North Georgia citizen. (Dalton, Ga.) 1868-1924, October 15, 1868, Image 1

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' DALTON, GEORGE, THUjfsDlY, OCTOBER 15, 1868. ■ BUSINESS DIRECTORY PITY OFlb ALTON. AUCTION AND COMMISSION. U'KIX V. II.—Auction anil Uommtuloh l Morclunt, King strait. DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES, B IIKOKZKR fc tOVRBlK—WholtnU >nd Retail Dealera In Dry Gouda, Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods nml Clollilng, Ilnmllton street. B ARRETT, I,. IV,—Dealer In Drjr Ooodn, Gro- ccrlcn, Prorlnlonn, etc., Hamilton street. * sloni nml Produce, opposite Tllilm Home. B ITTIXC, N.—Dealer In Groceries, Provisions nnd Queonnwaro, Hamilton atreot. / MlUlSTlAN, J. E. k E.—Dealers in DrjGoods VJ GroconclfProvlilonsnnd Produce. Boo card. /^BOZIEB, 8. C.—Dry Good*, Groceries, Hard' \J ware, otc., new atoro on Hamilton street. D ENTON KiLYNN—Dealers -In- Dry Goods, Groceries, Produco nnd Hardware, corner Waugh nodUauiilton street. D AVIS, AV. n.*, k CO.—Dealers III Family and .Fancy Groceries, Saloonattached. Chester house, north corner King and Hamilton. H ADDOCK, ll. II.—Dealer In Dry Goods, Gro ceries, Hats,Caps, Hoots, Shoes and supplies, Hamilton street. *¥/’ 1X0, J. II.—Dealer in Groceries, Dry Goods JLV. Clothing and Root* nnd Shoes. General gout for Agricultural Implements, Hamilton st, L OWRY & EA8UX—Wholernlo and Detail Dealers In Dry Goods, Groceries and Pro duco, corner Gordon and Hamilton. See Adver. M rChATCIlY k CALDWELL—Dealers In Dry Goods, Groceries, Produce and Hardware, hear comer of Wnugh and Hamilton street. M rClTCIIKX k BITTING,—Dealers in Family Groceries, Produce, etc., cast side Hamilton street. slons, Postofllce building, King street. VflCIIOLS, JOII.V B.—Dealer in Groceries, ■ j Produce nnd general family supplies, corner King and Hamilton street R IIKA, J. B.—Wholesale and Detail Denier In Dry Goods, Notions, Hardware, Quccnswarc and Groceries No. 5, TibbV House. S COTT, J. N.—Dealer In fi»ty Goods, Groceries, etc., Chester House, Hamilton Street, fPlBBS, KEMPER fc €0—Wholesale and Re- JL tail Dealers in DryXloods, Groceries and Agri cultural Implements, and Farmers Supplies,Tibbs House, No, 1 and 2, Hamilton street. SoeAdvor. r PBEVITT, J. F.—Dealer In Dry Goods. Gro* JL corieaund Provisions, opposite Tlbb'sIIousc. CONFECTIONS, BAKERY o Fancy Grocer, Hamilton, bolow King street. '.VEIL, B. P*—Fancy Grocer and Confec tioner, with Suloon attechcd, Tlhb’a House. DRUGGISTS. B ROWN, B. B.—Dealer In Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, (Haas, otc. Insurance agent. H<ng Street, below Rost^nice. * 4 vIlDOEB & KNIGHT—Dcnlcrs In Drugs, Med- VJf. Iciues, -Paints. Oils; Glass, etc., No. 0, Tli.h’fcGftW Hamilton street. FURNITURE. 4 \ KAYES, J. B. k \V.—'Wholesale and \J Detail Dealers ami Manufacturers-of nil kinds of Furniture, Hamilton street. C HEBDKEE BIAXTFACTCHING CO.—All do scrlptlons of Furniture manufactured. Saw nnd Grist ndll attached. Sec Advertisement. FANCY GOODSANDNOTIONS^ IT IKSl'HBGBG, H.—Dealer in Fancy Goods, Notions nnd Toys, Hamilton street. ^GTOVES, TIN WARE, ETC.. H B AIL fc 11 tCIBTY—Wholesale aod Retail Dealera In Stove*. Hollow Wnro, Hardware, mid Mnnufactnrcrw ol Tiownro, llmiilltoii street. Hollow Wore, Hardware, and Haiiilfacturer of Tinware, Hamilton street. MECHANISM. C tOOLEDGE, X. F. k Co.—Tanners Office in I lower story of Printing IIouso Pudding, Crawford Street. Always pay cash for Hid B LAXTOX k COLLINS— House Carpenter* and Joiners^ Shop corner of Hill and Spencer streets. Work warranted, executed with dispatch. 0 HURD, SASI’L 0.—House Carpenter nml 'York warranted to give satl-daction, c 't.irPKS, F,—Hoot nnd Shoo Maker, corner ‘ of King and Hamilton streets. C ATHEY k SOX—Root nnd Shoo Makers, east of postolUco building, on King street. o 10BB, J. X 1L—Tailor, and Agent for Sewing Machines, King street. L 0WttV\ John A.—Harness Shop on King street, near Post ofllcc. MY REVENGE. BY MARIA 8T0GKWELL. S WICK, n. M. k J. P.—House, Sign and^Orna- mental Painters, and Paper Hangers. PROFESSIONAL. B IVIXGS, A. W.—Physician and rurgeon, nt- tends to calls In city or county. Sec card. G OD DUX’, Dr. C. I*.—Physician and Surgeon, .may bo found nt his ollico over . Pitman's store, when not professionally engaged. M e.I FEE, Dr. J. R.—Physician nnd Surgeon. Office over Uukofxer A Lovenmn’s atoro, where he may lie found when not engaged. T ESTER, R. P.—Attorney at Law, up stairs, JL/'King building, Hamilton street. J. A. R, HANKS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, » practice in nil tho counties of the W /. n\ itrF.nir, ATTORNEY AT LAW, W I LL practice law in all the counties of this Circuit, and U. 8. District Court. JanO-ly mi. a. Biruras, ATTORNEY AT LAW, W ILL pmctlcoIn all tho counties composing the Cherokee Circuit. junlly j. ft- j. a. cmx ATTORNEYS AT LAW, A TTEND to all tho collection of claims and XjL practice in Cherokee Circuit and U. 8. Dis trict court. jan9-ly IP. JL. J1JOOJIE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ¥ 1LL practice in the Superior Courts of the Chcrokco Circuit, and in the U. States Dis trict Court at AUata, and give strict attention to all oases of Bankruptcy. mar27-ly C. D. McCurcnxK I. E. Siicmatk. •YcCutchen if Shumate, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, \\TILL practice in tho counties of Bartow, Y Y Gordon, Murray. Whitfield, Catoosa, Wol* ker, CbaKooga and Dade. June 15—1 y• I do Hot think llmt I am a cruel wo man, naturally, though I know that I put Ernest Oregon* upon tho rack with gIad,ongerhands. Thoro woro reasons, sufficient to satisfy myself, which led to the planning of such a course, nnd which drorn mo to the accomplishment of theso plans wlion once formed; hut whether tho harboring of such footings did not nt last react upon myself with a hardening, hitter Inlluoncc, I cannot say. I did not enro then. This Ernest Gregory had bean my siBtor’s husband for two long,, weary years, until she died, nnd was carried forth from his homo,- to her qulot, blessed gravo. * . When tho ground was really over hor, I breathed more freely than I had done since I saw hor sweet, ’beautiful face bosido bis dark, selfish’, unfaithful one, upon lliclr bridal morning. At least, sho was out of his arms, and away from his influcnco, now. For that I thanked God, wliilo I nerved myself for tho work’ which.I was at laBt free to porform. Wliilo iny sister livod, I had borno all for hersako. Lot him bownre now I For overy smiling, tendor word ho had dared to insult mo with, he should re ceive n hundredfold reward. For ev ery moment of suffering his ncgleot had given to tho being who wns more than my life to me, ho should receive full recompense at last. Let him hc- ware indeed I I menu td make him love me, as a man loves what ho would die for. It was not enough that ha should ndmira and ask mo to be his wife; ho must be. so bound up in my life, that to sever would be a living death. I was a des perate woman, hound to n single pur pose. Little danger but I should suc ceed I For six months I kept upon tho outer verge of Ids love, eluding him here and there as a butterfly eludes your grasp, until bo wns half ready to grasp and crush me. Thou I began to tighten tho chains. One day I would inako 1dm feel nil the love that I had might be Ids; tlm next, that I was heights upon heights above Idm. “I believe you hate me,” lie said, ns wo walked together through a-Boft June twilight. “Do you? Row absurd!” I an swered, lightly, though the lilood that linto rouses was boiling through my vein*. He bent down, and looked into my face. “Your eyes glitter like lire, hut such a linrd cruol look ns they Itnvo ! Oil, Marcia 1 "’ill J'°u over be' mine ?” “ If tho Fates Imvo so descrccd,” I answered,noiu-lmlnntl.v-s "xuuueiice ill Fat0, I think?” looking into his eyes tenderly. “I believo in nnything that will bring mo nearer yon.” His voice wns husky in its earnest ness nnd passion. “ Wo spoil tho quiet of tho night— and, besides, I must go home. 1 have an engagement,” I said, turuing about suddenly. “Let me touch your lips once, Mur cia.” “Not for a thousand worlds!" I an swered, quietly. IIo dropped my arm, nnd turned bncic, saying, “I will leave you, then." “Very well,” I returned ns plncidly as before. . Ho came lmck in an instant. “ It is of no use. I believe there was neve; a slave bound by such chains ns I.” “ Nonsense! You would forget mo in a week were I away.” “For heaven's sake, don't try mo lt would be worse than torture lo.losc you for that length.of time in this un certainty.” How I remembered tho other one lie had wooed and won then; nnd how I remembered nnd thought of hor far intothatqniot niglitl She, who should have Imd only brightness nnd joy, to bo chcntcd with dust nnd nshc91 Who should linvo Imd truth, nnd right, nnd honor to guido her, to bo forced to walk beside a cowardly traitor! A sweet, gentle woman, fragllo as an au tumn lenf, tender nnd forgiving ns an angel, what she suffered who can tell? Just once she said this much to me : “Marcia, life looks dark, nnd so differ ent from what I thought it once.”— “But heaven is yom-s," I said, tin-ow ing my arms around her, nnd trying to hldo tho tears upon my face. But to continue. Tho days wore on, tho luscious nil tumn came, laden with it's fruits nnd flowers. Tho maples dropped tholr crimson nnd scarlet leaves, like wine- drops nt a feast, tho thrush and wood pecker callod loudly from the clicsnut- tops, tho earth's high carnival would soon bo past. 1 looked around with steady eyes, and said, “The winter is coming to me. It slinll he spring no longer in Ernest Gregory’s heart." Wo were far up the mountain side, he nnd I—lie, radiant nnd happy, be cause I mennt that he should be'time I, screno and—waiting. “ Let us go over the top, and down through the hollow,home. You remem ber tho way ?” “ Oh yes, I remember," I answered “And you will say, ‘I love you,” be fore the sun sots ?” “ I promiso an answer, true. It will bo wlmtover my heart says.” “I am not afraid. I have read love In your eyes nil this golden day.” “Haveyou ?” I answered, in carefully modulated tones, smiling meanwhile into his eager face. “Wait!” “With you I oan wait for ever." We rode slowly np tho steep nscent, and then I struck into a hard, fierce gallop. Thero are times when ono seems to fear nothing. That was suoli a day to mo; and tho oxhilorating air which whirled around mo socmcd to All mo with' new daring. Neither spoko a word until wo camo into tho edgo of tlio village. Then I slacken ed my pneo n little, and turning from tho road, .paid, “ Gomel I must stop a moment yonder," pointing towards tho burying ground. Ho suspected nothing yet, being wholly taken up with Ids own blissful drenms. At tiie goto I dismounted, lie doing the same, and wo went into tho churchyard' together, nnd stood looking down upon my sistor’s grave. For a . moment both woro silent.— Then I said, slowly, “Do j-qil want yournnswor? Listen? Long-hofore this gravo was either dug or filled, you dared to throw your smiles into my fnco | nnd day by day, oven wliilo the heart which loved you, as God forbid you‘should over bo loved again, was breaking inoh by inch, you went on your dastardly way, neither knowing nor coring whether ska died or lived. Abovo her dead, cold form I vowed to have revenge. I meant that you should suffer, ns your white lips say you do. Know, then, that while I smiled into your oyes, I loathed you with an utter loathing. You havo your answer.— Go I” I hurried ont, mounting my horse,, rode swiftly home. As I wns entering tiie house, Ernest Gregory's voice, so changed 1 should scarcely have known it, stopped me. “Wait, Marcia! I am n wicked man, I know, hut your love might havo saved me. Remember that when you hour of me again." Yesterday, who should I see ascend into tho pulpit of a West End church, but ErneBt Gregory. Tho fnco 1 should hnve known anywhere, though there was an indescribable difference in it nnd-llio one I had seen so white and pallid ns it left me years ago. I listened to the sermon like one in a dream, though more Minn a hundred times I sent up .thanks to heaven that ho stood before me saved, and not ru ined as I Imd hoped he would be in tho long ago. At the dose of tiie ser vice lie came down, nnd pressiug through tho crowd, touched my arm. “You know me ?” he said, in a whis per. 1 bowed my bend. “1 meant—you remember when—to hnve gone straight to rtiinj but I am striving for heaven, instead. Can you forgive tho past ?” I put out my hand. “ Forgive ine, rather. I havo seen my wickedness since.” “I think she looks down from heav en, and helps me,” he said, his voice trembling. After nil, there is something sweeter •than revenge, am), that is forgiveness, for thorcin lies the way to heaven. A Woitlior Prophet. ,V pleasing anecdote is told of Part ridge, the celebrated almanac maker. In traveling on hors&bnck into tho country lie Btoppod IW liis dinner nt an inn, and afterward? called for his horse that ho might rcacli the next town, where lie intended to sleep. “If you would take my advice, sir," said the hostler, as he wns about to mount his horse, “ you will stny where you are for tho night, ns you will sure ly he overtaken by a pelting rain.” “ Noscnsc, nonsense,” said the nlmn- nnc maker, “ there is sixpensc for you, my honest fellow, and good afternoon to you.” He proceeded on his journey, nnd sure enough he wns well dronclicd in a heavy shower. Partridge was struck with tiie mail’s prediction, and always intent on the interest of Ids almanac, lie l-odc back on the instant, and was received by the hostler with a broad grin. “ Well, sir, you see I was right after all.” “ Ye9, my-lad, yon havo been so and here is a crown for you, but I givo it to you on consideration that you tell mo how yon know of this rain." “ To bo sure, sir,” replied the mail j “ why the truth is, we linvoanalmnnao in oiir liouso called ‘Partridge’s Alma nac,’ nnd tiie fellow is such a notorious liar, that whenever he promises ns (Inc days we always know tlmt it will be the direct contrary. Now, your hon or, this day tho 21st of June, is put down ill our almanac iu-doors ns ‘set tled One weather, no rain.’ I looked at that beforo I brought your honor's horse out, and so was cnablod to put you on guard.” Tho Two Men BuntEn in a Tunnel Tlio Pilcher tunnel, on tho Marietta and Cincinnati Railroad, which caught llro some days"ago, and lias smeo been burning, cai-od in recontly and buried two men. Their remains have not yet been recovered. While a rcconstruc tion engino was backing up to tlio scene of disaster, it ran over two hand cars, near Athens, containing eight moil, in stantly killing five and seriously injur ing tiie other three, two of whom nro not expected to recover. Tho men en deavored to jump from tlio ears, which woro demolished. Ono man had Ills head entirely severed from his body and another had his head torn away by a splinter from tiie car. Tho burning nnd caving in oftho tun nel lias blocked the road, but tho com pany are building a traoli over tho hill, which will soon bo completed. An aged couple are now living in North Carolina to whom belong ono hundred and oight descendants, not ono of whom has been convieted of crimo in churcii or State, and not ono of whom is intemperate or profane.— All were ardent rebels during the war. West Virginia.—Tho campaign in West Virginia is being conducted vig orously by tlio Democrats, who are confident of carrying the State in No vember. Tlio organization of tlio par ty has nover been more thorough than it is at present. Murdoror of Eightoon Mon Lynohcd. Tho Memphis Post gives tlio follow ing particulars of tlio lynching of a negro desperado by a colored mob in Arkansas: Tlio arrest of n colored desporado, who murdered several men, with ;rcat difficulty, nt Helena, Ark., early n 1808, will he recollected by om- rend ers. Sometime last week tlio villain succeeded in offocting Ills escape from Jail. Tlio Deputy Sheriff, with alarm posse of men both whito nnd black, started in pursuit of lilin, and camo upon him early yesterday morning,'on tlio road about four miles below Hole- After finding escape Impossible, nnd boing brought to bay, lie turned coolly, upon Ilia ollloor and Ills posso nnd dis charged overy barrel of Ids rovolver into thecrowd, killing thoDapuly Sher iff, wounding another whito man in tho ankle, and two colored men, one in tho sliouldor and tlio other in tho arm. His sudden turn took tlio posso by surpriso, but they promply returned Ills fire, though in tho cxcltumeiit with out effect. As soou as lie Imd exhausted his rcyolvor tlio survivorsyusliod upon him in a twinkling and hung him up to, the limb of a tree. On. their return to the town with their dead and.wound ed the most intense oxciteme'ut pre vailed. General satisfaction is express ed that the desperado had met with such short nnd sudden shrift, It is understood that tho murderer had de clared that no man should take him alive. 11 is also said that lie had, dur ing Ids lifetime killed,malmcdor wound cd eightoon difforent men. A Reconstructed Wedding. A negro wedding lately took plnco in this comity, says tho Montgomery Mail, at which tho .sablo^pnrspu thus spoke: ( “ Here is a couplo who Imvo walked out to-night, wishing to bo jlned in, and thro’ love, and wishing all dom dat have any ting twixt dom, obme for ward and spunk now, if'not, let dom hold dar peace now and forever more. I want’s every ear to hear, and evory honrt to onjoy. “Mr. Jim Tompson, whomsoever stands fastly by your side, do you tnko hor for your beloved wife, to wait on her through sickness nml through health, snfo nnd be safe, holy and ho holy; loving and bo loving; do yon love her mother; do yon lovo her fath er; do you lovp her brothers; do you lovo her sisters; do yon lovo her mas ter; do yon love her mistress; but do you lovo God Hie host f” Answer—I do." “ Miss Mary Tompson, whomsoever stands^ fastly by your riglit sicic, do hand, to%ao*tiu 0 ?!?!?!!*?!! and through confliition, .safe nnd bo safe, holy and bo holy; do yon lovo his mother; do you lovo his father; do you lovo Ids brothers ; do you love his sisters; do you love God do host?” Answer—“ I will.” “ I shall pronounce Mr. Jim to hold Miss Mary fastly by the right hand nnd I shall pronouiico you both to bo man nnd wife, by tho commandments of God. Wo slinll hope nml trusting through God that you may live right —that you may die right, now nnd forevermore. Now, Mr. Jim,sieio your bride. “ Let us sing a liimc: “Plunged 111 u gulf of dark despair, etc.” Eight Miles op Democuats.—A Canton, (Ohio) dispatch of October 2d to the Cincinnati Enquirer, says: The greatest mass meeting of the campaign wns held hero to-dny, twen- tv-two lliousnnd pcoplo being present. Tlio procession was mora than eight miles long, and displayed over one hundred largo flags, with eleven hands of music, from this and adjoining coun ties. Tlio immense concourse wns address ed for two hours by General Thomas Ewing, in a noblo review of the recon struction and financial policy of tlio Radical party. Ho was followed by tlio Hon. D. T. Lawson, Democratic Congressional nominee, in nil able speech Huge Joke.—A roinoto Western paper comes out with a number of start ling head linos, announcing that “Bpbnj Peleg B. Pllklns, who had for twenty years occupied a position In ono of our leading public institutions, camo out for Grant nnd Colfux a fow days ago.” Imagine tho cditor’9 griof when ho found out that a wng had played a joko on him. Tlio “ Hon. Poleg U.' Pllklns ” had served n term of twonty years in tlio Penitentiary, and when ho came out lie announced Ids intention to sup port tho Radical ticket. ‘ Fearful Tragedy nt 3cn. Tlio Paris papers of September tiie 5th, givo tlio particulars of nsccnoof wlioiesalo slaughter which occurred on bonril mi Italian vessel. Tlio Thorcsn loft Macao on the 9th of Fohruary with 290 Coolies and a cargo of silk, ton, otp. At tho oml of sixty-two days sho arrived in sight of tlio shores of New Zealand. Wliilo tho orow were occupied in tlio forepart of tlio vessel the Coolies rushed to tho enhins nnd soized tlio arms lying there. Tlioy then altuckod tlio crew, nml in about ton minutes a dozen sailors (Italians) wore killed, hacked to pieces, and flung Into tlio sen. Tlio second raato, who dofanded himself bravely, received tlio contents of a gdn fired Close to him by a sailor who wns forced by tlio Goolios to oommlt tho murder. Tho boatswain’s mntp received 19 wounds and wns put in irons. After eight days of horrible tortures (nails being driven Into Ids liond,) ho wns killed about forty-eight hours before tho vossol arrived off the coast of China. Now follows tiie most appalling part of tills drama.- After having exter minated nearly the wliolo of tlio crew, Hid OnoHcs began fighting among themselves, nnd fifty of thorn wore killed. The vlctorlous party then pro ceeded to doenpitnto tho dead, whoso heads, packed in boxes, wero stowod away in the hold. At tho end of sixty days tho stench exhaled liy theso re mains liccnmo almost nnBupportaliio. Tlio unfortunate wife of the captain, who was confined between decks, suf fered dreadfully from it, nnd was oth erwise subjected to the most cruel treat ment. Tlio majority of tlio Coolies woro pirates, and were perfectly acquainted with tho nso of tlio compass nnd with the charts. Tlioy compelled tiie cap tain to steer for the port of Tim-Pack! On arriving thoro the Theresa was pil- inged by them, nnd tlio Mandarins aid ed in stripping tiie vessel. In this condition tho .vessel, abandoned by tiie pirates, roturmSK; Mncno, haring on board tho remainderX|f..yio crow, consisting of eight sailors, nnd tho wifo of tho captain. Tho Marriage Bing. An old English ritual required tho wedding ring to ho placed successively on tlio thumb, forefinger and the raid- dlo iingpr, to symbolize tlio doctrine of tlio Trinity. This wns to he done ns tlio words “In tiie name of tho Father, tlio Son nnd Holy Ghost ” wore pro nounccd,hnd with tlio word “Anion,” tlio ring wns to bo placed on the fore finger where it was to remain. Tlioold writorson this subject deliglij ert in finding mai->“ rrc a u -, r n o\ Never Jest with Firearms—A terrible occurrence In Pougkoopsio tlio other day, is another awful warning against tlio silly and clangorous prac tice of “ fooling ” with firearms. A young man pointed, ns ho believed, his empty plstoi ut a cat in Ills sister’s arms, shot hor through tlio heart, nnd destroyed his own happiness and that of. his father and mother for life— Nover point firearms (whether loaded or empty) in tho direction of anv per son unless you intend to kill. The President had a call last week from two or three Virginia gontlemcn and quite a long corn-creation took place on political topics, particularly with reference to tlio part which tiie Stnto of Virginia will take in the elec tion. The President is understood to Imvo expressed himself emphatically in favor of tlio vote boing cast, and should tlio possibility of it deciding tho contest becomo a fact, a question would arise vastly Important in- tho history of tho country. Wlion Autumn l« married to Winter the irod ding oalro ia alwajra froatod. Over tho Blvor. Over the river they hccknn to me, I-oved ones who havo pa-rej to tho other aide, Tlio gleam ol their anowy rohea 1 ace, lint tholr voliioa ore lost In I’m daahltig thlo. Thcru’a ono with rlngletaor runny gold, And eye’s the reflection uf Heaven’s own blue, Ho creates tho twilight gra.tand cold, And the pale mist hid him from mortal view. Wu aaw not tho nngcl.a who mot him there, Tho gator’of Tho Oily wo could not aee Over tho River, oror tho River,' My brother atrnida ready to welcome mo. Over tho River tho boatman pate, Carried another—tho houichold pot j Her bright curia waved In the gen tlo galo— Darling Mlnnio, I «co her yut | Sho croMud on her bo9out hor dimpled hand*, t And fearless!/ ontered the phantom- hark : Wo watched it glide Iroin tho silver Mqde, Am} nil our sunshine grow strangelr dark, Wo know she Is safe on the other nido, Where ell tho raisoinod nnd angola bo: Oror tho River, tho Mystic Diver, My dhlldhood's idols aro waiting fur mo. For tiono return from the quiet shores Whofcrps* with the Boatman cold end blue; Wc hear tlio dip of tho golden oars, Wo catch a gleam of tlio snowy sail, And, 0, thoy hnve pussoiT from our heart— They cross tha stream and nro gone for syo 1 Wo cannot sunder tho roil opart, That hides from our vision tho gates of day; Wo only know that tholr barks no more Shall sail with ours on life's stormy sea, Yotsoraohow I hopo on thb unseen shore,- Thoy watch, nnd beckon, nnd wait for mo. And I sit nnd think when tho sunset’s gold Is flushing river, nnd hill, and shore, I shall ono day stand by tho water cold, And list to the sound of the boatman's oar 1 ! I shall watch for tho gloom of the flapping sail, I shall hear the boat as it gnins tho strand, 1 shall pass.from sight with the Boatman palo To the hotter shore of the Spirit Land! I shall know the loved who have gone before, And joyfully sweet will tho mooting be, W.ion over the River, tho poaceful Diver, Tho Angol of Death shall carry mo l Dirgo of Summer. All In tho arms of Autumn Ivlng, Fading flower* round her sighing, Summer sick and sad Is dying. Now no moro shall she bo scon, In thb evening's deep serene, Weaving garlands whito and green. Fold her in a winding sheet, Woven of all blossoms meet. For the shroud of maldonjswcot. Crimson roso nnd Ully whito—. All sho had of best nnd bright. Long havo vanished from the light 1 . Gather Autumn's palest flowers, Drank with Autumn’s soltest showersv- Dring them to her leafless* bowers. Thorn through winter’s Icy gloom, She shall rent as in a tomb; Sheeted snow shall shroud hor bloo*'* Shroud her b’oom, but noL£/ Mortals die, but sosip^^f "’ flp When tlio-chain'® ’ Rnrt-ir shall waiter up again, readier fe^o hlll and plain, ; hearts to reign. pnrt ortho inflf'Hago ceremony, anti not they (loclaro in .nWition, that tills hand was chosen as liil' the riqlit, in token of tho sorvitnflt^aiwi - subjection into whfoli tlio bride is brought py mat rimony. Dr. Johnson appears to v avc hold a similar opinion, since lie some-, what defines a ring ns a circular instru ment, placed upon tiie noses of liogs to restrain them and bring them into sub jection. Wedding rings wore not always worn ilain as now, hut at ono time moro nonr- y resembled modern betroth il tokens, in being chased, set with stones, ami inscribed witli emblems nnd mottoes. Tlio ring is used In most ceremonies of Christian marriage, except in tlio soci ety of friends; but even many Quaker ladies wear a wedding ring nfter, al though it is not employed during the marriage ceremony. I am informed that the wedding ring docs not obtain among tlio Mormons, probably from economical reasons. It has been remarked already that there is no traco of this custom in tlio Talmud, nor in tlio nnciont Jewish his tory ; but tlio modern Jews lmve not only adopted tlio wedding ring, but nutko it a most important feature in their marriago services. According to tlio oi'diimncos of modern Judaism, it is required to be of a certain vnluo. In the I-lngUsh church a ring is ab solutely necessary to tho ceremony, but as no mctnl is specified, silver, cop per or iron is ns allowable as gold. In Ireland it Is not uncommon for tlio same ring to bo used for many marriage ceremonies, which remains in tlio custody of tiie priest. Acknowledgment of Providonao. A littlo error of tlio eyo, a misgui- danco of tlio hand, a slip of tho foot, a starling of a horse, a sudden inist, or a groat sliowor, or a word undoslgn- cdly cast fortli in tho army Ims turned tho tide of victory from ono side to tiio other, ami thureby dispose of om- piros and wliolo nations. No princo ever returns safo out of a battle, but may well romomber how many blows and bullots liavo gone by that might easily linvo gono through him; and what littlo, odd, unforscon chances of death lie has seeu turned nsido, which scorned in a full, ready and direct ca reer to havo been posting to him. All which passages, If wo do not Acknowl edge to linvo been guided to tlioir res pective ends and eilbcts by the conduct of a superior and Divine hand, wo do by tlio same assertion, cashier nil Prov idence, strip the Almighty of His no blest prerogative, and make God, not tho Governor, but tho mere spectator of tho world.—Dr. South. At a recent tableaux party on tho Hudson tho sceno of Bluolicard’s dead room was shown—six pretty heads nit bloody, suspended along tiie wall, tho bodies of course being behind tlio can vass. As tlio curtain doscooded one of tiie heads was observed to smile. It was nftorwards ascertained that some ono had stolen behind the scones and kissed tho hand of ono of tlio wives. It I* liMiitilhl, on » gammer-dity, 10 iratcli tlio soft, floeojr l.mb-okrals In the bluo postures of j p cc Il.tsli.-s nt tliy slnkhtf; lout;— When the unxel dips tlio our, llijr rilj- trust, niifiilU-rinK, bo fitroug in Him n-lu-n on earth, ilushod tho storm on Gnlilco. Life. Man's life Is n vapor And full of woes, '--Qle cits n enpor _^*njddown ho goes. Niter ItAO.CAr. C^’^ora.-Wc fl„d fill, strong nppcnl In n Radical >v,. j t bcon set to music, nnd il Bung at all the n,,it. i ,,..1., orings in tire East. It is about no dear an exponent of views on national politics as wu havo seen: Nigger 1 Niggor 11 Nigger 111 Nlgjer 111 ns nigger I aho nigger I Dig nigger I Ihtio nigger I Old-nlgger I young nigger I Niggor np I nigger down I Niggor preacher I nigger clown 1 Nigger lienee l trigger thence I There's a nigger on tho feiice I Nigger thin I nigger thick I Nigger slim I nigger slick I Nigger bald I nigger woul 1 For tlio nigger let us pull I Nigger m-n I nigger baby I Nigger woman I nigger Indy 1 Nigger with the Grecian head I Nigger I nigger to the end ! Ton Thousand Blessings, A good story wns told us lntoly of a popular preacltor In the town of I’ , in Pennsylvania, which wo shall take the liberty of reproducing. It appear? that the minister had been wcdtled to a most worthy lady, whoso first gift was a dowry of ten thousand dollars, with tha promiso of as much more upon the tleconso of hor invalid parent. Short ly after marriage, while occupying the puipet, lie chanced to givo out a hymn, tlio fifth vorso of wliieli commenced “Forever let my grateful heart.” —then adding: “ The choir will omit tlio”—his words paused, ho coughed slightly—“fifth verso,” sat down with something like a nervous hasto. With curiosity excited nt this conduct of the minister, the congregation smilod soino as thoy rend: “Korover let my grateful heart His boundless grace adore, Which gives ten thousand blessings now, And bids mo hopo for more.” Two frionds woro dining togothor, ono of whom remarked: “ats I am go ing abroad I have made my will, nnd havo bequeathed to you ray whoio stock of impudence.” Tho other re plied: “You are-genorous, as well as kind; you have* bequeathed to me by far tho largest portion of your estate.” “ Away Down Souin in Dixie”.— Brink Pomoroy has a one-legged sol dier to play “ Dixie,” in front of Ids ofllco in New York, upon which said soldier pays a tax of ten dollars per anumn to support tho bond-holder.— Brick desires to keop the people in mind of the Freedmen’s Bureau, the standing army, cto., down South—for all of which, the people havo to pay. A justice, bettor vorsed in law than gospel, not long sinco married a cou ple in this way: “ Hold up your right hands. You solemnly swear that you will perform the duties of your office, jointly andseverally, nccordingto your best skill and judgment, so help yon Wo 1 most, r Wo most, nml si my I111 ’ ‘ name.” Won lie said, ' homo.” Wo naked 1 and I Wo nskc sire wanted, a nml more nows t Wo nsltetl ti motiit nnd sho said, me.” Wo asked nil affianced what she wanted, nml sho replied, “ My chosen to lio Iruo to mo.” Wo asked an old man wlmt liewnnl- ed, and lie replied, “ Best and decent We asked a working iii:m wlmt he wanted, nnd ho replied, “ Light taxa tion nnd a clianco to make a comforta ble homo for my loved ones.” Wo asked a New England manufac turer wlmt I10 wanted, ami ho replied, “ Legislation nml tariffs to make 1110 rich nt tlio expense of tlio West nml South." We asked a Boldicr wlmt he wanted, nnd I10 said, “ Peace, now that tiio war is over." Wo asked a man who wns a republi can what ho wnuted, and ho replied, “ Office and stealage.” Wo nslccd a Northern preacher wlmt ho wanted most to make him Happy, and ho replied, “ Political influence.” Wo nsltetl an editor wlmt lie wanted, nnd ho said, “ I would lie glad, just nt this time, to reccivo all dues for sub scription.” Down on Town Preachers.—A Now Albany (Ind.) paper relates how a young woman became “ down on town preachers." It says: During last winter a revival was in prog re in 0110 of our country chureliPk,> < , n T, i ffi ° nS i, tl10 r - c, K beautiful dnnts of the meeting,,- cr lln30phi8ti . and estimable, ffi.( vhose fricnd ‘ wcr0 cated i omig lf 0 have her unite with very anxjr thc cji” eomed, however, reluctant to ..0 so, mid the minister in question was requested “to talk to her.” This lie did several tlmfeytPsm occasion saying in n jocular manner, “Alias M , if you'll join the church I’llmnr- ry’yoil,” meaning ho would perform the ceremony. Tho girl seemed pleas ed with tlio proposition, and a few eve nings after caino up to the altar nml united with tiie church. Several weeks after tills tlio minister preached at the church, nr.d nftc vices met tho young lady. “ said sho, “you know you promised marry mo if I’d join the church. Aro you going to do so? I don't want to wait any longer.” Tlio minister saw his dilemmn nnd attempted to explain. “I meant I would perform tiie ceremo ny," ho said, “that's all. I can’t mar ry 3 ou myself, for I am already mar ried, nnd lovo my wifo too much to swap hor off for nnothor.” Tlio young lady becamo indignant,* declnred that slio’d leave tho church, nnd tlmt sho “ nover did linvo much faith in those town preachers.” Our ■'■“nlstorinl friend declares that ho will novci -praiu nso any other than Seri [i- Sjoin"’To7b'i t r£ lndU00 a y0 " nglally . Nutmegs—Nutmegs n.. t)l0 f ru ;t 0 f a beautiful treo which grows t,, t |i 0 Molucca Islands, and in tlio other paiv., of tlio East. All tlio parts of tlio treo nro aromatic, hut only thoso portions of tho fruit called mace and nutmeg nro marketable. Tlio entire fruit is of nn ovnl form about tlio sizo of n poach. Tlio nutmeg is tlio innermost kernel. It is surrounded by a skin, which, peel ed off, constitutes tiio raaco of com merce. Tlio treo yields annually tlirco crops. Tlio Urst one, which is gather- cd in April, is tho best. The .others nrognthcrcd in August and December. Good nutmegs should bo denso and heavy nnd free from worm-holes.— When tlio worm-holes liavo been arti ficially filled up, tbo feeling of light ness in tho hand is a moans of detect ing tho fraud. An attompt lies been mado to cultivnto nutmegs in tho West Indies, hut without succoss. A. Startling Teleoram A young gciltloman stopped at tho Lanier IIouso on Thursday ovoning last, nnd regis tered his namo ns M. B. Kelly, Alaba ma, nnd in a littlo while afterwards Ire received a telegram, containing tlio startling and torriblo nows, that Ids father nnd mother had both boon mur dered by negroes that day, and to lm*» ry back homo. Ho loft yesterday morning on tho Southwestern road.— Wo could not- learn tho liamo of tlio gentleman's postoffioo.—jlfacon Tele graph, 'id. The South American Earthquakes. —Tlio awful destruction of human lifo by tho recent earthquake in Eoundor exooeds anything ovor yet rceoriled from such convulsions. At Ibarra out of 16,009 inhabitants, 13,000 wore de stroyed. In Otovnlo 7,000 out of 10,- 000 perished. In threo cantons con taining in 1807 05,604, and embracing tlio two cities abovo mentioned, 43,000 pcoplo woro killed. In Peru tlio de struction of human lifo wns muoh less, but in both countries property was all but nnnihilntcd. Tlio very fnco of na ture was torn to pieces. On 1 the Traitor!—General Rosen- ernns says tlmt when his army was af flicted with scurvy, ho mado nn appeal to tlio Northern Governors for vegeta bles. Tho only ope that responded to Ids appeal was Horatio Soymonr, who sent 120 barrels of potatoes raised ou his own farm. All theso Governors, oxcept Seymour, woro “ loyal ” patri- ots, *