North Georgia citizen. (Dalton, Ga.) 1868-1924, September 17, 1868, Image 3

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GEORGIA’ CITIZEN. fayA. wEENon 1 ''t,ooar_ i ji<iitxJ\o,.si:in'K.MUi:n 10, ius. TWO Delian and Fifty Coals p«f Year [ Advance t Six Months, $1.50. kales of Lt;al \ vrrlUtngi on lul.lersnf Alllu'f. A.'., 00 letter* dl*. from Adm’r, &o.. .3 (,n !! ( ! blot* awl orciUiart, .4 oo iU»y lie*, , Aiim ri, fcx’n*. kv. t 1 «\r-» per square, rucli insertion,. i of Whltilrhl County* It—Col J. A. It. It ASM. Strident*-Col 1 W Avery and Judge lervroad. -Dr J K Osborne, B B SIbaii and T G 3111—Hugh Springfield, Wm I. Cook. 4 Station—M l» Yawell, T II 1’Uncr. (judge B .1 Tutver, Uhn* t’otlnun. -Rnwlej Cupp, P M Konth. -Jim Uogchi, A (< la ake. ^rvek-Jiro Bay, S P Breen, W Malian. T. K. McDonald, Bvc’y. e the Docnmeatsl Now Is your time lo Snbserllic!! ^campaign i's How fairly opcmd, and tlio wo are alive to the necessities It impose* Great po'ltiail irsu. * hiv at stuke— i will .|i llang suspended tlio liberties jJulicd us by the founder* of. the Republic, duty, then, of every outlier of liU imperilled country i* jf-t politic il documcnta wltliin bis reach.— e better than the Noam Gkoroia Citikkn, call upon our democratic friend* to help lend U throughout Chcrokco Georgia. I.ei i tfsifaferibcr go tn work and secure us otic or npaign aubscribcni. TU* they can easily Friend*, will yon hi It ? Great bane*, m we |rc raid, arc at stake I—go to work I We arc ' tho ClTiXKN to campaign subscriber^ from r until the Hint of December for Fifty Cents. Just ns wo Bxpootod. Yesterday u now mini "its put In c1mr)(o offtswltoli ctij{luoiiml sunt with n tnilii of uni's to tlm Hulling mill— Directly nlXor ho stin ted lour of the lilnilurmost euro got loose find, ns it nun down grade, of course they follow ed close 111 tho wnko of tlinso nllciid.— Now, instead of slnoking Rpccd mid al lowing the uncoupled ears lo come up, olir nrui mail pill spars to his Iron steed, in order to get out of tho way. Tho consutpienco was that nhoiil livo miles from town lie ran Into the goober train, smashii.g up both engines and several ears, I’ortunaluly no lives were lost. This little catastrophe cost the State only— Two engines, lit $20,000 each, $40,000 Several ears, estimated at,.... 2.000 Total $42,000 This is doing pretty well for the llrst mouth. One new man has hcon broken In, mid it is fair to presume that hereafter the same kind of aeeldunts will not oe- liiir in his ease. Hut there are eleven more lo hrake in. Eleven limes $42,- 000 are$402,000. fax-payers you know exactly wlmt to oxpeut from Hie ad ministration of E. Halbert.— Cunslitu- tion. Look Out foil VotmCi.oTiiF.'s Links, Cohn Cuius and Smoke Houses—We flnij the following untiec III a lute num ber of the Atlanta Era. (Had.) (I, A. H Mum)tors are requested t Democrat 1 1() lv , m , m i 1( , r t|„. meeting of the Uiaml Army of i;c|iul.lie, that will lake place at tiiu Headquarters of tlio Central Grant Club Ibis evening. The “ Great Array of llogues " is shout to lie organized and turned loose upon the people of Georgia. Will not singular Incident. In a recent speech lit Uulfalo, New York, lion, .lohn T. Hotrimin declared that “thu day of tlio sword Is passed," and related tlio following i An Incident occurred at tho meeting of thu Nutlotml (,'(invention ivhteh was nu omen. That glnhil hall wheru the Convention met was I'iill of patriotic men. Upon its walls were placed the shields of thirty-seven States, apt) around every shield was the American (lag. Upon thu platform stood two lironzo htnUites of nol le soldiers, one leaning upon a great bronze sword.— Thu Convention had Iieen in session fur several days; ballot alter ballot Imd Iieen First onu was up and then number, and at Inst a gallant Gen eral, whoso name has never been men tioned anywhere save with respect—I menu General Hancock. No limn knew whethur on the next bnllot hu was or nus not to be chosen Everythin;, was uncertain, when suddenly llie great bronzed sword in the hand of that no. blu statue s inppod asunder at the hill. It was not touo ,od by mortal hands— no jltTufail agency broke it. Some lays urii us, invisible, and irrusistHilu pow er snapped it at tiiu hilt, and lliu word went Jorth Hint thu country was hence forth to have a statesman and not a soldier for u luiuler." [Tremendous chcqring.] During tho sessions of the Convcu- tlon .Mr. Ilntl'imiu sat on the stand, anil doubtless knows tiiu truth of his state ment. Il Cl Stair.i ill. o learn by till. mcriiingV null that our 1 i ijlii-i i.l, ,n ltinggol.l, with eu allMik or tie It .h lout s low "slmllolM." lit lotcltlgtoce. (The K..1 liens ol Mr. Hoary Auk’s dentil cast " mill uvoEp«lpia,tills morning. Ho ilieit j’.**- bri* day lids murtniig. llpipim quite well vis- ilay. liii dying so Ii|iglc«weie d o flr.-t Inti uiioii id Ills illness, lie wart h guild Grand SKYMbuit Dk.monstuation at Memphis At Memphis on Friday night lasta torch light denumstration took place almost equal to a similar display in New Orleans a fuw nights ago. Tito principal streets were illu some enterprising hardware mcri-hunl ■ miimted along the lino of procession, order a large number ol steel traps and , (J n e cur cuiltaiaeil a number OT ex-Fed- springgims. A little arsenic oral rvcli- j el .„ | qml ox-reliel soldiers dressed in nine distributed In roasting ear mid ■ nniliiiin, with the motto: "War isoveV, water luellon patches will destroy the have peace.” Another was llllud pattoa Ill trlit Gall-Hally All. Lirgu mooting on Friday night at llm Court •ybody invited out. i*ulio* especially kc.l to come. Cvil. Curey W. Htyli-n, tlio clo- lent ami able editor ol tlio ** Atlanta Con-thu- m,” will nddros* tho Club in one of hi* chatac- ristlo and ferveut speeches. 1. NV. Avkry, Treat. Club. |Rdi$t<ns KstSco* Wo uvu requested to stato that there will bo n saoraniltl meeting of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church at the Methodist Church Sunday, com inencing Saturday morning s' hall pas t ten o’clock. All arc cordially Invited. A Slow Coach. About one month ngo A. L. Harris, present Supervisor of the State Hoad, undertook to commence repairs on an nrcli ot the Tunnel, 107 miles from At lanta. Not knowing anything: whatev er about such matters, lie went to Dal ton and employed Tim Ford, a brick layer, at $8 per day, and two assistant bricklayers at $4,60 each per day, and set them and the carpenters to work. The job is not completed yet, and probably two weeks will elapse before il is. Martin Dooly, the discharged Super visor, would have had it all done with only two bricklayers in Often days.— We are told that Harris takes a trip to the Tunnel occasionally, seats himself under the shade of a tree and asks Tim how tho work is progressing.” A man may understand all the little tricks about a mail-bag, nr.d yet be very in nocent as to railroading. Verily hath he done those things which he should not have done, anil left undone those things which he should have done, and there is no health in him.—Cvnati- t ul ion. with girls representing the different States. Onu with Hebrew children, ami a representative of the feast of Furim. Every bruneo of industry, in cluding the printing press, was repre sented. It is estimated tiiat Hilly 20,- 000 persons participated. Farmers and Jlcrhatrirs link. Dr. Folium, Triridciit ol tills Club requo-ts i tu statu tliuro will bj a nii*ctin2 of tiiu Clu’, out cvciybodr, The Eleventh lu the Field. Vansiat. Station, Sept, let, 16(18. A Domncrauo Seymour and Blair Club for the 11 tli DiMtrii t wjw organized lo day. On-motion ol 'f. II. I’itiur M. I*. Vurnell wa-* called to tiio Chair, and Dr. F. A. Buuriienbcrg requested to act a* Sect clary. A committee ol five, T. II. Timer, S M. Street. \V. W. Cooksey, J. (i. Muuscyuml A W. Allied, were appointed lo prepare ro*oiudona oxprei-sm of the meeiitig. Thclollowlng report wusuimn- iiruuriv atleptctl: Bekolvt d, Taut (he D*moenitie party la the on ly one having the Constitution umt libelty in it* 1'ouiid.uioH, Mini that we adopt the platfmm of the Nrttionul Convemion, upon wideh Seymour uod Blair w. re nominated lor tlio I’lwidciu yund Vice* Tresidfciicy of the United State*, »ind Unit we pund pledged to «i*» all in our power to secure the election ol ilie.-<e men, believing that ici& the only road lo pence and pre spuity. The meeting then proeei-d- d to organize Nl. T. Varmil 1'rwidenij T. II. Timer, D. THliaiorlo, an I A. J. Weaver Viee-Tiv-ideiitv, F. A. ltaiw- lieubergand A. W. Allred Secretaries. Bseeutive Committee, D. Taljaferiu, Dr. 0. 1>. Grovts. B. O. Uundr'cU, E. II. Martin, II. F. Bobinp, S. 11. Liudenittle, Tierce Home, Cupt. II. C. Lee, IL F. Prater and A. Whitten. Moved and carried that tin* proceedings of the meeting bo published in tiie Citizen and that ire adjourn to meet S. ptember 12. M. T. Vau.nell, Clmirmnn. Hetobned fiiom Liiif.iiia The linl- tiinoru Sail of Tuesday last, says the Savannah Republican, reports the arri val at th||t port, ol' the American Col onization Society’s sli p Golrnmla, iviitvu sailed from Savauanh early in the slimmer. She had a good trip out with the four hundred emigrants, and a quirk run home from Monrovia.— Considering that tlio Radical Idaeks love polities better than work, they cannot do better than to emigrate to Eilieria, where they can enjoy political privihgestn their heart’s content, nod where a white man is not allowed to vote or take ji part in public allairs. V. A. I Tetirv ■CMiiusry. bid, in II .llnti, itl 4 uVluek, A. M., Pept 1, 1 miS, I'll..rid UjTtuii lli.ivtM, jigL-it \vt )e..iv ( 7 Him.111. ,ni.! twiniy (lave. We liave Iniyla liopes tliut ear flier,d lin, ex- clmnged m lioiiiu ul Milt, ring nail | lur tine ul j,») amt penee, wl.m* III, ai.l luteter tittell in li.u pi. sullee ill the [ireeloll.s Nlltlur riiarlia Sria'le a |" I reltzinu dlirlevu tcur.agu, and at* laclind liiaiM'.l in llm Uelliodilt ujiurili. niuee tiiat lihie Ilia daily „all. lias ever been etmairaha. eatly III ilia delence ul uar balut'eil Buutli, end ttaa a gallant tajldiur dli I Si,IS. Dur iug llie seigu ut Vidtabarg lie t aa rtuftruly wuuutid, rundcrlrig tlio iiuipataliim 61 Ilia right l.giiL-ieaay—at Llltl Kama ilmti lit* had. a mill other liiujit oi' tiiat awl til (itriud, cuntractcd the i itauau til wuluil lie died. We lami littea with, nr near, lilm f.,r the part five years, and although he Ill III. t have lelt that nil tlio Vigor and tfhrlllly hu;m ul' activo inaiilaiud were hllghtL'd, nouo ever heard one word ul In injuring ur cuiuphiini ot Mr lore. During the greater part ul' nine Jl'oilllir he War eon- lined to lii.r moot, and the'feme meek, ttpiru tvaa exhitjEled to ilia loving mother, who iuil au uotirioglv watehoo over mat preyed lur him. He raid a few lioura lielure ilia dentil, •'Mother, I’m praying fur myself.” Father, Moth er, Sister, Dputhers, take comfort to your a ricken he. rls, fur "Uur Father” laa prayer iieariog end prayer uiiaivcltog Hod. Tennessee was the home of Ida youth, the Inane he loved; lint alter our pause was lout,l.e could no longer eall it home, an 1 removed to tienrgia, where lie was soon known m.d tippreeinicil by thu onijimniiily. wlm eb'oie 1dm to ml die olliee ul Countv Treaviirer. He has gune from llie liosmn of n famtly who knew well Ida worth—tile "tuearit ehinr’ can never ho filled lu them ua earlll, again; hut tile eve nl hath poiuta them, old so brightly, In it Ide,aed reunion m Heaven. May their llenrta he cnmlurted by all the preeious | lomiaea ul die Cotton—From no point do we hear cheering accounts ot' the incoming crop. A I'ricnrl in Johnson county writes us tiiat in his county, in Wash Ington anil in IiiitiiViYs the proiliieitoit of cotijm will lie fully a tliiiil less tlmn lust year, and that without those dis- nslers tiiat Imye cut slmrl tlie crop in tlio Southern and Southwestern por tions of tlie Stale—worms,caterpillars, etc. From the same source we learn that Hie supply of com in the counties named, will lie nmpiu fur tile local de mand.— Telegraph. “ Let vs Have Peace.”—A few nights since the colored ‘Grant Guards’ while mnnliing in Orleans “keeping step to tiie music of llie Union” step ped into tiie store of a white widow woman and gulled il completely. A late dispatch to the Middle r egister from New Orleans says: Simultane ously with Piuchliack's late incendiary remarks in the Legislature, another negro disturber named Parker was ad dressing like language to nil excited assemblage of negroes in Grctim Parker declared if n single Radical was killed they wouldn't stop to inquire ivliy or wherefore ; Hint every Radical knew his post; every house would lie fired, and the city would be one sheet of Hume. I!IIADT.EY on Caupet-Raouebs Tiie not nlilu A. AI pen ria Rradlcy, in a har angue to the negroes in Savannah n lew days ago, made tho following re ference lo a species of vermin Which lias liccn infesting the Southern States for tiie Inst three years. He said : " Tim carpet-baggers mid scalawags lind came down here from tiiu lowest slums of tlio North, had unjolcd tiiu negroes ami gotten their voles, and then betrayed them; that even those wlm had golton into ottlco had turned Democrats. Ho advised his hearers never to trust litem again, especially when voting for local otUcurs and mum- burs of llie Legislature; did not think it was ndyisnlilu to vote for imilulloca even, as tho mean white blood might probably assume mastery over tiie col ored blood ami then they would ho us menu as llie whites.” Good Act of tbo President. President Johnson lias pardoned tho white mcuot North Carolina who shot tiiu iiegro-ravislier, uud who were son tcliccil therefor tiffexecution. Thu cir cumstances justified thu taking of the negro’s life. No jury, lull a military one, would ever have sentenced these men to death, or even to imprisonment, uud no one but Sickles would ever have attempted thu lives of men lortlius ex ecuting llie law upon such a er ill ill ah It will lie remembered that this same Sickles shot down, upon the streets of Washington, a inuii who was not a ruv- islicr, liul simply a party to Hie crime of which liis own wile wus a guilty partner. The “moral idea” of cockles at tiiat lime was to slay tiie man who may have been less guilty limn tlio wo man, but after gelling upauletles on his shoulders ins new stouk of moral Ulcus induced him to seek thu lives of men for doing what lie himself had done, and who hud been more foully wronged llntii himself. Happily, President J, hnson's ideas do not agree with those of Radicals of Hie Sickles school.—Moalyoinenj Mail. Gen J. 11. Udhdon.*—it is with pleas ure wo nlinouneo to tlio pul,Ho Hint Gen. J. 11. Gordon, onu of tlio most distinguished soldiers and active patri ots of our gfent neighboring Statu of Georgia, will, by Invitation of tlio Con- t rill Committee, address thoeltlzonsof Charleston lids evening, at eight o'clock. In front of tiie Charleston Ho tel. Wu welcome the General to our city, ami so will our whole poo(ilo,— Mercury, 1 Uh. A Radioae Stbonoiioj.d.—A voto wus taken in tiie l.qnUinim pcnitolHn- ry tile oilier day, with the following r'esnlt:—Grant 117!), Seymour U. As “lollty" cbVorulli a imillitndo of yins In tlm eyes of “tiiu saints," it Is ex- |K’ctcd Hint Gov. Wnrmoth will pardon just 370 of tiie ennvli Is ill Hull Stato before the first. Tuesday in November. Rccoiistrilrtud convicts make excellent radical Voters and nave proven t lelr fitness for radical legislators. Fibst and East.—Vermont Ims glv cn n raillcul majority, and thereupon tiie radicnls are greatly rejoiced, for it Is their llrst victory of lute. Tlio re publican majority Is greater Hum It was lust year, and thereupon tlio repub licans Imvo fired gnus nnil had lion- fires. . Vet tiiu democratic vote is the largest, ever cast in the State, nnd Hie radical vote is two thousand less than it was four years ago. Tiif.Xew Issue.—A Louisiana State Senator and a couple of Representa tives went on a trip up tiie river from New Orleans roeenlly. Tito State Sen ator uclcd us burlier, and the Represen tatives as cabin Soys, Gun. Grunt, in a rorent letter to n prominentol!loial in Washington, says lie will not return to Hint city until a few pays before llie election, and gives ns a reason, Hint lie docs not want to ho “mixed up” in any political compan ionship. Wlmt the General mentis by being “mixed up,” tlio letter does not explain. Goon News Forty-two families, mostly Germans, have recently moved from Ohio Into Franklin comity, Ten nessee, nil of whom ale going to voto tiie Democratic ticket. A number of families also have moved into tbo neighborhood of Heersheba Springs on the Cumhctluud mountain, and on the second day after their arrival they liouisted a beautiful Seymour flaw over tiie settlement. PLANTERS’ EMPORIUM 1 AND Headquarters for Everythin”!! New York OoJ rtnns, k co„ H .\ VK on band n,ul nro cmuunmly receiving lin largest Slid Uncut wsurlnicnt of CHOICE DRY GOODS, RmUi-ncmtr nil tho ttnw rtyle* of Lnfilca' Drew Gouil*, Cloth*, Ctuuniciw, Veittii#*, etc. READY-MADE CLOTHING GOOD, STBONO FASHIONAIJLE. LuIIch'* Hut*, Diet**Trimming*, Ymkeo Notion*. New Styles Hate, Caps, Boots and Shoos, in eifTy Variety of Prif and Excellence, Aloo, n very largo nwcrtinmit of Crockery, Nittlerv, llanlwat® ami everything ol*u required to muliu ii full line of FAMILY GROCERIES! Valuable Inform SKLECT YOUR OWN NUMBE in tho ROYAL SPANISH LOTTE r pIIB timit rwnonilbio innlimlon qfthi L in tlio world. Bolgft.jtff hunt* l.nttory I* n new ldi a—*tvl one wel tho want* of the people. 11 all’ml* a safer menu* of spiunilall vi* 111 vest men I than most other* ncsiiiirii*. For lull iiilutniiithnt, scldross I.LuYD, t#EMME8 K CO.. Booqi 15. Vo Narsau Ftrcct, New York. “COSTAR’S” Preparations. EmnrnODY Tries Them I E VEIt YIIOL) Y Uses Them I E Viill YJIOJJ Y Jlelieeen in them I EeeryhuJy Jtecommende them! FARMING IMPLEMENTS Of thu latest and rno.n approved Tatunt* Also, I ullkindsor Fluid nnd Garden Feed*, at j ,Vo. land U Tlbb's House JlaUon I //. K. Hoffman, (Jco. It. Staley, i Aio .voti troubled by i*.atr,MiL\*,BoacL* t’8, Ants 1* “Cos/orV’ Kxtcnnlnatorn. “Only Infallible Bomodh'* known.’’— “ Kreo from Tolaoit.” “ Not dfttiReP* ouato tho Unman Fainjly.” “Bat* come out of their hole* to die.” proved to keep in any clipiute. Slavey Point, : Du. John 1 wait in Louitn Stmio cf yon My son ip has been do'.... cothmcnrcd on (lie I gutcial timhli improved. Dr. Ul*t who hurt 1; tin in, and he aUi * Dr. Coffee, .who.. oral year*—*tumncl proved very much l>y Indeed the Codroit Ditter* Im popularity in tld* actTemeht. Hell a great qunmity of your im —e.mcci illy ul vout Odtoh Bittei Ilia, hhip mo via Mernphi*, enrfi Neely. Be. C. B.) Bull’s Wosm Destroye Armulrovy. Eli J, Hamilton, J. If. KEAWHn, of Geonzla, IlOFFMAN, STALEY & CO,, Wliidewlo Grocors, Liquor amiOommission jMCE:33.0KC J a.Kr , 3c , Q, .Are you nnnoyeii wilt] Bou-liugs?— I'nii’i eleep t “Coetar'e” lleti-ltiiir Erltr. A l.ln'.ii.i “ llc.truyiouul (irevcuU De*4- Hiigi..” “ Never Falji.” Woolens, Carp. 341 IF. llaltimore and 50 German Sts., DKTWRRM HOWARD AMI RUTAW, BALTIMORE, Orderi. for Gmuerlel, and ConsigaiaenL, nr Fro- dnee, solieited. jul’d-Sin “Ot’EnATIXO UPON THEIR FeEMNUS.” —From an abstract- of Gen. Meade’s report, it will be seen that llie colored moll lirruated by) our sal rap hail tlieir “feeling? operated upon" til order to gcnigu out a confession through inhu man torture. The Butraplnii iiielliod of operating upon i'recdmuii’a Ibolilfgs ei.usisted in lljtlieriug their beads, pre paratory to shaving tlicin, blind-filiting unil case-mating, romoviiig llie USmla- ges, to behold a soldier ready to tire oil' a camion pointed at them, tliirty- tiireu hours ill a swcal-hox, a Ynnkuu iinprovcineiit upon tile Inquisition.— Tliat s wlmt Meadq and" Gftitrt -cnil “operating upon the feelings!" Let us have Fence 1—Clonstitutiunalist. Arbivat, of Immigrants—Thirty- one imini_ rants arrived iirliiclimoud last week Irom the West. These peo ple nro from Holland, originally, lint they find in tiiu Soiilli a much hclttcr lieli! for tlieir industry than tho West. Others will soon follow tlieir example. Tiie colored people should take a hint fi'oin, for, if they are iintagoiiistiu to tile white people of tiie South nnd tlieir interest, there is no allcr-imlivo left lint to seek abroad for labor. Grant's Peace Plnchbnek, a tie gin Senator, made b speech in the Lou isiana Legislature tlm other day, in w hich, umniijfcnthcr terrible things, he threatened tell thousand torches to lay New Orleans in ashes. Indiana—Dan. Yorhces telegraphs tliut the Democrats of Indiana are making n bold nnd aggressive warfare Slid are confident of a brilliant victory. Trooly Loyal—The President of tiie Union Leuguo at Anderson, Texas, is in jail for stealing. As soon ns lie is discharged lie proposes lo laku tho stump for Grant and Colfax. Getting off Light Washington dispatches say Hint Mcndu is to lie reprimanded by the President for tlm outrages lie committed while Governor of District No. 3. If there was any laws in this country, Meade would nnd should lie hung rather then reprimand ed for conspiracy with Grant nnd How ard to hung innocent men for party purposes.— Columbus Sun. Found Them Out A respectable negro in Washington city, n few days since, tints responded to the chiding* of a rovlpg adventurer, who sought to seduce him Into the fold: "Under your teaching wo linvu .nlien- Horatin Seymour is a layman in the Episcopal Church, and lias been a mem ber of its Triennial General Conven tions ns a delegate from tiie diocese of Now York ever since tiie latter was created. He Ims just been again elect ed a delegate. Tiie Convention meets on tlm first Monday in October next in the city of New York. A C'mtious Suit A .voting woman in Elizabeth, N. J., Ims obtained a ver dict of $4,000 damages against her father forullcged slanders against her character and elmsity. There was step mother ill tiiu case. The September Session The lat est accounts from Washington predict Hint thu September session will bo field. Ex-President Pierco was reported to be so Jar convalescent us to be out of danger on tiie 11th. DAl.’fiO.Y PRIGS GiRCKYL ItmsRD WcRKtv ar .1. E. & E.T'uiuVnix. nuns'll—SO in 23 con Is. Krill.'—10 t-i IB cent, nerdoxeh. FLOOR—AI2 to $13 per liiirrol. M K \ I.—an to ei-nt. 93 per liusfiei. CrittN*—70 in 73 per lui.liel. Il It'll"— 'Join 22per lb. SlIriAfi—Drown, 1.1 to 2* cts.ncr lb BYIIU1'—7U to $1.23. IV1IE IT—ft® per Imshet tu ?2.00. riOFFfiE—So ‘.n ssj cents per lb. CHEESE—23 tri S'I •• “ COTTON YAltNN— ,8.10 to *7.2.1 per bunch. CALICO—12) lo I7j els. per yiirit. CANDLES—Tn I low, 23 ets. per lb. A.InmiiMiiie, Sa ets. pi-t It). lilrx Special Notice. Bewiiro of L’ljunlorrefbi !. "flnijthVTonlc Syrup Ims been cnsnterftiltctl, uml tho counterliiter tu might tu grief. Smith*. Tonic Syrup. Tlm genuine urfiele most linve Dr. John ltntV privulu rUmp on I ni'll buttle. Dr, Jnlin null 1)1 i>' h is llu* right to nuimifueture sml sell llie origi ns! John Smith's Tonic Syrup of Louisville, Ky.— Evnniiue wi ll the luliul on bottle. 11 hit privnlo stump Ih not on tiie bottle,* do not pur- ohnao, or yon w.ll ho deceived. See my column nUverlisnint lit, nnd my show ennl. The genuine Smith’s Tonic Syrup ecu tfnly he prepsred by iny- sell. The public servnnl, houiwilla, A’y. Dn. JOHN DULL, April 23. LATEST ARRIVAL SPRING ADD SUMMER GOODS 11 ” Karo receiving almost dally large addition » t to our stock of goods, t» which we invit of goods, tu which we invite tho attention of promp buyers, knowing tliHt can make it tu their interest to do so. Our stock consist* in part of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Ladles’ DRESS GOODS nnd TSD131I.VCS In great variety nnJ stylet! White Goods, Bleached and Brown BUMESTICS.- Men’s and Hoy’s l-loadv Made Clothing, Linen Drill*, Cottonude*, Summer Caaslincrs, Tweed*, HATS, BOOTS AND SHOES, For Ludic* itnd Genilemcn. Hardware, Cuttjory anil Queens ware, uud Wood nnd Willow*Wure in greiU variety. Alro, a spieiidid line of FAMILY GROCERIES, . _ mid Dyc-Sodls. In which wo InvlBfllin ntten nted from us tile muss or tile whitu , linn ol' our Irientls nnd llm pulilie. ns it i< urn- in pooplo North ns well ns South ; you ! ’ontlon nniju In* undersold. Wo buy >11 hinds imvo got tlio Smcas mid emoluments,' " r , ’ r " ,llu '” f,,r u »sh"or poods, ltomembor, while wo Imvo done llm work mid stand aur Ul ° 10 s out in llie cold. For one, I am done with you." QUICK SALAS AND SMALL PROFITS. Gone Norf.—The Savannah Repub lican says Aaron Alpuorla Bradley, tlio grout Wnr-.vhoop of llie Radicals in tlmtlocnliiy, took passage fortlicNortli in tiiu Luo on Tuesday. II didn't take iialiln paRsuge, bulciiBeuticetl bisgreat-' Hjntcul itoi'ii.viiid'n.o'kly'benribisbel'vvsirulie^ 11088 ft ' va >' in the'steeFagft. Wo are White, the newly qualified Clerk of fur‘'wliimilie Lur,i loveili, lie ehnst. net'll.” Till!! not advised as to tlio purposo of' the Superior Court of Chatham conn-1 Wnorls dr Pravon mr-ny In, ndj here nnd ut ibe old home, I Anrou’s journey, but presume lie Ims ; ty, Ims been culled upon lor a certified I , * ., ov “ U| n nit 'who Inend h-m'S I B»“« t0 . visit l,i ? 1 ' ric . ni1 ’. Cllarcs ? un .'- al > ni’lietmeut, now pending! Drugs, Modtcinos, Dyo Staffs,Paints, Substantialed Loilty.—U. W. ton'll)' tt t:,iso.v, }nn 10 Hamilton Street, Dalton, ria. and may all who loved Ii 111 so live thut when wo 1 w „,i too, ritall lie culled to cross tlio dark river, wo ' * lt5 *’* , ftni niter Ills cimiiccs of nil- may meet on tho other shore and join in the songs! mission to Congress in case ho is elect or tha redeemed in Glory. II. & B. C(L in said court against himself, for tlio offense of larceny after a trust delega ted. Oils, Window Glass, &c. RINGGOLD, GEORGIA. Augujl 27—12m For Moth* in F cl*, Ac. . «Costar*s” Insect Votedcr, Dehtro}** itiFtaiilly Fleas and all lit' scot* on l’laut*. Fowl*, Animal*, Ac, W ANTED- AGENT3—$175 per * ’ month to sell tiie National Family Sewing ly Sewing Mnohiim. TU* machine is equal to the Mundurd machine* in every respect and Ik fold at .lie low price or $20 Address NATIONAL SEW I N't J MACHINE CO., I’iurimrgli, Fu. junas 3m W. W. HIGGINS, GUN AND LOCKSMITH. y K'.V (HINS nude lo nrddr, nnd repairing of description done nt nliort notice. OT All '"irk wamuilcd. Ternm to tuit the tmrd liiuce. Also .11 /sixes ami sorts of Spoons, nutter Unites, tic., Mode from old rilver nr coin. Jjr.'fiu’P In llie budding in which tlio Ihist Olliee i. kept. Fell. 21 —llm. J. tiVTlttllE, COMMISSION MERCHANT, AND DEALEtl IN Staple Dry Goods HEAVY GROCERIES, Yarns, Stoves, Leather, KTC.. Shirting*, Tlnwaie, Grain, Huy, Tunnel Hill* Ga., K EEPS constantly ot hand n largo stock of nil STAPLE GOODS, and b prepared,' *t all imy, to pay tho Highest Market Pilee for all no* of r , ’ 3Pa».odIxi.oo- Mv old friend* and the public generally are In vlteii ti» cull on me before SELLING or Pl‘B- CllASING eiriowliere, ns I am di'tertninrd to SEEL GOODS CHEAPER H. cn.nri'ontf, ATTORNEY AT LAW LaKayktte, Ga. m •Willpraetiee in all the counties compos ing tiie Cheioki’o Circuit. Jnn. ID—i GOLD “o GRE BNBACKS! J T ko’ioovQs every m m to *ivo overy vent pos Kill a, and evorvho.iy “gives it up” that they stive money by trading ut OHIUSTIAN’S NEW CHEAP STORE! Wo aro oir»*ring unprecedented bargains in PRINTS, Blmichcdnmi Unblcnchtm Domestic Boots, Shoes, Bats, Notions, BACON, SVGAB, COFFEE, nnd FAMILY SUI’FLIESol nil klmlsnt WoinderMy Low Prices! We continue to,pay tlio Hlprhcst Prices for Country Produce^ of all kind*. We are offering great inducement*; also, to buyer* of Pocket and Table CuGe r ardwure, Crockery, Uurneua, etc. »jul2 J. K. & E. CHRISTIAN. Ammoniated Pkospliato. JgfiST AND CHEAPEST FERTILIZED IN THE WOitLD! Save* Land....Saves Money... .Save* Labor! J. E k 11 CHBISTI AN, Agent*. CIGARS AND TOBACCO OUNTRY MERCHANTS nnd consumer* will po V j find at our house tt»e largest nnd best r Fortment of Cignrg and Toluteco in Cheroki Georgia, which we roll at Atlanta and Nashville price*. J K. & 13 CHRISTIAN. STOVES AND TINWARE. A.ti.Soutlxerlfitnd Manufacturer of all kind* of TINWARE, Stoves,Hollov/Ware,Hardware, And everything in Id* line of bnrine**, which liu priipote* to Fell as cheap iih can be bought, in the South' ru or Western market*, at wholesale or re* tail, and claim* for hi* Tinware n superiority over that of Nor'hctn or Eastern tuiinufneture. Roofing and guttering dune promptly, cheaply, Hamilton street, Dalton, Go. ^ ’ July run To my United Stales’and WorhlicidelReadert.' I have rccolvod many testimonial* from profes sional and medical men, ns .my almanac* nnd vn- Hous patilicnUon* have shown, nil of which aro genuine. The following letter from a highly ed ucated and popular-physician in Georgia, i* cer tainty one ol tiio nioFt sensihlo communications I have ever received. Dr. Clement know* ex actly what ho speaks of, nnd his testimony do- serve* lone written.In letter* of gold. Hear wl.nt tho Doctor scy* of BULL’ri WORM DE STROYER : n.Vanotr, Walker County, Ga. t June 29,18(0. Dr. John Hull—Dear Sir: I have recently giv en your “Worm Destroyer’’ several trial*, ai.d find It wonderlully ufflcaciou*. It lit* not failed In a ringlo ittiUneoto liave the wished lor elfcet. . . — — ! I ntn doing a pretty large country practice, nud Don't Fuller w ill Pain I A Wonder* have dully use for some article of the kind, I fill power nf Heating 1 Every family n m Irco to confess thatl know of no remedy rcc- should keep it in llie house. ( ommended by tiie ablest authors that is so certain "Costar** 9 * ISucIitiio• 11 Salve. I nnd Speedy ns its effect*. On tho contrary they •Assure thing.” Thonuund* i “CosUtr’aCorn Solvent. For Conn, Hunlou*, Waite, Ac.— “Try it." It* effects aro imtuediale. For Cuts, mo uncertain in the extreme. My object in writ-, Mum*, Bruises, Wound*, Sore Breasts, Rig you i* to find out upon what term* I c«n get' Pile*, Ulcer*, Old Sores, licit, Scrofula till) med’emo directly from you. If I can got up- nnd Cutaneous Eruptions, Chapped on easy terms, I shall u*u ii gre.»t deal of it. I. Hands, Lips, Ac., Bite* of Animal*, nm aware that tho usoof such article* ia contrary Insects, &«. , to tlio teaching* and prat-lice of n great majority ***■ of tlio regular lino of M, D’*, hut I ace no jin-t i.i in i i i caufo or good sense in dbemding ir remedy wnlch. A Universal Dinner Pill" (sugar- wo know to be efficient, simply Iccau.-c v.o in mated), fin year* admiubtered in a . bo Ignorant of it* combination. Fur my pan JT riijMeiai)’* Piactico. H shall make it a rule to use all ami any means to. 'Costar 9 **' llixhop Pills. ! »l!ioviuteflu«Vrin* huiuatuty which I imiy bo able. Ut cxtraenliuaty cfllcacy for Costive- to command—not hesitating because snipe one ncs*, Indigestion, Nervous and Sic!: more ingonlus than my.-clf limy imvo lea toed its' Head ache. D\spep*tn. Dysentery ,Gcn- j effect* first, nnd secured that knowledge, eml Debiiiry, Liver Complaint*, Chill*, eve r, I am by no mean* an advocate or si Fever*, Ac. Not griping. Gentle, mild and soothing. That Cough will Iriii you. D<fo’ lect it. % Costar*** 9 CouffK Remedy. Tiio children cry for it—it* a “Sooth, tug Syrup," For Coughs, Colds* Hoarseness, Sore Throat, < 'rmip, Whoo ping Cough, Asthma, Bronchial . |'"M A 8 ” 11 ' ”, ihi/iiuiiiii lection*, .lingers, Speaker*, and all troubled Vvirh Throat Complaint*, will find this a beneficial Pectoral Remedy. Beautifies.llm Complexion, giving to tnc skin a transparent frcshtics*. (( CostarV* BHtrr-Sweet and Orange Klagsonts. Render* thu nkiii clear, smooth and soft. Remove* Tun, Freckle*, Pim ple*, Ac. Ladic*. try a bottle, and seo it* wonderful ——■■■■ I!I Bttw.uu2t!l of nil worthlcssmita i lions. None Genuine without “COSTAR’S” i igtiature. jpjf**28o and 50c. size* kept by oil Druggists, I sixes sent by mail on receipt of price. f^WJ pay* for any three Al size* by Exp css, C2f*pay* for eight $1 size* by Express. Addivs* REMIT B. COSTAB, 012 Broadway, N. Y. {3^For falo by' C. B. Wellborn Si Co., Dal ton, Georgia GTSuld by all Wholesale Druggists In oil tlio large Cities. pyBanies, Ward A Co., 24 Mngaxino streets ^Uileans, wholesulo ngettts for Southern Sno. Slay ^ on. a. d. into ir^ v Insurance and Land Agont, A c 8TKKKT, DALTON, OKOROt. GENT for-ETNA Llfo nnd Fire Insurance, Compiny. Also, Jefferson nnd Jatucs River t ire Insurance Gonipanh'S, of Virginia, Enterprise, nt Cincinnati, and Putnam, at Hart ford, Firu Insurunoo Companies. And Gone i'll 1 I.rvnd A(*ont For anybody wlio entrust* their biirincs* to his onro. Refers , to Col. 0. B. Wclborn, Atlanta; Col. W. II. Tibbs, Lowry A Eason, Hod. D. A. Walker, and Col. J. A. R. Hank*, D.iit.on. Ja91y BARGAINER SALE! LOTS FOR RURAL HOMES!! F OR SALE, about Hixtyr Acres of land, fairly timbered, with beautiful cites for building, ithin one mile nml a half of the city, ndjoiniug the property of tiie Dalton City Company, being a portion of the lot known ns tiio Wrench Place. Hold in parcels to suit purchaser*, of five, ten, twenty, or thu sixty nctea Ono beautiful cite, with thirty acres, with tho privilege of two spring*, IVeestono nnd chalybe ate, within a few steps of the cite. To merchant*, mechanic*, or other business men of Dalton, those lots are very desirable, be ing near enough not to interfere with thoir dully occupation. Entirely Ireefrmn chill*, fever and other injurious diseases, produced by bad water, swamp*, etc. Better bargains can bo had In this property tlmn ever before offered in Whitfield county. Title* made perfect. Apply to HENRY A WRENCH. ir. »r. fiiiiojDjrs. ATTORNEY AT LAV/, Brin no rUcR,, f^Y^ILL practice in .tho Cherokee Circuit nnd v v give special attention to collecting nml sccnring claim*. tnarlU-tjan ivrvuAU. n. j. u’caht. LtUrmnn tt JKcCamy, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, SraiNO BLACK, OKOWili, W ILL practice in the courts of tiie Cherokee Circuit. juarl 9-tian e: sy.unjiiMe.iji, ATTORNEY AT LAW, •TULSTII.V, OKOliaiA. P RACTICKS in the Courts of North western GeorRu and adjoining counties of Teiiueaseo and Alabamu April 24—tj. of tho thousands of worthless nostrums tl the country, that jmrpott to cure nil r disease to which human flesh' i* heir. Plt-nso ro ply soon, nnd inform me of your best terms, urn sir. most respectfully, JULIUS P. CLEMENT, il. D.' Bull’s Sarsaparilla. ' THE uA fir A IK'S Read the CnpUin-s Letter and the Letter from Ids JUcUer. Pentan Banaclr, Co., April 30, 1ST.G. Dr. John llull—Dcnr:;in Knowing the ellicien-* cy of your Saiaapjirilb, and the healing nml her.-. / i tidal qualities it possesses. 1 send you tho fol lowing statement of ,my cose: I was wounded about two years ago—wn* taken' prisoner ntid confined for sixteen months. Being moved so often, my wound* imvo not honied \» t. I have not *nt up a muim-nt fIucoI wa* wounded. I mu shot through the hip*. Mv general i is impaired, ami I need Ko:nethi‘ng to n.->ist u i- ture. I have more laith in your isiKapnriliii thn in anything else. I wish that that lagenuhe., Please express me half « dozen bottle , and obliga' Capt. U. P. JOHNSON, t^t. Lout*, Mo. P. S.—Tho following was written April 30,‘ lStin, by Mrs. Jennie JoLinton, mother of Copt. Johnson. Dn. Doll—Dear fWr Jfy' 4> fnubandv Dr. C. S. Johnson, wus n skillful futgeon and pliy>ic!an iu Central New Yoik, wheru ho died leaving tlio, above C. P. JohiiFOit to mv care. At thirteen'^ years of age bo had a chronic diarrhea and Ktb- fuld, for which I gave him your S*rsapahllaF It cuVcd-liLm^ ^ IlmvofurtHnjear* recmuiuended it to many in NeWYflrfcyf/ldo, uml low*, for ioftR— fuia, fevet sore*, and general debility. Perfect success has attained It. He cure effected iu eomo case* of scrofula and fever sores it ere almost mi- raeuiovs. 1 am very hnxiou* for my son to again imvo recourse to your Sarsaparilla.’ Hoi* leurlul ol getting a spurious srriole, hence his writing to' you for it. Hi* wounds were terrible, but 1 bo« lieve he trill recover. Respectfully, .!KYVflt Jdlf jhnnih Johnson; DR. JOHN BULL, ■ ’• 1 -At Manufacturer und Yonder ot tho Celebrated Smith’s Tonic Syrup, FOR THE (JURE OF AO 87 JE AJVD F E V E JR, OR, CHILLS AND FEVER. The proprietor of this celebrated mcdiclno justly claims for it ft superiority over all ran edit* over offered to tiie public for the safe, certain, speedy, and permanent cure of Ague nnd Fever, or Chills and Fever, whether of short or long standing. Ho refer* to tho entlru .Western and South western country to hear him testimony to tho truth of tho assertion, that in no case whatev er will it fail to cure, if tho dirpetion* are strictly followed and carried out. In a groat many cafcs, a single dose has beeu sufficient I or n c» 4 rc, and whole families, hnvo been cured by a single ,bot tie, with a perfect restoration'.of tt o gcpcral health. Iti?, however, prudent, and in. oveiy.. case tnoro cerialn to cure, if it- too Is c« ntir.ued in smaller doses for u week or two n’ur. the dis ease has been checked, mQrf.w-pec'ally.iiidiffUult nud long standing cases,. Usually, tbi*. mcdiclno will not require any aid to keep the bowel* III good order; should the patient,' however, requite a enthnitio mcdiclno, after having taken fhrio rr four dose* of thu Tonic, a single dose* of HULL'S VEGETABLE FAMILY PILLS will be sufficient. DR. JOHN BULL’S Principal Olliee: JEo. 40 Fifth Cross Street, LOUISVILLE, AT. All of tho above remedies for sale by. J. B. NL KLIN k CO, Gjuiftunoogn, Tcnn., And by all other responsible Druggist*. io-Iy MSr. E. O. Stafford R ESPECJ'FUI.LY tender*.hi* Professional ser-1 '** Tlievlire non- vice* to tlio citizen* of M”--— -~ A ~ A) - Uer and Jeweller, n vice* to the citizen* of Murray «nd adjacent | { h e gront&fct eare, rendering the lened tr.y shop In (Ins place nnd count lafc All Ihstw* p^cnlinr fa Females; nnd than any pen now beforo tlio pul a do any kind of work in my ( ..,f 0H C ,’Y 4 0 °' r cr V dost-npilon treated. ) Sen^ port paid to ahy addle*-* itch a* repairing and denning • •* , J I ** wraidtmcj of 1 ‘Mr*..Humphreys, near box,’containing one doz-u Oi V. A. HAFFEER, VValc.h-Jlalscr and Jeweller, 1 11 A VS just opened am prepared to di line of bUsinc-W, hiicIi H a um. vi--hiiiiiu .. ., , .. , • —•--» Wniolic. &e. I keep on linmt Jewelry,IVutcl.o, , U.irU^low, Reek Creek, 411 fray county. anil tipeeiaelc3. ; n I K*'t la tr ( Sliop nt tho BrugStore of QuJger & Knight. rpiIR CITIZEN will lie sent In nuk-evPirrs until j' 1 '. 3,3m Inn. 8, 1808—ly. I I lor FiFTF CENTS, . | I'ioase B23TTER THAN GOLD! OCR NEW IndestruotaMe Golden Pens.- A RE recommended b fc**0rs< Teachers, have tried them v as tho money for’the same lent at our ;ut tu try them M. " Dalton, Jan.