Newspaper Page Text
ThcCarroll County Times.
GA.. Jan. 2«. 1872.
MawoXIC. —Carroll Lol#<* No. dt», If'. A M.
warrant franlod Nov. 1, 1848 tneeu on the
grit Saturday of each month. .
John M. Richard linn. w. ■.
if h. Oracc-w ii. «. w.
I). J. Vw>re. s. ».
j. \V. Stewart, Treasurer,
J. M. JfeCammnn, : rc,
J. Jf. Blalock, s. si,
W. L. Krc <t, #. ».
<(ir oig* Harrir, Steward,
V. B. Ool«, St. wtrd
I). Stripling, Chaplain.
8. H. llarria, Tyler.
TrMFKtixca.— Blakely Smith Lo-lgp No.
'yl, 1.0. G. T. orear*ized April 14, 1871, meets
**ch Friday night.
John M. Iticlmrdaon, W. C. T.
Mias A. E. Garrison, W, V. T.
li. F. Brown. R. 8.
Miss A. F. Blalock. A. R. 8.
G. P. Garrison, F. 8.
H. W Long, Tr.
J M. Blalock, Chaplain,
J. E. Blalock, M.
Mias M. K. Reese. D. M.
Mia* G. A. Harris, I. G.
John Ruvseil, 0. G.
Miss C. A. Daniel, R. H S.
Miss Mary Morgan, L. 11. S.
Jvliu. M. Richardson, L. D.
Savannah, Griffin de N. Ala., Railroad
Leave* Griffin .1 00 p a
Arrives at Newnitn 3 45 p m
.Leave* Newnan 7 00 a m
Arrives st Griffin ... ...947am
Connects at Griffin with Macon and Western K.
Several new business houses will be
•opened in Carrollton soon.
YT Wantod in Carrollton, a good tailor.
fluch a ono could do a first-rate business.
i.jT According to the postal laws, we be
lieve there is no postage upon a paper in the
county where published. This will be a con
siderable saving to Carroll county people
Cixm.— To any one sending us a club of
ten yearly subscribers, at our regular rates,
accompanied by the cash, we will send the
Times one year; for a dub of five yearly sub
scribers we will send the Timks six months.
.Still Tiikt Comic. —Citizens frem other
sections of the State are still arriving in our
town, for the purpose of prospecting it, with
a view of locating. The greatest drawback
ii the want of business and dwelling houses.
The weather has been very cold and
disagreeable the past week—the coldest we
believe of the season.
I*. S' 7lie above was written on T’hnrsdoy
morniug: during the evening of that day
snow commenced fulling, and continued til j
in the night, covering the ground a .me three
The legal gentlemen of Carrollton,
met on last M in.lay evening, and organized
into a society, for the purpose of
discussing legal and constitutional subjects.
Tlii;. is commendable and shows enterprise
*nd a ,u. eo. Improvement with our la wye :
Ihe.r nit oting, be held on Monday night
The subject for discussion at their next meet
ing >»• “Is State aid to railroads eonstitn
taw! ”
810x8.—- In the -'i-t ■.tionfk or two- levoru*
of our merchants hav-!;ymg >at their igo.s t
designate the.r place »; badness. rtiis .a a
good tign, and »iu»vv» that they do not disbe
lieve, altogether, in advertising. The next
progressive step, for those who have not done
so, is to hang out their sign in their county
paper. Surely if a sign on their stores is
necessary, one in their tow n paper, that goes
weekly into hundreds of families is more so.
LIT We are pleased to announce that the
Mei.irj Tnnxels of Villa Ret in this county,
have recently rented the wood and black
smith shops formerly owned by Mr. James
Coleman, but now by the Messrs Russels
from the latter gentlemen, with the intention,
of | utting up a first class iron and wood shop
1 his is what Carrollton has long needed, and
we welcome the Messrs, Trussels ’ who are
i*iil to be first class mechanics to our tow n.
In another place, we publish a batch
<*f Bmvdon items sent us by our correspon
dent N. S. at that place. We shall always
take a great deal of pleasure in publishing
items of news from every section of the coun
ty, and would here take occasion to thank
N. S for keeping us posted in reference to
Bowdon news. We hope he will continue
to honor our columns, with his contributions.
In order to make our paper still more
int«*resti:»£T to every part of the county, we
should like to secure the services of some
Rentlemon at every Post Otfice, or in every
hixtrict of the county, to send us weekly,
: itom* of news, crop reports, &e—in fact any
‘!hinS l * )at " ould be of general interest. This
P*p*r has been established, for the benefit
,o f| and as a representative of every section of
-' arroll county, and in order to make it a
'faithful elmjijipie of tl)e same, we solicit such
•contributions as is mentioned ahoy/?.
Lookout for thk Engine wlen tub
iiibTi.K Blows.”— We understand that
‘Lttptain White stated wheu here the first of
week, that laying on the .Savannah,
'Griffin and iVorlh Alabama R. R., north ol
would commence about the first of
■April, and would bo continued isl the direc
!l °nos this place, just as fust as the grcuU
was completed This indeed sounds like
‘‘business,” and is good news to our citi-
Z'W B . especially these who ore about to wit*
•ices the consummation of their hopes, for Jo
t *‘' , e many year Let every man do his
‘ yin ui ling me great enterprise, ip which
1 htoll countv is so deeply Interested, and w©
Wl,! iv> °’ ! > w-ord for it that Captain White
*>>! cun.e to time this fall, and that *■ the
of ,ll “ Engine,” which brings with
'■ l,r< -' encr gy, enterprise new ideas und com.
merCi “l rity will be h «rd reverber.
Ming over the lfi|U qf - Q Jd Carroll,”
SowdLon Nows.
Weather extremely -coki.
Business more lively than usual.
Cotton coming in and selling at 19tcU
chickens 15; eggs 15; bnttei 25; corn $1 00;
flour 54 to Gets per pound.
Young Mr. Martin, {residing seven miles
from Bowdon] who was stabbed in the arm
3ome time ago in a fight, is thought to be in
a very critical condition.
The Bowdon college has opened with a
very respectable number of yorng men in at
tendance, even better than was expected. It
was thought at first, that it would be best to
consolidate the female and primary depart
ments with the college, but on opening fouinl
that the college of itself, would be self-sus
taining. The school has therefore been plac
ed on the old and regular college style, ad
mitting none but. young men over fourteen
years of age. The female and primary de
partments have been consolidated into a sep
arate school. Ample «and satisfactory ar
rangements for this Rchool have been made
under the superintendence of Professor II•
M Ennis, who is well known in this vicinity,
as a good and faithful instructor. We will
not yet make any blow about our prospects
for the Railroad or Railroads, but would on
ly say that we hare a project 0:1 foot, that we
hope will settle the question at once, and tha t
the grading to Bowdon will soon be put un
der contract. N. S.
Location op Dwpar S G. A N. A. R.
d.—'Fbe question as to where the depot of
the Savannah, Griffin and ATorlh Alabama
liuilroad would be located has been one of
no little interest to our citizens for some
time past. Therefore, when Captain Wh te
arrived here on last Tuesday with his corps
of engineers for the purpose of deciding the
long mooted question, no little excitement
and speculation was rife in reference to the
matter. On Wednesday morning 10c the
Captain and bis engineers, with several of
our cilizeus took up the line of march in a
southern direction, for She purpose of loc. ting
the exact spot, excitement rau highest, and
squads of men might be seen in several parts
of the square, speculating upon the subject.
1 heir suspense, was, however, soon relieved,
and all can now breathe freely again. The
place decided upon ig near the Baptist
Church, in the sou'heast corner, or in the
corner nearest to the church, of the lot be
longing to the estate of S. Kitigsberry de
cease*!, winch lot is situated on South street,
just beyond the residence of Mr. W. O-
Robinson, and on sume side ot the street the
r**a ! wid run just beyond the place designa
ted tor the depot, and between it und the res
id*nee ot Mr. John Stewart.
he '-'Cation gives general satisfaction, at
«oiar an we nve b<-ard an express.on ot
nub c "pinion m reference to it. it is con
venient and accessible and sufficiently near
to the business portion of town, lor all pruc
leal j ■jr.iioses.
: ‘or the Times.
my friend, but lust a moment, let me
speak a word or two,
TTDon a subject that will be of vital interest
to you.
TEe you farmer or mechanic, or just “any
other man,"
gjjtand and listen, and I’ll tell you of (I think)
a splendid plan:
and pay your money in, only twenty
dimes a year;
the TiMKS,and keep well posted, and
votir ideas will be clear.
Ts you like to bear the nows from a distance
or in town,
33? assured you can got, it if you shell the
money down.
JEI very item worth the knowing, will be
carefully prepared,
TTbom the health of Prince Alexis, to the
price of cheese and lard,
Old and young can all be posted, on the
topics of the day,
T> ound the village, in, and in
places far away;
wpp tho homes of frieuds in Texas, and oth
er distant climes,
Hails the neus from Carroll county, in the
Carroll County Times.
TTSverv thing that comes from Carroll is to
them a priceloss gem;
HPrv and take an extr% copy, and have it
mailed to them.
Ts you have an occupation, and you’ld like
for folks to know,
TVfore about the nature of it, advertitt and
get a “blow.”
TPTtditors are mighty clever and w ill pujj e you
for the dimes,
dharpe will do it I’ll assure you, in the
Carroll Copnly Times-
Those wanting any kind of
painting done, would do well to call
upon Mr. Argo, ot the firm of Argo &
Martin, New nan Ga., who is now in
out* town. We can cordially reeom
mend Mr. Argo as a gentleman who
understands his business, as any one
can soon satisfy themselves by exam
ining work done by him.
Come Up.
All persons indebted to the under
signed either by note or account are
respectfully requested to come for
ward and settle.
Jan. 5, ts. W. W, FITTS.
t° the great Champion
Store on the south side of the square,
Carrollton, Ga.
Blalock <fc Tanner.
Mrs. Ida Hay,' wifiTofthe telegrah
operator at LaGrange, died on" the
13th inst.
Georgia News Items.
The Dalton Citizen reports a hor
rible murder in LaFayette, Walker
conuty. A negro man Dick Taylor got
tired of his wife, aud beat her to death
with a stick, and then threw her body
in a well. He has bean arrested and
put in jail.
The same paper also states that sev
eral families have returned from Ark
ansas to Walker county, thoroughly
disgusted with the “far West"
The residence of Mr. John Higgins
in Dalton was destroyed by fire on the
morninsr ot the 12th inst. The fire
originated from a defective flue in the
stove room. Loss about SI,BOO. No
A difficulty occured between Henry
Brown and Jno. A. Harrell aud son,
near Eastman in Dodge county, on
the 15th inst. in which theformerwas
The Heard County Ne’.os reports
the matrimonial fever in that vicinity
as abating, and that the dog popula
tion is on the increase in Franklin.
From the Reporter , *we learn that
the mayor of LaGrange, is calling for
the second installment of twenty per
cent of the subscription to the North
<fc South R. R.
The young men of LaGrange are
trying Xo get up a brass band. As
the editor of the Reporter is a good
“blower,” they ought to give him a
The young men of LaGrange are
getting up a Young Men’s Christian
The Reporter has the following in
reference to the N. S. R. R.
The work on this Road, south of
LaGrange, is steadily progressing.
A large number of hands are employ
ed. Sections No. 2 and 3 will soon
be graded and ready for the crossties.
Messrs. Dansby & Wood, A. E. Cox,
and J. P. Culbertson & Cos., are push
ing ahead with vigor, and if the in
stallments are promptly paid, this end
of the Road will be completed to Co
lumbus in time for the fall trade. Our
farmers are vitally interested in the
speedy completion of this work, as it
will give them competing Hnes for
shipping off their cotton; and the price
of our staple w ill certainly advance, in
proportion to the reduction offreights.
Carrollton Market.
Cotton, Middlings 19#
Low Middlings ’9#
Oood Ordinary 18#
Corn, per bushel 100
Peas, “ “ 100
Dried Apple* per pound 6#
“ Peaches “ “ 8
Butter “ “ >•
Eggs per doc... 19#
Chicken* 9o
(Jody’s Lady's Book, for 1872.
The chempeet of Ltulitt' Magazine* btcautt » it
» the beet.
For the past forty two years the Book ban
been considered the guide of woman i?
every thing that is calculated to elevate the
The Old Familiar Writers,
Whose stories have largely contribute* to
this end, have all been retain’d Marion liar
land. Jno Churchill,
Louisa S. Dorr, Metta Victoria Victor.
S. Annie Frost, Mrs. C. A. Hopkin
son, Sue Chestnutwood, Mrs. Den
nison, etc*,
Hare a reputation for excellence in the wri
ting far above any others iu the magazine
Our Colored Fashion-plates Are
the most correct of any published in the
Be autiful Steel Plates.— Of these
the Lady’s Book gives 14 each year.
Original Music. —Gody’s is the only
magazine in which music prepared expressly
for it appears.
Model Cottages.— The only mag
azine in this country that gives these designs
is the Lady’s Book.
Drawing Lessons. —ln this we are also
We have also a Children’s a Horticulture
and a health department.
Gody’s Invaluable Recipes upon every
subject, for the Boudoir, Nursery, Kitchen.
House & Laundry.
Tinted Engravings.- This is a series of
engravings that no oue has attempted but
Ladies fancy Work department.--Some of
the designs in this department are priuted in
colors, in a style unequalled.
In adition to all the above attractions,
there will be published, monthly, a double
page engraving, the general title of which
will be Mrg. Lolipops’ Party. We promis.
these sketches (outline in their character) to
be superior to any of the kind heretofore
One copy, one year $3,00
Two copies, one year 5 00
Three copies, one year 7 50
Four copies, one year 10 00
Five copies, one year, and an extra copy to
the person getting up the club, making six
copies. 14 00
Eight copies, one year, and an extra copy
to the person getting up the club, making
nine copies, 21 00
Eleven copies, one yeaj, and an extra copy
to the person getting up the club, making
twelve copies. 27 50
To accommodate our subscribers, we will
club with Author’s Home Magazine and Cbil
cren s Hour at the following prices:
The receipt of $4, 00 will pay for GOder’s
Lady’s Book and Author’s Home Magazine
for one year.
Five dollars will pay for Gody’s Lad’ys
Book, Author’s Home Magazine, and Chil
dren’s Hour for one year.
BgU The money must all bo sent at one
time for any of the clubs aud addition* may
be made to club- at club rates.
toy- Canada subscribers must send 24
cents additional for every subscription to tb?
Lady’s Book and 12 cents for either of the
other magazines, to pay the America post
age. How to Remit. In remitting by mail,
a Post office Order on Philadelphia, or a Draft
on Philadelphia, or New York, payable to
tbe order of L. A. Gody. is preferable to bank
notes. If a Draft or a Post-Office OideT can
not be procured, send United Stataes or xa
tional sank notes.
Addrees L. A* GODY,
n. k. Corner Sixth and Chestnut Street*
** j
.j TH* low PRICK OP
•a. Per A.num, ox* 1
$1 OSS for Six Montbs.
• V
Now is the time to subscribe, so
that you can commence with
the new year 1872;
Every citizen of Carroll County
who feels an interest in the t wel
fare and prosperity of his County,
I •
should take his j I
✓ I
So come along with your |2,00 ?
and let us enter your names for
the year 1872. M ]j
- A i ’ .• i. 7
j i
Posters, |
Blanks, |, ; |2l
Letter Heads,
,M H?tt Bffl Heads,
Jj, r ' - : | Cards, Ac.,
Neatly and promptly executed at
the office of the ♦. I j *n*tM
An Illustrated Magazine, Edited by
A* tfaor of 44 Bittersweet,” •• Kathrioa,”
* Tl»<flhy TMeombi Letters,” Ac.
This magazine, which has risen so rapidlj
in popslar favor, has wow brew
and will be stilt farther improved daring the
coming year.
vfrmngeraenfs have been perfected to aer
cure the best liiuatratioos. and the most cmi
nent contributions on both sides of the At
lantic Scribner for 1872 will be insurpasw
«and in literary as well as artistic excellence by
any peri dical us its class in the world.
The January Number wi 1 be especially at
tractive, and wiH be worthy of preservation
as an excellence of Amer can art. A aeries
of Papers by Mr. Gladstone, I*rtp»e Minis
ter of England, will shortly appear ; also
an able discussion of the National Banking
System of this country j. anew Story by
Mrs. Olimphant is promised, Ac., whilst
every number will be rich in shorter Storias,
Illustrated * Articles of popular Science,
Poems, Eaaya Editorials and reviews, Ac.
The subscription prico is $4 00 per year
payable in advance.
•• To enable all parties to commence with
the series, which we are sure will be worthy
of careful preservation, we will send to •ny
dealer or new subscriber, the 12 numbers of
Volumes 1. and 2 for SI.OO, or the 14 num
bers prior to Jan. 1872, for one dollar and a
half. The whole will contain more than
Three Thousand Pages, more than Five Hun
dred Brilliantly Written articles, and Nearly
One Hundred completed Stories, Tales ol
Adventure. Wit and Humor, Poems Ac.,
combining with thets the ablest editorials
and the most beautiful illustrations, some of
them said by the critics to be fully equal to
the work of Gustave Dore.
The cheapest, choicest and most changing
gift books for the fam ly.
A W hols Library in Itself for Only
fs>£. W'e quote, as fairly representing
the general sentiment of the newspaper
press in regard to the Monthly, the follow
ing from the Buflalo Commercial Advertiser:
. J Scribner’s Monthly is a splendid success.
It has taken its place in the front rauk of
the periodicals of the world. In the beauty
of its typographical appearance, the perfec
tion of its illustrations, the variety of its
reading matter, and the vigor of its editorials,
and in general good and moral influence, it
is a publication of which America should feel
proud.” Remit in Checks or P 0. money
orders. For sale by all dealers
654 Broadway N. Y.
Published at the Capital of Georgia, and the
Official Paper of the County and City.
For all classes, Merchants, Lawyers, Farm
ers, Mechanics, and others. Tbe Coustitu
tion possesses superior advantages for giving
full information or the doings of the Gov
ernment. It contains full reports of the Leg
islative Proceedings, and of the Supreme
Court, the Reporter of the Court being ex
clusively engaged by the Constitution. Full
reports given of the meetings of the State
Agricul.ural Society*-
Our Correspondence' Department
Is n speciality. Its corps of Special Cor
respondents in the United States and Europe
is large, having been engaged at great ex
pense. The r.ctings of the General Govern
inent especially of the United States Con
gress are furnished by a speciul Washington
Correspondent. For the benefit of Ludy
Readers the celebrated “Jennie June” has
been employed, ami sends monthly Fashion
Letters from New York.
The Proprietors also announce with great
satisfaction, that they have made arrange
ments for
Editorials and Original Contributions
Upon Politics, Literature, and other topics,
from leading minds of the country.
The Constitution is known preeminently
for its unceasing exposure of the corruptions
of the Radical Party of Georgia, and for
waging sleepless war upon the enemies of the
people and the State, refusing and utterly
repudiating official patronage, and throwing
itself for support solely upon the people.
W. A. Hemphill and K. Y. Clarke Pro
prietors. I. W. Aakky and E. Y. Clarke
Political Editors. W. A. Hemphill, Bu
siness Manager.
We also have News and Local Editors.
Til© Constitution
Is tbe Largest Daily now published in Geor
gia. Its circulation is large and increasing
every day. It is a splendid tredium for ad
Dailt, Per Annum, - - flO 00
“ Six Months, • - . 600
“ Three Months, - - 250
“ One Month, - • * 100
r *WKBKLT, Per Annum, - • 200
Os the Constitution is prepared, to fill orders
for Circulars, Cards, Bill Heads, Books,
Pamphlets, etc., in the best style. Address
Atlanta, Ga.
Scientic American for 72.
This ?plendi<J «c*ekly. greatly enlarged and im
proved. is one of the most useful ana intereatiue
journalaever published. LvcK number is beauti
faUrprftited ou fine paper, had elegantly illustra
ted with original engravings, representing
Nkw Inventions, Novelt'es in Mechanics, Man
-V-* IK«, Science A Art.
Fanners, Mechanics, Inventors, Engineers, Man
ufacturers. ChemiFts. and People of ail I’rofce
•ions, or Trade, or Trades, will find the
T Great Value and Interest.
Its practical snggestions will save hundreds of
dollars to every Household. Workshop, and Fac
tory in the land besides nHording a continual
source of Valuable Instruction. Tbe Editors are
assisted by many of the ablest American and Eu
ropean writers, aid having access to ail the lead
ing Scientific and Mechanical journals of the world
the columns of the Scientific American are con
stantly enriched with the choicest information.
An Official List of all the Patent* Issued is Tab*
lished Weekly.
The y< arly numbers of the Scientific American
make two splendid volumes of Nearly One Thou
sand page*, equivalent in size to Pour Thousand
o. dinary book pages. Specimen Copies Free.
Tiiuie—s3 a Year; $l5O Half Year; Clubs of
WiiN t « n * C< ? p, !u i for * ** SO each, $25.00.
Sw^nh Peudl l a nd S re,o, “ m *° the person who forms
the Club, consisting of a copy oi the celebrated
steel-plate engraving, “ Men or Progress ”
o r :A u tifl^°“ ,lect ! on 'fith the publication of the
Scientific American, the undersigned conduct ths
Patent* 6118^6 * Btsncy m thc world for procuring
The boat way to obtain an answer to the ques*
1 obtain a Patent f is to w rite to Musn I
A uo., 37 Park Row, New York, who have had
over twenty five years experience in the business.
No charge is made for opinion and advice. A pen
and mk sketch or full written description of the
invention, should be sent.
For instructions concerning American and Eu
fopean Patents-Caveats-Re- issue, Interfefances
Rejected Cases, Hints on Selling Patents. Rule
and Proceedings of the Patent Office, The New
Patent Law .Examinations, Extensions, infring
h™’iw C r * end for faction Book. whi&
will b e mailed free, on application. Ail businca
Strictly confidential. Address 1
Publisher# of ths Scientific American
UT Fhrk W&* New York.
A 3teprmmtaUee mi Ukam&m ff America* AH,
THe Aldine.
, An Illustrated Monthly Journal claimed hha
! the harMfiust Paper tn the World.
„Giv« my love totfae artist workmen of
the aldinr who are striving to make their
profusion worthy of admiration for beanty.aa
• it has always boon #bf nofolnsm" —Henry
Ward B<edwr- ,
Tni Aldtwr, while issued with oil tbo re*-
nlsrity, bos none us tbs temporary or tanely
interest characteristic of ordinary periodic-
Okr It is an elegant miscellany of pure,
I light, and graceful literature, and a collect ion
of pictures, the rvrest specimens of artistio
skill, in black sod white. Although each
succeeding number affords o fresh pleasure to
its friends, the real value and beauty of Tbo
Aldinc will be most appreciated after it has
been bound op at tbe close of the year
While other public publications stay claim
superior cheapness as-compared with rivetaof
s similar class. The Aldine is a unique and
original conception—alone and unapproach
ed—absolutely without competition in pries
or character. Tbe possessor of the volume
just completed cannot duplicate the quantity
•f fine paper and engravings in any other
shape or number of volumes for ten ttrace its
coet. . .
The lubor of getting The Aldinc ready ou
the press is so g> eat that rtpei fmg is oat of
tbe que-suon* With the exception of a small
number specially re«*erved for binding, the •-
ditton of iB7l, iswlrcudy exhausted. andU is
now a scarce as well as valuable book.
The enthusiastic support a*o readily accord
ed to their enterprise, wherever it has bees
introduced, has convinced the publishers of
Tbe Aldine of tbe soundness of their theory
that the American public would recognise
and heartily support any sincere effort to ele
vate the tone and standard of illustrated pub
lications. That so many weakly wicked sheets
exist and thrive is not evidence that there is
no market for anything better-indeed flic suc
cess of The A kUoc froui the start is direct
proof of the contrary. W rth a population to
vast, and of such varied taste, a publisher
can choose his patrons, and his p-«per is rath
er indicative of his own than of the taste of
the country. Asa guarantee of the excel
lence of this department,the publishers woild,
beg to announce during the coming Jt'ir
specimens fiom the following antistg:
W r RicLsrds, Granville Perkins, Jsmea Bmtlar,
Win liar,. FOC D*rlrt, It K Piettet.
Wm Beard, Victor Nehlig, Frank Beard.
George Smiley,Wm H Wilcox, Paul Dixon,
Aug. Will, Janus H Heard, 3 Hows.
These pictures ars being reproduced with*
oat regard to expense by the very best en
gravers in the country, aud will boar tbe sb
verest critical comparison with the best for
eign work, it being the determination of the
publishers that Tbe Aldine shall be a success
ful .vindication of American taste in compe
tition with any existing publication in th«
woild. . * t
Where so much is paid to illustration and
get up of the work, too much dependence on
appearance* may very naturally be feared.
To anticepnte such misgivings, it is only nec
essary to state that tbe editorial management
of The Aldine baa been intrusted to
who has received assurances of assistance
from a host of the most popular writers and
poets of the country.
will contain nearly 800 pages and about 250
fine engravings. Commencing with the num
ber for January, every third number will con
tain a beautiful tinted picture on plate pa
per, inserted as a frontiffpree.
Tbe Christmas number for 1872 will be a
splended volume in itself, containing fifty en
gravings, (four in tint) and. although retails
•t sl, will be sent without extra charge
to all yearly subscribers. >. ~
h* r wag very popular feature last year, and
will be repeated with the present volume.
Tbe publishers have purchased and reprodu*
ced, at great expense the beautiful oil paint,
ing by SKIS, entitled “Dame Nature's school.’
1 he ebromo i- 11x13 inches, and is an exact
facsimile, in size aod appearaace, of the orig
inal picture. No American chroaso, which
will at all compare with it, ha« yet been of
fered at retail for legs than tbe price aked for
The Aldine and it together It will be deliv
ered free, with the January number, to eviry
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Any person sending 10 names and #lO will
receive an extra copy gratis, making 11 cop
ies for the money.
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can have our premium aircuiar on applica
tion We give many beautiful and deairabla
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Any person wishing to act* permanently ae,
our agent, wil! apply, with reference, enclos
ing sl, for outfit. Jamkh Sutton &Cos.,
23 Liberty street,sew rork.
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