North Georgia citizen. (Dalton, Ga.) 1868-1924, July 16, 1868, Image 3

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NORTH GEORGIA 0 CITIZEN, wnENOnTlooal." T11CIIS1UY MOttMXO, JULY 10, 1808. TERMS t-Tw« DtlUrt and Flfly Cents per Year la Adraacei jl» Moathg, 81. AO. ^ On* Dollar and Fim Ckntb per square (of ten tines, or less,) for tho Aral Insertion, and Bkvknty-Fivk Ckntb for onoh subsequent Inser- on. Liberal reduction In contract advertising. Agents for the Citizen. ' Tlio following named gentleraon oro author- tsod to act ns agents for tho Citiskn, In any oa- parity: J. N. Scott, Atlanta. O. D. Whitman Cedar Grove. Ji. G. Crawford, IaiFayotte. Hunky Baker, Trenton. \V. 8. Callaway, or John Gaut, Spring riaeo. Dr. E.O.BTArKonn, Hock Crock, Murray county, K. D. Com ns, Ringgold. T. F. Grier, Elljay, Gilmer county. •T. Boole, Bogie's Store, Cooslowateo, The Ratification Meeting—Seymour and Blair Endorsed. Wo give olsowbero the ofilcial account of tho enthusiastic Ratification meeting held in this olty Inst Friday evening. Tho campaign lias auspiciously opened. Our pcoplo seem in dead carnost. The gross intqultiw of Radical Rule have awakened a spirit of Indig nation In tho bosoms of tho good men of tho country, that Is prophetic of better times. Tho loading speakers were Cols. Hanks, McCutchoh and Avory. Tho enthusiasm that tho Now York Platform created, nnd tho plaudits that greeted every patriotic sentiment showed thn Interest felt in the great question of tho hour. Tho Court House was brilliantly Illuminated, nnd a bright display of fire-works showed tho occasion was ono of deop rejoicing. The Resolutions that were passed make tho Issuo boldly nnd represent tl*o sentiments of all opposed to Radical misrule, nnd will bo heartily endorsed by every Conservative nnd Democrat. A meeting of the county has been called for next Saturday, to organize a Democratic Club for the county. A inrge nitcndnnno la hoped for. Our only chnnce of success Is In compact organi zation. A practical interest must be takcndii tin* matter. Tho number of delegates to tho Atlanta Con vention was Increased. large numbers are ex pected to go down on that occasion. School Examination. Amid the big events tint are occurring, it Is pleasant to turn to Incident* of a home character, that come more closely to us, and that interest the fathers and mothers of the country. Last week Miss Mollio Denton, ono of our best Hchool-loachers—In fact one of the best we turc to say in the whole country—had the closing exercises of her school. Miss Molllc proved tho fidelity of her tuition In the proficiency of her pupils. Ilcr examination were highly satisfactory. On Friday the prizes were delivered by Col. I, W. Avery to the successful competitors, in a brief, earnest, practical talk to tho little folks. The -victors wero Milton Orr, Willio Jcfierson, Miss .J.izzic Hamilton nnd Miss Fannie Denton. Wc recommend tUU school to our people ns one ■of the best any where. The Indy possesses all the qualifications of a first rate teacher—thorough rapacity, ample experience, gentle yet firm disci pline and conscientious fidelity to duty. * TIIE NATIONAL DEMOCRATIC 1’LATFORM, Upon which Every lloncst White Man In the Lend run HUnd. The following It tho platfoom adopted by tho National Domocratlo Convoutlon at Now Yorkt Tho National Dcinocratlo party, in National Convention mumbled, reposing Its trust in tho in telligence, patriotism and discriminating justlco of tho people, standing upon tho Constitution as tho foundation and limitation ol tho powers of tluvUovcrnmcnt nnd tho guarantee of tho liber ties of tho cltixon, and rocognizfng the question of slavery and secession ns having been settled for all time to como by tho war, or tho volunta ry action of the Southern Staten in Constitutional donventious assembled, nnd nover to bo rmewed or rengitnted, do, with the return of peaoj de mand— 1st. The Immediate restoration of all the States to their rights In tho Union under the Constitu tion, and of civil government to thu American people. 2d. Amnesty for all past political offenses, and tho regulation of tho clcctlvo franchlso In tho States by tin citizens, and the payment of tho public debt of tho United States ns rapidly us prnollonb'o. Del. All money drawn from tho people by taxa tion, oxceptso touch as Is requisite for the neces sities of tho Government economically adminis tered, to he honestly applied to aueh poymeut, and, where tho obligations of tho Government do not expressly ststo upon their face, or tho law un der which they wero issued docs not provido that they shall ho paid in coin, thoy ought In right and justice to be paid In the lawful money of tho Uni- ted Status. (Thunders of applause.) 4th. Equal taxation of every species of prop erly, according to Its real value, including Gov ernment bonds nnd other public securities. I Ho llowed cheering, nnd erica of “Road It again.*’ Oth. Ono currency for tho Government nnd tho people, the laborer and the officeholder, tho pen sioner nnd tho soldier, tho producer and tho bond holder. [Great cheering, nnd cries of “ Read it nguin;’’] The fifth resolution was again read nnd ng In cheered. Oth. Economy In tho administration of the gov ernment; thu reduction of the standing army and navy; the ablolsluncnt of the Frccdmcn's Bureau, [great cheers] and all political insttumentalities designed to scuuro negro supremacy; tho simpli fication of tho system and discontinuance of tho inquisitorial hoards of assessing and collecting internal revenue, so that tho burden of taxation may lie equalized and lessened, the credit of the Government and tho cut rcncy made good, the re peal of all enactments for enrolling the State Militia into national forces in time of pcuco, nnd a laritf for revenuo tipon foreign imports, nnd such equal taxation under tho internal revenue laws ns will niford incidental protection to domes tic manufactures, nnd as will, without imparing defeating ! the revenue, impose tho least burden upon and J best promote and encourage the great industrial interests of the country. 7lb. The reform of abuse In the admlnlstra* of corrupt men from office, Cure for Hie Murrain. Tho following from our ostoomod friend, Mr. J.. 0. Austin,at Tunnol Hill, I* worth trying. Wo think hint for Ida kndness: Dkau Kir— I aco In the last Citizen that tlio Murrain Is operating amongst your cattlo, nnd ns a cltlxen fool it my duty to giro a certain remedy for the euro, which 1 have nover known to fall, and havo used It with perfect success among my own cnttlo. Bolow find tho remedy: •‘To ono quart of strong Peach-troo Leaf Tea, (or tho Dark,) ono pound of Epsom Salts, and half gill of Spirits Turpontllio. Drench tho cow, and IT not relieved within six hours repeat the does." Yours Truly, J. 0. Austin. Hyraenlsl. Married, by Eider J. M. Gambrcll, on tho first day of Julv, at tho residence of the brides’ father, Mr. Rort. F. RoVTtt toMIfsTAumiA DuusoN, nil of this county. Tho above notlcO should havo appeared last week. A package of most excellent cake accom panied it, nnd from a llmo honored custom wc tried a pleco beneath our downy pillow—u dream —yes, vro dreamed wo woro married; mid tho effects: milled cups, squalls, pnrngoric, nnd the many ctoetcras, combining bliss and troubles, Hit ting boforo our visionary Imagination—wero so magnetic that all reason was vbsorbed, and we forgot it. Hoping the apology Is sufficient, wo tender tho sentiment of tills establishment to tlio happy bride,that her future may be as sweet an the delicious on Ice sent, nnd her happiness ns lusting as tho ornnmcntnl evergreen. ENTHUSIASM Tn DALTON l Brilliant Illumination I—Brand Display of Fire Works! 1—Dealncracy Jubilant 11—The Work Commenced iu Earnest II—Whitfield Sturts the Ball 11—The Nominees Endorsed 111 Dalton, Oa., July 10, 1808. A largo mooting was held in the Court Homo to-night to ratHy tlio Dcinocratlo nomination — Thu housb was illuminated, and tiro works open ed mi l closed the affair. The enthusiasm was stirring. On motion of f.AV. Avery, Col. J. A. R II inks is made President, nnd Col. 0. D. MoCutchon and Dr. II. B. Brown made Vico Presidents. On motion of J» N. B. Cobh, Judge J. P. Free- linn was requested to net as Secretary. Tho Chairman, Col. Hanks, spoke for fifteen minuted, explaining tho object of the meeting, discu*M!)g trcu -hantly the iniquities of the Radi cal party, and urging tho necessity thatpnrty for the country’s good. On motion of Mr. Elam Christian, Col.'I. W. Avery was called upon to read tho platform of j tion7 tho expulsh tho New York Democratic Convention, and uiako : the abrogation of useless offices, the restoration GOLD GREENBACKS! I T over/ men to nivo over/ cent poe- ■ib o, .ml oTor/boiiy “glvoe It op" Hint tbey low money by trading >t CHRISTIAN’S NEW CHEAP STORE! Wo are offering Unprecedented bargains in PRINTS, Blcachcdand Unbleached Domestic Boots, Shoes, Hats, Notions, BACON, BUGATt, COFFEE, and FAMILY SOPPUKS of .11 kind, at WoiidorfulJy Low Prices I Wo continuo to pay tho Highest Prices for Country Produce, of all kinds. Wo are offering groat Inducements, also, to buyers of Pocket nnd Table Cutlery, Hardware, Crockery, Harness; etc. tjutt ' J. E. & E. CHRISTIAN. PLANTERS' EMPORIUM! AND Headquarters -for Everything!! Tinas, Ktxren n ca.. H AVE on hand and nro constantly receiving the largest and finest assortment of CHOICE DRY GOODS, Embracing nil the new styles of Ladles' Dm* Goods, Cloths, Casimctcs, Vestings, etc. REftDY-IADE CLOTHING GOOD, STRONG FASHION ABBE. Ladies’s Hats, Dress Trimmings, Yankee Notions. Now Styles Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoos, jn every Variety of Price and Hrecllence, Also, n very largo assortment of Crockery, Cuttlery, Hnrdwure, mid everything dee required to mako n full line of FAMILY GROCERIES! New York Column. Valuable Information. SELECT YOUR OWN NUMBERS ill ttlQ ROYAL SPANISH LOTTERY. T HE most responsible lii6titutlon”of tho kind in tho world. Selecting numbers in this Lottery is n new Idea—and nun well adopted to tho wants of the people. It affords a safer means of speculative investment than most otlu-r ucoft risks. For full Inlormntton. address LLOYD,' HK.MMKfl'fc CO., Room 10, 76 Nassau Street, New York. DR. GREAT Ammoniated Phosphate. B est and cheapest feutimzeii IN THE WORLD 1 faemikg mpiemehtsi 01GABS AND TOBACCO C OUNTRY “MERCHANTS and consumer, will find at our house' tlio largest nnd best as sortment of Cigars ami Tobacco in Chcrokco Georgia, which wo sell at Atlnnta nnd Nashville prices. J. E. k E CHRISTIAN. Wheat Wanted. H AVING perfected arrangements with exten sive houses, of unlimited means, for the pur chase of wheat, we will bo prepared at all times to pay tlio very highest prices. J. E. Sf E. Christian. Hamilton street, Dalton, Ga. L ATE ST “ A®JV1lL Returned to the City* Our affable friend, Mr. J. B. Rhea, 1ms just re turned from the mountains of Virginia and East Tennessee, where he has been recuperating, and ire glad to see film looking niuoh better. By i the wav, ho is detoruiciied.todpso out his huge F stock of goods, to make room for Ills fall pur- j I'll uses, and has marked them down at cost. Now I is the time to got bargains. See Ills card. I The Live Man I Queen, the Auction man, is emphatically a INt cllow, rnd lie keep* a live store, while Ills bod ies* is lively enough to "pay him to advertise/' i in these tight times, nnd well docs he follow the example sot by all prosperous merchants. Ij* ui would learn something to your interest read s big advertisement, and give him a cJlifyou would benfit by it. of rightful authority to and the Independence of tho Executive nnd Judicial Departments of the Government, the subordination of the military to the civil power, to the end that the usurpations of Congress and tho despotism of the sword may cease. Mill. Equal rights nnd protection for naturalized and native-born citizens at homo and abroad. — The assertion of American nationality, shall command the respect of foreign powers, fur- nlslv an example and encouragement to people struggling (or national Integrity, constitutional liberty and individual right-', and the maintenance of thu right* of naturalized citizens against the absolute doctrines of immutable nllrginncc, and tlio claim of foreign powers to punish them for n’ledged crimes committed beyond their jut i-dic tion. [Applause.] In demanding those measures and reforms we arraign the Radical party for the disregard of right. and tie-* u ipir lie! d npprn-sioa and tyran- >0 •*•-'* * l * c-ivuf. After the most solemn and unanimous pledge of both Houses ol Congress *o prosecute the war exclusively for tho maintenance of tins Govern ment and tho preservation ot the Union under thu Constitution, it has repeatedly violated that most sacred pledge under which was rallied Hint nulde volunteer army which carried our ting to victory. Instead of restoring tlio Union, It has, so far ns was in its power, dissolved it, and subjected ten States in a time of prolouud peace to milita ry despotism myl negro supremacy, it has nullified the right of trial by jury It lias aboil died the writ of habeas co; that most sacred writ of liberty. It has overthrown the freedom of speech and of tlio press. It has substituted arbitrary seizure and nrres ..... .... . military trials ami secret star chamber inqui- but* which Tums ‘ ritlons for constitutional tribunals, broken up in the subsequent p n aeo whilo It has j H has di-regarded in time of peace tho right controlled affairs, is tho only Union wc cm np- °» t ,,u r P co l ,k ‘“ be lieu horn search nnd seizure, prove, That the union it would force out of the * l " n * vnu-nnl the post nml telegraph offices, (Jur.uifotl It lias created, we condemn; made In | nnd oven t.ic private rooms of individuals, and relation of tlio Gonstii such remarks ns he might deem proper. Col. Avery discussed whether the Southern people hail anything of good to hope from tho Radical party, showing, from the character of its leaders nnd tlio tone and results oflts policy, how glomy was any such prospect. Then niuking a warm eulogy upon the Democratic party ns the only hope for the laud, lie rend thu platform, com menting upon ils several enunciations, nnd com paring them with tho shuffling, evasive, double- faced declarations of sophirtrloj of tho Radical party. Every plunk of the New York plat'oral was greeted with entliuri istlc applause. Col. Avery concluded by offering the following resolutions, which were unanimously adopted: ■Recognizing that a grave crisis in the history of this Government is upon us in the coming di c tion for I’rc-aidcnl—having seen and felt tlio In justice and tyranny of the power tint now rules the country; and appreciating the duly that rests upon true men everywhere tp oppose an adminis tration of public affairs that is driving us to dc- spnlf nnd ruin: be it Jtcmh rtl, That we, the Democracy of Whitfield county, after careful scrutiny, do endorse, with a conviction of entire approval, nnd n feeling' of unbounded enthusiasm, the nominees nnd plat form of tho National Democratic Convention. 2d, That wo specially endoreo its .bold, out spoken, unequivocal, nnd masterly arraignment ol the Radical party for Its violations of tho Con stitution, its wicked disregard of the first princi ples of enlightened government, Its gross outrages upon individual rights, mid its sweeping scorn of everything just, true, and good. fij. That the Uniou which that party pledged Itself to preserve i:t the war, but which It Ins while it lias Ittod onlv in prized their private papers and lc ! any specification nr notice ora!fidavit,a withon' Our Railroad Progrrsriag. The Rome Courier says the Selma mid D.illon Jtnilrord is now running to u itliiti thirty miles of Rome, nud th it it is confidently expected by thoso <n charge of the work, that the ears will be run- tiling tu Romo by the 15th of September. More than five bundled laborers urc employed on the work. On the morning of the fid, 104 convicts the Georgia Penitentiary, arrived at Rome -about o:ic fourth of them whites—to work on HI'e Railroad. The Rei.t and Cheapest Roots, Shoes nud Hats, And the largest stock In town, can lie found at i New Store, on South end of Hamilton Street. 11 rardoned. It will be agrecablo news for the numerous nfcuds of Gen. P. M. D. Young, Congressman ploet from tho 7th District, to know that his disa bilities have been removed by Congress. Wc learn Provisional Governor Bullock aided General i tho matter. It is rumored that Gen. Ransc Wright has also i relieved of Ills disabilities. prlng riacc Advertisement. "Have you heard the news J" Messrs. Callaway f Galt havo news for their many Murray friends. Pile senior has just returned from mal-ket, where 1 bought a heavy stoiSk at down prices, which {icy proposo to sell at prices rivalling tho chief, oth of them nro thorough business gentlemen, nd will bring up the Spring Place trade. Of tho latest nnd most approved Patents Also, all kinds of Field and Garden Seeds, at vVo. landX Ttbb'sIIou8C,Daifon P REMIUM REAPERS AN if MOWERS. Tibbs, Kenner A Co. are agents for Wood’s Self-Rake Reaper nnd Mowing Machines, which havo proven themselves to lie the best iu uso Warranted to give satisfaction, or no sale. Como and sco, at No 1 and 2, Tibb’s House. “COSTAR’S” Preparations. EVERYBODY- -Tries Them! EVERYBODY Dsn Them ! E VERYRODY Believes in them I 'Everybody Recommends them! C HEAP AS DAYLIGHT! NdWEipW?, Petro Oil, at 76 cents per gallon, and the Comet Burner, which makes a beiitilifnl light, unsurpassed, and Is perfectly secure from explo sion. For salo by Turns, Kkxnkr ft Co. SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS W E nro receiving almost dully Inrge additions to our stock of goods, to which we Invite the attention of promp buyers, knowing that wo can make it to their interest to do so. Our stock consists in part of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Ladles’ DRESS (i.'.ODS and TRIMMINGS In great variety and styles! White Goods, Bleached and Brown DOMESTICS. Men's ntul Roy’s Heady Made Clothing, Linen Drills, Cottonndcs, S immer Cnsrimcrs, Tweeds, IIATS, HOOTS AXD SHOES, Fur Ladies and Gentlemen. Hardware, Cuttlery and Queenswaro, amt Wood and Willow-Ware in great variety. Al.-o, a splendid line of FAMILY GROCERIES, and Dye-Stuffs, fn which wc Invito tlio atten tion ui'niir I fiends and ilm public, as it is our in- icntion not to be undersold. We buy all kinds of Produce for Cash *or 4 Goods, . Remember, qur motto is r QUICK SAILS AXD SMALL PROFITS, E.&JVHV A* jnn 16 Street, Dalton, G:\, D A Ij T O N Variety Store and City Saloon. II. JR. O'JffSII. Ho. 4 Tibb’s House*, ITo. 4 H AS on hand nnd is constantly receiving everything in the line ot Oflf? ctlcns rl e s r.fid Fa n c y (I i c c e r J „ fmlh,ranee of p.trit \r^W\ Ucid to every any fpcc-hca ton ora.7 terrsf. nnd privilege, public atm p::v*»a, save the K'lm. organic aggrandizement of a selfish and unscrupulous I, cu l ' u c ^ t ;0 Aincj.can eaplltl In.7 fiictimi; b.i ed not up.m our seeking the public! * •* good, but grounded simply and cntiielv on nirtv ■ “ ‘“ ,,s f- —uimed a 'Tcbr of .- pies and ouiulul i f . . , . . ’ iicSdllc, nnil moulded to som.rc p.rt'r i csp’oinje to wlikli u.M-oiiMitadouW manaixl.v of ’H,»•<« prolurtlim. Punned mums retting .side the onlyprlneiple. tin,I cun ' Europe mould dure to roimrt. j 1 M iV 11 ?*• '"" J >" »»T* cement nn lioiumddo nud 'permnnent union, nnd | ll w nludished the right r,f nppenl iu hnpor- I U' 1 ? vl 2 v ‘ 1,Ma li - R ' Ml ‘ 1,5 lo und ut iidroenllng Ihcorle. nnd practices Unit cun . idv ccnutipitlou.l qucitjpn! to tup supreme judi- i • ..... .. . . . • i.!i i i .... . •.! i - A 1 ,.. ...i f r » ./ t..* i dishonorable union, we pledge ourselves cial tribunal, and threaten lu yurlnil i to wo: k against tlio pernicious thing iu the coin- ! its original jurisdietio:i, which Is irrevocably vested ing contest with all the pouer and ability ! hy tho Constitution, while the learned Chief Jus- that God has given us; nnd wo imoko Uis divine tico has been subjected to great and atrocious blessing upon our labors iu this sacred cause. | cidmnnlos merely because be would not prostitute CuL Avery moved Hull Hie numher of dclognlon 1 S*.'’'“"A'" l }' e "JW? ul . t . l, ° ^ : uld I’ 11 to the Atlanta Convention be extended to the number of fourteen, to bt appointed by the Chairman. Dr. B. B. Brown moved an amendment, that two additional from each District be added, Tlio amendment was a*:o. plod by Col. Avery, und the lie Regatta Season. ! Almost simultaneously with the opening of ‘fashionable navigation,’’ by the New York Yacht |Ub, and the inauguration of the new club house i Staten Island, Loutt.t,iun'has introduced his 'aciit Ci.un Smoking Todacco nnd Cum Pipk. 2 specialities—the tobacco being compos- _ of the finest Virginia leaf, deprived of its nicotine, nnd the pipe being of the finest quality Of meerschaum, with n unique and tasteful design, representing a yacht “ going largo” boforo tho -wind. Mr. LoiutLA^n, who is a man of' original leas, and never dofsa things by halves, Iirb linked he new brand nnd its elegant receptacles toguth- in a very pretty way. Orders for the pipes nro iced in different packages of the brand daily, bicli orders, on being presented, entitle tho pky holders to a pipo each. Tho demand for Iciit Cluo Tobacco is already Immense, and it [ an extraordinary merit, and can be smoked bhout inconvenience by persons who can use no pr kind, it bids fair to rival in popularity the pous century brand manufactured by the saino pc -honored house.—A. V, Telegram. i whole country is aglow with joy, at tho Suit of the New York Convention. Ratification fcetings, speeches nnd enthusiasm aro the order i the day everywhere. The Forsyth Advertiscrsnysnln has been very pneral in Monroe county, and the crops bid lair n abundant yield. The Advertiser says ihero s been more grain planted in Monroe this year The Augusta papers notice the death of Benja- i Brantly. whicn occurred at Little Rock, av sas, on tho 25th, nit. Mr. Brantley was from forgia, whero he was for many years* connected *'“5 press. motion carried. Tho list of delegates, as amended, stands thus: Hon. I. E. Shumate, Col. I. W. Avery, T. II. Pitner, Col. J. A. W. Johnson, Judge V. It. Mor ris, Henry Davis, S. B. Sloan, Dr. J. K. Osborne, Hugh Springfield, Win. Harralson, Jos. Rogers, Jas. T. Dick, Augustine Harris, Jeremiah Ray, J. II. Iluft', A. Kirkpatrick, L. Norton, 0. Gain- broil, Judgo E. J. Tarver, Geo. W. Frakcr. On motion of C. 1). McCiitchcn, a meeting was called on Saturday, the 18th July, to organize a Democratic Club lor tho County. Proceedings to bo published in the Citizkn and Atlanta papers. Meeting adjourned. J. A. R. Hanks, President. J. I*. Fiikkman, Secretary. A 3Inn Snake IHttcu. Mr. Thomas Tie, while working in a field, iu tho upper part of the county, Inst Saturday, was bitten by a spreading adder, on tho wiDt, Dr, Gordon attended him, and ho was soon relieved. DALTON PUKES tl'URILNT. Rkviskd Wkkkly iiv J. E. ft E. Ciimstian. BUTTER—IB to 20 cents. EGGS—10 to 16 cents per dozen. ' FLOUR—$12 to fill per tmrrol. MEAL—86 to 03 cents per bushel. CORN—82 to 85 pur bushel. BACON—17 to 20 per lb. SUGAR—Brown, 16 to 20 cts. per Ib SYRUP—70 to $1.25. WHEAT—$1.60 per bushel to $1.00. COFFEE—510 to 516$ cents per lb. CHEESE—25 to 30 “ “ COTTON YARNS—$2.10 to $2.2 J per bunch. CALICO—12* to 1 Viols, per yard. CANDLES—Tallow, 25 cts. per Ib. Adamantine, 80 cts. pel Ib. Extra Special Notice. Bcwnro of counterfeits 1 Smith’s Tonic Syrup has been counterfeited, and tho counterfeiter brought to grief. Smith's Tonic Syrup. Tho genuine article must have Dr. John Bull’s private stamp on each bottle. Dr. John Bull on ly has the right to manufacture and sell the origi nal John Smith’s Tonic Syrup of Louisville, Kv.— Examino well the labal on each bottle.' It my private stamp is not on tho bottle, do not pur chase, or you will bo deceitcd. Bee my column advertisement, and my show card. The genuine Smith’s Tonic Syrup can only he prepared by my self. ’ The public servant, Louisville, Ay. Du. JOHN BULL, April 23. h irgos preferred against the V Its corruption and extravagmee have exceeded anything known in history and by its frauds and monopolies it has nearly doubled the burdens of 1 debt created dining the war. It ha*stripped the President of his constitutional power of appoint ment, even of hiz own cuhinot. Under its repeated assaults, the pillars of the Government aro rocking on their base, nnd should it succeed in November next, and inaugurate its President, we will meet as a subjected and conquer ed people amid the ruins of liberty anil the scat tered fragments of the Constitution; and wo do declnre nnd resolve, that, ever since tbe people ol tho United States threw off all'subjeetion to the Brilhh Crown, the privilege and trust of suffrage have belonged to the several States, mid have been granted, regulated, and controlled exclusive ly by tlio political power of each State, and any attempt by Congress, on any pretext whatever, to deprive any State of this right, or interfere with this exercise, is a fragrant usurpation of power which can find no warrant in the Constitution, and, if sanctioned hy the people, will subvert our form of Government, nml can only end in a sin gle, centralized, consolidated Government, iu which the separate existence of the States will bo entirely nbsoibed nnd nn unqualified despotism ho established hi place of a Federal Uniou ol equal States. That we regard the reconstruction nets of Con gress, so called, as usurpations, unconstitutional, revolutionary and void. That our soldiers and sailors, who carried the flag of our country to victory against a mo-t gal lant nnd determined foe, must ever bo gratefully remembered, and all the guarantees given in their favor must ho faithfully carried into execution. That tho public hinda should bo distributed as widely among the people ns possible, und should bo disposed of cither under the pre-emption or the homestead law, and sold in reasonable quan tities, und at minimum prices ns established by tho Government. When grants of public lands may be deemed necessary for the encouragement of important public improvement*, the proceeds of the roles of such laud.*, and nut the lauds themselves should no applied. That the President of the United Stntcs, An drew Johnson, in exercising the power of his high oflleo III resisting the oggreasiotis of Congress on the constitutional rights of the States and thu people, is entitled to the gratitude of the whole American people, and on behalf of the Democrat ic party we tender him our thanks for this patriot- ‘c efforts in that regard. (Great Applause.) Upon this platform the Democratic party appeal to every patriot, including all tho conservative element nml nil who desire to support tlio Consti tution nnd restore tho Union,- forgetting all past difference of opinion, to unite with ns in the present great struggle for the liberties of tho people, nnd that to all such, to whatever pnrtv they may havo heretofore belonged, wa extend tho right hand of fellowship, and hail all such co-operating with us as friends and brothers. Col. YclvcrtonP. King, of Greensboro, Georgia, died on the fifth instant. lie was probably tho oldci.t member ot the bar in Georgia. lie was Solicitor General of the Oomulgoe Circuit in 1823. Minister to Bogota during Mr. Fillmore’s adminis tration. finest Cigars and Tula-xu the market affords! Look Here! I will positively do no credit business Itercnlier, and gentlemen must not ask for it, us I shulU cr- tuinly refuse them. Fur the lib«-ral patronage received, I would return thanks to mv many friends in this and adjoining counties, nnd solicit a continuance of febl8-ly II. P. O’NEIL. JAS. N. 8C0TT. SCOTT & NORRIS, Commission Merchants, Peachtree Street, | Atlanta, | Georgia. D EALERS in General Merchandise, Groceries and Provisions. Consignments solicited. Medical and Surgical Notice, nn. ji. k\ totfPi.vtiiH, I 70UMERLY of South Carolina, tenders his . Professional services to tho citizens of Dal ton nnd surrounding country, with an experience of 27 years practice. tjy^ffpwilnl attention to nil chronic cases. {3f"0liiee, during tho day, corner of Pcn’.z and King street*, nnd night at residence, on Thornton Avenue, formerly occupied by Mr. J. II. King. January 3—tf. ATLANTA BUSINESS DIEECTORY. Booksellers nnd S’Ationori, nnd dealers in Music and Musical Instruments, Wall Paper, etc. Bank B’ock, Alabama stiect, Atlanta. P HILLIPS k CHEW—Book, Stationery and Music Dealers, and keep on 'hand warrant Gold Pens, lino Chronios, Lithographs, Albui etc., National Hotel block, Atlanta. Are you troubled by Rats,Mice,Roach- cs, Ants? 1 Costar**” Exterminatora. "Only Infallible Remedies known."— “ Freo from Poison," V Not dniiger- ous to the Human Family." “Rata eonio out of their holes to die." Im proved to keep In any clinuito. Bull’s Cedron AtmtEXTlC^DOOTT; All KANSAS 171 . " fitowjf Boint, H7.ll. CV, Ark., it,.y S», 'CO. Dn. .Ions JIuu ; -D«m till i U«l l'«lml«7 I was In LoviUvUU pwrclywl * conic of your Saraaparliia ol lly son-in-law Who wns has been down with rheumatism for some Bine, commenced on ^e BiUors, and icam i'ouud his general health Improved.-, , ; • Dr. Gist wjio fiijs hern In bad ligttUh,! tried them, and ho also Improved; •' J * Dr. Coffee, who h*8l*en in Md health for rev- oral years—etomavh and liver affected—lie Im proved Very inuclf by tho use of your Bitters. Indeed tho Cedron Bitters’has given yon jgreat popularity in this settlement, I think 1 epuld sell a great qihhtity’of your medicines this fall —fiapnuinlly of your Crdron*Bitter.* and Bstiapor- ilia. Ship mo via Memphis, care of'Kickct aud Neely. LTiigi Rcrpectfully, Aro yon annoyed with Boa-Bugs?— Can't sleep nights I ''Coslar’it” Peel•££tiff ExUr. A Liquid “ Dedrnymiiul prevents Bed- Bugs." “ Never Falls.” For Moths in Furs, Wuulchs, Carp ets, Ac. ( Costar 9 8”jrnscct Powder* Destroy* Instantly Fleas apd all In- n soots on Plants. Fowls, Animals, Ac. “ A buro thing.” Thousands can tes tify. “CosCar-s” Corn Solvent. For Conn, Bunions, Warts, &e.— “Try it." C. D. W Bull's Worm 7b mg United Stain and World wife Iieadtrt. I havo received mnny testimonials from profes sional and inodical men, ns my. almanacs and ; ya- rious publications have shown, nil of which- aro genuine. The following letter from a highly ed ucated and popular physician in Georgia, U cer tainly ono of the most sensible communications I have ever received. Dr. Cloment knows ex actly what ho speaks of, and his testimony de serves to bo written ih letters of gold. Hear what tho Dcetor says of BULL’S WORM DE- STKOYER: Villanoto, Walker County, Gkr,/uric,20,1860. Dr. John Bull—Dear Sir: I have rccbntly glV -' en your “ Worrd Destroyer" several trials, and fiud it wonderfully eliicncious; It has not failed In a ringlo Instanco to have the wished for effect.' I am doing a pretty large country practice, nnd have duilv use ibi* Somo artlclo of tlio kind, I nin Irco to confess that I know of no remedy rec ommended by the ablest authors that if-so ce’rtain Don’t Miffer with Pain ! A Wonder ful power or Healing! Every family clinnl.l lfnnn It In tin. li.m^n I ‘ - . Its effects aro Burns, Bruises, Piles, Ulcers, Old Sores, Itch, Scrofula dealer In Stoves, Till Plato, and Turner's Findings, Marietta ttreet, Atlnnta, Ga. COMMISSIOX AXD CHOC MRS, A K. SMAUl)—Commission Merchant, Atlanta, • makes cash advances on consignments of cotton, fhmr, wheat, corn and other produce to tilinfulf, Goo. W. Williams, Charleston, H. C., or Williams, Taylor & Co., 08 Bonver street, N. Y, M EADOR & BROS.—Tobacco Commission Mer chant.*, No. 2 Granite Block, Broad atrcct. Of orr »\ NORRIS—Commission Merchants, U Peach irco Street, Atlanta, Ga. J AS. R. IVVLIE—Wliolcsalc Grocer and Com mission Merchant, Peachtree street, Atlanta. LOOTS AXD SHOPS. I fr.MlV BAXIiN—Wimit-Br lu and retail dealer In 1L Bouts and Shoes, Leather, Calf Skins, nnd Shoe Findings of every deicrlplion, Whitehall nml No. 0 Peachtree street, Atlanta. Boot*, Shoes,Leather, French and American Cali Skins, Shoo Findings, etc., next door to Moor A: Marsh, Decat ur Street, Atlnnta. STOWES AND_ TI-NWAEE. A.Ij.Soutlxqi-lnnd. Manufacturer of all kinds of TINWARE, AND DKAI.KR l.V ' Stoves,HollowW are,Hardware, And everything in ids line of business, which ho proposes to sell as ciicap as can lie bought in tho Southern or Western market*, at wholesale or re tail, and claims for his Tinware a superiority over that of Norihetn or Eustcmiuanufncturo. Booling nnd guttering done promptly, cheaply. Hamilton street, Dalton, Ga. july-fini J. S. Fitzpatrick, HOUSE, SIGN AND DECORATIVE 3P^.I3S<rTE33a, / Paper. Hanger, blazer and Gilder. A LL work entrusted to him will bo executed with neatness nnd dispatch. Shop, upstairs in King building. Diiton, Georgia, Refers lo W. M. & R. J. Lowry. Fain* k Tar- rot, Atlanta; Lowry k Eason, Tibbs, Kenner k Go., Dalton; Whitman k Yarnell, Ringgold, jly nn. i/. is. BRoiiivv, Insurance and Land Agent, KINO 8TRKKT, DALTON, GKOJtOIA. A GENT for /ETNA Lifo and Firo Insurance, Company. Also, Jefierson nnd Janies River Fire Insurance Companies, of Virginia, Enterprise, at Cincinnati, nud Putnam, at Hart ford, Fire Insurance Companies. And General Lnncl Aufent For anybody who ontrusta their business to Ids care. Refers to Col. 0. B. Welborn, Atlanta; Col. W. H. Tibbs, Lowry k Eason, Hon. I). A. Walker, nnd Col. J. A. R. Hanks, Dalton. jaOly TIME Money! A:tJ a Correct Tlne-Pioro Botli I rpjXB tintlorslgued woolil rospoctfnlly nlinounre X to the citizens of Dalton and vicinity that ho has opened, ut tho well-known establishment of Messrs. Buknfzcr & Lovcman, a Shop for repair ing and cleaning Watches, as well ns perform ing all other work psitainlng to Ids trade. f5f*Having been constantly employed In somo of tho largest European cities for tho last ton years past, ho guarantees superior workmanship. tSfChargcs modorato to conform with tho times. 63PI have just received a choice lot of JciO- C.lry, which I nin offering nt very l »w prices.— Call arid eco it. L. SIhUEKMAN. Feb. 29—tfj. Boots nnd Shoes, Wlntchnll street, Atlanta. Sell at New York Price?, (reight added. ' dryuoohs', i.rc. TITOOUE & MARSH—Exclusively _ \Yhu1e*n!o ILL dealers in Dry Goods, Uoote,Shoes,lints,'Caps und Notions, agents fnrTrion Fuctory goods, Do- entur street Atlanta, Georgia. OILVY k DOtGIIEim—Wholesale dealers in 0 Staple and Fancy Dry Goods,Root*,Shoes, Hats nnd Notions, corner Peac htree and Decatur streets n FOR CIA Hoop Skirt Jhnnfaetory—AVra. Title- IT bantu, also keeps best stock of French, Amer ican and German Cornetts, Ladies' ready made articles for under, Notions, Hosiery. Lady saleswomen. Next door to National Hotel. DRUGGISTS. TAVWlll, J. A.—AVholside nnn retail dealer In L Drugs,Medicines,Paints, Oils,Dye-Stuffs,Glass ware, Surgical Instruments, etc., sign of Golden Eagle, corner Peachtree and Decatur streets. WILSON k CRANK—AVholcsalo and retail AY dealers in Foreign and Domestic Drugs, Paints, Oils, Dye Bluff*, etc., under National Ho tel, Atlanta. HARDWARE. r P 31. k R. (’. CLARK—Importers nnd dealers hi 1. Hardware, Cutilery.Iron, etc. Also agents for Fairbanks' Standard Beales and Knoxville Iron Works, sign of Big Pud Lock, Peachtrco street. T JI. it J.C. ALEXANDER—Dealers ill Hardware, •J. Iron, Nalls, Steel, Carriage material, Mill Stones,Bolting Cloths,Mining Implements, White- hull street, Atlanta. GaRRUTS, Oil. CL01 US. SIIADKS, 'ETC. Tf KNBRICK, 8.8.—Dealer In Carpets,OilCloihs, JY Window Shades, Mats, Bugs, Curtains, Cor* nice, nud all descriptionso< House Goods, corner Marietta nud Broad streets, Atlanta. JI. K. Hoffman. (lea. R. Staley. - IPm. J. Armstrong. HUJ, Hamilton.' J. MI. ICEAWICll. of Georgia, HOFFMAN, STALEY Si CO., AVhoIesalo Grocers, Liquor nmi Commission JVESEJH.OEE^.KrCi’jS, 341 TT. Baltimore and fjfi German Sts., HKTWKKN HOWARD AND KUTAW, BALTIMORE, Onlers for Groceries, and Consignments of Pro duce, solicited. jul2-fim Mr. E. O. Stafford O ESPECTFULLY tenders his Professional ser- Li vices to the citizens of .Murray nnd adjacent counties. All Diseases peculiar to females, and Chronic Diseases of every description treated. Ollio ut the rosidcnci of Mrs. Humphreys’, near Hawkins'store, Rock Creek, Murray county. ithO' H SalVC. Ifig you 14 tb IJm-1 out upon what terms I can gut immcdi.itc. For Cuts, t j, c me js c j nc directly from you. If I can get un- , \Uun-U, | on CMy tl . ri7 , Si j el „,| u , c i gr0 ., t dMl h! I UM ^oros, Ilc.i.Suro.ul.i nm uworo lliat tlw luo of each Articled in contrary nnJ CulancmM Eroptltm. Olmppcd u , „, c l0 „ uhi „ gJ prilct | c0 „| „ &c., Bite. o( Animal., 0 | th, r.fjula “lino of H. lAt, but I see no just insects, no. cause or good sense In discarding a remedy‘w(ifah ' we know to bo cfflclenr, simply becau^Q we may r."-i 1 , bo Ignorant of its combination. Kof hiv ‘ piirt I A Universal Dinner 1 ill (sugar- shall mako it a rulo to use all and liny mcuiis to coated .. 80ycaw adminUtcred in a • n u icv i at0 suffering humanlty which i may be able 1 hywcisn s Praetlee. ■ 1 to. command—not hesitating bivauso some ono Costae * Mtlshop I tils. i tnorc ingenius than myself may have learned its 01 extraordinary olbcaey fur Costive-! effect* fiist, and sccureUYhnt knowfedge. How- nes», lndlge*tion, Nervous and bleu j cvtrt J. n m by no hioaus an ndf’bcJto or supported Headache; Dyspcp-ia, Dy8onterv,Oen- the thousands of wortlilcsa noatni'hs tlint Hood end Debility, Liver Complaints, Chills, tho country, that purport to euro All manner of l evers, &o. ^ Not griping. Geutle, disease to which human fle.-h in heir. Pleaso re ply soon, nnd inform me of your best terms. I sir. most respect Hillv, : JULIUS P, GLSMUNT, il. D; mild and soothing. "Cottar's” Cough Remedy. Tho children cry for it—its a “ Sooth, lug Syrup." Fur Coughs, Colds* Jloarscncss, Sore Throat, Croup,Whoo ping Cough, Asthma, Bronchial Af* lections. Singers, Speakers, nnd nil troubled with Throat Complaints, will find thin a beneficial Pectoral Remcdv. Beautifies thn Complexion, giving to the skin a transparent freshness. “CssUrV* Bitter-Sweet and Orange Blossoms. Renders tlio skin clear, smooth nnJ soft. Kemovos Tan, Freckles, Pim ples, Ac. Ladies, try n bottle, nr.d sco Its wonderful quality. ■ tSTIII BkwaukI!! of all worlhlessraiRt ir tious. 1^7None Gcnuino without “COSTAR’S" Ignat uro. |ST’28o. and 5.7c. bIzcs kept by all Druggists. C3)r$l fixes rent by mail on receipt of price. C2#"$2 pays for any three$1 sizes by Exp css, [3T’$5 pays for eight $1 sizes by Express, . AdJreoi HENRY B. COSTJIi, 612 Broadway, N. Y. CS^ For sale by C. B. Wellboin k Co., Dal ton, Georgia. tar Sold by all Wholesale Druggists In nil the large Cities. CgrBarncs, Ward k On., 2-1 Magazine streets N. Orleans, wholesale agents for Southern Stale. May 8—(Jm. St. Mary’s Institute. HPUE exercises of the above Institution will be X resumed on tho first Monday in July next. Tuition. First Class, per Term of 5 mouth.*,,, 0 00 2d “ “ “ 12 00 3d “ “ “ 18 00 Board can be had In good families from 8 to 10 Dollars per mouth Mudciits can ho prepared for admission into any class of the University of Georgia, or any similar Institution. The above Institute is situated 25 miles South west of Binggold, Ga., and 23 miles South ol Chattauoogo, Tenn. J. Y. WOOD, Principal Miss Maiuik Wood, Assistant. Juno lS-4t. UNITED STATES INTERNAL REVENUE, Dept. Collector’s Ollice, 4th Diat., Ga Dalton % June 18/A, 18C8. , N OTICE is hereby given tlut tho following seizure wns made by mo on or about the 36th May* 1868: One and ono half barrels of Whisky from tlio E. T. ft Ga. Railroad Company at Dalton, Whitfield county, Georgia, tlio Rev enue on said Whisky being unpaid, and no per mit accompanying the shipment of the same*.— Said Whisky was shipped from VaruelPs Station on the E.T.& CvO. Tucker to C.M. Tuck cr, Madison, Ga. Any person or persons claiming said Whisky are required to appear and make such claim with in thirty 1 days from this date, and give bond n* required by law, otherwise tho same will be sold for tho uso United States, in the city of Dalton, on the 20th day ol Julv, 1808. J. 0. HARRIS, Dep. Collector Oth Dlv. 4th iiist., Ga. JiinotS -4t. Proclamation! GLORIOUS RESULTS FROM IT! I HEREBY nnnounco nnd declare, by tho pow er in. me vested, that of having recently pur chased a treineudoiw stock goods, In the cheapest markets, 'that I am able to sell cheaper than thoso who purchased while prices wero up. My stock consists in part of 56 pieces of assorted Prints nnd DrersGood*! Heavy line of blcachrd and brown Domestic*!* 160 bunches Athens’ Cotton Yarns, tho best! Largo' assortment of Men’s, Women’s aud Children’s Boots nud Shoes! Quantity of Gent’s and Boy's Furnishing Goods! Hath of every description, style nnd price! GUOCEHIKS JN ABUNDANCE l Sugar, Coffee, Syrup, Bacon, Meal, Flour, Salt, Hardware, Queonawnre, Dye-Stuffs. Many other «itides, too nq^ierous to inenllon, which you can see, and buy nt remarkably low rates, by calling on your servant, jl. tr. ts.tnsiETT, Corner King nml Hamilton 6treots, 10.006 bushels of Wheat wanted, for which the market price will ho paid in cash, or goods at tho cheapest rates 1 have a desirable house and lot, in tho olty, fur wlr* i <t jj BulFs Sarsaparilla. GOOD ULASOX FOR THE CAPTAIN'S FAITH. Ccgd the Captain’s Letter and 'tlio Letter fren Ufa Mother. Denton Darracks t Co., April 30, I860. Dr. John Bull—Denr^in Knowing thoclfieicn- cy of your Sarsaparilla, and the healing and ben eficial qualities it po.*scs:cs. I send you tho fol~ lowing statement of my caso: I was wounded about two year? ngo—was taken prisoner mid confined for sixteen months. Being M moved so of:en, my wounds have not healed yet. ™ I have not sat up u moment sincol was wounded* I am shot through the hips. My general health is impaired, nml I need something to assist na ture. ( I have mow faith in your Sarsaparilla thuu- in unjrthjng dstf. I wish that .that, is gcnuino. Pleasoeiiprcts mo half a dozen bolclc 0 , and cbligo Catt. C.,P. JOlIN'ciO.V, Ft. Louis, Mp. . P. C.—Tlio following was written April 30," 18*16, by Mrs. Jtnnlo Johnson, fiiothor'OT Capt. Johr.soil. -. Dn. Ecu—Dear Fir:.My hujlar.d,. Dr. C. S; Johnson, was a skillful rurgec-n and phjjjdan In Central New Yoik; where ho died leaving tlio* above C. 1\ Johnson so inv tar *. At thirteen* years of age he hud a chronic diarrhea and Efro- 1 Vila;'for which I guvo him jour Sarsaparilla. It enredhim. 1 havo for ten jeirs recommended It to many in New Yolk, Ohio,- und Iowa, for sero- lul.i, fever sores, and general debility. Perfect sncc^H has attained it. The cure effected in tufne cases of scrofula and'fever tores tc$re almost mi- raculora. 1 am very anxious for my ron to again havo recourse to ) our Sarsaparilla. He I# feartnl ol getting a spurious article, hence his writing to you for it. Hie wounds were terrible, but I bo.- Hove lie will recover. Respectfully, JENNIE JOHNSON. DR. JOHN BULL, Manufacturer and Vender of tho Celebrated' Smith’s Tonic Syrup, FOR'TnE CURE OF Jt a U E D FE F E R, OR, CHILLS AND FEVER. Tho proprietor of this celebrated medlcino justly claims forjta superiority overall rorr.odlos ! ever offered to the public for tho safe, certain, speedy, and »er/rtone>if cure of Ague and Fever, or Chills ami Fever, whether of shcyt.or long standing.,. He thu’chilre AVestorn and South-western country to bear him testimony to tho truth of the assertion, that in no cose whatev er will it fail to cure, if tlio directions nro fetriotly followed nnd carried out. In a great many.cases, n single dose hns be“n sufficient for n euro-, and whole fnrailies havo - been cured by a single bot tle, with n perfect res tv ration of tbo gcncrnl - health. It is, however, prudent, and in every euro more certain to cure, if its use is continued- in smaller doses for a w»iok or two after thb cli.^*, case hns been checked,'more especially m dfflleuTi and long standing ‘eases. Usually, this medicihe .will not require any aid to keep tliii bowels in gofid > order; should tho patient, howeycr, requiro a cathartic medieim*, after having taken three or • four doses of tho Tonic.-a ringlo dose of BULL’S VEGETABLE FAMILY PILLS will bosnfflclcnti’‘ DU. JOUN BULL’S Principal Offloc: ’ ■ A’o. 40 Fifth, Grot* Street. ;: • LOUISVILLK, JOf, i All of the alovo remedies for snip b\\ J. D. N’H KLIN & C6, Chattanooga, ,Tcnn. % ; And by pR other responsible Druggists. J8-l y, BETTER TFIAN GOLD! OUVKF.W IndostruotaWo Golden Pens. A RE recommended by Bankers, Lawyers, Pro fessors, Teachers, Merchants, and nil who have tried them, ns tho best Pen manitfactui-ed. Thoy are non-corrosivo, and manufactured with the greatest euro, rendering them rooro durable than any pen now before tho public. . Font post paid to any address for 75 cents per box, containing ono dozen Orders .containing money for the «uno sent at our H»k Dn not for. get to try them M. MaALPIN & CO., jun5-8m Louisville, Ifr. 1 Please state that you saw this in the Cmzsx