North Georgia citizen. (Dalton, Ga.) 1868-1924, October 08, 1868, Image 3

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'■NORTH GEORGIA CITIZEN. ~ HENRY A. WRENCH, Local. TIUillSDAK MORNING, . OCTOREU 8, 1808, TERMS l«T\ro Dollars nail Filly Cents per Year In Ailranrrt Six Months, $1.50. Rates of Legal Ailrertlslngi .Citations on'loiters of Ailm'r, &c.,00 Citation* on letters dls. front Adin’r, &o.. .B 00 Rales of personal ptopertv, 1.0 (lays, 1 iqr., 2 00 Rule of htmlby AdmVs, Kx'rs, &c., 1 sqr., 5 00 Sheriff's Boles, por square, each Insertion,... .75 7; Kg^\Vtf one nutborljfod to nnnounoo the mime of Janies Buchanan, Esq., ns a candidate fur County Treasurer of Whitfield. Election 3d of November rtext. October 8,1858—tde.* ■ ■ ■ ’ lift able the 'Document! I Now Is yotor time to Snbsrrlbell Tho campaign Isliow fnlrly opened, andtho sooner wo aro nllvn to tho necessities It imposes tho belter. Great political issues arc at stake— issues upon which hang suspended tho liberties bequuatlied us by the founders of tho Republic. Tho Aral duty, tlien, of bycry, earnest Democrat fend lover or ids flp perilled country is to circulate 'the bunt political documents within his roach.— None are hotter than-tho North Gkoroia Citixkh, ‘»nd wo call npoii our democratic friends to help hs pend it throughout Chcrokeo Georgia. Let leach subscriber go to work and secure us one inor| campaign subscribers. Thbtlicy can easily do. Friends, will you do UT Great Issues, i before said, nro at stake l—go to work I We are sending tho Cm*** to campaign subscribers from bow until tho tlrst of January for Fifty Cents* Agents fer the t’UIxen. Tho following named gentleman are author* •Iced to net as agents for tho GitiekV, In any ca pacity; (1. I). Whitman Cedar Grove. L. G. Onovvonn, LuFayotte, Hknkt Rakkii, Trenton. \V, R. Cau.anvav, or John (lint, Sp\lpg,Pbco. Dr K. O.STirronh, Hock Greek, Murray county. It. D. C.|Mos Ringgold. T. K. ilitiKti, El day, Gilmer county. M. If. Boci.k, Doftlc’s-Store, Cooslcwntce, •J. W. Cavknjiku, VlllanoW, Walker county. Club of WhUttdd County. I’rosld' nt—Col J. A. It. Hanks. Vico residents— Col I W Avery and Judge W J Underwood. Tilton—Dr J K Osborne, S B Sloan and T G Morgan. Tynnol nill-nugh Springfield, Win LCook. Varnoll’s Station—M 1’ Vnrnell, T II l’itncr. Vth — Judgo E J Tarver, Chas Cothran, loth—Itawley Cupp, P M Routli. Tiickum—Jos Rogers, A C Leake. Mill Creek—Jcro Ray, S P Green, W Mahan. * T. lv. McDonald, Scc’y* Personal. Judgo Jacobs, of tho Monrot Advertiser, was in the city on Thursday last. Expected. We h tvo tho expectation of having John Quin cy Adams, of Massachusetts, at our Barbecue.— Ho is said to be a chip of tho old block. Democratic District Club. Tho lion I. K. Shumate, our' Representative, ■will addrexs tho people at tho Court-House on Friday night. Tho ladies nro ppcclally invited, autd are asked to turn out generally to givo our fellow towurman a hearty wclcomo, I. -W. Avkry, Pees. Club. The Campaign at Homo. Onr county Is still ut work. Col. Cowart dis* ■nppomteu us last "wrack; but Col. J. A. W. John son filled Ids uppoiutnient nod made a good epecoh. It will be seen that Mr. Shumate talks to us on Friday night. Let us givo him n good house, nod let tho Indies honor Idm with their presence. Col. Avery has appointments to apeak nt Til ton and Villauow. A New and Promising Bnblncss for N. Georgia l Compressed Bark Extract! Onr Oak Forests a Fortdnel \^o copy til'd fbl’ldwlng letter nrtd endorsement from tho Macon Telegraph, hoplug that our monlo l men will tako tho matter into Immediate consideration, nnd loose no time In putting up machinery In our midst. There is mptioy in It. Rend and conatdor: Binuiiau House, PmuDKf.ntiA, Pa.* ) September 13, 1808. . f Mtttrt, Editor* ftlegrtiph,* On my way from New York to this city, n few days since, 1 learned from a gentleman br your Statu, whoso ncqualrt- tnneo I mndo on board tho cars, that Georgia abounds with Immense forests of oak timber, tho bark of which possesses peculiar value for tho manufacturer of leather, which for tho want of a market, Is regarded aa of Uttlo vuluo by tho peo ple* From Ida representations of tho extent and as tringent properties of tho bark of tlieso forests, 1 atu Inclined to believe that they may cvontunlly bo regarded as tho most productive clement of wenItU embraced within the limits of your State. Tho convenient, cheap, and simple appliances recently developed for converting the astringent properties of oak and hemlock bark into an im perishable extract .for commercial convenience, has brought these great Southern forests within tho roach of tho leather manufacturers of tho Northern States, to whom thoy have hitherto (men closed in consequent of distanco and tho high rates of freight, consequent thereto on bark in its crude (brm. Tho tanning properties of a cord of oak bark reduced to a consifltonov of ten pounds to tho gallon, which makes it imperishable, weighs 450 pounds. This is worth in Philadelphia ten cents per pound, and in Now York and Boston It com mends ready aalu nt twelvonnd a half cents, whllo In London and Liverpool it sells at lourtccn cents in gold per pound. Tho demand abroad for Amer ican oak extract will for many yen's exceed our ability to supply; wliilo that for home consump tion will test our utmost energy to meet. Oak extract at ten cents per pound when bark ■ had at five doliurs per cord will yield to tho man ufacturer* net profit of twcnty.five dollars per cord ; mid ns one machine is cnpiblc of making two pounds por Itdur or forty eight pounds every twenty-four hours, It is easy to compulo the re turns which may be realised by running it for n single year. These figures muy seem Incredible to jour people but l challenge any one to show wherein they aro incorrect. 1 herewith enclose you n pamphlet, which em braces all tho particulars necessary to jjlVb your people n full and reliable history of the enter prise, tho cost and character of tho machinery } the present and prospective demand; the use, convenience and necessity of the extract to the manufacture of leather in the Northern States, etc. l'leasc make Such use of the pamphlet as you may think advisable li I httVo been rightfully informed as to tho extent and character of tho oak forests of your State, a little effort on the part of your public journals will soon call to the development or this element ol boundless Wcuith all the capital from the Northern States required in the enterprise.- Let your Innd-owncra tell us, through your ad v< Using columns, where those forests aro located, what facilities of transportation are oifored, the cost of the lands and tho qualities of tho bark, whether white, yellow, black, ehcstuut or red osk. Any one wishing further information m y ap ply to tho Secretary ot the Compressed Bark Extract Company, Nos. 12 and 14, Cliff street, New Yoik. Respectfully, • 1'IIUS. W JOHNSON. The gentleman who writes the interesting com municution on this subject, may be addressed nt 12 and 14 Cliff street, New York, tho headquar ters of the “ Compressed Bark Extract Compa* Ho desires reliable information in relation to tho Oak Forests of this Store—their exteut, character, location, price, and Iho Value of the berk in its tunning properties. The pamphlet ho sends us ts a very lutcre^-ing detail of the origin and growth of lids new busi ness of extracting and concentrating tho tanning in barks, to bo used in that shape for the produc tion of leather and for other manufacturing pur- poses. Five sixths of the leather mqdo in the. 'nited States is produced in tho Now England l*ft Mlltlltll Slt'lf (td In (flA nwui.ii.lltnn n I .1,!., Convontionoftlio Sovonth Congrci atonal District, Kisas^oN, Ga. Oet. 2d, 1808 dolognto nssamlilod at tho M,;E Church and wore called to order r half past ton o’clock) by tho Prosldcn' Ool. T. O. Howard. Tho roll ot tho counties-w and tho following names aimot delegates i Pour counties—Dado, Murray, Polk and Haralson, unrepresented Administrator’s Dale. Y virtue of un order obtained from tho Oourt >* of Ordinary of Walker county, Georgia, will bo Bold on the tlrst Tqosday in penomber, ,1808, nt the Court-House door in raid aouiity. betwetm tit tho legal now# of salo, tho tract of land whereon it, Lindsey Edwards resided at the time of Ida denth, > —..i^tfng of lots of land Nos 242 and 247, * " consisting of lots or land Nos 242 and 247, Iqtho 8th district and 4th section of Walker county.— Terms cash* ft 8 NEELY, Ad mV. rVEORGIA. Wl vJT J. Hill has applied eld Oottnljr—Whorena, W. ., Had to nusy In duo form, for tiers of administration on thofostatu of J. W. Ill, htlo or snld omtnt.v, deceased t This la to cite nil persona concerned to show caiMont my oflleo, on tho first Monday ftt Novem ber noxt, If any thoy can, why permanent loftcra or administration, on tho estate bf said deceased, Should not ho granted to the applicant. Oet. 8-30d W. II. BROOKKK, Ord’v. ^KOttGIA, Wajker Connljr.-7b all uhoui It mar/ coneern.—Luolnda Mawcy having np plied to mo in proper form for permanent lettera of administrat|ou on the estate- of J W Massoy, late of said county, deceased t ; # This Is to cite all nud singular the creditors and noxt of kin of said John W Massey to ho nnd’np- pear at my office/ within tho time allowed by law, and show cause, If any they can, why permanent administration should not bo granted? to'Lucinda Massey on said ostoto.^ Witness any hand and official slgnatbro this October 7 th, 1808. Oet 8-80d MILTON RUSSELL, Oid'ya Q EOUGIA, Catoosa Conoly-Whcreaa, Wll- limn J Whitsitt, administrator of tho ostnto bf M 0 Dyer, late or raid county, deceased, rep resents to tho Court, In his petition duly filed and entered on record, that bo has fully administered on said estate— This Is thcroforo tojelto and admonish all per sona Interested to show cAuao, if*any they can, within tho time prescribed by law; why otters of dismi8Hon from Raid estate shouM not be grant ed to said Applicant, In April next. Given un der my hand and official signature, this Oetobei 18.1-8. J. M. COlltiS, Oct 8-flm . G ;KOI*Cl.l, AVaikef Conuty-Two months af ter date application fwlll be made to tho Court of Ordinary- of’Walker county, for leave to sell the lands belonging to^the estate of 0 1* Harris, lute of raid county, deceased, for the ben* ctit of tho heirs and creditors.. Oet 8-2m J. M. KEOWN, Adm'i /“I EOUOlAy Walker County— Two months VX after aiitt*, appHeatlon wifi'be niado to tho. Court of Oroinary of Walker eountv, for leave to sell the laud belonging tb the estate of S Couch, ,)afo of said county, dcooasod, for. the benefit of the heirs and creditors nf said deceased. Oct 8-2m D W BTltANGE, Admr. Ifcnjorrnbj, Take Notice 1 Next Saturday Is tho last one before tho Grand Mass Meeting and Barbecue of the 15th. Let all the committeemen be out to report to Dr. Brown, wlm is acting Chairman of the Subsistence Com mittee, Judge Underwuod being sick. The afiair Is progressing handsomely. An im mense crowd is expected. Extra trains will be run, and half fare be charged. The ablest spea kers of the whole country will bo on band. Ex- Gov. II. Y. Johusou juul GonU Curduu uud oth ers have promised to eotno. TJio committeemen must work vigorously—the enormous crowd must be fed. All the town ladies, and the country ones too, ore asked to bring baskets of cooked provisions. Thelown people are asked to bring their chairs. The bo«t band of music in the land has been ensign). Tito adjoining counties have promised to turn out largely. Married, On tho evening of the 1st Inst., by the Rev, J. A. R. Hanks, in the Methodist Church in this city, Cnpt. John S. Fitzpatrick to Miss Mattik E. Wauoii. ' By the same, on tho 6th lust., at the residence of tho bride, Mr. John B. Chaves to Mrs. Jan* •S. A.ndkhson, ull of this city. By Rev. J. M. Richardson, on tho 22d ult., Mr. ri. A. Caiidkn and Mrs. Francis A. Gknthy, both of Dalton. By tho same, on the 24Ji ult., Mr. J. D. Kino and Mira Mary E. Fuakkr, allot Whitfield. A special dispatch to tho Louisville JouYnal, dated Washington, October 27,8ay8 “official notification was receiv ed at the State Department yesterduy, from Minister Ilale, that the Spanish monarchy 1ms ceased to exist, and that n Provisional Government lias been or ganized. This 1ms occasioned some talk in diplomatic circles. It is deem ed certain that the Uuited States will take on early occasion to recognize the Provisional Junta ns the de facto gov ernment of Spain.” Pennsylvania Agricultural Fair. —Harrisburg, Oct. 1.—The atten dance of visitors at the State Pair grounds yesterday was immense. Du ring the dpy not lesd than 20,000 and perhaps 25,000 people were on the grounds. Tho Pennsylvania Railvoad Company ran large trails, somo com piling eight cars, every twenty min utes, and during the morning carried 5000 people to the grounds. A negro was confined in the Peni tentiary of Pennsylvania, condemned to death for outraging and murdering the wile of a white soldier while he was away in the army. Q 0 v. Geary has just pardoned this fiend, to bring him out to vote for Graut. If tho soldier is living and has not lost the honor and pluck of a man, we imagine that Gov ernor Geary won’t liko to meet him. ami Middle Ftaics- In tho prosecution oi f this hutdnera, Boston ntnl its immediate vicinityalono urc said to consume about four hundred thousand cords of crude bnrk annually,.and the onormoiH consumption wbioh this fact illustrates, is very rapidly exhausting all tho accessible source* of supply of the crude material, and rni-inglts value as tho distance from which it must to broughtutid the difficulties of gathering it increase. These facts suggested the idea of Inventing ma chinery to extract and condense tho tanning prop erties of the bark in the original forest, so that n cord of bark is reduced to a tlitgle barrel of for ty five gallons. This extract, the writer of tho com munication says, is worrit in tho Northern cities ten cents a pound—or a dollar per gailcn—the gallon weighing ten pounds—and tho whole bar rel, therefore worth forty-five dollars; and Ihc demand for It in Europe and America can hardly l.o met by any probable supply. The manutaut nrc of this bark extract, com mencing during the war when the forests of the South were inaccessible, has been continued prin cipally to tho Hemlock forests of the Noith and East which produce about ono thousand barrels daily—about four-fifths of which go to Europe and tho remainder is used principally by tho tan ners of Boston, who p v five cents a pound for it. The machinery for.ranmifnvkuring- this extract is very heavy and effective and costs from eight to nine thousand dollars. It is driven by a twenty- five horse steam engine. Tho bark in slabs, os from tho tree is first soaked in a tank, with water kept at n temperature of ouc hundred and seven ty degrees by steam. It is then passed between iron rollers which compress it to the thinness of wrapping paper, crushing overy fibre and air and water cell in tlm bark, in this condition it falls into another tank where it is broken up and b.-a ten, and agitated in warm water by paddle wheels driven at a velocity of ono hundred revolutions a minute, and thereafter trotted ns described in the pamphlet, until the wnicr has attained the point of saturation. At this density it Is carried to n condenser and further reduced to the desired point of strength for barrelling and shipment. If all these figures and data are correct, evident ly there is an excellent chnnqo for profit from the oik forests of tho South. More titan this—in tho Spring of tho year tho tanic «c*d has been found by experiments .in Georgia, :o be much stronger in tho young oak leaves than in tho bark. The best leather wo have over-seen produced in Georgia, has been tanned by oak leaves alono; and wo seo no reason why they too might not bo brought into acquisition for tho manufacture of this concentrated tanning extract. Pennsylvania Our frionds nro holding iinmcnso meetings in tile Key stone State. A correspondent .says those at Allentown and Harrisburg last week wore particularly encouraging. Beside old-time Democrats, there were on tlie ground, and taking lieart-wholo participation in tho proceedings, many distinguished converts from tho Radi cal ranks—men who confessedly were driven from tlieso ranks by the reck lessness and ruin of Radical rule: Ex- Governor Bigler, of Pennsylvania, was of these; so was ex-Governor Johnson; so was Senator Edgcr CoiOtn, and Gen eral Coulter, who did good service du ring tho war. These, surely, nro both hopeful and signiflennt signs of tbo limes. SnAME;ur„—A scalawag organ in Goorgia complains that a grievous in sult was olferod to tbo Radical Solici tor General Mathews, at Elbcrton last week, by the Ku-Klux. The indignant editor says, “they painted his mule and shaved its mane and tnil,” and asks, “is tliiB right, is it decent, Is it lawful ?” Wo say decidedly not. It was very wrong to offer such an Indignity to tho poor brute, who is not responsible for tbo character or conduct of his owner A train of ten ears was burned near Urbana, Ohio, last week, by an explo sion caused, it is supposod, by nitro glycerine in ono of them. A house a quarter of a mile from tho wreck was destroyed by the concussion. Couutr-v to Diet In < id Haralson, unrepresented. loiter, of mlmlnl.thitlon on Ilia :o»t- DoKnlb county—T. O. Howard, It. Mill, Into of mill onunty, dcccmilt A. Alston and R. U. MltchoU. Pulton—T. W. J. ltHU R. J. Cownrt, O. W. Styles, John Mllletlgo, Jr., anil Daniel Pittman, Paulding—II. M. Whitworth. Walker—M. E. Rhodes. . ■Whitfield—B. H. Brown and J. II. Hamilton. Gordon—W. J. Cantrell, R. II., Yqung. Floyd—J. I. Wright, A. J. Stewart, Dunlap Seott, Z. D. Harrison and M. Dwlnell. Cobh—Wm. Phillips, Goo. H. Les ter and II. Myers. Cherokee—J. R. MoKInnlo and I., G. Lewis. Catoosa—J. M. Combs. Chattooga—0. ,0. dlcghorn and J. Johnson.. , Bartow—J. W. Wofford, J. C. Bran- sou, W. W. Rich, J. C. Roper, W. II. Pritchott, B. W. Letvls, U. P. Prioo. and N. Gllnath. O. W. Styles offered tho following resolutions: ' . Resolved, 1. That wo now proceed to nominate a oandidato to represent the Tth Congressional District, ill tho 41st Congress. 2. That a two-thirils of tho yotos of those present shall lio neoassary to a choice. Col. Lester offered tho following as a substitute for the resolutions of Ool. Styles, aud supported them-in an able anti eloquent speech: Whereas, by tbo action of tho Gen eral Assembly tho election for mem bers of the 41st Congress doos not tako plqco until February next: And whereas, Great political,events are to occur between now anil that time, tho consequences of which it .is impossible to foresee, nnd under these circumstances wo do not feel that we can with any certainty represent what may be the feeling of our constituen cies four months hence. Therefore resolved, That this Con vention do now adjourn sine die. Tho substitute wa9 laid on the lahie and the original resolution was adopt ed. Tho President announced that tho Convention was ready to ballot for a nomination. Capt. Milledgc, of Fulton, said: Mr. President, 1 have tho honor and pleasure to announce the name of my distinguished nnd gnllantyotmg friend, Gen. P. M. B. Young, a man who has never faltered in his duty, betrayed a trust, or shrunk from any responsibili ty during bis eventful and brilliant carecl*. Col. Styles said that ha would, ns Gen. Yotiiig’s friend, plerigo him to abide by the action of tiie Convention. No other name having been propos ed, Gen. Young was unanimously nom inated by acclamation. C. W. Stylvos,- George N. Lester nnd John Milledgo were appointed a committee to inform Gen. Young of his nomination. Air. Scott moved that tho pres ent Executive District Committee lie continued in office tint-lit tho meeting of the next Convention. Col. Styles movod to amend Mr. Scott's motion by . the addition of flvo additional names to ho added'by tho Chair. The amendment was aecopted and motion carried. Alotion to publish proceedings of Convention in the Democratic papers of the District was carriod. Thanks wore returned to the officers of the Convention, and for tho Church in which they met. Convention adjourned sine die, T. C. Howard, President: W. H. Pritchett, Scc’y. John Mii.ledoe, Assistant Scc’y. By vlrtuo of the authority in mo vested, by the action of the Congres sional District Convention, in the above proceedings, I do hereby name and appoint tiie following gentlemen ns regular members of the Executive Committee for tbo Tth Congressional District, to wit: R. A. Alstou, Dekalb; Cnry W. Styles, Fulton; M. Dwlnoll, Floyd; Watt Harris, Bartow; I. W. Avery, Dalton. Tho Committee is respectfully re quested to meet-as early as practicable and organize. T. C. Howard, President Convention. Tiie Cotton Crop.—The prospect of tho cotton crop may thus bo summed up: In Texas tbo yield will be larger than last year. Louisiana will raise a half crop. In Mississippi there is a universal cry of disaster. Alabama, Georgia and Florida aro but a little better off. South nnd North Carolina have fared better than any bf tho cot ton States, but will hardly reach two- tldrds of last years yield. In Tennes see old cotton raisers shake their heads dubiously at tho mention of half a crop, ar c! Arkansas places her hope in a one- third crop only. MAMMOTH GATHEEINGI 61? THE DEMOCRACY OF CHEROKEE! IN DALTON, T.'iurstlivj, October 1BIJT, 1SG8 Huge Frco Bavbocuo! Tho Mass Mooting of tho Campaign I Gcorgo IT. Pendleton, Clement L. VnllemUnglmm, Bam del 8. CoS, Dan. W. Yoorhccs, Got).; Francis P. B|nlr, Hcfsehoil V. Johnson, Gen. Joint B. Gordon, Gen. Wado Hampton, T. U. R. Nelson, and others invited to spealt. Everybody Invited to attend. A couftoons invitation given to Flood- men and Radibnls. Como out and hear sound trnlhs> true statesmanship! genuine cloquonce nnd sterling, patriotism. Bring out tho ladles In full, Bands of music In attendance, Rally to tuis stupendous politi- 041, JUBILEE. , Ordinary. SPRING AND SUR1MER GOODS W E are receiving almost daily large additions to our stock or goods, to which we invito tho attention of proinp buyers, knowing that wo can make it to their interest to do so. Onr stock consists in part of Staple and Fanoy Dry Goods, Ladles’ DIIGSS GOODS and TGIJiJIl.VCS in great varittj and styles Wale Goods, Bleacjied jand .Brown DOMESTICS. Men's and Hoy's, Headv Made Clothing. Linen‘Drills, Cottonadeft, Summer Cossltncrs, Tweeds, HATS, BOOTS AND SHOES For Ladies and Gcntl^hlcn^ Hardware, Cuttlcry and Qiieonawarc, R ;^i Wood nnd Willow-Ware iri'^roat variety. Also, aapjemlid UflOief .• • <>" FAMILY GROCERIES and Dye-Stuff*, to which wo iurfie tho atten tion of our friends and tho public', ns it i* our in dention not to be undersold. We buy all kinds of Prcduco for Cash'or Goods/ Uetnombor, our motto is ■ ‘' QUICK BALKS AND SMALL PROFITS. LOivnr tf jbJ&ojVi jan lO Hamilton Street, Dalton, Now York Column. Valuable Information. SELECT YOUUOWN NUMBERS -It*-the-- ROYAL SPANISH LOTTERY. fTMIE most responsible inriUntlon of tt.w Jn<\ JL In the, world. Selecting mjtbbera itf this Lottery Is rt noW idea—plid otto well Mooted to tho wants of the pcopfo. It affords a safer mean* of speculative in vestment titan innnt other busi< iiom risks. For full information, nddrcr.4 LM>YD, HKMXIIaS k <’0., Boom 10. 15 NnmuStrub., New York. EVItBYHODV-—fries them I EVE Hi’BODY Uses Them ! E VERYBODY ■Believes in them/ Everybody—^-.Itecommcnda (hem t 3Bn PLANTERS’ .EMPORIUM! AND Headquarters for Everything!! Tinns, KE.VWER .v CO., H AVE on hand and are constantly receiving tha largest and finest assortment of eilOOIIi DRY GOODS, Embmbng all tho new rtylcs of Ladies' Dress Gi/odil, Cloths, Casintci es, Vestings, otej Aro you annoyed with Bed-Bugs?— Can’t sleep nights 1 “Coaiar’8” Miett-istiff Extcr, A Liquid “ Destroys nnd prevents Bed- Bugs.” “ Never Falla." For Moths iu Furs, Woolens, Carp- ■ cts, Ac. ■ "CosUtr’8” Insect Foivucr* Destroy* instwitly Flens and all In sects on Plants, Fowls', Animals, &o. GOOD, STRONG FA8HI0NABL1. Ladles’* lints, Dress Trimmings, Yankee Notions. New Styles Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, in every Variety of ‘ Price arid Excellence. Also, n very largo assortment of Crockery, Cuttlcrv, Hdrdwdrc, end everything else required LATEST ARRIVAL ,nro,lt0itaMof FAMILY GROCERIES! FARMING IMPLEMENTS 1 Of tho latest nnd most approved Pntcntir Also, ull kinds of Field and Garden Seeds, at JVo* land 2 Tlbb's House,Stall on J. GUTHRIE, COMMISSION MERCHANT, AND dealer in Staple Dry Goods. HEAVY GROCERIES Yarns, Bhlrtlngt, Stoves, Tinware, Leather, Grain, Hay, KTC., wo., Tunnel Hill, Gin., 1 4 r EEPS constantly on hand a lafgo stock of all XV; STAPLE GOODS, and is prepared, at jdl Aimes, to pay tho Hlghcet.Markct Price for nil kinds of .. ,.3e*a?ocSL;uLe©4i Mv old Mends and the publto generally aro iut vltcd to call on mo beforo SELLING or PUR CHASING elsewhere*, as I otn determined to SELL GOODS CHEAPER Than any nouse this sido of Atlanta I July28 6m* x, a. ata iwoMto, ATTORNEY AT LAW LaFayxtt*, Ga. tarwiil practice in ail tiie counties compos- lug tho Cherokee Circuit* Jan. 10—]y. STOVES AND_ TINWARE. jaL.Xs.SoxxtlierYctaaea. Manufacturer of all kinds of TINWARE, ' - AND DEALER IX Stoves, HollowWaro, Hardware, And everything iti his lino of business, which he proposes to sell as cheap ns cult be bought in tho Southern nr Western market^, at wholesale or re tail, and claims for Ills Tinware n superiority over that of Northern or Eastern manufacture. Roofing nnd guttering dono promptly, cheaply. GOLD GREENBACKS! I T le’iooves otory min to av rib o, nnd everybody ‘‘gives Hamilton street, Dalton, Gu. july-flm jiunnEilx Ms nno. % RESIDENT DENTISTS, Olilco over John' II.' 'klngit, Dalton, Go. H AVING prrnianeiilly located hrre, mid Mng provided with tho latest tniprovein'ciiftt in Den tal material, aro prepared to do anything pertain- lug Dental Surgory. All work warranted to give satisfaction. Wo prepire n “Superior Vegetable Tooth Pow- dor,*’ guaranteed to contain nothing injurious to tho teeth. Septkt-ly Send Meade and tiie Military to “Loil” I’ennsylvania.—There has been n politicnl riotnt Lancaster,Penn sylvania, right over tho grave of Old Tins}. Stevens.” Horriblo! Solid tho military there. Send Meade—send Mills—send Wldtoley. Catch tile riot ers—“operate on their feelings”—put them iu tho sweat box. The Rads, have boon murdering Democrats, be cause thoy won’t vote for Grant. “Let us lmvo peace.”—Columbus Sun and Times. Wbilo Grant was Secretary of War, ho estimated tho army expenses for tho then current year, at $77,000,000. But tiie Mongrels of Congress did not daro to liavo so large a figure go beforo the tax-payers, and they induced him to lower the estimato to $33,000,000. But tho expenses of that department for tho Inst two months havo been over $18,000,000. Tlmt is at tho rate of $108,000,000 a year. More than three times thoamountwhich Congress would allow the peoplo to look upon-as tho expense of the army in timo of peace. NEW FIRM-NEW GOODS! AULT Sc BARRETT. O UR MR. BARRETT having reepnriy return ed from market, where ho made a thorough examination of tho largest nnd most 'complete stocks, enabled him to make purchases on the most reasonable terms. In consequence thereof, wo flatter ourselves with having a most raffgnifi- cent assortment of Dry G-oods, Prints, Delaines, Gingflhams, Mcrinocs, Jaekoncts, Linens, Domestics, Sheetings Trimmings, Notions, Hats, Jeans, Casimeres, Boots, Sitoes, Crockery, Cuttlcry, Coffee Sugar,’ Molasses, Bacon, Lord, Meal, Flour, Family Groceries, •ything that is required to tnako a com- :k. Produco wanted I *" AULT A BARRETT, Hamilton street, Dalton. And plcto stoci sep0-ly Titoba Houao, DAt,ton, Gkoroia. J. D. Campbell, Proprietor J T HIS is n Seymour and Blair House,- where good accommodations, in every sense of tho word, aro offered to tho public. Sept. 8-ly. Bleotion Notice* (iRnlNAIlV’s OrriOR, Daltoh. Ga., Whitfield County, 8ej*. 28, 1868. On recount of the death of 0. W./Graves, Into Treasurer elect, there will bo held on the 8d of November next, an olectloh in nnd for raid coun ty to fill raid vacancy. By order of Court. 80d W. H. BROOKER, Ordinary. o every cent pos it up 4 ’ that they iatffUioney by trading at OHHISTIAN’S MW CHEAP STORE We are offering unprecedented bargains in PRINTS, Bleached urn! Unbleached Domestic Bools. Shoes, Mats, Motions, BACON, SUGAR, COFFEE, nnd FAMILY SUPPLIES of all kinds at Wonderfully Low Prices We continue to pay tho tiiffheat JPriccs for Country I*rothicc, of-all kinds. We aro offering* great Iriducemo also, to buyers of Pocket and Tublo Cutler .dware, Crockery, Harness, etc. tju!2 J. E. & E. CHRISTIAN. Ammoniated Phosphate. B est axd cheapest fertilizer is the world Snvm Land....Save. Monoy....Snros Labor! J. UR CHRISTIAN, Agents. CIGARS AND TOBACCO find at our house tho largest nnd best as sortment of Cigars and Tobacco in Chcrokeo Georgia, which wo soli nl Atlanta nnd Nashville prices. J. E. Si K CHRISTIAN. BARGADMTOR SALE I LOTS FOR RURAL HOMES I ?OU SALE, about Sixty Acres of land, fairly 1 timbered, with beautiful cites for building, within ono mile and a half of the city, atyoittitig tho property of the Dalton City Company, being a portion of the lot known ns tiie Wrcneh Place. Bold in pnrcels to suit purchasers, of Uvu, ten, twenty, or tho sixty acres. • Otto beautiful cite, with thirty acres, with tho privilege of two springs, frocstono anu chalybe ate, within a fow steps of tho cito. To merchants, mechanics, or other business men of Dalton, theso lot$ nro very desirable, be ing near enough not to interfero with their doily occupation; Entirely jfreo frorq chills, fdver aqd other m.ilarlous discuses, produced by bad water, swamps, etc. Bettor bargains can bo had in this property than over beforo offered in Whitfield county. Titles made perfect. Apply to HENRY A WRKXCn. 61 COSTAR'S » r>u. .totin nur.i.’s GREAT REMEDIES,! Bull’s Cedron Bitters. Authentic A BEAMS AS DOCUMENTS he.mb ejioM Ire you Ireillibd by i'.nl-.Micv.huwh- sn, Ant.. I Cottar’s” Exterminators. , “ Only Infallible Remedies klibwrt."— Free from Polsdn.” " Not danger ous to tho lluttinn Family." " Rats come out of their holes to die.” Im proved to keep in any climate. , “ A tart) titioff.71 ‘Thousands can tes- , ,h tify. . • - MCostar*«»j« Corn Solvent. For Corns, Bunions, Warts, &c,— . U Try it.” tUu/y Vuint, White Co., Ark., May 23,/fill; Dii. dojtH BrM*-r«Doar Sh : I.hpi t-ilanury I, was in Louisville purchasing drugs, ami 1 got fonip Of your Bnraajinrillft nnd Ct’drun Bitters. My POli-irt-liw wlio wnS tvitii ino in the store; has been down with tin umntistn for sotlic time, commenced on tho Bitters, nnd soon found IiU general health improved. Dr.'Gist who ln.s been in bad heaUt), tiieii cm, nnd he t lso ItnproVcd. Br. t’olfee, wild has been in bad licnUlt fursev oral ye.irx— sicnutr/i and UWr nffeeted — he Ini- woved very much by iho uuo.tri yoi.r Butcrs. ndeed tho Cnlron Bitteis has given you great popularity in this ‘Votriemoni. 1 think 1 could Hell n great quantity of your medlcifiifi this fall —especially of your Cedron Bitters nnd Hjirrapnr* ilia. Flilpmc via Memphis, card of KicKot nnd ily. Bcspectfullv, c. u. walkbu. Bull’ri Worm Destroyer. To my Untied States and WoHd-videlEeadcrt. I havo received many tcptiinoninls front profert- filotml and medical men, ns my almanacs and va rious publications havo ehown, all oi which nro genuine. Tho following lettfcr front a highly ed ucated and popular physician in Georgia, is cer tainly ono ol the most sensible cnmtnunic.itlmH I have ever: received. Dr. Clement knows ex- nctly-whnt.ho speaks of. nnd Ids testimony de serves to be written in letter* of gold. Hear what the Doctor says of BULL’S ’ St ROYER: Don’t suffer with Tain ! A Wonder ful power of Healing l Every family , should keep it in the house. "Coatari8” Huclstho>n Salve. Its effects arb linmedlato. For Cuts, Burns, Bruises, Wounds, Boro Breasts, Files, Ulcers, Old Sores, Itch, Scrofula and Cutaneous Eruptions, Champed Hands, Lips, Ac., Bites - off Animals, Inscats, Ac. DE- “A Universal Dinner Pill” (sugar- contcd). 80 years administered^ in a Physician’s Practice. “Costar’s» ttiahop PUls. * Of extraordinary efficacy for Costivo- ness, Indigestion, Nervous mid Sick Headache, Dyspepria, Dysentery,Gen eral Debility, Liver Complaints, Chills, Fevers, Ac. Not griping. Gentlo, mlhl and soothing. Thn t Cough will kill you* Don’t neg lect it. ’. Cough 'Remedy. . The children cry for it—It* a “ Sooth, ing Syrup." For Coughs, Colds* S 'scncra, Sore Throat. Croup, Whoo- Cough, Asthma, Bronchial Af* oils. Singers, Rpehketii, nnd all troubled wlth-Thront Complaints, will find this a bcneficinl Pcotoral Remedy. llliitnow, Walker County, Ga., June 29,18f.O. Dr. John Bnll-^Dcar Sir: I lmvo recently giv en your “ Worm Destroyer” several trials, and find it wonderfully cllicaeious. It has not failed in a tingle Instanco to have the wished for effect. I nm doing a pretty large country practice, and have daily use for somo ortlclo of the kind, I am irep to confess that I know of no remedy rec ommended by the ablest authors that is 50 certain ftnd speedy ns its effects. On the contrary t!:ov nrc uncertain in the extreme. My olrjoct in writ ing you is to find out upon what terms I can get the med'chiC directly from you. If I con get up on easy terms, I shall tiro a gre.vt deal of it. 1 am attars that tho uso of such articles Is contrary to the teachings and practice ol a groat majority of the regular lino or M. BV, but I seo no just cause or good sense In discarding a remedy which wo know to bo efficient, simply because we ntnv bo ignorant of its combination. For my part f shall mako (t a rule to uso all nnd any means to nllioviatc suffering humanity which I may be able to command—not hesitating because sonic oi moro ingenius than myself may have learned i effects first, nnd secured that knowledge. Ho over, I am by no means an advocate or subfiftrtei of tho thousands of worthless nostrums that iloo<\ the country, that purport to euro all disease to which human flesh"is heir, ply soon, nnd inform mo of your am sir; mostrespoctfullv, JULIUS P. Dcnutifl:a tho Complexion, giving to Iho |kJn a transparent freshness, u Costar’s” lUiieMtireet and Orange Blossom** Benders tho ririn clear, smooth nnd soft. Removes Tan, Freckles, Pim ples, Ae. Ladles, try tv bottle, and seo C^*l!l BxuMnxlIl pf all worlhlcssmlta !• tions. l^T.Norio Gcnulud wlljiout “COSTAR’S” signature. ■ • fSTfiwJ and 60c. sixes kept hy nil Druggists. t3T*l Fiaea acut by mall on receipt of price. t^|2 pays for any th roe $1 sizes by Exp ess. pjT$5 pnys for eight $1 sizes by Express. Address 11EXRY B. COSTAR, 612 Broadway, N; Y. UPFor shlo by 0. B. Wellborn jk Co., Dal ton, Georgia tSTSold by all ^Ybole8alo Druggists In all tbo large Cities. fJfBarnes, Ward A Co., #4 Magaxlno streets N. Orleans, wholesale agents for Southern May 8—Cm. DR. H. B. mtO IFAV Insurance and Land Agent, KINO STREET, DALTON, OKOROIA. . - A GENT for A5TNA Llto and Firo Insurance, Company. Also, Jefferson and Jamca River Kiro Insttranco Compaities, of Virginia, Enterprise, nt Cincinnati, and Putnam, at Hart ford, Fire Insurance Companies. And General Land Af-ent For anybody who entrusts thofr business to hla care. Rcfcrt to Col. 0. B. Welborn; Atlanta: Col. W. H; Tibbs, Lowry A Eason, Hon. D. A. Walker, and Col. J. A. R. Hunks, Dalton, jafily F. A. HAFFNEE, lf'atch"Jtlaher amt Jeweller. I HAVE just opened my shop In this place nnd am prepared to do any kind of work in my line of business, such ns repairing and denning Watches, Ac. I koep on hand Jewelry, Watches, and Spectacles. Shop at the Drugstore of Ciidger Sc Knight. Dalton, Jan. 3,1868—Iy. jp. Jit. qvEEJE, Anction and Commission merchant, NO. 8 KINO STREET, DALTON, OEOSQIA, /^0NSIGNI[D Goo^s sold at # AccUon or ptl. \J vatu sale, on the most reasonable terms. Satisfaction guaranteed. Instructions followed Consignments of ail kinds aclicted. Quuick sales and prpmpt returns. Liberal Advances. A_nction SALES SATURDAY OCTOBER 4th One Fine Singlo Casod Gold SYnfoh, “ ' Doublo-Burroled Shot Gun, ■J Dozen Brltirit Muskots, y 40 pairs nnd Irons, 60i> pairs Ladles Calf, Kid, Morocco nnd Kip shoes. 60 pairs Misses shoes, nssorted, 12 Photograph Albiums, 150 yards Prints, 2 Dozen Shingling Hatchets, “ “ .Nailing Hammers, 1 splendid Uanu Saw, 10 Great Gross Buttons, assorted,- 2 dozen Looking Glasses, , 1,000 Gents Paper Collars,* <* 1 Dozen Walnut Work Boxes, All of which I offer to tho highest Udder. Bo not fall to Comd If you want bargain^. At private side, Migni', coffee, syrup buebn; and Lard. Give mo a call. Nearly o]iposlt0 J. B. Pitman's; on Hamilton Street. -Lr.od] Jal’lMia. F .M. QUKISN, Auctionct-v; J3. II. GMUntjlJU, ATTORNEY AT LAW* rnssrox, atonou. P RACTIOKS in tho.Conru of ■ Nortli-Ti'o?tern Oeortln nail nijjolning counlicsof Tchncssco ml Alabmna. . April 21—tj. lowing stitement of tr I wn8 wounded about tw prisoner nnd confined forsixi moved so often, my wound I havo not sat up a I nm shot through U impaired, and I i ttire. I have moro faith i in any thing else. I trfa Pleaso express me half a dozen l . Capt. C. 1*. j Ft. Louts, T. Tito following was written Aj I860, by Mrs. Jennlo Johnson, mother c Johnson. Dn. Bull—Dear Sir: My husband, Dr. C. S. Johnson, was a skillful surgeon nnd physician in* Central New Yoik, svltqre ho.died.leaving tlm above 0. P. Johnson to my care. At thirteen years of ago ho had a chronic diarrhea ami scro fula, for which I gnvo him your S^rsapai tlln. It cured him, I hnvo for ten jeara recommended U to many in New York, Ohio, and Iowa, for sero* fula, fevet sores, nnd general debility. Perfect success has attained It. The cure effected in some cases of scrofula and fever sores were almost mi- raculovs. I uin very nnxlous for my son to again have recourse to your Sarsaparilla. He is fearful of getting a spurious article, hence his writing to vou toy it.. His wounds were terrible, but I be lieve he will recover. Respectfully, JENNIE JuiI.YSONv L>K. JOHN BULL; Manufacturer nnii Vender of tiie Ccit liratcd Smith’s Tonic FOR TIIE Cl'RE OF Jl G W E .i Jl' D F S3 »’ E It, OR, CHILLS AND FEVER. 71)0 proprietor of, tide ccleljr.itcd modiclno * Justly claims for it a superiority orcr all run edics over offered to the public for tho safe, certain •pcrJn, and permanent cure of Ague ntid Fever’ or CMIIs nnd Fovrr, whether of short or long standing. Ho refers to tho entire Western nnd South-western country to bear him testimony to thn tenth of tho'nsscrtlon, that in no case whaler, cr will it fail to cure, if lira directions ore strictly followed end curried out. In sgrent mnnr eases- n single dnso has been Bufllclcne for n euro, nnd’ whole families havo been cured by a single bot tle, witti a perfect restoration of tho general health. It Is, however, prudent, nnd in every enso more certain to cure, If its uso is continued In smaller doses for a week or two niter tho dis- onso has been checked, moro especially in difficult nnd long standing cases. Usually,.this medicine will not require any hid to keep tbo bowels in good order; should tho patient, however, require'', cathartic medicine, after having taken three nr four dusts nf the Tonic, a single doso of IlUI.'/.d VEtiKTAIH.K FAMILY FILLS will be sufficient DR. JOHN BULL’S Principal Office, Eo.iOFi/V., Otast Street; lOUmviLWi, KY All of tiie nbovo remedies (hr sale hr. J. a NU-KUN A ro, And by nil olhCT rcspohslbioDruggists, ~ ■ ■ Bar"”" BETTER TITAN GOLD! oun .vnr Mestruotablo Golden Per.?. they arc non-!, the greatest jjaro; than any pen now before bent post paid to any i box, oontalning one do mbnoV for tho same ser get to try them jur.3 Jm I’foaso state t