Newspaper Page Text
“Drab colored Christianity.”— This was the
title once given by a gentleman to the religion of a
Quaker, by whom the former had been grossly cheat
ed, in some pecuniary transaction—and we are re
minded of the aptness of the cognomen by an anec
dote told of T. McKennan of Pa., a Whig Electon
and one of his Quaker constituents. After Tom had
made a speech extolling old Zack, the Quaker slip
ped up and said—“ Friend Thomas, we cannot vote
for a man of war and blood as Gen. Taylor: Uur re
ligious principles forbid us doing so ; but I will tell
thee what we can do—we will vote for thee, Friend
Thomas, and thee may vote for whom thee pleases.’’
And, accordingly, so it came to pass. These
“ drab colored” Christians, forgetting their anti-war
and anti-slavery principles, went with a rush for the
Taylor elector ! Hypocrites, as they are, they
“ whipped the devil round the stump,” and think they
have done a smart thing in thus falsifying their pro
fessions !
The (.old Region.
The reader will perceive that we have given
place to the substance of the reports that reach
us from the gold mines of California. Since the
article was in hand, we have received the Wash
ington Union, containing the-report of Col. Ma-’
son, the Governor of that Territory for the pres
ent. His report corroborates the statements
published, and states that a very few solid lumps
have been found worth SI,OOO each. Os course
near the mines no other labor is done except dig
ging for the metal—and almost the whole coun
try teems with the desire to be ofl thilher. Com
panies are forming in New York, New Orleans,
and in many other cities—and there is one near
ly full in Decatur county, Ga. If one.half the
reports turn out to be true, Ameiica will yet be
the richest continent on the globe—and the cost
of the late Mexican war, which appeared so
enormous to some, will dwindle into insignifi
cance when compared with the millions of wealth,
that the gold mines, secured by the war, will
yield to our country and people.
But every body cannot go there—hence it is
best for each one to be contented with his lot,
and let adventurists alone to secure wealth at
the perilous hazards which such enterprises re
quire. Let the sober-minded business man or
man of family read the following sensible re
marks from Maj. Noah’s N. Y. Titties of 3d inst.
and be satisfied with tilings as they are :
“The plain,overspread with the precious min
eral, is computed to be eighty miles in length and.
thirty in breadth : and it is said that 2,000 per
sons can gather, or rather arc gathering, 8500,-
000 per week. It is moreover, stated, that the
supply of gold—at this rate of abstraction—will
last thirty years 1 This would give a grand total
of seven hundred and eighty millions of dollars ;
which sum, added to the present stock of bullion
in the world, woukl probably reduce the value of
gold as a measure of prices full twenty per cent.
No general or permanent benefit could ics.ilt
from the acquisition, for the decrease of value
would be in an inverse ratio to the increase in
quantity. We see the effect of this immutable
law of values in the present prices of the neces
saries of life iu California. We are told that a
man has only to stoop and take up a shovel full
ot sand, and he is at once, possessed of some
three, or four dollars, which lie can secure in
thirty minutes by the process of washing ; and in
this way one person can realize 40 or SSO per
diem. But then lie has to pay SSO for a barrel
of flour, which he could buy here for s(>; and sl2
for a pair of shoes, that a New York maker
would sell tor $1 50. Gold has no fixed ami
unchangeable value, as some people appear to
suppose. It is merely a commodity of less worth
intrinsically than almost any tiling wo can buy
with it, and only bearing a conventional value as
the representative of things which have a real
intrinsic worth. If the world were flooded with
gold, the metal would soon sink in value below
the smallest portion of any necessary which it
now purchases: and we should buy gold with
bread, instead of buying bread with gold. The
few who might be lucky enough to dip out a for
tune from the first gush of the glittering tide, and
wise enough to invest it in real properly before
the overflow had rendered gold a drug in the
market, would undoubtedly benefit by the Pacto
lean flood ; but its general cfiect would be to
produce a commercial revolution and involve all
the operations of trade in disastrous confusion.
“ Had rich mines of coal, or of any other min
eral used in the arts, been found in California,
there would have been a more rational cause for
rejoicing than there is at present. But it is im.
possible to impress the community—and especi
ally the young aud enterprising portion of it—
with this conviction. Already the gold fever
has become epidemic, and expeditions are organ
izing in this city and in New Orleans for the pur
pose of proceeding to the Pacific coast. Mean
while, much sickness prevails among the gold
diggers ; and the rainy season, which commen
ces in the beginning of December and continues
until the middle of March, is already upon them.
Comparatively shelterless, and it is to be feared
short of provisions, many will die. Famine and
fever will consume them in the midst of wealth
which would purchase the harvests of the world!
“Miserable misers 1 what will their gold avail
them ? Cut of!'from the coast by the inundation
which occurs in the winter months, exposed to
unwholesome vapors, and lacking not only med
icine and attendance, but the necessaries of life,
they will perish almost as miserably as the rniscr
of old, down whose throat melted gold was
poured as a punishment for his avarice.”
Richted.—We have been accused of partiality,
because in noticing the humbugs of the day, we omit
ted to pay our respects to one of the “ small fry ”
jugglers who held forth in our city last week to
“crowded houses,” (that is, if benches “crowd” a
house.) Our reply to the accusation is, that the
“Fakir of Siva,” as he pompously styles himself, was
either “too full of business” or too mean to send us a
ticket for our previous notices of his intention to visit
our place. We did not have the face to attend with
out paying a “half,” and rather than throw away
money in that style, we prefer seeing all such clap
trap demagogues in the stone house at .Milledgeville.
Therefore, our non-attendance prevented us from ex
posing this chip of humbugs—albeit, uc did hear
that he performed some sleight-o'-hand tricks that as
tonished all the green ‘uns present; such, for in
stance, as taking gingerbread out of a country- man’s
bosom, and hiring the said countryman to appear
wonderfully aitonished at tiie artful trick of (during
bread in his bosom without the cognizance of him
self or of the audience ! But when it leaked out
that these performances oftho countryman constitu
ted no small part of tho “show,” the Fakir sloped ;
and those who had paid a Imll to see this “Hindoo
pupil,’” hud to acknowledge that they were “sucked
! Eye Sore.—'jhe little old building standing north
of'the Methodist Church is a horrid looking affair.
| We hope the owner or owners (if there are any)
will see to its repair or removal. We have heard of
one reason for its remaining, however, and there may
be something in it—it is, that the beauty and stateli
ness of the new Church are much enhanced when
viewed in comparison with the ill looks of this miser
able shanty.
O’ We have received a No. of “The Nation,” now
published in New York by the assistant Editor of the
same paper while it was published in Dublin. We
j commend this journal to our Irish friends in particu
j lar, and all who feel any interest in obtaining correct
i information from the ill-fated land of martyrs. Price,
$2 50 per annum in advance.
“ Thk Rose Bud" —from LnGrange, edited by a
corps of school girls—price, $1 per annum in ad
-1 vanee, or $5 for six copies. We only occasionally
! receive a copy, and cannot therefore correctly de
* cide upon its merits. We hear it intimated, however,
j that before young gentlemen can receive the good
i graces of the school girls at I.aGrange, they must
I produce a subscription receipt to this journal ! AYms
--L-—L _ B
In the Episcopal Church in this city, on the evening of
the 7ih inst. bv Rev. l)r. Cuirns, Mr. M. Baiischall to
Miss Marv Jusephink Hukkuss, nil of this city.
In Mobile, Ala. on the 23<i Nov. by Rev. Mr. Massey,
Mr. Thomas B. Gouldikg, of Ibis city, lo Miss F.i.oisf,
second daughter of lion. John A.Cuthbert, formerly of
this State.
Oi 1 ” We are authorized to announce the name
of H.’ NOBEE, as n candidate for TAX COLLECTOR
of Muscocee county, at the election in January next.
Dec. 7,1318. te
QT WE are authorised so announce the name of
George S. Faison, as a candidate for Tax Re
ceiver of Muscogee county, at the ensuing January
Election. Dec. 14, 1843.
JT WE are authorised to announce the name of
G. AY. MARTIN, jr. ss a cantOUate for Deputy Mar
shal, al ihe ensuing Municipal Election.
Dec. 14, 18111. ts 50
WE are authorised to announce that Billy Pru
••nrv is NOT a rnndidale for Alderman of the 3d Ward, at
! the ensuing Municipal Election. Dec. 14
j GIFT BOOKS -for the HoUdaysT
TIHK subsciiber is now receiving a great variety of
beautiful HOOKS tor the Christmas Holidays, of;
j every style and price. j
Also, the largest and cheapest assoriment of JUVE* ;
i NILE HOOKS ever offered in this city. A share of pat- ‘
! ronage is respectfully solicited, and no effort shall be
i spared on his part to merit the same.
Dec. I I 50
Great Excitement.
w WOULD again call the attention of the public
J*- and mv old customers, especially the Ladies ami
i Children. to my Menagerie of CHRISTMAS TOYS.
I have received und am still receiving large lota of goods,
, consisting of all kinds of fancy presents. Also, CAN
! DIES, FRUITS, NUTS, vie. Arc., in abundance. I
! will perhaps make as fine a display ns ever has been
made in this city, ami I have determined to pell all mv
i goods at a reduced price. I will also inform them that I
1 have removed to the West aide o’ Broad street, the stand
formerly occupied by Mrs. Bardwcll, next door above
Wynne & Chan dler. T. M. HOGAN.
Dec. 14, 1343. 50 21
Itlllii KFtIMGLiI’S He.,
XT BROAD STREET, Columbus, Georgia. XS
WJ HERE will b. opened on the 23d, h splendid as-
TV soilinent of FANCY ARTICLES, suituhlo for
Christmas and Netv Year's Presents.
laris Sia'HsgJc will be there on Christmas Day
dressed in full regalia.
Dec. 14, 1848. _ 58 2t
FSpIIE copartnership heretofore existing under the
-■ name of Hogan tf* Cooper, was dissolved on the
Ist of October, 18-18, by inuluul consent.
T. 51. HOGAN,
All debts owed by the concern, will be settled by
the undersigned, and all persons indebted will plsasccnil
and settle w ith him, immediately.
Dee. 14—H} _ T. M. HOGAN.
Hardware, Hardware, &c.
SCOY'IL’S celebrated Cant Steel HOES, bright and
half bright; Cant Heel bright do.
Half hi igiil and Japanned Hoes, various sizes ;
6th Chains, log und Ox Chains ;
Brenrit Chains and Stretchers;
Trace Chains, a variety of kinds;
Family Grindstones;
Castings, POTS, OVENS and SPIDERS;
Anvils, Vices nml Bellows;
Wagon Boxes—an assortment,
For Bale very low—hy
Dec. 14, 10J3. west side of Broad st.
Hair Restorative.
I -1 AVIPfG obtained the re-
I J. cine for manufacturing
ibis celebrated Hair Juvgo
• utor, we are prepared to fur
nish it by the Bottle or Gal
lon;—and warrant it to give
better satisfaction than aiiv
Preparation for the Hair, iii
use. It only needs a trial to
trive ic th preference of any
other, for cleansing the Hair
ot dandruff,giving it a beauti
: * ful gh'ss, and promoting the
‘ grow ‘ll.
It is not only BETTER but CHEAPER lhaa any sim
ilar preparation sold in this city.
Dec. 11 50
Attention Emigrants,
Ltuitl Warrant*,
I.XOR ir,fl m res each, receivable at nnv Land Office in
’ the I'nited Stnl6, FOR SALE til low rates.
All persons about moving to the West, would find it to
their interest to call and buv. Apply to
Dec. 14,1843—2t1 At Bank nfSt. .Mary's.
Catholic Books.
JUST received, nt the New Bookstore, tho following :
Douay Bibles; Prayer Rooks of va.ions editions;
The Catholic Christian ; Imitulion of Christ ; Kirwin
unmasked ; Gobbet’-* Reformation, End of Controversy,
•Schmidt's Talcs, Doctrinal Catechism, The Madonna,
Rose of St. John, Catholicism. Ron* of St. John, Ansel-
Dec* 11 •>
Villula School.
f¥!IIE mibscriber ha. located at VII.LL'I.A, Ala. for tho
A purpose of establishing a PERMANENT SCHOOL,
it) which Students tnny ho prepared fur College.
The Scholaetic Year will ho divided into two Term*, of
five montha each.
Tuition—per Term :
Spelling, Rending, \\ riline and Arithmetic, ,0
firammur, Geography, Philonoplit, Arc HI 00
Latin, Greek, Algebra,it IC 00
The Escerci*#* will commence on the third Monday
in lamtarv nt, J. F. HAND, FrinniptL
111|, .all eouutt, Ale Dr, M.IMB* 50 3t [i ii'j ,r py.
OKI UfJ §©®(g 11 ©iIKDtSMTT-
Lyceum Ilall Building, Brood ktrect—Columbus. Ga.
CONTINUE to devote, their whole time and energies
to their business. Their Office and Laboratory are
supplied with the most complete and perfect conveniences
and fixtures, lor all Operations pertaining to Modern
Dentistry. Their assortment of Artificial Teeth
comprises several thousand, of every variety and late im
provement in Manufacture—Plate, Pivot, Gum ami Block-
Teeth, &c.
Pricks as low as those of any who will do equally good
work; and ample Reference can be given to their pat
rons. Also, Specimens of skill ou hand.
F. & C. will freely show respectable professional Dent
ists all the Improvement in Plugging Teeth either discov
ered, or practised, in Columbus.
O’ They have had more practical experience in
constructing Double Sets of Artificial Teeth than any
other Dentist, or firm, in W estern Georgia.
Dec. 7, 1843. 49 ts
KRIS KRIGNLE—come again!
j. a,
display this day, and timing the coining Iloli
v f days, for the especial edification of his Juvenile cus
tomers, a splendid assortment of
c O a CE>sy'S3 @
fresh from the hwPpLs of KRIS KKINGLE, comprising a
great variety of CHRISTMAS and NEW YEAR’S Pre
sents, calculated to please the eye, gratify the taste and
give satisfaction generally. Lovers who w ish to find fa
vor with their .street hearts , and epicures and lovers of
good eating generally, can easily find something in this
assortment to suit their different tastes.
He has also just received a large lot ofChoice FRUITS,
all of which arc FRESH and in good order.
Dec. 7,1848. 49 3t
Candles, Candles!
CANDLES, superior to all other., warranted not to
run. Just received, * large lot, and fur rale bv the Box
or pound. J. K. WIN l ER & CO.
_Dec. 5, 1818. 49
Fall & Winter Millinery.
mm, puss&y,
HAS just received at her Millinery and Fancy Estab
lishment, on Brood street, third door below Kyle
fc Barnett’s, anew and brilliant assortment of Fash
ionable FALL and WINTER MILLINERY, consisting
° SMSS <9©©3>S,
BONN RTS, Caps, Ribbons, Feather*, Ac. Ac.
03" Tile LADIES are invited to tail and examine her
stock. (Oct. 19, 1848 ts
Anew stock of
GENTS’ Patent Leather Boots ; • FRENCH ’ Calf do.
American Calf do.; Brogans and Slippers.
S3” Ladies’ black Silk and Lasting
/'I ~~ Gaiters and Half Gaiters,
Bronze do.; black cloth Buskins, Rid Slips,
Kid and Goat Walking Shoes, Calf Bootees, &.e. just re
ceived, hy WYNNE & CHANDLER.
Columbus, A tig. 31 85 ts
Booko, Books!
Bookseller Stationer*
AT the old stand , one door above the Mechan
ica’ Bank, east aide of Broad street, where all the
SCHOOL BOOKS in common use in this section of the
country are on hand. A large assortment of CLAS
SICAL, MKDICAL, LAW, und Miscellaneous BOOKS,
together with u well selected assortment of JUVENILE
Books, suited to the voting.
(O’ NEW BOOKS of all kinds, constantly received.
BLANK BOOKS of every description.
Also, Plain and Fancy STATIONERY, with all other
articles kept in the business.
(CP Orders from Teachers and others wishing to pur
chase, will be promptly attended to, and on the most
eonublo terms. Nov. 17,’48—3tn
<3, a j. ama a a©,
l-’ntirc stock
Os printed Cashmeres and dcLainn,
at New York Lost !
FHpH E greater portion of which wan purchased
this Fall at reduced prices, and embraces ma
ny Slylca of recent importation, of tho latest and most
approved Patterns.
Columbus, Nnv. 9,1318. 45
Urawford School.
HMIK umiciKigned take pleasure in nnnounr.iNg to tlie
B public, that the School in Crawford, Alabama, will
be opened
On (lie first UloiMlay In January
next, under the superintendence of Dr. A. I*. Morris,
whose abilities as a teacher have been fully manifested
during the present >oar.
The course of instruction will be thorough, compre
hending nil the preparatory studies for entering Colleges,
as well us n thorough, Knglish education. Tuition rea
sonable. Board can be had in good fnmilics on advan
tageous terms.
JOHN S. CALHOUN, ( 1 ruMccß ‘
Nov. 30,1848. ‘ 48 4t
ADMINISTRATOR’S Sales —Will he sold, by
j.\ order of the. Court of Ordinary of Marion county, the
following LANDS, as the property of Philemon Hodges,
deceased, late of Muscogee county—to wit:
On the first Tuesday in February next, before the Court
House door in the county of F.url v, Lois Nos. 371, 200,
3GI, and 29, all lying in the 26th district of said county.
A Iso, on the Thursday following, before the Court House
door of Baker couptv, Lois Nos. 75 in the 14th district,
80, in the loth diqJ.jjMO, iu the 16th dist.; 210, in tlie 21 ht
disf.; and 195, in 11'ie 27th district, all in said county.
Also, on the second Monday in February next, before
the Court House door in Decatur county, Nos. 845, in the
lOih district: and 209, in the 11th district of said county.
All sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of the es
tate of the aforesaid Philemon Hodges.
Dec. 7.1313. 49 tlds
Administrator*# sale.—win be sold on the
20ih day of December next, at the late residence of
Surrena Juckson, deceased, of Harris county, all the per
ishable [iroperty of said deceased.
Also, will he rented the Plantation, Bml Ncgioes hired,
of said deceased. Sule to continue from day to day until
alt is sold. Terms Sonde known on the dnv of sale.
DANIEL IIUFF,"Sen., Adm’r.
Harris co. Nov 9, 1810. 45 ids
Gf.or<;ta—Knmlolph county.
Sale.—On Tuesday, the 16th day of
.4 January next, will he sold at the “Preston Place,”
(tlie residence ot the late Col. Reuben B. Patteison, de
ceased,) in Randolph county, Gn. a portion of the Perso
nal property of fluid deceased—consisting of 12 Horses, 4
Mules, 3 VV'agons and Harness, Plows, Hues, Axes, and
other Planlu'ion Tools, besides Household Furniture.—
Also, 1200 bushels of Corn, and 3000 pounds of Fodder.
Teems—Cash for aunts under S3O; for huiiir over SBO,
Notes with good personal security, to become duo Januar\
1,1850. Sale to continue from dav today, until all is
sold. ALEX. If. COOPER, EvV.
Dec. 7, 1848. _ 49 ids
tEXECUTOR’S SALE.—WiII be sold on the 20th
-J of December next, a! the late residence of James \V.
Jackson, deceased, of Harris county, ull the perishable
property of said deceased, consisting ofcnrn, fodder, wheat
and oats, stock of hogs, entile, horses ami mules, one two
horse wagon, one yoke ot oxen and cart, one barouche and
harness, one cotton gin, household und kitchen furniture,
together with tunny other articles too numerous to men
tion. Buie to continue from da\ to day until all is sold.
Terms made known on the day of sale.
At the saints time and nhuewill be rented tho PUntu
tiou, und Negroes hired, nelonging to said decoa*rd.
DANIEL HUFF, S.m., Kx’r.
Harris cn. Nov 9.1618 15 tdi
Money saved is Money made!
VFINE article of LAMP OIL for nolo at On* Dollar
par gallon, at
Nov 9 J. F. WINTER k CO.'S
VVI.RY • a potior srtie Is, for ftmiH use. met rectvr and
• J l IM i f* V CCS.
. jjjKLr— respectfully an-
nounce to her friends and
the public, that site rctur
” f roni New York,and lms open-
U ed at her residence, opposite Capt.
” Barrow's Mansion House, anew
and extensive assortment of FALL and WINTER
Silk and Straw Bonnets. Caps. Ribbons,
Feathers, I’Jowers, Laces, &c.
and all other articles in her line of business of the rich
est styles am* most elegant fabrics.
The Ladies are invited to call and examine her stock,
with the assurance that she has something unusually
splendid to offer to their notice.
O’ Bleaching, Altering; & Pressing attended to,
as usual. [Oct. 19,1848. —ts
HeGraffenried & Mitchell
HAVE removed to the Store one door above Brokaw
A Clemons, where they will he very happy to see
their fortaer friends and patrons, and ns many new ones
us may frjvor them with n call. They will be constantly
receiving new supplies of
The Latest Publications of the Day,
together <vith a well selected assortment of
School, Classical, Law and Miscellaneous
(Hr The attention of Teachers and the Literati
generally, is respectfully solicited, hr \\* intend to keep
something suited to the.‘taste of the most fastidious.
ALL ORDERS promptly attended to, and on an desir
able terim* HHjpos§ible.
CfclumbuH.Oct. 12, 1848 41 3m
(Os the late fi rill of J. & t'i. Strapper,)
■ RESPECTFULLY informs his friends and the
patrons of the late firm, that he will continue ihe. bu
ll inees at the OLD STAN I), on Randolph street, first door
liom Broad st. where he is now constantly manufacturing
his celebrated Hard Candies,
which he will sell ut a reduced price for Cash. ™
CrT’ G. S. solicits a comparison, by purchasers, of the
quality and prices of his Candies with any other House,
either here or elsewhere.
Coiumhuß, Oat. 3, 1848 41 6m
CIONTINUE at their Old Stand, a few doors above the
J Bank of St. Mary’s, and neur the Post Office, and
are receiving from New York, a supply of SEASONA
BLE GOODS, and have on hand a good jtoek of
(35) £>3831)33
of all kinds, consisting in part of
Snpar, (’oft'ce, Salt, Bagging', Rope. &c.
O* Tlmy will, as usual, buv all kinds of COUNTRY
PRODUCE. ‘ J* P ,.38,1848.-6m
Teeth ! Tcctli !
IVEARLY 10.000 Jones’* White's celebrated TEETH
11 just received bv
N‘>v 9 ‘ J. F. WINTER Sc CO., Agents.
Bnew hotel.
HAS been thoroughly repaired aud newly fitted
up with Furniture. It is situated at the cor
ner of Oglethorpe and Brvnn street?—where the subscri
ber will he glad to see his friends and all others who mav
favor him with a call, und try his Table ami Rooms.
Columbus, Nov. 9, 1818. 45 3m
A, §. lid IT Ji &©&, •
HAVING returned to their old stand, third door below Hii.l, Dawson & Cos. are now re
ceiving and opening a large and extensive stock of
j direct from their own Manufactory—consisting, in part, as follows :
I GentP. super blue and black Cloth Cloaks ; ; Blue, black and fancy colored Cloth and Cans. Panin;
j “ Cloth. Beaver, Pilot and Flushing Overcoats. : Diagonal “ “ “
! “ blue, black, invisible green,and fancy colored I Beaver, rweede and Glasgow Jeans
Frock and Dress Coats; : VESTS.
“ Cadet mixed Frock arid Dress Coots; : Black JSilk Velvet Vests;
“ black Cloth, plaid Cassimers, Tweeds and Velvet: “ Figured Silk Velvet Vests;
.Sack Coals; : Woollen Velvet;
“ Kentucky Jcnns Frock und Dress Coats: 1 Plain and figured Satin “
“ “ “ Sack Coats. I Cloth, Crsh. Cashmcrcttcand Toilinett Vests.
J. S. S. & Cos. are also receiving a large supply of super Fur, Silk and Cassiiner HATS; Caps of every
variety ; Boots and Shoes; silk and cotton halt Hose; travelling Trunks and Bags, &c. &c.
Also. Shaker Shirts and Drawers, white and colored Linen and Muslin Shirts ; Stocks, Collars, Gloves,
Suspenders, Linen and Jeans Drawers, Silk and Cotton Umbrellas, &c. &c.
Also, a large assortment of BOYS’ and YOUTHS’ CLOTHING, all of which they will dispose of on
the most reasonable terms. J. S. SMITH & CO.
Columbus, Oct. 5,1848. 40 tlj
■STAVING REMOVED to the Store recentlyby IVES A; BROTHER, one door
above Wade Ar Middlebrook’s, where tlopened a large assortment of
-ffnU ttiuHe
which will bo sold exceedingly LOW for CASil—consisting in part, as follows :
(.'OATS. —Blue and black Freilch Cloth I>reas Coals; PANTS.—BIur and black French Cass PANTS •
“ “ “ ‘ “ Frock “ .. Doe . kil . ‘
Black and Fancy Tweed Gass .Sack ami Frock “ .
“ Satinett “ “ fsatinetl “
“ “ Brown Beaver Cloth Overcoat*; Fancy French Casa “
I Tweeds Cass and Satiuett “ Twetds Cassimcre “
VESTS—Black Satin Vests, Silk Velvet Vests, black aud Fancy Cashmere Vests, black Cloth and
Ons.inicre Verts ; Valencia Vests.
OCT* Also, a fine assortment of F ANO\ DRESS AR i'ICEES, embracing all liie new styles
of Fancy Silk Cravats. English, French and Italian do., rich English Satin du.; Under Shirts and Drawers,
of fine Meritio, Silk. Nett, ("otlon, Jeans and Mtisfin, of every variety. Shirts, Bosoms and Collars ; Sus
enders of superior French, English and American black and colored kid ,
Silk. Lisle and Colton do . ot every t.'CfCiiptioit ; English a; Silk and Colton Uml
See. Sic. he.
JL Drugs, Medicines. Paints, Oils, JL
JmL ©lass, JJcrfuntcvn, gjmL
jg||| -jgiiajSAi jjy/iijjijfj, a*. a, J|
I* f* WIJBTER & go*
HAVING, ill addition to their former stock, just received several large Invoices of FRF.SH
and gCUlliuc Drugs, lledieinos, &e, direct from the Importers, would respectfully enll the
attention of Physicians, Country Merchants, Planters, and tho public generally, to their large and well se
lected assortment of articles in t ! eir line.
(ytT’As wo purchase our good* entirely for Cask, and having procured the Agency for most of
the l‘at'llt .tlcilirincs now in general use, we can safely snv that our stock comprises the most
complete assortment, in the Ding line, ever brought to this market, und our prices will he found 1.0” Dt
than tlie LOWEST. Those purchasing for Cash will find it greatly to their interest to give ns a sail.
Our Goods arc put up the neatest manner, and particular attention given to parking.
All articles aold by its are warranted genuine., unless an inferior article i;. ordered.
i. t winter . j ~ r. wrvTnn fc n>-
w. a. rents < rr *'V >’r mi'! r r {Whim** f;
.\u(, ia. im* ‘ H ... i-
RESPECTFULLY informs the l;d ies and Gentlemen
of Columbus and vicinity, that he has just returned to
this city, ami is now prepared to give
Instructions on ihe Piano and Guitar.
ET Enquire at Messrs. Virgin’s Music Store.
Nov. 23, 1848. 47 |f
fJIHE proprietor of this celebrated Medicine offers the
.1 following Certificates, testifying to its efficacy;
They are purely a VEGETABLE Compound, not con
taining Aloes or a single deleterious ingredient.
Approved and recommended hy the Medical Faculty.
Press and public generally.
(XT’ The proprietor offers the following Certificntcsfrom
persons who are well known throughout tho £outh:—
From R. D. Wiggins, Esq. j. I*, and Coroner of Mobile—
Molii.e, Nov. 11, 1847.
; Dear Sir—l have been using Dr. A. W. Coleman’s Anti
j Dyspetic and Tonic Bitters (ever since you commenced
; the manufacture of them) in uiy family, and l nut fit say
| that 1 have them one oft he finest Tonics loverused.
! I was troubled wM^uon tinned headache, which they im
j mediately give. tone to the stomach and
j system v v Dyspepsia immediately, nml I
lc,,,c 'd. v Tor w(iims
ould suv while they net
a medicine, pleasant to the taste. Yourp,&c.
From his Honor, the Major of Mobil*—
Mayor’s Office, Mobile, Nov. 30,1817.
I *lo hereby certify that I have used, during the lat
summer, for Constipation of the Bowels, several bottles of
Coleman’s Tonic Bittors. and 1 state with great pleasure
that i have been greatly benefited by their use. An a
Corrective of the Stomach they are not surpassed in my
opinion bv any Tonic now in use.
Mayor of the city of Middle
From one of the first Physicians in the South .
Mobile, March 1,1848.
Mr. E. D. Coleman. *• Sir—This is to ceitify that I hare
made frequent use of your valuable Anti-Dyspeptic and
Tonic Bitters, both in hospital and private practice, und
to the many leßiimoninls of the efficacy and good effects
of this medicine, l now add mv own. Very respectfully,
E. 11. KELLY, M. D. *
Physician of City Hospital.
Letter of I)r. Elliott—
New York, Sept. 20,1847.
Dear Fir—l received your letter, accompanied with a
of Dr. A. \V. Coleman's Anti-Dyspeptic and Tonic
I Bitters; upon examination, I find them the same article
ns manufactured by your father, the Into Dr. A. Y\'. Cole
man. I furnished him with certificates of their medicinal
effects some thirteen or fourteen years ago. I stated to
hint that they were devoid of any deleterious drug, which
I was enabled to do. not only from chemical testa, but
from having used them personally and in my practice;
and I must sav that I never yet have met with any com
pound equal to them for the disensep for which they are
recommended ; particularly in Dyspepsia, Nausea, Dis
eases incident to Pregnancy, Female Complaints, and in
evetv case where tonics are necessary. Very respet’v,
. J. Hi ELLIOTT,m.i>.
Formerly Chemist to Dublin College of Phartnucy.
Put up iu quart bottles, with the name of the inventor
in large raised letters on each bottle.
CPPriee One Dollar per bottle.
Prepared and sold by E. I). Coleman, 106 Dauphin stroet
Mobile, Ala. Sold in Columbus, Ga. by
and by Druggists generally, throughout he U. States
Mexico, and the \\ r eFt Indies.
Feh. 17.1 848. eow
WASill NGTON* II;ilil7,~
OLy & IE
RESPECTFULLY inform their friendA and the public
generally, tlmt they will take the above House,
Oil the Ist of October,
and will use every exertion to render BOARDERS and
TRAY’ELLERS comfortable.
(EP The House will be thoroughly renovated, snd
supplied entirely with New Furniture.
Macon, Sept. 28, 1848. 38 3m
COTTON GIN Manufactory.
fjlllE HiiljHcrifiprp. prrprietois of tiie Girard CIV
i Manufactory, have now completed their e.xten
! nivc binUl HIH in the c;itv of Culatahus, end uru rireuarei
| ‘• fa rail'll ANY Ni AIDER of their
iil>i'(ivi!tl Cotton Ciiis,
I whiehraev be wonted hy the Hunter* in tleorgi*. Ain
tmiiui, or ihe udjuiiiii v >llllO3.
Ill* reputation of these (tilts it* ho well e*!flh!i>-hed.thafc
the proprietors dc. in u unnecessarv to **v an v thing in”
the wti) olTecoimiiondatiou. They me * 6
equal to any ui&nitfnclured, wml i j *1! -a***
to give entire* ati>far!iou
to those who may fry th**m.
CZJ* OLDER:* hy mail,or given to our truvs-liiag agents
l vv ; ,,1,1 eye-rv jimtnnce, be prompt!;, aud ftiiihh \\ : aTtend-”
el to. J>JS ns favorable no run he riven lv nnv oth
er Establishment. E. l\ TAVf.Oii ‘&• TO.
j Colmnbtis, bin. April 13, I*l3. fl , 15
I EDICINKS i-itEKu;i:D rv CO?.!STOCK & CO.
! Ointment I ..r thevnre of Founder.
,-plit W, llniil-buur.ii llui-hc?.und contracted and fer
---h feet, v„1. 1:,... , lle &i-h, galled back*,Cuts,
kicks, scratches, m IS i -,*h. *
Carlton's Ring- livnc i'yrc.^ For ring-bono, blood-spar-
V r y,V® 8p . A>,n w dgttlU, and splint—a eertuin remedy.
lO I his iing-bone Cure and the Founder Ointment, art
i prepared from the recipe of u verv celebrated English Fnr-
! ler > ali(l will cure ill yj cases out of 100, any of the n-
I bovc complaint*. The.l have been tried by farmers, l.v
! cry men and others with the moat decided success.
P r : I-arzetti's Juno Cordial or I‘rocrcttlirc Elixir.—
i his 13 the only actual remedy ever discovered for impo
tence,debility, and all diseases occasioned liy impruden
cro.H in Ijfe.; and many ot ilie nostiums recently recom
mended lor the same imitation*
which Ha unrivalled execileice^^^^^^^mlant’ ho* bred*,
into market. The medical la t nd the U
n ]° *' 1,1 il \ ggyftj—g--^l| jevo
Eordiul, and have not *inplo in
stance that ha.s been i and lor
the sail)a purposes. The maladies relieved
by the Juno Cordiul are generally such as to leave the
publication of certificates of cures out of the question or
the proprietor jonld produce a host of the Must conc’iu
sive testimony to show that the greal reputation that it en
joys was not accidentally obtained, hut is firmly based up
on its positive, and appniently miraculous virtues. In ail
directions are to he found the happy parents of healthy
offspring, who would not have been so but for this extra
ordinary preparation. And it is equally potent in the ma
; MV discuses for which it is recommended. Objection hua
been naturally inndo to the price of the Juno Cordial, be
cause the trash that has been thrown into the n.nrket in
opposition to it is bold cheaper; but the fact is, the Cor
dial cannot he afforded for leas, and ought to he much
dearer, as many of the ingredients which compose it ar*
among tho cost.iesi things in nature; whereas the others
are made up of cheap drugs, worth but little in money and
less in merit. \\ e assure the reader that the utmost reli
ance muy be played on the Juno Cordial in the cure of the
m a mules mentioned above, and also of those which follow
viz: Loss of Muscular Energy, Physical Lassitude and
iieueral 1 rostrntion, Irritability, and ull Nervous Aflcc
tiour., Indigestion,Siuggishncs*olThe Liver, Gleet, orLu
corrlioca or Whites, and Flour Albtis, and eveiy disease
in any way connected with the disorder of the Procreative
* l *nctienß-~in all ol which it will a fiord almost immediate
relief, and, il need as directed, is almost certain to produce
a positive and permanent cure. It has taken the prece
dence i; Italy, ami will in ull other countiica where il
may become known.
It also possesses the unrivalled qualities of curing io
cipient Consumption,and 1 have administered it with grout
; success to patients who have sought our delightful cli
mate for the restoration of their health, and the result is
, thut n.medicine has been udded to the catalogue for tho
j cure of incipient consumption.
i 1 o pprend wide the blessings of this medicine, I have*
j appointed lMeisrs. JudsonA Cos., of the citv ofNew York.
! in the United States of America, my sole agents for ita
sale; and none can be genuine unless it cornea through
them and their signature ia on tlie wrapper.
Sold in Columbus by K. CARTER, only Agent,
(Sign of the Red Mortur.)
Connell * Magical Pain Extractor —The World’s
\V under-—Pronounced so hy all who have ever used il.—
U hue Swellings, lutiumntion, Puin in the Hark, Weak
Limbs, J ender or Sore Feet, und all Scofuloue Sores nra
speedily und permanently cured by O’Conneira .Magical
Pain Extractor; A flections of the Lungs, Ague in the !• ace,
Breast, lie Doloureux, Chronic Soic Eyes, Blistered
Surfaces, See. ft iaequally beneficial in all kinds oflu
liammaiorv Diseases, such us Sure Nipples and Eyes,
Sprains, Rheumatism, White Swelling &,ulcrrs, Bruises,
Burns,Chilblains, Erysipelas, Biles, &c.—willquickly bo
relieved by the application of this salve. This rcinarku
hie sanative possesses many virtues never found in any
other aiticlq. h has iho muni )vr *V\ynine
Tivliro, positively ‘allay ing tim euflering almost immedi
ately upon ita application. If any disbelieve the btato
ments, we would earnestly invite them to call and exam
ine the numerous unsolicited certificates of remarkable
cures wrought by thissulve. It has lur mouths past been
sold upon the following liberal terms, to wit: if the user
was not perfectly satisfied, and even delighted with ita ef
fects, and, furthermore, if it did not fully answer our re
commcndatioiiß, their money was returned immediately at.
their request. On the-c terms this absolute heal-nfl is
anything more reasonable ? Kind parent, keep it constant
ly on bund; in cascnof accident by lire, life maybe lost
without it; but by its use all burns aic subject to its con
trol. unlefttt the vitals are destroyed.
CLr Caution. —No Tain Kxtractor can bo genuine unless
you line! the signature of Comstock Ac Cos. on the wrap
per of eat li box. lie ware of the counterfeit.
Rheumatism. —Comstock’* Howes’ Nerve and Hone Lin
iment, and Indian Vegetable lslixir, lawurmntpdtn euro
any case of Rheumatism, Gout, Contracted Chords and
Muscles,or St it)'Joints, strengthens Weak Limbs, unden*
ables those who me crippled to walk again. Use this ar
ticle H.nd be cured, or go vv ithout it and suffer,us you pious*.
Certificates ol cures by the hundred cun be seen.
Deafness. —l sc Ur. McNair's Acoustic Oil, for the cur®
of Deafness. Also, all those disagreeable noises, like the
buzzing ol insects, falling of water, whizzing of fctearu,
which are symptoms of approaching deafness. Many per
sons who have been deaf for ten, fifteen or twenty years,
and were subject to use car-trumpets, ha/c, alter using
one or two bottles, thrown aside these trumpets, being
made perfectly well. It lias cured cases of ten, fifteen and
even thirty years’ standing of deafness. Price $1 per Cask.
Hay's Liniment fur the Riles. —The woist attack of the
Piles are effectually ur.d permanently cured in a short
time by the use of the. Genuine Hay’s Liniment. Hun
dreds of our first citizens throughout the country have
used this liniment with complete success, lli* warrant
ed to cure the most aggravated case.
CCr* Caution. —Never buy it unless you find the name of
Comstock it Cos. upon the wrapper, proprietor* of the gen
uine article, or you are cheated with a counterfeit.
Ante Discovery. —Dr. Connell’s Mixture, for Gonorrhea
and Gleet, Seminal effusions and Weakness of the uterus
or bladder. This mixture contains no*’injurious article
whatever, bu t possesses the properties of real efficacy, and
more congenial to the. Constitution tliuti any other medi
cine used for these complaints. Freed front the nauseat
ing qualities attending copaiba and common
will be found agreeable to the pulutc and pleasant to the
stomach, and will cute any case.
The Genuine Balm of Columbia, for restoring the liatr .
—Jfvou wish a rich luxuriant head of huir.fiee Irani dan
driff and scurf, do not fail to procure the genuine lialtn of
Columbia. Incases of boldness it will more than exceed
your expectations. Monv who have lost their hair for
twenty years, huve had it res original perfec
tion by the use of this baJm. condition, np
lo in* ob-rnclt o hlev me fluid
a t 11 ( c
w hit h means tlmusand.’ (w hose a* the A since
eagle) have had their hair rrstoreiWMwNatural color by
this invaluable remedy. In oil cases of fever it will b
found the most pleasant wash that can he used. A few ap
plications only are ncccssury to keep the hair from falling
out. It strengthens the roots, it never fails to impart *
rich glossy appearance, and ns a perfume for the toilet it
is unequalled. It holds three time* as much as other
miscalled huir restoratives, and is more eflrctnnl.
[ijf 3 Caution. —Never buy it unless you find the name of
Comstock Ac Cos., Proprietors, on the wrapper.
Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint cured, and all Western
and Southern Fevers prevented, in every core, by the use.
ofLongley* Great Indian Panacea, warranted
lt> cure the most severe ca-es of the above complaints.—*
Loss of Appetite, bilious affections, indigestion, ar per
manently cured hy its use. The great points arc, it is not
bad to take ;it does not leave tin howels costive, and net -
er gives ptiin in if° opera linn*. ‘I his Panacea will rrtnove.
all the bail bile from the st< much and give tone to the sys
tem, and keeps off all attacks of malignant fevers. 11 tbo
stomach in in a Imalihy state, am! the pores of the skin am
open so ns to admit .of tree exhalation* from the. body, ur
utiuck of the lever need hu fi-tued. Thin office the Pan
hccu wil! po-itiv elv j rform, and we recommend all to try
this arlich- if they w i: it t. in. nre health during the year.
As m family medicine, it i * unparalleled for coughs, colds,
all diseases of the blood, kidney t, and all scrofulous com
All of‘he a hove named article* ar* sold in Cnlutubua
only h\ 11. (‘.All I I II (sign of the red mortar. and Dr. 1L
A. AIIK; in Thomaton bv Wm.l “p, in MottlguiH®*
rv hy C.vRT tT \ <’ X ; also, by one Agent in every town
in Georgia and Alabama. Nuv,lf, NB-~ly
Dentists’ (iolU FOIL !
’ll CRPHY’S nupcrior Hold I ‘oil, jn.t liv
.11 I. v. INTER * CO.
Quinines QIIVIVKt
\T..\n• iIC nuprlv of” FAKE'S CUJININK.” >r cal*
ii> onioi
K-l'i. 81 r Sr
IWMrtARt t* ft lie,lt (< rollers.
UVUI I P* Did” Klun. Ffr.nUvrrv In.- fc y
J. I, ‘AJNI.K *
•V’ ft ,|j