Muscogee democrat, and Mercantile advertiser. (Columbus, Ga.) 1844-1849, March 18, 1847, Image 4

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BI very *dtil I, ‘ we are jn a’ railrof and § have an oiii!’ Bui I niis too sdon. The, - 1 . !• Wo” p*t waiting ’u! ‘i , cry and beg idß was informed by the the baby synonytne for b vain to hush and quirt r expedients to call its objects. Her ingenuity 7 °< a better occupation .ding these efforts vain, J||M at 'k upon baby’s memory and want a little black spot on its tail ? Mother {Hiss Bamcses and get Addv a tjß•’ kitty! kitty! ConA, kitty, Addy raised her head and Evidently imagination ■■■active to eiiange the figur es | r i” .’ into a little kitten ‘with ■Mail,’ i"r she'screwed her lit. BflHworse shape than before and ■ream. I, burying my faro in a in ray hand. The per. drops from my forehead. I paßriek w:,ll . i .1. iek Wiill, though it is said that ‘rs. At tliis moment I felt away at one of the roses in ed up and the Ihi by had seized 1 hunch, and. was clenching it p dirty fist. O. what desecrn , my beautiful flowers, pro ie lily hand of my dear lady had kjst tenderly parted—my ers to be mauled in’ this way nailing. bal>y 1 Bah! I was ng, aifd was about to growl riis arrested by what do rodder ? What do you thick the righteous indignation of I lin its holiest and tftfti 1 1 : m u imp IT” WUs MBMBPfTiigf r, I hal smiled in return! ain’t they, Addy?’ >-aid the Bother, casting down her eyes, modestly. For give me, my beautiful Margaret! but tlicro was something in that modest (look that brought thee to my thoughts. All the to if heroic traits of wo man’s character occurred to trie. Thinking of Margaret made me feci liko a love to the w hole *£X. ‘The woman isn’t so ugly after all,’ thought 1, ‘the mother is in her face.’ Baby still clung to my flowers, looking up all the while, and smiling in my face. ‘What does that smile insinuate.!’ thought I. ‘Ah, the sex begin their arts early. The baby is certainly the mother of the woman. This little piece of coquetry here, lias put on her wiles to seduce a flower from rue. Si all ibe boy enough to yield 1 I pursed a .. ■ and locked together my teeth, r ‘ me MT victorious. ‘ Tlk 5s v ry kind to let you look at his fi ft he, fifty!’ said the mother. Heavens! -v these vord# pierced my con. science! I “kind!’ No, 1 was the greatest churl in ex.stcncc. What would Margaret have thought—tny kind. g-:iie Mavgniet who had collected those svee, flowers to cheer me on my journey ? Would she nil have deemed it a poor requital of lies love l. r fuse a flower to a poor litUc suffering infant ! !’ho blood rushed to my cheek — my hand iggottiUl among the roses—l drew one out from the cluster—l—l blush to confess it, dear rentier —1 gave it to the baby 1 When red vered fror< the shock which this folly gave mo. 1 heard ‘ Addy ’ express loud de light and the mother’s earnest gratitude. I don’t know how it is, but there is something in a wo. man’s thanks that goes directly to my heart. I commenced serious dibits to assist her in amu sing the hungry child. Whenever the baby be gan to cry for ‘mippy ’ I began conjuring up ex. pedients to pacify her. I pulled out my gold re i peater, and held it up to tho darling’s ear. I \ nave hor the keys end seals to jingle in her dir- j *therub. shone with grntt tude. I was the happiest of the happy. In vain were the smiles and comical expressions upon tho feces of my fellow passengers. ‘ Poor mis anthropes,’ thought 1, cannot understand the luxury of couferriu Avon the most trivial benefit upon a human bejflg. Let them laugh 1 They are too ignorant and selfish to appreciate niv eievated motives 1 ’ <O, happy sols-conceit! what a consoler thou art for ail’the jeers and malice of this scornful world! isg From this felicitous reverie, I was amused by tho whistle of the engine, and the stopping of the cars. ‘Thank you for your kindness, sir,’ said the mother, rising to leave. ‘O! do you stop here?’l exclaimed, quite aghast. 1 took the baby in my arms—yes, reader, in my own arms! smi owed with it to the door of the car. Ti e mother i reived it with renewed thanks, and I had jr t commence:! pouring forth a volley cf hcarl-lelt regrets that they must leave tia, when I tho bell rang and we v. ere iit again. I returned to my seat, but it looked desolate enough. I cast my eyes around the cars in hope* b> discov. er auother baby. The search was in vain, mid I don’t know how 1 should have l ee. me recon ciled to my loneliness, had not my eyes rested on my bnquet. Sweet virion#! of Margaret lie. l gan to flit through my brain, a(1(1 I -auk into nil other reverie, which was nut (disturbed till the bell rang again at the termiimtfon of the rood. 1 started up, ‘God bless the uuntoii ! * was my in voluntary ejaculation, ‘Thunk you sir!’ said the little laughing beauty, who had occupied the | seal behind mo. and who now tood courtesying the praste 1*1! spake, __ _ BAcHEt((iß*rf t iuJß. ‘vv by, Max the J—l arc you ‘at V ‘i ui sewing a button on my old pants 1 sal t he, iii’k low gi uli tone. I *> hy have you no woman to do .that llulc thing tor y^u. ‘W here should I gjet one ? When I joined that swindling Bachelors’Club, we all B woie never to marry. Il4ag mo if there’s a sine'e oue lefi but myself!’ ‘You are the last, then, of the * cock’d ’ hats.’ met l 1 rank Faithful—he who swore so o(K;n that no wife should ever give him a curtain 5 lecture—and what do you think he was about ? 1 ‘ Can’t say.’ ‘Ho was going to church, with his wife tuck ed under his arrn, and throe dr f|r little ’uns walking before him, dressed in sto frocks. A pretty sight tor a Bachelor, to be sure !* •Well, why dent you get a ejuMgt, staid, clev. er woman for a wile—-on. who would mend your hose and darn your night cds. and ml. ’ . . . , * uuu IUO your hack with opodeldoc when y?u had the rheumatism op lumbago ?’ ’Pooh, pooh! nonsense 1 W hat’s an old follow like me to do with a wife ? My „ld black woman makes my bed ind tea. 1 dine (low 1 1- town go to the library to read the papers —play a rubber at whist at the Piggery—come homo at ten, and tumble in for the night; Wo cast a fimire glance around the room. Everything looked most wretchedly dilipidated The dust and feathers had accumulated under dm hod—rusty old coats and pants were harur. mg on pegs on the watt—two chairs had lost their hacks—a tray, on which were the dfegs <ff Ida ck tea and a piece of dummy, (oast were V oVI’ n i hn bottle on the woodjafman. thtf’emnanlofa iu , ys^BA^^J^j^^^^>j'[faflickering yups chirping ■f- alw Arowmg iiiers soineiuets ln r OiiO enrhet „r (fa’e rtfiM* Ail indicating carelessness and an absence ol everything that was nea , clean and comfortable; and yet Max was accounted rich, and in hi lime was quite a gallant—a perfect Beau Nash among tho ladies; wore salmon colored smalts, silk stockings and pumps, and was quite an Adonis at pi actising cals. His family had all died ..If, and he was let! to die also, with n< one probably near him but hisold negro wench living in gloomy soli tide, and dying ‘unwept, unhouored and unsung, as the poet has it. and some graceless nephew administering to liis will, and iqu indering the old fellow’s thousands in first trot,ing horses on the road, or cham pagne sup| ers. i vVhat makes you look so ruddy and healthy!’ said lie. ■A contented mind, Max, and domestic happi ness.’ ‘Ah, very likely ! Look at me ;as the man says in the play, which halt ol me i- led! 1 want all kinds of comfort!’ ‘1 hen many, and marry wisely, for at your ago a mail may be caught in a trap. S.i good day, Max, and better luck to you here -1 after!’ We thought no more of Max, till on Sunday I last, wo saw him ringing the beil of a neat two \ story house in Frankiin street. lie had on a j suit of black—a new wig, cane, and gloves— | and a middle-aged, matronly looking gentlewo man in black siik was hanging on his arm. Conic in —come in! I’ve something to say to you.’’ We entered the house. ‘This is my Wife.’ *Y( ur wifi, Max V •My wile, hi sobor earnest.’ We offered our congratulations. ‘When you left me ai your last visit, I con ’ mScii trfltb in It Wit *>' wa * J” j ‘ But huivdickyrtrmaiiago to make such a | good sojesrttom Max V said wo, with a low bow to Urtflady, which she acknou ledged wilh an ex pressive smile. •Well you shall know. My wife an old sweetheart of iniuc, and refused me in my younger days. She continued sing.c, and 1 al ways had a knocking kindness for her. Three years ago { got into the some pew with her at church, and we read together from the same prayer book. After service I walked home ! with her, and on the way 1 said—‘Well, Milly, ■ why cau’t you and 1 always read out of tins i same piayer book, and say Ai/icx, together >'— i ‘Well,’#a.<l she. ‘I dont know why \v<ydiou:du’t. | Suppose you come to-morrow night and drink tea with me, and we’ll talk the matter over.’ Well, l did go, and got such a nice cup of tea , bofmen comfortable lire, with hot muffins mid 1 i quince sweetmeats, that hefiirc l 101 l I said • ‘Veil, Milly, my old friend, lets go to.uiorrou ‘ ■•veiling to I’arsou i*nulHcbugs and got married.; Wo are not strangers to each olher. Wo are i both comfortably well off, and can be bappv.’ J She said—‘Here’s my hand ; I w ill go.’ She | did and here we arc.’ •*So then, the last of the Bachelors’ Club has gone !’ Said Tom, ‘‘you're ujnekuss,” to Bob, in a pet, “Aw hing.earud a jackass an over 1 met.” Said Boli in that Spirit which Chriatianii enjoy, “I know, I'm at near one at ran he, my boy f” | fv >!W M tt!W L> ' J/ tss *' ,lt ’ thia ’ nmy ii.* trvnisy tiahe|jfN.,w £ toliyou ;tC l’ilrV” aU J w uu-ig you ever liMj see. Science, yojj know is great, t|id the World is gren' —the Atlantic ocejfr h groati and the wba.e is great, hut science l greater Kiau all of them; it’s bigger than’ a a’ house— t takes in ufl tiiinW—it exoiainl parabies that will toil you where To find the a H, zurd in a codfish j it makes the most vvuiidcriui dis.uvertes 5 Kulvmhut made out tu diskivei cal'® co : ’ < yj® f, y the aiefof his sCcondcousin. E. vhu rtbus Lmtm madp out tu diskiver Amrika, Wall now tt.e people ail thought that are was seine! thin wonderful, hut i teii you this hero machial for pickin bones out of ushes. beats itnyttiV i there is a goin.’ Alt you have tu do. is to set it on the table and turn a crank, and the li-it fl:, , down your throat and the bones rite down t othir way. Was, there was a counfry “groan. horn? 5 got hold on it t’other day, and he got a tuinin’ the crank the wrong wav, and I tell v,hi the way the hones flew down” that ar Icih/s throat couldn’t be beat; why it stuck the feliei’ so full of hones, that 1m couldn’t get his shirt off tor a hull week! Mabcii of Mini).—A Yankee a Dutch boy went to school to a Yankee .schfd master, who accoidiug to usage enquired— ‘What is your name if” # •My name is Aaron.’’ - | ‘Spoil it.” . ‘Big Alittle a.r-o-n.” ig{ *'J nmn, take your seat.-l’ Aext Dutch boy'—“What your name?” \ , ‘My name iWlauns.” ‘Spell It.’’ m •Big li* mj®li 111 ‘V™, ~ sv. a"’"’" I t’lLf “j jour boitotiiut ibj banti. ’ n ' ,n 4^o —ihcio’s a half-crown for v >n.” . :K- A Waft m VVi.,ll. —A poor wmo w woman was relating to a neighbor, how fond her hus band was 01 having a good ore; how busy he would make hlmseli in tiling it so that it would bum. Ah, poor Jear man,’ sue continue t, *• i j liopo he's gone where thiy keep goou Uie^. “Misscr o oiistng, you make mu blush,’ j said a negio wench, us hoick elniicoal, usi evening, to a gem uti ol’the same compu xiou— Imt a little mote so. I “Why does futher cult mother hid ‘y ?” asked a small hoy of his elder brother, ♦fan tl think, Suin,’’cept its because slie s g -t ajiarge comb iu her hcwib” —Louisville t uuriert Guukn 1 tiA, a fli jumv for .'. ald am Bl’has. —The Medical and Su gieai Jj a publishes a com nunicatiou from JL> . VVtelf, of dui'iiiviflo, rccomendfng- on experieic (if its good effect—Green Tea, as a cine ir uri - j and scalds; The Doctor says It is ah u; three yea. s since I iir.slafxplii and j this articled!! til se cases, but in the -ut line j 1 have lnid repeated opportunities oft ling i virtues. 1 lie nrstcase in which 1 ei; toyed was that if a child three years ol clothes wire iiteially bur -t ol! so n it it vJ. cured by this aitide , and iiotwii tanditg large portions of not only integu nen ut mls clc also, sfoughed out. the cavities w 3 s./ui filled with healthy granulations, and o cila trices filmed a smooth surface, ft cc tfat lime 1 |ruvo treated oilier cases of nv or Iss soon"’ .Osides, an,nt,e isliingljr rapid. It is alwi/rs the bowels bufficient'y opr\n with some coolfoo laxative, as crein. tart, or su/pj,. mv- p Any of the green teas may be used. j lie moistened with warm wfter to render hi soft, and applied in ihejorm ’ > I Perhaps it may be uioic coiu‘nientl v o ’ by forming it into a caiapla-r with Indian When the burn or scald is i equation tint renders this ft nil impiactaM, the injured parts i may he kept constantly moaned with a I strong infusion. I should appose f would he an elegant form J which it might V I employed. 61 J<> j To make Lip SaivutTake equal p. a , t say one ounce each—of ol oil and white wa • set tho latter at the side the jj ro •j a _ clean vessel, such as a gf>-l; w| )( .„ it j/"*®. I ted, add the oil If a r color bp preieire J ; take u little alkanet cleaned from’ it,,’ 1 sand that often adheres (• tie it a . i n< 'j muslin, and put it in who oil and w til sufficient color appoffo be j” 1 the lip salve is to sees three drum. / 1 essential oil will he'td sufficient fo r “a’ above quantity. So* oil, afa um} ‘ ,e chief being oil of elov'fointin ~, j,,... ’ Ul< lemon, lavender, , hek(.,’ c j ( , v /‘ , I’ lof ’ J gamot, and lavender,"|* of ea ch( “f* miiiueate a delicate < Flavored -Vi„e, r my ; giv.fl; !;> mi, kiiyl-fc.’ Ikl-I curr the VV./M ; t-U,r seeing. ‘ if i one {, does nrf (rj L.iher. fly i , OI.VT.vIE.'.T/,! DrBSKI'.G Bit - j teks.— 1 ak>’ of uiive <iil tjfnunc*d, ro v !t in it !<>!’!• oi;nci’ of vvhiu* was, J a quarter of an | ounce of Spermaceti. 5-'t A lie misliiro till it ! wcortie* cold. j f, A Ajt fob ‘Wi.s.—To wo on!. :%* f |E<>.wjM.h add J nut) if !In . vi'. |o) (f.-shUct) .j, ),,,• vaeftn and i tie j u and of i v.oH niitcil. j t&f&t Foßent.” illJi.lai A j I Ion?;?, on Jaeksrn st. : AUsMIUk ** two door? itlli ol the I’rowhyji run “liurrli, recently occupied Ilf 4- SMITH, 1-I^. Ktt further paMiciilor*, anri/c <> (f : ia47 f vv *■ ■*• D - N ‘ N( f E j a)c anti stirt-./o IJimibitg! IF; i “ One D d/ar ‘ihls ./ fMfar mask.” I BBJ NSON'S Catlvrkc rilis. ! nr<* <1 whdi they nr* to hr. 111 ,ir< * XHCIk li us hn* lep| m*Ftti*tht*v*r.niticr ( * - hetrttix t xiinti. (t:i his drftlh.) j ttrti- t t> in every raw for which | <jrt * reriMMiH rok nr thtt inonev will, nuij ►hull he rc* I fumh <1 so ih<* ptiifhf r. 1 1V I’.S'KS.S .I’lifpr i’iiMill rff ciiiflliv rrlirvr | Cojtivpiio*H in lV w.)ecs,and the tone t the diirestive J orran.4. Loss of Sirknr?s of the rweiity-foiir hours j >il the liim* thut witl he requiretl, h\ tliHHe PiNn, in re-nip the timcHonn to a hen th\ action. Fulhrss of** finsif. Sfomn-k or Botcels-.—TUrev or four doye.s %vili pi* crriniu relief. Imp-trify of ibjp kond, Otjsf’'notions of the Liver. Sick !fc.'irf'iche or TJzinc? jftirrnl HtTfinifljtn<*ii ‘'ft!n* Mflteui, can ul/*c relieved in a few Jum bv (liner I. rill*. 4 j i 1 ibrsitatinsly /Qftiounre thru* pill* to \w inferior to - e '’'” rnl Jo? ,To “I , !*‘ Hie nnml,rr of fill, that of 1 rr IW I’ilt* .pVmtwFr. ttinrtin Myduuns nnwbise. full Oiociioio „ j|j i„. in flflrli liox. I’urtfflby i „ , , . ,[,' R “INTRtt &. EPI’INO. Columhntt, June TOpjj; T ,TF i,rt” ~f r r 7 ; U *” >'■ lernrinn-e. 1. Will lie ln g fcralW„t:, ~ jlv „ elitfn-i'nl |, fi ,1 c.j, 1 ~JiI mi'iisnreH. \l |„|,. ln j .iiw in ill. o.ion |f 1 lie |>nm i|.lo- wl„ r |, „ i,B .i.ircnoinnl efTonldvi.eine ilele| l ri 1 , l „,||>„ lIJ 1... p';w|M'Mt\ .... fumy,, „„ ene ;wv r, initl „ inmmiiihil m (he iJile in wlnrli c mo |, v ~ ... pent villi’ ol lmllll-fs (It I ..n,, , r • * “'f ”*! “n n p.ilmiiave !„„„ ,L ht.t deri-ii.u we . b.-orlo 11 v 1,,,” n"” “ e ur f “Knives 1( ,1, hi.. In 111 11. Hill e oflu. il. c.-U, c„. Krrss „, cn .„J’ n "h" r “• ■him r‘‘"r rUi,,, „ , , er iinnrer ih„| oMPyp/,-; ,| lPtll ie e„„fi,|p, 1 ,| l uppeul lo m,l i,h,|Aip , • 7"! “< toivernmJ jnurn.,l il, u v ,lev„i,.,| tll Iheir interests mJ” (rue ii ieie-ts of i|,c n i r < In. known loir* one, i|,„i ,he ~|l jr, lum.ura Aews,Jis I tl„- nernilmle of ,!„• K„h.eri„l Jon 11*1, 811 nioc|l ’* ndvr-rlihinc- i iro hit uiiirh m!. h hestPw . ! „pj In i-irre ,Lr, J eU^i in- Inner i. usnJme <:iiiiciiiint,ii,t lHie to,- eilmeß the nhviJueiesi 111 n erreiuile in ihnsn r.f h '<• Ur in.,., exten.j, C |, f i„ ’ 7 (VM.hinffl .ii. lifer, i. .I,ir. re,„l, siiii.wlj. Hep ive| i's th nilo'rii.if On n K e iiienlem me.en.uile r<„i.- munity. aim lull'd w ill, |n euliar and en„rii,o„ s o xi „.„. .e. whim, are Jsewhere uie„rre,l. m,ihi, lß |„„ „ limir II ‘, o’ snlJinpr patron- ran miMaii, „ p„ p ,., „ Qp . (tilmss-11, m,(■'veil in rxittfeiHT. TJ,e ,l '"’ “ l “ “pared no pain. „„ ( | „ p ‘_ ! .r!:; I Wor.hv of rhef or, of .-reu, pan, oodeV w|Z„ ; liainirr tliev aJ-nd. to pohiiMunp ihe lull „„H , ! ilmp!e,|el„ l ,e.|e . <.M'ongre.-s. i, j. I ed. over hj ronJnpied an Oils „ ,|„j| v „ per. thev linvclred Iho sn V .e. „t the hr.i 1t..,,,;,, . iviiic'i the dc-d, ho, ,|,e kpor ~, ! ’ ‘ e ♦ or differ - r.or. Iheir ex, ensile fore ip,',",, ml eomjilence another large il. of ex„en-e hnl the lastnuf 'l.etninrs. of hieh is hi. hlve.m, ’ lin nded amt u #iao and as to a |„, ofl ■ to attain il. .• imisi he evidem ihnt rhesi henw ex’ peases c„miofbornr. mile s the al,hse,ip, m n li*r i coimiieiisi, rap lie niiderl.i-i.ig; „„d „|,hough li nisi of S.OtA-erihers, (iiielinlio, d„j|,, wrekli an,l weekly,) In* I,el mu-, he , nlar ed to enable lhe/!eior s „ the •• Iniol,” s, isrin “ i:: U| ;‘ OKiM’lti'v |,i . . im.i, -., | Ks* T* ‘I as |,cre i tofore, glnniim pm able in advance, sis ehnr~ J ‘er hiihe” almost exclusively political. We f purpose MO devoir a iti r.ilmiins lo ,J„. I mesiii- iiiteirsi, and to miserllaneons |j, I ‘■ eraiare, fllniiil inipairina us pnliiieal iofluem-e, , j ma v renfnoic aeceptoblr In an extended cluss ~1 | renders. I ■ j The jjpj-iy Union will he puhli-hed ever, I ‘Linda v I-day, during ihe ft;e-s of Cnueress, ai j 9~> per nfds eonlains ull lb'■■lain r of ihe “ l)nii, j Unioii,” leal adverlisrmenk. Duiint ihn sessions i ‘lf Congr) nninhers, iusleafoi io, w ill he issued. (without if’ eiiarge lo siiliseahere. The XWblioli is issued eery Salurdav ; and as arriuirsfJe in pnigiese lo fNI.AHUh il 111 ne.u fHIb’fil.rKEjSKN I’ riIZK we shall soon l.e eiiii hl.'d lo gilr rvfrj ariicle wii- h me, up, eariu ihe dailv n,i,piH'kl, ediiii.iif.atiiir exlreinei, low inte of S J \Jiose also to gi.o, jphis edition.a euuiplele | j ‘Vnojuielo'i’ V Ol ihe proerrinp- m hoili Houseaof j j ConornsJ reiiderin* ihe “inklv l mm,” „ niosi j I valualdeF l “• iiilprinelh.n Half. It s.e-ol our rend- I ere. Hup niiiieraie us foi I Is- euierj rir.e, an extrn j site sol, Jo list i- ehsobitcllndisjieu-nhir. j We ser* opi'oitiinil.v lone, ihul sine delay has , (liken pljpnlliiig our pa|icr . pre-s, h.eli has pre veined til’ delivery lo our rtsl'ris, and eousequrnllv eirciiui-ij i>* ei eululiiiii. V’ shall mi.iuge- . m tiis told i (his defeel, and. obviate this njijt'eln u. : .4ller ihrfeiil week we Inis’ tul nocnnijilaini will be Mad- upfis *iihj<'Cl. (O-J.jsims am rm|,ie*trn net as onr ngents; and by esinlir f' v ’* yearly snhfih. is, with the snlisrri|>- 1 liiia iiniX'r eilliai the l>nil*Vm kly.orSsmi. Weekly, j 1 wi II be (fed lo one copv flhe same edilfon as ilp-v ; I Cnrnish •hseriliersfor. ThdCloncressioiial Itegisler” 1 will bu § shed lliem on ihesair trrmt. I C'lthr hr. note .t-d with I S C J| if Ihe t'ailv for.’ $lO 00 ■ Os lieini.weekiy.. .1 !>0 (10 | Ii if 1 “ “ no [ jVeekly 00 | I •• A is oo I ThJaameif no parson wile entered upon onr hooks , (amanHifth“|*JK| r ’r , ia be wade in advanre. J K ,ln m t:ni ’ ’ HE i *r vine Rona’’ P? lioiirf *f V,n ’ - ■V .j, v.negav. Iff ‘ orse-rad. 7 - fig it l)ou r u 2 -- 181 ~ pint r tkor cx l !l <‘*\s, Old camp. Gen. yrage-,< r* position at - ‘ ,i y . iniJes lie jo, id f einy, I s men are i:e. i latent^. U SCROFULA, L ‘ ULCERATED THROAT - If■>*--**>“/ RHEUMATIC Affections Wlnra .|p,u. _ ’ SYPHILITIC Se MERCUIU'in KyeaS/* Aflretions of, the'Liver; DYnPEPSIA ■ COtSTIVE.VE.SS; all CHRONIC & NER VOUS Complaints, occurring iu debilitated aad cachectic constitutions.: Diseases caused by an IMPURE State of the ‘ ■* 1/ 1 ( ■ Over SYPHILIS, and those very disagreeable 1 \ Afleetioqa resulting therefrom, and ivbich have 1 The way to establish i Another Aew MeJicu.i■ ni'.rcJ vi.-e/TT/ic. BRONSONS ■ X j.iixir. y |’ Hr; iweotor Ue\ai> well wiiisfird ttint iii<- public l i*ve A been it Ho* l ot usel***?. iWtf u|*. mu reccivn.ji viu<? lot hfir wue j.uul.lptf b\ 111” mir-tii.f ‘M il .i >J.,.- I'H -Ulr,:!. t— i,v- |,„ II Obtlil it ngbi HM’lici tm- AUiJn,n bvMit* .vfijii i. ft <u iu wt . u* vviM aiu Uii Oi iltc jjtyui in.- t*Hi| ij mrtyitg! ft ib hi)j ,i •-** Ui I4i tPitr ,oi riu v. Uctlis vn**,&Mr tkvjjuvMy \vih positixety t# ifriwuiq#. CQ*\£)*,\ti r /7(Va\ —li iimti. r’ I'rtift iipor. sj) ‘ic ini.-v Imvf ot t. Imi ihei M>w I*v-. JWI !.' lilt- mi |■ ( t*s itiiFila (t ciiul Os c ur. iijiicli tiiiM b u,- m‘, I Mormiu, in fu r<t *ll ulUmii, jii;.; I’yinmMjii i >-ei r***-: ot i\ on riri hr citroti. Aab i iiiUm t* a i‘, iiittt it tn\. fUrtHttioiu* mir fol* tu thr f<<rin oj l^ibeitu;<.iip <*OHPW||||lt.O- M l-yp. rflit v• V t iiM M i t<iMi r u II !#* rcfii'Yfd, tti hbtitifMiinc fivr bf Tjy P.L.xm. I .vorv I’ltroX} *u < nn hr rht'i'Wu, df-siif iitu ir 4i uutifclcirti < toui nif tuii r;l < ; *it i s r. COL i ‘.arlc-.vlt Vi-Btbr, dmi :m ]#*cn*** of Fftjii, wlu iljtfr T / liii Aoi -:, cuti. I in? .vj{i |r rflteveti iu :!i vh. n.fpM-r *, fnm, fivk n. ra , \ tes CIMJGH.S xrurxx.t.f Oifxntl 11 rent king cat) nil Ho rolH'YPilio fVom fivk luhh.i vWicht- hulks. CUi >t i*.-~ itrioi to Moihfrw c;ii Mrurtil in fjvff |)Olt t M hytterirxft.ots of vtc. *au he pfrmimfrrth re licYt'.i in a hourfs. Extract of a letter to Dr. Brotifrn. dated A „ New Ymc llm ad, ich*. “I think. Sir, that ynnr l.lixir sent „ !y..„ York, now—m.v ‘y|ti’ hits Is-en nfllii ltd a jih .'tclcci.nel. fnrwviTsl mulitlis.iittrtulrd with ?n>le rßsinsin the brenvt. A t’litlifiil! been made nl nearli nil (intern Meif n-ines, which Ih jli'il in cite relie I, I n'.naiiiiriiieeij to in i nor ; Elixir in my wife's case II ), (iliormr in stating iln i one Imitleof vonrMedicine,)!’ r v.iii’i b i mud one dm, i mi) line eiron peruisnent relief. I nnnlrf mlii-c ?im tttnl.i. .teems in thi? city. , JA i HSfiX V. HI fi ITT). mcusljeiu,,.!O 1- hr.rye w^Mkrbinje, shouldn.cii/cd . troelrd to refold, wld n n fiiTfTTTTr 1 ‘ iii~lf< ~” ‘ill J c.d:;:,;:‘:'.';k, ;!s !V , * upp.m;. < HooSi Bindery, * ‘'p HR xnbeeriherreepeelfiilly informs tin r i,lro ns nl Cos Mnr.'.rt Hoes.-, where he is prepared l„ do nil ft hide V* RINDING AND l.'l’l.lNf;, He'baTrrr onddesp„ni, rcsstear’* s&tsss&t OC MU LG EE Iron Foundry & Machine Shop. Isiirn, Ga. ‘HIHE Mibsrrilmrs having erector] a Nm V EataWial, indticeiwiits that they have neve '".‘l ks ? rc ,n that lino rtf business. M;]} \V r i„|, l( ’ ■in Mnkew. &c. utJI find ittotWrwhWnpc trwfive ™. “ , We W,I! P'taraiitee all orrvve.i to he -tori Sl"SS'""’ “'• • e.i.locii r A good Horse Hovtcr for sn>e. „ , r;, \S P. I.T'VV ,c CO & ■■ r - F.PI’IXC’S COMFOI M) Kl.f 11> EXTR.Af.TT OF strcETj. (liarosma Cienuta.) A nVFrt ; ; rPIBP.Iv for diso, of ,|,e Hl,older nitiini of ihe lliiidderand Urttb,,,! di!o et f**enfiun mid inrontitirnr*’ of Hit- i;• >ne fn.n, e * m the purls rntirerned Also ‘u -r i • I, ' r,p Hlfoeiions of the ski, 1 1 ‘ clm,, ” c I;I,PU - The above Medi. ine is e,,rneti'v rerommemVd m PI,. 1 siemns. t„ Prnetitiooers Medi.-ine. „„d 1’ ‘' lkp ‘■ ‘—l “I"I .hr,.,. rimes'iTdii v nt ,"'”- v WTXTEP <*• pr'P/xo. . i a. !££,“• hn“ Blue Drug Store,” Columbus, Gn. July 31,1846. :-’R ts ALPHA Sc OMEGA PILLS. l*y Br. F. S, Kronson, rtlllf: name ofih.-ee Pills, film,eh novel, i* nevertheless I compile,. -hii discharging nil i|„-ir duties, | lo ,i, ~, ,| IP lifPl <lB tt F'i HP til*’ ItlSl sfnurS <>l (liftrt:s#. P.ivnte disci, *r, in Hi ii 1,, cored in from rw In eight (Invs—waminfd.or the incnei will), refund. j <•<l. vie v ere pMineiu th.- bark; nfler i, n nl the Kidnevs; | MraknrfH lit.- bark. log. ther will, „!! other diseases ; consequent theieto. ran br pen.mnenih r red i„ „ f PW <l',y. rhrmild. i f,„,„s„l S, pliilis,, dn be cured bv (he I use of from 2 t. 5 l.xoB— wnr-nMol. Dikkctions.—l have thought it prudem ro furnish the ‘ boxes without directions, in .wrier In nvnirl am tlm. 11l Kill result ,|„ pafirnt. The ,b,.e. i„ ,!| Vn-.w win be TWO Pil l e e), meal. end before bed time. • M ‘itflif.wnn Avoid violent Priee. 81 per link—und .*2 hex. For rule bv ‘ IVINf'Tt ,v rPPI\n, n . . . ‘t'be sign ol the Negro and Mortar. I Columbus,. ly 0. I fIJ6 ;J0 j \s* s- &: o*in;ibnrg[s. ari ’ !f .r ihe Thumnsioii Wanvfuc. * w frintr I wl b,. rep til rvanppli. ed wMhlhPir*. :o 1 l|i\s idOSNAM RS. which we offer by the . . corn no .i rA("l(|R| PbICES & Jl D ‘ NAvr ,j : ’ a House Ci’ Lot for safe, >t ieth'irpa* i trppt, nrxt door lo L A Uukr'm rc*icfcnc*Q AMy to A. R Ayfii,nr JNO J, p. UOXEV JFr 7, lUfi . 0 tt address to the PUBLIC YiTuTPT~ HtA |>\ ‘ o^' A ■:iiSr l-SIMV. SABSAPARIHi. CScollaj:- cEn'Qi rt?% J “aScaN^m’. i I btWyfflg S.*S. w J3frstr2i J Cieumug the FLOOD: ■. ..I , < LIVER anJ lungs C3aSe “ >Jtay 10 tbo gßtt , cs y , U M I RACT witliout delay, i Z.VP**™ ? 1 P l ‘ ca,e s i ‘WB Os SCROFII.A and ) Ysm fix*’- whe * the SyphtlSjc / sT 1 ! 1 . Sgl®. a developement of SDY which 11 “* lblS “ THE ° iN UY REM r had n |a”r b “Srf nCfS ’ aIS °’ Bhw “icenttSom , I “ ,; a bare h°th ligament and bone, and where \ . appearance, no human means but “omul, * < bon souf ou , !d have saved life, Patients haw .snatched from the grave and reXcd!*^ ft ik 88 * 88 iag co 'P‘tely r radical : D > * t,e Bfi e of this inestimable Extract “ ; IrnP'h E r"P rie M rs of tl >e ARCANUM EXTR ACT b £h h Z t“ ,e in aH the Results. lA,: - < .‘7 ™emc.ue neither Business or Pleasor*^2s? V uitenupted, requiring only tho usnai,. > nwleration in diet, and is M - / efficacious to tlieinfc^^2*pt)V,? ? Btlio J Treatise on in genera!,’ accompany each S ; Bottle. Agents are supplied wiUWHi# abort oesd y pldets for gratuitous Circulation. > r*c, , > The ARCANUM EXJT&ACT is pro. r ,s.o.d by JOIIX H /.VEft, Hamilton. Canada > M ost, and JOHN WJNERS Cos., 83 Maiden J Line, Now York, Sole Proprietors. , I‘RiCE—ONE DOLLAR PER BOTTLE -- _ - . ‘ - - - • - I merican Razor Paste, vs- superior Poluihing, Buritishthg if- Ciea'nruig Peel* r|Xll!S Paste is the result of u simple chemical A no-lit, which I wasindsced iomake in couseqneaeeaP i;p*licn;g able io keep my Riiinrs and fine finished Bus ft uni 1 mu, iTipr ms in )infer—having rnrceesiielv tried or. eri new a.lieie rei mmm Hed. enddaeing the besipreparod rl '"'•’ lUnn-s, iliulk- si-o tmr eitttld 1 rely upon the I a,le with-it loomi-i tu iea li-. - Mtnps. i}, n i In-inr-enlirelv tod nmgb. desiroy ing the ed t -o,- as also tl,a fine noliah • tile rniHir, knife, lahrci, & r. The American, ddiervinnterinl.'y ‘miw the Enclisb Cracrn Tn.-ie. I lie lain r tiring ei miioer.l oi n, r | and elite d H u —wbdst nil Paste i- eiirpinrd of Ives Very soft euitetati ei s. rrum rd to the very finest ponder, oil'd subreuitautlr iiiixr*fi w-nb |.nrilt-<j oil. . ‘ Raztire, Ktiivew, (anrgienl or pen ) and other fine edsad iits;riinei.ij, h:e!i are inn entirety ruined, esn be res dess cond a. ri-.l„.i:ii, f <his Paste, (ibe raxor strew t ie .•i|.!iiA.d 111 Ml ui, m It her ) ll the strop he. a Met bee lt*di,'|.la.rn lull. ~i ihe Pnsle on rlie ensrse side Sad strap c.O HI, the fine. I: „ feur-ndiil or square Mmu r |„ n lulleol the Pasir tm No. 2, tid strop ok on No. 4 keen end .|i.,.„il, rd-, * ill (, r , h „ ,4 ult “** * *"*’ l-'inamiulcry,-uns, sou-locks, brass, copper, or Meet, i -i'll 19 In pt -i re - ms,. In roldiioe on * litt'a of ihw’ : n ’ r, *"' r " c,oA -r Ore ho* of, Pac'e :,I: l.'ieents.will[ keep on* er two rtxons in Bond nine ,r iwcivc mondis. hj,pm up in assnnad si/.re. ill 1.). fi., mid SO i c,t, ~-r . siomld a failsra occ", i : i I reducing whet is alien stared, the nm,„v ** he refill ..Ml. Ks S. RRoNfSfrfi, larmtor R Prtepriettr. For sale hr . VtSTUR June 19. I ‘MS. A ‘ V “7 ,( iJSz. M ! tit iHOt'l AMj H.KsS'J ERN LIT i.IIARV ‘lStegfeNGEß A\D fiEVKfInH Pols’ 1547. ‘lAlllS is a Monlhli .Ma c.iziue, dernred in errrr r!e'&&* / f meut I,: u:, ~,1,1 111.. FiaT'vAns. It ik the sa * - o /.;ue nnl K<vi. a , ( ,i CnralidM. with ** Tbe H W -Hf 1 U U h ...!,trc, ‘ • 11111 UII-...C t0,,-. Ml, Peirpdieule. Und.-r ,ra , ; wmerii tti, IV,midi, ~1,. fIKSE i„S3SpTK l i “ . I Stec str.s, , , rie^—S’ eh ns Ke.iewe, Hi*t.,ripal nod’ft;d . pkereh, s, Novels, Tslos. Travel, (? , gEf^W l j bitter, n,l hr Armv. Nnvv CH *’ 1 W! -’ nJ Courr^or^gSlSP | W^tS^jSKl !in lbe , N?„Th , a'S'lwTnd VZd 7,' r rin ' ~,M ’' and l X r ‘j? ‘.u:c, ~1™:;;;;:^ on ,h * •* •’ : spared to make i, e,i„e,„|v J*, !*. ,T , ei l’ r "™ “H bo, i ••“*er Ibincs. i, ii|eo„„!!i, at’ t”„ /lmon * ranct nictits \vi| |, r n^f } e for n * 1 nW %7 i t""’b. fence. ST Orders for the t ork I oner. “oik can be aeni m n# m'mh.;~,!;,,e ! rs: I M laree anper-rovnl iiaers .•/ r' n, * ,ni * cot leas thy j jbr a or about bers make a vonnne—and t|,e mire of i . p !* r 1 1’ r .• o,jj'r„‘rzr:ir ,, i n ?’ j sent 111. -on one, unless the i. n ? 7 ‘"C work bo , | Ihe CASH. 3Jr* The V o llr “:a aeeompanii and with ‘! number. IV,, s Ij-. |i,.t r ,., I'/IT,?';** ] M,I,, ‘be January J unless ||„. iiidividnai s,,h.r,ihine ,h " n lh< • .’*r, l.rm,. , f 8 year's a„|,ss, f “” ■’ h* K I ‘r‘!|J*mit.,. ff |-a,n,i nt. is rrqnea-ed riielidramc^’y 1 * ; evidence of he Is, , Bn ,| (oendes taking pn/er | or,l "dnr„ of the r nod imii'r” | ,'r o ."!’'‘’'l'",” ; “eni; or.a,ih*eriiitu,|. msv be .’ •. j"!" 7 *'* ° ‘hr, nota ( niasiers.iiieordiiigu, the ,ireae„, |^' , " ,rm,^h 4 ‘;, n r xrd h<- ; “ ill be taken as , *’ ; J '" v C‘ closing „ S2O enrrent lull ” Hi, ,J,e names of FIVE P I.VV sXeribera > r IV I ~„P”. S Messenger Mild Iteview ’/ r year, i* he “, I.l mi 1 obfigationa of the miblix/** 7 ,nd “"h- No oi r , ° r “r Vf,,r “ lp * j ,■ the volume is issued: and after tb'/ ‘ ,n,r . “” dis enf,nuance ,fi a subscription , v j|| [, p p ill anvs„|,script,, nhi disco. ti„,„.,| W E/' V ren,a,„, doe thereon, less at the option of fiy^if^. t.dillirr lishini; Prosperins ,s_ ine Cnadilmna. ,| lrpp |) m ’ I 111,111 prior lo the Ul of b’ehrnarv I Willi the .Messenger nr.d Review ,|J r ' n C >t edno. fl 1!. n. ItII.NOR. fl Kirlitnnticl. Yt. Ocrobor, 1846. or onp fl ‘ and Proprietor, fl EPPINfIfI M compound S’S I'VRI p OF -W&XLLA. f|4H F. subscriber, knmvirifl—. ***** I niiinherol q lack .Meilfl. ,i._ . . daily imposed on a eirriulJc ‘"lurieus effect ofa , [ Ext. .Inrsparilla.- “ •> , ' r uma. which j -d Saraparilla,) h. s brvjf, whlc , ! j u "der the nj ! pound Si run, from 1 l.rtfl, ““'confam a p„J ! Sarpnrii|a Rum. rotnl^ VPrv 1,, “Wnnfaelure a J I “b e ingredient* as nMtueil wi,|, ,Ji fff ' l , " lule Hon J ! feasor* and 1 ‘he -dirsi rs C '’"""-"ded hfl and sure remedi (on and file O 1 ‘ ~p n, ’ offe® 1 Slat, 0f,|,e1,1 o'llJßr “l| diseased"^! p e enPrn ly, afl and Cbroiiie Rlio/rei,i„vj n(r ni , * 7,pil,e lro m an B lion, of the .Ski#ii,naris,„, Tool ‘iri'” n,,v , ciirinß t ‘oinplexi, „. / De,riti, v ; nd Soreß P" ,n “. I""nr Ij/erofnla or King’s Evil n* rr ’ aeerrt disea / rbe head, aide.find^j b or las/’ &.C. ‘H", acvera /bv Wr\TFR \ n". JI ■ O* a, the sign WX™’ ~ Cn. July 3>. > 846. ®^ ,c^rlNG, I.Siore.\ _!L- f r • Ll. mly of Ullf b. •ra and I'l .s