North Georgia citizen. (Dalton, Ga.) 1868-1924, August 06, 1868, Image 4

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FARM AND I'nMralnlug Mm!. To wlmtovor purpose we dovoteoui- liiml, whether Btoek raising, grain growing, or fruit nml vegetable or.l- ture, our first aim should bo to tnako It proiluctlve, Hero lies the groat, se cret of sucocii. Who over got rloh by farming poor land ? Thousands havo remained poor by trying tho ex periment: Thousands havo drawn onti a woary, mlB^.'ablo oxlstanee, rearing families in Ignoranro and poVorWj by staying on poor land without a propor effort to Improve and mako It produo- tlvo; and thousands are doing tho same thing to-day. In this communication I do not In tend to sny one word about the vari ous [kind of'fertilisers, nor the best manner of applying thorn—-tlioy aro all moro or loss valuablo and can hard ly bo mls-nppltod If brought in contact with tho boll; but this communication shall bo “of oarth, earthly.” A comparatively small numbor of farmors aro awaro of undordralnlug as a means or enlarging tho produc tiveness of tholr land; tlioy aro apt to think that only swamps and low lauds aro boneDttod by this process—this is a grcnl mistako, fallen into by taking a moroly superficial viow of tho mat ter. A farmer in one of the northern or middlo Statos would bo glad to havo his land onjoy tho bonoflt of ono or two degrees fartlior South, so as to work it oarllor in tho spring, Imvo a longer season for his orops to grow and maturo, and at the samo time remain and onjoy himself with tho pleasant companionship of his prosont neigh bors. All tills can bo accomplished by tho Bimplo procoss of undordralnlug. Yes, moro than this—your crops may bo doublod lu quantity and of supe rior quality. Tho question will bo asked—how underdraining will accomplish all this? Low laying land is known to bo cold, comparud with that which is moro ele vated. Tho cause of this coldness is tho presence of too much water near tho surface. If this wator is with drawn by means of undordraiuing, tbo soil becomes moro porus—tlio atmos- phoric air penetrates to a greater depth —the rays of tho sun meet with less resistance and consequently penetrate deeper, throwing into tho soil n great cr amount of boat. Admitting tho force of all theso facts in regard to lowland, they will apply with equal forco to that which is moro elevated. All lands except that with sandy or very porus subsoil will bo boneBtod by undordraiuing. Grass will take an earlier start, and the ground will bo in a condition to turn stock to pasture two weeks earlier. Oats, corn and po tatoes can bo planted two weeks earli er, and the full crops will' rocoivo tho bonoflt of it two wooks later. Tho best nrtlclo for tho purpose is earthen tylo, anil should bo used whon- ovor it is convenient to procure thorn, but whoro they cannot bo had, wood may bo used to advantage as a substi tute. Take saplings of from three to six inches in diameter, and let them lap a little at each ond. Tho surplus water will bo attracted to them and follow their course to tho outlet to which tlioy loud. Tylo should bo laid from two to threo foot doop, and the drains from twonty-flvo to thlrty-flvo foot apart.— Tho deeper the drains, the farther apart they may bo laid. Tho work may bo dono in tho fall nnd oarly win- tor before tho freezing sots in. Every industrious farmer may find timo to do this without much outlay of monoy.- •dmcrtcan Slock Journal. Wheat Cultuki: A correspondent of tbo Bronham (Texas) Nows writes : 1. Suvo all tho grains that shatter out in bundling tho grains on shoots. 2. Wash your grain in a brine strong enough to hold about oue-half, and savo tho grain that sottlcs at the bot tom. 3. Wash or soak both in a solution of blnostono. 4. Subsoil and manure your land thoroughly and drain properly ; nnd than sow your seed with n grain drill or smnll shovel, oast und west, without brushing, and I will glmrantoo a full crop of wheat. Lot every fanner sow ono aero in this way, nnd another in tho usual way, nnd tost tho matter fairly. Break your laud as you get a season. “SoufUmi” Cangrcuititn, Tho oarfiot-bitggfcrs -who prbtolid to .represent tho Southern States aro tlio greatest humbugs over palmod off up- m,n legislative body. Very few of lieni (ire* n'ntlvbs of the South; blit marly all nro men Who wont to that tfon for tho snko of plunder, and' >d political position. 3i ill Syplior (who no doubt,befits Ills linmo In a legislative onpneity) is from Pennsylvania., llo represents tho First district of Louisiana. ' lie was formally a Brigadier tloneral, it is said, in.the Federal army. James Mann is an cx-pnymnstor in the Federal army. lie represents tho Second district of. Louisiana, but re sided ill Maine until thu war broke'but. J. P. Nowshani, representing the Third Louisiana diatriot, is from Illi nois—nil cx-Fcdornl Captain. M'ehiiel Vld.i1, rcprcsentlng'dlie Fourth Louisiana district, is from France, and lias boon only about eight yoars In this country. JIo has no trado or profession—supposed, to belong to lliu genus “ loafer.” W. Jasper Bluckburn, representing the Filth Louisiana diatriot, is a ha- tlvo of Louisiana—tho only one of tho flvo. Ho is an editor. From South Carolina; wo havo an- otlior lino lot of carpet-baggers and rebels. B. F. Wbltlomore, representing tho First District, is a Massachusetts man, an cx-ohaplnin of two negro regiments. James II. Gross, representing tho Fourth District, was born in South Ca rolina. llo is a merchant and novel' held any oillco before. Simon Corley,representing tlio Third Distriot, is a tailor. " Ho was born in South Carolina, s'orved in the rebel army, aud is unablo to taka the lest oath. .From Alabama wo havo the follow ing named mis-roprosontntivos: Francis W. Kellogg, First District, was originally from Massachusetts, wlienco Im migrated to Michigan. 'He has been in Congress from Michigan, but ho has rosided in Alabama only threo years. Charles W. Buckley, Second district, is froirfNcw York,.wlienco horooiovod to Wisconsin. Ho ivas a chaplain in tho Federal army, and was a Freed man’s Bureau agent in Alabama since 1805. Benjamin W. Norris, Third district, is from Maine. He Was in tho pay de partment of the Federal army, and was afterwards a Freodmen’s Bureau agent in Alabama, whore ho contrived to “ confiscate " a largo plantation. Charles W. Pierce, Fourth distriot, is from Now York, wlienco ho removed to Ohio. He wus a Lieutenant in the Federal army, and has only been in Alabama since 18G7. John B. Callls, Fifth distriot, was born iirNortlr Carolina, removed to Tonnessco, and thence to Wisoonsin.— Ho is said to havo been n Federal Brigadier [General, and still holds a commission as Captain in tlio 44th U. S. Infantry. Thomas Haughoy, Sixth distriot, is from Scotland. Ho sottlod in Alabama as a physician, awl was a surgeon in tho Fodoral nrmy during tho war. Gen. J. W. Singloton, U. S. Senator from Alabama, is fvom Ohio. He was an officer oil Sherman’s staff, nnd was a member of tho late Senate .'In Ohio. Could thoro bo a greater mockery under a ropubllonn form of Govern ment than such a mls-roprcscntation of tho people of entlro States ? It is to bo expeated that tho wliito people of tlio Southern States will meekly and uncomplainingly submit to bo ruled by such mon ? And yet, if they complain, they nro denounced as unrepentant robots, and already Congress has pass ed a law placing nrms in tho hands of tho negroes to forco tho whites into submission I How much longer will tho pcoplo of tho United States sub mit to such a pitiful and expensive farco as tho “ reconstruction ” of tho Southern States under Radical Black Republican rulo ?—Penn. Paper. CtHTPS; I0DI.PTiiiim< Love Day Book Bays, an Why v ho Now York Day Book Bays, an piseopnl 1 clergyman, now Beltlbd in _cwYork,butwho,wdssottlediiiAln- There are some people whoso virtues bnmn during the war 1 are giiarantcodlby tliejr DwltteKllli! ' IthoSilvorSorvicostol ' v 1 itl A l.ilmiiin 4 1,., , on from his church ill Alabama, in tlio 1)0840881011 of a pb bus mongrel in tho western part of jJowj York. He has raised inoney to. redoom It, and ims soiit it back to tho ehnroh to belongs.' < This clorgyman assures us Unit he know of tho installed :d and -whipped to death to malio them loll whero mon. my and Jowolry-woro hidden. Ono wa. -man was nearly roastod nliVo by a fire wlriolrwas kindled arotuul her ior .tho. samo purppso, she all the.t,lino pretest ing in her agony and scronins, that she know of no secreted treasure. Aud such thieves nnd murderers nro called patriot* by tho fools and scoundrels. A studious gentleman in Paris, nam ed Boudin, has lately occupied him self With, statistics of persouB killed by lightning, and lie cloolares'that ladles should no longer bo afraidof, tho elect ric fluid, as, in comparison to men, they suffer from It in the i nto of twenty-eight to one hundred. M. Boudin assures us that lightning exhibits a marked' predilection for tlio nialo sox, nnd whoro. a map, and woman are walking tdg6l,lier,tIio man is inVurihliiy taetsuii ferer. It is to bo hoped that Prof. Boudin will some day givo an explana tion of this iemarkable phonomena, 1 and, if his gallantry will pnrmit, make known how thp partiality, may bo cor-' ;ior husboift ? She 'mourns for a soe- ohd. . .. $, A young .wife In St. Louis drownotl herself bocauuo her 'husband would go homy with a feninlo.coiifiin.h , , , Mai'l'ingo is Binglo' blessedness dou bled, nnd very badly doublod somo- tlmos. Every wlfb . should endoavor to Ims- band jier strength, ( and streiigtlioil her husband. . . 1 Though men bonst of holding tho reins, tlio womoh gonoially tell them which, way they must dri.vo. A Long Branch belle has forty fans to mutch that, numbor pf drqssos.— “Shoddy,", “you bet.” . Tlio farmers in Minnesota nro work ing at night, resting in tho dpy'time, on accbuift of tho heat.’ In Nashville, Sunday morning, Mr. I.iO. Link shof( his'wife, mistaking her fol' a' burglar,, ’' ' " Human bones have booty found sixty eight, feet, below, tho. surface.of tho: ground in digging a well 151) miles west of OmaliK, ■ - /.:n Persons wishing to purohaso liorsos will find thorn Very oheap in—the Sand wich Islands/ Two and a hail' dollars is tho common price. A sensation seokor from tho country has gone to Now York to soo tlio dead and dying about the streets' that ho has road of in tho papers. A man in Now Jersey, who hail mar ried about a dozon wives, committed suiejijo because ho ms iu juiland.oould, do no moro marrying, Ill Sillwaukee, tho Other day, a gay old girl of eighty-four was united in wedloekto a susceptible'youth of twdn- fy- A'n exchange says tlioy liavo a now drink down onst they oall “Butler. Cloak-: tails.” You stir it up with n spoon, squint onoieye, drink tho. liquid down, aud put tho spoon in your pocket. Philadelphia claims tho site of tho next World’s Fair, proposed to be hold in this country on tho eoritennial anni versary of our National Independence, just eight years hence. Tlio war cloud on tho Plains is grow ing darker and darker. Tlio determi nation of tho Indians seems to bo to fight until tho only guaraiileo of peace shall bo their extermination A romnrknblo'nlteration of the nocdlo gun rendering it capable of firing thir teen shots a minute, instead of eight, and costing only two groselien, or sovon cents, has been invented.' It is a common saying Hint the low er order of animals havo not tho vices of man,'yo.t it is certain that some of tho insects aro back-bitors, nnd all the quadrupeds are tale-bearers. Taking things for- granted is some times a mistako. Illustration: Takirig a woman ns a wife for a lamb and (hid ing her a tigress ; or a man as a hus band for n gentleman nnd finding him a bruto and a beast. An absent wifo is thus advertised for: “Jane, your absence will ruin all. Think of the children, your parents, your husband. Return, return; ail may yot bo well. At any rate; oncloso tlio key of tho cupboard whoro the gin is.” A gontlomau was praising tlio beau tiful hair of a lady, when ono of those precious little misses, who always have a word to say, remarked : “I guess,my hair would look ns well if I took ns much care of it. Mamma lio'vor sloops in her hair.” CmiE rou Hollow Horn.—Tako a handful of fine salt moistened with soft soap, rub thoroughly from tho horns down each side of tho back bone and across the loins. Feed on greon food, potatoes eat, or turnips, with n smnll quantity of bran sprinkled over them. Threo or four applications gen erally effect a cure Ex. Butter Cookies Ono pint of flour, half a cup of sugar, ono cup of butter and threo eggs ; roll thin and bako in a moderate oven. These cookies im prove with ago. To Kim, Rats -Wo avo assured by thoso who have tried it, that rats may bo effectually driven from any build- iug by sprinkling their plaoos of re sort with yellow ochre, a cheap paint to be found in any drug storo. An experiment made last year in Germany in planting potatoes, show- od that Where “ eyes ” hud first been removed, tlio yield was four timos as great as where they wero left in tholr place. It was found that where an old eyo had been rubbed off, three or four, now ones made their appearance, Suppose a man owns a skiff: ho fast ens the skill' to the shore with a rope made of straw; along comes a oow cow gets into tho boat, turns round, and eats tho rope ; tho skid', thus let loose witli tho cow on board, starts down stream, and on its passago is up set, nnd tlio cow is drowned.' Now,has the man that owns the cow got to pay for the boat, or the man that owns tho boat got to pay for tlio cow ? New Hampshire.—A letter received from cx-l'resident l’icrco by ex-Mar- wbal Uoovor, of Washington distriot, says Seymour is perfectly satisfactory to the New Hampshire Democrats nnd will carry the State beyond a doubt in November, Inpian Sports in Texas Tho Weatherford Timos says that a party of Indians, variously estimated from fifteen to twcnty-llvo in number, visited tho westorn portion of Parker comity on tho fourth instant, whoro they over took a Mr. Wm. Light, his wifo and two children, who had boon to visit a neighbor and wore returning home late in tlio evening. When within a fow hundred yards of tlio house, the Indians succeeded in cutting them off, aud attacking them, killing Mrs. Light' and her youngest child, about a year old, and dangerously wounding the other ohild, about threo years old, and loft it, supposing it dead. Mr. Light was shot through the breast aud hand with a pistol und loft on tlio ground for dead but ho survived until a party of men who heard tho yells and firing of tho Indians enmo up, to whom lib told tho sad story, nml oxpirod soon afterwards. Mrs. Light was shot witli arrows and scalped. GORDON COUNTY I'tEOHGIA. Gordon Count;/.—Leiden ,K«y; IT Administrator of, (injury K.iy, .i-Ojn-csulils to tlio Court, ill his petitlonfjuly fiiuil and entered oaroeord, tli:»t-ho.|uj3.('[t!)y-»id)HUii.-ttuT;c^ Huiopy This is tha'ufoi'p (o cite all porrOnn concerned, ndi-tnUtuleredUors, lo slio>v eipise,.II' uiiy tlu-y eitir, why salcrAdmiaLti'Wr Slidilld' uot'hd' dis- chureed from lus administration, am! receive.lcl- ,IU'S of diainission tlio first Monday in Feb., 1808. I July 811-Otn. , Di AV. NEEL, Ordinary. ’ G EOliOlA:' Gordon ' Wliurcna, Wil liam Little, Jr., applies to nm lie- letters of Administration ,011,tho usiato.of.F; II. Little, late of. said county,.d.eeeuscd: Theso aro therefore tu cite mid adilipiilsh nil nnd siiig-ilar , tho kindred, end' creditors of anid doeoased) lo show' cause, if tiny they nan, why said letters should npt ho-ninnt'ed, llio applicant oil tlio first .Monday iti September, '18118.' * , (liven under inv Imtid-and ollieial (signature, this July ail, 1808. b. W. KEEL, Ord’y. July 80—80d. & EQV.QIA, Gordon Cotiiih/—Whereas, A. Littlefield, administratur of if. A. Stanton, represents to tlm Court in his petition duly fiiuil nnd entered on rceord, that fie has fully mhuinis- teled said estate. Tlds is therefore, to cito ail persons concerned, kindred itud creditors, to allow cause, if .liny they- can, why raid iidmltiLlrator should not be disclmlgcd from his adininistlMlimi,. and roccivo letters uf pjsmlgsiDQ 011 tlio first Mon'- day in February, 1809. This July 'ill, 1808. D. \V. m;i,, Only. ul'ier date, appliuiiUon will fio Inmle to ijic Court of Ordinary of Cordon county, lor leave to seif I t|]o lands belonging to tlio cstjiio of John Strickland, Into of add county, deceased, for the benefit of tho heirs and precfitW of said deceased. July 23, ISOS. JAMEb' 31. HAUL AN, Admr. G KO nr. 1.1, -Gordon County— Notico is here by given that I will apply to the Court of Ordinary of Fan I county,' at the llrat tegular term after the expiration of two months from date, for Icavo loncll tho land? .belonging to tho estate ol Jolm Nix, 11 to* of paid county, deceased. July‘8d-52n>. • A. Til; KAY, Adnf WALKER COUNTY. Admimatrator'a Salo! tit rlrtno of alt' order of (lie Court of Ordinary 1> ol'Wiilker cotinlj. t will soli hofoib tlio Court doer In' Lal'a/olie;' GOoi'bIu, on' Wilful TuojiUy la So|Hoinber next, wiridn tho legal-hour, of title, tlio land belonging, to-tlio oitatoof iX’JYo Keith, deeM, lying ill’ said Bumf iOUth of. Villanow, lalf drltVd lot?, co ld«. Sold for lie ebutity, four ndle« 1o«h. Sold for KenOflt ’bf ItOIra * and efodUOtn. 1 AdtoinistrUtor’d Sdlo f “ B Y vlrtuO of nh ordcr fVbiA tho Obiirt of Ordin ary of Walker eoultty;' iVe will Soil bororo thti Court llouso dooHn LaHiVetto, Un M llrtt Tuod- day iu September next, within the legal hours of snlo, threo tracts ol land, 1 belonging to tho estate- of Mathew Keith, dOoeusodi ono lying in Wtdker 1 tlio deceased rcHided, 3 miles U nuros mora pv „...._i-ROi»U»hdug,lQp acre*, uioyo or Icsej ;rind ;ouo lying In Davvsqi count,v,..eqiHalnlng : io,rty acres, more orjew., ;f^old' for bonogt of Indra {tnd qrqdjtpra. * Tctnu* crush, July ID, ISOS 0, L. jmd J. 31. KKrfirJjAdjnr. . county, on which Hmitlij of [Villanow, contmiingl lesajt.oup lying in Cilmcr eouul Adminiatratots Qftlo .l, . DYivirtue ofW order from tjia.-Cpirt qfip.rdin*. lJ.ary of Walker oounty, I. will eel I ,bofbro tho. Court llouso door }n ^al'^Votto, bn thu liratTups- day In Sentombor ncxt, ; witliio.tho legal Itours of ado, ono lot of land, containing 120 acres, tnorp,, Or .Jess, number 100,.lying in tho 2Gth riUtrict nin'd 3d scotldn of said ebunty. Property‘df A. J. Wnrnock, deceased. : feolil for bebclU of heVre and erediford. .Perms cash. July JO 40d „ J. 3I. ^Ail^OCK, Admr. i> # d»tw‘* ,«wo Kwd mU wlditWH | Y' 1 HIE Only NEW anU GOMPLETE BPRING' BTO'GK'lli’DtlUph is to . fqtibil at. ' ' i ... ’ ' rBU-KOl^KRJJjOVEMM:& T^oiving our.rvqs' 1 . Goods, wliioli wero bought bofot. ^‘9, }.wp,Cotton, nutl uvq thoroforo cn,ablod to ofl'er to tho trnlo .• G K011C1A) Walker Connty—Sixty days af ter -ditto npplhhdion will: bi nindo to the Qour$ ot Ordinary’ eff Walker oounty for Icavo' to sell tlio lands of W. M. Puryoar, dnceaBed, for thobcnollt bfdioirs and creditors of said ddo’dj Juncl l-2in II. C. PUItYBAtt, Admr. /"AEORGl.i, Walker Comity—Sixty days af VJa ter dam nppllcallqu .will, bo mado to tho Court of Ordinary of Walker county, for Icav.c to sell the real estate of,Lindsay Edwards, lutool aijhl county, deceased, fcjr the benefit of tlio hefts apd crod I tors of said deceased.' " , , j'.ily 22, 1 Si'»9. ^it. g. NEKTiY, Pxeer. ' CATOOSA COUNTY. Tliaii pyqi-,, .Wq \vill nqijoiuimora.ta.aUiwo havo for salc; btit (boFoonflfiwni convuioq .oiu'. custonuirs- than ouy .Btook-ombracos oyorything jioptjln q FIRST-CLASS DRY GOODS'HOUSE, ' 1 petiilon 1 " 1 01 “ffe ri0t ^MpP' a “ d !d,oa l )n ' 0 ®? prioiqiwo defy com- ATLANTA’ -BUSDjlHSS DIRECTORY ffit'KIMVNfS. J.' Jt 8.1'—EshiMnhWii, 1818.' lb Ilenhsellei-s nml /'ulionerH, nml denlef.jin M'Wl0(«udi Musical Inatr.umoiUB, Wall Paper, uto„ lliihk.lilpek, Alpftiimv.Btre^t, Atlntjta.,.. G KOllQhf! Cnloota C'ouitfy—Wllt;reiif.,Tliofl. Riisaoll applies to- rfid for leltertf of guar dianship nf tho porrfon and propei-ty df/JocT 31., Josephine A., Jrtliii' W.,K;.0., I'. H.i and Charles 11. Dyer; minors and resident^ of said county. I This is to oito nUparsouH concerned to \*e and appear t\t tho term of Court o! Ordinary to bb held ! next after tbo oxfiiration of thirty days, from tlio | first publication of tlds notice, and show, cuuso. if] a EDlttiM) faloo-sa ifonntj—Whereas W.. J WhUsi'tl applies to iuo for*..fetters of «U-*- mission oil the .citato of Hubert Llud-.r, late of said comity, demised: .Theso are thereloro to el to and admonish all and bingular tin* kindred and eieditoi-a of said de ceased, to bo and appear at my ollioc, within tlio timo ptepciibed by law,'to show cause, if any they can, why said letters ►limdu not bo grafted. (ii veil under my hand ami ollieial Hgtmttiro this (5th day of Anri', 1308... .r.vs: M. ANDEJISON, OrJIiiWJ'. ■ April 10—bin -' 1 ' ' P lllbLIPH Jt CKKW^-Uook,; Stntlonoi'y nfidi Jliislo Deidew, muhkepp on Jinud warmnlpd IJold lVna, lino (Jhfpmiis, .LUIiograoli8, Albums, cte., National irulefblbcl:, Atluiitn, ’ ' T W VBMCK—Miiiiiifeetarci- of Tin H r iii-e, nnj «). ili'i,!i-i'i.e Sc.ives, Tin I’lftMffiB Tiiiuer's 1-liuliii.js, Mui-ieqe fltreel, Atliiiilii, Gii.' ' - ' t'OifAtldBIOld AED OKOOEJtS: A K. snoft—Commiiiiiou Herulisnt, Atlanta, xlt mnker - — 1 chants, No. 2 Cmnito Clock, Broad Atrctt. •chants. Peach tree Street, llenry West—A. J. West. i3lHvhant, POnelltroo aVrcot, Atlanta. G EDUCIA, faloosn fOTintj—Two months af-- application will ho made ,lo the Court of Ordimry of Catoosa county, for leave to BelVlots of iatid iio 81 nml 82, 28tirdiVtrVet atid 8(1 sceth ti uf said county, belonging to the estato of 13. C. Morse, deceased. This Jane 25, !SiS8. KL'ZA TILLMAN, Admx. HOOTS AiYl) tiHOJi'S. H E *( 15 V 15.1.3 Win>’«•.-.• lc am) retail dealer jii Ihmts and'Shoes, 'Lcatlief, Calf Skins, and Shoo Findings ol every deseriplion, Whitehall' and Not ti Penchtreo stroot, Atlanta, AST1CH IN T1MSSAVESK1KE! dato application will bo mado to Court of Ordinary of Gordon county, for leave to sell tlio lands belonging to the estate of W. 31. L.JUowles, Into of said eouutv, deceased. July 30-2m. * A. 31. KAY, Ailtn’r. X tor data application will bo Court of Onliiiiiiy of Cordon eotiufy, Air leave to sell tho Linda belonging to tho cst>»lo of Jnsepb Wilson, late of s aid comity, deceased, (or the ben efit of tlm heirs and eredhors of aa'.d dciteui’iid. Juno 18—2m. WM.'MOIU.KY. I'.x’r. I’d he a Canauy Bihd,—If I bail to. boa biifl I wouldn’t bo a link: tlioy liavo to rise so oarly, aud go to bed at dark. I wouldn’t bo an onglo, tbo king of birds (so-called); I wouldn’t bo his majosty, for fear I might bo bald. I wouldn’t be a sparrow—it wouldn’t bo much fun to havo tho noblo sportsmans oomo round witli dog and gun. Nor yet would bo a chicken, ’cos when tiio mortal coil was shuffled off, my quiet life might finish in a broil. Brit if I lmd to bo a bird, I’d bo oho that was “fly”—I’d bo a gay oanary, and I will toll you why: because you’re treated lmndsomo; and, if you only sings, gets cuttlefish nnd cbickweod, nnd lots of bully things; and to some charming ovonturo you can breathe your lovo in song, nnd warblo out your roundalnys right to her sweet and strong ; Blip’ll call yon nil the prettiest names—you’ll livo in her boudoir I Now, if yon had to bo a bird, ain’t this worth living for? Tho negroes ill tlio Texas Conven tion very emphatically declare that they will not bo ruled by their carpet bag friends; that tlioy are tlio only na- tivo loyal Unionists of tlio South ; and that with tlio assistance of God and their revolvers tlioy will mako such laws as will allow them the privileges voted them by Congress. The same spirit is cropping out in the Alabama Legislature, Tho owner of tlio trotting licirso Ben Butler was asked tlio other day why ho lmd bostowed tlio bottled hero's name upon his horse? “Well,” ho re plied, “I called him Ben Butler because X thought wlicrovor lie was entered lie,rvould bo pertain to parry,off the plate." “When will Tliad Stevens die?” asks nncxchango. “Novel - ,” rospondsBrlck Pomeroy. “Liko good old Elijah lie will bo translated, but tlio wliir.wind that takes liitn will go dowh instead of up, nud bo wjll disappear so quick that Beast Butler willnot havo tilno to atrial bis watch. Little Susie, poring over a book in which angels were represented as wing ed beings, suddenly exclaimed with ve hemence, ‘Mamma, I don’t wnnt to bo an angel, and I needn’t need I ?’ Why Susie?’ questioned her mother— 'Humph, leave off nil my pretty clothes and wear fodders liko a lieu ?’ A gontlemau wltilo walking" in his garden caught tlio gardener asleep un der a li’oo. Ho scolded him soundly lor his Irizjness, and riiidp;! by tolling him Hint such a laggard was not wor thy to enjoy the light.ofitho sun. “ It was for that reason, exactly,’! said tlio gnrdencr, “that I crept into the shade.” A couplo of lodgers, poociipying tlio snino apartment in n house that was visited by burglars, were tied iu dill'er- ont parts of their room, their proekots rilled,: aud tlio light then put out. A short time afterward,' onb of tlio lodg ers exclaimed, iu accents of despair, “Oil, I’m undone—I’m undone!”— Whereupon the. other said, “Then come and undo' liie.” NOTICE. A LL peuniu having licimiiala against tin* os- talc of Joseph Wilson, Inly of (Jordon conn- tyl.doyyilA'd, nro vcqiiMlM-lrf presonc llicm prop- crly attested, lo tho undersigned within tin- Ihnc plvserllied by law; tun! nil persons indebted ti raid estate nm 1 emiirod to iinljfb immediate pay ment. WM. MOUI.KY, -E'xfr.1 June 18-trihl. MURRAY COUNTY. IMI'.Dim fil—Whobmis DelOhrii. . . .Loot*,-Shuns, Li'nlhfi’, French anil-Amcrionn C«lf,3kius, /iiye .Findings, ole'., next door to Mohr k Marsh, Leeatur Street, AUdiitn. j ’ 11. A J'riP.t'VJ—Wholovsnlo dcnlcra'.in VT. Louis tnpl alines, WlutelmU street, Atlanta, S-.ll at Xew Yoj !, I',’lee's, freight added. III! r GOODS, h'JV. IF YOU Wf.-rif TI) SAVE Money ,f.N TflL SAME TJWl'OLTION (It) To 03^0^133^’3 NEW STORE, I ilAVE J UST Ol'ENKD AN KLEG ANT AH- Borttiicut (if Dry Goods and-' Groceries, - tit liiv N-W‘ JJriuk IloiwM, on -IL(rniltini i*ti*H('t, liiril Stnro nh-ivo’J’B I.iv(*r.r Hi.lblc, mljoiii- j ing |aiwry <0 .B.itioi)’-!, coiMi8Un^,i t i jurt. uf | Ul^aohoti ami} Drown DomctTics, PRINTS,LA-BIES’DRI'JBS UI.'ODS, 'I riinndngs, Hosiery and Na im:.- iu v.trl. tv, j JJootS and SiiiV’rH, ffiirdw-ure,’ qneensw'.ire, a tel T.iMy Cnilled-y, ! SUCAU,’ COFFEE, TiiBAOllO, PifWLKII, ’ami ini (•I'.illcflV variety qf article's too mt ii«.Tvins to J mention, nil of wllicit I ollct* at M OnUK.A ?J 1-Atlusivoly WholcRiilo (Iciili'iF in Dry tiomlBjlootB^hqqB.ilatB^CujM aii'l Notion.-', linen's (erTiioti Factory jjoods, Do- chtur Mrcet Adantiij CutM^lit; ».»• U..Y ll-t t ,i | - s... I 1,, U Ftaplo ami K.mcy Dry (Eqdd.BootB^hoca. Hats and Notions, cm tier IVaelitreo und Dcclitnr Btrccts n ronCIA UimjiSU'il Mi\;tnfacl()ry~Wm. TitfS vJ bauni, also keeps b.^t stock of FrQiicli.Auicr- ic.m.n’d (Icfiiiaii ('wToMs, Lad lea’ rftidy niiiiic in tides for niuli r wear, Notions, Hosiery, Lady ji.ileShoii'.en. Ni-xl door to Nallouul Hotel, r r\\l.t)>5, J. 1 Dines, Mi .1 n’C'o,, \V1im1.-ii1c aim retail dealer i J'aints. OlIsjDyc-Stulfs.CInsj impci'H, etc., sign of Gqldon liticc amt.Peculurstreets., ' I (leak l H\ V11—Wholcsalo und retail F"ipi“H. and Domcstlo Drops, I’ lials, CijA Dvui.ufis, ctundec National Do- EXTREMELY LOW: PRICES i if G GK01UHA, Blniray Cotiuty-r-Wliercus, Thus. ConnaDy, administrator on the estate of Henry Wilson, deceased,- applies in due foetiv of la w lor ;lotU:iS diipuibaory from tho .estate or said doeeaed: These nro therefore to cito and. admonish all and singular tho ktndred and creditors of Baid deceased to file their objections, if any they have, on or before tho Nov. Term of the Court of Or dinary, to be held oil the 1st Monday in Nov. next, otherwise letters will bo granted the nppll cant. ... Given under my linnd and official signature this 30th day of April, 18t58. -ANDEKSUN FAUNS WORTH, Ord’.v, Jfay 1—Om. Cull and see for yours,el yes,, and you will It pleased with h nil goods and prices. It is,a pleas- fhOw goods. S. C. GBOZIER; Have you Hoard the News? what is It ? find it to vour interest to buy goods fro CALLAWAY & GALT, at the SPRING PLACE New Store, where 1 have just received one of tho 11A 111) IP A JU£. \ , V B.I.WATKIS.-. Awnvlsg; irtilKins, mime At Co. , no; lV5 market street, omifAvotiM::;.: ti. Solo Agents for « . ’ Vulcan "Works’ Ifb]] , Lhnlcrshl English uml Aim-lh-nn ’ HARDWARE, ...CUTLERY, Niijls, Stoves, wagon 'idqr, ..vatehia^s, Shoo mul Lciither. Finding*, I^i'ining. Implements anil Field Seeds. ALSO, AGENTS FOR, HEAP.E.llS AND-MOWERS, -Throsbors and Sdpai'ntore, Iforre Powers, Flat nnd Roupd Wlro.Itopo, both Cliurcoul hud Steel, iW Pastel’ Paris Hyd, Cement, Dupont's Rifle and ninsting-Powder, Single und Double Tnpo Fuse, Fuirlmuhs’ Ecuies, GUif it- LEATllKlt EEliWgiPAGKISG, Western Sugqc Mill and Evaporator, Doly’s HoUiea \Vivs!ier ami Universal Clothe, tVringer, uiuj Imnleiiienut und MitL-hincry of nil kinds. - ju2-tni LOOK TO YOUR INTEREST I Pure- Drugs £ At"T,aC*bld Stand Medicines, VitTtcd in 1849, T ilE midorsfgtied is prepared' nnd dally ofi’ering every thing intlie Drug lino -. . AT NASHVILLE. rillOESf Tho slouk'hHnrge and will always ho kept fall of the host Medicines. Paints, OijB, ’ Dyu-stulhf, VVjnd'JW PJaw,Perfumeries,Toilet Soaps,Bru8he.«, Comhi.-ete., to bo found in the Eastern market.*. Don t fail to visit the Old Stand, sign of tho Golden Mortar. ’ 31 r. J. G. Rawlings, formerly with B. E. Tatt, the oldest Druggist and PreseripiioiuHt ip -the city, will bo on nutsd ut ull times to fjovvo his old mid liew ciipfotncra. " “••'■' ’’ Pltyslclnng will find it lo their interest to give and prices, feeling'"assJjfein"vi)?V>o^'nfjfc'Vo plc4i u se all. Ei. r. JHcCOttK&JQ. julff-Om ' 123 3Iarkct Street, Cliattriubogn, Tcnti. T M. L P.. t: CLARK—Importers and dealers iji 1 • Hardware, Cutllery.Ii'on, cte. Also ngeptsfor Fairh^nkhs’ Standard and Knoxville lion Wojks, sign ofDig.l’ud Lock, Peachtree Htreet. Iron, Nails, ijtocl,.Carriage muterjnl, Ftones.llolting Cloths,alining IiupleuicnU,AV.hitc- luill street, Atlatita. h. ,. . . Largest Iu Chorqhc Stocks' of Goods ) Georgia, Dalton nob excepted! Ca 11V11 /W, OIL CL01 US. SHADES, ETC. IV V, :ie!mv’p!u:d!-', rims,'Ku^'uili-taW^Jr; Tims.. wi:iisii;n. ii..»uk». CHATTANOOGA FOUNDRY . Macliino ~Woi-ks. THE Proprietors arc prepared to manufacture alt X kinds ot maehinoty used in this country, as Stationary nnd Steamboat. Engines nnd Bailers, Hlust Furnace,- Mjijing. und, Mill Machinery, of uvnry descriptibn; also Railroad, Bridge, and nil other kinds of Iron und liras# Castings. ,StQaiu Uuagos and Gas Pipe Fittings 'always oii lmnil. ' Special contracts mado for ‘ •ft'rg'e (pmntitlos of CuBtinps. Brass aud Copper taken in exchange fflr. Castings. THO#, W I^BSTER ds.CO. jul2(5m ^ Proprietor. c-v r7J} hicox, Grocer and Provision Dealer, EJtES/l AND VAEXEJJ EltUHS, RUipIo Groceries, nt Lowest market Prittsi 251 Market Street, Chattanooga, lean. A TTACHED to this establishment is a first ulna Bakery, at whiC-h orders for Wedding or oilier Flippers are.filled at short notice^. Special attention given to buying and selling jul2-0m CountVy PrOdticui ■''' '' r'l.KOUGM* Hurray County—Whereas, E.S. \X Howell, adihinlafihtor on the estate of P. (J. Howell, deceased, applies in duo form of law for icltcrs dismissory'trom -tho estate"of said doc’d ; Theso nro therefore to cito nnd ndinonish all nnd singtdar tho kindred and creditors of said deceased to'filo their objections, if any they have, on or before tho November Term of the Court of Ordinary to ho hold in said county on. .the first Monday In November next, otherwise said letteTs will be granted tho npplicnnt. Glvbn under my hand and official signature, Mnv 20th, 1808. ANDERSON FARNSWORTH, Ord’y. WHITFIELD COUNTY. As a i arty of gchtloidcii wore taking tlimicr ata country fun, ono of tho guests found the poultry rather tough. After exercising ids ingenuity to no ef fect, in trying to dissuct an old fowl, ho turned to the waiter aud asked, “Havo you such a thing as a powder- flask?” “No, sir, wo havo not. Do you want ono ?”. “ Why, yes. I think the shortest way would bo to blow tho fel low up.” New York State ro.n Seymour and Blair by 100,000 Majority.—The Now York Sun, a Republican paper, in llio course of a lengthy review of tho past and present political parties in that Stato, concedes it to tho Dem ocracy in November next by r an in creased majority over that of 1801, when they’, caried. the State by 48,000 majority. Hq! Ye, everybody! Herald the glad tidingafi om | Valley to 3Iouhtafn Tups,, that Callaway A Galt havo received a largo stock of fresh ; Dry Goods, Groceries, Cuttlciy, Hardware, Dycstulls, Notions aud Fancy Goods, and proposo to sell them at.lower prices than anybody el J o. Ladlck* Fine Boots' only-$1.25. Other avticle^ at'proportionately low ratfcs. Pro duce t«»kcn in exchange for Uoods. . Book to your Interest. ; Buy from youi nciglibora. Buy whoro ou can do best, aud a clear .conscience and good uygains will be your reward. Remember, C**!- linvay mid Gnlt have the largest'riml elniapeiit stock-of Goods,- at Spring Place. • jull‘J-4t Administrator’s Sale, B Y Virtue of an order in me vested, from tlio lourtof Ordinary , of Whitliuld county, I will sell before the Court llouso door in Pultun, on the first Tuesday in Sept. nOxt, lot of -liiml, number 180,10th district lmd 3d section, of said county. Property of Alfred Johnimii, d‘uccas|d, mul sold for benefit of heirs and creditors. Tcrtns cash. P. xV.'HAGGARD, Admr. GILMER COUNTY. date application will. be -made to. the Cuurt of Ordinary of Gilmer county, lor leave to sell the lands belonging to the estate of John W, Dillingham, late of said county due’d, for bcuclit of heirs and croditora. Tlds Juno U-2m . JOHN M. WATKINS, Admr. Vr. JP. GIDOJATS. ATTORNEY AT LAW, SCIUNU J’J.ACK, UKOllOlA, W IliL praotice in tlm Cherokeo Circuit and give special attention to .collecting and seeming claims. nujriy-ftijn AAIE.ftlGAN HOTEL,. A!'-A CAM A STREET, ZK.t.l n a- 7 , 'Gr o ox* gia. \i fJi n. N. Win fi.OCK, Propricjors. |m:.\ui.«t m.uss to tub vassenokr dkcut.] IV, Jl l VilriL * Clerk. H AVING again leased and renovated the ahovo Hotel, we aro prepared to ontortnln guests hi n most mtlsfnelory mamior. Chargos fair and moderate. Our effort will bo to please. dTPiitWlgy carried to and from the Depot roe of charge. \ W. I.UFFMAX. n. J. M’bAMY. • ijUfTman ft JTIcC/ahy, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, HPH1NO PLACk;' OKOItOIi, ! ' W ILL praotioe in tho courts of tho Cherokeo Circuit. r-,: marlO-tjan G EORGIA, Cilmcr County—Notice is hereby given that Samuel Montgomery, adminis trator of the estate of NVflliam ll. King, deceased, has tiled his application in mV oflioo toe leave to sell all (he real estate belonging thereto, may 15-2 m T. J. ST A LUNGS, Ordy. DADE COUNTY. G EORGIA, Dade Coiufty—AVhcVcas, Benjamin Daniel upplics for letters of Administration on the estate of Ast Daniel, late of said county dcc’d: These are therefore to cite and' admonish all and singular, the kindred und creditors of saiu deceased to show cause, 11 any they have. In terms of the law,why saidlettus should not be granted. Given under mv bund add ottlolul signature, this July 2,18C8-Im JOEL SUTTON, Ord’y. SI. 0. GSUiUoSaiU, ATTORNEY AT;. LAW, . TUKMON, OKqHUiA, ORACTICES in tho Couyts of North-western JL Georgia and adjoining counties of Tcqnesseo und Alabama. * April 24—tf. Sir. 11. O. Stafford R ESPECTFULLY tenders bis Professional ser vice? to the citizens of Jlurroy nnd ndjueent counties. All Diseases peculiar to ]<cntalcs t nnd Chrohie Dhtaxcx 'of every, description treated. Ollie at tlie residonc 1 ) of 3Irs. Humphreys’, near Hawkins’store, Rook Crock, Murray county. J. S. MtxpiitriiA-, HOUSE, SIGN ;AND DECO.RATXVE '■ 2=».A.I3M-’3SES3EI, Paper Ilangei*. Glazer iind Gilder. A LI, ivoi-lc ontrustcJ to liiiii will lie executed J\ wUh'neatticss iind dispatch. Shop, upstairs in King building. Dalton, GeArgla. RefeVs to W. 31. k It. J. Lowry,’Fains Jk' Par rot, Atlanta} Lowry .k Enson, Tibbs, Kenner & Co.', Dulton; Whitman & YurmJll, Ringgold, jyl SF. Crutchfield Si Co., . : Jobbors qf,.-, DRY G-OODS, .Grocories, Notions, llats and Shoes, ’ ' No. 209 JIarKct Sfrerf, • jnly2-3m* • CHATTANOOGA, TKNN. Iicywood S)r Gatfasa::, Dealers in XP3C8.X ,<GrOOX3>.3. Groceries, Boots anil Shoes, Hardware,, Qucenswari, nnd all kinds'of Produce, Corner Cth and Market’ Streets,' jula-Cm*' CH AT^AXPOG^, TENg., J. N. B. Cobb, 0 AVING dotcrniincd to resume Ills profession as n Tailor, tenders his services tp.tjio pub lic, mul asks to share a portion of their patronngo. He feels confident, froth past experionce/that the public can be ns well served in his line hi Dalton ns elsewhere. ' ; 82^“Ho will be In constant receipt M the lat est fashions, to enable him to compete with tlio host workmen iu Ids business. •• Grover & Baker Sewing Machines. In addition, I haveheconio the agent of tho world-rbiiowned Grovor k Baker Sowing Mil- chines, tho best in use. Persons wishing to pur chase a first class Machine can do so by, calling nt my.Shop op l$ing.Street, Dulton, Gn,, wheto tho Maotiiho Is m successful operation. * Yon can buy your Mnchino’ as chenp froth J. N. B. Cobb as nt tho Manufactory. Call and ux- uiuinc tho Michiue for.yqursclf. Washing Compound. I also have for sale fnnfily rights for Jackson’s Universal Washing Compouhd, which saves soap nud labor, nnd will wnali in any kiud of lime wa ter, equal to freestone wuter, ... 4 ' C3f*l , ’am { 1 ly Righ. only Ono Dollar. Purchase one if yqii want white clothes. . Feb. 28—ly. J. NVB. COBB', 1 Patton £f Payne, Booksellers and Stationers, OllATTANOOliA, TEN'K;,' K EEP constantly on hftiid a complete stock of School Books, Stationery, WaII Paper, etc-, w)iich they oQ’cv at wholcaulOjOr rctaj}, at Eastern prices. july2-ly* Ordcrd by mall w rccdtVo prompt attention. FOR S'AIiE 1 Bvrup KoUIcr, of (he’most approved, pateni, which 1 will sell low for cash.. Apply to, or (Iress . ./ G. IL .BROWH, j'ullD-tf Upper King’s Bridge, ilurniy county ^I^IIE CITIZEN mil to sent to subscribers until 1 January for ONE DOLLAR, Chas. Sundquist, M ANUFACTURER and Wholesale and Retail Dcolei in evory doscriptidiLot u , . -FTJR-ISF I T UEEi K > •. Also, Dealer-in Carpets, Oil iCloths, Wall Paper, Window Shades; Gilt Moldings nnd Frames, ! CURTAINS AND TRIMMINGS, ‘SpringMattresses nnd Bedding,of nilDescriptions A largo assortment of Bn'rinl Cases on hand, which will be sent to any point)on tho shoite.-t notice. Call and examine for yourselves, before purchasing claowhcrd. ’ jul2-8m Market Street, Set. Sd and4th, Chattanooga, Tcnn HOTEL, A. L. MILLER, .PROPRIETOR Twenty rods from pxssenoer depot, Railroad Avenue, between. 8th“ nnd PthrStrecft ■ CHA.T1ANOOGA, i.TENN. : V Terms—$2.w0,pflr day; Single {meals BOcent^ FINKLE, & LOCK-STIVOU - , jewing IVl^ehine, .n^XIE only 3lacbinq so^popfaclcd that entircM 1 X isfaction is guaruntcod or the puyehaso Pff’ cy refunded. ; - • • 1 : - Where we liavo no J agent a sample Macnin will ho sold at vowr low price, ami.a Local Ag^ 1 appointed pti tho tpost fuvorubjo .terms. . .FRINKLE & IA’ONS. )d. Co. August0012w ' DS7 Broadway New \ orK.