The Bainbridge weekly sun. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 1872-????, December 21, 1872, Image 3

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THE WE Ell V SUN g^^TrtATfBBS. " ' Mountno Dec. 21st, 1872 U niiipal election takes plate on * l ;' >t in January. ib ,tr ‘ The election for county officers takes 1 _. in Bainbridge on the first Wednes \ ' fan nary. Remember the day. Hay » n * ■ . roiiier. our marshal has been .'fined to his room several days by a Kb Z* attack of rheunutisnn v^sess—Has been quite lively this \ f a „,l our streets have been filled up all kinds <?f VehickeU. s fi:I ok Court.— This tribunal vfill Monday hext. Parties will take V Tore pleased to meet in our city tcek, our esteemed young Triend p n „v Gauge. of Thomasville. Come jpin. Frank, when you can stay longer. ~n Tempi,ars.—We are glad to note ■ nis order is in a very prosperous con :n our city. The lodge here is ad its numbers very fast. r-urcity ha fi not been illuminated either \, ~pS or any other kind of lights for L'vra! nights. \Vhat is the matter Mr. J! ~->ltal ? F \ntasrm's. —We understand that a mftn t is on foot to get up a company * ■ n t a stics on Wednesday. Go ahead y, anything for a little fun. you know. \"i vr Minister. —Mr. S. D. rlemenffi k, ia been aligned to this place as resident pytorof the Methodist Church, lie is . rfiv] to lie a good man and an efficient binwter. T \v. T>ivov—Preached an able sermon Mnesdny evening last at the Methodist i r ,.|i. ITe wa« formerly its pastor, and r quite a favorite during his pastoral '. r, with all classes. Tie resides in and so Tang'of a church in Talbotton. Ga. l! present. Vnehody has stolen our inkstafid. We lit wish the party to bring the article « but if lie will provide us with his tame we will send him aqx'n, as the ink eml is useless without some such an ap pendage. Ciuustm vs.—Vext Wednesday is Christ tos d-<v. and. aside from the usual “fun” t msi'qneiu noon such occasions, we are <■> have a hip circus. We suppose everv |...dv a-e «Ting up to bare a nice time. MV wish -i.'i a merry ehmtmas. I’ers >\ vn.—Tohn > T . p rown.of the ra rlh I’nferprise, called on ns vesterd.ajb Intgelv suspect that he is attracted here ' ’ " ight particular star, who he is en ding to engage in an “enterprise” for with him. Success to you Brown. Nvw York A hops.—We have received b first number of this new candidate for ''Tip favor. It is a handsome eight g illustrated ionrnal. and rather above "Mvcrage of s>»ch pape»-s. It is pul dish ' P. St’kes. fo>* 00 nor annum. U North'd illiam street, New York. >nr 8 w \vv \u F \m.—Don't forget that " 'v innah Fair begins on the 30th inst. i v ill lv tno greatest exhibition of the Mr. .1. If. F.stiil. the accomplished "n'v. will please accept our thanks • r an invitation to be present. Half fare 11 roads. Atlantic and Gulf road Vl tts articles for exhibition free of Jiaige, (i\MK,—W e learn that there 1 m Mch game of billiards played '"' l r| h v some evening during next week. '■•‘R two jtftiatiiers, residents of our I lie young gentlemen are both good nan ! those w’uct admire the game ai. may expect a spirited contest. ir,e " ! 11 be played at Colbert's. ',"’ n 11 iizevs Gone.—Dilring the past county has lost two of its best ' -hiy respected citizens. William "ho died of pheiunonia. was ft a ' "tan. of spotless reputation, a good I' 1 “ n, I H kind husband and father. '' « man fall of years. ‘■vr, X, M. Nicholson, who foil a erysipelas on Sunday morning ■ > down befotejthe great Death 1 ' i manhood s glorious prime. *- aat leaves have their time to fall. A > wither in the North wind's breath, .‘I?, a b seasons for they own 0: 1 hath. - ' ! Jt ' ,|NV ' - 'Old John Hobiusou's c '■ ’o will be in this city on Christ -. r ' 'he following are among the til ' a,KI extraordinary features of xiu.itiuu; dhe Black Sea Lions, -n ■ l<ls a b. the wonderful Rhinoc- A: V': ur 1 ’“‘‘om of Iloly Writ, the great i.. ~T ’ ‘ th® African Shake. 30 > teer wit It horns and 3 eve®. *tiche ex pensive features *5. iD i u n ‘" 1 th the world possess ed,, ” * bteiuselves alone make an •'o>q. ' a ‘tuible and more attrae travels; and yet c a maU * 7ortion Johll * r ."' ,reat Museum, Menagerie, T-tarnim - n j » ® "* tt.eruational Zoological Tyteehnic Institute, Fipt^ lunc.iy I? 1 jra• Cirsu3- City Items. Coughs, chills and colds. Raffles, turkeys and tripe. Toys and gift books are attracting at tention. Kggs are now retailing at forty cents i per dozen. j So far, much cold weather Matrimony maketh many souls to re^ ■ joice and be exceeding glad. The demand for the Sux last \veek was unprecedented. 1 he finest o,ysters ever seen or tasted, in the city. Steaming beverages— hot whisky punch es, spiced brandy and “sich,” have come into vogue. It is said that politicians are busy as bees fixing their municipal slates sot next year. It may interest our dear little girl read ers to learn that fashionabLv dressed dolls range in price from S3 to 525. There are about fourteen weddings ex pected to take place hereabouts in the next thirty days. Ned Henderson has n new song on the epiiooty. lie also has about 28 turkeys for raflle Christinas eve. The epizooty has resigned its position in our city, and is succeeded by the Diuitrd bumbenzine. Our city wfts subjected to a season of ‘•spirit wrappings” Last .Saturday night. The Mayor got aftef the boys. The death of Ms. B. E. Russell, is an nounced by some of tl,® Georgia dailys. They went to say married and said mur dered. Well, its about the same thing in the Jong ruri. The weathef has turned off warm again, and we have had some little rain, though not as much as is desired. The cisterns are all dty. The 3ux has gained for itself a popu larity never before enjoyed by any paper published in Baiubridge. That's what the people say. We expect a lively v L eek next week. Christmas and a circUs, and several other ■‘little games” are to be played. The Department Amtiversaryi Last 'l’uesday was the anniversary of the Fire Department of Baiubridge, and at 4 o'clock in the afternoon both companies were out and formed on Water street when the men and ap&ratus of each com pany were drily inspected by the Chief and members of Council. The Secretaries of each Company made their regular re port, after which the parade was dismiss ed. 'File City Board expressed great sat isfaction at the excellent condition in which it foilrtd the Department. After the parade the annual meeting of the Department took place, and the busi ness, usually transacted on Such occasions; being through with, the election for offi cers of the Department for the ensuing j ear was held, with the following result: Chief—Geo. W. Lewis. Ist Assistant Chief—K. 11. Peabody. 2d Assistant Chief—ll. M. Johnston. In the evening at about 8 o clock a large nujnbef of tils Department Visited the quarters of Mr. II M. Johnston, the new ly elected i hiet. wliO'l a gay and festive time was the programme. The boys ad journed at a late hoilf, each and everyone seemingly much pleased with his even ing's enjctyllient. Wd noticed present the out-going Chief .Mr. \Y. \Y r . Harrell, a'l tlie nevk Chiefs, Foreman Harrell, of the Stonewall, Fore man Wright, of the Oak City, Jol. Charles MdCnerlyn and marly other prominent firemen and citizens. Appointments of the Sdtith Geor gia Conference for 1873. Savannah District —J 0 A Clark PE Savannah—Trinity, II H Parks; Wes ley Church ami City Mission, G G .N Me Donnell Jliuesville, W O Booth Bryan Mission, W M 0 Conley Springfield. N I) Morehouse Sylvania, YV T Me Michael Milton Mission, To be supplied Bethel, E J Birch Alexander, J A liosser Waynesboro, G S Johnson Herndon Mission, L A Darsey Bethany, T B Lanier Louisville, W M Kennedy Sandersville, J F Mixon Davioboro, J S Jordan Washington, S N Tucker Gibson. J YV Domings Macon District —J VV Hinton P E Macon—Mulbery and Yineville, J 0 Branch ; First Street. G J Pearce ; East Macon and City Mission, R M Lockwood and one to be supplied ; Macon Circuit C J Toole and one to be supplied Gordon. B H Sasnet Irwimou, Supplied by P YV Flanders Jeffersonville. 0 O'Driseell Ft V'alley arid Marshalville, F A Branch Crawford, W W Tidwell Providence, J W Glenn and one to be supplied Perry. YY'alter Knox Haynesville. J R Littlejohn HawkinsvilTfe and Mission, li J Corlet Cockran and Mission, J M Osborn Pulaski and "Wilcox Mission, YY H Rog- Emory College, 0 L Smith, President 1 S Hopkins. Professor YV F College. E 11 Myers, I’resident/C W Smith and YV C Bass, Professors Colcmbcs District — T T Christian. P E Columbus. St Luke, J S Key ; St Paul, A YV right . Gerard. Trinity and Ashbury Mission, J YV Simmons Wesley Chapel and Mission. YV F Rob inson Catania. R L YViggins Hamilton, D R McWilliams Talbotion. R YY' Dixon Talbot c ireuit, L B l’ayne, G C rhomp feon Geneva. LG igging Bntler, YV M 1> Bond Buena Y'ista, YV W Stewart Glen Aha Mission, C C lliues Cusseta. R F Evans lAimpkin, A J Dean ; Conference Missionary, Loviek Pierce _ Amkriccs District —N B Ousfcy, r E Americus. A M YY ynn, J Harris, supn Bethel. o J Boring ! Magnolia Springs, F S Twitty t ’ "ividp. J;1 M ".rail, ■' Me "D- Smithville and Mission. W Lane Oglethrope, J B Wardlaw Montezuma. J W Burke N ienna, James Spence Dooly Mission, Supplied by I W Boring Worth Mission, Supplied by W. M Rus sell Dawson and Enterprise, G C Clark Weston, J T Ainsworth Florence, G T Embry Andrew Female College, J B McGehee, President and Agent Orphans Home, S Anthonjr. Agent luiNfiKiDoE Distrut— li b Lcarnr, P E Baiubridge, S D Clements j Decatur, P. C Harris Trinity, A M Williams £prr g Creek Mission. R II Tljwren j It Gaines and Llakely, Wll Hayes. B i II Lester Mofgan, D Blalock Camilla, M H White and one to be sup plied Cairo, J J Giles Albany and Mission, G R KrameT Cuthbert, b F Breedlove, W B Ale Han; fciipn Springvale. S R Weaver George Town, Midway and St Paul, To be supplied Terrell, E J Rentz Thomasville District— J M Austin, PE Thomasville, E A 11 McGehee Spring Hill, J D Mauldin Grooverville, W M Watts, S G Childs supn Ouitraan, S. S. SiVeet Morven, J E Sentell Valdosta, J P NVardlaw Lowndes and Echols .Mission, A P Wright Stockton, To be supplied jessup, J S Williams Blackshear and Junction, H P Myers Waresboro, J 15 ( ulpepper Waynesville, 'l' S Armstead Centervillage. W H Thomas St Marys, VV r J Green Brunswick abd t ity Mission j J O A Cook Darieti and Mclntosh, R I. Honiker Altamaha District— 1 ATM Morris, P E Snarboro, .3 j Morgan Dulilm, G \V Hardaway Wrightsville, To be supplied by W 1’ Rhy . ounty Line, To be supplied Hwainesboro, D G Popa Jacksouvillg, W A Green Oconee, H u Fentress Allamaha, \V F i onley Reidsville, It D Gentry Moultre Mission, W F Beafdiri Nashville, 'lo be supplied Alapaha Mission, To be supplied by D Morrison OcmulgCe, W F Roberts llolniesville, To Be supplied by James It W are (>eo Bright transferred to Florida Con ferenefi J E Evans, H J Ellis fthd W W Hicks transferred to North Georgia Conference H D Moore transferred to Alabama Con ference K W Flournoy transferred to Lousiana Conference Announ<e9ittfejrit. For J ustice of the Peace. i announce myself as a candidate for Justice of the Peace for 513th district, G. M. at the ensuing election on the first Sat urday in January next, if elected, will faithfully discharge the duties of said of fice. H. F. SIIARON. Dec. 14, 1872. For Ordinary I respectfully announce myself ftS H cab didate for the office of Ordinary, at the ensuing election ill 1 respectful ly solieit the support of my friends. James H. Colbkp.t. FACTS FOR’ THE PEOPLE. Th** finest, cheapest, largest and most eomplite stock of Dry Goods can be found at Flnt River Stors, also velveteens and valorns in all colors, suitable for trimmings A A BARRELS FLOUR 1 different lUU grades at A. T. Reid A Cos. Let all understand that Mr. James Watt wishes everybody to call arid see him and inspect his fine stock of house furnishing goods, guns, pistols, armlnition, fishing tackle, and ft thousand Other things not here mentioned. Mr. Watt can suit jou with anything in his line as id quality Or price, 'dive him a call; A BALES NORTHERN IIAY at lUU A. T. Retd & Co.' IlidiiT Time.— It is the right time now to calil on H. B. Ehrlich, the great grocery man of Bainbridge. lie has on hand ma terial for the hungry. Choice family groceries at reduced prices. Fancy gro ceries cheap for cash. Call and see for yourself. nr.rt BUSHELS BLACK OATS at A. T. Reid & Cos. Important to Gentlemen. —If you wan a good suit of clothing, boots or shoes, hats shirts, bows, collars, undershirts and draw ers. etc., etc., of the latest styles and to suit your pockets, go to Steiniiiger A Ln gel's Flint River Stores. N. B. Also a full stock of clothing suit able for boys. Have you been to visit the line Jewelry establishment Os Ms. W. C. Sobers ? If vou have not, you should go at once and see lus stock of jewelry, silver and plated ware, watches, clocks, musical instruments, walking canes, toys, pipes, Ac.. Ac. Call in and see for yourself. Prints at 8. 10 and 12 J cents per yard also all other goods suitable for housekeep. ing. Goods at New York price# at the Flint River Stores. Tt Will Oct— That Kwilecki & Pro are still in the market with goods to suit everybody* Something to eat. and some thing to wear, cheaper than the cheapest. Give the boys a call, and you are sure to be satisfied. on i bushEii? velloW oats a* JU J A. T. Reid k Cos. The reason why Steiniiiger & Engel at their Flint River Stores, can sell goods for less than any other house ih Baiubridge. bemuse they buy for cash. Occupy three stores, two in Baiubridge. one at * aldosta. tor which they. Wfed a large quantity of goods which thd*- purchase from agents and importers direct by the packages. Gentlemens silk hats at A. T. Reid A Cos. Steiniiiger A FngTe ate jusf receiving from the West and North, the largest stock of Groceries ever brought to Baiubridge, which they are offering at prices to sutt the times. t* A KITS NO. 1 AND 2 ACKE -01l BEL at A. T. Rdd A 10. A complete stock of first-class family groceries, consisting of new mackerel m ‘kits and qffiirter barrels, cheese, butter, sugar, coffee, bacon, flour, rice, salt, erack r- A-- • The World’s Fair To Be Held at BAINyRIEkIE, GEORGIA. WEDNESDAY; Dec<*ttiber 25tii JOHN ROBINSONS HUT lUIUDR MUSEUM, MISEIIE. CARAVAN AND HIPPODROME, co.MTIiNED With thS grand international Zoological GardeO, Polytechnic /nstitiiU 1 —AND— mA&mmm cmetis IN FOUR TO TEN TENTS, As the space df the Grounds will permit; JOHN SOBINSON, Prop, and QenT Director. JOHN ROBINSON. Jr., Manager. This Gigantic Enterprise which has been, at a Vast ExpenJitnfe d fitfe and Money tlioroffghlv Reorganized and Equipped for the present traveling Peasonpresentsthe Startling, N«vvl. Unique and C.dossd Spectacle never before witnessed in the annals ot amusements enter[>nse either in this or any other age, of TWELVE SUPERIOR SHOWS IN UNE All for a single price of admission. in tile Odlledtidn and Organization of the Museum the utmost care has been taken tti "rut fv and efilight-n the public by presenting in one Va>l Assemblage an accuum'a tio;"Micii a> ini# never been attempted or dreamed of by the combined taht, talent and liberality of all other naiiagers in Aidetica or Europe. It nffiv lib interestiidf fbr the IkrtV Mfflily Two V,«r» Mr AfiRN i li- who are found in sUitiofit Eterv Part of the VVoibi. have been actively cm n o\ed inVrocUring Oundsitie# tof >His GREAT TRAVELING SHOW Some of these w'e.e put o'n exhibition lor the First Time Last Year ; but they hftye been very largely sup .1 ffi nted for the present Season by New Act-ssions and Ooi.Ognments brought b.v almost eve A Steamer from Foreign Ports which ha-arrived in'N.w \ oik for the past ehd.t n.bhths: A> an illufttiation o’s the Imlomitable Energy ot the well known l r-pn ,or of this estaldishment. it n.ay be .Veil to remmktnat the Exhansffess Res-.iitcea of e Emope Asia, Africa and America; Vfth the siibdiv.sions , f China. Japan. A ishrilffi. the Polar Ueuions, South Sea Islands,- Arabia; Turkey Bmtn; t waw*'*- f -gp» t. the J acffic. Arctic Indian and Atlantic Oceans, together with the Re.l Sei arid Land have all been levied upon, conti ibuting to swell the agergite of this Single Department, " It C is csthi'iaUVtliat AGQUAUIUM, MUSEUM, MEN A(i ERIE and CAR AY AG, 'gwm&m® emtmwms •ThD Stnpendtins <'pinnination has been biought together at an actual cost to the Proprietor of MOUETHaN A MILLION DOLLARS : which m ten times more than was ri'ipueiorm uvui The curiosities of the several departments represent ever Invented in ,l Jm-.i,,,f of ZooWv Or.Jtholbgy. Geology, Ifchthyology, the choicebu ext< ip sio l, ( ' > Mechanics; Nutfai-matifcs. Scientfe', Concholoiry, Entd.nology, ite urSfictidns of .fie Afitanntic and H(lm- Oil Painting , and many . < ~.^.qjjq A -p p.XHIIiITION. as to challenge the ad j Will M ItitrOdueed tile Following CnenampM AW of Equestrian, Aero batie, Athletic aful Gyim>astic Talent. Tbc Gveat arid iedoinitabffi ho ’E’it Stick sey. The Prefer ed rider of tin- P ’ is Exhibition and the Champion H >.seman of the Wp’ild GEORGE M. KYLTYY, Tlie Chi impion L* aper. JOHN WILSON, The Hr at Four hor-e ride. MAS! Ed F. ROBBINS, Tne Dashing Somersault Eq'mstnao. Mr. GEORGE SL n MAN the Baring S<-n>B American Honfeman and Trainer rOT.ciHKD BOY. LEWIS, The Wild nd Dashing R. presen tat ive <>f Bareback H .r?euaa isiiip arid Hnrdie Leaping- ABBELL and DAVIS, •| l e l!tpial (Dnmasts. WILLIAM CARROLL, The Firing Leapef; The tVCfXDERFUL CONRADS. Acrcfbats, Gymnasts and voltigeurs. ‘WILLIAM CONE AD’S PERFORMING DOGS AND MONKEYS. Will also be inlroilueei a '" : jlJjJhmmt°Sf»c«y ' ,: '- ROBINSON, » the Pnhlic 'will witness thff Finest and roost Who-e name is a sure guarantee th U .... ~j.-.-d>r ?h* and iv.D-cember2t.tb. . bitio ' ! ’ ■' ■ - r . ■ • • . - M’LLE FRANCES, [ he Great Exemplar of the High School cf 'Equestrianism FOUR UREA''' CLOWNS. Embotiying some of the M,»f Original in Anii-rici. JOHN T/>WLO‘W. the P-yrless, ARCHIE CAMPBELL WI j/LI A M CO XRA D. K. ItOBINSOf^, IHU HOLLAND BROTHERS. In their wonderful Gynria>tic special* t'e<. CHARLES MAC ARTY, gattmte iieaper and Voltigeur. M tLE LA' MOUR, This Equestrienn- Eclipses anv artist that has inane her debut within the chasm- Ciic'e. MADAME GERTRUDE The Fearless and Beautiful Wild Beast Tamer M’LLE MARGARET. Tlie Queen of the Melange; A PROCLAMATION TO TltE PEdI’LE 0F 4 DBCaTCR COFjTI'T. MESSRS OK.Ttlfc XoTBiJ ■ HaSBHIti Two of thd Largest stocks kVfeu IffilbtjGk't t 6 BAL\ t BR)DGR; fikaad |lmsßl 150,000 WORTH OF Dry Roods! E3CCERIES, NOTIONS niff cmtis u Otir StoclHor the luiij atld Winter 'frade is cdtiipl<Siß ill hH and fully prepared to meet the demands of eve^ybod^’. Eight first-class Salesmen employed to wait on UUr eil.^QlflHts Come and inspect oiir stock before vdu piiMiuse tilsklYHfcti*: Wi h make it to your interest to do so, by givirig bittgainsr A. T. Reid * COi, WHOLESALE AND REtfAlj DLaLeLS DRY-GOODS, gaosseaiES. r=-H— --WE HaVe Ttffe LAr6 gffi S&§ OF §OOOB bvtf f)UFc'> u?g<j iti lllh inirLol Our Stock of soAtb &tts shoes, Hats, qmbmel&As CASSIMERES, CLOTHS, COLUMBUS SfRIPES, CHICK TICKING Are complete, iittd 6’tlr Stock bf fiACON, fttOUR, OATS, H4t BUTTEIt C'rfEESL), . FISH, fildE, BAGHJING ASD TIES ARE AM< ; LE; f3T We Will pay the highest market price for cotton, corn, tv obi Hbf 1 any other country produce.' A. i. LED) a CO. ADMINISTRATOR’ 1-SAL& B Y virtue of an order from the Cffifrt Os Onlinary of Decatur county, vtlfl be sold on the first Tuesday in January, 1873, at the court-house door in said county be tween the legal sah* hours, all the Jamls be longing to the estate Ot \N in. Ilehburg, do* ceased- Terms Os sale, one-balf cash, bal ance twelve months credit with notes se cured by mortgage on the land with inter est from date of sale. J. R. RICH, AdmF. GEORGI A—Decatur County. , By virtue of «m order from tile Court of Ordinary of Decatur county, will Bfesohi on the first Tuesday in February, 18.73, before the court house door in Bainbridge, of said county, between the leg*! hours of sale, all that tracr.of land lying in the lytb District of said county, and known as lot No. 80. containing two hundred and fity acres rnOre or leas. Terms of safe, cash. Js W. McGllL; Adm’r. NOTICE. GEOR’GIA— Decdtur Coiinfy. Will bt' sold before the cOort house door in i he city of Bainbridge, said coun tv, at yifblic outert’. between the legal hours of sale, an the first Tuesday in Jan uary next, the two story brick store, frortt ing on Water street, Said city, as the prop erty of the estate of E. 1). Waters, de ceased. fide by consent of berrt. Terris one-haM «>*sh, the balance by note die twelve months from date, with approved security by mortgage on the property, sold on pers&nal security. h A WATERS. Adm’x. Dec. 7. 1872. To {lie Citizrtis of aflif ftcinlty. PROF. A. SCHUBERT. Gtftduate of tkt: (bn-crvrftbry of Music of i A i| l»k‘ Talsf plcasdre in inform mg the citizens of Bainbridge, that hr tu'M lfs-are<l here for the purpose of giving ir»#fßuction in music, both on the Piano and O gan. He will also give lessons it* sieging. He has ha . ffinch experience Ms teacher, and gtiars rtes His terms are lilieir!. He can be found at the l'ost-office St'-.a Os i. M. Rotfe/ifeld. Refer to Lifddcn A Bates. Savannah ; Geo. F. Root, Chicago; 1. M. Koseafeki, Bainbridge. GEO JW/I A-—Decatur Cormtv. I). B. McKeuzie h.-w applied for ef euiptioi of personalty and setting a par 4 and vaf’tetiou of homesteml. and 1 will pha* upon the same at 12 o'clock, M., on the 2Gth day of Dec •iiJh.t. 1872, at my office. JOEL JOHNSON, Only. ANT li' I We wMI 8 iv ® mJ ▼ f Ail 1 LU. eigetic uw and womei BUSINESS THAT w/lL t\Y from $4 to $8 pc <1 y, cart l»e pursaed In your own iiii'lilmiliH- 1 . #n<T is* strihtly honomole. Puittciiui* f»«-». or samples ; thrti will enable \«>*■ t.i’gp to xvmk at one*; I will s*nt on rtc« iii/i of Iwimii tinee cent stan i p-,. Ad«lres*i .f T 'TfTAM ft UO , 202 ft*., Lust on, V ms.