The Cuthbert appeal. (Cuthbert, Ga.) 1866-1884, November 30, 1866, Image 2

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£!)c ICutljlfcrl Appeal. iTULIRUKD EVERY FRIDAY MORNING BY CHRISTIAN A BAWTELL FDITOIIS* JUr. A. U HAMILTON,!). D., HKHBEHT TlELDBB, U«*. Tifttto. X hiU'i'll, A- M. FlilDAY, NOVkI PASSING EVENTS. I In 1 lie two hist issues nl IboAppcul, we I huy<* been trying in n modest wny, to I pay our respect* to an enlightened pub- I l*o sentiment, tljTon the political status of our country, and to draw aside, by a (slow and enutinna nnnlysis of thologic of ! occurring event#, the dark Vail that seems [ to {lUacuro’ tho public vision, and present | u fair ami just coimJ union us to tho louu- NT •; • ; dntion of our uUernulo hopes mid fears, Htl 110, 1800. 1 When we^ncot a man who is not nc* ~ hinted by poasi n or prejudico,and thuo- RlaANKti.vWo JjftVO Oil Imiul H| fore cannot only reason calmly upon Ids Icit of miiliilile illnnU for con- e*|»rlcnco nnd obi-ei-viglim, W m-t U|H>n trading Will. Xrvcdmiill lor ,1 IC; h « roadx.ion., wo ooll i. - ; ™U. . ° and praoticnl man. If Ins conclusions OUPtltfjg tear. | arc correct, and In* has tho proper oner* , , . , .< uy and application, ho will generally Lol everybody subscribe , 1 , ., J J prove to be a successful man. if expo- foP Tl!E APPEAL. We art* tit:- rieoco suggests, that a certain lino of terminal to moke it second toi“'' f " d ‘" , K“" u " “'" l no paper in ll»c Stflte. hope of liberty as wo learned ! t from our that in this respect Cu'.hbsrt has but few fathers, go down in n red tido ofrevolu- • cciiuiIh and no superiors. tif»n» What ehristian patriot cannot! Then \vd appeal to you by every con- pray tlmt this bitter cup may pass ? and siderntion ol interest and duty to rally wbo that has thought mlah ortho unfit- i to this school, build it up, sustain it by nets of our countrymen for self govern- y our sympathy, your encouragement merit, doe* not hope for permanent good ! » n d your patronngo, and lloiveo will beyond the dark sea of blood and flume reward you—God will bless ycu with that seems to hong spread out behfro the moans—tho future offspring * of us'/ your growing mid uncduc..tod diiugh- ,,, tors will not only cull you blissed, but . ° '"' p '"' l ”T ^ will receive in full measure the Bonder. tl.« poblwM throat of :impa»lnacd j fu| „ dvu „, ng0 „ f boing rc „ red nnd lruIn . ed liy educated mothers. Northern leaders to impeach the Presi* dertt ujion tho msembliag of Congress ; At to any other hostile demonstration that has method and design in it—except that they tend to show that Northern po litical socio'y is unhinged, und that their •’cep is again troubled by bloody ghosts, unit their waking reveries agitated by Our rules ore rcasomible. Give im your Ausnt.—W, B Jordhtf# our niithor- i/ud agent at Gvorgetown, Quitman comity, Ga. VC AdvertisemetitN must he hand- nl i;i by Thursthiy morning to secure insertion. MB’* Jefferson Davis has been remov ed from his casemate to more convenient npnilincnls in Carroll Hull. vc The Georgia Animal Confer- moo-fit the M. K. Church, South, is now in session lit Americas, Ga., Bishop Me- Tve'rd, presiding. Ql JWAN Col NTT. —Wo publish, Witli pleasure,'the Presell munis of the Grand Jury wf lkin county, and cull nltentioii to the Complimentary notice they contain of Judge (TuHk, mid our neighbor and fiieud Muj. T. D. Stewart, tho Solicitor General of the Pntuulu Circuit. 1PY. Wo nro delighted to see from tho pnpeis that ''Washington College, M over w limit General Lee presides, and the Mil itnry Institute, where sleep the rcmuiim of titonuwntl Jackson, are both filling up with toting men from every part of tho Uiiind Hi iitcs. These institutions ms located si Lexington, cjno of the loveliest mid moat Imuutifui little towns in tho Valley of Virginia. Our school hoy life was spept there, and Wo know whereof we speak. I IIRB Ut KUJTAULA. Wo deeply regret to learn that bo tween 0 and 7 o'clock, on tho oveuing of tho 27th instant, fire broke out in one of ths handsomest blocks ofluick buildings ill Ttuffulii, Ala., and before the flumes coidd lo arrested, Notwithstanding cv ei y expedient possible was resorted to for that purpose, the entirn block was consumed. Ily this terrible disaster, sonio of tho merchant* In the place hnv suffered most severely—among them Messrs.'Bray & Urn., Hardware Mer chants; MuGlnty Jit Smith, Druggists; II. HUcIi, Dry floods Merchant^ and M Lazuron, Dry Gumls Murchant. Heveral others, whose names Imvu raped us, nrcrqiml suffurors. And last, hut hot least, the News ofliuo Was on tirely destroyed. We heartily sympa thize with out friend of thfe quill, und fondly Iiojki that, Plurnix like, he may soon come fm th frmu the ushes—purer mid better Hutu ever. We have not yet been informed of nil ths pnrticulura of this wholesale burn ing, Kufaula Is one of the most beau- tendency, no one but u blind or reckless man wi I continue in that course; and those w ho do, w ill gencridly fail in busi- Iickh. Thm truth is npplicuhla to com munities ns well as individuals to n cer tain extent, and to the full extent, where nil the people nro m inuted by n common sentiment mid pur; use, und therefore pursue n common course of conduct. While wo do jiot propose hero to draw any detailed nrinlysis of our histo ry from this general theory, wo mention *no or two lending fen lures. TT.rough the Influence nf parly • rgnni zations. mul-ol ollieq and place upon our loading iMUtls, wc submitted too long l*i sectional cucruhchmonl: und it is believ ed by ninny of our wisest mid purest men, that when wo inndo it up in our minds to resist, or cease submitting, We ne ed with two much husto and precipi tation. At this pci iod of our history it is perhaps not w ithin tho rmigo of proba bility, that any of iih enn deeido without doubt, tlio truth or error of this conclu sion. But there is one more Hourly con nected with our present status, mid more vital in its effects upon our destiny, to ftldch tho public mind in tho Mouth •(guns rapidly tending; und that i^thut when vanquished, wo submitted w ith top much of that lubordinntion, more politic perhaps than real—at nil events, more In accordance with our views of interest, than the promptings of our manhood, and nioro from imaginary than real nc*. ccssity. Wo looked to tho Federal Union ns the only "city of refuge" from persecu tions, the dark shadows of which con- ktuiilly haunted our confused vision, ntid Wore infinitely more terrible to tho imag ination, than war hud been in reality.— J.iko ship-wrecked sailors, we grasped tho rope tiling to ns by tho benignnut President of tho United Htntes. Wo citing to it with hope, tlmt tho conrorvn- tivo people of the North would come to bis relief, and aid him in his gonorous ef forts to restore us to tho old ship upon which wo hud ho long nailed ; and with hitter fears, lest tho surging waves of "radicalism" that constantly beat upon us would wrench nsfintn his iron grasp mid overwhelm us forever. Wo have seen thu black storm clouds gather, one after another—wo huvo heard their quak ing thundcVH, and have soon them dis charge their ruin mid hail upon the bond of ibis devoted man, and hitherto, not withstanding tho fierce winds and the fiercer anger of tho gods, he has stood firmly, and breasted the storms. With n firm right hand, ho holds to tho staff of tho old constitution, mid flares tho tatter ed folds in tho faces of bis assailants. Its colors are blurred liy ruthless ami re- pented violations; its tnlismniiio power is fur tho present, nnd wo fern*, forever gone; but Andrew Johnson seems firm iu pm pose shall still shield ami OUR STA1E LE01BLA1URE. Wo give below n list of acts passed by each House during the present session, together w ith tho Deport of tho Legisla tive Minority Committee on the county Court, nil of which will doubtless prove that kind of passion which ekcltoa to | interesting to our renders", imirrido law, und diwegard tho nulhori- Tin, hill lo inurease Ilia foes oflho ty of its officers. Wo do not look for ei- j Jnilor of Baldwin county one hundred thor faction to bring on nnydulib-: per coat, was passed, eruto or methodic net. It must lie some unl«*okcd for locnl collision, that wi' tiful little t-ilwe in tlio Houthi Rn( t her citizens nro unusually clever. Wo fod' pr«itoet his country, living, or dying it idiall he hi* ami her winding sheet ll»< is not n t ovolutioti’st. IIis power HOMICIDE. for good in these extraordinary times On Momluy lost during the session of i seems limited to the province t fiuuson for them in-their present distress. hike the sensation in asses in an evil hour — when unawares, tiio gates of Janus will bo suddenly thrown wide open. ANDREW FEMALE COLLEGE. While tho columns of our paper nnd our personal influence have been, and wo trust may continue to ho, devoted to the advancement of learning, nnd tho vari ous enterprises mid improvements in our midst, wo fed it n special duty, in view <*f tic conditional interests of our city, and the surrounding country, to suit tho attention of pnrcLts and guardians to. Imlitulion, While wo purpcsoly bear a joint responsibility for nil our ed itorial productions, it is duo ii]miii motives of delicacy nnd propriety, to exhonomte our gifted ussm i.itc, tho IVcbidunt of Andrew Female College, from any cred it or censure on account of ibis notice. We havo u number of schools in ope ration, ami prospective in our city—all of which have our kindest wishes for llivir success. For if there were no higher motivo to prompt our good wish es, thnt of tho general advancement of tho cause of learning nnd improvement w ere amply sufliciunt. In regard to this particular institution, we think it inny he said without the fear ol being called in question upon tho charge of undue per sonal or locul bins, tlmt thcro is not u town or city in the Houththat would not feel prgud of such an honor and orna ment. Thu press, to whom Dr. Hamil ton is extensively known, tho many lito- rnry gentlemen with whom ho has been associated iu the pust, the di.- tinguishod ollloors with •whom lie served in the ur- my, tho people of every State and com munity whero ho bus resided, speak but one hurnioiiioim voice ns to bis ability, energy, urbunity und true manhood— while thu devotion of teachers and pu pils to l.ts person, bespeaks a literary tin. clous, tlmt is hunting iu Cuthbcrt, that is destined to grow und widen until it shall pervade this whole South-Western country, nnd until Andrew Femido Col- lego will become a common centre, to which nil true sources of learning nnd order will point os a jewel. If uubnund- od energy, u high stuudurd of ubility, u tnitid gifted by nature, embellished by learning, nnd strengthened by long expe rience ; a heart full of sympathy for our race, and strong with the steady pulsa tions of honor nnd fidelity--it these charnetoristies nro any guaranty of suc cess, and we think they nro—if the peo ple who nro interested shall rightly ap preciate them, und wo think they will. Bill to amend the charter of 4h< Great Southern Insurance Company Parsed. Bill to change tho county lino of Twiggs nnd Wilkinson. Passed. BUI to incorporate the Memorial Ait soeintion of Deaden. Passed. Bill to facilitate tho sale of retd estate in Georgia, nnd to cnaourngo immigra tion lo the State. Passed. Bill to regulate enmpliunting in Irwin county. Passed. Hill to repeal thnt portion of the law which allows persons charged with crimes to be committed for trial in the county whero nrrn*tcd. passed. To mn’ro valid contracts of apprentice ship nm«!o under auspices oflho Freed men’s Bureau. Passed. and witnesses, mi unnecessary consump tion of limonnd money; that tho trial of important cases nro seldom final, nnd the same cases have to undergo another trial by nppeul or certiorari in the Supe rior Courts; nnd, in enses of cortioruri, those eases are often sent back for anoth er trial in the County Court, ull at uddi tionnl expense; that in eases for fifty dol lars ami leu*, plaiiltifls aro enabled, by suing in thnt Court, to impose on de fendants heuv icr costs, at least to the amount of the Stamps, and to bring them from remote portions of tho county ut u heavy expense to defend small cases.— All this nf a time when,from the general poverty of the people consequent upon a Jong term of service spent iu our lute armies, nnd this destruction of proj>erty caused by tho Into war, nnd tho breaking up of our labor system, nnd tho heavy taxation imjjosed on them, they ure the leust able to bear it Another serious objection to the Court is. Hint it lowers tlio dignity of judicial trials nnd breeds petty strifes, which would never find their way to the flufie rior Court*, 'ft.o strongest ground of complaint with tlio people is tho extent of jury duty, and tlio expense nnd con sumption of time consentient thereon.— To r medy all these evils the undersign ed recommend that the law * rgani/.ing tho County Courts ho so amended as to divest those Courts of jurisdiction in all cases requiring n jury trial The creation of County Courts grew out of tho apprehension that, ns a conse quence of the termination of the war, mid tlio emancipation of slaves, small of fenses would largely increase, aud that tho quiet and prosperity <,f the country would require speedy trials and prompt punishments, and that tlio County Courts would try apcodlly and punish prompt- This apprehension was well founded* nnd to n considerable extent tho County therewith connected to the Superior Coujta of the several counties in this State, and it shall be tho duly of tho Su perior Courts to hear and determine the same : and nil civil cotes over a Justices’ Court jurisdiction shall, in like manner, be transmitted to tlio several Superior Courts; mid all eases then undisposed of under a Justices’jurisdiction; shall he, in like manner transmitted to the Jus tices’ Court in the county having juris diction of each defendant, ipili case Hindi, in like manner, ho transmitted to tho Justices’ Court in the militia district including the county site. Sec, Jl. In criminal cases to ho trans ferred ns aforesaid, whero defendants are under recognizance to appear at tho County Court, said recognizance shall compel their attendance from term to term of thu Superior Courts, nnd it) de fault thereof, said recognizance shall be forfeited in the same manner as if it had been taken for the dppsnrnnce of tho ac cused to said Superior Court, See. 1. Be it further enacted, That nfter thli I o extend tho time for I ax collectors (: our t* |, nvn me t these expectations, hut to make their final returns, (tune 1st of. _ . - • - March next. IVsed. To regulate pay of jurors in Meriweth er county. 1’iiHHed. Bill to reduce the pay of tho members of tho General Assembly. Lost. Dill to compel Judges of tlio Superior Courts to read their decisions in open Court. 1’asscd. Bill to prevent tlio distillation of ce reals till tlio next session of tho General Assembly. Passed. It.II in extend tho timo of settlement with the collectors till lit of February. I’llSM.-d. Mr. McWhorter, of Oglethorpe, to do- lino the obligations or contracts made oV entered into on the basis of negro prop erty. (By tills Aet, all contracts, liens, mortgages, etc , contracted on tho basis of bIuvo property prior to the 1st of June, I Win, to ho null nnd void. All other obligations inndo prior to said 1st of June, to be paid tiro rata on tlio pro portion w hich tho slave property of the debtor lias to his other properly ) The hill to ultor tlio law iu relation to bills of equity was passed- Bill to alter section 3,-tOl of thu Code, l’assed. Bill to reduce the Sheriffs bonds of tlio counties of Butts. Pike, Crawford, Clayton, Paulding, Polk, Haralson, Screven, Bulloch, Troup, Heard, Car- roll, Ilenty, DoKulb, Gwinnett. Dough erty and north to S 10,000. Passed. Bill to repoal section 0 ft) r.nd amend section 011 of tlio Code. Passed.— (This makes the election of Public Prin ter biennial.) Bill to enable counties to raise money to rebuild theil court bouses and jails by tho issue and sale of boil Is. Passed. To prescribe a day for all elections by the General Assembly. Fussed. To proscribe the residecnco of corpo rations Pawed. House resolution appointing Mrs, Hel ena Dawson, of Atlanta, Ga, an Agent for the collection (fffunds fol the Orphan's Home, was agreed to. Mr. J. A. \V. Jo! nson, a bill to provide for raising by iotteiy, money for tho edu cation of orphans of deceased soldiers. Omthe'ittth inst., in tho Senate, tho bill to exempt from levy and sale certain »ro|K*rty of every debtor in tlio Stat wus taken tip, and passed by a voto _____ *2*2to 14. The bill, ns passed exempts limn tho any lo not ilirtimt wli™ tl.i. I llU ! ,,f ^ llb J Lund kitchon furniture, professional books, College will l*o proudly worn by South Western Georgia us a wreath to nrcli her honored brow. risdiction s net shall go into effort, the ju- n <f tho Justices’nnd Superior the Superior Cotfrl of Terrell county, in the piawtn of Mr. Balwin’s store ut Daw son in which house the slayer was n clerk, and law. If involution is precipitated ho \Vill retire with tho consciousness of having done and endured nil thnt man Mr. Wm, Jirowor & young man whose cqultl. Jo to s.»vo his country from ruin, parents reride in Gi itlin Ga. with u pat- j by measures of peace. If the sword i*t tol, shot Mr. ItufiM Martin u carriage 1 to l># wishhtl liy briber against brother, maker of Dover, Terrell county, the hull tho blood (hut shall flow will never he cut ring the nock just above tlio bseast upon his head, If tho constitution is to Ikuic. Martin turned ami walked ubout bn entombed beneath tho debris of this •J.'* yards tell uud died in a few no-; mighty structure wo call ropublionp lih- incnt*. orty, tlio colossal stature tb be erected Wc make no fdhfrlon to tlio eireuni j to its memory by the future historian, stances which preceded tho killing, ns: will bo emblazoned among numerous ths matter ie before the court upon an others, with the uumo ofAudrow John- indictment for murder found true by the Grand Jury. Ilfs Honor Judge Chirk, Wo fought long and patiently in the called the cn#u for-trial on Wednesday, Legislative Hail nnd cabinet lor the and upon tin* affidavit of Mr. Brewer, j spirit of tho constitution. Failing there t that ho could not go safely, to trial on no-1 wo erected a field altar, and there, for count oftjiewwnt of suflkient. timo to long yearn of nguny and grief, wo laid {all agricultural implements, tools of mo- jehaiues, *2 horses or mules, 1‘2-horse I wagon, 1 yoke of oxen and 1 cult, *2 cows and calves, ‘20 head ol hogs, 111 bond of sheep, one year’s supply of corn, teachers that can nowhere ho excelled, i and hncou or pork, together with nil Wy know that tlio ProMdeul is proud of articles to each that a family may require. nch Hint every one of the eevon, end be-1 lf 11,0 l,,,ul '» ' il Jb ,mt “ ,,r vill "8“. > I •■••eu **..» „ 0 ^ exceed He ha* collected around him a staff of i at an insufferablo expense and inconven ience to tho people. If, however, the amendment alluded to is made, and the County Courts divested of jurisdiction in jury enscH, some other remedy should bo supplied. Wo, therefore recommend that the Superior Courts be required to hold four terms n year in each county, and ppccial terms of necessary, ns now required. Two of theso terms for the transaction ns civil and criminal business ns hereto'oro, nnd tho two nlternate terms for the transaction of criminal busi ness only’, and special terms when noecs- nary for iail delivery, as now provided in tho code In making this recommendation wo assume tlmt, in consequence of the hon or and salnry incident to tho Judgsh’p of tlio Superior Court, thnt nlfico will command talent at leant equal to its du ties, nnd that, owing to tho uncertainty and incngreiicM of tho compensation of tne Judges of the County Courts—tlio ! confinement incident to the office—the labor imposed in conserjuenco of the va riety an! extent of its jurisdiction—-thnt persons ol sufficient attainments will sel dom seek tho ofli. .-; nnd, therefore, that the same amount of business will he done . in tlio Superior Courts iu one half. or. perhaps, in ono-fourth tho time eonsuufed in the County Courts, with tlio additional advantage that trials will geiierallv he j final in the Superior Courts, especially in criminal eases. This ivt-ult would he an immense saving, both in money und time to the people—a desideratum at this timo. To effect this desirable object it will probably be necessary thnt some change in die judical circuits he made. It may bo necessary to add some new circuits, nil of which may bo done without inter ference with tho existing circuits, further than lessening the counties now contain ed in them, and out of these forming such new circuits us may bo neecsHa- ry- W o vvonlik further recommend in largo cities und populous counties, whero the people desire it, thnt special courts be created, or the County Courts, with their present, jurisdiction, bo retained. We, therefore A recommend tlio pas- sago of two bills herewith reported : one entitled, "nil net to alter and nincud 1 an act to 01‘gaaizo a County Court, define its jurisdiction, and for other purpo ses.’’’ Approved March 17th, 1H00.— Tin* oilier entitled “an act to re-district *the State, nnd to udd six additional Ju dicial Circuits.” All of which is respectfully submit ted J. A. W. Johnson, J. F. Bovvkr, D. G. Ford, Committee. Courts shall lie as they were’before the nctof March 17th, l?Gfi; nnd that the jurisdiction of tho Inferior Courts shall remain as fixed by tho act* of March 17th, ISM. See. 5 Depeals conflicting laws. J. A. W. Johnson, J. 12. Bower, It. G. Ford, Committee. Fkniax.i.— Now York dispatches of tlio i!5ih gives the following relative to tho movments of the Fenians: Col. Kelly is now in chnrg of tho Fe nian nffiirs in this city.. Stephens lias evidently left f<»r Ireland. Special messengers havo recently ar rived from Ireland, who state that tins island will soon lie in a state oi complete insurrection. Large quantities of Springfield, En field nnd Spencer rifles, nro hourly ar riving hero, which nro being constantly •hipped to Ireland. All tho arms intended for sorvieo i Canada, havo been turned over to St* pKfin*. \cw Advertisements .NOTICE T O Merchants, IMautcrs AND OTHERS. AN NO UNO KM ENTS. J’ATAULA CIRCUIT. Tbs fritU'U of Ospl It. 0. UAHRETT, re»;>wt- fnll)r iugte*l lii< r.*m« M t puilubls Candida's for SolinU-r Oer.rial, of the above Ciicuit. We aw MiUitfted to the name o( ». WISE I’AltKKK, ai a candidate (or Hotitilcr (Jen- Dial of tbc I’alaubi Circuit. Elcctioo 1st Wcdocc- dir in January. norutda r. X. SEYMOUR, W°2J fro,n »n who wijh lo pur- Groceries and Provisions Is thi. market. Ili-v prraen! stock ii woll Lo i**ht i<l lm ic deter milled to sell. _ lie ba* *>n band ^ 100 Coih Rf*pe, 2UU S«cVa Sail, 240 Ublc. Flour. 74 H igi Codec, 74 Db 1 *. Siijr ir, bl llhda. so't-ls, 2'i'» Uoic* ('hrvB«, 2‘i Tuba Knurr, ii * Itbla. I .uni, ‘di llbli. Uucknbcit FLur, M (’«#»* Table Salt, * | Hiikcrel—.Vo. l More, Shore and Hi.v- A leo, N-.. 2 Mackerel, 50 packag.a i 4. l-'iai.d whole No 1, 2 and 4 -Day, QUura mi Me ic, 25 llbli. II ii j Firh, 10 Hall bbbu White P-k, 24 •' I'ounde Codlieh, 40 U -*ea .Srnokrd llerrirg, ft » Cua-i Hirdinrc, IIlidv. Iluci.n. to Tierwe Suyar Cincd IIam«, I'll ll.nca 8 kU end lluucr L'.ackerc, 2'irt Holes Soap (rarl.un brands), •J' d lloxiM Tobacco < a.I giadca», 9V.IMH) (I'Rirn, 1,000 l'uundc Hnnir, 5-*U “ Siimkinj* Tobacco, ft" IloxaC Hlar < axdlca, 75 Hand* Liquore. | A!.vi, a ({cncral aiaorlmcat of Canned Fruits, Pickles, Lobsters, U.VI.SIXS, SODA, TEAS, A I.It OX DM, Etc. With aluio.l unj Ihii.p aiuillj kept in a liovo thnt his appreciation is just. Wo invoke parents und guardians!, throughout thfssection, who have tiaugli- ter* and wards to educate, to examine 1 into tho mot its of this bcIkmiI. Do not j take tiio word of a fltrungir, and one j An net to mnoiul un net entitled “An Aet to organize a County Court, de fine its jurisdiction, and for other pur poses." Approved March 17 th, 1SGG. 1. Be it enacted by tiio General New Advertisements HALL! For Two Nights Only! FRIDAY nnd SATURDAY. aVi/c. 30(A and Ike. !»/. The Orcnt HISTORICAL PAX- ORAM A <.r 1-OUT SUMP TER, CHARLESTON, and its HARH'.’R!! ,n n,knnnl r <Ve! lo Ibuioa, bj- ib- I'r.-M nl' thla -.«1 f..rt-ij»n couolrirc, and Ii >s been nailed hr nmaaadj uf Ibe inocl clile and ol tbia tale. Ho nnt fail *o reo il and form ccorrect conccptinn nf the arena nf Ibo intu/urulinn nf the ( war. wr Admiaamn (0 c a. I).ora open at"; Fan- ami nii.voa ai 7*2 o’clock. norSS-lt OCEHY IS] F10VISIBI I am innr« determined 'hnn erer to ruih buclnras. Juit give uio a ci I if juu want |j • get rom mosey hack:' J. N. FKVMOl K. Nulls and Pola li. 1" Kcrc Xiila, 2-4 t' .a a t.'nt rcnl-nted F.da-h, lo CaUallork F.Saah. For calc br J. N. 8EVU0UR. A Valuablo Plantation / iKOnOlA.Qt uu Notice. \ I.L pennne ere noHieJ nnt to trade for a draft drawn bj me nit Kdwird McDonald, and cc- ocplra br him, In fame of FomlHi A JohoMuo, da ted 24*li Nor.mbor ltop; - put able Iwmljr firr da) a afurs'vhl, for tbc MimotUiico bundrcl d dlari : The conul i.-rulioo barn g failed, I am drirrin'iica nnt la par i*. A. A. (J A MULE. Notice. ■ wrlt.L br »ol I bcfe*e tbc Court Itnii«e d«or in the W city ol t uiblcrl, ou Ibr lir»t Turn lay in Fet maty next, wdbiu tt c la-/nl hoitra nl »>lr, one tw- bnreo waggon,»>nc dmk cnlnftd inaresmile and on 8orro 1 mule. l.»r , o.tnn tn aaticfr if mongiga fi • bwuad from ihe Superior court of Randi l|di count in laror nf Micha I Gomlcr r» H -rraco Power*. notS r • d. W. H. CO.NI.EY, Sjcc U. 8hfT To the Ladies! j acres, provided tlio *umo d* 86,000 in valuo. Tho Semite nlso passed a bill amend ing tho Stay Law of tlio last oossion, by extending tho timo (*no yonr. I UK PORT oV TI1K LK0I8LATIVK MIXOIUtT COM MITTEE ON Tin: COUNTY COURT. u | Tho undersigned, a minority nf tbo Assembly, That tho County Courts re- whom you may suepcot of tlio bias of jo'nt commiltoo to whom was referred forrod to in said Aet shall have no ju- p rsonul friendship or locnl prejudice.—. tho resolution appointing a joint com risdictLn in civil or criminul cases in ic College sue tho officers nnd ' J M *^ 00 to inquire into the practical work-1 which u jury may bo required. Nor ' , i ings of the County Court, and to report shall said Courts havo a right to sum- mill mt-poet Iho boarding anil by bill or ollionvbo citliur Iho almlilion mon jurica, Ornml nor l'clit. Said sanitary apartments, sue tho perfect or-1j 0 |' 8 aid Court, or such modifications ns! Courts shall retain tiio power to hear ! dot and system that prevails, and witness, will roliovo the Court of the most weighty j hid was corpus cases, to exercise tho I * • • objections urged against it, beg leave to: powers ineidet to a committal Court; submit the follow iug minority report: I and in addition to the powers of a com- i Tlio committee lias lmd under consul- initial Court, when the person charged | rnllB 1.ADIKS of Cstbbni and r'cii.ily will i please allow me to call llieir alicutioo io i wo'l idee ed nnd avaoiied -jlock o' Millinery (Soivds. i Inbracitijf all Ibr I'arUian Nntuliie., cnniialii c of llibbuna—iioh und eleguut— Flowera unit l’luuie*. in greut earni'y ; Hat* and Hor.ueia of every style. Also, Mourning and liridat H its and Honnrta al- wavs on *n d—work executed wab jrveot ski'l. I, ttieielore, aolicit ibo piirnnage of all, and will w,« on tbom wllb great pleasure, and 1 will assure ihm* ib it ihee can do no belter elsewhere. 14T Otlice, thud door above Sum Hear'* Store. uov.Im-uui MRS. DU DUE. But visit the professors, nnd ii for yourselves the attractions that cluster around old Andrew nnd her now rig giug, and under her newly chosen helms man, of is sectarian. Look out ibr tlio Sheriff! f IAAKR notice, all ye (oik*, or “any .other man," I against whom Executiona havo Lc-n i**ned. that I shall proevasi to collect the cost alter the hist jr next. Uuvcm youraeivoa aicv-idiuglj airuugeuiijuU lo xcttlc. RAS 1IR00KS, •orfiii-lm Dept. Sheriff. KOKQIA, lt«M*'i.ra CV>r\TT.-WiHlan» O. M’ Duon, bavtnjr spplltd lor'.t-iters . f (iuardain- preparo ink. tlefcnse, tho puhlio excite-: tho most shining of-tmr race as vietiuis incut, mid the circulation of rumor* and Wo lost the cause, but saved our honor reports to lint prejudice, the court grant- j Now we nro chained outside the pale o( ed n contiiumnc* uiftil tho next term. j tho Union—-held at buy beyond the Messrw. rinnL Hail,NVootun nnd lloyl, arena of tlio strife. Johnson and hi* U on tie, Scarbrough nnd Parks, ap|wnr party now strugglo with tho fast sinking for tho prisoner, nnd Messrs MeCny, institution t*f the ballot, to save tho h>d>/ Fielder, llnr|*vr, Simmons und Cohen, of tho constitution^ lflio shall bo do- np|*ear with tho SuL Gen. Sfr-wart lor folded—nnd wo have no power to aid the prosocutiou. g, nnd under her newly chosen helms- ^ration tlio mutters referred. A mnjori- with n crime or misdemeanor short of a !'' h '!,V w„? u iTn.7! d .•‘“"‘■‘l 4 ' j{ n,Di ‘" ,_ A \r .i i- .o • , , ... . , J , i ii i • i i > • i mir orphans ol Win. I>uiii>, drc-cdwd, all |-«rsons re you n AlollioUut f—inquire j ty of the committee believe it best to re- _ lelony, shall, bet* ire thu Judge of said j mteie-ird are n-adi^t *h«t bis application Will t** tho Methodist* within if tho Col logo tain the County Courts, with a lew mod- Court, waive in writing, mi no nccuau* °?Q , j i ^J.*V! he “a* 1 J *7 u * ry l - ,m uf <8* Court leetarian. Aro you a Bartist ?—«n* ifiufll,on ** The undersigned minority of r lion to be drawn by tho County Soliei- u 1 ,Q,r/ ut “‘ coUD \vm. d. liiDDOO, • r .' ... ! .... tho committee have hud free cotumuni- tor, a presentment or bill bv Grand Ju no»30tm ordinary. '!• , L l l Ms 111 10 u . l 'o° j cation with tho representatives from va ry and a trial by Petit. It shall then VVlukoia R*vunrn t . -j.iKo w s ru - vl they have vl'seovevod any signs of see- ,’, 0UH j>orturns of the State, and believe, be th# duty of said court to hear and ' vl irv, haVinjplird iw leiters of Guardi’anabip taiiani»m. Aro you a Presbyterian, or ■ iroiu the information received, thnt a determine the facts rs well ns the law ' ^ L«j' n * ibimi. c.rj.bau ofWm. pu-.i * 1 ' .... I . • ... ! ceastil. (II paraooa HUerraial am Di.uurd it* [him —then with him wo ahull see tiio last Episcopalian ?•*— go and do thing. Do you seek a healthful location? —converse with tho old citizens, and tlio able and high toned physicians of Cuth tho same very large majority of tlio people are and give judgment accordingly. I location ?! dissatisfied with the workings ol said tsec. *2. Be iijftu tht-r enacted, That Courts, uud desire..that they lie done away with entirely, or that the law or- •’an zing said Courts be so altered und hurt. Do you wish tt* send yourdaugh-; modified as to divest them of their most tors and wards into tho midst of objectionable features. rind and "do ol ludlm f-thon ., ' l ''“ ol.joallniw urged.uguiu.1 this net shall take vfleet from nnd after the loth day of March next; nnd, if at that time, there shall remain on the dock ets of said County Courts any cases un- di-posed of, in which the jurisdiction is taken *nwnv, it shall be the duty of the >p,iliod'ir>n wilt be c >n.-iJeied at i u-riu of the Court ot OnLna'r 1 Wm. dovSO lm rxt January *»j<l coiinlv. t. KIDDOi), Ordinal' Notice to Debtors and Creditors. /GEORGIA, (l buidios eli tho Court are its tardiness in disposing' ^werul Judges of tho County Courss to * * (except us nil papers n-main long uuougli nniong uur Juioplo j „ r liti^utod oMI mid criminul buuincw.Un.ncmU nff criminul to sp.tbfe yourselves,*at wo have done,' thereby imposing up.»n jurors, parties herett'fmv), togctlur with EORGIA, Rxxroirn Coi against Ibo lltwk, iL-cav-d. ce nuiilieJ t< ie-m« . f ibe law. and all per.-oo •-alaie mo reqiirUrd lu nuke iim \ DCvSO-CIt nr.—All jienons •tale ol CalDai i»rtvni ibtia indebted to t **i»*f patniciit M M'K.tlt Ex.cut. r Coesvt.—Uy «( an ho buiorior Court <>i aa-.i -o'v. iv'll 1 - -"'il b ft-re iIn-Court Ho eedorr, m algal.isn, the lirat Tuenlay in Jtnusry oexi, I'i" ’be iimial li'iiir* ol Rale, Ihe I'bupallm oirne l II. II. Rico ami (i. It. Fmkxton, teiiktiia in cun - u. oumuionlv known aa Ilia •• Far-more pUnlc. ntuainl Ihiec mi'es ub.vfa Oetugilown, con- m.i" eight liiindrcl and rcrcutwelS uure«, mure or «. Tiiera Is abmii 4oe acre* in ctiltiTNixin, mask ly litub land On Ilia place la a giol d^uliuig hi**, ne/ni cabins, gin (m mo anil n-ru v. Tetuu Cash. (I. H. FINKsTON 11. .1. U AND. II. M. KAtUI.KR, nnv3 ild* C.immi ni-.nrr*. . / iLOlUilA, RakiM l I ningtiiii, huving applied ftir Is*lera of Uuarili- atiahip "( Icewi* A. Jmner ami Mira A. Joiner, minor orphans of Lewt* Joiner, doOMScd, all )•*■'• soli a mtci i-elrd are noiined to ahowr can p, by tlio iir.»t January t.-rui of tb* Coort of Uidmarv, for said county, why letters shmil not b-v ersnu-d Ibo applicant. WM. D. XIDDDO. tlnlioarr. Notice. WILL be mid, before Ihe Court floute dotr, iu ly of Cuihbeit, on the flrat Tim* lay ij January vi. between the legal koursof *alc, the fHlowrmg Iau‘d, to w it One hundred and Seventy bva acre* I lot No. 117. Alan, one husdre I nee ami otic- fourth acres of lot No. 12". All lying in tho Mh lliatrict ol K.ndtlph onunly. levied on a* the property of Nance Want, lo aatisiy aimSry li fa«, i-fii.d from ihe (,’oitnty C.tirt of Kundnlph count v, m luror ol Char.** I)»via «* Naoer Ward. Fliilll|i ILalgera v*. N-mc) Ward, E. L. Dinglioiii Naaty Ward, und Atbby 11. M^iml v». Nancy Ward. novJytd \V. O. CONLEY, lll!f. O. C. * EURO I A, Ra- ■v.—George icved, m 'he eu.le of Jamra W. Olivu., g applied lor lesve tn sell lands of raid estate. All persona inlercatcd are noliiijd that Ins applies- i on w ill be considered at ihe next February teim ot tbo Court t-f Ordinary lor said coaoly. WM. 1). El.*1)00, novS't-2m Ordinary. i v EOliljl A, Ksmiulpii Cot xtt.—t bar!,* t)iand> l J lev Ii i-mg app i-«l lorl-t'ira <f Utikidlitnabip tt John IL Dunn and Itn junin L. Dunn, minor orphans nl Wm D’inn, dn-ea-«d ; all ( crtoiia inter* sled are no'iticJ that bis application will be c«n- idcrrd at t'ne next January term of Ibe (.'curt of Ordinary for said county, not 30-1 m A^IHiIjIIINrEilEVSr. MRS. E. GIBSON, I N the rear of the store ol Hickey A UumcII, on ill* Fublic Sqaare, keep* coaaianlly on baud a g od a-eortaent of • MII.I.IN 1UHY GOODS, of the LATENT STYLES. She is prepared In ex ecute all snlara iu tbi* line wub ueatucaa and dis- K tcfc. Iter stock comma of ip.rtfpd UOXNETS; HATS; Funch FLOWERS ; • Ciunet LACKS; CJtfsey NETS: i looey l| ANI)K ERCUIEFS, And every article utually kept io a Mdhotry ature. nanltf Errors of Youth. V Oentleoian w lm aifft-red for years from Xer« yuits Oebtltly, picma ure decay, sad all lint • fleet* of vcuihful iudi»creti"n, will, lor ihe sake of buioani'y, send In-c to all alio need it, ibe receipt and dir actions for n.skini; tlie aimple remeo v by which he was cored. Fttilciwr* wiat.n.g lo pr> lit br ibf idveiiisri'a exjvenence, can d> so by ud- d:i-vaiot-, io pcn-ct cuuitdvne*, JOHN i; OGDEN, tor'Ju-Snt N’c. IJ Cvdat M, Nc* Ywk.