The Cuthbert appeal. (Cuthbert, Ga.) 1866-1884, December 21, 1866, Image 4

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HOUSEHOLD RECEIPTS. J wnt Caie.—Take om cup of butter, ojie cup c4 Icnwn sugar, ooe of mtdasnea, one of'awcet ni'lk- three of Hour, Are Sfga, twe U*apoouful* of baking powder, two pounds of raisins, on* pound of currants, om tesspoonful ground cloros, one tewpoonlnl ground rptce, one tea- spoonftii ground clunamon, one grated nutmeg, and half a nine glaaa of lirandy. Dako In a careful I jr heated otto. Ckkam Cam.—Take two cup* of flour, two cup* of sugar, four i(p, two-third* of a cup of cold water, one tcaapoonful of baking powder. The above la aufllcieot for three plea. Dako theta in round pans. Fkatiikr Cakb.—Take two cupa of augnr, tbrra of liour. half cup of laitur, two thirds of a cup of milk, two egg*, and two tvoepoonful* of Uiklng poudi-r. To ItEsroKif Fa wen Ixg. - Writing tkat has become Illegible by age, may be restore I bj inolaUnlng the paper w lib an infiuion of galls, or a solution of promiatc of potash, slightly aci dulated with muriatic acid, and tin-solution my carefully with a camel's hair pencil, to (•recent the Ink spnmdiug. IJltKM AXU Btinom.- The bert tn nlnient In to w nab the part wa soon aa possible with water of ammonia. In cases of poisoning, give something ta pro due* vomiting j mnstord in warm water will gen erally do It, and call a physlciun nt the earlhwl moment possible. lliWigiint) M KAnuurt.—AH nil futiiilicvi tiro not provided with aculwi or weight*, referring to ingredients in gcnernl WM , _l»y every hoUMwifu, Dr. Drown uutijoim to hw pupor n list, as follows T WKIOOTS A!«I» MRA90AE8. Wheat Hour, one pound is ope quart. Indian meal, one pound two ounces ie one qunrt. Hiiltor.whon soft, one pound one ounce is one quart Lout sugar, broken, ono pound is one qunrt. Whits sugar, powdered, one poimd ono ounce in ono qunrt. Dest brown sugar, ono pound two ounces ie ono quart Kggt, overage also, ten nmWs one pound. L1QUD MfASCIIE. Hixtocn tublsspoonfulit ore tiulf it pint, Eight tiiblespoonfuU nro one gill. Four labloepoonfule nro half a gill. A common sized tumbler holdn hulf u pint. A common si/.e wine glasn holds hulf a gill. Tits Fiubt Btiamdoat Evtn InvIntid. —A guntlemnn in Dultimora writes to the Patriot the following anecdote: Some twenty odd yens ngo, wlion published sod conducted « daily paper m lMiilsdelphin, I hud prepnred a wood- cut representation of John Fitch's steam' bout, which run from Philadelphia to Burlington in 1787, mid published a Iriif history of his effort* to introduce ntenm ns a motive power in propelling vcfs.1i. Tiiis brought to my ollico an old gentle man named Wnmsloy, who said to me "I aoe yntt have been giving nomo no count of Fitch and Ms Htrtmnont." 1 re plied, "Yes, it was an interesting sphieet, and there were few who know that Fitch ever propelled a boat by steam. Ho ro- markd that ho knew something about Fitch and his boat, und went on to say that ho was one of a number of gentle- men who assisted Fitch with money to build his boot, engine, &o. 1 then re marked that it was evident that Fitch fu'lod in his effort for the wnnt of mount to onnblo him to go on, and asked him why the gentlemen who aided him, <>l whom he was ono, did not ItiVnlnh him with menus enough to enuhlo him to •moored ?" “I will tell you," said Mr. W. *Tho fact was, that everybody looked upon Fitch ns crazy, and ho was an ob ject of ridicule wherever ho went, and wo w|m had amIkIq I him'were ho laughed at and ridiculed for aiding n rnnatnun with manov, on 'Ohmigo, and wherover wo went, that wo became aalinmed of what wo had done, mid censed to have nay intercourse with him." This, no doubt, was tho candid truth: Fitch was considered not only wild anil visionary, but absolutely crnrjr, by tho whole popu lation of l'hiladclplua. IDs own Quandfatiirr,—William llarmon committed suicide ut Titusville, Pa., lust week, from a melancholy convic tion that lie was his own grnndfnthor I He left the following singular letter: " 1 married a widow who hod n gown- up daughter. My father visitad our house very often, fell in love w ith my step-daughter, and married hof. Bo my futlier became iny son-in law, and my step-daughter became my mother, l>o- cauro she was iny father's wife. Some time afterwards my wife hud a son—In- was my father’s brother-in-law, and my undo, for he was the brother of my stop mother. My father’s wife, i. o. my step daughter, had also aeon, ho was of course my brother, and in tho meantime my S rand-child, for he was tho son of my uiightor. My w ife was my grandmoth er because sho was my mother's mother, j I was my wife's husband and grandchild ut tho sumo timo. And aa the hunbund of u perron's grandmother is his grand father, I was my own grandfather." A Cakb roa Jrrrsisos Davis.—The Indies of tho CAhr.lio congregation ure having • mngailicout enno made of wood from the Merrimo, w hich is to be ruffled for at their fair, now in operation over the store of Col. Bnngater, and tho win ner is then to muko a present of it to Mr. Jefferson Davis, tho '‘Prisoner of tho Fortress by the Hen." Tho cane will bo bountifully and, of oourse, tastefully mounted with gold, and proporly io- sexibedAV/«£t Journal. A Georgia paper asks whether it is eup|>oeod that Southern j'eopfo will ruu nor: bent men 7—Prcrtieo answers : "Well, wc believe they did occasionally run u lew ui them danng tho war.’* .NOTICE T 0 rasosaic* i. coxaxt. strain r. Totxo. Merchants, Planters ASU OTHERS. J. N. SEYMOUR, Vjy^OULD invite a call flora ail who with to pur* Groceries and Provisions U# baa on hand 100 Colli Hope, *0 11 4m Gunny Rigging, VtO i’onnd* Twlae, 2"0 Hack* Halt, afta Hbl*. Flour, 70 Bag* Coffee, 70 Hbl*. Hug.r, )0 11 tads. Malms*, W> liases Cbarta, 80 Tub* Butter, 80 Hbl*. I«ard, 89 libla. Huck wheat Fh-ur, 10 Oa«M Table Hall, 0.0 Kill Mackerel--‘An. 1 Maas, Bbora and IIA 1*0. No. 2 Mackerel, 1500 packed 14. 18 and whole barrels, Ho. 1 8 and 8 Mackerel—liar, Hbore uml Mela, J5 Dbla. II us Flab, 10 II. If bbls. Fish, two Pound* Cod**li, 0<> Boxes Hinukcd Herring, 00 C-aiea Herd lot a, «'• Hbde. Huron, 10 Time* Huger Cur*.! Hem*, 100 Huxrs Hod* and Duller (l.uokera, *00 Dole* Hasp (fsiibUS brands), 800 Hole* Tobacco 'allgrade*), 2fl,«00 C-ffara, 1,000 I'uuude HnulT. 600 “ Hawking Tobacco, 00 Doxca Hr«r Candles, 76 Darrel* Liquors. Alsu, a general aa*orlmeat (if Canned Fruits, Pickles, Lobsters, R.US1KS, HODA, TEAS, ALMONDS, Els. With almoit anythiuf nauelly kept la a C0NAHT ft YOUNG COTTON FACTORS ABB GEIEBAL CDMMISSIOI IIICIATSi 30 South Btreot, New York. F .V eloae and jwirlioilar aUectina to lale* of Untum, T'lUooo, Wool, IIMm, elu., etc , aud lb* purebaae of Merebaodixo of e»ar/ deacripths. 'RtFinaxoia: J McK. OUNN, Culbberl, Oa., V. il. YOUNO. Colusibae, D» , ATKINS, DUNHAM A CO., A ppB'acblcot*. FI*., Y0UNO k WOODS, KufeuU, Ala. nor8lf T. S. POWELL, DRUGGIST, BOOKSEI.I.ER, •uJ STATIONER I am mora delermined (ban ever to ruib buiiuca*. Jual gir# ine a call If you want to • GET YOUR MOSEY HACK." J. N. BEYMOUH. Nulls and Potaali, 10f Keg* Nail a, 86 Caara CimotutraM Potatb, 10 Uaeka Ruck H. Uah. Fur aala by nofSOir J. N. BEYMOUH. J. II. Zciliii & To., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL MEDICINES IBKFUIIEBY, POTASH, nahdT.b DAOS, WHITE LEAD, OLAHS. PUTTY, Z PKPPBB, HI’ICEH, VAIIM-UEB, PAINTS, Oil H, HOAPB, E «., Etc., Etc. Druggists, MACON, GEORGIA. rorfl tm REMOVAL, WM. SAWYER & (70., n AVF ramoTed thoir Urge atock of CJOODH to tbe itor* known a* the AI Kills UllilllillK, Two door* Wcat of Ihe Pott O.Uce, wb*r* they will be |ileaaod lo wu tbair frivnda. Their (lock 1-.- 1- — • -• n, fl foil,,wing: DRY OUODSj IODSj Noilonaar.d PaMV OOODB; BOOTH. HIJOEH, HATH and CAPS: Men’a, Yotith'e end llo/i CLOTHINOj KADDDEKY, HAHNtBH of all kmda, IIRI* IM.I H. ole. Ileggipg ROPE and Iron TIES, for Cotton ball* '"oROnBUlF-S, BMlow WARE, Willow WARE, CROCKERY. (Jlaaa WARE, etc. We reepooifully call ynur attention lo the abore. Our alock i« well rcl««led, and we can offer them at as low price* a» auy mercbani* caa aell Ihaiu in ibin tectlim. Mr. J. L Varner, ao tong and faeorably known lo tb'i community, will el all lime* be found ready In aupply ynnr want*. Tim Imiita are eaiiedNlly in- riled Ui gire u* a call. No trouble to ahow Onoda. *0 coma and are, aud il you can't be auited it aliall not ba our laul t. Wa bar* tilted up a atrong and conrenlent lot tjirunl lo our itora, wbrru our friend* from th* country cm Icara their team*, in perfect cefely, fret of rbarge. ocl2*if WM. SAWYER k CO. NATIONAL HOTEL, (Cor. Wbitctiall Hired and W. k A. Railroad,) Atlanta, Georgia. PRATT, POND k COREY, Proprietor*. A Newly Erected, Onmntodioua, Flrat-claia Uo- lel, elegantly furniabad tlironghout. Fine illlliurd Parlor with Plietan tubiea. Her |tocli«(! wilb choice'inra and Winea. ISF*H|(eci*l arrangeiuaiita made for the aeoom- miidalion of Kamllir*. oorl 8m BROWN'S HOTEL, Oppotilt Depot, MACON, E. Dor8-9m I NVITES attenHon In I.U alock of DRUGS, MEDICINES and CIIKMlCAl.H; .School, K«- liglooa and Mracellaneoui HOOKS, aud complete aasortment ol HTAT10NKRY. He offuia for aalo the pijmlar proprietory article* of Ihe dar, ainone which are Dr. Arrr'e Ague Cum, Cherry Pectoral and Cathar tic Pill*, Oa/ood’a India Co ngne. Rhode'* Ferer and Ague Cure, Galligbau'* Pill*, Dr. I.eed'* Nerre Tonic niquinim- auba'i'.nle, Mara- deo'a Pectoral Uatrj. Eitiact of Giuccr and Ci d Liter Oil, Ueinbn'd’a, Hand’* and Hall'* Haracpinllaa, Hembo'd' E* Ir.ct ol >.. H acting’* Syrup ol Naptha, Whitcomb’* Aalbmt llcmedy, Panddird’* Liter In- rlgnrator, Jacob’* Cordial, Pain Killer, Ready Relief, Mrs. Wloilow'* Hooihiag Hemp. Cbria- 1 idor’a Hair Dye, Phalou'a Hair Rotor- er, l.yon'a Kdharion, Harry'aTriropherou*, Arabia and Mue’ang Llntmcut, Fahmatoch'*, McLaue'e, Fret'*, Jajnr* aud Ltndau'a V’v. wdiiget, Whtaton'a llin Oinlnien', DtflUy'a Pain Extractor, Drake'* Plantation, Rn**' HI. DJmliiao. Iluatetlcr’a Stomach and Houfland'* Gcrmnn HITTERS. I.nndnrd, HenUb and Maerob-.r HNUFP. Carolina, llelle, Senlcb HNC'FF. Gvua'ne Hcxrfalelll Hutoking TOI5ACCO. In toilet article* ha* Genuine Farina COLOGNE, Genuine Lubm* Kxlract, Flo 1 id* WATER, ll.y HUM. POMADES, Hair OILS, COaM jIL Lilly WHITE, Geuuine Brown Windanr SOAP, Hair, T.Kith ami Nail It RUSHES, Draaaiug, ilouud and Tuck COMBS, AI.HO. Pricket DOflKH, WALLETS, Money HOOKS. Pocket KNIVES, RAZORS, SCISSORS, PIPFkt, SPECTACLKH Etc., Etc., Etc. School ntHIKS, Mtaeellaneoua BOOKS, ItlUI.KH, TESTAMENTS. Prater HOOKS. Hymn HOOKS, Hucred HARPS, E'c., Kia, E'c. Cap, Dill, Letter, Dillet, Not* and other PAPERS. BLANK BOOKS, Acd ercry requltile for tbe Oflloe, Dcak or School. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, and Photograph CARDS, ■ •* MEN, llackruTimnn BOARDS, Cnhlmgp HOARDS, DOMINOES, DICE. Playing CARDS. Vnull g CARDS, aed Wedding CARDS and ENVELOPES. ool2tf Out A MJirXfST&sl TOR'S SJ I.E. 1Y eirtue of an order fiotn tbe Courti f Ordina- I rr of Randolph County, trill he Mild, on (be _.jl Toesday ia January rail, nt CuUiberl, G*., tbe lullowing deacribtd lunda belonging to ih? eitute of William Dodd, deceeaed, towil: lota number* ten (10), eleven (11), twelre (I8y, Uenty-ei^bt (8a), twenty-oinc Wi, 'birty (80), thirty one 18I), in tbe th (7th) district 1 toil the totth half of lot . jer three huudrad and three (8u8); tbe half of lot number three hundred ard two (3U2). and that portion of lot number three hundred and ooe (Sul), lying nonb-weet of tbe BomneUecbobee or Hug cretk, in the aiith distiict ol Umd. lph rminty, tha whole known M the term on nbicb Willism Dunn resided at hia dra h. Also the South half of lot lumber two hundred and ninety-uiue In tba eixth district of Randolph county. CHARLES 8TANDLEY nnrldtd Aomr. E. BJIOVVN k SON, Paopaiaroe*. How Made and How Saved!! S: T. .TENKINS M AS made e Prodlt flir Ihe abore amo, ml. He lia* dune II in buving and selling nitre Ilian a doiru eiocka of GuikI* aince tho cluae ol Ihe war, end in being PROMPT In act lie nil ecoounle— by rcnnniny, jieraevgiiug eneigy, and honest duly. Home of hie notes nre coming due end SHALL I1E PAID from sale* out of tbe huge slick of Goode on hand, and a fow im-mnr«ndain arconnt*. A word lo CLOSE DUYCUH, and the wise ii lulDcient. G-rooeries. IIEianow rtceiring and opening, at lit* new etora, on Depot Htrvei, a laige autl well aelected stunk uf Family’and Funry Groceries, Which he nurrhsaed at aurh price* a* In warrant him in * ving that h i can anil aa CHEAP aa the CHEAPEST. All in want n( anjlhiug in iho G10- eary line would do wall to call on him before pur- chiainc elsewhere. uorSiot avLXX-,x J iisriin?L‘Y'. MRS. E. GIBSON, I N tharaar of th* atom of Hickey k Rusaelt, 01 the Public Square, keeps ccuatantly on hand a good nxortaent of MILLINERY GOODS, nf the LATEST STYLES. She i* prepared to e». ecut* all orders la thia line wilh naatursa and dm patch, ller alock cnniDts of imported HON.NETS j HATS; French FLOWERS j Clunatr LACKS: Ciuuey SETS; ('Inner HANDKERCHIEFS. And eterr articla utually kept in a MilLmry Store. noeVSil LENNARD &. CALLAWAY. Just Received. S UPERIOR FAMILY FLOUR, from new Whits Wheal 1 Choice H A CON HIDK.S| •• I,AUDi 11 AGOING and ROPR; l.iulit-lioiiiu non exploaiea OIL ; H *t CHEESE, MACKEREL, in bbla. attd kits; WHITE FISH, ONIONS} HALT; MEAL} The eery beat attisla of TEA and COFFER, and everything elec man or woman ai»hra to buy to e«t or wrar, fur plantation purtwiaea, e'o. nutJif J. MtK. GUNN. A Valuable Plantation for s-a.i_,:ex /•1KORGIA, Qi'Itm*n Cochtt.—By eirtue of 1 VJ order (trailled by Ihu Superior Court ol raid county, will be sold brfiro the Court lluarcdoor, in Georgetown, the Brat Tuesday in January next, within ilia naual hour* ol sale, the Plantation owned by It. It Rica and O. II. Piukelon, teoania In cun nion, commonly known aa Ihe •• Paramure plants, lion,” situated lhr** ini r* abora Geoigelown, ct laminr eight hundred and reeantean acres, more le*». Thera ia about 4u0 acres in cultivation, m«. It fte«h land. Ou the idace ie a gnid dwelling bouse, oojto cyblni, gm (1 nts* and arrow. Teirna Cash. G. B. PINKSTON, II. .1. ID.AND. . II. M. KAIUI.KR, ttOf tOld* (’win ml. «».>..*•« ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. H Y rirtue of an «rder from tbe Conrt of Ordina rr*of Randolph county, will bo *n!d, on the :e of _ North hall ot lot number fourteen, to* property of Wm. 11. DeSburg. WILLI. n«»l<ltd ■aid ell/. WILI.TaM DOWD. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. J Y virtu* ol an order from tbe Ctnrt of Ordinary of lUndolpb County, will be aold, on the (irat Tuesday in January next, at Cutbbert, Oa., InUof Und. numbera one buodred and seventy (170) and one hundred and aerente-four (174) in tbe siilh (Gtb) d 1 Uriel of Randolph county, belonging to tbe citato of Wilev Juiner, ueemued. BUKUF.LL JOINER, DnelOld Admr. ~ADMINISTRATORS 8ALE. W ILL be »old, by eirtua of an ordar from the Court of Ordinary of Randolph emuty, at Cutbbert, Ga., on the ftistTocadaV in Jaou.iry nrxt, as tbe property of tbe relate of Wm P. Newberry, itie fill.-wing described land*, to wit: North ball of number i. renty aix (78); South half of nnmbvr thirty.nine (39), and one hundred and -thirty fit* i aero* of number lb Irty-eight (39), being ell of a.iid j lot excrjit eixty^eTen and a half am* awigred to widow a* dower off of North cod of said lul} all in •4io fourth (4th) district or R.imlnlph county. CHARLES U. DfOWN, noelBId <»dmr. JOB OFFICE! We will, iii a few da vs, be pre pared to execute, in Good Stylo AU. KINDS OF 1367. LATEST FASHIONS! DEMAND J. W. BRADLEY’S CELEUBATID DUPXjBX blliptio (OR DOUULK SPRING) II06I 1 HIIIL SHERIFF'S SALE. a UITMAN COUNTY, GEORGIA-Will be •old, be lure tbe Court IL.uvsUm r, at Geurge- town, Quituian (’unntr.G*., between tbe legal hour* ff sale, lo-wili One Hay Mare, leriad on aa the iroperly nf Daniel Cwrlu, to eatiafy a fi fa fnun tba .nferwif Court uf Uanduliih Cnuoty, Oa.. In faror ol Pratt k MiKinc ra. Daniel I'arlu and I)«rid L. Rice. Properly pnintad out by E. Varner, admr., uf David L. Rice, deed. dec7id* J. M. O LIV KR, PhlT. rosi VON ED SALE. WILL be aold before lha Court Ilouw door, In tha city ol Cnlhbert, on the 11 rat Tuesday in January nrxt, tha House and Lot wbereun the Raid D. Fuwell now occuuiea aa • (rrtratn retidanen in Ibeaitrof Cmbbvrt. 1-eyird on tu eatiafy a U fa, issued from the County Court nf Rtnd ilph couoty ia lator of John Reddick ts. J. I>. Pnwtli A Cc. dec-ltd* ( 1 BORGIA, RA»D»ir> C’ --Hy eiriua o* If an order granted by the Court of Ordinary, nf, ■aid county. I will aril piblicle, before the Court House, *t Cmhbert, tbe Ural Turaduy in January next, within the usual hours < f **lu, lot of Land, number ninrty nine, in Ihe lixth district of aaid oowuly—proporty be’onging to the estate rf Deuj Screws. Als.i, one4ull undivided interest in cum bers 2 and 3; sl*o nnc*h* I undividi d interait in nail half ot lut No 1 inltqiitrc raven, ia the town ol Cuib* bert—property belonging to estate of M-ry J Rag- well. Sale in each maiatue to jay debt* Terms cash. fc. L. DOUGLASS, novlfitd Admr. CVTHRERT; GA., D' BALERS IN miOGIEB AND HAIINKBB, WAGONS, GROCERIES. TOBACCO, SHOES, Eta. Elo. SMALL TROFTS, empbstically, our motto. noelAlm* A Teacher Wanted •p Of I 1 mile* North Kart from Cnlhbert. for the mail ing M.r. Tbe nliustioo is pleasant and bealihlul, and in nvery way agreeable. N. ut need apply un- lena proper credentials ba exhibited. A man of ex perience ia preferred—and he mutt be well poa’.cd in tha elementary branches eunililnting a solid English education. He prompt or you Will lost an e iglble aiiuatiua. JOHN M VTTOX. WILLIAM 81’SARN. joiin t. McLendon, R. M. PUCKF.TT, S. W. BURNEY, 4ac7 4t J'ntnxisaud Trustee*. Look out for. tho bhenil! j' sgai «t whom Execution* have born issued, that I ahitll prorcud to collect th* coal alter the lirst of January last. Govern yourselves accordingly and niske arrangements to aettia. RAS BROOKS, novJiV-Ira Drjit. Sheriff. 1U1. JOM.S k CO., | > ENPECTFUI.LY informs the public that their New Goods Have Come, And that they continue to come by every train ; aim, that they depart eo rapidly that il require* constant effort to keep up a supply, which they are dele-mined to do. Alan, that their atorw will soon lie to enlarged Hut their can conveniently accommo date ihelr numerous friends and i atrena. They re ceive fresh Goshen Hotter and Chrese avery week. A* their goods and price* advertise, th’nr* who examine them hare no m-od of newspaper display*. They are determined to bale a l-’li-st-Clnss Family tiroecry, and Inelta everybody to call and tee it, knowing that ihos* who wish to buy will do so. t'lilhbert, Oa. pnetl-tf LAW CARD. T HE undersigned will attend In any legal bovi ne** enlrntivd to bis rare, in Houlh-weslern Georgia. Office al Cutbbert, Randolph Co.,Gi OclS* ly. E. 11. PLAT Errors of Youth. A Gentloman who sullered for yeara from Ner- you* Debility, preiuatui* decay, aud all the effect* of youthful indiscretion, will, for tbe sake ol humanity, send free to all who need it, the recrint and directions for making the simple remedy by which be was cured. Sufferer* wishing la proln hr the advertiser's experience, can do so by ad- drosstug, In perfect confidence, JOHN R. OGDEN. CorSV-Sm No. 48 Cedar Nt., Now Yuek. AIT. COME ONE ! COEM ALU TOTIIK DRY GOODS FAMILY GROCERY Commission House OF UalclTvin, Redding 4c"Co„ CVTHRERT, GA., Who are now receiving, and will keep a GENERAL ASSORTMENT DRY GOODS Liquors, Tobacco*, flnrdtvnre, Crockery, Sadlery BRIDLES, HARNESS, And tho celebrated Woodruff Buggies; Which they will Sell CHEAP FOR CASH, and bo content with a SMALL PROFIT. As their goods were Ivought very clusely for Cash, and seluctod with great care, they aro confident they can make it to tho interest of tho people to trade with them, oct£6,tf Notice. W tI.Lbe*c1J brfhre Ihe Court llDU«ed<^r|n the city of Cnlhbert, on the Brat Tuesday In F«b-' ruary next, wtlhin li e l^-gai bnn-a ol sale, one two borax wagsuw, ore di>k rnlnred mare mule and ore Morrell mule. Levied on to »iti*fe a morg.ige fi fa lisued from Ihe Superior court nf Randolph couuly in taxor of Michael Oomley »e llorram Power* noeSO Id. W. G CONLEY, Spec 1) Hbff. WM I, be sold, before Ihe Court Iloufe door, la city of Culhbrrt, on tbe first Tuesday in Januaiy nest, b.'twren the legal k< uri of «al<-, the fillowmg l^tnd, to wit: Una hundred and acienlyilve acres uf lul No. 147. Alto, one hundre I me aud one fourth acre* of lot No. 120. All lying in the f.ih District ol Randolph county, lev ltd on a* the E niperlr of Naccr Ward, lo aalis'y sundry 8 f^s, surd Irom Ihe County Court of Ka-irii l|h rotmiy. In Jsyor of Chsr'ea Davis ve Narev Ward, Phillip lli-dgers vs. Nancy Ward, E. L. D.uiglass vs Nancy Ward, and Ashby M. Maund vs. Nancy Ward. DOvSutd W. O. CUN LEV, IHff. C. C. DR. S. G. ROBERSON, SURGEON DENTIST, CrvnaiBT, Gioiqu. Notice. AT UcnRonnblc Rates I Orders for Ilfind-Bills, Posters, Business Cards, Lettcr-IIcads, Circulars, Programmes, Arc., kc., PROMPTLY FILLED J. ¥. BRADLEY’S DUPLEX SKIRTS baa printed Is RED INK on the band J. W. BRADLEY’S DUPLEX SKIRT. Don't buy any other. Ask for J. W. Bradley’s DUPLEX S in lit. Sc* the nama on the Bind. For tale iu Macon at wlmlesalw, at man-fsetorer'a pritev, by J B. ROSS A SON. Al.EXANDMtA WHITE. At wfcoleaale by the exclusive mtunfactivers aud aols cwnrr* of the Palerh WESTS, BRADLEY & CARY, a*t.d-3in* Nos S7 Cl amber* St.. N. Y. Terms Casli On the Delivery of Work. To the Public. W E bare again opened our abop, and are now ready to mnk» Ton anything out of TIN, SHEET IRON, ZINCorCOPPrR Alaotoeov.r tour Houses wim any sort ol mettle you may desire, - to flutter u. We hare any *ort of TIN W ARE, from a run to »* to gn on ten, aid ai situ* to sail at LOW PRICKS for the money. W* bat* ou band a choice lot of BTOVJEQ, Wash, C-xiV and Parlor. ive u* a rail and we will sorely please von. oci«R dm D. Dal.ACY A CO. " RAILROAD GUIDE- OFFICE IX Notice. Jenkins New Building eepled by biin, In firur .if Tumlm A Job oat on, da ted kith November IS-M—tut able twenty five d*j* after sik-bt, f r tbe rum of lilree hundred d dlara , Tha consideration having failed, I am dn. rmintil not to petit A. A. GAMBLE, notrjii 8t Notice to Debtors and Creditors. _ holding claims against the enUtr ol Cutbaiine Hawk, drciaerd, aro noiilicd tu prenent them in terms i f Ihe law, and all nerauns in iebfed to aaid estate are requested lo uiake immeduii# paiuieut. WM SPEARs nceSA-Ctt Komitnr. DEPOT STREET, Up - Stairs. MACON AND WESTERN. J WHITE, ParitDixr. E. U. WALKER, Hue’t. I.rave* Macon 7 45 a. u.* 2 r w. I rave* Atlanta 0 53 a w. Ameaaat Macon 1 80 r. a. niuar TRAIX. Leave* Macon 9 45 r. M. Arrive* at Atlanta 4 5) a. u. Lewis Atlanta 8 10 r. M. Arrives alMacou 4 25 A. K. MACON ANdIIuDNSWICK. GhOROE IIAZELIiTjrST. PatainaxT. GLuRtiE A. DURE, Nt r r. Leaves Macon 8 r w. Arrives at Junction .' 8 p. u. I.eavet Junction.... (I a X. Arrives al Macun 2 80 a. u. SOUTH-WESTERN. WM. HOnTparsiniuT. TlfiUlL POWERS, Btir'T. I.eaTes Macon 7 28 a. U. Arrireaai Euiaula •> 18 r. M. Leave* Eufaulu 5 10 a. a. Arrive* al Macon 4 10 f. it. ai.hanf branch. Iwavct Smilbville 2 42 r. a. Arrive* at Albnny 4 84 t. a. Leavo* Albany 7 i» a. a. Arrives at Smitbvilie 8 l» a. a. MUSCOGEE. < 4 EOKUIA. W ward*. Admin EOKtjlA, V.niiMV - w.m.i A VJ uinglon, having applied for letiere of Guardi- auehip of Lewi* A. Joiner and Mara A. Joiner, minor nr| ban* of lAWi* Joiner, di-cma-d, all par- aim* interested are notified to chow can»e, by the next January term of tbe Court of Oidinarv, f»r said cunty, why lalteraahoul • not b^ framed Ihe applicant W.M. D. KIDtlOO. nor 30-1 m Ordinary. IRORQIA, RtMuiLrii CotnfVr.—Charlea Stand. J lee having app'lrd for Icttrrs i f Ouardianehlp' ol John II. Dunn and Retjarniu L. Dunn, minor orphans ol Win Dunn, decaa-ed ; iPl | ennui* inter- •sled are no'lliiKl that his application will be con- idered *1 the next January term of tba Court of Ordinary fur said county, wm it Kinnoo. Oidtr.vrr. Coi'rtt. - Henry Kd- .. . on Hie e«l*tenf Henry llotbs having applied for I.eltrr* of Di«mia«iou, all pvraona intcreMed are n-u.fl«J to file tkc r ohj-c- lion*, if any. by the neal May term ot the Court of Urdiuary fur aaid county WM. D. KIDDOO, nort-Am Ordinary. ( _4 BQBGlA, KaMau.i-ii I'orsTT —-Sarah L. Ho 1 aev, Administratrix, on tbe ealate of Jan •* L llulsej, having applied fur Letter* of Disorsai n. all pvraona interested are not'fied to file their ob jections, il Ihe nixt May term of the Court of Ordinary for said county. WM. D. KIDDOO, nor2 fim Ord n«ry. rfiEOUulA, Ua.sDULi-a Oonrer.—William O. Dunn, baring applied for letter* of Guardian ship of Charles L. Dunn and Jamra S. Dnnn, mi nor orphans of Wm Dunn, deceased, all perron* interested are not.fied that his application will be considered at the next January term of Ihe Court of Oidioary fur aaid county. WM. D. KIDDOO, nnvSOdm Ordinary. G EORGIA. Raxnuirw CooaTT.—John W. Sea- ley, haring applied for letters of Guardianship ol Laura Dunn, minor orphan of Wm. Dunn, de- ce*»td, all perrons intrrro'ed are noiibrd that hia applioatlan will be cm«ider«d at the next Jonuart term of Urn Court of Ordma’v for raid ronnty. WM. D. KIDDOO, roT 8° lm Ordinary. G EORGIA, lliMii-UM Core rr.—George W. Oliver, administrator de bonis non. cum lest*, menta annetrd. oa -be estate of James W. Oliver, baviog applied for leave to aell lands of raid esiate AH |>er*oos interested are aotified tbit hi* hj plica tion will be consioered at Ihe next February te:m of tbe Court of U:dinary .'or raid conntv. ' WM D. Kli'DOO. novV^Sta Ordinal*. Greenbacks Wanted. I OOK HERE, you that are wearird f/om riding 1J ou bnr»* h«ck, and In old Hitcgir*. I a n now offering fir sale the CHKAl'EST BAR GAINS on record; neat aud durable Buggies at 8180, payable In Greenbacks. My prices rant* from (190 to |4i'0, without-llarru-sa. Hut I have a good sop ply • f H irness on hand I* Compare with Ihe llug- jtica in prica and aivle. My pneeaon harnrs* ranxe from 20 to 85 d..liars for singe hariicts. 1 hive I dovble hernvra oa hand at 40 to 150 dollars. Fin* Riding Bridles, Martingales, Diiviug-reica, etc., kent constantly on band. 1 am prepared to bni'd, at short notice, any etyle vehicle that may ba desired. REPAIRS OF ANY KIND in me lin* of buslnei* done with real ner* and die- pa‘ch. Wagons and baruera nude or rvjiaired to order. Call and fiamine for ynuraelfe*, •* I (Rink I c* suit you In j.rioe and quality a* l. f ar no rompal Hon- J. A. FOdTLK. octJAtf T. W. Fit GEM AN, WIIOLUALB AND BSTAtb OHO OSH Si OONFKCTIONEH, 89 Cherry St, Macon, Ga. t*T Frcsli FISH. OYSTERS, etc., in season sod (hipped lo parties out of th* ci'y promptly. Leaves Macm 8 40 p. Arrives at Columbus 4 54 a. i Leaves Columbus 8 80 r. ; Arrircaat Macon 4 M a. . GEOUGIAliAILROAD, Leaves Augusta Arrive* at Ailaula Leant Alltel* Arrives at Augusta * NI0UT TRAIN. iwavts Augnata Arrives At Atlanta Leuvrs Atlanta Arrives at Augusta .0 W r. n. ..7 05 a. «. ..7 41 r. m. 5I0r. *. * 41 a. n. 7 SO r. w. 2 80 a. *. WESTERN AND ATLENTIO. ROBERT lifttTGII, 8cr'r. l.rove* A I'anta 7 81 P. M. Airivev at Cbattanoogv 8 lo p. u. l.-avra Chattanooga 6 10 r. M. Arrives at Atlanta 4 40 a. m. ATLANTA AND WEST POINT. GEORGE oThULL, Fin't. I.eavrs Alfanta Arrive* at Weel Point...., An ire* al Atlanta « A U. 12 04 p w. T 03 r. u. HERBERT FIELDER, Attorney and Counsellor at Lair, CUTIIUEHT. O.V., (Ojhee ctcr the Post Office.) H AVING penraneot y located in Culhbert *o Arrive* at AngUAta.. licit* b'.uine** in all Ihe Courts of Randolph, lartrva Macon.... and in theSnpennr Courts of Clse, Calhi-nn. Early, I Leave* Attfurta.. MONTGOMERY A WEST TOINT. DANIEL II. CRAM, Scp’t. Leare* West Point .....I 18 r. M. Arrivi-s at Columbus 6 45 p. u. Arrive* at Montgomery • 15 p. M. leaves Montgomery 4 a. m. I wave* Colnmbiw 9 25 a. h. I’rrirt* at West Point 12 M. centraiTrailroad. WM. M. WADLKY, PexarooT. Leave* Havanrah 8 *• M. Arrivaa at Macon ■ Arrives nt Augusta * l 3 f- Leavev 7 A. H. leaves Augusta 8 <* *• «• Artirca at Savannah 7 05 p. u. KIOOT TEAIK. Leaves P*v«nn«b...» 7 fS P. M. ArriTC* atMaorn... ...4 Quitman, Siewart, Webster, Terrell, Humpier, Dougherty and Bibb counties, asd in lb* Suprema Ccnrt of th* Sta'e. lie may he fnned in hi* < dice at all busiocM boors when not absent na bn*|rea\ :uid vo druf mg and consults' octa«-ly miu etKiKvitLs A.en oordox taitka Connect daily whb the up day sod down rght paseeoger Train* of Ibis road at Gordon, Leavlig Baton'aa 1 M r »r. HI give peompi' I.e*vlrg Milledgeeille 4 85 p w. j Arrive* nt M>Hedgvili# .* jg r . M . I Arrive* *t l.«t viti u jn jo p. g.