The Cuthbert appeal. (Cuthbert, Ga.) 1866-1884, May 24, 1867, Image 1

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- 1 ■ 1 iljc Cutl)bcrt Stpptnl. J. P. SAWTELL,] LH. H. J0HE8, proprietor*. TERMS OF SUBSeRimojh ThrM DDDlhl •' w Si i ooatha ** 00 Ooeyetr 13 <» Innrimbly in x»va*ci. THE 1 1/UTHBElTi r app EAl Vol. X, p Cuthbert, Georgia, Friday, May 24, 1867. Nb. 30. IP OIK IE Uciialcscut in Puce. (Jfert qtiiit Oitt, in Pent.) j| |1 — Vc fwlloning vrrie extreordlnirie poi-uunu wm comp—rU »l nygUt, and la euppored to In one of y* drtutiK* : Oft have I hrerd good folk* comphdu of being plagued ailli rata, . , . , And wondered it they'<! cm tried the plan «r krrplng cata. An animal which of such pots would rid you in And yet^ Rk their good qualltlc*, cats have a tingle vice. Now what that •* stogie rice’' may l>c I quickly mean to tell— It diet hegan. I ba»o no doubt, when fcvc torn virtue tell '■ .... For ere Ibal time tho lwaata were wont to llro in peace and quid. And never would disgrace tbcmaclvra by getting up a riot! For every tingle cat of youra, here’* whore the do’ll'a to |>ajr— Would be fthejlutely certain, nt taut. bo 1 to heard aav, To have a country courin to vl*U her betlm-n, Which viaiUngo are thought to ho tlta gtmu-a of cat crloi.t; And oft, upon some neighboring ahed. they con gregate t««gotltfr, , To liavo a chat about the times, tho faahious and the weather; Jiut like a lot of women: and then u l* no If (key fall out among theoMflvra and five each other “tlmndcr.” Son* two or three begin the fhtaand othon toon join In; „ , Ikiwurn the whole outlandish crew they nuke a tearful dlo; Yelling im»t fiercely all the time ju*t to Increase the fun. As If notiudy «KM for deep becaure they wbh for none'. Be silent now, ye tuneful Moe, your harp* hare loat their power, Their (oudMl strnlu*. could not lie heard tvbcre discord mice tiw hour ; _ Ye owls, yo croaking raven*, come; ye ptwotu clear your throat. JVpd ye Ul-omunetl birds of night rend forth your banheat uotca t Ye woodmen bring the law and (lie. and Vt the grating noise Be Joined to that of ratling pane Wat by loud yelling Imp I Ye bouse-nulda ofie each creaking gate on rusty tiing<<« dire, And watch d<«a r«f*- yotxr dlnnal bowls an oc tave or two higher T Jx-t trumpets Mjmuk. ami vicious drums, pounded by KTi'Btmug child. Be Mingled with the mournful shriek of locomo tive wild! Though haunted room* at midnight hour let wind* moan dismally, And shutter* alam to (111 Utc uiiud with fearful imagery. I doubt if either one of these, or each and all combined. Could acf half aodiscordantly on the bewildered mind ; Hweet nolure from her slumbers soft, roused by th’ Infernal clatter, Rubbing her drr way eyes, exclaim*, "why, blesa me, wbat’a the maUrr T” And yet, perchance, there may be some who lore those midnight resell ; If inch there l»e they're welcome quite to all the •quailing derlta! And then they could, night after night, In slum bent ‘"ft !*■ laid. And gently lulled to sweet repose, by a feline # nrenailk*. Ilosr large or small their army he depeuda on clrcutmUBcre, Though every one ilia t joins the fray the lutereat enhance*; "The more the merrier,’’ they think, or ao they ■cetn to think. And yet how different thinks ho who scarce can weep a wink. In peaco f<r their outlandish noiac I But in hla broken sleep, Half dreaming oft give* utterance to sundry curses deep I Until, at length, grown wide awake, ho springs up from hi* bi d, % Hurling hoots and imprecations down upon each feline lieudj And now the whole gang is engaged In moat up roarious fray, Making the calm and peaceful night more noisy than the day'. At times inch wild unearthly yells fall ou the waking ear. That well might, wort the camw unknown, All the weak heart with fear I And In the time which they acloet display moat wondrous knowledge, They scarce could greater wirelon show If they had heo.1 through college : They always ineut ju*t at the time when people wmh to sleup. And when tha silrer moon and stare their silent vigil* keep! They cannot qtaRt 1 in the day ; oh, no 1 Urn* woiild'nt do, For in their way of doing things, that would he rtoCMtkiaf new ! Forsooth, in dityliuht fights aud frays they can no pleasure take. For then they wouldn't hare the fun of keeping folks awake I It ts a fair example quite or those domestic joys, Where constant atiife and bickerings all happi- nww destroys; - Mong people who, like these mote cate, can nev er long agree. And xrldnm aught about the house but stormy weather sue! The serenaden are soon greeted by a Dying brick or two; A poker or a stick of wood, or cbe a worm out ihoe! Thrown by some irritated gent, who cannot sec the fun Iu being cheated oat of his sleep until the rising sun! But their atlcaliou's for awhile so fixed upon tbeir battle To utMlos they give little heed which on the roof do rattle ; At length they find ont that it la a noticeable matter, Aod then the heat a quick retreat, in all direc tion* scatter! Those who bad vainly tried to sleep now think the trouble o'er. That, for the balance of the night, they'll Dot be bothered more : But ah! delusive hope, indeed, which cruel fate dispels. How fat their hopes are realized, the sequel quickly tells! Far on some «*1kt aked near by they qn'ckly moot again, And fancy that l boy‘re out of reach uf brick-lists aud of men ! •Tin wonderful to swe how quick a second lime they mivt, Ne'er y*t was bust an araiy farcod k suufl upon 4-Ut! Hero for nwhilo they all remain in silent medita tion, And seen to view their late repulse with fear nnd consternution ; In their lab' frolic 'hey can't see what crime they did commit, That tin y should ho assaulted thus, with stones aod brick-bats hit! But tbla soon wear* nway and then tach one takes tip his post, Determined hv hard fighting to retrieve the time they've loat ; Thus they stand not long to parley, hut the bat tle quick renew— One would think they had been drinking, nnd had all got rather blue! But here they are ugnl n weal led, just os they were la-fore ; The things which first did frighten them now frighten them still more; And giving one deepairing ery of fierce rage and dbmay. They suddenly do soparut* and hasten last away. Thu* cat* are wont to spoud their tlino upon a moonlit night, And in uiy mind, I have nu doubt, they deem it very right | Rut we poor tnoitnls can't agree with them In thK becau-e We do not wish our sleep to come to such an awkward puiuc I moral t. Oqt rid of cats, then you may rent In peace ; Remove the cause anil tho effect will cease : Where dogs aud cats oxlst in too great numlw, They only serve to rob yon of your slainhers. moral ii. A better moral dill here might ho taught. Did one but know In what way to apply It! Dome-lie strife I* always worse than naught. And this l* proved by all who ever try it: When man and ivifo commence to scold each other. Instead of harsh words let them try a kfss ; Then let each try all angry words to smother — Tin the true secret of domcaUI blim. A. U'Nkamc. I/Irown Goat, ®,p w. o. r.ATo.v. ANktt Wav to K«*r Kaos.—Tho week beforo going to sea on a four month’s voyngo I gathored in sixty doz en oggs for cabin sen-stoma, taking es- pouiul pains to prove evory egg of tho lot to bo a good ono ; besides 1 got them from my farmer friends, and knew they wore all fresh laid. Then I fixed thorn for keeping by Inking fivo or six dozen ut a time in a casket b *d dipping them about fivo soconds in tho cook’s ‘cop- par' of boiling water. After scalding I passed tho eggs through a hath made dissolving about fivo pounds of the chciqtesl brown sugur in a gallon of wa ter, aud laid them out on tho galloy floor to dry. There I had nty eggs sugar coated. I packed them in charcoul dust instead of suit; 1 tiiod suit ten youra, an 1 don’t believe it preserves eggs a mi to. Tho steward had strict orders to bring aft and report every bud egg he should find. During the voyngo he brought throe—not absolutely spoiled, but a littlo old liko. All the othors, or w hat was left of them, wero ns fresh when wo cams in as they were when I pneked thorn away.—Ctorwposdvnce Country Gtndnnan. We thank God that thcro is life in tho old Htate yet to spurn and tram- plo under foot nil proposals for a union with tho nnrty which has stripped us of nil wnich onco made us a proud and great people. Let our peOplo romomber that tho Radical demagogue and not the Federal soldier is tho author of all tho insults which have been heaped upoua disarmed popple. Tho soldier did not disfranchiso our bent men ; eufruchise our lute slaves ; abolish our Kioto governments; trample our liberlius under foot ; blot out the name of Virginia; deity our soldiers docent sopulturo; torture us with two ycurs of merciless legislative jnsrsecu- tion; systcmuticully defutnc and traduce us nnd Btrivo in every possible way to breuk our spirit and tnuko us dishonor the cause for which our bravest nnd purest men lost their lives. All this was tho work of the Radical party after the war was at un end All this was done by men of the type of Wilson, who fled like timid haros from well-contcBted battle fields, but who havo heaped upon a disarmed people insults which havo mndo tho roil oral soldiery blush with shame.—Richmond Timet. Tm Dki.ictaulb Cuss.—On his re turn from Petersburg to Richmond, af ter making his incendiary speech, Hun nicutt took a seat in the car assigned to colored people. When the conduc tor coinmundud his far he offered him a dollar and a quarter, live amount charged colured passengers. The con ductor informed him that the furo for white persous wus a dollar and fifty cents. He remonstrated, saying that ns ho rode iu the colored car lie ought only to pay colored furo. A colored man who heard the controversy, put a stop to the mutter by paying the quar ter in disputo. liOST Cuildrex.—In Limestone coun ty, Texas, some days ago, two twin chil dren, brother aud sister, named Dunbar, four yoars old, strayed from their homo into the woods, while playing, and wero not misied until evening. Search was made and continued till tho evening of tho third day, when they wore found, about two miles from home, locked in offch other's arms, dead. A wet north er hud come up the night they wore lost, and it wus supposed they died before morning. ^ fyHC The pitch lake in the islund of Trinidad is one or two hundred acres in extent, nnd consists of a penetrable but tenacious pitch, of uncertain depth—be ing too deep for any kind of sounding, and uotyui hard enough to sustuin ex cavatiou. The pitch is mined out aud shipped in large quantities to Europe, but closes over the chasms as fast n> they uro made, ar.t' npjieara iucxhauati- ble. lly was a most beautiful lbt-brown hnir was soft p, her hoofs wore small, ully curved, Ivor teeth ', ber logs straight nnd a luxuriant picco of eyes bright, her voico (cal. her mouth expres- Rita her average yield ftn. All this she was, let until of Into, when, kr 4i excellent ontor, her wV-n pemitivo sign of iff tho family of which "treo years a useful At Mr. nnd Mrs. Den- Ko children, who wero named tho goat Kate, itho neighborhood as ,nd visitors often in- boys well ? And how jnthorino for it was coiisulur tho three ry, nnd her ribs bo- owners wero too i*p her. Donnis was of employ. They [taaent m tho couu ry, Mrs. Duly man iitily alive by hook *ur husband should Min. ^1 Kate 1" one day |i with a half-fierce She will die lam >«u hor. Ye’ll got a chapo nt that, ighcr; and may to us Bomo day, jist tho finest idea nis, leaning over tenderly. “I’ve ft a rutile; and by tire tho vally of ff, mnn! May- ut Tt, and in tho stnrvo—nnd mo life, wid mo •ml tho ohildhor nothing. Go nnd sell Kuty id bring mo ov- ind." hling nnd non- raffle, und u chanco;- and in a week; Cathnl gont. li nnd fino hor horn white am sinewy, fringowor plaintive sive of im one quart or rather ’ although si ribs began something who hud bet member. Tho fact nis Daly hat boys, nnd ni she wus kt Catherir.o quired, “Art is tho Dnugli impot^nihle | «lay iu ales t< Hut 1\ a to gun to show poor to pro[ a ropeuiuke dwelt in try, opposito aging to keep uud by croof get regular wi “Ye'll hav« said she to ] half-mournful ishing if wo tr; five dollars at fur unv ns’ll bo bo yo’ll buy hoi the poor craytl “Faith l '' out,” exclulav unu stroking mind to put hoi that menus wo Jier Iwico nnd ih| " 'Twould tnki bo yo'il bo n monl lunnetirao the working for tl mouth's rint to neglected, und y 'long wid your raj for what she'll fot ery ciut of tho inoi “Whist wid yi sente, Mary. 11 ratlin it'll be, at lift; may bo I’d sell fort whut wad that bs “Twenty dollars, f 'e’ll nover see that ife.” “Divill burn me said Dennis, nnd went eagerly out t do uboutit. He spent throe dn^ going about and 111 quuintances ; but nft< ho fouud thut nunc Ii ay save to get him timns; or they did Catharine from tho they’d aftorwurd bo didn't wish for tho goi Each day, Dennis, turned homo tipsy, ai preaches now made that on gotting sober, rainy evouing, loud ing ho'd never como bad money for tho goat. Tyi in front of the grocer’s, hi in tho rain and wont in. It being a dull night customers in tho place, s tomors, nnd they to tho ni or eight, wero in tho sp inout behind a green Hcr« a gamo ut cards Gloom; nis leaned against a wull them. Ho know nearly nil nph lo man ; and agin, in your try, anyway," on his hut, 'hut ho coulu ing tho trial, up his no dding many, spare mom tk to bettor ant to take ly, thinking they oy rate. uil'-m -1, i •* k wife’s re- esperatc, so ,'ntout one swearing o without rloa post fiiicr baaing ibard wero no cus- of SOVCII dopurt- tteudiog igh, Den- lurvoyod This welcome relief from his garrulity was embraced by all, nnd during tho pause, tho proscnco of Donnis Duly was noticed, and he was invited to join the party, and tako a hand in tho game they wore playing. “It’s a heavy heart 1 have to-night, Jim Mullownoy,” said he, declining the ofior. “I'm not tnesolf at nil. I’m dis pirited intiroly, nnd bad cess to this mico that’s oomo, or I’d inlist for tho )ounty, ns yo did, giva it to tho old wo man, nnd let the divil fly away wid tho ropowalks, and mosolf into tho bar gain.” Mullownoy was n retired soldier, money all spent, now much attached to his friend*, of whom Uld Charley was tho chief—und a bold, slashing fellow, Anxiously waiting for the noxt war. llo forced Dennis to drink, and then tho lat ter booatne inspired to sell his gont. “Is thcro a mnn in tho party that wants a fine goat?” ho oxcluimed des perately. “Lorra a hair of her I’d spare, but for me necessitous situation She's the quuno goat of tho c ountry, and I’ll soil hor this night for tho money— 'pon me soul I will, to any ono of yces !'• und ho looked appealingly to Mullownoy nnd then to Old Charley. “She shall go for tho pnlthry sum of nvo dollars; hits ysildod a quart und a gill a day, and— and—" “Oh, wo don’t want no gont boro I" said Charley ; “como sit down, and sou this gnino out. What do you wnut to part with your goat for?” “It’s tho mouoy I'm afther. 8ho’s too expensive to knpo, aud mo doing noth ing, aud that’s tho truth so it is. Couu Churloy, you buy hor, nnd take hor right homo along wid yor. Bhe’s standing at tho dure." “What ? Brown Kato ? Lady Cath erine ? Is bIio out there in tho rain ?" "She is thut, jist. Como and look her for n minnto,” "Oh. I don’t wont your goat. Hold your bosses, I tell you Duly. Yon'' bettor koep her. If you soil Lor you’l Sing away tl'.G money, then you'll bo sor ry for it. Mind Old Charley. And ] dont wont her. Whntd'you g’poso an old man like mo is going to do with u mt ? Como boys, play on." Donnie subsided nwhilo, and aa ho looked on as before, Satan came and jogged his olbow, and a horrid thought ontcrod his lioad. “Throwing his money away, that I need I What’s the good of it to him, fill ing his throat wid drink and enriching the bloody landlord, while me owld wo muu’s heart dooa be aching, and Kuty. tho dnrlint, is out Ibore tied to a cruel post liko a criminal, aud hor hoaufy, barriog her bare ribs, tho dear ersythur —going a begging in the rain I Cob, what'll I do ? but I’ll wait till they’ro quite booxy, then I’ll tako Old Charley aside and ofTor him the gont for a dollar —hodad, I will ! tako what he gives me, without no witness, d’ye see ? Thin, to muke sure, I’ll take tho dollar right over to tho owld woman. And then lose no timo, but oomo back ; aud if ho suys ho paid, I'll deny it—toll bim to aooreh me clothing—and *o I'll keep tho goat till a botther time to sell her.” After a pause Dennis rosumod,— “Thin agin, the owld divil may forgit ho giv the dollar—ho's gitting drunker every minute—and if there’s a row, I’ll tuko my chanoes. But 1 must pacify tho owld woman. And if she says, 'Donnis, yo divil, it’s too littlo,’ I'll toll her how aho dhrove mo to the bltthcr Hscrifico, not Wailing for*tho lufflo—if I bring buck the goat, sho’ll have tho dol lar too, thin re'll both bo aisy ” Tempting demon or do'f-y of drink! what human head will over bo wise enough so truoly to define thee, that men of I appeared to huve any puinfl money except uu old villtj named Old* Charley, Americanized by a rcsidei yours. Ho stood about f whoa he was straight, whi tho case now, ho having b freely and exposing what n as u temptation for the rest dring it nway. About Bixty, grizzly bourd, very broad uud loudly talkative, ho wni tho lion of tho evening ; tliouj but n poor farm-luboror, wl lost tho partner of his po dwelt ulono iu the cellar of onco the village temperance verted into a tunomont house « peratico went out of fushion th was a harmless, hard working liquor, or an iron constitution, hud preserved him well in which ho was very proud, nnd ly assured his hearers that— “Old Johnny Hull, foruvor ! dead yet. You cao’t kill old No, sir, I’m older than any ni bet. Been hero thirty years, had a sick dny in my TiJo—oxci haps, a cold, or the like. You any inediciue into me. No, ni too old a bird fi»r that. I knot foot of ground in this town, if* long onough, I should think. 1 to know Hunip’n of it. No, yoi kill old Charley, lie’s a boy y, member,—*” “What yer talking about ? I Charley I You're bothering tho u “Then lake stnnp’n. I'm dry, I’ve got money enough. Old Chi got the brad*. Uh, 1 know.' Nono teens of uraclor lunun, if thiiiy ,bt high 'ns not rtnking ho had <p him witlia ideied Jcntly i; was uving now con tern- lie i, uud both, ts, of cited- ‘ain’t krloy. h, ni i^ver por- f* 8 et 1 I’m > ery 1 loro jht mt lust glassful, nnd then, ns ho wns mov ing toward tho door, ho cullol him back. “What’s tho matter ou you now ? What’s wanted ?” "You’ve bought tho goat, but yo’ll not take her aforo yo pay mo for her. It’s littlo onough I uxotl yo, and I want the money firet." “What arc you talking about? Think I’m a fool ? I paid yo. Gin yo a dol lar. Goat’s mine, bought and puy for. Yon onn’t fool Old Charley.” "You’ro fooling yourself, man. Yo nivor paid me a cint. Ye saidyo would whin I como back.” “I ? I nover. My ’pinion is you’ro drunk.” “Why, mnn, I’ve drunk but once this night. I’ll lnvo it to tho party. Jim Mullownoy, didyo see mp dhrink more nor onco this blessed evening ?’’ "No,” said Mullowny. “D’ye hoar that ?” said Dennis. “Yes, I do. What’s that to do with thocont ?" “What about tlio goat?" “Why ho—this fellow boro—Dennis," cried Charley, wildly, “ho says ho paid mo—no, ho says I paid him - " “Yo lie, yo blackguard 1” “I moan, he says, I didn't pay him a dollar, right thero in that 'oro corner for tho gout. “Ami I moan to ehtand to if, for ye did no such notion at nil to mo. Bogor- ru, I’ll shwoar to it wid tho lusht dhrop of mo howly blood, l'uu uio sowl Jou nro a Hrilish liar nnd a dishonorablo tliaif, so yo nro, and your shkin’s so blowod wid whiskey that yer brain has not room to circulnto, and yo'ro afthor gitting tho betthor of nio in tho noiso and confusion of thin respoctablo assem bly, to—to for to—bnto mo out of my own gont, which I’vo hud fioin a kid, and bad luck to tho dollar yo give me, for yo give mo noue nt nil, so you didn't—and pay mo now, or I’ll—nnd— and—” “Oh. you needn't get wrathy about it,” replied the old man, becoming some what sobered by tho passion of tlio oih- uud rising up to tho full height of his fivo foot. “You ouu’t scare old Chnrloy. safety. To nruvont mishaps, however, noxt dny ho Killed and dressed tho gont, and it is presumable that she has ore this bccoiuo part of himself, nnd flesh of his flesh. At ull events, his board grown somewhat longer. has ®t)c i£utl)bcvt Appeal. RATJBB OF ADVERTISING» Ono dollsr pur square of ten lines fur the Are! in eertlon, and Seventy-Ore Cent* per square for cocli subsequent insertion, nut exceeding three. One square three mouths $ 8 00 Onu square one year 90 00 Fourth of • column six mouths SO 00 Half ooluiun six months 70 00 Oue column aix month! 100 04 may know when to mvoko and when to resist thy influence? From cabin to court, from hall to hovel, thy foes are still of oqual numbers. Dennis Daly wnitod nnticntly and vig ilantly, and within an hour ha hud on opportunity to ant upon his design. The party continued to drink, and gradually became confused und uprorious, Dennis abstaining, and ho nnd nis goat forgot ten by them, until, choosing a favorable moment, ho took tho much bewildered veteran to n corner, und whispered his offer to him. “Speak louder, why don’t yna ?” cried ('hurley, with impatience. “What d’ye want! H»y.” This attracted attention from tho oth era unknown to Dennis, whose buck was toward them. “A dollar—a dollar—nnd tho goat t- yurc’s “Is it ? Done ! There’s your dollar," mumbled Charley, fumbling among his money und paying the sum, which Den nis hastily concealed, nnd then lie said, “.Say nothing about it—mind- till I jist step out and back, qnickor’ii a wink. It’s a shatno, so it would bo, to havo it Unowed she was gone for so lit tie.” “Oh, I'll keep mum! Never you fear for old Charley.” Donnis hastened out and across to hm wife, »nd gave her the money telling hor that more would follow [ nnd then speedily returned to the see nnnciul operations. lie fouud the old man much olatud with his purchase, and staggering to und fro, muttering,— “Tho gont in mine, tho goat m mine I It takes Did Charley to make a bargain after all. Come, gentlemen, one rnofc | round with me, und then I’m a going in.! home, I urn, to tuko my goat out of the ' Dcuuio waited till be had gorged the A Romantic Incident of the . War. From the boulavillo Journal.] Never shall wo forget the bcoiio wo witnessed a few days since, when it wns our good fortune to place in the hands of u family n dispatch from n son— whom they had long mourned na dciufcr-saylnff, "I will ho with you to morrow 1” Early in 1802, when tho red hand of war was thrusting thousands of our onco happy pcoplo from their quiet homes to bocumo wanderers nnd fugi tives in a strange land and among stran gers, a young man onlistod in tho regi ment in which wc wero serving from the vioinity of Cumborhmd Gap. lie wns nn exemplary soldier, nnd soon gained the esteem of hia comrades nnd confi- dcnc o of Ids officers. Hut just after tho short, but terrible battle of Ci'obs Lanes, Western Virgin ia, was fought, nn uufurtunato occur- rnnoe, implicating bim in a crime, of which subsequent events havo shown him to huve buoa innocent, brought him beforo a court martial, uud ho was neo- tcncod to be Bhob His previous good character induced tho officers of his reg iment nnd tho commanding general to petition tho l'rosidout to commute his sentence to imprisonment, which petition was granted, uud ho was accordingly sont to a well known mland-prison, between tho coast of Florida nad Cuba His family, who had boon driven from their homos, wore then residents of our city, and tho intelligence of his incarcera tion almost crazed his devoted inothor und sister. Hut their confidence in his truth, honor, und goodness of heart nov- or faltered. They felt ho wus innocent and looked hopefully for the revelations of "to morrow” to pmvo it. In a few months, howovor, it wns announced in tho mortality report of tho prison that ho had died. After repeatedly writing, No, no. You go on, nr.d bdW, J,'jy oo- j bis mother reocivod no contradiction of ing out to bring in my goat out of tlio the report, nnd guvo him up with a re- ropov., v .. gnation thut only circutnjlauccs can vouchsafe lo a senritivo mother. ••Down her chocks flowed the round drop* ; And m wo *oo the sun shine thro’ n ibowcr, Ho looked her beauteous 1700, (jiialliig forth light and tears together." A year passed, and the family moved to tho interior of tlio Htato. Hut whut mighty roVolutions docs a yenr bring forth. Circumstances transpired which proved beyond n doubt thut our orrono- ously reported do«d comrade wns inno cent of thecrimo for which ho Imd been imprisoned, nnd ho was promptly re leased. Being without money ho stop ped in n Northern oity to work, writing to his former homo for his mother, and then advertising in several of our Htato papers, but to no avail. Tho only in formation ho could get of hor wherea bouts was that she waff living “some- whore iu Kentucky." llo oamu to the State and locating In nn adjoining vil lage, continued his exertions to find his mother’s family, whom ho had reason-to believe wero iu destitute circumstances whorevar they woro. • * Now comes tho finale. An attempted outrage ou a young lady in Eastort) Kentucky, a few weeks since, an ac count of which was published in tho Journal, como under tlio notice of our friend, nnd tho almost victim of tho fiend ish uMHiiuIt, on investigation, was found to bo his sister. Wo wore then on bus-' incHB in that part of tho Stato, nnd re ceived tho before monti mecl despatch, and placed it In tho bundrf of tho moth er. Bho road the littlo message, started, looked closer, nnd road convulsively, and tremblingly looked into our eyes, seem ingly searching tho depths of our soul, snnk upon her knees, and, with upturn- eel face, exclaimed iri language that »vil! evor rovorbernte on our brain: "Father, I thank thee for to morrow 1” Mournful—The groat sewing sisterhood and drygoods frater nity huve been brought to tho depths of despare by tho abolition of crinoline, which has now been worn for many years. ThO present stylo.of dress requires put that in your gob, Mullownoy; and j ()n jy 0 jght yard* of material, instoad of if its como to this, I’ll huve the goat by | twelve a reduction of thirty-three por fair manes or foul. Ho lave your liowlt | cont <1 \ H f 0 , bonnets, near-sighted poo- of tlio ropu 1” now shouted Donnis, seiz- .,i L . }' 00 k f or them in vain among musses ing tho arm of Charley : upon which Lf false hair and “boughteo” curls. Mullownoy caught him by tho middle I j 0 » in *Sroith, who has a refloctlVo turn and liurlod him to tho other side of tho () j , nllu | i though his reflections uro too room. oiler muddy, writes us thut important “Como on tho wholo of yocs,” ox- event gonoi ally happen to couph And while Dennis proceeded with a volley of protestations nnd opithots, Churloy brought in tho brown goat, baaing und shivering, but making no ro- sistaucu, being glad to got in wborc it was warm ana dry. Hu sat down nnd coaxed her, holding firmly by tho ropo. “Lave hor alone, or puy mo the dollar yo promised, und I'll pardon tho huh- take.” “I dont want no pardon, I don’t. This gont is my property, now. I’d hnvo you to kuow, and I'll do as I plcuso with her.” “Ye may that, and welcome, too, if yo puy me the dollar ; nnd nhuro she's worth that, and five rnoro to ye, owld man, for a companion, now ye’ve no wifo, aud sho'U give a fine supply of milk for yer mules, when bIio gits fat a bit.” “None of your blarney, Dennis. You know I paid you, right well." "I'll luvo it to tho party. Did ono of yeos seo him give mo a dollar ?" “1 didu’t." “And I didn't; but I hoard some thing said ubout a dollar.” “Hareenough,and tbruo for you; it was mo wfio was axfng him for to givo ino my rightful compensation.” “And I saw him fumbling in his pock et, but I ouu’t nay I saw him give it to you, because I didn’t, ns I thought KVuebody aBkod mo to drink, just then, nnd 1 looked another way.” “My opiniou iu that ho thought ho did but did not ” “And my opiniou is that ho thought ho did, and I thought lie did mesvlf, for 1 bow him!” “What’s that, Jim MullownoyV cried Dennis, astonished, for till new lie thought thero was no witness. “1 saw him givo you the money,” re peated Mullownoy with scorn ; "for 1 minded tho quaro looks of your dosuto fu 1 inng, all tho tmjo und I thought ye’d be up to some dirthy thriuk aid him. Yo put tho money crafthily into yer breeches pocket, und wulkeu out." Ye’re a villain to say that much, and j HUMOROUS. What is bettor limn a promising young man ? A paying one. In tho beginning woman consisted of a single rib. Now sho's all ribs, from hor belt to tlio rim of her petticoats. If you wish to fatten a thin baby, what should you do with it? Throw it out of tho wiudow, and it will como down plump. “Off sho goes,” snid a lady of tho train, ns it was starting. “You hnvo mistaken the gundor, mad am,” said Prenlico, "this is tho mail train.” *■ An intoxiontod man who wns suffer ing tho natural consequences of his in discretion, was nskod what he wns do ing, when ho repliod, "Developing my internal resources.” A littlo boy asked his mother what blood relation meant. Hhe explained that it monnt near relatives, oto. Aflor thinking a moment, he said : "Then, mother, you must bo the blood iest relation I’vo got.” “* of my existence, givo mo nn -y-,” said a young printer to his sweetheart. Sho made a nt him, and planted 1 herI^JETbot wood his two I’s. “Such nn outrago," said Faust, look ing ft at hor, “is without a |.” A smart young student of anatomy, remarked in tho hearing of his sister, that tho ronson thero woro so many old maids in tho world was owing to their tight lacing, which so hardened their hearts ns to malto thorn imponotruble to tho shafts of Cupid. I f 20 grains mnko a soruple, how many will make n doubt ? If 7 days make ono weak, how many will make one strong ? If 01 yards make a polo, how many will mnko a Turk ? If throo miles mnko n lenguo, how many will make a confeder acy ? If four quarters make a yard, how many will mnko a garden ? A Russian lady being engaged todiuo with M. da Talleyrand, nt the timo Min ister for Foreign Affairs, was detuinod a full hour bv seme unoxpocted accident. Tho furnished guests grumbled and looked nt their watches, On tho lady's entrance 0110 of the company obsorvod to his neighbor in Greek : “When n woman is neither young or handsoin she ought to arrive botimee.” Tlio ludy turning round sharply ac costed tho satirist in tho same language "When a woman," said Hho, “has the misfortune to dine with savages sho al ways arrives too Boon." claimed Mullownoy, us merry an a crick et. “I’vo knuwcu Owld ('barley for nigh fifteen year, and uiver a man whull tech him or his'ii, while I can swbing a hand!’’ which is not true, cIhc would not twins bo 30 rare; and he proceeds to illustrate his thorny bo tho remark : “Now maukiojl eiuiuUauoutisly rejoice in eight hours for labor and oight yards "Iha I Dao I Una!” cried tho affright, far tlruir Wiyo,' driresw-"—N. Y. Am in/ ed goat', trying to got free from tho'/Wi scene of poril, und a buttle Boomed immi nent, when the quarrel was happily abated by the sudden enfruuco of Mrs. Daly who rushed angrily at the delin quent Dennis and demanded, if ho woro going to givo her tho rest of tho money be had rvcuivud for tho goat, or wuu ho spending it. No further proof wns nuoded of tho guilt of Dunuis, who, mute with shame, made no other demonstration, and w*« glnd to yield to his wifo, os she pulled him front the place. Tho coast was now clear for Old Charley, who, thanks to the good faith of Mullownoy, was now enabled to get borne with tuo troublesome purchase in is estimated that in the conn ties ol Halifax, Bnottsylvaiiio, Franklin and Henry, Virginia, and Buckingham and Caswell, North Carolina, tlio tobac co now on bund is worth $12,000,000, and tiio crop of Hisdlsylvauia alone is piucod at $0,000,000. A prize fight came off a few days ago in Bergen county, New Jersey, between WjUiatn Kelly and John Drady ; ono hundred and eighteen rounds wore fought scientifically. Tho fight lusted throe hours and ten minutes, nnd both men pummelled badly, when a general fight among the spectators took place, and the rdiercoe withdrew. Letter of a Suicide. The telegraph has announood tho doath, by suicide, uf Hon. Elijah lliso, of lvnotueky, who had just been elected to represent bis district in tho Fortieth Congress, by n majority of 0,000 votes. No ono, not oven his family or most intimate friends, suspected his purposo. although it seems to havo been Bottled iu bits own mind for wooks. Tho deed was dona on the 8th inst, at his homo in Russellville. A letter to tho Courior, dated tlio Oth, say : On yesterday he loft my offico aftor a short convorsotion nnd wont immediately home, not distant moro than a hundred yards. In hnlf an hour tho report reach ed me he had shot himself. I hurried down and fouud the report too truo. Ho had limbed u couple of eight inch rilled pistols together, and standing bo- furo a largo sized mirror, had dis charged both through his brain, imme diately over tho eyebrows. Tho wholo- top of his head was blown completly off. upon a small table, immediately in front of him, was found tho enclosed manuscript (n minnto copy of which I sond). From this It appears thut tho condition of tho country boro to such an oxtont upon his mind ns to ronder death preferable. Ho has also been suffering for somo month* undor diahelet mlJitufi, which contributed, in a great degree,-fro doubt, to his despondency. Ho was six ty • fivo yours of age, July 4th, 1^60.— You will perceive, from the datf of his article, that ht> lias contemplated the oct some weeks. I belivo you now 'have all tho facts, and you can write suftli an article na you may bo inclined. ' . A COPY OF THK NOT* IN JUDO* IIISk’s IUNIIv WKITISU, FOUND ON 1118 TADLK V I havo lost all hnpo of being rt t,k to aid* in saving tho country from {Lo impend ing disasters and ruin In which despotic- nnd uucoDMituiional rule has involved her. 1 hnvo becu brought into thr ; public service ut un age too advanced,- uud ut a period too lute to allow mo even- . to hopo that I can do anything in utr£ of the restoration of constitutional gov ernment, even if udmilted to a seat ii* Congrors, which, it la said, would be refused. 1 am enfeebled by tho infirmities of ago and by disease. I am weary of the world and intend tqjunve it. I am sick nt heart and resort to doath for relief. 1 shall leave a poor, afflicted wife and kind relatives und friends, none of whom havo any knuirledge of iny purpose. 1 hnvo kept my intent to seek death, for relief from my sorrows that afflict me, n secret from all. I do not think even a suspicion of it exists in the minds of ei ther wifo, kindred or frionds. Elijah There is n codicil to my ^will in my coat pockot, since placed iu tho bauds of my wifo.