Newspaper Page Text
The Mi rolli.B
Xho #,t fruit# <if ittwUlM t™ w l**
g,t)ired ia Vir*ii to-rfa* JH W* ho,lr *
orld A. U uid 4 P.M., I**k...l>ofJ<mn Hr..o
will bo (.lack*! irom |k Uiiw. Lon* Inn* It
hon rip* tit*** •<■*• ‘ Tb. rlaad, wtal.U
he>p u> *h be<l, eoW a'*tJo wao4 |or
by a Ihouoonii alb. lint loomiy could moot
nuuioro. To earn*] tho unpaid haTanoa he mu-I
await tho retribution of eternity. Def'-ru the tri
bunal which ran award the mad amount of fun -
Inherent duo to a life of eriaie ho lotifl now a|>-
pear. We .rould not a.lil * feather to h'ii t’ati’-
Wlfh daafemint; v..iit erlaa to hoavon, anti, with
eojertio aaiphaeie, the roajtoliea ‘ up,.'# bar'll that
It la rnnn*h to erhntlH, the oarf|-aooa ofttnt
Ateml. Will hl fate earrr ateuton of wamlntr
t bfa *nUty ayinfbttldrfre, or will tho helii.h
alrbatwy of Tabatlelrtti tied aneowmeetneni. to
traaenn ia the trnitor’i death f Time will anr*. r
the question.
The BarnMnbic sane
Thit*a*e. where tbe Captain t a vestal a
Wnl.r trial for kMOh , l’H , li andolberi uWm-10-A up
•Stfa tow, in flaring insert back a fagilfro Blfivc
fouud on bwtrd olht* vml ui see, h#s hud an
nns4|HMlil t*ntiu*tH>. The east went to th
jury on a quoaiiotinfjnmdjffikrt*. The tow point*
rebed upon for defence wore nearly all ruled
against the defcudxnte, bat the question anti
raised whether tha veuael from which the negro
was token at llyaoi to b transferred to another
Teasel for traay<Hffo*fon to Norfolk, wa* within
she jumStriirfh of the Slate of lffn*wßlo*ctt#.
The (Joan rutod ihftf this ians > shown affirm*
lively bjr the pp—Hatfeff, and alter a great d<>i
f testimony as to the luu of donuuxiiUyn x (4te
Water# bat wren tlieJMato authority and tfu f**l
era! er ariftffrftltr jHTicdfotfon#, tti nc wer giv
en U> the jury, who rein rued,a vardictol acquit al.
on tho pie* ,ot HMit f JUmtm
fketog tbo tdmve I**.- reminded us of it nail we
retailed a few day# rimfe, from Mr. A..1. .lotn,
of Penb<•*!ll net tti* owner of the <d#ve
Cyltunbu# wboiSO CuiiticHdiou With tbs ahoVo on t
b# inode him notorious. Uur reader# will re
member that in Uuh ihi# negro got qn hoard
thy hflg licdlrr mm at pulßor.JU,WllU:li Ws triught
eti at that port for Baronialdvt Maas., itnd, with
ef the fintliy oouooaiMl hiu*i,t !>'*ni
tjs offlcors of tho,hj;ig, till her arrival in Harn
stable Wlwm found, he mu, trauelorrvi
fr w lbs JColifr*"* to euoilier tvsncl whioh wa
employ ml by the owittra of th<- foimyr and unoih
er party, whuan oauh 1 we ly*vfurgotlee, to retum
tho buy to Ji or folk, S'a. Thw reel wgs I M -T
foruivii ii< May la*t, and Ci'jH>. baa ever Hurt
lieen dedicating his phynioftl v.nnsgm to congo
uial Tbv oci u|iatiou o< bis nun urn ,
however, la? not boeu su pious#nt. They, three
iuumubor, have been held ai.Uemerciless clutch
eeo| abolition law under the charge of kidiiiq
ping a free.person within tho jurWlietion ■(
MamoodiuiMitto, and moidiag Uun into r.Uvery. Th w
case baa gia in t-heiilavor, os it app‘',ti> abovi
but they are sttU, pecuuiarily, audenuw. lieing
•ra-faring wen, they hew been i-ympilled n> r..
linquisby for the thin-, their onoupatim, and whni
they have expanded in lawyer a luee i no trilling
sum. Mr, donc.s etitiiuaU'M that Uiior Joa^eo-on
ecnount of tho ease will uruouut to two or three
thousand dollara. ifofcnU it his duty to rnako
some effort to roimhurso tbenj, and in eeveral
places in the Hmith ho has m idi; mu appeal in
their hoiiatf, with s<>uo offedf. The oopdaet ul*
Captain Orlando and hie associate* in th nnittcr
at returning the ftegvo %o n sla\*e Slate i.-* nertaiu
ly mast praiseworthy, *nd it would bo woll to en
courage such histanee* nt bmnesty. Mr. done#
would lie giod t# roeuive and furwurd to the par
ti** whalsrw sum any one uariglrf be disposed t<>
- contribute for thetr reties. It maylc prieif.yf-d to
him at IViiallrA*la, Fl.. tr left nl thl* ortice.
tteaih (if Vtiutitnffton Irvin*
Tits telegraph unonneev the death of SVimbing
inn rrrlng, which event look plane on Monday
lasi- Mr. Irving is well known as the author of
several well known volumes. Jtu wua born in the
city of Mow York, April ;;4, 17*3.
I'ardtm of < hater.
The Senate iiitl for the pardon of WtlUatn A.
CUuice came ity in the Jtaus* ** WSaiiieSday
the spreEu order, and wa# earri and. Ayes 71, nays
OH. It only wants the signature of the Usvomoi
to Warns a law.
ttsorglaSfirc)s, Mr. Ulxon.
Front a pom#al of the Legislative proceedings,
wo see that Mr. iiixou, *f MuiHOgec, made a
spirited tight in'the House tor a hhqrUw for Ud#
gallant yottug corps of this tity. “Mr, fatmu, of
Dade, wa# dowu on ptrantiugs\emi'ion*
tram jnty duty. Hut it wne no ate, Mr. Dixon
Wore off the ling in the pitch battle and Oarriod
tht* hffkrter fhrougbby a fml tote, ftbuld up io
yi*ur oon*tltwnts Mr. Dixon ! They ate worthy
the immplimimt you pW them iu ymr brief
- ■ i <—s > —a - -
jtdir Ttio Allante hoist* m( df
masi-hcad Mon. A. 11. bcßl’UO** tor I'r- .od oi
and Daniel 6. DlckiiHen of New 1 for Viet?
Pffhdiat. _
Rkv. Diffdor Vt>Vi!if. --Inlf iattorabU* nfm,
says the New York Comtutrvinl ,Ith*- ‘• - , the
Henior HlsU*-p of the Methodist Episcopal C'oart h
SUiuth, M now about four score years of ago, and
although i fold da health, was enabled to attend
the recent cM#iou of tho Yanmoreae ’Conlbrencc.-
At the close oftbc Aeiujossta* t oafonuioe ho a*,
dreaswl the mmlre in an alfeotinnate and sol
emn manner. Among the Dhshop’s remarks were
the folh>wiug j
“A few words to the preacher* of iho Tonnes
sen tioutcreiiue. 1 have • r* usuksWe eSgMCte
lion of meeting v*ll again on earth. Sauk a thin -i
is scarueiy prubwble. In uUung leave of jm,.
you will iadalgc ai iu a wtri of .wgrsjM ,M\(y
>eirs ago, tbs lath day of Inst Jan miry. I Jeti
luy lalJiu httuiHV Ottd went t a circuit, i ha\c
bean iu the work over siuoo- t bare ueviw Worn
n HUDarnnnuaU'd preuelicr: •l*liava m vir hcn n
local preacher. And from the tvr.**t day l microti
tho itinerant Methodist luimnii v. I have ne\< i
looked for or nnlc rolenlation# of any kjcatidn
hut one, aud that is v tocatiau in tbr gmVe By
tlte grace of Uod I have becu enabled tha# nu to
TasTIMONIAt. T*o TltK MkmoWV or tiov. Tnurr
- The House au M edn©#d*y ia*t passoj uuaui
wously a bill to ax wept from taxation ferurer
oue acreqfland, where (tovemor Troup i- bri
Thr i*mtirnt*s Mere wire
W tXMrHnuft, .Nwy. Jli.— Ttm ihceideut iu hi*
forthevtmog onimciMls ja retain tiyhu
Tariff of IK4f, and wrgw tsllaf for the PottarDi -
partmiMit, fie cnnbuiil.- that the ooeupiition of
.Sap .lu m an l iabt, opdolso rocwiawtel* Uo- iU-.|
totalin of the Neutrality Law*, so a* I * aU<>w
Amwlcuu eltisms m enHst iu the service of auy
legitimate foreign govtffgiuent.
Fatal Affraj
Wc lanrn that iui atfrav wrurml at llnmttten,
Marri* iwmitty* on Ttuwdev aretnag la,.|. tetwt . i
the door keeptur *1 Kvsrett's Jk\hititi>in (Wla>-c
nanvw we did not Wm) *ud a ynutig luan luntnsi
John Tbomgs Winioms, in wlmh the fartu- -
ktned, and tin latter Suppusud ia he mortallv
wound’ J. Our informsut .fate# tlvoi tln djUimif
ty happened at thy door of the exhibition, and
grew cut of some foauirk# him-i. by
when the door-keeper .dtu k him whet.uSou
WnMatns drew a revolver *od Utd, lw. of tin
shots entering th; b.,r kmper’s bydv, , ,u m,.
his death in a short tiun As aoqu a# WlUUui*
fired, uia dorr-kct*j* r also drew a revolver nod
fired, font sbdti taklbg effect iu the tenure'•
***** ad oeck, and which. It b thought, will
terminate f gswendtey.
Ose or TV* Pl*. We were showft. on v^.w
terday. at the store or Messrs. Smith and I. rd.
one of the pikes pruviddHby Usawttotiua Hi ..w
for axuiiug fhc insurgents vnlfc. The blade i* fw
edged, unite sharp, tea inches kuyr, atot weighs
orer a pound. To us, it ha I the aauaamuci- a
having I men of an ohl, worn ont file, h
v. mauid have dona mud. execution both in *,m! 1
bing and cutting. Thifi Pike wa# seat t. Cajd. j
Thowpswa, of the Mate City Uuards, by Jfcprre*.
The curious can *m it at the store of Smith A
Hnutrd. —Atlanta jAtu^rtinuft^^
The ifigMfiMVfi-
Th* I.cgislature ha* been in reifiion for • monih
and has on ft ten orllfUeu day# in which to di
pore of the basinc# before it, if it i- deteruiitied
to limit the -oreion to forty dav*.
From ho couiiuencen.i Ml of the aelf>n. both
lluu-csbuve devoted Ihemßeives, with more than
nsoal real an<l industry to the busiob#- which
ha/ 4 been brongbi before them. But they have
mode very lit tie progress- lip to this time few
bill# have been pa. wd, and every one of the great
questions, which the people expc’ ted the Legis
lature to net upon this session, stiff remain 4o bo
disponed of. There are probobly to day eight
hundred bills.ln bulb brnnehof of tho Oeaerul
AMretubly, which are yet to lie acted upon—a
large majority of which have not been read but
once, H* either House. A large proporii'* of
there bills hre of little public interest. *ttd '*ny
of them dhuot dooerve u veriou# consideration, hut
in tl*o auuiUer are embraced all (he most iiupor-
Unt. bills which havaixvan introdnead irt either
House. Tb* of .State aid, in all its
phase*, of h reorganisation of * Ire* huprenie Court,
the Lidvcity and the Military y*teta of the
gtkte. of the •titabUshment of common schools,
and of the reduction of the Legislature ; allthe-e
and many more of equal puiili*- intreest and un
porteure, are yat Ut he anted upon by ths Ltfii
luturs. 1 u Khon, us we have alrea.'y said, it has
not iliftLvred of u --angle one of the great question*
to wbii-ri (fso people anticipated if# attention
would Ih* devoted,
la this sondition of its business, it is evident
thoi the i,egiiat4ir cannot adjonru by the IVth
or 15th of December a- has been proponed, with
out leurjng undone almost everything which bus
beun sspected oflk— lkmeHlutvinulitiL
Having becofrtft ‘kssoofftlad in file Telitoriai
Itepartuiont of Uw CrvturUr, with Hit proprietor
J.ulfh H, .'>als, I enter upon tlm disuharga of u.y
duLif with Urn firm hope (hat my lahers iu the
promotion of the chUsh of Tompoiancu, with nn
exnifw desire for the welfare of .Southern Litera
ture, luay not prove abortive.
it i* the desire of the editor* of ism Crmafer
to make the pa pur one of oMioclal iniercsl to ail
♦bo cHUft**# of the State, and to supply (be read
ing public with h Jonrnsl of pure Moutiiarn Liter
nfifilc. ’ Wo hio uli native Hourglaas, born and
, veil rod upon i*‘. roil, mid of coorre, h*ivc wav ni
.•unit-hem feeding#, and love and venerate IU in
If I con assiat my eo-adjutor# in maintinniug
a jour uai worthy the patromigo of an int-dligent
• it v ,iud ,S(qto, I sitivll not in ink luy misdqix to
Atlanta in vain. Krepoctfuily,
fr'rtun thr S<teu ninth
AngnHttt (orreaponfinirr
Acoi sta, Hoy. I'd, l*s(t.
cheers for the t'hntham lteimarwy!—■
‘Tbfee wore h e i(s axponcut wlvo clearly <W/*r
c-tho (ruu<Dura* wf tho purty throughout (he
Hate! Voqr oditurial respecting ‘The State •i'Wr-
Cqnventtpn of the Democracy” n prononncod by
the fifffhfhl In thf section, to have In it the riag
of true metal. ‘J hank Heuven, thft icgUimnte
wuigiu old t.'hathuiu Imvo at !**(. a medium for
tlisycxjircsrtii.u of opinion -for expressing the
“vos popttlf” attuflcif to In thw 01l dated ( Mil
tedgeviliu on 2‘id instant. If Uio stnrdyde
♦iioemcy of Ueorgi* would perpetuate the halo <d
triuiup)># achiaved- if they jtould preserve the
Htnte from interulc, and help tu elevate lit Wa#h-
IrfjrtoU, ari Kxni-itttvofHendly to Houthcro right#
an i inntitutlon#, they wiU hred the suggestion#
btbo MooHlivCouimitUw, sUvud t'a#t loiuudent
lauduiurks, and avoid t4rodi#a#lroua roult latuly
ly witnessed in New York t-tato: brought ulmut
‘olely from internal dissansipns: *ui houws dlvi
•Uid ugwitat itecHV’ Murk the prodi* tion--tlio
duiegutes (already decided upon) to tie choMin on
Hiv'dh ptoxiui v f ri)ire**ut the view# of
the I)i luocrqtic party of tjeorgia in the nomina
ting (Jonveufion ithd it require* no prophetic
keti tnfivrctefl (lie hnmllißtihg result. Lei, then,
_“4/tr mroijit Mum (luy in Mur •'lt ucu.l,” he the word
with every Dcniovrut who choriahvs a regard for.
liemovrntic principles.
And mark another prediction : The Democrat
ic party, ju-opaV, will prote#t against the action
of the Legislative cauou#, toy tho good reui*ou#
meutluneJ by one of” the purest Douiovrots iu tlie
cttaiwi and which may bo cited, in sub.-tance, thn* •
riliortne*” of time ; Ihe convention proponed will
have H*munldod, .ud acted, Uufore llio party iu
some coiiUtie# will haw hououie apprised of the
projoi't., what right have the Domocralic
hsgi.-dator*’ to call tlii#f'oiivenllun 7 By *odoing,
ns mHrnHted, they virtnnlly cxdndo (whether dc
Mgued r noi) the wtun—tJu back lioue of the
party Iroiu iuiv parlicijMiiou in Us iwiion; th#y
in short, Hsauiuc coYnpleta vontrul over it. And,
It will h ustablishiug. t ray. Urn least, if not a
dhngcrou#, an uncalled for precedent*--mid this,
too, ui thu famv of thw fact that I hero has hwn a
dcoided oxprcsoion ol opinion from the party that
the delegate- to I'httlTeslou ought to ho appointed
hy the party, nd not by thv Domoeratic mem
bers of the Legislature. It i* an equally potent
fact that Dciuucrate will pot he prepared hy the
Bth <>f Deueutber next, to expruss thoir prctervncu
fur n noihinee for the Bresidcney—under present^tunstances they are justtfled in ettlttth- elnsidy
wau hpig thu 00-trse **t tueit utul events, that they
may bo the hetter prepared to seteot an appropri
ate Mandard-beurer, who -iiail i>‘ftd ilium to vie
L'a'slly, ueW, untes* wo mention anew
invention now iu operation, (orit-HMSed hy
crowd*,) iu the otliqe of the t'ielit and
Fir\4ul<‘ a “holding luoohljaV run by steam,
which, in tho way of nicely folding this truly
houie tavorifo, porh-rtn# in a day tho wv<rk of live
tuldor* by band, ft i# s curiosity to witues# its
oparttion*—it almost talks.
Ilurprr'a Fcrrj UcMituilous
The f'dlowiug are the resolution* of the Ala
biunu .Senate, u the suldeet of the recent
at llafpur'.s Ferry, which have been sent to the
House of Roptc*.'iitiitivi* ter concurwmcc:
U* M mtHfcil l*f Ike dhmoSc f*nd of’ K*}‘-
r**Htat*w* oft/(” &tu o/ A (a/<ue*i in <irn6> f il
A**einttiy couvtuni, That the ivcoiu attempt
made by the wicked and deluded fanallos, who
ondeiVvorud to excite the slnvas of Virgihia and
other State# to iunurreetion mid reholliou, is mat
ter f(ir profound regret, and menu (ho oxerrn-
M-m of ail right minded person# of every portion
of Ujc l iiion
■*. //’ if Jiemth'vtl, and c., Thnt ifttcb oxhlhltion*
of law teds violoma. whirh must alwaya, nuunoror
lator. vuctdft upon the head# ut the vviilted |a'rjie
ttabu's (hvicut, am the natural result ol Uwi mi#-
gulilyd sympathy and utitettllcd phit.mfht .pv.loo
HUanten in tlte nan HllSvvhwWmg S-vn-<’and
which, if not pccdHv snp|ivc- ; --e,ih wul i-miK to
Iho total ttlienaU’ it of fiiv-ndly f..e!t,Mg* Uelw<uu
the two emctlouf, and the iliiat dpt nipt mu ~( ffu<
tiovormui it
H. h‘c*nltftl. That the sjTint which prompt* to
OUch dial to line I uitcmpt to and r ti* \ ♦ho peace, the
pros pertly, anil wu Um iffy ui lie sixutndder,
w groatly tottered hy tlte lw; . i.iin won imsut*
ill softt* of the Slate# of ihi’ epii'.i f r-o-y. pieii
dirg v.batnnthiHy for. tits |H ->i rent nfitentoit of
-darn* who hav*-osvapod within ihuir border*, by
deuyiug to tho owner the right t,” red aim them
undt( tnc eonstitutUm and law -of the Federal
tlovermccnt. a# by ether aid# of unfriendly
U'glohtMan . and in viaw of thi- find and present
i aargvfttulos, iho State t Ain bam a ibai* must
eohiiuo.i pioicfi against #iuh non uneute, up (I as
n< o'|Ual mcmbei with the other Slates us this
Confederacy, sfio has Ihe right to demand Mud
dors deni.tud tho repeal of the came alike ru
)ouant to the I’niistitainai . f the I nitiwi .Statu#
noil vt.d.Uion of jhc eoli\, wjik'h #hotlld obtain
kelwcti e.inf.afeiutod #<n cre ignth'#-
t. ft* it i nrtk* i'V( --nit . /,♦•* ~ That the prompt
uaurni oi Vho Frs uWat of the f oiled States and
the c-ouduvl 'i life L\cvVh;n‘y Jlcttry A. Wise,
tl*>vetnn; of the Stale of Virginia. In the matter
of #nppr<w-n'.; the tktgrHUt outvaga vnaeuxl at
llarpci furry, ami in bringing the actors ami
opn spiral or# wugaged therein to cundigti pttni.-U
----uinil, incuts the hearty approval of thi* Uuuernl
Bret'i trktt on FwkSi Nuihoks. -How are the
free ei do rod people treated ut the North’ ‘Limy
ate almost without cducalu*n, With but Hi (iu
<\ io|mth\ 1-r tgnuraty>o. They aic tefusc l the
cufniu ‘A V'ght* of ep i.cUhip which the while*
enjoy. They -camibt evrtt tide Tit the ear# wf uur
jtdty rallrwtsd.s. Tlwv are auuffod at in the hotuu
ufd>uli nrl<ti''UKd sitli ill disguised diagust.—
Can the black taut! Iv a ma# n iu Now Y elk
Letldm be bretplyyod a* a junrneyiun, aud every
to t* 1 *\or of fitieriv tlmt carried the hod nrtrew
and would b nu ut tifiou, ut nmv|m4 him t* leave,
t-an the-black m.m !• a carpenter ‘ Tlivrc is
a carpenter dtup tu New \ ( .rk in which
a J nmtejtnan would . ‘niinue work If a black
man wa wmphi,>i.l in it fan the Ida. k mail c*u
gOg’’ f ihe . man -h mdiutrir# of life ? There Is
wcurc i y ouy j wdwU be can engage. |(o is
crowded down, down, down, through the newt
tre th * hot tout ofsodatv, Me
take tdiotii, a ml thro r<u t#Sto nllow their chihlreu (
•<* go to vtr public Md.ool* We tax them, nod
then ivlum to sit by timju fn tlod’a huu##. V*
heap upon them moral obloquy nmrt) atrocious
than that which tlte master lioap* upon tbo #l,ivr.
And, u.d wiihiitanduig all this, we lilt uttt#clVM
dp to t*lk Iu thu Southern people tihota the right#
and liber tic# of thu human soul, and e.-ppcigily
tho Atrioan soul,^.
f Stai xx SnNxruu#.—-Ml’ tlu sixty*two
."CU .tor#, tiffirn have Ih i vu laovatuur# of thir
rosjwotlv*'State#: >i*:
Jkqj. 1 itspatriok, of Ala.: Ufavette S Fus.
ur. t rti,n.. dohn J. fritvmlen, Ken., William H.
Seward. New fork: Laitru* W. Powell, Kv
Win. liigler. Pa J its. H. Hammond, S. f.* a'u
drew Johnson, lonu,: James W. Hrimas, lowa t
, Hannibal Hamlin. Alaiue Kinalsy Bingham,
dich.; Albert (I Browp, Miss Thnimv# iTragg,
V Jooejvh Ltnu Oftgou: Itenry B. Authouy,
J lUtodo Island.
(4ILIMills, Hfifffmi. DM KMBKH 3. IS3V
Scnainrtal Hot dun Atehama.
The Iloa# wf roaantutivas qf Alabama I
passedu resolution Thursday, the Ist instant, to
bring on the election of U. 8. Senator on Tues
day tbo 6th, at 13 M. The ‘uaie will donbtleix
concur, and tbo election will tako place at that
time. The Democratic Member* will not nomi
nate a candidate In caucus, but submit tho elsitn*
of the different aspiraust for Senator to both
Houses of tbndteoeral Assembly. There are only
two prominent candidate* for the position, vix:
Senator Fitzpatrick, the present incumbent, the
expiration of whose term of servlno is to be filled
and Jlou. W. L. Yanooy, formerly a Member of
CqpgreM from A labamu. The (briber is regarded
abroad as the repr**cntativa of tha National De
i.iocracy, and a supporter of the Charleston nom
ine*, Ms position having been defined in a Utter
addressed te Mr. lludgins. The latter is the
champion of the Houthern Bights wing, no sailed
~*4l there is a diffurenee In the Alabama Deiuoo
racy—and is not so conservative an Ms competi
tor. Mr. Bullock, the aide 4 Senator from Bar
bour, i* the supporter of Mr, Yancey; and Mr.
Forsyth, tho distinguished Member from Mobile,
i# an advocate for the re-election of Mr. Pitapat-
rick. Both pnrtio# are nanguluo of victory,
though the probability st win# to he that an out
*Wr mny be chosea. In which event, Mr. Bul
lock, Judge Shorter, Oov. Winston or Judge
Walker wifi perhaps ho selected. It is thought
that .fudge Shorter would combine more of the
(dentert# of strength than any other man in ease
therell no election between tho two principal
candidates. E. C. Bullook, Fsq.,*does not per
mit hit name Ut Imi canvassed for the position—
though his election would repaew the friends of
Htatc Rights. Tt is thought up to tho present
|urk>d, the ailvncatos of the election of Governor
Winston,have prevented the General Assembly
from going into an election. They now consent
for the election to tako piaco, risking a lottery
oh an c.o for the election of their favorite, who Is
regarded as fit for the poxitl<m. Judge Brooks
and Judge Walkcr are both prominent men and
would grace the .Senatorial scat.
Oar hope I# tlmt tho filate Rights Demoonwy
nnty stand to their colors !
(ten Lane and Papular fioverrlittif).
Tho (tineinuiitti Fnqitirur wh’du coinplimont
ing den. Jo Lane, of Oregon, for hi* bravery a* a
soldier and integrity a# a man, take.-, him to tu#k
upon his views of “popular sovereignty.” The
F!uaHiit!r in a warm supporter of Mr. Bought# for
the Presidency, god heme its ante; _on ism to Hen.
Lane. The difference fattwauu Hun. lautc aud
Judge Ditugf’- L this: Judge Duiiglas dniu* I
that tlie Con#tl(utiun of the l. uited States carric*
slavery into the territories, while (ten. J.auo al
firuiH it. Judge Dotigius thiuks slavery c;ui be
excluded by the l t efji*Uiture of the territory, Gen.
Lane denies it and declares that slavery exist# m
a territory until the Convention which asHeiuMes
to foriu h Constitution prior to its admi-don as a
.State dsoidiyi tho question. Tim position between i
th<isodi*ilnguishd and prominent candidates for ‘
the Pronidum-y bofore the Charleston Cmiveution
I# widely different. It will he #< on that Gun
1/Hiie Mtuuds with the Foutli, i|c La, too, a muu,
every inch of him, tmd e.ui win tho fight in IS4JO,
He is undoubtedly thw *.t('eat audstrougc#t AWt/*
m Democrat iu the field. Lot u# insist Tint
upon a .Southerner.
The Military ( ouuuUou.
This Couventioa as#wiub)d at Mdledgovtllo n
the 2yt.h ult. The representative* from houio Lof
ty or fifty corps were present, and the appearance
of the body was highly imposing. Resolutions ‘
wore agreed tp by the Convention, which we have !
printed for our rooder#. Wo regret that the dele- i
gates from tbs corps in this city were not pre#- i
nt. A recommendation ought to have boon ‘
made that the militia system be abolished and in !
its stead all men subjected to military duty ho j
taxed in such pm as may support those, who I
hear artus for them and protect the interest* of j
tluj comm unity. Thu tax would be muaJl and j
scprcnly fell. ft. Would about equal the aiuuunt |
heretofore paid (ho otfieors of our militia, who j
compiled with the law in regard to drilliug and j
discipline. Such a military (ax i* imposed in ‘
most of the Norlhorn State# where thu communi- !
lies arc proteeted by well supported and wuli dm- I
viplinod'VoKiu Users, Let safeguards be thrown
around thu provision# of the bill. The eiupauy 1
Ui number not leas than sixty men, thoroughly ‘
armed, wuti oamp equipage, iui armury, to ham j
bo many parade#, uud thu c 4 *uiwaiuUug ufllcvr to
#wear that tin* provisions of the hill are compiled
with before draw ing the pro tula share of tlie
milUaiy tax for bn corps. The po#sagu ofsueh a !
hill would insure a thorough military organiza
tion in Uila State*, sufficient to quiet tho fears of
(hone easily alarmed and protect society from in
vasiou abroad and insurrection within. We trust
that the Legislature will adopt this stiggciition,
if worthy their cen.-uderatibn.
Tup. fIfiKAT Haixoun. l’rof. Lowo at last
give# ifhp n# u bad operation, amt auunuiK-es
fhaf be has determined not to make an aaospajoit
iMI season. JI.- monster balloon is packed up
and stowed away in ft house in Fourteenth street,
and (he life-hunt, uutnriu engine, nud the utlmr
appliances with which he was about to ftdonlak
tho jmaple of the old world, are locked up Safely,
to be trotted out again uvxt Spring, win u the
Professor proiui*e* to again make iui attempt to
make an a?rial trip t> Luvopc.
MHilary (omcntlon
The SjnmJtor laid before tho Hofiso a eon
mnn i from Onpt. John W. Anderson, rre#i
* lent oVtlrc Military Cnnxcntion held at MlHt'dg*.-
vill'e, traiuhniltWi;’ the proocedingn of that body,
in which wore refDlutions—
-1 ■ Recotn'i.>uding that tho Genwiil A#*#mhly
appropi mu* money #uttiohmt to purchase arms for
ih mditavy Knew ol thu .State, including held
tleeonimcmllng the ostalilishvmnt of an Ar*
inory in tlii- Slate for the manui.i 4 ure of *utaU
arms and ortiUcry.
u. Recouimomiing the Military Institute of
Georgia tu the I‘ostcrutg care of the General As
4. Recommending the prepnrarinn ofa military
code under Uio directum oi the l.egixiaiure.
On motion ot Mr. Dixon, ol Muacoggc, thu said
comnutiiieattoti wostefvrKd to thu t ouiuiiUee on
the Military
southern t'uri Ur Uallread t out*ud on.
Loi ivu i.r., Nov. 2.*.- -Tho #tookhoidcr* of
the Southern l’afifie Railroad tuot iu cnnvuution
iu this city last evening. There was a larpe at
tendancelYoio all WJHIonS of (he Lnion, and uineh
spirit was Binixio#ted in carrying out tho puliey
of tbo new organuatioii.
Os the,ttt'J required hy Hon. Kdgur
Thompson tube nrhsorHivd tor ccmtaCnclng tin*
oH'(motion nf thu read a candl'hm c>t lit# ae
coptom-e • i ih* l*wifimioy, liiuWs #ub
rcrihuvl hue in oddiuuu to the S|tm,oUU already
“uhscrihed in i'oxas.
i oVrcspmutwiK *• ol iln Gcoqfi* Ttdegiapfi,
i corgta UgUiaiurc
There arc now übout four hundred aud titty
lulls in tho IloiiKc, and IhlM hundred and uincty
in thw Semite, ami yet some of thu inctuhnrs #y
thay must adjourn within fsrty days. If this i*
done, ov*r thr.-c hundre>l hill# will Ite tabled with
out due eoUßnUnato.u.
tu IVeiH'sdHy. the noth, the bill forth* pardon
of Okoic* l* the s|vecinl order, and It will pa#*
without A doubt: but the veto us thcGoveruoi ia
The Grand Military Bull comes off on Wed
nesday, and over sixty representative* of the va
rious Volunteer t'ompanie# in Georgia, have 4g
j inked their intention to bo preramt. It will be
a brilliant late, and oil the girl* who are not
iishatued tu look iu thu glass are’ expected to be
The Senate Bill for State Aid, I* likely to make
a stir in the ILium during the next week. The
vote wul b* close, tliough its iriouds aro couti-
Icnu M \ own opinion in, that it will pass with
some xttffnt siurndments.
Thu resolution# for the removal of Judge
Hardeman are now In committee, nod tesliuiouv
h. been tak* n. Judge 11. expected how about
the first of Ducotubor.
Mri.Attwio! v Arrant at CitAwroun.—Wc
hum that a negro nurse in the family of Wiliam
11. JiarrL, near Knoxville, on Saturday lout, note
>oued two children, one A daughter of Mr. liar
ri*. about four year# old. and the other a negro
child, by putting arMllc in Iheir tea, both of
whom dun! in • few hours. A negro woman who
tailed of the tea, is sdxo vary sick. Tho nurse
confessed the atro.rion.- deed, and the object of
It, to got rid of her IRtlu charge. Mr. Harris
pruimred the arsenic to poison rats, 1 and a cau
ternary remark fr>u him in laying it aside, sug
gested the m(ornal idea to the nurse.— Macon
The Kacch, 4th Day.
Mr. Rpnlding’s oolt Nc# Taylor, being th only
entry which rasp ndad to the call for the two
mile stake, galloped aud took the purse. The
.Saddle Race brought three “hits o'hlwod*’ to the
score, a Wagner, a Grey Ragle and a Steed. The
Wagner won earily in l:Sfi.
Mr. Pryor'a Pickaway filly won the mile race,
beating Dr. Calfey's Belshaxtar filly ln l:6&K-
On to morrow, which is the last day, a moot
interesting race may l*e irxpectcd for n Jockey
Club Pars*of s.>oo, three mile heat*—-Bill Dcnr
ing, Georg* L'ienmn#, Nes Taylor and the Kjmiion
Mare will certainly start.
Weho[ito#ee a large crowd, and a fast and
closuly contested race.
SigteThe murderer of McKnlib of this city, a
man by the noma of Pitts, has made bis escape
from the officers carrying him to Montgomery.
£fiP*A Natioxai. Opposition CoNVxmoji is
being advocated by some of thu Opposition press
ed of this glata. Ready to cry L nion!
Oov. Moorr’s IxAt;UKA(..— The Insttgartl
addrus# of Gov. Moore Ui the Alabama Legisls
tnre is a Sound, Slate* Rights document. Advo
cating adequate protection to slave-propertv in
ih* territories with a nm*terly hand, it reflect*
credit upon the gallant young State of Alabama. 1
Georgia indaity at the iirettfute Fair.
Tli* lint of premiums given by the Directors of
the Ninth Annual Fair, held at the South Caroli
na iuotitutc, fu Charleston, in November, is pub
lished in the Com ever, of the JOth ult. iu it we
find the following premium# awarded to Geor
gian* :
Camteduud Mill#. AngnstH. per flhett A JRob
ineou. fur three barrel# ot rtou# diploma.
('iemoiin, Brown A t C duialia#, une doubl*
cylinder cotton gin—iKr imohil.
*M. .VI. 11. ill, Xiile<iguv die, one cotton pi ante r
rilver modal: #*uic. on* scooter plow, with shitt
ing shares- diploma.
On* bale of (J* ll a bur'/* from Tbo#. lodslir, of
Troup county, hiubly recomiuended #ll .er med
al: sumo, on* h*le cotton yarn, numlier ten- -fa
vorably noticed.
Mr#. G. T. Dortte, Augusta, on* embroderet!
morning dre#* -cimipiiuieutary gift.
Mrd. C. Dclaigle. Aogu#ia, on* euii.roi.lcd vest j
complimentary gift.
Mis# l/owtmfhat, Hatraituab, tw<* pl**c# worstml
embrohkry—nmnplirnontnry gift.
Due notice will Is? gives when the premium#
me ready for delivery.
t H. itiruit tuun
Tim ease of Nicholn- A. Brown, tried on a ; c
ond indictment for bringing African-, into Ui*
jurisdiction of the l'uin*d Hlaten and holding
thorn a* slaves, was given to the jury, under the
charge of Judge Wayne, on Saturday evening
about six o’clock. Yesterday afternoon about
half-pa#t three o'clock, the Court and
ware sent for, when it was atmouru-od that Mr.
I Carl lipping, foreman of the jury, wa# ill.
J Judge# Wayfio and Ifiuu), being m tho office of
tho C. District Judge, deHisti hud an officer
for Dr. Mullivan, Mr. I.jqdng'# physician, wh**,
after hi examination of that gentleman, guv* u
written certificate of hi# illness and eon#*qu*nt
inability tu disciigrge the duties of u juror.
Whereupon th* Court wa# itonvened, nud the jury
and primmer brought into tbo Court room. Tho
certificate of Dr. Sullixan, with a cointautiication
from mem her# of the jury, ha\ iug tieen read by
tb* Court, by consent ol counsel the jury were
discharged from further conriik rnth.n wl tlisca#*,
Judge Wayne announcing it <i# xuu# trial
We under#(and that tbo jury stood eight for end four for cuaviotten.
The prisoner Brown is. of course, still held in
custody, but whether he will be tried a third ti*jc.
j at tin# term, on this or a third indictment, Which
[ we understand exi#Ls against him, or will be held
! for trial at th next term on cither or both of
i these indictment-, we have been unable to learn.
■ The Court will couvcue this morning at II
I o’clock, when we understand Capt. John F. fuck
{ cr will la) put upuu his trial on the uidirtmeut
j found ugiiinst him, and others of our citizen#, for
alleged complicity iu the H'aadWr affair.—AW.
j Xc.ll'l.
Tb (’ourt met, pursuant to adjournment, yes
terday morning at II o’clock, wheii the Dufriet
Attorney submitted to thu Grand Jury a bQI of
I indictment against Juan It. Rajestn and Mo huel
! Aguira, charging tbciff with bringing in. holdiug
and disposing of AfHratia, and wit h aiding ami
i abetting in the bringing in. holding and disposiug
| of African#, Ac., Ac.
j TU* Grand Jury having considered tbe evt*
, dence on which the Indictment was f'luadad, ig-
I oared tu biff.
j Wo understand it* n t ittc intention rf the
, feisfriiu Attorney U*nn( two*, the otlo r indictment
i against Kajcsta, and Aguira, auJ to discharge
; them from custody to-day. The (.'ourt ndjourued
to 11 o’clock this morning.-- Sae. Newt.
—— * *”
f'rWm tfit Hiekmund Nm/uirer, Nor. 2ft.
The Pardon of ( ook.
Strange a# it ntav apnear, there Is on foot a ’
grwilpr effort, if possible, tbr the pardon of John :
,K. Look, thau waster Old Brown. Wc *r< i iu- j
| formed by t|u> North that effort# ,
J are being made upon the p,. nt thu N rthwc#-
: tern State# tu affect thitf objc •(* ftVe do not feci j
tho extreme disguit tor (hi-attempt that i# ex
I pressed by the North lowa Timo#. brnmu-v w” ‘
] know bow little tlie character o’ Gov. \Vi>c r <
j understood by those who think that m ro\ troin
j him can b bewjht by political favor or extorted
] threat.
j Thu.-c who utul rstah.l tlm uharactcr of llcury -
I A. Wi.o Know that it ue b. lievcd Look daacivud j
i pardon it w uld V extended to him. though op* |
J posed by every paper in the broad limits of uur
j country; but the pardon of Cook is out off e
J questi m- he it thr meet <ju iltg / tit* Ch<u lntotem j
j pritomirt? So far from hi* being tho dupe of old
{ Brown, o##wattomi* is tha viotuu of John K, .
t Dunk wish'd Brown- -deceived biii). and un
: pwsefl up"U all of the prisoner?, he gave din*rip- I
jllms of t he persons of those who tied. Had t
Cook, who lived two years m Virginia, while j
•ugogud iu planning this very crime, mad* j
known t<* <dl Brown thu wetual state of the tu- |
groc#'•-had he iuformed old Brown tlmt be had
not been able to induce otia -lave to join, and
that no aid was to b cxpwctu'i frotn tho non
j slaveholders, John Blown had.fuo much shrewd t
nus# not to lmve seen thu folly upon which he
j was engaged, and he would have abandoned the i
1 undertaking. < >ok*married In Virginia for
the purpu#* of better eoncwnltog lit duwlgns, nut
not arousing suspirttwi#: ho i# doitbly criminal, j
I for he sought the destruction of tln.#e near and
i dear to hi# wife. Cook had vi.itcd and been ho*- ‘
i pitably entertained by the \ ery gcutleuien he ai
terwar*lsrobbed: ho knew frotn actual cxjieri j
inent that tm slave# would join him; he knew that
I wit I cut ■* roiufoicommits fre*ui tlie North, the •
attempt must fail, and hence bo wa# the first to i
ffy, and he planned hi* fight before hand, leaving J
his deluded comrades to meet the fate hi# ducep
thmsbad hrdbght upou them. Does such a art- j
initial deserve pari Inn? We do not believe any
unbiased mind can. in the face of snch foots, de
sire the pardon of this Blau.
The fkcT of hi# bonnection with Got. Willard,
while it will, doubtless, increase the regret which !
an executive always fuel# in withholding parebm,
will have no influenee in the present c*\ Wh n
men have connexion# in high positiou#, itoboHtd 1
I>4 n re trftml rtpop ftieir con duct, and if „udi •
c'lailectinu doe# not thu# influence the riotous, it f
; should never bo perumtctl to breotnu an Ittceu
-1 tivo to n line, by the precedent of pardon.
’ The North town Time# think# “that Virginia.
* can nfhir<l to simre th* crazirst man >f the ut -am*
I band.” Vifginui bus nexer even #Mbjeetod tu tri- }
ttl a aeu.y than, much to- - an “insane hand.'’ - !
There Bum are not ernay ami if any man W- i
lleves -them crary we Have already pointed out
the mode by wliich our laws provide for testing
the ntuUy. li* any try it who believe thorn to j
be may.
tH” The triu.- upoti the 0. Railroad arc |
bringing in cottou factor than U mu Imi ino veil i
••ut by the dray*. and the company u- u>;*iu o***u- I
I tolled to throw it iutu lower yard. by the canal. i
The crop is pressing in from all quarter*, aiul \
taxing the roiling *tnk of the several companies
to thu greatest Stout. Jr. Lewi*, of the J?t*te }
Hoad, on hearing of Uu pressure, ottered Uhj 1
loan of one hundred cars and seven lfTmuotiTr
to Mr. Otylw, who accepted the earn, and they
are now coming down aud being distributed to 1
the various point* whore the call* for relict are
moat urgent. Dr. Lewi* deserves ,ur thanks. 1
and we give them most heartily, tor this evidence I
of good fouling towards onr railroad lines. The i
receipts by Central Railroad were 90,900 hale# i
tor last month, and with this addition of rolling !
stock we may expect, it the same anxiety t ship
continues, that the receipts by this Ime will be a j
hundred thousand bales iu December. —Sat j*- j
nab Hfymblit'unt.
Mr. John A. Washington has soul to Mr. !
George W. Higgs, the Treasurer of the Ladies’ J
Mount Vernon Association, an order f0r51.225,-
25, as his eontrihution to the Mount Vernon \
Fund, being the proceed* of the Mount Vernon j
steamboat trips for the past year, which, though !
payable to Mr. Washington, he has gonerouaiy I
eausud to be made over to the Association.
The Mayoralty-Cul. ft A. Ten ■Hie.
All classes of our citizens feel an interest in Ibe
election of a safe, sound, intelligent gentleman to
preside over the destinies of tb* City as Mayor.
For thu last few years tbe office bos been held by
Col. F. G. Wilkins, who bn# given goneral satis
faction. Without diiparkgiug the claims of otb
urs, we cp .mot bat recognize those-of Col. Teu
nilUs tut most fir at the present juncture of affairs.
We do not look at the question iu a party view,
but with on eye solely to tbe interest# of this com
munity. In fact, politics in made subordinate in
these election* to higher and worthier issues.*—
Col. Tennili* in thu candidate of no clique or *e|
of men. He runs ter tho office aud, if elected,
wilt discharge its duties according to his judg
ment and the beet lights before him, without any
pledge to gain votes. This is os it should be.—
Wo have confidence in his honesty and integrity
to preside impartially over the interests of this
City. An extreme modest man, it U well that
our citizeu* fthould know remetbiug of his history
and character before easting their suffrages tor
him. A resident of Washington County, for
many years be wa# elected Clerk of the Superior
Court Alter having nerved in this (.-opax-ity, be
ropr< #whtod bis County iu thv senate for the
period of eight years. Hn was elected Secretary
of State by tbe Gcnara! Assembly of Georgia lor
the consecutive period of sou; term#; that is tu
say, eight years. In the war of lb J2* he boro a
conspicuous part under Gen Floyd. At tbe but
tle of Gttohev, in Alabama Territory, in lklJt,
was shot in thu hy an arrow and also
in (be arm. il.s bonte receiving a wound and
(idling upon him, h was rn uasarily left by hi#
cavalry corps aim - a’ (be mercy of the savage#
Gen. Win. Fiewoffen of (Ui city, offered him
#at behind him on W j horse, a* he discovered
him wounded, which offer Col. Tenuille, with a <
Lrue magnanimity. declined fur (be sake of hi*
friend. His left arm m* swqmMei l>-iu tfe
wound received, and was buried at F'rt Mitch
We thus recite wuue of Lite in idents in tbe life
of this gallant man. that our citizens may know
in anting their suffrages for him that he lia-fill
ed with hoTior overy diatinctioa run furred upon
him, both eivil and military. Were Wc to eon
otß (Jo|. Tennille, be would objeel to this ailu
-ou te hi* post hhdory. We give it fc*r the poo- j
pie ofColumbu*. who will be glad to eievuta
te tbe position of Mayor. Ho iz tim umu t> r ill*,
< kurloiOM < orvration
There ho* beeu u*> primary meeting# held in
thD*nactinu of tho Statu by tbe itemm racy, to bo
r<y(UNßtl on tbe tith in#t., at Miiledgeville, U
appoint Ualtgatoa to charleston. The imam**# of
! the DomurraGo parly are opposed to the Legi.da
!'tn*nnrpiiigHi* prerogatives of tit* h)xvutive
CvmmiUee, no matter how much respect they
may have for their members. There will be no
meeting hold in the counties in tfaix suction of the
State. The eall is not recognized. Tb* demo
cracy are a unit a* to the best policy for the har
mony of tbe party. If the Convention is hld on
(lie Hth, about one, knlj thu counties will be rep
resented. Tito ootisUquaiK* will In* that ther*
will be two set# of delegatus.
Thu Lumpkin J'u/huiiom says :
W* call upon thu Democracy es old St* wart to .
bold a uonnry mooting for the purpose of appoint - |
ment delegate* to Ihe State C'Mnrpotit* in Mur h. |
Not only do w* call ut#m thu Democracy of this j
connty to and this, hot w* hope (bat every #ma
in Uio Stale will do so at on< e, and (ho- give a
•piletu* to this unwarrantahte usurpurimi of jkw
---< r on the part of those elected fur a differuut pur-
F " H *’ m m
PrritilrnCs Mr#agr.
Some intimation of thu content# of the Presi
dents message bo# (men let out by Washington I
correspondent* iu new* paper*. The Sou Jnan
difficulty is the first question that engages his at
teuttou Both Baglaud and Amerte-a claim the
undisputed right to the territory. During tin*
last administration both counties held a joint oc
enpanvy until tho question ol titles could h
settled. By tb* Oregon boundary iiu* President
Huuhanuu contend# that w have a dear right to
the Island now <*. .Mipied by Gen. Harney.
The Prusidimt rccotntuonds a uodifivation of
the restriction ty{ the neutrality laws, that oar
citizens van enlist in bohalf ©f the legitimate gov
eminent of that Republic, without tbe danger o
Aow ami iuiprisoniunit.
Upon the question of protection to slave prop
erty ia the territory, the President admits (he
Constitutional right, but depricato* legislation in
• anticipation of au emergency, which may never
fintnedi'ite action is recomtncndod in ruferwner
to the fortoJM Departiu-i.t. The Congress of
; last year having failed tc make appropriation*.
The President urges loyalty (<• tho ConsUtu
! tion. in view of the Harper’s K rry difli:ultie#
I and the toiuiu’ <oi of par uu* upon geographical
ground#. Ui* tn; #*g, wiil not m delayed in the
I i'v*ut the llou*w i .i# ii * - <--iixe untuodtalc
jv- _ ,
.tVI 14. x, Dec. t.
Gov. Browu ret ur -it to the BUI to
I pimlou Choice.
Sjuuuel >l. Burnell, ..o was triud at Uii- term
j of (ho t'nited States Court* and fuu4 guilty of
ilo-nflcuce, of Iran iuitung filet vvrihugz lt> the
. ('otnraiasioner of, I'susiops at VV trhltigUHl, for
tiic purpose of dofraudiug the vernuumt. wa>
I yesterday sentenced to two year* iuiprtKntimeiit
; at hard labor in tbe penitentiary.
eft’ The Stavk Ain bill which parsed the
Scuttle of Georgia t# the special order for to-mor
row in Urn House. There -earns to be about ft
; majority of six again i the bill in the Hon*.- from
’ “ li’d vote ukon. Tho passage of this general
i ommbu# bill will bankrupt the treasury iu oor
judgukcut. Instead of presenting the proud Spec
j ‘d * frewpi* deiwt (H* u>.m tandtui. the
: legislature Would prefer embarking in wild vx
■ traviigaut scheme*.
i */- Wcaro requested to g|v# 110(49* *bt •
l w Jay? tnewttng #ill be held in Girard, ixuu
meming fho 1 ttth last., ou wliteh o*r*i<> tho
now .Methodist Church in that place will be Jed
!■ —II
Nonlb (arullna Motrnrni.
In the representative branch of the Legislature
of sooth Carolina, ou ft'eda**dny (he 2tHh Nov.
Mr. Mullin# of Muring lii-trict, offered thelullow
ing tvsolulton# :
* H- *s Ue*l„ Tlmt the Ktole of South Carolina is
new ix .idy tu eu<r. together with tbe other slave
In I Jtng Statu# t this eautmiurocy. or with such
ot them m deeire present ndioo. mto the turian
(iou of a Southern Cos tiled* raw.
tfe-dred. That (he Gdvcriuer be requested te
forward a wpy **f (be abote resolution to each
Hxevftlkv* of thu southern Siwte*.
A rwkdutiott wa# also officrud te ascertain from
official aoitr**s, the couditiou of the Slat# arsen
al*, the numlwr aud <'tmditim of arms, and
! qnentltjr or ammunition, a* well as tbe a umber
of nun unrolled, the kind of arms. Ac., belonging
[ to the Statu.
aainrdaj’t Karr.
i Jotit If CUb $590 Three Milt fhal*.
Bacon's hr. h. lliil ltearing. by Albion, darn by
{ Levithau, & years.l2 1,
! Spalding's b. e., Nes Taylor, by Sovereign,
dam Odd Stocking, 3 years. 4 2 12.
i Pryor's oh. h.. George Clemons, by Utcnctie, 5
years, l a. drawn*
’ Caffee'a h.f. by Epsilon, S years, 2 diet.
! Time: M4*{. 5:50, 6:312. 6:10.
j Avery interesting and closely contested race.
Air. Pryor’s horse cramped in running the
socundheat and was withdrawn.
Intauov* Pixtimknt.—At a large and cnUiu-
I aiostio meeting held at Natick, ( the residence of
j Senator Wilson,) Mas*., the following resolution
j was adopted j
“Whereas resistance U) tyrants is obedience to
j God: therefore, ReeoM, That it is Urn right and
j duty of the slaves to resist their musters, and the
i right and duty of the North to sneirr them to re
j slstaid# and to aid them in it."”
| This was passed without • dissenting voice,
I though Senator Wihpr. wae prqapnt.
Thr Optima A I htlflrr-bnrg iUllr*aff- The Inter
eat of ColuMbu#
The oil Deo# oft’oiuiuhue are having quite au
exciting tune upon the subject of Bail roads; in
deed, no many interests are presented to her at
one time, that reason obi* fears may be entertain
ed lest conflicting interests may bring about
confusion, ia which her most important interest
may ha 101 l sight of. So far os we ore able to
judge, Columbus ie, at this time, occupying tbe
most critical position in a commercial poiut of
view, that cau bu pointed to iu her history. Sa
vannah ia at this urn*, extending a rood into
South Alabama, by way of Kufaula. which road
will eveatualiy be extended to Mobile. By this
road tbe cotton and other products of South Ala
t.aiua seeking an Lastern market, will find a
nearer route than going by Columbus. Thus will
Columbus Io a trade contemplated by the con
struction of tbe Girard Hoad. Another road ie
iu contemplation well worthy tbe eertous con
sideration of the citizens us Columbus; we allude
to the road trom Griffin, to Jacksonville,_Ala. —
Some inn* since we saw newspaper statements to
the effect that seven hundred thouanad dollar* of
stock in this road had already been taken, and a
bill ha# been introduced into the Alabama Legis J
laiure, chartering the same from Jacksonville to
the State line. Thi# road will doubtless be built,
and will eonneet havannah, Ga., with Jackson
ville, Ala.: also with North Eastern Alabama,
when tho Holms road is completed to Gunters
ville. This road will pa*# east of Columbus, and
we think must, in ncuordanee with tbe nataral
course of things, affect the commercial interest of
tbat.eity. Considering the locality and'directmn
of ibeoe two roads. In connection with the Mont
gomery and West Feint Rond,running just north
of Coiuirtbu*. we are at n lose to philosophise bow
she is to maintain, even b*r present commercial
position, without extending her railroad facilities
in the proper direction u> counteract these tuflu
In view of tho above facts, which are Set forth
from the best iuiorineLiou at our <-’ min and, of
what cost ioyoMuer doe# the ftperik* and Chil
dersburg Uottd become to <’ .ambus? While the
Iwo find roads meutiori 1 must inevitably prove
detrimental to her • •/uiuaurciai interest, hy pene
trating the adjacent remow of country, and c ar
ry Uig th- product# in the direction of davauuab
Ibe natural c< ;r#—this Road, which is destin
-1 edto penetrate Outre! and North Alabama, will
pour her vest agricultural and mineral product#
ill the lap ot (‘uJumbui | mol not ouiy enable her
to main (am her present commercial position, but
make b< r what site ought to be, oar of tbe first
inland ehies in the South. This i# tbe point we
would iinpw#? upon Lbe minds>l the people of
Cotumho •, not but what wo have full <-onffdmce
that they are willing to do their whole duty la re
gard tothis road (the city authorities have al
juady spoken satmlaetorily on that unbjeet,) but
in vw of thu many cotiffii ting interest# preweni
nd to them at this tiiao, would we make tbisap
-1 peat, other road* which are presented may be,
I and doubtles are, of vital importance, but in view
i the tacts here set forth, wu are constrained to
i •cue,* that a connect ion with (’Uildersburg, at
this time, is of vastly more importance to the
city of ('oimnbuM, iu a commercial poinlof view,
than all <dh<*M comiiincd.
The people along tbe line of this road have
It tie or no experience in tbe practical beuefite of
ratified#.* hare u bug-hear idea of the enormous |
tu#k of building one, and could not he induced,
cn(tided, to attempt such h project, Their minds
at this tim<- are particulnrly directed to thecer
t alnty of it# being built, and are willing to exert
tkuitisclvo# to the uttemott fasthiny of their
ability tu coiituwuiate the desired object; * con
siderable a mount ha* been spent, aud labor done,
10 canvassing, surveying, Ac. ■ all with ap eye
single to the nurtainty that Columbus would do
her part when the tune come { and should tbe
(leopie of that tty, from jar# and discord among
themselves, foil to come up to the expectation of
the-peonle along the route, we should fear the re
nilt- - TiUlttpootH Timet.
Thr kirurmrm Iu ft llllamAburgb.
Tt. in with sincere regret wc learn front thu pa
i per* that there is great exoilament relative to
Iwo school ttMtehers from the North iu YVilliaois
1 hnrgh. The greater portion of the oitizons of
> that District seem determined to drive theta out
i of tbe District on saspietou, whilst their employ
ers and other-, believing them to be innmunt of
any ((esigns Hosid* lo our instilutioos, seem de
tcrmine.i to rwUnu and defend then. This is a
sad state of things, la our indignation at the
aggie.-si .ne of tbo North, we ere in danger of
dealing with men a# if they were guilty, without
proof. Whilst we, a# a |>oopio, are wronged by
• >ur Northern associate* 111 the Tnion, wn iuhv {
f>er|>etrate equal wrong ou others, whose only j
1 (.suit is that they come nniongxt as under the ;
guarantee* of a common government and common .
union with them, which we allow to endure. The
v ery werst effect of Northcru Abolitionism must 1
be that it divides us amongst ourselves. We •’
fiioul l iu> vigilant, bul ju*l -proteot ourselves, !
j but forbear to assail other# without being sure
we are right. Nothing but absolute necessity—
“talut pojiufi, iMp/ema Us" —can justify violence
toward# uiy one rightfully in the country, by ojtr
own authority and laws. Many us our citizens
in our midst, who came originally from the North,
ureas sternly Southern a# any of our native peo
ple. VV* are still in tbe Union : anti it is, in our
opinion, both unjust aud highly injudicious to
make war on men because Northerners, and with
out plain ground of proceeding against them. It
inut result, ae in this cose, in dividing our people
■! friitoriug owe j tbe strength o( Southern sen
timent iu iunigoifieaut and mischievous efforts,
productive of no extensive or permanent good re
sults. Tbe people of the South should ascertain .
the nceesmws of their position and (he source of j
their dangere. They should place theinselren be- !
yond the reach of Abolition emissaries. This is j
the only remedy adequate to the evil they suck |
to reach. Spasmodic action, not based apon
ground that can stand, mustjproduce reoctiuu aud 1
divirion. We should attack the source of dan- ,
ger, and not spend our energies in weak or blind
••ffbrt# upon tie solitary and doubtful instance* of
its evil results. Moreover, measures necessary to
security are one thing ; illegal violence on nir*
snspicion, i a different and a dangerous thing,
that will not stand the test of reason and justice.
—(fiaflWri Mercury.
Dkath or Mu. Kastmoji. The NaxhviUe
I a ion and A ‘ntritHttm, COViain (he fullowing meu
tin of thu sickness and sudden death of its se
nior editor:
The brief announcement in yesterday’# paper
ha-* already conveyed to our subscriber# the sad
tilling# of the decease of Mj. K. G. Kastman,
(lie senior edif'.r of the l r Htott and American.
The profound sensation that wa# produ-ed by the
announcement ot his death upon the citizens of
Nashville, an be only estimated by those who
witnessed it. As an evidence of the reepect in
which his memory is held wc n*f.*r to the proceed
ing# of the various butties given below. The ab
•ncc of Mr. Dflnnlngton, tho i-emuining editor,
who aecooiPoeded the remaiii’- us Mr. I’oimlcxter
to ClerkiiviUc tor interment, wiil postpone lw tbe
next t.-ouo a full biographical zketeh of Alaj. Eo*t
mou. We ua* only now give au account of his
illness and of the manner of hi* death.
Maj. Lastmnn on Tuesday evening, was ob
n ved to be remarkably cheerful. lue cireiitu
’ of tho past few day# had had a tendency
W deprerd hi# spirit*, and tho chungu wa# ihe
more noticeable ou that account- Several of his
a*#oeiates noticed that Ihe shadow socined to be
passing from hu- mind, and congratulated each
other ‘*l ih* recovery of Ui# buoyant manner.
Hu went to hi* horn*- at lbe usual hour, but *at
up quite late, coiuplutmng of nervouxness. Noth,
ing nerions, however, wa* anticipated. Not loug
after retiring, h n said to hi# wife that he felt un
easy and wished to ariae. aud accordingly made
ibe attempt, lie was, however, unable to do so,
aud sank back complmniug of a pain in hi* lmad.
He (vegan to gasp for breuth, and hi* respiration
;rrew more and more labored, lli# wife imme
diately arose und oudeavored to relieve him by
i<*thing hi* head with camphor. She became
alarmed at the continued *pa.-m*, and called two
young gentlemen, cousin* of the deceased, who
lodged in the house. One of them immediately
went for a physician, Dr. Maddiu, who living hut
a #hurt distance off, wa* soon at hi* bedside. Dr.
Maddiu *#kod Maj. Losuimu if he felt auy pain.
ID- replied, though very iudintinutlv. aud appar
ently quite iiHc*'iti#eiou#ly, ‘ My liuad.” Hu spoke
ou more, hut quickly passed into a -talc of in-
An opeuing wo# umde iu the temporal artery,
i*ut it provc*i of no avail. The breathing became
more spasmodic and, in spile es every exertion
by irritation to produce a circulation, the spirit
passed from the body. The whole illness con
tinued but little more than on hour. Dr. Buch
anan, the family physitiian, now arrived, but of
course could render uo a*si*tuncc. Msj. East
man's friends, however, have tbe *ati*faotion of
knowing that every thing wa* doae which could
bare been of servi*'. Indued, f the physicians
had bee* in tbo r.*>u when he wo* first attacked,
they could have reudered him uo aid.
Nnrs kob thw Abolitionist*.—A few day*
since, a geutlomau living in the neighborhood of
Harper Kerry had important business to attend
to in this city, but owing to the excitement pre
vailing hi the neighborhood expressed some donbt
a* to the propriety of leaviug his wife and chil
dren there, without any protection. This lhet
coining to the ears of his servant*, they immedi
ately took counsel of each other, sud going to
their master, said to him, “if you hare business
to attend to, leave mistress aud the children to
our care. No harm can befall them as long ns
we have breath and strength to defeud them.”
The gentleman immediately packed up and star
ted, and on his return home found that bis ser
vants had been vigilant and feithlhl during his
Absence -performing their usual duties by day,
and carefully guarding their sacred trust by
night.— ft Icb mond Diepatcb.
Cotton.—Never have we seen so much cotton
in our streets; last year being no exception, at
there is now: erery lane, alley, and Available
place, where it can be placed, out of the reach
of the law, bos been oecupiod for the past few
day*. We suppose that it has been caused by
the recent heavy titles ,—Sv. Jtepubli can.
New York, Nev. 29, 1859.
The steamship Bohemian has arrived at Port
land, Maiue, with Liverpool dates to the 14th
inst, being two days later than the Circassian’*
Liverpool Cotton Market. —Sale* of two days
12,000 bales, of which speculators and exporter#
took 1,000 bales. Tbe market elooud doll. There
was but little enquiry, and prices were weak.
State of Trade. —Manchester advices favor
London Money Market —Consols had slightly
deelined, and were quoted at 96K.
Political Intelligence. —Prinoe Carignan ha#
declined the Regency of Central Italy, tendered
him by (bo Grand Duehy of Tuscany, whereupon
Chevalier Bomrotnpagnie wa# appointed, and ac
cepted tbe same.
Arot/rra, Nov. 50.
The steamship Europa arrived here to-day,
bringing Liverpool dates to the !9tb, being four
barines* days later than the Bohemian,
Liverpool Cotton Market. —Sale* of tbe week
44,000 bales. There was a decline in the market
and lower grades had declined most. Holders are
pressing on the market. Market closed dull.
Breadstuff* firm. Provisions dull.
Consols 9firq)96K.
Additional hi the hump*
Bales ou fcpeculation 18,00(1 boles, soles for
ox port* 4,000 bales, hole* of Friday and batur
day 1200 bale*, Market dull. Fair Uplands 74id
Middling Upland* 6\d. Stock at Ltverpoo
114,000 Men* of which 207,000 are American.
Manchester advice* favorable.
Havre Market— N. 0. tre# ordinaire is sughtiy
Attitude of England and France i* more oriti
Lsirr from Mexico
New ORLEA'in, Nov. 26.
The steamship Tennessee ha# arrived from
Vera Crui with date* to theittd, and with Xfi.OOO
in speeie.
Minister MoLnne arrived at Vera Crux on tbe
j 21st. He remained on board tbe Brooklyn, his
family being sick.
The report that Marque* bad pronounced for
.'vanta Anna, is unfounded. Tbe Mobile report
ot hi# escape t# contradicted; bat his seizure ot
the conduct* i# confirmed. Marquez eays that
be is using the money to save the country from
the Yankees. He promises to return tbe money
from tbe first duty received at Tepio and Maxat
lan, which he intends re-taking.
M iranion was at Queretaro watching the Libe
rat# who were threatening the Capital.
It was reported that Gen. Doblado had been
defeated in Uuangjuato with a heavy lose. An
American officer with him was shot or assassi
Cabos bad captured Osjaca, and tbe Liberals
were disbanded.
The Picayune's uorrespondeot reports that the
French fleet will toon blockade Verm Cruz.
Mirsmon, at the auggoetioa of the French
Minister, opens Alvarado as a port of entry.
All insurance policies now have tbe blockade
proviso Inserted in them.
Miramon proposes attacking Vera Crus simul
! taueonsly with the French.
The United States frigate Savannah, one
French and one Spanish war brig were at Saeri
| fioioe.
A severe gale had occurred on the coast, in
consequence of which several small vessels were
Special Corretpondence of the Picayune.
DlHOAteruu* Defeat or thr Liberal*.
Vkrx Cacz, Nov. 22.
My predictions of “great event near at hand”
have not been fulfilled.
The prouunuiamiento of Marquez for Santo
Aunaturn# out a hoax.
Tb robbery of tbe Piicific conduct* of $600,-
00® U, however, confirmed. Maquez, in a “mail
tfeeto,” gives out that he w>u b able to save tbe
country now “Crons tbe grasp ot th* Yankee*, to
whom Jaoraz i# sold body and soul j” aud that the
trifling sum es $600,000 stolen from the oonducta
j wiU be sufficient to carry out all hi* grand
{ nufeme*.
He purposes to toko Mazat’au aud Tepic from
; tba Liberals, and refund the money from the first
i duties eotiectod at those port*.
Miramon was at last accounts, in (Jueretaro,
j watching ft'oil and Vdver. It is said that Do
j hivd<> (Liberal) ha* been defeated near Guanaju
ato, Mid lost 700 men and 12 cannons.
The Oajactt army is scattered to the four winds,
and tbe government of tlte State of Oajaca have
••vacuatcd the city and gone to the mountains.—
Cobos has entered the city with 300 mounted
men. and is now lord and master of that wealthy
portion ot the Republic.
Several American officers in the army of Do
blado have been executed and assassinated, while
the Mexican officers, prisoners also, have been
Koiile* ha* been trying to reduce Coi. Rspejo,
of tbe Liberal forces at Huatueuo. State of Vera
('rur. hut without scv-en*. His correspondence i
pul lizhed and show# Mr. Robles in bis true light.
It was aiming at a second arrayazarco pastel
that brought Sant* the eountry after the
downfall of Arristo.
Let the United Slates troops after finhdungUor
tma.* at Brownsville come round this way and 1
*ucure to them fine fighting and plenty of
The Culted States steam sloop-of-war Brook
lyn arrived this morning with Hon. R. M. Mc-
Lana and family ou baariL A severe attack of
sickness of one of his daughters oblige# him to
remain on board; where, after all, bo will bemuch
better off than on shore. Our hotels are not fit
place* for ladies, aud private dwellings are not to
bo had.
Besides, the French intend to blockade the port
of V era Cruz, and the Miramon Government, at
(he advice of Monsieur Gabriac, intends opening
the port of Alvarado.
This I have from a reliable source, and altneet
from the lips of Count Gabriac himsulf.
Th port of Vera Crus ha* Wo vieited by a
norther uu the 13th inst. The shipping suffered
severely, and tho slave hark Laura, ( brought here
by an Kaglish officer,} a brig with a cargo of ice
from Bostou, and a Mexican schooner, drifted
ashore and prove total losses.
An attack up*n this oily, by Mirainon’s forces,
is again talked of. This city is at present defend
ed by about 3000 men, and unlc*s Miramon is as
sisted by a French force, from Sacrificies, the at
tempt will be ridiculous.
Tbe express from the interior i* in, but brings
nothing of importance, as far as I can learn.
Letter# from Mexico, however, confirm the pro
jected blockade of Ut* French, and a French pol
icy just shown me ha* that duuse.
Now, will the United States back out without
moving. * • e
The Steamship Indian.
B.H Ktills, Nov. 2A. —A steamer has returned
tr*m the steamship ledia* with the remaining
survivors. The steamship has so totally gone to
pieces that very little of the cargo can be saved.
Her mails have boon saved and forwarded to thair
places es destination.
Mhe had on board eighty cabin and thirty stee
rage passengers, and most of the latter were
Germans and Hungarian*.
There were aeventy-seven of the crew in one
boat under the third officer of the Bteamer, and
all others are believed to be loat.
All the cabin passengers were saved, and it i#
known certainly that twenty-seven persons are
Later from lets*
N*w Ori.kaxm, Nor. 25.
Brownsville was still closely besieged on the
19th. An expedition was preparing against
The Legislature of Texas has ordered the troop*
to arrest Cortina*’ band. The reports from
Brownsville caused intense excitement through
out Texas. The small town of Uonaale* raised
200 men in two days.
Cortina* has returned Campbell, the deputy
Sheriff, to Brownsville, unharmed, against the
wishes of his men.
Gen. Houston recommends the LegisUtnre to
authorise the raising of a regiment of mounted
men to protect the frontier from the attasks es the
Nxw OxLXANg, Nov. 20.
Advice* from San Franciseo to the 7th inst,
report the loss es the whaling barque King Fisher
with all ou board. A line had been made fast to
a whale, which engulphed the veasal, and all her
crow were carried down with her.
It ia reported that Cortiuaa has hung three
Americana in retaliation of the hanging of hit
Lieutenant at Brownsville.
Gen. Houston advises the Texas Legislature to
raise a regiment of ranger# for the protection v s
the frontiers against Indian depredations.
Advices from Mexico to the 19th inst say that
it is reported that Miramon and Jaurez have
agreed that the latter shall return to the Capital
as Provisional President, and that tbe Constitu
tion of 1867 be|adopted. Jaurez agrees to annual
all decree* against tbe clergy. It is also stated
that Jaurez and Miramon have iscued their ulti
matum, declaring that they- will employ a for
eign armed force unless the clergy at onoe sban
don the couflict.
A Nxw Pbesideot iw Nicaragua.—Presi
dent Martinez, of Nicaragua, has resigned his
office on account of ill health, and has been suc
ceeded by Senor Fernando Guzman.
Latest from Han Francisco
Nrw York, Nov. 27.
The steainsuip Baltimn! s has arrived from As
pinwall with one million seven hundred and fifty
thousand dollars in specie trom California.
St. Loci*, Nov. 27.
The overland mail has arrived. Judge Terry
has ben indicted for killing Senator Broderick,
and given bail.
At Son Francisco, prices were unchanged, but
business dull. The city wo# more prosperous
than at any former period sinoe the revulsion.- -
New discoveries of gold have been rnude in Wash*
kxciuUou ot Brown.
Ai qlsta, Doc. 2.
Tbe execution of Brown took place to-day, at
the hour fixed upon. No Miuictei* of of religion
attended him—Brown scorning religious ceretno
nlei,. He made son ‘ 1 remark* to those around
him : ascended tbe witL a firm step; wa a
suspended for half an hour; and hi* body deh>
ured inter death to bis wite. Kverytbing went oft
in tbe must orderly manner aud no demon dra
tiou mode tor an eiueut*.
4. WUMBtM ftfcfckLl iUUUN Hi UIMhNT.
Com w*i >, December
■Since >ur lust weekly statement, our cottou
market ha# been in n stole aim vet unprecedented
of dullues# and inactivity, ft will be seen by
the lew sale* which huve been Hm-ted, wliat n
want of dispusiitun on the part of buyers ha*
been shown during the pact weak. Only 1171
bales have been sold, and at prices some lower
than our quotations of last week, a* will be ob
served at the bottom of this notice. We hope to
be able to report h belter state of affairs in our
next, and trust that a more active and kuoyaut
market wiU be seen.
Tbe receipt* Lave been quite large, footing up
583 J halo*.
Middling, 9hi(£9%
Strict Middling 10(g) 10%
Good Middling, lui^
Middling Fair, nominal.
Col turn*. Duo. 5.
Tbe receipt* on Saturrduy ouiouutcd tv 040
hales, and the sale# to 23ft bales’ at former pri
ces. No change in the market, it still remaining
quite dull and inactive.
Nkw Oklkans, Dec. 2.
Sale# of cotton to- day 1 J,()00 bales. Market
steady. Middlings M*%(s\\c. Sales of the
week 00,000 boles. Receipts last week 92,000
bales, against 70,000 #ame time la#t year. Re
ceipt# ahead of lost year IRO,OOO kale*. Receipt*
at all port# ahead of last year 190.000 bale#.—
Stock at New Orleans JfiJ.UOO bale*.
Mourns, Deo.
Sales of eotton to.dny 6,000 boles. Market
study and generally unchanged.
New Oklkans, Dec. 3.
COTTON—SoIes of uotlon to-day 4,000 bales.
Market generally unchanged. Middlings 10%
to lie. Sugar buoyant, at an advance of He.
Free Negroes In UlsfdsMppt
The following bill has been introduced into tbe
Mississippi House of Representative#. It is a
very stringent bit!, but will, in alt probability,
pa *:
Ist. Re it enacted hy thw Legislature of the
State of Mississippi, That from and after the for
day of Jtfiy, 1 it shall be unlawful for any
free negro or mulatto, to he found in this biatc,
under any pretence whatsoever ; and every true
negro or mulatto, so fouud may be indit-Uu in
any eouuly where found, ur in any adjoining
county, and ou convict ion, shall l>e sold into ab
solute slavery. Tbe Sheriff of tbe proper count y
shall sell such negro or mulatto, at the door iff the
court house us said county, for crush, alter giviog
iiueh notice as the cwirt #ha)l direct, and *huU
pay the net proceed* of the sale into the treasury
of tlie canty whore the in.lh tmvnt wh# fouud.
Sec. 2d. Be it further unacted. That if any
perron aboil, by pretending to he owner or by any
other means, endeavor t*> -hold nr protect
any free negro or mulatto sg,m*i the provision#
of this act, ouch perron *0 offending shall V* Un,|
in any sum not extv. diug one thousand dullor#,
or imprisoned not cxceeiling #lx mouth#.
Sec. 3d. Be it further enacted, That an indict
uient under this a*-t proof that tbe negro ur uiu
lotto acted a# if free shall He sufficient primu ja
cfo evidence of the fu*!,
Bee. t. Be it for the na. ted. That R the owner
of any slave shall permit such slave to hire hi#
er her time or otherwise ud ms free. *nuh owner
shall lie fined not exceeding wav (Ikamhiil dollar*.
Aud such slave may lie indicted and sold ## a free
negro unlawfully iu the IStote.
Bee. Jtb. Be it enacted, That free negroes and
mulatto*! are hereby declared incapable f in
heriting, acquiring or holding any pro|,> in
the State, uur -hail any preqwrty le removed
from tbe State for the benefit ut auy *uob person.
A Noble Srvtiueet.-Some true heart give#
expression to it# generous nature ia the following
beautiful reutituetit :
•‘Never desert a friend when enemies gathei
around him—when Mickne## tali on the heart
when the world 1# dark and rbeerte*# ii the time
tu try a friend. They who turn from the sceue
of and I#tress, betray their liypoerisy, uud prove
Lhat interest move* them. It you bare a friend
who love# you ami sludw* jr*r interest and hup
pines#, be sure sure to sustain him in advunmv.
Let him feel that hi# foruiui kiadue*# is appreei
ated, that hi# love ia thrown away. Real fidelity
maybe rare—but it exist* iu tlie heart, ft no
ha# nA en and felt it# power 1 They deny it#
worth who never loved a friend, or labored to
make * Irgud happy.”
Holloway's Ointment and Pills are the em
bassadors of health to all nations whether oiri
lised or savage. They need only n trial to be
come the only accepted remedial agents for all
interns! and external disorders.
Bold at the manufactory, No. 80, Maiden Lane,
New York, and by all DruggUt*, at 25c., (We.,
and $1 per p>t or box. decs—wdlw.
The Ureal English Kemedy.
Celebrated Female Pills.
Prepared front a prescription of Sir J. Clarke,
M. D. Pbytician extraordinary to the (Jueen.
N. H. —SI .00 and six postage stamps enclosed to
an aU*on*cdageut, wiU insure a bottle. containing
50 Pills by return mail mar.hU—dwly.
in Columbus, by Pemberton A Carter, Acre A.
veiaon and all reeeectabie DnusiM’*. |H
No AlchokoL —That well known remedy for
Dyspepsia, Indigestion, and General Debility,
the Oxygenated Bitten*, which has effected such
remarkable cures, contains no alcohol: yet it is
not affected by “summer * heat or winter’s cold,”
aud retains its astonishing virtue* in any cli
mate. decs—dwlw.
This is the Weather !
It,will be remembered that Jack .Vmith ha*
always on hand an indisputable remedy for
Bowel Diseases. See advertisement.
Se lumber 0, 18*-4wtf.