North Georgia citizen. (Dalton, Ga.) 1868-1924, July 16, 1868, Image 4

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ABM AND GARDEN. nook Firplng. iso wlio sncov nt hook fnrmlnff l'oqnostotl to rent! the following nncl givo us their opinion: There wits a fnrnior onco who hesi tated not to hurl nil m tan or of Inveoi tivos against hook farming anti llioso who coii8iiltoil boolts for niivloe. Jly long experience ami punetlenl niiBorva- tlon, lio baa Become quite successful In llio culture of gropes nml trees. Ills Helds wore clciin and fair, and highly productire. fils trees were vigorous, well adjusted and profitable. In conversation with a frlond, ho re lated his experience in raising grapes and trees, coloring into the minutest details, somotimes becoming quite elo quent wlion describing ids viotories over the enemies which infest them. 11 His knowledge,” lie. said, “ was gained by dint of application—by ac tual oxporioneo and hard labor. It was none of yoiuy book lmowledgo, written by men who know nothing about farming.” 11 Woll,” said his frlond, “ if all this valuable information, gained by tlio assiduous labor and observation of so many years, woro written out and pub lished, which would you liavo a young and experienced man do—tnko this as he finds itfrom your pen, or go through the same tedious process that you have gone through with, including ail its vexations and losses ?” The question puzzled him, and lie Was silent for a moment; but was obliged at last to confess that, after all, tboro was much that was vnluablo in books, becauso combining and re lating the results and oxporioneo of practical cultivators. Roador, do not condemn book-farm ing. You may critioiso certain books very severely, bocauso written by ig norant, llioorotical hands; but thcro is always good wheat as woll as abundant chaff. So tboro are many good books no woll na nnni> nnna H'lin mnv A Tremendous Haute Story—Tlio Monster of the Age—A Gentleman Seared Into S|usmsl Tlio NnskVlilb /fanner; of tlio Oth instant gives nil account, dotailod by an oyo-wltiicss, anil Bworn to boforo a Justice of the peace, of Trluno, Twin., of a most surprising- occurrence— the discovery, capture and osoapo of tlio great nmstordon snnlto of tlio ago. Tlio story is rather a tough one—snako storied genornlly aro—but from the clmraetor pf the pnpor, tlio correspon dent, arid the sworn certificate of an officer, wo think, precludes all doubt as to its correctness! About twenty-flvo yoars ago a Sir. Vernon was returning front ills work shop near Llndnll’s Mill, on the Frank lin and Murfreesboro road, nt tlio foot of it largo hill, ho saw tlio track of somo immense sorpolit, loading toward ri largo thicket on tlio bill-side. It measured nbout nineteen inches across, anil sooincd to press into tlio dust as if a great weight had passed over It. Mr. Vernon collected tlio people of the neighborhood the next morning, and welt armed, tlioy made a close sonrcli for tlio monster, but without success. About ton years nftonvard ills track wns again scan by several man nbout a mile from tlio formor pined. Some five yoars later, as a Mrs. Barnes was In her garden gathering vegetables, she saw the monster lying along a cabbage row, but was so badly frightened that she wns unable to form oven a conjec ture ns to liis size. Her husband quick ly ran to tho gardon whan the alarm was given; but tho snako had disap peared, leaving, howover, his immonse trail. In tho fall of tho snmo year, as Mr. Allen was cutting a pole In a thicket, 1m hoard, what ho supposed to bo a cow or horso, and tlio thickot boing in Ids cornfield, 1m started in to run tlm ns well ns poor ones. Tho timo may como wlion a single hint from a book or paper may save your farm or or chard to your wonltb, by telling you how to increase your orops, Oar .Agricultural l nttirc We have long boliovod that tlm great est fault and mistake in Southern plant ing wns tho idoa that the large planta tion was more profitable than the small ono; and, in tho constant offort, year by year, to “ put in” more land than tho planter had tlm last year. Woro it on the contrary, his study to sea on how little land he could produce tlm saino amount of cotton, corn, potatoos, or tho liko, and how much 1m could In- cronso tlm prico, lie would got for it by raising It of bettor quality, tlio profits of his agriculture would bo more cer tain, while hlB lnnds would thomselvcs bo moro constantly added to In valuo, not only by tholr intrinBlo productive ness, hut by tlm higher ostimato which would bo put upon thorn In tho market. A groat doal of money has been lost during tho last throo yoars in purchas ing now implements, for which tho pur chaser found no uso. We allude now only to useless and valueless ones, of which thcro aro always two invohtod for ono that Is good, but-to tho very best and most Indispensable to modern farming. In thoBo oases tho purchas er 1ms either not boon ably physically, or has not understood how to use them, but lias carried them among ignorant and prejudiced field hands, whom it is impossible to induce to uso them. Lot no man hereafter purchase such things .(.until 1m has secured the willing and ■r - ■ olgbtoon Inelios Bqunro, heavily boltod together. Tlm gonllcinon think tlio sorpont Is fully tlilrly-ilvo or forty foot long and about eight or ten Inelms in diameter. Whoro 1m oamo from, or to wlmtBpo- clos lie belongs, can only bo loft to con jecture. Ho was of a uniform dirty blank color. Tills morning Mr. Tliomna llurko got up wlion It wns fairly light, and while putting on his clothes lio heard tlm most- singular nolso—a low doop bellowing quickly given, and then u crashing sound. Ho rail to tlm door and looked out to see tho cause. It wns quickly ravoaled to him, for after a tremendous crash, as of a breaking tree in tlm direction of tlm trap, ho saw tlm nwful monster oorajng down the hill, with tlm. most frightful leaps and bounds, writhing and twisting bis lingo body nB If in groat pain. IIo passed noross tlm road about two lnm- drod ynrdsuorth of Mr. Bnrkos’, sweep ing down tlm foncos nml otlmr obsta cles In Ills path-way. But this Mr. Burko did not boo, for with tho first ;lanco at tlm serpent, consciousness oft him, nnd lio remained for somo timo In convulsions from tlm fright. It was Into In tlm day boforo any ono would venture near tho trap, hutat last somo wont up, and limy found It lying with ono cud still In tho hole, but tlm otlmr rlvon ns if struck by lightning, somo of tlm bars of Iron boing found full fifty Btopsoff. Tims tlm capture Is a failure, and tbo serpent is again at largo, nnd tlm country oxoited to tho last dogreo. Many Bponk of leaving tlm neighborhood of tbo hills, nnd se rious l’onrs are entcrtalnod of tlm offoct on tlm mind of Mr. Burko. No ono supposed for a momont lio would bo able to break tlm Immense ougo pre pared for him, it would have bold a li on. But wo miscalculated bis power nnd ho is free. ’ J. L. Scales. ip you wisn to Save money in tup. SAME rilOPOUTlON QO TO creature out. IVhat was his horror on taking a fow steps, to soo tho.lmad of tho big snake, reared about eight feot high, nnd gazing upon him intently.— Of courso,ho fled at tho top of his speed. nnd did not turn to soo wlmt oourso ho would take. A fow men on horseback went to the place, hut could only find by tho broken bushes tlm routo ho took. Tlmso circumstances, following oloso upon each otlmr, greatly excited tlm neighborhood, nnd mothers bccamo fearful of leaving tholr littlo cues alone, lest thoy should bo swnllowod by the terrible animal. Mr. Allon de scribed him to bo as thick ns n largo man’s thigh, and said his head was about tlm size of a frying pan, and nearly flat, Nothing moro was scon or board of tho snake boforo or during tlm war Pooplo hoped ho had diad in Ins den from old ago. Last Friday Messrs, Robinson nnd Lislo were riding toward Nashvlllo on tlm pike, and as thoy neared tlm gap of tlm Burko Knobs thoy saw what tlioy supposed to bo largo polo stretching across tlm piko, not thinking of tlm improbability of a polo being ip such a locality, ns tbo pike lias a largo Hold on either side, f Pn t.lifllf niirnrisn t.lmv anw flin annn intelligent hands, his own are host to employ them. Now, too, is tho best timo to prepare for tho only true and safo way to, hire and pay farm laborers, by tlm week or month, ami, when extra labor is ncod- od nt soasons, by tho day. It is thus that freo labor conducted throughout tho world, wherever It is profitable to both parties, while it Is always tlm most satisfactory to each. Lot,$mn, our husbandman husband his moans, uot of food only, but of land. Lot him gradually draw in area of cultivation, so that ho limy do it tlm greater justice, and then lot him hire aud pay his hands as they givo him satisfactory labor, and noxt year will soo us far moro prosperous than this, oven if the extraordinary bounty of Hcaveu, in its suits and showers, which aro this year experienced, slmud not then bo vouchsafed to us.— N. 0. Picayune. an.oizxiiifiui’jsi NEW STORE, I HAVE, JUST OPENED AN ELEGANT AS- sorttnont of Dry Goods and Groceries, nt my Now Brick House* on Hamilton Stroot, " Hi «... amps. I.MPoitTA*T to Wheat Gbowkiis.— Au old an experienced farmer of Wil liamson 'county givcB it as a fact that tlm following method is sure preven tion of tho inseot weavel in wheat. In piliug up your wheat after it has been cleaned with llm fan, to every threo bushels put in a good hard brick, well driod by tlm sun, and bo sure it is per fectly dry at tlm timo you uso it. Tlm brick absorbs tho moisture that natu rally accumulates in tho grain nnd causes it to become so hard nnd flinty that tho inseot or fly cannot ponotrato the outer covering. Wo are assured by persons who linvo mado tho experi ment it is so easy aud Bhnplo, wo would advise our friends who grow or deal in wheat to try it-—Nashville Gazette b A Mule Epidemic on the Yazoo.— A fatal disonso has made its appear nnco on tho Yazoo river among mules. Tho first symtpom of tho disorder is a swelling, usually about ns long ns a mail’s linger, and not much Inrger, on the head shoulder, or flanks. Tlm an imal does not seem to suffer, but goes about eating aftriu tbo swelling come's out; but will suddenly drop mul dlo.- Upon opening tlm swollen place, it is found to contain n kind of congealed matter very muon Uko calf’s foot jolly. Within a wook or two Mr. Han. T. Saffarrans, now planting near Yazoo City,lost sixteen mules nmlothcr plan ters Imvosuffered saveraly:-Avalanchc. The laborers of tbo Northwest will hold a convention in Chicago on tlm 5th of August to nominate candidates for I’resident and Ylco President of tlm United States. It is claimed that they will endorse Pendleton, if lm is nominated at New York Ex. Of conrso they will endorse Pendle ton, whether ho be nominated or not. Why shouldn’t they ? Ucoccupies tlm only ground for the workingman to stand on, ami any man who does not hold tlm principles he has onuclatcd wilt be defeated tu November. To their surprise tlioy saw tho suppos ed polo, when thoy got within sixty or sovonty paces of it, suddonly raiso its lioad above tho top of tho fenco on tlm west side of tlm pike, and commenced moving slowly over it. Although tlm two gentlemen were badly frightoned, they dotermod to bco moro of his snake- ship, and as soon as ho had got about ono hundred yards into tho field, they passed beyond him on tho piko nnd quickly got to tho top of tlm hill, some two hundred yards above him. Tlm serpent did not seem to earo for tlmir proximity, but quiotly pursued his way, which lay about half way down tlm hill-side through tho field, until ho camo to tlm huslms in tlm woods. Ho re mained hero nearly two hours, until midday, wlion 1m raised his head full flfteon foot, looked around slowly, and resumed tho snmo course through tlm woods, with head erect. This position lm did not clmngo for noarly half a mile when they saw him dart sudden ly forward with grout velocity, nnd striko toward tho ground. When he again raised his head ho lmd a hare in his mouth. IIo halted hero a while, and, lowering his head, they supposed ho swallowed it, fof nftor remaining down for fifteen or twenty minutes ho raised his head aud moved slowly for- nrd. Tlm woods lmro becoming open nnd freo from bushes, they lmd a fine view of his size nnd length, and becoming coolor nml more self-possessed, thoy were able to como to somo conclusion ns to tlmir course. Boing both of ven turous spirit, tlioy determined to watch him to liis den, and if possiblo effect his capture. Tlmir dotermiuntion be ing made, tlioy, without a groat deal of difficulty, kept in sight nt a safo dis tance. Uewas often hidden from tlmir viow by intervening thickets, butkuow- ing of liis previous appearance, they supposed ho wns going to his den in that direction, and time, by getting a clear viow beyond tlm plnco where he wns bidden, they soon would bo ablo to see him emerge. When tlm ground wasclcarof obstruc tions, lm traveled with bis bead near tho earth, raising it ns ho approached a fence or bushes. Thus they followed him up near two nnd ono-lmlf miles, until lm came to a largo hill. When about half way up this hill, tbo snako slopped in a perfectly open plnco, nnd after looking all around bo gavo lortlT alow bellowing sound like tlm sup pressed lowing of a cow, nnd then thrusting bis bead into a hole that wns invisible to them, ho slowly drew him self into it. Mr. ltohinsou now remained on guard while Mr. Lisle with tlm assis tance of Mr. Thomas Burke, quickly aroused tlm neighborhood, nml coming to the plnco each with a largo rock in his arms, limy quickly stopped up tlm hole. It was about two feet in diatn- otor nml, scorned from tlm plnco boing worn smooth around to have been oc- cnpled-.for some timo. All yesterday was occupied by llm neighbors in constructing n long box, of heavy two inch planks, one end of which wns thrust into tlm hole nnd rocks piled around, tliojother end cross ed with iron bars so ns not to obstruct the light. A sliding door next tlm hole and a piece of mutton nt tho far end attached to tho door by triggorc, gives Two wliito men were arrested by Fodoral soldiers In Gwinnetto county, and enrriod to tho Atlanta barracks, charged with searing a nogro. A nowspnpor says: ‘A child was run over by a wagon threo years old nml oross-oyed with pantalets which novor Bpoko afterwards.' I’artlos from MUldlo Tonnesseo rep resent tlm wheat crop of that section ns better than In tbo Eastern portion of tbo Slate. A returned Californian found tlm baby lm loft nt homo a miss of fivo summers. Olio day lm offended her, nnd she irofully oxolaimod: ‘I wish you had novor married into tho family.' Beautiful thought of nu oriental po et—“Ho who shakos llm treo of sor row is ofton sowing tlm seed of joy.” Wino, It is said, is being made in Gaiusviilo, Florida, of tomatoes, which is reported splendid. On tlm Fourth a fatal affray occur red at Albany, Dougherty county, in which ono negro wns literally out to pieces by another, Tho homieido was arrested. ■Bill Harrison, a nogro reproantativu of Hancock county, asserted, in a speech nt Sparta tho other day, that Domocrnts will lio. Tho editor of tho Sparta Journal snys lm can’t boliovo it; becauso the Rndionls lie nt stmh a rato that Democrats find it cheaper to hire them to do it, Tho King of tho Sandwich Islnnds threatens to hoist tho British flag and claim British protection, if tlm United States “troubles” him. That settles it. Bacon says tlm desire of powder in excess caused tho angels to fall, tlm do- siro of knowledge in excess caused man to fall; but in ohnrity there is no ex cess, ncithor can angels or man como in danger by It. Wlion a noted wit was told that a Mr. Yowel was to bo hung, lm replied. Lot us rejoice that it is neither U nor I. Two very respectable gcntlomcu of Auburn, Now York, recently eloped, each with tlm other’s wife, on tho same train and tho snmo dark night. A re cognition ensued in tlm waiting room nt Symonso, an oxchnngo was eifectod, and there Is no moro division iu those households. An American abroad writes homo to tlm public about “that dismal sense of loneliness which comes over a married mnu when lm puts threo thousand miles of sea-sickness between himself aud the best woman in tho world.” A company lias been formed in Ham burg, with a capital of $500,000, for starting a Gorman colony in Florida. It is expected that 20,000 North Gor mans can bo directed thither in tho courso of two yoars. Tlm aity falhors of Now York appro priated thirty thousand dollaas to col- obrnto tlm Fourth. nannibal Hamlin, Into Yieo Presi dent of tho United States, hns been chosen president of tho Bangor and I’mcntiquis Railroad Company. An old lady named Baird committed A STICH1M TIME SAVES NIWE! first Htoro abovo Holland’s Livery Stable, mljoliv Ing Lowry tl\Eason’s, consisting In part of Bleached and Brown Domestics, PRINTS, LADIES’DRESS GOODS, Trimmings, Iloiuory nml Notions In variety, Boots and Shoes, linrdwnro, Qucenswuro, nnd Table Cultlory, BUG All, COFFEE, TOBACCO, POWDER, and nn endless variety of articles too numerous to mention, all of which I oiler at EXTREMELY LOW PRICES Call nnd nco for yourselves, nnd you will bo plensod with both goods and prices. It is a pleas ure to show goods. S. O. CROZIER. IP. IP. GID&EJTS. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Sl’IUNO FLACK, OKOIUIIA, W ILL practlco In tlio Ohorokco Circuit and give special attention to collecting nnd seeming claims. miirltt-tjan ICAMY. W. LUFFMAK. R. J, LufTman ft JlIcGamy ATTORNEYS AT LAW, BF1UNO FLACK, OKOROIi, W ILL,practlco in tho courts of tho Chorokco Circuit. maflD-tinn MURRAY COUNTY. _ .;—Whorcas, Time , Oonnnlly', administrator on tho catato of Ilonry Wllaou, deonnsod, nppltcs lu duo form of tow lor letters dlamlwiory from tho ostato of Bald doccamd i Tbcso aro therefore to clto nnd admonish all nnd singular tho kindred atld creditors of Bald dooeased to fllo their objections, if any thov hnvo, on or boforo tho Nov. Term of tho Court of Or dinary, to bo hold on tho 1st Monday In Nov. next, othorwUo luttora will bo granted tho appli cant. Given under my hand nnd official signature this )tli day of April, 1868, ANDEUBON FARNSWORTH, Ord’y, May 1— 0m. fXBOBGIA, Murray County—Whcreiis, E. S. \A Howell, , administrator on the estate of P. O. Howell, deceased, applies In duo form of law for lottora dlsmisrory from tho cstato of said dou’d: These nro therefore to clto and admonish all nnd singular tho kindred and creditors of said deceased to fllo their objections, If any they hnvo. on or before the November Term of tho Court of Ordinary to bo held In said county .on tho first Monday lu November next, otherwise said letters will lio granted tho applicant. Given under my hand aud official signature, May 26th, 1868. Cm ANDERSON FARNSWORTH, Ord’y. Q.E0RGIA, Murray County—Two monUdhiftor _ dato application will bo mado to t! o Court of Ordinary of Murray county, for leave to sell lots of land numbers 127 and 128 In tho 27th district nnd 2d section of paid county, belonging to tho cstato of S. O’Nonl, deceased, to satisfy n part of tho purchaso money. This Juno 24, 1868 E. a HOWELL, Admr. T HE only NEW nnd COMPLETE SPRING 1 STO,OK In Dalton' is to b found nt BUKOFZER 1 LOVE MAN'S.: Wo lihyo just boen receiving-our fresh Goods, which wore bought before tlio rise in Cotton, nnd nro therefore onnblod to offer to tlio trndo Better Inducements Tlinn over. Wo will not omimornlo nil wo linvo for sale, but feel confident trf convince our customers than our Stock oinbrncos everything kept in n FIRST GLASS DRY 'GOODS HOUSE, L, G. Cil.t 1ITOJRI), ATTORNEY AT LAW" LaFayettk, Ga. J3PW111 practice In nil tho countlos compos ing tho Ohorokert Ciroqit. Jun. 10—ly. v JJ. O, GJldWMJU, ATTORNEY AT LAW, TUKkroN, axonaiA. P RACTICES in tho Courts of North-western Georgia aud adjolulug counties of Tennessee and Alabama. April 24—tf. WHITFIELD COUNTY. Whitflold BLoriff’s Sale. POSTPONE!;. W nILL bo sold before tlio Court House door i In tho town of Dalton, on the first Tues day Aug. noxt, tho following property, to-wit: Ono lot of land, containing 100 ncroi less, uo, 88, 13th dtst. nnd 8d see. ct WlilLfield county. Levied on by virtue of two tar fi fas, issued by Tim Ford, tax collector of said county, other for tax duo the State for 1868. July 9 W. W. WEST, Sheriff. Administrator’s Salo, B Y Virtue of an order in me vested, f (ourt of Ordinary of Whitfield c on tho first Tuesday in August nex county. Property of Alfred Johnson, deceased, and sold for benefit of heirs and creditors. Terms cash. r. A. IIAGGAUl), Admr. .KOUGiA, Whitfield .Connty.- r\ eou \J( w. nation and praying to bo relieved of his trust u said Executor, and suggesting tho name, qf Juinc tnko the trust of administering said estate: T Is to cite tho said James U. Horne, and the ti< of kin of tho said Owen If. Kenan, dec’ll., to up- for said county, on the fbstMondu; next, nnd sh6w-emiso;.if any they can tlon of snld G. \Y. Stniioel,, and ; Juno 18—tds. J. r. FREEMAN, Ordinary. A DMINISTRATOR’S SALE.—By virtue of order from the Court of Ordinary of llordi county, Georgia, will bo sold before tho Court llouso dobr in the town of Dalton, In Whf county, on the first Tuesday in August next, 10 in tlie 18th district and fid section. Bold i tho property of Malindn Townsend, deceased, f« tho benefit of the heirs and creditors of said d ceased. Terms part cash, halanco on time, wl good secuiitv. THOMAS B. BARNWELL, Adni’r. June 18—tds. A DMINISTRATOR’S SALE.—By virtue of a order in mo vestod, by tho Court of O ary, of Whitfield county, I will sell, boforo tho highest bidder, the first Tuesday in j' ouc hundred acres of land, s.e. portion lotn eouuty, being the lot c creditors of Win. Talley, dcc’d j mi 11-tds D. W. MITCHELL, Adm’r. JrY foro tlio Court House door iu J'uHon, c nnd interest of David Roach, deoensed. lloncli, ns dowor, it Ijcinq u feo aim; said land, subject only to tlio widow’s of dower. June 22, 1SH8. JOHN n. NEIf., Admr. KOUGIA, Wliltfl UT HcOwon liavinj Guardian of tlio persi (try for said county, oil the lirst Mondn next, nnd show ciiuso, i( nny they cm suicide, on Saturday, near Pittsburg, by taking arsenic, on account of bad treatment by her daughtor-in-law, A wealthy young Connecticut girl is working in a Meridian factory in tbo hope that somo young man will fall in love with her “for herself alone.” Ivon Hanson, a Nonvogaln, wns nc- cused by bis employer of stealing n hammer, in Chicago, a fow days ngo. The nceusntion drove him to Insanity", nnd lio banged himself on Monday. General Wm. S. llosccrnns arrived at the villngo of St. Martha, Drown county, Ohio, a fow days ngo, and par ticipated in tlio annual exercise of the Ursu’lho Academy, whore ono of his daugjriors graduated with tlio highest' honors, on Tuesday. Frederick Sehoiller, teaoherof a Ger man school in Peoria, Illinois, has been driven out of the plnco by indignant parents upon whoso littlo daughters— ono of them only nino years old—ho attempted to commit rape. A Portland gentleman, going out of tlio house, stumbled over a dog in tho entry, fell nnd broko liis nose, then at tempted to kick tlio dog, hut missed him, kicked over n bnt-stand, put his ankle out of joint, nnd was laid up threo mon lis. Foreign advices report tlio French Till. July 1st, lSf.S-lm J. P. KIlEEMAN. Onl’y. GILMER COUIJTY. them hope the monster may ho caged. Emperor os rapidly preparing for war The box is fifty foot long nnd nbout with Homebody p EOlKilA, of heirs ami creditors. This June 11-2ir G EDI Six DADE COUNTY. m Dado Sheriff’s Salo. the town of Trenton, Dade county, orty, to-wit: to me by constable. july-2 G E July 2, 1868-lm WALKER COUNTY. Walkor Sheriff’s Sale. TITILL bo sold before tlio Court House door in \ V LuFuyctto, within tlie legal hours of salo, on tho first Tuesday In August next,tho follow Ing — property, to-wit: n - Lot of land number 80, in tho 26th district nnd 3d section of said eoun‘y. Levied on ns the property of Elizabeth G’udd, Executrix in her own wrong of Carter Cudd, deceased, to satisfy n C 11 fa issued from Walker County Court, In favor of J. W. Fitzpatrick. J«ly9-1 m A. A. SIMMONS, D. Sh’ff. \ DMINISTKATOU’S SALK.—By virtue of an lx. order of tlio Court of Ordinary of Walker AJ county, will bo sold, on tho first Tuesday in Au- gust uext, 1868, nt tho Court-Houso door iu enld r county, between tho legal hours of enlo, 80 acres of lot of land No. 8, in 26th district 3d socthm, and lot 7, tn tlio 26th district and 8d section.— F Sold ns tho property of Street Camp, deceased, for thpbeuefitof hoirsnml creditors. Terms cash. JAMES U. ROGERS, Adm’r. Juno 18—tds. I A DMINISTUATOU’S SALE.-—By virtue of an order of the Court of Ordinary of Walker I' county, will l>o Bold on tho first Tuesday in Au gust uext, 1868, at the Court-House door in bold T county, betweon tho legal hours of sale, 40 acres A of lot of land No. 63, iu tlio 8th district aud 4 th j) section of said county. Sold as tlio property of Talliaferro Butler, deceased, l’or tho benefit of heirs. Terms cash. JAMES H. ROGERS, Adm’r. June 18—tds. B A DHIXISTllATOltS’SAKE—Ky virtue of an J\ order from tlio (.‘ourt of Ordinary of Walker county, will ho sold before tlio Court-House door j- in LaFnyctto, on the first Tuesday in August, be tween tho Wgftl hours of sale: 100 acres of land, _ lot no 823, 7th dis. 74th sec.; also ono town lot J; in LuFayetto lying in tlio rear of T. M. Phillips’ residence. Sold for tlio benefit of tho heirs. Term cash. L, C. BLACK, Adm’r may 28-td B. Inman, dcc’d. /""I KOUGIA, Walker Couuty—Sixty days nf \JC ter dato application will lio made to tho Court of Ordinary of Walker county, for leave to sell the real estate of Silas G. llaile, lato of said , county, dcc’d. GEO. A. J. HAILE, , may38 OOd. .Adtu’r pEOKBlA, Walker Connty-Notioo iatlore- ’ Vjl by given that I will apply to tlie Court of . Ordinary of paid county, at the first t egular term after tlie expiration of two months from date, for Icavo tu sell the land belonging to tho estate of James Robor®, dcc’d, for the benefit of heirs and creditor* of sold deceased. n:ny28 2m S. D. ROBERTS, Admr. J / A HOjtdlA, W'Dlkcr, toniity—Two month nftc J , VJI date application will bo made to Court of Ordinary of Walker county, for leave to sell the lands belonging to tbo cstato of Edward Howard | into of said county, dcc’d, for the benefit of tlie heir and cro r iltor* of said deceased. This May , 28, 1808-2:ii L. C. BLACK, Admr. ' p rjllUDA, Walker Ifife—Sixty (lays nf- j ter date application will bo made to the Court of Ordinary of Walker county for leave to sell tlie lands of W. M. Purvoar, deceased, for * tlio benefit of heirs and creditors of said dcc’d. r .1 unci i -2m 11. 0. PU RYU A It, Admr. h ~ CATOOSA COUNTY. EOROIA, Catooxa Countt/—Whereas,Thos. \JT Ku-scli applies to mo for letters of guar dianship of the person and property of Joel M„ n Josephiue A., John W,, S. 0., C. K., nnd Charles II. Dyer, minors nnd residents of said county. c Tills is to cite nil persons concerned to tie and o appear nt tlie term of Court of Ordinary to be hold t t next after the expiration of thirty days, from tho first publication of this notice, and show cause, if d nny they cun, why said applicant should not bo jy entrusted with tho guardianship of said minor, id Witness my official signature this July 6, 1868, julj9-lm JAMES M. ANDERSON, Only. A IIJIIMSTIIATOK'S to nn 0 . Jtjl order of tho Court of Ordinary of Catoosa , 0 County, Geo., will boEold before the Court-House )o door in Ringgold, Goo., within the legal hours nf to sale, on tlio first Tuesday in August next, the cn following property, to-wit: Lots of land, Nos. 88 and 89, in tlio Oth di.4. and l 0 4th sec. of Catoosa County; also, one town lot in to tlio town of Ringgold, Gec<« containing -J- acre, more or less, lying wc«t of W. A. Payne, esq.—' Sold for tho benefit of the heirs and creditors of tho ostato of M. C. Dyer, deceased. Terms casli A. in U. S. currency. od W. J. WHITSITT, Adm’r, id June 4-tds. De bouts non. er- O WMGIA, Catoosa Connty— At the first reg- n . VJT ular term of tlie Court of Ordinary of said county after tho expiration of sixty days, I will to apply to safrl Court.for leave to sell tho one half ir . interest belonging to tho cstato of James A. Evans, dee’d, in 60 acres, north portion, lot no. 161; also 80 acres, more or less, of lot no. 137; olso all of lot no. 138, nil in tlie 27th district and _ 3d sec. of said county. Wm. HENRY, Admr, - may28-60d SUE A. EVANS, Adm’x. — f 1 BORGIA, Catoosa Couuty—Whereas W. J lis v_T Whitsett applies to mo for letters of dls- ho mission on the cstato of Robert Linder, late of to said county, deccnscd: V. These nro thcreforo to cito and admonish all -fit nnd singular tho kindred nnd oroditora of said de ceased, to be nnd appear at my ofiieo, within the timo prescribed by Jaw, fo allow cause, if nny they can, why said letters slioula not bp gra ded, by Given under my hand and official signature this is- Oth day of April, 1888. ed, JAS. M. ANDERSON, Ordinmy, to April 10—(lin /GEORGIA, Catoosa Connty—Two months nf- m \JT ter date application will bo made to tho Court of Ordinary of Catoosa county, tor icavo to sell lots of land no 81 and 82, 28th district nnd 3d section of said county, belonging to the estate In of B. 0. Morse, deceased. This June 26,1868. tl " ELIZA TILLMAN, Admx. GORDON COUNTY 8th /GEORGIA, Gordon County.—Two months uf f of VJJ ter dato application will bo mado io tho tax Court of Ordinary of Gordon county, for leave to m, sell the lnnds belonging to tho estate of Joseph um Wilson, late of said county, deceased, for tho hon ied efit of tlio heirs and creditors of said deceased. Juno 18—2m. WM, MOBLEY, Ex’r, r. min NOTICE. Ion A LL persons having demands against tlie es- nty A tide of Joseph Wilson, late of Gordon coun* ish ty, deceased, aro requested to present them prop- said erly attested, to tlie undersigned within tho timo rms prescribed by law; nnd all persons indebted to cd. said estate are required to make immediate pay- this mont. WM. MOBLEY, Ex’r. . June 18—60d, In point of eelocllon, vnrioty of stylos arid cheapness of price, wo defy com petition. In submitting our Stock to yonr insppctloii, wo soilct n liiiiirieron? ntten- id givo ussnrniioo Hint in so doing you will only consult vom’own in. Dalton, April LOOK TO YOUR INTEREST I CHATTANOOGA CARDS. ITKINS. J.I..niVlNK. J.K.AtlMBTttOJiq. iratfeins, Dtvlnt to Co., NO. 115 MARKET STREET, TrANOOGA THNKESSEU, . Solo AgontB for Dealers In English and American RDWARE, CUTLERY, Nails, Stoves, Shoo nnd Lcaihcr Findings, ALSO, AQENTS FOR Threshers and Separators, rsc Powers, Flat and Round Wire Rope, both Charcoal nnd Steel, lor Alining Purposes. m npttE cittoepa of this nnd adjoining’ counties i aro reminded Hint I am still In tlio Dry Goods and Grocery Trade, just in receipt of a At my old stand; where I*i new aud woll selected stuuk of STAPLE 5RY eOQp.§ Choice FAMILY GROCERIES, buy every description of Country Pro duce nnd pay tbo HIGHEST prices tlio inurkcii will justify, either iu CASH or nny eliisa of goods at CASH PRICES. * Double Tapo Fuse, Fairbanks’ Beales, Western Sugar Mill and Evaporator, ringer, uud Implements and Machinery of all ju2-3m -4< "Tutl'x Ohl Stand—E-dnldic/tcd in 1349. everything in the Drug lino AT NASHVILLE TRICKSl Tho stock Is large and will always ho kept full the best Medicines. Paints, Oils, Dye-fitufTs, indow Glass,Perfumeries,Toilet Soaps,nptshe.% Don’t fail to visit Che Old Stand, sign 08. the )Jdon Mortar, • Mr. J. G. Rawlings, formerly with B. F. Tutt, tho y, will bo on Imr.d at all times to servo his old •I new customer;. Physicians will find it to their Intern^ to give ? n call. T only isfik nn cxnmlhntlon of iny good! d prleefi, feeling assured I will he able to plensi sy. u*. j?jrcc&m&jj,2c. [2-ftm 123 Market Street, Chattnnooga, Tenn CHATTANOOGA FOUNDRY ATaclrino ~Works, E Proprietors nn- prepared to manufacture all Furnace, Mining and Mill Machinery, of . description; also Railroad, Bridge, anil nil •thcr kinds of Iron nnd Brass Oustings, Steam iingc* and Gas Pipe Fittings always on hand. Special contra of a mado for *nrgc quantities of Castings. Brats mid Copper taken in oxchnii] for Castings. Til OS. WEBSTER k CO. Proprietors. C. T. M'llcox tSTTliunkful for past favors I respectfully ask a continuance of the same. . ; 1 ■ JOHN II. .KING. Dalton, Ga., April I7~3m. * To tlio Farmers of North Georgia, fcdo of the foil* g manufactured implement': J. W. Cardwoll’ii Thrashers and Horse power. “ Straw Stackers. u . Corn Planters. “ Wheat Horse-Rakes and Com Droppers. “ Sulky Cultivators, . ri/incr, Norton k Co.’s Cano Mills, Pans, Fur naces and Evaporators—complete. Reaper and Mower, com- all their modern improvc- Ali»o, n/onend asHortmoiit of Agricultural Ini plym»ntj-®)fureiy description, on hand. £5T0imprs promptly filled, nnd on verv «c- commhdni\^urms. JOHN II. KIN/;. Dalton, GaVApfil 17—3m. J. N. m Cobb, H AVING determined to resume his profession ii3 n Tailor, tenders his services tu the pub lic, nnu n:-ks to share a portion of their patronage. Ho feels confident, from past experience, that tlie public can bo as well terved in his line Dalton ns elsewhere. will be in con'-lant receipt of the lat est fashions, to enable him to compete with tlio best workmen in bis business. Grover & Baker Sewing Machines, Grocer and Provision Dealer, FRESH AND CANNED FRUITS, Staple Groceries, nt Ltnmt Market^ Prlrcsl 251 Market Street, Chattanooga, henn. j^TTACHED to this establishment is a first class Bakery, at which orders for Wedding or otho suppers nro filled at short notice. Special attention given to buying nnd scl’.lnj jul2-6m Country Produce. i r Crnichflold Ss Co. s Jobbers of dry goods, Groceries, Notions, Hats and Shoes, Ko. 29!) JIarkc-t Sired, juJy2-3iff* CUATTAtfOOGA, TEXX. ticyivood if Cahagan, Dealers in DRY GOODS, Groceries, Bools and Shoes, Hardware, CutUery, Queens ware, aud all kinds of Produce, Corner Oth and Market 8t;oots, jul2-0ra* 11IATTANOOU-A, TENN. Patton ft Payne, Booksellers and Stationers, CHATTANOOGA, TENN., K EEP constantly on hand n complete stock of School Books, Stationery, Wall Paper, etc., which they offer at wholesale or retail, at Eastern prices. july2-ly Orders by hull'will receive prompt attention. Iu addition, I liavo become the agent of the world-renowned Grover k Baker Sewing Ma chines, tho best In uso. Persona wishing to pur chase » first class Machine can do so by calling at my Simp on King Street, Dalton, Ga., whcio tlio Machine is in sucoopsful operation. buy your. Machine as cheap from J. N. II. Cobb as nt the Manufactory. Cull and c amine tlie Machine (or yourself. Waffijiig Compound, dso have forsnlo family rights for Jackson's Universal Washing Compound, which saves soap nnd labor, nnd will wauli iu any kind.of lime wa ter equal to freestone .water, J^pTFamily High only One Dollar. Furolin?o one if you want white chthcs. Foil. 28-ly. J. N. B. COBB. Plastering. j. o. js22ua.KTKi’ora' prepared to do nny common work in Two coals or BEartV STSnis7t, Works cither by tlio JOB In town or country, or by the DAY. Mr. S. is a Plasterer by trndo, nnd follows no other business. Place of residence, Spring Plnco street, DaJton, Georgia. March 20, J 868—8m. Chns. Sxrndquist, M ANUFACTURER ami Wholesale and Retail Dealer in every description of EU RNITURE, Also,* Dealer in Carpets, Oil Cloths,. Wall Paper, WindowiSlmdcs, Gilt Moldings nnd Frames, CURTAINS AND TRIMMINGS, Spring Mattresses nnd Bedding,of all Descriptions. A large assortment of Burial Cases on hand, which will bo sent to nny point on the shortest notice. Call nnd examine for yourselves, before purchasing elsewhere. jul2-3m Market Street, het. 8d ami4th, Chattanooga, Tenn JLaiixi £>er l Hall’s,Station on the AV.fic A. R-IL aLSiORTfT fi HULL, -■ JTATIOAWSa hotel, A. L. MILLER .PROPRIETOR, TWENTY HODS FF.OU FASSKNOEr. DEPOT, Railroad Avenue, between 8th nnd Oth Streets, CHATTANOOGA; TENN. Terms—§2.00 per day; Singio meals 60 cents. AMERICAN HOTEL, ALABAMA STREET, Georgia. WHITE & WniTLOCK, Proprietors. [NEAnKBT HOUSE TO THE PASSENGER DEPOT.] W. D. mieg,.. Clerk. H AVING again lensed nnd renovated tlio nbovo Hotel, wo arc prepared to entertain guests in ,n most satisfactory manner. Charges fair and moderate. Our effort will bo to please. 53r*BnggngQ carried to and from tho Depot reo of charge. April 24—tf. A RE prepared to’fumish any and every varic ty of .1 '•*• ISjCTmiOSESrE*., Loaded cn the Cars nt their Steam JTtlH• First quality is now soiling at per thous and-second quality $10 per thousand. All lengths up to 62 feet. 100,000 feet now fur sale on the yards nt tholr two mills. , KILN. PRIED FLOORING and FINISH ING LUMBER furnished on reasonabletornis. ffijTCnra stop to tnko on and let off passen gers. Feb. 28—6m. FINKLE & LYON LOCK-STITCH Sewing Machine. r PHE only Mnohiuo so perfected that entires^' : X isfnotionis guaranteed or tho purchasenion- ey refunded. ms* Whoro wo have no agent a snmplo Mnclii' 10 t 1 will bo sold nt very low price, nnd a Local Agc»* appointed on the most favorable terms. 1 m N. B.—Send for Circular. Traveling Agcr.t’/Jffll wanted. Salary liberal. * FRINKLE k LYQN S. M. Co. ij!S 687 Broadway, Now York. ,y August 80—12m. , !$9j ANTE D -AGElNTS-$175fJ Q month to sell tho National Family Scwton tog "Machine. This machine is equal to the sfnnufl ^ j i machines in every respect and is sold at'tne'|° prico of §20. Address NATIONAL SE''I 1 MACHINE GO., Pittsburgh, Pa. jun25-3W - Hi