The Cuthbert appeal. (Cuthbert, Ga.) 1866-1884, November 09, 1866, Image 4

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Z33 ♦ i'll )’«••- •'•••. :iV ;..iir J..-I nifiiij.-nt. lv!:i'..v '<• Ii.#• in:i• J<• <j11:''’v Inhl wfiion, jnii lmd ITiWtl Irorp your j »,f iho MluribM * f llio Trenrnrcr fliiu u* own kidica n joint rninmittoc to i-hubUI- riilnr. JMlio nbiltynnd r*Will icifttirod *-C« during your rocopp, nnd on your re* in fill tlionu nlKi-ai projivrly, nml the iippomltlliig, to report upon lliia grentj ninoimt of lubor nrtii rcMpom-ibiffty ut- Hiiliject. Relying iijhiii their fidelity und idiility, n« your own <lio»on doponitm ie* of ho grnvo it trui*, 1 voi.luro upon no puggi>ii»mn na to dufftilp. it will, i f rourm*, oerur to you, nnd will doubtlcn Iihvo coninmndod tho nt- teirion (1' your comnetlep, that the rourern whence the fund for Inin pur|K>HJ "an derived, hnvo nlmoat entirely fnilod Tho If link' Ftocka owned by the Htuto, und i.pplied to thin object, have Locn lont. The VVciti •rn and Atlantic, Kail- road hniyielded no revemio within the pMt two and n liuif veinn—nnd in nil prolmbility, until it nholl hove thrown oil' (ho unr-impriped luirikna, enn do lit tle or nothing for thin cuum. Itn rove- nuen nri now pledged to tho payment of inftMont on, nnd n linking fund for the public debt, necwnrily comidernbly in- eroimed within the men I yenr. Not- witliHtandlng nil tlirno difliiultica, 1 run- peel fully Hiiggent thiil attention to, nnd provision tor thin public intercut, doc* not mlmit of delay 1 doubt not tlmt your constituent* will cheerfully bear, even now, mien contribution* n* iiwiy bo do- npinded of them, to footer it. Ttir WKsrruN aui» iti.antic iuii.r.o*n. I linnsniit herewith n copy of the Hi- jwirl of thu Fuiwintenilcntof the West ern nnd Allunliu Railroad, ncnompmiiod by vepovt* to him i»L miboidinnte otNcerx, nnd Hiiitdry tabul ir atiitemcnlrt. I’roni u inreful pefn*ul of tln*»odoeu- motit*, not only general, penult*, tut do tnil-d iiifoi m uiou rola ivo to the diflur- ent brnnchcH of norviuo, nnd n clear in* ni'dit into tho general mnnngomont of thi* iniportaat interest, may bo readily obtained. The very gr. nt improvement nmuo linco tho road pnmod under the iminngeinont of the nreient ittporintend- enl, in the track itni'if, in tho imttivo pow er nnd other rolling *Wk, nnd in the gen eral aorvieo, whether nt at ionary nt the termini nnd in intermodinta .depot*, or moving with the train*, rcIWe tlio high- • *t erodit npon him nnd hi* mibordinate*. Tlwo doenmonta dUclonc tlm facta limt recount ruction, renovation nnd incronHod capacity to meet the demand* of travel and commerce, M ere requirtd nt nil point* and in all department*, nnd thnt large niTonrngo* occupiug be tween tho 2&th September, 14115, and the let of April, IM10, Imvo been met ninoo tho latter day. Aeeidonla arid loss *ro now of very rare occurrence, nnd failure* or delay* of trains nimoflt unknown. During tho fir-Ht nix month* of tho year tho bunincM of tho rood wn» very luigo, owing to tho fact thnt innny rondi in the IbiHjeru linn of eounectinn with the Noithern olttoa worn not in operation %Tlioy, having hecn put in uorking order during tho spring, have again drawn to thotnselves much of travel ami trniiHjsir- talion formerly enj yod and projiorly ap- pei taiftuig to them. Tlii* ciruiunstanoo nnd n gonern), though it is beliuvod temporary falling oil’ during tho summer month* of ihia business, have groatlv cm tailed tho gross tiiore como a revival To dm nsUvIfy snd pi^perily of the country, now slowly rouovoi ing from the exhaustion of long war, railroad busino*s will revive with them. The location nnd M Hie SVt tern nml Atlirtitio '%K|lrf»vb a* well ivimirkid l/y the. Hu j ermlondont, ciwuro it n large pnrlioipn* non, under nny tfrflWuitnnee*, in tho ai^nxihruNtl ami tram pm tat loo, bo ttn-y great or.snialb BhoiiW thu good time UquuJ jjy’qv'Vih thero i* cYoivindic t^atftii||ripil |h il| lie in n||otl4iti«hi d« 111 o load, in all rutticuU, m thorough wink- i i- r «t.nJitlon, it would be mmcsinry for tlui#tate to contribute from Bull* million t" saven hundred thousand dollar*. The id, so far cxteiulod, really exceeds very bl lie. the sum el three hundred thousand ih>llsrs. Ji Mill (irobably bo inn in add to this Mini two bundr-d •eon-ary ed nnd liliydlioiiMind dollaif, being an nggro- (•sUjiif about five hundred and fifty thou sand dollars tn odder a tely exceeding (lie si i milvst Ultimata. 'i’»» III ike this fur ill mlvipiee, you h ivd ulruady pivVldcd the m 'iiris. Time hangs, however, over {lie road In <h« exi-r^ta" <>l On* piven ini' llv llii- (il'tiv'ltl Al»»«JliM». | IlUVK Hilt (SMMJil lllil iiolllu lion hi l-n nt iinattS. IUii H b*»n in o;irr.ilH>«. ! ■iIhuiM bitrtt Ml il ■ tlatjr »n 1* wnlliuj ll. i ll W^ti* «U«hW in »l »\o)to<'(iton, h w<n»W ilnilHlrM h»T* n«|>inr<i pi ,wcuin«rv >sl |o , u-inlilc il In nMiiMi* it* fntirllimm. Nnl mini « \rn I M- n*rk>4 oohUI «nnh hki li*vu breo liSni.lirtl, not COlitraisted in t!iO piirelipo of I bin«iM*iwiV I«pmi Uir’ Jhato. rr.r irenn luml iiTiir seSfn in times fiEs^(’hnse.hrMotfcoinpen/iiTt'ry I request the (Jcrjeral Assemhly to give just consideration to this subject. Deling the existence of'the war au thority wn* given to the BnpoHnlcndefit to isHie clgmge bills for u staled emmint. Of those there me now hntstrimfh^Trorn seventy five to eighty thousand dollar.-. That ttiu holders of these change bills are entitled to pa\meat by some rule,can sclttcofy he (piestmne»l. 'fliey were not issued with nny view to aid in tho war, but to reli-vo the road und tho people from one of the inconveniences of the war—the dilHcuKy of making clumgo.—• For this purpose' they were interchanged with Confederate treasury noU>i in set tlements, and tho question is, whether they should bo redeemed nt their nmi* mil value or nt tho then value of (.'<uifcdt elate note*, (on the level of which lhej| stood,) ul tho time of their issue, or on what other tenfo T it hi a small ‘ tmvtterj hut iho Biipviinlendent, wishing to do u hat I* right, him felt some cmbnrrnPH* mont. Tbore in li tlo doubt thnt tiny have been to n considui ahlo extent couie toifeited.nnd, therefore, their payment in eurivocy nt *<;ine set value would bd much sufor than their nhsorptmii for fare or froig^t on the; road. The matter is submitted for your dulcriuiputiou. V.M LySATIC A.-Tl I'M. One of Hie no»l vrlernu* ovll» lo will. 1* O 1 *** r*to 0 iiImmM Ih Uio ol I.Bnmti rfumn— lh* RfMli d uI'stIuhoo oT ilrii (erttuf* i* biuu i In lk«MV«tiibiii*>*utit/s«iluiiai lor iliea'iick #n, M'beiu llielr w*ttl* *rc c.u«J fur. tbyir erif in. pemitie* tml Ibdr wiser lor iii'*cTil«f conl-elM, nmi) their dtti'iM »kit fii ty Irruicd. Oep'yta e*i«biu*iwl ol loitlltollou*, tlerlit. it bj ni!» vsi.c-kI cirltl*-i | t itt. li Ia Id Rtircrmiful oj.*ni'i"n i I*. I brliwe. well ntin*re<l, nnJ I* (li*|ieti»iii^ bla clur If In'll* iodl/rritl, nml a I'.'nMiorr ble»*irtK t*». •!»'• * >KWi «lrM ii«i»l<.r* ttnira Ititijr tbem to tla (loot*. 'Die report of lb* SnfiulUturcnl »»d lt«»td :tl riuraidan silt be be (•re fou, •ilvuiiiK 7 •“ 111 delull of it* rnotlilit.n rml m*n i, em- ic, It* n»u<* •tid •uwtf.Ubillly of im- pniTtmoot. Vanr coinmiileo* of ►cumilio prof.. *loOtl mi n nnd iTnaoeicn will I i~k u. ibcM rob- j«cl8 iii'll iinire ciy*clij lo (ul'gbtcd Cuu br|i c lo b,*-. ■bn# |«.l*l, lmw#v«e, I ileem M *1V d«h* tn ln lit* jour »*iii in (Icli'mrktluii. Ti c Ibn’o n qiiir ( lh*( | «|» in "I mli.r be •ila" i y^/w*f thu in' ■ll iMiSni but aiiaUKr *«atlaii <M lb* T'ihIh m. join* il i* no im| nuii'e duty on llio Hupei min ib enl lo keep n*lleiiU of ll.r while «*d Atrirun fi'fel sararaio, • frorlitnn *mi"l*d ..n tl ■ wm«ii Mi*l/rj (nillcr. | Mm luftstned hy Ibr Hiipermlm.rtent nl-d Itfii'lent l*lij«iri*n, limt with Ibc I'rmetil ncooulinn iIj ion* and pi in t l ilia buibtii'i;, it i* Imp »nble lo cmnjily wllh bi'.|i ruiu’remenla of IhnC'odr. Hums llimK ihiiaI be dune fur ti e enlnruaii'cul ol Ibr bniMing, ny polmcJ iHHjile niu.l le cxrlu ‘ml con. Umnuh'y lr..n. It. '1U (*U«i' ulicroutiya, allow me io i*y, (hotild not Ue eonlcinp'alhd lor • innrnem The InlcriMiti'.n brei'ubt In me. induce* ilie beli<* lb«l Ilii* icjiTuI innlray I* on llio lucre*** «fpis'X limt per pie. lle*c1o*ure nccuslnnied I<1 be eared fur, ibaiuialva* uiuaiiui',ibrj li ne boon frcafnuu umuj llllAII lie* iM'd ri>leiu*lblllltr#, « III. I) ollpj lieqiui anil irnfe* lh<ue in blalicr *.«litl |«uailioiu ffoie, aliddonh , uftfir many year* of lrrr»;s.n.ibluunil on a liiili.n* life, iliuy limt lliemaelri'i, \eelwl with ll.r boot) of free Join, coui.ltil wlib Ibe l.uilbeua of nil f reieri*! on ami l.milv prorl*t«n, wlilti.1 llieli till •opemllli *, preriouily kepi In clin-k by wliule- eoiiiw bmue r'ii'*rnineiilar*i«ll unbridlid. A mm | Ibeni inranlly onwl rMuedly will iocrowe. Hem lo'er* When It liuoccurred, liotnc pr r »W.u In. hv-n made l"r tl, fa il heme, »uoli on they onto en joyed. iviimIii* lo tl cii n. longer. Will 'be S ale i bamlim llirm In nil ilia mltvneii, nuitcriup* und peril* llial wall u,on Insanity f llumniHy m il cm *ml nifol/iolliu public utiku forbid It. kliber in thu Hl*K-Aaylutil or In llio rounly |« .i lii*m», imu.rillalo und elltcieul iiioriritin olimild bn ill arte tor tb' imu'. Your ttlioiillou It caroiMlIy icip.ealoU lo it. TIIN AOlniHf SOU TMK 01.1X0. Tb« it hoi.t f r ih* IsHrueUun of the unforliinalas idrr* 1 III. |«ill of |,(iviIH- Iuly an luii iv-iie,: ..bleb O'louuud* ilkill to Urn iiiviiI* und of nidi vld mil*. Ill* •ntiileinuicni to liear II o*a luii« tlm I out f of duj- a-'mi'ol wl.ow mror,cijived iu jn-r capli. n- nudiifl Un*oUjr amt •c«iiinlrfv aatn llio Word id Life, *i d fi.mi Unto* 'net ib. ii,.h ln*fruf- ll*'i b*ik». Tbl» art Renin,I’y oilca ij lo nil, ■iitTcrer*, nnd (lie nainter ol hook* adautcil 1*» ilmli M’« U,n'Upliul, how will© ft tli'Ul of III)'MneiA .Old mIIIi Uu ■•I’wu'd la 1bo»u t iheriiir doomed lo tlm ntfflin amf u'i.i ml in I.,.. I! |t ill*«ml alone uiin'at lUliiTiUwii a'-d Ideuur «*ni. y .111*1111hut or*put rvuliii' Hull "Miti In ibi« ldude uij, Tlmre n iklmji'f b'anJ • » i f m..uni..rl«n». for * bleb they aru e'llbe'j c .riip.i<n*, if only lo- •III".lid t'J H.iiai b'cimd iy!lb »l^t t, ouj wtilcti mm all id u>ui.y ilia mwru* of uiauipR « livettli" «, wlio inu-l A»tVcr»i*o deun.t upou charity. Hndli io*lmoiioa ,1* new Im'Io)’ im|>nited io tb »lenMia ion, Rtonlly redMihiHi c to the cr.di) ofltie iiiunk Ret*, mid IncieukioR it* mufuliieua. The aifnuitl ik- putt of III* I’rilicipel Will ho l.rfnrti ion, Ill’ll |o lurorubl* I coumicud llio i.mO lulimi. ra'c «Kn<a nrae»lof Ji un.l* fe-Ji*p of I’cn- dency. H.i fir u* ( ine r cut u*o].M foSt*|wl it nc.l, mnny will piobabl; b.i »uipria*l ul tlm jHtuniarv rtwulle, eren in tl*i« ril«u pirn* yiur. Tb* pi ice ol ilie ariit'e * m l,c ui«ru iliun ibr.-e fold ito* of Ibe trer*Re of fiwfber ymi*, wlfllal the pi'duet in wei((M, wilt be fully ont-tb'rd of Ih lre l : * d in 111"** year*. W* cennot deiivo llio r*u c lt»n, *> He fill nUmfl.) Mcwdii'lr Us- VtiArinii.n nip. f Tt’dl wjirfyl/lluM ol tli^ ipu lllil in rjuir d I .uM«i-d tbS people Of tfe Hint*; *nrf wbllfrih •>«* 'boCoiiibioeil ivnh it Iliacullii,.Hon of co’.lnn, will be al.nnd*nily r.bte to mpply lb* d. (isie'wy,, lira poorer cUrscn, who were never (iccuktomrd lo jeo- dice r.ior* Ui«i* lireliJiood, ni l be Rreylj * tail— et.ed J*ut >mfl link ld*n hiw'*y*i iheik M^etlmce und r like ciicurna'snre*, and Uioy miwl be helped, im Imciofore, by Ummo mon Urorul. Huridy il »v II b« eo, Keptmally rbould ll.e creditor cIjm furor llie Debtor thu* unlorfiuiafaty uitua'id. Ita w l.o, under »ueh BlrrnnikUnc**, wmild coerc# p*y- mcnl, by IcriI compulilon, bcyi iiimI bin pok live ne- cci*iiie», would Lc a muckier, even io tbc Un.ll/ ol Mammon, Uuod policy •mt wile fur*c**l aadoublrdly r* qulro dlver»iiy of pureuil*. Ili»mnc,», ol be r limn uriicullui*1, aa Inch me abundant in Georgia, rbould Im dertltpc/J. Add lb**« tro .tbo*»wbo b:ive |— ciimurr kbiiily, wilbmit adaptation to bn-bandry , ae.d oilier* win. buvu brain, or bore and isu*cle, or *tt Combined, who have nriihcrUod nor.the rneun* of paicbarlr.R II, In whom ll.c*y other la- tit of «!.- taipiiM *rurqicohilly inrUli.R. Hut iRriniltiireJr, “ft***, iholmidiPR and ilia umit daiirable wuraaM, and llio* hull; r eiperioor* in if, or adaplalNiily I • it, combined will the |«i/a-aion of land or the m*»i|a bw-urcl'iwoitlfhmddrruRgU: frith ftlt^wi* hAm mtkrfty i.t -l 1m •rartorke sktUclea to »n<" «. fn M'W of maletial prorpt-rllv, ibc mo»t Rloomy iiTlliie of tbtsa vlnomy timo* i* prn- dncl'vo Itti.d lyinR tallow. Ut *11 huldcii of urublu land «uliiv«f<; Uie fw-lplan, in ird«r tl.*t lie uny cnlilrBle' |||^ roil, lo ibe Real adrtm'af'e df phi lie*. And if, at l.i*l, tic prore unlrkclal.le and iim.iMilabl*, Id the pauper population of other Ci.iihlriu* beaoiiRht nf er. gut, coma what may, Irl eur etoad nc|R( Le tilled. Thera lie* fur u* the biimite.f, nnd d.rf—i»nil riliab'a a-urre of *i.tkialence nod of wealth. M'baloer Umb G«n*nd Aracmblr can do In roc uruge uiyd lontor tlii* branch of indnifry, I sir. e ily u'ge.'pon llirm. They aio Ibriii.etrca chiillj i f tin* rum*, md may bo rup- pnied io comproliend iu want*. At i|io same lime, d Uhl left*, Ibey will bo di*|wred to do ull ther w I RltiniAiely lo pfomnio,n and d«ul- ops.,cut ol olbu InaJuatrial puraiii'a. Tint liMTpsTunr. Tbo I’Aittentlary of tho Hl*to tins I eon llii* yerr ptUMing ibrouRh a trying ordeal. Hid jaded dining Ibc war to Ibo torch of an inradinv arm/ ; at the eomnienccuiait pf llio pr.-eul pidillcaj yeM tl w.i* m .1 and* uf kred, dlUpifcuU.n-iwtiraol* «l availa ble 111* pmni*r», It* woikaboiiade*- troyed. llio large rcll buildingnufloio, and i.lbciwiao lajund—CTiirrllili’jr ireuririR fl>« tape* uf rnia, wnli no ImmIa, ami Irw onoricf < to M , ( | | n th* work of ircoiMlruetion. Tb * aj.pi opr'*'n.ado for re I alia *>.r Ibe j.|-ori uf the inaliliilina wm. In mr ( I'lmnlicn. very luk'lfjwloto Ha n*cee»iiic*. Yef. f ill.nk iho*e who wilHchnrr# Ihomaotrea wllh p-r annul ln*|ieotl'm w ill tin I l»ut, hy economy, cr.crjrj nnd n sis'? ore of Itinl'ad mean*, very inw'i haa been off >inuU*bist in tb* way of rtaoTatlun. 'fhc call biti'dln#, aaajniW lo the wife boapir g of tf.c- in mate*, hat been put lo cicdtcnt c mdifion; aon.e woiksl.oj o bare teen conalmeloil; llio lanmny uud alioi ni.iin.f(clory havo b.uij put In good f oo/iiiR oidtji* lary.0 r*doc laom, uHb « iMili'i.Tniid ."■iJk-'mi AM>irftnnn« bn- bed. bu.H le Jk.vo, Ibc birroik* for llio Rtiard bale Lu.-n mudo not only I ubitttllc, but c mlurlab'e; Itiu aieaiu eiiRine hu» be.ii upalr.ilmi'l n mlu "MAWiaryflu i.ttuy imdul jiurpoM-, ui.d (Tic iVurl* of ibe fliu ban dm j.j.«4r id. There tain tin loln» nnl t*nn.»*d. hccau*« »u»- esj.flbh', ht Diud'»ral* rxpenae, of MMalTerin«aiJbn. .1* a U.orj-inn, I fCRrol to adit another eridci.e* of il* proij only a* nn ii-iditutlon, Tl*: tbc larou in- cm mo in llie nuinbur of if* lunikiea. I wilhiiRly lii'iit lekllmmiy to Hie fldotiiy arid abillly wilb which ilia I'rlndpal Keeper nnd bia a*>l*'an'* l.svo dir ebargrrl ilieirdulv. The rMort ol‘ Ibe hrmar will bo Idor# ten. Y 'Urooniaiiiie«*wii|*rnitiufaaH. in*|N'et Ibo prumiaca, and lo.k inlu lb« Raneral loanayniiitat of llii* inatiluliun. I deem il anneo teiary lo vuilcr.ito the view* jitvaenlisl lo yen iu mv lira' iiiwuro telalive lo it* conituuance a* a Slnio inalilnlion, and llio t-xteu-hu to il ol foaleru.R c*rv ua ila awce.aiiies a my require. In fnnfcuiu «y With u u-sdnil.m of Iba G> nrrnl, Me. il. llowrll Cobb, Maik A Godper uud .liiliu 11. Kitlen, wore ajipoin'cd c< mmi>»li.noin 10 "ekuinlno and feporl upon the pMj.iuily of re luoriuR lira pro*, ul I'ni.lcnliory nnd loeulinR it olaowbata, or ol eatabli/l.ii.R au addllianal oira.- Their icporl l.*i not rol botn in rived, but, I nm informed, will bo *miu prctenlvd. When loci irod, 11 will Lo lr«ii«iiiitlcd i uud uu il ibin I nmrvu u ,y olbor f io we I may dvtiio lo prcavul on ibi* lubjeul. Ily nn net of lha Gencrnl A**, enlllled **An Ail lo ill Ur and amend lira I’onal God a o I Gd.'Rii," app'iwd t!nili Much, 1-iM, a lirRu number oi of fi'iiHhlt piiwd-meljjir. *H.t us frkunrae, were reduced l elnw lliui grad.), und were nude puniauubTe, iu Iho d -. i. i*U'oi lb" JuiIru, by neuHne*, "io wo k in a ' ' 1 i Act to i.'gulalo lha uiauimr ol eonvlet* l.borir.R up on juibl o wink*, nml lo daliue Ilia potur* ii'id du 1 raid ibc luliui'.t L'ouituutGureruoro| Urai'piia, lunelil'iR ili.- *u:ra, «''< far other pMiposw i£or. |,i np4li|oBi«l,' (wpji «t oil on die eiino.l^A It r*u Wn di»en ini.M-y wpl. Ibc 1 life riot Courl* oflbo lurcial' com,lira lo - an.ploy reob fepv<cl( uu ibo publ q works of lti(! C.iuniy, or I., report it, m t 0 iho U \ cruel, lu be olbai wiH 1 amp! '.t cl. \Mi u .s. ti>p>u l ed, tl was tun da llu duly ol' lha Govartici- tu tfwlf. Ituaiufur llicm, and in them d licuuliy u- tn.i WratMi. A Alin..f- Italti.wl.i.r upo . u h o T, cr pubiiu wmi» or tir.ptft*rimMs us Ira mi >hl judai in ike bo » tul* . *1 < I lira bi*ia, and a* «Uul| U - -lib.a »* llio on.U of jua'.iaa. Mail, mo* of Up. atuiiwrier bun ben u y unuiea.ii, u.l in mail, •Il raw* ibe inferior Court?, di eli .m s -lo cmp'..i dram In tbc ooual'fl'wbuwlii llrav wire p nm v' and tonl, u el, b*> u rcjioricd ibv.ii U. tb* AaCaii Ttie wfafTMivee nt lljAiUiiy iwuvU^ *u,-mW ‘ (irraA-diifididff,. and i W attamli .l ml.Apanau 3 eatlauii.hlv oi irun'.i-e-iu»ln uuiiie raulr a Bunk anon ml* llio j.raoili amjdojln* these cuilTicU milv'ly and udvan mi iba Wirateffl A Alunlta lt*ilr>ud, undwau Ih .ivtnthlj •rali-iir*!. ib.,i, alrbra ,-V ink l,ib,.S in irid bu vajqy I’Mli'uliyr used iu c«oaitu>.liiu " |ul-“ Iibw* tl'oio WHO Uiuv.'lioni uud qi.t|«ik - nn i.U (* ba made, it rvaa aniuily uind.pi, ,| i* .,»* wink In b* Uou* uu a inlioat nutchul and m opa • Uli'io. lu or.liaury employ unut. it. ibpil or n UttiU, ol track man, ot m any o 1' 1 <bi7|B ranfiri «*d rnkruiMi liy ll» Ww - 1 ;w »«<*"«™.l )«*: . i ,i . .. , „ 1* ,* .• ,1 ' ihia may be done, and lhal il aaill la ha plocufr I'li'MMon.i. sii|n.'i mil ill rill, fui tlio niyy- „f ihoUeuftaUarambty i» piondr n. u, tihU 111, III ul \\ till'll il your lUMtf'P, ill0 foitli (if I am.lbor of ih *« gnat biimMiii tlio Btnto Is ^'liulgocl. T’ho Btatw ol " tk'itl'gm Ins ri c!»rin upon that (lovurn- muiit fur thu tiso nml orcriimlion of tho >(»:ul iiihI its riiHing s ock mill otlior Itwns "liidi inuy not fatfliquitla- “* » t •! nml at'kfKMvUlgi'.l, t v tlut tun,', a? ",J' rx - v „ „ tltl , „ IX , hf T ligiiiiist Unit iioili'Ueiliiess. I It U ihsv wdi tjUj.iy' J jp (n efloL'l u foil j f U* above itrirandcnry. It *1 onli be aa-uimdl rii»i ihnaulihrian i'.,lari.ilMI tvbiak, lim iup (wm u >Uil kvu *iy lha Mate «lo uW avl be tuffirml «ub«r lo fail or to U r jjiu*h. The f.dlore in ngrlantlurnl pinnlla i***rfrjr tt|o yeuH<'is, latnlitiiR l-j part f- m the lrdl«poeiitmi atuady labor uf lira l>c»dn,rn, b\it elii, flr (Voo. iprop'tirua rraeuua, tins tSoukl'iai rxfretacd a d».[ » bv set Jlvi iy effort «ill be uni' cipable tiny injiure moreI'rnxtJ.. ... nnd nyire^lrajuu»iou (ban m u\l bo«'>mpUli bio widi »fi:ai6e ilitli" wenff wi»lmiS t-nijday iugul? mojl us m »ny- d* ii- labwer* • >n ,-j^- w«* not nv.iiiair.0. _7.i-iu.ara aa , n ubluiiral publio woik«, except within lira wn'Mof ihe I'mitiniiur v, where mariinoio arlsuro chiefly |m>*<cuted. Fur Itiefa ibo lurin ot puiiiabuieni u u»Qy<cr|kol lur chain pang c».»lcta la loo abort, uud in il.em cn vujo fiu'enitid im lo omc* be tunre pr. ioa- bly aSiphrycd Kir Ui« f'Uira and bir lUiinv’ia-. 11,* expcima of Iraira.i, r tug dram to iIi • i.fgi.r? ernmi-nl .a Very hem. Il somcliinra h ,ppcn.A, nn t mny ollall occur, u guard i* rant from lha mo.l Of R. ■ja.r'iiuiiy In rAmmsid f.n« lobar for 4ucb i .aTi' piiM'.«e». Many rln ink from it, Ira-nu*'*, if l-.e l^oirtiiniy, flo Inb-’iera am im few U> lara i.iolllaldy employed But lira indie lion* lire, fliul Would lw only limporary. Au efli-l-ut gang once undo tin would m-di.nbtatlly ha a* Wr/ard- mini 1km. V. hero It became nccenwry, pronaioo miRhl bo made foreonsolldaling ft.*-gauge oI 'wo or ibiaa atij iqtng Munrina. aBfk.warkiBg ibgm aU$i»*i*ly in tba oi e nmi |Ik other. After uiBcb raff.cion and a tilde experience, I am rndrfiei of Ibrm ihm/«: l»i. Tint, owing to Ibe idioU |ermi < f pnolrlrnicnt, no general naiein 'fghkle empIo*ir.'*il of ilu-aa rvuricle can be do ri/ed which will at aU-coinponata for ibe eipennt nf transpoiliog, anb.dadn* and gmiiriiDRlIiviii. ‘>1. That Ibe employ nrant of Uteri* m ibe nouniie* where convicted can be mrat?<; lo relieve ib" J.'aoltog in tart*! gcderJIyof an enbrtm.US pob'le sarrlcf*, (die wo.king of the riradkb and in irt y way largely bem-fn:.*! It. lira rounii.u-. r.d That ui.Uiiag abort ol lag*I cooipul.ii.n w| I indium Ihe Court* ol lira cuuiiiiu* io embark iu lk» cnicrptwe- Tlw lubjciq lo lay ju iRfuenl. demand* the K-ri- out eooaxienilion oi Ilia Geuaial Asse ubly. MAixeb aoLixan*. * , Qonfidyifible fluUy baa, I r go t lo tty, id landed lira Dun'plction of anauuiauem* lor lira aupj.h of ar> limit* lo inaimrd M.ldiai*. To g-oci J itraon- reui >uea. hnfrerw nag rcaulled frouTii, m (am*. i|ucuce of lardimve iu r«lu n u. d; to lira Cvui/« Holier Gcueral; let* iliau .oiabun ir.d application* having lioen orade by Iho firjt of H. jMeiubef, rf w liit-li one-f.urlh weio infra mid, end only about one ball lira crainliaa hat rag btan rat beard nun. I aj.po niuit a* a boa.d of mhrcoon lo ckuiuino *paciinea* ofe-iioqapalent* wlaicn wurepir. lucoin- neiKMi f.r lira wo-Jt o.der. d by llio (fcoiul A*» iu- blr, Hi* f). A Guga*i If. 11. Ki«imr mi l L. 1) Fold of'A'lRiuta, having pom km w edge of tboir prol.iMoual ai'n.iiiucuta trad ak.l 1 , and be'uvit.g lhal lira •■xaminalioii* and cubmiIUH"..* could b.' mad., wiili mo e rVibefa'iont and la?* delay by aa- kcling tl.oao r..H!ib*ii iu tl.* ana* | la ra A cull w*m n'li. mini* through Ilia guzcllu, a* di reel ad la ilia act, hr prop iwil* Irani uraonaeiurar* cabibiiii g «| t -imrn*, winch eBc tod ipi.ta a uuin- Irar. Cooiwdifrii.R logirtlii i llraav p opiMwla, tlie ra pert of lira aarptuaa upon lb* raiaiivo men.* ol tlw limbaiubmiiicd lo iboir caajaiuaUon, and ibo di raclions g.ron iu llie first ercin n of U.a act as a guide l« in* i'.xeculiio, it was very detity n.y duly lo occep llie • Ifer. f i>r UougiuM IHr. To Uiiu,, ibo coniract wat uwniiWd. and it Iim, boen duly execut'd , he naming M rami as ibe cm tral pr.ini where lira timl a were lo l.« fluwl. T<w price of these limb* will boaorwuty d, Slurs lor cueb leg ond foi■! job orru wlirne -lira ainj ulmion wa* abovn ihe elbow, and f..rly do'lur* whore il waa mud* boloiv tbul loin!. In* up. rl < f ibo Comptroller f.nand w iil iukirm you of lira whole aumber ofappliiutHK)* lhal Iwie la on aiuilc and of lb* probable lot* 1 . Thu turn ra ijuired loaujij.lyallapplicoiiU nbobiiag Uiciairalr.* wiihiu the piuvwloiie of Ibe aol, *«l probably aom.'W Imt i xooed lha opp oprlati-ra a*ik-, bui |i will daubllcaa be yeftr ploaaure lo inorewra S so a* to Iraro none das i ii c. Adcpi.ile lufi.isiatn.u will pmlwbly be at your command iu lima lo ad. From InlormaUow oollcoieo, 1 mu fc*ii*lied llui III* b"WeA( lo be denn-d by Ihrwearur «f ibi* adua- ruble liiToulion, will Stpeol mainly upob khu-«|i. Early aiphrieuei- in .h« *•* of Ura. m »i p«il*ci«iwl h«S aiU ’lcdarlilicnd limb trill be di-*pp'"JilNij|, hut proper c-Mlran ai d |i*r*uv*,aucc will c MiiMIturlte ilia WOni,'l with iUauijpii, a« I i iiukO it agaaaily a wood,')flllly ll*»lul »ub*Mlul« fjf Ibolo»l urasibar. Ii i« In be hoped «b*i ibe br*v* meu w ho i.»»* sailor cd Riulilalmn will hy lie . xt-ci*i- • f |>*l|euca, uare and |rar-n onr", d«iir« all il.c UijUh you h*r* dc- n'gi.eJ lor them. ruw ifi'B piiuTi ra. Af rr ewrrfnt rn^nfry | beaRrA.' aallrfitd "iaI earn could bo iimal *dv .niagt.HWIy mu jiliad lo :lie da-ti lute nmler ibe *| prr"pri iln,o of U,9 la*t *e*?i..'i bv to lira Nor I. weal, and Nt t<i.uis waa *b« bM potnt for hia , perelloim. Colo ii’d Ma ldrx w ikacc.iidmglv *|'jMiiiii.,l * iddi«p lot. cd so kieiii ax lira mcea-ary fun I* eonld beobulmd. Through ilia llbarnlily r.f tomnawie* eng.iji-d In 'rmwp .riution hr a'bamboai aid nt>in>*d Ix-iwteti M-. I.miis imI Ch ilian 'or,, ball frmgb'k oaly were eh irgcd lor bnugii.g Ilia ci.rn to tlio wcklwvii tern . mis of thaSlule mau —which enalili' l me lo oxper.d in Iho purchase <U lw,»t fb-,0Cii mie thui cr uld Olherw ac Iravo been do * lira d.fl reol r.S Ifna 1 companies <>i ibi? Hfnle, wllh Iboir oecnab.u.ed pub lie spun in iba lu Ih'franco of g ,, l work*, htvo dime ibiir | nit in ll , iia-i*poii ii' ii mill |.iomid- lies* an I fide I't, fit" of charge. To nr id He vl •J !»>i il*d 0 ilom l IVtorooli Tl. io il', A.- ul, n. re eeiio ll.ecyin #1 CtmUanoogaa-d In ii'»i. ibuie u to llie c.iiiullrs, Ihu* cany i r on I's , tribulh-u aimul'ancraraly. The Nii|H)rililor.(U'iit and ollrar « of llio Wraiorn uud ACanlip l!..ibo Ifrial y aidrd Iba operalloo, Tim ptTn^iri^iT (•isliibuilug agent* hare dlRp'nyed u b • !• itrgn» ».l buAinraa (npaetlr, pmiDptua?*. and IbV I'i in lb* dlHclM'go i.r their rlnllra. Tlw reditl «, Urn pt>r- ohaaranu dbtftbUlM ra round nambriaof la‘.,wM biyjbuls u! corn, being four nml n lull I bn«h.-l* fo onth boutfloitry rcjM.i l ( -1, at aco-d fall oip»n«*“ in cludi-dy • liit'u let* ll,an one dollar per Im b'l — Tbore are Mine iiemanulyolTrpoi o-r, wd.ica pi'- rcuLsw muff prtcl-o aUli tn?nl, but rhea “I *» ; '«a- re* all’ll I have been pm I, ilrai# will rcm.tin to »•. Tiyjnury, oflhU apprupriuUoM, uboul ^Iti- P r . ol Uie jp,B:ili u;cnuipany thbrn . kiuui.4’. hi I euiiool c'li.-o ill!-' (lell.-l'lo Ih* ;,i* *n-l kulljruig pc pin cl lioorgiaj iilo.l l uu.iilg ibi* public iteknow Viptmeul of certain i.obl. b in-. lagUoiu Iroiu lira cbariUd* , f other Sulci, (jrarlly In nAd i» irlly in mqiuyj w.-icb t.uv* Ira•!. iiml arc being ud through, my ii)%irn- iu •ulality. lu lhc*e tumulVmil cb u iliqa U** w>bl$ wihiI>u ol oat c, unify L.tvr. w u«uiii, been cbi«i ac Uu*. I a-lid/ c'ouiberu Uf icf A*4«.ck>i.ons id U*l- l""«*te, Hi. Jo tpb. Mo., audaf Wi o.llawl. Kr.* il.« V "i i.ajuiiI Smilborti IteHo? I Nl tluf, Ma., and cn wans of Hi. I,ram., Mu ,of i. r through a OoiiiniiiiM, ar* tfiod'raia ol iltraa *iwS w. rks. W* c.m give ilium null nor po >r ll.aiA*. M iy I'tuho f» love, and it bn Inve'h n . IieciIpl giver, bvaloW up- m tl ■ tu n beiler t«ward. m and Jia and 'R-nli COME ONE ! COME ALL ! TO THE DRY GOODS FAMILY CJIOCEKY AX D Communion Home OP ItnlilwHi, Ufflrlin^ tc Co., CVTIIIlSRT, OA., Wha are aow roeniving, and will k«* p a (i E N J-: IS A Is A H 8 O KT M K N T or Dav aoooa Liquors, i'oInicroH, ilimlwaiv, Crockery, Sa dlory, XJRIDIsEd, IIAUXESB, Ami llio cck'limtoi] Woodruff Jfuijijics; Which tlioy will Fell CIIkAP FOIL CASH, nnd ho content "ith n SMALL PJIOFIT. t CT As Micir goods wero bought very closyly for Casiy, nml suloctud with grout care, tlioy nre conHdunt they can nmko it to tlio iulorcst of tho pviq.lti to inido with them. iK REMOVAL} WM. SAWYER Sc CO., T 1 AVK ren nvod H u | r Lr, f f f k <,f fiOJtWi i. L 1 lira a lore known u. the A7X\iiM TlnYAlnj, T»i donra \V.-*i of ihe I’nil Hftre. ir'rar* ibe Will be ph*Mnl lw iu lliu.r f,M,ra. Tull , enr-l.i* in jrari ..I ib? f..|.«|. r H' win »ml I aitoj I>11V CUOi'H; J.iidifa l»u** ' OOP Minion* nml K.""v fiOOliH ; KdOTH. HIMff'H, II Airs ,o,.| ft IN: lli-uV, Y'-iUli'a mill Ibra-* I'l i'! \ :• H.U»I»I>1.KY, llAIt>i.fc.i ul jfX.FJPEI-A.Ij (’ottoii iu Supplies. im* :. un y f. HOtUmwuUa mULuiwhU, which will can" j Sri?? n^^KrTnlngV*inr'i*'i of thl.1 hnrtlun; hut, in hliy j two r **.m> d cdetliy uatnvonibtf to the cutilrailm UO-I.I, O.c JuilU of iu SUtu Iiuul lw 'St Suftf*** innaia. I 'rnridorra#, ib«i ud Ihe bu.bundma I , , The u*\i ‘•'V 1 ' • ; AH ret**'kllig to tho renting,-nry of (lli-; 1 Nuraheu’il lha peeploef liraSmilb v'uM «»w»k w««*>: ii ii!» thiown uiiuii tho road no n-niiuco vnuho »ni ud mi>*i*ai» ,uuii UiuSiai tiiui uf iil«,;od’„p,?i II tn-V,yoimoTo um-H (In, I "'«>i ImMnU*» * ,, i asd i* h.a we l bemg, l a* cu.iomral lo (niiiui I n i tiuvui v.xpcnsoii of llio u* .* prwu to beii«.# u,.a n M i,.u.i, Ih great,-i ronlily ul llio (*>n- . Sapi, iivtitar may b _ v .. iu Ibf.ii lixty i'lv*. luu bn i. pic atlang,d Ibef'lib-s for emjib iug, k.rrji jr or giraldrng limn. To nieiwimo ihu"' Jin.i'iili'oi. I lu\o courier ed Ibitbe.i e|i < f lira pul uf ihe iVniUolhuy ihcaiwf, b. i or )cn U'lrl'dfb 'he opnatN- Tl> :i made ibe liu, fio.rutinii o uiiv n il c Mm? rui"(I would brirg mie;* and o nvieisor miAdrtiieanor*. Wiihiu ibe w.i!li . f Iho FcnliMii*ry, I n*v* also i'-und ll I'beiper nnd mIu- :o io , ilium ut nigbl; nml w l-.'in'irr Ihi'ii bil-oP tn Mb' em.i'w/wd pro- lilub'y i" ib? I’uioli'ul ai v. I Iravo .ku bo so ii-ed, and hate elm g* d llui in?,niiltou Wit iVp- Al Ibo vine lime, I h ,to botw conijiolleJ lu iin\wo upon il ibo bulging, j-na di.ig so l "iilraisleuoo of Ui. m, nn I, of fiaeo, lo allow rvtnonkblu voaipon- eiiM i. lor ibe-n. They have bren, m '*r ikpnK-', eii'pl. ii'l iu oul-ilraw work— in n ug -Mid ll img, i eeo.-nirv in lira i. palra oTlno KxmiUvk Mansion und Niato llouso, iu waring o n, uud u hai her uw.iv the luiiis of ilia (Icmolisliod Araonal, iu iui- ", lur k|)*cul.i| ; >0 ; |"> > - lira icyf aSoMIt 'k* l>W:c in im lu kddi.iuu lu all l'-''» i g ibr SMlf'Ql ilipWvfcio at van m.'i u * lhal he liu iu- »io boo, iu making Urtck in (Tie PontTvathiry bnck . . , . , . , - - fiiw’god ni-sk oxintrairaul *u,l inuuuml.U caiwA-'la- ’ "'I. m uuamii'R ijrimilo which in*) bo useful lo wrtuf-IqiU" IJlIlltill'lJ llloUfAfyUl llol-1-Uoi.acl heueliM lob* confarTvd u|aui b.m ly Ibr j ih# h’uV, or ra!k.,b.v. Hill jia ti » urr i. i KulMkl tloraraniMit. Ho hua cxjh'C'c.I linui tb.d Ijm—ucd |l duVs m njpldh' • www a freo giant if land in Im own right, und mg il.eiu »"d tba iued. C'V* » III" l.XCCUllVP I,ker, I p in 11,15 Ill-Ill Mil, , dnt oi; Iu n bv pie.rut iueee»ri'y 111 ..I ...I . tillin'^ thu \ cal' III.on ivhii'll wo Imvo just wldohiiM. in 11* avia, llio diMlinein u iiuii in Ibo "fii'i- ucl't lias lint hcou um'CI laiiiuil, in conso- rawmlin* qiicm o of a l.iiluro to deliver some of the i i aid puivliiihcii. Rut, deducting from NMchU m tlio wliolo ulmumi of Iho invoice, t’ay-' * e ■** ■' i u vou inciiU made, it;.- roumimlcr will d |iri>?|ccl?, "ra lulu |»n»|»ius Ivarh him u u ;* will be u iHa*k"l,j pay. I We all know what lira! will I e Xl'oocl 1 ,hcf * '* •rhlouM lilt Li iiutlioilly I t.» MmU piyui y of employ !„ .I.. H •* a tempoiv i\t'*.li%ni, aiid'wrat lo i.„,i„, ,i, ii» i>VuC tu,.«,u (Up, uppi opnatoil, liiaiokA 9 Ik Would bo b.ibjiikt and kind tn wil t' lalud, ' ‘ ' 1 * 1 ‘ * ’ L • » - my ' time, writ of 11 ,-.i>uiy II -t otliuiivwu appiopriutoil, Iiutoca. *11 Would bo bub just (ljllllll-r all I llygts at suttlomunt,) it Iliuy \ r "i; ,0 # f *hl bis am.k<nmg flmn I... I. . ,, ,, • whi»li»M QiiilUd Into C urnra . f ifr Ik nirnn^Ul III lliq ioUl>0 ol tlio umr, Will pi.dwbljr pn.ra Irm-laimable. Those mini Mill Uu) amount nf ilitcrc K t meantime ecmui.ll*) * u k Jn-l and imparl**! adiiiinUlruiioii krmlunlljluJucwl. My u-lk-f ullfufir Ilf'‘XU”!'.",*“ 1 T l ' < lilt* llct prolits fioin the louil Ihi OVOII fair good iulioncci K |iuv Us mmlu iisulul m iltuuul 1 lliv sum e.-tlfiuitoil hy thu Coniptivlk-r and lulbacmiulrv/ 11 "".-nil,... fr„„, ll,»l k he ilfUlieUu mill tilts iJcht l!.tc\i .1'i-eil p wooi-utc il uu a v large a rcsh **•;„ no bate *!.. without I I, bU\Y lyUII. 11 I ' • , l: ' i: ' “ii h:o nm-i vi l.i iiMo i concur iu ihe t uj-nielicii; of the t^diffli n light, unit I iug Il.eiu »"d Ib* iuRUunUl expo lands of utliei*. II ■lii l >ii>uptlU)|)x , cly. )f tlio poller ol ill row iug them iy, bo bat regarded ! upon iho h hi.Ia of Inc Kvcwtfvo bo cimlinuc<l, ll ia ....... „ uing ■n!,.-, a.UpK'd to thrfr C?p*«ity, b« inangu- J that u si Ainu l e ad<,; for this wholo ico. 1 icccmmoud, liuwevir, Hut Ihcir em inent upon the pdb'ib reads of ihe M'Vcmli iiio.«, nnd ia W1.4 lor tlio oreeiion ol i li> u>»sYnd JuU »ud 111 building tiidgra, bo o compulsory uio.n ibe lufcriwr Courts of llio ul C'nalkai. Tlraio ia upon lo IbcK' L'uuria do livid Sir iheir rmploymonl, iu every county, ih. 'with good luanageaiouf, could bu o hlg'il)- udvaoUgroiM to U- X"(fang is more ung l,.m n spirit ot vu'muMc ;;,.d improve- i. 'll.' riAtJa and bt idol's of iho State, wilh exc 11 • il«, am pii voibradyr Uid. lu n.nny il purp?' J be . _d i I op ii.uuc at vim nuniMi*. The Htulu lleutc hxg bvM reriMi'ed. and I fit*! mmlo secuo) BgAftitt IraYuge ; and lira* legl-hlind Iwila b*»o bveii rei ,ivsl*l. \Vaiur hr u ia 11 »• •due* I iu". ihu boil ling, ami ui ■ aHgauimia nrr in prngi tra lo ligbl iliu bally.« i U gu*. b-bb ui wbich rinpi.i i ■’ enl* will (Mill In .1 m ill wi (Ira iwk of hr* I i the building. The nip du i.a iepn .v nle 1 In Ira In an irasu'e e»»ndilfon, erijniiliig tiimr Tupairt wl ich could no! Ira mud# wnli lb* *iis'mg aio.n ju-luUoo. k\tr liras raaauu 1 liavauul bad .bu iihu tupaiud uhirti klsnd* within i', and L-iuld lint Im txptc'.til In run well until llimu rtpaira t-la.%11 It ■« • bo. u made. Tho Kxtciilivc Mnna'on baa booniut in ^toeuro nud coiufnttibia onlar , ^ bul,iiwiiij{ In ll.o nud lira discorery nf girau-r dtc\r diluiddatiwu Ibtii was nnlieljwird, Ihe apiwopriaih.n pr.raed (n •iilheiriit lor ihoobj4-('l. and ilie raevra has b*vu pi 4 out of the lunil, of ivhkb, ooiwidt- •Uiubug ulbur liuckpucicd diu i* upon it iburu u - * m&'tia a iMiia'.vlerabla unaipaudevi U*t*nco. I tcKr yon, t ir ilolndud lepoii nud »i«iai uos. lo Ih* t> CuOquayipg iqMirt oi lira imgir%er In .charge. Mr orirarlenae in Ihia l>,-parim«nt indae** lb L •- lief lhal two Neoraisih* will be udiqu;.'* hi it? L4m- I il,ii|>i'r*'>d wilh llie set rice* ol ihe niliLl on- alH,^rel*rr einploved during ji ur li*i ae*"lun Very ao*ui after your u Ijournnieut. IV butt ever, Iho du- t’oi l c pet iu(m" I by two, a a l think ibuy cm be hr ! ll,«preli'iit c®.o el incudibouta ll.oir 1 > .4 w'l WaurdufiN ; am! iMa liiRollior win, iha tee g-ei.l cost nf at ibis lima eolitlcs ihem to a' multr? aio inciisiMj u( salary. There will bo economy in rnijil'i) iug iwo tapanla Seen tarfes, wllh giiod a*la- rice, r.illiur limn ihroj loss ooinpeloi't, at lower vi's* rioA. Their dmi-s *ra ahn> exacting, snd do lot admit of uniliog olborjerocalu ns with Ihem. loackuiio. Wbilu our ren^jona are an unr, filed, and on few gloum* Of l">pa.i-ouliu lo ua from the lullin', there are a lev inic-S capAcwll' cccumb«nt up< u l»l. It Iraeimea ua Ip rultlialc among ouroalm unity of frelii'g, ofnplinon, aud of arlian ; uail r nnuinglbe people, unify among tbo PcpartmenlA of Uoreinnieat. ‘.’il. Our in'ereal lies In ercbewlng ex. cilcm.'ol, alii'lio'is'v avoiding :-M crflict wilh nm thoritie* nnchoaen by ua, but p'arcd over o*, and --; ’-" 11' ir .' , i.-rgioa in labuiMieg our own vvokio pfaroi an<l dafx'li'plugiwir arglecti.Al n> aonrroa. Whilst otbera roge nml wrungle over cpbcmcrul issues, let us be btrar wilh Ihe mil, obi« d mg oonccrua of life. There shall we onieig? irui* this p-riud of oslratiam, wiser, uuro Ihnviug, a^d more rosnccloJ 'ban ever. Sd. It hibnorrs ua, above nil, lo keep wuraelrcA m proper relation with Ibo Supreme llater of Ibe Uni- verso. To Ihia end, it is right and projitr Hut o* a daj to be appointed, our whhle people should ei» inultancnnslr prtmtrate ihemaeh es before Ibc TUrooi of Grace, render ing ilunka for bte»> : og* urjuyed. imp i fl ir f.irgiro c.«» fur teror* couiu;iMr,1, and M'lk-e^ light loguii-atiu* eur nijmcd, dbuken lb-gRb>a IIOrHand Iron TIL:, 1.1. r C tlqn b. i flltnCKHli .1, 11--Tow W MV '., Vi' ll. v IV \ ICKOCKLIiY, lii* « W \KF \V. , '. . , ...II imi a< -n «u Id -ll ,'b (Hie slink la well K iaIH), iu i *e nan . tl t slualua p uu. r* any u.c;e-aul*. <• *i|. Uuui .J ibis reel ii n. Mr. J. I< N’lrner,»» b ug and famrald r know litis c-uuiuniiily, will ul all lime»b« Isuud toady (a auuplf your w.uila. Thu Uuma aie tfpv.-i.illr in rifof to giro n*» till. No ironh'e lo khuw Oi'khIr, so com* »• o, and il y gi cau'l be luilsd it shill uni be bur lanit. Wc bavo Oiled up a and coovoniout Iu| irdat U> imr stare, whura ,»ir friend* limn tk« couMlry ran leara Ussit t«40M, ia jwikei ksM flat- uf iluirge. ocutltf WM. A CO. Something worth Knowing. J. McK. GINN N Ad Ihu I.AKOKST KTOi’K of (MODS hi I'niMa-rl. lie Ima oreTtiheg Ural mu woipau it /»h,n lo bur lor ill# iirhig ur d. ,d. •lock Ilf I-adh-'a URLSN liOOIJN ami CLOAKS. I•idle* nnd Gent* If ITS, IIIKlTd and SI10FS, Cf.llTlIINil, llAilllW AKK, (ill rKKIKN. ei«„ ij very l* «W ll would lake a larger joipar lh«u iui» .“i/e pu»''.'-.'.c t *3 i . ..4,1 . ... ...4 >v .#/* tail. Tbeaeilood* were bnognt Sir OaHII from Impuitor* and Maiinf.iclurcrk dirral, and wSI bo •old 1.0 W lur CASH. Uuying a* he doc* fur Cash, paying no home renV, having hi* own bind and wood, ko (««>■ oeriaia lhal Ilia mu who Mils gumlt «b#u|rar lh;iu Ua ibwa, wiU suoa gal u,u4 u f ili# Ih-bin made armhgemaMB wdih Ihe mrT bent aud iiwjsi . ol labia un-a iu narauirai, New York nnd Livurp.A.1, lo whom lie..diiii* yifou, aod iiiakeii li'raiwi udiuiicas. lie keep* fund 1 "fi hvivd to boy |Coll,ui, anil will pay ibe Lights! luce, in l.i.?b, lur Wc ay ill, yi a few days, be pre pared lo cxtcu,tc, in Good Style* AIJ. KINDS OP AT Kcnsiinnhlr KuCcs ! Onlcmsfm ilnnd-Bills, Po«Iw.’r«, MusincNN t’fudN, Isctt?r-Hcad8, Circulars, lVogruuiinci, A'c., Ac., PR9.HPTLY FILLED ctisli i )u tlw Deliver ol* Work. S. T. JENKINS’ Complete Stock of DRY GOODS AT KEYS’ CORNER. J S a f ow duv* be will open, nnder Ih* Appeal Olli.o, a U'ge and well eel cled stock ul Groceries, lie ii determined fo luv-it In COTTON, ami baringi* (or p.-.iey) can Vra rolled in price ■rad quality if aoppln* ol every deacriptiun. act Sot? ANDREW FEMALE COLLEGE CUTI1BERT, GA. 11EV.A. Ita HAMILTON, 1). I).i Pretidorl uni O'enerui Suptrmitiuirnt. FACULTY. Lit«iibt DsrABTMKrr.—Mrt. Ana Moore Parks, Mia* kin ms J. Millar, Mudsrno Klephsme llarnard, Mies Millin' 11. ffsmtll: Mbs Lou Cbliwlaad. Nine D«u*aniMT.—Prot Joha R. Seal*, Diicetcr Mr*. Kludia Husacll, Assistant. Udardixu Der*ST«*xr.—Geo. M. Dmoan, Finan- cioi M ..linger, Mr*. C. II. Dnarsn, Matron, f’ornaaor Hiror.—CompleU and I borough in all lha da|MiriuuuiU. Taaas or Trniox, lew than tlios# of moat Insli- laliema ol similar giufe-as follows; ria s&asiux or nixs uuxtus. Primary Classes, |3A 08 I IsuiguageA, each, f 10 00 P reii* ra lory •• 4S 00 I Drawing A Paint- Calragiite M Tu 00 j ing, 5o to <0 00 Murienn Pltnn, 8u 00 | Needlework and !'*• of luiRrumeal lu Oi j Kmbrvitlery, SS iai Music on Guitar, AO On | lucidrutaU, 8 i'0 Coo (/ Inti rumen l, :< 001 ^ Diioipline of Ih* Coiluge will ba mild but rerjr Ihrwdiug If out* refitted and rafureisbad is a *n- ytib style. Paioaor Hi-a in. -Wa*h ; n*. Lights awl ererv- ng included, gi.1 ou per mouth. Psi aggT?.— In all Ibo Urirartmcnts, if imsaihlo, one half in adraneo, jrar aaeli half HMKn of Imr and a hull moulbs. lies lib ol Cuihberl cannot bo surpassed on Ibis cnotrarat. Ministers of all Chiirchoa -Danghturs cduealinl - foil Ion fre«. □Non Secrssux.-Tba Tofchers riprescal four oifi'-reni eburcbos. The prtoeni suaion ooiaaraoced Gclobor 1866 ocl.’ii-lm RAILROAD GUIDE- MACON AND WHSTEUN, iararen Macon..A Amro ut Alltma. I.oarcs AtlanU Aimes ui Mocou xiuar thai 1 r <re« Mseofl Am ire* at ViUul t 7 ii s. n. re Ira oil fim villi c Mich ll |||| cenliug. believing lhal, in our exlronni; iiiuoR ,uu \Ve ** > . went k-m»Ju by ibe iu.u -.-1 • ate rr|neaontai ivea e* lie pcuplii. 1 w ill cheer hilly J > y bidding, Aud heart dy craupcralo in fli? . liiuiinv and iiUerrioga Miltinu Cbiislrau holocaust fur aufiu'iog U.o’gis. CHAKLL6 J. JKSKINS Kv« n-’ *m a hr wisbus to (.w-pOr I: «iih ban. bla ought OFFICE IN Jenkins New Uuildiiuj Dir ft STItEBf, TJjo - Stairs. LAW CARD. m UK utWlendgird will attanA * any l»uwl buai. I ness OBiiuiUad t.. bra tt'* iulxaiUi wastsra Uwirgia., Ullioeai CuiULcii, Hs dolpli Cm,Go, GciS ly. y.. It. PLATT. nun v/srrt.triirv Httil bnl Ihe hint Tuesilsy iu l)vamb«r next, lots •it Uud number* hflr fir* .{.Maud sercnly one (71) in lira lentil di*iriol of Kaud->Uh coanty, a* the i ri peilv ul thoeala'aof Th<-io«ai). Taylorilre'd. Ki.f/ v a.Taylor. Oc'. Tt'V. )WA-Vla- Aduir’a Iraare* Mrava Arrives *1 Knlaufn Lasrea KufaMl.1 A 10 s Anlreaui Msauu t lo r ALBANY BRANCH. (.care* Rmilhri le 2 12 r Arrives at Albany I £4 r Lea res Albany ,..7 SO s Arrir** *i tJaiithville If W s ftlUHCOCIKE. Lcn v«a M ac m H 40 (Vihu.ibnk 4 .11 Iran* cs Colmnbus >..,,...8 *i Ainrea ut Macon 4 ,",s OEOUGIA~RAILROAD. AXjQ O, A KIoit Hume t» Rent. (Jrct'Hbaeks Wtiitled. I nn. now ohm iug lur sal* ll.e CMKAPKdT BAIL GAINS on r^irrd; neat aud dnrifclo Buggies at 8180, irayrtbl* b> Greenbacks. Mr pri.-rarangafrout ilso to SlOrt. x-iiLuul iluruosa. Hull tire a good *up ply of IlarresB on h«ud la romowu with the Bug? ixkrttfxs. St; “Mfe: dorblo b irnera on hand at 10 to riO dollars. Fine Biding Bridle*, MarUagtlua, Ibiviug-ruos, e’.c., ktpt oonslanlly ou band. 1 ainpiei»ar-d to bnl' kboit pQlico, any aisle vehicle tbul u ay be disflr.-dl REPAIRS OP ANT KIND ■ in my lino of bltiioc-a done wi:b nealnc#a and did- ( 1'iilch. M’ugi.ce ana bu.iirsa rud: ur rrjau.vd <0 * Call and c\ mine fra- jiu’» Ins, ns 1 Ibink I eta F.XEC UTOll'S SALE. Ifr rirlne of Ihe will of Itelh a Boo dacoaaad, will I V bo »oM at Cu'liberl Ga. an llie fir»t Tnoaday io IKraoinber next, k'la of land non.ben eight, els, I - one hundred and seven (If. one hundred sod I'iRblnm (111) and one hnrilred and inlrly nin# (i ' iui Ibo ninth C.i'li) dl'Hic< "I lUud i!pb Cuun- ly—ibe l Iscc knawu ua lbs Bailor pUca. JOj. T. ll All.KY, Oclilfd Erewulor, ('OMMlSSAUXEll'S SALE, • |)Vi irt ne »f an order fn-m Bn Superior court uf t I ) llaad ilph 4'uiwtr, will b* Md, l.w Iho ]*q>osa •n ilifisiM beta CM Uie taaaaia ki common, ou the lir*i Tuesday ; u Decombar next, vt L’uthbert Oeo. Iui, IItiwl no "or bundrrd and evenly niira (179) to U>o Sixth diktmk i>(.KanilolphCiMii.Xy, kiiuwu aa the place oLcraou Elisabclh A l dd<n rvaiilrd. JOflSMcK GUNN, KILHYGABKKTT, EDWABfMcUOXALU. OcLC Hd Commlaaiunera. A DM IN IS TP. 17 Olto SA LE. ■ 7*Y sirlii* of aa o-dor f <’• lha Ordinary of Cf Buodoli'U C'unlv, will bd sold on ihe ttrot Tuesday in 1‘i vomber licxi, bt-lwk n the usual hoarn of sale. Ten Shan s SowkhweiUeit Bail road Stock; lot iS iraud iu Cicatur cuuftlyjGeorgia, N-i, id, N'.nelei-nh Dfflrid; alan lolSa..', Ninth DUirict i f urlginallr Karty now Mltdrailrauuiy—uml land* utilaiprovoL I n'SI filial lira a,\me I'm" *"• place, a PcbnUr- rbfp in Andrew KtmuleColIrgejHanSolph toiinly. Uu,rout. Said Srholarsbip w peiraliikl, and aoii- tkii ih-' h'JJer to Board aad T’lgon for one schnbir. Tr.c l olloga (• in lull pp«ratioo v \ ith a full Facultr, a-U wifi compare laTctably aiilxuy luatilutma ia lira South. I will al*,i sel! at Ihe Fame ft». the Inao'ccnl pa yor* beluaging to Ibe oatate ; lihall di-clars all j*a- |.e*« iaaolrea arh:rathe pi; i"IUil lo pay by ihe l’tli ol Noieuihar oust, aud uf publish a fiat uf Ki ll iVblo ? alU'i iHil dale. | So J »ii c (imperty fit J«.h- tores, deceased, Isle ul liaLdo!pb Cuuniv, Gio t a. ! ‘ Jam us x sni’Bf dan. i cct-Hil i A lai .u uu .. .8 4.*. r. » ...l *•' a. » ...s 10 I-. 1 ...4 25 a. » i«ii,l M tooa. m \co.v andITrunswick. G DilGE IIA7.KI.ilUBST. Puiaiossr. GtoKy E A. DUKK, bir r. SOUTH-WESTERN. wm UOLYrpRMii.aNT. VIRGIL i'GWKKd, dee r. J. P. KING. Farsi E. W. COLE, Si r - f.eaicA Augusta Arrirsa nl Allunla. fraatis AlJaala Am*** ai Ang»v/? . r rasix. .‘.5 10 p. » ...» 41 A. i ...7 Wr. • I •earn AliRiiila Arrirosal Atlanta Lewvas Ailaala Anise* at Augnala. WESTERN AND ATLKNTIO. nOBERT liluon, Scr’r. Iraaien Alianfa 7 so Atrives nt Chat'anooga 4 jo r . *. Isarrs Chattanooga jo w _ Arrived at Allauta 1 |.i A \ u. ATLANTA ANlTwE.ST POINT. GKUBGE oTiTcLU Bea t. Lear** Atlanta 4 *. Ariirc* at AVual Point j-j 04 r , *. Aniveaat Atlanta 03 r. a. MONTGOMERY^WEST POINT. DANIEL H. GUAM, Su-'r. Iraarea Wca* Point Jg p, Arrives at Colanibus...., 8 4A r. h. Arrive* alllonigumery 0 15 r. m- Iraarua Mootgoinary. 4 a. n. Iraavea Columbus 6 gj a. M. 1'mraa at Weal Pmol 12 n. CETTRAlTTtAn.ROAD. WM. SI. WALLEY, PaasioaxT. - 1 Iraarea fVtraaaab ....f *. u. Amrea at SJaeou 8 r. u. Arrfrca at Augusta 6 15 r, u. Luaroa Mactia 7 A. u. xiour raaix. Leaves 7 C Arrive* at Moem....... 7 1 Arrire* at August* 4 .1 Leaves Macon 5 48 r Letrua Augusts 5 25 r MlLLIM.lvILLS AND CORDOX TBS I VS C'nfu art daPy wi h lira up day ai d dowa c raseengci Trues ol ihia roaJ atGoidon, l.i-avii g Kiiliuitun 1 , Leaving Millo'ganMv.. 3 55 r Antic*at M llcilgnlle b 1. r Aui'caal L’.l uluu V? -ij , r. u. r, m.