North Georgia citizen. (Dalton, Ga.) 1868-1924, October 01, 1868, Image 3

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"HBNBY,A..WBBNCH7L09ai- THCaSDiT MOBMUIO, . OCTOKEttl, t806. TKDJIS i-Two S and fifty Cents per V«*r In Adyantct 8lx MoiUliMl.flO tl Ai;rert\ilJJl * ■MM of L(R»I A,;rerl -frr Huityu&l For Ionvo lu loll lain;... . • Notion to dot,torn ami t'redlu Halo* nf poraoiml pro: ' "V-, i "" Hilo of In ml bj Adm re, Kiln, & o„ 1 iqr., 5 0« Bliurifl’. Balovpcr*qu„re, cnnli IliR'riion,. .. .76 Circulate the Uornmenlil Now II jour lime lo Subscribe 11 Tlio campaign la now lilrly npCroHl, and the oomirr wo oro allve lo tho lieeomltlM It Imimaei tho belter. Great political Iwui i ore «t ilako— tiauoa upon which hung impended tho liberties bctpicathcd t-a by tho founded of tho llepuhllo. Tho Brit duty, tlicn, of every eniucat Democrat and lover or hU linporlllcd country la to olfoutalo tho host political document! Within Ida rcaolr,— CITIZEN " TearPown tSeFlidotlug Ltfl <> ^ ^ po.-t Oltlco tho ourtoui can aeo a ipechncn' of Bad* leal Impudoneo nnd fulechood. It |i u prater giv ing notlco o/'an appointment of n noted Italin- wag lo Apcait hero) end It hoi more mendacity 1,1 its abort llmlta llion could hovo been crowded hi the lumo apaco hy anything leaa than n gbnulne, oily tougued icollilwog. Wo eonipllnieut tho uu- tiior, whoever ho tray be, on Ida powera. Tho Atlanta mongrel ahocl ahould employ Ida aCOOlu* pllahcdpen.' Such capacity for lying ahould Uc certainly lin'd In ft broader Held than tho brlcl apatlu ofSxlli poitera. It atari! out bycnlllng "Uul'in A feu to Rally!' Wo rather think they will on tin* #d uf .Novoiubey, and rally too, agatnat the ndaorablo Disunion,the Radical! have created lit tho land, in nufrli grand number! os to forever eiiurlcb lliD foupapawn of Sauin—Itnillcallam. It then flaunt! In big luttoralho fcdlotrlngjnlre —“Grant and Peace, or Seymour and War.” Funny way to preaorve Peace, to >,rm ilia uegroca to force vote! for Grant, Grunt, llrowulow anil negro militia arv proaorvlng a nrotty peace I nTon neaaeo. Were nut the tldngao triuiaparently ridte Elmira Prison, Now York. All who lost friends at Elmlrn Prim on, (luring tho war, mid who wish to lUlHtiVlllg, Oil" uw 0“ .V Ing Mr. II. Af'Ilimrlioni of Sparta, Qa,, nt'Kltnlrn, Netv York. Mi*. 11. went Noncare batter than the Koran (luoitou Ctriiis, and wo call upon our democratic friends to help | nlou!, It might aenm serious, and yet ridiculous Its send It throughout Chorokco Georgia. ■ I.ot each subscriber go to wo Ik and sccbro us one or more campaign subscribers. This they can easily do. Friends, will you do Itf Grc!tlssues,a»wc boforo said, arc at italteJ—$ to work! * We ore handing the btm>H to campaign lubsorlheW rrdih how ddtll the llrst of January IW Fifty Conti. SK* Agents for the Clllien. Tho following named gentlcmon arc author ised to act as agents for tho Ciniei', In any ca pacity ; 0. D. WttniUSi Cedar Grove. I, . 0, Cnawroun, laiFayotto.,* llAKv.n, Trettton. u W. S. Oaua#a*. orJouit Gatit, Spring Place. Dr 11. (i.Srarroan, lloek Greek, Murray county. It. D. Conus, Ringgold. T. F. Gntea, Khjay, Giltner county. J. Donut, Bogie’s Store, Cooslewatee, J. W. Cavksuib, Villanow, Walker county. foemoeraltcilitb oMVhltfleld County. . President—Col J. A. II. IIanks. ' Vico Presidents—Col’ 1 \V Avery and Judgb \V J Underwood. Tilton—Dr J K Osborne, S B’ filqart jjAnd T 9 Morgan. ‘ ' '* Tunnel Hill—Hugh B^lringficld, Wm L Cook. Varr.ell's Station—M P Varnell, T ti Pitner. Dili—Judge E J Tarver, Chrvs Cothrau. loth—Rawlej Cupp,P M Routh, Triw'um—Jos Rogeirs, A 0 Leake. Mill Creek—Jcro Ray, .8 P Green, W Mahan. T. R. McDonald, Sce’y. fae City—Prospects and Improvements. Though tho dull seuson is upon us aud business feVti-omely dull, a eonstnnt improvement is going -oh. Many persons from tho lower country arc constantly coining up to exaraino the splendid lands tn our community, and several have pur chased homes amongst us. We wcleoiM them as friends. Thoso having property for sale should advertlso itatoneo. Let noneaway. We lmvo homes for all, and a warm welcome. Capt. Jako Tilibs ia putting up a fine, large two 'Story brick, on Hamilton street, which will lie one •of the best business houses in the city. Many ollicrs are preparing to build, and wo make expect a lively business Benson, and a ' brigbtor future if every ono goes to work with that pin pose. Being satisfied that Dalton Is On tho ripe, nnd nvlth all its advantageous facilities for a nourish ing city, above any othor town in North Geurglu, •we have determined to run our banner up a step, higher in new»pap»rdom, hy printing u live tri weekly after this year, nnd hope our encourage- ■meat will prompt other enterprizes. as It la, tho Camilla nflair should toll every honest. that Radicalism moans wriqm wur indeed. Tho absurdity of tills thing is only equalled by it* it'kednnw. Thfo glnndllnqnent poster tlicn .volunteers its ?orVU)o? to keep “all those who wore dutielyod and chinnfod ihtd seee.wion and ihiln In 18ftrt by TaomUl,'Odbb nnd tfill, and tlioir co-workers’’ from being cnshArod by them now into war. Fun joke! Ben Hill, tho Union man of 1880, who opposed secession “tooth and too nail,” being classed among secessionists. Try it again, Poster jhnn. Put in ioo brdwn-, nnd 0. E. Broyles, nnd Paul Lester, and Bullock, the bloated arsenal cup Hire*, and a fow others*, but for Heaven’s sake, sparo Ren that thing. Rrotvn Raid If wo didn’t secede we would bo fumed, but Hill said, not so. After mimerous funny statements till* romarlc- able document gors on to say tho acnlluwag that Is to Ventilate himself to our poor town. Will pose the 'conspiracy of Toombs, Cobb and HUP to make war. Whd told;tIto negroes in a public Jit-Oclam'fttlon tiiat th»*ir..armed nnd unlawful drillings were the inevitable^ results of pemoeratie dhuusslon of* tho issues of tho day; thereby justifying them? .Bul lock did it! That’s Wtf 1 Who tried to pass a bill to arm the negro to force white votes ? Radical Congres? did’ it l— That’s wur l Who-hns wild Urtt the arming of ?oUthorn no' grocs was essential *o peace? druit l That’s war1 Wiio lias already ariAud n riegVo militia^ ' Tho fiend, Brownlcw, lias done ir I That’s war 1 . Wb i.wArched on Catnil'u .with an infuriated mob of negroes, armod with Government muskctsl Radical stump speakers! Tint’s wart Wnat men have called for arms to prop up tie gVo sUpremacyi The Radical “Southern govern ors,” ftom up Nauth / That’s war *1 Slintnoupon l)ie miserable, scorp on-tongued LIAR8 that flood such falsehoods upon the peopli to Atir up strife, to slander honest men, in order to detract from their bloody, revolutionary pur* poses. And double dyed shamo upon the thing, who thus heralds His arrival .by such infamous misrepresentations of the good people of the land l Everywhere the Seymour men ( have declared themselves Peaco men. And we teb the honest Democrats of tho land that this lufamom Agency Poster is a fit spawn of tho infamous p irty comes from. ldst wltjtar to look iiftoi 1 the bodies of ffloliiiB, ami goes now to re move them. At Klrainv Colnutery lie nbtleed Unit most, porlmps nil, tbe Southern Stales nro reprcsonteil, nntl kiioWlng from pressing Inquiries re- cfliviiil) (lint ninny would gladly bear respecting the bodies of tlielr friends, he promisefor tho snko of tho lu*« reftvqd, to .’answer all loiters niid Inqui ries wldeli mny he sont to'hlm nt Elmi ra hy the 15th of Oelohev. l'orsous writing will pleilBo'enelhso a Stamp to wur return 'postage. UNAUTlioBlZKP FEEBn—TheCommlS: sinner iif tuteriud Revenue snys that itliy AkSflssnr who elmrgus a fuo for ap proving lljo honds doos so without nu- tlfljjityof law. Tho defonso tnndo tiy certain assessors who have claimed It is that the the foe .taken for this pur- rose Is intnndcd to lie used in slipperi ng tho political campaign, '.Tbs Campaign In WliItGCJ. The campaign still progtesses vigorously hero. 'Tlio reaction is Mcndy in favor of (lie Democratic ■causo. We understand our xenious friend, Ruwley Cup» is gotiiug up a largo Democratic Club in bis Die trict. The Dalton District Club still keeps up the ex citement. Wo were disappointed in Col. Wool- ton coming up on Friday, on account of being unablu to como the legislative cliambers, as im portant matter was up for Friday. But Col Cow- •art, the equal of every stump speaker in Georgia, •a scathing orator, and telling talker, will address tho Club on Friday night nt tho Court-House. Tlio Tunnel Hill Club is hard at work. The energetic Chairman of tbe Ex. Com., Dr. Julius Clement is working hard. But none of tbe Clubs can beat tlio Vnrnell Station District Club. It has nearly ono hundred member?—many old Reconstruct ionista. Pqul Vamell Capt, Dick Taliafcro, Dr. Ruushcnburg and its other members are working with a vim. €ol. Avery made u speech to that Club on F .lay night, nnd tho enthusiasm was high, nnd his Ipoints handsomely received. Remember that on Saturday tho 8d, (he County 'Club meets in Dalton, nnd a big turn out is want- od, to arrange finally for tho big Barbecue. Tlio Tilton Club is organized and in working prime. We roc-iyvd tiie account of its organi sation and ndtrfinthle Resolutions, but unfortu nately our Printers Devil mislaid (hem, which has prevented tlioir publiution. Hope Insurance Company. Mr. G. C. Nixon, General Agent of tlio. Hope Insurance Company* St. Louis Mo., wnl i^i town yesterday in the interest of that Company. Ho is now at Tuunel Hill, but will return to this place to-morrow, when those of our eitizons who may desire to insure in a Company every way re- sponsihh —ono that meets all its liabilities prompt ly, and which possesses many advantages other Companies, will liavo an opportunity of dq- ing so. An agency will bo established in this place. The Georgia Radical party in a nut-shell—Joe Brown’s head. Comlug 1 Coming I A largo Block of Fall Goods, Ladles* GobdlJ Hats," Shoes, Boots, of the lutes* styles, and tlicn Groceries of all kinds, are coming; ladies, coming; mid will bo openoned at Ed Christian’s store, tltio week. Give him a call. He sella cheap to all. <4 Pwwel w Where (s thy Claims? Grant says “let us have peace.” Tho first sec tion of tho “Reooustruoiion Acta” speaks of “se curing peace” by organlzingden Southern States into military despotism’*, abolishing tho Judicia ry, trying citizens,' for pretended oflences, by Radical court-martials, shaving the head* of no- gro witnesses, putting them in swoat-boxes^ point ing loaded cannons at thorn, and practicing many other barbarities, to secure filso-swearlng against white Southerners, and keeping a standing army of 6i),ooo soldiers to support a corrupt negro bu reau, at a cost of ft'iOOfOOOtObO per annum, in a time of profound pcucq. Tills is the military ty rant’s idea of “let us havo peace.** Seymour 6avs let us havo tho Constitution and Union of our fathers, and tho rights guarantied thereunder Which is “Peace?” Blurted, ■ On tlio 20th of September, by the Rot, J. A. R, Hanks, ut tho residence of Mr. John M. Crute, 'Mr.’W, J, LoNolkt to MirsMAnr O’Ttsok. Ucadquartcra for Everything! Interesting from WaBhinL Alalmma delc^fttion hiul nn Interview |PLANTERS’ EMPORIUM: with thcPt’ft.ltleiit to-day, ilui’int* which they presented tlielr doeumenls and licit a freo conversation. Another in terview is llxcd for to-morrow, when the Seerctnry of War will he present Alid tlio President’s answer oonimnnl- eated. In tho mean lime tlio parties consider themselves hound to secresy in regard to tho details. A portion of tho 12th Infantry has booh sent to Alcxnndila, Vn. The 29th regiment, which Is to ar rive nt Nashville on Tuesday night, numbers eight hundred men, ovemu •- —’ Wk havo oflon been asked the dif ference between n “ cnrpet-bngger " and a “ scnlawng." Tho Luka (Miss.) Gazette nuswers tile question' In the following manner: The enrpet-hAggef is n Northern thief, who comes Smith to plunder every white mnn who Is a rcntlemnn of any property or .reopen ability, and get all ofllcos ho can.— Thesealnwng is a Southern-born scoun drel, who will do ell the earput-bagger will, and,'beside*, murder tbe-carpet bagger for the gotta' puroha ring his sister gave him when lie left home,’’ The following States have hold eloe lious since the nomination of Grant AGAINST GRANT, IDAHO,. OREGON, MONTAN-A, . KENTUCKY, COLORAD O, CONNECTICUT. FOR GRANT. MAINE, VERMONT! “Eet us nAVE pbaor."—'When the tliird Richard stalilied Henry and smothered the Princess in tho Tower lie was in pursuit of peace, and when Arnold betrayed his country it wns only to securo a pom e. There never was a more peaceful country llinn while Nefo ruled. Let ns have pence by nil means.—N. 0. Times: HbVcmio to-day half million dollars. Comm.i8sloiior Rollins lias left tho cltv for two weeks. Tim Herald says odltorlnlly tlio Gov ernor of Alabama is certainly' not for wrong in Ills notion that more Nation al troops nro unnceossnry In tlmt. State. Tlio proselieo of fifty thousand soliliurs In Alabama would Wjffbl Vo effective in keeping the pence'as tlio Camilla fight will , prove, now that the whole history of that event Is seen It Is unde- tihihly clear that the negroes provoked llie disturbance. Tpey marched) with tlielf ttadicnl lenders, \vitli music nnd arms Into a quiet town, comporting themselves in nn ofrenslvo manner, la bullying expedition and the menace of tlielr'ennduflt waa. met as'lf It were real. Niggers will sco Ify-tpis example that it is not\vet safe to bully wlnto Ihon and that will prevent-.collisions. • Boston, Septomher as^Butler Ims been renominated for Congress. NeWark.n. j., Septombor 28.—Pour English mlhers were crushed to death by the caving of an irofvmlne at Mount Hope, New Jersey. , ■ Oor.nsnono, N. C-, Sopt. 28.—On Friday nlglit last a band of United Stalfli colored this point nt- mob two.colored Domoernt- iospenkcrs.but were prevented by white citizens. Inn eonllict last'night be tween colored'soldiers and oitizon ne- groes. one of tlio former nnd one of tlio latter wore woiindodi Amputation of tho lower limb, in the latter case, was TIB US, KK.VJi'KR K CO., H AVE on lunJ nml nro oftiiiinntly rneclvin,' tin l.irgont nml fluent nnnortini’tit of C1I0CIE DRY GOODS Embracing all tho new styles of Ladies’ Drca Goods, Cloths, CuaimoicF, VcstiiiRS, etc. RHDHADS CLOTHING GOOD, 8TII0N0 FAflllHI.NABlJS. Liiilies'i Unt!, Dtcu Trimming!, Yunkcli .Notion! New Styles Hats, Caps,. Boots and Shoos, every Variety of Price mid h'xcelltuce. Also,.ii very Urge assortment of Crockery, Outtlcrv, Hardware, and everything else required make a full lino of FAMILY GROCERIES! FABMEJU IMPLEMENTS I Of tho latest and most approved Patents Also, all kinds of Field and Garden Seeds, at «f7». land 2 Tlbb'u House,Dalton ■jejpl Vuluabio Klftjr'iJrtitlon. SELECT YOUR OWN NUMBERS . . , In tho. ROYAL SPANISH LOTTERY. ’■pip mint re!ponslblo lratliuii„ii oftliokiiul L In the woriJ. Selecting IWililmht In tliln liottorjU n new Idot-find one well mlo|itcJ lo ho wmiu hfllio people. Jt ollenhi n iwlermean! spcoulntlvu ii.voMtiiicnt llinii most oilier biisl- b, rlaki. For full inhirmuUon,' uililH- 1 I.MIYI), SBilMF.8 A'CO;;' 1i Nu.-iim Strcoi, New Voile. jrn Preparations. E V1MYJ101) r Tries Thom i EVEItYIlODY Uses Them I U YE 11Y110DY-—Micvctt in them l Everybody—-Itecominends them ! AREA.VS.IS .7 AM R J) IROlt — Starlit J'Aat, Il7.((r4\> , Ari-., May 23, V Db. Jons llui.1.—>P« ir Nil i Lu!t ULnu i., My nofi.Ki.liiw who unit With mo in I lira been doAii With rhtumftliaui lur i Commenced on the DlUeii, mid lorn I In had heft thvin, i,ud 1;6 h!.‘o itnptovt-d. Dr. CotScu, «ho lihibeen in hnd licnUh for?’ oral ye,\H-iloMchtmd liver nflfeotW~T proved' Very much by the p?e ol yon. e.yoii troubled byitatiqkifle,i(wacli- indeed .tho Ucdron I popularity iu this acttl “Costar's” S'xtcnniiuito.n. ! “ Only lrifkllihlo Roinedloi krfuttn.”— “Free from POUdn." ‘‘Hot danger ous to tho Uiiinnn F.pnl|y.” “1UU com® out of their holes to die.' 1 Im proved to keep ill any climate. Nealy. A SUCH IN TIME SUES NINE! Are you* annoyed -with Dou-Dugs?—* Can’t sloop nJjjhts! CROEIEn’B NEW STORE, J HAVE JUST OrENED AN ELEGANT AS- necessary. • : Thero is constant Excitement ana a ter, Minn., dispatch of September 12, savs: A terrific tornado of rain occur red on tile Minnesota river Friday niglit. 'Houses and barns-were {down, to fragments nnd grain stacks scatter ed in every direction. A number of persons were injured, among them Mr Geo. Rtiggs-, Di'taliy; and several others* seriously. f l'he damage to properly is estlifialed ut $26>00Q. Democrney in Walker—A Gala Day—Jnbllcel We havo attended several mass-meetings, c.ontly, tmt tlio grand old Democratic Juhjlc** ami Haxket Dinner, which uaino olfut fnFayette, the 24i-h ult, had a ring of tlio trua metal about it seldom exhibited at an nut of-tlio-YVay county gathering. The morning sun, a* it wended it* way .hrougli the dusky >ktvB sciWeely gave us a hope of any hut u dreary day, wliilo tlio mountain brcZ 'hnn down a thick, tut ty fog, nlglt onto a d izz' ug rain; hut at an early hour throngs of fair ladi gallant and true gentlemen, began to poftr tnt< tiie village by hundred?, add ere the tlipo of speaking, th> gloomy cloud?, a? if |»fonelo d irk- tho grand array of magnificeiit loveliness whicli. hn«l assembled to do honor to tiie pure patriots, nnd lend their benign influence to a en«*e so holy mid just,broke their desponding links asunder,and ushered out a bright sun to spread h* congenial rays in unison with those from a thousand fair faces below. The occasion had, indeed, assumed a peculiar grandness. From fifteen hundred to two thousand o r the honest yeomanry had assembled m ound tlio stand, situated in n beautiful grove, when tiie speakers, in order, were announced. Col. Norwood, of Savannah, mado a pointed nml logical discourse nn the U-uie* of the day. which was well received and did, wo worn about to sav, much goo l; Lut tliut’s doubtful—tlicn* were none of the swarthy, crawling, scallnwag reptiles out, nnd thnnk God, for the good people of Walker, but few in tho county.* Gen. Wolford addressed the crowd in a style peculiar to himself, receiving repeated applause. Next came out* mountain hero, the hiimitnb'o Col. Geo. N. Lester, in ono of his “love least” appeals, but for no avail—nary material—all *0. K. Ills exposures of corruption were sharp and quick, while hts intermingling of humour kept up a continuous roar of laughter, especially amongst, the Indies witli whom he is very popular. Dinner wns announced, and thero were tables, heavily laden, with ram, lamb, sheep and mutton, hog meat, beef, ohiuken, corn bread, light brend, biscuit, vegetables, cakes or«ll kinds, nnd “pies an’ tilings” generally, enough for twice the number present, and thelf it was preparod by women, (God blesR the little' creatures) aud so n .eely too—just ns they do everything. Wo tested the full bill of fnTfc. very severely, npd pronounce the whole ofit A No. 1. After sumptuous refreshments tho enthusiastic crowd gathered again to hear Col. Waddell, who eloquently nnd fiercely shcl-ed tlio enemy out of tlielr breastworks, amidst applause. Gen. Young, our M. 0., wns next on tlio roll to *peuk, but a httivy shoWer of rain prevented him from giving us a thlkj to (ho regret of all. It was, altogether, a llve’y day,' and carried our memory hack to tlio prosperous days of tho . Republic. Viva la Walker! Extraordinary Good Sense.—There is, in Haris, France, one ciry goods firm that spends five hnndvcd thousand francs n year for ndveriising. It has d me so for twenty years past, and com s lers it umh-ponsiilile to the immense and eonstnntly increasing JnlsIhMB which it is doing. A Bohemian Is cn gaged to write tho ndvertisi tnents, • nd see to It that they are properly od. Another llonJsamr Rally. <Xih Cows* t,of Atlamn, n penulno stump oiatcr, addresses Iho Dnlton District (Hub an Friday night at tho Ouurt-IIouse. A stirring time expected. Ladies Invited. I. W. Atkut, Pre»t Cluli. Help lllm up Aftnln. Ed. Tucker, the old roliable, No. 1 blacksmltli, of day. gone hy, hulro-cslnbll-hed In tbu rear or Jesse Holland's Stable, 116 is too well known ns a good workman to require praise. It is Mr. Tucker's purposo to put up bis buggy faianufaeiury as soon ss be ia aide. Help him. Domestic Market. Market dull—Corn flOnftfl; Mewl 86flflO; wheat none offering; Dried I'cachts in demand nt $2 76 nfl.OO pef bushel; Uniter, 26u; Chlukeni ISftkOe; Eggs, 10al6e. . ■■ ■ Kingston Deaotnlle Conrentloa, For tlio nbmlnstlon of a candidate for Congress from thin DUtrlet, re-assomldos to-morrow, by or der cf the Freeidcot of said eonrention, A H indred 'Guns for Arkansas. That is a breezy, health-inspiring note that comes to us from Arkansas. The [Dumopriitys in that' Stats'are a unit on the colored stlirriigo qtlustlon, and' nro moving on the enemy’s works, wielding his own favorite weapon anti ntlncking his very citadel. Tiie whole cheerful story is told on oitr first page of this issile, in the correspondence of the New York World. It Is a rctnark- nhlc, almost startling phase of the rnp- idlv developing “ Southern situation," and tlio most oxtraordinnry feature of the groat roaolionary movement on tills oontiiuint, for tiie nvertlirow of the praKnit Congressional oliga'rohy. Wlmt does all tills moan,? Thero is something more than party and party polities in it. Tho hand of nn insoi'ii- talile providence is in it. So sure ns the sou of heaven sheds light, nnd the earth revolves, this key-note from the trnns-Missi-sippi sounds to tho knell of carpet-bag despotism in the down trodden,nnd long-siilfol'lng South. It looks ns though n rny of sober reason Imd flashed through tiie Southern coun try, before which Fancy's fretted frost work had incited in a niglit. The peo- plenrc terribly in earnest—have thrown aside despondency and (lay-dreaming and commenced a masterly activity whicli' will sweep nil before it. There is more good, old-fashioned common ** horse ” seitso in this attitudo of the Arkansas nomocracy than anything wc Imvo suen from the South since the Mississippi election and the Democrat ic victory at Memphis.—Nashville Ban ner. nAYTl—Tlio latest news from this ragged nation places Snlimve on tlio vantage ground, and suggests that the cake of tile ,** Cacos " must Ifimtlverv much like dough. The ’‘Liznrdq” will steal the cake if Snlimve finally tri umphs, and bask in the sunshine of tho Government till another revolution drives them to tlioir holes. A great government is lifter fifty years of tri al, that tlio negroos Imre made in Huy. ti I having declined in every phase of civilization since they took it in hand, well ordered and maintained, uiitil the nation is now diiTded into two par ties, whose ambition has led to the adoption of the names “ Cacos ” or parrots, and “ Lizards,” to distinguish them from each other. Alter a long war, remarknblo for tho cruelty meted out to prisoners, and utterly o nloinp- tilde for any display of a warlike char acter, one of them Is, it appears, about to triumph. In turn, it will have soon to follow tho preceding dominating factions nnd give way to another squa lid resolution.—Rtoll. Dispatch. Thola8trndieal wiru pullingmid ejoe- tlonecriug dodge is this: To send from Baltimore toPennsylvaninsevernl thou sand voters for uso in the coming elec tion. The Information comes from tlio Baltimore Custom-house, aud is rclta- W« general feelingof inseourlty oil the part of citizens. New Orleans, Sept. 23.—Governor Warmoth'd veto of t|jc negro equality bill was sustained In tho Honso to-day. Tlio vote .was a tie; 39 to 32. In tho House: to-day a bill was intro duced, passed to tldrcl reading, and re ferred to the Judiciary Committee, en titled an not to onforoe the provisions of tlio thirteenth article of tiio Consti tution, which• in almost idontioal with civil action, and gives preference on the docket to suits brought under its provisions. Riobmond, September 23.—On Sat urday niglit, in Now Kent county, Mrs, Stewart, a widow, wps murdered and her norpso burnt with her dwolllng house. John. Raker, tier farm mana- gar, wns also murdered and robbed of five hundred ■dollars in gold. Four houses were recently , burned in tlio sameiioighborhood.. The military were sent tlure. . A special lo the-Rndimond Dispatch shvB tho train bn tlnTCbntrtil railroad, with two hundred of the 29tii Infantry, hound for Ton iesseti;-ran oir the track thisevening,noir Lqiidoiisville. killing four nnd woiiridi ig a large 'number— Four,cars ran off. Throe companies of tlio same regiment left hero tills eve ning for Tennessee. ' London, Sopt. 28 The Spanish rev olution gninsstrcngtli. Valladolid and both Castillos revolted. Tiie llbynl forces have been recalled from Santan der to protect Madrid. Paris, September s?.—The city of Alccy has revolted^ Throe ships of the lino,supposed to lie a part of Prim's fleet, appeared off Cnrlhagoiln. It is stilted that tile town of t Leon lias pronounced for the revolutionists, It is also reported that Saragossa has rebelled and that Comte Chester was killed. i Hftrtmclit of Dry Goods and Groceries, at my New Brick House, on Hamilton Street, first Store above Hnlludd'l Livery Stable, adjoin ing Lowry 6s Eohoii’*,'thihsistlng In part of Blenched and Sfown Domestics, PRINTS, LADIES’DRESS GOODS, 7 rimming-, Hosiery uml Notions In variety, Boots arid Shoes, Ilnniivare, qiiocnsft'jre. nml Tiblo Cuttlcly, SUGAR, COFFEE, ToflACCO, I’OWDEIt, ami nn dnilifM variety' or articles too numerous to mention, uil of winch t oiler at EXTREMELY LOW PRICES Call and see for youratilve*, and you will bu plcnsod with both goods aud prices. It Is a pleas* uic to allow goods. S. C. CROZIER. W ANTED- A GENTS—$176 per month to sell the National Family Hewing Family Miiehitio. This machine, is equal to tho standm machines in every respect and is sold nt the low price of *20 Addres* NATIONAL SEWING MAQJHNB 00., Pittsburgh, Pa. jun25 8m J. UVTUUIES COMMISSION MERCHANT, “Collar's« Ilal-Hntr F.xler. A IJqniil “ t)c«roy»aml prevents BcJ- Dugs.” ." Never Falk” Fur Motht In Fun, Woolens, Carp. ot», Ac. “Costar’s” Insect Fowtlcr. Du.-troj" iustniiily Flora nml all In- rueu uu l’liuin, Fmtl», Aulmula, Ac. “ A ouro tblug.' t|fy. Thovaaudi Cua LC3- “Costar’s” Corn Solvent. Fur Cornu, Buiilou!, Wart!,- Ae,— "Try It." ' mint. ur nu dMnw thiH full i Dlttor. and Eawipur- Bull’s Worm fo iay Uiiiied Slata'aud iYoMuidilRisdcti. »I have received many testimonials from profes sional and medical men, ns my .nlmnnnes nnd'va rious publications have shown,' ill of ! which nro genuine. The- following letter from a. liiglily ed ucated and popular physlcinn In Georgia, is cer tainly pno ot tho most rensiblo conimunipatlopa I havo ever received. Dr. Clement know? ex actly what ho speaks of, and his testimony de serves to he written in letters of gold. ’Hoar wiint tho Doctor auya of BULL’S WORM DR- . Villanmo, Walker County, Ca., June 23,1 Sf 0. Dr. John Bull—Dear Sir: 1 have recently giv* cu your “iWorm Destroyer” several trial?, and find It wonderfully clllcaclous. It lias not failed Don’t suffer with Pain! A Wonder- i , - fill power of Healing! Every family 0,n Iree to. confess, that I:kn6tf of no remcdyrec- Bhonld keep It in the liouso. i . ... oinmciidcd by the ablest authora that i? so certain “Costar’a” Siuclttho' H Salve, and fipeedy ns its ellbcta. On the contrary they lta I'flVctu me Imniodiato. Fur Out!, 1 f™ uncc ‘ ln,n " lh « extrumc. My object In writ- Burn!, Bruise.*, Wound.*, Sore Dreustft, '9B W t0 VP 011 w,l “ 'wins I can get Fllei*, Ulcore, Uid Surra, Itch, Scrofula tile lued’eirm dlrectlv from you. ll'I cun getup- ond Cutanoutu Eruplioni, Chapped «» cas F " ir 1 raa . f sl ">» «8™**‘ Ami <d' B. I. ]lamia, Lips, Ac., Uitei of Annuel*, ! mn nwuro t mt tlio use of such article* is contrary Insects Ac. ; 10 tl10 “ |1<J h™<dk'6 of n great miiorlty WSSSSlSSi ol the regular llnd of M. D’h, but I flee no jli/t , causoor good.sense In discording,! relnetly wldeli Universal Dinner Fill’* (.ngar- : «o know to be eniciciil, flimply hreauae wo may ,d). an years admioblwcd in a ' >» * ,10r !' nt ! ‘ lf iu oonibluaUon. or my part I ' - .Shall toako it a ruio to uso all and any i *- nlifcvlatc sufTcriog humanity which Lma . coated). 30 yearn Phvsiclan’s Practico. “Costar’8” it Is It op Hills, w means, to I-.... , ■.( tf jAR-iji —* ——,tnay boablh Of extraordinary clllcaey for Costive-; ta S u,M , som <’ yea*, Indigestion, Nervon. nnd AND DEALER IN Staple Dry Goods. HEAVY GROCERIES, Yarn*, Shirtings, Stoves, Titiwatc, Leather, Grain, Hu.v, KTO., ETC., Tunnel Hill, Ga., K EEPS constantly on limn! n large stock of ail STAPLE GOOD? “ - time*, to pay tho Highest Market Price for nil kinds of y Pi’oauo©. My old friends and tho public general! v aro in vited to call on mo before HELLING or PUR* (JILVSINU elsewhere, as lam determined to extra Sprclal Notlre. Itewnro of counterfeits 1 -Smith's Tonic ^vnip Imi been counterfeited, and tlio counteflcitor, brought to grief. , Smith 1 * Tonic Syrup.. The genuine article mu?t have I)r. John Bull’* private ftarnp on each bottle. Dr. John Hull on ly hffs the right to maniifaeturc nod sell the origi n«l John Smith’s Tonic Syritp of Louisville, Ky.~ Examine well the lubul on each bottle. If my private stump is not on the bottle, do not pur chase, or you wdl bo deceived. See my column idvt-riiHenient, and my show card. The genuine •Smith’* Tonic Syrup can only lie prepared by uiy- s-*lt. The public servant, ,Louisville, Ky. Da. JOHN DULL, April 25, LATEST AEEIVAL SPRING AID SUMMER GOODS l \J Earo receiving almost daily large addition* vv to our stock of gtlodsj to wldeli we invite cun irtiikett to their in consists in part bf ttoDoso. Our stock Staple and Fancy’Dry Goods, Ladles’ DUliSS GOODS and TRDIHIXCS la great virlety ud »tyle«l Whilo Goods, Bleached and Brown DOMES TICE. Mcn’a and Ddy'a Ready Made Clothing, Linen Drills, Cottonude.*, Summer Citssimcrs, Tweed*, HATS, BOOTS AND SHOES, For Ladies and Gentlemen. ITarclwnre, Cuttlory anti Queens ware, uid Wood and Willow-Ware in great variety, aLo, a splendid hue of , , FAMILY GROCERIES, and Dye-Stuff*, to which wo * Invito tho atten tion of our friends mid tho publiu, ns it i* our in- rentiou not to be undersold. AYe buy all kinds of Preduco for Cash *0r Goods; ReiuottJbur, our motto is QUICK SA/.hS AND SMALL PROFITS. loirnv k E.ISOJ& fan 10 Hamilton Street, Dalton, Ga. 'jMJE CITIZEN tQ_*ub9cribors until Januflrjr fa FIFTY GENTS* SELL OOODS CHEAPER Tlmn any Ilnuse this side of Atlanta I Julv23 tin,* c, «. rii.i tri'iniu, ATTORNEY AT LAW La Fat kite, Ga. HfWIIl practice iu ail the countu** compos- ing the Cheiokeo Circuit.' . Jan. 10—ly. GOLD GR E ENBACKS! every man to savo every cent pos- and everybody “gives it up” that they I T be’io I. tibu, save money by trading CPIIUSTIAN’B NEW CHEAP STORE! Wo are offering unprecedented bargains in PRINTS, Blenched ami Unbleached Domestic Boole, Shoes, Hate, Notions, BACON, SUGAR, COFFEE, and FAMILY SUITLIK3 of all klndaut Wonderfully Low Prices! Wo continue to pay tlio Highest Prices for Country Produce, of ati kinds, Wc are offering great inducements; also, to buyer* of Pocket and Table Cutler rdwuro, Crockery, Harnett, etc. tjulU . J. K. & K. CHRISTIAN. Anunoniated Phosphate. B est and cheapest fertilizer IN THE WORLD 1 Saves Land,.. .Saves Money... .Haves Labor! J. E k K. CHRISTIAN, Agents. CIGARS AND TOBACCO C OUNTRY MERCHANTS nnd consumers will find ut our bouse tlio largest and bust as- Fortment of Cigars,and Tobaeco in Chorokco lieorgiu, width wo sell at Atlanta ami Nariiville prices. J. K. & E CilRISllAN. STOVES AND TINWARE. A.Xi.Southorland Mnniifncturcr of uli kind* of T I 1ST W A R E, AM) UKAlvER IN Stoves, Hollow Ware,Hardware, And cvwvything jn id* lino, of businew, which ho proposes to sell us cheap us can bo bought in tho .South' rn or Weatcm market?, nt wholesale or re tail, and claims for hU Tinware a superiority over that of Northern or Kaatern manufacture. Roofing nnd guttering done promptly, cheaply.- Hamilton street, Dalton, Ga. july-flru ThatCongli will kid you. Don’t nog- iltllin ’Conar’s” couch llnmily. "■? l*he children cry for it—Ha a t’Sodth# ing Syrtlp.” Fdr CBiighs,. Ooldj- lloarsenctt, Sere ThroM, Croup,Whob- niug Cough, Asthmo, Bronchial Af fection*. finger*, Speaktrt, arid all troubled with TfAoat Complaint*, will find this a beneficial Pectoral Retnudv. BeuutHLa tho Complexion, giving to tt;c skill n irmiipmcnt liethnws. “CostarV* Dittcr-Sucet . nnd Orange Hlossams. Renders tho skin clear, pmooth.pnd soft. Remove? Tan,_ Freckle?, Pint; pie?, Ac. Ladies,'try' a bottle, and soo 3 • wunderfid qilailty. car i’ll Bx,Viit«IM of all wortliiessnlta I- lion*. , 1 C^“None Genuine without “COSTAR’S” .‘Ignattiro. i30T2fic'. and 50c. size* kept by all Druggists, car* I pize* scut by mail on receipt of price. ty&2 pays for any three $1 sizes by Exp ess. pays for eight $1 sizes by Express. Address HENRY B. COSTAR. 012 Bropdway, N. Y. tSfiTFor -saia by C. B. Wellborn k Co., Dal ton, Georgia BtrSbla by nil Wholesale Druggists In'aH the large Cities. • t^TBarncs, Ward A Cn., 24 Magazine streets N. Orleans, wliple^alo agents for {iou* hern Mny 8 r -lim. DR,n.n,Bnoipj%* i Insurance and Land Agent, KINO STREET, DAI.TON, GEORGIA. ', A GENT for A5TNA Life and Firo Insurance, Company, Also, JefTerson aud James River Fire Insurance Cdfnpanle*. of .Virginia, Enterprise, nt Cincinnati; mid Putnam, at Hurt- ford, Fire Insurance Companies. And General Land Agent For anybody who ontrust* their bu?iuess to tiia c '.e. Refer* to Col; 0. B. Wolborn, Atlnuta; Col. W.dL Tibbs, Lowry & Enson, Hon. D. A. Walker, nnd Col, J. A. R. I(ank*, Dalton. jaOly A.uotion SATURDAY OCTOBER 4th, Ono Fine Single-Cased Gold Watch, “ Donblo-*B»rrehed Shot-Gun, | Dozen British Muakets,, 40 pairs ami Irons, 500 pairs Ladies. Calf, Kid, Morocco and Kjp shoes. 60 pair? Mi«?es shoos; assorted, 12 Photograph Albiums, \50 yards Print*, 2 Dozou Shingling-Hfltchets, “ “ *. Nailing Hammers, 1 splendid Hand Saw, 10 Great Gross' Buttons; assorted, 2 dozen Looking Glasses, 1,000. Gent* Paper Collars, 1 I)oV.cnWalnut'W6rk Boxes, All of which I oiler to tho highest bidder; disease to which human fle.-h is heir. Please r« ply soon, and inform mo of your best terms, aw sir, raostrespcctfullv, JULIUS Y. CLKYIUNT, Si. D. Bull’s Sarsaparilla. cOOD REASON FOR THE CAPTAIN'S FAITH. Dead the fiptr.ln's D. iiton 1 " Dr. John Bui. cy of your Sarsaparilla, cflcial qualities it lowing 8tatcment of my case: I was wounded about two year? ago—was taken prisoner and confined for sixteen month?. Being moved eo often, my wound? lmvo not healed yet. I havo uot sat up a moment since I was wounded. I am shot through tho hips. My general health is impaired, and I need something to n>isc .na ture. I have more faith in your .Sarsaparilla than in any thing else. I wish that thaf. is genuiuo. Please express mo half ti dozen botkle<», ami obli-a Capt. C. P. JOUNHON, 1 St. LonKMo. P. S.—The following wns written April SO,* 18(15, by Mrs. Jennie Johnson, mother of Copt. Johnson. Johnson. Dr. 1 Johnson, w . _ Central Now'’York, whenThe died‘leaving thJ above CY P. Johnson to mv care. At thirteen years of age he. had a chronic diarrhea and scro- . Bctt—l)ear£ir: Jly iWjbnnd, Dr. C. S. wn, was a‘skillful surgeon nhd plij>icia \ in fula, fevci sore?, ond general debility. Porlcct success has attained it. Hie cure effected, in some eases of scrofula and fever sores were almost mi* raculovs. I am verj nnxjou* for.niy son to again ' • to your H'.ii>;ii).ni!!a. Be is fearful have recourse I , of. getting d ppuriod? article, ; hence his wiftiirg to vou for it. IBs wounds were terrible, but I°bj- Iiovo he will recover. Raxpeotfully, Jennie Johnson. r>n. john bulL,* Mauufatturor.and Vbnder of tlio Celebrated Smith’s Tonic Syrup, FOR THE CURE OF J3 Q U E Ji. JP D FE-WE JJ, OR, CHILLS AND FEYEIt, Tho proprietor of this eelobrafed fnedlclno justly claims for it a superiority overall ron edict over offered to the publio for tlio safe, certain, V*'/, "ml eure of Ague and Fever, or Chills ana Fever,' whether'of 1 -short or long Banding; He f6fers to the ontirc Western and South-western country! to bear him testimony to the truth .qf the assertion, that ip no whutev- ;r will it fall to vurtylf tho directions nro sttiitlv followed nnd carried but. In 4gr£a£ inflny ease?, c»ire/ nnd it single dbse has bc»*n sufllcicnt for n c»ire; nnd whole families liavo* been cured by n single bot tle, with a perfect restoration of the general health. It i?, however, prudent, nnd in every enso more certain to cure, if its uso is continued In’smaller doses for a week or two after the dis ease has been* checkt'di more especially In difficult and long atnnding cases,. Uquajly, this tncdicino If'. ikMkP «»« ATTORNEY AT LAW, Sl'KINO rtACS, OKOIIOIA, W ILLipntetico in the . Cherokee Ciroult and give special attention to collecting and soenring claims. • mnrifi-tjan isuMnan # JficCamy, attorneys at law, Sl'KINO ‘PMOB, OKOHOli, • \\J ILL practice in tiie courts of tho Cherokco VV* Circuit. - 1 ’ ' - ‘ 1 marlO-^jon DR. JDlINiRULL’SPr . No. 40 hflh, Ore.-. lOuisvillV, All of tho above remedied for 5.1I0 by. J. D. M KLIN & CO, (UiaJLmooiht, Tern,., And by'nll oilier tc*ponii!,!c Drti£gi>tJ. 10-1, — BETTER THAN GOLDI ocn a w ns ■» Indostrnfitablo Golden A RE recommended by Bankers; Lav lessor*. Teachers, Merchant?, a, F. A. HAFFNEB, ■ •’WQ°d^&' pTayCn,' iratch-.llaker ami JcictUcr,.' Dnlgai itedlbinasYDyo Stuffs,Paints, I- am JrepiiredT'do "ny 3 St w,5t li, uijr Window Glass, &oi ■ , ■«., line of buMnesa, such us repairing and cleaning RliNGGOLD,..»...*.7.i..t^.-,*i.rf..6L0RuIA» box,containing Watches, &o. • I keep on hand Jewelry, Watches, ; 'August'27—12m ! getTury the ^ Dxn^renrUndg,' DalWitj d have tried thorn, ns tho best Pen tifail niiy pen now before the publio. , .Sent paid to o**~ mJJ — ; * ‘ inn