation
for some time.
♦ ♦-
Meridian, Nov. 19. —A special dis
patch ,to the Clarion irom summit, dated
1 19th, says that a gentleman from New ()r
--' loans reports that Dana’s expedition to
r Matagorda Ray was wrecked aud thatsev-
Keu transports were driveu ashore and cap- .
Phired, with all on board. iGen. Ranks,
■who accompanied the expedition, has not
’ yet becu heard from. *
Atlanta, Nov. 19.—Advices from the
front report that LongstrCet was on Mon
day 10 miles from Knoxville, and advanc
ing. A good many of his wounded are
reaching our lines. A conflict between the
pickets for the possession of some wood
piles, half way betweeu Chattanooga and
our lines, nearly brought on a general en->
■ gagement. The Marietta Confederate says
Longstrect certainly holds Knoxville.
Charleston, Nov. 20.—Retwecn two
and three o’clock this morning the enemy,
in several barges, approached Sumter, and
upon being hailed from the fort, answered
with oaths. They exchanged several vol
leys of musketry, which were replied to by
tbegarrisou, the engagement lasting liftecu
to twenty minutes, when the barges with
drew. Forts Moultrie, Ree and Johnson
also opened on the barges, but it is not
known with what damage to the Yankees.
Major Elliot says it was a feigned assault.
Gregg aud Cumming’s Point batteries have
opened a very heavy tire on Fort Sumter
this morning! Two or three more shells
were thrown into the city last night. No
person injured.
Atlanta, Nov. 20.—The Appeal \eavm
from Col. Chester that Longstrect has
captured Knoxville, routing the enemy
audtjUtig 1200 or 1500 prworiers.
One hundred and forty prisoners arrived
here 0H ti e same train with Col. Chester.
Wheeler is reported to be in thq ene
my’s rear, while Longstrect is pressing
their front.
Gen. Wharton has returned froth Rich
mond promoted to Major General.
General Cheatham has returned to
front. \
An officer who left Loudon on the 18th*,
repots that Longstrect had captured 1,609
and Wheeler 600 Yankees on the Bth,
and that Longstrect was a mile and a half
from Knoxville; entreuching. In their
retreat from Loudon, the Yankee army,
about 5,000 strong, was greatly demoral
ized, and left about one hundred wagons,
loaded with commissary and ordnance
stores, on the road. Robinsdn’s brigade
left Loudon yesterday to repair the pon
toons left by the Yankees on the Little •
Tennessee river, leading into Blount coun-
The resolution of Mr. Warren, of Lee, •
proposes to request the President, through
our of Congress, to transfer the
Georgia f ro m the coast, to other
portions pf the arn*, to fill up regiments
which have been reduced Ly the casualties
of battlo or other causes.
Not so free after all.
Facts show that the Mississippi river is
not so free after all, notwithstanding the
prouunciamentoes of Lincoln and his Gen
erals to that effect. The subjoined extra# (
from a New Orleans paper shows that some
of our brave guerillas arc doing their duty
along the. river banks :
While the steamboat Julia was passing
Cole's Creek Reud, twenty-five miles above
Natchez, twelve shots were fired into her
by the rebels, five of which lodged in dif
ferent parts of the boat, without, however,
doing any serious damage. There was no
person struck by the caunon or numerous
rifle shots, but one 6 pouii-les disembowel
ed two bullocks and lodged in the store
room. A conical shell embedded itself in
the coal bunk alongside the boilers, for
tunately doing no damage iu that danger- ,
uus locality, as it failed to explode. An
other shell, which did explode, was extract
ed in pieces from the coal pile, and hiul
contained forty halt-ounce balls inserted
with rosin. The tinware of the cook house
was perforated with numerous rifle or min
nie balls, as well as different portions of
the boat.
Getting Rich During the War.
Chronology, lyhicb had many im
portant m likely to have yet another.
In tnc “ good time (of peace) coming,”
when men speak of the wealth of others,
they will ask, how old is it ? 1 Vhcn was
it amassed ? And if the answer be, that
they gathered it during the war, this fact
will strip it of all respectability. To have
grown rich in 1862 or ’63 will be account
ed a dishonor then. It will pass for rol -
bery of the couutry at large, of the litm.-
■ lies of soldiers, of the poor. In
words it will be seen as it is. No dis
guise" will cover it up; no apology extenu
ate it.
. ——
"VYhy should a dealer in “ bivDves ” be
unusually serious ? Recause he Y . jig aits*
tore mau, (oyster man.)
—, ♦
Rags for the News.
We desire very much to procure a quan
dity of Ckan Cotton Linen Rags, that
we may obtain a sufficiency of paper to
continue the News through another volume,
which we will be unable to do without we
,can get Rags to exchange for paper. We
appeal, then, to the lady readers of the
News to forward us all the Rags they have
on hand, and save us still more. We will
certainly be under many obligations lor.
large er amah quantities, and besides will
pay ten cents per lb. Then let us have
liagS, and continue our paper.
Notice to Advertisers.
•All advertisements inserted in this paper
without the timet specified how long they are
to be inserted, will bo continued until a writ
ten order is received to stop them, and pay
ment exacted accordingly.
’• 4
A LL persons having claims on Greenville
_/V. Wiley, la to of Early county, deceased,
will please call on me at my residence, on
• Suwhatohie, and I will settle the same.
Nov. 25, 1863 . 7-2t*
Last Notice.
I WILL attend atßlakelyon Monday, 14th,
and at Colquitt on Tuesday, the 15th De
cember, for the purpose of collecting the
Confederate Tax. All persons failing to pay .
their tax on these days, tea per cent will be
added to their Tax.
Nov. 25, 1863. 7-3 t C. T. C.
Tax in Kind.
X HEREBY give notice to the Planters of
Early county that I am ready to receive
the Tax in lyunlat Howard’s ami Porter's
Lauding. The law requires that all Tith
ings shall be delivered wo months from
the date of assessment.
Nov. 25, 1863. 7-ts Gov. Ag’t.
AGREEABLE to an order from the Or
dinary of Calhoun county, will be sold,
on the first Tuesday in January next, be
fore the Court House door in the town of
Morgan, Lots of Land No. 2LI and 229 in
the 3d District of said county, except the wid
ow’s dower, as the real Estate of William
yDaniel, deceased. Sold for the benefit of the
veditors and heirs of said Estate.
JW. 25, 1863. 7-4t* Adm’x.
\ A Plantation for Sale.
IOFI\r for sale Sandford Alexander’s _
plantmipn, lying on Sowhatchic, contain
ing 586 acfusj, about 300 acres in a high state
ofeultivation K On the place is an excellent
lot dwelling \Hth four rooms, and all the
rujpessary out buildings, together with a Gin
I iuse and Screw and a first rate well of
v »ter. Said phtcijis 11 miles south of Blake
-1; 3 or 4 miles from the river, and 5 miles
b ai Columbia, Ala,, and very-convenient
tot two Mills, Grist and Saw. Any person
wilting to purchase will please call on the
uUf.prsigned 9 miles west of Blakelv.
Bakoly, Nov. 25, 1863. 7-ts.
r %
™ IP War Tax
1“ U - 'll Sheffield’, on the 11th „(Ss3j
her, and It Colquitt on the 12th
ber. for to purpose of afcsessin* Tax ir
on all garnered crops; also tax on
cattle, JiQ, mules not use a „V.
and asseyowued by eaph person £ tho < CS? n ’
federate/tates : upon such value n., .if C n '
cr shall my a tax of oie percent t 1 ow . n ' ’/
by the day of Jan ,ry next ° P a id i
Nov. I, 1863 tI| J ‘ I,lCia *SOr_ I
WHEREAS, Job Daily applies to mo W
for Bettors of yHinimstration on the A
Estate of Green W. Gun, late of suidcoun- «■
tv, diseased: This is tejite all persons eon- / |
cerned to show cause (itny they have) why
the administration sli.q not be granted to
tin* applicant at the Cwt of Ordinary to be
held in said county or the second Monday
in January next. f
Given under my hank and official signa
ture, this Nov. 24th, 183. . A
JAMH b: brown..
Nov. 25, 1803. 7-311* Ordiiv-y.
WHEREAS, Neal leCyrquodalc
-to-»to for Letters of f
' He Botrtis Wr>noh wie Estate of Cassatuler
Mr doBVMvtJUIA. county, dc cased:
Those are, therefore, to eitc an<l admonish
all and singular the kuuD-ed aud creditors of
said deceased to be and appear at my office
within the time prescribed by law and show
cause (if any they have) why Letters of Ad
ministraion should not be granted said ap
Given under my hand, officially, this 25th
November, 1863. W. E. GRIFFIN,
Nov. 25, 1863. 7-30 d Ordinary.
< •
SIXTY days afterdate, application will be
made to the Cturt of Ordinary of said
county for leave to sell all the personal prop
erty belonging to the Estate of Ambrose
Collier, late of said countv, deceased.
Nov. 25, 1863. 7-2m* Adm’r.
ALL those indebted to the Estate of Tlmm
as Tcwson, late of said county, deceas
ed, will please Come forward and settle im
mediately ; and those having claims against
said deceased will render them in duly au
thenticated. JOHN W. NORRIS,
Adm’r with Will annexed.
Nov. 25, 1863. 7-2m*
Administrator’s Sale.
ON Saturday, the sth dav of December
next, will be sold, at the residence of
11. M. Rlinwody, deceased, called ‘‘ Sleepy
Hollow,”’in Early county, Ga., a portion of
the personal property of said deceased, to
wit: 4 Cows and Calves, 1 Yearling, 1 gfay
1 lor so, 1 Mack Mule, 3 Brood Sows, ] 1 I’igs,
1 four iaijrsc. Wagon, 1 lhrn>o tVrl, 4it l.n-J,-
els Ground Dms, several hundred bushels
Corn, I’eas, Rice, Fodder, Farming Utensils,
&c., Ac.
Terms of Sale—Purchasers will be requir
ed to give Notej|, for any sum over SSO, due
next January twelve months, with good per
sonal security^—nuns under SSO will be cash.
Nov.* 18, 1863. 0-3 t Adm’r.
To Soldiers.
ALL Soldiers now, or who may be absent
from their Commands, excepting those
who are disabled by wounds from 'reporting
at Macon, are hereby ordered to report to
their Commands immediately at the expira
tion of their furloughs, or they will be sub
ject to arrest, by order of Lieut. Col. Harris.
I trust alt Soldiers will respect this order,
and save me tin; unpleasant task of sending
them to Ilegd-Quarters.
Sub. En. Officer of Early Co.
Nov. 4, 1863. 4-2i,ii paid
Ptajitation for Sale.
I OFFER for sale a very valuable place
upon Spring Creek, containing 630 acres,
about one half in cultivation and under good
fences, the rest wd;ll timbered. The improve
ments are comparatively new, consisting of
a large framed; gin house, framed quarters
sufficient for twenty hands, overseer’s house,
shops, and all ether necessary plantation
buildings. There is good water, and a good
. range for cattle anil hogs. Termseash Like
ly young negroes taken for one half pa' merit.
Apply ty J. A. HILL,
Nov. 4, 1863. 4-3 t-paid Blakely, Ga.
K Q -f I G E .
WE will be at Blakely on Monday, Tuesday
and Wednesday, l|th, 17th and !Bth No
vember : at Damasciifjon Saturday, 14th : at
11. W. Sheffield’s on Thursday, 19th; at 26th
Court Ground on Fiday, 21st, and at Col
quitt on Saturday, Jr2d, for tin; purpose of
Assessing Tax in Mind and Collecting Tax
now due. /
S. J. DICKINSON, Assessor.
ABNEI lIEARN, Collector.
Nov. 4,1863. 4 3t
Land for Sale.
I OFFER for sale my half interest in Lots
of Larrl 1 Nos. 119 and 122, lying in the
28th District ot Early county, Ga., inimcdi-,
utely on flic, road leading fro(n Blakely to
Cuthbcrt. and three miles from the former
•place. 'Hire is about forty acres of cleared
land on the place. The other half of those
two lots cab also bo bought on fair terms.
Sept. 9, 1863. 46-3 m-paid
Tax in Kind.
THE Producers of Early county are here
by notitiel that after this date! will have
Sacks at the Court House in Blakely for dis
tribution to tie payers of Tax in Kind.
Notice is al.o given that Howard’s Land
ing and Porte;’s Landing are the shipping
points for ttie ©unty.
j Gov. Ag’t. Dist. No. 16.
Nov. 1, 1861 its A I
') ' *
('he un(J, )r sio- nc .l ,H ' ri!l, y
Mil'll candidate]for^ ,e °f , "fM 1
I '■Early coo-ity, at; th cnsui "« <Jiinuai „*jec- Ys.%
' p a ; c j 4 N JosEin S. Aei^kn^H
*We are authorized \ to announce the
°>JS- d. Collier, w). ’ has been wounded in *
1 ahd uoatii.^ 1 " hia country in
Military capacity a"3 further fur the pres•
t-nt, as a tfTuididaie Tor the ufiico of Sheriff
of Early county, at the ensuing January
election. j ia j ( j
Although I have heon elected to till an
office in (.’apt. Wade’s Company, I am still a
candidate for the office of Clerk of the Supe
rior & Inferior Courts of Early County at
the ensuing January election, i have not
fought this office for the purpose of secur
ing to myself a double advantage. Having
entered the service of mv country, and being
disabled to render efficient, service as a sol
dier, iny friends have solicited me to offer
myself a candidate for the above office. If
elected to this office I will boVdjerateil from
the Confederate service.
paid S. T. Howard.
The friends of Henry W. Wilkins, in
(he Arm;/, respectfully announce him as a
candidate for the office of Clerk of the Supe
rior & Inferior Courts of Earl v oounty, at the
ensuing January election, lie is now disa
bled from Military service by constitutional
disease—lias been a good and faithful Sol
dier, is a goad citizen and upright man, and
is fully competent for the office,
paid Early Guards.
Knpidan, Va... Aug. 3, 1803. paid
W f are 'authorized to announce James N.
Evans as a candidate for Clerk of the Supe
rior and Inferior Courts of Early County, at
the ensuing January election. paid
Having been disabled by wounds from
serving my country in a Miiitarv capacity,
I hereby announce myself a candidate foe
the office of Tax Receiver & Collector of Ear
ly County, at the ensuing January election,
paid Ummoß P. An PERSON.
Having been solicited by many frionds to
again become a candidate, l announce my
self a candidate for re-election to the office I
of Tax Receiver & Collector of Early Coun
ty, at the election in January next.
Brinki.ey Ciiancev.
J. J. Kirkland having servod his country
in a Military capacity until he has had the
misfortune to lose one of his legs, and now
boirig unlit for further duty in that capacity,
announces himself a candidate for Jhu office
of Receiver & Collector of Early county, at >
the ensuing January election. paid
Office Oa. Relief & ll’pital Aseo’n., 1
Augusta, Oa., June 23d, 18G3. f
A MESSENGER of tho Georgia Relief &
Hospital Association will leave Atlan- v
ta on or near the 10th of each month for Mis
sissippi, and will take charge of all boxes and
packages intended for the Georgia troops in
that State, and will carry them to some safe
point near the army and deposit them, and
notify the owners, or deliver them to the
owners, if practicable, free of charge. Tin
boxes and packages must he marked with
the names of the owners, their company and
regiment, and to the care of the Georgia
Relief and Hospital Association, Atlanta,
Ga. The Association will not bo responsl
hie For any box containing porishable arti
cles, such as green vegetables, &c. Boxes
and packages will be deposited at the Way
side Home, Atlanta, Ga.
W. 11. ROTTER, Gon’l SupH;
THE subscriber has ten or twelve Hands
who have no engagement beyond Christ
mas next. If any person has a place'vvith
cleared land enough for them, provision,
stock, &c,, and wishes hands, I will furnish
them, and go shares in the crop, if vve can
agree on terms.
Applv by letter at present to
Oct. 28, 1863. 3-3 t Colquitt. Ga.
Administrator’s Sale.
WILL be sold, Tm the first Tuesday in I>c
cetnber next, in the town of Colquitt,
Miller county, Ga., the following property,
to wit: Lots of Land N0«.*70, 28, 12, and
fifty acres in the north corner of Lot No. 20,
all in the 26th District of Miller county.
S >ld as the property of I. L. Wilson, late of
said county, deceased,
Oct. 28, 1863* 3-tds Adm’r.
Notice to Debtors & Creditors.
ALL persons indebted to J. S. Mean's, lato
of Miller County, deceased, are request
ed to make immediate payment; and those
having claims against said deceased, are re
quired and notified to present them, properly
authenticated, to tho undersigned, within the
time prescribed by law.
W. P. CIIAPMJttJr . -•*!
38 ts
tey* LAW Btj.AjMfl
' '