North Georgia citizen. (Dalton, Ga.) 1868-1924, July 09, 1868, Image 2

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NORTH' GEORGIA CITIZEN. J. T. WHITMAN, Editor. DALTON, ^GEORGIA: Thursday July 0. ISOS, . ^ '-A. - — mi- llnl) of the lUritflln «r the Senlh Toward the Ifritm*. Should no electioneer with tho col ored element M-lnduco’ them to-voto •with Urn White Man's l’nrtj? This The Her. Waldo's RfselstloB and the I’reald- (Vorllirni) Jlclliodlst Conftrrntr, Wo hnvo received u oommunlOatton New fork Urntrrsllt Convention. This body organized on the 4tli by electing Henry I/, Palmer, of Wlscon- rqry Chairman. Full dele- m nil tho States arc said to from Rev. IV. 0. Roily, Presiding El-1 g„tion dor of tho Clmttanpoga llistrlel, Hoi- j nn( t grout enthusinsm and hton (Northern or.eourse) Methodist! lml , mony prevrlils . Conference, in reply to some comments' Tho Uoor^ta delegation organized or strictures wo made in pur issue of, by electing Ocn. J. H. Oordon, perms- tho 18th Juno upon a Resolution said j niint Chairman) and ae the delegation to havo'been introduced, nt tho Into IS a question \Rliclr carries with It some ] Chicago Methodist Conference by one ImporlnntflT, and upon which wo pro- j Waldo or \Valdro. poso tainakoafotvrcmarlfs. Woltuow j The ^Resolution, wo would remark in thbt'lt is tho opinion of many that it \ tlio outset', was copied by us from the is no nso for tho democrats thus to j %u> York l)ay Hook, whose editors occupy, being at the “ fountain head” ' of news, to he as well 11 posted ” as our 1 “ 1 - indent,-wig) claims electioneer with iliem—that no good _ gj-o supposed, from the position they can ho accomplished by it—tlmt * ‘ ‘ — will eoritlnuo to follow tlio lead ol designing wblto men amongst ns, fio. J ifjvereml eon Rut wp differ witli such In this opln- 1 “ Ion. Wo bollovo n great deal might bo dono with tlio negroes in this par ticular, byjudlclbns and proper means to sot lliglr interest clearly before them, aind tlio effort should at least'bo made. For tlfo present, and perhaps for years to come, tho negroes will live in the South, and not .only Jive on our lands, hut must bo sustained by tho employ- mont given thorn by tho whites. Now, what is their duty.and manlfost Inter est', tills holng-i tho case ? 'Clearly,-to 'yield a willing ohcdlouco to our do- mauds’In a cheerful conformity, on their part, to all our political projects. And it should ho tho business of overy white man to instruct his negro em ployees of the obligations they are un der to ropresont In tholr votes tho .In terest of tholr employers, and of the land on wliioh they live. Tho negroos must, In a word, not only bo required to lend a cheerful support to tho pqht- leal measures of tboso upon whom they are dependent for tholr dally bread, or be silent, but they mbet renouneo'nnd out loose from tboso who come South for tho purposo.ot -poisoning their minds against us, on pain of being re fused 'employment dr land upon which to live. This to some may- look vory harsh and rlgorousj bat It-would bo nothing but Just, for we hold that'wo ought not, rihd should not, employ nnd support those who are known to ho in entered Tammany Hall, headed by the gallant Ophlon, it was specially com plimented by tlio band playing Rixle. On the Oth tlio Committee on Pcr- manent Organization, reported for President of the Convention the lion. Horatio Seymour, of New York, and a csidenl and Secretary from wliich report was adopted. to have been inliltSndnneo at tlio afore- 0ba { e im ,ui “ t |,c Wontwliastio ap- said Conference as a delegate, and who p | uuse , and In a graceful and patriotic assorts that no such resolution was in' trbduccd in Hint body—and, further more, (hat no'Bueh man as Waldo was a member of that Conference. No such resolution introduced mid no such man ns Waldo present 11 This is certainly strange, more especially so when wo romombor.thnt this same resolution ap peared simultaneously In othor papers Ivlth Its publication in tho Day Book, nnd first, tt Is said, in a Chicago pnpcri May It not ba possible that the resolu tion In question was introduced Hi that body nnd tabled at a time during .Its. session when our correspondent wow absent from Ills scat, nnd from pruden tial reasons, no mention of it was made in the published proceedings? But we would not question tlio voracity of Mr. D. in this matter. Ho asserts that no such resolution was even introduc ed, and wo must, by reason of his min isterial office, believo his statolnent.— But whilst we are thus charitable, it docs teem passing strange-to, us that' .a letter, containing tho very same ob noxious and unchristian sentiments ns the resolution undor consideration, though much moffc elaborate nkd wiclt; ed, was published in tho Knoxville (Tenn.), Free Press SQino ttmo. Inst year, purporting to liavo been written by this same incarnate fiend, Waldo or Waldrti. In that lettor a ''Northern open hostility to us—who, whilo tllqy 'll [shop, Simpson wo boliove, was de- speech, in which ho counselled moder ation ami harmony, accepted the posi- tion of honor conferred. A resolution urging a universal am nesty, without uny exceptions, was unanimously adopted *, also, one en dorsing President Johnson’s course, nnd applauding Cbaso on the impeach ment. On tlio Tth tho Convention proceed ed to ballot for a candidate for tho Presidency, which resulted as follows : First ballot, Pendleton 105, tho South erners nearly all voting for Johnson— 2d, Pendleton, 09; Packer, 26; John son, 52; others scattering. Tho following is a telegraphic sy nopsis of tho platform which was adop ted by tlio Convention, on Tuesday, amid immense cheering. It covers the whole ground, and is one upon .which every trno patriot in tho whole land can stand and battle foi-; Slavery and sreesaion are regarded a, dead la- uea. Bond* pa j able In lawful ihohpk unless tho Hoc calls lor coin. Equal taxation on all property, hiding coin. One currency for all. Economy, notion of the army ami navy, the abolition of the I'rccdinfci't Hureuu anti iiHiui9ituri.1l modo of collecting taritf for revenue; the subordination of tho military to tho civil authority; the restoration of all-tho States; amnesty for ull political olVences, including tho restoration of Buflrage in all States. The control of tmllVugc belongs exclusively to each State, and Ooiigrew has usurped it in violation of tlio Constitution, Tho reconstruction nets un* constitutional nnd void. Thanks President .John son, and luvltes all parties 16 unite on this plat- are feeding upon our kindness, are op erating with a party who are socking to rob us of- every vestigo of liberty and to convort this government into a military despotism. It is Just as muoli the duty of tho negro to promoto the Interests of his employer as it Is tho New England la borer to look after that of his employ er; ahd tho white man, being tho-more intelligent olass, mast be tho solo judges as to whether they aro acting in a way to defend nnd promoto tho in- tcrcsts of tho community in which they live. And should they rafiieo, in their utter ignorance of all govern mental affairs, after our united interest is clearly set before them, to net with us in till matters of a political nature, nnd persist in following after those, who liavo.and will continuo to mako them false, promises, then it is our im perative duty to throw them upon their own resources—in short, to refuse them all employment. -Wo may fool tho inoonvoniencp of such a proceed ing for the tlmo boiug, bat it cannot . last long; for thq-flrst effect will be to crush out the negroes, and whan wp are oneo rid of this obstreperous olo- mont thore will bo a tido of immigra tion that will-soon supply all OUr do- tnand^'for labor. Tbs Heart Shkeni while Contemplating the Plctore, fended for taking possession, elnoo the war, of Southern Methodist Churches or pfoperty in East Tonnessee, and the right 4>f*iho Northern Religionists to regulate and control the religion of tho “ conquered South ’.’.was therein boldly proclaimed. This latter created some excitement in this Stalo at the time, and a positive dental of the very existence of such a man as Waldo ur-Waldro was then made by a Mr. Prettyman and an aposlato Southern Methodist minis' cr, whose name we do not now recoltcct. Tho lower- was-dated at Chicago; wliori Waldo or Waklro is said to reside, and ftom which place no denial of the gen uineness of the letter or tho existence of its alleged author over emanated son, contrary to tho gentiis and spirit of onr republican form of Government-, and an -oxhailrtion of the national re- sources; and,; P. S. Tho following special dispatch Whereas, It,is believed that amnesty to the Citizen, is the latest news wo and pardon, will tend to secure com- have from tho Convention up to the ploto and universal eatnb|ishmetit and d us nd soo the >Joct .us to «• \ When wo look nV preparations on fa nogro supremacy and see the ravening eagornoss of tho negroos nnd white nd- venturers tp Indulge thoir greed and rapacity, our situation reminds ns pain fully of that of.the martyrs of tbaoitr- ly church, who, exposed by heathen tyrants to bo slain by wild beasts, wore compiled for a time to witness the im patience and rage by which tho animals were agitated whilo awaiting the signal for uudoingtbo gates and jetting them loose upon their victims. Oh I how the heart sickens at the picture presented all around ifs; hut wo tbink.wo boo the “ silver -lining” to a better, & happier, amoro prosperous day for our onoo proud, independent, but now thoroughly radicalised > gov ernment. ’Tlio* 1 money changers "will ere long, we confidently .believe, ho 'driven from tho Temple of American Liberty, and tho country oneo again breatbo tho para air of freedom and pe&ee. . Already the walls of Radical ism aro bo'ginning to totter—some of of its stongest pillars are giving way, and soomtlio edifice will entmklo and . fall, and under its ruins will bo hurled the misguided adherents of ouo of the rottencst organizations that over dls- grnccdthb annals of American history. Attempt to Ron an Exrnsss Turn. —Adams Express Company brouglft from Now York lo-ffoston on Friday* night, to the sulitreasfiry in tho latter city, thirty kegs of gold coin, weighing about 400 pounds each, making over six tons. While in transit an attempt was made in Hartford county, Con- that we have heard of. If there is no such man as tho one mentioned above (and wo do not pro- tenil to say there is), tho same senti ments as those contained in the reso lution over wliioh tho Rev. Mr. D. be comes so exercised, nnd which he says in his communication to us " would hare mot and merited the scorn and contempt" of the Chicago Conference had ft beon offered thore, were written and published over tho signature of this mail Waldo or Waldro,which looks quite singular, to say the least or it .Now, taking, tho two together; that 'letter and the .resolution about which wo aro writing, and the known seizure of. Southern Methodist property in the State-mentioned by a high official of 'tho Northern M.E. Church, a nlee Ut ile case is made ont against those Re ligionists ; mid we are forced to believe that the Northern Methodists, or at loast that portion of them who have so far departed from tho religion of Christ ob to porvort the church organization for political purposes, not only onter- tain the sentiments expressed in these documents, but would enforce themnt the South were it in thoir powor- With these remarks wo. dismiss tho subject, and will way refer to it A 1’r.ctanullon—By the rmldeat ef the lil ted State*. Washington, D. 0. . Whereas, In the month of July, A D. lHtll, 111 accepting tlio condition ol civil war which was hroui Insurrection and rebcllioi the States which constltul tho two liousos of Gungress ly declare that the war was on tho part of tlio Govorn- y spirit of oppression, nor rp09e of conquest or subju gation, nor for any purpose of over throwing or interfering with the rights or established institutions of the States, hut only to defend and maintain tlio supremacy of the Constitution of tlio United States, and to preserve tho Un ion with all its dignity, equality, and the rights of the several Slates, uuiin- paled ; nnd that so soon ns those ob jects shidl he accomplished, tho war on tlio part of tho Government should ccn9c: And whereas, the President of tlio United Slates lias heretofore, In tho spirit of that declaration, and with tlio view of securing for it ultimate nnd comploto effect, Bet forth several proclamations offering amnesty and pardon to persons who had been or were concerned jn tho aforesaid rebel lion ; wliich proclamations, however, were attended with Presidential re servations and exceptions, then deem ed necessary and proper, and which proclamations were respectively issued on tlio 8th day of December, 1863, on- tho 26th dny of March, 1864, on tlio 29th day of May, 1865, nnd on the 7th day of September, 1867 : And where as, tlio said lamentable civil war has long since altogether ceased, with an acknowledgement by all tho States of tlio supremacy of tho Fcdorat Consti tution, and tlio Government thereun der, and there no longer exists any reasonable ground to apprehend a re newal of said civil war, or any foreign interference, or any unlawful resistance liy any portion of the peoplo of nny of the States against the Constitution and laws of the United States; nnd, where: 'ns, it is desirable to rcduco tlio standi Ing army, nnd to bring to a speedy tcr- of Oi , 1. Em or* diun, shall lie enti of reality to the vn dollars ill specie, and personal proper ty to the value of one thousand tlpl- bu s in specie, both to be vnlucd at llie time they are set apart. And no Court, or ministerial ofilcor in this State, sliall ever hnve jurisdiction, or authority, to enforce any Judgment, decree, or ex ecution against said property so set apart, (including such improvement ns may be made thereon, from time to time,) cxcopt for tnxos, money borrow ed and expended in tile improvement of tho liomostcud, or for the purclmso money of the same, nnd for labor done thereon, or material furnished therefor, or removal of encumbrances thereon. And it shall he tlio duty of the Gener- al Assembly, ns early as practicable, provid and vain: enact lawa foi itting apart perty, ami and complete protection and socurity or tho samo to the solo use and bonollt of said fami lies ns aforesaid. And whereas, Legislature of said Stato is to assambio on the 4tb Instant, it is ordered i 1. That no court or ministerial offl- oer in Bald .State shall have jurisdic tion or authority to enforce any judg ment, decree, or execution against any real estate in said State, except for taxes, money borrowed nnd enpended in the improvement of tho homestead, or for tho purcheso money of tho same; and for labor done thereon, or limtori al' furnished therefor, or removal of incumbrance thereon, until tho Legis lature of said Stato shall have had time to provide by taw for tho setting apart and valuation of such property, oruntUfurtheriordors from these Head- initiation Military occupation, Martial quarters, law, Military tribunals, abridgment of By order of Major General Meade : speech nnd of the press, and the sus- R. C. Drum, pension of tho privilege of habeas cor- Assistant Aqjutant General.. and tho right of trial by Jury.— — Sueh encroachments upon our free In- Sebved ihm Right.—An Arkansas stitutions In time of peaqo being dan- P»pef Bays: It is reported that a gen- gerous to public liborty, incompatible .Homan, a Domoorat, living in the south- with tlio Individual rights of tho per- orn portion of this country, being de- gt Ncna Meaning*. According to a London lottcr-wrltcr, '■'sraoll only lacks olio hundred wo hairs of being bald. ‘ from Paris tlmt Lamar- mental fuoultics, and peotodi rained in ’ must by uiitUiiulmu- ho Democrats confidently, oxpoct to carry the two Boston Congressional Districts In Novohibor next. They are now represented by Republicans. A highly rcspectnblo English jour nal actually alludes to the women who porsist In wearing long skirls in the street as Mtlie ladies with dirty legs.” In Akron, Ohio, tho “love button" mania has been raging for a year past, one fcmnlo buttonlst having collected, 1,350 spocinnjns. . The Oldness Embassy are oxoood- ingly polite to tho ladies. They not only take off their lints to them in Am erican style, but their shoes In a coles- flat manner. ' • It is said that tho French ladies are envious of the American hollos In Par is, as thoy recolvo nil tho attention, compliments, invitations, and notice in tho nowspapers. Found Uusdands—Of tho two huh- drid Yankee “gale; 1 who wont to Wash ington Territory two years ago on a matrimonial venture, nil blit threo have- married. An engineer named Seaborn 'Jones was killed at Nctnsulga on Wednesday Inst, by Mick Ferrell, a young fafmer formerly from LaGrnngc. Tho cause liquor. General Wager Swayno says ho can not bo considered a candidate for Con gress from the Columbhs (Ohio) Dis- .riot, because ho is already a candidate for United States Senator- ftom Ala bama. ' Tho Macon Telegraph speaks of, a visit to Middle Georgia of an eminent and official gentleman from Italy with reference to tho Bolootion of a favora ble country for nn Italian settlomont and the culture of the silk worm. ' The MoMinvillo Enterprise, an ad vanced Radical journal, wliich isedltod by one of tho Clerks of tho.Senate of Torihcssec; is ont |n favor of electing a “ ~ tho Stnto at NEW ADVERTISEMENT^, hour of going to press, from which ft will .be seen that no nomination was tirade ,iip to-a luto hour yesterday ove- nhig, the ballot we give being the last ono taken during the day: N«w Yon*, July 8, 4 o’clott-, P. M. PcmTcto i. 471 Hendricks, #7 Johnson, 401 Hancock, 16;>j The Convention! after this billot, adjourned to 10 o'ciao'i so-morrow. Democratic Herllnr. Dalton, Ga., July 7, 1808. ’ursuirat to call a jneetln2-w«a hoU at thp Court-IIouso to-day to nominnto delegates to tho Demooratlo Oonven tion, to bo held in Atlantn on the 22d inst. Un motion, Mr. Henry Davis was irovalnnce bf;nihnlctpal law and order n conformity with the Constitution of he United plates; and ternilnato all appenranocs, t or presumptions of a re taliatory or vindlotive policy on tho part-of the Government, attended by unnecessary disqualifications, pains, penslties, confiscations and ilisparag- ments.. And on the contrary, to pro mote and procure complete fraternal reconciliation among the whole people, with duo submission to tho Gnnstitu tion and laws. Now, therefore, be it known, that I, AiliU-hty Jopnson.. President of the Unltod States, do, by virtuo of tlie Constitution, nnd in tho namo of tho peoplo of t|ie United States, liercby proclnlm nnd declare unconditionally, and without reservation, to all and to every persoh who, directly or Indirect ly participated in the Inte insurrection called to the Chair, and Mr. A. P. or ro belUon, excepting such person or Roberts appointed Secretary. * Col. Avery moved that a committee of four be appointed by the Ohplr to select suitable delegates, and prepare matter for tho mooting.7 Carried. . Tho Chairman appointed tho follow ing committee: Col. I. W. Avery, J, P. Love, John D. Iscnhour and Henry Ault. The committee retired, and after an interval reported the following names ibr delegates: I. E. Shumate, I. W. Avery and T. H. PJtner; alternates, J, A. W. Johnson,F. B. Morris and Uoury Davis. .The committee also reported the fol lowing resolutions: Wherca8,it is evident that the coarse of the power that liuw controls this government—a power acting confes sedly ontslde of tho Constitution of the Uuited StateB—results daily in in creasing injury to our liberties and the deprivation or saorod rights; And whereas, this power,in its reck less partisanship, has shown itself alike inseusible to tho claims of sworn ccn- again in these columns. “.bill TlisU” Heady with more .Imireatlnurnt Articles. “Old Tlmd Stevens,” it is repo.- id, lms his new’ impeachment articles in print nnd his speech in readiness, and is on ly awaiting Butler's report on the impeachment bribery investigation in order to epen fire again on Andy John- son. The gamo is, perhaps, to carry tills new indictment into tho coming elections, and then, in tho event of the success of tho radicals, to mako tho impeachment nnd removal of-Johnson tho first regular procoetling with the ro-nssombling of tlio present Congress in November or December, as tho case may be.'.'., ■ _ \ Tho Journal of commerce in nn nrti- elosays: 4 ‘Tho radical is by.nature a destroyer. His .mission in tho world is to tear down or uproot that which others Imvo builded or planted. ’ Hois only useful when Jeft loose against in- - 'trenched wrongs, but hiszcal is over neptiout, to throw the tram off the outrunning his discretion. He will pall . . ' , . . , uuwuuiJiug mo miouiuviwii* **uwui|#u»s track uy placing BlccpcrB across tlio away at tho tares, regardless of the track, but beyoud a slight concussion, tender wheat he is westing, and when po trouble was experienced. : these are uprooted, lie will turn his A humming-bird entered the ball at' fc? C ° m ^ a recent concert, and hovered persist-! llmn 1U19S a vlctl "-« 1 cntly over the flowers which n lady j Progs sell for $1 a pound in New wore ip her bonuet. • ! York, stitutionsl obligation, and regardlosB of the good of the land. , Be it reBolvcd, That tho time has come for tho true men of Whitfield County to renew their vows of fealty nnd revqrenco to the Constitution of tlio United States ns the sole hope for tho country from despotism, and the solo refuge of our people in their dis tress : and the democracy of the comi ty pledge themselves to work for tho Laws and Union of our forefathers, and against tho Jacobin party so rec reant to doty, and ruinous to publio interest and private rights. - Resolved, That wo state onr fbll op position to negro supremacy; to- the present Reconstruction Governments of tho Southern States, to the subordi nation of tho civil to militaiy authori ty, to unequal taxation, to the Freed man’s Bureau, to the legislative en croachments upon the Judiciary and Executive branches of the government, and to the disunion of theso U. States, now enforced by Radical power. On motion, the report of tho com mittee was unanimously adopted. On motion of Henry Ault, in case of vacancy from inability of the dele gates to attend, the delegates were em powered to fill thoir own place with others. On motion of Col. Avory,.the Sec. rotary of the meeting was required to write to tho Railroad authorities re questing that delegates and visitors to the Convention be permitted to go and return for one fare. persons as may be under presentment or indictment in any court in the Uni ted States having criminal jurisdiction, upon the charge of treason, or other felony, a full pardon nnd amnesty for the oll’ense-of treason against tho Uni ted States, or abetting to their enemies during tho late oivil war, with n.resto ration of all rights of property, except ns to slaves, and except also as to any jroperty of which any person may lave been legally divested under the laws of the United States. In tostimohy whereof, I imvp signed theso presents with my hand, and have caused tho seal of the United States to he hereunto affixed. Done on the 4th dny of July, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred nnd sixty eight, aud of the independence of America the ninety- third. Andbew Johnson. By tho President: Wm. H. Sew ahd', Secretary of State. Washington Gossip,—A special to the Louisville'Journal of the 3d, says: If Andrew Johnson js sustatned-by tho Democratic Convention he is ready to withdraw the troops from the Sonth and to bring Grant to ahtriot military accountability for insubordination, if ho attempts to.tipposo his superior.— Mr. Jonhson denies very emphatically that he had any sensational design in his proclamation. He declares he lias intended it for a year, and it is the Fourth of'July, and not. tho Conven tion, that has called it forth at this mo ment. Senator Henry Wilson, of Massaohu. setts, considers half the Southern States as certain for the Democrats. He looks upon tho wholesale admission of South. sirous of illnstrating the beauties of Radicalism, and testing the sincerity of'tts votaries and advocates, invited a certain Radical to -bis house to stay over night with him, and at the samo time invited a “man nnd brother” to pass the night undor his hospitable roof. ; Bedtime arriving, our Democratic friend took a light mid conducted tlio “brother” to tlio room, and pointed ont theroomhewastoccoupy. Soonafter, the Radical gentleman (?) desired to retire, and our friend also conducted him to the samo room, and informed him that bo was to occupy the same bed. “Who is in that bed ?” asked the Radical. “Mr. ,” was the answer. “What I that nigger I” cried the J* l’m going “I most certainly do,” was the quiet reply. “You voted toonforcetliis stato of affairs upon me and my people, and took and subscribed to nn oath that you would grant tho negro every ‘privilege and immunity’ enjoyed by another class of person,nnd (producing six-shooter) by the Eternal, you shall carry oat your policy—so in there with yon I” Mr. Radical, not liking tlio close iroximity of the pistol, got into bod, mt wo don’t think he staid there till morning. The Bullock Beli.ows.—There was a serenade Inst evening. Great prep arations had been made for the occa sion, nnd as his friends had been near ly all the day getting tho thing up, it was reasonable to expect tlmt there would he something of a demonstra tion. It wns, however, most emphati cally—a fizzle. After “ music by do band,” Rnllook appeared on the balcony oyer Cliff King’s drug store, and said: “ Fellow citizens: I thank you for your kindness. I have been selected to wield the civil government of tho State, and I hope it may continue so." Thereupon lie disappeared. The crowd “ hollered ” lustily for Bryant, Joseph E. Bradley and Bob. Yancey. -Noiio of them responded, however. Thoy seamed to give it np that his Excoileuoy had exhausted the subject. The above is related as wo received it from .the month of an eye-witness'.—• Atlanta Constitution. A STiCH IN T1|E SAVES HIB& cnozinrt-s NEW STORE, r HAVE JUST ObXSKD AX RLF.OAXT AB. X aortmont of * • Dry Goods and Groceries. st m. NTTOrtBkJjQa,. 011 HnmlUon Blreot, llr«t M„„. nUsvu ilulkmO’s I,ivort Stable, .qjoln- lug I.owry .1- Bugu'tj |MsBng In p«rt of J Blenched mid Brown Domestics PRINTS, LADIES’DRESS GOODS Trimming*, Honor;- uml Notions In voriely, ’ Boots and Shoes, Hardware, ffitacniware. amt Tallin Cuulerr NUI1AK, COFm:, TOll.U.vti, I'OWDEIt, ’ ami nn cmlk-s* variety of nrtlelcs loo numerous te mention, all of which 1 offer nt EXTREMELY LOW PRICES Call end aeo for yotmelvc*, end yoti will be Pleased with both good* aud prices. It is i plena, uro to show goods. S. O. OROZIER. nogro Con large. Tho Water Valley.(Mississippi). En gle learns that Mr. W. B. Turnor, ibr- mcr publisher of the' Goodman Star, and for some time past a resident of Kosciusko, was most brutally and foul ly murdered, in that placo a Tow days since. Eight negro men have boon recently convicted in the Superior -Court of Thomas county for. kidimpping a man of their own color in Florida, severely bcatlng’hlm and then forcibly bringing him to Georgia. They’ woro all sen tenced to tfto Penitentiary. On Wednesday night n person called at tlie house of Warren Harris, near Fort Volley, for a young man -living there, named Newton Barber. -Barber had retired, but got ‘ up and went to tho gate, where ho was shot down and died instantly. There is, ns yet, no Th^.Fiiist Name.—The first name on the list of State Senators of the Georgia Radicals, is Aaron Alpeoria Bradley, (negro.) This is well. Wq are pleased to see it. It is-good evi dence of what that party is composed The very crowd that kicked him out of the late Convention, places his name at „ the head of their roll. The very name orn States with distrust. Says Andy by which the venerable hrphieves of Johnson may nraddy reconstruction so Sing Sing wqro honored, is now the as to make notfalhg certain. foremost ono in our Stato* The party The Senate refused to adjourn ovor to wliioh lie so prqmiiiently _belqnga STOVES AND TINWARE. A.L.soutUorlana Maaufiicturcr of all kind* of TINWARE. Asn niALii ip And everything In lit* llao of business, which hb -rupow. to wile* cheap te «n ho bought in the DuthcnV or Western merktta, et wholesale or re. toll, end cUirae for hliTlnwiro»K.>eri w lty ov«r that of Northern or Bestern manufacture. Hoofing end guttering done promptly, cheepTv. Hamilton etreet, Dalton, (It. julyism ( 4 EOliOIA. Catoota Comity—-Whereat,Thee. U Russell eppliea to mo for letters of gusr- dltnbhip of the person sml property of Josill. Josephine A., John W., 8.0., 0. It., sad Claries H, Dyer, minors end residents of paid stenty. This is to clto nil persons concerned to he snd appear at the term'or Court of Ordinary to beheld next eftor the'expiration of thirty deye, from tho first publication of this notice, end show cause, if any they can, why-ntd applicant should not he entrusted with the gtmtdhmshlp of said minors. -Witness my official signature this July S, 1868. jltlyD-lm JAMES M. ANDERSON. Ordy. Walker Shoriflf’s Solo. W ILL he sold before tlio Court House door (it LnFsycttc, within the legal hours of sale, on tho first Tuesday In August next,the folios ing property, tft-wit: Lot of land number's!), In tho 2ftth district and 8d section or mid county. Levied on lie the property of Elisabeth Cudd, Executrix in her clwa wiung df Carter Cudd, deceased, to satisfy * 6 fa isiueu from WtlkiT County Court, in favor of J. W. Fitspatriok. • juIyD-lin A, A. SIMMONS, D. Sh'fT. 'Whitflolti EfherflT's Sale. .. nisrraxin. . W nILL Iw sold before the Court Bone, door i in. tho town of Dalton, on the- first Tues day .Aug,' ueit, the following property, to-wit: One lotol lonft ecnlafnlng ICO keros, more or less, no, 88, 13tb dial, and 3d see. cl Whitfield tv. Levied on by virtuo -or two tn» H fas, id by Tim Fold, tax collector of said county, against Robert Cowart, one for tax due the Stale ami county by suld Cowart, for the year 1867, the other Tor tax duo the State for 1868; * July » W. W. WIST. EBerir. tho 4th, ten radical Senators voting against the proposition to adjourn.— The object of sitting is to put through some partisan legislation. Tho House broke up at two o'clook for the want of a quorum. Tho tax bill will probably oooupy two weeks. There is little change for tho funding hill this session. Democratic Triumph—Election of kteked him from thorn a short time ago, and now like tho dog thoy have return ed apd swallowed their own vomit— Who doubts now that he’ll bo allowed to take his seat. The Gentleman from Bibb.—The Atlanta Constitution of tlio 6th says: A Radical member of tho lower House from Btbb, summarily name to grief last night, by obtruding ccrtniu of his An intense etrugglo is now going on for tho Judgeship of the Eastorn Judi cinl Circuit, naifis considered a cer tainty tlmt the present incumbent will be removed. . The celebrated Aaron A. Bradley, black negro, and ono P. B. Bedford, white negro, lire tho contest ants. Tlio daughter of a prominent Radi cal in Washington county, Vn., clop ed a fow days ago with a big book no gro. Bad for Iter, but served tho old man right. Only a fow more practical illustrations of Radical dootrine are nepded to set tho old folks ‘a thinkiri.' A prominent Radical from Monroe county, who was a member of tlio late negro convention,says thntono-lialf tlie negroes in that couuty will vote-the Democratic ticket in the ensuing Presi dential cieotlon. Ho is disgustod with his colored brethren, and is of tho opin ion that no- confidence cun he placod in thefr political faith. At the last meeting of Die stockhold ers of tho Georgia- Railroad Company, un order was passed to buffd a new freight depot at Atlanta. The new building will be located between the old dopotand the Government corral. It will bo 60 feet by 275, with a three- story front for offices. Tlio structure will bo of stono mountain granito. The Chambers Tribune learns tbat an altercation took place on Friday at DadeviUo, Tallapoosa county, botwoon Solicitor McDonald, of tbat Judicial circuit, and a young man namad Tor- tier, in wbieh tho former had his throat out from car to. ear by Tumor, who made good his escape. Tlie Tribune learns that McDonald Is in a most crit ical condition. A -Texas correspondent says that previous to the Texas Convention, tlie freedmeh had been doing-vory well,-but sinoo then they hove been doing vory little work. The meeting of tho Con vention lad to a very general impres sion an\ong them that a great change in. their condition was about to take pluee, and they were to bo led nnd clothed by the Bureau for the remainder 1 " ' lives. . ScnatorTrumbnll, of Illinois, his partisnn colleage square 1 tho oyes; when, on tho 1st instunv, no boldly assorted tho right of tho peoplo .Administrator’* Sale. B Y VlrUic of An order lo me voted, from, the l ourt of (Military .of Wllltlield county, I will veil iMifore tlie Court Ilouno door in Dnlion, on tlio first Tin's hr in August noxt, lot of kind. . number 166, Huh district mid 3d section, of said county. Property i.f Allred Jolimmii, doci'n«*A. uml sold for benefit of hcl ra nnd ereilltors. Terms- Democratic Clerk and Messenger of Political sentiments upon gentlemen.- th. House.-R.wUI be seen ftom/mr his namo is Hon. (?) James Fitzpat rick Constitution. ing adjourned. HENRY DAVIS, Chairman. A. P. Roberts, Secretary. end-out Democrat, a Major in tho Con federate service, a gallon a true man, was elected body. Mr. Jesse Caljn, anothor unflinching H.B. Eaty, nnold resident of Union- town, Kentucky, shot himself through tho head a fow days ago. He stood Democrat, was . elected Messenger to "ft^t^ffisUulTfortho’;)'.';!' tho House. Wocounratulato that bodv ?“* 0 90ft "P 01 . “! 9 i* u “ ‘ rrassmeiits led to A flowing well of salt water lias boon discovered near Rogcrsvillo, Hawkins county, Tonnessee. the House. We congratulate that body on Its selection of two such ^officers * On motion of J. P. Love the meet- Their principles, in addition to their qualifications,are* guarantee that they will ably and faithfully discharge sbeir duties—Atlanta.Constiivtion. sclicmo of Congress, and is but nnolii- itlsnow unbroken. tlmt it is nothing more than afl'cctn- pays 1 ted curronoy. than that imposed by the most extrav agant royalists of Europe upon llicir subjects. - -,y fir ATLANTA BUSINESS DIRECTORY,’ DUfLLirS k CfifftY—Book, Stationer? and J. Music Dealer*, and keep ou band warranted (iold Pcha, fine Chromoa, foitliugropha, Album?, etc., National Hotel block, Atlantn. T -WARWICK.—Manufacturer of Tin Ware, and u • dealer h Stovea, Tin Pluto, Midi Tinner’s Findings, Marietta street, Atlanta, Ga. . COMUISSIOX AND OROCSRS. A K. SEAGO—Commission Merchant, Atianf.i, il* makes cash advances on consignment* of cotton, flour, wheat, corn.and other produce to hitnwif, Geo. W. William?, Charleston, S. C., oe Williams, Tajlor k Co., 08 Heaver street, N. T. It TEA DOR It BROS.—Tobacco Commiraion Mcr- 11L chants, No. 2 Granite Block, Broad street. CfOTT k' NORRIS—Commission Merchants, 0 Peachtree Ktroet, Atlanta, Ga. TTENRY WEST & fO—.Wholesale Uroccmmd 11 Commission mcrchonta. Penchtreo Street, Atlanta. Henry West—A. J. West. f AS. R. WYLIE—Wbolcsulo Grocer and Com- u mission Merchant, Peachtree street, Atlanta. BOOTS AND SHOES. IT EXRYBANKS—Wholesflo and retail dealer in 11 Boots and Shoes, Loathcr, Calf *Skin?, and Shoe Findings of ever? description, Whitehall and No/fi Peachtree street, Atlanta. Tf 11. EDDLEMAN k CO—Wbolcsalo Dealer* in X 1 • Boots, Shoes, Leather, French and American ColfSkins, Shoo Findings, etc., next door to Mpor k Marsh, Decatur Street, Atlanta. n U. k A. W. FORCE—Whole?ale dealers in IT* Boots and Shoes, Whitehall street, Atlanta. Sell at New York Pnccs, freight added. DRY ROODS, ETC. IVrOORE A 3IARSn—Exclusively Wholesale l'l dealers in Dr? Goods,Boots,Shoe?,Hats,Caps and Notions, agents forTrinn Fuctorjr goods, De catur street Atlanta, Georgia. QILVY k DOBGUERTY—Wholesale dealers in 0 Staple nnd Fancy Dry Goods,Boot*,Shoes, Hate and Notions, comer Peacbtrco and Decatur street* p EOEGIA UospSklrt Manufactory—Wnu THVs YX baum, also keeps best stock of French,Atner* lean and Genpan Corsette, Indies’ ready mado articles for under wear, Notions, Hosiery. Lady saleswomen. Next door to Nation*! Hotel, DRuaaisTS. ' TATLOB, J. A.—Whoisnld ann retell donlcr Ip 1 Drugs,Medioinos,Paints, 011s,Dye-Stuffe,Glass- «raro, Surgical Instruments, etc., sign of Golden Eagle, corner Peaohtrco and Decatur streets. WILSON k CRANE—Wholesale and retail .if dealers in Foreign and Domestic Drug?, Paints, Oils, Dye Slufls, ctn., undor National Mo tel, Atlanta. HARDWARE. /ft M, k R, f. CLARK—Importer* and (leolcni in 1. lliirilKnro, puttlory,Iron, eta. Alxoosniitafor Faii-bnnks’ Stnminnl Sonic* omT Knoxvlllo Iron Win k*, sign of Rig Pod Look, Pceobtrco street. T M. iJ.c. Alexander—Dooior* in iiordiMw. J. Iron, Null*. Steel, Cim-tngo inatorlnl, »>" Stonee,Bolting CtoUu.WInlng Implements,Wliite- 1 hull street, Atlanta. 'Carpets, oil clows, shades, etc. fr|:vn!ilCK,8.8.-D«lorTnC.n^ta,G'!Llo.n IV Wimloiv Shade*, JIMS, Hags, Curw ns, Cor nice, and oil description* of Houso Goods, corner Marietta snd Broad street.*, Atlanta,