Newspaper Page Text
R> ELLIS Ac CO., Proprietors.
A .*■*-*** r •. - -■-
Volume XIV*
Southern Hrmluirniv In tteorglti.
The- Ootintio* of Spalding, Houston. Stewart,
Talbot Butts and Carroll have already potted
resole lioa# ft* tht'ir meetings endorsing tlio strong
.-outberti peril imt take n by donator Ivewun lu
the late Congress. This speaks well to* Ueotgiu.’
Hereafter, !* R be known that Georgia will back
her statesmen, who. rising above the paltry con
sideration bf office ami influenced by the syren
song of Union. defend their soetion at all
hazard* aud to,the laet extremity. Tbe hope
ful apoagisU of the wrongs infiieted upon the
S>Kith are beginning to realize that the peo
ple arc awakening to a sense of their depend
ence upon tbe North Tor our just rights and are
selling the banner <>f Southern rights and bear
ing U over tbe heads of their leaders. This is as
it should be- The South and her institutions,
home and it” fire-ride* tlrat: and then let <mr lore
spread out, like tbe circular waves from the point
ol interruption on a smooth surface of water, until
it compos*©* within ita boundi the whole Union.
It is a matter of congratulation with all true pa
triot* that while tbe speech of our distinguished
Senator from Georgia (Mr. Iversou.) was consid
ered untimely, out of place and unworthy of ap
proval by many Southern Members of Congress,
the great luas.- of the people are rising up iu loud
respoase to it sentiment? and praising with one
accord, him* who has displayed so much courage,
refutation and* lovo of independence. Henceforth,
let (foergia W the banner State in her ftppreeia
tion **f sound, Southern sentiment* and let her oc
cupy that portion which her chivalry and devo
tion in tbe Cause of bur Constitutional right? emi
nently entitle her.
beulhern < (invention.
•ur Mayor, Jlou. M. U. Wilkin?, has appointed
the following delegates to the Southern (..'onvon
thrttte assemble at Vicksburg:
Hines Holt, T Bedell. W F Larkfo, W COray
J N Bet hum*, Tho* D<-Wolf, J H Martin. D L
Ihmher, J |HUI. J J Me Ken dree, William Dan
wi€ C Oody, HJi Murdock, L ti Bowers, W 0
Hodges, D B Thompson, BA Thornton, Wiley
WrtWanw. ¥ W IHRacd- W ( rowwell, ft Barnard.
ThonuM Ragland, J J Martin. John A Jones. H S
Estes, J K hull. K C Shorter. J W King.J L
Merton, Johu Carter, H II Upping, Jaa Bivins,
Jus Johnson, Potter Ingrain. A K Lamar. M J
A'raw lord. J K Redd, PJ Soiume*. W A Bedell.
W W tlarrnrd, J W Warren, R K Dixon, B M
(iunhy. J Kyle, P Spencer. J K Ivey. John <Juin.
Belij. S t'ohinau, Sain l Farrar. John Harnett. K
Croft, J N Ramsey, Daniel (IrilSn, W ft Turuian.
R R rioetchms.
Hun. John Fur*)lb.
Thi* distinguished gentleman, formerly oditor
of this journal. ami lately the able Minister to the
Republic of Mexico, is on a visit to his friend* nn.t
relative* m ibis city. Jl is cordially greeted,
and deserves well the plaudits of hhi fry men
for bis faithful service* In Mexico.
Thrthy Tstrti.
* The following cheduleexhibits, more correctly
ami speeificaHv than our laic general rejuirt, the
rate of taxation imposed by the new ordinance.
It wilt be i**en that the total tax on city real es
tate is about 2 per cent., and the tax on personal
property nd merchandize lighter-
Tax ou real estate for city pungwus... w .
* •< •* •• “ interest on R K bonds....<>oe
** ts . •* * debt due citiwrtte*...,.„..l*-
*• sides merchandize for city purposes.. <„. l 4
<* “ o ** debt due eiti*einr'...‘" ! *
” •* personal property for city purposes * 4
“ o ** “ debt due ciiu©*i* -
*This is to meet reclamation for Railroad taxes
illegally <‘olfoCed in lsh*7~M.— iMily Mmqmiretx
A ben PrM for the Enquirer
As several of oor enterprising Georgia eotem
potaviea are reporting intended improvedm*bis, we
think this is a proper time U* announce that we
too have anew Power Pre* in progress of can
“trwetiau for the Enquirer. <for* if* making by
Mtpm*. Hoe A Cos. of New York, so well known
as thy most extensive and eehsbrated press inven
tors in the world. It is their latest invention,
and the fact that it * to >© made by them t am
ple assurance that if wifi be an excellent ma
chine. We need such a press to give clearness
of impression ta uur paper. It will ptobobly be
finished wTthiu a month. —JEayw*Ve©, April \ Hk .
Frail l‘r*p—4 hemker.
From an hitcHigent gentleman of Cherokee, we
learn that, on the 7th iustant, there was a frost
throughout the up eouutry which proved very
disastrous to the fruit crop. In all probability
the whole peach crop wa* nipped in the bud. and
a greatportion of the apple drop. Tbc winter
has boon one of unusual wildoei* and frequent
rain*. The eun*e*uenee is, that the fly is in tbo
wheat, which i- now beading, and damaging it
vesy materially.
The corn is planted but not yet visible except
in a few rich spot*. From the mnlm at this
stoge of the present ©top df m in Dberokw, it
me pro* able that it will Jtat bean averageow.The
wheat crop will scarcely be tm-re than a half
- m mr .
K\r*'Ullr lppelitiwM.
J„l,n T. Ertur, K*|., .if thin city, h. ructirwl
tl |,|Hiintmnt tr im Uy i’wti.kiirt of Iwliw.
A*em. f..r C!Tfurlrt. Mr. lictf.r ho* born uni
■Monty mtud for tin ~* bjr rMt.Wn. o for tin
pool thro** year* in th*> or*l* rn territory, onrl by
bio notoroi BiKOt oenre o*t itroioi *<*•***--
It. will loom for tho thootre <if hi* to bom eort.v is
the fotlowioK Jon* n*t tin ireit wfoho* of isony
frtomt* wifi otlirot Min.
Ahnivsi. or loist* L*n.o. ■ -Ti'* Knjgli.h In,
nta AorowH*. with Lort Lyuin, the nw J4iiiit.r.
hnord. ootorwt Cbi-*st<eht-. BJ <m WtAnWloy
orosiatt, nod rooehod Auo.[* yrll!rdy. Lord
UywM soil h, toioowipsiilod by Aopuir.
orotvod at WmihMirton in the nwi.
Bowmoh. HnfMJtilitenth-lit of
Priotiu*. Inn purebormi tho fWoO new*|*mior
tohltohiuoiil, *i will iwho p"**"***•” ■“
two wookr. I‘erh.p* iu imuso ill lw t linnirni.
ArkiL If out. —*Th. editor ortho Wilimn,l-,n,
-Aorih Corotioi* donrintt. thui. Pit* hon ho wsm
uht napping lut hridsy morwin*. early
“Mithor. Mltbor, tliwtsthis’ bandin’ toy. ooat
iiohiM.” ■•AVliat. i>nn T “I Vtwil! co'tail!—
ha-n ah ! Apltfohh Ap'il fool nail lhle n the
Irrst niarorMiHin w<* henrit this motnili* nflor
ireuing into the rtreot. Onoofthc pnriln* waii>
“ntallW khont kaoo to a h*.p toad—who
lb. ntbr ■*", oor nod. ly forbid” “* *
\ uiitg America U “*>nw. ’ ;
urn .1 ockfoOß** (.old Hnuffßn\
A private letter ftwn Nashville Informs tbc
Itmbmond Knfuircr that tad. Audrew Jinkm-a,
lm*Jug been called away to bt plantation very
-uddenly W> attend t important business affaire,
as well a* to bring hi* family to “The Iforiui
has been ooiHjHtUwl to deter tho /urmtl
/.ressa/afom of the gold bo* recently awarded by
liicn to Uu. Ward B. Burnett. under the vote of
the New York Regiment, until IJen. Burnett i who
in Surrey or Weneral) ao go to Kmsm and Ne
braska Qo place bit depots in the field, and re
van M Nashville to a* Cel. Jsekrnm.
in UtehftaM Bounty Ct M on tho
2th mat., to the depth of tear or five iuchff, and
ho wmtbfj * eitmsely gold.
■ vmfr t fit* *T bnt(i “t*w
(The (fnlrnnhu 1 ) Uccklit times.
*• - :m . 9 ‘ •
lion. Martin J. Crawford.
The following communication we recivcd yen
tordnv from a well known Democrat in (.'lay
County :
Messrs. Editors :
I'cruut a democrat of Clay County to remark
through the column- of your pajutr, that while
the names of a number of good, true and promt
nelit democrats in tbe 2nd Congressional District
are being spoken of in connection with tbe oan
didacy for Congress, yet the Democrac y of Clay
County flatter themselves with the hope and the
belief that the claims of our late talented repre
sentative Hon. Martin J. Crawford will be in the
ascendant Im*fore the nominating convention. He
is emphatically the man for the time.-and the first
choice the democracy of this portion of the Dis
trict, whom hi* party and personal friend* will
delight to honor again at the ballot-box in Octo
ber u<xt. Hi* name as the standard bearer of
tbe Democratic Party iu the 2nd Uongre-isfonal
District i* ‘’tower of strength,” and is signifi
cant of irimuph of triumphant success: Like
Achilles, he will he invincible to his foes, llis
eon rue in Congress has been manly aud independ
ent on all the questions of vital interest not only
to his own btate, but to the entire Sooth and in
every buttle and eoufiict which he ha? had with
the hordes of Northern Abolitionist?, like au Ajax
be has homo himself gallantly and sustained
himself triumphantly and vigorously. An able,
experienced, and well tried faithful public sCr
vauf, he deserves well of hi? constituents ayd
should be rewarded with a continuance of public
confidence.*’ While the honorable gentleman
whose name bciuD this article is the acknowledg
ed choice of the Democratic Party in this section,
yet the party here will support any candidate
whose name nuty be presented by the nominating
•on vent ion. Our party has “any quantity” of
• (Uttliflcd men iu the District who while they
would not eugagt- ‘fin a wild hunt after office”
would net decline to nerve if selected for that pur
With the Hon. Martin J. Crawford as our
standard boarer our color* will be borne aloft and
such a rally around the old Democrat iu flag will
be seen a? was never both re witnessed, and the
2nd Congressional District will poll a Democratic
majority in October next, which will lie perfectly
astounding to the opposition and the cry will be
“TV bar JUi they come from.”
Airmen In BarJihigton
Wabhixgton, April 8.
Tbr Postmaster (ieueral ha? sent fettors to sev
eral gentlemen inviting proposal? fur earning
mails between New York and New Orleans and
California., from the Jtfeh of September, 1850, to
tbe let of July, |BfW, leaving to bidder? to desig
nate their own route?. Proposal? are to he re
ceived until tho .Tttrh of April.
Commander Calhoun has t*eou ordered to tho
(‘(•maud of the sloop of-war Portsmouth, the flag
ship of squadron, now fitting out at
Portsmouth, N. H.
W II M’ inter,, one of tho principal eon tract or?
for the t’apiiolextensian and other publio build
ing*, died here this afternoon.
The name of The I’oiau, i* to be changed to
T/ui <Jon*titut ion.
Among the strangers in thaCourt this morning
w>>ro Horace flwann. of Maryland, brother-in-taw
•flWte. ULatw W—fc— L * **- I
uncle of the late Mrs. Key.
ftapt, Montgomery h appointed to command
the Pacific squadron : Ua|*t. Inman to command
the African squadrons Capt. Slribling tu*coui
mand Urn Hast India ?quadrou; Capu Mclntosh
to relieve C‘pt. Suibling at the Navy
Ytarsi r Capt. Rubb to command the ?team sloop
Lancaster • Capt. Deuiin to cotntnan<l the sleum
sloop-Hartford ; Capt. 801 l to sucooed Capt. Dor
uiu at the Norfolk Navy Yark ; Commauder Nca
sou to coin maud the aloop-of-war John Adams,
and Commander Hunt lo eomiaitad the sloop-of
war levant.
The Mexican Idtaral (iovcrninoHt has given nn
order to the Jfotoi Storm Arm? ('oinjMtny for five
thousand breech-loading rifles and carbine?.
Carreepantir tic* of Ihr Journal of Commerce.
The MeKlr*a Trial -4oHnnel
Washinutox, April 7.
District Attorney tmdumade a gawd impres
sion in his opening address to-day. His oppo
nents think, however, that be took too much pains
in dressing up tbc subject, and that his duty
would have been better junformed by a simple
statement of the fact# of the killing, without hav
ing recourse tu any of the orwnnteuta of eloquence,
sh seemed to anticipate the theory of the defence,
and strove te impress on the jury that there could
be BO fegul-justification, and that if the justitica
ratiou, to Iw set up wa* legal, they should require
it to be legally proven.
Mr. ttuld I* a fine, square built, athletic man of
some forty years of age, with eyes siuail and grey
though without the expression of keen*©* usually
attributed to such optics, lie h* a broad fore
head, straight black hair, and ruthvr pleasant ex
juwmfcjH iilr.iilMltonhKSi Indeed, he look- more
like a friend to he honorably trusted, limn like h
lawyer to be depended upon. Mis cotleage, Mr.
Fnrlisfe, posseeses more of the qualities usually
associated with the idea of a legal praetioncr
wiry, and restlessly active. Nothing seeuis to
escape Ills attention, and the defence Mem so r
aHse that they have more difficulty to expect
from him than from tbo Government prosoeiftor.
Ills voice like his person is thin and wiry, Imt
hi# manner and style are nevertheless pleasant.
<n Mr. Brady, of New York, rests most of the
labor ofthv defence. Studiously polite to Judge.
jury,<tauo*el siui witnesses, be seem* to have more
faith in suavity than in Mattering. Even where
be thinks the judge is wrong in the decision of
-mull matters, he prefers to submit gracefully
Hither than consume time and exasperate fuel tags
in disputation At the same time, where maieri
al principle- of I* w or evidence are involved, uone
more determined than he, and lew more able to
defend to tbo last .extremity, the uitWMt* o| hi*
client. He is the most popular of the
counsel for the defence.
The counsel who, next to him, wwm to be most
relied on for the deti ijcc. i* Mr. Stanton. This
gentleman is in constant ‘’toMftwnieatton with the
primmer, ulid sits or stands bc-idehiiu mvvl of the
linae- What Mr. Brady lavishes ta lire ••susvitcr.’
Mr. tdanton make* up Hi the “fortifer.” Thaw
j- no ceremouiousness about him. He comes up
i<> the point with a sledge-hammer eern©stm*
I which stand* ut in contrast U hi* ©oHeague# ex
treme politeness, lie is just a little ftffyond the
middle ago of life, but with sll the'.vigor f one of
thirtv. He talks with rapid iittoraneu and great
vehemence. though the rqawfer# say he might “
provefit# argument by diminishing, his word flu
e*y. „ . ~ ...
Mr. Phillip* wa* h mendier of ilw tilirty-thwd
4on grass from the Btute of Alabama, wlio, iu pre
ference to retiring u ’ *h* SW when hfc term ex
pired, remained to practice law in jffaahiagten. J
‘lndieve ht- I* an I-deralite in fkUti, though colirely
real rioted t the nrgimuatlou of tho Jury.
Mr. Jwho Urabam ia a well known practitioner
at the bar of New York. Ho has mueh repum
lion for keenneaa and nbiHty a* a criminal law
ver. Hi* strong iH.intis atJd la be dfeMerttlng ond
UcerMtiog tho character f the opposite pari*.-,
and in ibterbtdlntc hb a/>lrosi with Hhiikeaprntn
.jurttation*. He Uto make the bpouing address
for the defence.
Thomas Francis Meagltcr i* !**♦, well fcnowti
throughout the country to need .h* riptioM here.
A a oik of the junior counsel in thia oaac, he eon
tout* himself with ftUKgeatiourt to bi# senior. His
is the iilciiftaulert far t at (he lawyers table.
Mr. HakliftV has the reputation of beiaga ktjen
lawyer, ap to all Uk art* of the f>rofes*ion. He is
a practitioner at tb- WashingtonW.
Mr. (Jhilloo 1* a highly re*|wtablo and itUi
gout loot iibg elderly gentlouiau, whose eery ap
oearance is caloulated to have n favor aide mf*rs
mm on the jury. He and Mr* Brady are W> stm
up for thedofVi .<•.). x ..
Mr. Magrnd* r i.aabut recently come to practise
at due bar. Jlo favortd*ly *poken of. !lH prt
of the daieoce. however, like teat of Mr. Phillip*,
ceasea, I believe, with th- orgnniwitlon <*f the
Kt for Jadf Cwf..rd, Wforawhom tb oa j>
baard, be setaM to hv* to for gtaa*bly Ofoap-
TH r tm UN 0 f Tl| K S T V TIX, A\ II TH K SIIVK HKI li \T Y Q F TH K STAT KS.
pointed tbe e.V|eetatiun* of the defence. Kxcept
in tla> matter of cooping up llie prisoner, hi* de
cisions have been marked by fairness mul impar
tiality. Ho is evidently :tn old gentleman of
strictly routine habits, winch he display? un>*L
-atirtaetorily iu adjourning regularly at three
oYlogk. Hi* great age. apparently extended be
voud the three eeorc years and t*n, has not dull
ed hla reasou or unpuiyod his faculties. On the
contrary, he observes the case and recalls the
evidence with ms much acutenos? aud eieainre* us
auy of the counsel at the bar.
Horace .Swann, brother-in-law of Mr. Key, and
fK W. l.nrman, uncle of .Mrs. Key, were present
iu Court to-day.
Trial of Ran ltd K sickle?
W vsiiiNUToN, April 7,
Tlio fltokle? trial was continued to-day. The
court-room was cron dud to cxoati*. Tbe jury
as empaneled, atnl the District Attorney addre-.-
ed the jury, but the counsel t*r tlio defouee declin
ed to do so until tbo eloolng of tlio evidence lor
tbe prosecution. Ton witnesses were examined.
Their testimony was confimri to the act of killing.
Thet'ourt then adjourned till to-morrow, and the
jury wore taken in charge by the Marshal.
Illftti Audiorltj Appealed To.
In his charge to the jury in the Stephens ease,
.Judge Roosevelt said, “wo have the hirjhtti o
t/iority for sayiug ‘all that u man hath will he
give fivr his life.’ ’’ A writer in the Roohaster
1/nrm, com rni'U ting upon thfct statement, say a:
Holy writ iu forms u? that “Satan answered
tbe Lord and said. ?kiu for skiu yea. all that
tuitu hath will lm give for his life."—Job
2, 4.
This doctrine of the Judge may lead to several
serious questions. May imt an amendment to
the constitution be necessary U* give to Satan In
the city of New York higher judicial authority
t tin a the (on rt Appeals / sh jury in criiuiuni,
as well a? in civil cases, must receive the law front
the Court. D a juror In the city of New York
competent, who has conscientious scmples against
a**cepting the Devil a? the authority ?—■ :
These and kiuilcetl considerations may produce
some einbnrrasmcnt In the courts of the metropo
lis. . I will add, that West of Cayuga Bridge, Ha
tun is not regarded by tbo Bench, nor cited by
the Bar, even us respectable authority.
[.V. }', Jour, oj CoiHMii'i.
Fugitive Slate I mm*.
Phii.Ai>Ki.i'Hia, April t(.
Last night evidence was adduced to show that
Daniel Webster, the allegod fiigilivo slave, con
tested to officer? who conveyed him from Harris
burg to this city, and others, that this was his
first visit hen*. The testimony, after long ar
guntent, was admitted, and completely .over
threw important evidence lor the defence. Tho
evidence ch.?oil at midnight, and the counsel
wore occupied six hours in summing up the case.
The ComnilSbiuuer will render th© decision this
[MeOotid Di'pfttch.]
Daniel Wehster, tbe alleged iugHive slave, w'u.s
discharged by tho Commissioner, hi? idoutity not
having been proven. U i>- being carried thro’
the street* on the shoulder* of oegfues, amid in
tatisc exciteineut,
A HiHtwMp
The Houston (Texas) Tmlcyrnpk say*:
Mr. Fvunpsou, (Iraml Master of Mason? of T‘-X
as, bus shown u? a document which bus just come
to him in the regular course of his business. It
is a Masonic demit, which nunc up among others
wilh n petition for anew lodge, belonging to ‘
John Walker, and dated at Lexington, Tonnes- i
sec, March Bth, |A2fi, thirty years ago. It in
signed by K. Jl. Tarrauf as Muster, a gcutlcuiMu
counter signed by Johu A. Qrecr, a? decretory,
another distinguished Texiim. (en. Turiant wa?
upastD. (i. M. of the tlraml Lodge in Texas,
having the office in JB|s, Col. (jrcer wft* (Jrand
Master iu 1811, and Hep. Tarrant hold the neat
highest elective office tbe same year, viz : tl.fl. W.
A (incuinanl with Mu**e names written before
ithidr owners) ever tlamght us coming to Togas,
>lll# occupying the positions they din, is indeed
worth preserving.
(’■ksm vs. Cari>s.—The Vicksburg True
Southron, says:
We were cduversing.yesterday, with a gentle
man who lias been a pilot upon the M'ni'toni wn
tefs for twenty - lively cur*. He remarked that this
(fountry owed ii great debt of'gratitude to Paul
Morphy, for, that within thfclust year, eard play
iug iniioiigrtcamhoat travelers in the West, hud
diminished fully one-hall, and ehess had taken its
place, thus supplying an iptcMectual and improv
ing pastime in place of one that results in evils
and evil only.
Heather and trop*
The L ite Coi.d Wkatiikr—- LaGuaxuk, April *'.
Mu. Emtuß:—lee is king this morning, much
to the discomfiture of young ’‘King Cotton.” -
For the InM thirty-six hours,Old Boreas has crack
ed his cheeks” in true winter style, ©killing ns to
n degree indicated by the low figure of 114 on the
thermometer, and by ice found on the earth of au
inch thickness. lam truly thankful at heart, und
glad to say to yon, that its effects upon vegetation
generally i- hut slight. Fruit is unhurt—very
Lender vegetation and young corn so slightly fros
ted as to he barely perceptible : wheat, and other
small grain, looks remarkably well. 1 ’orif bus
not ffome regular and well, 6whig to frequent and
heavy rains, followed by severe cold winds, crust
ing tii ground a* impenetrable and hard to the
voting shoot as u board. Asa general thing, our
planters have put in a large crop of all the ©ere
als, and nr© preparing more ground by 2f> per
cent, than they had in Inst year for the staple
prince, “King C'ottou.”
The CliatfoiHM g Advertiser, sy* :
Hrav v Frost—-We Inul a heavy frost in these
pRrU mi Tuesday nigbt, which matorially injured
the fruit prospeat*.
The Marietta (tfe-J Advocate says :
Tbc severe cold of Tuesday night, the .>th in-f.,
has destroyed the peach crop In this section.—
Early wheat, we learn, 1* injured, hut do not
know to what extent.
The Athens (Or. ) Uaiincr report* lee on the
night ofthe 6th iust.
The Cfeala ( Fla. i fonijouiiow, say* :
A LxmuH Kkmox— it at Saturday of lust week, a
IciAou of extfMor*Jiuar> dimensions was brought
to or office, from the lion. f> 1. Ynlee'* pbmtu
xnn,on the iioiaosasMt. It measured 12 inches
tu aiouinrcrvncc.
the (Via.) of the sth
The Real her. we regret to say, continues ex
ceedingly capricious and • Hsngrocable- -emu©-
times unpieß-.wiUy warm, then again, in a few
hours, nncouifortnhly cold damp rainy disa
The health, w IwHert, is pretty gowi—•<*
little r-ickovsH in the country, but (lie town is
quife healthy.
The ©rrp prospects nre by no means promising.
The season, hi the fiyst place, i- behind time, and
Use plantar- goncmlfe brhind the Mason. The
rounOg of a fofe-s “hilltug— t kßing frost ) bn*
been pradi'ded on tile 2tftli ust. dlmuld fhis
| prognostication prove true, we life n used up com
munity. Them could not. from all mrcounts, by
that time, be cotfoH -mml enough found in tbw
country to plant one big plantation.
W “
flfel messog*! over the f*ubu Telegraph
was received n Monday, ordwring a dor,on bot
ti* >,l l,agcr Bow, for ©*M*k fwt rent at Wayim#
vllle. It ia impacted that the line will l work
ing to l'. rnandina m x work or feu day*.— tin*,
/ietHtbUoitH. _
CBI*. hswaraa.—Th. *iaat bs. y..t into •
phyaical diaiinU, at Otniiimati. Masua. An*
ebau, Haltor aadThomaa r,'lu.. and !■> jsirlioau ni
Ikin.frt. to>.wavr, they and i rua*'.^■. I.t wen'p-Hd, in III* n.iarM*
„l Mr.Fnraiw"lappedAswibulr
in tb. foaa. K.-mt..*, in a .ard, •uli.r.|unlly
Hint*.l that ho did *u no account of Asachara i
*altinacipr**lnii"fowa*dtwo iinprobtod radio*.
)*n**.TTaii v.— fh* Prcbyiory of Hoafb Car
olina wHI I*’ fhaid 01 hprin*. Church, Tbufaifoy. the J Oh inrtaut. andlli.
■Hina will ..p".'i al 11 o’clook ou tbat la,. VV
h.iv. luko iafuruiad tiiat wifobfo arranttpimuta
liav. i.iiteii uiiul. for tho cnailnrlaUc acooiomcHia
l!oa rfT all who way attend, and it would not bo
in Mvimm With tha libaral .pint of that cotn
muniiy, wo aaeb not the oaaa.—Xanorwtm.Ha
mrrrt Tnic.
B'e by tlu> hi.-a uutuhev of tire Macon M- - j
tp'iipA, that sumo J’ the entAprblng mo rob ant? i
of that City have embarked iu the buiuu&* of im* ■
porting their goods dirtwtly from Europe. This j
is a movo in the right direction aud wo eoruestly j
eoiumeml tt to (ho consideration and practice of
our own pnuplo. Not, a reason, except halit, can j
be giiuti for the course our merchunt?’ have al- ,
way* pursu.Hl. of purchasing every art icle ul met
. chaudi/.o in the Northern mhvkets, The syspMo ‘
of Direct Trade once fairly inaugurated, the mon
etary rotations tad ween our own and foreign mar
-1 kots would immediately adapt themselves to meet
thexigencies bf the ou?v\aud we cannot conceive
that there would bo any more difficulty on this
•cot® ihuu now exists between our Southern nud
Northern cities. Whenever tiio proper iiuluec
nient was created, the carrying trade, too, would
wind itself to supply our uoao—die*. The ahip?
which now plv between Northern and European
potto could rondily lw induced to diverge from
their uoeuiOoinod path and \li*chargo Iu the ports
ot Savannah and Cfiiarlcstou tbo cargoes which are
now landed hi Now York, lu this policy tho
Suuibarn consumer is directly uud largely iutar
c?Uxl. The comparative cheapness of the pri
duct, under ita operation is a fact which is appa-
tbo slightest reduction. Under the pros
out system, tbo consumer in Urn South pays, in
addition to what is necessary, tor discharging and
reloading tbo cargo in a Northern port, wharfage,
drayago nud other leaser contributions and the
profit of tho Northern merchant. All this, and
it is no immaterial item, would bo saved under
the. plan of direct importation.
In n political point of view tho plan is worthy
of ail commendation. It would stimulate into be
ing and vigorous growth a (holing of commercial ;
iudc|tendence which would produce the moat oh- !
vious salutary results. It would do more. It
would convince tho North that, while wo have i
boon “hewer* of wood and drawer* of water” for i
her until she lias grown rich upon the fruits of ‘
our vassalage, this relation is neither necessary j
nor natural. The contribution which is annual
ly paid by the float hem public to Northern mer- •
chant? would, if withhold uud appropriated t !
home, line our Atlantic and Uulf oouri? with I
princely cities and deplete the commercial empo- !
riuuis in the North to a ruinous oxtent. The pro ;
jeet is feasible, and fcqniri*?, but a moderate
Htnoiint of ootieeritsl notion to give assurance of
its success. M'c hope that the example, of our
sister city will be imltutad until itshnil he demon
strated to the Southern people that Direct Trade
with Eurtqa* is both praeticublc uud profitable. ,
The Arl/uua lApeiiUtou.
Tho armed expeditious now taing nrjpuaizod iu j
New Yojlc aud othor cities, with- tho ostensible j
view of emigrating to Ariioun, will not he penuit- i
tod to enter that Xerrifarv, special order? to thut
•■fleet having been issued b> the L. S. trtieps !
Tlu l stopping ofUol. Leek ridge by Han. Twiggs
is sanctioned ul Washington, and similar orders j
hava been extended to Now Mexico, in order lu j
preveiit the ontrune,e of these bands of marauders
into that Territory . Tbe troop* uuw in New Mex
ico will bp rvjmoved into Artaoua if it shouhl Im
come necessary, and thoir pbujes supplit-d by oth
ers from the Platte country.
Rribop Kerrf
This learned and pious Divine preached last ;
Habbatb in the Hwtkediat Church in this city. As
usual, ho spoke with groat fervor, real and elo
quence. and with much of lb* unction of .the Mn- i
ly Spirit, He madoa collection <d’ near three
hundred dollar* lor a Southern Methodist Church
iu San Francisco, Ual., whither he now jourmiys, :
with ?rral Mini store of the Hospel. Ill* venc- j
ruble father, than whom few ivre more aide and i
devout in tbe Ministry, officiated with him in the
saiuupnlpit on Sabbath lust, as also his brother
in law, Dr. Mann, the Pastor of the First Metho
dist Church > n this city.
Etie.ATi u. In tho short article yesterday,
headed “Southern ‘Sentiment in tfcorgia,” ap ;
pears the tallowing - “Hereafter lot it Ims known
that (leorgin will back her statesmen, who, ri ,
sing above live paltry consideration of office, and j
iii/hinirnt by the syren *ng of Union, defend
thelf section f all hazards and to the last ex- j
tremity.” It should have read “Hata/taeaoeW.”
OpposUlnn Furl).
Mr. Hotts, the great American-whig orator, and
leader of the opposition party la Virginia, is
willing to associate with uuy body,to heat the
Democracy. Yea, lie would take up a brother
darky and carry him to the polls to got bis vote
—all for spoil*! Listen.
Mr. Bolts raid—
“lt has not boon very long ago sinw a gentle
man somewhat prominent in the ranks of Demo
cracy, whom I met on the street, said to me. Mr.
Bolt-, l have a question U propound to you, if
you have no objection.’ Certainly md, sir. *1
want to know,* said he. *if you arc in favor of a
coalition with the Block Republican party In the
election es 184 MI V Mr noon MM*. mu. said f. I
nox’r w*M Vwtifo RfotMUgusTApn mk ; I wmti
Ti rioN OAVK TIIEU THE Kid If TTo VoTK. I Wot t-tt
K B I'Alitv.” | fowightcr aud apfiWc.}
VkfeWa give place to the following, according
to tlic well known rule among journalists, to mi
mit allcoiniminicatioTis that are respectful with a
responsible name attached. The author of the
following 1* recognized a* a true Democrat :
OvLETiioHi'K, Ha., April 7th.
AV/iW* °f Tunr* :
1 see that th pfoi generally Is advocating (ho
claims of the Hon. Martin J Crawford for Con
gross, und it sceins to accord It to him as a mat
ter of rigid.
\ow, I am not very well posted on tbo politic*
of the day. and he uiay have a claim, the validity
of which, I may not le able to qiutilfon. Please
inform the democrat* of the District, what Mr.
t ‘rawford hn* done, that gives him uuy better
right to the nomination, than mtwul other men
In tbo District? H© muy have dope bin simple
duty.but bos he done anything that entitle* hlau
to a ueipatalty in the othec f With tim lights
now before mv, so for from tbo Dcm'scratic party
being under obbgaibm* tu Mr. < raw ford, I think
that “tbo hoot Ik •# tbc other leg.” If there is
anything in hi* course that abouW excite the grati
tude of the district, wo would UUo t be informed.
lfes|#et(uHy, A©..
tier. Brown, wee iu Mnopt) on lust,
mid djoppod in to tbo T< hgruph fe w min
ut;s, <n hi- wey to bok ul lb** iiow edllb e for Uo
Blind, now nearly completed. Wc nro bound t*>
say flint the tlevcrner doo* r.ot Bp|wnr at all op
pressed by the weight of oMcUI ‘-ure- and rt**pm
sitiilities. or lntrra*scd by the thornier bolt* ~f
opposition from Atlanta or elsewhere. Ilia face
has not gained uwrinkloand carriedju*t theemu
swn.c iunl smiling uapcct a* ever.
Kx-tlov, Johnson was aJfib in this city u fbw
days last week and lfi An Friday fir MUhidge
Judge Jiove, of the Bonthcrn Ohrult, spifitt scr
ctntdfgN to Mmron last wek, end Whs In the of
gen on Thursday. Wo are jd. Seed to sec tbit
time deals leniently with this ixeellewl mutt and
funrtionury, and has left nfi mark* ygf.— Mht+n
A disUnguiahotl writer says that ‘nothing aux
be groat which is not rlgbt. r Will he tell a* wi*t
U thinks of w grant wrong?
V tllliiHi and Mary t idlege.
j Tho Williamsburg (YuA says that a
, plall of tha new College lias boon prepared, and
I Work will spoovllly be codmeu*od. It adds :
I “The *ltl walls vvß! be retained, but the extu
■ tcriur and m >-rM*r of the uew struattivu will difler
J from thqso ot the old. The nmv cdirtt*e. nrrafitar
! life renowed edifice,vVlß present a front C on**
I hundred and thirty-six feet, which will here
lieved by two tower# i*r the tlaliivu style of areht
; toetnre. One oOiev will bo ‘nucd us an Ohserv'a
; tovy The two side views wifi present each a
1 front id’ one hundred feet. Tho altitipta of the
! icw building will be much greatc than that of
pthe old building. There will ho no dormitories
! hi (Im* College, tb* Faculty hiw ing reoontly pur
chased a honsu which alfords ample accoimuoda-
I Hon* fi,r students, Tho interior of the College
I edifice will bo conveniont. There will be six
■ large lev litre room?, each opining into ap office
lor a Professor, and a Laboratory which wiQpro
?out all the modern hni>rovcim>uts. There will be
h Spacious room for tin Library, and two splen
did Society Hall*. Tho old Chapel will by but
little altered.”
Court of Coin in on Pleas
NivvYouk, April 8.
The Fonrtt and ITi7li Libel Suit, befoi'r Hilton ,
h'nrrrvt u'*t, Snthnniel /’. \Y4lii.
This ease wits tried live year? ago, and the ju
ry disagreed. It is an action to recover damages
(laid at ten thousand dollars) for tho publication
ot u libel in the Home .Journal, in which, it. is al-
Icgud thoplaiutifl ‘s eondiiet in relcrcnee to his
disagreements with lii? wife, and his ttpjdirOtfen
to the Lcgislatme of I'ennsylvania for a divoree.
was malici-mriy misrepresented, with intent to
injure hi? character before the public. Defendant
admitted tho publication, denied malice, and set
up partial justification.
Mr. John Yan Huven opened the case for the
plaintlll'. giving an extended narrative of tho dif
ligulties between Mr. and Airs. Forrest.
Mr. James \V. tlcrard and Mr. Fanchor ap
pyared for tho defendant.
Mr. Forrest and Mr. W. 11. Hlako and other
j t heatrical celebrities were in Court,
i Mr. Willis, the defendant, was not present. Mr.
’ rierurd stated that ho was too ill to Ik< present,
and that one of 111? witnesses was dead, and the
j others scattered over tho earth.
f flltors Please Notice.
| Mr. Emroii : —As Chaiminu of- t'nunnilteu
■ appointed tocoricspniid with tho .''’uporinlcudciits
of the different Knilvoud* in the .State, nu behalf
ofthe Young Men’s t’lirisiian Association of Ma
con. I request you to prim Urn following, which 1
j hope the papers will copy in Augusta, .Savannah,
<'omnibus, Atlanta, Koine Athens, and other pla
ces where there may ho a Young Men's tJhriatinn
; Association.
Notirti ( tf>A**oci\Uwhh,
. The Central, the Sonth-wcstem, the Augusta A
j Savannah, tbc Georgia and the Western A Atlan
tic ftaUromls, will pas- Delegate- to the Young
I Men's Christian Convention, to lx* convened in
Macon, April 2‘Mh. / th. ir ,e/*Vn ho,
| providwl each Delegate presents n Card, signed
; iijr the presiding otliccr of the (’ouventiou, staling
j that the len“r had been in aitendunce at the
| Convention as n Delegate, and piuutod owr that
i Hoad and hud /mill full Fur< >j’nny.
t ‘hninnon of Coniinitloc.
i The V oung Men’k Christian Aasdciatlon of
-Macon, invite.-- her Sister Associations to send a ;
large number of Delugnte*. Ample provision will
| be til ado for all.
| ’ State PujH-rs copy.
The MlHHisxippl.
Tht- V'n ksbnrg True Southron of tbo fllh iust.,
] say* :
At 2o'clock yesterday the Rivur had riton to
wit lan a quarter ,o| uji inch of it* liyfeht he. fore
j below, ill all probability, before this meet* the.
i reader’s it will have fully reached this season.
Such itl least are the imlicnlioti*.
We hour of no new crevasse*, above or be
The Charleston Tallalmtchian, of the 2d iuat.,
; says:
The river at Tillatoba landing is about 20 in h
: t'H below l In; bigiiest water mark ofthe great flood
iof lSotb aud rising. Most of the plantations on
I the river are more or less submciyod. The iiu
. pressiou is that the river will reach lost summer's
i mark —if not groster.
From the Mnitt©e!lo (Misrlssipil) Jouniul,
of the 2d installl, wc learn that that aee>
tiou of the country is flooded with ruiu. it
I says :
Kain Mill continne.s to flood the country. Tor
| rent, after torrent coiuex the drenching showers,
Idling every hole aud crevice, swelling every wa
tercourse until we no longer find it practicable to
! travel except by Mourn. I'oarl river is still high
er than usual, and on the rise. From present in
i dicatiou* we know noi when or where it will stop
j —not until the bottom huid* are all thoroughly
: inundated, wc suppose.
The Madi-ou (La.) G i/.ott© of the 21st, gives
I us tb© following intelligence :
Bayou Koiindaway has risen rapidly at this
, place since Huuday last, but has not readied high
i water mark of List, year, nor is it probable that
j it will, unless there should be some new crcvus
-1 It is thought by those in whoso Judgment wo
have the utmost voidideuco, that in the immediate
I vicinity of Richmond, planters will escape with
, loss injury than they sustained last year. Wo
; deeply sympathise with those who are Buffering
1 from the ofleets of the flood.
The breaking of While's l\e, and the con*e
qiiout damage to the railroad, has cut. oft’ direct
communication with Vicksburg, uud rendered it a
matter of great difficulty to get freight through
| from that quarter. Our citizens may still enjoy
I the consoling (?) reflection, that though they con
| not go to the river, it will, in all probability, soon
j ootne to them.
The Memphis Advocate of the 4th instant
I say* :
The river at thut point, Saturduy evening, wo*
j oidy seven uud “c quarter Inehe* below high wa
I ter mark, which is within on© ami one quarter In -
oMW ofthe highest water of the present flood.—
During Friday night, ami Saturday a ©onsidem
hlc amount of rain fell, which will, douldlewi,
‘ have sum© effect upon the river.
Vlucou A Ki'unsMlrk Railroad t omnirnrcd.
! lu the early pari, of last week, Mr. McNeill.
] with hi* Corps of Engineers and Assistants coig-
I menned tHe foeuthm of tfte Macon A Brunswick
Railroad. The locution has been com pi© tod te
the point lit which the Ucmulgou is to be c.roswd.
I Slid on yesterday the Camp was moved to the
East Bank, and it is expected that tho work will
I rje vigorously pr*.s©©oted until forty mile* I* ftn
j i*bed. when tbo contracts for tho grading, super
, structure, Ac., will le let out. Judge Cochran,
j rho President, }*ft this ©Uv on Saturday lost, and
ware happy to state in Improved health. JAi .
j co o T'-tejrufih.
Pontaiir to T’ ke liustm. We arc request
-1 cd fa. state that it is uo longer necowmry to cel
I feet m tba Fluted Htates any British |s.stug© up
! on letters addressed to Turks islands, and for
warded ill the mnlfeto Mt. Thonui-, arrangements
’ 1 1 aving he n made l>y the British Dost Office for
1 levying and collecting such postage ou thv deliv
ering ofthe letters at destination.
’ In future, therefore, the I ulted Htater postage
j only Is required to fe- prepaid on letters for Turks
i Islands, whichi* lt rants tb- single: rate, if the
distauce docs no®exe©cd 2.-00 miles: and 20 cents
II lire distance i* over 2,u0.- Wash, l.niou.
Kvwt ASTi!ii Kibb.—About two years ago. a
declivitous slu|H* otj rh margin of JanMa River
nunr tbo rail read bridge, Virginia,
WHS I'liw‘e tor u*t c U*posit of the eye
dor* from the Tredegar Work*, nt Lhe instunw
of tho owner of the property, Mr. JiWnoa Thoiuus,
who do*ir< dto Improve it. The deposit wit* eon
In,ued ti>>ui lime t.. time, until :• large level Hir
face was ffirunel, uud It wus thou <lisc<mtiimc<l iu
e*wno<|uene- of the 4kcorry that the wib-sliuta
ofeyndum originnlly deposited luul(gutted. The
whd mas-, suvetfil ftvt Mow the surface, is nr
on fire, and hn* boon fTseveral months, nan,dug
H settling of that purl m*r the river. Very Ultlw
imoku Is emitted from this subterraneous coiubus
tiou, hut the surface (* vary hot, ndin tnimy pla
eoa, cracked with IlMHirea. Tlie fact that thU tire
baa been progr*s*UK so long time i eerUinly a
• Uttlc sxtraordiuary.
Tattrii.- Truth is a principle a* eternal aa the
Throne es tied. AlthougU Ui* ufton ,vcrtimHjd
and subverted by error, it will finally come forth,
in triumph; ihiafof brijbtlj >1 bunUbod *W,
ntUMRIN, Till KMHt, JPRiL 14,
Judge Joseph 11. I.umpklu
This gpudonmu> name has boon meutioned in
coirnuction with the Froiduncy. So radically lias
ibe .Judge's views in relation to the right? of the
South in tho last few yuars. that it would
by a cunplinietit to the fire-vater* tb promote his
interest. It merely convinves the must skeptical
that the wrongs, compromises und com*bs?iou
made by thy Futh. arc arouaiugthe most hope
ful of the Houthern apologists in roeist turlhei
iiggressiuns, and demand the lull measure of out
right*. The tael that a man of Judge Lumpkin’s
ability, high position, kuowu honesty of motive
and purity of character should announce hiuiself
at this tiuiu as “partial to that ulus* of politicians
■known as flre-aatqr*,” is worthy tho study und
rellvetjou ot those, who have seen no virtue in n
party, which Would dure resist encroachments
even u a dissolution ui tho Union, May Judge
l.umpkin long live to hold the positiou of chief
Justieo of tho Huprciuc Court of this and
may his strong arm be ready to dofond the South
in vindication of her Constitutional rights.
lion M. J. ( ranford
A communication was published in yesterday ‘s
issue of the Time*, rigued “Democrat.” in which
the query is addressed to u#, wlmt has “Mr.
Crawford done, that gives him any better right to
tho nomination, than •m ral other men in the Dis
trict ?” Mr. Crawford does uot claim fee sim
pie title to the position of Representative from
tho 2d Congressional District in this State, and
is williug for any democrat to oppose him in the
nominating convention. Tho gift of Hepresenta
live i? with the Bentonitic party and no objection
will be made to its bestowal ou one more worthy
its confidence and support. That Mr. Crawford
lias discharged hi? duties iu Congress with fidelity
none will deny that he will yield ehoorfully to
tlio nomination of another, we assert. Hi* claim?
are with the party and to it, he i? willing to test
tho question, whether he ?hall bo the standard
bearer of the Democracy in tbo earning contest.
The Counties in which Democratic meetings have
boon hold in the District express a preference for
Ueniocratb Meeltngs
The Counties of Spalding, Carroll, Butts, Hous
ton. Pike, Talbot, Webster, Sumter aud Stewart
have held meetings und endorsed the Southern
sentiments uttered by Judge Iverson in tlio Son-
I ute. The Counties of Stewart, Sumter. Webster
and Early iu the 2d Congressional District have
instructed their Delegates to vote for Hon. Martin
J. Crawford. The other Counties of the District
have not vet held their meetings.
The Pillar of Fire, or Israel In Boniluge.
This is the title of anew publication which Mr.
I W Pcnso has placed upon our table. It i? from
the pen ofthe author of “The Prime of (he House
of David,” and. to those who have read the tatter
work, it would Im super rogatory t# speak in com
mendation of his style. The subject of the book
but ore u is, “The Bondage and Deliverance of
tlie Children of Israel from the Land of Egypt,”
und, from the cursory view we huve been aide to
give it, ii is treated in a manner fully equal to the
author'* established reputation. Like hi? first
production, the narrative is conveyed in the form
us letters, and those are of convenient length, uud
style thal cannot foil to please the reader. We
advise every body to procure a copy.
Hi fell DIM rift. A lu.
The following delegates have been appointed
from Macon county, Ala., to attend the Demo
cratic Fongrossioual Convention to assemble at
Auburn mi the 2d Monday in May, to-wit :
Dr W F llomlett, James Allen,
Diillosn Anthony, Aiuos J ones,
James Moore. James C* Boyd,
JJ Blackman, Levi Jones,
John Collins, .1 B Martin,
Judge K Kulhnu, trillion Steusou,
ii T ('rowler, Joseph Fitzpatrick,
S J Hale, N Gaehett,
Thmuas Muydtffo D Grave*,
John S Portal 1 , Win Hall,
John Barclay.
t üba in Arm*
From the tclcgrnphio dispatches it will he Been
that Cuba is repirtal to be ill open rebellion.
A lurge expedition is said to have left New
York the hitter part of March, for the island, with
the purpose of aiding the Cuban* to throw off the
yoke of Fpanisli dominion, in a few days the
truth of the above dispatches will Ih< tested. <fur
reader* may expect the latest new* in reference to
tbi interesting subject, in (be issues ofthe Time*
from morning to morning.
Foster Blodget, the American camlidute for
Mayor of Augusta, wa* elected over his deiuo
era tic competitor, Dr. Garvin, twenty votes. This
show* a large gain for the democrat* in this city
AuguM(il> bird tun.
Airoi STA, April 11.
The Crity Fleet ion was conducted poiecaldy,
although then- whs conaidoriihle excitement mani
fested by both sides. The contest whs not h party
one. It is rumored that the election for Mayor
*lll be contested. The following is tho result:
Maiou- Foster lilodgot, Jr. ,
Ist W ahi,—John Foster, Wm 11 TutA and Jus
0 Clark.
2n Wabi— Mr.l <1 BledgCc John I> (Smith and
.Stephen 1) Heard.
:>h Wahu -Wib (’ Sibloy, It J 1 May and L L>
Tni W'arh - Win tlihson, Jackson and A.
Vlrbslcr l)i murrar) KrtuilMflußN.
Phustow, April th WM.
At a meeting of a portion rs the Ocmoeratie
parly of Webster county, on motion Judge Ma
son 11. Hush was called to the (.‘hair and Mere
dith <i. StalliAin re,|nested to m*t as Hettrelary.
tin motion the following gentlcinan were |i
pointed by the t hair to re|K,rt business for the
in-lion of the meeting : t'bappell Oox, Itavid ti.
Holgors, Thomas W. Cohii, Iteuj. tiriflinand la
Tld B. 11 nrrc-11 l?Si|S.
The (Committee rsportel through their Chair
man the following resolutions which were ununi
niously adopted.
Ist. That <l6v. Brown by bis unwavering and
ithciinproitiisiiig devotion to tits interests of Un
people of this btHM- deserves the eommcndnlion of
all good and true |Hinocrats and wn ean,-tly pi
commend bis rettowliiHtion.
2nd. That our ipMfldlsto representative the
Hon. Martin J. t'rnwford, fur his faithful dis
charge of his duties, deserves the welcome plau
dit of “well liana than good und faithful servant “
and A return to the next fongfe**.
Jnl. That the “sound, true ringing wstAl” eon
twined in tb“ Stajcoh of the Uou. Alfrwl fversm
on the haUte KAllroad Bill meet* with our en
tire np|TT*'bfttlan and that we recommend his ro
oioetiuu to tin* olficc he now adorns ami say to
him go on and forward and we arc with Mm oven
to the last resort.
(th. That Chappell Cox, J. W, Jersey, fi. Be*
laud, O. Taggart, Mason 11. Bush, Samuel If.
Hawkins, H. P. Kimbrough and Meredith (I.
S tlhurn Ksij’rs, be appointed delegates to tho
Qu'/erDAtorial Convention with, liberty to fit! va
cancki and that Thv W, Cobb, Brujamin
Uritfin, (. YV. Limey, David tl, Rodgers and Sol
omon J. liairell Ksq’rs, are appointed delegate*
to the < ‘ongrc??ionil Convention with like poja
Mb that the proceedings be published in the
paiKire of the District.
On motion (liemeeting djotir#*d***>■//,
Alraragimn A Hair*
WAssismcK, April Hth. Dfe#,
It is undovstooil that the Cabinet have uttuni
ntoualyugreed mi strong inea*unw for the solu
tion of the Nicaraguan entanglement*, aud have
determined that tho Fnrftgmty sqnadixm he em
ployed to reinstate the rights of American citi
zens. and for the protection of properly ou the
Transit route. If deemed necessary, tlm muil.*
and passengers wdll he escorted from sea tn sen as
soon as the Transit Company are prepared to per
fbrm mail sendee.
Hie Mirk lex Trial.
Mr. ttrahuiu tipindiided his speech fnr the de
fence, and in the course of It reviewed the inter
oourso of Mr. Koy with the family of Mr. Sickle*.
Ilocommented In strong terms on tho libertine
eon rob of tho former. Two witnesses lor the de
fence Wafa examined, showiug the intimate friend
ly relations of the parties up to the time of the
Things lu Miishlngfon
As Tetei/ru/iheit to the A’etp York Paper**
No desjmlchushave been received confirming
the Paraguay peace new- Imt it is accepted** true
by the administration. Tho outfit of the expedi
tion ivosts a million, and Lopez compromise* the
demand agnints him for Ut)o.
Mr. Toueey concluded the purchase of the
Cromwell Htearner? hob• re they .reached their
The Mmill vessel* of this squadron will he or
dered to Nicaragua whenever relieved from Pa
Non© of the Inst authorized Paraguay notes
are yet waned, hut thirteen million? ul tho obi
are to be redeemed before July. Through Mr.
Cobh has discretion over the taw to allow six per
cent, interest on New York, he ha? tie purpose of
exceeding that figure.
This IttvKU.—The Memphis Bulletin, of the
fith but., spy*:
The river, since our last report, lias remained
stationary, and at five o'clock last night was at
precisely the same mark u* on the* preceding eve
niiig-- C : >4 inches lulu w the (load line of last yew.
Busine?* on the levee wo? tolerably brisk during
the day. Weather clearer and cooler than usual
at this season.
lu addition ta the break* ulreudy reported by
telegraph al Diuumnd Iriaml and other places
between that ami New Orh-uus. uo learn from Mr
Booker, of the Belfast, that one ha? occurred op
posite Millikan's Bead,on tho Misrisaippi side.-
Tb© crevasse wins about one hundred yards wide
when tbo Belfast passed that point, and in rapidly
enlarging, eaiieiug immense damage to the ad
joining plantation?.
Tbe water at <•'land Lake, and ns for up as
Helena, wu? about at. a stand yesterday morn
The Aleck Scott i? reported by tho same paper
bard aground at the head of Whiskey Chute, hav
ing probably Inktm a sheer on the pilot. She Is
said to be badly situated between two rafts of;
drift wood, and will la* difficult to get off. Ben
1 Deßar’s theatrical troupe are on board ©n route
for St. Louis.
Mr. Lotejo)** Letter.
Wc have been waiting for a convenient oppor
tunity to present this [remarkable production to 1
Wi.**l‘W#...J'*.Uv|H),,wU. -j/viihi***!*., ill a
consistent and intelligent term,
argument* upon the question of slavery whfoh
should reach the eye and abide in the memory of
every Southern nmu. The Kufaula Spirit q/ the
.South, in reviewing it. Buys:
ft is one of the umst convincing arguments, in
favor of Southern slavery that wt- have read in
ninny a day, and, to our miud, furnishes some
glimmering hope of the dawn of a healthier pub
lic sentiment upon that question til the North.—
The argument i- the nforo remarkable, because it
cioucs from the man who, himself, ha* sounded
all the depths of abolitionism, and who, escaping
from the claim* of hi* earlier prejudices, has bean
able to look’at. this question of African slavery
from the stand point of common sense, and true
Christian philanthropy., There is a deal of hu
miliutiug truth in Mr. Lov joy'* charge, that tbe
.South i* responsible for much of the uusoiindnoM
ofthe Northern mimlod Uii* auhieoL Until very
recently, we have never properly under* bind the
merit* of the slavery question.ln hls own wordiqwe
gave the Uorth the false premise* ou which it rea
soned correctly,ta false eunelu.sfonii. We gave away
our case by concession; for if slavery a sin. a
wrong, or an evil, no fair minded tuuu can renal
the conclusion thut effort* ought to be umde
noon a* possible to get rid of it, TUo Houtb has
abandoned u position which gives up the whole
question, hut it is not surprising that the North
taking the premises which we gave them, blioiiM
hare reached couclu.'ions which they are not so
ready In surrender.
Mr, Lev ©joy's letter has done more to shake
our confidence in the position wc have held upon
the African slavo trade, than anything which tlm
agitation of that question has yet produced. Alto
gether, it is a most remarkable production, und
we hope every Southern man will read it.
The Beat Os racy of far roll.
Have appointed Brown delegates, and prefer I
Senator Iverson to any other man in Georgia, for
U. H. Senator. They hate a!o Bnggwfcd that 1
the next Congressional convention for the 4th ;
District, meet at Kawaan, on thj h i .Voaduy tu
June. Let that day be accepted, w say, aud let )
all delegate* to that convention bo appointed in !
May. if not bttfbre.—
B'Loin ha K a ti.ttoAn llunuß.—Wi ure authoiv- j
feed from uu nnquesliouahlf *oore to say, (says 1
the Jacksonville Fla. Standard,) that Mr. Davis, |
while on his recent visit to Charleston, went from (
hank to hank, depreciating the securities of alt
the railroads in the Slate, excepting the Talla- !
hussec and St. Murks road: und that tlte effect, of I
this conduct ou tbe part ot Mr. Davis wa* such
that the banks of Charleston would uot negotiate ,
for the [•ond* of the roads whose securities were
tints depreciated, at 20 cents ou the dollar. We !
are, moreover, anthorlwtd t say that if Mr. Do- ,
vi* denies these statement* they can be pruven.
‘The new*pa]MT of your party ntxj a perfect nui- ‘
Baud’.’ said a polUlchinto hi* opponent. ‘That's 1
list what thieves think of magistrates/ replied )
the other. j
A certain, periodical asks wbaf Kuropean na
tion will first hurst into a flume. We expect the
Dutch wtl[ (hey or© always smoking.
A priest said to a peasant whom ho thought rude.
You are better fed thun taught.” - -Wlnmld
think T wu*,’ replied the clodhopper, 4 uu I fewil*
myself ami yon tench niv/
Wheat in Missisiukpi.- -The Kosciusko Chron ‘
kde, of April Ist say* t
We have tieen convaraiug with a nuutW of our ,
farmer* during the ie*r week, and they give us
cheering account* of their pro*pctß for a good
crop of wheat Wheat was nnver ktnww to look
better than ut the present time.
W are happy l learn that the fear* entertain’
ed of the fruit having been killed by the froene
some weeks Minee, are groundless. On examine- j
ti'*n it is found u be aninjured.
Laxh Mkahi ng. - Every fanner should have a i
rod liieoanr©, a light, stiff polo, just sixteen and a 1
half loot long, for measuring land. By a little f
prsetic© Im* can left u to step jnsl a rtni at five steps (
which will answer very well for ordinary farm
work. Ascertain tim number of rod* in widthaml
length Ufa lot you wish to .'measure, and multiply j
•Hi© uamber by tb* olhcrand divide by Iff®, ami
you have the number of nerve; “* DM* *|Uura rede
make a square acre. Tfyoi. wish to lay off one
square acre, mensorc 1.1 rod- upon each side -
This lacks one rod of fell measure.
- - m* i
A Fact Worthy ok ffoft.—Bjr taking up
slirafo or plant* at this time, wllh some of their
own soil about the roots, and placing them up
right in a collar until October, then transplanting
them into pots, and watering them with a solution
of be'f au ounce of salt ammonia to a plot of raki
wafer, you will bare #iunmr flowars i* win- ,
tar. I
PEYTOff H. COLQUITT. ( Witm> .
Number 16
• 1
Later Iram Mexico
Ni u OitbKAxs, April 11.
By the arrival of the ?toaun*hip Tunessee, from
N cm Cruz, April 0, wo have hitor Mexican news]
Mr. Me Lam* lias reeoguiaed the government
rei.resontad by Leo. Juarez.
tleu. Mitamon wo? at Orizaba. ‘’
Own. BoUultado mode an uusueeemful attack
“U rho Capital ou tiie 2d Inst, The fighting was
| sever* and there were five hundred killed on
| each side.
| l llllhMsters in Motion -Our -Trmrl fiallrtf-Tke
4fi ml Hist rattan thargert with Aiding If
The (’ouriey tie* Ktnt* l r mm again notices a
j ?(*cret Hllibuutcriug expedition against Cuba,
which tire t ow irr announced a few days ago, and
ni reply to the \\ nshington I'nion, contends that
the expedition is a fixed fact, and Its organization
is already complete. At least #n ves**4, it s*y*
boa sailed with “omigrauU,” so u|(d, and mi
rul Utbore are icudy to depart when the signal i
i given. The ptau of operations i? a* follow*;
The filJiiiuster? are to disembark at u point on
the sooth sfdc of the Island) they then inU*u(l to
i seize Puerto Priueipi, and there ostablish tbem
i selves. By the aid of their agents, they oaleutata
i to (treat© au insurrection In different parts of the
’ Island.
The Courier wry foolishly contends that this
secret enterprise is secretly hut indirectly encouT
agd and unfed by parties connected with the
. Admin is tratiau.— B'uAisgto (Slate;.
1 Man Found llcad.
R w learn that the dead body of a man named
Jamc? Tfillis, who has kept a bar-room
just outside of the city limits on th© Hamilton
read, was found in bis yard yesterday, it is sup- *
posed that ho died during the preceding night us
apoplexy. -Ln-fnirer.
Firemen** (elehratlon.
Next Friday our Fireman will celebrate the
momentary of the organization a* the Macon Fire
Department. Atlanta Fire Company No. I, we
uo informed, will make a visit to otr city tbe
?umeday. We cau assure them a most cordial
reception.—.l/u cot* State I‘rtmm, April LI.
BtalinpN and Hark©tors.
Bishop Andrew cefatrihute? nu article to the
last Southern Methodist Quarterly Review. on
Uifcbcp M'Kendreo. The closing paragraph is in
these words; 1 greatly admired aud loved Bish
op M’Kendrcc. hut 1 am pretty sure that iu on©
thiug he erred : he utjht not to have lived auUUitU
•m old biu hr/nr.
Th© Opening of the Trnffr.
Even th© Northern newspaper*, anye the South
’ * ,H fVlieew, ar© now finding thcmxelve* forced to
. discuss the African A correspondmit
! of the fJowmn rittf Athi rtieur (N. Y*.) sy# —
11 wa* declared in the House, in debate* du
, ring tbe late session, by than one Southern
member, that the law proscribing the slave-trail*
hs piracy could not be enforced, and that no roan
in tho Kouth would ever be convicted under that
j law. This;r,ay be true. No one ha* been yet
1 subjected t< it pcnultie*. No man is likely tube
hanged for piracy under the law. Even Gaptara
| Townsend will get dear, and bo will Font. Cor
-1 it. . _ • ■-’ **& fofote
Hiuhlv I m I‘ohtant KRoii M k xleo. -Ws bare
I the satisfaction touuuoiince the defeat of th* anny
I oi tbe despot Miramon, before th© wall* of Vera
j l'tot, and hi* retreat upon the city of Mexico,
where we venture to predict he will arrive <lf at
! all! in very *ry plight. Tims the Kuropeon
j party hu* met a check in it* designs upon Amer
j n an IhlctPSts in Mexico which will serve to make
! their euufferee and sympnibiser* in this eonntry
) aud government pause and consider. All honor
, uvisHßt hmmHM"’"'"-’- —
M eatier Predlettoa.
Although we have no faith in the prediction* of
Thomas, the Almanac- maker, or any of the
weather fraternity, we will publish the
information of a correspondent (Mr. J. Royal, of
White Rock, Illinois.) who professes to be aid© to
1 furetek the weather “iw year in advance for any l
locality where there in au almanac calculated.—
illerc is tbe prophecy :
“The first half of April will lie wet, th© last
half fair: the first week in May will b© wot. the
balance fair: the first half of June will ho fair,
(he lout halt changeable; July will begin uud end
with a few day* of clnfiigcubie weather, leaving
tbo middle of tbe month dry; August will have
! a groat many wet days: {September will set in
fair, hut tbe balance <>t the mouth will be ebange
tiblo, the lost part being wettest; Ootuber ebange
-1 able, i;iadually increasing to wetness; November,
like the preceding, only Comma being fairer and
ending wetter: December, tbir weather.”
t>n this, we are told, we may rely, with th© ex
j ccptwii of .September, whoro there has “to be
added tbo extra stormy weather, caused by the
■ sou crossing the line.'’ This truly <l|ien<U oa
j tbo prevailing winds at the time: it the winds be
’ southerly, tho month will lie wet; if northerly, it
will be as dry a* if the sun were at it* extreme
distance from tbo line. —. Scientific American.
Improve* it it. —Wc n.dieod yesterday that
workmen wore tearing down the four or five di
lapidated uii an ties at Burras’ corner’on Broad at.,
near the Market-bouse, atid we understand that
Mr. Kankix intend* to build Kriok bouses in their
1 a toad. Wt* also learn that be will put up in the
roar of the.-, buildings on Frawlurd street aud
extending back to Oglethorpe, a largo ware house,
Woicb Dillard* Dowell k Cos. have already confect
ed to nscupy. it will take the place of a livory *te
; hie, hlacksuiith shop, Ac., now ou Crawford street.
T'bi* will be u great improvement of that part
of the city. It wus, in fact, the shabbiest-look
ing part of Broad street, and greatly needed ren
ovation. When a better look lug Market house is
pot up. quite a change will have been effected in
(hill neighborhood, hinynirer.
From the Atlanta Amrrieau.
Minute es Point* Decided b) thr Huprrme Con It al
Atlanta March Term, I*ML
Frederick t'abot vs. Nathan Yarborough t al.
I Equity from FloyiL
Held, when too Court below refuses to punish
for contempt, this Court will not iKferfero, unless
. there has been flagrant wrong committed.
Judgment affiuued.
Mitchell for plaintiff in error, vs. Underwood;
’ and Smith contra.
Mayor and Council of Rome va. Frederick M.
I Cabot et al.—Fr ie Ftoyd.
Held, that tht diartcr of the city of Rome oi
\ lows ta- May -r and Council of said city Ut ions
! iroot l<*t imU'ttng of water works,
j Judgment n(firmed.
Shropshire ana Underwood for plaintiffs to
lien, i H. Stephen* of Omrgta.
AtCrawfurdsvilte, a vUlago on one of tho plnjr
’ ridgi-s of tiuorgia. in on uaproteuding and sumo- M
whot h-solutc-looking house flPrla> I'takhtM
may well l*e, for no fair and kimlly house-unthr
ever made it shine and smite) dwells one of the
choicest ami r*mt spirits of our hemisphere.—
IV • litlifill oud almost boyish looking, yet stricken
i bv mortal malady—one who has made a “eoveu
i ant with death,” yat whose veius ore full of (lie
most genial life; with the cold hand clutching at
; his vitals, yet with a laugh dear and ringing as
the tnarriuge'beU; hi* thin face is and deathly hue,
M- Mazing lamps. If )<>u are
his friend, he is geutle aud atfeeHoiiur’ as a H**i+ M
if blsoiK-m.v, ho will itavagreat plessure in stand
! itig opposite to yon, at any distamw that nmv Ha
arraiigeiM-tu whU-h oaso you Und Utter look
sharp, tor he ieotHd us an oyster:—a student and
Hue philosopher, u luhori-ii’ aud ©uusewmtiva*
| legislator, a puwertul lawyer, and a zealous wpjjT.
livatorof grain** (('Mtawhaa4 B©upperoag) fur
he bus fiiiili in 1 h” virtues of wiutn -a generous
, friend sud a patron of humble merit—for the
. which many pnaywvs and blessings arise ftadf.g
“v t iling on his behalf— u noble imagin Uve oeu*
1 tor—yst not of the Charles Philßjis school us
■lrish viatory” by ay means, his teste being
tm* highly educated tor (hut spec tee of Hgmalote
- stub is Alee under 11. BtepkeikS.—
Citikmit. ‘ llk IT (jr|-.a*
Adapt your umau* to your ends. I>oo‘t waste
, ymr time ia trying to pUd .up eels with a pair w
’ perhsiw a vain uua or woman cannot be atom
j oomn’tly defined than as afoot iu feraentalioa.
Thedelecis of women spring front their weak’ ,
ness or their sentuddHty; the detests of UHm mm
from their egotism aud their bsrshaaoa.
| There is nothing wore univeranßg aenwaendad
than a flue day; the reason Is, that jmople e*u
| (Ml 41 wHbotK sov|. . u