The Bainbridge weekly sun. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 1872-????, July 27, 1872, Image 4

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Miscellaneous. POSTPONED SHERIFF'S SALES. €\f ILB BE SOLD before the Court honm door in the city of Bainbridge, ©u the fire* Tile-day in August r.ext, between the usual hoar* of sale, the foliowing property, to wit : One town lot in the city of Bainbridge, count* of Decatur, bound ou.the East by street runDinr North and South in fro./t of the residence lots of said city known as the King & Powell premise# and North by land known as the F. G. Arnett lands and by Flint Over, on the South by premia ses of Ji. F. Powells estate and W, H. Crawford aud on the West i>y lands purchasd of A*. W. Cunuing- Itarn, d< ceased, by i>. F. Bruton and also by Flint liver, containing two arrea more or less. Levie t on as the property of Bichard Sims trustee for 2. Fannie Bruton and children, to satisfy on© St at® nd county taxti fa at the insane© of T. J. Jeter Tax Collector vs. said K Sims, Trustee. 11. B. Waugh, Slrorift A ISO, At tli« same time and place, the following fi«- Hcribcd land, lot No. 31, in the 21st District, to satisfy two Justice'Conrt li fas in favor of Win, M. Yates is Ji. B. Over,-trent. Levy made aud rs* turned to me by a Constable. H. B. Waugh, Sh'f. SHERIFF SALES. ITSTILL bo «cld before the Conrt House door In * t the city'of Bainbridge, on the first Tuesday In August next, bet Veen the n.-uil hours of sal* the following property, to wit : Ono town lot aid improvement#! in the city % Jlaiubridge. Decatur county, known as the Wm. J. Bruton place, bounded east by premises owned by A.'P Belcher, south by premises of Jacob Born, 'vest by street and north by Evans street; svid promises containing one and one-half acres more or le s; said property being levied on as tb* property of Win. I Bruton, to satisfy a saw mil . or mechanics lien ft fa, in favor of Duncan Me J Langhlin vs said Bruton, issued from tbe Superior Conrt of Decatur county and returnable Octod«r term, 1872, Defendant.'duly notified fl-. 13. Waugh, "Sh'*. AT.fSO, At the same time and place, ono town lot oai Ibo river, in the city of Bainbiidge, Decatur coun ty, known as the Bruton ware house lot and appur tenances, bounded east by street, south by lands of B. F. Powell's estate, west by Flint river at}d north by lands owned by F. G;. Arnett, ex cepting and reserving the right of way or fraaehis* of the Atlantic and Gulf llailroad Company run* ning through it. >sT;d town lot containing three acres mote or less; the sapio being levied on as the property of Benjamin F. Bruton,-to satisfy a saw mill or mechanics lien fi fa, in favor of Duncan McLaughlin vs said Bruton, issued from Decatur ‘hiperiur Court and returnable October term, 1875* Defendant duly notified, * *ll. B. Waugh, SU'fT. • ALSO, At tho ?.ime time and place, lot ofMand No. i in the 21st district ol Decatur county, levied on as the property cf the estate of Reuben Cloud, to sa t isfv ono Superior Court fi fa, in favor of S. l f. Patterson &, Bro. vs. Elias Joues as adm’r •Rr u* ben Cloud. L. F. Burket, Dep. Sh'ft DECATUR SUPERIOR COURT, . April Term, 187,2. UtOKELY 8. DIXON ) r)TTrt - „ T „, vs. r HULL, NISI TO FORECLOSE * T. H. Adams. . j M ’ LRTGAGE. rol'tSrK'r^* by the'petition ilaterft he w.h day ofNove* ? Adams conveyed to the sa‘ ,fs \ i J •SttWW 1 * T & *JS? AU honndaries/to w*it fieib” t} f?. f<,l, , owin S T * "’V- ■; ■ <r»* £ \ I.*® 1,0 ° w ovd by David P. Lock and Loith by 11 .iiiteis st>. eot< a |tnat 0 d in the town oi Dscatnr «... „ ‘.IT of securing the paj jr»otit of two promissory notes m.ide by Saul 1 hoi ;;g jj Adams to the said B.* S. Dixonoi hearer, - jne due on the Ist day of Jarma- \ y o' o B V °M and on ° <s,ue , n tho ut day of January. 18|2, forjhesu <>f three hundred and twenty-fiv* dollars (!rb-n) notes are now due and unaid. i It is older ( _ that the said T. H. Adams do pay into this ( jurt by the first day of the next terr thereof, in e principal, interest and costsdue ‘ said notes tor B how cause’ if any lie bias tp om contrary, or that i it default thereof foveel<y ' granted 1 0 the Said Stbkely 18. Dixon ure 1,0 inertga fthd the Equity of redemplioJ* Ba * < * !• H AEains therein be forever t>' .of the said *ppei\rtr s that the said T. 11. ine( T and it V ut tIF conn ty and that this Adams resides hin } r publication in terms of , vule be served ou * “ Alness the'Hon. Peter J- the statutes. *■>l Court. Hay 17iir* 187*’ ' Cozier, Judge of J,Tf,e 1, 187 2 50 ln,D ' Clerk. term UECATItB SUPERIOR 'COURT, 1872, r to the Court l>y the petition °‘ anas M. Allen, that by deed of mortgage dated 15th day of December, 1870, Addison **? r .<er, Doctor Thomas and Peter Stuart, convey" \id to him tho said Allen, lot of land Nos, (397) ‘three hundred and ninety-sseven, le»s 50 acres off of the north-west corner and (398) three hundred and ninety-eight, all in the 2t>th district of usaid county, for the purpose of securing the payment of three promissory notes, made by the said A. Boxter, D. Thomas and I’. Stuart, and one of the said notes so made to the said .Thomas M Allen, due on respectfully on the lst day of Jauuary, 1872, the Ist January, 1873. and Ist January, 1874, and each for the snm of seven hundred and fifty dollars, the fir.-t note upon them is a credit of dollars, is now due and unpaid. It is ordered that the said Addison Boxter, Doctor '1 homas atui Peter Stuart do pay into this coert by the lft ilay of the next tenn thereof, the priwei • pal interest and costs due on said note or show cause if any they have to the contrary, or that in default thereof foreclosure b° granted to the said Thomas M: Allen of said mortgage, and the equity ot redemption of said A. Boxter, Doc Thomas and Peter Stuart therein be for* vet barred, and that service of this rule be perfected on said dqjpudanta by publication once a month for four months in the Southern Sun, according to law, given under my hand*and seal. Witness the ffon. Peter Strozier. Judge of said Court this 17th day of May, 1872. T. F. HAMPTON, Clerk. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. B. B- BOWEIi K, C. BOWS* BOVVER & BOVVER' TTORNEYS AT LAW, • BAINBRIDGE, GA. "OFFICE in TH COI'RI UOFS. March 23, IST 1. • 44-ly C. G -CAMPBELL ATTORNEY AT LAW, BAINBRIDGE. GA All business entrusted to their care, promptly at tended to. Office in Court House. G*HjT3, ly W. O. FLF.MTNV,. J. C. RrTIIFRFOR®. FLEMING & RUTHERFORD, ATTORNEYS AT LAW BAIFBRIDOE, GA. over T. B. Ilunewell & Co's store. jnne 29-7-2-ts. OIIN W. MCGI IX. R. W. DAV I McGILL & DAVIS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, BAINBRIDGE, GA. CTT Office ove r Peabody’s Drug Store. Connecticut Mutual Life Insurranee Columns. thtH ~ '—~ • ' * . COSFHETCICOX MtPfOAt, liifc Insurance Comp’ny. OFHARTrORD, COKN, V E NTY-SiXTH ANNUAL STATEMENT k | ▲KB Statement op Receipts an Disecksements fbom tot or tot Company, J - AB.'V Ist 18'7'Q h lßn -'- *29.747,434.70 Disbursements in 1871 .* * $39,4.75,194,75 To Policy Holds' , a . For claims l>-y death and matured endowments. $1,703,206 83 surplus re to policy holders as dividends.... 4,932,112,80 fcuriead ttrw j an A laD&ed 001ici.e5............... in Expend rig . . Commissions to Agents . ~,5652,488,96 balaries of officers, Clerks and all athers employed on . salary .’.... 53,402,92 Medical examiners’ fees .s . I 21,544,49 Printing, stationary, rent, advertising, postage, ex change, etc ....... 63,016,56 Taxes (inolHdicg arrear» of taxes resisted], 398,732,79 Balance, net assets, December 31, 1871 * $30,745,677.24 RATIO OF EXPENSES TO RECEIPTS, SCHEDULE OF ASSETS, Dsc. 31, 1871. Loans upon real estate (first lien,) value $39,512,065.,,.,... $13,859,654 14 “ stocks and bouds, value 801,497 «•■• 626 2 B,'-8 Premium notes on policies in force ........ ......< 9,285 065,38 Cost of real estate owned by the company 800,692,4/ Cost of Stock and Bonds owned owned by the Company : U. S. Bonds, Keg. 6s, 81 ... * $396.465,4t “ •• 6s. 81... 738 740 39 •- «• 5-20s, 65...,...! 1,213 318.76 ** *• 10-4ns .......... 99,875.00 “ “ Cuirbncy 6s, 495 625 00 , Connecticut State Bonds ........ 800.000,00 Tennessee “ “ 13.900,00 City of Toledo, 0., Bonds •• 19.000,00 “ Terre Haute, Ind., Bonds . t • 25,085,00 “ £01! Wayne, Ind., Bonds 75,000,00 “ Jackson, Michigan Water Bonds 99,000,00 " Evansville, Indiana Water Bonds 255,000,00 " Quincy, Illinois Bonds. 187,500,00 " Louisville, Kentucky Bonds 182,000,00 ''* “ Change of Gauge Bonds 92,500,00 “ Evansville, Indiana Bonds 58,850,00 130 Shares Connecticut Trust and Safe Deposit Company 13,000,00 130 Shares First National Bank, Hartford 10,000,00 100 Shares City National Bank Hartford 10,725,00 25 Shares ./Etna National Bank, Hartford. 2,500,00 15 Shares Phoenix National Bank, Hartfort 1,650.00 10 Shares Charter Oak National Bank, Hartford 1,055,00 10 Shares State Bank Hartford 1.275,00 200 Shares Fourth National Bank New York. 20,000,00 Ha ™ r6S 1 Hartfopd and New Haven Railroad Stock 12,500,00 * 100 Scrip Shares J 50 Shares Connecticut River Railroad 5,000,00 .. Cash m Bank, at interest I,2 °q nln oft Cash in Company's office qo tns’go Balance due from Amenta secured . $30,745,677,24 Add, Interest due and accrued $<42,864.41 Rents accrued 3,000,00 Market value stock and bonds 399,434,45 Net premiums in course of collection • • •"* 60,558,88 Net deferred quarterly and semi-annual premiums 26,866,68 1,232,724, 4* GROSS ASSETS, DEC. 31,1871, 31,978,401,66. LIABILITIES. Amount required to re-insure all outstanding Policies, net, assuming only 4 per cent, interest $25,609,655,00 All other liabilities ............... 697,981,92 SURPLUS, 5,670,764,74. UTHOLE NUMBER OF POLICIES ISSUED, $116,012. NUMBER OF POLICIES IN FORCE JANUARY 1, 1872, 62,458, AMOUNT AT RISK,. JANUARY Ist, 1872 ...$182,785,236,80 ' ROBERT W. DAVIS, ABENT For Decatur, Mitchell, Baker, Early, Calhoun and Miller Counties* ROBERT R. BREN, General Agent, Georgia and Florida, Savannah, Ga. Miscellaneous. CLOCK g, WATCHES, JEWELRY, DIAMONDS, SI LYEB. WARE ■ .iJj MUSICAL INSRUMENTS SPECTACLES, W ALXING CANES, TOYS. FANCY GOODS, PIPES, &C., nd a Full Tine of Fancy Goods, suitab.e for Holiday & Bridal Presents For sale by * w. C. SUBERS, Next Door to Butts and Peabody, Broad Street. bainbridge. geo. 10 rilE CITIZENS OF THOMAS tJOUNTX. A. Live in..*— >r~- prospectus of the SOBTHERS GEORGIAN, To be published at TIIOAI AS\ JLLE, HA. ■THE FIRST NUMBER of* live, progressive, »>■ ahead wide awake weekly newspaper under tr«v above name, will be issued at Thomasville, lhom as county, G>., on or about the 15TH DAY OF AUGUST, 187a, ty R. M. JOHNSTON & CD., tun present proprw. ms of the Bainbridge Sun. , The subscribers believing that there is an in 7 r *' ting field for a LIVE paper in the rapidly growing city or Thomasville, and that the cit.zensof.Thom as county really desire such an institution in thm county Ld that they wid liberally bestow their patronage on a good newspaper when assuned thaw it will be to their interests so to do, we iuwe uu dertaken to supply the wants ot the people m thm. direction. If energy, industry and ar* tho means of success, our succeeding in this^ enter prise is beyond peradventmv ; and. ll faitli.ulnefc so the trim interests of those who patronize us wiU prove a sufficient incentive to attract to us the pas ronage of said county, we shall be entirely enecett. ful and accomplish our aim, namely, of establisn , a permanent institution in '1 l.omasville 111 ttw. shape of a live aul progressive newspaper. The people of Thomas county want a livepapev and they are bound to have it. 'their home » terests require it Their political interests demand it. Then let everybody. Come up and suhsenbt. for the Ge( egian— it will do you good and instruct you in many things. 'll)omasvillian»,.ypui u y it. growing rapidly— the outside world should know it and the CJe<'Boian will make it known, pvov* th ci o Cti' miV]di^peUU I 'i" <r f;il L or wtH t>r» | mow as a well conducted newspaper. The editniial department of she paper will he under the sole and immediate Control ol Mr. Iv. M. Johnston, one of the youngest nut hardest work ing and most vapidly rising members of the Geor* gia press, and "whose ingenious and spicy munnta. of getting up his local and home Columns has sw cured tq tho Bainl/Hdige Sun. Ihe j urn it which he now preside tne name of the best wees.' lv local paper'in the State. ‘Mr. J. will he assis*»- ed by a prominent citizen of Thomasville, one %» the ablest political writers in Georgia The terms of the paper will be $2 50 per annum. • advertising rates reasonable. owlet every man who is in favor of the ad vancement of h s town and county, and who u*— sires to read a firs'sclass paper, come tip and sm scribe at once* Those wishing to iiihscrihe can n*. so by calling on. Mr. E. M Bmith. at the imnkirig house of Messrs’ Wright & Stegall, or to II VV Hopkins, E.-q-, At oruhv at Law. No mom y re quired to lie paid until the fiist rnoiber < f 'lie paper is lecbivt**!. R* M. JOHN>T<>N & G(* AMUSEMENT FOR TIIE SUMMER EXCHANGE SALOON* B. F. COLBERT, Proprietor. Mv establishment is furnished with one of the best billiard sa oons in GeoVg'ft where the de votees of this facinating game, will meet with every attention which is likely to render their visits pleasant. THE BAR is supplied with the ch icest selection of pure ’in i'T , which "i*» «erv.d to mv patr ns b} p .Site tende.S AI! the f t-hiomiM - -ywew/brinks Fre now being mixed <n "y c nnter. fh* CTO.o £ brands ol to be found at the cigar coun ter. THE sODA FOUNT, Is abo in full blast, an 1 I would be phased to have the public to ■ a 1 and test the co ding quali ties of this deli‘htful beverage. I will be glad to see al my "H pa tronf, | an las many new ones as may think |>r p- JJ|^' l ' ;EßT> . Mn\ 20, ’72. 48 ts New Tin Shop! WATER STREET, BAINBR DGE, GEORGIA H. E. COURTNEY, LATE of the firm of Courtney <fc Andrews, ha* 1 again * . . Commenced the Tm Business, And would be glad to' see all his old friends and patrons in his new q a’ttrs. Keeps a.ways on hand a full supply of Tt 1 <XL 9 'W 3E3 Si 9 TIN WABG, . * * SHEET IRON, COPPER, And many other things tpo numerous to mention. -S3JIJ ob Work done ahe shortest notice. maech3o-3m- IG£ GREAiyi SALOON RESTAURANT, And confectionery. We respectfully announce to the citizens 6f Baiubridge and surrounding coun try that we have just opened the above estab lishment. on Water street, next door to the Flint River Store, and that we would be glad to see all our old customers and as many new. ones may honor us with a call, ce Cream will be served per orders to any part of the (fity, well packed in ice. Orders for parties or picnics promptly atten ded to and liberal deductions made for such occa- HEPPY St BRADSHAW. Miscellaneous, —--—s3s3^^^ Are now receiving their very large SPillJffJ gK-fiSca Drygoods Groceries,. Boots and Sh 0^ HATS, cAb- T 7l 'CTT=is, BETTES, ««S3SB, FISK, SASaSKSS. fITSJr. HAEDW43E WOOD, WiUOW «®OBEEKwiIF# W 11ISKIES. 811-A.NDES, QJXB and man.other tiling's too numerous to mention Come Tills lVav 1 VI AND TIIE " , I fill LIB m BIT SIS | T 1 r y ft nods —AND— OHOCE HI ES . Ever brought to Bainbridge. We have now in store our usual supply of S’ ring anti Stammer goods to which w would call the attention of close buyers : Consisting of- DRY GOODS, WALL PAPER and BORDERING, . GROCERIES, VEILED CURTANS, PAPER CUTAINS, HARDWARE, PAINS, LEADS, AND OILS, BOOTS AND SHOES, CLOTHING FOR MEN AND BOYS, FLOUR BACON, LARD,C HEESE, SUGAR, COFFEE, IRON, STEEL, AND NAILS. We invite Everybody To call and see us before making heir purchases. UAUUU & WAitf i&Lii- _/ I TANARUS, J. WILLIAMS & CO. I DEAUERS in BACON, DRIED BEEF, L>RD, RICE, FLO UK, MEAL, COFFEE, fcUGAK, CAN - GOOD.', PICKLES, . fancy candjes.;jobacco, SNUFF, CIGAKS, tODA, ATCIIE6, SiARCII, SOAP. i.UGKETS AND TUHV * B fOOS, PO.iTWli, ALE. WINE-’! AS! UHL-KEYA OF TWs’ BEST BRANDS. ' all css*? sm c&m'm s&zm&ms f« coviiTsv saoaws- LMi'OTiiii rams he enduring, mmlmnen's of Fenimore Cooper are his weeks. While the love of q unHy revail, his mem ny wil exist in tfiehearts of the people, -o truly pattotic and Am iicau tbio* gl o t. they should hold a place ia evety Aiueii* an library.— Danisl WeUsTKH. • ——— * anew And SPLENDIDLY-ILLUSTRATED EDITION or FENIMORE COOPER'S * VHiRLD FAM It’S LEATHER STOCKING ROMANCES D Applton & CO., annoi nc* tl a* they hav commenced the publication of J Fenimore er BNc vrls, in a form foi it* n« pnf>uiai ci'Cihft'ion 'lhe seiies will begin with the n.mou. “l,eai her Stocking'lale>,’ five ih number, which wid be nub islied in the following older, at mier vals of about a month : I 'l b 1 Last of the Mohibanu IT The Deerslaver. 11l The Pathfinder. IV. The Pioneeis V. The This edition of the ‘Leather 'Stocking Tales” will be priute l in hand-ome oc avo v> Inm* a from new stereotype plates E toll volume >upei hl\ and fidl\ illustr ned with ent rely ihw designs by ihe dis tinguished arti>t F. U. C. Dailey, and Ikjuuh in an ntt active i aper cover Piice, eventx-ffive cents •per vdume. or S3 75 for the complete i-et. The seiie- when completed will make b‘>und, an e!e 2nnt libra y volume, for which bimliug-cases w ll be furnished at a moderate price. PREMIUMS AND CLUB TERMS, ° O 3 Thpse club terms are designed specially for towns wheie theve are no local bookselleis. Any peisons Bending us the Hnmunt in advance for th>* complete set <if Ihe ‘ feeathdlr-Stoekirig Series,” s3.<o, wi l receive gratuitous y a hand some steel engraved portrait of J Fenimore Coop* er, of a size suit* lo f >r binding in th • v hum* Any one sending us tire amount in full for fon*' complete sets of this seiies (sls), will rcce ve ih extra set gratui'ously, ea'cb set accompanied dy se steel portrait of Cooper ih** volumes of Hie as rieswill be p.ailed to each subsciiber, postp'luann rapidly as published, arid th • portrait immediately on the receipt of the remittance. D. APPLETON & CO., Publisher?, 5*49 & 5-51. Broadway, Nt*w Y®rk. .MMAXHO now ijokt, how ne.-i m Jusf published, a rv>w edition of DR. ' WELL’S GELEBHATI I) ESSAY on »b<*r of certain weakeonesses, the effects vs Abuses of early*life. , f J lie celebrated author, in this •dwrt r, “ cldatlv demonstrates from a thirty y ,|r * practice, the alarming coneeq «'nces "T -■• and ahuses may he radically cured _ dangerous use of internal me iicn*e° rl ' tion of t he knife ; pointing om ihew** ' t ofwtilCnf»ci, 0..<l efff'OhJ*!:,,v.• diti»" may he. may cure hitnsen <- D , 1 ■ ly, and radically. . diT this Lecture should bo 'n y youth and evoy man in th 1 * , } Sent unde’seal, in a plait 1 .'' , ' v0 *' I j M v 1 dress, postpaid on receipt of r'* ctl ‘ Also, Dr. Culyerwell's •‘Marriata ' cents. Address the P »>. c. CLDT.4 Match 16. 1872* 9-ts niHin . r *''\ f WISH to inform* the 1 eighboring co-iuUe p i to do all kinds of HOUSE, SIGN and OBSABKHWI r.m'H graining, kaM |,jW!E ’ u r^fA .v-DVARNISfl I>G M GLAZI.vGANDSAh and oil wo.k I PA ,STS, o.l^l March 50, 1@72 40 hf