North Georgia citizen. (Dalton, Ga.) 1868-1924, July 23, 1868, Image 2

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FOR PRESIDENT: EON. HORATIO SEYMOUR, or NEW FORK. FOR vick-president! CHRIST. F. F. BLAIR, or MISSOURI. The Roil of *11 KtII—UcflnUlon of Radlr*!*. Rndlonl Is derived from the I.atln word radix, meaning a root. Jt Is an appropriate nnmo of a party who have laid the oxo of military despotism at the root of tho Troo of Llborty. Is not every act of this party uprooting con stitutional liberty f—eradicating from tho government of onr fathers I he lib erties for which they fought, and which 1. guaranteed to every citizen by tho Constitution of tho United States?— Most assuredly, nnd radix or roof lot its name bo, for no word will hotter apply. “ Jfoof/”—uprooting, eradica ting, destroying, pulling down, chok ing out/—this Is what this root of all evil is doing. Oh! that tho great Con servative Party of tho Notion may bo enabled to trample, beneath its ponder ous feet, this pestiferous root to powder next November—that tho tremendous upheaval of tho honest masses all ovor the land may bo so groat, so overpow ering, as to crush tho poisonous thing from cxiBtenco. The iihtern Tragedy. This trial drags Its “slow length along.” Already it has cost tho Gov eminent thousands of dollars, aud the examination of witnesses Is still going on, with but littlo prospect of an early termination of tho trial. So far as the testimony has gone Marshall and Betts have confessed being murderers, and have been convicted of attempting a doublo murder in swearing falsely about the other prisoners. Duke and Kirksccy havo been cleared beyond any controversy. The other prison' era are only held upon the evidence of these suborned scoundrels. That all are innocent of tho cri me alleged against them there can be no sort of doubt, for so far not a particle of testimony has been elicited to prove them guilty j but whether they will bo liberated or not remains to bo seen. Effects sf the Rest In K. York sad other Pla tes North. From a Now York lettor of the 10th, the week previous ^iaii bcon is and was still overpoworing. Tho mor tality resulting directly nnd indirectly from tho rays of tho sun aro represent ed by that letter as frightful in tho ex- tremc, as many as 500 having died during that time. Tho number of 'deaths in the city from heat alone, in five dags, reached 860, says tho letter, f Horses, too, it states, aro dying by the score. In giving them water the great est care has to be observed,#as very frcqucnlly they drop down dead as soon as their lips touch the liquid, and this, too, in cases where no fatigue or overheating is apparent. The ther mometer for several days stood at 9? degrees in the shade, nnd not a breath of air stirring. The letter from which we gather tho above facts, soys: * 44 It li next to Impossible for the pen In do scribe (be distressing scenes which are constantly witnessed at She Head-House. Sometimes per sons who come tl.Klior from morbid curiosity arc startled with tho discovery of some friend or rel ative In tho embraces of death. Others, who have misted sons nr brothers, or husbands, aro plunged Into grief by tho Inlunuation that bodies curraapondlug to their parUcular description had to be sent off an hour or two hours ago, to Pot ter’s Field, as tlie hoot was too great to keep thorn longer." We learn from tho Baltimore Sun that the heat was very severe in that city on tho 15th inBt., the thermometer ranging from 98 to 99 in the shade.— On that day oiglit men were prostra ted with sun stroke, two of whom died immediately. That paper says tho rays of tho sun throughout the entire day were almost unbearable, and bu siness, to a great extent, was suspend ed all over the city. About 50 head of beef-cattle, whlok had rcachod tho city for sale, died on that day from tho effects of the heat. In Philadelphia, Washington, Blob tnond, and in every other largo olty North, and throughout the Cauadas, the heat has been equally intense, and numbers have died from its effects. Political Inconsistency—The fol lowing is on extraot from a letter of Mr. Sumner, of Massachusetts, accept ing the office of United States Senator from that Slate in 1851: “I acecptofllco as the servant of the Union, bound tostudy and to maintain the interests of every soction of the country, and discountenance every ef fort on tlie part of tho North to inter fere with slaves in tho slave States,and all efforts on tlie part of the South to extend it to free States, or influence tho national government In its behalf.” This presents a curious contrast to tho sentiments and action of that old political huckster at this time. But ho docs not stand alone in inconsistency. Enthusiasm fob Grant,—The en thusiasm for Grant Ib about to break out strong.' Upon bis arrival at St. Louis a few days since, an enthusiastic individual presented him with a bar bill for 119 60, contracted when Samuel Hiram Ulysses was a drunken loafor it bout that city . The Lvglslalire—The Ellglbllltr Qnr stlnn-Cr«. Mraite’i PargatUe Administered aad Its Re- anlt—Article Foorteenlb, be. In our last Issuo we mentioned Hint tho Legislature Imd been brought to a stand still, after Us organization, by an edict from Gcn'l Meade, to tho af fect thnt that body would havo to ho purged of all momhera Ineligible to their scats under the Omnibus Bill, bo- fore It oonld legally proceed to busi ness. Well, committees of Investigation wore appointed in both Houses, and tho purge commenced, tho result of whitth will he gratify Ing to every friend of right and justlco throughout the whole State. Tho members were brought before tiio committees and oxamiuad upon oath. In all cases where tho eligibili ty of a member was questionable, his statement was taken down in writing. Tho House Committee deckled to mako spoalal report on hut throe casos. Upon thesb threo oases thoro wits a majority and minority report—tho ma jority recommending the exclusion of the, three members in question, and the minority recommending that they be declared eligible. Tho latter report was signed by Messrs. I. & Shumate of this coiinty, nnd F. M. Hsrper of Terrell,, both democrats. Tho report, whiah wo give elsewhere in to-day's paper and which is an abio documont, was drawn Up by Mr. S., and its adoption advocated by him in an eloquent) earnest and logical speech, which we will publish in our next. ’This effort of oiirybting friend, which we find reported 14 tiro Intelli gencer, is highly spoken of by that pa per and the Constitution. Shumate is a mttu of fine mental attainments, mid we congratulate the cdnnty of Wiilt Held on the bold, dignified and leading position her Representative has thus early tflkondn tho Legislature. That: bis’whole course In that body will win for him tho wclcomo npplnudlt from bis constituents, “Well done thou good and faithful servant,” wo feel satisfied. After considerable discussion, tho minority report was adopted, and, (so 1 far ns the lower branch of tho / LogU- laturo can control the uiattor,) the House stands as It was originally or ganized. < A committco was appointed to notify tho Provisional Governor of this action of the House. Tbo.Senato adopted a .report .declar ing all its members oligiblo,and adopt ed n resolution referring ullthff’reporls, Affidavits and other documents pertain: Ing to tho matter,, to tho Gqyerpqr,. j There was a minority report offered: In this body, which recommended the 'Utter from AtlnnU. Atlanta, July 21st. licar Citizen,—Last nighty tho blty wns in considerable c —worked up by a hundred ports ns to wlmt Gcn’l Meade wool do In tho eligibility matter. It wns assorted that Ills logal adviser Imd told certain friends that 10 from tho Senate and 20 from tho Hoitic would lie ej?cj tod by peremptory ordor tilts (Titos- _ _ day) morning—Ibis being tho number tclltgcnccf says “Gen. Grant, under liberal education,'studied tho law; ant! tlie market, whoso affidavits had been deduced to tho instructions of his keepers. Itns tho wns admitted to.the bar. Being , pus- . ;Tho Now York o-itrospondont of tho writing by tho examining committees. *° wy us lmv,, Pence’ ” sessod ample fortune,, and, imy- Philadelphia Ledger says: “Mayor. Tv mno .tan otntnA in e,tin.. ..ivnina ,i. . —that 'tho men who have kept up the lug ombnrked at nit early ngo in that It was also stated in oil or circle?,that l?vnr darihg tho ]„ 8t thrco ycW8l ft „d tho General Imd determined to accept who design to koop it up in tho future tho action of tho two houses as final, n's they havo done in tho past, on the tlccd Ids profession. •- As ap-firyyoung It wns reported thnt tho Radicals tad QVa of tho election cry out (peacethat L ’ - - ’ determined to defeat tho 14th Amend. 3 10 n peace which Is to bow down _ m ,, m. n „„, . , ill submission before ttogro supremacy Ills pure. and ■ spotless character, his munt. Uto Democrats remain cool.— ftm ) to nouept It as.n condition of tol- judgment, and hls.fiite qrntorlonl pow- A rumor later in tho evening beenmo oration.” -,„ v . .it j. J( p,i. ors rcndered-him, thirty,jil*HM<ftgq,)by current thnt tho Radicals, in enttous, Whutapiotnroof Peace! How-truth- far t|iqfinestc< ' — itlmcgro llto r power ito~ South, subject/ former slavt»;-witl noranco, vico. and loathsome sensual ty and crime in the high places of trust nnd honor, olovatbd above virtue, In tegrity, tntotligciioo, and education; with plundering adventurers,-eautlu hypocrites,nhd carpot-bilg'kimvcs ove running tho Soiitli; tho Nntionnl In had determined to go en masse for tho Amendment. Tho whtile matter was put to rest this morning by the-General's letter to tho Governor, declining any further opposition to the Legislature proceed ing to business. The Amendment was sprung immediately, (ind after twd short speeches, one for and the other ogoinst, tho voto was forced by virtue cf tho previous qiioition, resulting. 80 for nnd 70 against in the House. In $1,000 with Jolin Mohlscy^ Mh John List the Senate it was passed by 18 major- iffovoring it With hls $100. -Tho resor- ity. Every Radical voted for It. A vutioii is,tnado that Qoporal Grant shall few Democrats votod for it—a few, re- be alive at tho next iivuiguratiod.— mained silent. All voting against It ^'Y^Mte fec , U '“?•$# Of winning n ; • • >■•:.. -r Uls Ixsfcthdnwbeii ho made it wero Democrats. Tho Congressional action on tho re-: In tihjUnion.—An Arliniibas editor; lief measures was ratified by very largo . not distingitishod for Ills oxcosslvcioy-i majorities in both Ilohsos. alty, thus rejoices ovor his 'admission- To-morrow (Wednesday) at 12 o'- into'the Unlon: “ Well,-We'Wro'iH tlfo clock, m., the’ Govornor will ho inau- rr..i_..- tir- ....— gurated. ,T-(| The Reception, of Ottf. Seymour xt Ms Ilomr. (minority) report, thus recommending tho exolusion of threo members. The General informed the Governor nnd the Governor has informed tho Senate, that lie (tho General) would defer.action in ll)3 premises iintil' lie was officially Informed of tho action of the House. On Monday (Doming last Mf. Onld; woll, of Troup, triqd to force through' the House a resolution to refer all tho report?, affidavits and o’thor papers in tho matter, to tho Governor.' A vote was forced upon the resolution by call ing tho previous question. Tho^reso- lntion was lost by avery oloso vote— 81 for nnd 82 agalust. So tho Cover- nor will bo informed' simply .if’ what the House lias done, nnd will not. bo furnished with any evidence or doou- moute in tho case. This action may bo reconsidered—the, .General may or der the papers furnished -him.,— But time the matter -stood Monday col^qr positiqii before the epuiitr, [Cheers.] ,' Ajs ncoiididato for tho high est .position-In the qatloq, your name Is made a rallying point of that'.large portion ofour people w!|0, with me, attribute the difficulties nnd dangers of our political apitfgttSSijill altuttfqu —which cannot well ho exaggerated— Il ls, we ioarn,'qnrreUtly reported jS Atlanta that the Radicals, finding they canuot control; the -Legislature as it now stands, propose to break It up by moving an adjouraWcftt stSie iliti, bi- liy dofeqtlug tiio ^pujr'iccuii^mon.dmeitt., There may be truth in cither or bpth of these reports,-or -they may 1 bo -in tended simply to frighten the demo cratic wing bf.thi Lcglsldtufi'.. ^B'ti’b V>b' this as 4t may, tho unter\dfied, arq 5^’, to be quite, cool, while the nnsoaped aro considerably demoralized. Th6 great question Is, tdbc'Of'noilo 6e with the moOter . spirits In tho Re publican. rsqks. They qre noli ,tO| sco how the country can survive should they be dlsappoiiited in their particu lar ninbltlous projects, “ ttulo or ruth"’ is their motto.' P. S. As will bo'seon from the letter of dur Atlqdtil'oqr'rCs'pohdcilt.iU anoth er column,'’(received this, Wednesday, morning) tbo eligibility , question has been filially disposed- of,. by tho Com manding General' expressing himself satisfied with the 1 effeist of lila pttrpe and instructing the Legislature to pro ceed to husiiipss. And .it will also ho seen that the Fourteenth Amendment was eoon after passed, by 13'majority In the Senate attd'19 In tho Route; al so, .thnt tho Congressional action ou the relief measures .ha? beqp ratiflt' ’ by both Houses by large majorities.- So we go-1—ncgroiied to all intents and purposes I 1 What next? Nothing good from Radicalism, wo'll Wurrant, A Harrowing Tale A prominent journalist of Netv'York has offere.d a reward of $1,000 for a tale that "will make his hair stand on end. ’ Before our ambitious authors enter tho field of competition, it' iony be well for them to understand that the geperous jour nalist Is perfectly bald ness and partiality from tnyown town* Ulalt, Jr. for tho is a tin- father; irllcr inhabitants JyqlTf Middle- bury, Vermont, was one of tho most distinguished citizens of Central Now , ‘r»"bMry fosMVal York, ami at tho tlmo or his death, In this 'reathor It Is Intoresting to wltloit ocotirrcd about thlrty-fivo yoars n . oto 00 “ 6 soiling at ngo, held tho, office of Canal.Com,til*- cents a bushel, efoticr.i • V/,i I . . M.; LAt St. Louis, last Friday, Horatio Seymour, after receiving a of Honltlt soized all tho watorinolons In Union'. ‘"Wo are trooly loll'onbo more! Light is ’breaking. - tllo'f stiff of pros- «r impression bit-thd-pitblic-mlad-.tlinn Sorlty is shining; ami-well'feobti'lho' *|io«e ori06»«mor.. Sbjfmdnrv'.-JnxpS'' Soymottr on his arrival home at Utica; cxtS ay - Wo wn,:o XWSK«S because t Francis Preston Blair, Jr., was.borri o, M . mm« cd with Haas bv (lie Utica Bank A tnko tlip thicving UadlcaWlty the lmiwl, N. J.. and graduated with distinction collection of over oho liiuidred votttta' f”><V t0 0uf kosom, and-forglvi llnl8«. Aftorleavingcbliogo he stud- thorn Never /” ; -ied Jaw, and commenced practice it. .J ! Decidedly tlie best liit' anfiOtig' thd 1 triiUspnrehcles wns one'borne by Joe Clark, Ihb colored barbel 4 , who lifts jn'st beck released’ from 1 ffillitary' cdiillnij’ moot at Atlanta. • There was a pictiiie It is-said; there is hut- ono nogro; in/ ing embarked at an early ngo in that lolfrtlnn will unquestionably liu tiio' •wear, ill wplolijio lmsibeen so success- Deiriocrhtih chmlldato foi-'Governo'r;— fill nnd sojustly popular, ho ne ver, prac- Things nro taking llint slmpe." ■ Forty bKrkeoiioW'^h iKdbiiratGoii. gross Hall, SnratOjjij. less- Arkansas tills season, %n lias boon ..luiqivii/oy soVornl years. • , liT <i Thaoit y ofLnmlpn l paid,$l,000,p00! fill, and ..yet how- repulsive! It is not. members of the Demoerntio party of, tQ moko.,tho .Southwark bridge toll “Peacot 1 ! Itils War) warmpun consti- tho Empire State. - * - n ‘°ps , hit n«m tutlonalliberty, tho rightsof theStntcs • In '1850 Mr. Se.vmqiir.iwp? lOlcotefi - A-respootahlb coliirbd'fiiililly lii’Giii.' Governor of. Newt'YDrk ainali mq» WS° advertises for a'Wlilto woman to jority, ovor Governor Washington-dip general hduSo'work.i '"m ’H i A -Bold.Bet;—Tiio -NoinYdrk-Sun Hunt. ,,ilii-,1852 lie .was : rs-alq«t4i|,i-by - • Tlio pddp'Io'hf Pdiinh'ylvit'hla 'j/ru-. says a hot was made on the 4tll,»t;khc: a-majority ovbr twenty thoiisniid... In their ‘ btons biifo'ro planting ‘ thoirt *£b Fifth Avcniio Hotel,ml' 81,000 ngainsb 1862 ho was ogftin!elco ed-to-td« Ba;ue provihV tho'ir 1 rdtfdnln^ In' wit wertth- $100 tl|'abGr/oitwould not be-thenext high.pfflcd,-ills timeioxpiringllu.J!unn-"er.;-'l 1 -' 11 President qf-the United Stntod.: The- ary, 1805.' He wns, therefore, :G,overt' lit, i SmilVim!il linSllnVnn im'n'it? wager was made in a crowdidf -Do mo- itor of Now Yorkfontwo: of - the* most • of ,.KfiW ,]• „•• • p ■ W J ™ffi - -jy ttiRon important yoars «f, tho late civil, war; - kheu% of-'Nofir and It is-n'lnuttcr- of-rcoord -that -ko- R ®H hc'eminV y ' ° * oordinlly co-operated wlthMr.Llneoln’s - aooount. administration in all just measured for. -the vigorous proseention-mf-llioiwnr, -i, ,, , - . , - , aml7.receivcdi.iilio thanks of Mr. Ljnt “hd^tq is nnnnimonsly , against negro; coinifon hisrexcrtiolie a short tiino.-pro; su “ |,a 3°‘ ; ;-i'i I »• - • » - vious to, tj,e death of .thq latter. i • A coiipiodn" ehicilg6, ; nged^^ reaped-. Governor Seymour,'e-.apoeohos on lively twuhty-onhl aml- twuntyiJyoars, snbJoOts of great public interest during- have -boUn-divoreoll Kfteiln mhrricd>ntb the last three or foiicyonrs-iutve ibeeii: 'Pf IB'd smnnlors. : ii-' - . - . - nnivbrssUyi-retdt'Mhl:lmv«seoopsdifoR- id IniPiUt/WoW- N. ; J. 1 , thb c'/rtWn'ttt'liis him a-national reputation- It- is-, no.t •aro'cl^liijj Mdi-y’ little.' ’ Thfi lAcdmoi'iVo extravagant ;tt> slate tliat few,speeolics iwoi’ke'nl’e 1 quitii at ’Job iydrk;— of the presontitlivy liavn made a: deep- iThe’Illlt ntills'tiW'rijiuUllbdd fdll’timo',' er impresslon-dii-thd-pitblia-miad-.tlmn-... victor' cnminmnmt ml of, GtOyfeunor-, Scymdur., .In, pa- 'm^or,\t^^Vo?nn(l, n Ohiofisilecdnred to baiinsano, nna.ih.q.ftoyoi;i|or of Oh|o- ’as,h.cqniiOtifiod,to .(.hat effent,. J A clergyman in Montrenl lias been nod $100 and damages.for marrying' a youth of 10 to n widow of .49. The marriage wns annulled.. I. • Notwithstanding the 'steady heat', theyellow fever‘ has not yet visited New Orleans 'and Jtbblloj tis was antic ipated. 1 '' ' » -oi, There were 1/nt ten persohs at tho afternoon serVico nt qub;pr tkp A citizeW"'at Coliimhiis, Ohio, wiio Never/” St. Louis, wliero ho lias resided ever since. On the break ing out of the Mex ican war, lie voliii)teerc'd.-as'<' a private soldloi;,:qnd fOr-more bban-a yeurserv, ed in that capacity; with Kenrnoyaml Doniphan;--iff'New Mexido:! 'Hoi-rt- was a lietflerthirtv vearsaLreVenorred turned to St.' Louis .in'1847, and re- Winconioof over SIO0OtWfor 1807 Snmed thoipraoticorof his prt>fcs4ion. „® CV OOxVPO ror 18G7-. : In-1818 lie supported; Vant-Bureu- for ', renlcr f >'? ir n U'e.siip- prosldintrt- iyi852h6siinported«eir..,P'y' r «on> n g"?kor,t,"Wiil,,Qlul(Jran are representing, a sweat''box','nlitl J ’.7blhil Piereo,itiio , .roglllAi'Dumocrat-nomineeji P Vwl.ofit.bQir luxurlnlit Ipuks in pass, Stapldr, eolorefi. wlioi'ii'the’ militflWf nnd lio'W.istlintayciir .elu'ctodvtbuHid J 8 ; nlpue.through tho-city, authorities nnd Whillcr kept,'trilrti 1 - 'Logishit<lro:frdln*:St.''Lonis Comity.— t Gvahtlthqnght liteaw his way to tlie thre'C hritits In biio' of llWMiWtrnm'efftS lILwhs re-«lo(!ted--in T854-. -Ih.a850’ Fresldsnoy.- lie wlll nowsee more in K> R>»ri'i.1>'nlK.tS'"tUw.rilM ' KU-MX-I 4,—. /and, oppressed tho ,'grentcst idesiro to •be present to weleomp liiin. T|io,qli|m'es of St. Josciih’s Church wore rqpg, and tiio bell of Trinity Cliureli (Frotestant Episcopal) -of whicIbtltc . Govqr.npr, is a warden, ns thp bolls of the factories, wore rung, and mingled their noise .with the salutes.of cannoji. Up- nSr ?P ^olfr 0 w« !, ^«d ,,, wi?^ , |m‘'' "t ! VuInslHV'Jiboplii^ 6S(Of 7 Cii' ho'was'eieVtLYto'c'ong'rcssi’aiuiintiio. the way than hejmrgoirtoil.foi’. mensochcorino^. He wns tlicn ndclVcss- UnderneaUi was tllls'iiisXiptloiVr^Sta-' Presid’ontinl cad'Cnss of the year, sup- Misslssfppiithinks her white populn- fe^t on linlrnl ' of iSVriilow-cltlzens' It' '' er >' 'AboliSl^(l, thq S>qat Box Suhslt- polled- Bnulmnati. His -first Hon tats Increased 59,000 since the war. ki" fa t I U Ita tated.” . . Congress was In advocacy of m.l.iniz- Central Illinois reports thebestirheat 1 - - - o„i«-rr-riTnuxav l i! u l«‘i»'mti»n «.r the Uni- crop ever gathered. yogi; townsmen nnlkllow-eitjzeiis cn?- gre-ss.-.being.llefeatod .by .J^RIehard, q t8 ’ ( imllv nsseratiied here, tender von a .Q « Western ; frle,ip),Urn .Barret. !When dhc-recent ;wnr..broke; ^?%,""•! 1 • - - hearth welcome to your liqrne.' Our .'v! 1 ' 1 * le .“ft! 1 /'! !> ot P. c ''? 0 !»)H.v ftccort\ .<mt,.|iu,volnntebred!iff.-tlie federal!.*^ leetnmp/or moetingto-dav is especially Interesting ' w ,' Ul *8* W.Wh Jny-?innd,foi>.itioSbof, tho„timo, during; •« — t"d ,v«-. on neeoiint of the ovonts^of the last 8 ^HSH“Bd|^wOt®ftXMn©,H)ft )I ,t!i#Bl«pr 1 »ho ,eon»m*ndsd K .wUh -,gro#ti ■ BevorefthimdorMitorms passed over week These have niacod vou inaDo- P r 9 sont ; Constitutions qf the Sontif. distinelion,aidorps as: Jlnjor.Goncrnl. ,Orai1goacounty, NewiYovk,-hn:lho3d' ween. 1 heso linv o placed j ou in a po-. . ou „, (t) t0 8taml till clijinged by ii.'e peo- iBerorn llte- war,. Geu. Blair, na a politi,, ,»nd 5th instant, ? whieli res.Vlted'in the piexif each" State, all voting, yet ho, .eiitn-, llnd liecn.', opponcut-iof. .loss-bf- ovel-lapdozon llVce-from'lidhX- ~ qqi'ntr-O, State?. Right?’’ * "" "' tho exteDsioiiiUf.slnvury Into th&iterrrnitigd 'i .1 b-d ... I" .nic--| litoricry mid illifitVor /of omanelpntioili , Tlii’'Oaivestbn 1 News' cohthins"!lri ,in Missoutii-bj’/State..action.:I Ever lAustin special, which snys (lint thfi 1 since UifffWabV:ioScd,.l(e ha8.heun.lniilcn|..CililVciiflqn' , dlft:lrtlnis Yfie'mitiiority 'to Midtalisnfth zcivhpis ^operation/ with I dfoMtt'theiRtfiio'iWtlfift^'iSiiiftln^'' l«ttK-- -r; I <■! I.'.ilijii-J urn i ..'•)• £ th'ecDouloooalitiiparty) and-lwithichnn .Liiill 1 p.uts;'h'iid refused Iff 1 tnirikdW Hi'd ive brjftK. - D ,W dqtc.—Manta £»■«. , ., (I.ult.ppiibiialii.liin MiUtpdpcr yusuirda.V: ; ed^lf jdojtroo wii'iilv. Geordn ' some .Jnmes. E./Folk, o^rennossec, ,wit?,tniorn'Hig,rcavcs/uo ; l| l iubta3!to hispMs-. cigl.t'miles'.' T iff . qnfliliinpn tlirit or three.^tu)>qs alsi}k (or gul)isr : icttt pOiilUoimvAillVWSVftl -■ >/ ~2t Vi v.r.M‘Y X- -* 1 ‘ and wo anticipate nltlMiOnflaenco that in#tnrill i honors.'.'tellJW.f.. .■„i Tnr «w !? |. ? r.- : <..i.d l>'i! TO- meet,. Wo lliql,tlie : cl/oico. ofi tho Convention; itKS^I^OAip^n ypu q^. people. [Groateheoriog. , . hi : ; , for.the Fr^ency.?. .. Amid tremendous cheering, Qo«ci> SQyjnpur.Jms Veen ctefenied only, twico.for' Governor of Now : Voik, : aud . IliJns Jon sin. voilT .0 /hen Foil? ran nor Seymour, responded ae. follows; “ I Imvo boon .very: gratofnl. fur tiio 0 ,, d , , „ marks,oft gqod will-,w,hloh I.Imvffi.rq: 1,, ,. .. , - ^ . coivcd from tho rcpresentotivesiOf.tUo, TOT Ratlll'(!at!bn'“i)io6trng in 'Nnsli- Demooratiffiparty.of'ali tiiq Stqtea-.lA: ivilio, Tennessee, is said toTiffye'- ffy: this Union, but tills exhibition of kind*, cecdcd aliythihg ’ aier before seeiv ip Ii.IitajuiVKH. !Tinit : d1lveam- wlib With 1 it'owii, v fof'i'™"' riiave'Been iii maiiy,.'pil)tic‘ l i ! afli6i : .' l M14' mV r lire' lint" I'net'W'sffai'm*' i ’•v-o-.bcyaslOpj, ViDrradvi iatio Horn: jnet beginning jtOiUniMer-raml-hoHow.i - ...... .... Thoangty lightnings-wilt bwflasliingi claim lilinsolf.Di9.tat.0r vvltliiri'W-eh'b tliiokinnd'fast lioforo loiig.inThoralfiiai Imonllifi Wer wis -SWffrfi ItiftyloHiidl” storm-risingr'-Buah as/hasuncveti hcen, la -SmfiiHM&k moiv impresses itself, upon imy ,heart paignqr most deeply of; all. ..[Cheors.] Duly op ; " 1 ing tiio whole course of my lil'o I have rooolved ; from them; without , distinc tion of party, proofs, of/good will tlmti sucl I- Shalt over cherish/ with gratitude, dur, lieee pVW«,»vva«>ytH< ... - .., rnhSrIr» l ? m fnm 0 n nv TlIBItE'p'AliORF-APFUL iTpUNOER IN tpr]nflh^ron*"yo^ TOTl)EMoortAT,qHoa,zom-4R/is.;only which, hij’.pliyeiclnn ad vlsos-mo,mako8i it'dangerous-td-speak in tho open air.j but nb the riskbf-ihy'iiifo ^must thank- you for this striking and gratifying proof'of your good will andipartihllty toward the.’-’ [Loud cheering.] • u- Gov. Seymour then' rode to hid pleas-/ arit ! I'nrin house in Rcdrtlokl,iwhoro the people'manifested thblripride-n'nd sat-/ isfuction in their neighbor by! -firing cannon, and by their doffionstmtions of-enthusiasm! /I—nm won.1 I-/, important Baa^ri t f''"? ^Mh iscnpp of WhitlctWHio Govern- ctooM jc, ft'otn iVufuJta ami lYom utclios W aii.ouWiigcd law, and roscciSJon lijffliiB Isnocent vie- I 8 » b rrc it °»tmfte- 'flip Tclcgmiili ucea>tlmt InFhas-gdfts-to Wash. Ington and will not return. Ho will, no donlit, flic a bill of expenses before Beast Butler’s Congress nnd got as muob of the $10,000 hu was working Vacoiir3rcsa;uvvr “ ^ NEW ADVEbSemeitoi 8 " > .WOWBIMMOO (IMA VIOtTL-fTt HEAVY G it 0 O ER I E S fe? «aiaa6o«o cm a mioon vim Jims, Slilrtlnv, - , ! -TISkSM,Wii5!, , i-LosUiof, 1 Oprin, llarj II : • ! --ixrc.,- uto., Tunficil.HUl.GQ;, ;; T/' EEI’.l rnMlntlliy on Imml a Intgc Jtoill it At -IV srATt.te (loons, m u r r-piiw,i, , t i llliion, to pny'ilio lliglieit Market l’llco ftntl), > ktntlH or - .1 ..oiiinili ...,. . ( J ; rjpocat'u.oo.-'/i/ian- Mr old frli-ndt nnd tho ptllillo K cn,-(nllv nro In- -•lied to cnll (in mn befora SELLING dr pfR. , OIUSINfl ekwirhoro, •• I .m-dotormlnod to ) Sell; 1 goods ’olt/ISa per' Tknn any House lids sldii of Atlanta I LOWRY, Juhtl 4,—Harness Shop on Klne^ J slrvet. noiirToHoffliip. ^ 1 , Auption and Oommidsion. ^iflSsiiWBI)fioo’ViI.W Vt.Arellre or prtU \J vatu on lUo 4tm*t rcttsonaWe tvrm*., end prompt returns. Llbernl Adrsnccs. AOTitfi 'Ott&XTtiigi ;ly on Imml. Opoda of nil ItmTs ' ho htglidstUdders. ’ - ' IN < j A WELL ASSORTED 1 KERP to sell I Slock of Ot-nts’ nnd' l.sdleV Fumtshhig ctiods, Shoes, fioola, Hals nnd Caps: A VARIETY OF Hosier./, Notions, slid' Fa'net’ -GoOdA of tiio best' quality, whieli turn pleased to Mt-1 can .sell at' ehenper rates thnn any morehnnt'ln Uolton;, ,*xctTCiH"iWOb tind ladies sra nnd examine my stock before purchasing. My Tcrtji? arii*atr!ct1y Cua.! * \ ?< \ ; ’• ' Motto<Juick Halc.i nnd Small Profit}! I tnko pionBiire in Ntnthig to tho cilixcua of "Nortli Uuorgia that' I willVell them tiooila AfAUCTlCN, Pprbjes;!;' : .and toko in lieu for tho n-imo, Uncoil,' Corn and do not l»il to vXiiiuiiiu my stock iiiul comparo prices. Auction every Tuesday, TtfuSmay mid ‘Suturdny Keiueiuljur, tjiu place,,Ko. S King Street, Dalton. UkD Kl.Atr. jul VJ-tmi F. .41. QUJSKN, Aiictloiitti. GEEAT EEDUOTIOE! ' .c 1 a/i.v ir./ (t/rp ,i:uoa.tijr , .T RT CE S-' MARKED: D O W N1 1 K nowing^ milling 4 Gr-lfft -sntloos, (». ?? ,g - Hii (:il ir. A • prumioent iplllcdr.-nf /tlie tWon. army, -while..driving.,\fith,a -frieudi u- i'mv-idaysisim'eqtooki rtdcasiiin-tqieuicri. gizff somc -ili: tlui: characteristics110I7 Uriilit, declaringi thatUbo;i American paoplp did- not underatand luio. : ‘i.ll said this officer,■‘inigrput deal of liini during:thoi war,-and:know alLhis etfongnlul-wonk-points.‘IButJiask.-, ed oiio-of the party;-“do you think lie is tho right man to elect President,of- the ©n'ltcdlStatis'?/” ■ -/Uq-tliis-the ion officer replied I “That: depends up- onelrenmslaiiecll.'i'lf.thepeopludcsire: military rule; Grnntrshould hc elected; for, froYrf'ifty BfidWltfigd jf tlifi'frian, J wiilstdkc ihy’rcptit'titlafffftf tiiffpredlc- tlHii't'l/atdf W 1 WblfittOd ”118'rfiji’ p/n-: Been sinco'1840;iand-sitchiins wiis noti sffen tbofi. - Stniid from under.' -j.h '/‘iTh'iiiia'iiiiB it"'ii Worth'dJpP 6f dWA tturtUl-ert 1 . 1 liilles |to sco tho wheat on the Rapijhrt." TifCriJ’ ts' hardW.r<w4i ('Hbu&li'on'thfi grdlind td bold tiio shoefitf. ! 10 - muJ r.T,r i nou-AUUoiioim lo i>imi i,REyEW/ujQHIi8(JN’B„PppPreyB -Id __MS That tiio whole Radical eo'hspirgoy against the lives- of -tlie voting men from Oolumbits, now cn tridl nt Atlan ta, would ultimately be exposedi 'ami- thatlt woulfinprovo to be-ono- bfithff most infttmoua laad-atraelous plot?: !ev-i er ffonCoctcd,- We havo all the time bd( lioved. We were not, therefore, stir: prised to hear yesterday n prevalent report that ” infoVmatlon' of its trub character' lias' been 'imparted to one high In nutliority, - niid-tlmt tho 'proof is 'positive-and conclusive. There is good reasou-to betidve that the scheriie had its origin in Washington! - The exposure must come soon; Evon witlr- out the roported-diselosnro, tho break ing down, of the’ciftlsc of tho prosecu tion u'rider tho string "dolbnsIW ' eW- deilco additccd, wbnld Surely 'lliad 'to it. 'In the meantime, tho counsel for the defence are “piling Pclion- updh ■Oesa" in the way of proof of the inno- Cc'nce ot' tbo partieb accused. Wo hope that the testimony'4n -that side Will soon assume the aggressive form.— Columbus Enquirer., . n, No. 39.—GeiieVal Giant was No. 89, at West Point, in'a grnduating elhss of forty-one, .laaw^Jwwi besn ,appoii\tfidiMinl?t«r.toi^ngiwtd< endeavored t« makn))is..f«rfiTOU spoeql^ toitlteSenate qufcbff, 94h:> Hfi ; «tAomjit- edito ,read tbnetweflh which/he^nd pyq-. pared, but liia feeiiug? ovorOAmiKldm, and he found herebuki neither see tiio wffMs'ifor'llAdli'fftliel'Oicctoeminolkto thefai. l 'H1S , fi'ntne tr'ffitfliie'd'Vioiffntlji; ahdho wna so-fiUffd wlttVoMottih'thttl lie wiis foreo'd to take ; 'Ms' Senb-'' Selfal torVickors, of Mahylaffd, •ftilslied the rending,-Wlion nil tho &ffhntore'gathei- ed ahoAt ■ M h'' J olinsoh; 1 find 1 badb'Hlm good'byb.' * rjneil‘> mil; - n fine menial ' l 'W oil J » U?iul> UAIOlf llJiVL ItONL 1 thb'res^d^of^Hio'^Presidont^s'bmnTs^ proolamntion—if, indeed, permitted by i Cong'dcssiat all—will Ee'to:testorc'all -property bfi cx-Oon federates now, held by thfi govci'Utnentt'bnt not legally di vested nndov-the laws - ofithe- United States, to tho rightful- owners. 1 .Hon estly exebu tod, this ptoeiamation would reinstate many puffering Sonthern fain-, 'Mbs irt thelrpOBsesffifins. ■ . Jenl *301 j ' !i, We sheriff 'of‘Rleh'mAiij’ cto'fiKf Texas, lately sold tracks of land Val ued ' at^S'O ttf »75,l'gOld’,: fibre'' be- foto the-war, at .prices ranging- from 76o. to $2 20 in currency. -i -'a icl This is the bhlniff’W’df % 'UMoW soldier- Whq'iioljdlbsfipmdbai'fci'atrofieto'tUi Grtht dflffl/g‘Ch'5 grfiiUfcr'.'fi'OrWflli 'ffF tfib- Mte -tolrjblitea' •ifi-.-iiinii atew* ki—iwiw ffwsy '"oin od -hHaniy Suakino.—Much ado is made: in tho Democratic papers.about - Gun-: oral: :W ado-Hampton and, GeiicrnlvMc- Olornnnd shakingihundnani the Dei.nqj erntio Convention. ’ Therfl ww.njiqaiit, ier shako tthonll-Gcherati,Grant:‘and General Leo eliook hands .under .tho' A'ppomattoxi-appU)- tred^-riNaW/ Kork Herald. ”1 -.i-.iinii i-mi-nnijr rriH And - thoro!will !beat, heartier ehako than .<eitliei;i: ia Nqvomhori rjext, when tho people shako Grant off the'Rreai- debtiolutiiackaii oiiio-j ,ii- .y.ii| ,dO Don’t Wa) New York K jhow .uto ,1 '.ff.wge • We?hin«to;i..,?h/)t; Frenkiin J Jfirqfil ..hear, Qinar,d,i'|A|al|Mnu.. last fS)SfWPS^i0'«'JB 1 WHW r l#»4«)i08i4willfi ngtmi’s corn from tlie (Icltli.vjhcn, llic MWM-fiFed.BppniWMUcifiHij.pBP.nEfank- »yMuu:il fill 11 i fii! J*i >r|<y| Ififi salll'thttt Sti’CWIx c'ollhtvJ'WlsJ cbhSlff, dill r«is6 9,000,0b0 bushels of Whffnt trifs year. 1 Next year; with: fair elBpsV3,000,OOfo'Will he’llnrvested. ' AS 1 yet but half tiio land is under culliVR:' llbtl! 0 ' ,t abvaWMJl# iuo ( un 11,11 „fiyo o <|lo?U yn the iuowA|ig,',i ft«t|i(ng l|!tp, milsvfiitaWpw^fiiftnyuioHifiri ;StatC. .•igii'i'/oi q-j/ib 'in uyl--,li| n ' i ".Friii’. i! A.'-'.T(p'to'rty ; ‘fti( , mcHy a'Wadtng mat' ’I’cribeified'will*;'tflid ‘uirirk-iVI^ Pflilfiy , whI)H l 'Ht 1 Vfoik : ’bn' l kfs fttrirf.-in 1 Giit i tldf , uo'lilife u lh (llaPBlatW»'"*i •*<» Bfl s Mtil#“iWfif ttfifiiki'htiiE-.4 "ipr.ii l i ( WifiYfiqiyaS,qnSijiayo,,ofloi-oilt||o,P(ipq vlift Evowiim^p-'ivilim nf -Mifli'' qvgaui- wR/DL-i irAi”vr;c,-ip t J' i|$^dwub 1 l/nyu n 9..pat;qn?), 9|xqnljjatjqM,,eud noigfmyl master of tho ordor, amjiKP j)qtjp ( ^l,n eipot'ng .to sWon. sny-f'ip ,«=iio ftOSt.q.pmnihffr.oC.ttliP/ftfiternjfox,,!,,, IrOb'Tiibs'd’ay nlgliff-lnst h negwolitor: ed'tho Yoemiof'd jibimg'iJafiyln'iGqlt umbla, Kentucky, nnd-'ntte'mptod’to commit Tap^nbotlwiis TiroVffntcd’ftom rtOing-so.ihfit brlisibringing-trii ftffy as: elMiSltff somo/oF Mio faniiiy.' IIO' tens nfifestod and- nlac'od iii Jail. ’Itr a fete Hours' afteti'a Tnoli appeared-nt- tiicjmt, took - the nfiferb 'ffntiliy'foroo and idiAg IjiWI.wml nr.rna lr-.Jti.iil-:' !,„| lUgMr* J A'-UI eriJ.iuM morning after, thp noni.imlion .of Scy ■ _ liow, tin- f jl<ip|c'iiVi?’‘li?;SL^iji3,! i hy th- tlgXlness -.rilic t?iri(.«,'I w1tl nmkc nffrohl My Stui-K h-,-iMC n,(iyh lijritrr. lilt- Jlrpen WlWnft*' Wist-l*'3 lu i'lw-e " qAffplJ) • roui)i t9r.iii|l;pun(| , .i»ra, I will wll for S( >';y.*|.:'Y? L 'l < 3, Only,' 'qt ' Willi H vor.v small per ciM»t. f for ‘Cush.or / nlll|.<’X : ' cliaiif'u thciiriipon tho miiihi ,tofii»s for \Vlient, Hiu'oii and Corn, nt tin* t^tnltlislicfl ('ash prlct s. Com noon! get Greut IliiiVniiis: Don’t lorgpt the plnue. Undcr'lhe Titjb** M { ic,'aithk"Sl^df) J. B. RHEA. - -./-;■ metibeiiiii)^/urr/.K 1 Cl.Kitk'4 (IrricBWi'kama' CiiiiBT.'’lB.faifc.' *\yii9wiU llitre'-’lh tin csirnv-lle/re'’mule Inkrn upon tin- pramlwn of Mk A) GIAVor. .Urtcril/'l, mid 1 - l/itni-il liy-AV. H. HriiUcnsnr nnd Chhi'K'S- l.i-nt-- i.B loll,.—-- :■ iil-.ut live vr-.r- i.I-l, Ujl-acn nr fuurteeu h.intU hl g h„dtrt tuy. mimvyinl, Uilfi hu-idred nml U-onty.llvo cloll.lrsl Tho m-ncr |7 h'otthy rcqnirt'd to eiitadforinrd-'pKfvfi pkiiMtHy) nml pny ohnreos, nnd chsts, othrrWiin tfietMliiiur will bon6ldnftcr rill?dnyAUoUre. //! :/ III ,l j Joly-ie-riU.; -T./K. -MollUNALD, O.I. O.' ney’s dirty shoe} if will not bo a-hard Thc policy of.tlie.workiugman'.is to Grant-lesB nnd Sce : mar«3d ff/iw puffy ImpudEnce<-kWe.stio almostlall the Radical.papors speak of the Impndcndo iiJCrdmnttingiSeymounagainstXIfant.'-— -That1s,ai<x«nplaint BUrei to get worse /•vcrjrsdajt. y^bjosmember toe Vimpn- denco" dfrtnntag>Fionle against Scott lt“i)Hh»hRt:CaiiHi;eftit>OY oh ,voti « r Kttinflfi.) gt^ffhiyAlrt/l din prlvl>go of tfl»Miiawm,iiiPj|| chiilybc- H-h nM[|ri!lf#)MPiipl lo'lnlrrli-m. Willi tin-ir dhlfy Oa-iipn'tWh. ' KitUWlJ- fic’elWiiil c-l.'.ll-, lr,-,7.ih-l -ii-. dP.lllWh'm'Ulit'.'ries/jjodiiivu by Laj water 1 , - Tillwaiahr-porfttfc: i-Apidrm ;// .hi-.'.. -ii. -illHNUYl-A .-WRENCH/ Georgia; WhlfflUl'd Oounty—Libel :n/.. 1 ’tax Divcrp*.,< )XTA :. 11 Ik “I”’jj'* J p/fK-fe fivAfi: (■ TTnpponriiig to I He Courtliy tliorpturnof tho X Sheril^fiKfuliBldcfcuVanAtlOli Jlut reside ia. ■r ■Munsnii defniilt, and tho plaintiff nllnw.-d to prowicil. And It In hereby'(MirMKaiM.UlURnht he publlrlied h^l|hj^|th Gyoj^in Ojlli^j^^n^.iii.ii/th for hire wptflllM, ennndt hfa-swred'by thoSlioriir, It bi ordored'ljfr; •efvlee of'th»'petitl6ii-lo thli e.iso bo porll-ricd bjpublldntioivof Ibis Rkie'in tho North-Gcorglr Citizen, pub|Wied,,RL Didloh^ Goorgin, ohoe a f°r'«:lf iiioiit'.is,- prci 101.3 1 10 OMRS' month, 1 TdMV'hf'fee Sufcrior doftr«fYu 8n #/rVw. 'and that-tho defendant npnenr nnd: dt-lcnd rfd .enure nt tho next Term of raid Court. tb» lln fsuUthasof tho plain tiff bo allowed to P«> KC J XwtusW.vrlo/rdUOWfiKlOTPli, J<>■?" A trus extract frtfm the MinutoanJUy rt, a® •r!-.:.ra it .nffmui A McOnmy; Attorney? for Ll(iclluti