Newspaper Page Text
VOL. 5.
the weekly
<’arter*vllle Express
Ik published every FK/TIDA-Y,
morning, m Carter- ville, Hartow County, Oa.,
Smith & Milam,
Proprietor*, at Thrkf. Dollartt, per afi
nurn fiftieth/ in advance ; I'wo Dollar* for
Bix Month*; >»ne Dollar for Three M nth*.
Advertisement* for one month, or le** time
One Dollar per square, of ten lines or less,)
for each insertion ; all other ailvertl-cment*
will be charged Fifty per cent, on old prices.
Cartersville . Cos.
WILL attend promptly to all bnsi less en
trusted to their care. Will praefee in
the Courts oflaw, and equity in the Cherokee
Circuit. Special attention given to the collec
•r -Hr J ‘"'
oilri J" Jones.
Surgeon antl
Mechanical Dentist.
riIHE undersigned respectfully '>H er •>>" P ro *
, services to the citizens of tar
1,T.,i11, »'•'! Srtnisr. H" Ifwr"
•» «-*•
to his profession. . * ..
•~«T "fmTohnson"-
ranted. 1 c o
Cortersville.Fcb. Id, 61,1
1)11. T. F. JONES,
rill' N DEHS hi* professional services to the
I citizens ol KiMCSTON and vicinity, and
r ,!p .cth.lly solicits a portion of their patronage.
Julie 2.
Attorney at Law,
Also, FIRE insurance agent.
...present* the best Northern ami
Southern Companies. Can be found
a , the law office of Wofford & Parrott
April 10, IK6O. _____
l lios W MOB,
Aito mi e y a t La w
tdrlersvillc. <*ti.
W U give particular attention to the
collection nfclaims.
€’• nrt«i»«n,
Ki.\ .oiON, GA.
“I >R ACTrCE' 5 T. \ W ia the several coun
! u, sos the Cherokee Circuit, also, Polk,
,» 11 . v v I frontpt at
t. ~.. k f V) ... • osim-ss, i>ov. z.f. ty
(Fro ties si card* *lO cash per annum.]
Attorn ay at Law.
v < \ C I’iCES Law in nil the courts ot the
I circuit ami counties adjoining
if . Jan 23.
attorney and counsellor ai law,
Lanier House,
marietta. ea.,
BY LANIcR & 03323, Proprietors
nvlis House is \«r tod in a law steps of die
I K, where the cars stop. Passerg-ers
lake th ee meals a day here. Meals prepared
h all hours. J ul > 24 ’
W. 1- «CW»S3IITII,
•Attorney at Law, j
.... Okohoia
\\ ,11 p.uctici in Fulton and adjoining counties.
Also in UilltOtl Superior Court.
Oilieo ovei Holbrook’* Hut Store, Whitehall.
V ireli 20.
Wo nre authorized <o soil, and and
have .hi hand several Houses and Lots,
anti also numerous building lots in the
town o! Cartersville. Also several
plantations ol various sizes in Bartow,
Parties desiring to buy or sell
will do well to give us a call. All
communications promptly answered
July 17, IHG6.
James W. Strange,
Dealer in
Clean l.inen and Cotton Raps taken in ex
change for Goods. Repairing, Rooting mill
Guttering done with neatness and dispatch. ,
Cartersville, Nov. 1. 1 v
The (artei'Nvilic Hotel.
charge of this House, would be a * i
pleased to act onim-nlste a t w Board- B|||
»rs with'BOARD, with oj without HimlV- \
Lodging. Gait and see him at once for terms
Cam rsville, Jan 17.
S. H. Pattillo,
Cartersville, Ga.
Will attend promptly to the Cut
ting. P . pairing and Making Boys’ and
Metis’ Clothing. Office in the back
wo* of Blair 4* Bradshaw's store.
Li very Stable
IS prepared, ct all ‘lines, to furnish the
traveling public with eonvpvaiK e through
the country. Also to feed *nd shelter stock
at reasonable rates of board. My vehicles and
stock are kept in good condition. Mch. 15.
t?W“H»ving cot my stock ard vehicles in tin > ] or
der, T ettreestly solicit the ).>;hl!- eenerally to c»U an
Rive me a fair trial. Hates will be as liberal as can and
afforded. J. J. J.,jrbe
$U lit,
J. G. Stocks,
Hates of Hire :
ItacV ard Horres, pur day, fjMJy j
Horse, Bujigy anil Driver *.j™
Horse and Boggy, *•*" ’
“ “ h-if d*y or less, .. ’.JH)
Saddle Horae, per <l. y, • •• bjj® 1
“ “ ha’f day or !e a, ‘5
Rates of Hoard :
IT r*e, per month,
“ week,
« and „y, ’ LOU
“ Single feed, 40
RESPECTFULLY notify the Public generally that
he has j st i,penned his New and Commodi
ous LIVE) Y AND SALE STABLE, and h,s it. stock
ed wdh good horses, bug.ies, &o_, and is prepared to
furnish those traveling into and across the country
with imy kind of phate conveyance. He is a,so
prepared to Board Stock in any quantity with comfo’ t
, b|. quarter* and oountiful feed at re. aonnble rates.
Sto k bought and- Id at his stable*. His stock all
being ftesh and equipage r ew he After him-elf with
the nclief that been furnt-h his customers with ag
eat and complete an out fir a.- any like estah i innent
in Upper Georgi . Ail be uska to estabdsh this factis
a tiial CARFEESVII.LE, GA.,March 22, 1867.
Rolling Mill Cos.,
Atlanta, Ga.
Castings, »<l ,ll -irspriplions, in
Brass or Iron, including
Mill Gearing ami Machinery of a'! kinds.
JOHN D. GRAY, President.
Alabama Street,
Opposite the Passenger Depot.
WHITE is WHITLOCK, r ropriclors.
rpHE . nblic are respectfully informed that
| this House lias been reinoddled and re
fute. I. mil re- jened for the accommodetion
of the travelling public. Much time, labour
and expense has been expended in making it
worthy of patronage. Modern improvements
have been added, and the. public can re v oi. .s
being equal to any in Southern cities
• WHITE & WHiri.GCK, Proprietors.
uy f24.
WKtA&se KumsA®.
By E r win & Jones.
ASSORTED sizes kept on hand. Also
WOOD COFFINS made to order. \
g 0,,,! HEARSE r adv at all hours.
CARTERSVILLc* Feb I, 18i>7. «ly
Attorney at Law,
; Will at end promptly to business entrus
to his care. Oct. 5 wly
! ~ i. O'SSigi!®,
Dress Tailor
IS prepared to execute al kinds
ot vrorK in the Fashionable Tail- lx
j T■ inghne with neatne-s and
rablc style. Over J. Elsas <Sc Co’s store.
If you want a good fating Coat, go
to S. O’shields, up stairs at J ELSAS.
Cartersville. jan 25.
jeweller and Watch and
Xa/ Clock Repairer,
In the Front of A- A. Skinner & Co’s store -
Q&rtcrsville jar. 26
To the Merchants of Georgia
ami adjoining States:
'TT"E have already spoken through the papers to onr
t? fr.eruls throughout he South, anti advised th«ae
who were formerly our fellow -soldiers la the Southern
Arniv, Mutt we h%d undertake!, to apply, in Peace, the
elem-Tit* of vigor, energy and promptaewi, which had
so otten gained us the day in War.
We have opened a
Wholesale Crockery
in Atlanta.
On a scale far beyond any before known
in the State.
We are backed by all the advantages which are de
rived from abundant means and a thorough knowledge
of 'he business. A large part of our goods are shipped
via Charleston and Savannah.
-jjj We confidently expect to supply from
our depot in At all those mer-
A Wt chants throughout this and adjoining
\UW Slue.-, who have he, etofore made their
purchases i'O' th.
We can offer as vuied a stock as can be feuud in
New "L ork, and we know that
Y'ou will save PP.EIGIIT by purchasing here.
You wilt s ve hKLAKXGL by purchasing hore.
You wiii contribute to the bu ding up of a home de
pot ,f supplies by purchasing here.
We have on hanu and constantly arriving
of best and mixed grade. We*epack Crockery, China
Glassware, Looking Gia les, Lamps, Cutlery, Plated
a„d Japanned Wa.e, Clocks, S. to order. We ha e
j b lots of these g.ods fr ,m 'a,e to time at very low
price*. W’e solicit your CASH oroers, and wiii give
you la ge advantages for CoSH IN HAND.
Y .ur kiiends,
April 19, 1567. McBKIDE, DOIiSETT k CO.
T. M. & R.C. CIARXS.
De alers Iv
Hardware Cutlery Guns Pistols
Iron, Steel, A’ails,
Bellows, Anvils. Vices,
Ci>r Shellers, Straw Cutters, .Shovels,
Plows, Hues, Chains,
Locks, Hinges, Screws,
Hammers, Hatchets, Axos, &c.
And all other goods usually kept in the Hard
ware lin ■. Also Agents for Fairbanks Platform
at and Counter Scales, which we will sell at Fac
tory prices, freight added. At their old stand.
Corner ol Peach Tree and Line Street,
Atlanta, Ga.
M inufucturer and Wholesale Dealer in
Tin and Sheet Iron
WM& S ©
I9ouse Furnishing Goods, Gen
JJSSy-ROOFING done with neatness and
dispatch. Whitehall Street,
Eeb. 15,
W. L. Kirkpatrick & Cos., Druggists,
cartersville, ga.
ITT ILL keep constant on hanl awc
YY seeded stock of pure
latent Medicines* &c.
Jones’ Carriage Reposilorv,
Jan 17.. ’ ,
New Millirery Store.
rp-Stairs in Dr. day ton’B Jt'eic
Brick Building
»>, ffill open her stock of new nd ASagi
Spring andsjummer Willi' cry
IrfjSKin the above rooms ou Tuesday the
*^ afer 'Vhich tim? she will be ****
pie-sed to exhibit her goods to the ladles of Carters
vPe aud surrouu'lii.g country. Her slucr will cous st
in part ass : Hows : Bonnets, Hats Kicbohs, F owers,
and ail go, ds in Use Millinery line, of the latest siy les.
a l ß o. a ni-e assortment of Wniie Edgirg .
Hotse'v Glove-. Hoop Skirl*. French LmbroidereU
Corsets, Uress Trimmi. gs, Buffi ngs, ae.
D <-so Pat.erus. of latest sty its, f,utc Mdm’e Detnor
est's K-tab'.Uhment, SUrnpig for Braiding and Em
broidery J r.e at abort notice Particular attenUcli
given U orUer*. AprU H\ wtl
-A- ll_j - IL O -A. ID .
ON and after JANUARY 27. 18fi7, Pas
senger Trains will run as follows .•
Goins North, Leaving Atlanta,
8.50 A- M. Daily (e.xcrpt Sundays) Grea
Northern Mail.—Arrive at Palton at 2.40
p m. connecting with the E T and Ga R R
(ruins for Knoxvilie, Lynchburg, Wa-h ngton,
Baltimore, Philadelphia, and New York.—
Arrive at Chattanooga 5.25 j m., connecting
with train* of Nashville and Chattanooga R.
R- for Nashville, Louisville, and tne West, and
(rains of Memphis and Charleston R 11. lor
Memphis, New Orleans, &c.
2.50, P. in . Daily (except Sundays) Dalto
Accnmmodntion.— Ar ive at Marietta 4 4
p. m.. Cartersville 6.45 p m Kingston Bpm
Dalton 11.45 p. m.
7.00 P. ill. Daily (Express Passenger), Ar
rive at Chattanooga 4.00 am, making close
connections with trains >f Nashville and
Chatta'-ooga R R. for Nashville, Louisville,
and the West.
Coming South, Arrive at Atlanta.
1.35. A. m, Daily Great Southern Mail.—
Leaving Chattanooga 4.30, p m., connect
ing wi'h trains ofNashville and Chattanooga
and Memphis and Charleston Railroads, and
Dalton at 7.50, p m., connecting with trains of
E, Ten. ar-d Ga. Railroads.
9.50, A. ni. Daily (except Sundays) Dalton
Accommodation. - I.ea**e Dalton 1.25 am.,
Kingston 4.30, Cartersville 5.15, Marietta
1.15 P. m, Daily (except Sundays) Express
Passenger.—Leave Chattanooga 4.50, a m.
making close connections with trai sos the
Nashville and Chattanooga Railroad.
Pullman's Patent Sleeping Coaches
in all night Trains. JOHN B. PECK,
dec.2 Master Traoitation
Family Groceries,
4. a. ssMacm & qq-
At Moore 4' Co’s old stand— west side Public
JT ST received, and for sale, at reduced
market prices, a very large lot of
New Bacon and Lard;
Garden Seeds,'a full supply.
Onion Sells and Buttons.
Tobacco, Chewing arid Smoking.
Potware, oflhe finest quality.
Confectioneries, » No, i lot, tresh.
Powder and Shot,
Nails, assorsed sizes.
Washing Soap, unsurpassed.
To all of which, and much more, we invite
the attention of the public. Feb, 1.
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purposes, and at very low figures,
R. J. MASSEY, late
Mv and Hcrtv.
[I or the Carter« i!le Jixpress.j
THE U u |.
BV J. F. B.
In the quiet vernal dale,
I. the pacific gale,
Grows the pretty lily pale,
Like a thing of ruth ;
Tho’ not bright ts roses fire.
Gentle lily does aspire,
To lift its pale-white check higher,
In its palled youth.
Tho' not fragrant like the rest,
Beauty‘son its snowy crest,
Solomon in his brightest
Excelled it never.
in prayer —the lily soft,
Rears its nalle ! head aloft,
In adoring lik" m m oft
Praising with fervor.
Os the V&li-v, lily’s queen.
Round her glows romantic scene,
And imposing in the green
Lily plays he” part.
Sits she in the valley hall,
’Tts the richest capital,—
Surpassing Oriental
Splendors wrought by art.
Spring the saffron may unfold,
Tne acanthus’ hue of gold,*
But the zephyr that blew told,
Os lily’s beauty.
When the crystal dews appear,
Lily hears Aurora’s tear.
Shed while lighting nature here,
’Tis its lone duly.
When ’he Spring does beauty brood,
When green mantles clothe the wood,
Lily on its rosciil food,
Lives in flow’ry dale.
If you are of nature fond,
When you view the glassy pond,
View with pleasure lily’s blond.
Glowing in the vale.
Tilling Skeerls.
A “poor unfortunate” out W r est, who lias
no doubt been die victim of some of these
horrid institutions, thus rids himself of his pent
up feelings.
Oh ! iiovv these girls, when walking out.
Upon the crowded street,
Do all they 'an in ••luting skeerts,”
To show their pretty —feet.
But. little do they think that men
Look at these ‘•mammoth tents,”
Anil think that while they show tneir heels
They show as little sense.
There was a time when girls did dress.
But now they only hah—
And, really, to look at some,
Would make a monkey laugh.
They’re “choked to death” around the waist,
With heels arid shoulders hare—
And yet, wrapped op in all their goods,
There’s tittle woman there.
They dare not eat “a good, square meal,”
Or walk a mile, right quick;
Or darn a sock, or sew a shirt,
Unless it makes them sick.
Young man, if you would choose a wife,
We’ll tell you, once for ai!
Don’t take her in a “tilting skirt,”
Or with a “ water-fall.”
These “hot-house i lants” will wither soon,
They’re pretty things to see—
But if you’d lead a happy life,
You’d better let them he.
It would not do for that, young man to come
around these parts preaching thus.
Ust of Georgi*s‘ Bua*Jed al Ifie
Cemetery at fepoUfsylvauia
Court House up lo iuc 2061i
of Marcia, I&GJ,
W. I. Fitzgerald, co. 11, 45th Ga.
J. C. Upshaw, cu. B. I3ilt Georgia.
J. AI. Mercer, co. C, 45ilt Georgia.
G. Al. Bundy, co. D, f'Oth Georgia.
J.ieut. L. 11. Page, co. il. 31st Ga,
H. P Baskin, co. A, 4th Georgia.
j . 11. N. Battle, co. 1, 13th Georgia.
J. W. Btdingfiil!, co. H, 14th Ga.
J. P. A., co. G, 38ih Georgia, killed
May 10th.
Lieut. Col. S. W. Jones, 13th Ga.
J. Warren, co. H, 14;.h Georgia.
L. L. Smith, co. G. 13th Georgia.
11. B. Light, co, E. i 4th Georgia.
J. W. Williams, co. C, 4th Georgia.
W. W. Loper, co E, 2thh Geoigia.
James H. Guldens, co E, 2tnii La,
Lieut, II Al Broad well, co A, 22a Ga.
J W Jones.
J R Hooks, co I. 3d Georgia.
J. S Lewis, co I), Till Georgia.
Capt. 11. B. Stanley, co G, -PJlIi Ga.
J S Parker, co A, 4th Georgia.
E. Aleeks, co G, 38ih Georgia.
J D Her ruin, co D, 26th Georgia.
Sergt. J S. Smith, co B 49tli Ga.
G W Grines, co G. 12ili Georgia.
Robt. L. Dislunati, co A, 15th Ga.
3, 0. Bo- ktr, co. A. 11 h Georg a.
Sergo. T. M. Huinpt rj, co. E. 69 h Gto. gfa.
W. Duke-, c. H. 59 liu-o!pi>.
B. 1,. J tinson, co 11. 59ih Georgia.
I). M. Blue, c -. G. 8(h Georg’ a.
S-rgt. J. P. Russel ’, C‘. I 20in Georgia.
W. "'.Johnson, c . It. 59:!. Georg,a.
W. T. Smith, co. H 59 0 Geo, gia.
C. Mo.-on, co. G. 3 -th Grur. ia.
O P. c >tt, co. R 9 h
V> m Register, co. H. !4t*i Georgia.
M. C. Anthony, co. L 59tr, Georgia.
A. J. Amcrsoi , co. 0. 59 h G*o gta.
1A • M. >• iliains, co. R. 26 h Georgia.
Li-ut. J B. Patter*o . I3tti Geo ga.
W. A. J. Ilavi-. co. C, 4tl, Go •. grj.
T. D. Anaersor, c . C. 6th Georgia.
J. Dampier 26:1, Ge rg,a
A. j.ube iis, co K. 61 t Georgia.
Sergt. *■:. W. Win 'ey. co. C 6-st Georgia.
S. I’. Farmer. Ss U Georeia.
fcer-i. J T C Iley, o B 13th Georgia.
C. H. Bitl.t r, J. 31 :■ > Georgia.
K. C, Fair. co. H. 13 n Ge',rgia.
J. L, lath Ur
Corp. D. N. , c . I. 26 h Georgia.
James Win e s c . E. 2t ;a t,e isia.
J. thaw, C'>. A. 44tl> Georgia.
’ Sergt R Vtcaery, co. C. 26th Georgia.
Corp. W. C. !>.- v r, co. A. 15’ • Ge rgia.
L. B Pui tarn, co. D. 15rh G .rg'a.
Sergt. C. G. Wright, co ». 6 th Georgia.
A. U. Ci uu. cu I. 4cb Her; a
Capt. R. A. Hclt, c- . K 14 i, G orgia
J. i.i Garrett, co. f. 35th Georgia.
1). WooJ, co 1). i0 n Ge rgi .
G. K. Baiey. c:> ('. 22 i Georgia.
J. Waller, co I>, 10th Georgia.
I*. H. Lincb. co. B. 3ii Geo g:a.<
J. A. A (l-eti 22d G. oryi*.
G. M. It. F., c D. 15 i, Ge rg:».
Sergt- J YT M . Hugh. Cos F. 2T:h Georgia
M. Mars, cr H V‘3J ..eorgis
Ce if. 37 B e * Geo-g a.
M N. Wall, co F B,t Georgia.
J. \ Uennis, coK 44t1, Georgia.
A. J. King, co K, 26 b G<- rgia.
Serg . J .ines Black«r.l, co K 6 th Geaigia.
J W Cremer, co F. lltn Georgia.
Wm. P tts, Cist G-o'gia.
J. it. Hall, co 11. 15th Georgia.
Lieut. 1). 1,. «, hj , co K. 6lst Georgia.
J. a. Dvzie,, co K 12ih Georgi-..
Li-ut. H. A. Ma 'dux, co C. 6('th Georgia.
K. Doharty, co K. 12'h Geoigie.
A. F I'lii-k. co C. 20ih Geo ri :.
A. J. Hammock, co t . 4th Geoigia.
Jason iiijell, Cos A. Georgia.
A. L. R jell, co A. Georgi,.
J N. MauMin, co B. 15th G^o-gi».
Rev. Bom. A E is. co C. 60th Georgia.
Lieut. Col. C. W. McArthur, 61st Geo,gia.
Serg'. S. Talfings, , o A. 4th Georgia.
Ricks, c C 35th Georg .
Lieu'. J. T. Ciliy, 12 ti Geoigia.
J P. M., co a. is.n Georgia.
\Y. 15. K raoro, Cos B. 3 Georgia.
Lieut O. A. Wors k,o. co F 17th Georgia,
B F. Mills, co 15. 59th Georg a.
J. 15,44 1, Georgia.
J. P. McNeeß, Cos C. 2i)th Georgia.
Tlie Dislrancliised.
A jrentlnman of this city has shown us
a letter to himself Iront a radical United
States Senator —one who voted for the
Sherman bill and supplement —and we
ropy from ii his enumeration of the
classes who are intended to be disfran
oliis ed and disqualified for holding
office. There is no difficulty at all, for
those who may take tho trouble to read
care'uliy the Constitutional Amend
ment and the acts of Congress, in as
certaining the classes thus prescribed;
but some do not wish to take the
trouble, and perhaps all will be inter*
ested in a statement of them bv a
radical Congressman, He writes:
The third section of the fourteenth
article of the Constitutional Amend
ment provides that “No person shali
be a Senator or Representative in
Congress, or electors ol President and
Vice President, or hold any office,
civil or military, under the United
Slates, or under any Slate, wito, having
previously taken an oath as a member
of Congress, or as an officer ol the
United States, or as a member of any
State Legislature, or as an executive or
judicial officer of any States, to support
the Constitution of the United States,
shall have engaged in insuirectum or
rebellion against the same, or given aid
or comfort to the enemies thereof. But
Congress may, by a vole of two-thirds
of each house, remove such disability.”
You will here see that the classes
excluded from holding office under this
Constitutional Amendment, either un
der the United Stales or any State,
First, members of Congress ;
Second, any United States officer ;
Third, any member of a State Leg
islature ;
Fourth, any executive or judicial
officer of a State ;
,‘YVlio, having previously taken an
oath to support the Constitution of the
United States, shall have engaged in
insurrection or rebellion against the
same, or given aid or cortifort to the
enemies thereof.”
No class is included that is not
specified. Lawyers are not included
in tins section, although they may
have taken such oath and afterwards
engaged in rebellion.
By section five of “An net to provide
for the more efficient government of
the rebel States,” ii is provided that
the Convention shall he elected by
‘•the male citizens ot the Slate, twenty
one years old and upwards, of what
ever race, color, o- previous condition,
who have been resident in said State
for one year previous to the day of
such election, except such as may he
disfranchised for participation in the
rebellion or far felony at common
By the oath prescribed in the Sup
plementary Act the voter must swear—
First, that he has not been disf'ran
chised lor participation in any rebellion
or civil war against the United States;
Second, nor lor felony against the
laws'of any State or of the United
S-.afes ;
Third, that he lias never been a
member of any state Legislrture ;
Fourth, that he has never held any
executive or judicial office in any State
a ini after wards engaged in insurrection
or rebellion against the united States,
or given aid or comfort to tne enemies
Then lie repeats (he classes enumer
ated in the Constitutional Amendment
already quoted.
Thus, in addition to those disfran
chised bv the fourteenth article oflhe
Constitutional Aruendment —
All members .('State Legislatures;
All executive and judicial officers
who engaged in insurrection or rebel
lion, or gave aid or comfort to the
enemies, <s*e.
In some Slates, member® of the Leg
islature and State officers, executive
and judicial, were not required* to
swear to support the Constitution oi
the United States. Hence, the oath
provides tor that. case. Such is the
case in the State o; Virginia.
«a-Ti ie Masked Radical organ char
ges Southern men witli having destroy
ed slaverv and Stale rights. Just the
cant us the Jacobins, for all the world !
It a highwayman attempted to rob
you, and in the defense of your pro
perty, be should kili you, you are
guilty of the. crime ot suieioe according
to ttie logic of these Radicals, masked
and unsnacked*
NO. 43.
JSSrA. short time since a Chicago
merchant, when called upon to cmi«
tribute something in bohali of the
starving women and children of the
South, proposed to donate arsenic.-
The other day, in Springfield. 111., a
subscription was attempted with the
same object in view—the relief of
destitute Southerners. At the head of
•a subscription list appeared the fol
lowing :
“l will give the amount set opposite
ir.y name tu purchase powder and lead
to be used in the South, provided the
same is used by a loyal agent.
What an intense desire tome Yan
kees have to cultivates a friendly and
brotherly feeling will; the people of
the South, and how admirably they
go to work to accomplish it! [C ourier
We jnvite attention to the billowing
notice in the Savannah Republican of
the Bih instant :
H. 11. Slimpson, Esq., father of Capt.
Stimpson, the commander of the store
ship ‘ Purveyor,” now in our port with
stores tor the destitute of our State, is
in town, stopping at the Screven,
where lie will be glad to receive anv
(acts in relation to the suffering in the
interior of the Stale of Georgia, for the
purpose of laying the (acts before tbe
Southern Famine Relief Commission
of IN evv York. Mr. Stimpson has
voluntered to gather such reliable in
formation as lie cuuhl in relation to the
distress prevailing South during his
brief stay in our city, and as he is one
of the warmest advocates of the liumnnot
enterprise, we trust those of our people
who have any positive information of
the kind he desires, will at once com
municate with him and thus help to
alleviate some of the woe and misery
that environs Georgia.
A special dispatch from Washington
to lhe New Orleans 'Rimes says: ‘-Mr.
Halm applied to Chief Justice Chase to
insist on the rule that a plantation sold
under the bankrupt law proceedings
may be subdivided and sold in small
lots to suit the convenience oi pusr
ciiasers possessed ofsmali means. Mr.
Chase assured him that such a rule
would be adopted.
Tbe Case ofllev. T. S. Arthur.—
We find the /oliowing in the Green
ville Mountaineer ;
It was mentioned in our columns, a
few weeks since, that an Ecclesiastical
Court had convened at thii place, for
the trial of Rev. T. S. Arthur, formerly
pastor of Christ Church, Greenville,
for unministerial conduct. The Court
was in session several days, and for
both the prosecution and the defense
able counsel appeared. Wo are in
loriiwd there were nine specification's
to the cfiarge. Os these, the accused
was found guilty of one. The sen
tence of the Court is—five years’
suspension from ministerial labor.—
Mr. Arthur lias thus been officially
notified, as we are by a friend
who saw tlie official documents. [ Daily
Woman’s Will. l>ip the Atlantic
ocean dry with a teaspoon; twist your
iieel into the toe of your boot ; make
post masters perform their promises;
an,l subscribers pay the printer; send
up fishing hooks with balloons and f>sh
for stars; when the rain comes down
like cataract of Niagara, remember
where you left your umbrella*;-choke a
mosquelo with a brickbat; in short,
prove all things hitherto considered
impossible, but never attempt to coax a
woman to say she “will,” when she
has made up her mind- U) say she
“W fcUl’t.”
- ■■—
The Waterfalls. —We see it stated
that the young ladies of Memphis, hav
ing become disgusted with the war
waged on the waterfalls, flow* composed
of hair, “e/scVen/,” have adopted a
waterfall, which is simply a cncoanut
fastened on the hack part of the head
by means of ribbons. The cocoanut
being hollow, it is said the ladies carry
their rouge, hair oil and painting ma*
lerials in them.
‘What are you doing there, Jane ?*
‘Whv, pa, I am going to dye dolls’
dress red.’ “Hut what have you got to
dye it with?’ ‘Beer.’ ‘Who on earth
told you that beer was red ?’ ‘Why, ma
said that it was beer that made your
nose look so red, and I thought——.*
‘Here, Susan, lake this child.’
We are informed that Mr, W. Tonga
son ofS. H. Tongey Esq., of Bain
bridge, Georgia, fibs just returned from
Brazil, whither iid' had been on a tour
of inspection. He represents the pros
pects there, wc learn, as gloomy, in the
extreme, and he is satslied to remain in
Southwestern Ga. Families who were
in affluent circumstances here, are al*
most in distrt ss in Brazil. Those who
have the Brazil fever hereabouts should
s*-e Mr. Tonge, and obtain his views
of the country and its prospects.
(Bainbrvlgf drgv.i.')