Newspaper Page Text
nj - • v'„.
Adm’rof Benj.
IB 0* 28, 1863. 3-tds / ' «
■-m> Administrator,. ig a \ e . f
Wfjf GREEAB LE totanl^ 0 f the Court £
JJ\_ of Ordinary of'Cl( vv county, Ga., will*
\>c sold, at Fort said county,
thc first Tuesday in L>(Aj m yj Cr next, within,
the legal hours of sale, Wi awes hr J.nnd, be-)
1 ing one-third of Lot No. 161, in the 7th Dis
trict of said county, and being the late resi
dence of said deceased. Terms of sale cash.
p. p. McArthur,
Adm’r. of Mary Pittman, Jcc’d.
Oct, 28, 1863. 3-tds
Administrator’s Sale.
AGREEABLE to an order of the Court
of Ordinary of Clay county, Ga., will
he sold, at Fort Gaines, in said county, on
flic first Tuesday in December next, within
the legal hours of sale, the late residence-of
Andrew B. Irwin, late ot said county, de
ceased. Said residence is situated in the
town of Fort Gaines. Terms of sale cash.
Oct. 26, 1863. 3-tds _ Adm’r.
Administrator’s Sale.
AGREEABLE to an order of the Court of
Ordinary, will,be sold before the, Court
House door in the town ol Fort Gaines, Ga.,
on the first Tuesday in December next, the
following lots of land, to wit: Nos. 311 and
312 in the 7th District of Clay County, Ga.,
belonging to the Estate of George W. Mays,
deceased. Sold for the benefit of the heirs
and creditors of said deceased.
Oct. 7. 1863. 50-Bt. Adm’r.
Executor’s Sale.
AGREEABLE to an order of the Courtof
Ordinary of Clay county, Ga., will he
sold, in the town erf Fort Gaines, on the first
Tuesday in Decern her next, at the usual place
of sales, and within the legal hours, a negro
woman named Graccy, about J7 yunra old.
Sold for the benefit of the he.irs and creditors
of James W. Burnett, deceased. Terms of
sale cash. PEYTON R. HOLT,
Oct. 28, 1863. 3 tds--paid Executor.
Guardian’s Sale.
AGREEABLE to an order of the Court
of Ordinary of Clay county, Ga., will
be sold, on the tirst, Tuesday in January next,
in the town of Fort Gaines, and within the
legal Irouj-s of sale, two Negroes, to wit:
Augeline, a girl about, 16 years old, and An
gustus, a boy about, 13 years old. Sold as
the property of F. M. Brooks, late of said
county, deceased.
Oct,. 28, 1863. 3-tds-paid Guardian.
mWO months after date application will
X he made to the Court of Ordinary of said
county for leave to sell the Lands belonging
to the Minors and Orphans of George W.
Garrison, deceased.
Nov. 11, 1863. 5-2 m-paid Guardian.
Administrator’s Sale.
W be sold, on the first Tuesday in
Ts December next, in Colquitt, Miller
county, Ga., Lots of Land Nos. 1 IS and 116
in the 13th District, of said county.
I will also sell three lots iu the town of
Colquitt—Nos. not now remembered.
The widow’s dower is to bo reserved out
of these five lots.
All sold as the property of Daniel Hes
ters, late of Miller luumfcy, deceased..
Cot. 7, 1863. 50-ot, Adm’x.
Administrator’s Sale.
WILL be sold, on the first Tuesday in Jan
uary next, before the Court House door
in the town of Colquitt, Miller county, Ga.,
Twenty Likely Young Negroes—mostly Ne
gro Men. Also 350 acres of Land on Spring
(’reek. Sold as the property of J. S. Means,
late of said county, deceased.
Terms of sale cash.
Oct. 7, 1863. 50-13 t Admr’s.
WHEREAS, Wilson Thompson applies
to me for Letters of Dismission from
the estate ofi~Seaborn Thompson, deceased
Therefore all persons concerned are hereby
required to show cause (if any they have)
why said letters should granted on
the first Monday in March next.
Given andcr my hand, and seal of office,.
this 14th Oct., lSti3.
Oct. 14, 1863. 1-lam-Om Ordinary.
Administrator’s Sale.
WILL be sold, on the first Tuesday iu
December next, in Colquitt, Miller
county, Ga,, the north half of Lot of Land
No. U 4 ia the 26th District of Miller county.
e property of A. J. Tenant, late
A "VBf. bvou* I W. J. BUSH,
AdlU ’ r '
’ 9|
Hj. to 'U‘
Wednesday, the nay- «u
maMM at the lute residence, id Lo\i
u s Early county, decided, all
c ?rale property of said con
i P seven to eight hundred bush
\ Fodder, Potatoes, three
\ . head of Stock Cat
bead of Horses, (f seventy head of
-*• YokeSoU and Cart, ore Road
»w gS ’n Kitchen Furmire, Plantatlm Tools,
other article too tedioX men
ition. Terms of 8 ,X/R. GEORGE,
Imehalf of the heirs.
1 Administrdor’s Sale.
[ XiriLL be sold, oithe first Tuesday in
.* » December nex at the Court House
in Blakely, Early co< ty, Ga., between the
usual hours of sale, t rcc lots of land, Nos.
one hundred fifty fqu (154,) one hundred
ninety four, (194,)/in one hundred ninety
five, (195,) in*theS(xth District bf- Early
County, belonging tothe Estate of Wm. if.
liovett, late of/ Burfe County, deceased.
Sold by an order of tit Court of Ordinary of
V Burke-. County, for distribution. Terms
luadefnown at the s,4e.
w Oct. Vi, 1863. U-7T Adm'r.
V 1-- ’ • —i ‘ ; ——
Guardian's Sale. * *■
WILL be sold, on tko first Tuesday in De
cember next, before the Court 1 louse door,
in Blakely, the south half of Lot of I,and
No. 128, in the 6th District of Early county,
Ga., known as the Mathew J. Lewis place.
On the place is a comfortable dwelling house,
with necessary out buildings, a well of ex
cellent water, &c. Sold as the property of
Nancy W. Lewis, deceased, minor heir of
Mathew J. Lewis, deceased.
Sept. 30, 1803. 49-10 t Guardian. •
Sheriff Sale for Early County.
WILL" be sold, on the Ist Tuesday in De
cember next, before the Court House door
in Blakely, between the usual hours of sale,
the town Lot and House in said town of
Blakely known as the Colby place, contain
ing four acres, more or less, deeded by N. T.
Christian to Jane 11. Taylor. Said premi
ses levied upon by virtue of a mortgage Fi
Fa from Early Superior Court in favor of
J. 11. & J. M. Wade, Executors of W. 11.
Wade, vs. said Jane 11. Taylor.
Oct. 21, 1863 . 2-tds Sheriff.
Administrator’s Sale. *
WILL be sold, before the Court House door,
iu Blakely, on the first Tuesday in Jan
uary next, between the usual hours of sale,
Lots of Land No. 311 and 362, both in the
6th District of Early county. Sold as the
property of John A. McDouial, late of said
county, deceased. Terms cash.
Nov- 4, 1863. 4-9 t
Notice to Debtors & Creditors.
ALT. persons indebted to the Estate ot
John Windsor, late of flatly county,
deceased, arc requested to make immediate
payment; and those having claims against
said deceased, are required and notified to.
present them, properly authenticated, to the
undersigned, within the time prescribed by
Mar. 4, 1863. 20-ts Adm’r.
Notice to Debtors & Creditors.
ALL persons indebted to Jolla 1). McCor
mick, late of Early County, deceased,
are requested to make immediate payment;
and those having claims against said deceas
ed, arc required and notified to present them
properly authenticated, to the undersigned,
within the time prescribed by law.
. Jan. 21, 1863. 14-ts , Adm’r.
A Plantation for Sale.
I OFFER for sale 550 acres Land lying 16
miles west of Columbia, Henry County,
Ala., in a healthy aud productive section.
There are 50 acres cleared and in a high state
of cultivation, with common log cabins. The
place is well watered by springs, and has al
so a good well, and is Oonvenieut to a mill.
Pefsous desiring to purchase can do so by
calling on James Armstrong on the place,
ortho undersigned 11 miles south of Blakely,
Ga., on the Bainbridge road. A bargain
can be hand. ISAAC J. DUBOSE.
Notice to Absentees.
IN accordance with an order from Maj.
Gen. MeLaws, all Absentees of Early
Volunteers, Co. “A.,” 51st Ga. Vol’s., who
are absent on sick fit Hough, and tyhich have
expired, are ordered to report immediately
to their command, or furnish a certificate
from an Army Surgeon, or they will be dealt
with as deserters.
Capt. Com’d’g Co. A., 51st Ga. Vol’s.
June 24,1863. 36-tl
Old Copper and 3rass Wanted.
T AM requested by Limt. Col. R. M. Cuy
|_ ler, Commanding Armory and Arsenal at
Macon, to procure all he old Copper and
Brass that can be had. I will pay a liber
al price for such quantities as the citizens of
Southwestern Georgia may bring to my offi
ce in Fort Gaines. The Government needs
such articles for Foundry purpose;.
Capt. & 1, Q. M.
5 N OTI Ce7
A LL persons are hereby forewarned from
trading for a promissory No/e, made by
me. for the sum of Fifty Dollars,Mrs. Par
melia Husky, for the hire of /j negro hoy,
due 25th of December, 1863, a/j the consid
eration for which the same wd> given has
Fort Gaines, Nov. 4, 1863. 1-41
Letter Paper & Env/lopes.
ALARG E lot of Assorted Better Paper
ifc Envelopes always onfiand and con
stantly received of superior quality, and for
sale at moderate prices. §
Address, T. J. STANFORD.
Oct. 28, 1363. 3-4 t Cdlumbus, Ga.
7• f .
Cora t, of Ordinary, Sept. Term, 1863.
IT appearing to the Court, by the Petition
of William G. Pierce, that William Price,
late of said county, deceased, did, in his life
; lime, execute to said William G. Pierce his
bond condition to execute titles in fee sim
ple to sajd William G. Pierce for part of lot
of land No. one hundred and iifty-cight in
the third District of originally Early, now
Calhoun County, to wit: Seventy-seven and
t three quarter acres, lying in the south-east
corner of said lot, and on the east side of a
branch crossing the Port Gaines road leading
from the town of Morgan to that place ; and
it appearing that said William Price depart
ed this life without titles to said parcel of
land, or otherwise providing for the samej;
and it also appearing that said William G.
Pierce has fully complied with the condi
tions of said bond, and said William G.
Pierce having petitioned this Court to direct
the said William G. Pierce, Administrator on
the estate of the said William Price, to exe
cute titles to said lot of land in conformity
with the the Statute and bond aforesaid :
Therefore all persons concerned are hereby
notified and reqiured to file their objections
(if any they have) in my office, within the
time prescribed by law, why said adminis
trator should not he ordered to execute titles
to said parcel of land in conformity with said
bond ; and it is further ordered that a copy
of this rule be published in the Early County
News for three months.
A true extract from the minutes of said
Court. w k. GRIFFIN,
Oct. 21, 1863. 2-3 m o. x:q aTV .
Public Sale.
WILL be sold, before the Court House door,
in the town of Blakely, on the first Tues
day in Novenfber next, 1,150 acres of Land
(No. not remembered) lying in the 6th Dis
trict of Early county, Ga., known as the place
of W. B. Bryan, and S. Bryan, deceased.
Also, will be sold, on the first 'Tuesday in
December next, before the Court House door,
in thrown of Morgan, Calhoun county, Ga.,
, 750 acres of Land (No. not remembered) ly
ing in the 4th District of said county, known
as the place where Washington Potter lately
Both sold as the property of W. B. Bryan,
and Silvanus Bryan, deceased, for the pur
pose of a settlement between the heirs of the
deceased and the surviving partner.
Surviving Partner.
Sept. 23, 1863. 48-lOt
Macon Weekly Telegraph will please pub
lish the above until days of sale, and forward
bill to this office Immediately.
Administrator’s Sale.
BY virtue of an order of the Court of Or
dinary of Calhdun county, Ga., will be
sold, on the first Tuesday in December next,
between the lawful hours of sale, before the*
Court House door in Morgan, the following
Slaves, to wit: Ben, a man about 23 years
of age, and Cato, a man about 53 years of
age. Also will be sold, at the same time and
place, 125 acres of Lot of Land No. 118, 40
acres cleared, and also 73 acres, more orless,
of Lot of Land No. 158, all in the 3d District .
of Calhoun county. Sold as the property of
William Price, deceased, for the benefit of the
heirs and creditors of said deceased. Terms
of sale cash. W. G. PIERCE,
Novi'4, 1863.. 4-4fc Adm’r.
WHEREAS, William M. Pace, Adminis
trator on the Estate of John Osten, de
ceased, applies to me for Letters of Dismis
sion from said estate: Therefore all persons
concerned are hereby required to show
cause (if any they have) why said letters
should not be granted ou the first Monday
in May next.
Given under my hand, and seal of office,
this 28th Sept., 1863.
Oct. 7, 1863. 50-lam-Gm Ordinary.
WHEREAS, David P. Hay applies in
proper form for Letters of Adminis
tration, with the will annexed, on the Estate
of James Hay, late of said county, deceased:
This is, therefore, to cite all persons concern
ed to show cause (if any they have) why the
administration shall not be granted to the ap
plicant at the Court of Ordinary to be held in i
■ said county on the first Monday’ in December
Given under my hand, and official signa
ture, this Nov. 4, 1863.
Nov. 4, 1863. 4-30 d Ordinary.
mWO months after date, application will
1 be made to the Court of OrtHnssry ->? -*—b}
county for leave to sell all the Land belong
ing to the Estate of William Daniel, late of
said county, deceased.
Nov. 4, 1863. 4-? m Adm’x.
Notice to Debtors & Creditors.
A LL persons indebted to the Estate of Wm.
-**• Norwood, late of Calhoun county, dec’d,
are requested to make immediate payment;
and those having claims against said deceased
are requested to present them, properly au
thenticated, to the undersigned, within the
time prescribed by law.
Nov. 4, 1863. 4-fit .
Notice to Debtors & Creditors.
ALB persons indebted to the Estates 4f A.
11. Norwood, W. 11. Norwood aol D. J.
Norwood, late of Calhoun county, deceased,
are requested to make immediate payment;
and those having claims against said deceas
ed are requested to present them in terms)f
Nov. 4, 1863. 4-fit Adm’x J
Notice to Debtors & Creditors.
ALL persons indebted trt the Estate of 4.
G. Ilaueslcy, late ot Calhoun county, de
ceased, are hereby requested to make imrr
diate payment; and those holding claips
against said Estate will present them to ije,
in terms of the law, or they will be harrH*
Nov. 4, 1563. 4-dt Aim'll
CDango of Schedule.
On and after Sunday, March 22d, 1863,•
j(ie Columbus Mail and Passenger Train
fill run as follows:
Jeavc Macon at 5.25, p m
irrive at Columbus at 11.40, p m
leave Columbus at 12.40, p m
irrive at Macon at.... 6.52, p m
lieavc Macon at 6.20, a m
Vrrive at Chattahoochee at .'.4.38, p m
ls;ave Chattahoochee at 7.30, a m
Arrive at Macon at 5.21, p m
The Mail and Passenger Trains from Al
lany connect daily at Smithville, No. 10 S.
V. R. R., and from Fort Gaines daily at
duthbert, with Chattahoochee Mail Train.
Jcave Smithville at 12.30, p m
Arrive at Albany at 2.03, p in
leave Albany at 9.50, a m
Arrive at Smithville at 11.20, a in
leave Cuthbert at 2.55, p m
Arrive at Fort Gaines A3B, p m
Leave Fort Gaines at .■ ....7.30, a m
Arrive at Cuthbert at 9.25, a m
Making the connection with the up and
- down Chattahoochee Mail Train.
Trains to Columbus form u through con
nection to Montgomery, Ala., and Augusta,
Kingston, Wilmington, 3avannah, Milledge
villc and Eatontqp.
Post Coaches run from Albany to Talla
hassee, Bainbridge, Thomasville. &c.
Passengers for points below lort \ alley,
should take the Night Train from Augusta
and Savannah to avoid detention at Macon.
For Columbus tako th» Day Train. ]
Eng’r & Sup't. I
Macon, Ga., March, 23, 1863. vl-42-tf 1
Wm. Wood, W. T. Robinson, R. A. Solo- t
mon, F. B. Wakefield, John M. Bow
den, 11. E. Owens, W. 11. Hughes.
Wm. Wood, Pres’t A. F. Perky, Sec'y.
Application for risks on all descriptions of
property may I>q made to the following Ag’ts:
J. B. Key, Cuthbert; Semmes & Rust, Al
fbany ; J. M. Taylor. Aniericus ; James Sut
live, Fort Gaines; R. A. Solomon, Columbia;
11. E. Owens, Abbeville. There are also
Agencies established in all the principal ci
ties of the Confederacy.
Persons wishing to insure in the county of
Early, or in the adjoining counties, where
there are no Agencies, can apply to
Agent at Blakely, Ga.
May 20, 1863. 31-Iy
TITHE next Term of this Institution com**
J.. mences the first day of September.
Blind persons, and such as for want of suffi
cient sight eannot be educated in the ordi
nary schools, of good health and sound mind,
between the ages of 8 and 25, are proper sub
- jects to become pupils. The indigent of this
State arc received free of charge for hoard
and tuition. The course of Instruction em
braces all the branches of a common English
Education, with Music and some branches of
handicraft. The Institution is well suppli-.*
ed with all the facilities of instruction and
with ample accommodations for a largo school.
Information in regard to the existence of blind
youths in this State is earnestly solicited and
also applications for their admission to the
Institution. W. I), WILLIAMS,
Principal, Macon Ga. /
July 30, 1862. 40-ts /
Confederate States Mail Lint*
LEAVES Blakely every Monday, Wednes- *
day and Friday at 4 o’clock, a.m., ar
. rives at Fort Gaines 10J, a. m., leaves Fort
Gaines Monday, Wednesday and Friday
nights at 12 o’clock, and arrives at Blakely
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday mornings
by 6 o’clock.
The Contractor woulifalso respectfully an
nounce to the traveling public, that upen the
above line he has placed » good two horse
Hack, and is himsolf always on hand ready
and willing to accommodate all who may
wish to pat'rounm him. The publfe timy de
pend on going through safe, in due time, andi
at moderate rates. J. STRICKLAND.
Blakely, Geo., July 16, 1861. vl-l-tf
~~ N 0 T I CST *
PERSONS having Cotton stored in our
Ware House are requested to come for
ward and deposit funds to pay the taxes on
. the same, else we shall be.forced to sell a suf
ficient quantity to pay said taxes,, in accord
ance with the provisions of the law. And
all Cotton lying in Store twelve months after
date of receipt, will be put in good order at
the expense of the owner.
Fort Gaines, July 15, 1863. 38-ts
Interest in a Drag Store for Sale.
I OFFER for sale my interest in the Drug
Store of this place. 'There is a good stock
ot Drugs on hand, and it possesses the ad
vantage of being the only store of the kind
in the place, besides being one of the best lo
cations for the business in South-western
Georgia. R. 0. KNOWLES
Blakely, April 29, 1863. 28-ts
Free Omnibus Line!
THE undersigned takes this method of i in
forming the traveling public that all p •
sengers from the rail road depot, wishing 1
stop at “ Wheeler’s Central jA ,nc V* -will be
brought uo in his hack f r** charge.
b y g tv. WHEELER,
Fort Gaines, Ga., I eb. 11,1865. 17-ts