The Cuthbert appeal. (Cuthbert, Ga.) 1866-1884, November 16, 1866, Image 3

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THE CUTHBERT APPEAL. LOCAL DEPARTMENT. | NEW ALVEltTlBtMEMTd. See Legal Advertisement*. Just Received —Scloinon & Aldrioh. Moro Goods—They Kcop Coming— Isaac Easley. Buggies nod Harness—Leonard & Callaway. Pleasant Residence for Sale—J F Pagg. Furnituro Room*—J A McMillan. Grand Jury Presentments. Tiie Tki-kohapii Again.—TIio mer chants and other business men of Ctitlh lw?rt : and vicinity, nro requested to meet at tho Conrt House on to-morrow (Sat. urdoy) morning, at eleven o'clock, t<» take into consideration the importance of establishing a Telegraph Office in our city. Wc hope thcro may bo n full attend ance. Com* onk! COME ALL! The Meteoric Shower l—Tho 18th and 14th inst. departed without fulfilling the prediction of certain eminent astron omers. Being dear lovers of science nnd over credulous, perhapp, ns regards tho prophetic knowledge of (so called) great men, wo lost two nights sleep in watching for tho expected shower of mo tor m, but alas! it come not in this quar ter. It may have fallen up North, where norellitt of all kinds arc so common ! But, it may be along yet, we’ll sco. The Citv CaMiTiRT.—Wo paid a visit to our Cemetery recently, nnd, al though a comparative stranger in this community, we were deeply mortified nt finding it literally turned out to tho oc cupancy of tho cattle and hogs! It looked more liko an old, nnd deserted field than anything else. T here can bo no excuse for such indiflereueo and neg- •K-et. Will not tho authorities take the mat ter in hand ? Dear friends and loved ones sleep there, whoso gruvos should not be thus exposed. “A word to tho wiso Is sufficient.'' Tin Sai'ktt or Citiiiibut.—Wo have been somewhat surpiised to sco that no roganization or preparation exists in tbii city to protect property from tho ravages of tiro to which wo are constantly ex- posod. It is’ doemod unnesessary to make an argument to convince our pco- plj that in tho present stato of things we would bo at tho mercy of tho devouring flumes in caso a tiro should break out in tho densely settled fortions of this boa tiful town ; or, that wo nro us subject to such casualties as tho people of other places situated as this is. We, therefore, suggest to the young men, that they should lint allow this im portant subject longer to remain neglect ed : nnd to those who huvo tho means, that u fow dollars expended in thtfoutfit of ono efficient firo company might be the means of saving immense quantities property from destruction. Our Paper.—As will bo readily seen by reference to our well-filled co’umns o' both original nnd selected matter, we doing our best to make “ 'l us Appeal eminently worthy of respect nnd sup jwirt. Of its typographical execution wo arc justly proud. The Proprietors and Publishers Messrs. Christian & Bnwtcll, notwith standing tho very great disabilities under which they have been compelled to labor, in the removal of presses, arrangement of new office, eta, have achieved a won derful triumph in bringing out so clear nnd neat a sheet. They luivo been climbing a ladder to roach their office for moro tlisn three weeks, and yet the work of getting up nod bringing tgit the popor goes bravely forward. Wo flat ly admiro such marks of indomitable will nnd unyielding perseverance. To our delight the ladder in question will soon give place to an elagant stairway, nnd then, to sny tho very least, tho un- dentandinj of tho whole concern, will be improved. Thankful to tho man}* kind friends who have pu'ronizod us thus fur—wo would modestly ultimate that there is yet room for as many moro. Will not our citizens rodouble their diligence in work ing fur us ? They hnvo friends ull over the surrounding country, who would perhaps, bo pleased to subscribe for the paper. Wo cordially invito everybody in the community to think of, and speak for “The Appeal.” , Htmbxial.—Married, In (hi* city, on Tueaday evening, ISUi inct, at *h» residence of Jno. it. Iliictiinao, Eu] , by tbe Her. Chat. U. Jewell, Mr P. II. Sum, and M «a L*vu L., daughter ol Uer. Bam'l Anthony, all of America*, Georgia. Wo bad the pleasure of attending the above w edding, and a more elegant affair of tho kind wc^uivo seldom witnessed. Tho beautiful bride, superbly attired, never appeared moro lovely than upon this occasion; whilst her attendants were, indeed, sylph-like, both in form and fea ture. escort alike, bore themselves with most becoming dignity throughout tho trying ordeal. The ceremony, pci formed by tho Rev. Chan. U. Juwutt, of Ameiicus, was pe culiarly impressive and captivating. Of the supper, at this writing—eleven o’clock onino evening—wo nro almost too full for nttornoco 1 It was choice, pal atable nnd abundant. Meats, cakes, fruits, nuts, candies nnd wines, wore there in great profusion. Mr. B. and his accomplished lady, did up tho honors of tho evening, in n man ner calculated to elicit universal compli ment nnd commendation from their hon ored guests. May all pari if* livo forever, sny wo. At Home.—Wo are happy to believe that our beautiful little City is fast throw ing off tho war-shackles, nnd that her past troubles nro but giving zest to ad ditional imptovements. King Cotton is honoring us with daily visits, mid his preseaeo in our streets is decidedly nni- mating. G ir merchants mo beginning to wear smilin/ countenances as of yore, whilst from behind well filled counters of new new and choice goods, they not un fre quently confront whole companies of ea ger customers. And such Goods I Bui- dom, if over beforo, hnvo wo seen so groat a profusion rf elegancies and lux- riea, ns can now bo found in Cuthbcrt. Wearable*, eatables and drinkable* nil, in endless variety, raoy bo had without much trouble, cheap, for cash. Of Dry Goods und Grocery Houses, wo would call special attention to the following firms: Messrs. Ballwin, Red ding & Co., Win. BinvyorA Co., J. MeK* Gunn, B. T. Jenkins, Dane Easley and II. 11. Jones & Co. Sco their adver tisements. "ojuds /from appearances that those gentlemen . are prepared to gratify tho tastes of the most fastidious. 01 Drugs, Books &o., wo wotfld di rect attention to tho advertisement ol Dr. T. S. l'owell. Tho Dr. is fust complet ing ono of tho largest and neatest Drug and Book Establishments to he found— outside Savannah or Augusta—in tho State. To bo convinced of tho truth of what wo sny, pay • him a visit. In his line, ho has everything from a '• I ’ill mak er,” to u “Family Bible.” Touching the Mechanic Arts, if any of our ruaders, in this community, would 'ike to have their old carriages or bug gies repaired, or purchase new ones, to gether with the harness to suit, let them fail not to call on J. A. Foster. Read his llaming card in another column. If they would purchuse Stoves, Sheet- Iron, or Tin Ware, lot them visit I). Do- Lacey & Co. Those gentlemen work hard to please, and deserve success.— Sco their advertisement. And thus wo might continue, but time and space forbid Sullico it, in addition, to say that Cuthbcrt is putting on again her former self; and, indeed, if rumors nro correct, she will soon be more thon her former sdf. When our enterprising citizens, Messrs. Tumlin & Johnston, and 8. T Jenkins hnvo completed their storehouses now in process of construction, and Messrs. .McDonald &. Dowers have rear ed their palatial establishments, for which preparations aro being made, then will our people bo prouder than over of their healthful nod beautiful city, and Ci'tiideiit as a business point be unsur passed in Bouth-westorn Georgia. Reading akd Derating Club.—Wo woul 1 kindly suggest to tho young men of Cuthbcrt, tho propriety of organizing n Heading and Minting Club, Winter will soon be upon us with its long even ings, nnd wo know of no moro rational nnd profitable way of passing tho other wise dull hours, than by reuding standard works of literature; or by debating such questions os may interest, and iiibse- qucntly develop tho minds'of our young men. Some of the brightest intellects of ■Mir country first caugfit the inspirations f genius in the halls of youthful debate where it exist! nothing is required hut effort—well directed effort*—to givo it influence and power. Como, young gen tlemen, will you act upon our suggestion? Who urn mg you w ill *bo tho / r t to lead off in an enterprise at onceso impel taut nnd so profitable ? Delay not—time is passing—speak out. More Anon. A IIAm Evesilu—Tun Concert.— On the evening of the l-fllt inst., yielding to the polite invitation of tho Pastor Rev. Win. A. Parks, wo attended tho Sab bath School Concert, given by tho Teach ers and Pupils, at tho Methodic Church, and to say that we were interested mere ly, would ho doiog grave i justice tp all parties— ire icere }>erfeetly delighted. This School numbers about 20 teachers and 180 Pupils, and tho commingling of their many sweet voices in adulations of praise to God—‘‘tho great giver of all good,” was cnrnpturiagly sublime. Wo cannot remember all tho Songs given us on tho occasion, but some of them, wo hope ■ver to forget—viz. ‘‘Wo Jbnio with songs to greet you“1 want to bo an Angel;” ‘‘Make your mark;” ‘‘Jesus loves mg;” Away to. tho Sabbath School j” “Zions Hill’*, and, last, hut by no menus least—‘‘Kind words can never die.” Ami, w ho that has a heart to feel, can witness such a scene as was tl.ore presen'ed, and not thank his beufieent Heavenly Father for tho privlcgo uf. e o doing. 0 yes, wa love to look upon the bright faces of innocent hearted children, and to hoar their merry voices, engaged in ringing tho songs of Zion. And Wo were equally pleased to see so many of our young Indies, mid young gentlemen, assisting the dear children in their constant exercises “Givo ono the heart of u child, and I fear not the is sues of I fc,’* was the ronark of one of na tures noblemen.’ But, to tho programme; Master Willie Rus ell and Elzoy Thomp son, two of the pupils of tho School, de livered very handsome lilllo speeches prepared for tho occasion. They did themselves groat credit by their'manly composure, ami distinct enunciation.— Tho first, theme, 'make your mark,” tho last, ‘The world would ho tho belter fur' it.’ Both nppiMiM-iato nnd cx< ollci t In tho wake of all these inti resting nnd stirring performances, His Honor, Judge Jno T. Clark, was introduced to the audience, nnd nfler Apologizing for lack of iircporntion because of hi* duties iu tho ( ourt Room etc. delivered certain ly, "no of the most appropriate and inter esting Sabbath School Lectures, to which Wo had ov.r before listened. His theme—‘Despise not tho day of small things’ was practically but most eloquent ly ami most effectively handled, and for about ono hour, ho held tho whole crowd, children and all, spell hound. Who that bvard him, will forget his beautiful nnd interesting Illustrations of living truths The J udge should make it* n point, ns w conceive it to be his duty, to address tho Sabbath Schools w herow r ho goes, for then indeed, would ho become alike em inently useful, both iu Chureh nnd Stale. At the close of his lecture, Rev. Mr. Parks gnvo notico that tho Biibhnlli School Library was too limited for tho present number of pupils, nnd that ho desired enough money to moot the press ing demand. Ho asked the audience for ?.*0, and ho it said to their credit, tho amount was contributed at once. Finally, before turning from tho Con cert, wo would bear our testimony to tho d stinguiahed abilities of Mr. Parks in building up and otherw ise conducting Sabbath Schools. Tho citizens ofCutli bert owe him, in this respect, a debt of gratitude which they cun never pay.— The children all love him, and now that ho is about to leave us fur Conference— to he gone peril ups forever, wo feel well n^sured that their little prayers will ac company him throughout his pilgrimage upon the earth. Jlul enough. — - ■■ «•» — The OimuiRRT Aitkal.—Wo hnvo ruccivcd Nos. 2 and 8 of this paper, pub lished at tho thriving town of Ciithhort, *m the Southwestern Railroad, by Messrs. Christian <fc Bowtell, both practical prin ters of energy and ability. Tbo senior wo know several years since, while en gaged on the Statu printing of South ('nrolina, nnd we think ho was afterwards for a time local editor of tho Macon Telegraph, Tho editors aro Rev. A. L. Hamilton, D. D , llerbcit Fielder, Esq, and Rev. Them!’ re JC. Smith, nil of CIRCULAR LETTER FROM OFN. IIOOD. Tho following circular letter from Gen. Jno. B. Hood will ho rend with in terest by tho officers and members of his old command. Wo heartily approvo ol tho design of Gen Hood, and commond his example to the imitation of other commanders: CIRCl'I.An. New Orleans, Nov. 1—Deeming it a duly to tho officers and men who served with me in the late war, to place on ie- •orJ a brief account of tho operations they performed, I have the honor to re quest all commanders of batteries, hat- allions, brigades divisions and corps to forward to me, without delay, reports of all buttles in which they were ougugyd, while under my direction. This will begin with tho companies of Virginia cavalry which I first command ed under Col. John B. Mngrudcr, at York town in May, 1801, ami pass ough the successive gradations of command to the ju-rio I of tho surrender >f the late Confederate army. I would request tho commanders of ■ach separate organization to solid, with his report, his photograph ami the pho tograph of any ono of his comrades kill- (I iu action, together .with such facts re lating to his career nnd death, as may ho interesting. All officers who served upon my stall’ o requested to furnish me with their photographs and reports of their labors n 1 observations. The following is regard oil as tho best form to embody the moat important facta: * FORM. Battle of , Date of , 180—, Hours of action, Position on field, 1 Troops on right, ( Ditgrnin Troops on left, [ if possible Troojm, front und rear, J Number of officers and men present. Names of nil complimented, \ OHirers and men in oilicial report, ) Number killed, Number wounded, Number missing, Capture of officers, men, guns nnd flags. HEWS inns? Extensive iron works aro in process of erection at Trenton, Dado county Gn. The Masons of Memphis, Tonn., are preparing to build u u.uud Musouiu Temple there. Tho rice crop of South Curolinn is es timated ut2o,(K)0 tierces—about one-tilth of the crop of 1800. Tho ladies of St. Louis nro to raffle torn lock of Gen. Luo’s Imir. My tbo* late hurricane in Nassau there weru 017 dwelling houses destroy ed mid 000 damaged, five places of wor ship destroyed ami three damaged, sev enteen warehouses destroyed, ono thea tre destroyed, ami 1,084 persons render ed houseless. Governor Humphrey, «>f Mississippi, commends that tho Legi.-laluro npnoiut commissioners to confer with tho Presi dent with tho view to release Mr. Davis on parole or bail. Tho next annual meeting of the Geor gia Conference of tho Kpisoopal Metho dist Church, will meet in Americas, on the 28lh inst. Bishop McTyoiro wi 1 preside. A dispatch received from New* Oi leans, via New York states that General Steodmim is to relieve General Sheridan in command of the Department of tho Gulf. Tho img'o Bill, eonvictod of tho mur dor of Mrs. Rollins in Wilkinson county was hung at Irwinton on Friday last.— Ho conlussod his guilt, not only in re gard to that crime, but many olliors, among tho ii tho murder of Mr. Joints R. (Tows, ticket ngont in Atlanta. 11 whole life has been devoted to robbery and murder. —far removed from the great centres of whom are writers of acknowledged abil- literal*}* attraction. Wo need not givo ity and of a somewhat extensive literary names, for they emblazon every page of reputation. 1 ho new paper is well g< i- mir country’. Iii.tnrv, from tho d..y. of , “ n “P- ° ur *»*. , wi » l '. M f '"' * j success, winch it certainly deserves.— Patrick Henry until now. Our young Savannah Daily Advertiser. thoso of any This paper has a very extensive circu lation, und oilers on this account strong inducements to thoso who hnvo business of any kind to udvertiso. men aro quite ns nohlo city on this continent, and they, ton, are exposed to quite ns many temptations as others ; lyid eioeo they uro destined ulti mutely to become tho roj reseutatives of our common country, wo would havo them, even now, go about the w ork of pre paration for tho great future. They might, in uddition to polemic discussion, devote one evening of each week to a review of their school-boy studies, such as Erg ish Grammar, Gi- ogrnpby, Arithmetic, Penmanship, etc. Same of them, pcrhiiro, were cut „bwi! po™>l>le harm rancomo of ila doctrine of • .. . .. . ; negro equality r if so, it should change m tho praMoutlon of It oho «lud,<* men- ju , S t|Jne , uff ^ , |Ut .. lioll . tinned by tho war, and now because of ago nnd stern necessity, havo neither At a meeting iu London, on tho time or money to go regularly to school., ^ l 'b*her, *'* ^vrs °f Alabama . , .. .. I State stock, it-was iinnmmnuriy agreed They have met the a.uu of tho time. n0CT[lt [>roponit i„ a of tll /r™, ur . like men, ee regard, laboring far a imp- , r u,„ Slate, offering In renew the port, btit wherefore should they neglect ! overduo bonds of the Stato nnd to give the cultivation of their intellects ? | bonds of a similar description, payable* Thu happy gentleman, and his gallant: Genius is coalitiud to uo tank, tuid in twenty years in lieu thereof. Not Evocal! to Do any Harm.—Thu New York Tribune, whose pet slogan is universal amnesty and universal sullriigo —in referring to the election ill Massa chusetts says : “A few copperheads nnd a few* ne groes are elected to the Legislature, hut not enough of either to tlo anv harm.” Does tho Tribune mean to admit that Losses of officers, men, guns and flaps. The battery, bnttullion, brigade, nnd division eoinuumders, who wore under my direction at tho battle of Gliieiumiu- ga, aro partieularly desired to send mo •jmvt* of tho ports they bore. The officers who wore thus associated with mo are to ho found engaged in the occupations of civil life from Baltimore and Si. Louis to tho Rio Grande, and 1 must, therefore, appeal to tho newspaper press to assist me In accomplishing my Undertaking, by publishing tliih circular. Irh not my intention to attempt to write a history of tho war. My nojeut is simply to (Mlloet facts with regard L military operations. It will remain for tbo historian, who shall aspire to draw a truthful picture of tho eventful ipid interesting epoch, with which 1 was somewhat connected, to assign to tho fnc s embraced in these me morials their proper place ami jus! sig nificance. 1 wish to devoto the time I can spare from my business to relate with the di rectness and brevity of a soldier, what I saw on many bnttio fields and arduous campaigns, and tho part my comrades performed. Very respectfully, J. B. Hood. Bad AkI'air.—The Macon. Telegraph gives an account of the shooting *>1 a young man named Lowis Bronson, under sad and singulut* eil*ouin*tances. Bronson, with two other young men, wore seated together, when one ol them offered to sell the other his pistol. The weapon was rodiiced nnd uxuminod, but thuru being u disagreement as to pri< «, Bronson asked to see the weapon, and it wus linn led to him. Iu examining it, he held tho muzzle to wards the owner of the weapon, who re marked to him if ho wanted to point it at any ono lie had belter direct It against himself. No sooner had thin remark been made limn Bronson pined tho muzzle against his .right tcmplo, and asked, in n jocular manlier, as the young Hit'll thought, “Shall T null tho trigger?" He was an swered that if lie dip, ho was a dead man, when, just at that moment, the pistol fired, the bull entering his skull, causing his duatli in a few moments It is Haiti that he had previously made two at tempts to kill himself, und llioreforo the act was believed to have been voluntary, ^ ho 1*4Y8 ?—Tho newspapers 're cently recorded tho faet that a Massa chusetts rnrinuluoturing company has just dec lin ed a dividend of one hundred per cent. *in a yenr’s profits, after reserving surplus enough to eulngo nnd improve heir mill. Another iinprotiint fact, bear ing u,on this point, is tho announcement *>f a woolen manu'ncturer in tho same State, that before tho war it cost Min 881 to.make a yard of cloth which lie sold for 81, and that now he sells nf $8 per yard what only cost him 8f to produce. These manufacturer* make goods for the million, nml thier enormious profits ac count, in fomo measure, for tho present extraordinary high prices of the fabrics used by tho masses. In tho faco of this stute of things, elainoripg for more pro tection, jind want higertarilf solely us a means of increasing their profits. The wants and necessities of tho poorer class es mo unheeded by these cormbronts, nnd tho uetunl cost of living is ndvuiK’cd to a standard which cuds lor immediate reform. How long will tho pcoplo he satisfied with Radical lulu V—.Yew York World. &a>’ All the machinery for nil exten sive silk manufactory is now in San Fran cisco, and w ill scion he put up in some plucc in close proximity to the Bay. It is calculated that ono hundred and. fifty operatives will bo employed. BffiuA thou-nml cavalry Ikhsupassed through Kun-n-t Gity Inst week for Fort Riley. A ft»w days since General Custer pntsod throgh thb same point- He hoi bo “ti put in command of tbo Department o r Kansas, wih hendqunrteia at Fort It ley. It is surmised that this means active hostilities. TRADE I M P R O AT Just lieecived. Ctri’ERIOR FAMILY FLOUR, f om hew While ^ WbrtU; • / Clio co I!AWN HIDES; •• I.Mil): ItAGGINO mid ROPE; l.ifht-ho iso iit'ii eipliiMve Oil. | II at CrMKl-.SK: X1ACKKRKI. l.tbbt*. nml kit-: Will I K Flaili ONIONS; *HAl,T j MEAL} Tim Tery best ■-title of TEA nml COFFER, *11*1 er«rjiliii>n «l*» uiaii ur «\imiua nLtua lo buy In <>.t nr wi'ttr f or |,|uat«lioU pUrpriW*. o'ft. BiirDif J McK. GUNN. House and Lot FOB SAI.E. IT, Lot ol Five Acu-h. Miitjuiud ill tbu o«nlrul put film tlti ivinfr 'unn t f OntnbMt, w*-» rti-ai Clucch ci. HiIii oIh mid Cmitl 11■ U-o. AUn, 5" aorv* of 1‘ji.e Luuil"Mi>arat«lr. novy.«t II. M MOREL. Just Received. I^IFTEFN Thmuand p-timd* FLOUR—worrnn- I Inl bi'.l • |uni11V. iitMllir. id llAFO V—Sido*. ■ml M.ickt-rul■ ■ bbl.e, half da. 0ml Frc*li h i> FISH -While IciH. HAGUINfl and ItOI’E, novltol ISAAC EAHT.rVH. C o m m o r c i a 1. CI’TIUIKIIT* PltK’1‘2 CrilHENT. Corrected Wookly nr ME03r.B. BALDWIN, REDDIN0 A CO, Warehouse' and Commission Mu chnuh. CtmuiKRT, Oa., Nor. l.tlh IPOO. COTTON - Onirg to Itie gtrat decline In lliia or I'Jo tberr baaloen very lilllo ofloring during Ibo past week. Wo qut.lo Middling 25; (I»o4 Mid dling fi om 2’>T to 26; Fancy 26.' { to 87tf. ^ Axoa. per box, f: Huron llmiii, per lb., SSutSe Side i, 83a30c Hhnuldom, 8U1C0 ,4- , Uuuiiv, d taBOo Dumteo, t'm l '>r Hoeanax. per lb, VBoU'k! UrnouiH per di *, fLAJui) llnlltr, por lb— Country, 8 n n"*.c (1 Ill'll on, WluTi'o CofTee— Prima Rio, f'bif'c (load “ 83.4.‘o CIimu, por lb— Fngliib l>»iry, 80»88o N Y. Hluto, 26*2 I'ino Apple, 4oal , t.’und leu, por lb— Slur, Aduin.mtino, H.’m t*'e I'arafine, 7t**73o Colton Yura, |ier bunch S, - *3.1 A la, in. 96 19. $U Cotton Curds, perdnz Wbilnmrc, flliL*. tin. •• tl8ul3.60 Cracker*, per lb— UuUcr, 19»20o Sola, IHiSOc Cuntiy, por lb— Slick’, MWirtod, 8304"c Fancy, 4«m7'.c C gorr, per M, Vine, f • 2i» I Medium, ta.m Coil m m, t6»S lluign mid Dirs — quinine, per < x. ft Opium, I’oIuhIi, euro, pr bx, Aile ludigi, pro*. 26c Mad ler, pr lb, 6i’c llliio Hioim, pr lb, Anc Solis, pr lb, 16c Dry (lootla, per yd — IHcachlng<, ‘.’Su.lOc Donmallcs, 26*67 Io t lltvnrliiiig.fl.r.Ojl.73 l*i-4 Domta, f i. I Tiekiiig*, 4‘iui’, 1 I’rint*, ld*26o F our, | cr bbl— H.ipnllne,,', Family. |I6i»17 Extra do, * fl7u9<) Fiuiii, per |KHind-- Applou, HulOc I'oicl.on, leal'Ju Fi*h— Muckorol,bbl, fl3«18 •• bbl, f.:.o'j7 •• kjia, f t if .76 Con, pr bbl, (none) SirditM i., pr bx, 4e«7,.o Wbito Fiali, —— drain, per liuahel— While Corn, f|,7,*Mit.R0 t o!tow do, fl.d3ul.76 data, fl.miuUM din**, per box — (Inn Powder, per'lb- Uupot.iV, 76*8ro llu/.ad 'r, 7*‘«7-'r Leatbcr unit Slioo 11 tid ing«, par lb—, No. i, raitao No a •* 2.-.B30O Upper. O.inS *o Calf »kiim,piece,fd.63ud l.minga, f942.23 Hindiiiga, f inU 93 !’•«'. por gul’u, liOuSOc Tin ead, pr dux. f j.6Ru-l l,umber, pii At — Oioin, $13 Kiln dried, 17 L’lpora— Hr mid v, Wleaky, Rum, din, Wlnoa, por gut— Pori, fi Ubarry. Mulngd, 8.8084 Chaiiipugnc, pr dot, pta, I Sain M .Inane:*, per gallon— Coimly.Ciibacuiie *'i>j#t Norglium, 76aH3o Me»t, per biiMie', f 1.76 Nulla, i or keg — <d, floats 6d, 10.26all.6. lid, 12ul2 36 |7al2ul6 9a 12 t-XlO, 10x13, 12x14, 12x1*1, I4xld, Idxls, 12x20, 17*9 fsulo fl.lall 12d, l! 2"d, P. O.Ubml Pair. In, per gal Lard Oil, —- Roiled Linseed, f3*3.26 O-l dll, I 2681.60 Train do, 2 75*3 CiiHlor do, 3.60*7 White Lead, in oil, per cu t, ti*s Elno, IdultJ yd,S8aU9o Peanut*, dr Un, flat.S3 Poluali, pr lb, 29u26o Polly, •• I i Rice, " pjulUe, Soil, per nook— I. liorj«)ol, fl.25a*. Virgin Iu, 6*3 26 Sallpelic, pr lb, DOuOUi Hhol, pr rack- Orop, #4.50*5 Illicit, 4 73ii3:' SiiuH', pr lb, ).40ul/> S|.Ue.«, pr lb, (Incut 1.23 Snip*, per box uml lb — Wliulion'er, 11,'jil.'* Tii'penti e, I4aldc Tulle*, pr bur, iOcuf 1 Hug ir, | or lb— . A, 211*25 u II, 2lu24c C. 20*230 Yel'oir, lHaSIc 1 n bi I, Itolinod, 2Nu83o T.ibacco, per pound — Fiae, f 1.7602 1,26*1.60 6* >*7 6s u,3u5oo To The Public. J 1HEKAI. adranra* mane no Cotton consigned -J lo my Hiemlsiu New Yoik JOHN riARDY. novOlm Culbbrrt, U». J. II. Zeiliii & Co., NVirOLKSALH AND RETAIL POTASH, KAOlH.i: IIAd4, WU1TB LEAD, GLASS, PUTTY, Z PEPPER, FI’ICI VAUNIsIlEH, PUNTS, OHS, HUAI'S, E o., Etc., Etc. Druggists, MACON, GEORGIA. r«v9 8m How to save a Dun, pOMK round to FOSTER'S CARRIAGE SHOP V ' and nude lip your Hen.unt wiib him, fur ho is needing money very iniicti jurl unw In keep lip biiRinot*. You will all w nt him tn work for you *nm, but lie cun’t do it unle<* vnu *osf«in him.-- lle fniU it delicacy in dunning hi* friend* liw ilieir little «b«p bill* tbnt'ought tube payed promptly, m. bo thinks lha hireling might to be worthy of bi* meat. I'leane cull in and rvliero hi* present necossitits. octsatf J. a. foster. Please be Patient, FELLOW CITIZENS, A ND in a very limit time ire will bare, nnd t\ill endeavor lo keep coiiHtintly cn hand, ull the FAMILY GROCERIES well that wo could not keep forersl of the leading aitlele*. W« are now locoivirg anppliea nlinoal daily, nud having 11 n jx-.t-rienced buyer in N a York City, wo expect weekly suppliM of every thing that a j. n. sum CHERRY STIiRKT\ MACON, GA. TN Clmarnt^wo of tha GREAT l)KM A Nil for ' C3rX*00©ri©l3 PROVISIONS, ..... a- Help, * * t’KUM'TI.Y. FAMILY 610CIRY nmiire*. Wo t.iiv for Cmb nnd sell for Cash at a rmall ad- rnneo :>ii Now York cart. Tlioae wishing anything in our 'iue of buaiticM will pleasu oali *1 our ainra on the North-cult corner nl the public ‘,Cntli bert, Ga., nnd we will endramr to arcniomndale them. 11. II. JONES A CO. noyjttf f hntf found It nriwwarr t<> employ moi that mr ouaiowera cap b; waitui un I’K' I uni now receitliig tluily, luiee aildltinns, to my Stock. Mytiurebaae* bein’}' ffn-de North for rnSi, enables m.G.rgtra HKKAT HAhtl.VlNS. I Ua** n lurgu supply *4" ... Flour, Uucon und Lard, Hngnv, ttiienn and Salt, I legging. Rope ami Twi"e, ^Mackerel, Cl we**. Huikwhaa', Flour, Itjce, So»p. Csndl. s. Slan t., P. pper.'tTi'c*, Surd Iff** Lobt'ers, PUftrtca, Mokurics, in bbils. nnd bbl*- Heel N. O. Syrup, in omrgls. Vinegar Si-ed Wheat, Soi*«mt UwU*T Cra**r>s, With *lmn*l*reiyilong, can bj mooed m u.y lorn. (livo mo.» call and l promi-e t*> do nan' *i"i Ihnse who |fciininfxo me. I sell In uny (jUkiHlty to ! AlV KK08 NAILS, •*»'>!k'Ubw*. *t ; 100 J- N. cKYMOUlt'rf. Liquors. R UM. gin mid W|UHRY, iu,bur«Ia ajd cute*, VVh'fi, i„ a. POITTBU nnd ALE, Voluble lei , j. it. b^vsii 250 Boxes and 1-2 Boxes ■\r*Biuns e.iKw.Kii Tunuioy- V have Kt-in'o Uu*e He I, Vr iih other u*>i«l brand*, which I oflir at prices. Look I i it mu Want * bargain. J. N. HKYMOUR. Snuff, Cigars & Smoking Tobaooo. O F the 1IEST quality. Also, M.-dfti n and Low. er (I miles of <*igan* and Smoking Tub icon cun be found at such pricM u oairnot v. nle iw. . Call uu J n N. SEYMOUR. 20 linles I- i Aim-on and Augusta Sheeting, c* Wholesale and Retail. r WTftfT iraimnnr ndi'niuaia ihti F-*eit at both WHOLESALE und RET A If.; it being mcosmiry lb t Inirer* ah un Id be *erred bys'.iiu ono—there being *0 many houw* o.n’llni 'g ihrir business to the wholesale Grocery and PioriaTjin l.usiueai. *udf have the force to on all who call on me, and Irtifnd lo Hrfplo* Ol* h* <Mt>ugb «•» wail on my customer* if it should becoim ..coe-sury miphir I am rmatlin* as I mar as any ,_,i*o in the city, and uuly eburgj a fair c»mmi**inu to wlm!v*alti buyer*. Come and too. J. N. SEYMOUR. n*»vi-4t Notice. WILL be **>ld before the Cmrl Ifmnu door, in (he <• ly ol Cuthbcrt, on tbo llrat Tile Air In !>*• rentli r nrx*. the Home und lr»t whereon Ibe said ,1. j). Puw.'ll now occuj.iea as a privuiu rtrjdunno ill lha aitvi.f Ciilbbert. levied on In satliify a A fn, isimsl fhftCminl v Court nf It uidolpl. county in fume ol Juba Rnidiak ra. J. D.J’owrH. W. 0. CONLEY, norS'da HlfT.C C. tsO'TICE. WILL bo aolil, beftiro the Court House door, in the city of OilHibait. *>u Ibe Ilrst T'leaday ia D- ceviber next, ibe meant Lot whareort (ha Htri|K>d I lidding Ni.Mid, lying on Ilia North aula of il.e public square. Iwriad on (<> auliMy a fi (1 loaned Irnm Ibe County Court of Randolph enim'y, in fu ror of C. b. Woo tad r*. ifotmec Power*. WM O. CON IKY. nnrStda U'ft. 0. 0. KI'.CIIKIIICK J. CONAST. C0NANT & YOUNG, COTTON FACTORS g'v'.il’, FINANCIAL. Ext-hungeon New Y’ork pai Oolil, boring, I t ' I Sil»or, Ion mg, |:i:j " MUlug, 145 J •* atslimg, 13? HANK NOTES. Hank Slate Ocorgiu, 16a I Eastern Hunk Ala., 40* “ Coluinbns, Me I Muti. e Hank, hot Farmeia AMcctianicali v | Muiiulueiureia U*k, iu, Monctcry ami Cominciclnl. Manor, Nor. 14.—There were moro **lea of on to 1 to day Ilian yesttrduy, notwillislundiiig the petre w*a not *0 g .od ns it wa* then. Strict Middling brought 2s ouuta with a downward tendency. Atlanta Not. 14.—Colton—Market b*« declined Leant. We quota: Midtllmg .24 Adopsta, Not. 12.—Tbo gold uiurkel is dull and declinmg 0*.IU Hrukera nrn buying at 118, selling at 144, Silver—llfulur* mo buying at 140, and selling ut 144, Savannah Nor. 12.— Colton—Market boa been dcpiesaed. N. Y. Middling, Claudio. CilAiiLBlTog, Not. 12.--The cotton rraikel hna been more act ire at a decline of 2u. Iu.ui IboliigbcHt rata*. Middling ■"> c- Cincinnati, Not, 12.—Corn—Opened dull, but cloAcd firmer *t 65 ccota. PrpTia onidntl. Oroeeriei unset llwl. Wbukey iu fair demand at lie. St. Inji ii, Not. 12.— Colton—Lewar at 31J ,'a32c. Apophta. Nov. 18.—O0M00—The market to-day was very dull—tranaactioua not aullio.eut to wur rant quoluliens. Suit* to duy 93 bales, at from 32* j to 34 cent*. Smv Yomc, Nor. II.—Gold 114^(. Exchange 0 i{. Sight 1*1; • Moiiii.r, Nin. 14.— Co'ton arles to diy 2 0 bale*. M.UJlinga 33 cents. Muikol veiy dull. 89 South Street, Now York, I y\Y clere nnd j»ir*fenlar attention In sale* of Colinn, Tobacco, Wont, Hid..#, ale., etc . nnd tbu purebaae uf March undue of every dcaciiptinn. nkriiuKCHi: 1 McK. OIJN.V, Cuthbcrt, Ga., W. II. YOUNG. C.tlnmbua, (la., ATKINS, DUNHAM A CO.. te lact»il•(.lu. Fla., IIS, Etif u!», Ala, nnv2tf NATIONAL HOTEL, (Cor. Whitehall Street and Ml. k A, Railroad,) Atlanta, Georgia. PRATT, POND A COREY, Proprietor*. A Newly Erected, Conimodima, Fir*t clusa llo- J\ tel, elegant It furnished throughout. I'ino lltlli.ini I’urlor with I’ln-Un tablet. liar ■looked with choice Liquor* und Win***, J5f**Special arrangement* made for Hie nrcom- modal h.n of Familiee. nor a 3m BROWN'S HOTEL, Op\mile Depot, MACON, : : GA. E. E. BROWN & SON, nor2*3m Paprwrroaa. C iEOKOIA, Rani.oi.pii CorNtr. — Ilenrv Ed- M’ waid*, Administrator on the ealnte of Henry Ilobba, hnring applied for l.' iter* of Dl’njitMon, ail peranna imeroatad we umdled to fl!e (heir nbjuc- lions, if *nv. by ibe next May teim of tho Co..rt of Ordimtry lor said county WM. 1). KIDDOO. nov2-0m Ordinary. Notice. WILL ba aolil, beforo Iho Court Home Don-, In the city of Ciitbbeit, on the Tuesday in Im.u nrr next, helrreen Ibe lawful boor* of Mile, ail the g «wn Crop cf the aald John Oun ton, loried on to rat in « u m<>r*gigc Ii fu, in f«vor of G. M. Dun oun v*. John C’ouii.'on. W. C. LOXI.F.Y. po\9td BIO. u. c. Notice. WILL bo sold, hif.irc the Cnu-f Honse door, in* Ibaeity of CiUbbart,on tbo Hr«t Tnwliy iq,De cember ncxi, all Ilia grown crop of ibe*.id Thoma* II. R.g.o. eonslsliiqf of Colton, Corn. Poddor and part pi one two-horse Wagon. Levied on tos*Ji-fv two Ii fas, irwued from tbe Sup<rior Court of Ran- dnlpb Oouulv; ono in furor or R.'cbai-d K. I) in' »*. w A. Ragan, tbe nth *r In farm- of Johu McK. Gunn va. Thoulka A. Rigan. WM. O. CONLEY. nnv2lda S| oelai Hep. Shari IT. SAJ.1JOF I AND, WILL Ire Hold at public outcry, f lie llrat Tuesduv in December naxt. *• Culhberl. Hu, on* b»ifdrel nnd fifty acre* of Land, number sixiarn, in the sixth (lialrict id Randirlp'l ceit'iir, S xly Acres pre pared far colllvfttii.n, with gwd dwelling a'c., place adi iiuli it Seaborn Irey. J IO v2-!m JARED It,WAN. BOIUIIA, Ranuolpii Comfrir.—JMm Af. YJ Cheab'ro having nnnllel ftw tellers of Guar- dt*n*Uip of Mart 0., WlUy K. and Puma C. F. Miller, minora, all peranna intrrral d aru npnfied in (Ha Ibeir nbjrptiuns, if sny 'hi v bar#, by fti* next December term of the Court nf Ordinm-v for said WM. D. KIDOtlO. ni.vU-liu Oidinaiv. r fKOUtllt, Rakdolpii CofNvr.—Josh Hrrnks, ) AdinlnLirsinr, e'e., no ibe e*u'r • f Marfin .1. Hrown, dateoiwd, baring made a lor la va lo resign bialruM, and lor the ai'nfdblmsni id D. rid S. Hr>.wn, Admin-sirator In bi* and. aoliee i« given to "II interested dial Ida 1 Uplift.t. n will bo considettd nl the next DecciuLer term of the Court of Ordinary if taid county. WM. I). KIDDOO, r.ov2 2m Ordinary.^ f 1 LORO I A, CoVNir.—Jnaiah J. Hot. U etl, hav.iog applied for Leite a "f a u.niiatra- lioil, do bnnls uon, on tlio eatide of u e bmp Ad- »ms. deceased, all* interes'cJ am n«i 8*d In lit* their nl jsriii.ns, if any they h vr, by the next Decembar tarn Ol tbo t'ou't of Oidli arr far aaid county. nort-1 m CevgtV John William* ing applied for Letter* of (jinrdi»'.«bl|. »f Ha rat. J*na. Kuiitll, Cbarl). U-t» ce K., John W. and Wile.v Joiner, minora, not : Ce is gi»en in ull 1.1- leiealed, ihal his a[plienilnn will be considered :,t tha rtcx\ l)ec«tnberl«nD if Ik* c.m.t nf Oidinaiy, for paid couoly. WM. D. Kl 01)00, n 1* 2- COd Ordinary. r lF.ORGIA, RanboM'I* CouaTT — Hcrab L llnl. J mv, Adiniaisiialnx, im Hie cau'e "f J art* L I'U icy, having uppli«l f.r l.-uera of DLinlaan.n, all per* in * in ie rested nra n*.'.lied to Hie tJu>r . b j.-ctmm. II ibu mxl Miy larin ol tbu L'ouii ut Oidiiiu r for aaid county WM. D. KI noon. * tori Cm Urd'.naiy.