North Georgia citizen. (Dalton, Ga.) 1868-1924, October 15, 1868, Image 3

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MW GEORGIA CITIZEN HENRY A. WBENGH, Looal. TlUjllSlHT J10UM1NO,' Qgl'OltRtt 15, TEUBSV-Tiro' Dollar* nad fitly Cfttts pi In Advance 1 Six J16iilHs»SI.50. ltalcs Of legal Advertising; bxSootlon first of-ArUalo VII of tbo coiHlItir tlon, and for.bllior pdrposes, Sue 1, Do si enacted by authority fif the Ocn•' not AqmuUy of .this State, lie.) Tlmtcneh head dltaUoiu o„ lotion of AdmV, fcc.,. yurf# H» «r tislcor ulitianssi, slmll lio oiiUUoa to u^mpstcad ,Cltati.o?ia fcii.letters tils, from Adm’r, 'Ao.i .8 00 Y’or lenvo to soil, J 00 „Notlco to dobtpVa and creditors, , f 4 00 flnlos of porsonal property, 10 days, 1 2 00 K»lo of hind by AdtaH 'Ex’rM, *to M 1 sqr., 6 00 ShoriMi pales, por.BquifQ^HS'h jnfqrtmn».»> I^TWo are authorized Vo amiounco the imtiio of Janus RuchatUtn, Esq„ us u candidate for OoUlity Treasurer of Whitfield* Election yd of November next, octobe^d.'iaoa^-tdc;* Circulate the Doctaraeuto l No)r Isjour time to Subscrtbell 4 Tim eumpaign iatiow fairly opened, and tire sooner wo aro nliva to tho necessities it Imposes the better. Great poUtieoUwiea aro at«'toVe— issues uppq wjihih bang suspended tho .liberties boqueajtncd the founders of the Hepubllo. Tho first duly, then, of every earnest Democrat nnd lover of ills imperilled country is to circulate the best political documents ‘ within his reach.— Korns are better than tho North Gfconau Citizen, and wo call upon our democratic friends to help vs acud it IhrUtighout ChcrokOo Georgia. ‘L ench subscriber go to work and securo us ono more campaign subscribe!*. This»hoy can easily Friends, will you do it ? Great toshes, ns sve beforo said, aro at stake |—g9 to work 1 we are sending tl»o Citizen to campaign subscribers, from uow until the first of Junuary for Fifty Cents. Drinotratle^fxfc of Whitfield County. . President—Col J. A. It. IUnks.. Vico Pmidcnta—Col I W Avery aud Judge \\ T J Underwoud. i • Tilton—Dr J K Osborne, S B ond T G Morgan. Tunnel Iliil—Hugh Springfield, Win Ii Cook. Vamoll’s Station—11 P Varnell, T II Pi Inc r. '9th— Judge E J Tarver, Glina Cotliran. lOtii—Rawliiy Cupp, P M Routli, Tridium— Jos Rogers, A C Leake. Hill Creek—Jcro Rav, S P Green/W Malian. - T. k. MuDonaM), Seo’y. THE HOMESTEAD ACT. Ah'Act to provide for setting Apart a Homestead of Roalty and Personality, and for tho ynluiv Rome Advertisements. , ; Wo "would direct the special attention of our Venders to tho advertisement iy to-day’s paper of Joseph E. Veal, Avho has a magnificent stock of Wutelies, Jewelry, Ac., to dispose of at low pri <:es; and, also, to tho cards of B. F. Jones, who lias a magnificent slock of goods ill store, and of Messrs. Pituur & Smith, Grocers and Commission Merchants. Theso aro among the largest and most responsible bouses in Rome, u£ which good goods oatt b* bought at extremely low prices. Of Mr. J. E. Veal the Rome Commercial thus speaks: “ Joseph E. Veal is still the indefatigable of former davs v He is doing a handsome part by his 'customers at present—bis goods being sold attlie vet'y smallest advance over the New York mar ket*. No Jewelcr in the Blatoof Georgia In eps a more select stock of Goods than Judge Veal, and lie is determined that none shall surplus him in bis line, lie has been in Romg for tiro past fif teen years, and lias always given satisfaction, both in the articles sold to, and the work done lor his customers. He has succeeded well, aud well de serves to succeed. A splendid stock of Fall and Winter Good*\ just received and for sale at Omzier’s, next door to Lowry k Eason’s. Delaines, Mi-rimWa, Lind says, Flannels, Prints, Ladies’ Hats, Shawls, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Domestics, Ac., at the very lowest Prices. ot f Hy menial. Married, on tho 24ttj oCSopt., at.tho residence of foe bride’s father, Abingdon, Va., by tho Right ■ Rev. the Bishop of Wheeling, Henry Carter L [ grandson of- Light Horse llarr.y, and nephew of n. R. E. Loo, to Miss Eaillo B. Johnson, nieco [•of General Josepli E. Johnson.—Petersburg Ex- [ A school teacher who remembers hh own boy- [ hood advertises the re-opening of lus school thus: “Dear boys—Trouble begins Sept. 15.” A large lot of Quoanswnro, rocket and Table hitlery, just-received and for sale at CroziOiV \ An Excellent Fellow is lie who eaters to the convenience of the poor, Lnrtd such aft one’Ys - Limit Barret, of the fir | Ault A: Barrett, as the sequel will show. He gave a hull can of that supeih pressed lard, put up -•nns of a nut] 5 pounds. It is sweet,, finely flavored, and just tho thing (or family use, when ssty compels small purchases. 1 Gen. Grant is still at Galena. Wo do not know [that ho is sorio’u.dy ill, bat wo so, as he still jjroumins speechless. [OFFICIAL.] . Proclamation by tho Governor. he as, on the 8d day of November next, an Muction will liu held at the various places in this Bute established by law for holding eh.'etioiis by [the people thereof, for nine Eleeto.a of President tmd Vice President ot the United States; Ami Whereas, from the Increased number of qualified Voters iu this Slate, additional opportunities must i all'orded, thnt it may bo possible and conven ient for u!l persons, who are entitled to exercise ‘ c eleeiive franchise, to vote nt said election; “Now, IhcreTurOj I, Rufus B« Buileok, Govern^ and Commundef-in-Oiilef of llic Army and piuvy of tho State ot Georgia, and of the Militia thereof', do hereby'issue tins my Proclamation, brdcring and requiring that, in addition to tho ileetion in each Militia District, there shall be at Lilio county situ election precinct, throe buHot-box*- :es used, and three boards of Superintendents of lleetion organized, to the end, that all duly 'qual ified voters may have opportunity to vote. In all ich eases there shaH be a separate board of Su- Jiinteiuleius of election duly qualified and or- mized to each ballot-box, and tire election shall H conducted by each board of SnpoilntcmiciHS, j the same manner, and with the same formalities, s if there were but one ballot-box ami one board -Superintendents. Buell Board will make sep tate return.^ as required by law. ^iGiven under my hand and the Great Beal of the |Btate at tho Capitol, in the city of Atlanta, this Sfelfth day of October, in tho year of oar Lord, sighteen hundred and sixty-eight, and of the Imle- '‘umUetice of the United States of America,'the lnekv-third. Rufus B. Bullock, Governor Hy the Governor; David G. Cottino, Secretary of Stato, *Oct lG-dtit-wtdo. of roalty to tho voluq of two thuu&jihd dollars In specie, and personal property to tho Vnrdo of ono thousand dollars^In specie, both to ,bo valued at tho time they uro set npartt and no coitrt or.mln iatcrlal officer in this State shall ever huvo juris- diction or authority to eiiforcG'nnyjudgifiont; do- eroo or o x ecu lion fugai ust said propotty -bo Dei- npnYt.dneludlng Buell lihprdvqmonts as may Ire inad J thereon Irom tlmo to time, except for tak es, money brorowqd and eyponded iu the improve- meat of tho liomcstead, or for the purehuse mon ey of tho same, and labor done thereon, or mate rial furnished ihorofovjor removal of encumbran ces thereon: l\uvidca y Tho name slnllHmvo been sot apart aiql,valued as heroafbor proviilod. Beu. 2. Every person seeking tho bonefit of tills act, and of said reetiqu of the constitution, slid)) iiiakq-out a sehedulo and Ucseriptlbn of the pprsoiml property claimed by him to bo oxoiilpt under salu action of the constitution from levy iiii'd sale, and lmnd the same to tho ordinary of the cquuty in which- he. resides, and sliull apply to ,thb Bald ordinary for au oVder to tlm county surveyor, or if there be none, some other survey or to lay off ids homestead allowbd by said see tion of tlm constitution, ami to make a plat of tlm same, which order tho ordinary ahull issue at once and give to the applicant. {3ko. 8. When paid schedule has been so Illled, and said application bus been made, tire said or dinary shall publish in tho gazette in which slior- Ill’s rales for gaid county are published, not more than twice, a notice as follows j A. B. Iihb applied torcxemptltm of personality and setting apart and valuation of homestead, and I will pass up on tho sanio nt ; on the _«—day of , 180-, .at my ofibe. C. D., Ordinary. Filling raid blank so 'that all persons may know tho time for action by tlm ordinary on. said poll- ton. ; ‘ Bkc. 4. the tlmo fixed by said notice, slmll not bo less Until ten nor moro than twenty days from tlm dale of tlm order of tlm ordinary to such sur veyor to whom said order shall bo delivered by ihu applicant slmll lay off tho homestead on' or out of the land claimed hy tlm Applicant, and make a plat of tho same, and make an affidavit tluit the sumo is correctly platted and laid oir, and thnt tho.Pome i.-*,lO lift bestot his knowledge and belief, liot wbt'Bhnore limn two thousand dollars in specie, and retnrn tlm sumo to the urdiuary beforo die day appointed In. tlm order for pusdng upon said-application. Should any county sur veyor fail to comply with his duty, us prescribed by tills act, ho slmll be by said ordinary, punish ed for a contempt of court. Sko. 5. If, at tlm timu and placo appointed for passing upon caid application, no objection shall bo urged by any creditor of tlm applicant, tho or dinary slmll endorse upon enld schedule, and upon said plat, approved till-', tho daV of , 18i —, (filling the blanks,) and shall sign the sanio officially, and lmnd tlm same to tho Clerk of Urn Superior Court of his county, who shall record the same iu a book to bo kept fqr that purpose iu bis olfiee. Sec. fi. Should any creditor of the applicant de sire to object to said sehedulo, for Want of puffi- eicucy and tullnes*, or for fraud of any kind, to disputo the vuluuihm. of said personality, the propriety of tlm survey, or tlm Value of thc ; premises so platted as the homestead, he shall, at said time and place of meeting, speeily tlm suum in wilting thereupon, unless (ho applicant shall after said schedule or plat, or both, us to remove said objection?} said ordinary shall appoint three disinterested appraisers lo «xuniiiio tlm property concerning winch the objections are made and to value the same, aud on their return (which shall be made under oath) if ei.her be found to be too large, such alteration slmll bqmndc.iti said schedule •and in such plat as the ordinary muy deem proper, to bring the same within the limits of tho value allowed by said section of tlm constitution, and he Shall tlfen and there approve said schedule and said plat, as Voquired by'tliQ fifth section of this act, uftd hand the Name to tlm clerk of the Superior Cortrt of his county, who slmll record tlm same ns required by foetion the fifth of this act; Provided, Thr.t'eitherparty dissatisfied with tlm judgment sliull have tlm right to appeal, do; the same rales and ruga tattoos umt iii- trk-ii ns uro provided-by law in cakes of uppeal from tlm court of ordinary, Bko. 1. If tlm applicant socks to ha ve n home stead set apart out of town property, exceeding in vnluo two thousand dollars iu specie, aud it- ‘cannot be so divided \is to gini a iiumeslead of that, value, ho may make appliention to the .ordi nary, and upon satisfying lijm that this is true, saiil ordinary may pass an order that should said property (describing the name) thereafter be sold by yirtue of au order, judgment, or decree of any court in this State, two thousand dollars iu specie, or its equivalent in currency, of tho proceeds of such sale, or tho whole of tlm paid proceeds, if they do nut exceed that amount, slmll bo, by the levying oliicer, paid over to tho ordinary lor the time being, invested by some proper person to be appointod by tlm ordinary, in a home fur tho benefit of tho family of the applicant, which shall be exempt as it laid oil' under this law, and slmll cause tlm eleik of the Superior Court to record said order iu said books Sec. 8. Should any ministerial officer of this (bate, upon being shown a certified copy of such order, luil to Vetain and pay over to said ordinary mid proceeds, as above required, or should any ordinary receiving the same fail to appoint said person to Have tlm same invested, and turn over tlm proceeds to him, said Officer* and tinir secu rities, respectively, shall bo liable to said appli cant for said money, ami twenty per cent, inter est thereon, whim they vespecttosly wrongfully withhold the same or any pint thereof. Sko. U. In all eases, bufoio the approval of add ordinary tan be <J|umndeJ, as aloresaiJ, the "ppli- eants slmll pay the eo->ts of said proceedings, in eluding tlm clerk’* costs for recording the wine, to thu ordinary. lie shall be bound for such costs H im upprmes the same; tlm said officers slmll each have for Ms said services tlm same fees ns me new allowed him, or slmll be hereafter allow ed him, by law for such services: Provided, nev ertheless, that- if any person filling objections to said schedule or plat shall luil to have tlm sanm sustained, lm shall pay tho cost of raid proceed- OFFICIAL. Proclamation by tho Govornor. Whereas,,. Nothwlthstawdlng tho Executive Proolamatlbn of Boptomber 14th, -1608*, tunny lawless, acts bnVo occurred In violation thereof, whoroby the lives and property of'citizens lmvo been destroyed, tho right of freo speech impalrudj tho performnneo of tlm duties of'tho offices to tthioh citizens have been elected denied, aud tlio lives of citizens so threatened' as to enuso them to abandon their homes and property; And WtiKitKAR, “Tho protection of persons and property Is tlm paramount duty of tlm govern ment and shall bo impartlal and complete;’,' And VViiKHKAH. The Sheriff of each county Is, by law, cliurged with the preservation of life, property aud ponco in each oonnty; Now, therefore, I, Rufus 11. Bullock, Governor, and Commander-In Chief of tho army and navy of tho Btnto of Georgia, and of militia thereof, do hereby, issue this, my proclamation, charging and commanding tlm suid Sheriffs, and each and every other civil officer in every county in this State, to Bee to It that tho Uvea and property of all citizens, and tho pcaOu of tho community, are preserved, ami that all persons aro protected in tho freo oxcrclse of tholr civil Mid poll I Son frights and privileges. Aud, further, to mako known, tluit for failure in tho performance of duty, tlm said Sheriff*'and other civil officers will bo hold to a strict accountability, under tho law ; and to charge upon every person, resident In this State, that they render prompt and willing obedience to tho said Sheriffs, mid other civil officers, under all tircumetanccs xchalnorver ; ami' that they do ipand from said officers protection when threat ened or disturbed in .their person or property, or with denial of political or civil rights; and that, failing to receive such protection, they report facts lo this department. Tho following extract from General Orders Np, 27, dated October 8,18118, from Headquarters Department of the South, is published for tho Information of civil officers and tho general pub' lie, by which It will bo seen that wild civil officers will, In tlm performance of (lmir duties, bo sus tained by tlm military power of the Uuited Suites. Given under toy lmnd, and tho Great Beal of tlm State, at tlm Capitol,. In tho city of Atlanta, tins 'Oth day of October, la the year of out* Lord eighteen .hundred and sixty-eight, and of tho Independence of tho United States the ninetyqhira. Rufus B. Bullock, Governor. By tho Governor: David G. CorriNO, Secretary of Stato. Il is rumored that A. T. SoNvarc, tho wealthy Now York morolmntis to lio Grant’d Secretary of tho Treasury, pro vided Grant Is President. GanornlShcnnan asks Tor moro troops to light tho Indians. Thoro nro a plen ty of them In the South to sparo j why not tnko them ? PLANTERS’ EMPORIUM! AND Ucadqunrlovs for Everythin';!! Horaco Grooloy.lB tho Radical nom- inoo for OdngfcBs from tlio Fifth DU* trlcl of Now Ydrlt. Thoro was frost at Romo, Ga M last Friday morning. Tho weather has been quite cool lioro. Extra Special Notify Beware of counterfeits 1 Smith’s Tonic Syrup lms been •counterfeited, and tlio counterfeiter brought to grlof. Urnith'* Tonic Sgrup. Tlm gonutno article must lmvo Dr. John Bull’s private htamp on onoh bottle. Dr. John Bull on ly has the fight to manufacture and sell tho origi nal. John Smith's Tonic Syrup of Luulsville, Ky.— Examine well tho labal on each bottle. If my private stamp la not on tlio bottle, do not pur- chans, of .fein will bo deceived. Bee my column advertisement, and liiy show card. The genuine Smith’s Tome Syrup can only ho prepared by sell. Tbo public servant, LouUvillc, Ky. Du, JOHN BULL, April25, ", LATEST ARRIVAL our stock of goods, to which wo invito the attention of promp-buyers, knowing that we can mukeit totlicii* interest to dose.. Our stock consists in part of “ Hiiqrs., Defahtment of the South, ) “ Atlanta, Ga., October 8,|18(»8. j “General Order», No. 27, “Whereas, By an act'of Congrufts of tho Uni ted Slates, approved March 2d, 1885, it is made tlm duty of tlm military authority to preservo tlm pcaco at tho polls nt any cleotiou that tony-bo held in Shy of the States; "And Whereas, Tins duty has become the moro imperative from the existing political citemcut iu tho pdbliu mind, from tho recent ganizatiuu of civil government, and from tho fact Hint Uongress lias Gy statute prohibited tho organ ization of military forces in the several States of tiiis Department; it is, therefore, “ Ordered, Thai tho. several Distriel comman ders will, us soon as practicable,'on the receipt of tlds order, distribute tlm troops under their i mam's as follows; In tlm District of Georgia: “Ono company ltHh Infuntir, to Albany. “Ono company lrftlt Infantry, to Columbus. “One company DUli Infantry, to Macon.- “One company IGtb Infantry, to Augusta. eseoui “One company lfirlvInfantry, to Americus. “One company 1 Oth Infantry, to ThomnAvillc. “Ono company (G) Bill Cavalry, to Athens, * “Tlm company at Bavimuuii to be Vo info reed, should occasion require, by pueh number of the men at Fort PuiatUi as can be spared from the post. DALTON PRICES CURRENT. Revised Wjjekly dy J. E, k E. Cuuistian. BUTTER—20 to 25 eeulfl. ; liUGS—10 to 15 cents per dozen. ; FLOUR—$12 to $15 per barrel. MEAL—90 to cents 95 per bushel, CORN—70 to 75 per bushel. [ BACON— .20to 22 per lb. : SUGAR—Brown, 16 to 20 eta. per lb \ SYRUP—70 to $1.25. [ WHEAT—$1.00 per bushel to $2.00. ; .COFFEE—80 to 33$ cents per lb. [ CHKESE-r-25 to 30 “ “• COTTON YARNS—$2,10 to $2.25 pCrbunch. CALICO—12$ to J7icts. per yard. CANDLES—Tallow, 25 cts. per lb. Adamantine, 80 cts. per lb. Tho local otectlona in Delaware have fesulted favourably to the Democrats. Sue, 10. Any nflicor knowingly levying or sell- ing said property thus made exempt from sale slmll bo guilty ot tresspass, and tlm wile or fami ly of tile debtor may recover tlicteior lor their ex clusive use. Sec. 11. Said property so set apart cannot bo encumbered or alienated by tho husband, but it the same bo sold or encumbered by him and Ids wife jointly (in the case of husband and wife), or with tlm approval of tlm ordinary, lor tbo time being, endorsed on the encumbrance or deed, shall be valid as if said property bad never been Staple, andFapcy Dry Goods, Tin a s, KEA'jran n cn H AVE on hand and nro constantly receiving the largest and finest assortment of . ,< C1IQCI15 DET GOODS, Embracing all tho now styles' nl Ladles’ Drew Goods, Cloths, CusUitttcS, Vestings, etc.' READMDE CLOTHING GOOD, STRONG FASHIONABLE. Ladies’s Hats, DtcssTrimmings, Yankee Notions. New Styles Hats, Gaps, Boots and Shoes, in aicry Variety of Price and Excellence, Also, a very lavgo assortment of- Crockery, Cuttlery, Hardware, and everything else required to malm a full lino of MULT GEOCEEIES! FAEMnra BIHJIMEHTSI Of tho latest and most approved Patents Also, all kinds of Field and Gurdcu Seeds, at -Vo. land A Tlbb's Houseallon Jew York Column. '■Valuable Information. SKLKOT YOUR OWN NU.MliEUS iu tho ROYAL SPANISH LOTTERY, „ „ , T HK'moil rc^onslbli! inWiftllon 'oPiL’Ani BUll’S CGGl''011 In tho world, Selecting nambcni In' thfi “ Lottery is n^ imtf Idda—and one well adopted to tlibj wants of the pqopjo, It ufibrds a safer means of speculative InvcHlment than mt v.... i..n u.i. •- For LLOYD, HKMMEH k C(U, 76 Nassau Sireoi, Now York. ns. 1C not YD 01) r— Tries Them / E VICHY 110DY Due* Them I E VEllYBOVY- Halioues in {hqml Evjivytiody itecomvwnda them ! Arc you troubled by i\ats,^i<je,Uouuh- es, Aula f* Exterminators. “Only lnfullUilo Remedies known.”— .-*1 Freo ftoin Polstm.l! . “ Not danger ous to the Human Family.” “ Ruts come out of their boles to die.” Im proved to keep to oiiy cllnwto. • “io tlijgfw .i o-£—:u:,U . AUTHENTIC DOGUMI : ■ I Ali/CAXSAS JIKAlil) Money point, II hhc Co.y JrL, Du. John BCll—Dear 8ii: l.a.-t 1 was in Loulsvillo purth: some of your SaUimrUla fljuFCe.Vrun’i: lias UctJfi dovfii with rbelunati.-'in for eomtticr rd on thu Bitten?, aiid toon general dciilth improved. Dr. Cist who lias been iu bad health, tried the in, and hb also Improved. Dr. CofieO, who has been in bad health f oral years—stomach and liver nfl'eetcd—h_ prbvcd very ’touch by tbo use of your Hit Indeed t tlm Cedron Bitters lias given you great popularity iu this settlement. I think I could sell u grent quantity of jour medicines this fall —especially of your Cedrun DitterSnnd Sai^apor- 111a, bldp nm via Memphis, care of Kickot and Neely. Respectfully, C. B. WALKER’. J. GUTXIillEi COMMISSION MERCHANT, AND DEALER IN Staple Dry G-oocts. HEAVY GROCERIES, Lntllca’ mass asum nml TKinm'GS In great variety unh ntylr.l While Goods, Bleached and Drown DOMESTICS. Mcn’a nml IJoy'a Iteadv Made Clotliing, Linen Drills, Cottohndcs, Summer Casslincrs, Tweeds, HATS, BOOTS AND SHOES, For Ludica and Geullemen. Hardware, Cuttlery and Queens ware, and Wood aud Willow-Ware in great variety. A ho, a splendid line of FAMILY GROCERIES, and Dye-Stuff's, to which wo invite tlm atten tion of our friends mid the public, ua it is our in tention not to be undersold. Wo buy nil kinds of Produce for Cash ’or Goods. Remember, our motto is QUICK SALhS AND SMA LL PROFITS. /.oinir Sf jG.jsar, jan 16, Hamilton Street, Dalton, Ga, STOVES AND TINWARE. f3c*tu-fclx©3.-les,2a.e3. Munufiieturcr of all kinds of T 11ST AV A. R 33, ro set apart’. Skc. 12. Said property so set apart slmll bo for Urn use of. tho wile or widow and children during her life or widowhood, And nt her death or inter marriage, bo equally divided botween tlio chil dren of her former marriage then living. Skc. 18. Should the husband refuse to apply for suid exemption, his wife, or any person acting us tier next frmud, umy do the same, and it slmll be ns binding us it done by tlm husband., Should any trustee or guard ion. of a family of minor chil dren fail to apply J'orsaid exemption, tlm ordina ry may, upon application of’nny next fr ond for tno minors, allow him or her to nct in lieu of such trustee or guardian, and this slmll. l>e <is binding as if done by, the said guardiun or trustee. Sec. 14. Nothing herein contained shull bo construed to prevent any debtor, who does not wish to avail himself of the benefits of tills set from cluiming the exemption allowed by section 2018 of Irwin’s revised Code, und should he claim them, then lie slmll get the benefit thereof by oomph ing with tbo law prescribed in this ntt; but no person who shall bu allowed tlm exemptions under these laws slmll take any benefit under this act, nor shall any person, who slmll be allowed the exemptions under this act, be allowed the ex’- cmptidnS under said laws, except the articles nam ed in parts 10, 11,12 and 13, of said section 2018; Beo. 15. Be it enacted, eto., That all laws t<nd parts of Infra ih cbnflict with this act Irp und tho same nro hereby' repealed. Broken Spoon Modest Boa But ler, it is said, counts upon tlio support of many Democrats in his district by reason of his greenback policy. The pill is a sugar-coated one, hut is entire ly too nauseous for tho Democrats to swallow when tho delectable Ben is at taclied to it. Detachments, when necessary, may bo made to points in the vicinity of each post; but ease, nor on unv pretext whatever, will detach ments be sept without a commissioned otlicer, who will bo fully instructed by bis post;commander. “Tlio troops will be considered its in tlm field, And supplied with tlio necessary caaip cquippage; tlm men to bo furnished with common tents it practicable, and if not practicable, with shelter tents. Commanding officer.* are permitted i'o hire quarters, temporarily, when it can be done for reasonable rates; but this will not preclude the necessity of carrying tents, ns tlm commands, in all cases, must be in readiness to move nt tlm bhurtest notice, with all supplies required for their efficiency. “ District commanders will instruct post manders in their duties, and the relative position of tbo civil arid military powers. They will im press on post commanders thnt they ere to act iu aid and eo-opertion, and in subordination to the civil authorities; that they iiro'to exercise discre tion and judgment, unbiased by political or othc r prejudices; that their onjectshould bo exclusive, ly to preserve tho pence und uphold law uud order, and they must bo satisfied such is tlm object of tlio civil officer calling on them for uid ; thnt tlmy must in all cases where time, will permit, apply for instruction to superior authority, but they must at all hazards preservo tlm peace, and not bo restrained by technical points when, in their conscientious judgment under the rules above set forth, it is their duty to act. Post ■ comm mders, on being notified of tho proposed holding of po litical meetings, may send mi, officer, und if nec essary a' detachment, to watch tho proceedings and sec that the peace is preserved. “To the peoplo of the several States compos ing the Depurtinont, tho Major General Command ing appeals that they will uo-operute with him and tlm civil authorities iu sustaining law and dor, in preserving tho pence and iu avoidiug those scenes of riof und bloodshed, and tlm wanton de struction of property and life, which has already, m some Instances, been enacted in the 'Depart ment, He urges ubstiuuicc from all iullamiuutu- ryuud Incendiary appeal to tlm passions; dis countenancing tlm ki oping open of liquur shops oil days of political mootings and of election; tho abstaining from carrying arms - , mid asserting tlm individual right of constructing laws by force of arms. No just cause is ever udvnnoed by sort to violeuce. Let there be charity and lor- benmneo among political opponents, whatever may bo tfio result; lot each good citizen determine that all who, tinder tlm law, have tho right to the ballot slmll exercise it Undisturbed. If (lmt*e nh) disputed points of jaw, let them bo referred to the courts, aud let not raoLs or political clubs, other irresponsible bodies, coustruo und tinder take to execute tlm law. This appeal is made in tbo ' earnest hope that the Major General Com manding can rely on the good sense and coirect judgment of tho mass of tho people, and that hb will not be compelled to resort to tlm dxcVcise of tlm power frith which lm is intrusted, and which lie will most reluctantly employ. But he thinks it ids duly to innko known that so fawns thd power under his comtound will admit, lie will not permit tho peace to bo brpkon, anfi that lie will not bo restrained in the conscientious discharge of his duty by technicalities of laws modi i wlieri tlm present anomalous condition bf a Hairs were neither anticipated or provided for.” By order of Major General Meade; Oct 10-tilnov 3 R. 0,-DRUM, A. A. G. xrlkrwWai’CjEcu’clnrrii'o, And everything in his line of business, which lie proposes to Fell as elieapTm can be bought iu ihc Southern or Western market*, at wholesale o tail, anil claims for his Tinware a superiority that of Norihetii or Eastern manufacture. Rooting and guttering done promptly, cheaply. Hamilton street, Dalton,*Ga. july fun nno.. JUimlllClLIi £i RESIDENT DENTISTS, Office over John II.-Kings, Dalton, Ga. H AVING permanently located here,.and being provided with tlm latest improvements in Den tal material, are prepared to do i.nything pertain ing Dental Suigery. All work warranted to give satisfaeiion. We prepare n “Superior Vegetable Tooth Pow der,’’ guaranteed to contain nothing Injurious to tlmteeth. Sept2-l-ly NEW FIRM--HEW GOODS! AULT & BARRETT O UR MR. BARRETT having recently return ed Irom market, where lie made a thorough examination of tlio largest and. most complete stocks, enabled him to make purchases oi most reasonable terms In consequence thereof, wo flutter ourselves with having vmost magnifi cent assortment of Stoves, Leather, Shirtings, Tinwnte, Grain, Hay, , KTC., Tunnel Hill, Ga., K EEPS constantly o*i hand a largo stock of ull STAPLE GOODS, nnd is prepared, at all times, to pay tho Highest Market Prlco for ull kinds of • Produce. My old friends and tlm public generally nro in- ited to eujl on.nm beforo SELLING or PUR CHASING elsewhere, us I am determined to SELL GOODS CniSAPEIl X, G. CSUt ATTORNEXs.AT LAW LAFAYKTlYjdA. tSTWill practice in all the ctfOhtfa* compos- l tig the Ulmiokeo Circuit. Juu. 10—ly. GOLD GREENBACKS! I T bo’in sib o, moves every man to save every cent pos orybody “gives it up" that they money by trading at OITKISTI AN’S NEW CHEAP.STORE! Bull’s Worm Destroyer, Afo.yofi annoyed with Bcu-Bugsl’— Can’t sleep nights I “Cottar's” Sicd-ttuff Exttf. lb Oij) Unttclsidktahd Worlimde'lielidM. 1 '«■“ *»"r UMttu. trim proa,. ° • - ■ • ,,rt ’ sionul and medical .men, as my almanacs and va rious, publications ha^o Shown, nil of which nm geniiind. Tlib following letter from a highly ed ucated nnd nnnulnr nhvstetmV In (*.■• {/ For Moths In:Furs, Woolens,.Oarp« ets, &e. “Costar's” Insect Powder. Destroys instantly Fleas and all In- poets on Plants. Fowisi Aftimttld; &d. ueatoil and popular physielaiV in Georgia, is cer tainly one of- tho most scnuiblo cohimunicatioii.i I have ever-received. Dr. (’lenient knows ex- nelly wlmt lie. speaks of, nnd his testimony do- ^ A sure thing. 1 ' Thousands cun teat pel ves to bo' written in lexers of gpli 1. Hear wlmt the .Doctor says of BULL'S WORM DIP- STllOYER i tlly. 1 COstar's” Corn Solvent. For Corns, Bunions, Warts, &c,— “Try It.” • 1 ' Villanow, Walker County, Ga., June 29, iSCG. Dr. John Hull—Dear Sir: ‘I havo recently giv en ybur "Worm Destroyer” several trials, ami find it wonderfully efficacious. It lias not tailed In a rjnglo instantjoto liave the wislied for effect. I am doing a pretty large country practice, umi Don’t sutror with Pain ! A Wonder- liavo daily uso for some nrlielo of the kind, I ful power of Healing J Every family nin freo to confess flint I know of no remedy rcc- sh’ould keep it In the liofipo. j omniondedby tlio ablest authors that is so certain Cottar's” s: a chi ho»n Salve. “to! speedy ■ ns its effects. On the contrary they Its effects aro linmedlato. For Cuts, are uncertain in the extreme. My objeqt ih \yrit- * Burns, Bruises, Wounds, Soro Breusta, ing you Is to out upoli what tcl*ms I con get Piles, Ulcers, Old Bores, Ittili, Berofula ’ tlio nied’cine directly from you. If I can get up- nnd Cutaneous Eruptions; Clinppcd ! on cosy termi; I shall tno a great deal bf it. I Dands, Ups, &c., Bltos of Animals, ! «*n awaro that tho such articles Is contrary Insects, Ac. j to the teachings and practice ol a great lnajovity ot tho regular lino of M, D’s, but I see no just* cause or gnbd sijpso in discarding a .remedy whtoV “A Universal Dinner Pill” (flilgnr-! w ° know to'bo efficient, simply because w-may coated). 30 years ndmiuistcrcd in a bo Ignorant of Us combination. iFor -/ P Iir t I Piivsieinrt’s Praetlco. j shall nrnko it a r«lo to uso nll.nnd ,ncnns t0 «CO star's” EH shop PUIS. ; a1ifeyia|j suffering liuratinUy v ; nch I may bo oblo Of uxtrftordinaiy fiffioacy for Costive* now, Indigestion, Nervous aud Sick Headache, Dyspepsia, liysentory,Gen eral Debility, Liver Complaints, Chills, Fevers, Ac. Not griping. Gentle,' 1 mild and soothing. ' Wo aro offering unprecedented bargains in PRINTS, Rlfflck(tau<IUnUoa«lioADoHt09trc- Hoots. Shoes, Hals, Notions, BACON, SUGAR, COFFEE, nm! FAMILY SUPPLIES of nil kloda at Woiiderfully Low Prices 1 Wo cor.ttnno to pny tlio UlffUeit Prices for Country Produce, of all kinds. We are offering grfcal induccmo also, to buyers of Pocket and Table Cutler .dware, Crockery, Harness, etc. tju!2 ’ J. E. A CHRISTIAN. That Cough will Uil you- Don’t neg lect it. ( Cottar's'* Cov^n Remedy. Tlio ohihJi'tO cry fot it—Jts n “ SooUi; ing Syrup." For Coughs, Colds 1 - Itouraencss, Soro Throat, Croup,Wlioti- ping Cough, Asthma, Broncliial Af- iections. Singers,; Speakers, and fill trA^bled with Throat Complaints, will find this a beneficial Pcotoral Remedy. allioyinto suffering humanity v*’ ic " l 'ha to command—ifot hcsitp‘''ff becnhfeo £ome ono luota lngenius than *»/>elf may have learned its effeets llist; nnd -veured that knowledge. How ever, I am »•>' no meins an advoento Or supporter of the A\ousarida of worthless nostrums tlidt ilood tj,/country,* that purport to euro all niaifriei* o disease to frliieh human flesh is heir. Please ru ply soon; aiid inform mo of your best termb. urn fir, nioSt respectfully, JULIUS P. CLEMENT, M. D; Bull’s Sarsaparilla. a001) 11LASOX FOU THE CAPTAIN'S FAITH. Ammoniated Phosphate. B est and oueapest ffaitiliheii IN TUB WORLD! Saves Larnl... .Saves Money.... Saves Labor! J. H &E. OIIIifSTIAN, Agents. CIGARS AND TOBACCO 1 C OUNTRY MERCHANTS «mJ oodsliracrs will find ut our ltouso tho largest nnd best as- rortincut of Cigars and Tobacco, in Cherokeo Georgia, which wo sell ut Atlanta nml Nat-bville prices. J.E. &E CHRISTIAN. jOz-y C2-ooc3.iS, Delaines, Mmnocs, Linens, Prints, Gingslmms, Juckoiiets, Domestics, Sheetings Trimmings, Notions, Hats, Jeans, Cnsimeres, Roots, Shoos, Crockery, Cuttlery, Coffee , Sugar, Mclassys, Bacon, Lard, Meul, Flour, Family Groceries, And everything that is required to n'fdko a com plete stuck. Produce wanted! • AULT k BARRETT, ' sepO-ly Hamilton'Atrect,, Dnjton. 1 Tibfc© ECouqo, ty Dalton, CiEonaiA. J. D. Campbell, Proprietor, r PIHS is a Seymour (tod Blair House, wlieregood X accommodations, iu evety sense of the wotd, itre oli'urcd to tlio public. Sept! 3—ly. Woods & Craven, DKALKKS IN Drugs, Medicines, Dye Stufih, Paints, Oils, Window Glass, &o. RINGGOLD,; .GEORGIA. Augurt 27—l2m Ur. E. O. Station I R ESPECTFULLY tenders ins Professional vices to tlio oitizqns of Murray and ndjaeont counties. All Disease* peculiar to Females,, and ' Disease* of overy description . trenlud. Ollio at tiie rcsidenc*) of Mrs. HumphrcysY iiwn* Hawkins’store. Rock Creek, Murray county. “ Consideration Failed 1" H AVING seen a notice In tho Citizen, to which the publics aro notified not to purchase a note for One thousand Dollar* which I hold against W. S. CALLAWAY, for which 1m says the con sideration lias failed, now lest tho public should be led astray by said notice; I will state that said note was given for One Thousand Dollars in greenbacks, received by him from nm, Iming tlm same with which ho purchased the goods for tlio “ NlVw Sniit-ii ill Ctti-imr TMilPP. U'lindi* New RalUiiiore” Storo iu Spring Place. , Those who have anything to do with him may take no tice, kc. S. A. rORTER. OetoMr8, 1808—3t.* BARGAIN--FOR SALE! LOTS FOR RURAL HOMES!! 1 7*011 SALE, about Sixty Acres of land, fairly . timbered, witli beautiful cites for building, within one mile and a half of tlio city, adjoining tho property of tlm Dalton City Company, being a portion of the lot known as tno Wrench Place. Sold in parcels to suit purchasers,: of five, ten, twenty, or the sixty acres. One beautiful cite, with thirty acres, with tho privilege of two springs, freestone and chalybe ate, within a low steps of the cite. To merchants, mechanics, or other business men of Dalton, these lots are very desirable, be ing near enough not to interfero with their daily occupation. Entirely .freo from chills, fover and other injurious diseases, produced by bad water, swamps, etc. Better bargains cqn bo had in this property than over before offered in Whitfield county. Titles made perfect. Apply to HENRY A WRENCH. *— --Umt.iiiflet) lb« Con>pleXl6n, giving to " tho rkiu a transparent, freshness. ' Ccst.trV’ Bilter-Swcct - and Orange Blossoms. Renders tlm skin clear, smooth and soft." Rcmovos Tan, Freckles, Pim ples, kc. Ladies, try a bottle, nnd see its wondm'furqnaiity. ' . Beware III of all worlblessmlta i- lions. ‘ V. tsTNono Genuine without “COSTAR’S’’ Mgtinturo. s and 50c. sizes kept w r n H Druggists. £3?"$I fixes sent by mail on receipt pays for any three$1 sizesb; py$3 pays for eight $1 sizes by Express! Address HENRY B. COSTAB, . 012 Broadway, N, Y. fyFor salo by C. B. Wellborn k Co., Dal ton, Georgia ffjgTSold by all Wholesale Druggists in all tbo largo Cities. tSTBsrhcs, Ward k Co., 24 Magazine streets N. Orleans, wholesale agents for Southern May 8—Otn. DR. 13. MI. MiROlPJr, Instance and Land Agent, KINO STREET, DALTON, UKOROU. \ GENT for A5TNA IJio nnd Fire Insunvnco, Company,.. Also,. Jefferson and James Hivo? Fire Insurance Cotopanfos, of. Virginia,' Enterprise, nt Cincinnati, and Putnam, at Hart ford, Fire Insuranoo Companies. And General Land Ag;ent For anybody wllo intrusts their businoss to his earo. Refers to Col. C. B. Welborn, Atlanta; Col. W. It. Tibbs, Lowry k Easou, Hop. D. A. Walker, and Col. J. A. R. Hunks, Dalton. ja91y F. A. HAFFNER, iratch-JtMaticr and Jeweller. I HAVE just opened my shop in ibis pluceund am prepared to do any kind of work in my line of business, such as repairing and cleaning Watches, &o. 1 keep on baud Jewelry, Watches, and Spectacles. Shop nt tlio Drugstore of Gudger k Knight. Dalton, Jan. 3, 1868—ly. Important Sale. ‘ O N tlio fourth Tuesday hi October, 27th, will be sold ono of tlio Finest Home* in North Georgia—tho house and premises of S. W. Earn est, Bankrupt, one mile from Dalton on (lie Spring Place road. Eight rooms, good out-houses, splen did water. In good repair. The Bk.vt Chance IN CltRROKKP. GkOIKIIA. Terms cash. Immediate possession. Title per fect. No liens—one acre of laud. Balo nt Court Bouse door ut 1. P. M. Also, a ono-third interest in old stable lot in fVont of Judge Morristresidence in Dalton ; also old Piano, &c. I. W. AVERY, Assigned. September 24—tds. * W.' W. HIGGINs, GUN AND LOCKSMITH. j\^EW GUNS made to orddr, ami repairing of ijvery description done at short notice. All work warranted. Terms to suit tho hard times. Also .31 islzcs and Sorts of Spoons, Rutter Halves, lie., Mado from old silver or coin. |5jTShop to tho building in which tlio Post Office is kept. Feb. 21 —Cm. rpAKE tlm CITIZEN ! 'Cheapest and Best I Only FIFTY CENTS till January- E. .11. QUEEJ*', Auction and Commission MERCHANT, NCh 3 KINO STREET, VALTON, GEORGIA; C ONSIGNED Goo Harold nt Auction or pri. vnte sale, on the most reasonable terms. Satisfaction guaranteed. Instructions followed Consignments of ail kinds sol feted. Quuick sales aud prompt returns. Liberal Advances. A.notion B SATURDAY OCTOBER 4lli OP Ono Fine Single-Casod .Gold Watch, “ Double-Barreled Shot Gun, 4 Dozen British Muskets, 40 pairs and Irons, 600 pairs Ladies Calf, Kid, Morocco nnd Kip shoes. 50 pairs Misses 6hocs, pssortod, - 12 Pholograph Albiums, IftO.yards Prints, .. 2 Dozen Shingling Hatch cts, “ “ Nailing Hummers, t 1 PplOndiil Hand Sav, It) Great Gross Button?, assorted; 2 dozen LbOktog Glasses, 1,000 Gents Paper Collars, 1 Dozen Walnut Work Boxes, All of wliich I offer to tlio liighestbiddeh; Do not fail to como if. you want bargains. At privnto sale, sugar, eoffep, syrup bacon, and Lard, Givo me a call. Nearly opposite J* Pitmanty oh Hamilton Street; jull9-3111 F M..QUEEN, Auctioneer* ic Caphlu’8^ Letter nnd the Letter from Denton Dairachx, Cd„ April 30, I860. *. John Bull—Dear Sir: Knowing the efficien cy Of your Sarsaparilla, aud tho healing and ben eficial qualities it-poMosies. 'I sciid you tbo fol lowing statement of my.ctreo t I was wounded about two years ago—^was taken prisoner uud confined Tor Sixteen months. Being moved so often, my wqbnds have not healed yet; I have not sat up a moment since I wns wounded; I uin shot through tlio hips, My general health is impaired, nnd I need something to assist na ture. I ftavo moro faith In your Sarsaparilla than in any thing else, I wish that that is genuine. Please express mo bottles, and obligo Oapt. O. P. JOHNSON, x , • •'* t-.y.*} " St,-Louis, Mo. to«i C5 fcT’ Tho .Allowing was written April 80, 1805, by U|- 3> Jehnlo Johnson; mother of Cnpt. husband, Dr. 0. ^ Johnson. Da. Bull—i)cnr Sir Johnson, was a skillful e w Ceutral Nefr York, where" ho nbovo C. P. Jobuson to my care. Anuw ccn years of ago ho,bud a ehroulo dinfrhen aud sfco, fuln, for which I gave hiin'your Sarsaparilla. It • cured him. I lidvb for ten yenft recomnibhded it to many In Nett Ybrk, Ohio, und Ibwu, for scro fula; sores; upd general debility; Perfect success lias attained it. Uhc cure effected in some \ of getting a spurious article, lienco bis writing to for it. Ills wounds xycra terrible, but I bc- •• -‘- 4/ ' Respectfully, JENNIE JOHNSON; ituMho will ret'oVoh DR. JOHN BttLL, Mnuuracturtsr and Vender of Uio Oolebrntcd Smith’s Tonic Syrup, FOR TIIE CURE OF Jl a V E vt JT JO £'ll F- E It, OR, chills And fever. E. U. GfUJfXB, ATTOBNEY AT LAW,: TRENTON, OKORUIA, P R ACTIO F.S in tlio Courts of North-western Georgia and adjoining counties of Temiessc'o aud Alabama, April 24—tj. Tho proprietor of tills eolebrated medfcfno justly claims for It a superiority over nil ron.edics ever offered to tlio public fbr tlib safi, certain peCtnancht cure of Ague and Fever, standing. South-wbs tire truth c .. or will,it foil to curt*; if tho dircollohs arc strictly followed mid carried out. In a great many cases, a single doso hnS bberi sufficient for a cure, and whole families lniVo been cured by a single bot tle, with a petTcbt restoratibh bf tho general health. It to, however, prudent, ahd in everr enso uioi-o certain to cure, if its Use is corttlnued In smaller Joses for a Week or two after tho dis ease has.beeh eh'ebkod, hiore especially in difficult aiid loiig stiihdlng fibkbZ, * Usually,'tliis medidno will not require any aid t6 keep tho botveis ihgbotl order; should--tho patient, however, rcquiro a cathartic mudieltics after having taken three Or four doses,of the Toniis a feinglo doso of BULL’S , VEGETABLE FAMILYPILLS will bo sufficient DR. JOHN BULL’S Principal Office: No. 40 Fifth, Gross Sired. ' . . LOUISVILLE, KY All of the abovti remedies for sale bv. J. B. NICiCLIN & CO, : Chattanooga, Tcnu., And by nil othcr tcspouslblo Dniggiats. 1 o-l y BETTER THAN GOLD! dun new Mestnictablo Golden Pens. A RE recommended hy Bnnkers, Lawyers, Pro- fessors, Teachers, Merchants, and nil who have tried them, ns the best Pl« .m... They are ndnicorrosiyo, oiid manufut.-. v „ „ tho greatest care, rendering -them moro dura than uny pen now beforo the public. Sent post paid to any address for 76 .. box, containing ono dozen Ordyrs eonu., iconoy for the same sent at our risk Do not get to try them M. McALPIN & CO., jun5-3m Louisville, Ky. Pleaso state that you saw this in tho Citizen