North Georgia citizen. (Dalton, Ga.) 1868-1924, July 30, 1868, Image 4

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I A l(M ANDOAltDKN. Buy Iiuudii I,ft nil <>f our pcoplo—nml especial ly the pour matt of tliu country—heed tho ailvl m gluon In tho following pnr- ngrnpli coplod from it Now York pnpor. It will unit nil sections of tho country. Lot cVfiy poor nmn strlvo to got In his possession nt lonst n Uoinestond of Ills own—no matter how small. It will roiidor him indopomlcnt. If you cannot buy ns muoh.lnnd ns you desire, nt least buy Borne Tho tlmo is now rapidly approaching when tho landed interest of tho oonntry will assume an Importance hitherto unknown (jero. Tho time is not distant when lands will ho exorbitantly high and oonso- cpiuntly out of roach of poor mon.— Tho faces of tho poor will bo ground in n way that thoy dream not of.— landlords can exact such enormous rents ns will absorb 'all tho fruits of labor boyond a moro subsistonco.— Then poverty will bceomo an Insup portable evil', and an escape from it really Impossible. Commeuco In tlmo. Lay up evory dlmo you can. Invest In lands. It Is a safo investment. It will uinko yoi and your posterity Independent. Buy now, while lands aro cheap. Don’t wnlt until thoy got boyond your reach. Of courso this advice is addrossod to tho landless, and does not apply to those who already (mvo too much land. —Athens Watchman. Buy Land.—Wo would counsel no man to run in debt, and iio.poor man- to Invest his little whoro it will not contribute to his sustenance or bo available in oaso of need; yot wo can not help urging ovory landless man to become owner of somo spot of earth as soon ns may bo. Land is still amaz ingly cheap in most parts of onr coun try, and is not destined to remain so. Immigration is vory heavy; wo aro all sick of war, and our population in creases nt a rato which will double in ovory twenty years. The common no tion that wo have still an enormous area of arable soil unappropriated is a mis take. West of Kansas and Nebraska —that is,over three hundred miles west of the Missouri—there is a little good land. Tho central tablo lands of our continent lie so high as to be cold and frosty, in the summer flre-parchod by persistent, pitiless drouth. Even woro not tho lack of timber a serious obstnelo to settlement, notone aero In fifty could bo rendered produc tive without irrigation and artesian wells, and those are very costly. Con sidering that tho four millions of blacks havo ns yot sonreoly an aoro, it is not profitable that fifteen millions of our countrymen are the owners of tho land, or tho wives and children of thoso who are. Yot theso own moro than half of tho whole soli of the United States. Twenty years henco, wo trust the landholders with their families will bo 46,000,000. Who does not realize that land must then bo dearer than it now is ? Aud tho enormous produc tion of tho metals which thoso years aro morally cortaiu to witness—not loss than two billions in this country alone—must tend to enhance tho prico of land. Ho who owns land—no matter if but a patch—neod never more orlngo for employment—ho can alwnys find work for himself. He need not “strike;” but if lie doos, ho need not stand idle, sinco ho can always find work on his .land assigned him, tho proportion of paupers and swindlers among our pop ulation would rapidly, largely dimin ish. Morals, independence, industry, thrift, would all bo promoted by a gen eral diffusion of ownership in land. Wo can’t all live in cities; (though it wero bettor for all that many moro did so) but even the young merchant, lawyer, doctor, moohanic or olork who feel constrained to live on a paved street, might advantageously own a bit of land though miles away. Travel is rapid and cheap; a day in tho country is health and happiness; and wo nearly all hope to livo in tho oountry by and by. With an aoro or more of good land well fenced, the ha- bitunl plodder over pavoments may plant in youth or early prime tho trees that are to solace his old age; may have his plants, shrubs, vines and fruits growing, though unable as yot to build a house—may liavo an occasional fore taste of tho calm joys of living his own master in his own homo. No one can realize all the blessedness which cen ters in home, until ho comes to havo a spot that is truly his own. Thousands livo and die tenants and hiroling3'who might far bettor employ and house themselves. The city hire ling makes moro money tkartihipioouu- try cousin; but strikes rihd"'pWiitos, sickness and frolics, with the necessity of giving half he earns for shelter, gen erally keeps hinv.poor, and an increas ing family soon drlvos him to oloso cal culations and shabby shifts to keep afloat. Happy for him and his, for thoso ho leaves behind, the day that sees him settled in his own oottage tho ownor aud occupant of a genuine home. —N. Y. Tribune. in New York. Speeches or Gov. Seymour and Gen. Blair.—Enthusiastic ItEOEmoN BY THE l’EOl'LK. To Raise Watermelons Without Seed—The following plan has boon successfully adopted by a planter ia< Caddo Parish, La: After tho vine Is about two feet long, cover the vino nt a point intermediate botween tho root. After It has taken root where it is cov ered, divido tho vine between tho old and now root, and the result will be that the mellons will bo seedless, with out impairing their quality. It is said that the orops in Missis sippi will bo larger than they havo been for ten years. ‘Are yon near sighted, Miss?’ said an impudent fallow to a young lady who did not cliooso to notice him. ‘Yes, at this distanoo I oan hardly tell whether you are a pig or a puppy. r New York lias the promise of n fo- male bavbcr shop in tho Fifth Avenue, tho “artists” to bo exclusively womou and tho customers exclusively men. It is slated that thcrearo 10,000 pub lic houses and' beer shops In London, and that if placod in a lino they would extend 33 miles I A n old lady was burled in Jackson, Michigan, a week or two ago, and tho funeral was attended by two of her sons from the House of Correction in Detroit, and a third from the State prison, all under guard. An universal gathering of tho Do- moornoy took place last Prlday evening In Tammany Hall anil vicinity,' the occasion being tho formal, tender Of tlie nominations to thochoson standard- bearors of the party—Soymour and Blair.. Tho mooting was announced for 8 o’clook, but long before that hour the great nail was filled to its litinost capacity, and a scene was presented on the floor nnd in tho galleries like that which lias so often boon described during tlie past few days. On tho out side tho pcoplo who could not got in gathered in tho street in front of tho. stand, and bororo the hour of mooting a dense throng cxtomlod from olio side of tlie street to tho other, nnd from tho Third nvenuo far up to tlie Fourth avenue. Such an assemblage was nov- ar before witnessed hare at a public meeting. Tho vory lamp posts and tho posts of the great arch woro ooeupled by men and boys. Hon. Samuel J. Tildon presided in- Bldo tho hall, and in a few well choson words introduced General Morgan, who waB selcotod to formally tender tlie nominations. Governor Soymour ut this point made his appearance on the platform. His presence was tlie signal for an outburst of enthusiasm that fairly shook tho building to its founda tion. Cheer aftor cheor was given, nnd it was sometime beforo order could bo restored. Gen. Morgan then addressed Gov. Seymour in tho following words i SPEECH OP OEN. MORGAN. Governor Soymour—On behalf of tho committee appointed for that pur pose, I have tho pleasure, sir, of pre senting to you a communication an nouncing your unanimous nomination ns tho candidate for the office of tho President of the United States, by tho National Democratic Convention, and on behalf, sir, of tho Conservative and Democratic people of the States whom wo havo the honor to ropresont, wo henco pledge their united and cordial offorts in socurlng relief to tho coun try from the thraldom whioli now pos sesses It, nnd in plaoing you, sir, ns the Chief Magistrate of tlie United States in the Executive Chair. Tromondous cheering followed this address. When this had subsided, Governor Soymour replied as follows: SPEEOHjOP aov. SEYMOUR. Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Committee:—I tlmuk yon for the cour teous terms in which you liavo commu nicated to mo the action of tho Demo cratic National Convention. (Cheers.) I havo no words adequate to express my gratitude for tho good will and kindness which that body has shown to me. Its nomination was unsought, and unexpected. It was my ambition to take an aotivo part, from which I am now oxcluilcd, in tlie great struggle going on for the restoration of good government, of ponce nnd prosperity o our country. (Great oheoring.)— But I havo been caught up by tho over whelming tide that is bearing us on to a groat political ohango, and I find myself unable to resist its pressure.— duct oheors.) You havo also given to men copy of tho resolutions put forth by tho Convention, allowing its position upon all the great questions which now agitato tho oountry. As tho presiding ofilcer of that Conven tion, I am familiar with their scope and import, and as one of its mombers am a party to their terms; thoy ore in aocord with my views, and I stand upom thorn in tho contest upon which wo are now cntorlng; and I shall ntrivo to carry them out in future wherever I may bo plaood, in public or private life. (Cheors.) I congratulate you nnd all Conservative men who seek to rosloro order, peace, prosperity, and good government to our land, upon tho evidences everywhere shown that wo are to'triumph at tho noxt election.— (Prolonged cheering.) Those who nro politically opposed to us Mattered them selves thoro would bo discord in our councils; thoy mistook tho uncertainties of our viows ns to tho bost method of carrying out our purposes for tho dif ference of opinion with regard to thoso purposes. They mistook an intenso anxiety to do no act which should not ho wiso and judicious for a spirit of disoord, but during tho lengthened proceeding and earnest dlsoussions of tho Convention thoro has prevailed an entiro harmony of intercourse, a pa tient forboaranco, and a self-sacrificing spirit, which are tho suro tokens of coming viotory. Accopt foryourselvos, gentlemen, my wishes for your future welfare and happiness. (Oheors.) In a few days I will answor tho communi cation you have just handed mo by let ter, as is tho customary form. (Trt mendous and longcontinued cheering. Mr. Tildon—I havo now tho honor to present to this mooting Major General Frank P. Blair, Jr. Tho appoarauco of General Blnir was the signal for renowed enthusiasm little if at all Inferior to that whioli had greeted Governor Seymour. Gon- oral Morgan took advantage of tempo rary quiot to speak as follows: GEN; MORGAN TENDERS THE NOMINATION to oen. nr,Am. General Blair—The committee ap pointed by tho Convention have made it my pleasing duty, sir, to announce to you your unanimous nomination ns tho Democratic candidate for tho Vice- Presidency of tho United States (applause),—and in tendering to you sir, this nomination, I felt suro that ' tion that your nomination for tho Pres idency is one which will carry us to cortnln viotory—(npplauso)—nnd bo- oaUBO I boliovo that tlie nomination is tho most propor nomination that could do by tho Domooratlo party.— , .. aiiso.) Tho contest whioli wo wngo is for the restoration of constltu- d government— (ohoors)—nnd it is propor that we should inakothisoontest under tho lead of ono who lias given Ids lifo to tlio maintonnuoo of constitu tional government. (Applause.) Wo aro to iriivko tlie contest for tlie restora tion of thoso groat principles of gov ernment whtoh.bolong to our race.— (Groat applailso.) , And my fullow-olt- izons, it is most propor that wo should solcct for our leader a man not from military life, but ono who hasdovotod himself to civil pursuits, who has giv en himself to tho study uml tho under standing of tho Constitution nnd its malntonanco with all the foreo of reas on and judgmont. (Applause.) My follow-oitizcns, I havo said that tlie con test beforo us was ono for tho restora tion of our Government; it is Also one for tho restoration of our race! (Ap plause, long continued.) It; is to pre vent tho peoplo of our raeo from bo- ing oxilod from their homos—(cheors) —exiled from the Government which they formed and created for thomcolves and for their children, and to prevent them from being driven out of the country or trodden nndor foot by an inferior and somi-barbnrous race.— (Applauso.) In this country wo shall have the sympathy to belong to the white raco. (Applause.) What olvil- ized people on earth would refuse to associate with thcmsolves in all the rights aud'lionors and dignity of their oonntry such inen as Leo and Johnson? What civilized country on cnrtli would fail to do honor to thoso who, fighting for an erroneous cause, yet distinguish ed themselves by gallautry in that ser vice? (Applause.) In that contest for whioli thoy aro sought to bo dis franchised, and to bo exiled from their homo—in that oontest they havo prov ed themselves worthy fo be onr peers. (Applause.) My fellow-oitizcns it is not my purpose to make any long ad dress—(cries of “go oh”)—but simply to express my gratitude for tho great and distinguished honor which has been conferred upon me.—New York Ex press, JulyflUh. For a Couan.—Roast a largo lemon very oarofully, without burning it; when it is thorougly hot, cut and squeeze it into a cup, upon threo ounces of sugar, finoly powdered. Take a spoonful whonovor your cough troubles you,— It is as good as it is agreeablo to the tasto. Rarely has it been known to fail of giving relief. “How fortunate I am in meeting a ‘raiubeau’ in this storm,” said a young lady who was caught in a shower the other day, to her beau of promise who happened to come .along with an um brella. “And I,” said he gallantly, am as much rejoiced ns tho poor Lap lander was when ho caught tho ‘rein deer." ’ will only bo hnilod by acclamation by your follow-citizous throughout tho United Stntes, but by thousands your gallant comrades on many a well fought field—(applauso)—and who will onco again rally to the stars nnd stripes and the defence of freo institu tions. (Applause.) MAJOR OEN. FRANK P. BLAIR, JR. 0EPT8 THE NOMINATION. Genoral Blair, after tho tumultuous applause which groctcd him had subsi ded, said: Mr. Chairman—I accept tho platform of resolutions passed ' the Isle Democratic Convention, and I accept their nomination—(great cheering)—with feelings of profound grntitudo; end sjr, I thank you for tho very kind manner in which you have already conveyed to mo tlie decision of tho Democratic Convention. I ac cept tho nomination with tho convic- A clergyman observing a poor man by tho road breaking stones, and kneel ing to get at his work better, made tlie remark: “Ah, John I I wish I could broalc tho stony hearts of my lioarers as easily as you nro breaking thoso stones.” “Porhnps, master, you do not work on your knees,” was the re ply- A 8TICH Ilf TIMS SAVES III! ofiozieix’s NEW STORE, Dry Goods and Grocories, at my New Brick Ilouso, on Hamilton Street, first Stnro nbovo Holland’* Liycry Stable, 0(\Joln* '“f Lowry & Eason’s, consisting In part of Blcacliod and Brown Domostics, PRINTS, LADIES! DRESS GOODS, Trimmings, Hosiery and Notions In variety, .Boots and Shoes, Hardware, Quecnswuro. nnd Tablo Outtlory, SUGAR, COFFEE, TOBACCO, POWDER, and nn endless variety of articles too bnmdrous to mention, all of which I offer nt EXTREMELY LOW PRICES Gall and sco for yourselves, and you will bo pleased with both goods and prices. It is a pleas* uro to show goods. S.O.OROZIER. Administrator's Sulo! Y virtue of an order of the Court of Ordlnnry 1 of Walker county, I will sell bcfoio the Court Houso door in LuFuyotto, Georgia, on tho first Tuodday in September next, within tho legal hour* of sale, tho land belonging to tho estate of D. T, Keith, deo’d, lying In said county, four miles south of Vlllanow, consisting of tho undivided half of two lots, containing 1G0 acres, moro or leas. Sold for benefit of heirs nud crcdltots. Terms cash. July 10, 1808-i0d.* GEORGE L. KEI Administrator's Salo 1 Y vlrtuo of nn order frum tho Court of Ordin ary of Walker county, wo will sell beforo tho Court Ilouso door In La Fayette, Gn., first Tues day In September next, within the legal hours of salo, threo tracts of land, belonging to tho estnto of Mnthcw Keith, deceased, one lying in Walker county, on which the deceased resided, 8 miles sbUth of Vlllanow, containing BOO acres more or less; ono lying In Gilmer county, containing 100 ocrcs, moro or less; nnd one lying in Dawson county, containing forty acres, more or less. Sold for bonegt of holrs nnd creditors. Terms cash. July 10, 1808 G. L. and J. M. KEITH, Adnrr. IF. IP. GiDOEJTSq ATTORNEY AT". LAW, BPfklNO PLACE, OKOnatA, TXTILL practleo In the Oherokeo Circuit and * t glvo special attention to collecting nnd scouring claims. mnrlO-tjan Administrators Salo! Y virtue of an order from tho Court of Ordln* 1 ary of AValker county, I will sell beforo tho Court Ilouso door la LaFnyotto, on tho li in September noxt, within tho legal hours or j ono let of land, containing 120 acres, moro less, number 169. lying In tho 20th district day i ur less, minium iuw, i^uig in mu auiu uiaiuui ami Sd section of said comity. Property of A. J. Wamook, deceased. Sold for benefit of heirs and creditors. Torms casli. July 19-lbd J. M. WARNOOK, Adinr. W. IOFMIAN. u. J. U’CAUV, LnlTman tf .VcCamy, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, srniNo flack, oaonnij, W ILL practice In tho courts of the Olicrokoo Circuit. nmrllMjan m O. CRA fPI’OHD, ATTORNEY AT LAW •A m LaFayettk, Ga. > GSPWIIl praotlce In all the countlos compos ing tho Cherokeo Circuit. Jnn. 10—ly. Walker Sheriff's Salo, ILL bo sold bofore the Court House door in LaFnyotto, within tho legal hours of sale, tho first Tuesday In August noxt,tho follow Ing property, to-wlt: Lot of land number 80, In tho 26th district nnd section of said county. Levied on ns the property of Elisabeth Gudd, Executrix In her own wrong of Carter Cudd, deceased, to satisfy a fa issued from Walker County Court, In favbr ' J. W. Fitzpatrick. julyO-lm A. A. SIMMONS, D. Sh’ff. E. 0. GRAHAM) ATTORNEY AT LAW, ’ TRENTON, OKOKQIA. P RACTICES in the Courts of Novth-wcstern Georgia and unjoining counties of Tcnnessco and Alabama. April 24—tf. ^JDMIN I8TR ATOIUS SALK.—By virtuei of an ordor of tho Court of Ordinary of Wnlkor county, will bo sold, on the.first Tuesday in Au gust next, 1868, nt tho Court-House door In snld county, botween tlie legal hours of sale, 80 acres of lot of laud No. 8, In 26th district 3d sebtipn,' and lot 7< in tho 26th district and 8d section.— ttu WHITFIELD COUNTY. Whitfield Sheriff’s Sale. POSTPONED. W ILL be sold beforo tho Court House door in the town of Dalton, on tho first Tues day Aug. no xt,the following property, to-wlt i; One lot of land, containing 160 acres, more or less, no. 88, 18th dlst. nnd 8d see. ct Whitfield county. Levied on by virtue of two tar fi fas, Issued by Tim Ford, tax collector of said county, against Robort Cowart, ono for tax duo tho State nnd county by said Cowart, for tho year 1867, tho other for tax duo tho Stato for 18UR. July 9 W. W. WEST, Sheriff. Sold ns tho property of Street Camp, deceased, for tho benefit of heirs and creditors. Terms cash. JAMES H. ROGERS, Adm’r. June 18—tda. SALE.—By virtue of nn order of the Court of Ordinary of Walker county, will bo sold on tlie first Tuesday in Au gust next, 1868, ut the Court-House door, m said county, botween tho legal hours of sale, 40 ncrcs^ of lot of land No. 68, in the 8th district and 4th* section of said county. Sold as the property of : Talliaferro Butler, deceased, for, the benefit of belrs. Terms cash. JAMES H. ROGERS, Adm’r. June 18— tds. Administrator’s Sale, B Y Vlrtuo of an order in me vested, from the Court of Ordinary of Whitfield county, I will soil beforo tho Court Houso door in Dalton, on tho first Tuesday in Sept, next, lot of Innd, number 186, 10th district hud 3d section, of said county. Property of Alfred Johnson, deceased, and sold for benefit of heirs nnd creditors. Terms cash. P. A. HAGGARD, Admr. DMfNISTRATORS’ SALE-By vlrtne or an. ordor from tho Court of Ordlnnry of Walker countv, will bo sold beforo tho Court-House door in LnFnyctto, on the first Tuesday in August, be* tweon the bgnl hours of sale: 100 acres of land, lot no. 828, 7th dls. 74th sco.; also ono town lot in LnFnyctto lying in tlie rear of T. M. Phillips' residence. Sold for tho benefit of the heirs. Term cash. L. C. BLACK, Adm’r may B. Inman, deo'd. Stancol, Executor of Uio lust Will and Testament of Owen H. Kcnnn, deceased, lias filed his petition in ray oflico. tendering Ins resig nation nnd praying to bo relieved of his trust ns said Executor, and suggesting tho name of Janies U. Hoi^e, who is a suitablo person nnd willing to “ urim? snld estate • Thin G EORGIA, Walker County—Sixty days af tor date application will bo made to the Court of Ordinary of Walker county, for leavo to sell the real estate of Silas G. Halle, lute of said county, deo’d. GEO. A. J. HAILE, mny28 60d. Adm’r Have you Heard the News? tako tho trust of administering said estnto: This is to oito tho 8nid-"Jjnic8 U. Home, and the next of kin of tho said Owen H. Kenun, dec’d., to ap pear nt tho Court of Ordinary to bo hekl in and for said county, on tho first Monday In August next, nnd show causo, if any they can, why an or der should not bo granted accepting tho resigna tion of said G. W. Stancel, and gn.nting letters of udminisrtntion, with tho Will aunexed, to said James U. Horno. Given under my official signature this 16th day of Juuo 1868. J. P. FREEMAN, Ordinary. Juno 18—tds. Q BORGIA, Walker Comity — No tic is here- WHAT IS IT ? & 0 to tho NEW BALTIMORE and you wl find It to your interest to buy goods from CALLAWAY & GALT, tho SPRING PLACE New Store, whore thoy havo just received ono of the Largest Stocks of Goods lu Cherokco Georgia, Dalton not excepted! order from tho Court of Ordinary of Gordon county, Georgia, will bo sold beforo the Court- House door m tho town of Dalton, In Whitfield county, on tho first Tuesdny in August next, with in tho legal hours of sale, half of lot of land No. 10 in the 18th district nnd 3d section. Sold us the property of Malinda Townsend, deceased, for the benefit of tho heirs and creditors of said de ceased. Terms part cash, balance on time, with good security. Hoi Yo, ovorvbody! Herald tho glad tidings from Valley to Mountain Tops, that Calluwuy & Galt have received a largo stock of fresh Dry Goods, Groceries, Cuttlory, Hnrdwnre, Dyestuffs, Notions and Fancy Goods, and proposo to sell them nt lower prices than tybody olso. Ladies’ Fino Boots only $1.26. _ ther articles at proportionately low rales. Pro duce taken in oxehnngo for Goods. Look to your intorest. Buy from your neighbors. Buy where you can do bast, and a clear conscience and good bargains will be your reward. Remember, Cal laway and Galt havo tho largest and cheapest stock of Goods, at Spring Placo. ju!19-4t THOMAS B. BARNWELL, Adm’r Juno 18—tds. order in me vestod, by tho Court of Ordin ary, of Whitfield county, I will sell, beforo tho Court Houso door, at public outcry, in Dalton, to tho highest bidder, tho first Tuesday In August, ono hundred acres of Innd, s.o. portion lotno 115, in the 18th district nnd 3d section of Whitfield county, being the lot on which tho Widow Talley now resides. Sold for tho benefit of heirs and creditors of Win. Talley, dec’d. junll-tds D. W. MITCIIELL, Adm’r; Or. E. O. Stafford R ESPECTFULLY tenders his Professional ser vices to tlie citizens of Murray nnd adjacent counties. All Lisente* peculiar to Females, nnd Chronic Liseases of overy description treated. Ofilo at the residence of Mrs, Humphreys’, near Hawkins' store, Rock Creek, Murray county. foro the Court House door In Dalton, on tlie first Tuesday in August next, all tho right, title nnd interest of David Roach, deceased, in nnd to that part ol ids formor homestead, which has been laid off nnd and appraised to ids widow, Eliza Roach, ns dower, it boing a feo simple title to said land, subject only to tho widow’s lifo estate of dower. Juuo 22, 1808. JOHN D. NEIL, Admr. J. S. EUxpatrieh, HOUSE, SIGN AND DECORATIVE PAINTER, Paper Hanger. Glazcr and Gilder. A LL work entrusted to him will bo executed with neatness nnd dispatch. Shop, upstairs in King building. Dalton, Georgia. Refers to W. M. & R. J. Lowry, Fains & Far- rot, Atlanta; Lowry & Eason, Tibbs, Kenner & Co., Dalton; Whitman & Yarnell, Ringgold, jly MURRAY COUNTY. Connally, administrator on tho estate of Henry Wilson, deceased, applies in duo form of law for letters disndssory from tho estate of said deceased: These aro therefore to cito nnd admonish all and singular tho kindred and creditors of said dcoensed to filo their objections, If any they have, on or before the Nov. Term of tho Court of Or dinary, to be held on the 1st Monday in Nov. noxt, otherwise letters will bo granted tho appli cant. Given under my hand and official signature this 80th day of April, 1868. ANDERSON FARNSWORTH, Ord’y, May 1—6m. Howell, administrator on the estate of P. O. Howell, deceased, applies in duo form of law for letters disndssory from tho estate of said dec’d: These nro therefore to cito nnd admonish all and singular tlie kindred and creditors of said doccosed to file their objections, if any they have, on or beforo tho November Term of the Court of Ordinary to bo held in said county on the first Monday in November noxt, otherwise said letters will be granted the applicant. Given under my baud and official signature, Mnv 20th, 1868. 6m ANDERSON„FARNSWORTII, Ord’y, date application will bo made to t 1 o Court of Ordinary of Murray county, for leave to sell lots ot land numbers 127 ond 128 in the 27th district and 2d section of sold county, be'ongh to tho estate of S. O’Neal, deceased, to satisfy ■Miss Mar: McOwcn having applied to be Guardian of the person nnd property of Lilly nud William McOwcn, minors under fourteen years of age, residents of said county,this is to cito all per sons concerned to appear at the Court of Ordin ary for said county, on tho first Monday in August next, nnd show cause, if any they enn, why said applicant should not bo entrusted with the gun dlanship of the persons and property of said u This July 1st, lSfib-lm J. P. FREEMAN, Ord’y. GILMER COUNTY. after date application will be made to tho Court of Ordinary of Gilmer county, for leayo to sell the lands belonging to tho estnto of John W. Dillingham, Into of said county dec’d, for benefit of heirs aud creditors. This June ll-Sm JOHN M. WATKINS, Admr. ; given that Samuel Montgomery, adminis trator of the estnto of William It, King, deceased, has filed his application in inv office for leavo to sell all iho real estate belonging' thereto. mayf5-2m T. J. STALLINGS, Ordy. DADE COUNTY. Dade'Sheriff's Sale. W ILL bo sold bofore tho Court-House door tho town of Trenton, Dndo county, on the first Tuesday in August next, the following prop erty, to-wit: Lots of laud, numbers 283 and 292, 4, 5 in the llthidlstriot and 4th section, and 125 in 18th district and 4th seo. Levied on ns the pro| county in favor of C M Tatum, tax collector. Property pointed out by R H Tatum defendants’ attorney, and levy made nnd roturned to rno by constable. july-2 JON AT HAND LEVI M9, Sh’ff. on the estate of As » Daniel, late of said count: dec’d: Theso are therefore to cite and admonisl nil and singular, th6 kindred and creditors of said deceased to show causo, if any they have, in terms of tho law.why snidletteis should not be granted. E. S. HOWELL, Admr. ! July 2, 1868-lro JOEL I , Ord’jr. WALKER COUNTY. The only New Stock Brought to Town THIS SEASON. : T nE only NEW nnd COMPLETE SPRING STOCK in Dalton is t„ n found nt BUKOFZER I LOVE IAN’S. Wo hnvo just boon receiving our fresh Goods, which woro bonuht horn*, tho mo in Cotton, nnd nro thoroforo enabled to odor to tho trade rs ttTues- That ! 0VC1 '- Wc wiu ,10t enumerate nil wo liavo for sale, hut fool confident L oonvlnoo our customers than our Stock embraces everything kept in a FIRST GLASS DRY GOODS HOUSE, by given that I will apply to tho Court of Ordinary of said county,’ at the first regular term after tho expiration of two months from date, for leave to sell tho laud belonging to tlie esjatc of James Roberts, dec’d, for the benefit of heirs nnd creditors of said deceased, may28 2m S. D. ROBERTS, Admr. £VE0RUIA, Walker County—Two month nfte dato application will bo made to Court of Ordinary of Walker county, for leave to sell .tho lands belonging to the estnto of Edward Howard late of said county, deo’d, for tho benefit of the heir and creditors of said deceased. This May 28, 1868-2m L. 0. BLAOKj Admr.' 0EORGIA, Wnlker County—Sixty dayB nf- ter dm.a application will bo nmdo to the Court ot Ordinary of Wnlker county for leave to sell tho Inmls of W. M. Purycnr, deceased, for tho benefit of holrs and creditors of said dee’d. Juncll-2m II. O. PURYEAR, Admr. CATOOSA COUNTY. QKORQIA, Catoosa C'ownfy—Whereas,Thos. Russell applies to me for letters of dinnship of tho person nnd property of Joel M., Josephine A., John W„S. O., O. H., and Charles H. Dyer, minors nnd residents of suid county. This is to cito all persons concerned to be nnd appenr at tho term of Court of Ordinary to be hold noxt after tho expiration of thirty days, from the first publication of this notice, nnd show cause, if any thoy can, why said applicant should not bo entrusted with the guardianship of said minors. Witness my ofiiciul signature this July 6, 1868. julyU-lm JAMES M. ANDERSON, Ordy. In point of solootion, vnrioty of stylos nnd cheapness of price, wc defv comi petition. • - - *— - - l.-.rtA...’, J m f JUlil ulUIl. , In submitting our Stock to yonr inspection, wo Boliet a numerous atten. dance, and give assurance that in so doing yon will only consult your own in. &,;.Mi 1 i?.]g ogzEa & lot ^n ATLANTA BUSINESS DIRECTORY. ^DMIXISTItATOJt’S SALE.^Agrcenblv to an order of tho Court of Ordlnnry of Catoosa County, Geo., will be sold before the Court-Uouse sale, on the first Tuesday in August next, tho following property, to-wit: Lotsof land,Nos. 88and 89, In the 9thdiat. nnd 4th seo. of Catoosa County; also, one town lot In tho town of Ringgold, Geo., containing $ acre, moro or less, lying west of W. A. Payne, esq.— tho estate of M. 0. Dyer, deceased. Terras cash in U. S. currency. W. J. WHITSITT, Adm’r, June 4-tds.Be bonis no r^ KOKG1A, Cutoosn County—At tho first reg- IjT ular term of tho Court of Ordlnnry of said apply to said Court for leave to sell the one hull iuterest belonging to tho cstato of James A. Evans, dec’d, in 60 ncrcs, north portion, lot no. \ i - „„ iari, also all of lot no. 188, all in tho 27th district am 8d sec. of said county. Wm. HENRY, Admr. may28-60d SUE A. EVANS, Adm’x said county, deceased: they can, why said letters should not bo granted. Given under my hand end official signature tlr*- 6th day of April, 1868. JAS. M. ANDERSON, Ordinray. April 10—6m X) ICUAUDS, J. J. & S. I\—Established jn 1848. J.I; Booksellers nnd Stationers, and dealers in Music aiid Musical Instruments, Wall Paper, etc. BankiBIock, Alabama street, Atlanta* pniLLIPS A CREW—Book, 'Stationery and A Music Dealers, nud kcop on hand warranted Gold Pcus, lino Ohromns, Lithographs, Albums, eto., National Hotel block, Atlanta. T WARLICK—Manufacturer of Tin Ware, and u. dealer in Stoves, Tin Plato, nnd Tinner's Findings, Marietta street, Atlanta, Ga. COMMISSION AND OROCEIIS, A K. SKAG0—Commission Merchant, Atlauta, xl. makescash advances on cpnsignmqpts of cotton, flour, wheat, com and other produce . to himself, Geo. W. Williams, Charleston, S. O., or Williams, Taylor*Go., 68 Beaver street, Nl Y. ‘MEADOR A BROS.—Tobacco Commission Mer- 1TL chrthts, No. 2 Granite Block, Broad street. CCOTT A NORRIS—Commission Merchants, V Peachtree Stroct, Atlanta, Ga. [.TENBY-WEST A CO.—Wholesale Grocers and 11. Commission merchants, Peachtree Street, Atlanta. Henry West—A. J. West. T AMES R. WYLIE—Wholesale Grocer and Com- •J, mission Merchant, Peachtree street, Atlanta. DOOIS AND SHOES. [TENBY BANKS—'Wholesale and retail dealer in Lt Boots and Shoes, Leather, Calf Skins, and Shoe Findings of every descrlplion, Whitehall and No. 6 Peaehtreo street, Atlanta. T? M. EDDLEMAN A CO—Wholesale Dealers Ut X' * Boots, Shoes,Leather, Fretfch and American Calfskins, Shoe Findings, etc.-, next “door tc Moor & Marsh, Decatur Street, Atlanta. p 11. A A. AY. FORCE—Wholesale dealers itt IT* Boots and Shoes, Whitehall street, Atlanta/ Soil nt New York Prices, freight added. DRYGOODS, ETC. MOORE A MARSH—Exclusively AVholcsafe liX dealers in Dry Qoodo,Boots,8hoes;IInt8,Caps and Notions, agents forTrion Factory goods, De catur street Atlanta, Georgia, • QILVY A DOUGHERTY—Wholesale dealers in U Staple and Fancy Dry Goods,Boots,Shoes, Hats and Notions, cornerPcachtroo nnd'Decntur street* p EORGIA Hoop Skirt Manufactory—Wm. Title- IT bnum, also keeps best stock of French, Amer ican nud Germun Corsctts, Ladies’ ready mado articles for under wear, Notions, Hosiery. Lady saleswomen. Next door to National Hotel. DliUOaiSTS. ^AYLOR, J. A.—Wholanle nnn retail dealer In 1 Drugs,Medicine^Paints, Oils,Dye-Stuftk,Glass wuro, Surgical Instruments, etc., Blgn of Golden Engle, comer Fcuclitreo and Decatur stroets. WILSON A CRANE—Wholesale and retail vY dealers In Foreign nnd Domeslio Drugs, Paints, Oils, Dye Stulls, etc., under National Ho tel, Atlanta. HARD WARE. T M. A R. C. CLARK—Importers and dealers In X. Hardware, Cuttlery,Iron, etc. Also agents for Fairbanks’ Standard Scales and Knoxville Iron Woiks, sign of Big Pud Lock, Peachtree street. T M. A J.C. ALEXANDER—Dealers in Hardware, u • Iron, Nails, Steel, Carriage materinl, Mill Stones,Bolting Cloths,Mining Implements, White hall street, Atlanta. carpets, oil olotiis, shades, etc. [7ENDR1CK. 8.8.—Dealer in Curpcts,Oilcloths, JY. AVindow Shades, Mats, Rugs, Curtains, Cor nice, and all descriptions of House Goods, corner Mnrictta and Broad streets, Atlanta. JAS. N. SCOTT. nonx. 11. NORRIS SOOTT & NOBBIS, Commission Merchants, Peachtree Street, Atlanta, Georgia. T'VEALEftS in Gonernl Merchandise, Groceries JlJ nnd Provisions. Consignments solicited. June 4, 1808-3m AMERICAN HOTEL, ALABAMA STREET, Atlanta, Georgia. WHITE A WHITLOCK, Proprietors. [nkarkst house to the passenger depot.] W. D. Wiley,..,,.. ......Clerk. TTAVING ngkin leased and renovated tho XX nbovo Hotel, wc are prepared to entertain .guests in a most satisfactory manner. Charges fair and moderate. Our effort will be to please. Q3Y”Baggnge earried to and from the. Depot reo of charge. mumbwS; It'alkins, Divine If co., kb. 1T6' MAltKET STREET, CllAlTAi’OOBA .TENmsSE 3olo Agouts for ' Nails, Stoves, WAOON AND DVaOY MATERIALS, Shoo nnd Loatlior Finding., Farming Implements and Field Seeds. ALSO, AGENTS FOR REAPERS AND MOWERS, Threshers end Separators, Horeo Powers, Pint ond Round Who Rope, both Charcoal and Steal, for Mining Purposes. Plaster Paris Hyd. Cement, Dupont’s Rifle and Blasting Powdor, Singlo und Double Tape Fuso, Fairbanks’ Scales, OUMd' LEATHER BELTING, PA OKINQ, Western Sugar Mill and Evaporator, Doty’s Clothes Washer and Universal Clothe* Wringer, und Implements and Machinery of ill ’ ‘nds. ju2-8nr Q.EOBGIA, Catoosa County—Two months aP ter date application will be made to tho Court of Ordinary of Catoosa county, for leavo to sell lots of land no 81 and 82, 28th district and 3d sectlcn of said county, belonging to the estate of B. 0. Morse, deceased. This Juno 25, 1868. ELIZA TILLMAN, Admx. GOBDONOOUNTY •Two months af _. ter dnto application will bo made to tho Court of Ordinary of Gordon county, for leavo to G eorgia, cordon Coanti.- ter dato application will I Court of Ordinary of Gordon county, lor leavo to sell the lands belonging to tho estate of Joseph Wilson, into of said county, deceased, for the ben efit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. June 18—2ra. . WM, MOBLEY, ExY, NOTICE. A LL persons having demands against the es tate of Joseph Wilson, late of Gordon coun ty, deceased, are requested to present them prop erly attested, to tho undersigned within tho time prescribed by law; and all persons indebted to said estate are required to make immediate pay ment. WM. MOBLEY, Ex’r. June 18-60d. fjpHE CITIZEN wlll^be sent to subscribers td[ January foy ONE DOLLAR, CHATTANOOGA CARDS, l Eiiglhli and Amoticm * CUTLERY, LOOK TO YOUR INTEREST I Pure Urugs and Medicines, At “JWl’i Old Stand—Etiaitiehed in 1849. TEE undersigned Is prepared and doU; ofTerlng 1 everything In th. Dr—”— _ tlie Drug line AT NASHVILLE PltTCEB? Tho .took Is Urge and will always ho kept fall Of the best McdiclneB. Faints, Oils,. Dyo stalTs, Window Glnss,Perfumeries,Toilet Soaps;Brasher, Combs, etc., to bo found in tho Eostcrn markets. Don't full to visit the Old Stand, sign of ths Golden Mortar; Mr. J. G. Rawlings; formerly with B. F. Tutl, tlie oldest Druggist and Prcscriptlonlst in the city, will be on band at all times to serve bis oil and new customers.. { Physicians will find If tb their Interest' to giro o a cull. I only ask an examination of my goods' and prices, feeling assured 1 will bo able to pleas, nil. D. V. JIIcCOMIMLWjE, jul2-6ra 128 Market Street, Chattanooga, Torn, Titos. WKDSTkR'. it. suss. CHATTANOOGA FOUNDRY ]VEaoliine "Worts. T HE Proprietors are propnred to manufacture all 1 kinds ol machinoiy used in this country, ns Stationary and Steamboat Engines and Boilers* Blast. Furnace, Mining and Mill Machinery, of i»very description; also Railroad, Bridge, and all other kinds of Iron and Brass Castings, Steam fl Gunges and Gus Pipo Fittings always on hand. Special contracts mado for ’arge quantities of Costings. Brass and Copper taken in exchange for Castings. THOS. WEBSTER k CO. Jul2-6in Proprietors. C. T. Wilcox, Grocer and Provision Dealer. FRESH AND CANNED FRUITS, Staple Groceries, at Lowest Market Prices! 251 Market Street, Chattanooga, . ...... A TT ACHED to this establishment is a first class JX Bakery, at which orders for Wedding or other Buppcrs arc filled at short notice. Special attention given to buying and scllfng jul2-6m Country Produce. IP. Crutchfield tf Co., Jobbers of DRY QOODS, Groceries, Notions,Hats And Shoes, No. 209 Market Street, july2 8m- CHATTANOOGA, TENN. Ucyicood If Oahagan, Dealers in a, DHY GOODS/ Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Hardware, Cottier;, Qacenswarc, and all kinds of Prodace, Corner 5th nnd Market Streets, jul2-0m* U1ATTAN00GA.TENN. Patton tf Payne, Booksellers and Stationers, CHATTANOOGA, TENN., EEP constantly on hand a complete stock of P 1 School Books, Stationery, Wall Paper, etf i which they oiler at wholesale or retail, at Eastern prices. july2-ly' Orders by mail w receive prompt attention. J. N. B. Cobb, H AVING determined to resume his profession as a Tailor, tenders his services to the pub- llo, nnd asks to share a portion of tbeir pi He feels confident, from past experle latronnge. . lenOo, that the publio can bo as well served in his line in Dalton as elsewhere. tSTHe will bo In constant receipt of the lat est fashions, to enable him to compete with the best workmen in his business. - Grover & Baker Sewing Machines. In addition, I havo become the agent of tho world-renowned Grover k Baker Sowing Ma chines, tho beat in use. Persons wishing to pur- ohoso a first olass Machine can do so by calling at my Shop on King Street; Dalton, Ga.ywhete the Machine is in successful operation. You con huy your Machino as cheap from J, N. B. Cobb as at the Manufactory. Call and ex amine Iho Machine lor yourself. Washing Compound. I also havo for solo family rights for Jackson’s Universal Washing Compound, which saves soap and labor, and will wash iu any kind of lime wa ter equal to freestone water. |gy*Family High: only One Dollar. Purchase ono U’.you want white clothes. Feb. 28—ly, ■ f, ft. P-jCOBB, P- Chas. Sundquist, M ANUFACTURER and Wholesale and Retail Denlot in every description ol FURNITUEB, Also, Dealer In Cftrpets, Oil Cloths, Wall Paper, Window Shades, Gilt Moldings and Frames, CURTAINS AND TRIMMINGS\ Spring Mattresses and Bedding,of all Descriptions. A largo assortment of Burial Cases on band. which will bo sent to any point or ♦h« shorted notice. Call and examine for yourselves, befort r , purchasing elso^hcro. jul2-Sm r Market Stret ‘ * H Market Street, let. 3d and 4 th, Chattanooga, Tea* | JTATIOA'AE HOTEL) A. L. MILLER PROPRIETOR, TWENTY nODS YROU TABSENOKR DEPOT, Railroad Avenno, between 8th nnd 9th Streets, CHATTANOOGA, TENN. Terms—$2.00 per day; Singlo meals 80 cen^ ^ FINKLE So EYON LOCK-STITCH "g Sewing Machine. rTHIE only Machine so perfected that entires* 1 ’ : X isfaction is guaranteed or the purchase mon- ^ < ey refunded. ' Whero we have no agent a samplo MacMJ j- will he sold at very low price, and,a Local M* 1 ' appointed on the most favorable terms. FRINKLE & LTON S: M, Co. | August 30 J2m $81 Broadway, N« w L