The Cuthbert appeal. (Cuthbert, Ga.) 1866-1884, July 25, 1884, Image 3

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Bosnia Prunes, Dried Figs, Slice/and Grated Pine Apple, Desiccated Coeoanut, Com Starch, Thurber’s Granulated Tapioca, Wheat Farina, Cmued Peaches, Smoked Sliced Beet; Catsup, Sauces, Pickles, JORDAN & CO. „ And Fresh Family Groceries. All at the Lowest Cash Price, CTdcHliWr' Appeal. 1 For Sale. Nowill sell the entire outfit to ruerljr u*ed in the Culhhcrt Ap* p« 1 newipaper and job oflicei at a grStt bargain, if early application it 4&do. The outfit it complete in eve j department. Terms easy. J. p. SAWTELti './ $50 Reward i trill give $50 for the arrest |delivery to me of a uegro man, irford llrown, alias John Craw- Hois tolerably close built, elgh about lDO pounds, about hum height, very dark blown connexion, quick spoken, appears » a sprightly negro otherwise, amiis about 20 years of age. JI« la aliiog thief. J. \V. Fillinc.xmk. Hpi^ig Vale, Randolph Co., G ». 4Young inun, call at the Shoe Stub and get a fine pair of low cut fehefs iu the latest style for a little uotry. W. D. BaIley, l’ro r. -jsnperior Apalachicola Oysters for tale at B. L. Dunn’*. — Lodic's Opera Slippers at The Siioic Stoke. — ?or Cigtira, Tobacco and Sunil gob B. L Du.nnV —Uvnl’a Toilet SUppcrs, at The Shoe Stoke. —Ladies Common-same slippers a t Tiik Suok Stoke. —'The finest Onions and Iri-h Potatocc iu Culhhcrt, just recciv.d n t Jhaao Easley's Suable Property "for Silo. I will well roy residence cn Col lege street, threo tenement homes bear Western cemetery, nod a vacant lot of 1$ acres, tnor« or less across the radioed. This property will be sold cheap f° r 0,1 annual payments for a period oj years, with interest. Mr. K. Tit* llebaum will repiescnt me iu any of these isles. F. Put.ASK!, —Can Goods of the best brand at B. L. Dunn’s. —Slippers and Low-cut Shoes till you can’t rest, at TiibSimk ^touu. ^•The young Indies aie invited to call aud t-xnmino my stock of Opera 8lippcr* and Low-cut Shoes at 1 have just received anctlu r lot. W. D. Bailey. ] have just received another lot of Ziegler’s Opera Slippers, also, a nice liuc ot Gent*' Toilet Slippers, which I will sell cheap. ff Gall at the Shoe Store and get sup- 1 plied. W. 1>. Bailey, Pr *pr» tor. —Gill-edge mortgages, of the nest and most acceptable f>tiu, can |»e Lad at the Appeal office. At fast* •I Crocker, awl GUrawa.'O 141 Coaieaud rupply yenrael.M bciore in, itock w broken. • f J!. J. AxtHosr. ' r-Ulank contract, and landlord’, lien., «Jt in one form, can bo bad *t the AgrkAi. office- —A great reduction iu all clast- M of Shoes until further nolle at F. PULoani A C'o’a. ;<_AtF.PulMki A Co’., all Bummer Wootlwl Dreaa Goods, from the find to the Iowe«t grades, mill be offered »v actual coil price for the next 80 day. fresh Extract*. Strawberry, Orange, Baoauoa, Fine Apple, Vanilla and Lsraon at Auuos A SiMroojr’a. / —Mr. fc. TittUbaum will leave for Now tfork to-morrow, and if any of hi* customer# desire any thing special in the way of goods he will ho delighted to serve them. —J. W. Stanford and lady and Itobt. L. Moyo are oil excurting with the Georgia press to the de lightful shores of Canada. A pleasant trip and safe return for all is our wish. Flour! Flour!! Flour!!! Headquarters for good Flour, at low prices. #1. L. Sandebs. — We publish to day an inter esting account of th'e closing exer cises of the Stato Uuiversity at Athens, written by our clever and taleutcd young friend, Robt. L. Moye. It was intended for last istuo but was received t>o late. —After the first of August the friends and patrons of Mr. B. L Dunn will find him in tho store now occupied by W. D. Baily. Mr. B. goes into’a olJ stand. Wo.wish both success in heir new gjarters. —J. L/Sindi-rs j ays tho high' est dish prico for hide8, bccsWux, •tc. —We havo been requested to announce that the “Young Amer icans” of Cuthbert will have o walking match on the l-’th of Au- gust at the warehouse. No oik ver 18 years of age w ill be allow- 1 to cuter tho contest. Prized, and all particulars published next cck. Crackers, Crackers. Just received, a line ami fresh hit Si.oat Fluke aud Cream Crack- era at J. L Sanukks. — Mr. Coitrz Mapp, one of the •veiekt young men that ever •nt forth from Cuthbcrt, i* at >ine a few days with his fit her id sister, whose hearts have been suddenly and sorely bruised by tho tit nth of tho wife ami moth* r. Cortez has n gool position in lew Yolk and wo shall always J"'™ in ln-nr of hi. pr wperity. — Wo are sorry to burn of the Imost fatal accident that befe! nr friend Charlie t'lnrko, cn Mon day last, near Smithvillr. He wis uperiuleml-ng the woik of re pairing tho toad when a heavy ; of timber f 11, striking him upon his head. Hu was rendered unconscious for some time, greatly the a’arni ot friend* present o is low at his home iu Cuthbeit d stiadily recovering. —The la»i issue of ihe Appeal, but don't forget that you can al ways find a full lino of fancy aud family Groceries at J. L. Sanders. —On Mouday night lust the youngest child of Mr. Dmii Hum* ck, living at Coleman Station was sick from some bowel affection. Its mother gave it a couple ofdrops of laudanum when it became easy and went to sleep. The botllo oi luuJanuui wus placed on a table near the child's crib, and some time during the night it awoke and got bold of the )K>i»on, and it is thought that in attempting to drink the drug spilt it over iu throat aud chest, to such an extent that it died on Tuesday. The con dition of the child was not discov- red until morning when its sys tem had absorbed so much ot the laudanum as to cause death in a few hours. We truly sympathize with tho parents, Tho babe was about two yeais old. Store For Rent. The elegantly fitted up St< Hoorn in the Powell Buildiu; able for Dry Goods, Clot general MercLandUo. Apply Powell's DfiUO StORK. —Our especial friend, Pbel|M f railroad agent here] one of the best iu the land! been quite sick for a week We hope he may bo out a ltd m< self again soon. 1^’)" We have .had our fish. Now we menu business. For any thing iu the Hardware and Gro cery Hue call op Allison A Simpson. ' —There was quite a siriall turn out on Wednesday afternoon both of spectators and walkers, at tho walking match. It being given for the benefit of our Bremen, (he managers confidently expected a more liberal spii it among tho fire men aud citizeua generally. How ever there were two con test ants upon the track who entertained the select audience for two hours and twenty minutes. They were Jas. McKenna, who walked 14 miles and 3 laps (9 laps to tho mile) iu tho lime specified, aud Will Big- bio who made 13 miles and 1 lip, when a purse of ten dollars was awarded McKenna and five dollars to Bigbie. The evening was op pressively warm hut tho contes tants stuck to tho track manfully, exhibiting great resolution and power of endurance. Bigbie had been unwell few some days aud it was under the protest of friends he entered the coutcst, but wo have no idea but “the Irish hoy,” is more lhau a match for Will iu his best trim. Sack rices were par ticipated in by soveral colored boyi to tho deight of all. Tho inana gers were enabled lo pay all prizes, espouses, etc , aud have a few dub tars left which was turned into the treasury of our galltnt firemen. We predict another contest soot when il will be more liberally pat ronized, we hope. —There are a number of oui subscribers who nro indebted t( Appeal for subscription, uh< wc hope will call and settle. Wi d the money to pay our debts here and to remove our effects to Chattanooga, Will you make honest effort to pay what you otrr. P >Vc OOTieve you will, and as cvidenco of our faith in your responding, we piece a cress mark X after your name that you may >ii are in arrears and we expect you to call. The Appeal (Siwtcll) is gone, hut 1 am still in the field with a full slock of Family Groceries that lling at prices that defy competition. .J L. San debs. — We have uever issued a copy of the Appeal, which is now near ly 18 years ohl, without its conr- twining a prominent advertisement of the drug, hook and stationery •f T. S. l'owell. Whatever fato may be in store for us iu the wc Hi dl ever ri'j iico to learn of the continued prosperity of tl i* house—the true and tiied, the cli and never fai'itig friend of the old Appeal. —We spent a most delightful -lay l-'ildu) lost in IA..I dailies. The farmers hud srringed for a social re-union and a feast upon tho fat of the land, and at nti early hour tho po< pie began to pour iu from every quaiter, bear ing in their buggies and wagons well-filled baskets ami trunks of choice edibles, About forty car- c.i»ses had bieu most artistically barbecued, and after listening to two hour's tcmpcraiico lecture by Bro. Goodrum, ot Cuthbeit, and exhaustive address upon agri culture by a iuwyer, dinner was announced to tho great delight of tho multitude who wero in fine trim to do justice. After dinner a game of ball was played between tho Georgetown and Fort Gaines clubs in Which tho former was badly worsted. We met a world ot old friends, and had an old-time band shaking all around. The Fort is improving rapidly and substantially. OMTIIAICOUXTV BEPAItTlIEXT UNO. W. LEE, Editor —At the bridge that crosses the railroad three miles cast oi George town, and kuewn as tho wire bridge, was the scene of a horrible accident Monday morning last. Mr. Joseph D. Adams who lived near Hatcher’s Station on return* ing home from town lay down on the track under tuid bridge, and it is supposed, went to sleep. In a short while the pay train caiuc on and Iu consequence of a curve at that point iu the road, was so near upon Mr. A. before the on*, ginecr saw him until il was im possible to stop tho engine before it parsed over him, crushing his right arm and mangling his body in n terrible manner. Ho was put upon tho train and carried to the stntion and placed under medical treatment immediately, but so se vere were bis injuries that he sur vived tho shock some ten or twelve hours only. Tho deceased was about 25 years old, and was n good citizen. He leaves Whiml u wife and one child to mourn his untimely demise. To them we tender our heartfelt sympathy in this sad hour of their bitter he- reavun nt. — A coll iron a few days ago bo- ( driver a promiucnt citizen of the same pla«o, resulted wo learn, rather dumngingly to the cranium of the former. like they had attended a funeral. We presume their Incut! muscles were elongated by the odor of the barbecued meals, and nut by the hall defeat. —As long as an editor will sav nico things alout some people it is nil right, hut let him speak disap provingly of their couduct or dc* portineut and what n yell they can raise. Should not consistency he more liberally inculcated iu our Sunday schools ? —A ml tho Charter of George, town does not provide tor the levy ing of an ndvalorum tax, eh ? To so assert is apparently a plain ease of tho “blind trying to lead the blind.” To jump nt a conclusion without an investigation is a dan- derous practice. First know you arc right, and then go ahead hoys. -—1 here is decidedly i in refu ing a friend thai tiling upon the people ui officer. — A prospect for a to t!»ia county is flittering treme. * honor —“By jingol” A corporati that docs not “divide again*! it self’’ occasionally, may Ho consid ered a very small ''taler.” — “I declare 1 nn» not mad with you," has become a common say“ ing with some of the boys. Next. —The genial compositor of the Kcho office spent last Saturday uml Sunday in the country How senti mental he has been since. If he tells it correctly vhe has the charms of an angel. Dear Sir— Is it n sound to adhere to the rotation system in sol. cling a State Senator? And v% ill Dr. Mercer accept the nomiiu lion lor the oflico of Heprcscnta live flout this county if tender*d him by the peonlo/ Vorcit. ''Voter’s” communication wai handed *.s too lato to answer hit first question, but will uo so in tho next issue. We have never in any shape or form said one word to the Dr. about rej rerouting the county iu tho next Legislature, and cjut.ot say wlnther he will cr not. Hut we do say this, know ing him to Imyu leen rais.'d up in the bc'icf, that under n tcpnhlican gorert merit il is the duly of every citizen lo contribute to the public such »ervicn as the intelligent and good people may demand of him. We do believe if tho nomination was tendered him, his patriot! mr would coustraiu him to accept it. —Public officer# are mere agents of tho people, nud their official conduct must submit lo public Comment. r —Just received, a fine lot of Umbrellas, at \V. D. Bah. it's. —As we are in need of mouey and must redace the Stock we are offering all oar Goods at greatly reduced prices, so come before they are picked over. F. Pulaski & Co. nico salid dress* toraatoeq cabbigo or don’t fail to call at r’s and get a bottle of salid dressing, it ini* delicious flavor and which ileasant to the palate* —A j>roU'*-‘ ca meeting will be* gin tomorrow at Beulah church in the 5th District, conducted by Uev. Mr. Wiggins, tho pastor, as sisted by Uev. II; Stubbs. Tho people of that section are cordially iuvited to attend these exercises. —We will state tint if any one iu this section wishes to subscribe for a live daily or weekly paper from Chattanooga, Tcun., we w ill receive their subscription cheerful ly before leaving on Tuesday fur the Democrat. Daily $7, weekly $1.50. Mr. it melon have seen Ibis i eosou. Friend Bob is an adept nt "plajibg the agreeable. —The series of sermons preach ed by Kev. F. A. Branch from Fri day night la*t until Monday night in Gcorgutowu, were greatly en joyed tf his congregations. The fact * uo attentive listener can fail tp nc impressed and profiled by t ie clear aud convincing L gic of this eminent diviuu iu presenting the gospel verities. —A good motto for Georgetown: A atroug home policy, but not too weedy. —The picnic at Monticcllo Sat urday, we understand, was quite a success. Thu attendance was largo but tho dinner was ample. The speech of Mr. C. B. Phillips was well couceivcd and ably delivered. —The boys wbo went to Fort Gaines to play a match game of boll returned looking very much “ Don’t Lot Trip Bito the Army,” Editor Appeal: Poor liillo Trip seems to havo scared old goody-granny “ Citizen ” very nearly lo death. Now, for his re lief 1 will say there is not a parti cle of dang*r to him, or his pros pects, from tho writer. As far ns “ putting out tricks ” is concerned, your correspondent's tracks are thick among those of tho Wool Ilat Brigade of Ran** dolph. First, hare-foot tracks mado plowing tho fed hills and sandy bottoms of his native coun ty ; then mound the old school house of tho iniinitivllo O'Brion; then as ho stood, still a mere boyj shoulder to shoulder with them on two score or mdro bloody fields of battle, or trudged wearily through the iijoct tn midnight march ; since iu honest ollbrl to sustain the hon or and dignity of our county, and lo walk upiighlly and seemly be fore all men. All thii being true God forbid that one single foot print should bo wiped out or ever forgottch. Your correspondent has no need to cry “ Catch Thief ” lo turn the attention of the | coplo from him self to something else. Nor has he any need to fear those whom h has known, nud wl o have known him nil his life. Honest ditlcn-nce of opinion is uecordod iu our land, to every man, and a mere expris- siou of opinion, by ballot, is m»t dealing “ fouly ” with the people, uml *' Citizen ” is a slanderer when lie so pronounces it. Your correspondent, unlike “Oitiz n,” tukts his cuo from his own convictions, and believes that everybody else does the same, uml Accords to them the sauio honesty of purpose which actuates him. Mr. Editor, I am a prohibition- :»t, 'loon'tog a tv.Miry. Mid Jelled tear oi. the graves of dt-urly loved ones too soon deputed, and tliauk G.-d from my heart that l do not want oflico bail enough to advocate that which has brought furrow aud death into my own household, aud that I ntn a free man so far as ecru the awful tyranny of this arch fiend, whiskey. On this subject, ns on every, other, I have my own viuwrs, and accord noucsty of pur* pose to tlioso who differ with me. Would to God nil wero of rajr mind in this one matter. I am not a candidate for any thing. Should I bccomo ono (and it will never bo for the Legisla ture) I havo on tror.ks to put out. If I am even convincod that mj judgement on tho fence question was wrong, I will cheerfully say so, but I indignantly cast back into tho mouth of “Citizen" his slan derous words, as to the motive of my vole, or my former communi cation. Now my dear old friend, as you le«ve us soon, permit me lo say you will be missed iu our commu nity. Many heart# will follow you iu friendship aud good will where you go. Not ono more sin cerely anxious for your prosperity than your correspondent. **** ■—For cheap Groceries go to B. L. Dunn. Atlanta, Ga., Sept. 10, ’83, Messrs. Ilatfe & Mower, Gen tlemen; A short time ago I had a severe attack of billionsncsi and my kidneys troubled me so that my rest was disturbed, something un usual for me. 1 was recommend-* ed to try your Elixir of M. and B. which 1 did. It cured me in an iucredilly short time and I now recommend it to all similarly af flicted. Yours, respectfully, W. Mukdocii Lind, (Proprietor Atlanta ''Botfibshell.”) Five Cent Column. NoUccm will l»e Inserted in this coli fur live cent* per line, each iiueitinti. No uotice will bo inserted for less than 25 cb>. Notice to Teaflhets, Two teachers aro wanted for the S. W. Go. Agricultural College, iu Cuthbcrt, Ga.,—a lady for the Primary Department, and a gon tleman for tho Collegiate Depart- tnent. Tho gcntlonian will bo ex' pectcd to teach tho Sciences, ad* vunced Mathematics, ond fill the position of Military Commandant. Applicants will addret, Uev. J. E. GODFREY, Pros. Bord Trustees, Cuthbcrt, Ga. Dried Peaches. I will pay tho highest market price for all dried ptaches brought me during tho summer. P. Hakims, —Clock try, Tin and Wooden Ware at B. L. Dunn’s. — F. Pulsski & G'o., have reduc- prices on all Summer Clothing in order to close out Stock. Call and convince yourself of tho fact. —A large lot oi uice ^Silk and Satin Fans at cost at F. Pulaski Co’s. Haiman’s and Avery Plow Stocks, For ,t Alums A Flour. Flour. ’uteut Bolter, Patent Anti allisox * nmreoiCB. Your tabic can bo supplied with any luxury from the largo assortment of family and fancy grocpi-nw just received at Easley’s. lee, Lemons, Fruils, Confectioneries, Cigars, Bread nud Cakes, etc., always on sale itt Biouy’s. No Fishing Allowed. I hereby forewarn all persons from fi.diiug in my pond under peiulty of the law, as I shall sure ly prosecute all violators. 3t. >V. H, Coleman. — White Wiuo and Apple Viue* U«r at B. L. Dunn’s. —The best 5 cent cigar in Cuth- bert can be had at Isaac Easley's. —Cookir.g Stoves at $10.00 and ipwards nt K J. Anthony’s. —Puro leaf lurd—no cotton seed mixture—always to Lo found nt Kahlky’h The L'utlibert Boy k. Can now have their "Whistle Wot,” with whiskey of any grade desired or Beer, by sending me their or- cieia. i .» now carrying «ho larg est and best stock ever before ban d'ed, embracing every grade aud price, and will sell by tho drink, (nt uiy bar) or fill orders for on quantity from a gill to a barrel My old patrons in Cuthbcrt nud Kundolph county may rest assured ilut t hey will get just such goods its they order. Call on mo noar Kuigler & Wal ker's, Eufaula, Ala., whoa in the city. Jas. A. Hat. TO THE Ladies! We havo tins day reduced prices of all our Dress Goods! While wo have sold a groat deal In that line, yet our Stock is very large, and wo would advise all to come before they nro picked over, for everybody knows that when wo my “Ufa reduce an article/' wo mean it, m Misses’, Children’s and Ladie’s SLIPPERS, Wo can offer you a BARG \IN, as well as In everything Ai in tho Shoo Liiic. No matter what anybody olio offert thorn to you, or any article in our lino at, Wo WILL and MUST UNDERSELL, as wo always will stand to oof old Motto “ Quick Sates Mid Small Profits.* Clothing! Wg lmvo a Tllii*tl Shipittont coming- this we Oil, bnd those wlio lmvo not l>ought yet, Would <lo well to call soon ahd tools through our Stock. Uo not tall to tody yout* UaTS, Whether Straw, Wool or Far, of ns. We keep tho largest and beat selected Stock. Xfcespoctfully, F. PULASKI & CO. 3Sy~$5OO,O0O—5 years—12 per cent, per annum—lo loan. Stridt business principles; only first-class risks taken. Applica tion*, from such, solicited, tf II. O. Beall. —bird, Flour, Baas, Sugar, Coffee, Tea and Rico, at B. L. Dunn’s. —Potash, Soap and Starch at B. L. Dunn’s, Fresh Mackerel, Now Cstcb, 188-1, In Kits, Quarters, Half and Bar* rols, at ALLfcON & BIMPSON'a LIVER BKOWN'8 IRON RITTERS, . « t***t popaUr Patent Medicine* c*n U found at J. P. TOOIIB* St HRO.’S. Sweeps, Sweeps, Sweeps, A LL •Imp** mol *U«*. at IJl ALLISON A SIMPSON'S. POWELL’S Boss Sticky Fly Paper, Tbs great Fly Dc.troy.r, 'of pd. .1 POWELL, Pan Hm». Eddy’s Reliable Baking Powders, And Flavoring Extracts, IlMforJ. Ilm<l rrepwallra, lVupwo luting t-wdan, .1 k. pik» M T. I. POWHIX'S Drag Store. Mason's Improved FB.UXT JAR*, Quart* and half gallon*. Jelly Tumblers, ik.t roWtXL'S Urn. Bl.ff, Mrs. A. L. Mapp, lias opened her Stock of llcnuliful Spring and Sutnirici‘ Millinery and Fanoy Goods South Must of Public Square, dutJrbert, G-eorgia, In rear of tho Brick Waro Ilodse; I respectfully Mtinonnce tu my frieml* and patron* that 1 can always iieSiudiuil at air new store, where 1 lmvo the lurueut Stock of " * 1 Bonnets, Hats, Ribbons, Laces, Ornaments, et6, etc. K..r ftlkf.l l»r nre. M. Mock I. w. corepkf*. C.1I n] Ire. apiW I am now carrying tbo largest line of ' T717 A. H iHa fit Ever kept in Cutnuorl, consi.tiog of tStdVda and Stove ward. Crockery "VV"uro, Glaus Wat<d4 Tin |WaW; "* \ Pot Ware, / And aflotlior Wartis needed liy bodsekeoperA G£r Sole agent for the celehrd King Stove. f keep a lull lino of all ki-da ot Till WARE, of rnydwn man., faclvro, wbidi ia Iko liwa M tbo market. / Call aud wu in.-- / , R. J. ANTHONY. Ilia mw optn, and will kovj Fail and Wint ■ ■■ "-Embracing -