The Bainbridge weekly sun. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 1872-????, September 24, 1874, Image 2

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Tms taw Sra LOC AIT VFFf IR3. - S»pnmhor filth 1574 ?ABTICUXiA% NC3ICB; la futura wli&n Sheriff's Levies are to b« inserted iD this paper, ih°n f y must e • paid in •dvauc*. C. F. W UITILEY, Business Manner. rh« Departure of mails : Atlantic and Gulf Railroad closos at half-paat three p. ru. daily except Sundays. For Apalachicola and Offices on the River, «t To clock a. in. Monday* and Thursdays. For Quincy and West Florida, at 7 a. in. Tuesdaxs. Thursdays and Saturdays. For Colquitt at s*p. ni. 'I n. mlii.vb. For Hteain Mills at 0 j>. in. Fridays. Office open from (1 a. in. to 5 p. m every day except Kimdaye. Ot- n o'u Sundry from Bto t) ■ m Monty Order busim «» Horn 6 a. m. to p . m . W. J. Bbctoh, P. 31. Jmt out. Oh, i.m’t tic A T aw: Anew indies scrio co ",ic song ami cho-. ,- U a. AVe ! avo just received tlqs upuutifu! jrein from .Mr. j feliniek, for which we return many thanks. It is pronounced by i u , of good comic song, to surpass any T diing of the kind lately published. 80. j sure and get a e< py. Price, fifty cents, j Font po.-,t paid, to-any part of the 1 uited y upon receipt of marked price, by addressing F. W. llelmick, Music Dealer. ‘27s West .Sixth Sire ;r, Pincinatti. ()hio. ' cni Crcp, From till the reliable data we can got: We are justified in the belief, that the present crop of corn will exceed by fit. that if last year. We have reports of an tbtir.dancc being made from all sections of ’lie Bounty. Os potatoes, sugar qprie, ground peas Ac., There has boon an abundant yoild. Tliere is no fear of our people starving to dentil so long sis they have their cribs full. Ccttlli!) y This staple is coming in rapidly and *ni!v. disposed of at tolerably fair, prices, up to the present time, there has been j ..hirit loot) bag-, bn night in to market. We j quuti• -trie! middling at 131 ; middling tit 13; l/c.v middling 12E ... l)«nlh of Mrs II ». n. Ii i s with sincere r 'grot that \v tiro call ed upon to announce the death of this es ,iin;ildo lady, n rinorl; a resident of this ,t v. which occurcd tit t ulquitt, Miller Cos., • < ”.nday evening hist. Her remains , ,v,. i-might t Buiiibi: !go for iiEoru’cnt The funeral took place Teusday morning i l.i-iut R> ’clock a. v. from the rosideuc of |i r . \V. .1. Hanoi. Tim family lmvoour li. ympathy in tins their hour of dlfictimi. ■ -4 9 Pin la Trill hs. l-y-eu -, mr enemy cannot lmlp seeing ami r * m! ring your adverti om ni. ; it you are a persistent advcEiji v. A merchant who advertises, appeals di rect!-, to the intoliganc ■ of the public. v 1 erl H’lmmts labor while Vue advt.rti > r sleeps. To tulvortise li mostly is to advertise in ic\ t7hat SLoprfcliasa SSiifft The £r't duty of every republican who *.<*•*» es tl'o success ofhia party anil prinei plr-8 this fall, is to eeo that the t;ixc3 of ev ery voter for the year 1573 are paid It is ill nonsense to expect success, without this is done, and it will not bo done except ay hard and continued work. Tho leading ■spaMieans in every county in tha second district should at once look to thin matter, *or it ia the key to tho entire situation. k*t the list of tax lefu/hers for 1873 be i* once obtained from each tax Collector '.a too district, and lot the list for each district be given to the leading men of ’.hi*, district, who will 200 to it that tT p~y defaulter pay his tr.x p.t once. '1 his vr matter mast be attended to, and no hr.iMt man will trifle with it. The republi can. white or black, who will not pay his was reserves the condemnation of every sa* who values justice or equal rights. THe ■;;xn for Sfclr. In'ntnre the Sew will be found for ss.’e on ■k* c inter* of tho I‘oet Office, where all who nil : subscribers can procure it. bo papers i • ■ • . i • is oSici. Oar Pi ern en* Ts r ;■ the person bringing to this of this season the largest wu urine Sat, one ’iv * pu- c. to tne Sex. ine otic j kringi _ ;vst musk melon or cautalope .r 15 ion. Bear tis in 1 I I*9. who wool . like to r< ad a lit e p»i r. ■ nut off i nportant matters o h.-t moment is one of the curious i: gs ir nature. The fifth concert in aid lb. IY.I lie Library of Kentucky wasud - . ti ke place duly 31. /’he day ■b •. .\n nst 1. Gov. Bramlette. the man• gcr. at', received over SoO,OOQ : tickets. Had the drawing taken place a time th-Miovernor would have had to - :;d this m ;.y back, but as the con -.:t was postponed to November 30. it as all ri a lit with them. We presume -halo: t! 1 first day of Heeember ue;;fc,the • r tl. e icert. th -ands cf dollars 111 be received, one day too late, for there ... ftuther po-Ij> <>n<meut. 1 his. ' • !’.-}■ might just as well have been sent week before, as when it was. J>cO! Them I p. Vf* or*ra rnr Si x fc.s'.t sow until tbs I*t %it r Jaxtart re?. 75 c?x:?. This tlices nut rarts within mvcH or evertbody, hich roos, HIGH AKD IX>W. ThOSB GETiiXO US clubs or tfn subscbipeus will, kkcsivk 'is rarsr. for thecxMPAiox/rfr. hire noticed quite t sprinkling of cot ton claiming in to lbs market tho last few -»»»; wl.ish bea; ska for our merchants one of th* l aaieat «,-*sons wo have h& 1 for ssvo ra. yaara. \Ye are also plsasi-i to chronicle fact, that cotton ia commanding aach a I : oa. Tho buty seaaon ha* fairly hagun. X-ntT » f*rtr*> <-a. J-% t u« awake I xo y*)UoW xV.ex scouife®- «« will hst try. *gl B . 1 J « ia nui t.o H|n Pnvement Prattle. The all absorbing que?ti> n. Hffve you ! paid your poll tax? ! Ihe most fashionable resort k, /kiinbridge .-—the Police court. Se\». -ul colluttera!.-: fortified this week, cause Jess Griffin’.' scrap iron “whiskey.’’ To be rebuilt—part of the burnt dis trict of Zhiinbridge. The less men think, the more they talk. ALhough a woman's age i.s undeniably her own, she does not ouu it. A sign-board can't tell everythin?, ft takes an advertisement to do that. The nights are cooler ami the mosquitos less musical. Stow away the nets. Advertisement is a blister that draws trade. What is the plural of “Daddy Longings? To cure dull times— apply an auverti&e «*ment. to the afflicted part. The world's memory is short. Ft, will forget if you do not jog it frequently, All persons protest- to enow ln*w to take care of babies until they get them. If you h tve l a o-ofuT si. ter love and cher ish her with all ’your heart, if you have none, why then love the sister some other man 7'lm latter advice it,.* young g: ntlemen of Bafabridge adopt. Partial culture, says a vctt.eran obserber runs to the ornate; extreme culture to sim plicity. A polite way of putting it—troubled with a chronic indisposition to exertion. Five Bainbridge young ladies have taken the veil. They wore hopelessly freckicd. StOTT.OE. Guilford, Wood A. Cos., of A-.lanta, Georgia —the well known Southern Music Dealers ami Publishers, whose elegant and extensive ilu»ic House is the pride of the Gate-City— haro now the largest stock of new Sheet Music Instruction Books, etc., in the South. 7hey are also General .Southern Agents for tko celebrate i Ghickering Pianos and Estoy Organs,—also many other first-class pianos.— Our music-loving readers should send to them at once for price-lists and descriptive cata logues. * ci: o.uty to ) >n -i m :.i has not paid hff dollar poll tax. Tin peoples candidate—Richard H. Wkite of Decatur. Fay your pool tax. It costs but the small sma of ono dollar. Procrastination is the thief of time, there fore do not fail to pay your poll tax at once. Tbs working man's candidate—Bichard H. Whiteley. m FutiUf Spsaktag. I will address the citizens of Decatur coun ty, oaths political issues of the day, at the following times and places, to wit: At Higilon’B Store, on Monday, Sept. 23th At Whigham, on Tuesday '* 20 th At Limesink, on Ibadneaday tJ 80th At Rook Pond, on Friday “ 2nd At Bainbridge on Saturday “ 3<l Fee Hou. W. E. Smith, Iho Democratic candidate for Oongres*, is requested ami in vited to attend said appointments for discut tiaa. on equal terms. Itio'liAßD 11. WramsT. Tira* uV f »ol«?lu-g Blwtioai FOB Tilrt LEGISLATORS. The election for members of tha Gen eral Assembly of Georgia will ba hold on the Jlnt Wednesday, tho 7th day of Octo ber next. TOR CONGRESS The election for members of Congress will beheld on the Tuesday after the first Monday in November next which will be the ini day of November. • TOR COUNTY OFFICERS. The election for county officers will be held on the first Wednesday in January next which will be the G ill day of January OPENING ANT) CLOSING OF Tr E POLLS. The polls open at the Court House at 7 o’clock in the morning and close r.t 6 o’clock in the evening; and open at the prccihcta at 8 c 'olock in the morning and close at 3 o’clock in the evening. Decf,t«r County Si-c-vLT Caloii; W; 11. I'd dOi .D befor.: tac ('■■': i door in tit** town .if Ilsani'-riOge, ou liio '■ ; in ober, tu xt botwven fa hours of todo me !'■ .ilowing prop. : i. • One hour, a and lot in tho city off; Auvr.a n- \ Geo., cou-ttii'imT c.;< aeroinou--or levs boun ded as L'Uoivh: ' *Ja the i.c.d b;-; sir; st run ning iu ! out or fv: 'ii-fio v-'t • i.. or .. vast by I. raw: avi so, <-a the iiofft ■ y atri .-i not known, on the vou’.-i on ject-j>*. • K. H. Wi-.i »:-le\ie% k-dou as the prop -ny • W 1* btewiut, ...... dnp v •a.;: fa in favor of Nixon N. Lester. On one city lot in the c-ty of D:uu'n.L;<:, containing thirty Lve feet front more or us... running back one kundrtu and live .. y n. 10 or leas bounded on the north by .7'. J. V* J- ; llama, on the south by water curt, on thy wist bv the Malone lot, ardor, tho c . t b; V* . G. Bvobirs—as property Cotaeltaa iviyunt, to satis!" a county court afa in favorL 7*l !in/- jin, for the use of James Gridin. ikiO al ; .ve pr. pen v vra-- sold on the e.ii May ::ist aa.i aid off bv A H Pomeroy; the terms of sale m»t being e implied w ith, it wid now be Bind at put chaser» risk. Lot of laud No. 110 and aim ves n«l* of lot No. lr-J ..u t.'.e l'.hh district said cou t.. to satisiv one tax ti fa. in favor of UB Curry, . j I vV lire ihs, property pointed ont by defend ant. Y»'m. B. ., const. I. n .’land Nos. C N S7. 1- > a i'ljiiv i:h district lft:-.' itur campy (Georgia, ..7,::;-*. ,y all in the 14 h district as proper;y oi ... r. jiurLi .1 .r. BiUis-'.y one State and Cuiia.; c tint. , One bale st u cotton more or lets n -vr in th< held and to be g.r uerad, one yoke of ox ou and cart, one set plow gear and three cm plow hoes, one non sqn-.ue, ana ue iron wa dge: also eight hea lof stock hogs ic -u.; on ar- piopcrty of Tom Fltihtpe ami .-•tepi.c.; F.tker to satisfy 0116 uistre.-s v.'.ut; at ;;i ■ r of lv.unuln-> VV. Matihe'-vs. Let of land no *2O in did diet., D -anirvvur.- ; ty Georgia, as property of Jus. D. > * i'i'yLP one Superior Cv>urt •* iu ; -r ci »> • 11. And us and Catherine Audits. Lot land No 3:>6 in the 21st Dist said enu:.- ty, as pioperty of Mm is P, .ouit.wn to t-a -- ty a Superior 'court a fa in favor i'k-iaiag A Uuthcrford. . Lots of land Nos. 3-1 and 33 m tho lea dis trict Decatur county Georgia a a prep, riy ■ . Vi'iiey Pvaroa, to satisfy one Superior Court fif.i in favor of Boliver H fft-e City lots Nos. 1, 2.8, ami 4, square I>- —— Btirvc'v of the Russell extension 01 the city of Bainbrirtge said county being fractional parts of land lot no in district, said county, bounded north by college gtreet. € ~=t by lots of Elijah Pearces estate, eou.h by orange tree t, and wst by lots of Ty dings,and iots containing 1-2 s. re more or less, 1«\ a or as the propc.ay of Ni m. O. Fleming, t • satisfy Justice Court JiJfa in favor of S. \>. Patterson ; A Cos. prop'.: ty pointed out by defendau , aud lew made bv constable. llois t.f U ui no!.. ilandSOin 27tb .'..strict DB.utßr county, e 5 . ivw levied <»B a* tH»" pro or tv of .VtV’i-ew J. KobetU., t« ..ieii«lv ««y I Ouuuty 1... ii* j, iu iAVOJfc v -“ i ley, Qaftrdito. •H.e fvlUint! lim,H to vtt: Oco »* tercet in No»- »'.*7— * ! Kiiut conutv—as property at wtut&m i.. Otffiu to satisfy two ft taV. one m favor of two soTt, of i-rgi-a and one tu niv.w ot tue-wan ,7v emutu.-*-. >icr* v*. W it Guitia com ■ WT W. rmrr. 11. BWiff. IWe w ihdv : TUIS PAPER IS ON WITH Wkn-t AdrartUdng t oarract* c*a be »»*•• dx£l H {bQFiner day at home. Terms free, tpt* ♦PuvJAddress Geo. Stinson &■ Cos., Portland. 35c. dy’T A WEEK guaranteed to Male and Fe i male Agents, in their locality. Costs Nothing to try it. Particulars Free. P. O. Vickery & Cos., Augusta, Me. pi! HTMSEBBMY i'ernys ui Advertising are ofibred for A ows pape.s ii. the rotate of GEORGIA! Send lor list of papers aud schedule of rates. Ad li’ess Gsoj P. Pov.i'ix & Cos., Advertis ing Agent;-, MU-.P.VRS ROW, SEW VOP.K, Rkfkr’to Editor of this Paper. *-* O.sYCHOMANCY, OP SOUL I (i ! Al’ '-I T YAt.” llow either sex may fascinate and .rain the love and affec tions of any person they choose, instantly. This art a!! can possess, free, by mail, for 25 cents: t-Ft with a Marriage Guide, Egyptian < VaeL. Preams, Hints to Ladies, etc, 1,000.000 sold. A queer bool;. Ad dress T. WILLIAM & Cos, Pub’s; Phila delphia. „ GOFSS'WORTH'S £ phlet all about Maryland. County, map. 20 c -nt >. J. F. MANCHA, Eas ton, Md. ' START If LIFE! ICIV.VNT, STKATTOX & SADLER i : SHS ESS COLLEGE. X > Vacation — Time, ror 1)■ v.umcii ts, Money, Specimens, Puirous and Term address Vv. 11. SADLER, Prest., Baltimore. Ti IE M ASO N&. I A ILiN O? jan Cos., Win in f Highest Medals and i >i ploma of Honor, : r Vk-nna, 187-.5, a:nl Paris, 1807, oi ffer the Fiin fc A ... >ri ment ol the Best < >inet- Organ in the W >rld, in •hiding new style with recent improvements, not only exclusively for cash, ns formerly, but also on on hew riaus of Easy Payments, the most 'avorable ev( >UV . Organs lleni od w ith Privilege of'.’uremmu, to almost any part of the country, jr'irs? payment .pi),9oor upwards. Illustrated t'anv-"gues and Circulars, with full pal ti; uLu s, : fr eon request. Addr<. s Aimioa A Jlasilis Organ Cos., Bo .don New Y< rk or Chicago. G A AL- TEXAS GBAID PRIZE CONCERT, I’OSTFOXKI) TO OCTiOBKR 22, 187-f, i iiv iion. Jus. 1\ 1 •■. Wilson. Mayor of Houston, nud the • i!y Council endorsers the etifc'.'riii is.) .es folii ws : Houston, T't xas, April 20 1 374. \\ e the und u*.- igne 1, :■■■■. ard th - Beal Estate Distribatioii, which J. E. Foster proposes to make on the 2”<i;f October next in this city, us calculated to promote ira- • proveraonts, end }:!iiciiig within the resell <ot many, who otmu'wi.-A) would be uni:ole, n chance to secure a home for thorn and Ir iamilios md i lying ft-s> i our long acquaintance with him, every confidence. h ilia id; • Itl COuiv, saving 1 , at Rjg 0 f f ,p r -v«-ol tnbntum hon itly aiid iairrf Mcording toh his advertised plan. ' ■ Sign, u by lit - Alayor, the Hon Jas. T. D. Wdsou; and City Council. Capital I'aive, So,ooo Gold; ten Resi dences ii Houston; Population and the Railroad centre of ;h) State; 15(T tracts of land in different portions of the State. Yah sos j tizes, §l-1 ,0( 5; 13,0 tickets, at v-'d each. The management are so well convinced of the success ul' the En terprise. that « hoc feel jeslilied in promis ing to refund every c. nt of money, if the drawing does not take place on 22d of Oc tober. Every price paid in full, whether ul! the tickets are sol'd* or hot, No connection with any similar enter prise. T. W. HOT SB, Treasurer, Address J. Eg FOSTER, Manager, Houston, Texas. GEORGIA, DHCATUB COUNTY— Andoßronn has apdlic-d for retting- apart of homestead and exemption of personalty, and I will pass upon the upon the same at my of fice cm the :>rd day of Oetob)r at ten o’clock a. in. this Sv.K, 18 1871, Hxa. AH BIiOCKETT, ()rdinary. Bi, WHITTIEB, Sj. 517 St. Chirles Stmt, SC loXS, apatlcacs ts ira.-vt all hj.i »f ebataelaa ts B>.rrlt(«, klocS knpurltiei, »rcr* a.ita.ct ar iUkoMii wMeh rtialu rro*» iadUsretloa or Imprudent*. vUh anparaltotaS <<« :'>« Sr, W.’i eitibUtbmao; la eh*rt«r»i by tlsa St*U»f Mia, *3UTi, vraa end h»« been utabUibad to sr.fe. oarUln and reliable relief. Usin* * jraflaate el israre! aedioal eollegai, and harinc th« »in*r!»coe es * lon( and aneerasfut Ufa In kta tpecialtiaa ha kaa parfaot>< remedies that are affaotual ia aU theee ca.e -. Hie patUnt* ej-» being trailed by mall or expieee eTcrywhera. X* ■attt'r who foiled, call or writ*. Jn.iu tha great »»> her or applications h» is anebled to keep kit ahargag k>v. 36 page*, giving full tymptoms, for twa suaaya, •MARRIAGE GUIDE, *ea pages, a popular boot which ehenid ba raad by avarja. body. JTo married pair, or persona eonteairlating »»e --riage, can adord to do wlttcat it. ItooctainaUe eaaaaa es Ec.iical literature on this aubjeet, rka reaalta of Dr. Vs long experlenee; also ths best thoajhta frcai lau werlt* » Xmrapt acd iieitiit. 3s=t sealod, p,,tt-paid for b:) eta. GEOF. ■ ' • ■ • ■ : - .VC. Tv tei a , Martha V. Taylor, administrator of Ruhr. I;- Jones, represt uts to the Court-,her petition, ;lnly h'.cd and entered on record,that {minis red said Estate. This is :>,••;•!. '> re to rice ail persons concerned,kin dred .«> u • u diiors—to show cause if any they can. why .-.aid admx. should not receive lct lctr of at!:- i- ;ion, on the hist Monday in No- ry. \t. Eisat-i lJr.oojc.rTT ang-27-o-U'- Ord’y D. C. GEORG r A —bi.eArua Colxty. mw,> nv'-n*. t:s a :l er date f.pplioation will be _i. n :■ i■. to tho court of Ordinary of said comity, a, thy first regular term after tho ex ptrai'Lr) two month -. from this notice, for iruv-.- to M.-U tie lands belungiug to estate oi Jatnc.* I-n -is, late of .--aid county dee., for tlae heuefit vs 1; irs raid creditors of *■:.:•! dec. Arc: ii'V.;y Davis. aug-2”-2-iii-’7l. Adxuinis Irutcr. Notice oi Assignee. I'-.. iPi riucrC'V . r;x: x Tusvi.. *• CD >m.'A. —At Camilla ;h. 20th a '■ a-;.;.--,--, a. ia 1- :. - ■ . . .1 k -o’ - "vrs nc-icc -f Lis ;>:/ - - ■; ■ - :1 ■ . , y. r E • : -7 Mdcl: . and t-mte C -■•■id id- tr'- who hr:-- Wen t, • 1 a dp-- nt n hit. I. evni p-.-iiciou, hy :Ae Zds i ..-itan'i c;.-. . 1*... .ict. Smith. Assignee. Kick Furmii.j Lan-h IN N. E3ASK \. 2T077 FOS SALS- VSEY SHEA?, TES YEARS CItEBITJXTEUEST OSLT 8 FER CENT. S:nd for ‘"Tho Picsser/' A t.illustrated paper, containing the t: •. .5 Law. Anew number just publish ed. Milei free to all parts of the world. Ad ;lrc »s O. V. Ztavii. Land Cuixnaitbionar U.P.R. IT., Omaha, Neb. Si-3. JONSS & HOYLE. HVY'XO tv iRMEP A COPARTNEIU3HXI wilUsereafter >te vot e their ( ufirt- at t tout ion to tho of xueUu sir ’and fnisj.-r . , calls from country or city jsiw»nij«t?w atteodc.A tow— it; u»-»r- ut carca, or when <Je*.rcU. both «w a • o-a.; iti- at extra ct»wrgr*». «Ut«n --: . -,i-.. :: to cfC o practice. v„ ( si onto, at i resent, over the ,A Igsasic-fc ss-tv*2 txs*n - A greeaui, . »u c . .he • ..., ;Or AA.titisry iff ad ran y. will oe sold before the Cov.' i Jfqvte f'fl n Bainbridge, said county, or ff.o_f.EH' Tuesday in November.— Lot of Land X-o. S'»* >h the loth diet of said Decatur county, Lelciiging to ti e estate of James Davis, late of sai l county, for benefit of heirs and creditors. Terms of sale cash. Anthony Davis. a i \ A bn. Eff. o? James Davis. Washington MivEffsnT SOBOOX. or MZBICINII B ALTIMORE, M. D. The next Annual session will begin Octobe 1, 1874, and end February 25th, 1873. The hospital and General and Special Dispensaries furnish ample material for Clinical Instruc tion. For catalogue, with information as to Plan o? Instruction, Fees cost of living, Ac., address J. E. LINDSAY, 31.1).. Deal . GEORGlA— Decatch Gount/. On the fi- --t Ytonuay in 'October rmxt, «... plication wiil be made to the Court of Or dinary of said county (That being the first regular term after the expn atiou of four weeks from this notiee)for leave to sell lots of land No’s twenty two, twenty three, forty two, for ty three, and eighty six,in the twenty second District of said county —and all tht other lands and real property in said eouruv belong ing to the estate of R illiam Newnan, late of said county deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said dec. D. McGill, R. G. Chestnut, Executors «*p-8- of Me will o( Win. Nunan. 9 A VID'S ON COLLEGE. A'fvt Si'Kion will-lifgia Sept, ill, Hes.dby ISCatifin. 31 or;.! atmosphere. Strict discipline- Thor nigh teaching. Moderate charges. Seven prolessorr. For catalogue or information, apply to J. R. Bake, Charm-an of the Faculty, Po and Office, David,,on Coheir- N. 0 ' h ’ WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY SEWING MACHINES Neatly repaired, and all work warranted. Call at Peabody’s Drug Store. li. F. COLBERT. A L THE NE W Q AND FULL OF. PICTURES IB Mill Bin The only l IListraoted Daily News paper in ti 10 W Q S* Z* X», - With Its is ; ie for March 5. 1874, The Daily lit eiitt s upon he ko md year »f a ca ioe:r phe.ioriK-uai in the history of journal ism Its s yof .a t'w. ivemonth has been a steady and r.uqn re led gr« tvth in JK>p„rdsr acceptance as sk; moot original, art•'•'tieal.Vs iuxurjoo-i, and voi.uh-r.i-u! • cviii] metvopliipn j .rr. ; w. r pcbih iied' tny United Statc-s, ' • ' iha ' ile country J» t.i s unique at;ra tie:;: as a prao tfixj I know i .-he", • .-funnlern he -vs T . . to lie' social me IS true “ . of, largest ■'-1 0, to gt 1 ahtr.iued bv a ' J>ye.” grewt speeiu icy, beyomlaii actuality •e, IrvJ’dgcvm j i>u vcai, xutaoft Lo head and a out upon tlu -Might, saa ri " Ty ' ef \ a * dmO! anuiiomcsiii ever/htate oi In the very idea of -such utili z:j _ ■jin.-'St a. 1 !. for ev, vy day’s ir* • m m End reSi;—t.b.n, there is -ML the Jispersion om.mee; a.: : ti:c r.- aii :i:ioa es *■< ■ ... . -.- • ii-!,.- in Tiie Daily Graphic -Hiamen*», - , ,- a .«■ -.- ■ it'V***.., ,c :V-.-i is Bug Ornament the commoner,: Ur. wh-ca never psiia upon even .'oho most pampete-i taste. Erum the first issue thooacce •••:v»- mniii-uuc ij its pieturas has been a neifeci study of mechanical ami jourmiiistic devote? ment; '.’no inovitabiefcv. imnerfections of ari s-ts? and others, not yet thoroughly trained ia the- new p'-ocess, disap pearing steadily in ah as steadily ieream'ng accuracy and beauty of artistic effects. '-In deed this very ilhistratiou, from day to .day, of the Time’s spirit of Progress in Art, as veil as in events, has been an added and piquant interest, which is yet to be maintained for the public by unending future “Graphic” im prover.,. b . Scan :-ly more, however, for its boantiiu! jihrt-vaita, treuc-hant cartoon, vivid nevts-etchlhgs, and unequalled reproductions of the world's choicest works of art, than for its unrivalled attractions as Sjmo ßS& XCXS’RIS Jklk OF ' NEWS, SOCIETYJ\ND LITERA* has The Daily Graphic nationally r c ni;ted and popularly welcomed. Its ge v > ditorial independence, wide sweep of intese ligence, ever-varying departments of lifers, and personal interest, sparkling corrc.ip‘•-’i deuce, and pungent criticisms, make ito'i-r ranch a favorite, in the sanctum of the gre West era or Southern or Northern newspaper a? ia the counting-room and the family ciri cle. The Daily Graphic is an eight-page Paper, h -uni*wbed every afternoon (three editions), i moo ivt the early mails to ali parts of tha country The Daily Graph! has a larger average circulation—more copies printed and sold each day—than any other evening ’paper m New York excepting only the (penny) Xewt. The Daily Graphic is a great newspaper, as well as the only illustrated d.ady paper. It has special correspondent a ev eryr« here, and it huts a largi r staff of writers and news gath.erers than any other evening paper in New York. Tho Daily G-rr.phio is preserved for hirjding by hundreds of it? rt ad.; s in city and _ coun try. The annual subscriber gets a rict-oral Hi ■ yof the! iar, a volume of twenty-four hundred pages, const*.? ating a valuabl# record of event- end a graphic panorama of our vune and progress. TERMS: To Mail Subscribers - - sl2 & year *«-New subiici-iljcrs wh king to take The Daily Graphic on trial, may send One Dollar and receive the paper fur four weeks, [Only One Dollar for a superb portfolio of Hiuslra ied nrrt and literature, making uptnards of ' tv;o hwtihvd large quarto pages, zhe whole ; eqvi Ktteru .y a z' jyume oj eight huivlrsd pages, tar.fjazim she.) SHE WSSH&3T -miaa, A NEWSPAPER, A LITEBAUY PAPER, a, SXO'fiY PAPER, AND A PICT ORE P.YPEP. CCMRINED. Printed one fine paper, in juR. tho si/e and fo.m for binding. TERMS: One Conv - - $2.50 Five Copies - - - 12-00 Each Subscriber to 1?H3B WZSSSSiir &EAIH2C, Remitting the er st of a yearly subscription, , will receive HE MAGNIFICENT CHROMQ PICTURE Entitled “THE GUAKDIAN ANGEL.” Tue it and most elegant work of art ever offered £0 a premium to nowrpuj _r subsers bers. - v D EYEBYWHEIB. R e with to enoge to work in tv rv e tv. To-vn and I tllane an-.l thr-aughout i-v- :•* County in rh-.-rmte-d States to canva-t "t r Tne Y« ee-kiy Cratdiic. Our Special ll&tss for large Clubs, tegeth-.r w.ti the Unique and Attractive Features of the Papt-r itself, and the Inc *iaparable Beauty oi our Premium Chrcrno, r.r« snfficient induce ments t.) enable Euerg&tie and Yigorou.v Agent, to secure, on the average, over Gr.e Hundred Subscribers Daily. A-ldr^sa: e UI.I CFAPHK COJIPAX V. Sd-il PARK I’l-ACT:. Now York City. pujTnrrr a cra’.vfuf.o, iXTOBNEYS AT L. A W Exinbridga, C». O® *in st « Oe-ar' Ilona*. jsuUOO^ GEORGIA— Dec.vtcb Corxrr. "V’c-ncE is hereby given to ail persons con eeriied, that on .he clay of 1673 George IV. Pearce. late of said comity, depar ted this life, and that said George W. I>are« was the administrator on the estate of j no. H Sanborn. and no person has applied tor ad ministration oil too estate of said Jno W San lorn, and that in terms of the law adminis tration will be vested in the Clerk of the Su perior Court, or some other tit and proper per son, on the fust Monday in October next, unless some valid olßection to his appoint ment. -ft, Given under my hand and official Signature. Hu aii Brockett •*P-3* Or (Tv D. C. THE HARD CASH paid for wool cy tjifßow was ji 100 00 rouNDS WANTEI>> For which lie will pay the very highest market mice in CASH. • "pSYCHOMANCYOR SOUL CHARMING. JT How either sex may fascinate and gain the love and affections of any person they choose, instantly. This simple mental ac quirement all can onsets, free, by mail, for 25 cents; togeter with a Marriage Guide, Egyp tian Oracle, Dreams, Hints to Ladies. A queer book, h sold. Address T. William & Cos., Pub! suers, Philadelphia. c §;U,nnnah gitsrnuuj mxs. “Ably edited and noway.” —Marietta (Qa. Journal. “One of the best newspapers published." — Franklin (Ga.) Feus “A great paper—an honor not only to Sa vannah. but to the State." —Atlanta (b a.) CcnstitutiQn. ‘A real live paper—one cf the best on the Continent.”— Sanders? ills ( Ga.) Mur aid. “Should be received by every business man —able, fresh, spicy.”— jHarktntia (t.a.) Cou nt) . “The neatest, wittiest and most ably edited dailey in the Southern Suites.'" —Cosardan ( Ga.) Enterprise, “One of the loading journals of the South edited with ability and ■ pngliilmcss- -inval uable to merchants and"business men.' — Christian haler. ' In issuing this, the twenty-fifth arnua prospectus of the Savannah Morning News, it *s uaueeestary to revert to the history of the paper, r’or a quarter of a ccnh.ny ;i has been tno conspicuous and consist >■:< ,t cnampion Os Southern sentinit-nl and bout born interests. 'V'be career of the Morning News has one of lingular prosperity ft made a phe. >d'or iis -li from the start and has kept it, v, hiie all of Its contemporaries of that day. and %U save orie of its igter rivals, have perished bv the wayside, and to-day it stands fc-iply establish ed jn.-papular favor, with little dr no comps iitior/vhtiiin the area of its circulation. The resistless activity, energy and enter prise of the ago have so entemled the spnoro of journalism that the modern newspaper is literally eucyciopegic in character, coenpri jing everything of specific or general interest in the vast domain of art, science, literature, re ligion, polities and the news. Its tendency hi to occupy the held cf tlie pamphlet, the magazine aud tiio novel, and its gradually usurping the functions of those vehicles oi thought and information. Its scope embraces the discussion of every subject which has been invested with interest by the resistless explo rations of the human intellect, and includes every topic calculated to instruct or to enter tain. In the newspaper of to-day the pro foundes-; evegetical article goes forth surroun ded and relieved by the brilliant essay, the caustic review, the pungent editor nil. tin sparkling letter of correspondence, and the racy paragraph—the whole forming a, Com mune of Belle-Lettrcs wherein the most note worthy literary effort has scarcely any advan tage of position over the poorest item. It has*been the aim of the conductors of tin Morning News to keep the paper fully abreast to this tide of progress and improvement and to this end no expense has been spared. That their efforts have been in solnq degree suc cessful!, is evident from the flattering enco miums bestowed upon the paper by its con temporaries, a'acl Jvcrn the. large circulation | and influence to which it has. attained. The plans of the Proprietor for 1871 comprehend a nearer approach to the ideal journalism o ! the time than ever before. The features that have given the paper a marked individual'ty among Southern journals, and which have brought it up to its present high standard Oi popularity,will be retained and improved upon. Events of interest transpiring in any portion of the world within reach of the electric wires, will And in the Morning News a prompt and reliable chronicler.; and its arrangements for gathering the news are such that ail impor tant omissions of-the telegraph are reasonably ,sure to be supplied by its staff of special cor- r espondents;-gf> that the readers of the paper ‘recertain of finding in its comprehensive Columns the latest and freshest intelligence, ‘Systematically grouped and attractive! v edit d. * In its editorial conduct the Morn.jg News 11 consistently pursue the policy which has aractcrized it from the iirat. Questions of tional or sectional interest will be candidly and impartially discussed, while every subject a political 'complexion will be treated with eye single tc the welfare, the progress and „ e substantial development oi’ the materia] t “sources of the South. The system of carpet bag robbery and plunder that has impoverish ed our section—the popular practices knavery and corruption—and all those odious features of Radicalism which have for their object the prostration of sovereign Slates and the disestablishment of civil government in the h’ouch— will be held up to the severest con demnation; and at ah times, in season am? out of season, the paper will advocate the pri mitively pure doctrines of a strict construc tion of the Constitution, and the administra tion of the powers of the government—Exucu-! five, Judicial andLcgrskt-iv —within thelim ita prescribed by that instrument. In sub serving the interest of a- section that has been so sorclv oppressed and so persistently belied, the course of the Morning News will be,, u heretofore, either cautiously conservative or j sharply aggressive, as the nature cf the cir- j •umstaiicoa may seem to demand; and it wd! • be the aim and purpose of the conductors of] the paper to maintain its position ay one of; the Lading exponents of Southern opinion, j In the news department, the current local; affairs of Gcorgia*and Florida will be chronic!- \ edwit-h G:c same picturesque and pungent a*- ] sidiiitv that has made them such prominent ; and popular Natures of the paper. She local; department is in charge of a gentleman of i skill and reputation, and will continue to be the in: complete and reliable record of home events to be found in nay Georgia journal.— The commercial department is full and com plete. The figures .are collated by experts, a nd the accuracy i- such as to commend them to merchants and business men iu this and adjoining States. The local market reports are compiled with laborious ear* and may b« relied on as representing every phaasi of la-, vannab’- commerce. The Weekly News is a carefully edited com pendium of the freshest intelligence comoriso. ad oi the most attractive so oftue Daily. It contains ihoagiitfuedit up u Riattir.- of current interest, lively den-rations, characterh tie paragraphs, an l a toct telegrams and market ?cp r.r up to hour of going to pres--. It specially comm it-elf to the farm oi s aid plan’.; sos Geo t Florida an 1 me adjacent 8: a e=, and is i ishvd at a tent ca. .as it ; , "v.'-iat is here paid of the Daily and WVf-kly • mvr also, wirh eon;;’ truth, be said of the Tn ir.h-k’v News, ft is oao of the best pav-ers o , its. kind and c- uivh.s e-c y.hi- gos iuceies i that apo;,.rs in tile Pt-.> jet her with the , latest teicorams and conic: .-rc-iai intemgence TERMS : l Dairy Hossisv Xewh iltiO TbiAVee&iy News G STOI.EX. ON the night of August'2Bth, from toe lot of CoL Ax nett, one email mare inale, between •> * r >d t* year* old. Har ieit and] rielit fore let* carve just above the iiniT.eaased bv being tied down. A liberal rewMi will be paid for toe delivery of the »atne at the Arnett Jiridge. i It— ; . t■■ '*tk Jobs Tao*r>Tcw? i AiiUiHtH unAitLli! Fifth and Last Gift Concert IN AID OF TUB I üblic Library ot Kentucky. POSTPONED TO NOVEMBER 30,1874. Am, wing Certain at tlmt Hate, LIST OF GIFTS. One Grand Cash Gift f250,000 One Grand Cash Gift. .\l0o)000 One Grand Cash Gift 75,000 One Grand Cash Gift 50,060 One Grand Cash Gift 25^000 5 Gash Gifts, $20,000 each 100JXK) 12 Cash Gifts, 14,0(0 each, 140,000 15 Cash Gifts, 10,000-each, 150,000 20 Cash Gifts, 5,000 each, 100,000 25 Cash Gifts, 4,000 each, 100,000 30 Cash Gifts. 8.000 each, 90,000 50 Cash Gifts, 2.000 each, 100.000 100 < ’ash Gifts. 1.000 each, 100,000 •240 Casa Gifts, 500 each,. ‘220,000 500 Cash Gifts. 100 each, 50,000 19,000 Cash Gifts 50 each, 950,000 Grand total 20,000 Gifts, all cash, 2.500,000 PRICE OF TICKETS. Whole Tickets .150 00 Halves 25 00 Tenths, or each Coupon. 5 00 11 Whole Tickets for 50000 22 % Tickets for 1.000,00 Persons wishing to invest should order promptly,either of the home office or our local Agents. Liberal commissions will bo allowed to sat isfactory agents. Circulars containing full particulars furn ished on application. For Tickets sir information, Address TIIO, 'JR. BR A MGfiT., Agent ami Manager, Public Library Building, Louisville, Ky, Tax Notice. 100 per cent for current expenses levied as Rows; per cent for repairing court house and jail building, and repairing bridges and keeping up ferrys. 50 per cent for sheriff's Jailer’s and other officer’s fees. 2 per cent for Coroner’s fees. 20 per cent for Jury fees. 15 per cent for poor. 3 per cent for Bailiff’s, stationery, ire. 100 per ceut also as follows; 75 per cent for outstanding bonds and in terest. 25 per cent for County Court expenses. AY THE DISTRICT CO URT OF THE UNI TED STATES. For the Southern District of Georgia. No 1075. in the matter of) N W Collier, } In Bankruptcy. Bankrupt. ). The said Bankrupt having petitioned the Court for a discharge from all his debts pro vable under the Bankrupt act of March 2,1807, notice is hereby given to all persons interest ed to anneal* on the 28th day of September 1874 afc‘3 o’clock, P. M., at Chambers of said District Court before B. li ise Parker,Esq., one of the Register's of said Court in Bankruptcy at office of CbarlesC Kibbee Hawkinsvillp, Ga. and show cause why the prayer of the said pe tition of the Bankrupt should not be granted. And further notice is given that the socondand third meeting* of Creditors, will be held at the same time and place. Dated at Savannah, Georgia, thi3 4th day of Sept., 1874. JAM Ed MoPIIERSON, Clerk. I&eiice in Bankruptcy. This is to give notice that on the 10ih day if /Apt.* A. I)., 1874, a warraut in Bank rupte ' was i-'sund agiU'st the estate of John F. Trent leu of Tort Gaines, County of Clay and State of Georgia, who lias been adjudged a Bankrupt on hisi own petition, and that the payment of any Debts,'and delivery of any Property belonging to said Bankrupt, to him, or for lus use, and the transfer of any Prop erty by blip, are forbidden by law; that a Molding of the Creditors of the said Bankrupt to prove their Debts, and to choose one or more Assignees of his Estate, will be held at * Court of Bankruptcy, to be hblden at Daw sou Georgia, at the office of the Register, ref ere 8. H'ise Parker Ecquiro, Register, on the Ist day of October A. D., 1874 at 4 o'clock P. 54. W. H. BMYTE.r United States Marshal, as Messenger. NOTICE IN FA This is to oivs notice that on the 9th day of Hc-ptember A. D.. 1874, a warrant in Ban ruuvC-v was issued against the estate of Wal ker Si Boleros Fort Valley, County of Hous ton, and .state of Georgia, who has been ad judged a Bankrupt on liis own petition, and that the payment.of any Debts, and delivery of any Property belonging to said Bankrupt, to bint, or for bis use, and the transfer of any Property by him, are forbidden by law, that a meeting of the Creditors of the said Ban run t, to prove their Debts, and to choose one or more Assignee* of his Estate will he held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to be holden at Fort Valiev, Ga., at the lsw office of Joel R. Griffin Esq., before 8. Rise Parker Esq.,Reg ister, on the 80 1 h day of September A. D.1571 at -4 o’clock P. M. , W. H. SMkTH, United Slates Marshal, as Messenger. • IN TIIE DISTRICT CO CRT OF THE UNI TED ST A TIN. For the Southern District of Georgia. No. 1008. In the Matter of) John Haerisll Bk., Vln Bankruptcy. Bankrupt. ) . The said Bankrupt having petitioned of the Court for a discharge from all his debts provable .under the Bankrupt Act of March 2d, 18(57, notice is hereby given to all persons interested to appearon the 3rd day of Oct., 1874 at lOo’clock A M .at Chambers of said Dis triot. Court before 8. Wise Parker, Esq., one of the Rdt-islers of said Court in Bankruptcy at office of Whitely A Donalson Bainbrige, Ga., and show cause why the prayer of the said petition of the Bankrupt should not be grant ed. And further notice is given that the second and third meetings of Creditors, will be held at the same time and place. Dated at Savannah, Georgia, this 11th day of Sept 1874. „ , JAMES MoPHERSON, Clerk. IN THE DISTRICT CO URT OF THE UnT TED HIATUS. For the Southern District of Georgia. No. 1125, la the matter of) Joseph H. Thomson In Bankruptcy. Bankrupt ) The said Bankrupt having petitioned the Court for a discharge from all his debts prov able under the Bankrupt Act oi March 2d,18ti7 notice is hereby given to allperons interested to appear on th'o.£oth day of September 1874 at 9 o’clock I\ M., at Chambers of said Dis trict Court before 8 Wise Parker Esq., one of th Register’s of said court in Bankruptcy at the office of Duncan A Miller, Fort Valley Ga*- and show cause why the prayer of the said petition of the Bankrupt should not be granted. And further notice is given that the second and third meetings of Creditors, will be odd at the same time and place. Date ! a* Savannah, Georgia, this 11th day of Sept., 1874. JAMES McPHERSON, Clerk. S&ecatsp ISoitgae Se WILL be sold before tl e / urt House door in the tcwnofßainb . -ge, on the first Tuesday in October next, • .ween the usual hours of sale, the Kllovvi / .roperty to wit; Lot of land No. 105 in - e 2Ctt diet, count v. bounded as foLows: Bounded on the east by lands of 3. H. Gregory and Thomas R. Smith*, on the south by the lands of Elizabeth McLaughlin, on the west by lands oi Ira San born, and on the north by lands of Sanborn and Gregory, containing orie hundred ana ninety (190)*acres more or less, as property of Starky A J Cox to s xisfy one Superior court Decatur Mortgage Sales. TT7ILL BE sold before the Court' Hous e V > door in the city of Bainbridgt', ou the first Tuesday in November the following prop erty to wit: . ~ One lot of land Ko. 52 in 22d district said County as sot forth in said mortgage n la —as property of Lundv Marshall, in favor of Julius Steiiiingc-r Transferer. W. If. Harrell, Sh ff. . ■ . , •. and County j Payers. .p,,-. J?T Books for 1874 are new open and ■viii'r, :in so until Dcet-mbcr the Ist after arhi -h . ir;.< they v, ill be positiveiy olosta. No j de l iaMon. I will be at .... i St.- n Mill. :T< nday September Hock P<rid,.Tuef>b.iy “ }£ fj Pino Hill. Thursday ii . j : Attapnlgus .Monday A 1 *' | Higdons Store Tuesday “ §4“* j KiVr'spS cK.k T«.iW •ts'SlTbrt’S; / r can & found at mv i t at all times exempt « j eep-3-9t Tax Colltcrcr, J>. C. j To rai-\ iLuoui’m iTi tft fW. FV COMPETITION n? THE WAY tJBiHVtJff IW, OVER THREE THOUSAND Kfttfy •Emm ehn x>ratxa«nfO 00. jpjoraqreqwb-. [ i r ManafS^ msm