North Georgia citizen. (Dalton, Ga.) 1868-1924, August 27, 1868, Image 2

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1 - NORTH UGORG1A CITIZEN. J. T. WHITMAN, Editor. DALTON. GEORGIA : Thursday, August 37, 1808. SlTIOVa Dl.NOCRiTIC TICKET. roa president: HON. H0EATI0 SEYMOUR, or NKW YORK* foa vicfc'Mir.iiDENT: Gan. Frank. P. Blair, or MiBiocnf. Btata Eleotorlsl Ticket, son tn* staIs *f timin': fils. JOHN B. GORDON', of Minn, Hun. JOBS T. ULAKKE, of Rsiidolph. itttUittn I Om. Vf. T. WoFfORn, of Bartow. T. X. Noniroon, of Chatham. VOS TUI DISTRICT, 1 1. Jons C. Nicnota, of Pierce. 2. Cot. Ouistu T. Goods, of Sumter. S. lUrus.t J. Moms, of Muscogee. 4. Ac ii eu’.O. Btcos, of Bibb. j. Mir. J. R. Cosmiso. of IlloliraouJ. 5. H. P. Bstt, of Forsyth. t, Cut. Juris D. WitlirLt, of Cobb. 4LTIRK1TISI 1. J; n. nemrn, or Brooks. •J. Williis 0. Ftssiso, of Beestuf. ». WlLLiiu 0. Toantr, of Troup. 4. Ds. HlSII WmmiT.of Twiggs. 6. (lux. D. II. DoBost, of it like*. s. fijjtiucrj MclIiLLrn, of Habersham. 7. Cot. V. A. Gitutt, of Pulton. up tlielr party—to still, rlilo over sa cred rights—still keep armed men at every door' to coerce opinion—still bleed the land with their negro tyran ny—still brenfc every law that stops tlielr mad 1 policy—still hold on to their crazy governmental mockeries of Stato organizations, and complete tho nnnl* hllatlon of our great Commonwealth ; and they ask ns—white men, and rtee men, and honest men—to add our aid to their damning shame, and consent to our own Ignominy. To tho shambles with tho whole In iquitous party. Tho Calhoun Mass Mi This wan a handsome sue crowd was largo. Mon, wi dron and freedmon poured out for th qecnslon. Over 4000 peoplo wore prei cnt. Flvo long, able' speeches'’were made. Tho enthusiasm was Intense. Rov. U. C. Cnrturoponod With pray er. Col. Waddell," Kloctoj 1 for tl)e;5th District, opened In n stirring | of RED —Tito EnqT Wo loarn] hat a largi of wli Sculawngs,' were anxious . 4th Ward Democratic Club,” and Imd been tondored tho use of Concert Hall, and would have a meeting .Mon day night to organize. Thus Is tho ' lull The False Issues of Radicalism. It shows the desperato shifts to which tho Radicals are driven when they de sert every living issue of the day and set up falso issues for agitation. When pinned down to a dissection of the economy and hontjsty of tbelr adminis tration they pitifully whine, that the Democrats mean another rebellion.— When charged with overthrowing con atltutlonal government they liyRfcWW cally gabble for pence. Whon con fronted with the horrible distress their policy has brought upon the country they whimper dolorously, Rebel Ku Klox. They know, and the world knows, that there is not a man In the South who would throw tho land Into war.— The Tennessee Confederate Generals petition Brownlow and the' General Assembly for equal rights. They re pudiate rioting and offer to help keep peace; and they are spurned like dogs, their overtures rejected and a bill In troduced to givo Brownlow unllmttod power to make and arm negro militia to oppress the democratic element.. Who is for war hero f Mass Mooting and BftrbOcuo. We call nttcntioH to the big Barbe cue and Mnss Meeting our Democratic Club arc going to get up in Dalton on tho 20tH of October, It is Intended to bo tho big thing of the campaign In Georgia, The adjoin ing counties nro to ho inviiod to take part. The great speakers North and Wcat, ns well as ffom our own Stnto are to he Invltod. Such a grand up- rislng ns we mean to havo tho memory of man knoweth not to tho contrary. Largo committees havo been ap pointed, whloh wo give elsewhere.. Tho attention of members of the; commit tees is called to tlielr appointment,liild they are urged to come out and organ ize AND GET TO WORK. On tho first Tuesday in September a meeting has been called to select delegates to the District Convention at Kingston on the Oth, to select a candi date for Congress—a most important matter. Tho members of tho commit tco are nrged to como out to that meet, ing, and orgnuizo and got ready for work. Tho committee on invitation Will get up tho speakers, and procure tho co operation of tho adjoining counties, Tho committee on Subsistence will get np meats and other edibles for tbe occasion. Whole beoves have been already subscribed by single men, Every member of this comniitteo 1ms a big work on bis shoulder. Tho rep utatlon of Whitfield county,' and of Cherokee Georgia, is at stake. Fif teen or twenty thousand must bo fed and that amply. The committee on Financo are to raise money for the Indispensable ex penses, and mustcanvass energetically, The eommltteo on music will pro vide a handsomo band for tho occa sion. Tho committee on stand and shelter thing. He took it in rear and In front, on the flanks and from every quarter at tho same time. Tho yells of, the crowd testified to his excoriations.— Landing then into a handsome appcnl to the freodmen, ho left them fervid under his ministrations. Col. Styles, of tho Constitution, flung away Ids gloves and handled tho dirty topicwlthontmercy. Somcofbispoints woro strikingly made, and his fearless nblllty touched, congenial chord in the bosoms of Ids hearers. Tho cxamplo of demolition became so con- A Radical Coup D’etat hiiOr to 1 the Election.—Tho Washington spe cial to tho I.ouisvlllo Journal says7 v ! There Is a good (lcal’of'Wf S n-lioling, around 'Witt hotels, and ising going on boro In tho radical 8anctnni sanctorum: I Tho cpmiltion of togious that the entire mass in tho lioat of tho Imblt, left bad Radicalism and took to good Barbecue, and the demo lition of on tables was stunning. Many nogroes ate of tho poisoned food, but, strange to say, none of them were kill ed, Radical vaticinations and , false hoods to the contrnary notwithstand- ing. When will this miserable far tion conso to attempt deluding nn ignorant and credulous people with their falsehoods and misrepresenta tions f Tho truth is, this is tho sole staple of their workmanship. Upon fair fields and in honest disoussipn they would bo whipped so quickly .tlieir efforts would Willy morit tile name of a,trial. To pervert, to misrepresent, to lie, to delude, is their only means of success; their Only exorcise of their powers; an<J .sooner or inter they wjl como to tlio scorn of even the ignorant AU over tbo country their press and the negroes tho Demo- will got tho accommodations for the ernts menu to remand them into slave ry—and this! in tbo face of the Demo cratic Platform, which says slavery is • dead issue never to be re-agitated, It it false and they know ft, and they WMW vk«.'~V& «HWP SfiWrt.V.Tt There is not a man in the Soufjh who wieliea tbo negroes slaves again. These false Issues won't do. They arc shams—they aro humbugs. They are inducements to strife. They arc base tricks to draw attention from the real, living, volcanic issuea of the hour. Tho Radicals are tho real revolu tionists of tho day. In their desper ation to hold on to ill-gotten power they eernple at nothing, Tiioy look to rebel outrages to keep them in pow er, and tho democratic regard for ord er everywhere maddens them into false hood and trickery. What aro the real issnes of the day ? We will toll them, and wo daro them to meet ns in thoir calm discussion. Their government, in three years, has cost tho-country as much as sov- enty-threo years of Democratic and Whig rule, and this in time of poacc. They have established the Frccdmau’s Bureau—a great nigger free boarding h'ousc—to control tho negro vote for thoir party. They keep a standing nrmy of 56,000 men at an expense of $2,000,000 to each ono of tbe 56 Regi ments, when there is not an armed foe to tho government, save in the west, where tbo Indiaus are perpetrating outrages too horrible to he told, ac cording to Sherman’s word. They keep a big nrmy in tbe South to cheat and force tlicir negrp despotisms on n free, peaceful people, iustead of send ing their troops to keep the wild Indi ans down on the frontier. They prate about union, yet they have kept ten - States out of the Union for three years in order to build up their party; ami this when they had tho power at ally time to havo restored tho Union. And they restore the Union under a form that violates every principle of the Constitution, that puts ignorance and vice above intelligence and virtue, and ' that requires, according to Radical Southern Governors, tho bayonet to support it. That government is a failure among Republics that requires tbe bayonet to keep it together. Their reconstruction is a howling mockery of government, and holds the seeds of its inevitable disintegration in its own foul bosom. They havo overturned every aacred institution of true liberty: the purity ‘ f the ballot-box, tho independence of e press, tbe liberty of speech, the habeas corpus, tho escred right of trial by jury, everything that is worth a farthing in freedom; and yet with all this record to damn them in honcBt eyes, they have the shameless audacity to ask for a new lease of power. They want to still plnndrrthe people to kocp immense crowd. A largo brush arbor will be constructed. Tho cooking will bo attended to b; a special committee to bo appolntci from nil the committees. t Work! I ill Lot trickster,' if they cannot resist the swindle. After dinner, with appotites for tho canto sharpened, tho crowd .re-assem bled to hear Warren Akin and Judge D. A. Vason. Col." Akin ventilated the hngo ex travagance of tho Radical party; he proved them so corrupt, so uncconom leal, so wildly and fabulously extrav agant, that 'tbo devil himself would not permit them to financier in his own dark precincts. Tho talking continued until nearly sundown. A dUnco was had nt night, which was entered into with consider able zest by many gallant gentlemen and fair ladies. Altogether the Any. J-’ali a splendid success ibr Domoornoj’. colored men rallying ice of radicalism injlt-^ heir vllfa grasp, nml' rallying to tho stand- Rupi fcssioi 8 tlj fcsslon Thera novor was a time, or an occa sion In. which that influonea could bo more lioneflelally exorcised than now if dji op w is attempting to force upon ssociatciVwithNcsblt, Warner,Starnes nd Jcitkins, that august tribunal com- u'andad the respect arid confldoneo of tho party is regarded as desperate lit' tho. extreme, and you may look for some developments just before the elec-, lion which will astonish tho peoplo 'by theft Audacity and recklessness. It is admitted'by the noisy ones ‘thrtt some, tiling must ho dpne or the game is up: It has leaked Out ,tlmt tho. cuo' will, comb frohi Grant when to mako tho' coup. Queer things aro talked.of po litically, or wiitcli more anon. Finn in the Mouxtaino—-Wo learn from Hon. Cineinnatils Pciples, win lias just returned from ’a'canViiss u. North-eastern Georgia, that that -whole country is ablaze with enthusiasm for Soymoiftnhd'Bliir. Those of the peo ple'of tlritt section who wont oil' after tlnrphabtoms of “relief" and a “resto- rnuo'n df tho Union,' 1 m‘o returning to the Dcmocrntio camp—the homo of thoir .fathers—and will roll tip in No vember a majority for Do'mricratlo can didates and principles without proced- cqt in their history. From every coun ty in th'o Sixth District the news, is glorious. Jacobinism will lie hung in chains to swing and rot, when the peo ple Imiid igtlfeir verdict on the day of the election.—Macon Journal and hfes- sehgeh : • ' | | ' ’J .The pRF.fpDENT AND TENNESSEE.- The Louisville Journal of .the ,10th. has the following highly important line Court, I Tho following oard Is-', iier,Starnes the Radical orgatriof this iiltyi f i 1>H ihtinnl com- In'consequence Of tl|0'Waut of pat- the respect and confidence of ronngb sufilulont to meet tho dally ex ile, It seemed tho imporsona- ponses or tho'olilce, I am compelled to iusticc, and not.its more ropre-1 suspend tho phblluatlbii'of the State sontatlve. Tho present Ch.lof Justice Sentinel.' Since tho rc-ostabllshmorit' seeks to uovoMi’p' his- 'infamy beneath of the papbr til'this city,'going' tliu honored mantle of Ids gifted pred- year*, IHM sustained the pnbl 1 "no of iiis associates' ilns n° of tho paper from my own 1 pi irtitd • “ 7 •’ " “ 1 This I cannot db any loiigdr. otlior.claim to the portion, than'apeh ss'-ia founded on his active offovls to dUhonorn Stato with whoso interest and prosperity he, has no sympathy, ntsh snlfluiciit eitlicr by,birth or education. , Tlio le- b>y* gal loro and..incorruptibility of the ' ' Rwl*®'}! t r 'Tlio oldeqt .bf tlicse men is riot bo B-udicabNegro State Govern, •nucb the salary, es the lionored post- ™ on U « lively placo.- onf They hope by their forced isso- Wo take tbo to loWingltoms from lation with the' dar to battlesucceas-J IntplIigTOraroJJLhnM^rt-^jn^i who cari at least hate tbo discovered its correspondent, at IO T,, n .nn-.., nnni.nHi.llnn fl.n' P.nol. Iri a recent conversation the' Presi dent exprbssed' himself unreservedly and warmly on the condition ofnffnlis In Tennessee. Iii regard to the er ont'of tljo militia by Brownlow, lie tli'c constitutional provision hat no State could'organize a stand ing'army in timo of pcnfcc, and s that if these militia'was thnsnnlkw • ....» • i.i c. ...-.f...:.. the day Geo. n.^Pcndlcton lias promised to como if ho can. Othor national speak ers may bo expected. It would not surpriso us if'Gcn. Blair himself were to be on band. The members of tho committees are most earnestly besought to come and organize and go to : work in dead real ity. Tho regular meeting of: the Demo cratic Club is tho first Saturday in September, and every two weeks there after. Tho Vico Presidents must como nut. Tunnel Hill District hns organized a splendid Srib-Olub.. The otlior dis tricts will bo organized by tho next meeting. Democrat)! are enrolling rapidly. Tho opposition, disunion scallawags nro thinning dnily. Again do we sny, Work 1 Work I I WORK I It Tlio time 1mscotuc. MaJ. Mosos* hotter-A Proposition to Ignore the Supreme Court. Among the views of the day tlio let ter of MnJ. R. J. Moses; Democratic Eloctor for tho 3d District, which we publish in another column, is' riot tho Icabt remarkable. We call 'the alien- ,or tion of our readers to it as showing tbe tremendous detestation in which those men aro held who havo sold tlielr principles, espoused the^cariso of Rad icalism for place, turned against tlicir section, and who would ruin the land for self-interest. We seo that the Macon Journal <b Messenger advocates Maj. Moses’ plan of ignoring the Supremo Court, and proposes certain distinguished law. yers’ names as suitable for deciding tbe laws under arbitration by consent. Thus docs tho tide grow against renogades. Brown and MoCay are pledged to decide law on political grounds; and as they have been proven unsafe, un true ahd' dishonest, they cannot but be false ns Judges, if oyer tempted. Tho truth is that there is n terrible meed of shame in .store for such men. The half cannot be conceived. The shorn of the good upon the evil is an accu mulating burden, and time but adds to its dread horrors. WImt man dnres trust the honesty of Brown and McCoy ? Brown is charg ed witli having stolen untold thousands, from tho State of Georgia. McCay is charged by a man named Bartlett with having swindled a poor widow and or phans. Will such men make honest Judges? If Maj. Moses! plan is carried out we have plenty of able lawyers who rrlval of six bales (flE.iSw cotton the plantation of Mr. Tarbol. It sold for 27 cents per pound. Tiie ALAnaMA Democracy.—Our Moiltgomory exchanges aro filled with glowing accounts of tlio barbecue,torch light procession and speeches at the re cent Democratic celebration in that cit.V.' Radicalism is dead in the State of Alabama. Distillation op Fruits.—In answer to certain inquiries, Mr. John Bolder, •ono of the Assessors of Internal Reve nue, writos ns follows: The Commissioner of Internal Rev enue has decided that ho luft no au thority to exempt distillers of fruit from .tiie reqtircments of the now law, in relation to' Special Tnx,-whioh.will bo $300 from August to May, 1869.— Tins I conceivo to ho beyond tiie means of our farmers desiring to distill thoir own fruit, hence I would adviso parties desiring to distill to combine with tlicir neighbors, pay the special Tax in tlio name of one party, (say John, Jqnes &. Co.,j nml put up all tiioir available stills nt tlio Bamo place, uudor tlio charge, of this person', arid then olther haul tlio fruit, mobby or low-winos, ns may bo most convenient to that iilnco for distillation, Fruit alatlUerrjffijj bo allowed to proceed as .under tbo old law; except in tbo! manner,of Special Tax. Tlio tax oil distijled spirits is fifty cept9 pcr.galloiri ' Legitimate Resulti-^TIio riot and bloodshed in Atlanta was the legiti mate result of the Incendiary Imr- nngnos'of Joseph 'Brown and- James Johnson: u Wliat'does the organ proposo to do with tlicse disturbers of tbe public o ? Commander of the Department in place of U'erierai Thomas was cunvnssid, and th'd names Of General Rou'ssdau, Gor- donj Grainger and Gdjcm' mentioned prominently therewith.! • Murder—A Scrovori county corres pondent of tlio Savannah Rcpuliliean rtlkfas n 01-11,-I "k»-<Jor irf the cotllltv, commitfod liy- n. -inegro upon ids wild, boat to EH then throw. . . iw^ea-aif -,»■ - i conveytlie impression of aoci.donial death. Tl,e next train, howovor, discovered tlio body and stopped instead of passing over it. its publishes'tho following: Demopolib, Ala, August 19, 1808. Thou. O. Glasscock, Chairman Jlcpub- lican Executive Committee, Mont- oilierj/, Ala I o ns llid Ik Congressional District. Craven, JUS IN 'dioinos, Dyo StuBb, Paints, i, Wihdowr-Qlass, tio. : RINGGOLD GEORGIA. August 27—lam Biieiiuuuiy tsxuruiBB'i umii iiu»> :toil- to .the redress of-the groat I , 3°mcrji, Ala I which this RadhfnTOiWormhoiit I ; I rospectrully deollno to scrv nptlng to forco upon tho com-1 Electoi- for Qi-nut and Colfax in .“teaMh^Wr,lfWtiK.! 8 «, Iwili In tliu 87tn district nml ltd net-lion | nlto lot .tiiiuuura. inn mini i,i sum eunji-ct 10 uuwer, srrnj cedi. JAMES A. l'AUK, A(lm>. August 87-tils. 1 ' • ' ' -- , ' Rnjrl I must abandon tho busiiioss,-ahd gd into-somojlutsuit thrit-ttlll itt lenst flTr- nlsh sulfluiont income to nibdt tho oilt* John Hardy; Times in Atlanta, Since Atlanta hns become tlio cap! Tir m or»hi.fdff6 ,of Cutoosa.uountri 1 will eotl-borbro tliiiCtiert llouso door In Ilhiggold, In fluid comity, on tlio llrst 'tiiesdny In; October nox|, wllhlii tlio legal: hours ol sale, nil llto lands lying In said cnuniy boloitgli J Id thm-stnls of All tr! I’nck.McccnFcd,- consisting of lots of land Nos. 112; 141, mid tho north hall of No. 148, all In tho 28th district of said county. This snlo .Is.rondo for tho piirpoa* of distribution. Sold subject to dqrrcr. Trrmir small notes, duo 12 moutlis after ditto, With Inter-' cat horn dntb, ahd nd deed will bo made untllnlf Aiijp'^-tds? P “MAnOAnliT M.PAO'fc'.Xdai'ir, ' I .ROttGlA) Cordon Comity;—'Two mbhlhs nltcp data appliottllpli will bo mode to tho Oom t of Ordinary of Gordon county, fur.learo to. poll tho tan<ia KHonglug tq tho estate or Kichbloda M6sal of Ww county^ deocaAcd, ! Inmls boh 0 , lute of suit August 27-2 m. that social ristraeism with I , A , »fS ro to Oonvoatlon wliicli lhey aro branileii. flreiUhreo t mea at another negro ast - -■ - ■ ,j c i night on Lloyd street. Wo believe! am ..l none of tlio balls took effect. i- j n J -A lirUnkcii nogro'In lho Radical pro- to wtiebithiia'deeccndecl, *.S e f i6n nmhsed hlmaelfl.}; Lot the members of tho Bar refuse a revolver In to tlio crowd 4m ; tMo to submit''the rights,nf. tlielr clients to sidewalk. Ono ball produced a serious this Uilmiial. Let tliqm organize, in 'v°un ( l upon tho-"person of a brotheV • “ • • . ,— raor lnSt- night m tho Fifth Ward. ' W 1 learned thennmos of none of tho par ties: - - ' (-■'" / ' Superior Courts, and .agree for their I '' r ° “V 0 pleased to loarn that' Mr. olients tliat such reference shall be. fl- Hotiry A, 1 lioinas, the pollchman shot nal and, have the force and effect of do- ]*** Rjaht, is doing well and suffering oteions by. tko Bunremo Court. , blit little pain, ■ ' , .' The same thing can be done in Ju- , O'Neal, a negro member or the ITmiso dlcial Districts where the Bar may not [ r0 ™ Baldwin county, was arrested yea- have oonfldenee in the iritegrity and terday. at ti.o instsnoeof Jesse Harper, wisdom of t-ke appointees, an arliitra- negro) who charges O Nealwlth assault- tor or referee could be agreed oilin ln ?i >nt°nt- to murder him, the each District and by taxing to each saKlHarpor. lie wasbrought before case an arbitrator’s, foe, to bo paid by Justice Gauldlng and Butt, who re- the pafty cast in suit. Compensation fl'dred him to give a bond of $500 for for tlio referee could be provided in n Ws appoaranoe. Hie easels set down manner that would be burdensomo to for trial tins afternbon, nt three o’clock, litigants Capt; Harry ’ Jackson appears for tlio By some sucli, system gs tills tho prosoerition, and O’Neal, of Lowndes, for . t ‘ le v ‘ "• ■ ' ‘ tooted from -ignorance and corruption ’ reoe vodmri ugly wound on of. tbo-Jjtdipiary and the evils of the tbo Lend by a biowWo® a.iother negro Jury system avoided. I B’ont of the Bell Johnson Hall Tuee- Offloo Court of Ordinary, K ■ ; j AnaoBt 28th, .1808. f n KORGE W ROkBlNS, of tho Btatu of Arkan- J' dm) Houlaa E Durham and A' 1 A Durham, of tho Stato of Mississippi, and R R : Bray, of tlin Stato of Illinois, aro horoby notified, Irt pursuant of tho order of paid Court, thatiStephon W/’pob* bins, Executor thereof, has propounded tho nill of JproraiuU Robbins, lato of Gordon county, Georgia, doeensod, for Probate In polemn form, at the regular Term of said Odlirtjth bo hild Riltnd for isulcl oounty of Gbrdon oh the'first MomlnjMrt October next. D W NEEL, Ordinary. August 27; v \\.{/) i > j, ? \, j, ^ 1 am ready to co-operate with the | <J"-V night. He was unablo-to tell who iranvotli Ear of. ,Georgia upon: this or any I VpltaoNAL.—Wo had -tho - pleaeure. crn^tiio'tlirdim inlufi M '**** district, in Congress,. Gonoral erntq tlio throne of Justice. , , f , M . d. y^ lln g, who Itasjitst returned It may cost the Bar some pecuniary from vUlt N “ffl an p U ? C st, who Sacrifice, but that should not .weigh a M , gIocIong Ilew8 of Dmnocrntic feather in an,;hqnest endeavor-to pro-1 ” b - |J)ombbrncy,lDf: Iris district, by whom issafttsmy. 1 '. ■ ?Br- w ‘- fully ihailori.—Jiriellipencer, Put Out.—A black nigger legisla tor from Aliaiitn j pushed lrimself.iiito the indies car on the Central Railroad n few days since, , and declared Iris in tention toistay, there. :The:comluotor threatened'to smash his head, and he gathered,nplija earpet-hag and left. . General Politico “Rebel”—The watchword of Treasury tljiovos, “ The Rebels”—Two-thirds of tbp White peoplo of the oouiitry. 1 “ Loyalty ! —The Radical apology for public robbery! Traitor”—A Rndioal' argument ‘which cost the country, $500,000,008 it year iri time of peace. , “ Tbo Peoplo ”—Alj tho niggers and its many jvlrite. men ns-can be iricliiced to vote the .Radical ticket. The DiLlon Case-.—Tho Case of Polico Dillon, clmrgecKwith killing Cor- •noiiusRed, was oondrided yesterday morning, by. iiis Commitment for triiil on the cliargo of majisiaugbtor. Ho waa 'admitted tlo ball' in-the sum of three thoiisaridUollilri—Ai/ouslo Con., 22d. -"■■ ■' j ■■ -J ;. \ Tintpuanj’nEibuTs.-po SEMU,J,tho Selma,.Rome &' UaltSn, Railroad will be completed to,-Cayo Spring in, about a weok. A?.®°ori ns ibis is accomplish ed;, wa.arp yjitormeil that Copt. Butricy wiU'ebmniehoe ru'nrifpg a line pf wag ons from Romo to.'tlio head of. tlio railroad, and transport, airfreights from New York and.other points' des tined below,Iri accordance with nechcd- ule of through Couricpf may be accompllslied. ,'i’he inconvenience; will bo tempora ry. Lot Democracy triumph, in No-1 Carlqtta!s CoNDmoN.-s-TlSp.imlo- vember 1 .the decisioni of thu . Snpreme nuiHlcHdp Beige, deprecating,tho■ ,im Court of tho United States be publiali* pertinentcuriosity which has begn man -eri and maiiitnbied, and tite present in- jrested, inirogard to -jjie privato life o. eiirahents-oi: Judicial otUce will sink the,, es-Jimpress of .Mexico,; ap'd atjg- to the depths to winch they would matizing ns pm-e falsehoods pipst ol'tlie bavo'dragged the Judicial ermine. stories current on tho suiiject, announ- I shall commence my.canvass,to-mor- C0R jn^oneral terms that thecpndiUon rowasElector and will urge these views ofthp ..inlortunatcRrincess hiis tinder- upon the people. ^ II. J. Moses. gppe little,variation since she set-foot " ASensihle^ioirro - ' - 0 » b?r native soil. Her' phys'icial _ „ ) J. 7., , Strength is perfectly restored; her' For tl.e b.enedt.of he colored, popple lelli ‘ vcn £ 6ft „ n ),, wp reproduce tho rollowing oxeellen q0 , n b , etB b)lt eviry now and then inex- letter irom a negro man which, wo find pfgblfixcentrilloe show that the tn a.late uumberof tho Missms.ppiClar- hcr.mimlii, yofcfar from satis- WopDyiLfiE, Miss., July 31st, 186g. fl '° l0,J , Fellow CoiprciJL Citizens of Wilkinson. Grant on WarmoUth Th'o"No —The tim.o has come when our raoe York,eorrespbntlent of the Charleston must be save 1 1 1 - 1 n; Sruuvi intliis State Th ,, , that Was framed by the Convention New Orleans; “This Wnrmottth, this hold in Jacks,on, commencing January d il "scoundrel, I ! lmd to liicft lilm WarBetiveen France and Prussia. r-Tjio World’s Washington dispatcjies of tlio 17th say : i To-dity it was currently reported In • diplomatio cireles tlmt tho Frepch Min ister lias received invimations from home that war between Franco arid Prussia is tlii-catening, and the Prus sian Minister is also said to have ex pressed serious apprehensions in'the same direction. Look to Your Investments-—Tho Columbus Sun tliiuks holders of Geor gia bonds at.tbo North, predicated up on the income of the Slate Road;- had best look to their securities. Bullock and Hulbert are preparing for a speedy and clean plundering of that establish ment. : , ■ i . ' .; ■ Democratic Dominations #6r CSn- orkss from GEoitou.—At’the iqce'ting! of tiie State Democratic Eriecutivo, Committee in Atlanta, oil Wednesday last, the following resolution was intro duced by P. IV. Alexander) Esq., ghd adopted. Democratic papers nre re- quested io copy: Resolved, That tiie 8evoral'Corigrcs6- ional Distrii'ts in this State be recoin- could act as arbitrators. C. D; Me-J mended to bold Conventions as early Cutchen, W. H. Dabney, Jas. Milner,! ns practicable, to noririnato theirenndi Warren Akin and W. K. Moore, would ! dates for Congress,and wo suggest that be a satisfactory set of law arbitrators ! the Conventions in each District lie for any body, j held on the Silidny of Septeiriber. D em A nd for M e$h ANlcal— 1 There ate an unusually large-dumber of'elega'nt residenees riow In process of copstruc- tlon'-in this city, anil the demand for the services of hrU-lflnyerSj carpenters and joiners arid plaiterCrs, was never more brisk than at tljo present time.-— We nro ilifofttied that master builders have bceri drawing rijiOh neighboring Cities without being’able to secure a sufficient supply'of mechanical labor. —Sal'annah' Ilepubiwin H.ymenial Statistics.—Tho Savan- J' 0111 uah .Nowg reports marriages in Chat- ham corinty from January 1, 1852, to August 1, 1805.- -Whole number of' white couples married 2,525,' of 037 married were with widows' and 1,860 maids. Average age of'tho widows iilriiS 26, anil of the maids 20. Giving it Up—We heard, a well knowri Republican iliader express the majority and, that* prni carry a Sorithord State except Florida. Tiie tone 6f tho Era, of this city 1 ,' is in tho Bamo key. Wo’believe thoy"are right; but the Democracy should not! relax In tbeir effort to secure an over-' wbelmlng victory. ! Let' uS coilfcign, Rndlcalisiri' to “ a grave so'deep and a' damnation ^.profound that the 'hand' of rcsarrcction.will.'tfcvbr read) it.”— Atlanta Intel. The colored yotors of this State acted ,7=1,’^, 'ZSiSmS it tpop wlip had tbo interest of the cit- fill’'"i 11 m|HH teens of Mii».State Rt heart? Nol fe*HMI • W; n ° dUW f ' f ' ‘ inon. who game frpm .the Nprth; ns ad- 1 ' .ill Notioei- Dnvid Davis, dacciiscd. August 27-OOd. > E. D. GftAIIAIM.iAdm’r, t'. JI. QVfjllA', Auction and Commission MERCHANT, NO. 8 KINO STREET, D ALTON, OEOROIA. I lONSIGNED.Goo^a fold nt Anctlon or prl- vatft salo, on tho 'most, rennonnblo terms. Sutlsfuctlen gittfAhteed. Instructions followed. Consignments of nil kinds sellck’d. Quuick suky and prompt returns; Liberal Advances. For tjie Good Time has Gome! And ju roi full to uttend the AUCTION FAT F,1 TO-D AY, nnd liuitt SATORDAY, JOili. wllun t shall olfi r fur sale tOjlhutn^licsL.bidJer,^ -SPLENDID LOW. i . Gent’sR'eady-Mado Clothing. ' Consisting of ' Casimoi-o Suits, Linon Suits,Pants; CbAls arid Vesjs; Gents.Briys, Ladies’and Sllsses’ ShPes, Also, the Finest lot' of Hodsierv, cyer-offarad-in-tlria-m n rket—mill—. Tlio nest assorted lot of no- ilons, wjtli.inariy other articles too numerous to mention. All who, wunt -noils, cheap, will do well to romp, this ia no humbug. Remember the l’inco. Nearly, ciiposlto J. B. Pitman’s, on Hamlltaii Street. ' ' - jul l.n-’Sdt . I i ,‘jF. M., QUEEX, Auot’oncer. Dr. E. O. Slaflortl O ESPEOTFUr.I.Y tenders hisProfefwlonnlisrr* JLt> vices to the citlxens of Murray and ndjnccnt counties. All l)uca*c* pcatliib > /o* Fetiialet, an it Cb'onie DUctincn of every description treated. Onto at the residence nf M rs.’ llnmjjhre)*i»\ hoar Hawk!ns* store, Roek Creek^ Murrny connty. Glorious Ifews for‘the Katless! j. jir. noi.itnooic, Wliolcsnlo rind Rotdll Dealer Iri •’ i.,. . ,;And hns one n^Ho"/ ***" \ ^ ) FINEST apd n.E.ST SELECTED STOCK of H ATS IN TUB CITY. Also, n good oMOrtmcnt’df Trhnbs; 'Kallsca, Um* ' brcllns and Canes, REMEMBER- THE* PLACE! • .i . • »; ■ a* ; i / IHl } Whitehall Street, . ' • ATLANTA; OA1 God. would not'snffer.suoh to bp done! *tstlJo° is'nnmml^o! Hayes! He used Ills Alnuglity power apd slew .great offense was tootiiic a horn, those wiio tncd to devpui- us Land to-1 ^ tlm sigimi for multUndim ♦sstesstu L i? ‘ the riritricielphih age; if » in in nmmwr in a etwtn’in for nil to s ' lol dd decline tbp Radical nomination, ,. ot , existing in political, it is,sup- P9S«I timt B. F. Britjer, of Massichu- tbnnrrh tlihv holrl von in nfavorv for I Setts', HOW litS ‘h^ext friepd,” will he al- 1 pact be the; past! Come under the Mgers’” ticket. ; , , . protecting wings of your only.andjbest Tho NriW. York\Evenihg Post, Re- inenflsl They love you and eturtv . puWicftM( . ift a n dbltriai-y of Thaddferis, youi interests i \ou aie a poor peo- Stevens, somo portions of which arc pie! ,plEsa y° ur p.tR' chll- CO rnpHrnferi'tftrv,*saj's‘ dren shall ho fed 1 ,, ■ « As A ' stiltesrii'a'n life ivas singularly : ,lj.e Radlcals have made you grogt ignofanffitjfMBjwminded. ‘ * * * promises—such ns “come wMps.feld Of.thb qnestioils of poUti'cni economy,- we will do you good ” 1\ hat gpod, %hloh Necessity during and since"tile Imyethey done jipu?-Have they, given wai< beenine'an important part of states- you .the homes that they, promised ?, m , in8htp m ttpt)0 l n i- e d.tio have known f ace they, fed m r fMdren travel ,',1 they, given you aijytlnng 1 Eglbytlhey, . .. ..J _.— have caused you to suffer hunger, ahd.\ : ThqUresidont of tli.o,LoyaJ Lpagi e pant. i; |[ )n,,E,l.vtoit,Aiabamii, jaRujail for,Steak Note, save yourselves! Come, withsis Jug bupoDi Mill let m\ivc peaceably together! The ----- — - 1 1 J. I. oiiTBu,] . , [h. c! WAnDiii. OLIVER & WADDAIL, W HH'O XT S 3E3 Commission MercliaRtft . Omer Alabama and Fartylh Stri, Allama, tfe. (QgrAoKiiTS (or Maiurtta Pai-kii Milo—keep ull sizes Printing mid Wrapping popup on linnd, at lowest morkot prices. [August 6-6ro. DALTON Jl. P. O’JTEME Houbb, No. 4 oh .hail'd' and Is constantly receiving -erytlnngin the line ol : t o n f e e tion e r I c a.nnd Fn n e y G r o e e r I e pf American. arid foreign .production. . Capped Fruits, l’ieklcs, Wines, Jellies, end in fact’, any thing yim.may, arijh jipthl? ilpe, opn bo found nt Np./.tjibb’ajlouso. ' )(| Fined Pjflprs and Topa^co the mprktf afafdtl Look Here! I will p.opjtively <lp no credit bunljicss hereafter |Hr i Iw “ mw- Far tho liberal patronage received) 11 iwitild return thanks to my mahv friends Id this'and adjoining counties, end solicit a continuance of the taaiJ.-'l.'MUkily ' K.-P, O’NEIL. ~KT[ time lias come when you cat} sites your- slices.., I^our fellow-citizen, Ciias. Fitzhuoh. ! F. S. Employees of colored porsons, will please read this to tberii. r Q,F. 'FdiLow'RoiT.—Tho Lpgislatiit'es of '!diabam'a has .iuljourucd! Cannot, a similar relief be given tp the rioor p6o- ple of Georgia ? . 1 Administrator’s Srilo," 1 11 , T)V'vlr uo of an order from thd Gouft of Or’!-, J3 nary'of WHlt field .oouriiy, l^wiljLtmH before tho Gourt-IlDuae door ht Ualtorii onlthfl day In October nejit, ,within ,tl}<j of, frIo, nil the lands belonging tome csi^to of. Atiion’ 'Ford, dtoflod, belbg 454 lifcre*, more or \m x Tying W the-llth district and 8d BCO'iOn-Of Wbi • field county. Sold’ for tho boiiofitiiof ht?im:,iind creditors. «T<rma< Q‘tf b »lf. {14 i^he b^lauco on credit, with npfirpvc/1 security. • . ,tag. 27-lds! ' A..' M, TORp; Adm’r. • t’/A.S.’SpNiBR; ; t'- 7- " Ulcer ttWrf Jttccjlcr, T .HAVE just opened my shop In ttlf placoand JL.r- •*- '•*- ' “ - ' ^ - Bbectaule Shop at the DrilgStore of Gudger & Knfglifc. * Daltdn, Jan.' 8, 18«8—ly. ' ■ Onk Drii.L'ARhtid i KirTY' l CKNT« per square (of ten lines, or less,) for thd firfei’- lbaertion, ; and Skventy7Fivr Cknts for cnch Bubseqi\Qnt. ipser- bn. * |ilberarf^c^Jpn In ^dnt^9dvcrtfslng. !T7,\ ■•lv"'HVMh'!"i. ? >TT/v“ T IIF. CITIZEN w'ill be sent to snbscribpw.until Jabu^ifor ONE DOLLAR. 1 "f «