Newspaper Page Text
rou Mill s PBIHAV, (HTOKHK H, I*'.i.
ffiOMCVttf •• Hounrf
In f|fjj|M4taf(^pW
quire r of Wedinsfffey 1U dffr<*‘ff
graph* are to J> found
“'|*bo return# of Iho election wEicU took pirn’
on Monday In Georgia, M*♦***><>fM“-,“" <I J ‘" ,,! ’
wviwm a * ,,tu
gone ©unde on. H long ;* the j. . ;
ewniitioca ittbw (?*•''■*• tenßthe mktenmme *n *•*
Calhoun rhob *o Ing uay, it reek'd* with w<
qrrutff oerfeuiity upon l ln upport ol all uhj <■
?on growing ft*’ hatdhi ,rntth \r)n!> t
rend *v*n i* /*> urr>,rd*4 op the hh jrnf-*
tv the MMjUu us three. <Jc< t >o;
Ibu* on© of the jfiiq&iojf ofg^nf.yXjk*
Block Republican party. I^imxpoptc” /
that (ho “demorratic” parly would qe cited, iu*
long ax it i* ail the pltrai*me. *f
tie Ualhoun fiehool.” Yet wur abutted for be
ing too national. Tn thift ccu#atbm. wo iwi l
the opposition party of Troup County, who agr< •
with the HenulJieanj iu. raying that Oio t cVi(i;>
riu*y or© ‘*twn •<cti<inal.” It H the n 1 iud aim
of the Black Republican* tgjlefcat the diowrii
<*y. \Vhen thi# t# aoeowjrifej** 4 Utah*bit*.p’ !,ii
cal enemy in dead. To md thW jjvthjr cud’ rud*
Ing tb© Richmond Jphiy u-fi >’ the c:oqpen; ! i"n
of the opposition South with the qppqMUon jVirth
to elect officer# for the njjxt ll'*ub© of fiviw. ‘,j
yffives. An unholy’ pUijftre© which vtill ho ppnj.‘>’
h) we tfurt, hy Iho opposition parly. Hon. IJ. .
Winter Davis, an j ,'i-itiou m< n.Ur frotu. *!■
South flriors a coalltipp myj will unite witii our
enemies. Ha, Uendorewl hv **
liwnl. Whither urn the epio.iMtioti^tmulHtK-
Kmtnirrr unfl (hi* Flonfin*
We w ill not imitate the i*nq>- “■< v m )eWlah*r
thethtrtt**f*ri uni ♦me the ofl>prinff of
paftln mid ptf#ion, onncertiliig the
rocenl ejection iu It i imiuraJ for n
tlei'caifcil pui% to meke c.tetiMNh end conpleitile
W'wntlow iho oppofjUon (he privilege, and Will
not o(fluid pul 4f', ity hy pursuing Uw fib
ject of
know i.jiu n;>K*n. concarnitig the
drilling end p-. oiu;: vtrH in this eoMrty, lit*
wore heart it-uding and thrilling then thow*
brought to tho public* tyu by Uo JCtujnirer, Th >
ere too, perhepa, es fXeyaerated end feln.
in the city, the election was eotuliiHed <piit!y
and poecoubly, and upou the wip*f ; . m fairly,
doithtloM, an uiiy eleetioti in tb Stem. A eotu*-
muniealiun in this ru r n'ing* deni** ihi
atniaißtfnt of the Enqvitrt. \V> tiro unueen >of
any aitfolriiopi ou the part of the b. iiiocnn y lu
ring tins reyent ciuivtu>H. They no
fraud, ehutfod no voter, iu rtd t- fio mtnpul
aion, jitiblhbed fio alhjidcr. Th y hove won the
rtwo—thfttV (hjj crime they have comwitUul.
Democracy - MflHary IVfttltat
We tho following from the Tj/fwm -tmmui
and M’ r, t< wilt
“The ly’olmubu* Ximec, noticing the largo mu
jorlup* of Uov. Jlrown in upjx i ‘ todrgig, a>
t.'henikee i- wheeling Info line. Tho
in diet region have no long been nhdor drill ma
jor*, that they would eolipae m their yrnmetid v*
olutioii*’ oveu Caidtiin Colquitt mlimrabhi.'higfci
dwnrii-.’ *’
It we to imitalo tho Democracy m> Choroki o.
that the gallant fJapt. Hardeman crus ordered fr*
tbo command of tho Opposition f too? ‘ln fhc “and
Never did tho ylioyd Rifles” go
through rach a course of drilling, forced inarched,
sleep It;*# night*, vigilant watching wd p-ioreuh
siteqco, ue did th men in the h*t oantest. *
Asd Chough the tight wo • won. tho Captnin bn*
left many of W* troops eprrrtft on (ho Umd* of
C'rhwfhrd nhJ IM!•:••, looalng, hero w>d
there, (hrouglumt tint campuign, druup, hevcv-
Huck#, kuftpuaok*, ration#, baggage. <wp *h.d#,
e'prtpinente. etc., on*.; totally jtihqifUlifying hi
men for ntiothor roftouiitro. We udv iu} Uw Cap -
tain to embark iu the rm n£/ip mu > * wheu hw
got* to Washington, and nt-ody curofoliy the
louHter roll*, lie will want more soldier# in tho
net fight. Ilia good drilling front ahtßeethon I
Yolo oi ike t ided.
Below we give the v<i f.r Governor, itt lit*
late elertion, 1n the several principal Htb <f <>tfr
own Stt|tc, by vrhbli it will lie ;v that ~/Ulauiai
olid Fulton county sJmuU ->.l Utu head of tho list,
vi* t
Fulton oottnly .. 2,306
Augusta l # 6iX
Richmond county 2,01*1
Columbus.,.. I,'i 11
Muscogou county
Macon ...H... M#
Bibb county M ss
Savannah, {Chatham eo.) 1,-** 1
.Yu lioiuU Aaurie '.
Wo are tarry to learn that Mrs. W. 15. Uuerry’
wil'u of tbe editor of the A< *, and ono of hi* .-of
vantfl, worn accidentally shut i hi? motynug, says
the Buioter liepublicnu of Friday, by the firing
oft loaded gun. We have not lea-mod a# to the
extent of the injuries, hut aiuceroly hope they
are but slight.
Ctov Urown'K Majority
tfov. Brawn W a clear majority, lu lift conn
tie* of 1H.072, nnd n Clear gain of I votes.
The remaining aeventeeft ooufttic? gave Brown a
majority iu .1857 of
ties— Fannin, llarraleofi, Rabun aud Town his
gnins will be heavy, and llio probabilities are that
his uuyorily will approaoh, it it does not'reach
25,090. _
Nothing Like Faith.
The Mountain Siffmi, tui opposition pres*,
thusalludes To the election?
“Frbm the returns thus far, the - .jiiphvvioii . t
the Lcgiaiuturc bids fair to be American if o, a
great victory has been won, even if wo have lost
our standard-bearer, which it is to he hope & wo
ltftvo uot.”
Full return.-, Brown's majority *0.00". leg
islature, three to one'!
A jlnys since, an aged, solitary mourner,
lumleil and d.UBt-tttoined, i(ow* fotlenud the ru
tmuiuof aoiuo loved object to tl*s unbroken qui
et of the tomb.
%h# strifkeO heart of grl**t*bont Me.
llad none to roaifnri, none to limits
hli sorrow. Way-worn and troariljj Kc paused
on, with his unshared load of anguish. through
this valley of tears: iu the fullness ui’ woo fal
lowing the last vestige of that cherished dust, to
the suds of the valley, therewith to tuiugio,
Tbe aboveyww-jxVf u rf or one of the cad reali
ties of every-day lift', suggested the following
Ah. desolate mourner, treading i< *i!> ami low.
Deeply Ihy aped brow fuirow ed by WOf\
MMii NWlit and InttelTnt. mi Kind urn; to stay
Mbddiinp on, muffin band. Ido'* n-cd win
Trickling down !nily. grief watdti „• nan,
Humbug Ihiac apod ye*—un*uy by yearn
Ob. lorn and fbnmkon one. ani> tread
Lite's busy\bon>nj*hftie /-** with ttii tea !
Thro* sorrow’*dirk vkrtS, withdrawn ffcflfitheflhi
e*l rim world *vi.limit to a world wKhiu;
Brooding wruieruuuea, wnn Die to* ism Unmmb
▲tnl aikHßl Itp-;div*rtsip. o'i t tin-ia*i partntgfu.h im it a jovoMHthnnjild. |.|lgr in tt Uiocf
Ttiatthe wWta orfnv chart**, roll on Mi.-edtiy*
ft in ad •m the wstrltiiwn. the iMrffln at Hand,
Thro’ tti* Seep |tewn ofniidnlglii, ily mw kui et-
6Vi earth's chettueied neeac* and tire juimu of
Kwh dark rinod rwflerUnf. t* meMniio great
U, ,ulc, d*T*t M<’ that ftlc-Wnr ; . i t . ■
♦ Whose pUanm <iaj “ i■ ,
In thrsenr IrafoTa* b>. hea i. fit osnirow.
YphWOH! out axle *’ hrruhon m • w...n .w;
Uasarwd forand (ViVnilliws, ah w#4 tu.. <*<
Earth's iMt eel ofknd**• aim* .i* In hath dona*
Mcthn|ht of’ tin n *’ •! y< *• xiing iwir
Thai mffp mwmMHv •** • ~w • ; ** n'w .m/
Then HHiltl* li’il Win h*auA<‘k. I vi*'” *d ht* rr w ••
A* I ftuftd on the kwiHj immriiHr amt Ip •- *•
(’ohinihus. Au|ii*t; ISiU.
Dkitn i-if'td ±Fur.uiH - \ letter froiaCa*
01, in the .fowraofi/e /'■ i *;••■■? mention* tin*
sudden death of Mr. liable,ht, a Protestant min*
if>ir of that town, from the jntm turn of a fly.—
The wound wiu> inflicted new the corner of hi*
eye. A tumor for mod. which i followed by
erysipelas. and imoiHly caused death. His pre
ruined that thejly had k-eaa feeding •an some ifo.d
r insa-nin a state of dceotti posit ion. and had im
bibed a lira*, whifli had watered the
wound. • k ‘
Mfear <i. Dnwaon. l>t|.
The Augunta ComtitutioMlat #pic>* the nrti J
<■],) fiiiu the Time*. In r<-fere me 1 1 the above J
iiwff g'-nU* ip.m, and hit 6* in thi# j
. and da
“T !■;** la no n■ ult of tin T#c,.h|v utMtioH* in
till', tab which‘w r.vjjn t t hun the l*dia’
,j \j%*- ..!■ fin: tim
fd'lt trh w were not, ut any tune ‘hiring tin
/Tinv.T” or oven hopeful of bi elec
tion. Wi knew.*# the ‘/Vine* remark# in th<-
paragraph abnvejthat Uia race wnn more dißi
•‘"V he w<iTi than drag of any ottior Denva rat’
Ic camlbiatc in tho couuty. In the first place he
was opposed to a party which had carried the
c'ajnlv ttt by nu average luajoritv of olio
Ir.-.l “•>-(•> ivntv (Iv- vo .lid lli|fliejsee.nd
place, he wac r.ppw-.! to Hines Molt, the strong
t inan of that party in Muac mid one ol
ik< most disLloguiabed tenders, i'lulnr thesceir
< iiip/Uotea, ne could not hoj<e that h© would le
ted! aiot*wbuTiTftot n**w‘regret his 1 defeat, If
h<-iiwlwwt run hie <U#t4Hguih<id opponent so
< ios©. Jliii e.ui'rk'd the county, in 1h57, by two
hundred an(lfifty iv puuoiity Akin carnad it
nt ihe l-.ti.o electlort by one bnlidrod fid four ina
ioriiy, iuid yes Mr. lMwa*>r w# ‘b leated lor tl
itwnaN isj’ vipir aiatauw vupw! although he wa#
: hsiiut Iroia liu ouuty uutd a few weeks before
theth • t joti. Tidi result, whilst It U provrV'tt‘B.
iv at the ■-!!< ‘iia* rrstifylWg evidence !o his
friftipl.o Uimi4irhoi?thmKtutc, of the gtrongth *4
Mr, Dn v, -n fiKfora th pe-plo among whom he
vt . iiif fge<jwan “in ..i ihii moat brilliant
wMoh y.t mjyloin I Itch tat', has come
out rTO. fhm*'4t dcffiticd. iviik nn Increase of
reputation and of st.rongtli. nm dcnvwraey will
ih>! fdifgtft lain when boborsari; ©aey.
W ,\ MIINUTOg, Oft: 7.
Th©r m but lijtlc sdditioiml iutclligen/.e to-'lay
relative to the filibuster-. An official disputoh
If at# New Oflt-nri# states that tho towbont I'nu
rlrcr ha* hwrn Sained, fgcttrcr with tho captain
.indrrcW, nod ‘srranp■■tu**ti(.s bavo been mndc to
nrwwt the party who wcMt4uwn tho river as for
©xproved in tin! * .lino l<*llgrm that tho whom
The fee, of the Treasury for the wc k on
djug with Moudag iaai were ?V2o,htti ; dralt -
pit,!* *1,3*7,0JM) : (Jriil't ■ issued over #1,113,0 00 ;
milohiit, suldect to draft #.t,07fi,(21. Tint ratine
(ton fr'??h f tfc htnotmt on band iho previous week
<d nearly #tsiv‘oo. is owing to tfie m'lemptwn vt
Ucauuif uoich. ‘l'tio Depart man t iru# no reason
as yet to ehungo opinion expressot! In the
i ijiary*c ln*i report n> hthe probable receiptp
<tf the present fiscal year.
Privitta ad via < l aseivcl her® fi “iu Ariiuma
Sapiombnr -Ulb, / .it*; that huge and ©nthusiajtic
luecTnigs hud been held on the llio Drundo and
at TiM-xm. *letaring Ihftt the gentlemen who re
ceiv'd a very small majority of the vote* of the
jSi>|do of AHeoua fur U liCgisluture iff New
.Mexico do not ruprosatitDio TorriUuy. in nnewer
l” ucmJl Horn the ineetiogj at Tuccorj, l,icut.
M'ohtv imid- u Speech in which hwi id. “the. elec
tion mis', held finally settled Uie (pmstion of M}|>-
aratiutt froui Now Mexico. This was received
‘•itii great, uppjuusc. The Vicar Uenurul of New
Mexico hii: wrilten a letter saying he has made
an ucouroly census of the population of Arixotta
by direction ‘*l the head of Iho church, and that
it lyvccofl-: J 1>W") noyls. ©xchislvt’ of IndlwiP.
Tilts Liout. Mo wry’ last year's cfdi
Ol n•. It i.-< .-aid that Wells, Fargo and C'o. hav©
obtained . cupeessiop from f’eschlera, Governor
of :-onur:., for a stag© line frufi Tuscoii, Arizona
to Ilerin-olio, Bon ora, to <<fnm‘ct with the Mex
ican limit from (luayiuas, The contract l* for ten
W/HltTtfdtO*f Oct. H.
- I). .1. Drown, con templates an early rcs
igitmion, ns Chief of the Agricultural Branch if
iho I'atont,uliisr. Theavent tins boon anticipated
for htnue weeks past.
A JinpiiU'h in the Charleston Courier, dated at
‘■inw Orlouks on the Hth inst., says i
r Lamar ha# written a letter to the
Gnlveston Xrme. in which he say# that the treaty
I itcly rati nod by the Nicaraguan Government
will ii .u ; ptable to Lh United Ntftle*. it re
(fore* umlty between tho two countries,open#the
way for the peaceful emigration of Americnn cit
izen# by their own aid, and deprecate* fllltbuffter !
< xpedition*. I(leaves but two ({uewiions unaei
t)d, viz. ; (Maims of Americuu ( iti/.c.u#, aud the
opening of the Transit Route. Both of those, h
belTevos, will be gatlriiictorily adjusted/’
The Timber ol ihe Waft*
We puVili -iied some time ©ineo (says the Augus
iurthnutituh’ naliet,) an able article ou the sufi
. i . ivin. hwei op
i"l from the Suviuinah JUpuLUcun. One remark
Mind*by tbo writer, we recall to the consideration
of the poopb of nor State, and particularly tr the
.i’teniiioi of tho jle.tiisluiuro of Georgia. While
our people are protected by law in the eiijoyinoht
of their property in general, there i#, particular
ly, lio protection extended to them in tho enjoy
mentor their timber lands.
.Hi* writer to whoje ww refer, rays that Intru
der,? “it our timbered lands, are generally men
who hitvi tin poeunlafry rcfiponsibilfiy. The legal
penalty for tn ‘pn*#©*, or d©*l ruction, or stealing
neeif or timber, bus failed t afford adequate pr<.-
tecteni. ‘J iiiilhw i# getting ceami in Llui q]de*t
■wtjJe'Ls'f’tiou# of tho State, and |c"o#quently
more valuable ; nnd ••• severo ncnnltio* should be
inflicted on person# who Haul or destroy fifty
dollar# worth of wood or timber, * for vliuilar
dcokrui'tiwM *# (illy dollitf# worth of liny ©tht r
Ti the criminal law of the. State do not take
sufficient onguDaticu of offbnee* committed on the
f iihbcr property of our citiecn*, our law# should
ho #© uuicnded a# to do so.
Fi>am an or Ciuulckton.- Tho Charleston
Mercury, referring to iho annual #ta'oment of
the iiuiui. va or that city, say* ;
It will l*e seeu that tho expenditure* for tho
yuvr ending August dl, 18,'iU, amounted to sl,-
Tilt 2U, res* thfi cash on hand s2f 1,439 03.
The Assessor returns 5;.57,4. r >3 4ft gross taxes,
divided as toUnw# : Upper Ward# 37,
and Lower Ward* $100,705 11 Thu inorenso iu
tho **-to#*ment over that of 1858 is $1,103 57.
Tb© Tre i ‘ iirerV account shows a movement of
$ 1,717,001, •**. of Which #251. i is 03 is vtill in
Chixksk ( <u\. -There i> quitu a ourWjuty iu
Ibis lino, at the Misj-ionary Ueoms <• MpnbeS|
ton Square. Ono of Iho Missionaries t‘ Chinn
lately end them homo for iho inspection of the
‘■outside barbarians”in this nowatry. l imy have
bet u eolluctcd with great care, and tunny of thorn
urc specimen ut antique, such us sow, if any, in
this country, over placed their oyos upon. They
are arranged on lumr sit pasteboard cards, in
the order of llie periods of time In which they
wore oid.
Ismllnv; with 1 vd.thcy go buck to ft period
mors than two hundred yeora Wore Oliruit, aud
r met fwcick cewtu
ry bauk to that rcruotc period. They vary iu
M-e from our half cent to the ntdoof itur dollar
-a fl'M* new b:*l buyer. All of them have a
•quart oiib-o t!.rou-,h thocuntvu. and each kns
Chimr*o hi ‘t > pines’, indioatiug, as we suppose,
ilm peri--1 i m used aud pcrhnpi the reigning
Bill per or.-- ftnatou Traveler.
-Tliv- ri*y of Abcrdoun., Miss., has sub
acril .1 on Jim-c lliou-and shares of stock In the
New’Orleans and Jackson Knilrood, at twenty
th e dollar* per share.
MicAitA’ t k. -The flalvoston News, of Hept.
JO. ptihUshe* the following card :
f’ fv Xr,, v Between forty and fifty men, un
der the ehftfyc of ( npt, Martin, sailed on the
-'cauiship tbut loft this port day before yesterday
morning, ithe .'Tth inst.J for New Urlnans, to
jo.n Ueiicral Walker, and accompany him to Ni
(lea. Walliev will leave Nevr Orleans in a few
days, mill u lurgu muuber ol omigrauts, for Ni
All who ore denirou* of going with him. will
not lu l .ii-ai.j-'inttul, if they report themselves to
ilcmirul Walker, in Newt Means. before the sth
of next month.
Ucu, Walker’s arrangement# are of the most
sntlsfuctory chars- ter and such ns cannot belli
tvrtuptfdjiy the failed .states Uofwmwent.
(i vbVKsrox, Sept. St‘th, ISM>.
Mr. tboate'e private library i> to bo sold at
an. . ni un (be 18th, ltth, Stub, 25th, 26th, 27th
and 28th of Ootober. The catalogue contains the
names .‘t .’ ('V ‘ditr. rent work-, embracing about
eight th-msikMd volumes.
e*-Anthony Hunis, of fugitive-slave notnri
ot \. having been called t the pastorate of a col
or and Baptist church it* lnilianspolis, i threaten
ed with the “black law” of Indiana it he accepts
the call.
Copper-tipped shoes'arc turned out by n Yan
kee tip in M line, for children’s use. The tow* of
a pair of tht- kind are said to have worn six
j months, witiiuut any sigus of giving out.
’rbtre Is a movcinout o foot to have a milifa
rv cclobralion at Ycrkt-'wn, ou the lVthof Oetu
i or, t-i coiimo uionito the anniversary of that
great and dc. ,-VYo victory.
Front. -The sporliug ieasoti has commenced
in Unglftnd, ami makes every particular hare in
the country to stand un cud.
Yo-f'd- Nobles., who has just returned lo St.
rant from hi* Northweat exploring expedition,
brought vfUU him a bufl'nlo cow. which has h n
domcsUraU* I fur two years past at a trading pest
ii\ the Hudson’s Hay Territory. She is throe years
cm., end one <*f the few of her species that have
ever •nbmitted their lacteal ducts to mans eiuul
IU UtM, MytllWAV, <HTOUf.It li, |afw
scirHarj*liip of I lie Nrnalc Kdlter#.
‘t here will lw, doubth-rw, many aapirusHs foT
this high and hoiiorahle post rite muK lucrative’
and iisttociKial of a l.cgtlbtivc >"dy. Many
w-rtlgy dcoioerHis haw-already bm-n ut< ntiomtd
in connection with tho office, who would discharge
it* duties with fidelity and credit to tbeAtsclvc*,
Without jli.-paraging the claim* of any out* to the
position, we uiay W purmiUcd (o aflodc to the
caodidae v of two brethren of the press, Dr. J. C,
<'. Jt!;ickbiirn, of tbo Tuiapkin f’<il/udium, and
Wui. 11. I l '. Mail, Kup, of the Uainbridgw Argue.
The former has been in the editorial harness for
some time, and has done good service for his par
ty. Never flinching from efieakiug out hi# senti
inant# loldiy and t**cte#siy. Tim latter biut
won a reputation a# a writer, wince hi# connec
tion with the Argue, and is a inn* and tried de
mocrat. Remembering that prilitical editors are
the hardest worked and poorest paid men on the
faec of ihevartli, that it is expected they should
udvattev tho elaim# of others to preferment, no
matter haw unworthy, through seldom appealed
to in tlicir own behalf; that they make many big
men out and little oiuui; that they bear the brunt
of every battle and make many personal enemies
for tin* cake of their principles, they are not cri
tirely without hold upon their frkuuls in the ho
stowment- of honors.
I'Trrhus and Ills I Irphanis.
Mill the Knquirtr p loose turu toils tiles, where
allusion Is made to “Pyrrhus and his elephants
Mils the third battle In this district proved as
disastrous as was the third of Pyrrhus ‘! Was the
elephants so uniuaiui.gtMi.hla as to route Jhc whole
army? Ifowlsit? Tbo democracy has com*
off more than conqueror. Judge Crawford has
borne the banner so triumphantly that we di-like
toanuoy Mu; /.’ayuiVcr with its prophesie#. “Vic
tory within our grasp,” for iustaace! Mow, near?
Hixtoen hundred vote# ! That's all. “Mood new*
from tha-District!” Os course! Crawford run
ning ahead and diminishing majorities. The En
quirer will please r-puldinh editorial about
Pyrrhus and the elephants, In reply to the 77,a- .
just for tho amusement, and edification of its
readers, who are fond of a good thing and <an
iclish a capital juke.
lUnrllm Ifciumnx*. h*Mp
This yonup man, the opposition candidate for
Congress 1“ this District, won our respect during
the lust canvass. While our political aentluacof#
ililfsrcd, and were as wide apart ns the poles, yet
wo thought there wrt# a eotuKtiousnes* of ri - lit and
honest conviction of opinion lprking intbiud In
• poaches, which commui<i<al our eateem. J in-,
many tilts We had with him. wo hope, r<- forgot
ten, now that tho tinoku of tbo battle ha# passed
away. Me was the strongest iiouj, in our opin
ion, iu the opposition ranks, ami his overwhelm
ing defeat ought to convince him of the error of
his ways, and lead him into the true paths. Hi
competitor, the Mon. Mart in ,J. Crawford, ha# a
stronghold upon hi* constituency in this district,
and his recent Vote attest# plainly the truth of
this fad.
Florida Flection.
The indication# are that Judge Dupont ha
been deeted Chief Jnstico of the Hupr- mo < -ourt,
and the HonrW. A. Forward and It. S. Walker.
ffPßAKfirtt or TUB BKM ATT,.- A correspondent
of tho Mii'-ou Telegraph suggest# the Moil. June
L. toward, of Tfi.-uia©, far tfipeuker of the Senate.
The Augttsta tonelftntivnmliel toy* it has *'ii”
doubt that ho will bo elected President of the
Somite, unle#* tho claim# of other ent lemon from
Soutly-rn and I‘touth-Weateru Georgia, to that
position, are urged. Lawton, of Ohatham, (’one,
of Bulloch, Guorry, of Randolph aud McGehov,
of iioiiHion, are nit #pokeii of in connection with
In theso day# “there i* no telling who’s Gov
ernor till after the vote# are counted.”
Tiaxußasr.K ~ Hrr I ivanvh#. Tho Nashville
pafier# of tin-hth, contain tho annual me##age ol
Gor. Harris, to the two house# ot tho General
A: omhly. W j condo no© from it the follow
ing statement'of the financial condition of the
Receipts into the Treosurv lu#t
year $1,84H,01M ss
Disburwtinmtf for same time 1,70
Balance in Treasury, l*t (tet 18(1,3U3 33
Actual iridobtodness of the State.... 5,s 1 1,(‘.ml Off
upon which an aunual interest is
paid.. *.!fl‘l,-:sK “5
Liiibdilitis of tho State for Railroad#
Turnpike#, Ac I2,7VdMH 00
which added t>> actual detu, makes
total liabilities of every nature! 6.t-fft,ffOfl fit*
The value of the total ox port* from tho Uni
ted Suites to t’hina for tb© live years ending iu
iM.Va, averaged loss than two Millions a year,
while the import# I'nmi Cliiuu, for tho same pe
riod, averaged ten million, leaving a bulauee of
somesH,nt,oUM per nnnuin to be paid in cash.
To meet tilts liability American gold goes to
Kurope to buy silver, which is transmitt©d to
China to puy American debt*.
Oaonoir'a Datqinrnßa. Throe of the most
celebrated authoresses in this country arc uu
tivesof tiourgm—Mis* M. J. Mcletoah, Madeuiu
b\’ert. and Miss Kvims, of Mobile, whoso new
Uovol, Hiii i.ah, hasrendurod her faiumis iu a lew
short months.
. From llttNlilngtou
IVashukitox, Oct. 9.
A letter has born received by n gentlciuun in
this city, frouiu lending South .American member
■>t Congress, in which lie states that the He pub
limits and Anit-riciuu will cfleet an organisation
of tbe House without any trouble or delay. The
matter has b©ou arranged by an equal division
ofutliccs aud spoils between the two parties. As
for the uiU,i-LeeouipU>ni*ts, ho ways neither party
have uuy coutidcuoe whatever in them, and ilu v
will do nothing b>ceuciliuU> them. He state*,
also* that either Winter Davis or Mr. Fid ridge
will be tho next S|HMikcr.
Our spiTial UftNiilngiou Dchpaicli
Washinutun, Oct. 8.
A tclographir despatch has bcn received here
by the g<M cruuiout, from the Marshal of New
Orleans, confirming the nows dial the filibusters
had beou :u rested. They surrendered at once and
did not attempt any resiatancc.
Additional intelligence was received at tho War
Department to-day respecting the attack by In
dianson tho Fanta Fo mail. The Indians appear
to be greatly incensed against tho white.- lor sup
posed injuries done them, and are committing
depredations whenever un opportunity offers.-
Colonel Fuinuor, commanding the Department of
tbe West, has already despatched u largo f mi to
whore these outrages have oeownvd, and will sta
tion others at pofote necessary to protect the
Owing to recent discussions of tho Secretary
of the interior respecting matters connected
with the seed department, tho agricultural bureau
will be ab-dishod No move seeds will Im* di
trihuted. .Mr. Brown, chief of the bureau, has
linn, I. T. Irvin.
There is no gantlemea among those returned to
tliu next liousu of Ueprosentativus, who has more
cvperiuucu in tbs practical business of legisla
tion, or is better qualified for tho duties of tho
oti'n e of Speaker, tiiau tho lion. 1. T. Irvin, of
YVilkus. We do not kuow that Mr. lt viu aspiru*
to that office, but uulvws h |H*rumptorUy‘ declines
it, we have uo doubt that the Democratic uu iu
l*er of House, with a v iew to their own oon
voiilfiUOß, to the dignity of thoirhody, and to tho
dispatch of the puhiia busiiie**, will conlar it up
on him.
Honor lo Ftnory toilette.
At the class of 1845 at Knmry College, Oxford,
Go* appear? the names of William H. Chambers
Ksqr, of Ala.. Hon. L. C. Liunnr of Mississlp
ni, J. Jeuks Jones Kq. Mr. Tbomu> Hardeiuau
Jr. and K. G. Uuiqier K*q.
Thu first is the member elected to the Legisla
ture from the County of Barbour, Ala., and n
promising lawyer. The second is a Representa
tive in Congress from Mississippi, and candidate
for re-eleetkm without opposition. The three last
are the Mouibeis elect from tho ,”d 7th and Bth
Districts from Georgia to tbe next Congress. AU
honor to Oxford ‘.-- Vtlurnkme Time*.
Wo wore present and heard the graduating
speeches of these gentlemen, which most favor
ably impressed us at the time. For various rua
sous wu desired the re-election ot Mr. Hill to the
next Congress : (.till had be lteen de(bated we
•.tiould have felt that in his worthy and respected
ooiupatik'r, the 7th district would have found un
able and patriotic Representative.—J/orou (<.)
Ji/urnnl m
Tna Gbais Tbadb or Cwk ai.o.- ‘The receipts
es Grain nt Chicago to September 8d have been
2,770,801* bushels, ngaiust 8,844,456 bushels In
th** same period of last year. Tbe farmers are
svideutly bolding back for higher pricts.
, From the N. V. Meraid.
JudiicTrrr) and Senator Krodlrick—Their ( hnt
after Late Hud.
Senator Broderick and Judge Terry both owed
their positions in tho community rattier to their
pel i flee! management.of causes and primary elec
Uoii than to any peculiar merit in themselves or
diner r for their Idgh offices. Broderick, whose
mother sill reside* in the Kigbth ward of this city.
was a native of Now York, and was at one time
foi .-nian of Kngine rotnpany No. ”*t. When tlig
gold discoveries in r.thiornia became known in
tho Eastern Stales, atm produced such an ito
tnenae emigration to the Pacific, he -et out for
that region, and wun among the earliest of the
adventures there. From lit# huniJiuiity with the
science of jtolithal mano uvring, lie soon became
prominent in public life, and was. in in;,7, elected
by t lie legislature of California t, the Senate “I
the I'niled .States In that position lie conduct
od himself honorably and higb-mindedly, and
showed a degree of ability that wua hardly to l>e
expected from hi# antecedent#.
Judge Terry wa* also eariy in public life. A
native of one of the Southern States, and left an
orphan at an early age, hi went to Texas and
took part in the Struggle for Texas independence.
After hi# return be himself to the study
of iho law, whs admitted to the bar, went to Cai
iforiilg widi tho earliest emigration there, and
wo# <1 Jin.tic* of the Supreme Court when
he wo* but thirty-throe year# of age. Like Brod
erick, be was u man of great resoluteness and de
While he was in tbo hands of the Vigilance
Committee, and while his life was in imminent
danger, he wbp offered a discharge if he would
consent to resign hi* nodi ion. Hi# wife urged
him to do so hut ho refused, and issued an address
to the people of the Flute, jn which he expressed
his determination that he would not leave the
prison olive iu any other position than Judge
of the Supreme Court. H>-V4? reputed to be a
dead shot, and there was some surprise felt when
tbo first erroneous news of tho duel repr* seated
him a# having boon l*y Broderick.
This is the second Congressman from Califor
nia that has had hi# term cut short by dueling.
The other was tho Hon. Kdword Gilbert, who
was one of the first two member* dueled from the
Kittle. The lion. Joseph McKibbcn, a member
of the Ukt. ITou j , also got into a p<-r*otj<.il diffi
culty during the oanva**. which lt?d to a hostile
correspondence, and ended in a apology; nnd
Herbert, a member of the previous Congress,
came near being hiingvd for the murder of a wai
ter at Willard’s Hotd in Washington. Bo much
for tho peril* of politic# and for tho character of
tire public men of tho golden State.
Telegraph liar to MilledUCTtllf
We notice in the prospectus “I the />o7y Hr
cordvr, at MHlodgeville, tho f"lb.wiri/ -cnlcn-•
“A telegraph line that will then be In opera
tion to this city, (MllUidgcvilic,) will also enable
us to give tb# newh from every other section, at
the latest moment.”
There h* been a great deal said about tho con
struction of a telegraph line to MHledgnville, and
as xiieh an enterprise has, in the past, always re
sulted in word*, without any extondoa of wire#,
we aha 11 not be disappointed to boar that tb©
jAoposcd lino to MU ledge ville i- postponed, in
construction, until unotiicr winter. If may i”
ponslblo. however, that-the line i# in prow#* of
erection, and will ic eouipJeled by tho imo the
Legislature meets: if so, the people of the Htate
will have an opportunity ol enjoying telegraphic
eomrautiicatlon with tbo seat of Government, \V<-
may be excused for our brvthrou of the
Umnrdrr, how the lim- i- progrewing, and wlin
will .l probably be cotuph-ted y \uqtnUt
Thu Kjiwlisu Ckickktuuh. Tho report, rot
the New York (bnmnereial, who wltno-scd the
playing of the KnglUh eriekoter* in Hoboken.
any# of them :
The bdwling of'Jackson is so swift that the eye
ran scarcely kcop jihco witii the bull as it pa*-©#
from wicket to wjeket. Every ball i- a* straight
n ; line for the wicket, and i# perhaps tho most
difficult to play of any bowler out.
Parr’s alow bow ling is perhaps more dcstruc
tivo than lioekyer's swift, us they arc so enticing
to the batter that ho will either out. of In
ground to meet thorn, and striking with all hi*
might. ini#c“ the ball, and i- thus bowled out.
There woro upwards of live thou.Huudpor.-ou* up
on tho ground at 12 o’clock, and the number- in;
increasing by hundred* every hour. Tho fit filing
of tho Klevel) i# woiuh-rful,'-very man i#n* quick
ms thought, and lio ball i> allowed to jut*- them if
it i# anywhere within their reach.
Full returns from the t’nlifornia election, show a
moro complete victory by the Democratic party
over the Opposition, than w# indicated hy the
news previously received. n candidate* fur
Congress, there was a thorough and complete
union of the Republican* and
men of the Broderick and MvKifibwn stamp, such
a union ns it# supporter* eliuve<i would over
whelm tbo Administration ticket, and bolster up
the faction led on by unscrupulous men against,
the Domoerwy. But the result prove# the pow
er of lbe# men to huvu been by no incau- equal
to their disposition tor evil, and their overthrow
has been most signal and complete. The com
bined strength us llieir faction end the rcpubli
eana 4*oine# several thousand vote# short <•!’ tb*
r.*guliir Deiuoeiatin eundldaluK, Soott and Burch,
both of whom areeic ted by very handsome ma
Ft. Lot is, Oct. fi.
The overland mail of the ftth reached this city
last night.
Sumo of tho San Francisco papers evince a dlf
position to make it appear that .Mr. Broderick
was the victim of a • -•nspiracy : but tho most
prominent owe* Assert, that the dual wa conduc
ted in -trict aecordancu w ith the <'o*lr jlnello. -
Broderick’s pistol went otr before rui.-od into line
with hie antagonist. Terry’s shot took effect two
inches from tho right nipple, carrying away pail
of tho broust bone. Mr. Hrodorick suffered in
tense agony from the time ho was shot till he
When tho mail left, two hours after his death,
it bad been announced that all the flags in tho
city would be displayed at hulf-mast. and em
blems of mourning were bcgiuuiug to appear in
all parts Os the < ity.
Thu election in Nevada Territory came off on
the 7th tilt. The const i tut ion framed in July wan
adopted by 400 minority, and a tail territorial
ticket elected, headed by Isaac Konke, as Uov
Victoria dates are to the 7th ult. The Colonist
says that the United Status troups on San Juan
Island were throwing up a fortification on the
summit of a hill below the Hudson Bay Com
pany' station.
Thu Cortland, Oregon, popersof the 10th pub
lish a reply l.y Ueu. Harney to tlov. Douglass’
letter of Vug. -'Kith, in which be accepts Doug
las*’ explanation i** an apology for his pa-t con
duct, but evidently reposes no luith in the *h>v
oruur's professions, and declines to withdraw his
troops from San Juan until tlf phnimre of Presi
dent Buchamm is known on the subject.
There was littlo business doing iu the San
Francisco market, but prices were sensibly
Later fWmi Texas.
New Out,k.vns, Oct. in. Brownsville, Texas
was attacked on the 28th ult. by Huerrilhis, aud
live persons killed. Tho Jail was broken open
and tho prisoner* set at liberty. Intense excite
ment prevailed, The citixen* had mostly fled to
Mataiuorae. The Mexican authorities sum as
sistance to the’peop'o of Brownsville.
Tho guerrillas wore hcadotl by an outlaw uauv
<kl Cortiuiu.-, and numbered one hundred strong;
they were mountod and rode into tho city, and
posted sentinels. Oen. L’arvnjal and others
arrived, aud persuaded the outlaws to leave
the city. Fort Brown wa* than garrisoned with
Mexican troop* from Matmnorae, the citizen,
forming n patrol. The outlaw* were cucauipod
ucnrth oily, pouiu two hundred strong.
The .Mexican (ieuoml visited the euiup,aml ol>
tained a promise that the outlaws would not mo
lest Brownville any more: but tho cituen* ex
|M-oU)d tu bo attacked agaiu. An express was
sent to tho nearest point for troops. The Fhor
ift and a posse came down to Point Isabel, w ith
tho steamship Arizona'* mails.
Nkw Okli avs, Oct. V.
The schooner Star has arrived from Minititlan.
with California advices of Sept 20.
The steamers John L. Stephens and Orisabn,
which snllcl on that day for Panama, had $!,-
s.o.ih t in treasura.
During the fortnight, business had ruled very
Arrival* hud been numerous, and the market
wn? weaker, though no decline was noticeable ex
cept In candles which were heavy nnd lower.
rent isivns were less firm, and the turn was In
favor of the buyer. Sugar quiet, and refined
Dry goods, boots and shoe? depressed.
The Star firings a large mail, and Government
From (alHurnla.
The Star bring? California date# to the 2tMh
ult. Senator Broderick wan shot by Judge Terry
in a duel on the 13th, and died or the 14th.*-
The funeral took place on the 18th, nnd was the
most imposing witnessed in Cali
Terry has been'arrested. Public sentiment is
greatly anconacd against him.
Georgia Railroad and Banking Corn
pany, on the 12th inL, declared a #omi aunual
dividend of four dollari j-er thate.
•'i.uddL $, Mo*im. ocTonEtt i;. im.
Organl/nitoii l tin nett fun urea#.
The question i* now btdng deputed with seii
ouHiufv, whether the oppnsitititi
in Congre## shall unite North and South iu the
organisation of the licit JlouA of Re|)resentar
tives. The office of Speaker and Clerk i# to
be filled at tho approaehbig aeindon. it i# a
temptinginorsel for the Opp'*#it-ion Houth tocoa
leseo with tho Opposition North thaf> the mem
ber-of it* organization maybe benefitted. The
jueslion most difficult of solution K how can the
affiance be formed without ft mutual sacrifice of
opinions and ignoring of past issue#. The Re
publican# are in the majority. They have three
moniker* to one of the Konthern Opposition, and
hence should Ho alloweibtho right to dictate term#
On th© contrary, the Southern Opposition are
pushed too hard by the democrats to sacrifice
much for party end#. They ore equally solicit*
oils a* the Republicans, to accomplish the defeat
of the democracy In tho organization of the
House, and will unite with them in the hallelujah#
over n victory, if some pretence is left them,
whereby they can defend themselves against tbo
taitnts of their opponents at home. Brwnlow,
of thv Knoxville (Tenn.i Whig, suggests that the
coalition lie formed as a “business transaction"—
that the democracy can and must be defeated.—
The Richmond • Vu.) Whig approves the idea of
a union of nil the element# of the Opposition to
the democracy iri the organization of the House,
lion. 11. Winter Davis, of Maryland, the baldest
and most influential of tho Southern Opposition,
is regarded a# an advocate es the policy. A few
Southern Opposition men, however, may defeat
the well matured pj*n. They are fearful that the
result of a Black Republican triumph may recoil
bark upon their fortunes. Aud yet, they cannot
contemplate with au -factio*i (fir triumph of the
democracy. In this It rut of things, they lie still,
hoping that some propitious wind may reveal the
true policy. Wo await with patience the organi
zation of the next Congrcs#, satisfiod that the
Opposition party Footh will have to consort with
t he Republicans on the on© side or the democrats
on the other. *lf th y maintain u separate organ
ization, nnd east a vote for one of their own
member*, they will be justly amenable p, the
‘-barge of retarding all legi.dution and stopping
tho wheels of government to gratify party aui
niosiiy and personal ends. To unite with th
democracy is their only path of honor ami safety.
Nkw Hv.vatohs iv thk wk\t Vosurkm.-—' The
following named gesttemen will take their scat#
for the firsu time in the I'nited ,Stat< - Feuute, on
the first Monday in Deci uibor next, on which
day tlin flr.-t suasion of the thirty-sixth Congre*#
will eouii icnc©: Win. Faulabery, of Delawsre;
JatAesW. Grimes, of lowa : lny.aru* W. I'owell,
of Kentucky; Kingffi .v F. Bingham, of Miclii
gan; John C. Ten ISyek, of New Jetsey : Tliomu#
Bragg, of North Carolina : Henry B. Anthony,
of lUiudo I-land ; A. 0, I*. Nicholson, of Teun.;
J. W. Roinphill, of Texas.
Oi shkta, Oct, 13.
bear Time.#:
y hi have received and published of tbo election
in Chattahoochee county.
For Governor,
Brown. Join —V#
Akin, opp 262
For Congress.
Crawford 33H —96
Be than© t<>
For tho Keimte.
Juhn#on (Jem 342 --80
Aesiiu opp 2>>2
For tlie House.
Whittle dem..... f>7
Cody opp 272
The Flllfbuxlem at New Orleans
New Ohi.kaxs, ilet. ft.
The fillibustcrs have arrived in custody of the
United HU I-"-Marshal. Captain* Maury, Pay
soux and Feott, and Colonvl Andurson, have been
held to fiail in jt. n .,uO§ each, to answer. Hie rest
of the men were left at tho barrack#, below the
city, and have sine* decamped, there being no
guard there, tbu filMbustors having m.wie the sol
diers leave tho steamer while corning up the river.
They state that they were on a tS-bing party.
llin. J. J. SiobJe#, “f tho /'"‘t/'.fU ■ml -o, hav
ing returned to hi# post, after u tour north, soy.-;
“We ho<l the good fortune to meet many of the
leading and most lutluential and di*iiugui#hed
HouioeraU of the North, ye#, and in New Kng
lund—boHi in and out of office- -and wo
where a disposition to ignore the principle# of
the Kansa*-Nebraska At, or tho Dread Scott do
i#iou. On the contrary, all Unit w© mot evinced
a williugnes# to stacul by tho settlement of tho
qitestiou n# aniimuM*ed in theCiuciimati Platform
and Drod Scott decisdon.
Will let Mr. Douglas insist upon hi# interpm
tuliou of the Constitution In-lug ingrafted into
the platform, a# u new feature? That it toler
aUn squatter sovereignty? That no other con
struction could lie placed upon that clause in the
Kansas bill, which settles this question, and
which says, the people of a territory can “rcgis#
Into their domestic l institutions in their own way,
* object only to the Constitution of the United
Washisgton, Oct. 8.
Information has beon received here, that as
soon a> t’ol. Sumner heard of the attack on tho
Santa Fo mail, with fatal results, be despatched ;i
. nip.iny of dfag-M.n* To Pawnee Fork to punish
the offending Indians. Hopes arc entertained
that this prompt action on the part of Col. Sum
ner, will result in tho capture of the murderers,
and the ruseu of tho passengers by the overdue
mail. It will probably he found necessary to
station troops m Pawnee Fork to escort the mail
thence to Cold Spring, nnd thus obviate tho re
currence of sueh outrage*.
l. J. Brown contemplates an early resignation
a* Chief of the Agricultural Branch of the Patent
Ofltoe, Tina event haa been anticipate 1 for some
weeks past.
S5i.K-Uru.N Fmv i.ocks. The samples of
this new stylo of cm dopes having Iteen auhuiit
ted to the Department and approved,it is thought
a* the contractors have stated their ability to
supply the various Post Offices as soon as autho
rised. that as early a* Monday next, tho sale of
these envelopes wdl be commenced.
H titAt'NytoM Snu, BfA.
Later from Hex lew
Nkw Ohi.f.amh, Oct. 12.--Tle Juarez Gotcrn
inout have made auportaut uoncoHsioii* to Mr.
Conner, the American consul at Maxatlun, for
the navigation of the Mexican coast from Guavu
mas to Acapulco.
We have received Port-au-Priuca <lates to the
2‘,M ult. The late coioplracy was more uxteniivn 1
than was at first thought. High! police meas
ures have been adopted, aud the city placed in a
tat of selge.
inc (luukrrniy.
Norkoi.k, Va., Oct. 18.—The steamship Quaker
City was towed in her by the steamer State of
Georgia. The passenger* of the Quaker City were
all well.
l'roxrcniiou tor LHsrl
Nkw York, Oct. 13.—1 tis stated, upon good
authority, that J- W. Forney ha* been notified by
President Buchanan of hi* intention to prosecute
him for libel, on account of an article that ap
peared on Monday in his paper, the Philadelphia
No National Auriucan Statk Ciwvkntion to
uk URi.n.—A meeting of the National American
Mate Committee, was held iu this city yestarday
at the Parker House, to consider tho subject of
the party in the coming campaign. There was a
full attendance and a gehcra) comparison of
views, when it was finally voted, with great una
nimity, that it wa* inexpedient to to call a Htate
convention for the nomination of candidate* du
ring the present political year. —Boston TmeHer
. t4e Sth,
Xm*. A good story i* told of an Irish hostler,
who was sent to tbe stable to bring out a trav
eler’s home. Not .knowing which of the two
strange horses in tho tdall* belonged to the trav
eler, and wishing to avoid the appearance of ig
norance in the buxines*, he saddled both animals
and brought them to the door. The traveler
pointed out his own hoftp, saving. “That’s my
tmg.” “Certainly, ver honor. I knew that, but
l did’nt know which oneyf them w 6 the other
lion. \\. A llarrfe of Murth.;
W© *r© truly jrr.UilWd ibis sterling end
y mitg F<-ti:iti.r rewHoetwl from the conn
i v ofWcrfti. W- orft’ lmd hi# conrse during the
past two -(->i(ii#of the Legislature, and can
iruly>;*y th at’Alt ere n* not a more efficient Soo
atur in the last Senate than ho. Possessed of a
11 balanced4nind, foarb'Wnc## of purpose, ever
mindful of hie eomnmiont*’ interest, and always
at hi# post, it* preved himself worthy of the po
sition to which ihe partiality of hut friends had
called him. We tender him our congratulations,
and predict f*r him brilliant aud unefel future.
Lumpkin i'atndium.
Tiik Tr.nm-Bimi'KKi'k l)t et— Society am>
Politics t> ’ai ipor.tta.—The result of the bos
tile meeting between Judge Terry and Senator
Broderick, mentioned yesterday, andgtveti more
in detail to day. is owe of the cumjtequeoces of
the present peculiar state of society in California.
There ha# beeu no State in the Union where ro
largo a pepwlaiie*has beesi m> suddenly uarcl
opediui m that toriitory. The peculiarity of it*
charseter.and the continual activity and constant
excitabilty of the people of that region, growing
out of ouddeii acquisitions of wealth, have led to
more gambling, more Insanity, more duels, more
murders, more crime, than have charcterized any
other part of the l’ni< since tho Revolution.—
These events are the natural result of the sud
den congregation oftbouoands of persons from all
parts of the world, wboee #le object has been
to become rich in tlio briefest (.pace of time.—
Vigilance CoiMinittei-* wore the ooneeqaeuc© of
this state of thing.-. All the personal and private
griefs of individual#have, therefore, sought re
lief in thee© com in it tecs, and latterly iu politics,
and lienee we are inflicted with speeches like
tbo#e of U win and Broderick in the lute cuin
naign, two U riited Ftates Beifators, which were
hardly fit f>r utterance in tiie Five Points, and
hence we have to chronicle #urh event* a# the
recent duel botween Terry and Broderick. Tim .
however, will correct all this. Decency r . _;©i
prevail in ('alifomU, and the recent r- ,<ii of the
election in that Htate may be c” -.uered h& an
indicatiou that the public #*•’ ‘ fioont. of California
wilt improve, and the i#*i ‘ portion of the com*
rnuuiiy frown down all further attempt# to de
moralize the richest, territory in the Union the
gold crop of California i# rapidly becoming regu
lar in it* production, like any other crop, and in
-i/'-ui of Lav :ng ait injurious effect on the moral#
of the people, hitherto, it will produce no other
result than that of corn, or cotton or tobacco.—
Then the sadden aeqnsitiati of wealth will coaxe,
and society revert back to U normal sosAition.
A. F. /braid.
TtiK Coi)K B.U’r.AKots.—The killing of Senator
Iko lorick by Judge Terry of California, iaanoth*
or Illustration of the llly, the barbarism, and tho
wicked iu-*# of ih© duelling code. To men of cor
rect feelings and proper moral or religious con
victions, and ju#t conception of the accounta
bility of man to his Creator, it ia difficult to im
agine any state of feeling which Can justify and
resort to tho duel ; but the practice is till preva
lent, uml apparently g*inipgjjr<>und in many #e
tions of the country.- Journal gs t’ommtrce.
Meat hen Kim to the Leghlxiurc.
Appling KlteC and Graham, and.
Baker—-Luroar, dem, Hol'Mnou, dem.
Baldwin - lArincoc, ticni., Mcticuli, dem,
Baukft -Pruitt and. Allan and.
Berrien - Williams and. Noble# and.
Bibb —Tracy, (dem Ixicket. (dent), Ander
son (opp.)
Brooks-- Griffin and. Ivdinondson and.
Bivan Mart, Smith, dem#.
Bulloc h Cone. Goodman, denis.
Burke Fturgi*, (de). Heath, idem). Bossier.
Butts llyar., dem., ilarkncss,deui.
• ‘alhouii—ilarvin and. Knowles and.
< fitiitphcll —Tutum dem., Tuggle and ua.
Uaindcn—Atkinson and. Dufour and.
Cnrroli—Ment-11, dern., Johnson, dem., Rich
ards, dem.
Uh.-- - Johnston, dem. Wofford, deni. Borden and.
Catoosa— Backet dem ~ Spray berry dem.
Chatham -Lawton. Screven, Hart ridge, dem#.
Cherokee—Hightower and. Worley and. Fleming and.
thuttahooebev---Johnson, deiu., Whittle, dem.
Chattooga-- Kirby, dem., Kt-hol*. detu,
Clarke—‘Billups, op., I.uuipkin op. Defi-ney, and.
Clayton—Johnson, dotn.. (Hass, dem.
Chty Burnett and. Cullen* <L
Clinch - Siruian and. William# and.
< obb Gartrell dm., Lester dem., Greens
Cowatts—Wynn; Martin, dm., Metden
den, dew.
Columbia—Fulton, dem., Culvaxd, dom„ Wil
son . dem.
t.'olquitt Tillman and. Gay and.
Crawford Walker, deun. nick#, dear.
Dade—Davie and. Tatum and.
Decatur - Chester, opp., Terrell, dem.
DeKttlb Alexander, (opp), BugsdiUe, (dexn.
Dougherty -Harris, detu., Fly, dem.
Dooly- Brown and. Farueil and.
Karly Uoljinson, dem., Conk, dem.
Kffingham—Him*#, Grovcnstino. “pps.
Rlbert Carter, dfto., Clark, opp.
Kmanuel- MdLcod op. Mctiar *J.
Fayette- Itenham, detu., U uderwood, opp.
Floyd Printup, dim., Alexander. Turner, ops
Forsyth- Hutchinsd. Davis and. Bruton and.
Frunklin -Morris and. Karl and.
Fuhon—Collier, dem.. Thrasher, opp.
Gilmer Quillian and. Fain and.
(lliif.-ceok -Usury, dem., Kelly, dem.
Glynn—King. dem.. Harris, dem.
Gordon Shtdnut, detu.. Fain, dem., Laugh,
Greene —Ward Opp.. .McWhorter opp., Greene
Gwinnett - Lenoir, opp., lUakey, dem., Reed
er, dem.
Hall —800 l and. Smith and.
HAncock Opposition members elected.
Harris—-Mood, opp., kenaou, opp., Mullin#,
Mart—Slower#,'leut., Holland, dt ui.
IL nrv Cloud op. HendcrM.ii op. Harper op.
Heard—Oliver, dem., Ware, dem.
IloUidcn McGehee.dcm., Green, dem.. Brawn
Irwin—Young and. Young and.
Jackson- -Delapriare, dm.. Mint/, op., Daniel,
Ja*jtr— BartlWEl, opp., Key, opp.
Jefferson—-Tarter, Brimwm, opp*.
Jones—Clover, deni., Fiuey. dem.
Laurens Moors J. ibflmc- opp.
Lee. Batts, dem.. flock, ; dem.
Liberty—Boggs, opp., Harrington, opp.
Lincoln—Loekort, Barkcsdalc, dem*.
Lowndes—Brinson and. Howell and.
Lumpkin Kiley op. McDaniel op. Mayes and.
Macon--Cook, opp.. Pitt*, opp.
Madison Hitchcock, dom.. .Strickland, dam.
M.iriou—Bushen. dun., Bivins, dem.
Mitchell Maple* and. Jonas and.
MeJutosh—Spalding, dun., Hopkins, deui.
Mon wot her Hall, dun., Kctor, slum.. Bender,
Milton— Cowew and Howell and.
Monroe- Trippe, opp., Flark, opp., Littlo,
Morgan - Reid, dun., Fanin, opp.
Murray—Wilson, dem., McDonald, dun.
Muscogee Holt, opp., Williams, dem., Dixon,
Miller—Roberts and. Joiner and.
New tea—Jones. Henderson, Stewart, dem*.
< tglothorpe— Barrow, Lofton, Fiber hart, deuit.
I‘nulding AV hitevvortb, McKoever, duus.
Fierce—Donalson and. Sweat and.
Fickens Aired and, Price and.
Pike - Head, deni.. Mitchell, dem.
Folk Ware, lnd. dem.. Hutchins, opp.
Ptifoaki—Jordan, dem., l>eLamar, dem.
Futnam—Turner, dem., Vaughn, deui., Scolt.
Quitman Uuerry, dem.. Morris, dem.
Kahun William* and. Joues and.
Handolph—Sawyer, dem.. Coleman, dem.,
Taylor, deiu.
Richmond- Miller, input, Ulhson, (oi.n,,
Rhodes (opp.)
Schley—t'nUendvn, dem.. Derry,dem.
.Scrivcn—Cooper, dam., Prescott, >pp,
Spalding—Mathews, dem., Patrick, deui.
Stewart Kvans, opp., Hollonnm, opp., Wal
ton, opp.
Sumter—Hill, opp.. Brown, dem. Harper op.
laliufcrro— lloid, dam., Holden, Imb
Talbot —Smith, dem., McCreary, opp., Luinr
dcn. opp.
Taylor—Wallace, deni., McCaatS, dem.
Telfair— Paine up. Mcßead.
Terrell—William* op. \ auuver op.
Thomas—Reward and. Whaley and.
Troup—Hill. Fannin, Norwood, opps
Twiggs—Grifts and Smith and.
1 niun—Bare!ay and. Fain iL
Fpsoti—jflewnUnn op. llorxiey op.
Walton—White, dem., Hunt. detn. Selman op.
Ware—Sweat, dem , Cakon, dem.
Warren—Wellborn, (deim, Gibson, (opp),
Pilcher (opp.)
“Washington—Wells opp., Irwin, detn.Wicker,
Wayne—Cannon and. Knox and.
Walker—Bond op. Patton and.
W ebster—Sheppard, opp., l.'ausey, opp,
W bitfield—Moore, dem., Braylos, dem.
IV ilcox—- McDuffie and. Firmer and.
M ilkes- Ilill, (lent., Irvin, dein., Sims, dum.
Wi! khi *n —White buret op. Conley and.
Worth—-Harris, doni., Henderson, dem.
r>-Tho Pennsylvania estimate* the political
stresigti) of tlie next State LegMutnre, to 1h- elec
ted on Tuesday as follows :—//mmc-DemouraU,
54: Opposition, 35: doubtlul, 11. .SVttufe— Dem
ocrats, 5 ; Opposition, 4 ; doubtful, 2.
Mr. S. E. Cohan, who is preparing a citv di
rectory for Philadelphia, fuel* himself warranted
in saying that the population of the consolidated
city of Philadelphia is now 880,000 -a large in
crease since the last census.
rollon. Edward Event has accepted an in
vitation to deliver un address at the Georgia
State Fair to bo held in Atlanta from the 24th to
the 2SUi of Ootober. So lay* the CVwsudsr.
linuiMinis TIMKS.
Sew Advertisements.
Cash a ok. —Our reader# will sec pom a rather
obscure advertisement in to-day’s paper, tbut our
friend Phelp* i# iu receipt of a line supply of
Northern Cabbage. Let those who heretofore
rviruumd from eating cabbage try one.
Tyler A M-isos advertise a good lot of India
Bagging, together with a choiee supply of coun
try flour, .persons in want of these articles will
please give them a call.
The public nLention i# also invited to tho no
tice of B. Jackson.
Messrs. Harrison and Pitt#, are offering for
‘sale one of the fine*t residences in tlm city. If
notdi*|ae<l of privately before tbc first of Dec
ember, it will then lie sold at public auetiow. Let
the public be on tho lookout for this property.
Sec Mr. Beano's advertLeinent of book#, sta
tionery, Ac. He has a hand *otne stuck of every
thing in hi* line. Give huu a call.
Pfticstmr* Yot-n Tketb.—Many are the rca
sun* why wc should preserve *-ur teeth, among
whfi-h their beauty and usefulness are not the
least: but perhaps the morff potent oue i# the
feet that when we neglect them and suffer them
to become unclean and decay, they give us more
pain nnd excite less sympathy than almost any
thing else. Buy Dr. Saponaceous Dontri
ti>-e. and clean your teeth. It i* both pleasant
aud purifying. Sec advertisement.
Second Methodist thurrh.
The second Methodist Church in this City was
dedicated Sunday the Vfth last. Her. Dr. Loviok
Bierce preached th© sermon for the occasion, as
sisted by Dr. Alfred Mann in tho exercises. The
church is a iw-autifui piece of architecture, and
accommodate* about five hundred persons. The
pulpit is arranged wih taste aud the rich colored
glass in the window, in it* rear, ha* lino cffVsct.—
This congregation will bayo a choir, as the first
Methodist Church, and th© ladies and gentlemen
will tit together. Rather an innovation upon the
old established rules and customs of Methodism,
but one which carries with it many advantage#
Besides, it meet# tho sanction of all, and no-re
especially th© Pastor, Dr. Pierce himself, who ha#
been u Minister of the Methodist Church for mure
than half a century. The second Church ha#
been built, of course, from the pressing necessi
ty of another charge for so Urge a Congregation
as that which worship from Sabbath to Sabbath
in tho old Methodist Church.
In hit sermon, on the Sablmtb, Dr. Pierce wa#
justly seven upon those visitors of a church, who
have so little regard for the convenience of the
fairer sex, much less the want of gentility, os to
spit streams of tobacco upon tb© floor, He * tbo
Pastor until the asmaMiSf of the Conference.—
Ferric© will b© held iu this Church at HU* A. M.
and fi'i B. M. every Sabbath.
Tho Methodists of tbi City r© well pleased
with their Minister#.
At a future day, we expect to allude to the oth
er Churches iu provem of, erection, uad tkeaecep
lability of the Pastors iu charge.
ilriiiocrar) carried Home.
An influential and reliable democrat, with a
view of commemorating the recent triumph of hi#
party in the county of Muscogee, .ha# named his
i win children, born since the election. Chaki.k*
Williams and Km wrt Dixon the two successful
democratic candidates for the Legislature. With
Mich living memorials of the trophies won by the
democracy in the last, campaign, how can it fad
<-f success in tho future’
May these chifi!rcu remember the instruction
of a father, snore precious to them than rubies.- -
It will exalt and promote them, aiul bring to
their head an ornament of grace and a crown
of honor.
MKGv-tppl tier;lon#.
The recent election In Mississippi J resulted in
favor of tho Item-'‘’rutie party, by a heavy major
ity. John J* Points was elected Governor, and
the < ‘ohgrtvsmen are, for the first district L. Q.
Lamar, sec-md; Reuben Davis; third Win.
Barksdale; fourth, U. R. Singleton; fifth John
J. Mcßae.
Arrival orlhr Arizona.
SKW OftLKASH, Oct. 11.
The steamship Arizona arrived here to-day.
She I rings a quarter of a milium in specie.
Gen. Twiggs has asked to be relieved in No
vember, from the command of the military de
partment in Texas.
The Austin “State Umetre” has information
that the Caiaancbea and other tribes are plan
ning grand expedition against Northern Tex
as. the coming winter.
Mr. Kinney, the editor of the Brownsville
Flag, is bore : he says that the Mexican bandlti
that were near Brownsville on the Bth, numbered
I air hundred men, aud that they were steadily
increasing. The object was general plunder.—
Fears were entertained tbut they would bum
Brownsville, aud several families have fled.
rcnnxjlvania Flection
Pail ahr i. put a , Oct. 12. In this city tho Op
poxition have been successful. In the counties of
Snyder, Lancaster, Blair, Dauphin, Alleghany
and Chester, the Oppueition ticket u elected ; but
the mujority is reduced. Tho democracy was suc
cessful in Montgomery, Carbon. Mifllin, Montour,
Wayne, Monroe, Northampton and Berks. The
aggregate Democratic gain in all except Phila
delphia i* about three thousand*
SAiaunati Municipal Flection.
The election for Mayor and Alderman, yester
day, was . onductod in an orderly and quiet man
ner. Thu whole number of votes polled was 1,-
4d<‘. being 131 less than the number of vote*
Dr. K. D. Arnold was elected Mayor. Twelve
Alderiut-n were also elected -aR democrats.—
Sac. Aries.
Ohio Flection.
Cmci n x ati, Oct. 12.—The returns arc scatter
ing, but they are indicating Hcpiihliettn gains.
Illinois. Flections.
Cun ago. Oct. 12.~- The returns are scattering.
CoLrunifi, Oct. 17.
Sm <h- last Weekly report, the streets have
beeu crowded with wagon? and drays, carrying
to the different warehouses, from the country and
depot?, our great and staple article of commerce.
The reeeipta for the week have been within a
fraction of bales, and the reported sales
amount t<> 1.21’.* bales.
la the early part of the week the market was
considerably depressed, owing to tbe unfavorable
news from Europe, and the immense receipt* at
home porta—New Orleans having received on
oat Joy over 22,008 bales. This, taken with the
belief that a large crop will Ih produced the pres
ent year, aud the Stock onhaad iu oar Northern
manufactories being quite full, and consequently,
a scarcity of orders from our own manufacturing
districts, has been another great cause of the de
pression in out market.
From the limited accounts flp to the preseot,
which have becu made out, it is impossible to
arrive at any thing approximating to probability
a* to the extent of the incoming crop. We are in
formed by an intelligent gentleman, a planter iq
South-Western Georgia, that the crop in that fine
lection of the cotton growing land?, will not be
bo fuiliu was anticipated in the early part of the
•‘■mm. 1 art her. it bar been an obrervel fact,
fora number of years, that whenever the produc
tion of cotton in South-Western Georgia, bar
been short, other section* of the country may
safely be set down, to l*e in the same predica
ment. We do not, at present, hazard a predic
tion as to the extent of the crop, “but bow it is
expected that tho present wlllexoeed four million*
of bale*, we ‘don’t understand/ ”
The receipt of foreign advices by the steamship
| Africa, which arrived 6b Friday, bring a decline
I of had no dcrccrnable effect upon our
uiiirkot: and at tho closing of transaction* on Sat
urday. the higher grados were a* linn a* before
tho reception of the account*.
The quotations may be *et down at from 9** to
and a first rate article would readily com
mand a amaU adrantt on the it figure*.
Ft nitwit Bujx i, Aug. lo
The Steamship Indian arrived at Farther Point
fhi- date, bringing Liverpool dales to the Jhth
ull ! Sales of three days previou# to the depar
ture of tb© Ptcomer 21.U0H bales.
Market dull.
Prices easier bnt quotations unchanged.
Decline chiefly on inferior qualities.
Breadstuff# dull. Provit-ion# dull.
Manchester advices Mta\ <>rable.
All qualities -lightly declined.
Urnrnl Nra#
It is rumored that the treaty of Peace will be
signed at Zurich iu a few days.
We hare received Chine dates to August 10th.
New-aniuijKiiMiit. The Americas Minister *
whereabout# is unknown.
The Great Eastern will proltably he further de
The repair# on the Great Eastern were actively
The telegrehic cable from Sicily to Malta has
been successfully laid.
The London Tirur-e contains another leader in
regard to the San Juan affair; it lament# that the
former difficulty, about the Oregon boundary,
should have left any pretext for the question
which ha* since arisen, and says it is a case which
require the earliest possible settlement.
It wan ruin-wed that ten thousand men bad
proceeded from India to China.
The American ship, Charles Buck, her cargo
nearly completed, was burnt at Bombay.
Paris correspondence fays tboi a deflniUr*
treaty of peace will bo #igncd ly the three pnw-r#
—Erniu'c, Austria and Sardinia- -aud that the
other stipulation# ol the YlßatYanca treaty wilt
|o adjusted bv separate document#.
The In- -t iuioiiig ‘nee from London on Wed
nesday morning. Mate# that 01. Hawkins, tb©
American < owuiiasioner in regard to tb© Dragon
boundary, ha# arrived and obtain* and an interview
at the Foreign Office.
Put-!-- correspondt-nce say* that there will he *n
>lher fill’ ll in the jm-oc© negoiiations, a- Austria
persist.- m keeping an army in Yenetia.
Th© iley #1 Turn# died on lb© 22d of Septeru
Nothing of importance ha# been received from
Chirn inecthe ImttJa of tin* Pelhu.
A H->ng koog paper says Mini-tor Ward was
still nn board Uu- ship Powfiatan and little likely
to ratify firs treaty.
Another paper Giinks he ha# probably goi> u*
I’ukin, while a Kussdau de-p.iteb to St. Petvrs
buig say# he ba<l arrive-t at Pekin aud was uon
flned there-
A deputation from Romagna had waited on tb©
King of Sardinia. Tim UfUn told them h felt
grateful tor the wish©* ol Uu> |M-ople af Romagua.
but, as a Path ode Sovereign, he should always
entertain ;i prof .and and unaltcraMc respect for
the Buprrior Hicrureby of the Church.
The French were raising for China 2*btNMl men
and 22 rfiips.
The DireHwo* Modewa has ordered fifty tho
#und Mu i© rifle*.-
The King f \iipic• lm- left for Uuiue. to hnva
■iu in ter view with the Pope.
Prince- Na;> -Icon arrived at Zurich on W r 4inc#-
day. OulhuTiday, a separata cmiferenee wa#
iiiitiicdi.i!tiy held lietwccn the i ruuch and Sar
dinian, aud the French and An.-trinu ptempoten
Nkw Tons. fct. Iff.
The laeaiusuip North Briton arrived at Furth
er Point to day with Joverpool dates to the sth
in at.
She report.; the a!.-- of three days previous to
her dopei: mo J ,mw l<ali‘* ; ol a Uich cfiotadators
took 2.1‘U0.
Market quiet and tendy. Holders ollbr freely
but show no disposition to pfeh? sales.
Middling tblcans : and.
” l pliiods :
Manchc-'t r advices unfit A oruble ; little inquiry
and prices weak.
HnwDiuttjc and • linlf'g.
Corn slcndy. Provision* dull, hnt steady.
Con.-ob Wo’ i#.*
Hoi.i -w av * iijxdikn, axi*—The gen
nine *rv C;t*t!_v !i-ftngubhed r*.m the counter
feit by the water-m irk thnt exists in every lent
..fill*- book of dir..-ti. ai*. ‘ Holloway, N. York
and Loudon.’* in entni-truusparunt letters, vLiblo
when held b'tween the eye and the light.
Bold at the mail ofactmry, No. Maiden, New
York, and by all Druggists, at 25c., 62c., and ft
per bo\ or pot. Oct. 17, w-d-lw
The tircat Kngtisli ItcniHly.
Celebrated Female Pills.
Prepart >1 ft,tm a jie—eription ej Sir J. Clarke,
B. />. PkjnictHM esirtr,rut,nary ta the Queen.
.V 11 *! MO and SIX postage *UHUI|W titrlnvd lo
til authorited agent, will insure a bottle, contiuiim|
S> Fill* uy return mail. inarchQ—dwl>.
Bol.J iu ('oluinhn*. by Fciabeitn* Sc fXuacr. Aw k.
sruut and all DmasMi a
Dyspapria i? a hydra-headed disease, and only
iu the Oxt genole bitter? doc? it find a
worthy nf its steel.” This remedy at once expels
the disease from the system, and restore? the di
gestive organ? to a -tutu of health and coinfort.
ANei|-*ri- m ed mirse and female ph>melaii. Has a
BooUnng rtjiup tor vinl iKM iwuMm. who b
MNtfw the ptoceitaol K-. thoi* by Mttlemiif tba gums,
reducmgatl iiiUanmNtiH>ti--wnl allay ail pain, an*l w
sure lo regulate Uic lx.we'a Depend nuas H, moib. r,
(I Will give real lo yoarawivp*. o.s n o*t and health iu
your mlouts. PeittM-U) aalula alliaae* de advai
ii*etaui in aHotlw-rroloain.
Aug fj. IRdtS—dw-lv
strumous or .Sorofuious xdectiuus are tbe cause,
the bligbL the potato* rot of tuaiiltiad. Tbe)
are vile mol filthy as well as fatal. They arise
from contamination and impurity of the blood,
ami are D* l*s seen all around us everywhere.
One i|Uwrter *f all w* aiect are tainted with them,
and one quarto of these die of them: die foolish
ly too, because they are “arable. Ar it it’* Hah
sa parii i.a donnscf out the St-iofnlous corruption
from the tdoo.l, reiolen it pure and healthy, aud
effectually uxpurge? the coutaaiiualion from
the system. No l*agvr groan uuder your Berofu
lons disorders, since the irresistiblu Arxa has
provided his masterly combination of curative
virtue? that, he calls iAitACAHii.i.A.— lUmuerai.
Wntrrbvry, Cl.
Oct. 3. ini
Every one* will, we think, agree with us in the
opinion that the human hair is the greatest natu
i ral ornament that is possessed either by a gentle
man or a lady. Just meet an apparently good
looking in an. for instance, in the street ; you ad
mire his features, whisker* and general bearing;
but lo! he lift* his hut in recognition of your
bow. and the charm ha* vanished, for Ichabod is
written *>n bin bald head, and the glory ha* de
parted with the (lowing look* that once flourish
ed luxuriantly there. In the case of a lady, the
matter is, if possible worse—such cases remain
ing one of the circumstance on which the follow
ing epigram if founded:
“Ol give me, fair Emma, a lock of your hair,”
A bashful young lover took courage and sighed
“ ’Twas a sin to refuse such a modest request —
*o take (At t thol* if,’’the dear creature replied
Now, to prevent such a catastrophe, is within
the power of every lady and gentleman ; for by
using Prof. Wood’s Hair Kuslorative. hair i* wot
only prevented frem foiling off or turning gray,
but the article will restore hair t bald places,
and even if it has changed color and become
gray, it will bring It back to it* pristine beauty
and* luxuriance. Those who are acquainted with
the anatomy, physiology and pathology of the
hair, must lie weil aware that certain substances
have specific action upon It. and it i* by a judi
cious combination of these that Prof. Wood has
succeeded in cnmpoaMtafß mixture possessed of
remarkable virtue*.— Wavorly Mttyann* and
JLittrarp Ha*U*.
Bold by ail Druggisu in this city, and by deal -
ers and druggist* generally throughout the United
Su tee and Oft *—wd*w*